Brief biography of Thomas Jefferson in English. Jefferson Thomas - biography, facts from life, photos, reference information. last years of life

An American in the fourth generation, Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) from the young age was a supporter of independence of the North American colonies and an adherent of the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment. He began his political career in 1767, having achieved election to the Virgin Assembly. He was about the number of virgin delegates at the second continental congress. At the same time, Jefferson was elected head of the Independence Declaration Commission. Her authorship put forward Jefferson among the leaders of the American revolution. But he left political activities for a long time (only in 1779-1781. He was governor of Virginia), to which he returned only in 1784.

Until 1789, he was a messenger of the United States in France. Shortly after the return of Jefferson to his homeland First President of the United States George Washington appointed him state Secretary. At that time, Alexander Hamilton, whose views on the political structure and the prospects for the economic development of the United States were distinguished sharply from Jefferson's economic development to the Minister of Finance. Rivalry of Hamilton and Jefferson lines led to the creation political parties In the United States, at the head of which these two political figures stood. In 1796, Jefferson participated in the presidential election, but was defeated from John Adams, taking only the place of vice president. Only after four years, Jefferson achieved victory in the presidential election. He remained two deadlines in this post and refused to run in the elections for the third time, strengthening the tradition, the beginning of which was put on Washington, who was president of two terms. After the resignation of Jefferson lived and his estate Monticello in Virginia, engaging with educational activities. The result of the recent years of his life was the creation of the Virgin University.

Works of Thomas Jefferson:

Declaration of Independence

The point of slavery from the Declaration of Independence, rejected by the II Continental Congress

From the letter D. Madison


A source:Skidmore M. J., Tripp M. K. American government system. - M., 1993. p.331-334.

When in the course of human history, for one people, it is necessary to terminate political ties connecting it with the other people, and to occupy an independent and independent position among the powers of the world, which he has the right according to the laws of nature and its creator, then respect for humanity obliges him to state him The reasons that encourage him to the department.

We consider self-evident truths: that all people are created equal and endowed with the Creator with certain inalienable rights, to the number of which relates to life, to freedom and to the desire for happiness; that, to ensure these rights, people create governments, the fair power of which is based on the consent of the managed; What, if any state system violates these rights, the people have the right to change it or abolish and establish a new system based on such principles and organizing management in such forms that should best ensure the safety and prosperity of the people. Prudence, of course, requires that the long-term forms of the board did not change due to unimportant and transient reasons, as the experience of the past shows that people are more likely to be in evil, while it is still transferred than to enjoy their right to abolish the usual forms of life. But when a long series of abuse and violence, invariably persecuting the same goal, reveals the desire to subjugate the people with an absolute despotism, the right and debt of the people to overthrow such a government and create new guarantees of their safety in the future.

These colonies also for a long time and patiently transferred oppression, and the need forces them now to change the forms of the former state system. The History of the Board of the Great King of the UK is the story of an indispensable abuse and violence, the direct goal of which is to establish in our states of absolute despotism. In the proof of this, we present the following facts on the impartial judgment:

The king refused to approve the most necessary and beneficial laws for the public good. He forbade his governors to hold the laws of emergency importance, unless their entry into force was postponed before approving the king; And when the action of Lych laws was thus suspended, he left them without any attention. He did not allow other laws that responded to the interests of extensive populated areas, unless their residents agreed to abandon their right to representation in the Legislative Assembly, the right of invaluable for them and dangerous only for tyranans.

The king convened the session of the legislative assemblies in unusual. Uncomfortable places remote from the location of the archives, with the sole purpose of physically tiring legislators and subjugate them in this way by their will. He repeatedly dismissed the legislative chambers for the fact that they with courageous hardness opposed his attempts to violate the rights of the people. During the continued time after their dissolution, he refused to prescribe new elections, as a result of which the legislative power that could not be destroyed was returned to the masses, and the country in the meantime remained defenseless before the threat of external invasion and internal shocks.

The king tried to prevent the settlement of these states, preventing the application of laws on the naturalization of foreigners, refusing to approve new laws to encourage immigration and make it difficult to acquire land plots.

The king interfered with the administration of justice, refusing to approve the laws on the establishment of ships. He subjugated the judges by his will, putting them in an exceptional dependence on himself regarding the service life and size of salaries.

The king established many new posts and sent a crowd to us of countless officials to oppress and ruin the people.

The king united with others to submit us to the authorities, alien to our Constitution and not recognized by our laws; He approved acts of this imaginary power, published with the following objectives:

      placement among us large military units;

      protecting the military with the help of the wrong trial from punishment for killing the inhabitants of our states;

      termination of our trade with other parts of the world;

      covering us with taxes without our consent;

      deprivation of us in many cases of the right to the jury;

      sending us over the ocean and legends there are a court for imaginary crimes;

      the destruction of the free system of English laws in the next province, establishing a building based on arbitrariness and expansion of its limits in such a way that it serves simultaneously and an example and means to distribute the same absolute power in our colonies;

      cancellations of the most important laws and a radical change in our management system;

      the dissolution of our legislative assemblies and assign themselves the right to publish all sorts of laws instead of us.

The king refused to manage us, deprived us of his patronage and began the war against us. He pirate on our seas, devastated our shores, felt our cities and killed our compatriots.

It now sends entire armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the case of destroying, ruin and tyranny, started earlier with such cruelty and treachers that were hardly known even in the most barbaric times and which are completely unworthy of the head of the civilized nation.

The king forced our fellow citizens captured in the open sea, raise the weapon against their native country and either be the executioners of their friends and brothers, or to die from their hands. He caused inner unrest among us and tried to raise the inhabitants of our border strip of brutal Indian savages, who lead the war, destroying all of all, regardless of age, gender and state.

During all these oppressions, we submissively asked for the restoration of our rights. The only answer to our repeated petitions were new injustice.

The sovereign who is characteristic of all the features that distinguish tyrana cannot be a ruler of a free parquail.

We did not disregard our British fellow. We have repeatedly pointed out to them attempts by their legislative chambers subdue us to our jurisdiction. We reminded them about the circumstances under which we emigrated here and settled here. We cried to their born sense of justice and generosity and spedled them in the name of our blood ultrasound condemn these injustice, which inevitably had to disconnect us and stop intercourse between us. But they remained deaf to the vote of justice and blood kinship. Therefore, we must reconcile with the need to separate our branch and treat them, as to other peoples, considering them enemies during the war and friends during the world.

Therefore, we, representatives of the United States of America, gathering at the General Congress and calling the Most High to witness the sincerity of our intentions, the name and authority of the good people of our colonies solemnly in all, we declare that our United Colonies are now and rightfully must be free and independent states that They are completely exempted from loyalty to the British crown and that every political relationship between them and the state of the United Kingdom is completely terminated, and that, as free and independent states, they are authorized to declare war, enter into peace, enter into unions, to trade and perform all other actions and endeavors which can rightly commit independent states.

In confirmation of this Declaration, with a firm faith in the patronage of the divine providence, we swear to each other with our lives, fortune and holy honor.

Thomas Jefferson was a leaving from the kind of slave owners. He also had his own slaves. At the same time, he was an opponent of such a building. He outlined his beliefs in the preparation of the declaration, but they were removed.

Jefferson is considered one of the founding fathers. He was an outstanding representative of the Epoch of Enlightenment.

Childhood and Youth

A brief biography of Thomas Jefferson can be started from the moment of his birth. It happened on April 13, 1743 in Virginia. He was a third child in a big family. His father was named Peter. He engaged in geodesy plantations, had its own lands and slaves. Mom Jefferson called Jane. She was a daughter of the captain of the fleet of Ishchema Randolf, who also had a plantation.

When the boy turned two years old, the family moved to Takakovo, where the father began to manage the estate of his deceased friend. From nine years, Thomas began studying at a local school. He studied Latin, ancient Greek and French at the priest. Next, he continued his studies at the School of Priest Mori. The young man lived in the family of the priest for two years, having received a classic education. It helped him further study.

In 1760, Thomas entered the college in Williamsburg to the philosophical department. At this time, he became interested in the knowledge of the British empirical scientists, began to master the game on the violin. After graduation, he received the right to lead lawyers.

Jefferson lost his father back in 1757. He inherited part of the Earth and a couple of dozen slaves. Later on his own land plot He built the famous manor Montichello. At that time she was an innovative project.

Career Politics

In a brief biography of Thomas Jefferson, it is necessary to mention that he first been involved in lawyer activities for some time. However, gradually Jefferson became interested in politics. In 1769, he was elected to the Chamber of Representatives. He began writing articles that colonists in America can independently manage their land without the intervention of the Parliament of the UK.

The confrontation between the colonists and the metropolis led to war for independence.

Declaration of Independence

Jefferson entered the Committee who had to prepare the accompanying declaration. He did not just lead the Committee, but also became the author initial option Declaration. He was asked about it the rest of the members, since Jefferson was known as a good writer.

By making it a declaration of independence, Thomas Jefferson used several documents as samples. For example, Mason's human rights declaration, various projects of the Constitution of Virginia.

Congress approved the text on July 4, 1776, deleting some items from it, especially those who concerned criticism of slavery and slave trade. Jefferson got great fame. The preamble was especially allocated to the declaration, which concerned human rights.

The third President of the USA

After writing the declaration, Jefferson was engaged in bills, was elected governor of Virginia, an ambassador to France, the Secretary of State for George with John Adams.

In 1800, he nominated his candidacy for the presidential post, making in the election campaign emphasis on the abolition of numerous high taxes. Owning competitors, he became the third president. Thomas Jefferson ruled the state in 1801-1809. The activities of the head of the United States are marked by such innovations and achievements:

  • Canceled tax for small whiskey manufacturers.
  • Reduced the number of army, including the fleet, but increased the corpus of engineers.
  • District courts abolished, putting their duties on the district.
  • I banned the slave trade at the federal level.
  • Signed Bill about banning imports to the territory of the United States of the new slaves.
  • Acquired Louisiana from Napoleon Bonaparte.

Jefferson directed its activities to reducing the country's foreign debt.

Death and debts

Thomas Jefferson died, short biography which is presented in the article, in 1826 (July 4), just in the fifty-year anniversary of the signing of the Declaration. Buried him on the territory of Monticello.

The family in which Jefferson was born was considered one of the richest in the United States. But after his death, politician left a lot of debts, so his property was sold from the auction. Manor Monticello was driving his daughter for some time, but soon sold her captain Levi, who deeply respected and read Thomas Jefferson. Levi bequeathed Monticello to the state. Since 1923, a museum has functions in it.

What else interesting Facts In the biography of Thomas Jefferson?

Personal life

The third American president attributes relations with three women. The first was his rosulid sister of Marta Weils, on which he married in 1772. During their marriage, which lasted ten years, six children were born. In 1782, his wife died and Thomas was no longer married.

The second chief of his chosen was considered Sally Hemingc, which was a slave Jefferson. She served in his house, engaged in children. She had eight of his offspring, all celers, and Thomas wrote free to everyone.

The third woman became Maria Sosve. He met her in Paris. It was not known whether a love relationship was between them, but they supported friendly relations until the end of their lives. Maria was an artist and was considered one of small women that era.

State merit

Brief biography of Thomas Jefferson would be incomplete without mentioning the merits of this policy and public figure:

  • Based on his collection of books, a Congress Library was created.
  • He became the founder of the University of Virginia, holding its first program.
  • Engaged in various sciences, among which you can distinguish architecture, archeology, paleontology.
  • There have had several own inventions, for example, a rotating armchair, a marching chair, a copier of letters, a pedometer.
  • He loved collecting wine.
  • He himself designed his estate, Rotunda of Virgin University, Capitol Virginia.
  • Created his version of the New Testament, which was called "Jefferson Bible".

By the end of the eighteenth century, Jefferson created his own encoder. However, he was not confident in the reliability of the invented device, therefore he did not use it. Soon the invention fell into the archive, until he was remembered in the twentieth century. It was recognized as rather resistant to cryptoanalysis. This was the reason that the policy began to call the "father of the American encryption business."

Thomas Jefferson Brief Biography The third president of the United States, the ideologist of the democratic direction, one of the authors of the draft Declaration of Independence of the United States and the founders of the US state is set out in this article.

Thomas Jefferson Biography briefly

Thomas Jefferson was born April 13, 1743 In Virginia in the family of large slave-owner planners.

Received a good education - The future president graduated from College "William and Mary" (Williamsburg (1760-1762), where he studied the right and other sciences. After that, it was engaged in a lawyer. Early fascinated by politics. Already in the period from 1769 to 1774, Jefferson elected representatives of Virginia representatives to the Chamber. In the same year, pamphlet "General Overview of British America's Rights" composed.

In 1775, it was authorized to head a special committee, which developed the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson became its author, and the Declaration was adopted on July 4, 1776, which is the first declaration of human rights.

In the period 1779-1781 held the post of Governor Virginia. Having resigned, Thomas Jefferson wrote work entitled "Notes on Virginia". In 1783, begins to work in the Contentional Congress. Next year, he performs with an unprecedented speech about the prohibition of slavery absolutely in all states.

Thomas Jefferson occupies important positions in the state - the post of the US official representative in France and the secretary in the first office of the Ministers of Washington's President.

With the advent of politically parties, he heads democratic Republicans, presenting the interests of small producers and farmers. Took the post of state secretary.

In 1796, there is a post of vice president of the United States at the Board of John Adams. In 1800, he wins the presidential election, taking the post of two periods: from March 1801 to March 1809.

After the president, the American philosophical society was headed from 1797 to 1815.

Thanks to him, a library of the US Congress and the University of Virginia was established.

Thomas Jefferson and his role in the formation of American statehood

Savchenko Stanislav Petrovich

student 4 Course of the Humanitarian Institute of the North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol.

Pantyukhina Tatyana Viktorovna

scientific leader, Cand. East. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Humanitarian Institute of the North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol.

One of the prominent political figures of the United States, T. Jefferson was an American in the fourth generation. As it was right noted by one of his biographers, the reputation of the "writer, naturalist, scientist, scientist and policy theorist" was entrusted to Jefferson. He left a trace in history not only as a major state and politician, but also as a philosopher humanist, enlightenment, linguist, Botanist, geographer, architect, ethnographer and paleontologist.

Thomas Jefferson was born in the family of a rich Virginian landowner and planter. In childhood, he received a versatile formation. Already from the young age gained broad fame in his native colony. At the age of 26, he was elected a deputy of the Virginian Legislative Assembly, in the walls of which spent about 6 years (1769-1775). Already there he has established himself as an opponent of the Metropolis Policy, which was aimed at unconditional subordination of North American colonies to the UK domination.

Jefferson performed an active participant liberation movement The colonies that resulted in the war for independence 1775-1783.

To understand the whole of his further activity, it is worth contacting his philosophical views. According to Professor Juliana Boyd, Jefferson absorbed all the wealth of liberal traditions of modern Western European and antique literature. He was attracted to the teaching of the ancient philosophers of epicura and democritus about the happiness of people as the goals of philosophy and their atomistic materialism, destroying religious ideas. He also experienced a great influence of French enlighteners and philosophers of the English bourgeois revolution. In his socio-political looks, it is possible to easily find the impact of Rousseau, Montesquieu, Condorce, Voltaire, Bacon and Locke. With some of them, he was familiar personally, portraits of French enlighteners hung in his estate Monticello, in the lobby of which was Bust Voltaire. The philosophy of John Locke with his doctrine of "Natural Law" was especially important on the formation of Jefferson's views on "Life, Freedom and Property", which developed and justified the idea of \u200b\u200bthe right to revolution.

Now finishing the remark, you can return to the descriptions of the events directly related to the war for independence.

In 1774, Jefferson wrote his first pamphlet, however, in the form of an anonymous leaflet called "General view of the rights of British America" \u200b\u200b(A SummaryView of The Rights of British America). In this pamphlet, he gave the rationale for the original rights of English colonists for self-government in North America. He outlined thoughts objectively meaning a call to the separation of colonies from the metropolis. He expressed its main idea as follows: "The British Parliament has no right to exercise his power over us." Here it is impossible not to recall his famous aphorism: "Dissent is higher Form Patriotism. "

Shortly after the start of the war, in June 1775 he was elected a deputy in the second continental congress, which later adopted a historical decision to separate the North American colonies from England. Without possessing the talent of the speaker, Jefferson deserved a reputation as a "silent deputy." Its main influence tool was a feather. American historian B. Mello gave a brief, but very clear and capacious description of the main heroes of war of independence, George Washington is a sword, and Thomas Jefferson is a feather of the American revolution.

The next important document of the American revolution that came out of the pen of Thomasa, is the "Declaration of the reasons and the need to appeal to weapons" (The Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms), the document that the Second Continental Congress published July 6, 1775 to explain Why thirteen colonies picked up a weapon. The main issue in this document was the question of the goal of the struggle against the metropolis. Thomas Jefferson saw her in the unification of Americans and conquering independence in the name of creating free, democratic state. It was completely convinced that no American colony would achieve anything, acting alone, and that only the joint efforts could withstand the dictate of the metropolis.

As a result of his talent in writing the most important documents of the American Revolution, it is not surprising that Tomas Jefferson was instructed to write the main work of all American history - the Declaration of Independence (United States Declaration of Independence) by the second continental Congress. No less important is that in the proclamation of Declaration Jefferson saw something more than independence. "He saw in political independence is not a goal, but a means, and was much more interested in what should follow the formal branch than in the community itself." "Declaration of Independence, - celebrate domestic historians G.N. Sevostyanov and A.I. Utkin, - on the century glorified Jefferson, putting it in one row with the greatest ideologists of the enlightenment. "With this statement it is impossible to disagree.

The declaration was the first in history by the official state document, which proclaimed the principle of popular sovereignty as the basis of the state device. This was its progressive value. "The first declaration of human rights" - as described the Declaration of Karl Marx.

Now you can refer directly to the content of the greatest of the documents in history. The declaration of independence put the point in attempts to impose a colonial oppression. It was the manifesto of the rebel people who proclaimed the right of every person to "Life, Freedom and the desire for happiness." Jefferson has changed the well-known traditional form of a natural human right, belonging to J. Locke, replacing "Property" in it on the "desire for happiness." It is the proclaimed right to the desire for happiness that became the holy of the holy of this document, which carried a largely pronounced democratic and revolutionary character in general. Declaration blamed english king In tyranny, and violation of elementary human rights, and declared that from now on the colonies consider themselves "free and independent states". As such, "they acquire the full right to declare war, enter into the world, to join the unions, to trade and perform any acts and actions, all that is owned by any independent state."

After the completion of the war for independence, he returned to his native Virginia. He began to actively act as a legislator, and from 1779 to become the state governor. During this period of time, he works on the work of his native state - "Notes on Virginia" (Notes ON the State of virginia). It was not written by chance, in 1780, the secretary of France's diplomatic mission in the United States Francois Marbua, sent a questionnaire about nature, geography, economics, political and social orders to governors of the states. He expected that the information received would be given to the French more about a distant country, with which France concluded in 1778 the Union. Most governors left this request without attention, only Delaware, New Hampshire and New Jersey replied in short form. Thus, Jefferson was one of those who were directly addressed to the issues of Marbua. Subsequently, in AvtoBiography, he noted that during a number of years led the notes and collected various documents on the natural and civil history, which were kept on his scattered sheets of paper in full disarray. The request of Marboua became a suitable reason to bring them in order. They contained extensive material on American flora and fauna, geography, economics, anthropology and history. As one of the biographers of Jefferson M. Peterson notes "According to his meaning for American culture, the Jefferson book should be considered one of the most important literary and philosophical achievements of the American thought of the eighteenth century." The notes of Jefferson spoke about the incomplete nature of transformations in the United States, indicated the need for further Democratization of a social system. He endorsed the Federal Constitution developed by the Constitutional Convention in 1787, subject to its addition to articles on human rights. The Constitution is a "good ditch", but it needs in "some strokes" in the form of a bill on the rights guaranteing fundamental freedoms - this was the conclusion of Jefferson.

His legislative initiative led to the adoption of laws: on the cancellation of the birthright, about the ban on the import of new slaves in Virginia, he also proposed a bill to abolish the death penalty for all crimes, except for murder and state treason, but with a transcendence in one voice, the bill was rejected. Separately, it is worth allocating the law on freedom of religion, which he himself gave great importanceAnd who took one of the three main affairs in life. He criticized the domination of the church and dogmatism, advocated the separation of the church from the state, called on to comply with freedom of religion. He himself adhered to the principles of deizma, who recognized the existence of a divine primary in the creation of the world, but who had denied the further intervention of God into life and the affairs of people and nature. Holding to this, he created the Bible in the spirit of the Deesma, excluding miracles from it and rationally meaning the life of Jesus. This work is known as Jefferson Bible, it ends with the burial of Jesus after the crucifixion - its resurrection and ascension to the sky in it are missing.

After the governor's post, he became the US ambassador in France, and was at this post 1785-1789. Then, by returning from Europe, he became the Secretary of State in the First Cabinet of President J. Washington in 1789-1793. During this period of his political career, he took an active part in the construction new capital USA - Washington Cities, he suggested the monumental and strict buildings by type ancient RomeBut that they embody the power of the Empire, and the Republic. At this time, the fascinations of folding of the bipartisan system begin to appear. Two key posts in the government of the first president were occupied by T. Jefferson and A. Hamilton, in the future opponents and founders of the Republican and federal parties. Washington before his departure from the post of President in the "farewell appeal" to the nation declared the "Spirit of Parties" by the worst enemy of American unity. In 1794, Taylor published a pamphlet "Defining parties", which indicated that "the existence of two parties in the Congress is an obvious fact" and that they express "opposite views on all issues of internal and foreign Policy» .

During the presidential election of 1796, John Adams became the winner, and the second place was taken by Jefferson, which automatically made him a vice president.

In 1800 followed the following presidential electionsCalling the same "revolution of 1800". In this election, Jefferson was ahead of Adams and became the 3rd US president. He received the majority in the agricultural states, from the environment that came out himself. For the first time in the history of America, the authority was transferred to the representative of another party. During the period of the presidency, he stopped reading Messages to Congress at a solemn meeting, as it conducted an analogy with the speech of the English king before parliament, and therefore sent a message by mail, this practice was preserved until 1913. One of the main points of the Board is connected with the so-called Louisiana purchase from France. This acquisition has doubled the territory of the United States to the West, with the fertile lands of the Mississippi Valley. This purchase corresponded to his ideal, the desire to create a "republic of small farmers."

T. Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, in the 50-year anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. You can consider it as a sign. In a pre-written epitaph, subsequently knocked out on his tombstones, say: "Thomas Jefferson is buried here - the author of the American Independence Declaration, the Statute on the establishment of religious freedom in Virginia and Founder of the University of Virginia. It can be concluded that it was exactly that three of his acts he assigned the main goal of his life.

In 1962, President John Kennedy, referring to the participants of the reception in the White House in honor of the Nobel Prize laureate group, welcomed them with the words that "this is the most unusual meeting of talents and human knowledge that ever gathered together in the White House, perhaps . With the exception of that case when Thomas Jefferson dined here here.

The main merit of Thomas Jefferson is that he not only served in the benefit and prosperity of his fatherland, where his role is definitely great and significant, but also the world community as a whole, since his activities and his ideas were of great importance. He has a man of the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, there were sometimes such advanced and advanced political and social ideas (prohibiting the death penalty; relief; the ban of slavery and slavery), to which the modern society came only not so long ago.


  1. Pharmacetor G. The history of the American people. Volume 2. American revolution 1763-1783. Per. from English M., 1962. - 384 p.
  2. Marx K. and Engels F. Works. T. 16. M.: Publishing Political Literature, 1960. - 882 p.
  3. Printorsov V.O. Hamilton and Jefferson. M.: "International Relations", 1984. - 336 p.
  4. Sevostyanov G.N., Utkin A.I. Thomas Jefferson. M.: Thought, 1976. - 392 p.
  5. Sogrin B.B. To the ideological origins of the War for the independence of the United States // Questions of history. 1975. No. 9. - with. 52-68.
  6. Hydeking Yu American presidents. 41 Historic portrait from George Washington to Bill Clinton. Rr-D: Phoenix, 1997 - 640 s.
  7. Boyd J.p. The Declaration Of Independence: The Evolution of the Text As Shown in Facsimiles of Various Drafts by Its Author Thomas Jefferson. PrinceTon, 1945.
  8. Cunningham N.E. Jr. In pursuit of reason. The Life of Thomas Jefferson. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1987,
  9. Malone D. Jefferson and His Time. Boston, 1948.
  10. Mayo B. Myths and Men. NEW YORK, 1959
  11. PETERSON M. THOMAS JEFFERSON'S NOTE ON THE STATE OF VIRGINIA / ED. by R. Runte. Vol. 7. Madison (Wisc.), 1978
  12. Schlesinger A.M. Jr. A Thousand Days. John F. Kennedy in the White House. Boston, 1965.
  13. Taylor J.A. Definition of Parties, Or The Paritical Effects of the Paper System Considered. Philadelphia, 1794.
  14. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 1. PrinceTon, 1950 - 744 p.
  15. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Vol. 13. PrinceTon, 1950. - 704 p.
  16. The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. Vol. 4. PrinceTon, 1950 - 698 p.
  17. The Washington Papers / Ed. S. Padover. NEW YORK, 1955.

Author of the Declaration of Independence, Architect, Scientist, Enlightenment. Born on April 13, 1743 in Shadull (PC. Virginia). His father was one of the leaders of the district, and the mother belonged to one of the most famous families of Virginia.

Jefferson's father died when his son was 14 years old, leaving a legacy of several slaves and 2750 acres of land. In 1760 Jefferson entered the college of Wilhelm and Mary, deciding to learn Greek and Latin "and know the foundations of mathematics." In 1762, leaving the college, began to study the right. After setting the works of E.CUKU and thoroughly studying the general legislation, Jefferson was admitted to the lawyer in 1767. As a lawyer was far from P. Henry or J. Marshall, but he stood out of knowledge and hardworking; Success was obliged by the abilities to systematize and analyze than oratory. When the American revolution began, Jefferson was a prominent lawyer, a successful planter, a lovedense party, science, music, loyal spouse and father and loyaded crown.

From 1768 to 1775, Jefferson pressed in the Civilian Chamber Virginia. In 1773, promoted the creation of a correspondent committee to maintain contact with other colonies. In 1774, prepared the text of the resolutions that were published by the First Virginia Convention called General Review of the Rights of British America (A Summary View of the Rights of British America). In this pamphlet, which was released in the four publications, was argued that the British Parliament had no right to publish laws spreading to colonies, and only loyalty to the king ensures the unity of the British Empire. After the election of the Delegate on the 2nd Continental Congress in 1775, Jefferson prepared a draft resolution in which the british proposals of the British Prime Minister of North were rejected. In September, he was appointed Lieutenant of the County and returned to Congress only in May 1776. Compiled a draft Constitution Virginia and hoped to get permission to leave Congress to take part in the work of the Convention in Williamsberg. But the permissions did not receive, and his project was presented to the congress J.Uit and partly adopted.

On June 7, 1776 R. Li, a member of the Virginia delegation, proposed to proclaim independence. The result of the debate followed by this was the decision of the Congress on the formation of the Committee of five to prepare the text of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was charged with writing her text. His colleagues B. Franklin and J. Adams contributed small changes to the text of the declaration, some amendments were made by Congress. The concepts of natural law, inalienable human rights and government rights with the consent of the managed were not new, nor purely American, but the statement of the intention of the state was guided by these principles was unprecedented. Bordering from religious faith in these principles is the key to Jefferson's life.

In September 1776 Jefferson became a member of the Chamber of Delegates Virginia. Four fifths of the 126 proposed bills were adopted in one form or another, and Jefferson belongs to the merit in developing almost half of them. The Virgin Statute on religious freedom, adopted in 1786, was aimed at the full separation of the church from the state; It declared that people's opinions could not be subjects of proceedings in court. This elevated declaration of spiritual freedom was welcomed in Europe as an "example of an unknown led to legislative wisdom and liberalism." The draft law on education was based on the deep conviction of Jefferson that the Republican Board depends on the enlightenment of citizens that education is a duty of the state that the possibility of obtaining education sufficient to understand their understanding civil rights And duties should be provided to everyone, but from the total mass should be allocated "natural aristocracy" of virtues and talent and provide it with all the possibilities of learning for the state account.

The striking reform efforts and the skill of the legislator approved Jefferson as the undeniable leader of the House of Delegates, and in 1779 he was elected successor to P. Genry as the governor. After re-election in 1780, he resigned during the crisis caused by the English invasion of Virginia in 1781, when the lawmakers escaped behind the mountains, leaving Jefferson as the sole symbol of power. They also initiated the investigation into the activities of his administration, and although he was justified, Jefferson strongly wounded this undeserved insult. The death of his wife Martha in 1782 was an irrepustible loss, and he refused the thought ever again to take the official post.

Being retired, Jefferson was Notes about Virginia (Notes on the State of Virginia). In 1783, he returned to an active policy, became the leader of the Congress and again engaged in intensive legislative activities. Ordonance about the North-West 1784, regulating the board of the territory north of Ohio (which, if the initial project of Jefferson, eliminated slavery in this territory), embodied the principles of further development of the American state. His report on chasing coins (prepared jointly with Morris) contained a proposal to introduce a system of single measures and scales on a decimal basis, as well as to establish a dollar as a decimal monetary unit.

In 1784, Jefferson departed to France to participate in negotiations on trade agreements and in 1785 replaced Franklin as a messenger. With the help of Lafayette, he managed to achieve significant concessions for American trading. He tried to negotiate the supply of salt and rice to France and expand the consumption of French goods in America. In 1788 convinced Adams to enter into negotiations with Holland about a loan to ensure the American loan until the new government creates a normal loan support system. He spoke against American speculators who were trying to smooth out the US debt of France. The eyewitnesses of the French Revolution, he advised Lafayette and moderate members of the National Assembly and convinced the need to adopt a compromise Charter for France. Jefferson returned to his homeland in 1789.

To a large extent, under the influence of the leader of the Congress, J. Madison, Jefferson proposed a post of public secretary in the Washington administration, and he did not agree without hesitation. Thus began his four-year "struggle of the management principles" with Finance Minister A. Gamilton, a supporter of strong centralized board.

Jefferson began with a short-term coalition with Hamilton, as a result of which the state assumed the debts of the states, and the capital decided to build the Potabu River. Using the support of Madison, Jefferson insisted on such a trading policy, which would be a decisive response to the UK discriminatory policy. He offered the chasing of the national coin and achieved the creation of a mint. Starting with 1790, Jefferson considered neutrality as a political course, fully corresponding to the interests of the United States.

Jefferson resigned at the end of 1793, the full determination no longer agree on any official posts. He began to rebuild his estate Montisello, engaged in the production of nails, built a mill, experimented with crop rotation, refused to cultivate tobacco in favor of wheat and between the case engaged in scientific research. In 1796 Madison and others political leaders Forced him to appear before the voters as a candidate for the presidential post from the Democrats-Republicans. Jefferson received 68 electoral votes against 71 votes given to J. Adams, and became, in accordance with the electoral system that existed then, the vice-president in Adams administration. In the winter months, he enjoyed the "philosophical evenings" as president of the American philosophical society, and summer spent in Montisello, reading reports of discovered in South America the remains of the giant sloth, about the plow with the dump and wrote his Parliamentary practice directory (MANUAL OF PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE). This work is based on research early years and the experience of long legislative practice, withstand big number Editions, translated into many languages \u200b\u200band is still a procedural basis for the United States Senate.

The relative serenity of its existence was, however, was violated by the publication of a distorted version of his letter to F. Madzey, which contained a sharp criticism of folestists and the President of Washington. The federalists immediately called him with a slander, ash sleeve and even more abusive epitats; The incident led to the loss of confidence in Washington and to Ostracism in certain circles.

Many of the leading publicists of the democratic-republican orientation were European refugees. In order to silence them, as well as the oppositionists of American origin, the federalists accepted in 1798 the laws on foreigners and incitement to metens, which were to eliminate opposition with the help of fines, imprisonment and deportation. Jefferson, who considered these laws by anti-constitutional, in 1798 developed the text of the so-called. Kentukky resolutions developed by the constitutional doctrines of the rights of states and subsequently regarded as the original source of nullification and compassion.

He again ran into the presidents in 1800, using Kentucian resolutions as a political platform. Thanks to the skillful propaganda, as well as the split of the federalists caused by Hamilton's intrigues against Adams, Jefferson and BERR defeated Adamsu and Pinkni 73 votes of electors against 65. The election 1800 was considered a triumph of the party organization, which was promoted by the split of federalists and skillful guiding Berrome election struggle.

Since Jefferson and Berr received an equal number of votes, the question of the final election is transferred to the House of Representatives, when BERR refused to agree with the obvious decision of his party to offer him the vice presidential post, and Jefferson is a presidential post. Hamilton used all his influence against Barra, who was afraid more than his old enemy, and Jefferson was properly elected and became president on March 4, 1801.

Jefferson was the first president, whose inauguration took place in Washington with the support of the State Secretary of Madison and the Minister of Finance E.Hallatina He took the course of the policy of savings and simplicity, hoping to avoid war and develop agriculture and trade.

The federal opposition found shelter in the judiciary headed by the Chairman of the Supreme Court J. Marshall, a Jefferson relative and an irreconcilable enemy. Jefferson did not believe in impeachment as a way of curbing party ambitions of the judiciary. He ignored as unworthy of attention "midnight appointments", most likely the illegally undertaken by the preceding administration in the last days of her stay in power, and only at the insistence of their supporters provided the Republicans a number of posts that were previously occupied by federalists. Jefferson was not a supporter of the Different Different System and, although he was indignant to the Pretary policy of the federal judges, did not take open actions against the judiciary and did not approve of the constitutional amendments offered in a number of states, according to which the President has the right to dismiss judges at the request of the Congress. Once in a dilemma - respect for an independent judiciary or condemnation of the behavior of judges, the president reacted with an excerpt characteristic. He was an amnestied victims of the law on incitement to metension and canceled the law 1801 of the judiciality.

For two decades, Jefferson considered the navigation on Mississippi the natural right of Americans, and any foreign powers hosted in New Orleans - a natural enemy. The president never took a long time from this strategic point. He considered the merit of Monroe and Livingston, the acquisition of Louisiana's territory from Napoleon in 1803, but it is doubtful that any of the statesmen contribute to a greater contribution than he himself, so long and so hard to achieve a diplomatic solution to the problem. Jefferson was tormented by the question of the compatibility of the contract with the Constitution, in which there were no obvious provisions on the acquisition and establishment of control over foreign territories, and he even proposed a constitutional amendment to make legitimate force to this act. Madison and others convinced him not to risk it, as it would delay the transmission of the territory.

The federalists have settled the acquisition of huge desert and wild territories that will never be populated, but along with the general atmosphere of freedom, the establishment of the administration of Jefferson, the acquisition of Louisiana was the greatest achievement. The president further preferred to refrain from commenting on this issue, due to the doubt about the legality of the acquisition, and showed much more frank pride in connection with the legendary expedition to the Pacific coast taken by Lewis and Clark on his initiative. The acquisition of Louisiana and the following claims on Western Florida were the reason for the split among the supporters of the president in Congress during the years of its second administration.

The role of Jefferson in a lawsuit over accused of treason A. Barrome (1807) - the highest point, but not the completion of the long-term confrontation of Jefferson with Marshall - was distorted by testimonies that were dictated by party preferences. The prolonged history of personal, political and philosophical discrepancies led to this conflict of opposing branches of the authorities headed by inflexible leaders. In his recommendation, members of the jury Marshall gave a clear definition of treason, and Berr was justified.

As the head of the neutral state, which produced between two warring great powers - France and England, Jefferson adhered to the policies of the world, in the essence of the doomed to failure. Illegal props, invasion of territorial waters and other violations performed by England, were repeated and Napoleonic France. Once between two lights, the president was forced to maneuver. He resorted to diplomatic art, then to the threat of an economic boycott, as colonists before the revolution, and was finally forced to be in complete despair, to decide on the Act 1807 on the embargo, prohibiting trade with warring states (actually canceled in 1809 after the adoption of the Law on non-interference).

After the burning of Washington in the war 1812, Jefferson sold his extensive library to the government in order to create the core of the Congress library. He took a large number of visitors, corresponded with famous and completely unknown people and occasionally advised his successors-presidents. But I avoided public discussions, I received pleasure, rereading the Roman historians of Libya and Tacita, and completely devoted himself to the idea of \u200b\u200bpublic education.

In 1814, Jefferson wrote a wonderful letter to P. Karru, in which he proposed to create state system learning. Thanks to its efforts in 1819, University of Virginia was officially founded in Charlotseville. Jefferson became his first rector, developed a unique architectural project of the academic town, carried out a significant part of educational process, I was looking for competent teachers abroad.