Who does sati meet. The astrologer confirmed the problems of sati Kazanova with her husband. Former husband of Sati Kazanova - Alexander Shekman

Sati Casanova's personal life has always been hidden from strangers. It's not about the singer's close character, just why show her happiness. Sati is a singer, the main thing for her is a career, and not promoting herself in show business as a media personality.

Sati Casanova's husband

As a singer, Sati Casanova has already taken place, but as a wife and mother not yet. If you look at the astrological indicators in Casanova's horoscope, you will notice that there is a lot of air. This speaks of Casanova's easy disposition, it is easy to communicate with her. Several planets in the sign of Libra, the girl from birth has good manners, she is a cultured and well-mannered person.

Sati Casanova and her husband photo

The most suitable candidate for the singer's husband was Artur Shachnev. They were even going to get married.

  1. Arthur is the producer of Sati Kazanova. Their acquaintance took place when the singer performed in the same club.
  2. In 2014, there was an engagement. Cunning journalists even noticed a ring with a large diamond on Sati's finger, but there was no wedding.
  3. Sati Casanova did not introduce her future husband to her parents. Maybe this was an indicator of the frivolity of their relationship?
  4. Now, the failed husband of Sati Casanova is lonely.

Sati Casanova personal life: latest news

Sati Casanova had several suitors. All of them are worthy people, both in character and in financial capacity.

Now the personal life of Sati Kazanova has stalled. She is surrounded by beautiful and worthy men, but she is in no hurry down the aisle. She has her own principles, and she follows them.

Name: Sati Kazanova

Age: 34 years

Place of birth: B Verkhny Kurkuzhin, Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

Height: 167 cm

Weight: 45 Kg

Activity: singer, TV presenter

Family status: Single

Sati Casanova - biography

Our vast homeland is rich in talents! The Caucasus is especially famous for them: it is difficult to imagine the polyphony of this region without ever having been there. But how infrequently talents "from the mountains" come down to us and conquer the domestic show business! But one of the representatives of this mysterious soulful people, the vociferous Sati Casanova, has been flashing on different channels for almost 15 years.

Sati Casanova - childhood

Sati Casanova was born on October 2, 1982. (Real name - Satanei Setgalievna Casanova). Upper Kurkuzhin, where Sati Casanova was born, seems to be a mysterious and inaccessible place, about which almost nothing is known. Perhaps, except for the inhabitants of this town, no one knows where it is. But it was in it that the glorious, friendly Casanov family lived. Setgaliy Talostanovich and Fatima Ismailovna raised four daughters - Satane, Svetlana, Maryana and Madina.

My father was not too strict, the only thing he forbade was too short shorts. And the girls did not contradict dad. They grew among the mountain fresh air, endless meadows and orchards. And they grew up to high school, after which the father of the family decided that the girls should get a better education than the rural school could give.

Sati Casanova - education

Setgaliy Kazanov moved the family to the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik. Satanei, that is, Sati we now know, liked the new place. Since childhood, she loved music, sang everywhere and always, and then her sonorous voice was heard and appreciated. The father was proud of his daughter's talent and dreamed of the best part for her, therefore, when she asked him for permission to move to Moscow, he did not interfere. Of course, this decision was not easy for him. The family was not rich, and it was difficult to support four daughters. Satanei went to Moscow practically penniless, and she had no relatives or friends there.

Despite this, the girl entered the Gnessin School the first time. Of course, she had to earn money. She was very worried that her father would not approve of her work - the girl sang in restaurants in Moscow. In general, it was not in vain that I was worried: dad did not like what his daughter was doing, but what to do - there was no other way out, and, although he was worried, he tried to close his eyes to it. The last point was the participation of Satanei in the musical show "Voyage of Dreams" in the casino. It is hard to imagine how it would have ended if the girl had not been cast in one very popular TV show.

Sati Casanova - career

The year was 2001, and "Star Factory" turned out to be something new, unknown and therefore insanely interesting project. Sly producers, having borrowed an idea from their Western colleagues, created a project to identify young stars. Satanei was one of the few who managed to get there, and not just get through, but take a prize! Several young groups and independent artists emerged from the first "Factory". Igor Matvienko, the main producer of the show, did not think long about what to call the girl band, which included Satanei Casanova, Irina Toneva and Alexandra Savelyeva, and named it "Factory".

The victorious march on television and radio stations began with the song "About Love": she played, as they say, from each iron for several years. The songs of "Fabrika" stood out against the background of the others: they had a certain simplicity, a folk language understood by everyone and memorable melodies. Plus, all three members had great vocals!

Satanei instantly became the leader of the group. Matvienko insisted that the girl truncate her full name, and so a new clockwork star appeared on the stage - Sati Casanova.

The artist was still afraid of the reaction of her beloved dad, but the success of her daughter was glad. And even surprisingly, he did not interfere with Sati's candid photo shoots and filming in videos, where she appeared in front of the audience in underwear. The behavior for a Muslim woman is incredible! By the way, despite the image of a sexy girl designed by the producer, Sati always retained Muslim modesty inside. In real life, she wore long, non-provocative clothes, stopped dyeing her hair, and from time to time at various events even dressed up in national costumes.

Sati performed with the Fabrika group for eight whole years, and in 2010 she decided to start free swimming. Igor Matvienko did not leave his ward, but on the contrary, he happily took up the promotion of Sati as an independent artist. Since then, the girl began not only to sing, shoot videos and perform at concerts, but also began to take part in various projects.

In the same 2010, she skated in an ice show with a pair of Roman Kostomarov, and later took part in the One-to-One project, where she easily transformed into her colleagues - singer Rihanna and even Dima Bilana! Probably, the key role in the success of this enterprise was played by the fact that Casanova entered GITIS and successfully graduated from it. She needed it, because because of the "Star Factory" she could not graduate from Gnesinka. So GITIS released a new talented singing actress, already known to the general public. Sati tried herself as a presenter - together with Anton Makarsky hosted the show "The Phantom of the Opera". The girl has a considerable number of awards related not only to music, but also to fashion. The most important merit was the awarding of the title "Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea" to the artist.

Sati Casanova - personal life

What is really difficult to talk about is the artist's personal life. 34-year-old Sati does not shine in the companies of oligarchs and representatives of show business, she is not involved in any scandals, she did not have stormy romances in front of the press, or loud partings, as is customary among the stars. Shrouding herself in mystery, from time to time she seems to tease the press and fans, making subtle hints of an upcoming marriage, uploading a photo in wedding decoration on the network or showing a family heirloom - a silver belt donated by her grandmother, which is traditionally worn by representatives of her people at a wedding. Sati tried on this adornment right in front of the camera, and it did not fit her a little. "Well, nothing, I'll lose weight!" - the girl laughs.

At one time there were rumors about her affair with the son of Joseph Kobzon Andrei, but the wedding did not end there. She even admitted that she was ready to become an old maid if she did not find her man.

But it seems that such a fate does not threaten the singer. She has a lot of admirers. One of them gave Sati an apartment on the 35th floor of a building where you can see the sky through the roof. When we moved, this apartment already had everything - from decoration to slippers. “We have a long warm relationship with this person,” Sati said about this.

Now Sati Casanova is dating 55-year-old businessman Alexander Shenkman. He was already married, but broke up with his wife several years ago. There was talk about a wedding with Sati, they even planned a celebration in Caucasian traditions, but then Sati asked for rejection: a charitable foundation that she supports came up with an action - Russian celebrities will go to their hometowns with concerts and transfer money for concerts to orphanages. In the fall, she and Dima Bilan went home, to Kabardino-Balkaria, and postponed the wedding until next year. 10320

Sati Casanova has become popular since the beginning of the new millennium, when she joined a new group called "Factory". Her real name is Satanei. It was received in honor of one of the Muslim goddesses, who is considered the deity of wisdom and personifies motherhood. The name of Sati was invented for the girl by the producer Matvienko, who thought that the fans would not remember the name of Satane.

The girl sang literally from the cradle. Excellent vocal abilities were passed on to her from her father, who pleases the whole family with songs at various holidays.

Now the girl is incredibly in demand. She conducts constant touring activities. In addition, Sati participates in various television shows, in which she has shown herself to be incredibly talented.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sati Casanova

In recent years, Sati Casanova has been developing her solo creative activity. She treats everything that connects her with creativity with humor. In public, she is modest, as a real oriental beauty is allowed to lead. Her parametric data are of interest to many, including height, weight, age. How old is Sati Kazanova, it became known quite recently, when she announced that the anniversary concert tour would begin on the day of her 35th birthday in Nalchik.

Sati Casanova maintains her excellent physical shape in the gym. In addition, she has developed her own diet, which she follows every day.

Biography and personal life of Sati Casanova

The birth of the future star took place in 1982 in a small rural settlement with the beautiful name Verkhniy Kurkuzhin, which is located in the center of Kabardino-Balkaria. Sati spent her childhood here. When she was 12 years old, the family moved to Nalchik, where she began to study vocal singing at the Children's Art School. After graduating from 9 classes, the girl decided to continue her education in a vocal direction. At the age of 17, he won the Nalchik Dawns competition.

Soon the girl moved to the capital of the Russian Federation and entered the Gnessin School, where she began to study pop-jazz vocal singing. In 2002, Sati got to the casting of the "Star Factory" show, after which, together with other vocalists, she organized a group called "Factory" by them. From this time on, the creative biography and personal life of Sati Casanova become interesting for all young people. For 10 years, the girl has traveled as part of the "Factory" all over Russia and neighboring countries. The group received several prestigious awards of the Russian Federation, including "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year". In 2006, Sati begins to study at GITIS, receiving an artistic education.

Since 2010, Sati left the group and began to develop her solo career. In addition to touring, the girl takes part in a variety of television shows, including "Ice and Fire", "The Phantom of the Opera", "One to One", where the actress vividly shows all her talents.

Sati Casanova is a very bright personality, so she is constantly credited with many different relationships. But in fact, very little is known about the singer's personal life.

Family and children of Sati Kazanova

Sati's family is very friendly. Here, in addition to the popular performer, three more girls were brought up. They had names - Satanei, Svetlana, Maryana, Madina. All daughters loved their parents and did not contradict them. In particular, they revered their father, who, according to the Eastern tradition, is an authority for the daughters.

When the eldest decided to go to Moscow to conquer the musical Olympus there, her father, after long deliberation, did not just agree. After all, the family was not rich and did not have enough money to provide accommodation in the capital. Even now, Sati is interested in what her father thinks about her creative activity. A girl, if she has a few free days, rushes to her home. And the whole family is happy about her arrival, and the children of Sati Kazanova, according to her, will spend a lot of time here, and they will be glad.

Now Sati's parents are waiting for their daughters to marry well and give birth to their grandchildren.

Former husband of Sati Kazanova - Dmitry

Soon after the girl became the soloist of the popular group "Factory", she began to meet with a young and successful entrepreneur Dmitry. Information appeared in the press that Sati would soon marry him. But the wedding never happened. It turned out that the terms of the contract stated that Sati could not get married for a 6-year term.

Scandals often arose between young people on this basis. Dmitry insisted that Sati leave the group, following the example of one of the soloists, Amelkina, and, like a typical oriental woman, took care of him and their future children. But the girl did not dare to do such an act and left Dmitry.

Former husband of Sati Kazanova - Alexander Shekman

Alexander Shekman was more than 20 years older than Sati, but this is not an obstacle, according to the artist, for real feelings. They met at a secular party. Alexander even left his family, leaving his wife and two children, as Sati refused to meet with a married man. He surrounded his beloved with attention and care, helping her in all creative matters. He made an offer, but it was decided to play the wedding in the future, 2016. But soon the media spread information that the young people decided to leave. What caused this was then unknown.

The ex-husband of Sati Kazanova, Alexander Shekman, even after breaking up with her former lover, helps her in her creative activities, participating in various projects.

Sati Casanova's husband - Arthur Shachnev

Sati and Arthur's relationship was a mystery to everyone, although the proposal was made back in early 2016. In April, it was announced about the upcoming wedding celebrations, which were to take place in a close family circle.

On her birthday, Sati Casanova arranged a gorgeous bachelorette party for all her girlfriends, inviting even former colleagues from the Fabrika group to it.

It is known that the wedding took place on one of the islands in the Mediterranean. Another celebration took place in one of the Moscow restaurants, which was attended by friends of the singer and her husband.

It is known that Sati Kazanova's husband, Artur Shachnev, is a successful businessman who produces his wife's creative activities.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sati Kazanova

Sati Casanova is registered on the pages in social networks. She is an avid user, communicating with many connoisseurs of her singing and artistic talent. On the pages on Instagram and Wikipedia of Sati Kazanova, you can find out the most complete information about the singer. On the pages you can listen to songs performed by her not only in Russian, but also in her native Balkar language.

Sati posts a photo on her page. Here you can see pictures of the girl in different periods of her creative activity. She is sometimes presented with young people who are considered her husbands. But Sati Casanova prefers not to answer users' questions about her marriage.

Sati Casanova became popular thanks to the Fabrika group - her non-standard appearance for the stage and her beautiful voice sank into the soul of many. Do you want to know how a young talent from Kabardino-Balkaria managed to become one of the most recognizable manufacturers or why Casanova chose a solo career? Then it is worth starting from the very childhood of the singer.

Casanova Satanei Setgalieva (Sati) was born on October 2, 1982 in Kabardino-Balkaria. A large family lived in the village, and the children (Sati has three sisters) went to the local Balkar school. When Casanova was 12 years old, they moved to Nalchik.

After the move, the girl began to think about a career as a singer - she entered the School of Culture and Arts, successfully studied vocals and left for the capital of Russia. In Moscow, the aspiring singer was educated at the Gnessin Music Academy at the pop and jazz department. During her studies, Sati actively works as a singer in restaurants and small cafes, which is why she often quarreled with her father.

A talented student did not have enough money to live, because she had to rent an apartment, provide herself with food and good clothes, and also help her parents. In the early 2000s, Casanova took part in the Dream Voyage show at a Moscow casino.

It was this casino that became the last place of work before acquaintance with the Russian stage.

"Star Factory"

In October 2002, Channel One began broadcasting an unusual musical show - "Star Factory". After large-scale tests, unknown young people were gathered under one roof. Each participant in the TV show had charisma, artistry, good looks and vocal abilities. All the stay of talented youth was recorded by hidden television cameras that worked around the clock.

The participants were regularly trained by teachers in vocal, choreography, acting, fitness and psychology. There were also additional classes, for example, master classes on introduction to show business, where lessons were given by star guests.

In addition to the sessions, the participants kept the house clean and prepared food. From Monday to Friday, Channel One broadcasted the everyday life of the factory owners, and on Saturday a reporting concert was held. At the concert, all the participants performed songs in a duet with popular guests. These were both musical groups and solo singers.

On Monday, the board of educators identified the worst in the past week by nominating three candidates. One of the participants could be saved by the audience (thanks to SMS voting), the second - by other fellow manufacturers, and the third left the project.

Thanks to the "Star Factory" a lot of collectives have been formed, including the girl pop group "Factory" (the group was born in 2002). The first line-up consisted of four girls: Casanova. Savelyev, Tonev and Alalykin. But soon Maria left the group, and "Factory" was remembered as a trio. Igor Matvienko became the music producer of the aspiring singers.

Already in 2003, a video was released for the favorite song "About Love", the video series was broadcast on many music channels. And on YouTube, this video has collected about 6 million views.

A year later, the group's album "Factory Girls" was released, and several songs soon received the Golden Gramophone award.

The girls have repeatedly participated in general erotic photo sessions. The manufacturers posed for magazines: Playboy, Maxim and XXL.

In 2010, Satanei left the group. The singer does not reveal the exact reason, she only speaks of a desire to try herself in a new one and start a solo career.

Casanova, who left the "Factory", still remained under the leadership of Matvienko. Together they released two albums - Sati Ethnica and Thank You. The first project is a collection of ancient oriental motives and vocals.

The girl also releases singles and video clips. The most popular and recognizable was the song of 2014 "Until Dawn". In 2015, the singer released the song "Lullaby", which sounded in the tragicomedy "Barefoot in the Sky".

Additional education

The knowledge gained for Sati turned out to be insufficient, so she entered GITIS. In 2014, the girl graduated from the institute, having received the specialty "actor".

During her studies, Casanova also auditioned in various genres - as an experiment, she became a student at the Sidakov School of Drama.

A restaurant

In addition to music, Casanova was fond of the restaurant business and even opened her own restaurant "Kilim", but this activity did not appeal to the creative nature, and less than a year later, the institution was closed without paying off.

TV show

In 2010, the young singer decided to try herself not only in the stage, but also in figure skating. The girl took part in the popular project "Ice and Fire", which was broadcast on Channel One. Together with the Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov, Satanei took the honorable third place. By the way, they shared the bronze with another pair - Natalia Podolskaya and Maxim Marinin.

In 2013, a singer from Kabardino-Balkaria became a participant in the first season "One to One" in the Channel One network. The popular singer showed her skill in the parody genre. For the entire season, the girl portrayed Dima Bilan, Rihanna, Andelika Varum, PSY, Sofia Rotaru, Marilyn Monroe, Christina Orbakaite, Valentina Tolkunova. Sati also acted as an invited guest in the fourth season of the Russian music TV show.

A year later, the singer took part in another musical program "Live Sound" on the Russia-1 channel. The essence of the TV show is to perform songs live, without connecting any type of phonogram or programs to change the voice.

In 2015, Sati took part in the show of the Safronov illusionist brothers, which was broadcast on STS.

In 2018, she became a participant in the entertainment program Secret for a Million (NTV channel). The essence of the show is to answer questions, talking about your career and personal life. If the guest answers the questions correctly, then he earns money. The more correct answers, the greater the winning amount. Satanei managed to win two hundred thousand rubles.

Movie roles

Sati managed to try herself in the role of an actress. Her debut work was the 2006 film "Hello, I'm your dad!", And in 2008 the girl got a cameo role in the film "Snow Angel".

In 2012, in the comedy Zolushka, Casanova played herself. In 2015, she became not only the performer of the soundtrack for the film Barefoot Across the Sky, but also got a small role as Bita's mother.


More than once, the charming singer has become the face of the brand: clothes, money transfers, watches. She even managed to be the face of a new line of cars in 2014. And since 2015, Sati not only began to represent products of outerwear made of faux fur, but also received a share in the business.

Achievements and awards

As part of the Fabrika group, Sati received five awards. Two of them - "Golden Gramaphone", and also "Stopudovy Hit" and the Pop Group of the Year award from the fashion magazine Glamor.

In 2006, the singer received the Astra award as the most stylish girl on the stage. A similar award was presented to her in 2013, but this time from MUZ TV.

In 2015, she won the Soundtrack award (Audience Choice Award), and soon she received a prize for the song "There is Happiness."

Also in 2016, Sati received the "Golden Gramophone" for two songs - "Until Dawn" and "Joy, Hello".

Sataneia also has state awards - in 2009 she became an Honored Artist of the Republic of Adygea, in 2010 - in Kabardino-Balkaria, in 2014 - in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in 2017 - in the Republic of Ingushetia.

For a long time, Casanova was in a relationship with the son of Joseph Kobzon, they were often seen together at social parties and on vacation. But young people never legalized the relationship.

In 2017, Sati legalized her relationship with Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. The wedding ceremony took place in Server Ossetia, in accordance with all Caucasian traditions. Now the newlyweds live in two countries, appearing either in Russia or in Italy.

The couple have no children yet.

  1. Sataney has been practicing yoga for over 10 years. Now the singer even teaches spiritual and physical practices that came to us from India.
  2. Casanova does not eat meat for many years, does not wear natural fur and leather.
  3. The singer's height is only 166 centimeters.
  4. She is a Kabardian by nationality, she professes Islam.
  5. In her youth she became a laureate of the regional competition "Nalchik Dawns".
  6. Due to some confusion in online publications, many fans did not know how old Sati Kazanova was. Some sources attributed to her a couple of years, others reduced her age (in 2018 she will turn 36).

What is Sati doing now?

Casanova did not go headlong into family life. The girl continues to make music, perform and record singles. In August 2018, Casanova performs in Turkey in front of the Circassian diaspora with her ethnic music project. In addition to Sati, other singers have been announced at the festival of culture.

Also in the summer of 2018, she collaborated with the well-known firm Oriflame - the girl created four bright looks for the summer, using the brand's cosmetics.

Sati also did not pass football, she attended the Portugal-Morocco match, where the first team won. In her Instagram account, Satanea admires the past match and shares her joy - on the podium she was rooting for the Portuguese national team.

The singer often updates her Instagram profile - she is not afraid to show selfies with her husbands and family, show shots from photo studios, share long notes and posts about sports.


Since childhood, Sati has high hopes in the basement, so she was able to become popular in show business. Although Casanova left the popular trio, she did not cease to delight fans with new tracks and video clips. The girl actively promotes, teaches yoga and is fond of ethnic music. And thanks to the ambitiousness and efficiency of the former manufacturer, many of her projects are successful.


Sati Casanova is from Kabardino-Balkaria. The future star was born on October 2 in 1982. Sati's real name is Sateney, so the girl was named in honor of the goddess, who was distinguished by wisdom and was the personification of motherhood. Sati's parents were respected people, they always supported their daughter in her desire to make music. A beautiful voice was transmitted by Sati from her father.

At school, Sati studied perfectly well, sang well, in a word, was the soul of the company.

Studying at the art school, where the girl studied classical vocals, became the starting point in the musical biography of Sati Kazanova.

Soon, Sati entered Gnesinka in Moscow and at the same time worked as a singer in nightclubs, she firmly believed that in the near future her life would radically change and fate would give her new interesting projects. The girl was helped by the confidence that the Universe itself would help to realize a strong desire.

Already in 2002, Sati Kazanova became a member of the popular Fabrika group, which was created after the release of the Star Factory - 1 project.

The group led by Igor Matvienko was rapidly gaining popularity, winning music awards one after another.

Sati Casanova's career growth in the group lasted eight years, after which the girl decides to leave the team and begin solo singing of songs.

Interesting facts from the biography of Sati Kazanova.

Sati values ​​her family very much, so she tries to spend her free time at home. Even if it's two days off, Sati gets on a plane and flies to her native Nalchik. Sati also spends her vacation with her parents and three sisters.

Once Sati admitted to reporters that her work schedule is very tough, but she still finds time to read spiritual books that help her find a worthy solution and tune in to the right wave. To be discouraged, according to Sati, is a great sin, so the girl tries to avoid depression.

As for the personal life of a star, she speaks without much desire on such topics. Sati dreams of meeting a noble man who will be prompted by her heart. But today, Sati's heart is still silent. The issue of marriage for a girl is a key issue, so experimentation is not her strong point.

The biography of Sati Casanova is the life of a romantic girl who fosters willpower. For example, one of Sati's beauty secrets is a cold shower in the morning, healthy eating and sleep.

Thanks to proper nutrition, the weight of Sati Casanova is 55 kg. The girl admitted that everything she has is from nature, which endows a person with everything necessary, therefore, the less experiments are carried out on her own appearance, the more natural the real beauty will be.

Sati Casanova's height is 167 cm, which allows her to participate in various fashion shows. Sati admitted that such events help to be in a fashionable stream. The experience that the girl gains after fashion shows, she successfully applies in practice, creating her own fashionable clothes.

The best type of recreation for Sati Casanova is visiting fashionable salons and clubs.