People born with border signs. The border signs of the zodiac are Leo Virgo. Libra's fair judgment gives intuition to the cold and precise abilities of a Scorpio. The result is an amazing combination if you take care of it in its development.

A lot of people were born at the junction of the signs of the Zodiac and all their lives are tormented by the question of who they really are. Astrologers call these "border guards".

Every year the Sun goes through the zodiacal circle of 360 degrees, but in a year, as we know, there are 365 days. Therefore, the date of the transition of the Sun from one sign to another year does not fall on the year. This means that the same day in different years can be influenced by different signs of the zodiac. How at the moment of birth the stars were located that determine your path in life, only an astrologer can say for sure. But not every person can afford such a luxury as an individual horoscope, which makes it possible to understand which sign you belong to. How to be? Calm down and get used to the idea that you were born, as astrologers say, on the Cusp - on the border of two signs. Therefore, you have the features of both.

Who belongs to the glorious cohort of "border guards"? Everyone who celebrates their birthdays on the first, second, third day from the beginning or end of the zodiac sign. However, some astrologers insist that people born a week before the new sign or a week after its onset can be safely attributed to the "border guards". If a person was born, say, on February 19, he is definitely a "border guard": not quite Aquarius, but not Pisces yet. It combines the features of both signs of the zodiac. But the "border guards", according to the above classification, include those who were born approximately from 13 to 26 February. The "purebred" sign is only for those who were born in fifteen degrees of their sign, and this is about the 4th-6th day of the month.

"Border guards" are unique personalities in their own way, because the most interesting natures are obtained from the mixing of signs. Any experienced astrologer will confirm: it is a pleasure to work with such people, because they are rare, “piece goods”. Let's tell you more about them.

Aries Taurus

People born at the junction of signs have the perseverance and will characteristic of Aries, and the practicality and endurance of Taurus. Such individuals love to dominate and control everything and everyone. They do not tolerate restrictions on their freedom, therefore liberal professions are most suitable for them. But at the same time they love beautiful things and understand their value, due to which they are able to make a profit.

Taurus Gemini

This Cusp is the focus of energy. Those born on the border of the signs in the character combine sociability, emotionality inherent in Gemini, and calculation and practicality that distinguish Taurus. Astrologers call the representatives of this cusp as eternal adolescents. They are energetic, active and adventurous, but at the same time, they are too sensitive and vulnerable. They need to learn to control themselves and treat other people more easily.

Gemini Cancer

Those born during this period can be called spiritualized people. They often fall into an enthusiastic state, they can draw inspiration from the most ordinary situations. They feel happy only when there is a place for romance and love in life. They love travel, new impressions, acquaintances, but at the same time they are attached to home, family, homeland. This duality sometimes greatly prevents them from deciding on a profession, a place of residence.


Those born on the border of the signs "fall" into the period when two important transits occur - Saturn and Uranus. These planets make you constantly search for yourself, move from place to place in search of a better life, and comprehend the accumulated experience. Alas, Cancer-Leo is susceptible to complexes that instill in him the secretive and sensitive Cancer and the more open and violent Leo. Cancer-Leos can be obedient and docile, but after a minute - stubborn, capricious and selfish.


Those born on this Cusp are not easy natures. They get along with the desire to lead and at the same time be in the shadows, not stick out. It is not surprising that sometimes they are torn apart by contradictions: Leo's violent, aggressive and energetic nature argues with the rational, meticulous and petty nature of Virgo. Masters of external effects, they know how to show off. Sometimes, in order to achieve unconditional success, they lack persistence in achieving a goal, the ability to look at life soberly and adequately assess the situation.


The cusp symbolizes man's search for beauty. Such people are attracted to extraordinary personalities, art, luxury goods. They strive to decorate their life, sparing no effort or money for this. They combine the incongruous: the earthiness of Virgo and sophistication, the artistry of Libra. Virgo-Libra does not penetrate too deeply into the psychology of others, and therefore they sometimes run the risk of gaining a reputation as superficial, shallow personalities. First of all, they are interested in the external side of any object or phenomenon.


Are critical of life and others. Sometimes they greatly lack a sense of humor, many phenomena and actions of others are taken too seriously. Everything is analyzed and questioned. In moments when it is necessary to act decisively, they collect their thoughts for a long time. And at the same time, oddly enough, they are prone to adventures, risks, experiments.


The combination of the energies of an emotionally deep, serious and secretive Scorpio and a straightforward, freedom-loving Sagittarius who lives by intuition makes you constantly cognize yourself, look for new ways. Real rebels, rebel against any power structures. In their youth, they are prone to violence and recklessness. They do not recognize the authorities, they go ahead, chop off the shoulder, prefer to chop the truth-womb. They like to work in splendid isolation and not depend on others.


The intuitive nature of Sagittarius is combined with the down-to-earth nature of Capricorn. They demonstrate not only the ability to discern the future, but also the ability to mold it according to their own model. Great initiators of new projects, famous for their ability to bring their plans to life. But they do not know how to tolerate the mistakes of others, those who underestimate their capabilities or violate their plans. Loners in life, at least in work. Self-sufficient individuals.


Those born at the junction of these signs are constantly in conflict with themselves. On the one hand, they are pragmatists, on the other, they are the overthrowers of the old, reformers. They live according to their mood: either they like to hide in their own cocoon and not communicate with anyone, or they cannot live without a team. They love to make plans for the future, dream of a calm, well-fed old age and at the same time they are afraid of it and are young in every possible way. In other words, the stability and predictability of Capricorn at any moment can be destroyed by the chaos of Aquarius.


An active, restless Aquarius can hardly get along with Pisces, closed and hovering in the clouds. They try to isolate themselves from the outside world, they are afraid of everything new, they are closed on themselves and their experiences. Overly susceptible, suspicious, sometimes even hysterical. They love order, cleanliness and discipline. Picky about others. They are fond of mysticism, impose their views on others.


Those born at the junction of signs combine directly opposite qualities. On the one hand, they are extremely straightforward, their openness can cause both delight and irritation. Thanks to their perseverance, they always achieve their goal. At the same time, they are prone to empty projection, laziness, sybarism. They live by impulses: they work tirelessly, then they do nothing. They do not tolerate when they climb into the soul. Criticism is taken painfully.

Alla NEVSKAYA, astrologer

Incredible facts

Most of us know our zodiac sign. However, if you were born on one of several days when the Sun moved from one zodiac sign to another, then it is considered that you were born on the border of these signs.

Cusp- means the border separating two astrological signs.

A person born during the transition from one sign to another was born on a cusp, and often combines features of both zodiac signs... This is because the dates of the boundaries change gradually, depending on the moment when the Sun moves to a specific constellation each year.

From the point of view of astrology, such a situation hasspecial meaning to you .

Capricorn - Aquarius (January 16 - 22) - Mystery and Imagination cusp

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What happens if you combine the energies of the skillful Capricorn and the eccentric Aquarius? You'll get completely unique personality... If you were born between January 16 and 22, then you were born on the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and you will never be bored with you.

Whether you are outwardly expressive or shy, most of the experience will still take place within you. You have very vivid dreams and rich imaginations that need to be expressed creatively if you want to be happy.

You tend to lead unusual life, and it can be difficult for you to balance the two different sides of your personality - you are reserved, but sociable, crave security, but independent, and conservative, although you have an eccentricity.

Those who were born at the junction of Capricorn-Aquarius love to talk and entertain, they love to have conversations on any topic that stimulates the intellect. That is why no matter how hard they work, and no matter how they devote themselves to achieving some goal, it will never be boring.

While hard work and high standards lead them to success in many endeavors, it can be difficult for them to build personal relationships. It's connected with the need for independence, a tendency to alienation, criticality, and sometimes even selfishness.

But if you can use your friendliness, loyalty and humor, you will quickly make friends.

Aquarius - Pisces (February 15 - 21) - Sensitivity cusp

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What happens if you combine the energy of an extraordinary Aquarius and a dreamy Pisces? If you were born between February 15 and 21, then you are an incarnation responsiveness and imagination.

They are spiritual, artistic, peaceful, friendly and incredibly original people.

People born on the border of these signs are most often called eccentric and extraordinary, they are attracted by ghostly ideas and new experiences. They are highly intelligent, but not so good at solving practical matters.

They may be outgoing or shy, or both. This is due to the fact that the time spent with other people helps them to get rid of stress, but at the same time they are so sensitive that they often prefer to hide in loneliness and their imagination.

In addition, the location on the border of Aquarius and Pisces is one of the most intuitive, which often endows their owners with a telepathic view of the world. Plunging into spiritual and philosophical questions, these people do not cope well with everyday worries.

They may often lose things, forget to date, be late, or not show up for a meeting. But do not be angry with them, as they are often wondering how to make the world a better place.

Pisces - Aries (March 17 - 23) - Renaissance cusp

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If your date of birth combines the energies of a dreamy and creative Pisces and an energetic Aries, then most likely you know what you want and want it right now.

If you were born on the border of the signs of Aries and Taurus between April 16 and 22, then you - a real force to be reckoned with.

They are domineering and courageous, natural leaders who are able to take responsibility at work and at home. The energy of both of these signs is a good combination for success - the impulsive Aries gives energy and pushes you to achieve goals, while the down-to-earth Taurus takes care of the details.

You need to be careful to don't be too assertive, regardless of the opinion and desire of others. People born on the border of Aries and Taurus cannot watch others do what they can do much better, as they are overly self-confident.

It's not so bad, but it is important to find balance, slightly soften aggressive instincts, and learn to respect the feelings of others.

Then the funny, responsive, strong and stable side of your nature will begin to shine.

Taurus - Gemini (May 17-May 23) - Energy cusp

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On the border of Taurus and Gemini, Earth meets Air, and these people can develop quite vigorous activity. If you were born on the border between the signs of Taurus and Gemini from May 17 to 23, you are one of the the most energetic and enterprising people in the zodiac.

You have physical strength combined with a lively mind, thanks to which you are stable and purposeful, but also smart and sociable.

Such qualities give the ability adapt to different situations and people, and the desire to take on everything and do a lot.

In fact, working for wear and tear can be a real problem for the "Taurus-Gemini", because they are so addicted to the process that they do not want to stop.

Another problem to look out for is overeating and alcohol abuse, as both of these signs love pleasure. It is also worth being more receptive to the feelings of others.

Learning to listen more rather than charging and chatting all the time will make you more successful and have more friends.

Gemini - Cancer (June 17 - 23) - Magic cusp

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If you were born on the border of the signs Gemini and Cancer from June 17 to 23, then you have magical personality... The energies of Gemini and Cancer combine in you to create an inspiring nature - a relaxed and interesting, but at the same time caring and devoted person.

Emotions for such people can go off scale. but with the support of friends and family, they can lead an active and happy life.

The playful energy of Gemini is combined with the calm and thoughtful nature of Cancer, and as a result creates people who are light and bright.

Gemini's restlessness balances Cancer's sensitivity, giving a well-rounded personality. They love adventure, even if it's just a walk in the woods or a trip to the local museum. They love to go out and get new experiences.

Sensitive and sincere people born on the border of Gemini and Cancer give and need a lot of love... They strive for her and without a loved one and care they easily fall into depression.

Cancer - Leo (July 19 - 25) - Vibration cusp

© Dean Drobot

Those born on the border of Cancer and Leo are loving, expressive, cheerful and passionate people... But they will also have to face some problems.

When the sensitive nature of Cancer and the expressiveness of Leo are combined, your life can be filled with extremes.

These people can be very receptive and shy, and then demonstrate complete drama.

This is due to the fact that they are a contradictory combination of the elements of water (Cancer) and fire (Leo), which requires a lot of patience and order. If you can balance this energy, your life will be filled with a lot of love, and there will be room for lasting relationships.

If you find it difficult to find a balance between these two signs, try yoga or volunteer work. This will help you keep in touch with other people and prevent you from getting too deeply inside yourself.

Leo - Virgo (August 19 - 25) - Impact cusp

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People born on the border of the signs of Leo and Virgo, hardworking, passionate, dedicated to success and honest... Since Leo is a fire sign and Virgo is an earth sign, you combine some of the opposite personality traits. Leo's penchant for drama and Virgo's earthiness don't always go well.

Since you were born at the junction of such different signs, it is difficult to predict in which direction you will be more inclined. Some representatives of this sign are more in need of attention, while others are more like Virgos and prefer a quiet, less hectic social life.

Regardless, you can most likely be called a hardworking person, passionate about their work... If you can find a balance between extroversion and introversion, you will gain a rare ability to speak out when necessary, but you will be able to remain silent at the right time.

The most difficult thing for people born during this period is intimacy, since they value personal space and need people who will know them well and love for who they are.

Virgo - Libra (September 19 - 25) - Beauty cusp

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If you were born at the junction of the signs of Virgo and Libra from September 19 to 25, then you can be called a beautiful person both inside and outside. The energies of these zodiac signs combine well and create very balanced people with both high intelligence and artistry.

You are ruled by the planet of communication Mercury and the planet of love Venus, which gives you the rational qualities of Virgo and the creative and social traits of Libra, in other words, all the best.

People with a Beauty cusp are always up to date with the latest trends, they love beautiful things including art, people and nature... They strive to maintain an attractive appearance and maintain the beauty of the home, but they should be careful not to become too superficial.

In fact, superficiality is alien to them, since they have a sharp analytical mind and hard work.

If you were born during this period, you need a life order so that everything in life goes smoothly and looks presentable. You should be careful and do not get carried away by appearance and unnecessary waste of money on material things.

Libra - Scorpio (October 19 - 25) - Drama and Criticism cusp

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If you were born at the junction of the signs of Libra and Scorpio from October 19 to 25, then you are ruled by the two passion planets Venus and Pluto, which is a very sexual combination. Moreover, it is sometimes difficult for others to cope with such intelligence, assertiveness, catchiness and sexuality.

These people possess the prudence of Libra and the thoroughness of the Scorpio, and this is a force to be reckoned with. They have such a strong and successful personality that they need to be careful not to become too arrogant, and not only insist on their own.

They are great leaders who have the ability to make their dreams come true.

Libra is ruled by intelligence, while Scorpios are ruled by strong and deep emotions. This can lead to a conflict of mind and heart, but they tend to be strong personalities, especially if they can find a balance between the intellectual and emotional side of their personality.

You feel the need to get to the bottom of every situation, and you will be much happier if you can calm your inner critic and just relax.

Scorpio - Sagittarius (November 18 - 24) - Revolution cusp

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If you were born at the junction of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius from November 18 to 24, you are complete strength and rebellious energy.

You are energetic, adventurous, domineering, generous, passionate and have a sense of humor. You are ruled by Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, which is a dynamic combination of Scorpio's tension and Sagittarius activity. This is fearless personalities able to get out of control.

If they can direct all this energy to something productive, then they will succeed in all endeavors, since they are not afraid to get ahead of ourselves, say what they think, and grow professionally.

The water and fire element creates complex personality which is often misunderstood. If you can balance the aggressive qualities and learn to adapt more, you will become a stronger, more generous and friendly person.

You may have conflicts with the authorities because of your rebellious nature and inherent candor, so you are better off working on your own. Try to be less selfish and consider the feelings of others, and more often forgive the mistakes of others.

Sagittarius- Capricorn(December 18 - 24) - cuspProphecies

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If you were born at the junction of the signs Sagittarius - Capricorn from December 18 to 24, then you are real a visionary who leads to certain success.

Optimistic Sagittarius and practical Capricorn create an amazing combination, endowing their owners with a carefree attitude and a realistic view of the world in order to dream of big plans and turn them into reality.

You sociable and friendly, but at the same time reliable and responsible... You are always ready to try in any endeavors and can excel in a profession related to languages ​​and travel.

The most difficult thing for you will be to balance the desire for fast movement of Sagittarius with the slowness and measured pace of Capricorn. But no matter which direction you choose, you have a sufficient balance of cosmic energy to become the best at whatever you choose.

These people love to start ambitious projects that can change the world and can see them through to the end. But because they put in great effort, they expect others to do the same.

You need to try not to distance yourself from others and devote more time to friends and the formation of long-term relationships.

If your birthday falls on the border zone between two signs, then your character is also special.

Pisces - Aries (March 20-27)

Energetic Aries leads you forward, to adventure and discovery, and Pisces pulls the reins a little so that you do not get involved in adventures and risk in vain. Nothing is impossible for you - you have bright abilities and use them wisely. Sometimes, however, you lack self-confidence, but this is compensated by a strong will and the ability to draw the right conclusions.

Aries - Taurus (April 19-26)

You know how to set serious goals and always bring what you started to the end. Aries gives you ambition and ease of decision making, and Taurus gives you incredible tenacity, and this combination becomes the best way to achieve success. Your character is especially strong, and people will readily recognize in you someone who has the right to command others.

Taurus - Gemini (May 19-26)

How much the Gemini wants to take up two things at the same time, without looking back to meet new things, to cast aside any doubts! And with what patience Taurus restrains these not always reasonable impulses, directing the seething energy of the "partner" in the right direction. Thanks to this balance, you do not lose faith in yourself and always implement your plans.

Gemini - Cancer (June 20-27)

Cancer's conservatism, gentleness, indecision, which in the usual case often become sources of problems, are not at all dangerous on the border with Gemini. And even on the contrary, compensating for the eternal twin scattering, these qualities help the development of a calm, whole character. You are light on change, look ahead with confidence, and rarely regret the past.

Cancer - Leo (July 22-29)

The Royal Lion, as always, takes the reins into their own hands. He gives you splendor, seductiveness, nobility and turbulent energy. However, the humble Cancer does not lag behind - it is he who teaches you to control your strength, observe safety measures, and be tolerant. You walk with your head held high and at the same time know how to find a common language with those around you.

Leo - Virgo (August 21-28)

A great combination - Leo gushes with ideas, and Virgo finds ways to translate them into reality. What others have to go to for years is given to you practically for nothing. And all thanks to honesty, decisiveness, a mobile mind and the ability to negotiate with people. You are practical but not callous, generous but not wasteful, proud but not arrogant at all.

Virgo - Libra (September 21-29)

This is where the real balance is established! Reasonable Virgo shares with Libra her sagacity and ability to stop in time. Those, in turn, adorn the somewhat insipid temperament of the Virgo with love ardor and slight eccentricity. You are capable of a lot and you know it. The main thing is to act, and you will definitely succeed.

Libra - Scorpio (October 21-29)

The passions boiling in Scorpio's soul are slightly cooled by the gentle romanticism of Libra. The result is an amazing mix that makes you extremely attractive to the opposite sex. However, you know your worth and do not get involved with dubious individuals. Adventures attract you, but the instinct of self-preservation does not allow you to really flirt.

Scorpio - Sagittarius (November 20-28)

You are ready for any surprises, whether pleasant or not. Sagittarius is always happy to change, and Scorpio is strong enough to face a variety of difficulties. Scorpio is resourceful and perceptive, Sagittarius is optimistic and kind, and this combination of qualities helps you find common ground with a wide variety of people.

Sagittarius - Capricorn (December 20-28)

Combining his erudition with the liveliness of Sagittarius, Capricorn gives you versatile abilities, a bright mind and an irrepressible craving for knowledge. This combination of zodiac signs gives the world great experts in their field, savvy, responsible, serious, able to work tirelessly, but still not suffering from workaholism.

Capricorn - Aquarius (January 19-26)

You, like a real Capricorn, are practical, ambitious and confident. At the same time, Aquarius gives you keen intuition, tolerance and the ability to get along with people. You are distinguished by your readiness to solve any problems - from purely professional to deeply personal. You are thoughtful, honest with yourself, and honorable enough to enjoy the success of others.

Aquarius - Pisces (February 18-26)

Filled with soft sunlight, you bring warmth and a sense of peace to those around you. The tenderness of Pisces, combined with the responsiveness of Aquarius, attracts people to you, and you will not leave any of them without support and a kind word. You know how to keep other people's secrets, always fulfill the promise and take responsibility for others without fear.

Compatibility horoscope: the border signs of the zodiac Leo Virgo is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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If you were born in any year between August 20 and 24, you can determine whether you are a border guard between Leo and Virgo.

If you are born later, then you are a clear representative of the sign of Virgo (if earlier, then Leo).

Born on August 22, 23 and 24 should study the following table, having previously found out the time of their birth. (If you were not born in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then you need to translate your local time of birth into Moscow and compare with the table below).

The transition of the Sun from the sign of Leo to the sign of Virgo from 1941 to 2010 (Moscow time, the correction for summer time is taken into account).

The table gives the exact hour of the transition from the zodiac sign Leo to Virgo by year. For example, on August 23 at 8 a.m. in 1956 and 1989, the Sun passed into the sign of Virgo, and those born after 8 a.m. Moscow time in 1956 and 1989 are already considered purebred Virgos and are not border guard signs. But if you were born before 8 am in the above years, then you are a border guard sign.

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If plants lose their juices, then a person - strength. The vital energy decreases, the ability to fertilize decreases, the blood pulsates slowly, slags accumulate, which the blood previously easily dispersed due to the rapid blood flow.

In a given period of time, you need to take care of yourself and exercise control over your body. Energy will be spent not so much for the formation of the body as for its maintenance. That is why, for all signs of the zodiac, Virgo personifies, first of all, the prevention of their own health from a practical point of view.

I wish all Virgins a happy birthday. In general, Virgo is the most typical sign of the Zodiac, unlike, say, Aquarius, which has many types and subtypes; and Virgo can be "recognized with the naked eye."

Border signs of the zodiac

Border signs of the zodiac - These signs include people who were born at the junction between the signs of the zodiac. They have in their character the traits of both signs at the junction of which they were born.

Border signs of the zodiac include people born in the last three days before the end or beginning of the sign. For example, if you were born on November 21st. According to the horoscope, you seem to be a Scorpio, but since this is the last day in the sign of Scorpio, something of the character of Sagittarius is present in you.

Border signs of the zodiac are interesting personalities, different traits are mixed in their characters, even not suitable for each other. Such people are usually interesting for an astrologer from a professional point of view, as well as for psychologists, because they are distinguished by their extraordinary thinking and behavior. So what are the features inherent in these or those border signs of the zodiac. Let's dwell on each in more detail.

Such borderline signs of the zodiac have the endurance and practicality of Taurus and the will, perseverance of Aries. They control everything and everyone, but at the same time they will not tolerate restrictions on their freedom. Liberal professions suit them best. They love beautiful things and are well versed in them, having such knowledge, they can profit from this.

These border signs of the zodiac are characterized by the emotionality and sociability of Gemini and the practicality, calculation of Taurus. Nevertheless, astrologers speak of them as eternal adolescents. They are active and energetic, but at the same time they are often vulnerable and sensitive. They need to try to control their actions and words, and treats the people around them with ease.

These are spiritualized people. They are often in an ecstatic state. They are surprised and happy about the most common things. They need romance, love, only thanks to it they feel happy.

They love new acquaintances, impressions, travel. But at the same time they are tied to home, relatives. Such conflicting needs prevent these border signs of the zodiac from choosing the optimal place of residence and profession for them.

These borderline signs of the zodiac are constantly in search of their true "I" not only psychologically, but also moving from place to place, learning about life, in order to use the accumulated experience later.

Such people have many complexes that he inherited from the sensitive and secretive Cancer and the violent, open Leo. Their mood often changes. A minute ago, they were docile and obedient, and now they are capricious, selfish, stubborn.

The contradiction that is characteristic of such border signs of the zodiac is, on the one hand, the desire to lead, and on the other, to remain in the shadows. At the same time, in their souls, not everything is calm either, the energy and aggressiveness of Leo competes with the pettiness, rationality of Virgo. What is characteristic of both of them is the desire to show off, but in order to achieve the ultimate goal they often lack zeal, perseverance, a real attitude to life without rose-colored glasses.

These signs are busy looking for beauty. They are drawn to unusual personalities who stand out from the general environment, as well as to luxury and art. In such people, the artistry of Libra and the practicality of Virgo are combined. They furnish their home with good taste. Rather, the external beauty of something is important to them, including people. They do not delve too much into the problems of loved ones, therefore they often seem callous and superficial people.

Such borderline signs of the zodiac are too critical not only of others, but also of life in general. They take everything seriously, they lack a sense of humor. They don't trust anyone, they check everything. They lack decisiveness, they think too long. But at the same time, they are endowed with such qualities as adventurism, are inclined to take risks.

Here, the down-to-earth personality of Capricorn is combined with the intuition of Sagittarius. They develop their own model of the future and live by their own rules. These borderline zodiac signs can bring any project to life and make it successful. Nevertheless, they are annoyed by people who do not notice their merits and break plans. They do not tolerate the mistakes of others. They work productively alone, are self-sufficient.

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Contradictory people who find it difficult to get along with themselves in the first place. Aquarius is a reformer, always striving for something new, for transformations. And Capricorns are pragmatists, they love stability. Because of such a different set of qualities, such people often change their mood, they sit at home and do not want to communicate with anyone, then suddenly they are looking for a company for fun or travel. These are dreamers who make plans for the future, but at the same time want to stop it so as not to grow old. In other words, the predictability and stability of Capricorn can suddenly be replaced by the randomness of Aquarius.

These borderline zodiac signs have a hard time getting along with each other. Pisces are too withdrawn and are in the clouds, and Aquarius is restless and active. They are wary of everything new, suspicious, overly susceptible, sometimes even hysterical. They like to restore cleanliness and order, require discipline, find fault with others. They love to impose their views on others, are interested in mysticism.

Border signs of the zodiac Pisces - Aries, on the one hand, are prone to sybarism, laziness, and on the other hand, they are straightforward, achieve their goals and are open. Their rhythm can change instantly, then they are full of energy and desire to create, to work, then complete detachment falls, the desire to do nothing. They are sensitive to criticism and do not like it when they crawl into the soul.

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horoscope for January 2018

What sign of the zodiac belongs to a person who was born on the verge of two completely different worlds for himself? Such people stand at two doors, deciding their future fate. One of the signs is the habits of a past life, the other is completely new.

The first five degrees of each zodiac sign and the last five are a transitional zone, in this interval the qualities of the two zodiac signs are mixed, and none of them is predominant. If you were born on the border of two signs of the zodiac, the description of only one of them will never be accurate for you, since you are endowed with conflicting character traits.

Aries - Taurus

April 16 - 26 If we are talking about Aries and Taurus, then the first one, who loves to fight with difficult conditions, will have to give up his habits in favor of Taurus - a passionate connoisseur of a comfortable life. The great strength of those born on the border of Aries and Taurus lies in their energy, initiative and courage. Their ability to get down to business and work to the bitter end is unmatched in the Zodiac.

The fiery character of Aries plus the stability and tenacity of Taurus is great strength. They are able to succeed where others would have given up long ago. Combining the elements of Fire and Earth, they are among the most energetic and passionate in the zodiac. They have good compatibility with those born on the Taurus-Gemini and Scorpio-Sagittarius border.

Taurus - Gemini

May 16 - 26 They are charming and soulful, often have many friends and acquaintances. These people know how to focus and use their intelligence. As a rule, they are successful in life. Strengths lie in stability, perseverance and sociability. They can analyze complex facts and clearly communicate their thoughts to others.

With friends and family, they are tolerant, affectionate and dependable, but can be nervous at times. Diverse interests make them versatile personalities, attract others to them. They are most compatible with those born in the transition zone from Aries to Taurus and from Sagittarius to Capricorn.

Gemini - Cancer

June 17 - 27 A great combination - this is where Gemini's intelligence and Cancer's intuition meet. They are some of the most caring and affectionate in the Zodiac, which makes them wonderful spouses and reliable friends. Physical activity and creativity allow them to channel their seething emotions into a practical direction.

These people always have a desire to try something new. They are interesting conversationalists who really love people. Well compatible with those born in the transition zone from Aquarius to Pisces and from Scorpio to Sagittarius.

July 18 - 28 They are creative and generous individuals. Pleasure is very important to them, they like to spend money to feel good. Exercise helps to resist stress, because they are emotional in nature, often subject to mood swings. These people prefer to act in a group rather than individually. They are too outgoing to enjoy being alone.

A person who was born on the border of Cancer and Leo will have to work a lot on himself. Cancer always remains a child in the soul, loves to dream a lot, but Leo is a self-confident and strong adult. In everyday life, they are often driven by emotions, so they need to learn to control their actions in order to avoid wrong steps. They have harmonious compatibility with those born in the transition zone of the signs of Libra - Scorpio and Capricorn - Aquarius.

19 - 29 August These people are determined, always hoping to be successful. They respond to the world through action, not through intellect or emotion. Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to obstacles, but natural self-confidence does not allow to give up.

They tend to investigate the value of each possible scenario, first analyze and then take appropriate action. They are picky in relationships, always on the move and in business. They are diligent in everything they do, skeptical about extravagant statements and promises. In a romantic relationship, they are loyal and sometimes jealous, but not particularly flirtatious. They have excellent compatibility with those born on the border of the signs Pisces - Aries and Taurus - Gemini.

Virgo - Libra

September 19 - 29 The easiest transition will be from Virgo to Libra, because they are very similar to each other. The only thing that contains the complexity is the change of the element of the Earth to the element of Air. This means that you need to become more independent, loosen up and find your personal meaning in life. The ability to see all sides of the situation makes them one of the most tolerant and peaceful among the signs of the zodiac.

They tend to take care of their health, which also provides an excellent appearance. In their free time, they go to workouts or for walks, like to read and relax with friends. Any activity attracts them more if it is possible to communicate at the same time. In love, they are playful, romantic and loyal to their partner. They have a favorable compatibility with people who are born on the Capricorn-Aquarius and Aries-Taurus border.

Libra - Scorpio

19 - 29 October These people are seductive and attractive. The combination of the logic of Libra and the intuition of Scorpio testifies to the depth of thinking and makes them very insightful. They are able to achieve their goals in implicit ways, with the help of cunning. Before acting, they will first conduct reconnaissance. Their great strength lies in the desire for harmony and determination to bring what they started to the end.

In love, they are faithful partners. But they need to be careful that the passion of nature does not force them to indulge their fleeting whims. They are very attractive to those who were born on the border of the signs Taurus - Gemini and Sagittarius - Capricorn.

Scorpio - Sagittarius

18 - 26 November Their symbol is the Phoenix or Eagle, towering over the ordinary world and representing something unusual. These people love to be in companies, they are very sociable and friendly. They are enthusiastic, often flirtatious, and are successful in society. They are revolutionaries by nature, they do not accept boredom and routine, they are always ready to learn something new. Having set a goal for themselves, they are determined to achieve what they want.

They are philosophers and researchers by nature, which allows them to live life to the fullest. Their love of knowledge makes them one of the most educated among the zodiac signs. In love, they are constant, take care of their beloved and are tender with them. They have good compatibility with those born in the transition zone from Pisces to Aries and from Cancer to Leo.

Sagittarius - Capricorn

December 17 - 26 Sagittarius ideas come true thanks to the persistence and hard work of Capricorn. An excellent combination that generates purposeful personalities. Their ambitions are inexhaustible and they are reluctant to give up on their goal. They love to have fun, are sociable and friendly. However, these people also differ in responsibility and discipline. As a rule, they are polite and diplomatic, because they understand that making enemies will not help them achieve success in life.

They like to live life to the fullest, to experience things that others do not dare to. They have a philosophical mindset, which helps to avoid unnecessary shocks in life. In a love relationship, they are romantic, but as a spouse they are very reliable. They have favorable compatibility with those born during the transition period Taurus - Gemini and Leo - Virgo.

Capricorn - Aquarius

January 16 - 25 Those born during this period are tolerant and broad-minded. They tend to stick to their beliefs. A keen mind makes them logical and confident, but also tends to keep them away from others. Sometimes they can seem cold to those who do not share their views on life. They make good businessmen and public figures.

These people are among the most responsible among the zodiac signs. They are usually restrained and careful, sometimes they can be overly critical, even domineering, but this is because they are driven by the desire to achieve their goals. As a rule, they are gifted with talents, which helps to achieve success in scientific and creative endeavors. They have good compatibility with those born on the border of the signs Cancer - Leo and Scorpio - Sagittarius.

Aquarius - Pisces

February 14 - 24 They are purposeful individuals, although they may be hesitant when faced with difficulties. It is easy and pleasant with them, but only if you do not abuse their kindness and do not hurt their feelings. They are often gifted with a variety of talents, including remarkable musical gifts. Freedom is important to them, they want to be free themselves and are ready to help others to become free.

Their great strength lies in foresight. These are the people who take the world to the next level by forcing others to see things in a new light. The combination of the intelligence of Aquarius and the intuition of Pisces makes them one of the most understanding in the zodiac. In a love relationship, they are flirtatious, caring and romantic. They are very attractive to those who are born on the border of the signs Cancer - Gemini and Leo - Virgo.

Pisces - Aries

March 16 - 26 The most difficult is the transition from Pisces to Aries, because this is a special period - here the Zodiac ends and is reborn again. It is very difficult to combine the two opposites, because Pisces is indecisive and emotional, while Aries is brave and purposeful.

Those born on these days are adorable and thoughtful. However, they are also prone to individualism, sometimes feeling as if they are the center of the universe. They know what they want and are confident that they can achieve it. They need physical activity to reduce their natural aggressiveness and emotional stress. In love, they are playful and romantic, and in marriage they will be devoted spouses. They have good compatibility with those who were born in the transition period Libra - Scorpio and Taurus - Gemini.

Great picture

Horoscope "border guards". This is the difference between people born at the junction of two zodiac signs

If you were born at the junction of two zodiac signs, this horoscope is for you!

Most of us know our zodiac sign, but if you were born a few days before or after the Sun's transition from one astrological sign to the next, we can assume that you were born at the junction of two signs. Such people are unique in their own way, among them there are many extraordinary personalities who do not fit into the generally accepted framework. Find out what drives you and how being born on the border of two signs influenced your character.

Capricorn-Aquarius (January 16-22) - Peak of mystery and imagination

What happens when you combine the energies of stable Capricorn and bizarre Aquarius? Unique personality - that's what! If you were born between January 16 and 23, you were born at the Peak of Mystery and Imagination. It's never boring with you. Outwardly, you can be extravagant, or vice versa, calm and shy, but in the depths of your soul, emotions are always seething. Such people have vivid dreams and rich imaginations. If you want to be happy, you need to be creative. While hard work and high standards bring these people success in most career endeavors, it can be more difficult for them to maintain personal relationships.

Aquarius-Pisces (February 15-21) - Peak of sensitivity

If your date of birth combines the energy of a quirky Aquarius with a dreamy Pisces, you were born at the Peak of Sensitivity. Such people are spiritual, artistic, peaceful and friendly. They are characterized by originality, visionary ideas and wisdom. These people have powerful intelligence, but sometimes they turn out to be too impractical and dependent. It is much more important for them to delve into spiritual issues and philosophical ideals than just managing the details of everyday life.

For this reason, they are often absent-minded, forgetful and uncollected. But don't be angry with them: they are simply too busy thinking about how to make the world a better place on a much deeper level.

Pisces-Aries (March 17-23) - Peak of success

You combine the energy of the dreamy, sensitive sign of Pisces and the determined, passionate Aries. Your personality is an intriguing mixture of fiery impulsivity and daydreaming. And this is a great combination, because it means that you are not only dreaming, but also making your dreams come true here and now. You are a leader who combines fearlessness and compassion for others. These people have a natural ability to set goals and motivate others to succeed.

Many people born on the days of the transition from one zodiac sign to another notice the features of both signs in themselves.

Astrologers call these "border guards" and have long been studying the peculiarities of their birthdays. Astrologer Alla Nevskaya shares some of the observations and rules of the horoscope in relation to people Aries-Taurus or Cancer-twins.

Every year the Sun goes through the zodiacal circle of 360 degrees, but in a year, as we know, there are 365 days. Therefore, the date of the transition of the Sun from one sign to another year does not fall on the year. This means that the same day in different years can be influenced by different signs of the zodiac. How at the moment of birth the stars were located that determine your path in life, only an astrologer can say for sure. But not every person can afford such a luxury as an individual horoscope, which makes it possible to understand which sign you belong to. How to be? Calm down and get used to the idea that you were born, as astrologers say, on the Cusp - on the border of two signs. Therefore, you have the features of both.

Who belongs to the glorious cohort of "border guards"? Everyone who celebrates their birthdays on the first, second, third day from the beginning or end of the zodiac sign. However, some astrologers insist that people born a week before the new sign or a week after its onset can be safely attributed to the "border guards". If a person was born, say, on February 19, he is definitely a "border guard": not quite Aquarius, but not Pisces yet. It combines the features of both signs of the zodiac. But the "border guards", according to the above classification, include those who were born approximately from 13 to 26 February. The "purebred" sign is only for those who were born in fifteen degrees of their sign, and this is about the 4th-6th day of the month.

"Border guards" are unique personalities in their own way, because the most interesting natures are obtained from the mixing of signs. Any experienced astrologer will confirm: it is a pleasure to work with such people, because they are rare, “piece goods”. Let's tell you more about them.

Aries Taurus

People born at the junction of signs have the perseverance and will characteristic of Aries, and the practicality and endurance of Taurus. Such individuals love to dominate and control everything and everyone. They do not tolerate restrictions on their freedom, therefore liberal professions are most suitable for them. But at the same time they love beautiful things and understand their value, due to which they are able to make a profit.

Taurus Gemini

This Cusp is the focus of energy. Those born on the border of the signs in the character combine sociability, emotionality inherent in Gemini, and calculation and practicality that distinguish Taurus. Astrologers call the representatives of this cusp as eternal adolescents. They are energetic, active and adventurous, but at the same time, they are too sensitive and vulnerable. They need to learn to control themselves and treat other people more easily.

Gemini Cancer

Those born during this period can be called spiritualized people. They often fall into an enthusiastic state, they can draw inspiration from the most ordinary situations. They feel happy only when there is a place for romance and love in life. They love travel, new impressions, acquaintances, but at the same time they are attached to home, family, homeland. This duality sometimes greatly prevents them from deciding on a profession, a place of residence.


Those born on the border of the signs "fall" into the period when two important transits occur - Saturn and Uranus. These planets make you constantly search for yourself, move from place to place in search of a better life, and comprehend the accumulated experience. Alas, Cancer-Leo is susceptible to complexes that instill in him the secretive and sensitive Cancer and the more open and violent Leo. Cancer-Leos can be obedient and docile, but after a minute - stubborn, capricious and selfish.


Those born on this Cusp are not easy natures. They get along with the desire to lead and at the same time be in the shadows, not stick out. It is not surprising that sometimes they are torn apart by contradictions: Leo's violent, aggressive and energetic nature argues with the rational, meticulous and petty nature of Virgo. Masters of external effects, they know how to show off. Sometimes, in order to achieve unconditional success, they lack persistence in achieving a goal, the ability to look at life soberly and adequately assess the situation.


The cusp symbolizes man's search for beauty. Such people are attracted to extraordinary personalities, art, luxury goods. They strive to decorate their life, sparing no effort or money for this. They combine the incongruous: the earthiness of Virgo and sophistication, the artistry of Libra. Virgo-Libra does not penetrate too deeply into the psychology of others, and therefore they sometimes run the risk of gaining a reputation as superficial, shallow personalities. First of all, they are interested in the external side of any object or phenomenon.


Are critical of life and others. Sometimes they greatly lack a sense of humor, many phenomena and actions of others are taken too seriously. Everything is analyzed and questioned. In moments when it is necessary to act decisively, they collect their thoughts for a long time. And at the same time, oddly enough, they are prone to adventures, risks, experiments.


The combination of the energies of an emotionally deep, serious and secretive Scorpio and a straightforward, freedom-loving Sagittarius who lives by intuition makes you constantly cognize yourself, look for new ways. Real rebels, rebel against any power structures. In their youth, they are prone to violence and recklessness. They do not recognize the authorities, they go ahead, chop off the shoulder, prefer to chop the truth-womb. They like to work in splendid isolation and not depend on others.


The intuitive nature of Sagittarius is combined with the down-to-earth nature of Capricorn. They demonstrate not only the ability to discern the future, but also the ability to mold it according to their own model. Great initiators of new projects, famous for their ability to bring their plans to life. But they do not know how to tolerate the mistakes of others, those who underestimate their capabilities or violate their plans. Loners in life, at least in work. Self-sufficient individuals.


Those born at the junction of these signs are constantly in conflict with themselves. On the one hand, they are pragmatists, on the other, they are the overthrowers of the old, reformers. They live according to their mood: either they like to hide in their own cocoon and not communicate with anyone, or they cannot live without a team. They love to make plans for the future, dream of a calm, well-fed old age and at the same time they are afraid of it and are young in every possible way. In other words, the stability and predictability of Capricorn at any moment can be destroyed by the chaos of Aquarius.


An active, restless Aquarius can hardly get along with Pisces, closed and hovering in the clouds. They try to isolate themselves from the outside world, they are afraid of everything new, they are closed on themselves and their experiences. Overly susceptible, suspicious, sometimes even hysterical. They love order, cleanliness and discipline. Picky about others. They are fond of mysticism, impose their views on others.


Those born at the junction of signs combine directly opposite qualities. On the one hand, they are extremely straightforward, their openness can cause both delight and irritation. Thanks to their perseverance, they always achieve their goal. At the same time, they are prone to empty projection, laziness, sybarism. They live by impulses: they work tirelessly, then they do nothing. They do not tolerate when they climb into the soul. Criticism is taken painfully.