Develop an enterprise development strategy. Development of an organization's strategy (on the example of ZAO "Ecohelp"). The goals of the company are formed on the basis of the mission of the organization and the values ​​that top management is guided by.


The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that the development of an enterprise development strategy is inseparable from the solution of issues of its future development. It is a carefully thought-out strategy that allows the management of the enterprise to solve every day not just the current tasks of business development, but the current tasks that work towards the main goal and main perspective.

Why do you need a business development strategy? The timely development of a development strategy for any enterprise allows its management to quickly respond to changes in the external business environment, while making decisions aimed not only at patching daily holes, but at achieving the main goal.

Thus, the development of a development strategy for any enterprise - or strategic planning - allows an enterprise not only to survive in the market, but to achieve significant competitive advantages.

How is the development strategy developed?
Strategic planning is a set of formalized measures that allow you to build a model of the company's future, as well as create a plan for moving towards this model. It is in solving these two problems that the development of an enterprise development strategy consists.
The main methods and approaches in the development of an enterprise development strategy:

Analysis of the investment attractiveness of the industry;

Forecasting the development of the industry;

Forecasting changes in market conditions, supply and demand for the company's products;

Finding out the competitive advantages of the company;

Development of alternative business development strategies and their financial evaluation;

Selection of strategic goals and objectives of the enterprise development;
development of an action plan to implement the development strategy.

The development of an enterprise development strategy allows you to answer the questions, what should be the guidelines for its strategic development, what advantages does the enterprise have in the market, and what should internal transformations be aimed at in order for these changes to help achieve strategic goals.

Today, strategic planning and development of a development strategy for any enterprise is not a tribute to fashion, but a natural condition for working in an ever-changing market.

The development of an enterprise development strategy is a powerful tool for managing business, financial flows and personnel potential companies.

The purpose of this work is to consider the concept of the company's development strategy.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider the specifics of the formation of a development strategy;

Consider the structure of the process of developing a company development strategy;

The object of the study is the specifics of the formation of the company's development strategy.

The subject of the research is strategic planning.

This work is based on information obtained from the educational and scientific literature of domestic and foreign authors, as well as from other sources: the Internet, periodicals, and the media.

1.1. Purpose and development strategy of the company.

The company's strategy is a set of political attitudes of the enterprise and long-term action programs, within the framework of which it is planned to achieve the goal.

Thus, the goals and strategy of the company is a single complex, so the goal determines the strategy, and the strategy, in turn, determines the goal.

For example, Freling LLC produces furniture fittings.

Thus, the strategic goal of the company is to occupy 50% of the market share in supplying furniture manufacturers with fittings.

In this case, the goal achievement strategy provides for expanding the company's assortment, including accessories, furniture fabrics, foam rubber, etc., as well as sales promotion through personal sales - the use of traveling salesmen.

But not all firms have their own potential to create the necessary stocks of goods and organize their agent network, in this case, not only the strategy, but also the goal should be revised.

So, the achievement of certain specific goals of the enterprise can be carried out by some specific strategies, but the enterprise does not always allow its own potential to apply these strategies.

Basically, and most firms have a strategy and a goal that govern its activities.

The resulting complex: strategies and goals, sets the direction for the company to search for markets, plan costs, determine staffing, pricing, etc. But it is necessary to initially bring to each employee of the company its goals and strategies so that they become common and form a single whole to achieve them. After all, the company is one organism and the employee is its main body.

The implementation of strategies frees top management from routine work and the need to make decisions on all small issues, it creates the possibility of delegating tactical decisions to middle management and field workers.

It is worth looking at Russian firms and we will see that, for most of them, the main goal is to obtain the maximum possible profit, and the strategy is already established methods of work and established traditions. In other words - nothing new, the strategy loses its effect, allows any creativity of the staff, dissipates forces and means.

The goals serve for “internal” use, and the manager, bearing in mind the goals of the enterprise, outlines strategies for achieving them. Strategies are brought on a case-by-case basis to middle management, that is, basically the manager cannot delegate authority or believes that the staff is incapable of doing so. Thus, the staff has its own ideas about the goals and strategies of the company, which guides its activities.

For example, the founders of Demfi LLC could not agree on the priorities of their business, and did not dare
pull the firm with multidirectional directives. As a result, they did not touch upon the issue of the development of the company in communication with the head, hoping that the company itself would find the right way in the market.

As a result of this decision, the goals themselves were determined at the middle level, and part of the managerial staff adopted one goal, the other part - another. Thus, each group gained adherents at all levels of the hierarchy, and the enterprise went into a frenzy, moving in two directions at once. A conflict was formed, which reached such proportions that it arose about the further existence of the company itself, and, of course, what kind of development can we talk about /

A comprehensive strategy of the company is developed in the following cases:

Changes in the sales market, when, for example, a competitor appears with a new product that, in terms of its characteristics, is better priced.

1. Changes in the company's own capabilities, for example, the emergence of additional financing for economic activities.

2. Changes in the composition of the founders and senior management.

3. Accession of a new company, creation of a new direction of economic activity.

4. Achievement by the company of all the goals outlined earlier, and the need for new ones.

Strategic planning is the direct responsibility of the head of the company. Having bought a strategy from consultants of consulting groups, one cannot be sure that it will be effective, although many mistakes can be avoided. The head himself must develop it, since it is he who knows the essence, problems and advantages of his company. He knows what kind of development strategy is needed for it, and what is necessary for this, and it is he who is responsible for it.

Banc One Corporation strategic goal - "Always be among the top three leaders in the financial market."

Domino's Pizza strategic goal - "Fast delivery of hot pizza no more than 30 minutes after the order is accepted. Reasonable prices, reasonable profit."

Ford Motor Company's strategic goals are "Satisfy our customers by delivering quality cars and trucks, developing new products, reducing the time to commercialization of new vehicles, improving the efficiency of all businesses and manufacturing processes, building partnerships with workers, unions, dealers and suppliers."

Alcan Aluminum strategic and financial goals - "Produce aluminum at the lowest cost, keep the Standard and Poor index above average"

Bristol-Myers Squibb's strategic goal is "To focus our global efforts on hygiene products in which we are number one or number two, to provide consumers with superior quality products."

The theoretical base that allows applying some well-established methodology for determining strategies is not really very operational. Many argue that "there are rules for choosing a decision, but there is no rule for choosing these rules".

What is a business strategy? These are plans and measures, as well as managerial activity which are aimed at achieving by a company or a private entrepreneur the most advantageous market position that will satisfy consumer demand and bring maximum profit. This favors the creation of optimal conditions for a long period of time for the development of the enterprise in market conditions. Its context includes specific goals and mission, as well as the definition of types of communication with consumers.

To develop far-reaching plans, you first need to consider the operation of the enterprise within the boundaries of five components:

  1. Market.
  2. Industry.
  3. Productive.
  4. Technological.
  5. Positions of the enterprise in the conditions of the market.

At this time, there are a large number of types of strategic promotion of any enterprise in market conditions, which have been tested on the experiences of others and are exemplary. It is important to adapt the chosen direction for yourself, and not stupidly engage in copying someone else's experience. But, in any case, not having its own development in a highly competitive market today, any company will fail.

Strategic planning has several types:

  1. Concentrated lift. It has an impact on the strengthening of market positions. This direction of growth involves the improvement of the manufactured goods, or the creation of something new, more in demand by buyers.
  2. Integrated growth. The implementation of this type is carried out due to the expansion of the business system, the introduction of new branches. It provides for the internal development of the enterprise (company), or the purchase of other enterprises with similar activities. This will provide an opportunity to reduce costs and increase profits in those places where investments were previously needed.
  3. Diversified Growth. This kind of business strategy of the company shows its desire to go beyond the boundaries of its influence. This may be an expansion of the range of goods and services that have nothing to do with the current output of products or services. That is, the company is looking for new types of its activities without connection with existing ones.
  4. Reduction. There are times when you need to go back a little before moving forward. It may be that the market situation has become unstable, and the management of the enterprise makes an unpopular decision to suspend all or part of its work, or to sharply reduce costs, or to get the maximum benefit in the shortest period of time, up to the subsequent liquidation of the enterprise.

Definition of strategic options

Sometimes the time comes when you need to start looking for new ideas with which you can gain a competitive advantage and achieve certain goals. With the help of the brainstorming carried out, you can choose various options, the implementation of which you gain an advantage over competitors.

Studying Opportunities and Threats, even resorting to SWOT analysis (it analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as opportunities and threats from the external environment). Next, you need to make a complete list of them, then to maximize the availability of benefits and minimize threats. Better yet, turn threats into advantages.

Problem solving. Problem solving you will face daily, but some of them can be solved in real time. First, a search for a problem is carried out: by asking leading questions and looking for answers to them, you can determine what it consists of. And then its wording and possible solutions are determined.

How to develop a business strategy

Any business strategy of an enterprise is a common master plan which contains answers to questions such as:

  1. What will I create?
  2. What is the core of my business?
  3. Who needs what I will do?
  4. What can I do to improve the lives of many people?
  5. What will help me stand out in a competitive environment?
  6. Why is my offer unique?
  7. What potential does my business have?
  8. How many opportunities and threats are there?
  9. What will I do if there is a significant change in business conditions?
  10. What results can I boast of in a couple of years?

Do market research. Before you start implementing your business, you need to figure out if it has any potential. You need to be aware of supply and demand.

Choose your target audience. Potential buyers are good, and there are many of them, but among them is your target audience. It is on her that you need to keep your focus. Look for those who have not received their needs and desires from current sellers, and focus your attention on them.

Engage in the formulation of the proposal. If you are burning with the desire to distinguish yourself in a competitive environment, and to satisfy the needs of your target audience to the maximum, you need to get serious about formulating a unique selling proposition.

Assess the potential. It is necessary to start assessing the prospects for developing your own business when entering the market.

How business strategy affects leadership

A large number of studies have been conducted on how external and internal conditions affect leadership positions, but the scientific literature does not have information about the existence of studies on the impact it has on the strategic development of a company.

Market strategies, which consist of broad and niche, have a narrow impact on leadership positions. Any study, with its practical consequences, shows that managers should adapt their management style, starting from the implemented strategic plans. When the development stage of far-reaching plans is underway, an assessment should be given to the leadership abilities of the company.

In the future, research will need to be done on the mitigating effects of external competitive conditions. This will provide an opportunity to learn about the indirect influence of leadership on the effective operation of the enterprise.

Implementation of strategic plans

Typically, management, with the participation of the team, develops and takes as a basis the following philosophy:

  1. Strategic thinking.
  2. Consumer orientation.
  3. Keeping the best, constantly make changes.

The enterprise should have a clearly expressed desire to increase the volume of sales of its own production of products, while increasing the return on assets and production funds.

Expanding its business activity along with competitive dominance, the company designs them for target sectors that are of great importance to the company, provides automation of various processes, with further market entry.

Business strategy and its audit

The organization is considered quite a complicated process. For its viability and prosperity, a combination of a large number of efforts, a streamlined workflow of all its components are needed. This is achieved through proper management and management. But all things are of such a nature that, regardless of the quality of management, everything in this world, as usual, lives its own life, slowly but surely, ignoring the planned plan. In this case, there will be little effect from the current control, and an audit is carried out from time to time, which is a deep analysis of every process in the business.

With the help of an audit, you can determine whether the company has a clear and understandable strategy for all, whether it is suitable for environmental conditions, whether employees are familiar with it, whether they work in accordance with its requirements ...

An audit of a business strategy occurs in three stages:

  1. The environment is assessed.
  2. The company itself is assessed.
  3. The first two stages are integrated, that is, the capabilities of the enterprise are docked with environmental conditions.

Creating a development strategy consists of several important steps:

  • Definition of the main goal. And this is not even about increasing profits, although this implies any business. The main goal of any company is the desire to make their products or services popular and recognizable. And this will already allow you to occupy your niche in the market and receive dividends.
  • Market research. Various statistical data on the needs of consumers will help you choose the most correct vector of development. And at the same time, this allows you to better study your competitors, and, accordingly, come up with ways to get around them.
  • Time period. As we have already said, a development strategy is developed on average for 4 years. But it should include both long-term and short-term prospects. The latter help to more specifically identify the stages of the formation of the company.
  • Accounting for the opinions of employees. As a rule, it is impossible to build the right strategy without listening to the advice of the heads of various departments. Each of them has his own vision for the development of the company, and in total they will give a general idea. Moreover, it is better to conduct such a survey in writing so that people answer the fundamental questions - “why does the company exist”, “what is valuable to it”, “what is the ultimate goal” and “what needs to be done to advance in the market”.

And after that, the analytical work on the generalization of information begins. Its result will be the development of a company development strategy. It, as a rule, represents the main theses, which concisely and accurately reflect the main directions.

Advice: the strategy should be introduced to every employee of the company so that everyone knows what they are ultimately working for.

Development of an enterprise development strategy by example

Consider the development of a company development strategy using the example of one of the most famous brands in Russia - Sberbank. Just in 2018, the next term for planning its activities ended, and the relevant documents appeared in the public domain.

First of all, the management of Sberbank developed a strategy for 5 years - from 2014 to 2018.

The main goal was to strengthen the positions of one of the leading financial institutions not only in Russia, but also in the world. At the same time, over the past five-year period, Sberbank planned to double its profits and assets (specific figures were not indicated, since this is internal information).

And in order to achieve these results, an annual growth target of 14-16 percent was set.

And finally, the most important thing that was indicated in the strategy - due to which it is possible to achieve the goals set.

Specifically, the following points:

  • Strengthening competitive positions in Russia and abroad. To do this, it was proposed to actively introduce various cash equipment and work more with small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Increasing the level of interest walrus, that is, the difference between expenses and income. Here the main role was given to retail and corporate loans.
  • Development of new offers for clients, for example, the same loans and deposits.
  • Improving the efficiency of spending.

To what extent it was possible to cope with the tasks set is already the internal affairs of Sberbank. And they don't matter to us.

The main thing is that such a development strategy can be applied to almost any company, regardless of its type of activity.


For any organization operating in market conditions, the problem of survival and ensuring the continuity of development is relevant today. Depending on the prevailing conditions and circumstances, this problem is solved by various organizations in their own way, but it is based on painstaking and laborious work to create and implement competitive advantages, the content and organization of which is revealed by the concept of strategic planning.

The essence of the concept lies in the answer to the question "How should organizations be managed in a dynamic, changeable and uncertain environment?" The growth of "post-industrial" instability, which is reflected in the change in consumer demand, the globalization of business, the complication of competition, the reduction life cycles goods, growing demands on the quality of life, and so on, is objective and universal.

The answer to this question includes not only the need to analyze and assess the environment and predict how it will change over time, but also to create a management system that would constantly maintain a correspondence between the environment, nature and results of the organization.

Strategic planning is very relevant for Russian commercial firms. The move away from centralized planning, the past privatization and the entire course of economic transformations in Russia are forcing enterprises to look into the future, formulate their strategy, determine their main advantages and competitive advantages, eliminate strategic threats and dangers, i.e. directly use the ideas of strategic planning.

If in the past many companies could function very successfully, paying attention mainly to internal problems related to increasing the efficiency of the use of resources in current activities, then the current development of market relations makes it necessary to change the prevailing stereotypes of management and the nature of management. First of all, this applies to activities that determine the prospects for the development of the enterprise.

Firms whose management is focused on solving short-term problems, with frequent changes in tasks, activity priorities, and do not have the necessary stock of intellectual, organizational, economic and production "strength" that allows for effective renewal if necessary, cannot withstand the current rapidly changing market conditions. .

Toughening competition, accelerating changes in the environment, the dynamism of changes in consumer demands, the unexpected emergence of new business opportunities, the unpredictability of some environmental factors (economic, political, etc.) - this is not a complete list of reasons that led to a sharp increase in the importance of strategic management. .

The theoretical basis was the works of leading domestic scientists on financial management issues: V.G. Belolipetsky, E.V. Lisitsina, V.V. Kovalev, SI. Lushin, L.N. Pavlova, B.C. Pashkovsky, V.M. Rodionova, V.A. Slepov, E.S. Stoyanova, I.P. Khominich, A.D. Sheremet and others.

From the relevance of the degree of study, we can formulate the following contradiction, which arises between the need to choose the mission, strategy and tactics of the company and the existing disparity in the consideration of individual aspects in modern theory and practice.

Research problem follows from the need to resolve this contradiction: what are the conditions for choosing the firm's mission.

Purpose of the study: is the construction of an enterprise development strategy on the example of a network of branded stores-centers "XXI century".

Object of study: crisis management strategies.

Subject of study: economic and organizational and managerial relations that ensure the choice of the mission of the "XXI century".

Hypothesis: the choice of the mission of the company on the example of XXI century LLC will be successful if:

1) carry out research and analytical activities;

2) determine the main directions of this problem;

3) to determine the mission of XXI century LLC.

In accordance with our goal, we have identified the following research objectives:

Describe the mission of the company;

Substantiate the concepts of strategy and tactics in an anti-crisis state;

Conduct an analysis of the state of the enterprises of XXI century LLC.

Explore the features of the development of corporate financial policy.

Chapter I . Theoretical analysis of the problem under study

1.1. The concept of the mission of the company

For the successful operation of the company in market conditions, it is not enough to answer simple questions - what and for whom to produce. It is more important to determine why or in the name of what your company exists, that is, what is its mission.

In order to have a stable and long-term success, an entrepreneur must strive to live according to the laws of a civilized market. A civilized market is always competition, which requires the company to maintain its high competitive status. And this is impossible without the firm formulating its socially significant mission, which, as world practice has repeatedly proven, should, willingly or unwillingly, contribute to the formation and strengthening:

the new world economic order,

· national economy,

creation of a new type of industry,

· the development of science, education, as well as other socially significant activities.

Only by formulating the mission, the buyer or consumer of the company's products can evaluate the priorities that guide this company, as well as evaluate the goals and directions of its activities. Almost all the leading companies in the world take such issues seriously, and everything is in order with their profits. And Russia in this sense is no exception.

Moreover, according to American researchers T. Peters and R. Waterman, companies that clearly formulated only financial goals for themselves did not come close to the financial results that companies with a wider range of value systems achieved.

When the slogan "the rise of the Russian economy, statehood, production, science, education, raising the living standards of people, etc." becomes an everyday intracompany reality, then the staff is inspired - everyone has a common cause. And the staff of the company begins to work not only for wages. There is something more that unites the employees of the company - corporate culture, which is an important part of the competitive status of the company. All company resources (financial, production, material, informational, intellectual, informational, human, etc.) are used much more effectively; the company has more opportunities, and it becomes manageable; the number of investors wishing to invest in it is increasing; customers are more attentive to all the activities carried out by the company; relationships between the firm and the authorities are being established, etc. All this ultimately ensures the firm's success.

As you know, the mission is the main (general) goal of the organization, clearly expressing the reasons for its existence, its social significance.

Virtually all firms that are currently thriving in the market have formally formulated their mission in writing - in the form of a mission statement. The approved mission defines all the activities of the organization: from planning to the sale of finished products or the provision of services.

The presence of such a document allows:

· The management of the company - to determine the place that the company should take in the market and formulate its strategy for achieving this position.

· Employees of the company - to feel like participants in a common cause in the development of opportunities, gives them a goal, emphasizes their importance, aims to achieve high results.

· To consumers of the company's products - to treat the company with attention and interest, which can satisfy their various needs and requirements, to follow the company's products. Products and technologies may change, but the needs and demands of the market may remain unchanged.

The mission statement, in terms of market orientation, helps the firm to concretize its activities to serve certain groups of consumers and / or meet specific needs and requests. Mission - the macroeconomic role that the company undertakes to carry out in the global or national market. Managers are free to define their mission as they please, but they must take into account one idealistic circumstance: the scale of the mission they have undertaken will directly determine the amount of resources that the company will operate with.

The mission of the company should serve as a factor in attracting customers, investors, buyers. It shows society the ability of the company to predict the future needs and requirements of consumers, to satisfy them faster than others and at lower cost and, thereby, to prove to consumers its superiority over competitors. In this way, the company creates its consumer, showing him what needs it can satisfy most fully. A well-known example of the formation of the Ford company's mission at the dawn of rapid motorization - "Giving people a cheap car." The implementation of this mission allowed the United States not only to become the world's leading automotive power, but also to have the most beautiful roads in the world. But the greatest achievement from the implementation of the mission of his company formulated by Henry Ford is that it was she who allowed the Ford company, through the country's widespread motorization, to actually create a middle class of society, that is, to establish a new standard of living standards.

Based on the analysis of various factors, the management of the company substantiates the concept of ensuring its competitive advantage in the market and formulates the mission of this company.

The importance of the mission cannot be overestimated. It allows the firm to obtain criteria for the entire subsequent decision-making process. If the manager does not know what the mission of his organization is, then he will not have a logical starting point for choosing the best alternative in a particular situation. At the same time, current issues will have a clear priority over strategic ones. And this, after a certain time, will necessarily lead to a decrease in the competitive status of the company, to difficulties in marketing products, as well as to problems in relationships with employees of the company.

Without defining the mission as a guideline for long-term activity, the leader would have as a basis for decision-making only his individual values, his personal attitude towards a particular person or situation, which might not coincide with the long-term goals and interests of the organization. In addition, these relationships could change depending on the situation and even the mood of the leader. Rather, the result could be a huge dispersion of efforts, an inefficient use of available resources, a lack of unity of purpose and actions that are essential for the success of an organization in the conditions of the most severe market competition.

In the future, on the basis of the mission, the entire management system of the company is being formed.

As you know, the determinants of the boundaries of areas of activity can be: products, technologies, customer groups, specific needs of customer groups, combinations of several factors.

The formation of the mission is the most important element (goal) of the economic strategy. The mission statement should contain the following elements:

· The mission of the firm in terms of its core services or products, its core markets, and core technologies. The mission answers the question of what kind of entrepreneurial activity the company is engaged in.

· The external environment in relation to the firm, which determines the operating principles of the firm, giving it a set of restrictions and operating conditions.

· The corporate culture of the company, that is, answers to the questions, what type of working climate exists within the company, what type of people are attracted to this climate. In other words, culture is the image of the company, its position, the idea of ​​it in the public mind.

A limited interpretation of the mission negatively affects the firm's ability to respond flexibly to changing market demands. At the same time, its overly broad interpretation can significantly reduce the productivity of resource use and ultimately lead to the loss of competitive advantage and bankruptcy of the company. The complete absence of a mission guarantees the firm the presence of ever-increasing problems.

The concept of mission is closely connected with the concept of the competitive status of the firm. Both concepts not only do not contradict, but also complement each other:

· The mission answers the question, what is the main (general) goal of the organization, clearly expressing the reasons for its existence, its social significance.

· The competitive status of the firm answers the questions of how to produce the product or service claimed by the firm and by what means in order to maintain a competitive advantage.

Both mission and competitive status depend on external factors.

The mission is formed in anticipation of future opportunities in order to form the strategic potential required for survival (reflects its expected or desired capabilities).

Competitive status depends on the company's existing strategic potential (its existing capabilities).

The mission should indicate the goal or, in other words, give a forecast of the development of social needs, criteria for their evaluation and social significance. The main element of the forecast is the ideal, which means not just what will be, but what should be, what should be strived for. Ultimately, the forecast becomes the subject of conviction and faith.

If the company does not have a mission, then with a high degree of probability it can be argued that this company does not have clearly formulated long-term goals accepted by the team, and therefore there is no future. In this case, the collapse of the company is guaranteed. It's only a matter of time. And the fact that it is becoming more and more difficult for the management of many former leaders of the domestic industry to manage their enterprises, it is becoming more and more difficult to ensure their normal functioning in market conditions, it is becoming more and more difficult to sell their products, it is more difficult to maintain the efficiency of their teams, etc. enterprises of the systemic crisis. The leaders of such enterprises do not have a mission and long-term and medium-term goals arising from it. In other words, there are no ideas to ensure the competitiveness of your company in the market. At best, there are only goals to ensure current stability, at worst - only personal well-being, and, moreover, immediately.

1.2. Strategy and tactics in anti-crisis management

Market forms of management in conditions of fierce competition lead to the insolvency of individual business entities or to their temporary insolvency. Why did previously prosperous enterprises find themselves in a state of insolvency? As theory shows and experience confirms, the violation of solvency in modern conditions is a consequence of the discrepancy between the strategy of the enterprise and the trends in the development of the market situation.

Even 30 years ago there were no strategic principles of enterprise management. It was only at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s that new management methods appeared, and with them the term "strategic management". This is caused, first of all, by changes in the external business environment.

Any situation in which the company does not have time to prepare for changes can be considered a crisis. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to understand the causes of the crisis in the enterprise's economy in time and take measures even before the external manifestation of difficulties (financial difficulties).

The reasons why an enterprise falls into a crisis can be divided into two groups:

external, which do not depend on the enterprise or which the enterprise can influence to a small extent (Table 1);

internal, which arose as a result of the activities of the enterprise itself.

Table 1. Analysis of external factors of crisis development



Possible consequences

The state of the national economy

The government is trying to mitigate the effects of the deterioration economic policy regulation of taxes, money supply, bank interest rates

Tighter taxation, more expensive loans, higher costs

Political factors

The attitude of the state to entrepreneurial activities of a prohibitive or restrictive nature; instability of the government, etc.

Deterioration of the investment climate, export of capital from the country

Legal factors

Insufficient antitrust regulation; limited regulation of foreign economic activity; underdevelopment legislative framework

Increasing the income of monopoly enterprises by increasing product prices; decline in production; lack of the necessary legal framework; difficulties in entering the foreign market

Social factors

Traditions, life values; the mentality of the administrative-planned economy; lack of financial management skills; low level of culture

Low level of leadership; craving for waste; crime, corruption

Technological factors

Low government spending on science and technology; low technical level

technological stagnation; low quality and high cost of production; low level of productivity and competitiveness of enterprises

with buyers
and suppliers

Slow revenue growth; delays in the supply of raw materials and supplies; their low quality

Growth of non-payments; decline in production
and product quality

Currently, in order to survive in the market and remain competitive, all enterprises must make changes to their business activities from time to time. The anti-crisis management strategy allows you to establish how an enterprise can withstand changes in the external environment (which occur frequently, irregularly and almost unpredictably); what preliminary measures can be taken to maintain its viability and achieve its intended goals.

4. Functional strategy - an enhanced direction of development of any aspect of the enterprise. There are such varieties as financial, personnel, production, etc.

Creative - creation of a new product with unique properties;

adaptive - focusing on one of the market segments and on a special group of buyers;

· predominant - focus on maintaining the achieved positions by reducing prices, product quality costs.

Implementation of the selected anti-crisis strategy: management tactics

Tactical (operational) measures to overcome the economic crisis can be cost reduction, closing of divisions, staff reduction, reduction in production and sales volumes, active marketing research, product price increase, use of internal reserves, modernization, determination of current losses, identification of internal reserves, attracting specialists, obtaining loans, strengthening discipline, etc.

Strategic and operational planning are interrelated, and it is impossible to deal with one in isolation from the other. Tactical planning should be carried out within the framework of the chosen strategies. The implementation of operational measures to overcome the economic crisis in isolation from strategic goals can improve the financial situation for a short time, but will not eliminate the underlying causes of the crisis.

The first stage of tactical planning is the implementation of the chosen anti-crisis strategy; while managers should:

· finally understand the developed anti-crisis strategy and goals, their correspondence to each other;

· communicate the ideas of the new strategy and the meaning of the goals to the employees in order to involve them in the process of implementing the anti-crisis strategy;

· Bring resources in line with the ongoing anti-crisis strategy;

· make decisions about the organizational structure.

When implementing a new strategy, it is necessary to focus on how the changes will be perceived, who will resist, what style of behavior should be chosen. Resistance must be minimized or eliminated, regardless of the type, nature, and content of the change. Many enterprises do not have the optimal combination of structure, culture, skills necessary for successful operation.

The structure of an enterprise largely determines its ability to respond to changes in the external environment: too rigid an organizational structure can become an obstacle to flexible adaptation to new real conditions, slow down the process of innovation and impede a creative approach to solving new problems and tasks.

At this stage, managers can compare what is required to implement an anti-crisis strategy with what the company currently has. At the same time, managers can use a scoring system to assess the discrepancy between these states according to the following criteria:

Skills and resources

structure and systems;

managerial culture.

When conducting comparative analysis it is important to highlight exactly those moments that can have a strong impact on the success of the enterprise.

The second stage of tactical planning is the evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy. It is aimed at finding out to what extent the implementation of the strategy leads to the achievement of the company's goals.

If an enterprise monitors the appearance of an external threat in a timely manner and has enough time to develop an effective response, it can consistently eliminate all problems. But in a crisis situation, the implementation of changes must be carried out within a strictly limited time frame. Therefore, when planning an anti-crisis strategy, it is necessary to provide for the maximum parallelism of work. An anti-crisis strategy is most effective if it is combined with an already adapted structure and is subject to a balanced system of goals. However, in critical situations, there is no time left to prepare the basis for strategic changes and it is necessary to decisively change the existing management system, which has a negative impact on the work of personnel.

1. psychological, i.e. determining the cultural orientation of various groups of personnel based on their attitude to change, creating reference points for the implementation of an anti-crisis strategy, limiting the influence on decision-making by groups that are immune to change;

2. systemic, i.e., the formation of a transitional structure of an enterprise that solves the problem of introducing changes without interfering with operational activities.

Implementation of strategic changes - in the highest degree responsible and difficult task, but some changes may require less effort to implement, especially if they do not require changes general ideas about how the company should compete in the market.

Chapter II . Analysis of the mission of the LLC " XXI century"

2.1. Mission of the organization

The company "XXI century" has been operating in the Zlatoust market since November 2002. The first computer center was opened on November 8 last year, the second - in March of this. The company "XXI century" is also going to open a third store - it works so successfully and actively.

"XXI century" is the largest computer store in Zlatoust. A wide range of computer equipment is conveniently located in a small area - NT computers, monitors, printers, scanners, as well as components for self-assembly of PCs, accessories, etc.

Direction of activity of the company "XXI century" - wholesale and retail trade in computers, office equipment, components, as well as highly professional advice on the product.

To date, the company's staff consists of 17 people: director, deputy director, chief accountant, 10 sales managers and 4 sales cashiers.

One of the main tasks of management is to set goals for the achievement of which the organization is formed, functions and develops as an integral system.

The objective function begins with the establishment of the mission of the enterprise, expressing the philosophy and meaning of its existence. It usually details the status of the enterprise, declares the principles of its work, statements and the actual intentions of the management, defines the most important characteristics of the organization.

The central point of the mission is the answer to the question: "What is the main goal of the organization?" In the first place should be the interests, expectations and values ​​of the consumer (buyers of manufactured products), not only at the present time, but also in the future.

The mission of the computer center "XXI century" is to provide enterprises and citizens of the city of Zlatoust and the region with various types of computer products, office equipment and components, as well as highly professional advice on products in such a way, in such a volume and in such a time that they meet high professional standards and the requirements of customers, which allows us to ensure the constant profit of the company and a fair treatment of its employees.

While the mission is undoubtedly of paramount importance to an organization, the imprint of the values, norms, and goals of top management—a cultural organization—should not be underestimated. It is hardly possible to provide any generalized list of corporate values, since organizational culture is almost always an original mixture of values, attitudes, norms, habits, traditions, behaviors and rituals that are unique to this organization. The pursuit of common values ​​can unite people into groups, creating a powerful force in achieving the goal.

The organizational culture of the company "XXI century" combines both formal and informal structure of the relationship between management and subordinates, i.e. suggests companionship with them, but subject to subordination. The work of the entire team is built on the basis of mutual support and mutual assistance. Employees of the company are informed in a short time and in full about changes in the company, about the results of work, for which general meetings are held weekly, at which successes and failures are analyzed, proposals for improving product quality and increasing sales are discussed.

Principles (rules) of the company "XXI century":

1. high quality guarantee;

2. decency of the staff;

3. team spirit of the team;

4. the specified terms are promises, and promises must be kept;

5. 21st Century Firm believes in competent employees at all levels who can independently take appropriate action and make effective decisions in response to rapidly changing conditions;

6. maintaining a supportive work environment that promotes self-respect, personal development and success.

Credo of the company:

1. modern management style;

2. promotion and remuneration of employees depending on their work and personal contributions to the results obtained (training, bonuses, incentives, etc.)

3. consistently earning the trust and respect of our customers and employees;

4. expansion of the company and its range.

Company motto:

We treat people the way we would like them to treat us!

The goals of the company are formed on the basis of the mission of the organization and the values ​​that top management is guided by.

Long-term goals of the company "XXI century".

1. Confirm the title of market leader and maintain a leading position for a long time;

2. Introduce the department of strategic management into the organizational structure of enterprise management;

3. Create additional retail outlets (open computer centers in several districts of the city and in the region);

4. Create a marketing research department;

5. Recruit and train management personnel from the local population.

Short term goals.

I. According to the planning and economic department:

1. Develop an implementation plan for the coming year;

2. Draw up a business plan for the creation of additional outlets and stores.

II. For the commercial department:

1. Make specific proposals about the settlements where, first of all, it is necessary to create additional retail outlets and stores, and in which it is limited to delivery to existing stores;

2. Prepare information for transfer to the emerging marketing sub-department on supplies, clientele, and research conducted.

III. Department of labor and wages:

1. Monitor the workforce for the issue of filling vacant positions in the emerging departments;

2. Decide on the changed organizational structure: who, to whom, and on what grounds should report and with which department to cooperate;

3. Determine the number and amount of remuneration of personnel in the branch being opened;

4. To select personnel for opening additional outlets and stores.

IV. For the production department:

Draw up a program for the development of the enterprise for the next 5 years.

V. Accounting:

Consider the financial estimates of expenses and incomes received from the departments for the proposed activities and make decisions on the possibility or impossibility of implementing the activities in a given volume and dynamics, and if not, then point to "white" spots, the income for which is incommensurable with the costs of their implementation, even in long term.

VI. By sales:

1. Conduct additional marketing research of the market for a deeper study of the preferences and needs of buyers in the context of the rapid development of this market segment;

2. Develop additional programs and promotions to increase sales;

3. Capture the majority of the market (about 30-40%).

2.2. Analysis of the internal, external and competitive environment

The development of a strategic model begins with an analysis of the environment in which and thanks to which (more often contrary to modern Russian conditions) the enterprise operates. Environmental analysis consists of three main elements:

· Analysis of the macro environment (analysis of the external environment);

· Analysis of the competitive environment;

· Analysis of the internal environment.

Analysis of the external environment

The success of the company in the computer and office equipment market in the past and in the present can be explained by the continuous growing demand for funds that allow you to keep up with the times, both among various organizations in the city and region, and among ordinary citizens. Modern organizations now require not only employees who have the skills of a PC user (Microsoft Office application), but also who can work with the World Wide Web and office equipment. It is difficult to imagine a person who does not know how to use a computer. The whole world has been swallowed up by universal computerization, because modern technologies make it possible to save most of the time that business people lack, to obtain a lot of information necessary for work, to maintain company documentation ... The list can be continued indefinitely. Needless to say, a computer is convenient, it is not even a luxury item, it is a necessary part of our life.

The peak of sales activity falls on the end of autumn - winter - beginning of spring. The failures that the company encounters can be explained by some inconsistency of actions on the part of the staff, due to which there is a potential danger of losing customers (for example, untimely delivery, periodic lack of goods in the warehouse, etc.).

The state of the economy (economic factor)

In general, the economic situation in the country is slowly but surely beginning to improve. This is facilitated by the efforts of the president and the government, who finally took up the economy, and not political disputes, as well as an increase in the business activity of the population, which has adapted to the conditions of a market economy.

Foreign exchange rate. Some foreign firms (suppliers of products to our market) work with the euro, and some - with the dollar. The constant appreciation of these currencies against the Russian ruble leads to an increase in the cost of computer products and office equipment in ruble terms and an increase in the price of products. Therefore, an increase in the euro and dollar exchange rate has a negative impact on the company's activities and forces it to look for the most suitable price, which would contribute to a slight decrease in demand and would keep profits at the same level.

tax rate. The tax burden has now been reduced. Therefore, this economic factor has positive influence on the activities of our company and provides an opportunity for further development of the organization and improvement of technologies through the use of tax-exempt profits. A change in tax rates leads either to a positive one. Either to negative influence to the activities of the organization.

Inflation. Despite a significant decline in inflation over Last year However, there has been a slight rise in prices. At the same time, the existing inflation leads to depreciation of stocks of computer products, office equipment, components and raw materials, funds that reimburse the costs of the enterprise, which ultimately forces the enterprise to look for a source of replenishment of working capital. In addition, an increase in the cost of production and sale of products leads to an increase in the price of products, and, consequently, a decrease in demand for it. Thus, inflation can pose a serious threat to the achievement of an organization's objectives.

Also, changes in tariffs for raw materials, transport, energy, rent increases - all this makes prices for all products increase.

The rating of this factor: -10.

market factor.

The sale of computer products, components and office equipment is a very promising direction in the company's commercial activities, as the demand for these products is increasing every year. And in this case, when a huge number of firms offer similar products, not only the price factor becomes a priority when choosing a particular firm or store. In general, prices for the products of this sector are the same everywhere.

In addition to the system of discounts and credits, XXI century offers the largest selection of computer products, office equipment and components, as well as professional advice on products. To do this, specialists from representative offices of various companies offering similar products on the Russian market (for example, Epson, LG, etc.) are invited to the stores. In addition, the NT corporation (namely, as already mentioned, it owns the XXI century chain of stores) works directly with the central offices of companies engaged in the production of components for computers and office equipment, which allows it to work more efficiently in the market, in its sector.

The rating of this factor: +40.

political factor.

In general, the political situation in the country is stabilizing. However, the internal market and the activities of the organization are constantly influenced by political events and decisions, and the management of the organization must follow the decisions and laws made not only by the federal government, but also by local authorities in whose territory each individual branch operates.

The coming to power of a new person entails changes. Well, if they are positive for our organization. But if measures are tightened against manufacturing organizations, this will entail an increase in prices and, as a result, a decrease in demand for products. This will be a negative change.

In general, the impact political factor at the moment, for the "XXI century" is small. However, the following may be noted:

Additional cooperation with other firms can bring some profit (in addition to existing partners, you should look for new ones, it’s good if their brands are already sufficiently known to buyers and advertised by the media), but foreign firms must be confident in the stability of the economic and political situation in Russia;

A change in the exchange rate affects, as already mentioned, the cost of production;

And finally, the customs policy also has an impact on the activities of the company. For example, at the end of last year, many organizations selling floppy disks and other magnetic storage media found themselves in an unpleasant situation, as a large batch of floppy disks remained at customs. The result of this was an increase in prices for such products in all Zlatoust firms.

The rating of this factor: -10.

social factor.

Despite the fact that the XXI century company has been on the Zlatoust market for less than a year, there are already obvious nice results: There were positive responses from both wholesale buyers and retail buyers. In addition, in such a short period of time, even regular customers appeared in the company, who note the highly professional work of sales consultants, the friendly attitude of the attendants, and high-quality service support after the purchase. This indicates a good attitude of society towards business in general and the company in particular.

The rating of this factor: +40.

technological factor.

This factor is of great importance for the development of the company. The analysis of the technological environment shows the constant improvement of production technologies and the development of completely new various products, which means quality improvement, the emergence of completely new information technologies, and this allows us to more fully satisfy the needs of customers. Our organization is not just trying, it is obliged to keep pace with the scientific and technological process, because its future depends on it.

Score of this factor: +50.

natural factor.

Such a natural phenomenon as climate change will have little effect on the demand for our product. But, for example, an earthquake or other natural disasters will reduce the level of sales.

Rating of this factor: +10.

legal factor.

The firm's lawyer constantly monitors changes in legislation. And the company operates in accordance with the norms established by law. In general, the legal situation does not have a strong impact on the work of the firm.

Factor score: +10.

Analysis of the competitive environment.

There are a large number of computer companies operating in our region. With some reservations, we can say that the Zlatoust computer market now resembles a market of perfect competition. The company is actively expanding and holding a lot of various promotions and events, not so much to increase sales, but to win its positions and capture a large share of buyers.

The competition, to be sure, is fierce. All firms offer the consumer an almost identical product, so weaknesses should be looked for in the quality of service, the location of competitors, the price level, the offered choice, the products in stock, etc. In a word, try to turn their “minuses” into their “pluses”. For example, the very first store "XXI century", located on the street. Lenin, has the largest area in the city, unlike other computer stores. It is spacious and comfortable. More importantly, it is located on the first floor of a multi-storey building, and many computer firms are located in the basement. Thus, by its appearance, spaciousness and design, the store immediately makes a favorable impression on customers.

We can say that the company should pay special attention to the following areas: quality of service, additional services (service center), availability of goods, prestige.

So far, research on consumers of products by the company "XXI century" has not been conducted. However, in general, the company focuses on consumers with medium and high level income. A small decrease or increase in the income of consumers will not lead to a significant change in the income of the organization. Although the company strives so that when it is mentioned, buyers have such concepts as quality, prestige, professionalism.

The emergence of new competitors is most likely not expected, since the market of the city and the region is quite saturated.

In general, the assessment of the competitive factor: -20.

Based on the information collected on all points, we will compile a final table that reflects the results of assessing the importance of the above environmental factors for this type of business in general, and for this enterprise in particular.

Analysis of the obtained results.


measure of influence















































Thus, the greatest opportunities in the external environment are observed in technological, market and social factors, and the greatest threat from competitors. Therefore, having such an excellent potential, the company should develop its positive aspects and throw maximum effort into the fight against the threat, while not forgetting about other environmental factors, since the situation can change at any time in any direction. That is, the company has every chance to capture the market in the percentage that the company is counting on, since the situation is clearly conducive to this.

Analysis of the internal environment.

After analyzing the external environment, an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the organization is carried out. Successful planning requires not only a complete understanding of the significant external problems, but also the internal potentialities and shortcomings of the organization.

Five internal factors stand out for the study:

· Marketing.

· Production.

· Finance.

· Human resources.

The culture of the organization.

· SWOT-analysis.

Having identified and evaluated its strengths and weaknesses in comparison with competitors, having identified opportunities and threats from the external environment, the organization must conduct a SWOT analysis, which combines the last two stages (“S” - strength - strength, “W” - weakness - weakness, "O" - opportunity - opportunity, "T" - threat - threat).

And on the basis of information about the external and internal environment, it is necessary to highlight the most important thing on which you need to focus your attention in the first place.

SWOT analysis.

Potential internal strengths

Potential external opportunities of the firm

Sustainable and profitable production;

A clear system of subordination of employees Þ information quickly descends from top to bottom;

Good customer impression of the company;

High culture of service;

System of discounts and permanent promotions;

Favorable climate in the team;

Large area of ​​working rooms;

Possibility to use own financial sources for expansion.

Ability to serve additional customer groups and increase market share;

Weakening of positions of firms-competitors;

Possibility of rapid development due to the constant demand in the market;

Positive feedback and good relationship with customers.

Potential internal weaknesses

Potential external threats to the firm

Due to constant growth – lack of staff Þ heavy workload on each employee Þ overall performance is declining”

Lack of a marketing department;

Lack of a strategic development department;

Due to the absence of the 2nd and 3rd points, the constant focus on the main office (it is much more efficient to have everything at the immediate place of work).

Unfavorable change in foreign exchange rates;

Changes in the customs policy of the state;

Entry into the market of stronger competitors.

By aligning internal strengths and weaknesses with external threats and opportunities, leadership is ready to choose a strategic alternative.

2.3. Types and choice of strategy, its implementation process

In world practice, four types of strategies are known:

Limited growth strategy. The most attractive for firms with a good portfolio of orders. This strategy is used when production and sales of products are established, the company receives a stable profit and there is no reason to take risks.

growth strategy. Recommended for developing firms trying to offer new products and services to the market. Allocate strategies of intensive, intration and diversification growth.

reduction strategy. It consists in the reduction or reorientation of a company that does not survive in the current market conditions. The implementation of this type of strategy can be expressed in the liquidation of the enterprise.

A combination of different types of strategy. Usually large firms use this method.

The Russian market is characterized by the following three types of strategy, which take into account the peculiarities of the Russian economy and which a company can adhere to under any environmental conditions:

Defensive or survival strategy. The leaders of the firm are trying to maximize the use of resources and external factors to preserve the theme of the firm, key employees. Regarding resources - modernization of production, improvement of planning, updating of the assortment, connection of external factors, etc.

Aggressive market strategy or growth strategy. The management is making significant efforts to find new ways of development, to develop a planned and economic breakthrough and risk. At the same time, new achievements in technologies are used, highly qualified personnel are selected, etc.

Exit strategy or downsizing strategy.

Based on the diagnostic stages and the information received, knowing the strategies, the management of the enterprise can proceed to the choice of strategy. For this, an auxiliary calculation table is used.

Auxiliary table for calculating the parameter "market attractiveness".

Market attractiveness

Factor Significance








1. Market growth and development




2. Market quality




3.Competitive situation




4. Assessment of external conditions







The calculation according to the table of market attractiveness parameters is carried out using expert assessments in two stages. At the first stage, scores are given in the column "significance of the factor". At the second stage, the experts evaluate the factors: how each factor is developed in the enterprise. Next, the sums are calculated and their ratio is found: y1 = 64: 16 = 4 Þ select point 4.0 on the graph.

Auxiliary table for calculating the parameter "position in competition".

Having filled in the table in a similar way, the amounts are calculated and their ratio is found: y2 = 56: 14 = 4.

In accordance with the results obtained, the company "XXI century" should adhere to an aggressive market strategy in its activities. In this case, the company will be able to quickly gain the right position in the market and stand among the largest and most famous organizations in its sector.

In general, for any enterprise, the development and implementation of goals will significant part strategic management process only if top management correctly forms them and stimulates their implementation throughout the organization.

The rapid growth in the external environment of organizations, the intensification of competition in the city and territorial markets make the development and implementation of strategic management systems especially relevant. The solution of this problem should be carried out gradually, by introducing individual elements of strategic management into the management practice of organizations, followed by their mandatory linkage into a well-structured and formalized system.

The strategy implementation process consists of five main stages.

First stage.

An in-depth study of the state of the environment, goals and developed strategies. Since the work performed is more theoretical than practical, it can be assumed that there have been no changes in the environment. Thus, the chosen strategy remains in force. It is necessary to carry out explanatory work among the employees of the company in order to involve them in the process of implementing the strategy. This must be carried out in the form of separate meetings on production units, as well as the publication of printed publications, in which, in the form of theses and postulates, the main points of the strategic development of the enterprise should be reflected.

Second phase.

Decision making by management for efficient use of resources. The data received from the relevant departments are analyzed, as well as their estimates by the accounting department for financial justification.

Third stage.

Change in organizational structure. Changes are needed in the organizational structure: the emergence of a strategic development department and its infrastructure, the emergence of a marketing department.

Fourth stage.

Making the necessary changes in the life of the enterprise.

Fifth stage.

Making changes to the general strategy. Such changes must be avoided in every possible way, unless the changes lead either to a noticeable deterioration in the position of the enterprise (up to bankruptcy), or do not bring noticeably large incomes. When changing the general strategy, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons and approach this process very carefully.

Evaluation and control of the implementation of the strategy.

Definition of verification indicators:

· sales volumes of products in the territorial markets and its correlation with the total sales volume;

The range of products sold.

State of the company "XXI century":

qualification of employees;

· product quality standards (GOSTs).

Finding out the reasons for deviations, if any.

Adjustment of the strategic plan:

changing the strategic line;

adjustment of strategic behavior;

Changing the company's goals

reorientation of activity.

Opportunities and threats of the external environment, strengths and weaknesses of activity were identified for the network of company stores "XXI century".

The mission of the enterprise was defined, as well as goals for both the short and long term. The main strategy was defined as a growth strategy. A procedure was developed to ensure the implementation of this strategy and a procedure for assessing and monitoring its implementation.

Thus, the analysis of the company presented in this paper made it possible to determine the main measures that contribute to improving the efficiency of the functioning of the company "XXI century" in the market of our city and region.


Currently, in order to survive in the market and remain competitive, all enterprises must make changes to their business activities from time to time. The anti-crisis management strategy allows you to establish how an enterprise can withstand changes in the external environment (which occur frequently, irregularly and almost unpredictably); what preliminary measures can be used to maintain its viability and achieve its goals.

The crisis management strategy covers all planned, organized and controlled changes in the field of the existing strategy, production processes, structure and culture of any socio-economic system, including private and state enterprises.

Accurate, comprehensive, timely diagnostics of the state of the enterprise is the first stage in the development of a strategy for anti-crisis management of the enterprise.


Overcoming resistance from the staff requires the implementation of two types of measures:

1. psychological, i.e. determining the cultural orientation of various groups of personnel based on their attitude to change, creating reference points for the implementation of an anti-crisis strategy, limiting the influence on decision-making by groups that are immune to change;

2. systemic, i.e., the formation of a transitional structure of an enterprise that solves the problem of introducing changes without interfering with operational activities.


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The first step in choosing an enterprise strategy is to determine the mission of the organization.

The mission developed by the management of the organization in a broad sense is understood as a philosophy, the purpose of the organization, and in the narrow sense it reveals the meaning of its existence, which determines the principles of its activities and typical differences from other firms. The formation of the mission and the establishment of the goals of the company lead to the fact that it becomes clear why the company operates and what it strives for.

For LLC "Stroykontrakt" the main mission of the enterprise can be defined as the production and provision of consumers various types equipment and tools.

Now let's formulate the functional goals to which the activities of Stroykontrakt LLC should be directed.

The purpose of the establishment of the enterprise is formulated in the charter as follows:

1. The purpose of the establishment of an enterprise is to satisfy the public needs of the national economy in the products of the construction industry, works and services of an enterprise with high consumer properties and quality and implementation based on profits received as a result of economic activity, social and economic interests of members of the labor collective and the state.

It should be noted that in reality the enterprise is not engaged in certain types of activities, in particular, it does not conduct trade and procurement activities and does not develop subsidiary farms.

The next step in choosing a business strategy is to determine the goals of the enterprise.

The objectives listed in the table are the most important and must be achieved first.

Table 8

Enterprise goals

Target setting area

External environment

Formation of a favorable image

Ensuring the liquidity and financial stability of the enterprise

Needs Satisfaction

Service quality

Full satisfaction of the solvent demand of consumers

Operation of the enterprise

Formation of a positive psychological climate in the organization

Increasing the wage scale

Ensuring responsibility and personal interest of each employee

Reducing losses, making a profit and increasing the profitability of products

Evaluation of the strategy, on the development of which the organization has spent a lot of time and other resources, is the kind of moment that allows, based on concrete results, to draw conclusions about its managerial potential and the abilities of the rest of the staff.

Strategy evaluation contributes to the following tasks:

determination of priority administrative tasks, such as the distribution of resources among departments and individual performers, the establishment of organizational relationships of subordination and coordination vertically and horizontally, the creation of auxiliary systems with clarification of their tasks;

establishing a correspondence between the strategy and intra-organizational changes in order to orient activities towards building the necessary organizational structure in its relationship with the motivation system and qualifications of employees and managers;

selection and alignment with the strategy of the style of leadership and management.

Let's evaluate various aspects of the company's activities (Table 9).

Table 9

Qualitative assessment of the state and development of the enterprise


Characteristics of spheres


Change Vector Estimation

Current period

future period

1. Production

Increase in volumes

Increase in volumes

sales, assortment expansion

2. Finance

Increasing profits, financial stability

Stabilization of profit, improvement of financial condition


staff efficiency


organization of work, increase in labor motivation, increase in bonuses

4. Guide


stable operation


stable operation

5. Know-how

There is a development of production technologies

Introduction of new types of products

6. Marketing

not developed

Marketing service development

Although the sales department collects and analyzes data that characterizes consumer markets, conducts research on customer needs and analyzes products, determines the degree of their compliance with the needs and capabilities of customers, however, analysis of competitors' products, selection of the best in them and implementation in their own developments, marketing research and organization of marketing practices, the economic justification of tariffs is little conducted.

The firm needs to plan its actions in case of realization of these threats, in order to strengthen its weak positions.

After sufficient data has been collected on the external and internal environment of the organization, it is advisable to apply the SWOT method (an abbreviation of the first letters of English words: strength, weakness, opportunities and threats), with which you can establish the relationship between these elements of the internal environment of the organization and its external environment.

This allows in the future to more clearly formulate a strategy based on an analysis of the field of opportunities and threats, which can reduce the risk of the enterprise.

For our enterprise, we will compile a SWOT matrix (Table 10).

Table 10

SWOT Analysis Matrix


Possibility of expansion of production areas

Increasing volumes and increasing the range of products

Opportunity to enter foreign markets


No staff turnover

High qualification of employees

Expansion of production capacities

Product quality

A clear division of labor

Threat of non-payment

High taxes

The threat of high inflation

Rapidly aging manufacturing facilities

Risks of accidents at work


Low level of marketing research

Imperfect control system

Depreciation of most of the OF

High energy and material intensity of production

With the help of the table, it is possible to identify the problems facing the enterprise. These include: a low level of marketing research, an imperfect management system, problems with production equipment, high energy and material intensity of production.

Therefore, the company needs to take urgent measures to strengthen its weak positions, which will also affect the results of sales of products, and, consequently, the results of the company's activities.

An accessible market for the enterprise, high quality products, service, a good position of the enterprise in the market among competitors - all this should contribute to the successful sale of products.

To assess how effectively the company uses its potential, the study of its competitiveness will help, which we will begin with an analysis of the competitiveness of the enterprise.

Let's carry out a scoring of the enterprise's activities in the areas of the environment, determining the current situation in points from 0 to 9 (Table 11).

Table 11

Scoring of the enterprise activity

sphere of environment


Point scale

Zone of weaknesses

Stability zone

Area of ​​strengths

1. Political




2. Economic




3. Technological




4. Social Democratic




5. Environmental




As you can see, the strengths of the company are production (that is, the actual production), finance, personnel and management. Weak - marketing and know-how. In these areas, and should develop the activities of the company in the future.

Let's calculate the average values ​​of indicators for assessing the activity of an enterprise for each sphere of the environment, using the simple arithmetic mean formula:

political: 27/6 = 4.5

economic: 30/6 = 5.0

technological: 33/6 = 5.5

socio-demographic: 23/6 = 3.8

ecological: 24/6 = 4.0

As you can see, most of the ratings are in the stability zone (from 4 to 6). Production is organized on the basis modern technology; personnel at the enterprise are used quite fully; the new management of the enterprise ensures the stability of work - these are the strengths of the enterprise.

In the socio-demographic sphere, the enterprise is in the zone of weaknesses: the average wage level is not very high, little attention is paid to the motivation of employees, creating conditions for their greater interest in work.

Also, the enterprise has a low environmental status, it has technologically unsafe production for the environment, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are carried out, although within the limits of permitted standards.

We present data for choosing a marketing strategy based on the company's share in the region's market (Table 12).

Table 12

Market shares of firms operating in the Republic of Mari El

Based on these data, on the basis of "firm market share" for our company, we can recommend an "attack strategy" aimed at expanding market share. To do this, it is necessary to introduce new types of construction products and increase their sales.

To select the strategy of the company's activity on the basis of "market-product", you can use the "Market-product" matrix (Ansoff matrix) (Fig. 13).

Rice. thirteen. Matrix "market-product".

The most attractive at the present time is the third strategy aimed at product development, i.e., the release of new types of construction products and strengthening the position of the company (product diversification).

This is due to the fact that the current market for conventional construction products is already sufficiently saturated.

Therefore, the company should strive to expand the range of products, that is, to develop a new product for the old market. Such a strategy will be effective because the firm has a solid reputation with customers and enjoys the loyalty of consumers. It will focus on new types of building products, quality improvement, variety of finishes and equipment, providing additional services(delivery, installation, service).

To select a strategy according to the method of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), the BCG matrix developed by it is used. The most important classification features of the firm's market position, as defined by the Boston Consulting Group, are the growth rate of market demand and the ratio of the firm's product market share to the corresponding share of the main competitor.

When constructing the BCG matrix, the abscissa shows a coefficient showing the ratio of the market share of one firm to the market share of a competing firm, i.e., the relative market share. The y-axis shows the rate of growth in sales of each firm. When choosing a scale, it is recommended to take into account the variation in the rate of growth in sales of firms in this market for the analyzed period.

The center is located at the point of intersection of the lines of the relative market share of this firm and the line of increase in its sales volumes.

The scale along the horizontal axis is taken in doubling the previous indicator, and along the vertical axis - based on the maximum rate of increase in sales in a given market for a certain period.

Based on the item received, the appropriate strategy is applied to it.

It makes sense for a strategy that focuses on "harvesting" using "reminder advertising", periodic price discounts, maintaining distribution channels, and offering new options to encourage repeat purchases.

Next, we will select an enterprise strategy using the McKinsey matrix. To do this, we first evaluate the position of the enterprise for each of the factors shown in Fig. 15, and determine it based on 3 possible levels: low (H), medium (C), high (B).

Market attractiveness

Strategic position

Market characteristics (industries)

Market size

Size of key segments

Market sensitivity to prices, service level, changes in external factors

The influence of suppliers on the nature of transactions

Market share

Coverage of key segments

Market impact

Supplier Relations

Impact on the position of the consumer firm

Competition factors

Types of competitors

Level of competition

Sensitivity to substitute products

Degree of integration of firms in the industry

Adaptability to competition in terms of products, market service capabilities, productive forces, management quality

Relative market share

Vulnerability from new technology

Financial and economic factors

Degree of capacity utilization

Industry level of profitability

Industry level of liquidity

Capacity utilization level

Yield level

Solvency indicators

Socio-psychological factors

Social environment

Legal restrictions

External image

Intracompany culture and ethics

TOTAL (total score)

Rice. 15. Factors that determine the attractiveness of the market and the strategic position of the business of Stroykontrakt LLC

Based on this assessment, we determine the place of the enterprise in one of the squares of the McKinsey matrix (Fig. 16).

Market attractiveness

Strategic position

good average low

Fig.16. Evaluation of the firm's strategy using the portfolio model "Mc_Kinsey"

Thus, the position of our company, assessed using the McKinsey matrix, can be characterized as dual, with limited opportunities for growth.

In general, it can be concluded that the tasks facing the enterprise are solved through strategic actions within the framework of the chosen strategy. Depending on the state of the business, the potential of the organization, as well as the specifics of the product and the market in which it operates, four types of sustainable changes can be distinguished.

The first type of change is the restructuring of the organization, changing its mission and culture when the scope of activity, product or service, and its position in the market change.

The second type is a radical transformation of the organization, if it does not change the scope of activity, but is radically transformed, for example, in the event of a merger with another organization or a change in ownership.

The third type of change includes moderate transformation when entering the market with a new product, which requires changes or restructuring of technological processes in production and marketing activities.

The fourth type is the usual changes associated with transformations in the field of marketing and, first of all, in an advertising campaign in order to maintain interest in the proposed product or service.

Also, to select a business strategy, you can use the Porter matrix (Fig. 17).

In accordance with the analysis carried out, the following recommendations can be made to improve the strategy of the enterprise. For the main activities of Stroykontrakt LLC, the best strategy is low costs, based on a more complete use of fixed assets. Also, the management of the enterprise needs to establish contacts with new suppliers of raw materials and materials, on more favorable terms for the enterprise.

Thus, according to the Porter model, a differentiation strategy can be proposed for a firm when the firm targets a large market, offering both a standard product and a stand-out new product.

The offer of a wide variety of new building materials is beneficial for Stroykontrakt LLC. Now, most building products are in their maturity stage, so the firm should try to maintain its distinctive advantage (high quality, well-thought-out discount system, etc.) for as long as possible.

Rice. 17. Enterprise Porter Matrix

The current pricing strategy for the firm's products was calculated correctly, which ultimately reflected in the high profits of the firm. Also, the path of transformation, modification of the product was correctly chosen to renew demand after the market was saturated with the product. At the same time, a new modification of the product must be introduced to the market, then the company will again be able to receive high revenue and profit.

Therefore, in the short term, a company is recommended a strategy aimed at identifying the deeper needs of buyers and thereby expanding its coverage (for example, the production of new types of building structures).