Life-healing psychology. Harmonious aspects What is a harmonious personality

The balance between inner and outer - peace with oneself - is the aspiration of every person. It is these qualities that correspond to the definition “ harmonious personality", As well as the concept of" congruence ".

The concepts of "harmonious personality" and "harmonious development" are not synonymous. A person who has found harmony, balance is not necessarily a harmoniously developed personality.

The second concept in each culture and era is filled with its own meaning, but in general it can be said that it corresponds to the physical, moral, aesthetic and intellectual development of the individual. Obviously, not every person who has found balance is equally developed in everything. The creation of conditions for harmonious development is the goal of education.

History and meaning

"Harmonious" refers to processes or objects that are in accordance, agreement, creating a pleasant effect. The term "harmony" itself, which comes from ancient Greek roots and has a literal translation "connection", "consistency", was first used only in music, and then began to be used in figurative meaning- orderliness, consistency in relations between any objects.

What is harmony in life, how does it manifest itself in communication and in people? In a general sense, it is the consistency of the internal and the external. A harmonious personality is distinguished by balance in actions and thoughts, their consistency.

Finding inner harmony is a process associated with self-disclosure, with the formation of a special view of the world and people. Following A. N. Leont'ev, it is worth recognizing the existence of contradictions, internal struggle, and among individuals who can be characterized as harmonious, although a remark should be made here. A. N. Leont'ev identified two concepts:

  • Harmonious personality.
  • Tragic personality.

In a harmonious personality, there are also moments of contradiction, struggle, but they do not completely capture it, do not pull the emphasis on themselves. Meanwhile, in a tragic personality, the internal struggle becomes the only component that determines all human behavior.

A harmonious warehouse is usually formed in childhood, when the child does not experience severe stress. Psychological trauma leads to disharmony and disruption in the future.

Conditions and ways

Harmonious development is the best way not only to find harmony, but also to reveal your potential to the fullest. But in what conditions the formation of a harmoniously developed personality takes place, it is difficult to answer unequivocally.

For harmonious development, it is necessary to enrich the mind and feelings, to form. The upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality should not focus on any individual ability, but rather, cover his entire inner world.

First, a person should already have formed the ability to self-control. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to correlate social requirements with his desires. This ability is developed through the reinforcing actions (praise, rewards) of significant adults. Submission to external requirements, the ability to humble your momentary desires is a necessary condition for development.

With regard to self-control, we can cite the results of Michel's research, namely the famous marshmallow tests, which in some way allowed us to advance in our understanding of success and its criteria. The essence of the experiment was as follows: the child was left alone in the room with a marshmallow or candy, asking not to eat it for a certain amount of time for a reward - a double portion of sweetness.

The researchers observed how the child copes with his desire and how long he is able to hold on. As a result of the tests, those children who coped with the expectation, growing up, had a better quality of life.

Secondly, a harmoniously developed personality cannot be formed without an enriched environment. Diversity is a stimulating factor for the activity of thoughts and feelings.

Thirdly, independence and meaningfulness are important. The more challenges a person solves himself, the faster he develops and with more enthusiasm he establishes connections with the world. In this case, he forms the conviction that he himself is responsible for his own destiny.

Peace in the mind

Answering the question of how to become a harmonious person as an adult is both simple and difficult at the same time. There is no single recipe, this is the individual path of each person, but five things are needed to find harmony:

1. Be yourself.

Most people lock themselves into norms, rules and dogmas, never showing their real feelings and thoughts, even to themselves. Where does this lead? A person himself does not imagine what his desires are, which means that he cannot fulfill them. It is necessary to abandon the imposed stereotypes, from following what does not correspond to true aspirations.

2. Learn to be easy about change.

We are planning everything. Without a plan, it is impossible to set a goal and go towards it. The secret of harmonious people is that they don't make disasters because of mistakes and obstacles. The world cannot work the way we want, but it is in our power to benefit from the events of the world, no matter how useless and negative they may seem at first glance.

3. Letting go of the bad.

What has already happened should not worry, the main thing is to learn the lessons. The past cannot be changed, but the present is in our hands. What will happen cannot be unambiguously bad, since the outcome is not known to anyone in advance. And regarding what is, it makes sense to use the well-known formula of Buddhists (masters in achieving harmony):

“Does the problem have a solution? - Decide. - Does the problem have no solution? "It's not a problem, it's a fact that you can only accept and live with."

4. Finding something unique in every moment.

The whole existence can be described through cycles: the sun rises and sets, a person is born and dies, goes to work and returns, winter replaces autumn, and spring drives it away - and so countless times. It is very easy to swirl in the whirlpool of everyday life and begin to perceive the world as a gray, lifeless mechanism, but this deprives a person of the opportunity to achieve happiness and harmony.

In every moment of life there is both the familiar, the standard, and the new, different from the previous experience. This is what is great and you need to look for. We can rejoice and develop when we perceive the world around us as openly and enthusiastically as possible. And this is achievable if you make a small effort to see reality as if for the first time, seeing the very unique features of what is happening.

5. Laugh.

Laughter reduces stress hormones and defuses the environment. Joy, delight and pleasure, which are often associated with laughter, make a person open to the world and attractive. And in 2014, researchers proved that laughter therapy reduces anxiety levels, has a positive effect on overall health and helps fight insomnia.

The technique of working on oneself is remarkable for approaching the ancient model of a harmonious person, possessing nobility and perfection. Its essence can be summarized in three main practices, which should be given time to each person:

  • Self-restraint, which allows you to gain control over your passions.
  • Analysis of their actions and deeds, their careful analysis, which brings them closer to the disclosure of their desires, the growth of responsibility and awareness of the contribution that a person makes to the world.
  • Reflection is the analysis of your own thoughts.

To live in harmony with ourselves, balancing the opposing forces in us, to become better every day - this is the ideal of antiquity, which then passed into the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the New Time. It is this ideal - the maximum development of the personality - that formed the basis of many trends in psychology and pedagogy.

Thinkers of the past laid the foundation for the humanistic model that is now prevalent in all developed countries. Harmonious development of the personality, including the acquisition of inner freedom, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization, is the state to which it is worth striving for the most complete and happy life... Author: Ekaterina Volkova

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"An intelligent person will find a way out of any difficult
provisions. The wise will not be in this position. "
J. Richter

1.1. The law of world harmony and the life of the individual

One of the most important principles of the existence and dynamics of the World (is the law of harmony, which can be formulated as follows: any object of eternal and infinite Nature and she itself as a whole strive for some optimal state and functioning. Harmony is the optimal static and dynamic consistency of parts, characteristics of the whole object and the optimal correlation of the object with the surrounding external world.Synonyms for it to some extent are the concepts of "balance", "order", "balance", "proportionality", "proportionality", "ratio", "combination", "agreement" and others. The principle of world harmony has been known since ancient times: harmony as unity in diversity in Aristotle, the Yin-Yang principle in Ancient China, the principle of the middle path or "golden mean" in Ancient India.

In the human personality, the law of harmony manifests itself, on the one hand, in the form of an intuitive desire to establish an optimal internal balance of multidirectional and oppositely directed motivations, and, on the other hand, in finding the optimal correlation of one's desires and attitudes with the peculiarities of the external environment... Ultimately, these aspirations are designed to lead us to a harmonious life in harmony with ourselves and with the World.

The concepts "Nature", "World", "Space", "Universum" are considered as synonyms.

The holistic harmony of the state and functioning of an object can be divided into internal and external. So, for example, it is possible to distinguish the internal and external harmony of the personality.

Personality is understood as the motivational sphere of the psyche, the central organizer and regulator of behavior, in contrast to the executive psyche serving ("mental processes", consciousness, speech, motor circuits). The personality is manifested in the given genotype and in the life-time formed motivations - needs, aspirations, desires, motives, interests, orientations, goals, etc. They are both born and become a person.

As a ready-made state and functioning, harmony is more of a cosmic ideal than a fully realized reality. Each person already today has some elements of a harmonious life and everyone can increase the magnitude of this harmony. However, it is important to understand that this is not a permanent, but a dynamic state of the personality. The parameters of the internal and external environment are constantly changing and can disturb the established optimal balance at any time. To maintain it requires a daily variety of human efforts.

The cosmic meaning of a person's life consists in a harmoniously flowing creative game, in achieving such parameters of his life and his personality, which are sufficiently stable to ensure the process of the formation of new forms of life, i.e. creative game process... Play is the presence of one's own business, it is the primacy of the characteristics of the process over the result, over always partial achievements, it is the predominance of openness over closedness. This is a play of vitality, testing themselves and objects of the surrounding world. To live optimally and creatively - this, in short, is the essence of the cosmic ideal of life.

All personality motivations are of a dual, polar nature, i.e. it is initially contradictory and potentially conflicting. In the process of socialization of life, one-sided teaching at school, the initial internal integrity and a sense of the unity of the individual with the whole World are gradually lost and special internal and behavioral work is required to restore and expand them, i.e. their harmonization.

A person's personality spontaneously develops according to the laws set by nature to the state of adulthood. Further, from the age of 16 to 18, it can develop only through independent self-development, setting up special developmental self-tasks and applying conscious efforts.

Development and self-development take place in at least five living environments: inside the personality itself, inside the psyche (the development of connections between motivation and one's mental capabilities), in one's own body (adaptation to the body through the creation of a "body scheme", increasing mastery of its capabilities, the development of these opportunities, the establishment of "friendship" and understanding with the body), in social environments (micro-, middle- and macro-), in living and inanimate natural environments (up to the World as a whole). All these spheres of life are equally important and significant for a person. The focus only on the social sphere of life makes the consideration of a person's life initially inconsistent and disharmonious (and many psychologists sin by reducing the entire development of a child to socialization).

I guess that the reader has more than once had a natural question: "What is the essence of the harmony (optimality) of a person and her life?"

Psychological harmony is a complex characteristic of a person, manifested in his personality (i.e., in motivation and emotional sphere), and in mental processes and abilities, and in behavior. Research and analysis of the literature made it possible to distinguish three groups of general criteria - signs of psychological harmony of the personality, its state and life:

  1. with yourself and the world around you;

  2. adaptively useful, sustainable, long-lasting, creative and economical function and development of the individual, other people and the surrounding nature in a variety of living environments;

  3. psychological, physical, social and spiritual health.
Harmony with oneself and the world is the optimal balance of multidirectional and polar motivations with each other, positive and negative emotions and states, desired and actually realized in behavior, accepted and not accepted in oneself and in the world, the proportionality of one's aspirations and mental and physical capabilities, in general, a positive I-concept (inner harmony). These are mainly constructive, cooperating relationships with people - generally positive I-You-You-We-concepts, and a sense of unity with animate and inanimate nature, good adaptation in various natural environments and a willingness to self-test in them, etc. ("external" harmony).

The essence of development lies in the fact that a living being acquires new or loses existing functional organs or forms of vital activity that are important for life. Personal or behavioral components can be new - orientations, goals, abilities, skills, experiences, actions. Development can be both progressive and regressive (see the article by GD Schmidt in the book "The Principle of Development in Psychology" edited by LI Antsyferova, 1978). Creative adaptation to the internal and external conditions of life, their creative transformation, which gives a certain gain for the life of a given individual or species as a whole, are signs of adaptively useful, progressive human development.

Sustainable development is understood as a gradual expansion of opportunities and environments for a person's confident adaptation, the process of generally successful implementation of basic aspirations and orientations - without sharp and long failures in a state of depression, confusion or high anxiety - a harmonious lifestyle. Long-term development, long, creative life, of course, are of higher priority than early inhibited or stopped development, early death and stereotypical insect-like life. Although development and creativity require mental and personal activity for their emergence and maintenance, nevertheless, any living creature is looking for more economical ways and ways of development, trying to preserve a certain supply of psychoenergetic, physical and other resources. The study of the characteristics of the optimal balance of creative activity and the tendency to "save thought" is still waiting for its researchers (here this issue was raised by P.V. Simonov, 1984; G.A. Golitsyn and V.M. Petrov, 1990).

The human body and soul strive to play creatively and joyfully, and not to carry a long and painfully heavy burden. Suffering can only accompany creativity for a short time. By dragging on unnecessarily, they turn it into hard labor and simply pause. Why turn creativity into a disease?

According to the definition of WHO - the World Health Organization - "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects (see the WHO Charter, 1946; Lishchuk V.A., Mostkova E.V., 1994 ; Ananiev V.A., 1995) Lishchuk V.A. and Mostkova E.V. emphasize the spiritual component of health, which includes the ability "to create goodness, self-improvement, mercy and selfless mutual assistance, in particular ..., ability to innovative creativity "(Lishchuk V.A., Mostkova E.V., 1994, p. 8).

By spiritual and psychological health, I mean that a person has a process of going beyond the framework of momentary goals and objects and regular appeal to eternal questions and objects, the search for his relationship with humanity, with all living things and the World as a whole. Spirituality is expressed in planetary thinking, in universal human values, one of which is health, in the desire for unity and unification of people and all living beings, for life according to the general laws of the Cosmos (the activities of the UN, other international humanistically oriented organizations, N. Roerich, Greenpeace, New Age movements, theosophists, religious ecumenical movements, Bahá'ís, and others - everyone who today strives to unite all living and inanimate in some mutually acceptable, mutually tolerant and sparing, interesting and diverse functioning). The religious aspect of spirituality does not fundamentally differ, in our opinion, from the above. It is also an internal movement towards integrity, unification with the eternal, but organized to a greater extent by faith in a ready-made picture of the world offered by this or that religion, and not by means of independent experimental knowledge and creativity. In faith, the process of creativity stops, there is only a game to preserve a certain level of fulfillment of the commandments, acceptable for a given person.

Note that from the point of view of the principle of world harmony, the psychological harmony of a person cannot be absolute. A small percentage of not very significant flaws, for example, in health, should be present in a harmonious person. This gives him the opportunity to accumulate important experience in the independent search for ways to maintain health. Having such an experience, a person will not be caught off guard by unexpected unpleasant changes in their health.

Of course, the analysis of the content of the criteria for a harmonious life requires writing an entire article, which is beyond the scope of this text. We will point out only some other works in which you can find hints of certain fragments of the selected criteria - M. Argyll, 1990; Bardier G. et al., 1996; Golitsyn G.A. and Petrov V.M., 1990; Dubrovina I.V., ed., 1995a and 1995b; V.P. Kaznacheev, 1983; Lamazhanov B., 1992; Moiseev N.N., 1990; Razumovsky O.S., 1990.

A high level of harmony in life implies a high severity of indicators for all general criteria, as well as their certain ratio with disharmonious personality traits. Harmony is also an optimal balance between optimal, harmonious, and non-optimal, disharmonious, "sinful" manifestations of a person. The primordial dual nature of man indicates to us that in a man there must always be this and that, both righteous and sinful, and harmonious and disharmonious. The secret lies in the nature of their ratio. What balance is optimal and, in turn, can be considered harmonious? (The next paragraph is devoted to this question.)

The following characteristics are particular manifestations of a harmonious human life:

  • predominantly positive and calm emotional tone of life;

  • good physical well-being, absence of serious bodily and mental illnesses;

  • in general, a positive self-concept, a fairly high self-acceptance, a fairly high self-confidence (but not very high!);

  • an optimally organized process of life (the predominance of the internal locus of control over the external, sufficient awareness, flexibility and breadth of life orientations; the implementation of any activity mainly in its leading mental language, but with the involvement of other mental languages ​​as necessary;

  • a harmonious lifestyle (manifested in daily life in the form of a sufficient number of naturally necessary lines of activity, their sufficient diversity and in the regularity of their implementation);

  • moderation of passions and conflicting desires, expressed by the popular formula "the best is the enemy of the good," the optimal balance of positive and negative basic aspirations, characterological and general cultural tendencies of the individual; high level expressiveness of general cultural values ​​and skills and low - of cultural, opposite tendencies;

  • the optimal process and level of self-realization - a harmonious combination of the number of successes and failures, lack of orientation towards maximum achievements;

  • proportionality of desires and aspirations with their mental, physical, material capabilities and with social and natural characteristics of the life situation;

  • real sustainable development, unhurried movement forward - life as the consistent implementation of a number of interesting and useful in a broad sense, creative projects, deeds, your game, your mission;

  • satisfaction with the process and the results of one's life in general;

  • constructive, positive relationships with most people;

  • openness, willingness to respond and help, participate in a common cause, orientation towards cooperation and dialogue;

  • planetary thinking, the prevalence of universal values ​​over national, state and other corporate values;

  • a sense of the beauty and miracle of Nature, unity with her; respect for its creatures, ecological culture, good adaptation in various natural zones, regular communication with nature, readiness for life in wild natural conditions.
The proposed criteria and manifestations of the harmony of human life are by their nature working grounds, adopted for a certain period of time. They can change in the course of the accumulation and analysis of new experimental data on the regularities of the structure of the World, living beings and man.

A harmonious personality as a whole is a personality that is optimally balanced in most of its most important characteristics. Such a happy person is dominated by a sense of proportion, fullness of life, tranquility, a sense of the interestingness of life. He sets himself complex and sometimes difficult tasks, but not super-difficult ones, remembering that "the best is the enemy of the good."

A harmonious person does not set himself the goal of necessarily achieving the maximum in something. He is more focused on achieving and maintaining an optimal life process, that is, to a greater extent on the parameters of the life process, and not on some specific objective results. Although achievements are quite important for him (but not the most important thing!). He is wise and understands that being in a creative and varied life process for as long as possible, allotted by Nature, while feeling whole and healthy is more important and reliable than achieving some very high prestigious successes (in the form of, for example, high social status, wealth, great power, conquering a super-difficult peak, etc.). The process of life is always with you, while money, a car, social status and prestige, power, etc. can suddenly disappear at any moment and thus hurt a person who is strongly oriented towards them.

Maximum achievements very often end up in a "pyrrhic victory" - they destroy health, violate a good relationship with significant and close people, fanaticize the personality, make one-sided the person's lifestyle and his personality as a whole. Those. they disharmonize life and do not give a lasting and calm feeling of satisfaction with it.

A harmonious personality state also presupposes the presence of a certain level of inconsistency that stimulates self-development and a taste for life. The self-testing process has no boundaries. If a person is involved in it, then in his basic state there will always be a certain, but not very large, part of the problematicness arising from the incomplete fulfillment of the tasks assigned to oneself, especially if these tasks are practically endless in nature.

The presence of a certain, optimal proportion of personality contradictions, incompleteness of its consistency with oneself and with the World, incomplete self-satisfaction, self-testing and self-development processes is an essential sign of a harmonious personality and harmonious human life. It is important to note that these are contradictions and problems that are actually resolved by the person himself through trial and error, attempts to special (for the problem) self-organization of his life. That is, life is an experiment with oneself and with the world. Each step of such an experiment, as reasonably organized as possible, represents a small but movement forward. So, a harmonious state of the individual is, on the whole, a self-governing state and a self-governing process, which, at the same time, is distinguished by a certain degree of problematicity, fundamental incompleteness.

The general constructiveness of the personality is a factor that simultaneously expresses the general productivity and harmony (optimality) of the organization and course of the human life process. It takes into account both the general effectiveness of life and its procedural manifestations. A high level of general constructiveness corresponds to the presence of both main components: a sufficiently high performance and high harmony of the organization of the individual and her life.

Summing up, we note that psychological harmony itself is associated with the mental, personal and spiritual-personal aspects of a person's life and manifests itself both in the internal balance of the personality and in external behavior in various living environments.

1.2. "Golden section" and harmonious proportions in the personality and its life

Recently, some authors began to absolutize the proportion of the "golden section" calculated by Leonardo da Vinci as the only possible and all-embracing, general natural harmonious ratio of parts in any natural objects. It is expressed by a numerical ratio of 1.618: 1 or 0.618: 1 (see Iordansky V.B., 1982; Klimenko V.V., 1996; Razzhivin M., 1996; Snegirev B.I., 1996; Eisenstein S.M., 1964). However, biological and psychological studies show that optimal ratios in the living world can be different. Most of them fluctuate in the approximate range (1 (4): 1. More contrasting proportions are much less common: 0.5: 1; 5: 1; 6: 1, etc. So, "good figures" in perception are, among other things, symmetrical figures with a ratio of parts of 1: 1; according to Mendel's second law, genetic traits are split in a ratio of 3: 1; according to my psychological data, many optimal ratios of personal characteristics, for example, positive and negative basic aspirations, realized and not realized adaptively necessary lines lifestyle, etc., fluctuate in the range (2 (4.5): 1.

Harmonious relationships in living nature are, therefore, not absolute, but statistical in nature. Even in the Athenian temple of the Parthenon, which is considered the model and ideal of all ancient Greek architecture, the aspect ratio of the perimeter is 2: 1, not 1.62: 1. The "golden ratio" is not an absolute cosmic constant, but, possibly, some averaged proportion of a fairly wide range of optimal ratios. It is possible that harmonic proportions in the World are distributed according to the law of normal distribution. Those. there is a central area of ​​such optimal proportions, which are found quite often in various objects and phenomena. And there are extreme, right and left relative to the central, ranges of more contrasting harmonic ratios, which are much less common in different loci of the World. The central range is expressed approximately by ratios ((1 (5): 1. Other proportions, optimal under certain conditions and for certain objects or processes, are much less common. For example, the body requires microscopically small doses of certain substances in comparison with the daily intake of water, proteins and The same can be said for homeopathic medicines, and a more precise definition of these ranges requires extensive specialized research.

In psychology, attempts have been made to describe the harmonious personality type. In Western psychology, important characteristics of a harmonious personality can be found primarily in humanistic psychology by K. Rogers, A. Maslow and others, K. Jung's psychology, V. Reich's body-oriented psychology, A. Meneghetti's ontopsychology, R. Assagioli's psychosynthesis, transpersonal psychology S. Grof and others (Theories of personality ..., 1996; Feydimen D. and Freiger R., 1994; Grof S., 1995; Meneghetti A., 1993; Assagioli R., 1997; Moakanin R., 1993) ... In Russian personality psychology, a description of the harmonious type of personality or the type of its motivational relations is in the works of L.N. Sobchik, E.M. Aleksandrovskaya, A.B. Orlova. (Sobchik L.N., 1990; Diagnostics of school maladjustment, 1995; Orlov A.B., 1995).

For example, here is how the characteristics of the harmonious type of L.N. Sobchik: "Normal personalities have a greater balance of various tendencies (both emotionally dynamic and intellectual, motivational and behavioral); even in difficult situations (italics mine - O. M.) .... personal reserves, adaptive resources contribute to a decrease in emotional tension, reduction of imbalance, compensate for elements of mental disorganization, including those concerning cognitive activities... ... the register of response types and the entire arsenal of mental functions ... in harmonious, balanced individuals is large and diverse enough. ... in different life situations their forms of behavior and knowledge of the world change flexibly ... a harmonious personality adapts more easily to complex everyday vicissitudes and less often needs help, recommendations, an individual approach. "(Sobchik L.N., 1990, p. 56-57).

Special articles on the topic under discussion are available from L.I. Bozovic (1995) and B.I. Dodonov (1978). They, among other things, criticize the identification of harmony and comprehensiveness in the approach to the orientation of the development and upbringing of children, show the role of affective experiences as a result of internal conflict in the formation of a disharmonious personality. In the work of L.I. Bozovic gives a meaningful description of the harmony of the personality as a high consistency "between the consciousness of a person and his unconscious mental processes"(Bozhovich L.I., 1995, p. 145).

All these approaches provide interesting qualitative characteristics of a harmoniously functioning personality. However, the authors did not set themselves the task of experimentally studying the quantitative relationships between the various aspects of the personality, as well as between its characteristics and the person's lifestyle from the point of view of their harmony, the task of measuring the harmony of the personality and its functioning. It is the definition of the "level of harmony of the personality" as a whole and its individual aspects that is one of my main research goals.

The already obtained experimental data allow us to assert that in the psychology of personality, the "psychological golden ratio" should rather be considered the averaged range of proportions (2 (4): 1.

If we evaluate personal characteristics on a five-point system, then the most harmoniously expressed will be the assessments or self-assessments in the region of 3.5 - 4.5 points, and not the maximum possible 5 points. The analysis shows that people with predominant, very high, self-assessments often have high ambitions, a clearly overestimated level of aspirations. In unexpected difficult and conflict situations, they give up, and their declared over-optimality turns into depression and helplessness, since they have not learned to overcome real life difficulties.

It was also found that a person often turns out to be harmonious in some loci of the personality, psyche, body, and disharmonious in others. In general, the subject can be considered a harmoniously living person, if according to the optimal majority of vital indicators - and this is about three quarters, i.e. 75% of indicators, or, more precisely, in the range of 67% (82% - it reaches a harmonious level. And here a harmonious personality is not absolute perfection, but relative, optimal. This is the optimal consistency of its most important internal characteristics with each other and with external conditions, requirements.

The harmony of a person's life largely depends on his ability to quickly find and build optimal forms of life in the given conditions. Of course, this self-creation can only go within the boundaries set by the genetic program, i.e. within the framework of their bodily, personal and mental type. These natural limits are wide enough for most people, which makes it possible to improve, harmonize the manifestations of their type. In addition, the data of V.B. Shvyrkov showed that in the brain there are initially not occupied by any specific functions "reserve neurons" that determine, I would say, the free mental space of development (Shvyrkov V.B .., 1988). In the course of life, it can be filled with new motivations, patterns of action, etc. Those. this space, along with the breadth of the boundaries of abilities, personality traits and the alphabetical principle of organizing information in the brain, is also a factor that determines the very possibility of development and self-development of human life forms. Depending on the characteristics of the character and on the degree of compliance of the external situation to changes, the efforts of the individual to create an optimal form of life activity can be directed to a greater extent either at the internal restructuring of values, claims and attitudes, behavioral stereotypes, or at alteration of the environment, or at both together ...

Based on the concept of a natural and harmonious personality, the author is developing a package psychological techniques"Harmony", designed to study the levels of harmony of the individual and the process of her life. It includes the methods "Basic Aspirations", "Lifestyle", "Life Purpose", "Psychological Culture", "Personal Biography", "Cultural Trends" and " Expert review harmony of personality. "Some of them were published in the newspaper" School psychologist "for 1998-1999. To date, partial standardization of these methods has been carried out: average data of different groups of subjects have been obtained, validity and internal reliability have been determined, approximate levels of harmony of the expression of indicators have been developed This work continues to this day.

1.3. Some practical conclusions about the value orientations of society, arising from the idea of ​​a harmonious human life

From this follow far-reaching practical conclusions for many applied areas of human activity and for the self-organization of the life of the individual as a whole. For example, the desire for maximum achievements in any area and for complete self-actualization from the point of view of our experimental data can be considered disharmonious. Such aspirations are more characteristic of Western civilization. Orientation to the maximum can also be traced in the father of humanistic psychology A. Maslow (see my article "On the paradoxes of the process of self-actualization of the personality" / J. "Magister", 1995, No. 6). However, in the West, orientations towards a moderate, constructive lifestyle are increasingly beginning to strengthen, and there is a growing awareness that the characteristics of the process of life itself, the process of creative activity are no less, and perhaps even more valuable than its material and other results ( see an interesting article by Buyakas TM "On the phenomenon of enjoyment by the process of activity and the conditions for its occurrence ..." / Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 14, Psychology. 1995, No. 2.). This tendency is more characteristic of small countries - Holland, Switzerland, etc. In the East, many philosophical and religious approaches are associated with the recognition of the value of any aspects of a harmonious life. These include Taoism, Mahayana Buddhism, yoga teachings, Chan Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, Bahá'ís, modern philosophies of life of Rajneesh (Osho), Krishnamurti, Sri Chin Moya, etc. In the Orthodox tradition, the importance of building one's life according to the laws of universal divine harmony John of Kronstadt emphasized: "You see this wonderful harmony or harmony, the order of creatures great and small in the whole universe, the wonderful structure of all creation, established by the laws of the Creator ... And you be in harmony, in harmony with the eternal, wise and righteous laws of the all-good Creator ... "(Kronstadtsky I., 1992, p. 3)

Individual representatives of our people had an intuitive understanding of the perniciousness of a constant and strong aspiration to be the best in everything, so that everything was to the maximum. It is expressed in the saying: "The best is the enemy of the good." Unfortunately, there is a chasm between the sober understanding of the life of wise loners like the soldier Sukhov from the movie "The White Sun of the Desert" and the rather frequent extreme versions of thinking and behavior of Russian people. We still have a long cultural developmental path from adolescent impulsiveness and rudeness, from environmental swagger and selfishness, from the habitual adoption of extreme voluntaristic decisions in everyday life, at work, in public administration to a more moderate and harmonious life, to more constructive and compromise decisions, to universal cooperation that requires respect for oneself and others.

In light of the above harmonious approach to the self-organization of the life of an individual and society as a whole, the ideal of "all-round development of the individual", which until recently dominated in Soviet pedagogy and the political rhetoric of the communist leaders, seems utopian. The same can be said about the idea of ​​Pestalozzi and his followers about the need for the harmonious development in children of all aspects of the human being, all its powers and abilities (Reader ..., 1935; Seidel R. et al., 1919; Likhachev B.T. , 1992, Ananiev V.A., 1995, etc.). It is not the very idea of ​​the harmonious development and education of children that is unrealistic, but the emphasis on the absolute coverage of all sides, all the forces and abilities of a person. Such declared ideals, due to their fundamental impracticability, are latent conflicts in society, stressing the population and leading, at best, to the internal refusals of most people to accept and implement them, and at worst, to the emergence of complexes of guilt and inferiority or to following opposite antisocial ideals. ...

Tough religious precepts can also be attributed to ideals that make practically impossible demands on a person due to their inconsistency with the laws of Nature. For example, for many people, the requirements to fulfill all ten Christian commandments turned out to be unrealistic (the ratio (10: 1) and therefore only formally accepted, as the two thousand-year practice of preaching and attempts to total implementation of Christianity showed. and the courage to build their own life and maintain faith in themselves, they can recklessly believe in any teaching, uncritically accept all the words and deeds of the "Teacher" and his interpreters, live in monasteries and try to fulfill all the prescriptions required by this religion. do not notice that in their zeal they have turned into religious functionaries who do not even want to consider other approaches and points of view.They become adherents of corporate morality and violently, with hatred, reject other religions, while showing not humanism, but inhumanity and disrespect. there is not a union, but a separation humanity, which in modern "nuclear" conditions objectively only adds fuel to the fire and brings it closer to death. In fact, the good intentions of religious "teachers" because of their own ambitions and fanaticism of their followers turn out to be exactly the opposite results.

Well, live without ideals? No, with ideals, but in society it makes sense to put forward ideals and behaviors that are more realistic and feasible already in this life of individuals. For example, it is much more accurate and more natural to think about the versatile development, about the harmonious development of the basic, adaptively necessary, forces of the child. It is time to understand that the harmony of the personality, of the person as a whole, is not his absolute perfection, but relative, optimal perfection. A certain percentage of not very terrible "sinful" actions is necessary for a harmoniously living personality to maintain motivation for further development, dynamization of the desire for self-improvement.

From the above features of a harmonious human life, we can conclude that the orientation of teachers and parents to get children only "fives" at school or at a university is also an obviously suboptimal strategy. The "red" certificates and diplomas, all material and other benefits that their holders receive do not stand up to criticism. All superhigh academic, sporting, technical and other achievements, as a rule, are "Pyrrhic victories", for which one has to pay too high a price - health, destruction of family and other bonds, envy and hatred of other suffering, superfatigue and emptiness. The feeling of happiness often accompanies people who set themselves medium and difficult tasks, but not easy and super difficult ones! (Argyll M., 1990).

For most people, it is more optimal, from the point of view of the criteria of harmony outlined in the article, to focus more on moderate, without acceleration, their own development, and not on achieving maximum success. Theoretically, the optimal, harmonious distribution of achievements of different levels and failures in a person's life can be considered approximately as follows: moderate, i.e. medium and high, achievements occupy 70 - 80% of the total volume of life; cases of clearly low achievements (failures) - 10-15%; and cases of very high achievements - also no more than 10-15% of the total assessment of the results of his actions. That is, in the behavior of any living creature, extreme manifestations can and should be present in a small volume, otherwise the monotony of moderation and continuously lasting harmony can reduce the freshness of the perception of life, dull perceptions of the world, reduce the diversity of life, inhibit development and, ultimately, disharmonize human life ...

The same ratios are also true for the naturally desirable harmonious distribution of people according to the predominant nature of their life activity and according to the generalized level of their general life achievements. Of course, no one has yet carried out calculations of the real state of affairs on Earth in this respect, and the very technology of their implementation is unclear. But in the future, with a higher level of globalization of various parameters of the life of all people (environmental, energy, information, legal), with their higher universal self-organization, which is urgently required for survival and sustainable development today, such calculations will become commonplace for some World Council general human development.

The approach developed here maintains continuity with the ideas developed earlier in philosophy, biology, psychology and pedagogy, but qualitatively transforms and optimizes them, making them more feasible and realistic in everyone's everyday life. normal person... Based on the principle of optimality and statistical data of various groups of subjects (more than 400 people), obtained from a battery of both standardized and original research methods for studying the harmony of different aspects of a personality and its life, it makes it possible to theoretically and experimentally calculate the degree of general harmony of a person and her life. ... Our nature is such that EVERYONE IN THE LIMITS RELEASED TO HIM CAN LEARN TO LIVE MORE HARMONIOUSLY.


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  60. (Methodology "Lifestyle" - the first publication of the methodology from the package of methods "Harmony")

  61. O. I. Motkov - also articles in 1998 and 1999 in gas. "School psychologist" with methods from the "HARMONY" package:

    • 1998 - № 35, September - Methodology "Basic Aspirations", p. 8-9

    • 1998 - №36, September - Methodology "Purpose of Life", p. 8-9

    • 1998 - №38, October - Methodology "Personal biography", p.4-5

    • 1999 - № 7, February - "For your star", p. 15 - about yourself (character, etc.), about your self-development, attitudes towards yourself and the world - in terms of the main theme of the issue "Left-handedness"

    • 1999 - № 15, April - article "Psychological culture of personality" with the methodology "Psychological culture", p. 8-9

  62. O. I. Motkov Development of creativity in children. / J. "Add. education ”, 2000, no. 4, p. 9-13

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Page 1

So, we examined the structure of the personality, got acquainted with the ego states of the Adult, Parent and Child, learned how to build an egogram that reflects which parts of your personality have more energy. Both positive and negative. Now we will learn to energize and develop independently those ego states that are not developed, thereby harmonizing the structure of our personality.

Egogram of your ego states

Let's say You have compiled an egogram of the ego states of your personality and you got something similar to the one shown in the picture.

We recently did a similar work with the members of the Saturday Life Scripting group. Each member of the group compiled his own egogram under the guidance of 2 psychologists.

We see that in this personality structure the greatest amount of energy falls on ego states: Controlling (Criticizing) Parent (CR), Adaptive (Adapting) Child (AD) and Nurturing (Caring) Parent (VR).

And such ego states of the personality structure as Free (Natural) Child (SD) and Adult (B) are less energetic.

This means that in this personality structure, the most developed is the Parent, who often noises the Adult principle (high demands on oneself and people, criticism), the Child is suppressed and obeys the rules (uncertainty), the creative part of the personality (SD).

Of course, this egogram does not take into account the positive and negative aspects of ego states - then the bars of the histogram would not be 5 but 9. As a rule, I do this work together with my clients, if necessary.

The participants of the group had a natural question, how it is possible to change the structure of the personality without resorting to deep psychotherapeutic techniques based on the therapy of new solutions.

Development and harmonization of the personality structure.

You can make big changes in your life on your own., deliberately redistributing psychic energy from overdeveloped ego states to "underdeveloped" parts of your personality.

A harmonization strategy is a problem-solving strategy for the conscious cultivation of previously ignored ego states.

Developing ego states of the personality

Below are a number of exercises to help increase the positive energy of the developing ego state.

Use your imagination to apply them to your personal situation.

Controlling Parent

1. Practice constructive criticism.

Practice "constructive criticism" as often as possible by carefully analyzing and evaluating your own behavior and those of others.

Rules for constructive criticism:

  • always be specific;
  • offer alternative solutions to problems and questions;
  • point out opportunities and explore them;
  • do not pretend that you are the ultimate truth.

Thanks to this, you can avoid activating the negative part of your Controlling Parent, using judgmental criticism and remarks like: "Well, I told you ..." or "You are doing everything wrong ...".

2. Set boundaries.

Learn to clearly and immediately set psychological boundaries for yourself in relationships with other people: what you DO NOT want for yourself and what is unacceptable for you... Then you do not have to play the role of Persecutor and Prosecutor, defending your borders, attacking even when they are violated.

Raising Parent

1. Give positive strokes.

Practice giving out positive strokes (support, praise) whenever possible! And do it sincerely!

2. Learn to care for others.

Give people as many gifts as possible, spending more time looking for exactly those gifts that will really be happily accepted by them.

Prepare food and treats for loved ones, invite them to visit, ask them what support and care they need, thereby energizing the caring beginning of their personality.


1. Make plans.

Write your ideas and plans before taking any action, which is usually an Adult's function. Often, a particularly tangible effect can be obtained by writing down your thoughts in a loose-leaf notebook, a special Diary, or on a blackboard.

2. Engage in ongoing self-study.

Train yourself to receive new information and check facts - attend lectures and seminars, read books and newspapers. Consult encyclopedias and dictionaries regularly.

Free Child

1. Develop imagination and creativity.

In your free time, dream, fantasize and experiment with free association. Joke and laugh at people’s humorous statements often.

Whenever you feel tired, embarrassed, or depressed, you can give free rein to your "fantasies". Draw shapes, patterns, spots and holes in front of your eyes. Present absurdities.

2. Play table games and move more.

Activities and games that use your imagination and require interaction with other "children" are suitable. From horseback riding and table tennis, to Mafia, Crocodile, Guess who you are.

Try and master new activities: dance, gymnastics, qigong, yoga, singing, painting and plastics.

Adaptive Child

1. Take care of others.

Make it a rule to openly accept and thank others for stroking.

Be direct and specific about what you want. Ask for help and attention from people close to you.

2. Focus on your desires.

Taking into account the desires and requirements of other people is of course good, but learn to openly declare your “want” and “don't want”. Allow yourself to wish.

Learn to find out what others want from you and respond constructively to them.

Reject negative strokes and non-constructive criticism.

Our goal is a harmoniously developed personality structure

In the comments to the article give other examples of the development and energization of the ego states of the personality. Let's get a bank of ideas for personal harmonization.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… ..3

1. Aspects of inner harmony and psychological health of the individual ... 4

1.1 The spiritual nature of man …………………………………………… .5

1.2 Characteristics of personality harmony ............................................. 9

1.3 Psychological stability of the personality ............................................. 13

1.4 Correlation of concepts of mental and spiritual health …… ..16

1.5 International Day for Mental Health …………………… ..22

2. The concept of stress, the main psychological methods of dealing with stress ............................................................. 24

2.1 Stress - general concepts …………………………………………… ..24

2.2 Types of stress …………………………………………………… ..... 25

2.3 Basic psychological techniques for dealing with stress ...................... 30

2.3.1 Relaxation …………………………………………………… ..32

2.3.2 Concentration… ... ………………………………………… ...... 34

2.3.3 Autoregulation of respiration ……. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..36

2.3.4 Stress Prevention Techniques ………………………………………………………………………………………… 37

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… ... 39

References… ... …………………………………………………… ..40

The practical part.


This work is devoted to the analysis of the psychological health of a person, as well as the study of stress, its types and the fight against stressful conditions.

The work gives several definitions of the concept of "stress". The most widely used definition is the following: "Stress is a stressful state of the human body, both physical and mental." Stress is present in the life of every person, since the presence of stress impulses in all areas human life and activities undoubtedly. Stressful situations arise both at home and at work. From a management perspective, we are most interested in the organizational factors that cause stress in the workplace. Knowing these factors and paying special attention to them will help prevent many stressful situations and increase the efficiency of managerial work, as well as achieve the goals of the organization with minimal psychological and physiological losses of personnel. After all, it is stress that is the cause of many diseases, which means that it causes significant harm to human health, while health is one of the conditions for achieving success in any activity. Therefore, the work also considers personal factors that cause stress. In addition to the causes of stress, the first chapter pays special attention to the psychological health of the individual.

In the second chapter, some exercises for relaxation, concentration, autoregulation of breathing are given, as well as general concepts of stress, its types. It is very important to overcome yourself and engage in these exercises, in the future, in the event of a stressful situation, the effect of their implementation more than compensates for the initial efforts to master the exercises. I had to experience it myself: relaxation and concentration on your favorite word can really help in a difficult situation not to panic and get depressed.

At the end of the work, the results of the questionnaire survey of managers of different levels are presented.

1. Aspects of inner harmony and psychological health of the individual.

1.1 The spiritual nature of man.

There is a lot of talk about spirituality now. Sometimes spirituality is understood as a set of positive, moral qualities of a person, sometimes a believer who goes to church, seeks to observe Divine commandments in his life is called spiritual, often this concept is used too abstractly in order to protect himself from unwanted criticism, and as a result, it turns into a buzzword, behind which there is no reality.

We will not consider different points of view and definitions, but we will highlight what gives spirituality to a person, what is its value, or what kind of state it is. Spiritual, holy people always give the ideal to an ordinary person, serve as a guide and role model, represent an invaluable beacon for educational purposes.

The first thing that catches your eye is how distinctive feature a spiritual person is his poise and extraordinary integrity, sincerity and incorruptible steadfastness, complete harmony with himself and the world of Truth in which such a person lives. Spirituality denotes such highly moral qualities with which all people agree, no matter what individual characteristics they did not possess, these are relationships between people that are valued in any society, and from time immemorial have been manifested in mercy, compassion, mutual assistance, respect, love for one's neighbor. Spirituality gives such a state of personality, which is expressed in the harmony of the individual and the universal, the individual and the Cosmos, the individual and society, gives a feeling of stability and unity with the surrounding world, nature, people.

Spirituality is sometimes opposed to rationality, or correlates with it in order to give a more precise definition of this concept. However, whatever definition of spirituality we accept, it lists a set of qualities, it is not known how related to each other, it is not clear whether they represent a unity, whether it is possible to include or exclude any of them without prejudice. This gives spirituality an abstract, abstract character. However, spirituality is most directly related to reality - this is the reality that is the goal of human evolution and serves as the single basis of world religions.

The attitude to the ultimate foundations of life, religious and philosophical reflections on the inner world of man, on the path to truth, on death and immortality - these are all questions related to the real essence of man. Reality is understood as the being of things in its comparison with non-being, as well as with other (possible, probable) forms of being (philosophical dictionary). Reality differs from reality as the presence of everything essential in a given thing or object, phenomenon, in contrast to the insignificant. Consequently, reality is the ultimate evidence with the following characteristics:

Reality reflects the essential in things

Reality has Truth or contains Truth,

Reality is effective. Everything inessential and secondary ultimately depends on reality.

There are two completely different attitudes towards reality, which are expressed in the differences between Western and Eastern mentalities. For the Western thinker, there is ultimate evidence - the possibilities of his mind, intellect. With its help, you can comprehend everything, solve all controversial issues, check the conclusions in practice.

The Eastern thinker initially considers his mind, his intellect, to be incapable of comprehending reality as a whole, he immediately proceeds from the recognition of the limited abilities of any (even a genius) person. The limited cannot express and reveal (manifest) the unlimited (absolute). He is convinced that the limited (mind) is not able to cognize the infinite, that the mind is not able to go beyond space, time, reason, since any attempt to explain them assumes their presence. To argue that the absolute is expressed in terms of the empirical is to dispute its absolute character. That is why the Absolute (ultimate evidence, reality), from the point of view of the Eastern mentality, is not cognizable in a logical way, but it is comprehended in a different way, which is attainable for everyone who seeks to know the truth as reality. Man as a part of Reality is also a part of the Absolute, and the comprehension of Truth is possible as a connection, a union (yoga) between this part and the whole, an individual, empirical soul and a perfect, cosmic, connection between creation and God. This connection is possible (given) in a certain state, attainable through meditation. Achieving such a connection, such a state that gives Truth, is the goal and meaning of the existence of an individual person. This is the possibility of SPIRITUAL existence, going beyond the limited "I" into a state of higher reality, which ensures harmony between the individual soul and the Cosmic, gives unity to Nature and man, ensures the integrity of the Universe in all forms of its manifestation.

A thousand-year practice of meditation as a way of comprehending Reality in the East has led thinkers to the belief in the existence of a special ultimate Reality, which is the only Reality that has not only a spiritual nature, but it is a conscious substance and the basis of all forces and forms of the Universe.

It is the connection with this Reality that can give an individual individual integrity and unity with the world, which is expressed in complete harmony of the individual and the universal, the individual and the Cosmos, the individual and society. This integrity at the individual level is felt by a person through those perceptions that are given to him as a human being. Integrity, inner harmony is the basis of spirituality, which gives a person peace, inner peace, silence, joy of being, absence of duality. It is the basis of his moral and ethical qualities, a landmark in the storm of life, a beacon in human weakness. Indeed, first of all, integrity and harmony gives a person exceptional confidence both in front of himself and in front of others, he cannot lie, dissemble, deceive, cheat, this contradicts inner nature spirituality itself. A person who has harmony, peace within himself, cannot be angry with another person, since anger is born from an inner feeling of disharmony, from the conviction of his superiority over another, the lust for power, the conviction of the possession of truth, etc., which contradicts a sense of the unity of all people.

A spiritual person cannot be greedy, unsatisfied, since he has within himself that which gives him complete satisfaction and that above all material values ​​is his spirituality, which gives him joy that cannot be compared with the external possession of things or power. He is completely fearless, since he has the highest property possible in this world, which he will not exchange for anything, and will not sacrifice anything, and he subordinates his life to the highest good. All Divine commandments have a common root and source in spirituality so understood.

What happens in the opposite case, what qualities does a person possess who is not spiritual in this aspect?

When there is no inner harmony, then there is a mismatch of the attributes of human existence. A person can say one thing, think another, do a third. The mind justifies bad deeds by always finding "plausible" explanations for them. The intellect is constantly preoccupied with maintaining the status of one's own "I" of such a person, continuous mental activity depletes the body, which needs harmony of emotions and intellect. A flexible mind takes on the function of coordinating emotional, mental and physical activities and to some extent it succeeds. But the highest (above reason) Reality exists, whether he wants to see it or not, and constantly accumulating mismatches, a person goes straight to his destruction. The reality of a person is his inner and outer harmony, unity with the highest Spiritual source, absolute reality, which gives him unity with Nature, society, space, his House. Only this reality gives him harmony in the moral, moral, creative, family, intellectual aspects. He must not lose his constant connection with this Reality. But since the mind is limited, and does not embrace, does not see the Whole, then in the end this mismatch leads to an imbalance of the personality, which leads to dissatisfaction with oneself, insincerity, duplicity, lies, hypocrisy, stress, conflicts between people, wars, diseases, and general collapse. The church, which is called to exercise control over spirituality, in fact, cannot provide that integrity and harmony that a person needs. You can come to the church, and the priest who has taken upon himself the authority to establish a connection with God Almighty (or Absolute Reality) will "forgive" all sins, that is, he will give you this long-awaited peace and quiet inside, complete harmony with yourself, relatives, society and the Universe ... Will the ward feel it? He himself, often preaching true Divine values, when he comes home, sins, for in modern society keeping all the commandments is almost impossible. What kind of internal and external harmony can we talk about in this case? The church, called to instruct seekers for good, serve as an example of virtue, lead to peace and Truth, in fact cannot preserve peace in society, numerous rituals and ceremonies lead people away from God, and in the name of God fundamentalism flourishes, wars, terror, conflicts continue, which is the complete opposite of its mission.

A different perception of Reality in the East leaves rationality the place it deserves and tries to use it from the heights of spirituality. There is no reverence for any printed text, authority holding a certificate. Authority in the East is enjoyed only by the person who has managed to accomplish the union (connection, yoga) with Reality, which is confirmed in action: either by the discovery of new properties of the Absolute, or by solving the problems of man (humanity), or by demonstrating his own spiritual abilities. Moreover, this experience increasingly harmonizes the empirical being of a person and society, that is, it serves for the benefit of people.

So, Buddha, having received the long-awaited Enlightenment, did not write anything, but he transformed humanity, gave him such knowledge, according to which a significant part of the Planet follows. Buddha did not write anything, but he could speak with any person - from a beggar to a king - in the language of that particular person. And the seeker acquired Truth, feeling his harmony, unity, realizing the goal to which he strove all his life. Jesus Christ did not write anything, but His experience transformed humanity, giving Truth and Spirituality, which seekers are striving for to this day.

It's time modern man to take the last, decisive step in realizing the limitations of reason and consistently accept a different way of comprehending Reality, providing it with a higher stage in its own evolution.

1.2 Characteristics of personality harmony.

Harmony is defined using the concepts of "coherence" and "harmony". "Coordinated" means one who has attained unity. "Slender" means having the correct ratio between its parts. We add that since ancient times, harmony has been associated with the balance of oppositely directed forces. All these three concepts, which help to clarify the content of harmony, are also necessary to clarify the characteristics of personal harmony. The highest level of regulation of the entire human being is the personality. VN Myasishchev singled out integration as the main function of the personality. Let us recall that integration is most often understood as the preservation of integrity. Unity, wholeness or integrity, consistency are very close concepts.

But what kind of coherence are we talking about in relation to the individual? And what kind of inconsistency - what with what, leads to a violation of harmony? From our point of view, in answering these questions, the coordination of different planes of human existence comes to the fore. Personal harmony is the consistency and proportionality of the main aspects of the personality's being: the multidimensional space of the personality, time and energy of the personality (both potential and realizable). The proportionality of the quantitative characteristics of space, time and personality energy can be concretized as proportionality between the volume of personality space, the speed of personal time and the level of personality energy.

The multidimensional space of a person is made up of four main types: physical (objective), vital, social, spiritual. We are talking about the multidimensionality of the personality space for the reason that all of the above are represented in this space. These spaces are external to the personality. In addition, the personality has an inner space. In terms of personal harmony, the coherence and consistency of the external and internal life of the individual, its external and internal spaces, the correlation of the external and internal spaces of the individual in terms of volume, their rather close connection are extremely important; correlation of external and internal time of a person; correlation of potential and realizable energy; proportionality of energy and information resources.

Existence in physical space is the existence in the world of bodies and objects, inclusion in the world inanimate nature(inclusion of the individual as a body). No human functioning, effective behavior, activity and life activity are possible outside the world of objects and things, without an adequate reflection of the characteristics of this world. The body of any person has very specific physical characteristics. In physical space, a person exists as a (physical) body.

Existence in the vital space is being included in the world of living nature as an individual. All human activity is subject to biological laws and is impossible outside the world of living nature.

Existence in social space is social life, inclusion in the world of people as individuals, as a member of the macro- and microsociety. Social being is immersion in interpersonal relationships, the realization of the desire to preserve interpersonal relationships or change them in the desired direction, expand their influence, strengthen authority, etc. Outside the social space, a person cannot satisfy his social needs. In the social space, the past generations of this society and its history are presented. It preserves them in the form of traditions, established social norms, rules, etc. But the social space is the space of contemporaries, the space of those living today, a community of people who are active, directly communicate with each other and influence each other.

Existence in the spiritual space is spiritual life, inclusion in the spiritual world as a subject with spiritual needs, this is an introduction to the highest values ​​of human existence (ideals of morality ...). Spiritual life is also the realization of the desire to contribute to the preservation of the highest values. It is also an activity aimed at expanding the circle of people who accept those values ​​that are justified by the subject or values ​​that he has joined as a follower.

In the spiritual space, the subject belongs to all of humanity, is a part of it. This space exists not only in the present time, but on a wider scale: past, present and future. Spiritual space is wider than the space of a society or ethnic group. Spiritual world accumulates the experience of previous generations, preserves what has passed the test of time, which has acquired the status of timeless values.

The spiritual world is relatively independent from the rest of the spaces - physical, vital and social. Spiritual being is more inertial in its way of life than social, since the influence of natural, economic and other life changes on it is mediated.

These spaces are external to a person. The inner space of the personality exists, since a person is endowed with the ability to reflect, in the course of development and complication, the personality develops self-awareness. Ideas about the world and about oneself, experiences of various events, self-attitude and self-regulation, life goals and plans of the individual - all this makes up her inner space (subjective world). The outer spaces are represented in the inner world. On the other hand, in the external activity of the individual, in activity, in communication, one way or another, the inner life of the individual is reflected.

Thus, the outer space and the inner space are not separated, these spaces are intersecting. For this reason, it is more accurate to speak not only about different parts of the personal space, but also about the multitude of its dimensions.

For the harmony of the personality, it is important to balance the eventfulness of the external and internal life of a person and balance in activity, which can be divided into two streams - extraactivity and introactivity. When an activity directed outward meets any obstacles, it is not fully realized. Dissatisfaction with the results of the manifestation of external activity leads to the accumulation of negative assessments of one's own achievements. This gradually reduces the motivation for self-realization in business, in social interaction and influence. There is a redistribution of energy towards greater internal activity, which manifests itself in an intensification of the desire for self-change and self-improvement, in increased attention to one's inner world. The events taking place in it along this path of development are acquiring more and more importance. In this area, the personality is to a certain extent autonomous from the surrounding social environment and therefore potentially has ample opportunities for the manifestation of activity.

Subjectively, harmony is the experience of well-being in its various aspects. Spiritual well-being is the feeling of belonging to the spiritual culture of society, the awareness of the opportunity to join the riches of spiritual culture (to satisfy spiritual hunger). It is also an opportunity to accept certain higher values ​​and freely follow them, to experience spiritual unity with another person, a certain community of people or the whole of humanity. For spiritual well-being, it is important to advance in understanding the essence and purpose of a person, to fully understand the meaning of life. Social well-being is the satisfaction of a person with his social status and the current state of society, to which the person relates himself. This is also satisfaction with interpersonal relationships, status in the microsocial environment. Vital (bodily) well-being - good physical well-being, bodily comfort, a sense of health, physical tone satisfying the individual.

Personality is both a phenomenon of individual and social being. Inner harmony is impossible without harmonious ties with the social environment, without a social being that satisfies the personality. In turn, the harmony of interpersonal relations presupposes the consent of the individual with himself, the mood (and not "upset") of the inner world of the individual.

In the list of interactional (dispositional) feelings - regulating the interpersonal interaction of the subject - we distinguish two main types of interactional feelings: bringing together and removing. In interactional feelings, we identified nine pairs of opposing feelings that regulate interpersonal distance: acceptance of another person and the desire to get closer (to reduce the interpersonal distance), or, conversely, rejection and desire to move away from him. These pairs are as follows: unity (community) with a person or people - loneliness; friendliness - disgust (or dislike); kind-heartedness - anger, anger; self-righteousness - guilt (or remorse); own sufficient significance - envy; pride (for yourself) - shame (or embarrassment); gratitude - resentment; respect - contempt; love is hate.

Disproportionate bonding feelings - sharpened, violate harmony. Unlimited unity can lead to thoughtless agreement, to community with the sameness in everything and, thus, to the loss of one's own individuality. Friendliness to everyone can be the basis of promiscuity in interpersonal relationships and inadequately reduced criticality in people's assessments. Kindness can turn into forgiveness (lack of principle), and confidence can turn into inadequate self-confidence or confidence in one's own infallibility. Self-importance can turn into its own supervalue, and pride - into pride, gratitude - into exaggerated gratitude and inadequate praise, respect - into cult worship and idolatry, love - into love blindness (inability to see and perceive anything other than an object of love, fixity with the fading into the background of the entire gamut of feelings).

Harmony is possible with sufficiently strong (but proportionate) drawing together feelings, exceeding the strength of removing feelings. Probably, the more close feelings, the fuller, more perfect the harmony of the personality. But even one strong removing feeling can destroy harmony with expressed close feelings.

Thus, the harmony of a personality is the consistency of many processes of its being (functioning, self-government and self-regulation, development and self-realization, adaptation) in various spaces of being - external (objective, vital, social, spiritual) and internal.

In the area under discussion, different concepts are widely used: general scientific (balance, integrity, integration, etc.), natural science (for example, adaptation, health), humanitarian (well-being, social maturity, personal maturity, mental balance, etc.). In most cases, the concept of harmony is revealed through the concepts of consistency and harmony. “Coordinated” means one who has attained unity, “slender” means having the correct relationship between its parts. Let us recall once again that since ancient times, harmony has been associated with the balance of oppositely directed forces. All these three concepts, which help to clarify the content of harmony, are also necessary to clarify the characteristics of personal harmony.

Harmony is a higher level of personality integration in comparison with personality stability, and stability is a higher level of personality integration in comparison with adaptation. Integration of a personality is its integrity (in accordance with the etymology of the term “integration”). The concepts of harmony and integration are quite closely related, but not equivalent. Personality can be integrated and inharmonious. But - it cannot be harmonious and non-integrated.

Unity, wholeness or integrity, consistency are very close concepts. But what kind of coherence are we talking about in relation to the individual? And what kind of inconsistency - what with what, leads to a violation of harmony? From our point of view, in answering these questions, the coordination of different planes of human existence comes to the fore. Personal harmony- this is the consistency and proportionality of the main aspects of the personality's being: the multidimensional space of the personality, the time and energy of the personality (both potential and realizable). The proportionality of the quantitative characteristics of the space, time and energy of the individual can be concretized as the proportionality between the volume of the space of the personality, the speed of personal time and the level of energy of the personality.

In addition, this is the correlation of the external and internal spaces of the personality in terms of volume, their rather close connection; correlation of external (event) and internal time of a person; correlation of potential and realizable energy; proportionality of energy and information resources. Harmony is also a balance between a sense of self-sufficiency and a sense of community (community - for example, in the Adler sense).

General scientific concepts are applicable in the study of personality. The space, time and energy of a person should be considered in the four main planes of his being: physical (objective), vital, social, spiritual. Since the personality is the highest integrator in a person, then one of the sides of personal harmony is the consistency of all plans of its existence.

Physical being(existence in physical space) is the existence in the world of bodies and objects, inclusion in the world of inanimate nature (inclusion of the individual as a body). No human functioning, effective behavior, activity and life activity are possible outside the world of objects and things, without an adequate reflection of the characteristics of this world. The body of any person has very specific physical characteristics. In physical space, a person exists as a (physical) body.

Vital being(existence in the vital space) is vital activity, inclusion in the world of living nature as an individual. All human activity is subject to biological laws and is impossible outside the world of living nature.

Social being(existence in social space) is social life, inclusion in the world of people as individuals, as a member of the macro- and microsociium. Social being is immersion in interpersonal relationships, the realization of the desire to preserve interpersonal relationships or change them in the desired direction, expand their influence, strengthen authority, etc. Outside the social space, a person cannot satisfy his social needs. In the social space, the past generations of this society and its history are presented. It preserves them in the form of traditions, established social norms, rules, etc. But the social space is, first of all, the space of contemporaries, the space of the living, a community of people who are active, directly communicate with each other and influence each other.

Spiritual being- this is spiritual life, inclusion in the spiritual world as a subject with spiritual needs, this is familiarization with the highest values ​​of human existence (ideals of morality ...). Spiritual life is also the realization of the desire to contribute to the preservation of the highest values. It is also an activity aimed at expanding the circle of people who accept those values ​​that are justified by the subject or values ​​that he has joined as a follower.

In the spiritual space, the subject belongs to all of humanity, is a part of it. This space exists not only in the present time, but on a wider scale: past, present and future. Spiritual space is wider than the space of a society or ethnic group. The spiritual world accumulates the experience of previous generations, preserves what has passed the test of time, which has acquired the status of timeless values.

The regularities of the bodily and mental life of an individual, the connections between them are often the subject of research. The same cannot be said about spiritual life as a subject of psychological research. Of course, the spiritual being, the spirituality of a person, the spiritual world of the individual is the subject of interdisciplinary research, and not just one psychological one. However, the spiritual culture assimilated by the individual, the humanistic values ​​adopted by him, the canons of spiritual life, the ability to experience spiritual unity with another person, a certain community of people or the whole of humanity - all these are factors that determine the vital choices of the individual. In this regard, the consideration of the foundations of the personality will be clearly incomplete if we do not touch upon the issues of its spiritual being.

The space of spiritual being is special. If it is possible to determine at least some parameters of the external space and personality relations (social, economic, legal ...) that make it up, in the coordinates of physical or geographical space, then the space of spiritual existence does not have such coordinates. It is impossible to find any clear spatial boundaries of humanistic values ​​or spiritual traditions. Both the meaning of human existence and the meaning of life of each individual person have no equivalents in physical spatial dimensions. These are phenomena that simultaneously belong to the inner space of the individual, and to her outer space and the space of society. Spirituality as a phenomenon of a universal human scale could not exist if the individual did not have his inner world and his own meaning of life or desire to find it.

The spiritual world is relatively independent from the rest of the spaces - physical, vital and social. Spiritual being is more inertial in its way of life than social, since the influence of natural, economic and other life changes on it is mediated.

These spaces are external to a person. The inner space of the personality exists, since a person is endowed with the ability to reflect, in the course of development and complication, the personality develops self-awareness. Ideas about the world and about oneself, experiences of various events, self-attitude and self-regulation, life goals and plans of the individual - all this makes up her inner space (subjective world). The outer spaces are represented in the inner world. On the other hand, in the external activity of the individual, in activity, in communication, one way or another, the inner life of the individual is reflected.

Thus, the outer space and the inner space are not separated, these spaces are intersecting. For this reason, it is more accurate to speak not only about different parts of the personal space, but also about the multitude of its dimensions.

For the harmony of the personality, it is important to balance the eventfulness of the external and internal life of a person and balance in activity, which can be divided into two streams - extraactivity and introactivity. When an activity directed outward meets any obstacles, it is not fully realized. Dissatisfaction with the results of the manifestation of external activity leads to the accumulation of negative assessments of one's own achievements. This gradually reduces the motivation for self-realization in business, in social interaction and influence. There is a redistribution of energy towards greater internal activity, which manifests itself in an intensification of the desire for self-change and self-improvement, in increased attention to one's inner world. The events taking place in it along this path of development are acquiring more and more importance. In this area, the personality is to a certain extent autonomous from the surrounding social environment and therefore potentially has ample opportunities for the manifestation of activity.

Subjectively, harmony is the experience of well-being in its various aspects. Spiritual well-being is the feeling of belonging to the spiritual culture of society, the awareness of the opportunity to join the riches of spiritual culture (to satisfy spiritual hunger). It is also an opportunity to accept certain higher values ​​and freely follow them, to experience spiritual unity with another person, a certain community of people or the whole of humanity. For spiritual well-being, it is important to advance in understanding the essence and purpose of a person, to fully understand the meaning of life. Social well-being is the satisfaction of a person with his social status and the current state of society, to which the person relates himself. This is satisfaction with interpersonal relationships, status in the microsocial environment. Vital (bodily) well-being is good physical well-being, bodily comfort, a feeling of health, and physical tone satisfying the individual.

In terms of the psychological stability of a person, harmony can be viewed as a balance between the individual pillars of stability, consistency between them, the balance of their significance. An emphasis on one support can give stability, but this is imperfect stability, although it can be long-term. Peace of mind should also be understood as a balance of belief in oneself in one's own strengths and in the strength of the environment. In particular, it is a balance between the strength of the influencing cause and the strength of the response.