"Educated people love cats, not dogs." Your character in the pet: Dogs love bold, cats - smart girl loves the dog more than me

Dog for a woman is something like a female handbag. It should be beautiful, well-groomed and beautiful.

But this is not only a fashionable accessory, but also small child For a woman, with her world and perception, which she will give warmth and care.

What are the women's breeds of dogs? What is necessary to pay attention when choosing a future pet?


If you wanted a big dog, then the choice is obvious -. This breed of dogs, of course, initially a hunting, but the dogs of this breed can become a true friend and defender. It is important to take into account the size of the dog - representatives of this breed are not typical "indoor" dogs, they are not very suitable content in the conditions of the apartment. Nevertheless, they will not arrange chaos in it and also almost do not bother. It is important with dogs of this breed often and a lot to walk: a dream dog for those who want to lose weight.


Translated from the Chinese language is a sand ski. There are legends about representatives of this breed, according to which the pet has driven away the evil spirits on their blue. They have a calm character, but at the same time they are immensely stubborn - poorly served training, try to show their leadership abilities. That is why they need to raise themselves from early age. Perhaps their content in apartments - they do not bring noise and quite clean. The girl who will decide to start, should be ready for difficulties.


Perhaps the most common cause of choice in women is their attractive appearance - They look like a little bear, look luxurious and expensive. These dogs have a calm character, patient, do not publish unnecessary sounds, except snoring - so you risks to have a second husband. Not subject to permanent molt, eat enough. Also have enough long duration Life.


Amazing dog breed. Motherland is considered Germany. They were in the 16th century for hunting for badgers and other living creatures - that is why the taxes have a long enough body and short paws. They understand the owner perfectly and perfectly perfectly. Tax owners celebrate cheerful and funny pets - every day with surprises.


Very sociable, energetic and active dogs. That is why it is necessary to remember that these dogs will always need your attention and daily long walks, otherwise the entire apartment will appeal to dust. They also need special hair care. Ideal for young and active owners, especially women.


Very cheerful, active, real companions. You will be committed to your family to the end of your life. Also these dogs are beautiful guards. It is important to remember that the character of the Velsterior is still the one. From the first day of the appearance of a puppy of this breed, your life is cool will change - the hunter instinct will manifest itself almost immediately and the "enemy" can be any subject of life. Be prepared as well as your favorite thing will be his favorite toy.


Externally, he will remind an eternally dissatisfied man. Nevertheless, it is the bulldogs that are able to protect women like no one - they have a greatly developed security instinct. In fact, they are calm and peace-loving. Great with children and other pets. These dogs will not sort out all your things in search of "bones" better. Suitable girls with a strong but calm character.


- Decorative dogs. Their official name is a continental to-spaniel. Translated from the French "Papillon" means "Butterfly", well, in principle, you can guess the ears. They are distinguished by high intelligence, curiosity and excellent learning abilities. It is good to get along with other animals, it is extremely attached to the owner. They are ready to spend hours in motion and walks.


Very kind, gentle and cute dogs. Mordschka they very much resemble a monkey. Very attainable to the owner, do not tolerate separation from it - can wander, abandon meals. Also they do not remember evil, love to show their emotions - and joy, and sadness, and grief. Well trained dogs. They will suit women who cannot leave their friend for a minute.


- This is one of the most ancient breeds of decorative dogs that were originally used for hunting. They are ideal for the role of a family dog \u200b\u200b- lovely friends For you and children. They make enough loneliness enough. Elegant, lungs, sophisticated - royal pudders always produce an indelible impression. An important point when the content is their wool - it must be cut and follow it in time.

Middle of our top. And even more beloved women's breeds of dogs


This breed has an extremely unusual look. Dogs easily find mutual language With children, they are important to constant contact with man. They can easily adapt to the change of furnishings and habitats. These dogs are perfectly trained. If you are often at home and dream of a true friend - this dog will become a whole world for you.


At first they were grown as the normal terriers for hunting foxes and rats. For a long time, breeders have sought cleanliness and qualities of hunting instincts. But due to a decline in interest in the hunt, this breed has become a "home" due to a cheerful natural and playful character. These dogs are not silent, they can easily have a different dog or react to the doorbell. They are distinguished by high intelligence, they can easily teach the teams even without a trainer. Dogs of this breed will suit the responsible girls.


- This is a cheerful charming dog with a strong character and high intelligence. Many owners say that this breed has a wonderful sense of humor. Although Velsh-Corgi-pembrok has small sizes, in the shower it is still a real shepherd - fearless, does not require special conditions For content, independent and reliable. That is why it is recommended to start it to people who would like a big dog, but does not have the necessary conditions for the content. Some media claim that this is the favorite breed of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II.


The word "Hin" translated from Japanese means "treasure". These dogs are really treasure - they are perfect indoor pets. Many owners compare them with cats - they just like to lie down on the sofa and kneeling from the owner, lick, sometimes publish sounds similar to purr. Women are very attracted by dogs of this breed.


Excellent option for those who do not want to especially engage in raising the dog. Smart, kind, they do not require constant attention and affection. They differ courage and can enter into battle with the enemy much more in size than themselves, which can lead to deposits. This is truly royal dogs. They were bred in China for keeping in the Imperial Palace.


First I want you to answer - a cat or a dog? Who will you choose as a pet?

For example, according to British scientists - educated people Choose cats.

Let's deal with why!

Researchers say that high level The intellect "Caskets" is caused by their sympathies to the Feline family - highly educated people, as a rule, spend a lot of time at work and therefore choose domestic animals that can do without excessive attention of the owner. And the cats, as we know, independent individuals and do not like to budget to their owners, stirring them to throw them a toy bone)

But, if you distract from such zaulny scientific research and resort to psychology, you can find out such qualities about yourself ...

For those who choose cats:

Cat has always symbolized independence and femininity. Remember how often a man calls a beloved woman

"Kitness" or "pussy". Tomny, mysterious, affectionate, fluffy, graceful, sometimes producing claws predator, and at times amusing and playful. Epitts characterizing the cat so often fit women. Is not it? Women on the house cat are beautiful, smart, feminine and very organically combine the best qualities of both sexes - femininity and decisiveness, tenderness and rigor. They are purposeful, persistent and workable, pretty and always remember that they are women, not "women." Very often, cats are filled with old maids or childless women at the age (well for 40) - the cat replaces the non-existent child, and the hostess gives her all the unspent maternal tenderness. As a rule, such a woman does not make up close trust relationships with men. The case is certainly not in a cat, but such is a pattern.

Childrenfor the most part, love cats because it is associated with their mother - the same warm, soft and affectionate. It is pleasant to touch it, just like a mother.

Concerning Men., then here also traced a very original pattern, more than once a confirmation. An idle man who holds a cat in the house (especially the cat!), It is unlikely to contact Himena's bonds. He is self-sufficient and independent. And even if he has a girlfriend, she will never be a legitimate wife, as well as the coming mistress will remain.

And finally a few words about people who do not like cats. And do not like hate. Most often these are men-women's naughty or homosexuals who try to hide their orientation in every way, often rather aggressive ways. If cats acutely does not like a woman, it is quite possible that she denies her female entity. Again, a sexual tendency is inclined. Such a lady or non-traditional orientation Or is a Yellow feminist.

For those who choose dogs:

Well, if everything is clear with cats, now let's go to the dogs.

For ladyEspecially lonely, the dog is a symbol of a man (even if she has a bitch). Depending on the preferred breed, you can determine what qualities a woman primarily appreciates in men.

A large shepherd means that the lady most appreciates the reliability of a man and the ability to protect it.

The lover of French bulldogs prefer men of constant, devotees, faithful. He in her concept should look solid and be sure to have a sense of humor.

If the woman started Doberman, then she has a steel power of will, and it belongs to men somewhat defiant.

Lover of small dogs usually make overestimated requirements for men, although they themselves are far from ideals. As a result, such ladies are often unhappy in marriage.

Man and dog

Fuck a man walking with the bull terrier is a very aggressive person. And often his aggression is hidden.

But the owner of Collie sentimental and seems defenseless. However, he is able to bravely defend his herd (family, of course) if the danger is granted. Such qualities have lovers of any shepherd - German, Caucasian, Central Asian.

Man with Rottweiler You are hardly married to yourself. And do you need it? Such men are irritable, love loneliness and do not tolerate the invasion of their world.

All people who prefer dogs, with difficulty perceive the right to freedom and independence of other people. They tend to constantly control everyone and everything, often irritating to the easiest people.

Children and dog

If your child persistently ask him to buy him a puppy, then most likely your baby is afraid of loneliness, often he can feel abandoned and abandoned and afraid of the surrounding world. There is something to think about, right?

Who does not like dogs?

Dog trains can argue that only brutal and evil people can not love these animals. And here is not. Most often it is shy, modest people, and sometimes fearless. Friendship they prefer to raise with people, and sincerely do not understand what is good in a dangerous beast. Such people do not want to become the leader of the flocks and be her leader or do not want to become a slave of circumstances - to walk, treat, train, educate and constantly be nearby.

Since ancient times it was believed that the dog of man friend. She is good, open and always ready to come to the rescue. The same unique and rare in our time are the qualities that the dog is endowed with. She was accustomed to live their own life and not pay attention to other people's opinions and peres. She has a sharp mind and big ambitions. She does not like big companies, but has a clean soul and open heart.

Woman dog personality characteristic

The year of the dog's personality characteristic suggests that women are very attractive and beautiful. They are easily and smoothly moving, and immediately attract attention. The animal does not like to follow the trends of fashion and always retains its individuality. Listen to others, she is not accustomed and always trusts only.

With a woman-dog sometimes happens not easy. It is endowed with a sharp mind and likes to demand from other complete returns to his work. They are full of ambitions, although they behave modestly. They are not accustomed to shine and behave imperceptibly. In the company they are difficult to feel calm.

At first glance it may seem that the girl dog is indifferent and cold. But everything is exactly the opposite. An animal is very afraid of opening not to those people and if it opens to someone, it is very valuable by this person. She appreciates friendship, loves to work and practically does not rest.

Women and dogs have a lot in common. They are faithful, devoted to the end of those who love, do not lie and always know their duty. In a difficult situation, dogs do not run away, and always support those who need it. They can safely entrust even the most intimate secrets, they will keep them to the end. From her friends she is waiting for the same. If she is perfectly lying, it is very upset and is experiencing for a long time. Quickly release the problems of the animal does not have, she analyzes for a long time and discusses the situation. Therefore, many believe that dogs are too boring.

Usually calm dogs, are too serious or even through Chur emotional. It happens when everything she planned goes around. She is restless and always looks at the world with sad eyes.

Before making decisions, the dog will first thoroughly think about everything. She will not risk, even if something important is on the horse. It is connected with the fact that she is not used to trusting anyone, including himself. Therefore, once again to defeat the brains for her will not be any difficulty.

The meaning of life for the sign will always be helping other people.

How to conquer a woman dog

Woman dog characteristic - modest and timid man. She is full of complexes, she is afraid that other people will mock it and therefore often closes in themselves.

Communication with unfamiliar people put her in a stupor. She often refuses him and spends time alone. It is very difficult for her to open someone. And there must be time after which she will cease to feel uncomfortable with other people. Therefore, if you decide that the dog is your fate, then you need to patience and wait until it matures.

Tie relationships that do not have any prospects, the dog will not. To the selection of a partner, it suits very carefully and often remains lonely.

But despite all the closeness of the outside world, this woman is very romantic person. She likes to spend time in nature and admire her, so the perfect first date will be a holiday in nature.

Excellent fit music festivals, nightlings, sitting on the seashore and boats walking. Dogs love to help others, therefore spend a lot of time in charitable foundations. Altruist will definitely have to do it, and she will be able to build strong relationships for many years.

It's not so easy to conquer such a woman. She does not need expensive gifts, she will better spend time with the soul. She likes to speak frankly with people who trusts. She is interested in the future and love. If the fan succeeds to convince the dog that he is seriously configured and it is not at all interested in the outer shell, then the second date is to be accurate.

Horoscope Women Dog Career

The woman dog will not win on her career. She does not like to lead, she will rather take the role of an assistant or right hand. The top of the career ladder interests her little, but the bosses always refers to it respectfully and takes her advice.

Tips are really very valuable and useful. The dog is able to comprehend everything well and think over and plan in advance. Moreover, it is possible to rely on it, it will not lie or qualify for the place higher, although it could easily cope with this post.

Woman in the year of the dog does not chase for wealth. In order to feel comfortable, she does not necessarily earn a lot. She will be content with a small earnings and will not even ask for a surcharge.

At work, it will take care not only about the conscientious fulfillment of its business, but also relationships with colleagues. The dog is a real peacemaker. And if she began to work, the result will not make himself wait long. Therefore, even difficult affairs trust her with ease, she can cope with any profession.

The girl is not afraid worries and easily proceeds to raising the level of knowledge. It usually chooses a narrow specialization and develops in one direction.

Being a supervisor, she can build a good career and will be respected by his colleagues. To feel higher, she will not and will always come to the rescue. Complex cases will be performed by itself, but if something goes wrong, the dog will not be silent. And immediately indicates errors. She is waiting for people to make the same efforts that she attached.

A large and clean heart will tend to work in a charitable foundation, a hospital or school. They are real altruists and can easily solve missionary activities. The main thing is that the dog felt necessary.

Woman Dog in Love and Family

Zodiac sign dog woman modest and decent. She likes to spend time at home and help others. Inside it lures the huge potential that it is afraid to show the other.

In a relationship with the opposite sex, it is usually very modest and indecisive. The first act will not exactly. She has a huge number of complexes that prevent her from trusting to people.

If a man decided to tie his life with this timid lady, he will have to make tremendous efforts to achieve it. But if the guy can deserve the location of the beauty, she will stay with him forever and will love him devotionally and right.

Family always stands for her in the first place. They love to help people and are ready to sacrifice the whole of others. And if we are talking about the good of your relatives, the dog will not stop not before. If the black band comes, then the dog does not run to the side or in the registry office, it suffers and tries to keep the family. But he remembers the resentment for a long time and often remembers them.

The cat is the closest friend, the second "I" owner, so if anyone doesn't like a cat, then he does not like her mistress. Cats are usually filled with ladies that harmoniously combine the benefits of both sexes. Such women are beautiful and smart, feminine and frustrated, workable and effective, pretty and persistent in achieving the goal.

Unmarried cats often replace the non-existent child, because the cat is also needed care, caressing and tenderness, this is a playful and capricious animal, like a child. A lonely woman with a cat belongs to men with distrust and reluctantly comes with them into close relationships. A man who likes cats, recognizes the right of a woman to be independent. But the bachelor with a cat is quite a self-sufficient person, and it will take a lot of strength to conquer his heart. Hatred cats can mean hatred of all female sex. In psychology, there is even a term "catfobia" (in scientific - eilurophobia). Ladies, despising cattle, in the depths of the soul are poorly related to themselves, and man-nights do not like women in real.


For a woman, her dog is almost always a symbol of a man, even if a female dog. Looking at the breed, you can always say what kind of male qualities the mistress appreciates the most.

Big Shepherd means that its owner needs a defender and reliable support. Bulldog means a woman appreciates its partner dedication, reliability, solidity, constancy and sense of humor. Lady with Doberman has an iron power and defiantly treats men - who can protect me better than my dog? A woman who holds a malicious, twisted, biting and cowardly creature, presents too high demand for men, waiting to find some incredibly wonderful qualities in them. As a result, such women are rarely happy in marriage. Almost everyone who loves dogs, intolerant refer to the independence of others and strive to control the life and actions of loved ones.

It is believed that only evil and cruel people do not bring dogs, but it is not always the case. Opponents of Bobby and Bakers can simply be shyful buggy, may be afraid of these bitter and loud predators or, perhaps they simply prefer to look for love and friendship in the world of people and do not understand why they can need this little wolf. Many people have a disgust. Need to train another living creature and become his master, and therefore they flatly refuse to make a dog at home.

Hamsters and guinea pigs

All who love small fluffy animals need to protect a strong man, tenderness, affection and care, as they themselves feel small and defenseless. Therefore, children are so often asked to buy a hamster, they want to be big, strong, careless friends for tiny animals. If a person does not endure the stupidity of other people, he is unlikely to be driven at the sight of a hamster or a guinea pig.


Exotic bright birds in the soul of romance, melancholic, sensitive, wounded missions, bored in silence and loneliness. Parrot resembles O. tropical Islands, fabulous pirates and compensates for lack of travel in ordinary life. Birds do not tolerate irritable, hot-tempered, workaholics, overloaded with work, Sibarites: loudly shrinking and piercingly screaming parrots violate their comfort, knock off their thoughts and confuse plans.


Love rats - it means to declare the world: I'm not bored! I have original thinking, and your stereotypes are not powerful to me! The fan of rats will first study everything, touching and checking, and only then will make its own conclusions. And he does not care about other people. If the child brought home rat, then he has a sociable, cheerful, kindness. Rats do not like conservatives, shy, timid, cautious people walking in their lives only by the fairy paths.

Based on WDay.ru.

If you believe the description of the sign, the dog woman is quite timidly behaving against people, especially if these are representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Psychological complexes, the fear of becoming a universal laughing often is literally paralyzed. Any contact with the recently recognized person for the woman of this year is a big problem, and often it completely refuses to experience the perspective of suffering and stress. Born this year of the oriental calendar is very difficult to open up before someone, and should pass a lot of time before it happens. But, unfortunately, not everyone has patience to wait for it, so it is quite difficult for her to find a suitable partner, friend, companion. And a female dog and love novels, tied to entertainment, "just so" - the concepts of mutually exclusive.

Dog-woman in love

A dog-woman without love of personal relationship does not recognize, and you can be sure that it will live alone, if you need it all my life, and so it will not connect it. She usually lack any special requirements for its nearest surroundings. It is fundamentally important for her only that people love her and respected. Of course, it will stay away from egoist cavaliers who will not pay attention to its pressing needs. also in love relationship A woman's dog requires one hundred percent farewell, because he guarantees devotion to his part, for her it is as natural as to breathe air.

A fine sex representative born under this sign eastern horoscopemay be given to a man with all his heart. In love, a woman-dog sincere, devotee and faithful. As noted, not in her style, fleeting love adventures or intoxicating dates for one night. She is looking for a shower, devotion, romance in the fraternity fraternity. The female dog believes that somewhere on Earth she lives her second half, which so passionately wants to find it.

Unfortunately, such a dreamy approach to the complex world of feelings often leads her to disappointments. Such cases are experiencing very painful (especially inexperienced young girls) and interfere with the expression of feelings in the future. The dog lives in order to love and be loved, without it fades like a flower in the desert, so it should always be given to the gift of new love.

Woman dog in sex

This is not the woman who can quickly incline to anything that does not bind sex or an intimate date on the edge of the foul - for example, with the risk of being covered "at the crime scene." Despite the sensitivity and subtlety of nature, the woman's dog in bed is not prone to inventive caress and bold experiments. In other words, from the point of view of "gourmets from sex", her virtues are concentrated in other areas.

Horoscope: dog woman in permanent relationship

Born under the sign of a dog eager to stable life, but her too restrained and cautious behavior leads to the fact that it is not always this goal is rendered - in any case, not as fast as she wants it. When a female woman appears in a dog, the homemade heart becomes the most important thing in peace for it. In love, in marriage, she is very true and hates even the word "divorce". Therefore, East love horoscope Warns: Women's dogs need to connect with someone's fate, only if they really know the strong, and the weak sides of the chosen one of his heart.

How to win a woman-dog: first date

The dog is a romantic creation, so he loves sentimental dates in scenic places. To win a woman's dog, the conquest plans should be concerts, walks in moon Nights Or joint admiring sunset over the sea - all this certainly will like the representative of this sign. In their free time, the ladies dogs are eagerly working in various organizations, including volunteering, so the first meetings may have a "working" character. To conquer a woman-dog, you can also lead long sincere talk about the soul, fate and love. If a man can prove to her that he is interested not only by matter, but also spirit, eternity and the future, then, most likely, she will agree to come to the next date with such a smart and inspired fan.