Do we really know what harmony, a harmonious personality is? Harmonious aspects The balance of which aspects determines a harmonious personality

Different concepts are widely used in the area under discussion: general scientific (balance, integrity, integration, etc.), natural sciences (for example, adaptation, health), humanitarian (well-being, social maturity, personal maturity, mental balance, etc.). In most cases, the concept of harmony is revealed through the concepts of consistency and harmony. "Agreed" means having attained unity, "harmonious" means having the right relationship between its parts. We recall once again that since ancient times, harmony has been associated with the balance of oppositely directed forces. All these three concepts, which help to clarify the content of harmony, are also necessary to clarify the characteristics of personal harmony.

Harmony is a higher level of personality integration compared to personality stability, and sustainability is a higher level of personality integration compared to adaptability. The integration of a personality is its integrity (in accordance with the etymology of the term "integration"). The concepts of harmony and integration are quite closely related, but not equivalent. Personality can be integrated and inharmonious. But it cannot be harmonious and non-integrated.

Unity, wholeness or integrity, coherence are very close concepts. But what kind of consistency in question in relation to personality? And what kind of inconsistency - what with what, leads to a violation of harmony? From our point of view, in the answers to these questions, the coordination of different planes of human existence comes to the fore. Personal harmony- this is the consistency and proportionality of the main aspects of the existence of the individual: the multidimensional space of the individual, the time and energy of the individual (both potential and realizable). The proportionality of the quantitative characteristics of space, time and energy of the individual can be specified as the proportionality between the volume of the space of the individual, the speed of personal time and the level of energy of the individual.

In addition, this is the correlation of the external and internal spaces of the personality in terms of volume, their rather close connection; correlation of external (event) and internal time of the personality; correlation of potential and realizable energy; balance of energy and information resources. Harmony is also a balance between a sense of self-sufficiency and a sense of community (community, for example, in the Adlerian sense).

In the study of personality, general scientific concepts are applicable. The space, time and energy of a personality should be considered in the four main planes of its being: physical (objective), vital, social, spiritual. Since a personality is the highest integrator in a person, one of the sides of personal harmony is the consistency of all plans of its being.

physical being(existence in physical space) is the existence in the world of bodies and objects, inclusion in the world inanimate nature(inclusion of the individual as a body). No functioning of a person, effective behavior, activity and life activity is possible outside the world of objects and things, without an adequate reflection of the characteristics of this world. The body of any person has well-defined physical characteristics. In physical space man exists as a (physical) body.

vital being(existence in the vital space) is vital activity, inclusion in the world of wildlife as an individual. All human life is subject to biological laws and is impossible outside the world of wildlife.

social being(existence in social space) is social life, inclusion in the world of people as individuals, as a member of macro- and microsociety. Social being is immersion in interpersonal relationships, the realization of the desire to maintain interpersonal relationships or change them in the desired direction, expand one's influence, strengthen authority, etc. Outside the social space, a person cannot satisfy his social needs. The past generations of a given society and its history are represented in the social space. It preserves them in the form of traditions, established social norms, rules, etc. But the social space is, first of all, the space of contemporaries, the space of those living today, a community of people who are active, communicate directly with each other and influence each other.

spiritual being- this is spiritual life, inclusion in the spiritual world as a subject with spiritual needs, this is an initiation to the highest values ​​​​of human existence (ideals of morality ...). Spiritual life is also the realization of the desire to contribute to the preservation higher values. It is also an activity aimed at expanding the circle of people who accept those values ​​that are justified by the subject or the values ​​to which he joined as a follower.

In the spiritual space, the subject belongs to all mankind, is a part of it. This space exists not only in the present time, but on a larger scale: past, present and future. Spiritual space is wider than the space of society or ethnic group. Spiritual world accumulates the experience of previous generations, preserves what has passed the test of time, what has acquired the status of timeless values.

The regularities of the bodily and mental life of an individual, the connections between them are often the subject of research. This cannot be said about the spiritual life as a subject psychological research. Of course, the spiritual being, the spirituality of man, the spiritual world of the individual is the subject of interdisciplinary research, and not just psychological. However, the spiritual culture assimilated by a person, the humanistic values ​​adopted by him, the canons of spiritual life, the ability to experience spiritual unity with another person, a certain community of people or all of humanity - all these are factors that determine the vital choices of the individual. In this regard, consideration of the foundations of personality will be clearly incomplete if we do not touch upon the issues of its spiritual existence.

The space of spiritual being is special. If it is possible to determine at least some parameters of the external space and personality relations (social, economic, legal…) that make it up in the coordinates of physical or geographical space, then the space of spiritual being does not have such coordinates. It is impossible to find any distinct spatial boundaries of humanistic values ​​or spiritual traditions. Both the meaning of the existence of mankind and the meaning of the life of each individual person have no equivalents in physical spatial dimensions. These are phenomena that simultaneously belong both to the inner space of the individual, and to its outer space and the space of society. Spirituality, as a phenomenon of a universal human scale, could not exist if the individual did not have his inner world and his own meaning of life or the desire to acquire one.

The spiritual world is relatively independent of other spaces - physical, vital and social. Spiritual being is more inertial in its mode than social being, since the influence of natural, economic and other life changes on it is indirect.

These spaces are external to man. Inner space of personality exists, since a person is endowed with the ability to reflect, in the course of development and complication, self-consciousness arises in a person. Ideas about the world and about yourself, experiences of various events, self-attitude and self-regulation, life goals and personal plans - all this makes up its inner space (subjective world). Outer spaces are represented in the inner world. On the other hand, in the external activity of the individual, in activity, in communication, one way or another, the inner life of the individual is reflected.

Thus, the outer space and the inner space are not separated, these spaces intersect. For this reason, it is more accurate to speak not only about the various parts of the personal space, but also about its many dimensions.

For the harmony of the personality, it is important to balance the eventfulness of the external and internal life of a person and the balance in activity, which can be divided into two streams - extraactivity And introactivity. When outwardly directed activity encounters any obstacles, it is not fully realized. Dissatisfaction with the results of the manifestation of external activity leads to the accumulation of negative assessments of one's own achievements. This gradually reduces the motivation for self-realization in business, in social interaction and influence. There is a redistribution of energy towards greater internal activity, which is manifested in an increased desire for self-change and self-improvement, in increased attention to one's inner world. The events taking place in it on such a path of development acquire all greater value. In this area, a person is to a certain extent autonomous from the surrounding social environment and therefore potentially has ample opportunities for being active.

In the subjective aspect, harmony is the experience of well-being in its various aspects. Spiritual well-being - a sense of belonging to the spiritual culture of society, awareness of the opportunity to partake in the riches of spiritual culture (to satisfy spiritual hunger). It is also an opportunity to accept certain higher values ​​and freely follow them, to experience spiritual unity with another person, a certain community of people or all of humanity. For spiritual well-being, it is important to advance in understanding the essence and purpose of a person, a fairly complete understanding of the meaning of life. Social well-being is the satisfaction of the individual with his social status and the current state of the society to which the individual refers himself. This is satisfaction with interpersonal relationships, status in the microsocial environment. Vital (bodily) well-being is good physical health, bodily comfort, a sense of health, physical tone that satisfies the individual.

In terms of the psychological stability of the personality, harmony can be considered as a balance between the individual pillars of stability, consistency between them, the balance of their significance. Emphasis on one foothold may give stability, but this is imperfect stability, although it may be long-term. Spiritual balance should also be understood as a balance of faith in oneself, in one's own strengths and in the forces of the environment. In particular, it is the balance between the force of the influencing cause and the force of the response.

Health and harmony
Both the whole world and the human world are built on balance driving forces, on the interaction of opposites. Most of the phenomena can be defined by one or another characteristic that has opposite poles. In comparison with the opposite, the phenomenon under study can open up from new sides. This also applies to health – it is often analyzed in comparison with disorders and diseases.
Health-related concepts (and the phenomena behind them) - adaptation, psychological stability, harmony - have antonyms: disadaptation, psychological instability, disharmony. This dialectic reflects not only the harmony and severity of the conceptual apparatus, but also the most frequent state of a particular person: the unity of the signs of health and ill health, stability and instability, harmony and disharmony at the same time, some combination of them with a preponderance in one direction or another.
Health was associated with balance and harmony already in ancient times. Alcmaeon interpreted health as harmony or balance of opposing forces
(various states, warm and cold, active and immobile, etc.). The disease occurs as a consequence of the autocracy of one of these elements over the rest. Hippocrates argued that health is possible with a commensurate mixture of the main primary elements of the body (blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile).
According to Plato, health, like beauty, is determined by proportionality, requires
"consent of opposites" and is expressed in commensurate ratio of mental and
Psychologists and psychotherapists write about personality disharmony more often than about harmony.
Perhaps this is because there is only one state of harmony, but there are many disharmony. This is similar to the fact that the state of health is also one, but there are many disorders.
The study of personality harmony is relevant for at least two reasons. Firstly, many mental disorders begin with varying degrees of personality disharmony. Since the initial and desired (for return) state is harmony, the most accurate knowledge about it is necessary. Without a clear idea of ​​the goal, it is very easy to miss it. Secondly, since comparison is the main method of scientific analysis, the nature of personality disharmony can be deeply known only in comparison with harmony.

The concept of personal harmony
In the area under discussion, different concepts are widely used: general scientific
(balance, integrity, integration, etc.), natural sciences (for example, adaptation, health), humanitarian (well-being, social maturity, personal maturity, peace of mind, etc.). In most cases, the concept of harmony is revealed through the concepts of consistency and harmony. “Agreed” means having achieved unity, “harmonious” means having the correct ratio between its parts.
Harmony- a higher level of personality integration compared to personality stability, and stability - a higher level of personality integration compared to adaptability. Personality integration - this is its integrity (in accordance with the etymology of the term "integration"). The concepts of harmony and integration are quite closely related, but not equivalent. A personality can be integrated and inharmonious, but it cannot be harmonious and non-integrated.
In terms of the psychological stability of the personality, harmony can be considered as a balance between the individual pillars of stability, consistency between them, the balance of their significance. Emphasis on one footing may give stability, but it is imperfect stability, although it may be strong and lasting. Spiritual balance should also be understood as a balance of faith in oneself, in one's own strengths and in the forces of the environment.
In particular, it is the balance between the force of the influencing cause and the force of the response.

Personal harmony is also the correct ratio between the main aspects of being a person: personality space, time and energy.
(potential and realizable), more precisely, between the volume of personality space, the speed of time and the level of energy. In addition, this is the correlation of the external and internal spaces of the personality in terms of volume, their rather close connection; correlation of external (event) and internal time of the personality; correlation of potential and realizable energy; proportionality of energy and information resources.
Harmony is also a balance between a sense of self-sufficiency and a sense of community, for example, in the Adlerian sense.
General scientific concepts are applicable to personality. The space, time and energy of a personality should be considered in three planes of its being: biological, psychological, sociological. Since a healthy adult is at the same time an individual, a subject of mental activity and a member of society, the structure of personality can be described in terms of biological, psychological and social space, time and energy. Biologically, a person is a living organism and a subject of behavior; psychologically, he is the bearer of the psyche, the subject of expedient behavior and activity; Since the personality is the highest integrator in a person, one of the sides of personal harmony is the consistency of the three planes of its existence: biological, mental, social.
Thus, the concept of harmony as a concept of a high level of generalization must be considered in different aspects. We refer to the main ones: the proportional existence of the external and internal being of the individual; bodily, mental and spiritual being; existence in different environments - natural, objective, social.

Harmony of external and internal space of personality
It is possible and necessary to analyze harmony in different planes, since human existence is multidimensional, as we have already said. A person exists simultaneously in different environments, worlds - the world of things and objects (as a physical body), the world of wildlife
(as a living being), the human world (as a member certain society, as a unit of a certain generality). Existence in these three worlds is reflected in the personality of each person, in the processes taking place in the personality.
Those events of the external world, in which the personality is included, and those relations that it establishes with the objects of the external world, form outer space
personality. It cannot be only geographical, because it is filled with political, economic, and cultural events.
The personality space has a complex structure and many dimensions. In the biological aspect, the external and internal space of a person are separated quite clearly: the internal space is the space of the body, and everything that lies behind the skin of the body is the external space. But since man is a living being of a special kind, his existence is not limited to one biological plan.
A person is endowed with the ability to reflect, in the course of development and complication, self-consciousness arises in a person. Ideas about the world and about yourself, experiences of various events, self-attitude and self-regulation, life goals and plans - all this makes up inner space of personality(inner, subjective world of personality). The social space in which the personality is included is represented in its inner world. On the other hand, in the external activity of the individual, in activity, in communication, one way or another, the inner life of the individual is reflected.
Thus, the external and internal space of the personality are not separated, but intersecting spaces. It is for this reason that it is more accurate to speak not only about the various parts of the personal space, but also about its many dimensions.
Human activity can be divided into two streams −

extraactivity And introactivity. When outwardly directed activity encounters any obstacles, it is not fully realized. Dissatisfaction with the results of the manifestation of external activity leads to the accumulation of negative assessments of one's own achievements. This gradually reduces the motivation for self-realization in business, in social interaction and influence. There is a redistribution of energy towards greater internal activity, which is manifested in an increased desire for self-change and self-improvement, in increased attention to one's inner world. The events that take place in it acquire greater significance.
In this area, a person is autonomous from the surrounding social environment and therefore potentially has ample opportunities for being active.
The regularities of the physical and mental life of an individual, the connections between them have often been and are the subject of research. This cannot be said about spiritual life as a subject of psychological research. Of course, the spiritual being, the spirituality of a person is the subject of interdisciplinary research, and not just psychological. However, the spiritual culture assimilated by the personality, the humanistic values ​​adopted by it, the canons of spiritual life, the ability to experience spiritual unity with another person, a certain community of people or all of humanity
- all these are factors that determine the vital choices of the individual. In this regard, consideration of the foundations of personality will be clearly incomplete if we do not touch upon the issues of its spiritual existence.
The space of spiritual being is special. If it is possible to determine at least some parameters of the external space and personality relations (social, economic, legal, etc.) that make it up in the coordinates of physical or geographical space, then the space of spiritual being does not have such coordinates. It is impossible to find any distinct spatial boundaries of humanistic values ​​or spiritual traditions. Both the meaning of the existence of mankind and the meaning of the life of each individual person have no equivalents in physical spatial dimensions. These are phenomena that simultaneously belong both to the inner space of the individual, and to its outer space and the space of society. Spirituality, as a phenomenon of a universal human scale, could not exist if the individual did not have his inner world and his own meaning of life or the desire to acquire one.

Personal harmony as a humanitarian problem
The relevance of the thesis "Man is the measure of all things" is quite well understood in many civilized countries. But the implementation of this principle is clearly difficult.
Let us consider in more detail the conflict between the three worlds: natural, objective
(man-made, man-made) and social.
It is impossible to discuss the harmony of the individual, referring to the individual as something that can exist outside the environment, outside the ties with the world. In an effort to determine the essence of what is happening in the modern world, one should choose as the starting point for analysis the main components, the main dimensions of the human world. These, in our opinion, are: the natural world (both inanimate and living nature), the social world (the world of people, nations, ethnic groups, societies, groups of different scales) and the objective world
(man-made, instrumental, technogenic). Let us note that all of them make up both the being of an individual concrete person and humanity as a whole.
It is essential that the present period of human development is characterized by a conflict between the three named worlds. Conflict here means a pronounced mismatch of these three worlds, three aspects of human existence, human activity - a mismatch that causes quite tangible damage to each of the three worlds.
The formation of the objective world went in parallel with the development of the social world. Without touching on all aspects of the interrelationships between these worlds, we note that the objective world is not sufficiently manageable, it does not have the necessary subordination to the social world.

to use the riches of the natural world, but also to resist it in cases where it was necessary (nature is also rich in natural disasters). It is thanks to the ability to use tools, thanks to the equipment and protection of objects that the human species has reached such a large number. On the other hand, with the help of the instrumental world, man conquered (and often simply destroyed) nature.
There is another conflict associated with this. Human nature is dual: biological and social. The number of human beings has become so huge that specialists from various sciences are increasingly talking about the overload of the planet with biomass, about the inevitable reduction of resources that provide food, allow satisfying vital needs.
Whether the instrumental world can eliminate this conflict is an open question. Another aspect is well known, but it should also be mentioned: the harmful effects of industry, transport and many other areas of human practical activity on nature.
(pollution, man-made disasters, greenhouse effect, etc.).
To date, the objective world has reached significant development and is quite complex. It invades more and more and rebuilds not only the way of life, but also many mental and bodily processes. We refer to the consequences of such a “restructuring”: the acceleration of the rhythm of life; a gigantic increase in the production and consumption of psychoactive drugs
(hypnotics, sedatives, tonic, stimulants, etc.); increase in the production and consumption of psychoactive narcotic substances
(alcohol, drugs, toxicants).
The acceleration of the rhythm of life has led to a significant increase in stress load.
The most sad consequences of this: a significant increase in mental disorders, suicides, psychogenic diseases. The increase in life expectancy in a number of developed countries was achieved, most likely, not due to the strengthening of mental health and well-being (measurements of the social world), but due to new medicines, medical devices (measurements of the instrumental world).
Sometimes the instrumental world begins to duplicate, replace or obscure the natural world. In addition, the instrumental world is extremely rich in the possibilities of building illusions. Thus, virtual computer reality and new types of psychological dependence(preoccupation with computer games, Internet addiction).
Thus, all contradictions different worlds human existence in one way or another have a negative impact on mental health, on the well-being of a person.
Add to these problems the neurotic desire of man to redo everything in the natural world, and as soon as possible.
What allows a person to maintain peace of mind, find peace of mind, pacify passions or be inspired by future exploits? This gives the psychological stability of the individual. Among the main pillars of sustainability are the dominants of activity: the dominant of cognition and self-knowledge, the dominant of activity, the dominant of interaction.
So, mental health, inner harmony and harmony with the outside world are rarely given to a person by nature in full, more often this requires effort and appropriate work. It is impossible to come to this without an active creative attitude towards one's own life.
The lack of motivation for self-knowledge, self-regulation and self-development creates the basis for weakening psychological stability, and then for diseases as a consequence of lifestyle, as a retribution for one's ignorance. The lack of appropriate psychological competence may be the reason that a person is not aware of the connection between emotional discomfort, deepening personality disharmony and somatic disorder. People of Western culture are more prone to dramatize their personal and family problems than Eastern ones, which to some extent creates more favorable ground for psychosomatic disorders.

The high level of social tension characteristic of our country can be reduced on the basis of an integrated approach. This requires the use of a variety of means and methods. An important role should be played by the development and dissemination of psychological culture and mental hygiene among all segments of the population.
Personal harmony cannot be typical, but only unique. Socialization, according to A. A. Rean, proceeds in unity with another process - individualization.
He emphasizes that socialization is not the antithesis of individualization, supposedly leading to the leveling of the personality, the individuality of a person. Rather, on the contrary: in the process of socialization and social adaptation, a person acquires his individuality, but most often in a complex and contradictory way. The paradigm “from the social to the individual” widespread in personality psychology (and in the personality sciences in general) undoubtedly has serious grounds and deep meaning. However, its straightforward understanding and corresponding development deprive a person of the subjective principle or consider it as insignificant.

Personal relationship harmony
Personality is a phenomenon of both individual and social being.
Internal harmony is impossible without harmonious ties with the social environment, without a social existence that satisfies the individual. In turn, the harmony of interpersonal relations implies the consent of the individual with himself, the mood (and not frustration) of the inner world of the individual.
In the list of feelings, we single out such a type of them as interactional (dispositional) feelings that regulate the interpersonal interaction of the subject, and two of their subspecies - bringing together and moving away. The most important in this list are nine pairs of opposite feelings, identified on the basis of acceptance of another person and the desire to get closer (reduce interpersonal distance) or, conversely, rejection and the desire to move away from him (Table 4.1).
Table 4.7
Interactive feelings of personality
Bringing together feelings
Removing feelings
1 Unity (community) with a person (people)
2 Friendliness
Disgust (or dislike)
3 Kindness
Malice, anger
4 Self-righteousness
Guilt (or remorse)
5 Self-sufficient significance
6 Pride (for oneself)
Shame (or embarrassment)
7 Gratitude (to some person or people) Resentment
8 Respect (for a person or people)
Contempt (for a person or people)
9 Love
Hate (about this person)
Harmony is possible with sufficiently pronounced bringing together feelings, exceeding in strength the removing feelings. Probably, the more bringing together feelings, the fuller, more perfect the harmony of the personality. But even one strong removing feeling can destroy harmony with pronounced bringing together feelings.
The strength of bringing together feelings should be proportionate, and not excessive. The immeasurable sharpening of individual feelings that bring together can disrupt harmony. Unity leads to the loss of one's own individuality, friendliness - to promiscuity in interpersonal relationships and in people's assessments, kindness - to forgiveness
(unscrupulousness), confidence - to inadequate self-confidence or confidence in one's own infallibility, one's own significance - to one's own supervalue; pride turns into pride, gratitude - into exaggerated gratitude and inadequate praise, respect - into cult worship and idolatry, love - into love blindness (inability to see and perceive anything other than the object of love, fixation with impoverishment of the entire gamut of feelings) .
Respect, which has turned into cult admiration, gives rise to strong deleting

feelings towards many others, initiates a series of removing feelings: contempt, disgust, hatred. Admiration for fixation on one object can turn into fanaticism. It is especially dangerous because it deprives a person of the ability to empathize, empathize because of the ultimate focus on something, because of the irrational acceptance of someone, devotion to something (a cause, an idea). In the latter case, it allows you to gain a sense of belonging in a circle of like people. If we reduce the importance of the rest of the society (parents, teachers, government), then for complete self-acceptance and self-respect, it may be enough to be included in the group of fans of one or another pop singer, football team, Tolkienists, etc. The rest, who are not included in the circle of their own, at the same time, they begin to be perceived and evaluated as narrow-minded
(limited, unable to penetrate...)
Every passion has its charm that attracts people. Eagerness, zeal, zeal has the beauty of power. This is the natural phenomenon to which deep strings respond in a person. Probably, a large part of this is explained quite simply - by the phenomenon of induction (mental contagion) coming from a person with an increased power of suggestion. In a hysteroid personality, energy appears due to reverse currents coming from the surroundings. The leader with burning eyes is fed by this energy.

Harmony of personal development
Another aspect of personality harmony is the coherence of the development and functioning of the main areas of personality. Since the Middle Ages, Western civilization (to which Russia mostly belongs) has been dominated by the values ​​of the development of the cognitive sphere of the individual. However, the abundance of knowledge does not automatically make a person either more harmonious, or more prosperous, or happier. Such a one-sided development led in the 20th century. to a scientific and technological revolution without adequate, commensurate progress in humanitarian development. This is the reason for the destruction of the ecology of the planet and "trampling" in the spiritual sphere. In many societies and in most individuals there has been an increased tendency not to waste time on feelings, emotions, due attention to vital needs. This does not contribute to the spiritual and physical health of a person: the accumulated feelings and desires, breaking free, introduce a destructive element into an established life, lead to a deficient development of the emotional-sensory sphere, to the neuroticization of society and a decrease in the vitality of people in many, including highly developed (technologically), countries. It takes a lot of energy to control and contain emotions.
Being a living being, a person loses the living in himself. What kind of harmony of relations can we talk about if the values ​​of competition dominate both in many societies and in the human community as a whole? Openness to the world, bringing together feelings often break through only in moments of tragedy.
Nowadays, the dominance in Russian ethnic groups of the values ​​of individualism and collectivism, which are considered as poles of one scale, is often discussed.
These two values ​​can most likely be seen as opposites. In Russian ethnic groups, a certain progress towards individualism is noticeable. Given the danger and increased instability of extremes, one can regard the movement away from the pole of collectivism as a positive phenomenon. However, two important points must be made here. First, the other extreme is undesirable. Secondly, it would be more constructive both on a personal and social scale to advance not to individualism, but to the full-fledged individuality of each member of society. This can be achieved primarily by focusing on the values ​​of self-acceptance, more complete acceptance of one's individuality and acceptance of the individuality of others. On a personal level, this is associated with an increased sense of self-sufficiency, and on a social level, the continuation of the personal one - this will manifest itself in such urgently needed aspects of the attitude towards another person, another ethnic group, another society, another religion, such as tolerance, tolerance. Individualism without individuality is a variant of disharmony at the level

personality, and at the level of interpersonal relationships. It can be assumed that a departure from collectivist values ​​would help to reduce the “base” for the emergence of a feeling of hatred between individual social groups, in particular, would lead to a decrease in the number of sectarian communities.
Unfortunately, the reality does not yet inspire great optimism regarding the progress of humanity along this path. Instead of moving towards individuality, which does not deny many of the values ​​of collectivism (participation in the lives of others, readiness to help and hope for help, a sense of a common destiny, a sense of community in the Adlerian sense), we rather see the opposite - standardization. Take, for example, the weight loss pandemic that has hit countless girls and young women from
13 to 30 years in the West (note that she bypassed the female part of the third world countries). This obsession is increasingly taking the form of a mental disorder.
(distortion of the image of one's own body, fear of extra pounds), leading to the refusal of food and serious - sometimes irreversible - weight loss. Among the reasons for this disease are the pursuit of the ideal (standard), which in modern Western culture is a slender and even thin fashion model, as well as the fashion for "boy" clothes, shoes and appearance. The same plan and new trends among representatives of the southeastern ethnic groups, for example, Japanese women: to change the shape of the eyes from eastern to European through cosmetic surgery.

Spiritual being, and the meaning of a person's life
We have already said above that the existence of a person is multifaceted, three of its sides are distinguished as the main ones: physical (bodily), mental (spiritual) and spiritual being. The need to find, understand or experience the meaning of one's being, perhaps, occupies a central place in the spiritual space of the individual.
The domestic psychologist and philosopher S. L. Frank argued that the question of the meaning of life worries and torments in the depths of every person’s soul:
A person can for a while, and even for a very long time, completely forget about it, plunge headlong or into the everyday interests of today, into material concerns about preserving life, about wealth, contentment and earthly successes, or into any superpersonal passions and " affairs” - into politics, the struggle of parties, etc. - but life is already so arranged that even the most stupid, fat-blooded or spiritually sleeping person cannot completely and forever brush it aside: the inevitable fact of the approach of death and its inevitable harbingers - of aging and disease, the fact of death, transient disappearance, immersion in the irrevocable past of our entire life with all the illusory significance of its interests - this fact is for every person a formidable and persistent reminder of the unresolved, put aside question about the meaning of life (The Meaning of Life // Questions of Philosophy . - 1990. - No. 6).
Questions of spirituality were not considered problems of scientific psychology for many years. The main reason for this lies in the ideological control to which domestic psychological science was subjected in Soviet times. For official propaganda, the meaning of life for all citizens of the country was defined in
"The moral code of the builder of communism". All other interpretations of this topic
"lovers of philosophizing", "gourmets of humanitarian thought" were forced out of public consciousness. The poor development of these issues in the humanities still has its negative consequences.
At present, the concept of spirituality is not seen in any mystical context, it is not perceived as a figurative expression. It includes the riches of the spiritual culture of mankind mastered by the individual, the basic values ​​of society, moral principles and rules, understanding and experiencing the meaning of life.
The meaning of life and the spirituality of the individual have been the subject of reflection by domestic scientists, writers, and religious figures for many centuries. Scientists of the past and present have found and are finding solutions to the key problems of spirituality in Christian teaching. For many centuries, the moral principles of people of various strata of the population were based precisely on religious

norms. The best minds of Russia accepted this not only with their minds, but also with their hearts. Let's remember F. Tyutchev:
Corruption of souls and emptiness, What gnaws at the mind and aches in the heart - Who will heal them, who will cover them? You, pure robe of Christ...
Spiritual being can be considered not only as one of the aspects of being, but also as higher form personal existence, characterized by release from pressure everyday life, from the temptation of inclinations and addictions of one's own self, as well as the recognition of the priority of spiritual values ​​over the rest.
Spiritual existence is a process of constant spiritual development, a process of formation of spiritual needs and a process of their satisfaction, insatiable satisfaction. In the course of this development, a person discovers the values ​​of society closest to him (goodness, beauty, truth) and acquires ideas about moral principles and rules. Spiritual needs are inherent in every person - not only the one who is commonly called a spiritual person. Any person has his own ideas about good and evil, moral and immoral, beauty and ugliness, truth and error, love and hate, about the main values ​​of co-existence - joint existence in society. Of course, the acuteness of these needs is very different, human individuality is manifested in this area as well.
Most people have a strong need for self-realization (self-actualization, self-affirmation) - the development of social space. In this development, a person certainly relies on certain spiritual values, takes into account this important aspect of social life.
Both spiritual development and personal development in general, and the formation of individuality are possible in spontaneous, free behavior, in activities that allow one to show creative inclinations. Freedom without responsibility for oneself, for one's decisions and actions turns into an illusion of freedom. Responsibility without freedom of choice turns into slavery. The position of a slave excludes the possibility of self-realization of the individual, self-development, spiritual and social growth.
People with "modest" spiritual needs are a minority. Most feel them strongly enough and look for ways to satisfy them. Human individuality in this aspect is manifested in the fact that not all seekers have a sufficient resource of patience and endurance on this difficult path. Not all seekers understand that the question of the meaning of life has no simple, general or universal solutions. The meaning of life, of course, to one degree or another can be similar in different people. But in any case, a person must go through the path of gaining meaning on his own. Returning to the meaning of individuality, it must be emphasized that according to this characteristic - the feeling of spiritual hunger - people differ greatly.
Some understand, or rather feel, that some dissatisfaction with the decision will accompany all life, that a certain uncertainty is normal and inevitable. After all, otherwise it is difficult to imagine a source of energy for self-development.
Others are waiting for simple, unambiguous, quick solutions. And there are people offering these quick fixes, which often present destructive cults. The latter cause great harm to spiritual and mental health. Cult networks often involve young people.
For young people with an acute need for self-realization, destructive cults have additional attractive sides, since they cultivate the idea of ​​being chosen, the high purpose of each follower, which makes it possible to feel their dramatically increased status. The attraction of this is so high that it makes it difficult to consider the deception. The purpose of "saving humanity" in destructive cults often strangely coexists with intolerance and aggressiveness towards the uninitiated: "He who is not with us is against us." If destructive cults really contributed to the development of the individual and spiritual perfection, then the adherents, along with the belief that they can serve as a role model, would have tolerance, a kind attitude towards “younger brothers” who are lagging behind in their spiritual growth. A sure sign of spiritual perfection is tolerance. But she is not in

destructive cults.
Let us add an argument confirming the illusory satisfaction of spiritual needs in destructive cults. Those who disbelieve in Orthodoxy or Catholicism, Confucianism or Buddhism silently leave the church, move away from one faith and begin to look for another. Someone is looking for a new religious faith, someone else is looking for something else that inspires hope and strengthens spiritual strength. However, many who have left sects become active debunkers of their activities. Why is it so? Because it becomes clear to them that they have been deceived, they want to protect other people from deception.
The destruction of the communal way of life in Russia and other countries (for a number of reasons, inevitable), the restriction of the ability to fully experience a sense of social belonging led to the spread of destructive cults to a large extent. These cults have a destructive effect on the individual, family and society. In destructive cults there is no freedom of the individual. They deliberately and purposefully downplay the importance of the intellect, hinder the attempts of adherents to independently and rationally comprehend the impact that falls on them. For any creature to grow, it needs living space, freedom, and freedom in different senses and aspects: freedom to choose a lifestyle and occupation, freedom in thoughts and in communication...
Personal freedom and real satisfaction of spiritual needs are possible if a person is responsible for his actions and deeds, decisions, if he maintains critical thinking and makes all personally significant choices on his own, if he retains clarity of consciousness.
In traditional religions, a person is aimed at constant inner work and spiritual development. The same cannot be said about destructive cults. They are very diverse both in ideological, ideological orientation, and in form. They are united by the fact that they all appeal to the spiritual needs of a person - the need to feel the meaning of life, to understand one's place in society, to strive for perfection, to hope for the immortality of the soul. Unfortunately for modern Russia characterized by an ideological vacuum, the absence of clear and attractive spiritual values ​​and guidelines.
These components of public consciousness mature along with the formation of civil society thanks to actively functioning public institutions, the profile of which allows one to be included in the search for such landmarks.

test questions
1. Name the approaches to the interpretation of the concept of harmony in the history of humanitarian thought.
2. List and describe various aspects of personal harmony.
3. List the feelings that bring together and remove.
4. Describe the meaning of spiritual being for a person.

1. Vasilyeva O.S., Filatov F.R., Psychology of human health: standards, ideas, attitudes: Proc. allowance. – M.: Academy, 2001.
2. Kulikov L.V. Psychohygiene of the individual: Basic concepts and problems: Proc. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University, 2000.
3. Rean A. A. Social pedagogical psychology. - St. Petersburg, 1999.

Hello, dear students of Argemony University!

To do this, we need to calculate the distances between our planets in pairs.

In order not to get confused, we will first calculate the degree position of our planets on the circle in general, and not in some sector.

Sun - 24°41"34" in Virgo = 150°+24°41"34" (on the chart in general)=174°41"34"
Moon - 6 ° 34 "40" in Virgo \u003d 150 ° + 6 ° 34 "40" (on the map in general) \u003d 156 ° 34 "40"
Mercury - 0 ° 41 "59" in Libra \u003d 180 ° + 0 ° 41 "59" (on the map in general) \u003d 180 ° 41 "59"
Venus - 26 ° 13 "2" in Leo \u003d 120 ° + 26 ° 13 "2" (on the map in general) \u003d 146 ° 13 "2"
Mars - 13 ° 58 "9" in Cancer \u003d 90 ° + 13 ° 58 "9" (on the map in general) \u003d 103 ° 59 "9"
Jupiter - 18 ° 14 "17" in Aquarius \u003d 300 ° + 18 ° 14 "17" (on the map in general) \u003d 318 ° 14 "17"
Saturn - 24 ° 57 "15" in Virgo \u003d 150 ° + 24 ° 57 "15" (on the chart in general) \u003d 174 ° 57 "15"

Now we count in pairs, remembering that

If somewhere we get a value greater than 180°, then we need to calculate the value of another arc (simply subtracting from 360° what we got), because all aspects are less than 180° in size.

(Sun, Moon) = 174°41"34" - 156°34"40" = 18°6"54"
(Sun, Mercury) = 180°41"59" - 174°41"34" = 6°0"25"

(Sun, Mars) = 174°41"34" - 103°59"9" = 70°42"25"
(Sun, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 174°41"34" = 143°32"43"
(Sun, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 174°41"34" = 0°15"41"

(Moon, Mercury) = 180°41"59" - 156°34"40" = 24°7"19"
(Moon, Venus) = 156°34"40" - 146°13"2" = 10°21"38"
(Moon, Mars) = 156°34"40" - 103°59"9" = 52°35"31"
(Moon, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 156°34"40" = 161°39"37"
(Moon, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 156°34"40" = 18°22"35"

(Mercury, Venus) = 180°41"59" - 146°13"2" = 34°28"57"
(Mercury, Mars) = 180°41"59" - 103°59"9" = 76°42"50"
(Mercury, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 180°41"59" = 137°32"18"
(Mercury, Saturn) = 180°41"59" - 174°57"15" = 5°44"44"

(Venus, Mars) = 146°13"2" - 103°59"9" = 42°13"53"
(Venus, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 146°13"2" = 172°1"15"
(Venus, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 146°13"2" = 28°44"13"

(Mars, Jupiter) = 318°14"17" - 103°59"9" = 214°15"8"; 360° - 214°15"8" = 145°44"52"
(Mars, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 103°59"9" = 70°58"6"

(Jupiter, Saturn) = 318°14"17" - 174°57"15" = 143°17"2"

Before we go any further into our pairings, I want to clarify something. Cosmic radiation arrives at the Earth not in isolation from each planet, but simultaneously. Therefore, it is only theoretically possible to talk about the net influence of a particular planet on a person.
Astrological practice shows that at certain angular positions of the planets, mutual resonances arise, and qualitatively new influences are already coming to the Earth from these planets.

Like actors on a stage, the planets do not remain indifferent to each other. They make friends or quarrel, help or hinder. The interaction that exists between the planets in the horoscope is symbolized by aspects. Aspect is the distance in degrees between two planets. Therefore, at the beginning of the lesson, we took up such calculations.

Aspects are divided by qualities into several groups:
- tense (or negative);
- harmonious (or positive);
- creative;
- magical;
- karmic.

But most often only the first two are considered in detail. At least, the ancient astrologers only considered them. However, we will consider four groups of aspects. I think creative and magical ones will even be more interesting for us.

According to the strength of interaction, aspects are divided into two categories:
- major (or strong);
- minor (or weak).

Major aspects are also called explicit: they directly affect a person or a phenomenon, the study of which is dedicated to the horoscope.

A minor is usually understood as sadness, which is associated with some kind of trouble. However, astrological minor aspects can be inherently beneficial. Their minority lies in the fact that these aspects are not always included. Often a third, additional force must be present for the planets to come into interaction with each other. This may be the environment of a person, the forces of nature, public opinion, etc. Therefore, minor aspects are also called hidden.

Each planet is responsible for many areas. Aspects to her are reflected in everything she manages.

Aspects of the Sun are related to love, joy and strength of the human spirit. They are said to be related to the self and spiritual substance, and are reflected in decision-making and responsibility for them. Conscious actions.

Aspects of the Moon reflect on emotional state, habits, instinctive behavior on reactions to other people's actions. In the male horoscope, these aspects show the type of woman he loves, in the female - the style of maternal attitude and behavior.

Aspects of Mercury are reflected in the intellect of a person and in the nature of his close daily contacts. Conversations, letters, phone calls and news depend on this planet.

Aspects of Venus reflected in the sense of beauty, aesthetic perception and partnerships. Gifts, flattery, tact and the accumulation of pleasant things are described by these aspects.

Aspects of Mars are reflected in the active actions of a person and show what a person will do in this particular situation. In the male horoscope, they describe the use of force, in the female - the type of man that they like.

Aspects of Jupiter reflect on the spiritual life of a person and show how he expands his influence, what group of people he is inclined to join and what he is inclined to study. These aspects describe the benefits and the nature of the benefactors.

Aspects of Saturn have to do with limitations and delays in a person's life, the ability to follow a plan. It describes the conditions that other people put forward.

Aspects of Uranus related to freedom and happiness. They describe a person's dream and his ability to find like-minded people.

Aspects of Neptune show the deceptions and self-deceptions of a person, his credulity and whether it will come out sideways to him. This is intuition and the degree of its development. Religiosity. Kindness.

Aspects of Pluto show the attitude of a person to power and the nature of his own manifestations in this sense. Aspects will show whether a person will become a victim of the use of force against him by the authorities or will be able to cooperate with it.

I will say a little about the cosmic status of the planets. Each of the seven planets solar system, perceiving the energy of the Sun, transforms it and already radiates from itself in the form of energy parcels with principles inherent only to it alone. The sun and moon have their own principles.
When the energy of a planet passes through the structure of a zodiacal sign, the principle of the planet is modulated by the quality of the sign. Each sign of the Zodiac practically changes the principle of the planet's energy reaching the Earth.

Each planet of the solar system performs a separate specific function and depending on it, it receives from the Sun not the entire spectrum of energies emitted by it, but only that part, under the influence of which this planet is located. The only exception is the Moon, which receives from the Sun the entire spectrum emitted by it, and then transforms it into energies more accessible to life on Earth. Hence the expression that we live in a sublunar world.

Here is a table of the cosmic statuses of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac (the cosmic statuses of the planets are measured according to a seven-point system - from 6 points to 0):

The status of a planet determines only the degree of its significance in the sign, and not the absolute level of power. For example, a planet in exile with a cosmic status in the sign of zero, its qualities remain extremely strong, but the sign makes them seem to be hidden, implicit. That is why the cosmic status of the planet does not speak about the potential role of each of the planets in human life and also cannot say whether the planet will be destructive or creative for a person.

The cosmic statuses of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac will help us in the analysis of various aspects.

And one moment. In ancient literary sources, the planets were divided into beneficent, negative and neutral.

TO beneficial planets include Venus and Jupiter, since their resonances are in harmony with all living and non-living things on Earth. In relation to any person, these planets (without the influence of other factors on them) carry the energies of balance, growth and do not allow resorting to extremes.

negative There are also two planets - Mars and Saturn. They are considered negative because, as a rule, a person of an insufficient spiritual level of development perceives their impact inadequately. And therefore the influence of these planets leads a person in his behavior to extremes. Thus, the planet Mars in its essence sends energies consonant in our consciousness with the accelerated development of the surrounding space. And if a person, using these energies, mastered those spaces that are not yet occupied, then the energy of Mars would be of help to him. But a person always wants to capture the already inhabited places, because it is difficult to master the new. This is why March became in mythology the symbol of the god of war.
Saturn is the planet of concentration, limitation, law and order. At a low level of consciousness, a person does not want to recognize the limitations of his desires.

TO neutral include the Sun, Moon and Mercury. The functions of Mercury as a contactor and carrier of information can only be fulfilled while maintaining a neutral attitude towards everything around.

And before proceeding to the consideration of specific aspects, I will also say a few words about the energy of aspects in general.

Any aspect - tense or harmonious - can be made to work for you. Aspects that are considered harmonious have energy that is easy to manage. When we try to make good things happen, we encounter less resistance and move forward on the path to achieving something freely. In tense aspects, the energy is difficult, which makes you sweat to achieve what you want. Harmonious aspects require little work, and strenuous - large and exhausting.
One more interesting point in the description of aspects. If no efforts are made to overcome the energy of the tense aspect, then we will get corresponding negative consequences throughout the program. But with harmonious aspects, we will not suffer if we do not do proper work on ourselves. The punishment for this will be only the absence of the positive result we need.
However, tense aspects have a positive side, while harmonious ones have a negative side. If everything is easy for a person, he does not need a lot of work on himself, then he will lose all motivation for his activity and he will become lazy. Those who have many harmonious aspects in their natal chart do not seek to change anything in their lives.
But on the other hand, if a person, having tense aspects in his chart, accepts the problem, tries to resist it, then he can use this large and heavy energy of the tense aspect to improve and even exalt his life.

So, any aspect can be made to manifest in a positive way if approached in the right way.

In this lecture, we will consider only harmonious aspects. We will denote them in red, although in different sources meet different colors for harmonious aspects: both blue and green.

Harmonious aspect, its designation, a brief description of, orbs
Trin (trigon)Quicons (quincons)
major, constant actionmajor, discrete actionminor, permanentminor, discrete action
Brings good luck, easy interaction between the planets in it. Usually connects planets of the same element.Gives the ability to find a convenient way out of the situation. Usually connects the planets of the elements of the same polarity (for example, female: water - earth or male: fire - air).Aspect of transformation. It is believed that it is characterized by the return of situations for the planets in it.Periodically activated human protection coming from the environment. Sometimes it is considered an unfavorable aspect, because it connects planets in elements that do not have sympathy for each other, like water and fire. But it is believed that it has a weak harmonizing character, allowing you to relieve tension from the planets participating in it.
The sun+8°; -5°+5°; -4°+2°; -2°+2°; -2°
moon+6°; -5°+5°; -4°+1.5°; -1.5°+1.5°; -1.5°
+6°; -5°+5°; -4°+1°; -1°+1°; -1°

Orbis is a deviation from the exact one allowed for this aspect, that is, within what limits the aspect is considered valid. Of course, if the aspect is accurate, then its strength is three times greater than if the aspect is deviated within the allowable orbis. The further the aspect is from the exact, the less its power.
A plus orb is a tolerance for a converging aspect, that is, one when at each next moment one planet enters into a more accurate aspect with respect to another. Well, a negative orbis is a tolerance for a divergent aspect, when the planets move further and further away from each other.

Let's talk more about harmonious aspects.

Religious philosophers of both the West and the East invariably say that there is a trinity of existence in the Universe. Astrologers base the harmonious aspects of the planets on the number 3. Therefore, the third part of the circle, trine, equal to 120 °, is considered the most harmonious of all aspects between the planets. It is this distance between the planets that creates a counter passage open to the energies of both planets. Planets in this aspect always work together and can often replace each other. This aspect gives a person great power, which he can use at his discretion. However, a person at a low level of consciousness sometimes abuses this. For example, a trine between the Moon and Venus creates a charming and harmonious personality psychotype, but this does not prevent such a person from beautifully vampirizing in the relationship of the sexes and leading a dependent lifestyle. With a trine between Mars and Mercury, a person is capable of speaking any interlocutor with a minimum amount of knowledge with pressure and aplomb.
A trine is like a long-term relationship that lasts for many years and in which people support each other no matter what happens. The support we receive from planets in a trine seems to us for granted, so that we hardly notice it. But here lies the danger: if a person, due to laziness, inertia or insufficient awareness, fails to take advantage of the opportunities that the trine gives, then he will never become what he could become.

In a person's life, it symbolizes the possibilities presented. keyword for this aspect is the word "choice", that is, the right of a person to choose from the various opportunities provided by life, the most consonant for him. This shows the free will of man. But the retribution for the wrong choice later falls on the person himself. Thus, sextile, although it gives a person’s life harmony, but not the one that comes to him, like manna from heaven, by itself, as happens with a trine. The sextile aspect gives the potentiality of harmony, which the person himself must realize through work.
The sextile offers a person paths, from which he must first choose his only one, and then (albeit with the support of fate) walk it with his own feet from beginning to end. Only in this case he will get the desired result.
Here you can say a good word about Saturn. Being a planet of restrictions, it makes a person concentrate in his actions, and therefore Saturn's sextile can be attributed to one of the most beneficial for a person. For example, the sextile of Saturn and Mercury gives the child the opportunity to develop an increased memory (naturally, with the correct upbringing of the child by parents).
Planets in a sextile are in signs, the elements of which complement, support each other: water and earth, air and fire.
The result of the joint work of planets in sextile has a beneficial effect on the spiritual life of a person. Sextile promotes birth original ideas and expanding horizons.
By interpreting the sextile, one can learn about one's potential, about those possibilities that could manifest themselves from the joint action of the planets-participants.
Sextile is like a friendly and exciting conversation between two friends who have known each other for a long time and may be interested in each other, but there are no obligations between them and there are no specific plans.

Indicates the return of situations, pulling them out of the past. This is the balancing aspect. public relations person and his contacts.
Quickons determines the possibility of repeating favorable situations. For example, we had business with someone, and we have to finish it. In this case, these are not our debts, but rather debts to us.
In the presence of evil planets, the quincunx in terms of influence can be unfavorable, since it will manifest itself in the repetition of the same situations, in their constant “scrolling”. With good planets, a similar situation arises at a new level, that is, there is a repetition of lessons that a person did not want to learn. Therefore, here it is possible to catch up in the relationship of people.
Quickons - an aspect of the secret strengthening of a person's position in life.
This aspect lies between the trine (accumulation of ways to fulfill desires) and opposition (achievement of desire). It gives hope, but when trying to achieve it, it indicates a lack of readiness for the implementation of the complained. For this reason, quicons are often considered an aspect of disappointments. But this situation can be viewed in another way: it is an aspect of attempts that point to the reasons for our immaturity, having learned about which, we can still work to fully implement our plans.
For example, quinceon Mercury - Jupiter describes a situation when we want to convince someone (Jupiter) with the help of our oratory (Mercury), but at the same time we are forced to question our beliefs and even change sometimes.

Influence semi-sextile on a person positively and occurs indirectly: through a group of people, through the elements, through nature. A person who has a lot of semi-sextiles is lucky in small things, he is supported by the team, he is not interfered with. He does not waste his attention on trifles.
A semi-sextile is a periodically activated protection of a person coming from the environment. Semi-sextiles determine the reward for caring for Nature, for the fact that a person did not offend anyone.
The semi-sextile is sometimes referred to as "neither fish nor fowl". The participating planets are not close enough to each other to work together to solve problems, and not distant enough to support the sextile principle. Planets in a semi-sextile behave like two people from the same social environment who have recently met, but have little in common or, in principle, do not need intensive communication.
But when there are no other major aspects, you can seriously use semi-sextile, and by about 20 years there are noticeable external successes. Unfamiliar people become more and more familiar over time.
For example, the semi-sextile Sun - Saturn says that although we know that we ourselves are responsible for our self-realization (Sun) and need self-discipline (Saturn), we cannot truly realize that one is impossible without the other.

In general, one's own perception and understanding of any aspects can be done only by working with various cards.

There are two harmonious aspects on the chart we are considering, and both are semi-sextiles.

(Sun, Venus) = 174°41"34" - 146°13"2" = 28°28"32"
(Venus, Saturn) = 174°57"15" - 146°13"2" = 28°44"13"

Moreover, the second aspect in terms of orbs is a little short of acceptable, so we will take into account only the first semi-sextile between the Sun and Venus.
The characteristic of this semi-sextile is as follows.
Appeasement of those around, harmonization of relationships. The desire to visually formalize individual ideas about beauty, harmony, ideals, high experiences. Immersion in yourself. The desire to embody one's own secret in a visible form. Susceptibility to all kinds of art. The need for harmonic pair relationships. The desire for beauty and comfort in outer life can be transformed into a steady and devoted service to a higher ideal. Subtle responsiveness, inner peace, mercy.
This all manifests itself well with strong planets, and our semi-sextile is not very strong, judging by the cosmic statuses of the planets:

Sun in Virgo - cosmic status 3
Venus in Leo Cosmic Status 2

In general, not the biggest statuses, but not zero either. So it is quite possible to use this sextile. And, most likely, they used it initially and have been using it throughout the entire existence of this institution, since the tavern as a whole is pleasant for visitors, attracts everyone with something of its own, has a friendly atmosphere that even some extremist elements that sometimes appear there do not spoil. At least that's how I feel about the tavern. She supports the desire to do something for her at times.
The Sun is in the ninth house, Venus in the eighth. And one must think that it is in the activities corresponding to these houses that the tavern will be lucky if they are connected by a harmonious aspect. The ninth house, illuminated by the Sun, is intellect, long journeys, spiritual aspirations and interests. The tavern during its existence has witnessed a considerable number of conversations, disputes, discussions on a variety of topics. The eighth house, which is responsible for finances and the ability to adapt to other people's energies, also comes in handy.

I figured out which of my friends might have a trine in the natal chart, and the first time I hit it: the trine of Jupiter and Mercury, which is the best fit for this person. The person is a very successful organizer, possessing oratorical skills and the ability to convince people that they are right. Moreover, all this is given very easily and naturally, you do not need to make any extra efforts - this is a joy. When communicating with this person, there was always a feeling of receiving a free gift from Santa Claus. Yes, and there were always a lot of supportive patrons around, who, of their own free will and with joy, did everything necessary. Other signs of the trine of Jupiter, which are described in the sources, were also observed.
The trine connects fiery signs, which speaks of a choleric temperament, activity, and the spirit of creativity. And all this is present in full.

We will finish the lecture for today, and this is homework:

1. Make all the calculations for the pairs of planets for your chart.

2. This question can be skipped if there are no harmonious aspects on your chart. If they are, then try to analyze them, based on the information in the lecture and on the World Wide Web (on the aspects of specific planets).

3. Try to choose from the personalities you know (three people are enough; if the 2nd question is omitted, then take five personalities) those who, in your opinion, may have major harmonious aspects in the natal chart, and check this (and analyze, certainly). Draw a conclusion based on these checks (were you able to guess or not and why).

When analyzing aspects, consider all sides:
- the aspect itself;
- elements;
— space statuses;
- at home (if there is information about the time).

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Such concepts as adaptation, mental stability, harmony have antonyms: disadaptation, psychological instability, disharmony. It is the unity of the signs of health and ill health, stability and instability, harmony and disharmony that manifests itself in a person's life, at the same time deviating in one direction or another.

Health has been associated with balance and harmony since ancient times. Alcmaeon interpreted as health harmony and balance of opposing forces(various states, warm and cold, active and immovable, etc.). The disease comes as a consequence of the autocracy of one of these elements over others. According to Plato, health, like beauty, is determined by proportionality, requires the consent of "opposites" and is expressed in dimensional ratio of soul and body.

ABOUT personality disharmony psychologists and psychotherapists write more often than about harmony. Perhaps because there is only one state of harmony, but there are many disharmony. However, the study personal harmony relevant for at least two reasons. First, many mental disorders begin with varying degrees. depths personality disharmony. Since the initial and desired (for return) state is harmony, the most accurate knowledge about it is necessary.

It is impossible to discuss the harmony of the personality if we consider the personality in isolation from the environment, outside of its connections with the world. Analyzing what is happening in the modern world, it is worth choosing the main dimensions of the human world as the starting point for analysis. These are: natural world(both inanimate and living nature), social world(the world of people, nations, ethnic groups, societies, groups of various sizes) and object world(man-made, instrumental, technogenic). All of them make up the existence of an individual and humanity as a whole.

This period of human development is characterized by a conflict between the three named worlds. Conflict is understood as a pronounced inconsistency of these three worlds, three aspects of human existence - inconsistency, which causes quite tangible damage to each of the three worlds. Of particular importance is the neurotic desire of man to remake everything in the natural world, and as quickly as possible.

The formation of the objective world took place in parallel with the development of the social. Growing and becoming more complex, the objective world strengthened its influence on the social world. Now we can talk not only about influence, but also about the restructuring of the social world under the influence of the technogenic one. For example, modern media, primarily electronic, have become a monster that is not sufficiently controlled by society. Some of them, unfortunately, do not reflect all the needs of society in this area. This is especially evident in Ukraine, where there are not only many necessary control and regulation mechanisms.

With the ability to use items, the human species has greatly increased its numbers. On the other hand, with the help of the instrumental world, man subjugated (and often simply destroyed) nature. There is another conflict associated with this. Human nature is dual: biological and social. There are so many people that experts are increasingly talking about the congestion of the planet with biomass, about the inevitable reduction of resources that provide food, the ability to satisfy living needs. Whether the instrumental world can eliminate this conflict is an open question. In addition, the harmful effects of industry, transport and many other areas of human practical activity on nature (pollution, man-made disasters, greenhouse effect, etc.) are added.

Today, the subject world has reached significant development and is quite complex. He is increasingly rebuilding not only the way of life, but also many mental and bodily processes. The consequences of such a "restructuring" include:

  • acceleration of the rhythm of life;
  • a gigantic increase in the production and consumption of psychoactive drugs (hypnotics, sedatives, tonics, stimulants, etc.);
  • increase in the production and consumption of psychoactive drugs (alcohol, drugs, toxicants).

Acceleration of the rhythm of life led to a significant increase in stress. The saddest consequences of this are a significant increase in mental disorders, suicides, and psychogenic illnesses. Time the instrumental world begins to duplicate, replace or close the natural world. In addition, the instrumental world has an extremely large number of possibilities for building illusions. For example, virtual computer reality and new types of psychological dependence (dependence on computer games, internet addiction).

Another aspect of personal harmony - coherence of the development and functioning of the main spheres of personality. Development values ​​have dominated Western civilization since the Middle Ages cognitive(cognitive) spheres personality. However, a large amount of knowledge does not automatically make a person more harmonious, or prosperous, happier. Such a one-sided development led in the 20th century. before the scientific and technological revolution without adequate, measured advances in humanitarian development. This is the reason for the destruction of the planet's ecology and "marking time" in the spiritual sphere. This also causes a lack of development of the emotional-sensory sphere, neurotization of society and an underestimation of the vitality of people in many countries, including highly developed (technologically) countries. It takes a lot of energy to control and contain emotions.

Considering harmony, different concepts are widely used: general scientific (balance, integrity, integration), natural (adaptation, health), humanitarian (well-being, social maturity, personal maturity, peace of mind). Initially, the concept of harmony is revealed through the concept of consistency and expediency. "Agreed" is one that has achieved unity, "expedient" - in which its parts are correctly correlated.

Harmony- highest level personality integration compared to personality stability, and sustainability is the highest level of personality integration compared to adaptability.

Personality integration- this is its integrity (according to the etymology of the term "integration"). The concepts of harmony and integration are quite closely related, but not equivalent. Personality can be integrated and inharmonious. But it cannot be harmonious and unintegrated.

HARMONY OF THE PERSON - it is the consistency and proportionality of the main aspects of the existence of the personality: the multidimensional space of the personality, the time and energy of the personality (both potential and realized). The proportionality of the quantitative characteristics of space, time and energy of the individual can be specified as the proportionality between the volume of the space of the individual, the speed of personal time and the energy level of the individual.

In addition, this is a comparison of the external and internal spaces of the personality, their rather close connection; comparison of external and internal time of the personality; correlation of potential and realized energy; proportionality of energy and information resources. Harmony- it is also a balance between a sense of self-sufficiency and a sense of community (community, for example, in the Adlerian sense).

In the study of personality, general scientific concepts are used. The space, time and energy of a personality should be considered in four main aspects of its being: physical (objective), welcoming, social, spiritual. Since personality is the highest integrator in a person, one of the facets of personal harmony is coherence of all aspects of her being.

Existence in physical space (physical being) is the existence in the world of bodies and objects, involvement in the world of inanimate nature (involvement of the individual as a body). Not a single human functioning, effective behavior, activity and life activity is possible outside the world of objects and things, without an adequate reflection of the characteristics of this world. The body of any person has quite obvious physical characteristics. In physical space man exists as a (physical) body.

Existence in welcome space (biological being) is life activity, involvement in the world of wildlife as an individual. All human life is subject to biological laws and is impossible outside the world of wildlife.

Existence in social space (social being) is social life, involvement in the world of people as individuals, as a member of the macro- and microsociety. Social being is immersion in interpersonal relationships, the realization of the desire to maintain interpersonal relationships or change them in the desired direction, expand one's influence, strengthen authority, etc. Outside the social space, a person cannot satisfy his social needs. It presents the past generations of this society and its history. Social existence preserves them in the form of traditions, stable social norms and rules. But the social space is, first of all, the space of contemporaries, a community of people who are active, communicate directly with each other and influence each other.

Existence in spiritual space - this is spiritual life, involvement in the spiritual world as a subject that has spiritual needs; attraction to the highest values ​​of human existence. Spiritual life is also the realization of the desire to contribute to the preservation of higher values. An activity aimed at expanding the circle of people who accept the values ​​that the subject justified, or the values ​​to which he joined as a follower. In the spiritual space, the subject belongs to all mankind, is a part of it. The space of spiritual being is special.

The spiritual world is relatively independent of other spaces - physical, vital and social. Spiritual being is more inertial than social, since natural, economic and other changes have an indirect impact on it.

The inner space of the personality exists because a person has the ability to reflect. In the process of personality development, self-awareness. The idea of ​​the world and oneself, experiences of various events, attitude towards oneself and self-regulation, life goals and plans of the individual - all this makes up her personality. inner space (subjective world). Outer spaces are represented in the inner world. On the other hand, in one way or another the external activity of a person reflects his inner life.

So, outer space and inner space are not separated, but intersect. Therefore, it will be more accurate to speak not only about different parts of the personal space, but also about many of its dimensions.

For the harmony of the personality, the balance of events of the fullness of the external and internal life of a person and the balance in activity, which can be divided into two streams, are important - extraactivity(activity directed to outer space) and introactivity(activity directed to the inner space).

In the subjective aspect, harmony is the experience of well-being in its various aspects.

SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING - a sense of belonging to the spiritual culture of society, awareness of the opportunity to join the riches of spiritual culture. For spiritual well-being t advancement in understanding the essence and purpose of a person, a fairly complete understanding of the meaning of life.

SOCIAL WELL-BEING - this is the satisfaction of the individual with his social status and the current state of society, to which the individual considers himself. It is also satisfaction with interpersonal relationships, status in the microsocial environment.

WELCOME (bodily) WELL-BEING- good physical health, bodily comfort, a sense of health that satisfies the individual, physical tone.

According to the mental stability of the personality, harmony can be viewed as a balance between the individual pillars of sustainability, consistency between them, the equality of their significance. Spiritual balance should also be understood as a balance of faith in oneself, in one's own strengths and in the forces of the environment. In particular, it is a balance between the force of the cause that influences and the force of the response.

Personal psychocorrection provides for the harmonization of the personality, which covers, in particular, the leveling of internal clamps and obstacles to mastering the specialty of a practical psychologist.
E. Shostrom points out the importance of helping the subject develop a creative and open personality.
This development occurs due to close contact between people, therefore, the emergence of special, optimal conditions for human relations is important in the psychotherapeutic process. A person gets sick when there are no conditions for its development, there is a delay in the normal process psychological development. The types of problems that burden an individual may either correspond to his real age level, or more. early period development, if it has not been properly overcome ... If the problems turned out to be too dangerous or too difficult to solve, he either stops his development, or builds up a shell of protective mechanisms that weakens and distorts his productive potential "
Such a person is incapable of psychological growth, which, according to A. Adler, consists in moving from self-centeredness to cooperation with other people and constructive mastery of socially useful skills that develop the potential of the subject and is an indicator of psychological health.
If we turn to classical studies psychoanalytic direction, then in Z. Freud we find reasoning that the profession of a psychoanalyst is designed to carry out a therapeutic and pedagogical impact on the subject. This influence involves overcoming psychological resistances and is an essential part of analytic treatment. Therefore, no psychoanalyst will advance in his work if he does not overcome his own complexes and internal resistance. C. G. Jung, developing his own theory, noticed that people with an unbalanced psyche often want to become psychiatrists, because such activity makes it possible to see others worse than themselves, to get rid of an inferiority complex. Consequently, a psychotherapist can provide professional help to other people only by overcoming their own psychological difficulties. The need for a psychoanalyst to undergo a course of psychoanalytic therapy was noted by the Austrian psychoanalyst Ralph R. Greenson. He noticed that professional skill covers the ability to know the unconscious itself, and also provides for the degree of resolvability of the internal conflicts of the psychoanalyst himself. Mastering the skills of correlating conscious thoughts, feelings, behavior with the unconscious aspects of the psyche that have already been identified by the psychoanalyst, developing and using one's own intuition, reflection of the personal life experience in combination with regular attendance of therapy sessions allows you to achieve success in professional activity. Under such conditions, personal openness is achieved: “the analyst must accept the unfamiliar, the strange and the eccentric in the patient with an open mind, and not with anxiety or disgust, have a free and flexible self-image and share a friendly skepticism. First of all, he must have a vital interest in people, their way of life, emotions, fantasies and thoughts ... ". V. Frankl noted that the solution of internal psychological problems by a person leads to the realization of uniqueness, individual uniqueness and responsibility for the content and meaning of one's own life.

The essence of the harmonious development of a person is revealed in the studies of the humanistic direction. If psychoanalysts studied mainly the symptomatic manifestations of neurotic subjects and the features of their unconscious sphere, then the researchers of the existential-humanistic direction (E. Fromm, A. Maslow, R. Assagioli, K. Rogers) turned to the study of psychologically well-off individuals who have the ability to feel happiness, pleasure from the process of creative self-realization, development of one's own resources and potential. E. Fromm calls one of the main tasks of psychoanalytic therapy to identify the regressive tendencies of the psyche to enhance the love of life, a person's knowledge of his natural essence and the discovery of the potential that exists at the latent level. According to his humanistic ethics, the goal of the development of a mature personality is to be oneself, and the condition for achieving this is to be a “person for oneself”, which realizes its vital interest. This does not mean an egoistic and purely consumerist attitude to the surrounding reality, first of all, this is the lack of indifference to one's own "I" (and therefore to other people) and knowledge of its true needs, taking responsibility for one's existence and behavior. Such a position leads to the achievement of the highest degree of "humanity" - the state of fertility, the realization of opportunities, the activation of the potential forces of a person1. socially successful man is psychologically mature, creatively perceives life, is able to create or "revive" the external and internal world due to the spontaneous activity of one's own mental forces, has a perspective and objective view of reality, providing for liberation from internal destruction. If an enterprise is in captivity of destructiveness, then it is "driven by hatred, anger, jealousy, envy, irrational trains", it "is completely dependent on them and completely subdued by them." Behavior then is not free and moderate, but contradicts one's own mind, the interests of the subject, who imperceptibly suppresses his essence, becomes more and more rigid and obeys harmful stereotypes. Psychological maturity implies liberation from stereotyped behavior and destruction and indifference to the nature of one's own "I". It makes it possible to accept and love oneself (without selfishness and selfishness), to form humanistic values ​​and trust them. A mature person does not aim to exploit another person, she is able to perceive rational criticism, take the risk of revealing her own incompetence, be responsible and adapted to the environment while maintaining unshakable character traits. She knows how to be happy, enrich the world with her energy; combines reproductive and creative functions, the interaction of which creates a fertile character; sees the other as he is, respects his individuality and uniqueness; knows how to listen to his inner voice; believes in the natural positive potential of man.

Humanist researcher A. Maslow notes that instead of approaching self-actualization, revealing their own potential, people often betray themselves, being in complete stagnation, regression "only out of fear of death, and not in the name of development." The experience of anxiety, despair, melancholy, inability to enjoy life, constant feelings of guilt and emptiness, lack of independence destroy creativity. It is difficult for a person to overcome the habitual way of life: “What first fills with joy, then can already upset, her impulses, desires and pleasures become bad advisers for him in life. She is forced to distrust impulses and pleasure, to be afraid of them, because they "lead him astray." As a result, the person is doomed to become a victim of conflict, frustration, indecision; in short, it becomes "the scene of a civil war."
A person capable of self-actualization is psychologically healthy.
Such people satisfy basic needs (because they recognize and accept them), capable of striving for higher needs in self-actualization, tend to values ​​at a rate of development rather than regression; are characterized by an adequate spontaneous reaction in any life situations the ability to make the right life choices; tolerant of disappointments and suffering, able to reflect in situations of failure, to distinguish between mental and objective reality; selflessly get to know other people and the world; capable of healthy development, which provides for the formation of an adequate "system of coordinates", values. A person who is at the level of self-actualization, able to resolve contradictions and internal conflicts (for example, a creative call and a profession merge into a single whole), she acquires a certain autonomy, delimiting her own “I” and the “I” of other people; has the ability to aesthetic perception of the world. Self-actualization requires the ability to abandon the childish desire to center the whole world on oneself and take a mature position, realizing that the resources and capabilities of a person are inherent in oneself, take responsibility for their implementation, integrating objective and mental reality. The process of self-actualization is characterized by a subjective feeling of satisfaction with life, the value of emotional experiences and inner life.
The Italian psychoanalyst R. Assagioli, analyzing the achievements of previous researchers (3. Freud, C. Jung, etc.) in the theory of psychosynthesis, notes the development of a holistic and harmonious personality in the unity of its conscious and unconscious aspects. He believes that ignorance and misunderstanding of oneself eliminates the ability to control oneself, causes a person to feel a sense of "one whole" and at the same time "internal disunity". Knowing his own unconscious sphere with its conflicts, contradictions, fear, the subject has the opportunity to explore himself, get rid of fear, weakness, guilt and take control of himself. Through the knowledge of the unconscious sphere, there is an awareness of the center of the personality - the true "I", the release of mental energy, which can be directed to the restructuring, renewal of the personality. This path, according to the researcher, provides for the formation of an idea of ​​a new personality, which correlates with the development and life of each individual subject. Such a transformation requires a strain of mental strength and goes through critical stages associated with regression and even destructive behavioral manifestations that characterize the process of unification of parts of the disintegrated personality. High degree self-understanding, the idea of ​​the real essence, the path to which still needs to be paved, overcoming the difficulties of self-formation, contributes to the renewal of the personality, the transformation and sublimation of the energy of the unconscious sphere, the development of a sense of inner independence, stability, self-confidence, independence.
K. Rogers in his theory of client-centered psychotherapy noted the need to help the subject discover and realize the potential, which is an innate desire for self-realization. Therefore, the practice of empathic relationships, care and a sincere psychological climate is important, causing deep personal changes: the subject approaches his own ideal of "I", his psyche becomes holistic, opportunities for acquiring new experience and mastering acceptable forms of behavior open up.
As you can see, the above characteristics of a successful, self-actualized, renewed personality are similar to indicators of mental health, well-being, which is aimed at and on which personal psycho-correction is based. It is supposed to take into account the objective characteristics of psychological health and subjective individually unique aspects that are positive, useful, developing for a particular person. As can be seen from the studies under consideration, constructive personality changes involve going beyond a certain “averageness” in meeting the needs of developing creative potential, and not just achieving psychological well-being. So, R. Assagioli focuses on the fact that neurotic subjects strive to get closer to the "norm", to acquire an optimal mental state of equilibrium, not to stand out as destructive in the wake of other people. The renewed personality overcomes this stage and moves towards self-realization.
According to the psychodynamic theory, psychic energy released through cognition of the unconscious can be directed towards professional self-realization. The sequence and continuity of the process of personal correction, which turns into self-correction, provides the psychologist with the transparency of professional interaction: the inner world of another person becomes clear to him, it becomes possible to appreciate the fluidity of the moment, to control the situation "here and now", an empathic feeling of a person's emotional mood. At the same time, the stereotypical approach to the subject is leveled, which makes it possible to correct his behavior depending on the individually unique properties of the psyche. In addition, the psychologist has the phenomenon of distance, can, if necessary, reduce or increase it, maintaining optimal relationships with other people for a long time.
In this regard, the question arises of determining the criteria for personal correctness, which would not contradict the humanistic orientation of the development of individuality, the realization of the potential of each individual, but would open the way for personal growth before the future psychologist. They can give some idea of ​​the "ideal" model of a practical psychologist and a psychologically successful person in general.

The characteristics of a corrected personality, if summarized, do not indicate the need for the formation of an “averaged” personality, do not provide for determining the degree of psychological “completeness”, perfection as the boundaries of personal growth, however, they can serve as a guide for the future. practical psychologists in understanding the essence of personal correctness.
These general characteristics include:
1) deep knowledge of one's own unconscious sphere and personal characteristics, acceptance of true needs and opportunities, understanding of the nature of the "I";
2) acceptance of the world and other people as they are, knowledge of the needs and capabilities of people, the ability to decenter attention and understand the interests of others;
3) the formation of a system of humanistic values ​​that does not contradict the individual uniqueness of one's own psyche and contributes to creative realization in society;
4) achieving a state of psychological maturity, involves the ability to take responsibility for one's own actions, life and professional self-realization,
5) integration and harmonization of the rational and emotional aspects of the personality, openness to the acquisition of new experience and its cognitive processing;
6) a tendency to combine mental and objective reality, minimizing deviations from reality and distortions,
7) the ability to abstract from emotions, a sense of psychological weakness and turn oneself into an object of study for self-knowledge and self-correction;
8) the ability to sublimate psychic energy into socially useful work and the ability to experience pleasure from the process of self-realization;
9) the ability to master professional knowledge in their integrity and relationships;
10) the ability for constructive cooperation and partnerships with people while maintaining personal independence and self-respect;
11) comfortable feeling in situations of communication and professional interaction within the framework of psychological security;
12) understanding of one's own contribution to the situation of communication;
13) an expressed feeling of gratitude to other people.

Personal correctness- this is not a state of perfection, it is a process of working on oneself, first of all, it is the acquisition of the ability to decenter attention and introspection as an analysis of the problems of other people, a humanistic attitude, the ability to self-realization. From point of view practical psychology, correctness implies an understanding of one's own protective tendencies, an awareness of deviations from reality under the influence of painful points of the "I".