New ideas for creativity with your own hands. Original ideas

first personal foreword:
I didn't know how this potal was called correctly, thanks to Tanya (Tale_for_Tanya) for the link provided. I can’t walk by and not borrow.
although the topic is quite familiar from own experience, but maybe someone else will come in handy.
almost all the gildings and glitters in my works are made with this gold leaf - a very handy thing! however, there is a peculiarity of its application - with the reverse decoupage, tk. it sticks to the glass with the wrong white side, then the effect is not gold, but a silver surface.
if you have any questions about the application - ask. I will not hide everything that I have gained empirically, I will share it.

And now the information itself:
Transfer leaflet is a transparent film with a metallized foil applied to it.
The main difference between f.o.m.a. from similar materials - simplicity and ease of use. You will have to put in less effort to get the desired result. Don't believe me? Check it out! The glue for gilding, despite the fact that it is based on synthetic resins, is easily washed off with water. Therefore, you do not need a solvent to clean the glue from the brushes and hands. Metallized foil is applied to a special transparent film. This means that during operation, the crumbs of the metal will not fly in all directions. The film is reusable: it can be glued several times until all the foil applied to the film has been used up.
With the help of transfer gold, you can create the effect of oxidized gold without the lengthy and troublesome oxidation procedure. How to do it? Read instruction number 1, and everything will become clear.
Transfer gold leaf "Vintage Gilding" is suitable for classic gilding and creating the effect of aged, worn gilding.
Check out step by step instructions for work with transfer sheet f.o.m.a.

Instruction number 1.
Vintage gilding.

1. Paint the blank with silver paint, color "Old silver".

3. Allow the glue to dry until it "tack" (the finger sticks to the surface, but does not get dirty). Do not allow the glue to dry completely.
4. Place the glazed film on the object with the colored side up.
5. Press the film to the surface and rub. The gilding result depends on the amount of glue applied and the rubbing force. The less glue and the weaker the pressure on the film, the less bead passes to the surface to be decorated. This achieves the effect of aged, oxidized gold.
6. Carefully remove the film.

Instruction number 2.
Classic gilding.

1. Apply primer to the workpiece.
2. Apply glue for the bead. Attention: the glue becomes transparent when dry!
3. Allow the glue to dry until it "tack" (the finger sticks to the surface, but does not get dirty). Do not allow the glue to dry completely. 4.
Place the colored side of the film with the gold leaf on the object.
5. Press the film to the surface and rub it hard. The gilding result depends on the amount of glue applied and the rubbing force. The thicker the adhesive layer and the stronger the pressure on the film, the more intense the coating becomes.
6. Carefully remove the film.
7. If you are not satisfied with the gilding result (the gilding was not as intense as you would like), apply the glue again and reapply the film, achieving the ideal result in your opinion.
You can use the film until all the gold applied to it has been used up.

17 cold porcelain recipes

1 cup starch (preferably rice, but if not, corn starch)
1 cup dry chalk
2 cups of white vinyl glue (probably referring to vinyl based PVA)
6 teaspoons liquid petroleum jelly
6 drops of formalin (formaldehyde) (sold in the pharmacy, CAUTION - toxic!).

Cooking method:

Mix starch and chalk, slowly add glue and petroleum jelly. When all this is condensed, add formalin.
If the mass is too dense, add a little bit of water. Mix well, store in a bag and refrigerate. You can add various paints (oil, acrylic, oils) and food coloring to the mass.

The advantages of this cold porcelain:
1. No need to cook.
2. No cracks.

This is a cold porcelain mass recipe to make flowers and shapes.

3 cups of vinyl glue (PVA)
3 cups cornstarch
15 tbsp water.
1 tbsp baby oil or vegetable oil
1 tbsp. l. white hand cream
1 tbsp stearic acid (to avoid cracking the product after drying)
1 tbsp. l. formalin (formaldehyde)
1 tsp sodium benzoate. (to whiten the paste)
2 tbsp. l. rice starch (optional, you can not add)

1 kg of vinyl glue
0.5 kg corn starch

1 tbsp stearic acid or stearic acid
1 tbsp emulsions for dough bleaching (optional, can be replaced with white paint)
1 tbsp lemon
2 tbsp. l. glycerin
3 tbsp. l. petroleum jelly

Cooking process:
Put glue in a Teflon-coated pan, add cornstarch and stir. Add sodium benzoate, stearin, dough bleaching emulsion, lemon, and then glycerin and petroleum jelly.
Cook on low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, for 20-25 minutes (well, or until it begins to stick off the sides of the pan). During cooking, the dough goes through several stages: at first it has a creamy consistency, then it looks like cottage cheese and, finally, it forms into a thick mass. It is ready when it is detached from the walls. Remove from heat. Put on a countertop and knead until it cools and becomes smooth and pliable. Place in a tightly closed plastic bag and after 24 hours the mass is ready for use.

1 glass of salt
1 cup warm water
2 cups wheat flour

Preparation of plastic mass:
Pour a cup of warm water into a bowl, dissolve a glass of salt in it and add two glasses of flour, knead the dough and knead for 10 minutes. When the mass does not stick to your hands, it is ready.

½ cup salt
½ glass of hot water
½ cup cold water
½ cup cornstarch
Food coloring of your choice ...

1. Stir salt and warm water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil.
2. In a separate bowl, we stir cold water with cornstarch, mix well and add a few drops of food coloring.
3. We add the diluted starch to the salted water and quickly mix everything. We keep the mass on low heat, stirring constantly, until the dough thickens.
4. Spread the dough on a wooden base, let it cool slightly and knead until the mixture is smooth. It can be used immediately or stored wrapped in a plastic bag or film in a tightly closed container.

250 g vinyl glue
500 gr. corn starch
4 tablespoons glycerin
0.5 cups hot water
2 teaspoons 5% formalin

1 kg. vinyl glue.
600 gr. corn starch.
1 tbsp sodium benzoate (a food preservative, available from pharmacies)
1 tbsp stearic acid.
2 tbsp glycerin.
3 tbsp petroleum jelly.
1 tbsp emulsions for dough bleaching (optional, or replace with white paint)

1 kg of vinyl glue
- 600 gr. corn starch
- 1 tsp sodium benzoate (a food preservative, available from pharmacies)
- 1 tbsp. couple

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Salted dough Christmas decor. Ideas, master classes

I greet you on the pages of my diary!

One of the most simple ways to create exclusive :), original, unique decorations for Christmas decor - from salt dough! Well, what fun for children - just can't convey :) We made the dough ourselves, cut it out, painted it - and we admire all the holidays - and the activity is great, developing perseverance, attentiveness, fine motor skills, etc., and how much pride when the baby will see his own creation hanging on the tree :), and even brag to guests and friends :) Well, you can mold a "bald devil" from salt dough :) - any shape, any image - here only your imagination and desire :) You can leave as it is - in this form it will perfectly fit into eco-decor, you can paint, decorate, cover with glitter rhinestones, add various accessories, etc. I have prepared for you a selection of ideas and master classes on making and using salted dough products in Christmas decor, I'm sure she will inspire you to create your own masterpieces :), do not forget to just brag, okay? Immediately I want to recommend one of the most successful recipes for salty dough - Salted dough. A recipe from a professional. Well, you read, and I went to sculpt :) Enjoy your viewing!

Dear ones, it is very important to decorate your home in an original way for the New Year holidays. But it is much more important to think over how to create a New Year's mood and how interesting it is to congratulate your family and friends. I especially want to congratulate the children brightly - fabulous and unusual. Imagine how much the child will be delighted by the appearance of Santa Claus in the window - and he will not just appear, but will enter the house in such an unusual way, and even with gifts! Interesting? Take a look here -