Winners of the Nobel Prize of Peace: list. Who got the Nobel Prize of the World? Nobel Prize

To the question of who first got Nobel Prize? For what? Posted by the author Pounce The best answer is A hundred years has passed since the Swedish chemist engineer, a successful entrepreneur Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), thanks to the invention of dynamite and other explosives, which became one of the richest people of the planet, signed a will, according to which five annual International Prizes: in physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, literature and activities in favor of the world. "All my movable and immovable property," wrote Nobel in the will, "should be addressed by my hearthractors to liquid values, and the capital assembled in this way is placed in a reliable bank. These funds must belong to the Foundation, which will present income from them in the form of awards every year ... ".
By tradition, at first noted by specialists who committed the most important discovery in the field of medicine and physiology.
Therefore, the German bacteriologist Emile Adolf von Bering was awarded the very first Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for 1901. For work on serum therapy, mainly for its use in the treatment of diphtheria, which opened new ways in medical science and gave the victorious doctors Weapons against illness and death. "
The laureates in physics receive the second premium - Wilhelm X-ray is the first to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics as a sign of recognition of unusually important achievements in front of the science, expressed in the opening of remarkable rays, called subsequently in his honor.
Then the chemists are awarded - for the opening of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in the solutions of Jacob Vant-Hoff, award was awarded. He proved that the Avogadro law is fair and for dilute solutions, experimentally established that osmotic pressure, in weak solutions obeys the gas laws of thermodynamics.
Fourth awarded writers - René Sully-Duddy became the first laureate of the award in literature for outstanding literary advantages, high idealism, artistic perfection and an unusual combination of souvenrancy and talent.
And finally, the activities in the field of peace struggle are awarded. Jean Henri Dynan, the Swiss Humanist and the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), was awarded a premium for contributing to the peaceful cooperation of peoples. Dynan substantiated the Prison Protection Society, became the initiator of the campaign against the slave trade, he was supported by the desire of European Jews to return to the Motherland of the ancestors in Palestine. French Politon and Defender of the World Frederick Passion awarded a prize for many years of peacekeeping efforts. The recognized leader of the European movement for the world of Passage considered a peaceful settlement based on arbitration by an alternative to international armed conflict.
In addition, the very first Nobel Prize was awarded five years before. The imperial Russian technical society awarded it in 1896 the engineer-technologist Alexei Stepanov for the study of the "Basics of LAMP theory". Only established this premium was in memory of not Alfred Nobel, but his native brother - Ludwig, the largest Russian entrepreneur, who made a lot for the formation of the domestic industry.
A source:

Answer from Vrown[guru]
The first premiums were awarded on December 10, 1901. E. Gering laureates (physiology and medicine "for working on serum therapy, mainly for its use in the treatment of diphtheria, which opened up new ways in medical science and gave to doctors a victorious weapon against illness and Deaths "), V. X-ray (physics" as a sign of recognition of unusually important merit to science, expressed in the opening of remarkable rays, called later in his honor. "), L. Want-Hoff (chemistry" in recognition of the vast importance of the opening of the laws of chemical Dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions. ").

Answer from Legal[guru]
If it is logical to argue, the first Nobel Prize received Nobel. And for what? ... for merits to the fatherland.

Answer from Eergey Nikitin[guru]
Go. All questions will appear.

Answer from Lena[guru]
The X-ray is one of those who in 1901 received this award for the opening of wonderful rays called him name ...

Answer from ™ Polkovod.[guru]
The Nobel Prize is the most famous and most prestigious scientific prize.
Alfred Nobel died on December 10, 1896
Alfred Nobel
In his testament, written in Paris on November 27, 1895, he formulated:
"All my remaining realizable state is distributed as follows.
Nowadays, the Nobel Prize - not only because of the monetary remuneration, which now exceeds 2 million Swedish crowns (225 thousand US dollars), is widely known as the highest difference for human intelligence. In addition, this premium can be attributed to a few awards, known not only to every scientist, but also a large part of non-specialists. In accordance with the status, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded to more than three people. Therefore, only a small number of applicants who have outstanding merits may hope to reward.
The prestige of the Nobel Prize depends on the efficiency of the mechanism used for the laureate selection procedure for each direction. This mechanism was established from the very beginning, when it was recognized appropriate to collect documented proposals from qualified experts of various countries, thereby repeatedly emphasized the international character of the award.
To assign a reward for each direction there is a special Nobel Committee. The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences established in its composition three committees, according to the One Committee on Physics, Chemistry and Economics. The Caroline Institute gave its name to the Committee, awarding the award in the field of physiology and medicine. The Swedish Academy also chooses the Literature Committee. In addition, the Norwegian Parliament, Storting, chooses a committee awarded to the Peace Prize. Nobel committees play a crucial role in the process of choosing the laureates. Each committee consists of five members, but may apply for help from specialists from other science areas.
The current procedure for the use of the Nobel Prizes Foundation, as well as the procedure for nomination, selection and approval of candidates is very complex. The right to nominate candidates belongs to individuals, and not institutions; This avoids public discussion and voting procedures. For the selection of candidates for a premium in the field of literature, submission are sent from experts in the field of literature and linguistics - members of academies and societies about the same plan as the Swedish Academy. To obtain proposals for candidates for the Peace Prize, contacts are established with representatives of such sciences as philosophy, history, jurisprudence and political sciences, as well as with active public figures. Some specialists receive the right to individually approve the applicant; Among such persons are the laureates of the Nobel Prize of the former years and members of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, the Nobel Assembly of the Caroline Institute and the Swedish Academy. The right to offer candidate names is confidential.
Approved proposals must be obtained before February 1, the award of the award. From this day, the work of the Nobel Committees begins: until September, members of the committees and consultants are assessed by the qualifications of candidates for award award. Committees are advised several times, and the proposals of various members of the Committee also heard and those involved in the work of experts from the parties seeking to determine the originality and significance of the contribution to the universal progress of each candidate. Different members of the Committee or invited experts can make messages regarding various aspects of a particular offer. Every year several participates in the preparatory work.

The first in the history of the Nobel Prize in the economy - or, expressing formally, the Prize of the Swedish State Bank for Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel - Jan Tinbergen received in 1969 for "for the creation and application of dynamic models to the analysis of economic processes"; Divided the scientist with Ragnar Frisch. On this list of achievements, Yana is by no means exhaust - the scientist managed to establish itself with an excellent teacher and an outstanding practice-practitioner.

Jan Tinbergen - Senior Five Children of Cornelis Tinbergen (Dirk Cornelis Tinbergen) and Jeannette Van Eek. Brother Yana, Niko (Niko), in 1973 he also honored the Nobel Prize - for finding a physiological sense; Another brother, Luuk (Luuk), became a rather famous ornithologist. Yang himself in the period from 1921 to 1925 he studied at the University of Leiden (University of Leiden) Math and physics; His mentor was Paul Ehrenfest (Paul Ehrenfest). During this period, Tinbergen actively interacted on various issues of scientific sense with Ehrenfest, Charling Onnes, Hendrik Lorentz (Hendrik Lorentz), Peter Zeeman (Pieter Zeeman) and Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein),

After graduation, Tinbergen served for some time in managing one of the Rotterdam prisons; Subsequently, he received a position in the Central Bureau of Statistics in the Hague. Later, Jan returned to the University of Leiden, where in 1929 he defended his thesis. Favorites Yan - not without the help of Ehrenthest - the topic combined elements of mathematics, physics, economics and politics.

When the Central Bureau of Statistics launched a new department, specializing in reviews of economic activities and mathematical statistics, Tinbergen offered the position of Chairman; Worked to Yang Bureau until 1945. Access to the extensive amounts of statistical data used at the disposal of the Bureau helped Tinbergen check in practice a number of theoretical prerequisites and concepts. In parallel, Jan Tinbergen led both scientific, and academic activities; In 1931, he became a professor at the University of Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam), in 1933 - Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics in the Netherlands School of Economics, Rotterdam). It is also known that from 1936 to 1938 Yang Tinbergen served as a consultant to the League of Nations.

In 1945, Tinbergen became the first director of the Dutch Bureau of Analysis economic Policy; the scientist left this position only in 1955 - it seemed to be reasonable to concentrate entirely and completely on educational activities. Yang Tinbergen held as an invited professor at Harvard University; Later, he returned to the Netherlands School of Economics, which turned into the Dutch Institute of Economics by the Dutch Economy (Dutch Economic Institute). In parallel, Tinbergen continued to provide consultation services; Representatives of international organizations and even government of developing countries resorted to his help. It is known that Yang advised representatives of the Government of the United Arab Republic (United Arab Republic), Turkey (Turkey), Venezuela (VENEZUELA), Surinam (Surinam), Indonesia (Indonesia) and Pakistan (Pakistan).

Jan Tinbergen consists of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and Arts (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science) and the International Academy of Science. In 1956, Tinbergen - with Henry Taylem (Henri Theil) - founded Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam in Rotterdam University (Erasmus University) Economic Institute.

Probably, only the desire of mankind for self-expression and heroic actions contributes to the origin of unusually survivable initiatives. Here I took Mr. Nobel's surname and decided to leave my money to descendants in order to be awarded the Lords excreted in one area or another. It has long so much in the ground with raw, and the people remember him. The population is waiting (some with impatience), when the next lucky shoes will be announced. And candidates tried, put goals, even intrigue, trying to climb the fame to this Olympus. And if everything is clear with scientists and researchers - they receive their awards for real achievements or discoveries, which are distinguished by the laureates of the Nobel Peace Prize? Interesting? Let's figure it out.

Who and for what awards award?

There is a special committee whose main task is to select and approve
candidates for the highest award in this area. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to people who distinguished themselves in strengthening security and stability on the planet. It is issued annually. The procedure takes place in Oslo, the tenth of December. At the same time, to propose a candidacy that will become a laureate can both international organizations and national governments. In the Charter of the Committee they are listed. Anyone who was or is a member of the Nobel Committee also has the right to participate in the extension process. In addition, such privileges are authorized by professors of universities dealing with politics or history.

When they study who received the Nobel Prize of the world, be sure to come together in the name of another political figure, whose activity does not cause critics. Such a person is Tenzin Gyaco, Dalai Lama. This is a completely outstanding personality. From a small years, he was forced to accept spiritual leadership. Buddhists recognized the boy with incarnation of the Lama. Subsequently, he had to take over and political responsibility for Tibet (at sixteen). His whole work is based on kindness, tolerance and love (from the formulation of the Nobel Committee). It should be added that he could not negotiate with the Government of China. Now lives and conducts his ideas in exile.

It turns out, not everything is so simple!

There are also very controversial laureates of this high award. The Committee is often criticized for excess politicia. Residents of the post-Soviet space such a figure seems Mikhail Gorbachev. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to such a controversial personality, like Yasir Arafat.

This decision of the Committee is considered scandalous on the grounds that this laureate did not deny the military ways to achieve their goals. On his account not only fights, but also act of terrorism. He himself proclaimed the destruction of a whole sovereign state (Israel). That is, despite the fact that Arafat struggled for the well-being of residents of the Middle East, the title of peacekeeper is difficult to assign. Another scandalous figure is Barack Obama. The Nobel Prize of the World was awarded to him in 2009. I must say that the Committee had to accept the squall of critical comments on this decision.

About Obama More details

In the global press still flashes the opinion that the state president awarded the Avans Award. At that time, he just took office, no more than anything else. Yes, and those initiatives and decisions he made subsequently do not explain at all, for which the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded.

Obama is considered the president who unleashed the greatest number of military conflicts. The victims are not amenable to calculate in view of the "hybrid nature" of these clashes (the term appeared quite recently). He had to decide on bombing and ground operations. He is criticized for the invasion of Syria, riots in Iraq and Ukraine. Nevertheless, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize and is listed among its laureates.

This "advance award" leads to the emergence of all new scandals. As the tension exacerbation occurs, some political figures are expressed in favor of the revocation of this award. There is an opinion that such non-live behavior disgraces a high premium. In the Russian Federation, naturally, it is believed that V. Putin is a more worthy candidate. The Nobel Prize of the World may still be awarded him for true persistence, which he exists in resolving conflicts.

About money

People often interest not so much the achievements of the personalities given this award, and its amount. The Nobel Prize of the World and the truth may hit the imagination. The fact is that all the funds of the Committee are simply so in financial institutions. They "work", increasing in size. According to the will, the profit is divided into five parts. They are not the same and acquire more impressive sizes from year to year. Thus, the very first amount, presented in 1901, was forty two thousand dollars. In 2003, the amount has already been 1.35 million on its size affects the state of the global economy. Dividends that go on payments can not only increase, but also decrease. For example, in 2007, the amount of the premium was equal to 1.542 million, and by 2008 "melted" (1.4 million dollars).

These funds are distributed five equal shares on nominations, and then in terms of the number of laureates, in accordance with the rules, according to which the Nobel Peace Prize is appointed. How much money will go on awards in each year - determines the Committee, conducting relevant earnings counts from securities and other assets.

Russian laureates

Our fellow citizens only twice received such an award. In addition to Gorbachev, scientist Andrei Sakharov was awarded such honor. At the same time not his scientific works have become a reason for awarding the premium. Sakharov considered the human rights activist and a fighter with the regime. In Soviet times, he underwent sharp criticism and persecutions. The scientist worked on the creation of hydrogen weapons. Despite this, he openly advocated the prohibition of weapon tests of mass lesion, against the arms race. Its ideas were very popular in society and did not like the ruling top.

Sakharov is considered to be a passionate champion of the world, victims of their views. The Nobel Committee applied the wording: "For courage in the fight against the abuse of power ...". Nevertheless, he was, rather, the idealist, a good and non-aggressive person (for memoirs of colleagues). More Russians did not receive high awards, which does not say that in our country does not live worthy personalities. Rather, this fact can be perceived as a political surgery of the Committee, the use of award in geopolitical competition.

Who did not receive award, and worthy?

Many politicians believe that Mahatma Gandhi more than any other figures deserved a high award. This man was engaged in the organization of the struggle of Indians with colonizers. Gandhi had not just to invent ways, with the help of which the weak and unarmed population could confront the British army, but they also needed to relate to the peculiarities of the local religion. This method was invented. It received the name of non-violent resistance and is often used at present. Mahatma Gandhi offered to the Committee five times. Only there were "more decent" candidates (which again can be explained by the politicization of this organization). Subsequently, official persons responsible for the award of the Nobel Prize expressed their regrets about the fact that Gandhi did not become a laureate.

Casus of the Nobel Committee

There are incredible things in the history of this organization, which can be perceived only anecdotically. So, it is known to this award in 1939, no one else like Adolf Hitler was nominated. The Nobel Prize of the World, fortunately, he did not get. And the point here is not in the money. What would be the prestige of the organization, which would call a person by the Peacemaker, guilty of the death of millions of inhabitants of our planet? The Nobel Committee refused to award her, motivating this its decision by the attitude of the Nazis to the Jews.

Nevertheless, during nomination, Hitler's activity looked for the German intelligentsive progressive. He just entered into two large peace agreements, raised the industry, cared for the development of science and art. Currently, people understand, to what extent there were absurd and unreasonable claims of Hitler at a reward. But at that time, the inhabitants of Germany perceived him as a real leader leading them to bright life. Yes, to some extent it was true. He really cared about the Germans, only at the expense of people of other nationalities. To the honor of members of the Nobel Committee, they understood this and refused his candidacy for awarding award.

Collective laureates

This award was three times awarded organizations, one way or another related to the Red Cross. If you consider the first laureate - its organizer, then four. It should be noted that this international organization undoubtedly deserves such a high assessment. Her representatives always find a field for activity. Whether the territories of bloody conflicts or epidemics, they often find themselves in the center of events, stretch the necessary hand to support unfortunate people who are enduring disaster. By the way, once the winner of the award became UN (2001), her peacekeeping forces were noted (1988) and refugee service (1981). From not very well-known laureate organizations, the International Labor Organization (1969) can be called. The wave is possible, we do not hear about it because of the fact that since its influence in the world was so great that award was awarded, a lot of time has passed.

Laureates of this serious award a lot. The names of some entered the history of courage and courage, others - scandals and intrigues. Thirds are not remembered at all. Nevertheless, people want this award to fall into the hands of truly decent personalities, despite the political conjuncture.

Chemist, engineer and inventor Alfred Nobel earned its condition primarily due to the invention of dynamite and other explosives. At one time, Nobel became one of the richest planets.

Total Nobyl beloved 3555 inventions.

At the same time, the glory that the scientist used cannot be called good. In 1888 his brother Ludwig died. However, by mistake, journalists wrote in newspapers about Alfred Nobel himself. Thus, once he read in the press his own necrologist, entitled "Death Merchant is dead." This incident forced the inventor to think about what memory would remain about him in the upcoming generations. And Alfred Nobel changed his testament.

The new will of Alfred Nobel offended by the relatives of the inventor who remained in the end with nothing.

A new testament was announced a millionaire, in 1897.

According to this paper, all the movable and immovable property of Nobel should have been drawn to the capital, which, in turn, should be placed in a reliable bank. Revenues from this capital should be divided into five equal parts annually and is awarded in the form of scientists who made the most significant discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, medicine; writers who created literary works; And also to those who have made the most significant "in the unification of nations, the destruction of slavery or a decrease in the number of armies and facilitating the conduct of peaceful congresses" (the premium of the world).

The first laureates

Traditionally, a premium in medicine and physiology is presented first. So the very first Nobel in 1901 became a bacteriologist from Germany Emil Adolf von Bering, which was engaged in the development of diphtheria vaccine.

Following the premium laureate in physics. The first of this award was awarded Wilhelm X-ray - for rays called him name.

The first laureate of the Nobel Prize in the field of chemistry was Jacob Vant-Hoff, which explored thermodynamics for various solutions.

The first writer who was awarded this high award, became René Sully-Proud.

The premium in the field of struggle for the world is awarded the last. In 1901, it was divided between Jean Henri Dunean and Frederick Passion. The Humanist from Switzerland Dunan is the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Frenchman Frederick Passion - leader of the world traffic in Europe.

Tip 2: What Russian Writers were awarded the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of science, culture and social activities. Several domestic writers also received this award for merit in literature.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the first Russian laureate

In 1933, Bunin became the first Russian writer who received the Nobel Prize "For the truthful artistic talent, with whom he recreated in a typical character." The work that influenced the decision of the jury was the autobiographical Roman "Life of Arsenyev". Forced to leave the motherland due to disagreement with the Bolshevik regime, the bunin is a piercing and touching work, full of love for homeland and longing on it. Becoming a witness october revolution, the writer did not accept the changes and loss tsarist Russia. He with sadness recalled the past times, lush noble estates, a measured life in family estates. As a result, Bunin created a large-scale literary cloth, in which he expressed his innermost thoughts.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - Prize for poetry in prose

Pasternak received an award in 1958 "For outstanding achievements in modern and traditional fields of great Russian prose." Critics was especially marked by the novel "Dr. Zhivago". However, at home, Pasternak was waiting for another reception. A deep work about the life of the intelligentsia was negatively accepted by power. Pasternak was excluded from the Union of Soviet writers and actually forgot about its existence. From the award, Pasternak had to refuse.
Pasternak not only wrote the works himself, but also was a talented translator.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - Singer of Russian Cossacks

In 1965, the prestigious reward was Sholokhov, creating a large-scale Roman-epic " Silent Don." Until now, it seems incredible, like a young, 23-novice writer was able to create a deep and volumetric work. Regarding the authorship of Sholokhov, there were even disputes with allegedly irrefutable evidence. Despite all this, the novel was translated into several Western and eastern languages, and his personally approved Stalin.
Despite the deafening glory of Sholokhov in early ageHis subsequent works were much weaker.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - inhabited by power

Another Nobel Prize, who has not received recognition in the native country - Solzhenitsyn. He awarded the award in 1970 "for moral strength, asked in the tradition of the Great Russian literature." In prison for political reasons for about 10 years, Solzhenitsyn was completely disappointed in the ideology of the dominant class. He began to publish quickly late, after 40 years, but only 8 years later he was awarded the Nobel Prize - there was no such a writer for such a rapid takeoff.

Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky - the last winner of the award

Brodsky received the Nobel Prize in 1987 "For comprehensive authorship, performed clarity of thought and poetic depths." Poetry Brodsky caused rejection by the Soviet power. He was arrested and was in conclusion. After Brodsky continued to work, he was popular in his homeland and abroad, but the surveillance was kept constantly. In 1972, the poet was raised ultimatum - to leave the USSR. Brodsky's Nobel Prize has already received in the United States, but wrote to the speech.

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Tip 3: Which of the Writers was awarded the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards. Since the institution, Alfred Nobel's literary premium was awarded 106 Writers around the world.

What is awarded to the Nobel Prize in the field of literature

The Nobel literary premium is awarded every year since 1901 Nobel for achievements in the field of literature. The right to name is the Swedish Academy. During the existence, writers and the whole world received 106 Alfred Nobel awards.

In 1914, 1918, 1935, as well as during the Second World War from 1940 to 1943, not a single writer was awarded. As the Nobel Foundation says, the premium may not be awarded in the absence of decent candidates. Four times in the history of the existence of the award, the laureates became at once two: in 4, 17, 66 and 74 years of the last century.

Countries in which the Nobel laureates lived and worked

The largest number of laureates of the Nobel literary premium to the world were given by countries such as France (13 people), United Kingdom (10), Germany and the United States (9). Following them there is Sweden, 7 writers born and worked in this country received the Nobel Prize. Among the Nobel laureates of 6 Italians, 5 Spaniards, 4 Poland and former USSR. In 3 natives of Norway, Ireland and Denmark received Alfred Nobel award in. In Greece, China, Chile, Switzerland, South Africa and Japan were born in 2 owners of the Nobel Prize. Once during the Nobel Prize in Literature called Writers born in countries such as Austria, Australia, Belgium, Hungary, Guatemala, Egypt, Israel, India, Iceland, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Saint Lucia , Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Finland, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia. Writer without who received the Nobel Prize is Ivan Bunin, who emigrated in the 20s from Russia to France.

Women and Men who have become laureates of the Nobel Prize in Literature

Beautiful half of humanity makes up a small part of the Nobel laureates:

Selma Lagerlef received this prestigious award in 1909.
The grace of Deedda - in 1926.
Sigrid Onset - in 1928.
Pearl tank - in 1938.
Gabriela Mistral - in 1945.
Nelli Zaks - in 1966.
Nadine Gorder - in 1991.
Tony Morrison - in 1993.
Vislava Shimborskaya - in 1996.
Elfried Elinke - in 2004.
Doris Lessing - in 2007.
Gert Muller - in 2009.
Alice Manro - in 2013.

Nobel Prize was awarded to such men:

1901 - Slyly-Proud
1902 - Theodoru Mommesen
1903 - Bjarnistne Bjernson
1904 - Frederick Mistrulya and José Echegaray-I-Eisagirre
1905 - Henry Senkevich
1906 - Joseu Carduchci
1907 - Rediard Kipling
1908 - Rudolf Eykena
1910 - Paul Hayese
1911 - Mauris Meterlink
1912 - Gerhart Hauptman
1913 - Rabinder Tagora
1915 - Romena Rollan
1916 - Carlo Heidenstam
1917 - Karl Gielleru and Henrik Pontoppidan
1919 - Carlo Spittelere
1920 - Knutu Gamsun
1921 - Anatoly Franço
1922 - Hasinto Benavent-I-Martinez
1923 - William Yeitsu
1924 - Vladislav Remontu
1925 - Bernard Shaow
1927 - Henri Bergson
1929 - Thomas Manna
1930 - Sinclair Lewis
1931 - Erica Carlfeldt
1932 - John Golsuorussi
1933 - Ivan Bunin
1934 - Luigi Pilandello
1936 - Yujina O'Nelu
1937 - Roger Marten Du Garu
1939 - Françe Sillanaya
1944 - Wilhelmu Jensen
1946 - Herman Hesse
1947 - Andre Zhid
1948 - Thomas Eliota
1949 - William Falkneru
1950 - Berran Russell
1951 - Peru Lagerquist
1952 - Francois Moriaku
1953 - Winston Churchill
1954 - Ernest Hemingway
1955 - Halldor Laxness
1956 - Huan Himenes
1957 - Albera Cam
1958 - Boris Pasternak
1959 - Salvator Quasimodo
1960 - Saint-Zhon Perse
1961 - Ivo Andrich
1962 - John Steinbeck
1963 - Jorgos Seferis
1964 - Jean-Field of Sartra
1965 - Mikhail Sholokhov
1966 - Shmuel Agnon
1967 - Miguel Asturias
1968 - Yasunari Kawabat
1969 - Samuel Bekket
1970 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn
1971 - Pablo Neruda
1972 - Heinrich Böll
1973 - Patrick White
1974 - Evinda Junson and Harry Martinson
1975 - Eujenio Montale
1976 - Salu Bello
1977 - Vicenrat Aleceandre
1978 - Isaac Bashevis-Zingur
1979 - Odysasa Elite
1980 - Cheswa Millah
1981 - Elias Coveni
1982 - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
1983 - William Golding
1984 - Yaroslav Seyfert
1985 - Claude Simona
1986 - Will Shawinka
1987 - Joseph Brodsky
1988 - Nagibu Makhfuzu
1989 - Camilo Selu
1990 - Octavio Pas
1992 - Derek Walcotta
1994 - Candzaburo OE
1995 - Sheimas Hini
1997 - Dario Fo
1998 - Jose Saramago
1999 - Gunter Grass
2000 - Gao Sinjiang
2001 - Viyadharu Nipol
2002 - Imre Kertes
2003 - John Kutsee
2005 - Harold Pintera
2006 - Orhans Pamuka
2008 - Gustavu Telekezio
2010 - Mario Vargas Los
2011 - Tumasu Transstremer
2012 - Mo Yan


  • Nobel Prize laureates

Tip 4: Who and when from Russians received the Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize is one of the main awards in the scientific community, reflecting the high assessment of the contribution of the laureate in the development of world science. At the same time in the list nobel Laureaatov Many Russians.

The Nobel Prize, named so named Her Founder of Alfred Nobel, was first awarded in 1901. Citizens Soviet Union And Russia for the entire period of its existence received the Nobel Prize 16 times. However, it is worth considering that in some cases award was awarded at the same time a few scientists who participated in the work on one topic. Therefore, the number of citizens of the USSR and Russia, which became laureates of the award, is 21 people.

Physics premium

Physics is the scientific area in which Russians, from the point of view of the Nobel Committee, were the most strong. Of the 16 premiums received by citizens of Russia and the USSR, 7 were awarded for scientific discoveries in the field of physics.

For the first time, this happened in 1958, when a whole team of scientists, consisting of Pavel Cherenkov, Igor Tamma and Ilya Frank, received a premium for the opening and explanation of the physical effect named by one of the researchers with Cherenkov effect. Since then, citizens of the USSR and Russia received six more premiums in this area:
- in 1962 - Landau Landau for the study of condensed media;
- in 1964 - Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolay Basov for the study of the laser-moman principle of action of amplifiers and emitters;
- in 1978 - Peter Kapitsa for achievements in the field of low-temperatures physics;
- in 2000 - Zhores of Alferov for research in the field of semiconductors;
- in 2003 - Alexey Apricos and Vitaly Ginzburg, who created the theory of superconductivity of the second kind;
- In 2010 - Konstantin Novoselov for the work on the study of graphene.

Prizes in other areas

The remaining nine premiums were distributed between other areas of knowledge, for achieving in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the Nobel Prize is awarded. Thus, two premiums in the field of physiology and medicine were obtained at the very beginning of the 20th century: in 1904, Ivan Pavlov was recognized as a laureate, the author of famous experiments in the field of digestion, and in 1908 - Ilya Mleychnikov, who studied the functioning of the immune system.

In the field of chemistry, the Prize was able to receive only Nikolai Semenov: in 1956 it was for the study of chemical reactions. Three premiums received citizens of the USSR and Russia for literary activities: in 1958 - Boris Pasternak, in 1965 - Mikhail Sholokhov, in 1970 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The winner of the award among citizens of the USSR and Russia was only Leonid Kantorovich, who developed the theory of optimal distribution of resources.

Peace Prize

For special achievements, meaningful for the entire world community, the Nobel Committee awards the Peace Prize. Citizens of the USSR and Russia became its owners twice: for the first time this happened in 1975, when Andrei Sakharov was awarded for fighting the regime, and then in 1990, when Michael Gorbachev received a prize, which contributed to the intensification of peaceful relations between countries.

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  • Nobel Prize laureates

The history of the Nobel Prize began in 1889, when the brother of the famous inventor of the dynamite of Alfred Nobel died - Ludwig. Then journalists confused the information and posted a necrologist to the death of Alfred, calling him in him the death trader. It was Toga that the inventor decided to leave after himself a softer legacy that would bring joy to those who really deserve.


After the announcement of the testament of Nobel broke out - relatives were against the lot of money (as for what at current time) went to the Foundation, and did not get it. But despite the hot condemnation of close inventors in 1900 the Foundation was still founded.

The first presentation of the Nobel Prizes was held in 1901 in Stockholm. Scientists and researchers from different regions were laureates: physics, medicine, literature. The very first person who received such a valuable reward was Wilhelm Conrad X-ray for the opening of a new form of energy and rays that received his name. Interestingly, it was not on the presentation of the X-ray award. The fact that he became a laureate, he found out while in Munich. Moreover, the laureates are usually received by the second premium, but in the sign of deep respect and recognition of the importance of the discovery made by the Rate, he was given a prize first.

The next nomineer on the same prize was the Chemist Jacob Want-Hoff for and research in the field of chemical dynamics. He proved that the Avogadro law is valid and acts for dilute solutions. In addition, Want-Hoff experimentally proved that the osmotic pressure in weak solutions is subject to the gas laws of thermodynamics. In medicine, his recognition and honor received Emil Adolf von Bering for his opening of blood serum. This study, according to the professional community, has become an important step in the treatment of diphtheria. It helped save a lot human livesThat before that were simply doomed.

The fourth in the same year received a prize of the writer - Rene Silli-Duddy. He was awarded for outstanding literary advantages, the presence of high idealism in his works, artistic perfection, as well as for the unusual combination of mentality and talent.

The first Nobel Prize of the world was awarded the founder of the International Red Cross Jean Henri Dynan. So the judges noted his peacekeeping work. After all, Dunan founded the society on the prisoners of war, initiated the campaign against the slave trade, supported the expelled peoples.

Despite the fact that in 1901 the first official ceremony of awarding the Nobel Prize was held, it is believed that the very first such a prize was presented in 1896. Then the Imperial Russian Technical Society decided to reward the scientific merit of the engineer-technologist Alexei Stepanov. Such an honor he was honored for the study of the "Basics of Lamps theory". She did not count for the main due to the fact that she was not the name of Alfred Nobel, but his brother Ludwig.

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Several millions of Swedish crowns, honorary title, worldwide glory, authority and respect in society. Takov short outcome obtaining in Stockholm or Oslo the most prestigious award in the world - Nobel. The list of Nobel laureates, a leading countdown since 1901, consists of several dozen people who have a direct or indirect attitude towards Russia / Soviet Union / Russian Federation.