Plus and minus on welding. Direct and reverse polarity. Welding current reverse polarity.

To answer the question why change polarity when welding with electrodesFor a start, it is necessary to understand what types of polarity are, as in what cases to use them.

Electrical arc welding can be carried out on the equipment that produces or permanent, or alternating current.

The electric arc is ignited by a spark generator between the electrode and the detail. The electrode is only a terminal of one of the poles and is not added to the melting pool. Therefore, electrodes with high melting point and high emissions are used. For soldering steel, copper, nickel, titanium, etc. A direct current with straight polarity is used when the electrode is heated minus reverse polarity. Aluminum and its alloys are usually welded with alternating current. The alternating current gives an arc that cleans the plate in the positive cycle, which makes it easy to flow.

When working on alternating current does not matter where to connect "Plus", "minus", because when welding on constant current, the connection has great importance . It can be said that polarity during welding is the basis of welding quality. Polarity provides quality welding quality. During the welding of a direct current, the welding arc is direct or reverse polarity.

With all this control, you can achieve extremely resistant welds with the highest quality finish. Advantages Excellent welding welding processing of welds with fewer welds Low sensitivity to intercrystalline corrosion Without bursts, the cost of equipment can be automated. Very reasonable consumables and accessories, easily available on the market.

Restrictions The difficulty of use in the presence of an air flow is insufficient for welding plates more than 6 mm for which we have other more effective processes. Low performance due to low material deposition speed The process depends on the ability of the welder when it is not automated.

With a direct polarity, "plus" connects to the combined billets (mass), respectively, "minus" is connected to the electrode holder; With reverse polarity, the plus connects to the electrode, "minus" is connected to the part. You need to change the polarity depending on what kind of welding task must be performed. On the "plus" heat stands out more than "minus".

If you look directly on the welding arc, even on a short timeThis can lead to the burns of your cornea, which is extremely sensitive to bright lights, for example, directly looking at sunlight, snow, bright reflections, etc. Technically, the arc radiation causes inflammation in the cornea caused.

An excess of ultraviolet rays generated by welding, which is known to ophthalmologists, is called the "arc radiation". One of the most common symptoms pointing to the fact that you "burned" your cornea is the feeling that someone "pokes" your eyes at night. The use of "welding mask" is mandatory and optional. During welding with passersby, it is recommended to use the curtain and do not forget to warn others, especially children and even small animals, such as cats and dogs, as they can also suffer.

Direct polarity is used When welding non-ferrous metals (copper, brass, aluminum), as they have a greater thermal conductivity, as a result we obtain a large temperature at the heating site, which allows you to exceed the melting point of a colored metal, especially important for aluminum, as it is necessary to overcome the oxide film. It has a melting point is significantly higher in comparison with the metal itself.

An example of a curtain type protection in the welding section. Selected pairs are associated with the type of material welded, current, the ability of the welder, the cleaning of the sheet, welding, ventilation of the site, etc. There are types of materials that can generate extremely poisonous gases, for example, with zinc welding, and it is very important that the welder knew the object variables and prevented contamination. All this is cumulatively, and welding departments must have good ventilation or even exhaust gases. Never weld indoors as inside the garage.

Welding light produces a large number of ultraviolet rays and can cause burns as if you were exposed to the sun. It is also important to protect the face, hands, hands, legs. Since welding often "waving" with small pieces of red metal, the most notisable are "scratches".

On straight polarity, it is also better to work with large, massive items. With direct polarity, a more concentrated and narrow electrical arc is obtained, hence the metal is properly adjusted, the seam is obtained better, which is due to the fact that direction of electron movement Permanent and with welding does not occur large splashing of molten metal. Also, when using direct polarity, it is possible to cut a metal cutting, independently which type of electrode is used.

Usually found in workshops and industries. Not to mention the flammable solvents and paints. Therefore, before starting welding. Remember that foam or aqueous fire extinguishers are not recommended for obvious reasons: electricity of welding machines and their installations. This is a fact that much has already burned, trying to free the seals of fire extinguishers.

Offices and industries are often noisy places, and the use of dampers in accordance with the status of location is important. But if you have more than one. It is used for steel welding. Only the soldering machine cannot be noisy. stainless steel.

Reverse polarity is used when welding high-alloy steels, thin metal, stainless steel, as the temperature for their welding is needed small. The disadvantage of the reverse polarity connection is that the electric arc "walks", respectively, the seam is less sealed and beautiful, but with such a connection almost completely eliminated the possibility of burning the material weldable.

This option is ideal for welding colored materials. With this type of welding, the electrode will be alternate between positive and negative. Carbon steel. Control panel element from left to right: torch connector Gas connector Burner slot negative clamping connector.

These are connectors that connect torch with equipment. One for gas and one to run a trigger. On the front of the device. Gas connector trigger connector. Where all connections will be connected. We have from left to right. Time to assemble the electrode. Electrode. We will initially place a diffuser on the torch of the diffuser.

Therefore, the polarity must be changed depending onWhat kind of welding task is to perform and the correct type of polarity of the electrode connectivity contributes to the fact that the quality of the seam will be higher, and the welding process will become much easier.

A high-quality welded connection when working with DC devices, largely depends on their settings. Even the simplest inverter has not only current strength settings, but also polarity. Most often, the default direct polarity is installed during welding and you can work for years with your inverter, not knowing all its capabilities. If you have a need to cook high-alloy steel or it is not possible to achieve a high-quality seam, then the knowledge of all the subtleties of the settings are simply necessary for you. What kind of polarity happens and how it affects welding work we will talk.

It will be charged in a torch. At the bottom of him. Tighten tightly. Observe a small torque with two pliers. But to break me to tighten, let's put the top of the torch. Skip the nozzle nozzle. It should be good leak. What can lead to contamination during welding. Which should be in good condition. To prevent leakage in a torch.

Now it's time to set the plug to watch that next to the screw thread forks. Thus, it is at this moment that we regulate how many tungsten electrodes. Now we are a torch mounted and ready to use. Connecting a negative claw now allows you to install a negative claw.

A constant current welding implies the presence of a socket for connecting to "+" and "-" welding machine. Depending on where the mass is connected, and where the electrode is distinguished by polarity.

  • Direct polarity - a connection diagram at which the mass is attached to the positive join, and the electrode is connected to the minus. In this case, the bond and polarity of the current causes the existence of anodic and cathode spots. With this connection, the anode (more hot) is formed on the side of the workpiece.
  • Reverse polarity - the mass is attached to minus, and the electrode to the plus. On the reverse polarity during the welding of a constant current, an anodic spot with a higher temperature is formed on the opposite side, that is, the electrode.

Note! A variable current welding involves an independent change in polarity to hundreds of times per second, so in such cases it does not make sense in such cases.

The connector is simple and functional, it remains connected to the "positive" equipment output. Inserted into the connector. Turn clockwise to block it. But it is very simple. It has a certain position for conformity. Installing the argon regulator on the cylinder.

And tighten the clip. Used in this welding. The final result is close to the final result. Of 5 mm each to heating. That is: We will make metals are collected together without adding a material in which we use 85 amps of power in this weld. We must cook two parts of steel.

What caused the choice of polarity

By changing the type of connection, you can concentrate the heating or on the welded part or on the electrode (moving the anode spot). For heating corresponds to the plus socket, therefore, with a direct connection, when the plus is connected to the metal, a greater heating of the welded joint is observed, and an electrode is greasy during reverse polarity.

Already appears heated welded seam, the final result. Let's wrap the two parts of stainless steel tube. Of the 3 mm of the elementary wall. Completing the final result, we weld the two parts of stainless steel tube. Walls 3 mm. They are protected from atmospheric pollution with inert gas. This process is mainly related to the production of ultra-grate metals. With minimal melting and electric erosion. Usually when welding aluminum. Increase the service life of the electrode. Iridia and cerium. Tungsten electrode.

Lanthanum. welding arc. thorium. Adding these components tungsten electrode is usually carried out in proportions from 1% to 4%. It is a rod of tungsten metal. Electrode and welding bath. Metal oxides are usually used: zirconium. And be an excellent electron conductor. Increased arc stability. They are produced by the metallurgical process itself high level. Called "sintering". And it is recognized for its effective advantages. Its melting point. Usually argon. All these oxides increase the simplicity of opening an arc.

Thanks to this feature, we can choose a connection scheme based on:

  • Metal thickness. If we weld the thick details or middle thickness, then a direct connection is suitable, in which heat concentrated on the product will help get a deeper seam and high-quality province. Also, this type of connection is suitable for cutting metal of various thickness. Thin metals are best welded with reverse polarity, concentrating most of the heat on the electrode. Thus, the item will not succumb to overheating, and the electrode itself will melt faster.
  • Metal type. The ability to change the localization of the heat stain helps to choose the most effective schemes of work for various metals. For example, if we cook stainless steel or cast iron, then the opposite connection is necessary to help avoid overheating alloy and the formation of refractory compounds. For aluminum, a direct connection is necessary otherwise to break through the oxides will be very difficult. Before starting the work, carefully examine the recommendations for setting up the apparatus to a specific alloy.
  • Type of electrode or wire. Like metals, the electrodes have their own characteristics of temperature modes, to a greater degree associated with the type of flux. For example, to work with coal electrodes it is impossible to use the reverse polarity otherwise the flux overheats and the electrode will be in disrepair. To select a setting suitable for your electrode, see the type of wire and flux or use the manufacturer's recommendations. Speaking about semi-automatic wires, they also have recommendations regarding the connection of minus and plus the device.

Now you know what can affect the connection settings. There are cases when the metal requires some, and the electrode is completely different settings. In such cases, it is necessary to look for compromises, adjusting the current and working cycles.

The thorium is used for many years. Zirconium is used with alternating current. Usually contains a small number of other metal oxides. Gas "helium" is also an option. And it is also possible to reasonably process the vast majority of welding work. And for value.

In Brazil. Thus, letting you calculate how much gas you spent or still have inside the cylinder. Partial or full playback is prohibited outside the system, without direct resolution of your regional department. The electrode and the melt pool are protected by a gaseous atmosphere consisting of an inert gas, that is, a gas that does not react with other materials, or a mixture of inert gases, usually argon or helium. Depending on the use of solder, you can add material to the melt; In this case, the material must be compatible with the main metal. This is a process that is suitable for almost all metals, in particular titanium, zirconium, aluminum and magnesium alloys, alloyed steels, stainless Steel, nickel alloys and special alloys. This is a widely used process of welding pipes in the aerospace and nuclear industry and repair work due to the simplicity in the management of the process and the possibility of using additional material. Advantages This process has the advantage of high-quality welds, no slag and splashing and can be used in all positions and types of connections. In addition, tungsten is called thermoelectronic, since it is easy to emit electrons, which greatly facilitates the stability of the arc; Tungsten can be clean or with zirconium or thorium alloys. Pure tungsten electrodes have an advantage in reducing costs and smaller grinding when using AC. On the other hand, disadvantages are the difficulty of opening the arch and lower durability. Chemical composition of the electrode. Chemical elementsAdded to the electrode are important to ensure the best performance of the welding process. Electrodes with the addition of zirconium dioxide or titanium have such advantages as increased durability, higher strength with higher potencies and better inflammation properties. On the other hand, the disadvantages when using AC are higher cost, higher grinding effect and lower arc stability. The electrode with zirconium dioxide has good characteristics When used with alternating current and has high resistance to pollution. This preparation is performed by grinding the tip, always in the longitudinal direction, to facilitate the direction of electrons. In special cases, grinding tags are removed by polishing. With a constant current welding, the electrode tip must be pointed. The correct cone tip can be obtained by practical rule: the height of the cone must be twice as the diameter of the electrode. In the case of alternating current welding, the tip of the electrode must be slightly rounded. Select the electrode. The choice of type and diameter of the electrode must take into account the thickness and type of material, the type of connection, the number of passages and the parameters of welding, such as the current and voltage, as well chemical composition Electrode, the diagram helps select the electrode. The following parameters are considered: arc length, welding speed, gas consumption and welding current. Arc length The length of the arc is the distance between the tip of the electrode and the main metal; Increasing the length also increases the arc voltage under a given welding current and this protective gas. The length of the arc affects the welded seam, which will be the greater the more arc. A very short or very long arc becomes unstable, which contributes to the formation of porosity, bites and the absence of merging. Welding speed welding speed affects penetration and width welded seam; Thus, if the speed increases, the penetration and cord are reduced, and also enhanced when welding with the addition of metal. Increased speed improves welding efficiency and productivity, reducing production costs; However, too high speeds can cause gaps, such as the absence of penetration and bites. The gas flow for efficient gas protection must be taken into account the gas flow. The flow should be strong enough to remove the air from the welding zone and thus protect the melt pool; However, high flow rate can cause turbulence in the gas stream, which leads to a rupture or defects of the cord and the instability of the arc, not to mention the higher welding cost. There are 10 adaptive devices with a torch that provide a smoother and efficient gas flow. The rule to determine the perfect flow rate is to test, starting with high flow and gradually decrease until the surface oxidation of the cord is started; The perfect consumption will be the closest and highest. Low consumption does not ensure adequate protection of the melting puddle, which also leads to a rupture. 11 In the case of mechanized welding, rolled coils are used. The diameters of the threads and threads are different. Materials and alloys used in the manufacture of sticks are different; Classified according to their chemical composition and the properties of the precipitated metal. It is important that the addive metal cannot contain moisture, fat and oxidation. Selection of extra metal. The choice of metal with the addition takes into account factors such as the similarity of the base metal, the chemical composition, mechanical properties and reasonable costs. The diameter of the wire or measuring probe must comply with the thickness of the welded parts or the amount of material to be treated. This information is available in manufacturers directory. The moisture content is also an important factor that needs to be monitored. The choice of gas depends on factors such as the type of welded metal, the thickness of the parts and the position of the welding. 70% and 30% and 30% and 70% of argon and helium mixture represent top scores When welding non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, magnesium and alloys. Gas selection is important because it affects the welding speed. Helium requires high welding stresses, which requires higher energy at the same current and arc length; Provides a large penetration of the weld; Represents a high cost, but, in turn, provides more high speed In the case of automatic welding of aluminum and its alloys. With automatic welding of aluminum and its alloys, it is possible to use pure helen gas with a constant current and negative polarity. Consists of an electrical source that can be at the same time a transformer, in the case of an AC or a rectifier or generator, in the case of DC; Torch with a support for the electrode; Conductive cable for protective gas; One cable for cooling system and one for power; a gas source that can be a cylinder and pressure regulator, or a set of cylinders with channels for supplying a distribution network in the case of welding with several workstations; And gas flow control. 15 The torch serves as a support for a tungsten electrode, and also provides protective gas. Inside the torch there is a clamp that holds the electrode, and it should be selected according to the electrode diameter. A wide selection of torches available on the market allows you to adapt it to hard-to-reach welds. The burner nozzle that can be ceramic or metal has a function of the direction of protective gas; It should also be chosen depending on the thickness and form welding seam or electric current used. The gas nozzle diameter should be large enough to adequately protect the molten puddle and the heated zone. The practical rule says that the inner diameter of the nozzle must be four times larger than the diameter of the electrode. The torch cooling system is a strong arc blowing and large currents require the cooling of the torch and the welding cable. This ensures adequate protection, and the equipment becomes flexible and easy to handle. Torch cooling can be carried out with water or air. Water cooling. Water used for cooling must be cleaned to not limit or score passages, which is why the equipment overheats and does not work. In cases where available water is not cleared, it is recommended to use filters. In most workshops there are drinking water supply; However, sometimes work is performed on large workshops or in field conditions, 17 air cooling torch can also be equipped with air-cooled; This system is limited to a current of about 200 A, according to the manufacturer, and is used when welding thin plates with a very low operating cycle. The air-cooled burner is easier and has a lower cost than the water supply system. Aperture is made using devices that form a type of pilot arc. The most commonly used high-frequency igniter, which provides a high-voltage and high-frequency signal of 5 kV and 5 kHz and allows ionizing the gas column between the electrode and part, causing opening. A few seconds before the opening of the arc, it is recommended to start the inert gas stream; This time interval is known as a pre-leakage of gas. The arc is then illuminated with the help of high-frequency igniter, and the torch is sent to a specific place to ensure the formation of a melting pool; When the puddle reaches the desired size, welding can begin. The high-frequency signal has very low power and does not affect the safety of the operator. Gas cylinder. The protective gas is supplied in steel cylinders under pressure. Usually devices have a device that prevents the ignition of sparks when opening an arc. This type of chain is used in welding steel, copper, chromonichel austenitic steels and heat resistant alloys . 19 The heat concentration is about 30% in part and 70% in the electrode. The resulting weld seam is wide, with a small penetration. The cleaning effect occurs when exposed to an electrical arc: electrons leaving the base metal or gas ions, bombard the oxide film, causing its destruction. However, since the positive polarity is used little, the alternating current is usually used to cause this effect, since the oxide breakdown occurs in a positive half of the cycle. Electrons and ions come from the part to the electrode and vice versa, causing a balanced heat concentration of 50% for each and the average penetrating ball. Due to the effect of straightening, there is an imbalance in this movement, which leads to the fact that the emission of electrons from the fusion pool is less than the emission of electrons from the electrode; This causes two sinusoid of various intensity. The straightening effect is more destructive in the case of welding aluminum and magnesium, which are a refractory oxide, since the flow of electrons emitted by the puddle is not sufficient to completely destroy the oxide layer that exists during welding. To attenuate the effect of straightening, a condenser filter transformer is used, which bales sinusoidal waves representing the electron flow. 21 Four main numbers, electrode identifiers have the following meaning: The resistance corresponds to the strength limit when welding in kilograms per square millimeter. The third digit varies from 1 to 4 and indicates the position in which the electrode can weld, where: 1 is all positions; 2 - all except descending vertical provisions; 3-apartment and horizontal layout; 4-flat position. When the calculation does not require accuracy, we can simply multiply a constant 0. There are three main types of machines for welding with a coated electrode: a transformer for welding; Generator for welding; Rectifier for welding. The models vary from the manufacturer to the manufacturer, but the principle of operation of each type of machine is the same. A welding transformer is a static electric machine intended for supplying an electrical arc of AC. It can be small, medium and large depending on the work performed. Transformers that are machines for alternating current welding make it possible to use only electrodes suitable for this type of current. Note. For long-term work and electrodes with a large diameter, care must be taken to choose a machine with sufficient power. The car usually has two contacts for connecting cables. The transformer, in most cases, has a steering crank device, in which the current intensity is adjusted. In small machines, the intensity adjustment is performed using a pin connector, and the grounding cable is inside. 29 It may be small, medium and large, depending on the requirements of the work performed. To regulate the current intensity, a lever is used, which is shifted between two scales, graded in amplifiers. Note: The generator contains rotating parts to be worn; For this reason, the service and lubrication plan must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Welding rectifier This is a static electric machine designed to power the electrical arc with a constant current. The rectifier supports long-term operation due to the cooling device connected to its own body. 31 The rectifier has two or three contacts for connecting cables, where polarity is indicated. The rectifier has a device of a flywheel or a row, in which the current intensity is adjusted. 32 Current Adjustment The current supplied by the machine must vary depending on the diameter of the electrode. When the diameter of the electrode is specified in a fractional inches, a general rule can be set to adjust the current. This rule: the current intensity of the coated electrode should approximately correspond to the diameter of the electrode core in milliseconds. Example. Decision. If we use 40 A for every 1 mm, multiplying 3, 2 mm at 40 A, we will find an approximate current for welding with an electrode with a diameter of 3, 2 mm. Dougie Length To determine this, the following rule applies: arc length in welded seams With coated electrodes should be equal to or slightly less than the diameter of the electrode core used. In the following table, we can observe some differences in welding when working with a short or long arc. Short arc long arc High penetration less welded mirror less splashing less penetration spray welding Excessive splashing speed of advancement It changes depending on the current intensity with the size of the part and the desired cord type. 34 Calculate and write down the current intensity to work with an electrode with a diameter of 4 mm. 35 Types of electrodes electrode can be of two types: naked or coated. It consists of a metal core, covered with organic and mineral compounds, iron alloy, etc. with certain percentages. The electrode can be covered with extrusion or simply covered with a shell and can be thin, medium or thick. The core material can be black or color, and its choice is made in accordance with the material of the part to be welded. The coating components are supplied as a powder connected by the "binder" glue, usually with potassium or sodium silicate. It is used with the benefits of workplaces: small and medium coating. Which requires good skill. Order finishes with metal frames. Cellulose contains combustible organic materials in the coating. It is widely used for welding, where: penetration is very important; Slag inclusions are undesirable. Two types of electrodes that we will bring below are less used than the three mentioned above. Its coating consists of iron oxide, manganese oxide and other deoxidizers. The most recommended working position for this electrode is flat. Its penetration is small, and its mechanical properties are very bad. It is used in workplaces where appearance The cord is more important than its resistance. Note: In some types of coating, metal particles are added, which give the electrode, other characteristics, such as: Higher performance efficiency; Certain properties. Functions covering the function of the coating a lot. Then we divide the most important and divide them into three groups. Electrical function Make air between the electrode and the part more conductive, facilitating the passage of the electric current, which allows you to install and maintain a stable arc. Metallurgical functions. Create a gas veil that surrounds the arc and molten metal, preventing the harmful effects of air, as well as adding alloying elements and deoxidants to reduce impurities. Physical function Direct metal droplets to a melting basin, facilitating welding in various positions and holding down the cooling of the ball through the formation of slag, providing the best mechanical properties of the weld. Thick, containing calcium carbonate, other main carbonates and fluorine. It should be dry to avoid porosity in the weld. Thin, containing combustible organic materials, which, when burning, give a thick layer of protective gas. Middle or thick, containing iron oxide and manganese and other deoxidants. Fat, containing iron oxide without magnesium oxide. Melting Melting Speed \u200b\u200bRegular regular high high high penetration small medium large medium small slag is dense and viscous, usually self-tapping. Compact and thick, easily removed. Acid, easily separated; Porous and loose. Heavy, compact and self-charge. Creation Trend The usual low regular high normal 41 may be in welding cabins or in other places where welding must be performed. We give the precautions that need to be observed in some of these places. The cabin must be painted in dark and matte to avoid reflection of light. It must be ventilated enough so that the gases secreted by the electrode during welding are not absorbed by the welder; Although these gases are usually not toxic, they can affect the respiratory tract. Field welding in this situation, in addition to the usual precautionary measures, the welder should be aware of damage caused by electric shock, avoid working in wet places, in the rain, barefoot or with shoes in bad conditions. Maintenance When welding, special attention should be paid to welding near flammable or explosive materials. 43 of the rays emitted by the most harmful are ultraviolet and infrared. Ultraviolet rays Causes: Strong burns, cell destruction and at the same time premature skin destruction; Heavy attack on eyeball and can lead to catarrhal conjunctivitis, cornea ulcers, etc. The infrared beam is responsible for damage, such as: burns 1 and 2 degrees; cataract; frequent headaches; View tired. Infrared and ultraviolet rays are invisible. Splashes are small drops of molten metal, which jump in the process of welding in all directions. They are responsible for burns on the welder, as well as for fires, if they fall into combustible material. 44 masks for individual protective equipment They are made of non-combustible material, thermal and electrical insulation, light and stable. They serve to protect the welder from lightning, splashing and high temperaturesarising during welding. There are several models, and your choice must be performed in accordance with the type of work performed. Light filters are safety glasses that should absorb at least 99, 5% emissions emitted during welding. Assembling points Assembling points in the mask must be performed, as shown in the figure below. Apron protects the front of the body. Leggings or Leggings Protect the legs and feet of the welder. The concept of electricity used for welding. Security and personal protective equipment. Variables that affect welding. Electrodes for manual arc welding. Classification and storage of electrodes. Welding technology is the process of tigers and a coated electrode. . This is a welding process that uses an electric arc as a heat source between the part and the conductive wire in the form of a wire provided by a continuous feeder, which makes the connection of metal materials by fusion.

Remember! The connection type does not depend on the spatial position.

Welding features of straight polarity

Direct polarity when working with constant current has a number of features. Some of them, we have already been listed, special attention should be paid to the rest:

  • welded seams turns deep, but quite narrow.
  • suitable for most steels, thickness from 3 mm.
  • colored metals with a tungsten rod applied only with straight polarity.
  • it is characterized by a stable arc and as a result - more high-quality seam.
  • it is forbidden to use electrodes for alternating current welding machines.
  • better suitable for metal cutting.

Features of welding current reverse polarity

Like straight, reverse polarity When welding inverter has a number of features, knowing which you can avoid a number of errors inherent in beginners. It is worth allocating such features:

  • when welding a direct current on the reverse polarity of seams, it turns out less deep, but wider
  • great for welding thin metals and middle thickness. When working with thick billets, the weld quality decreases sharply.
  • it is forbidden to work with reverse polarity with electrodes that are sensitive to overheating.
  • at low currents, there is a significant reduction in the quality of the weld due to the jumping arc.
  • in addition to the reverse connection, to work with high-alloy steel, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations on the working cycle and the cooler of the workpiece.


DC welding machines, such as inverters or semi-automatic, are simple enough to use in everyday life. That is why the demand and supply of these devices on the market is constantly growing. This contributes to their availability, cheapness and constant current to cook easier than variable. However, in order to get a high-quality, beautiful and durable welded joint, you need to know a number of technological features, including the purpose and types of polarity. Thanks to the knowledge of this article and the direct current source, you can perform any welding work. The main thing is a thorough approach to work and compliance with all protective measures.