Darkest Dungeon full version in Russian - torrent. We exalt Darkest Dungeon itself. The Second Darkest Dungeon The Darkest Dungeon


There are games that are easy and simple. There are normal games for people. There are difficult games, for masochists and just lovers of difficult tasks. And there are hopeless games, playing which you understand that everything is decay, that life is a fleeting thing, and that very evil uncles live somewhere who hate all this gaming, casual kids, and who want this same kid to get wet from their own tears. Tears of irresistible sadness from the realization of the futility of life and their own insignificance. Darkest Dungeon is just that.

Darkest Dungeon was released on Steam on February 19, 2016. Prior to that, it had been at the rank of an early version for several months, but even then it was clear that the Dark Dungeon was one of the most complex and merciless games of our time, which, however, did not prevent it from holding a solid first place on the same Steam in the category with the tag " Step game. In general, as you understand, now we will tell you a little about how not to win in Darkest Dungeon, or at least not to lose for a long time, but how not to lose right away.

First you need to remember that hunting for treasures and family heirlooms such as busts, jewelry and other items is not a top priority. This is not something that should be put at the forefront of any mission. At least not throughout the game. At first, you will certainly need this, because you will somehow need to pump your heroes. But in the future, try to play in such a way as to head towards the accomplishment of Feats. Well, be sure to choose the right priorities, pumping primarily the Blacksmith and the Trainer. These are the two main NPCs, without which you simply cannot go any further.

When choosing missions, shuffle your team each time, reorganizing it and rearranging the fighters depending on their phobias and combat parameters. Do not be lazy to look into the soul of each fighter, and see what exactly he is afraid of. As you progress, some of your heroes will be afraid of everything. Someone of darkness, and someone of a certain damage, and someone of a specific type of enemy. At the same time, already having experience in completing specific missions, you will know what kind of enemies you will encounter there, and what kind of attacks they will be afraid of. Therefore, remember the old game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and try to select the composition not only in such a way as to protect your warriors, but also in such a way as to cause as much harm as possible to your opponents. For example, characters who have anti-beast or anti-beast damage - in the Wasteland (Weald), for "fat" monsters with a large supply of health, you need a hero with "bleeding" damage. There are especially many of these in the Corridors (Warrens), and in the location of the Bay (Cove), those heroes who inflict burn or poison attacks.

Competent team rotation is the key to victory.

Also, don't think that after a few fights you've come up with the perfect so-called "imbo" lineup. Yes, indeed, after several victories, one can believe in this, but at one fine moment, some nondescript group of monsters will destroy, or simply thoroughly beat up your squad. But we must not forget that the dead hero cannot be resurrected - this is the most offensive detail of this game.

And there is no need to be afraid of medium or even long missions. By focusing only on short dungeons, you run the risk of wrapping the game in the wrong direction. You can go through a long dungeon, after having a good rest, much easier than a short one, but without rest. In addition, do not forget about the elementary rotation of heroes. Well, and most importantly - have a good rest before the battle with the boss. This is an obvious, but, nevertheless, mandatory advice.

In general, the ability to shuffle fighters is the main guarantee of victory. And in order to shuffle them, you need to have a "shuffled" team, which is subject to permutation. In Darkest Dungeon, each fighter has the most comfortable position. But there are also fighters who feel best at one point. Therefore, the worst thing you can do with your team is to collect it from heroes who will claim the same place. In this case, you can easily be destroyed even by a small group of weak, but able to conduct a competent rotation, opponents. Your group needs a backbone, and the most versatile backbone is the Warrior, Crusader, and Nun.

Properly use amulets, or, as they are also called, key chains. Remember that sometimes a seemingly useful keychain can be the death of your entire team. You will not always find a keychain that has only positive effects. Often you will come across those where, against the background of a positive effect, there will also be a negative effect. In this regard, one of the indicative cases is the use of a charm that increases damage by 1-2 points, but reduces initiative. As a result, it is worth considering: is it worth increasing this very damage to a minimum, sacrificing, for example, the fact that your Crusader will hit last? Will there be any sense in his strike by that moment?

Before a difficult mission, rest in the Brothel and the Manor, and also visit the Blacksmith and the Trainer.

Do not be greedy for the training of soldiers. The miser pays twice, and in this game, having decided that enough is enough, saving a few hundred coins before a difficult campaign, and not buying the proper number of shovels, torches, bandages and medicines, you risk losing the warrior forever, in which you have already invested several thousand. Think about it.

But the above idea also has a dark side. In the process of passing, you are guaranteed to get a couple of neurotic fighters, whose psychoses are so great that these characters do not leave the state of deep stress, and there is no longer any possibility to run around with them in taverns and brothels so that they get better there. In this case, you need to remember that "driven horses are shot", but no one will mind if they fight a little more before that, earning you a few extra hundreds of coins. So when you dig up those fighters that it's time to part with, equip them with a budget model and send them on a couple of tasks from which they most likely will not return. Such is practical cynicism.

You also need to immediately blacklist low-level characters who picked up negative traits at the beginning of their career. The sooner you part with these, the better for you and your wallet. And the sooner you recognize those heroes, which it is better not to spend money on pumping, the better. Cruel, but such is life in the Dark Dungeons.

Break up with heroes who have acquired psychosis, not forgetting to earn money on them before that.

In the early stages of the game, skills such as Corruption and Bleeding will bring a special effect. Attacks with this effect are especially good for "fat" enemies, and for "skinny" ones that fall in packs, it also works well. Neglecting such attacks is one of the main mistakes of beginners. The reason is that these attacks do little starting damage, and it may seem like it's all for nothing. But already after a couple of moves, Corruption or Bleeding for the second time will lay more enemies in the graves than those who died from the sword.

Focusing the attack of the entire group on one enemy is always better than spraying the attack on all opponents at the same time. This is another banal, but at the same time, effective advice. Remember that the faster you put one enemy from the group back into the ground, the faster this very group will reduce the number of possible attacks.

Caught psychosis, especially by a strong fighter, is much more dangerous than just taking, albeit tangible damage. Such a fighter, if he happens to survive, will then require a lot of money for recovery, and it is unlikely that he will be cured. In the meantime, in the course of the battle, infected with stress, it will pull your entire team to the bottom. Therefore, before the start of the battle, evaluate your enemies and beat the one that will send psychoses. This is your #1 goal.

Once you've dealt with the fear-inflicting enemies, pay close attention to those with ranged attacks. These guys tend to find the "skinniest" character you have and purposefully aim at him. And, if left unchecked, they often succeed. Remember that there are a lot of monsters, and you have few heroes, so the exchange of 1x2, 1x3 or even 1x5 will not suit you absolutely, so hit the rangers next, especially since such enemies can stun your shooter, who is pushed into the rearguard of your group, and from there it will be of little use. Well, in the third place, you should be interested in those who inflict attacks with consequences like poisoning or bleeding.

If there is no way to hit the most dangerous one, then try to weigh all the chances and in turn attack the enemy whose turn has not yet come. If you calculate everything correctly, then perhaps his turn to walk will never come.

These were all the basic tips that a beginner needs to help them on their adventures through the dark world of Darkest Dungeon.

In this guide, you will get acquainted with information of this kind, which will allow you to go through Darkest Dungeon without much loss of health and unnecessary nerves. Of course, such a passage will take more time, but it will be more beautiful and cleaner. Below we'll take a look at the features of Darkest Dungeon that should never be forgotten.


Total in There are seven characteristics, each of which is responsible for certain features of the hero. They are indicated in three colors: gray, that is, static, without any good or bad effects, yellow, which means a skill improved by a perk or artifact, and red, which, on the contrary, was worsened by an artifact or perk.

Specifically, we have a basic set for RPG:

- Vitality is the usual measure of your character's survivability. This characteristic is quite easy to raise, as various armors increase it.

- Dodge - an indicator, the percentage of which determines the chance of your evading an attack. An ability of questionable suitability, as it works inconsistently.

- Resilience is a rare characteristic, which is quite difficult to increase. It increases with artifacts worn only by a certain class - the Crusader, as well as a perk, which is not easy to get to. A very good indicator that blocks a lot of damage.

- Initiative is a trait that determines the leadership of your heroes. For example, if you have 7 initiative units, and the enemy has 5, then the relay race will be transferred to you first. Everything here is clear and useful.

- Accuracy - one of the key characteristics, which is responsible for the chance of hitting. Agree that it is rather unpleasant to miss the enemy when your health is at the bottom. Many skills have a small accuracy modifier, so it's a must to download.

- Critical hit - a parameter that determines the chance of your critical hit. If it is not clear, then here is an explanation on the fingers: your heroes have regular and critical attacks, where the first deals standard damage, which is a combination of weapon strength and characteristics, and the second deals an attack that is several times higher than it.

- Attack power is one of the key parameters that determines the amount of damage dealt. Also quite helpful.

With resistance

In total, Darkest Dungeon has eight so-called resistances, each of which can be pumped up to 100% and higher. Of course, this does not guarantee you maximum immunity, as some opponents have stats like "Chance to stun = 200%", which negates your advantages.

List of resistances:

- Stunning - the game features a huge number of enemies that love to stun your heroes. Be sure to download.

- Poison - an infrequent "debuff" that imposes a tick of periodic damage on the hero.

- Bleeding is a common aftereffect of an attack, leaving the character with a lacerated wound. Applies a tick of periodic damage that is half as strong as Poison.

- Disease - Like stun resistance, disease resistance must be brought to a high level. In Darkest Dungeon, many enemies and traps apply this particular "debuff".

- Fatal blow - the stability of this type of attack allows the hero to survive after such a blow, which, in theory, should have killed him. Doesn't always work, but generally useful. By the way, if the character managed to avoid death, a "debuff" "At the door of death" is imposed on him, which makes all subsequent attacks of enemies deadly, regardless of the amount of damage.

- Knock down - gives the hero a chance to stand on his feet after the appropriate attack. Enemies rarely can drop your hero (mostly occultists do this), because they simply do not have this type of damage.

- Traps - the chance that you will fall into a trap by stepping on it.

- Negative effect - all other types of damage not included in the list.

The best of the best

There are currently fifteen heroes in Darkest Dungeon, but as is usually the case in RPGs, not all of them are equal. Some heroes are significantly superior to others - let's figure out who exactly.


Casts a valuable "buff" on the team that increases initiative, critical strike, and accuracy. He also reduces the stress of heroes using a secondary skill. Inflicts profuse bleeding. (Always put him in the fourth position in the group)


In such a gamer-unfriendly game, a healer is definitely needed, which the nun is. In addition, she can heal herself, regenerate her torch, and stun enemies. (Useful in position number three)

Treasure hunter

Has good control and a 200% chance to stun the target. By equipping it with items and artifacts with an increased stun chance, you will be able to disable even bosses.

Also, in his skills, you can upgrade the “buffs” of improving intelligence and surprise, which increases the chance of avoiding a surprise for your group and lowers the same chance for enemies.

Put on the second position. You can put any hero on the first slot, but, again, the Crusader or Barbarian will be the most valuable.


It heals well and hits all sorts of ghouls painfully. He can also repair the torch using a banner or aegis.


Like the hunter, it has a 200% increased chance to stun. His attacks of great strength can deal damage to two targets at once, standing in the first two slots.

If you wish, you can use all the other heroes. Of course, you will not find a replacement for the Jester, which reduces stress and increases the characteristics, the Nun, who is unmatched in restoring health, and also the Treasure Hunter, whose control is simply unprecedented.

About homestead equipment

Upgrade order:

- First, level up the new hero recruitment building (at least to level 1).

- Then upgrade the guild rank to the second skill level.

- Now it's the turn of the forge. In it, first of all, improve the weapon, and only then the armor.

T battle tactics

Darkest Dungeon is a classic roguelike with RPG elements that will challenge you to constantly think through your strategy. This also applies to the modernization of the estate, and the choice of skills for the heroes, and, of course, the battles themselves.

The most important thing in Darkest Dungeon is to keep an eye on the speed of the enemy and choose the right order of skills, combine them between heroes. First, stun the enemy that can attack your last slots (where healers are usually placed), or all the heroes at once.

The jester has the highest speed rank, allowing him to move first. Thus, you can immediately impose on the rest of the team a "buff" of speed, critical strike and accuracy on all heroes in the group.

Then comes the Nun or the Hunter, with which you need to stun the nastiest unit in the enemy team. The healer only has a 100% stun chance, so use it on the weakest enemy.

Having a Jester on your team gives you a 99% chance that you will go first. In this case, it makes sense to take the Barbarian into the group, who will stun the first two slots of the enemy with a 200% chance.

Thus, you can stun only on the first turn up to three enemies, and even kill one. If the stun passes by, after which the adversary hits your friends, causing them damage or hanging stress, then the Jester and the Nun will be able to neutralize all the consequences.

Legendary Artifacts

Consider what kind of artifacts are needed for certain heroes.

- Jester - this character is suitable for the "Hawk Pendant", which increases the chance of evasion and initiative. Since he will be in the fourth position, he will unwittingly take on most of the attacks of long-range opponents. In general, the Jester has little health, so the extra dodge will come in handy.

- Priest - any artifacts that increase the initiative, as well as the accuracy of attacks at a distance, since all of her abilities are long-range. The best options look like "Book of Fury" and "Ring of the Sniper". The first will increase accuracy and at the same time remove the main defect of the Book of Rage. The book itself will increase the initiative and attack power by two units.

- Treasure hunter - based on his characteristics, a good solution would be to choose two amulets to increase the percentage of stun and the chance of evasion. This way you can even send bosses to sleep.

- Crusader - two rings to increase resistance will suit him, reducing incoming damage and giving additional units of health. Even though they reduce the dodge chance, the positive aspects of the ring make it the best choice for the Crusader. Add a defense stance to this, as the hero becomes practically unkillable.

- Barbarian - take him the same things as the Treasure Hunter.

More about artifacts

In Darkest Dungeon, artifacts are the same problem as heroes. There are a lot of them, but God forbid half of them are really useful. Some items take more than they give, making them useless.

True, those artifacts that instead of "buffs" reduce any characteristic of stability. The fact is that all resistances grow with the level, and most opponents in the game do not have such attacks, whose effectiveness exceeds 100%.

In short, it can only be leveled up, so the negative effects from the artifacts won't affect you too much. But this applies only to the list of "Resistance".

Also in Darkest Dungeon there are such artifacts that do not give minuses at all. The Barbarian, for example, has items that increase attack power and chance to inflict bleeding without inflicting "debuffs".

Artifacts of a different kind hit a certain characteristic very hard, while giving an increase to a unique one. Bonuses from the "Ring of Fortitude" can only be obtained with the Hard Skin perk, which must first be reached.

In general, choose artifacts that either have no negative effects at all, or those that lower one trait from the "Resist" list.

Additional Darkest Dungeon Video: City and Preparation

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Release year / Release date: 2016
Developer / Developer: Indie game from Red Hook Studios
Genre Role Playing Games (RPG)
Language: Russian version
Game Type / Game Type: Full version (install and play)
Size / Size: 3.78 GB.
Player Rating / Game Score: 9.8 out of 10
(total votes: 94 )

Darkest Dungeon- hardcore party roguelike, the events of which unfold in a dark dungeon where the party of your heroes went. The game has a unique system of stress and morality, which affects the attitude of your characters within the team. Party heroes will annoy and hate each other, and you will have to keep this motley and capricious "company" in check. Your worries do not end there, do not forget about hunger, illness, and many other external factors, as well as the permanent death of your wards.

Read a detailed review of the features of the game inside the news!

The game has been updated to version v16.08.2018 + All DLCs. You can see the list of changes.

"four heroes plunges into the darkness of a terrible dungeon to deal with the evil spirits teeming there. An ominous growl is heard from the darkest corner, the battle is about to begin ... Here it turns out: a crusader, a fearless leader of the party, completely drunk. He just can't fight. The huntress who follows him understands that things are bad. Falls into a panic. A bow literally falls out of her shaking hands. In this moment the battle mage says to the healer mage:“It was you who brought them with your medicines. Get it right without me." And he runs away. Left alone doctor decides that he will definitely not defeat anyone in this way and, in order to alleviate his torment, he takes poison. Coming out of the darkness one single sluggish skeleton, sees that he no longer has anyone to fight, and, shrugging his shoulders, returns home.

The situation described above is the norm for the game. Darkest Dungeon. Without proper preparation, this is how your every attempt to clear the dungeon will end. As the developers say, their goal is to show what irreparable damage the horrors of satanic crypts cause to the minds of the heroes who descend there. “In 99% of combat RPGs, you only take physical damage. Then your fighter swallows a healing potion, the health bar becomes long again, the consequences of a collision with evil become completely eliminated, - says head of development Tyler Sigman.- Once I thought about what would happen if these consequences suddenly became more significant. Indelible. I was thinking about moving the morale system from tactical strategy to roguelike combat mechanics. At first, this idea just seemed funny to me. Then I came to the conclusion that on its basis you can make a whole game.

The action unfolds in a conditional Middle Ages. The hero returns to the long-empty family estate and sees that it has been captured by some kind of evil spirits. He gathers a team of brave warriors to cleanse the house of filth, but quickly discovers that, like resident evil, a whole network of catacombs branches under the estate, hiding much more ancient and terrible evil than what crawled out to the surface. Your task is to go through all the floors to the very bottom, to be in the title "Darkest Dungeon"

Darkest Dungeon- party dungeon crawler. The best analogy is Legend of Grimrock, only the viewing angle must be mentally rotated 90 degrees to the right. You clear dungeons not in first person, but in a 2D perspective. Otherwise, everything is exactly the same: moving around the cells, collecting treasures, four fighters in a team, skills must be combined.

So, here is your four fighters finally got to the first enemy. The morality system described above begins to operate: yes, you hacked the skeletons, but one of the team members was scared to death and in a panic drove his sword into the ear of the sorceress standing in front of him. So what? In a recent XCOM all this has already happened: having seen enough of all sorts of horrors, the yellow-mouthed newcomers could fall into a stupor or simply shoot their colleagues. Such mechanics obviously do not pull on the supporting structure for gameplay.

The catch is in Darkest Dungeon the influence of "moral effects" is much more significant. Not a single fight will pass without a trace for the psyche of the heroes, absolutely every fight will have consequences. The balance is built around the fact that not all of them will be negative.

For example, after the next raid, the knight began to "applied to the bottle more often than to the sword". So what if he gets drunk: drunk, he manages to fight much better than sober. You can take away the swill - get a minus to the attack and the likelihood that he will get a nervous breakdown, or even go completely crazy. You can, on the contrary, purposefully pump him up with alcohol before each battle - he will cut himself like a berserker, but only for how long will his liver last, and where is the guarantee that one day he will not start delirium tremens?

Another example: a sorceress (her name is a vestal in the game) was critically wounded in a battle with skeletons and now he is terribly afraid of all creatures whose bones are not covered with skin. You can not take her to the next raid, let her rest and calm down, but here's the nuance - she has a bonus to attacks against zombies. No one knows what awaits you around the corner: an army of skeletons that will bring the vestal to hysterics, or a crowd of zombies, having finished with which, the girl will be encouraged and healed from mental trauma.

Finally, there is a plague doctor on the team. The bard, who inspires the team with peppy songs, hates the nasty healer, so if he tries to heal him, he can get angry and get a minus to combat characteristics. You can separate the bard and the doctor into different teams so that they intersect as little as possible, but you won’t always have the opportunity to freely change fighters in squads when half of the staff is already being treated for wounds, drinking, moping, or even lying in a madhouse .

This is not a figure of speech: there will indeed be a psychiatric hospital in the game, where you can send your fighters to “heal”. In other words, if your brave crusader periodically sticks out his tongue and hoots about something with himself for no reason (this began just after a giant caterpillar ate a Vestal before his eyes), it makes sense to think about his mental health.

It is important to understand the main thing: it is impossible to pass the level perfectly in principle. One way or another, something will have to be sacrificed. All you can do is minimize the damage.

If you act carelessly, all adversity in one fell swoop will fall on your unfortunate squad. We quote: “When the pressure becomes unbearable, you will face a whole bunch of problems: paranoia, panic, greed and even sadism.” Here, no monsters will be needed anymore: the distraught heroes will kill each other themselves.

Actually, the concept would have been limited to this, if the authors did not collect money on Kickstarter beyond measure. They will have to fulfill all the promises they made in the pursuit of specie.

So, for example, there will be city ​​events. in the spirit Diablo in between sending the satanic scum back to hell, you rest in a small gothic town. It is there that you can buy ammunition and heal fighters. Convinced paladins whose faith is strong will take the time to pray; the rest will get drunk until they lose their human form or go on a new raid - on a brothel.

Moreover, periodically the so-called gossip. Here someone started a whisper that a cauldron full of gold was found in the catacombs of the estate - thugs eager for easy prey immediately run from all the outskirts. Why not take them to the team as cannon fodder? Or someone spread a rumor that you can get plague underground - you will not find volunteers, but the reward for clearing the next crypt can become much higher than usual.

Finally, even if we take out the entire morality system, the combat system Darkest Dungeon it still turns out to be more than competent.

The most important feature is the order of the heroes. As you can see, they go in a kind of "train", one after another. The position of the fighter in the "composition" plays a major role. Obviously, the strongest warrior should go first. It is he who will take the maximum damage. Heroes who do not like each other, it is better not to get close.

Before the battle, you will have something to think about, completing a set of fighters, but you will have to think even more actively during the battle. The fact is that the enemy "engine" works exactly according to the same rules as yours. Here, for example, are four skeletons: a swordsman, a spearman, a swordsman, a crossbowman. The crossbowman deals heavy damage with arrows. The question arises, on whom to concentrate attacks? Logically, it is quite possible to try to eliminate the crossbowman first, until he has shot your entire team. This is not necessary for two reasons. First, he stands far away (fourth), so a penalty will be added to your hits. Second: there is another way to leave him without a crushing attack. Kill the first swordsman - the whole team of skeletons will move a step to the left. It turns out that the crossbowman is no longer fourth, but third. From this position, he cannot shoot arrows - for a remote attack he needs at least three cells of space, and since there are only two of them now, he will have to put aside his crossbow and switch to a stupid little dagger.

It is important to remember that castling can be done right during the fight. If your paladin takes too much damage, you can put him in the "tail" to rest.

Language: Russian English.

System requirements:
OS: Windows 7+
Video card: OpenGL 3.2+ Compliant
Disk space: 900MB
Additionally: 1080p, 16:9 recommended

Information about the dungeon.

Welcome to the latest dungeon game.

This dungeon has monstrously powerful opponents, tons of stress and many features such as:
1) You do not see the whole dungeon, it is closed by the "fog of war", in order to open it you need to move along the dungeon, it will not work to do reconnaissance. There are no obstacles in the Dungeon, it makes no sense to buy shovels.
2) in Danzha there are both long corridors of 10 cells, and short corridors of 3.
3) In the Darkest Dungeon, you cannot get Suprise on your party and on opponents.
4) Escape without loss from the Dungeon will not work, someone random from the survivors will have to sacrifice himself to give the rest the opportunity to escape.
But those who escaped from the dungeon receive a double boost to experience.
5)After the successful completion of the dungeon, the surviving heroes will have a small torch icon near the portrait ("Never Again" effect) and they will never go to the Darkest Dungeon again (they will go to other regions), keep this in mind when making a team. It is worth starting to collect 4 teams for 4 visits from the moment the list of heroes begins to replenish, as well as train a replacement for them if someone dies during pumping.

6) Heroes with the "Never Again" status (Torch near the portrait) give an experience boost to those who do not have this status, bonuses do not stack.
7) There will be 4 entries in the Darkest Dungeon in total, each time there will be a new task, the size of the dungeon will increase, there will be stronger opponents and their variety will increase (3 entry will have a super long dungeon size - 4 packs of firewood), but the last 4 entry will be only a boss fight.
8) In the dungeon there will be no items between the rooms that can be picked up - buy in full for the trip.
9) After the successful completion of the dungeon, all the heroes will lose stress and the party who went to the dungeon and the heroes in the city.
10) There are related achievements with this dungeon:
"Like lambs to the slaughter" - send a party from 0 levels to this dungeon. (You get the achievement when one of the characters dies)
"Redemption found on the old road." - The 2 very first characters Dismas and Reynold must survive through the whole game and go through the 4th entry into the dungeon.
"Bold Sacrifice" - Lose the entire group in the Darkest Dungeon, can be performed together with "Like Lambs to the Slaughter".
In such a hurry - Complete the game in 99 weeks.
"Victory As It Is" - Complete the game.
World's End - Complete the game on NG+ (hard difficulty)
11) It is possible that the whole group will die. You can get this effect.

Opponents. Part 1.

Priest - Priest Cultist.
Brawler - A disembodied cultist.
Witch - An incorporeal witch.

Shuffling Horror - Creeping horror.
Chest - Chest.

There is a lot of bleeding in this run, stock up on bandages and 16+ torches.
There is also a lot of stress, you can take the Jester to bring down stress, but personally I went without the Jester, the choice is yours.
I do not recommend taking the Leper and anyone who is too attached to the position, because the final boss always mixes up the team.
The Warrior (Man at Arms) with his Guard and Riposte will be very useful, because the boss walks 2 times.
If you take the Occultist, take him for the extra. mystic damage (eldritch).

Second run - "Consecrate the path"

Rapture - Exalted cultist.
Priest - Priest Cultist.
D.growth - Protective growth.
M.growth - A malignant growth.
Polyp - Polyp.
Hound - Flesh Hound.
Templar Warlord - Templar Warlord.
Templar Impaler - Templar Impaler

It is advisable not to put a trinket torch on someone who really needs protection, subtle characters such as the Vestal or Arbalist

They will come in perfectly : Warrior (Man at arms) with Guard and Riposte, because there are many minibosses and everyone goes 2 times.
Trainer thanks to his Guard y, mark and increased damage to animals.
Well they will come: Mercenary(Stun\Tag), Arbalester(Damage on the mark with crits + camp buff yourself for damage and crits)
They will come in terribly: The leper, due to his very weak resistance to poisoning, will die on the first mini-boss.
Fine characters: Jester, Thief, Robber

Make sure to take the reward trinkets with you from the 1st run.
Bosses inflict poisoning.
Regular enemies bleed.
In this entry tons damage
As you can see on the map, in the lower right corner are double mini bosses, be prepared, it's better to go for them first.
There are 2 Exalted Priests on the map, they are absolutely harmless, you can use them to completely heal and bring down stress. (When you fight with 1 enemy, stress drips and reinforcements can come, but when there are 2 of them everything will be fine.)
Buy all food, all anti-poison, bandages, grass to knock down the debuff and torch.

Third entry - "In the belly of the beast"

!!!The blue cell on the map is the destination of the quest!!!

Antibody - Antibody.
Polyp - Polyp.
Hound - Flesh Hound.
Mammonth - Large cyst.
White Cell - White cell.
Templar Gladiator - Templar gladiator.
Templar Sniper - Templar sniper.

In this entry:
Lots of poisoning
Repulsions from positions
The enemy has a lot of dodge. I recommend taking heroes with high initial accuracy (Arbalester, Rogue, Grave Thief) or other characters, but with pumped accuracy with the help of trinkets or traits.

Tips: If possible, keep mini-bosses in the camp.
double Polyps are an excellent replacement for double Exalted cultists to heal and bring down stress.
Follow the map attached above, so you can pave the way to the goal with minimal losses.

You will need: All anti-poison, all food, all torches, holy water and herbs, bandages are NOT needed.

They will come in perfectly : Plague Doctor(Stun/Poison enemies), Grave Thief (high base hit + her self hit buffs), Trainer (All Mystic/Beasts, high damage + stress heal)
Well they will come: Savage (hit 4 positions from 1), Mercenary (in combo with Plague Doctor to stun)
Terrible only Leper (A lot of knockbacks, and he has no skills from 4 and 3 positions)

Fourth entry - "Hell is in the heart"

The final battle, the map is not needed, there is only the boss.

Balanced damage from everything: Bleeding, poisoning, stress, stun.
The ability to hit in all positions is very useful.

Goes great: Savage, Animal Trainer, Grave Thief
The rest will be fine too.
(Actually, use anyone who is left, everyone will do)

It makes no sense to take food or torches, buy all the bandages, anti-poison, herbs, holy water.

The fight is divided into 4 parts.

Part 1.
Kill one reflection every round, ignore the Ancestor, killing an Imperfect Reflection deals 1 damage to the Ancestor, easy isn't it?

Part 2.
Ignore Absolute Nothing, hit the Ancestor, every round he will change position.

Part 3
Hitting the heart heals the character, but inflicts poison, no matter how much damage you do, it does not carry over to Part 4 (But the debuffs remain, marks, poison, bleeding.). Lowering heart health to 0 starts the true form.
Waiting too long also triggers the final form, so you can just stand, heal, buff and not have a heartbeat.

Part 4
A real boss fight, but it's not that hard.

The boss has one ability and trait.
First, when the heart's HP drops to 2/3, the heart will instantly kill one character of your choice (you must click on the character you are sacrificing).
Then on 1/3 of the second, but this does not activate if you already have first one dead (at 2/3) then two (at 1/3).
Plan your party in such a way that everyone can deal damage when they are alone.
Secondly, the heart imposes the appropriate debuffs on your heroes, if it has a low resistance to bleeding, then it will catch bleeding, if poisoning - poisoning, and so on, respectively, stuns, stress.

Great will be 1 on 1,2 on 1 with the boss, this is a Rogue ("Point Shot", if you still buff him for ranged combat, you will merge the boss very quickly) or Jester (Skill "Final", to bring down the debuff, use grass) Not relevant after the last Jester nerf.


The main opponents are "Mystic" (Eldritch), appropriate Quirks are desirable.
-In complete darkness, most opponents will take on their true form.
-Never drag out fights, opponents have too high damage and stress.
