Therapeutic gymnastics in childhood. Exercise therapy for children: appointments, indications, exercises. Activities with babies

One of the conditions for the effectiveness of physiotherapy exercises prescribed for a child is the compliance of the selected means and methods of conducting forms of physiotherapy exercises age characteristics.

Therapeutic physical education(exercise therapy) with children of the 1st year of life is carried out in the form of individual lessons; if necessary, the child can also receive additional, performed by parents admitted to care for the patient, appointments for Therapeutic physical culture (exercise therapy). The selection of exercises corresponds to the age characteristics of the development of movements.

As is known, in children of the first 3 months of life, with normal development, physiological hypertension of the flexor muscles is observed, which prevents the appointment and conduct of passive gymnastic exercises. Of the coordinated motor reactions, congenital reflexes are found (Babinsky, Rossolimo, Talent, etc.), the use of which underlies the so-called reflex gymnastic exercises. From the first postural reactions on the 2nd, less often at the end of the 1st month of life, the ability to raise and hold the head from a prone position arises. Anatomical and physiological features of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue, elasticity, rich lymph and blood supply, development of the receptor apparatus make it possible to widely use massage, mainly stroking and rubbing, as the leading means of physical therapy at this age. Thus, in children of the first 3 months of life, in the absence of signs of developmental delay, reflex gymnastic exercises in the form of crawling, extension of the back in the side position, reflex exercises for the feet, etc., laying out child on the stomach, techniques of general stroking massage of the trunk and limbs. Depending on the treatment tasks, the number of certain exercises increases, except for general massage, massage of certain areas can be selectively prescribed. So, with inflammation of the lungs - massage chest, with congenital muscular torticollis - special massage neck area, with clubfoot - foot massage, etc. In these cases, all massage techniques are used. When building a lesson for young children, especially in the first months of life, the principle of alternation (scattered muscle load) is necessarily observed, when exercises for different muscle groups alternate sequentially and several exercises for the same muscles are not repeated in a row. Before exercises for the muscles of the arms, legs, back or abdominals, a massage of the corresponding area is performed.

Starting from the end of the 3rd month of life, the increased tone of the flexors in children of the 1st year may disappear, the movements of the limbs become free, hand movements develop rapidly, and after them locomotor reactions. In a sick child, hypertonicity of the flexors often persists for a long time. The presence of hypertonicity is a contraindication for the inclusion of passive exercises. Passive gymnastic exercises are carried out in children as the increased tone of the flexors disappears, in the absence of resistance from the child.

The physiological and therapeutic role of passive exercises mainly consists in the possibility of influencing the formation of the reflex ring of a motor skill through the receptor apparatus of the muscles (proprioreceptors) and thus in the possibility of forming active movements. In addition, passive gymnastic exercises are accompanied by regional changes in biochemical structures, lymph and blood supply without increasing the requirements for the circulatory and respiratory apparatus, which is very important in some pathological conditions of these systems. From the active locomotor reactions of the child in the first half of the year, the ability to roll over from the back to the stomach and from the stomach to the back develops, and at the end of the 5th - in the 6th month - crawling on the stomach.

After the disappearance of the increased tone of the flexor muscles and some congenital reflexes, passive gymnastic exercises for the upper and lower extremities, active or active with the help of turns from the back to the stomach, and later from the stomach to back, after the disappearance of the crawling reflex according to Bauer - exercises to stimulate crawling and crawling, laying on the stomach on a reduced area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport, as well as stroking massage techniques, rubbing, kneading, vibration. The specific content of the lesson is determined by the selection of funds that correspond to medical tasks. For carrying out individual appointments performed by the mother of the child, it is recommended to lay out on the stomach, stimulate turns of the torso and crawling, as well as exercises in them, the use of toys during periods of wakefulness that promote manual reactions and locomotor activity. Initial positions for gymnastic exercises and massage in the 1st half of the year are only horizontal - lying on your back, stomach, side. In the 2nd half of the 1st year of life, the psychomotor development of the child is characterized by the development of sitting and standing postures; at the 7th month of life, boys and girls crawl well on all fours; sitting. In the last quarter of the year, they stand up, maintain balance in a standing position without support, squat, begin to step sideways and forward with support, and then consciously. Finally, at the end of the 1st - beginning of the 2nd year of life, independent walking begins. The shifts that have taken place in the development of movements are reflected both in the selection of physical therapy means and in the starting positions. The leading place among other exercises is occupied by active gymnastics associated with natural movements child: torso turns to the right and left from the initial positions on the stomach and back, crawling on all fours, at the end of the 1st year of life, walking on all fours and with support. For children who have mastered the sitting and standing position, the initial sitting and standing positions are introduced, but their number is limited by the individual capabilities of the child. Exercises are included in the transition from one position to another: from the position lying on the stomach to the position of kneeling and standing with the support of the hands, from the position lying on the back to the sitting position, etc. A relatively smaller place is given to massage, some of its techniques are carried out in the introductory and final parts of the lesson, if there is no need to introduce it for special indications and in the main part. Passive, and in some cases, reflex gymnastic exercises are included in physiotherapy exercises with a delay in psychomotor development or in connection with its perversion as a result of an illness.

The total duration of classes in the 1st year of life ranges from 8 to 15 minutes. Methodical features of conducting physiotherapy exercises with children of the 2nd and 3rd years of life. In the 2nd year, the child undergoes significant changes in the development of speech, he masters the elementary skills of basic movements and methods of action with objects. Between 1 year and 1 year 6 months walking develops; it is characterized by many accompanying movements of the arms, swaying of the torso, tilting it forward, legs bent at the knees, short and uneven steps, and a rapid loss of balance. Crawling also improves, more precise coordination of movements appears, the ability to crawl well under various obstacles and crawl under them, with targeted exercises, boys and girls begin to climb stairs. In the 2nd half of the 2nd year of life, balance develops, the child walks along a path of a certain width, steps over obstacles on a board raised above the floor.

When conducting physiotherapy exercises with children of the 2nd year of life, it is most often necessary to resort to an individual method, although small-group exercises are also possible. In the conditions of hospitalization, when the child pops into a new, unusual environment for him and he has negative emotions, his existing motor skills are inhibited, which makes it difficult to use them in exercises. Exercises are performed with the help of an instructor (active exercises with help). Direct muscle feeling in combination with speech signals during the performance of such exercises contributes to the restoration of conditioned motor reflexes. In the future, the child can perform the exercise independently, according to the already familiar command: “raise your arms high”, “bend your legs”, etc. From active exercises using locomotor reactions important role they play specific tasks that are well understood by the child: “climb into the hoop”, “take a toy”. Toys, aids during physiotherapy exercises with young children not only contribute to the emergence of positive emotions, but also provide a certain accuracy of movements. So, balls, flags or other toys laid out in a certain order make it possible to use active walking in the required direction in combination with tilting and straightening the torso at the command “collect balls, flags”. In connection with the development of speech and the expansion of the child's ideas about environment it is possible to include active imitation exercises (jump like bunnies, walk like a clumsy bear), including active breathing exercises (smell a flower, blow off a fluff).

At the 3rd year of life, general motor activity (and the need for movement) increases, the skills of the basic movements of walking, climbing, throwing and throwing continue to develop, running appears, new elements of the jump: boys and girls jump from a small height, while jumping up slightly take the legs off the ground. The main forms of physiotherapy exercises with children in the 3rd year of life are already becoming a special lesson and morning exercises, combined with elements of physiotherapy exercises in the daily routine, providing sufficient motor activity to solve therapeutic and educational problems. It is expedient to carry out physiotherapy exercises in a small group way with children who are similar in terms of the level of psychomotor development, with similar diseases, trying to maintain this composition of the group for the entire period of stay in a hospital or sanatorium. A special lesson is held in the physiotherapy room, which has the necessary manuals and equipment for exercises with young children. A very good educational technique that significantly increases the emotional level of classes is dressing the children in special sports suits and slippers. In the introductory part of the lesson, depending on the level of development of the walking skill, either walking in a "flock" or constructions of the simplest type are introduced: boys and girls walk in a circle, holding hands, in pairs, in a column. In the main part, in addition to active exercises corresponding to therapeutic tasks, general developmental exercises are introduced, in combination with exercises for training and developing basic movements: throwing, jumping, climbing, running.

The inclusion of these exercises is carried out sequentially, over several sessions - so that in each of them there is a consolidation and training of 1 - 2 motor skills. When restoring movements, teaching children general developmental gymnastic exercises, the method of showing movements by the instructor with a simultaneous command, then jointly performing the exercise by the instructor and children, is used. As before, manuals and bright toys play an important role in conducting classes. The main methodical method of conducting the lesson as a whole is imitation.

For the imitated image, the most understandable to the child is selected. When explaining the exercise, the instructor draws attention to the main detail of the movement, which is important for solving a therapeutic or educational task: “jumping is easy, like bunnies”, “handles, legs become soft, like rags.” The method of constructing classes in the form of a plot, game story justified itself perfectly. For example, the instructor leads a story and a simultaneous show on the plot "walk". The boys and girls got together, went one after another, went out into the field. Flowers grow in the clearing, which boys and girls pick and smell. Here come the bugs. They lay down on the grass, flounder, bask in the sun, turned around, stood on all their paws and crawled ... As the story continues, the boys and girls perform the movements mentioned in it. For children of the 2nd and 3rd years of life, outdoor games are included in the classes, understandable in their content and motor actions to all those participating in the game. The rules of the game are expressed in a short form, the signals for action are short and clear, maintaining interest in the game. This is the game "who is faster in his house?". Hoops are laid out on the floor of the physiotherapy room, each child becomes in his "house". Then everyone goes for a walk and walks around the office. At the instructor's command, "Run!" boys and girls try to find and occupy their "house".

The duration of classes in the 2nd and 3rd years can be extended to 15-20 minutes.

Methodical features of physiotherapy exercises in preschool age. The period from 3 to 7 years is the preschool age, which differs from the older periods of childhood in a faster pace of development. For the child's psyche, the development of his speech and motor skills, this period is especially productive. By the age of 3, a normally developing child owns almost all the main movements and begins to realize them in free motor activity. Throughout preschool age, motor skills are improved, developed and motor qualities child. At the 4th year of life, walking retains uneven stride length, spread of the legs and parallel setting of the feet. The child makes many additional movements in the form of lateral swaying, shuffling and spanking of the feet, the direct direction is easily lost. Significant shifts are noted in the dynamics of running, the appearance of cross coordination of legs and arms, the flight phase by the end of the 4th year of life occurs in more than half of all children, and the speed of running increases. In the 4th year of life, high jumps improve, although the simultaneous separation of both legs from the support is observed only in 85% of the children. Throwing and throwing are perfected without coordinated torso movements. Equilibrium is achieved with difficulty and easily lost. When performing general developmental exercises, the child also easily loses coordination.

In the 5th year, the stride length increases and the pace of walking slows down. Running becomes more coordinated, the total length of the step in running also doubles, all the guys have a flight phase. Children of the 5th year of life succeed in jumping from a place with a separation of both legs, a long jump is developing, but the landing is still uncoordinated. Throwing develops due to the range, while the accuracy of the hit is still insufficient. At the 6-7th years of life, all motor skills are characterized by greater accuracy. Walking becomes coordinated, unnecessary movements disappear, the length of the step increases even more, the steps are uniform, the setting of the feet, the roll from heel to toe, hand movements approach the physiological norm. Defects in walking in sick children or with a delay in physical development in children of older preschool age are especially noticeable, since their movements are not automated. There may be unnatural, tense movements of the legs and arms, a sluggish, heavy gait, and incorrect setting of the feet. During physical therapy classes, boys and girls of preschool age gradually improve their walking skills. The older the boys and girls, the more attention should be paid to maintaining correct posture when walking, to achieve easy, relaxed walking. Running in children of older preschool age becomes energetic, the step is rhythmic, the movements of the legs and arms are coordinated, the length of the step and the speed of running increase.

Due to good coordination of movements during the run, it is possible to give various tasks for changing the direction of movement, for temporal and spatial orientations. Climbing in both horizontal and vertical directions is well developed among children 6-7 years old, the movements of the legs and arms are coordinated, their cross-coordination develops, although it is easier for children to climb in the same way (alternate movements of the left hand and foot, right hand and foot). By the age of 6, the skill of a springy landing appears when jumping with a roll from toe to heel or from heel to toe, but not all children have it, the softness of the landing is developed slowly, coordination of movements during pushing, flying and landing depends on the duration and nature of the exercises used. Of the age-related physiological characteristics of a child of preschool age, of course, taken into account in the methodology of physical therapy, in addition to the patterns of formation of basic motor skills, one should keep in mind the features of coordination of movements. In itself, the coordinated work of skeletal muscles is an indispensable physiological condition for voluntary movements. Such coordination is ensured by the complex interaction of central nervous mechanisms and is developed slowly. V early age many motor acts are fuzzy, have a kind of diffuse character, while at preschool age they already acquire a certain clarity.

The change of diffuse motor reactions to purposeful ones, with the participation of only the necessary muscles, occurs as a result of systematic exercises and depends on physical education. At preschool age, children observe various orienting movements accompanying the main ones, which, along with the mechanism of motor-tactile training, contribute to improving the coordination of motor acts. The practical conclusion from these physiological data is the need to create conditions for tactile, proprioceptive sensations that accompany muscle work during exercise. The accuracy of the exercises, provided by manuals, starting positions, the help of an instructor of physical therapy, determines the necessary impulse from the muscles and the development of coordination relationships. Less important at preschool age (as well as at early age) is visual control, which does not ensure the execution of movement with sufficient accuracy, although later its value increases, and with the fixation of the stereotype of motor reactions, the possibility of such higher forms regulation, as a correction of movement according to speech instructions. In 5 - 6-year-old children, the accuracy of spatial orientations increases, at the age of 7, the fulfillment of specified movements becomes even more accurate [Volokhov A.A., 1975]. Visual control improves orientation.

With great difficulty, preschool boys and girls differentiate the tempo of movement, therefore, maintaining the rhythm of exercises and their tempo is better possible with additional accompanying signals: rhythmic musical accompaniment, a clear command, a metronome, etc. Children 5-7 years of age have everything greater value acquires a second signal system (actions on a verbal command, verbal instruction), in connection with which the explanation of upcoming actions already occupies an appropriate place in the training methodology. The complication of the higher nervous activity of the child, which is important for the development of certain motor skills, lies in the fact that at the senior preschool age, the ability to retain in memory a program of several exercises appears [Paramonova I.P., 1956].

Therapeutic physical culture (exercise therapy) with preschool children is carried out in the form of group and small group classes, morning exercises and elements of physiotherapy exercises in the daily routine. The leading form, as in other periods of childhood, is occupation. It is built on the same principles, but in the organization and methodology of its implementation, the features of preschool age are taken into account. So, in classes with children 4-5 years old, due to the unevenness in the development of movements that exists and is aggravated by diseases, different children use an individual method of organizing them in the classroom, and with skills well mastered by all patients, the frontal method, i.e. Simultaneous performance of exercises by all children. For children of older preschool age, the duration of classes increases to 25 minutes, which is facilitated by the duration of the period of active attention, reaching 15-20 minutes or more. When performing exercises, the instructor controls the accuracy of the entire movement as a whole and its details; in convalescents, he achieves the correct, beautiful performance of exercises. For the development of spatial orientations, tasks are used with a change in the direction of movements, with the simultaneous implementation of various motor actions. In addition to therapeutic tasks, during special classes in Therapeutic Physical Culture (LFK), therapeutic and educational tasks should be solved, ensuring the restoration and high quality of motor skills and abilities that correspond to age, physiological, characteristics. To do this, the instructor in Therapeutic Physical Education (LFK) should borrow some of the methods of teaching movements from the relevant physical education programs for preschoolers, as well as constantly analyze the state of the patient's motor sphere and bring the applied means and methods of physical therapy into line with the individual characteristics of the child.

Distinctive features of exercise therapy for children Forms of exercise therapy for children are similar to adults, but differ in a pronounced game component and the use of imitation movements. The training program is selected by the physical therapy instructor based on the age of the child, his level of development, the specifics of the psyche and motor skills.

Methods of exposure to exercise therapy for children A feature of exercise therapy for children is the combination of therapeutic and general health effects on the child's body. Therapeutic physical education includes methods such as therapeutic massage, outdoor games, physical exercises, therapeutic body positions, training on simulators, occupational therapy, and are also of great importance. natural factors environment (water, sun, air).

The action of exercise therapy for children. One of the goals of exercise therapy is to strengthen muscles, ligaments and joints, which leads to the correction and prevention of postural disorders, flat feet, curvature of the spine and other defects of the musculoskeletal system. Regular exercise therapy strengthens the immune system, which reduces the risk of many diseases, makes the child more self-confident, less prone to stress, develops intelligence, and prevents the possible occurrence of injuries.

Daily exercises of exercise therapy will bring up in the child: a sense of their own muscle strength; are the prevention of possible injuries; contribute to the development of intelligence; help to overcome stressful situations; strengthen immunity, prevent the development of the disease; accustomed to regular physical activity.

Indications of exercise therapy for children Physiotherapy exercises for most childhood diseases, as an effective and affordable drug-free treatment. Exercise therapy is practiced in the treatment of malnutrition, rickets, rheumatism and many other diseases. With rheumatism, physiotherapy exercises are carried out in several stages, starting with a period of strict bed rest. Depending on the patient's condition, strictly dosed exercises for muscle groups and small joints, respiratory and restorative exercises are carried out; physical exercises strengthen the heart muscle, preventing complications from the joints, the nervous system and strengthen the general condition of the child's body.

Exercise therapy indications for children Exercise therapy is indicated for children suffering from bronchial asthma, with a disturbed mechanism of nervous regulation of external respiration. For this purpose, it is advisable to use the so-called sound gymnastics. In pneumonia, exercise therapy is used to combat oxygen deficiency and restore the impaired function of the respiratory system. Therapeutic gymnastics is successfully used for resorption of inflammatory processes in a particular organ or tissue. Therapeutic gymnastics prevents the occurrence of diseases, treats them quickly, effectively, preventing the development chronic forms pathological conditions.

Therapeutic exercise for children 1.5-3 months old The main thing is to encourage the baby to move as much as possible, to let him feel the joy of movement, which, in general, is not difficult to do, since this is consistent with the natural inclinations of any living creature. 1. Stroking hands. Putting the child on his back, stand in front of him. The child's arm is bent. Put your thumb in the child's palm (he will grasp the finger), grab his wrist joint with the rest of the fingers, and with the other hand stroke the back of the hand and further towards the shoulder, with grasping movements.

Therapeutic exercise for children 1.5-3 months 2. Stroking the legs. Putting the child on his back, hold his leg with his left hand, and with the right hand stroke from the foot to the inguinal fold along the outer and back surfaces of the lower leg and thigh, bypassing the kneecap. The leg is slightly bent. 3. Laying the baby on the stomach. In this position, the child tries to raise the head (or already holds it). In the same position, another exercise is performed - reflex crawling. You need to put your hands on the child's feet, feeling the emphasis, he will try to crawl.

Therapeutic exercise for children 1.5-3 months 4. Back massage. Putting the child on his stomach, stroke his back with the back surface of the bent hands in the direction from the bottom (from the buttocks) up. 5. Reflex turns. Putting the child on his back, with one hand grab the lower part of his shins and cross them slightly, with the other hand, be sure to hold the baby's head. 6. Massage of the abdomen. In infants, flatulence (gas retention in the intestines) is very common. Bloating is accompanied by colicky pains, which makes the child restless, crying. In this situation, massage helps - light circular movements around the navel in a clockwise direction. Massage is done with the right hand, they start with stroking and, gradually increasing pressure, they easily knead the abdominal muscles. Finish the massage of the abdomen again in a circular motion. The duration of the entire procedure is no more than 1 - 2 minutes.

Physiotherapy exercises for children of months Exercise therapy for a child by the age of 3–4 months: when the physiological tension of the flexor muscles decreases, passive movements are gradually introduced. Balance is established between the flexor and extensor muscles. 1. Hand massage - in addition to stroking, rubbing is used, and sometimes light kneading (pinching); 2. Passive exercise for hands: spreading them to the sides and crossing on the chest (without pinching). Another exercise: move the child's arms up and down, first alternately with each hand, then with both hands at the same time.

Therapeutic exercise for children of months 4. Passive exercises for the legs. Flexion and extension of the legs in knee joints- together and alternately; 5. Turns from back to stomach with the support of the hand, to the right and left; 6. Back massage - stroking and kneading; 7. Extension of the spine; 8. Massage of the abdomen; 9. "Soaring" on the stomach in the palm of the mother: with one hand hold the child by the legs, with the other support the torso; trying to hold his head, the baby strains the muscles of the neck and torso and at the same time arches his back;

Physiotherapy exercises for children of months At this age, active movements are introduced, aimed mainly at developing manual skills and encouraging the child to crawl. The "crawling" child has much more opportunities to learn the world Therefore, helping a child learn to crawl is very important. On this day, you can perform the following exercises: Massage of the hands and exercises for the hands - breeding to the sides and crossing on the chest; Foot massage and foot exercises; Flexion and extension of the legs at the knees and hip joints, together and alternately;

Therapeutic exercise for children of the months "Soaring" on the back. Chest massage: stroking and rubbing; stroking and rubbing along the intercostal spaces; kneading the pectoralis major muscle; slight shaking, sometimes tapping. belly massage; Incomplete transplants with hand support; "Sliding steps"; Turn from back to stomach while supporting the legs; Back massage: stroking, kneading, patting;

Therapeutic exercise for children of months Hand massage and hand exercises. "Wrapping motions" are performed with the arms, as well as crossing the arms over the chest using the rings that the child is holding on to. Foot massage and exercises: passive lifting of straightened legs. "Sliding Steps" Belly massage. Turn from back to stomach to the right with the support of the legs. Circular hand movements. Sitting down with the support of both arms laid out to the sides. Back massage.

Therapeutic exercise for children of months Exercise "wings". Putting the child on his stomach, bend his arms, bringing the wrist joints to the shoulder joints, and at the same time with both hands make movements similar to the flapping of bird wings. Take the child by the "wings" and lift him to a kneeling position, and then to a standing position. Two adults should participate in this exercise - for safety net. Extension of the spine: laying the baby on his stomach, lift his torso, supporting him by the arms.

Therapeutic exercise for children of months Hand massage and exercises: flexion and extension of the arms. "Sliding Steps" Turns from back to stomach in one direction and the other. Back massage. Transition to a vertical position from a position on the stomach (the child holds on to rings or a stick). Tilts for a toy. Belly massage.

Therapeutic exercise for children of months Raising straightened legs to a stick (on command). Sitting down independently (or holding on to a stick) with fixation of the legs. Tense arching from a kneeling position in an adult. Squats: the child is supported by the hands. "Papa Walking"

Exercise therapy exercises for preschool children (3-6 years old) As an exemplary exercise therapy complex, you can use the exercises proposed below for children of middle preschool age (3-6 years old) and are aimed at correcting posture. Exercise 1. The child lies on his back, holding a gymnastic stick in outstretched arms at chest level. It is necessary to raise both legs and throw them over the stick, and then take the starting position in the same way. The exercise must be repeated at least fifteen times. Exercise 2. Ask the child to take the starting position - lying on his back, closed legs raised up. After that, offer to draw with your feet in the air what the ant is carrying, while he should indicate what exactly the ant is carrying, where he is heading, whether he is crawling fast, etc. This exercise can be done once.

Exercise therapy exercises for preschool children (3-6 years old) Exercise 3. To perform this exercise, the child needs to lie on his stomach. Without touching the floor with his hands, he must make swimming movements. You can invite him to portray various situations, for example: “The dog needs to swim across the river to visit a friend who lives on the opposite bank. By evening, the dog decided to return home.” This exercise must be performed as long as possible until the child gets tired. Exercise 4. This exercise begins with the child walking in a circle, first on his heels (“The bunny walks through a puddle”), then on his toes (“The bunny sneaks quietly, trying not to wake the fox”). In each position, you need to go through one circle.

The key to a good lesson: 1. Do exercises with your child. 2. Meal should be at least 1.5 hours before class. 3. The child must be healthy and in good mood. 4. Turn on fun music. 5. Ventilate the room and dress your child in light, comfortable clothing. 6. Work out better on a fitness mat or carpet. 7. Increase the time of the lesson gradually, starting from 5 minutes, up to 30 minutes. 8. Also increase the load gradually, at first do each exercise 4 times. 9. In order for a child (especially a preschooler) to willingly do physiotherapy exercises, add a “plot” to each exercise.

Physiotherapy exercises for children at home, a set of exercises for the prevention of scoliosis Basic exercises: 1. "Barrier". Lying on your back, put your legs together. Alternately raise the right and left legs to a right angle relative to the floor. 2. "Barrier". Lying on your back, simultaneously raise two straight legs to a right angle with respect to the floor. 3. "Bicycle". Lying on your back, make a movement with your legs that imitates cycling back and forth. 4. "Bridge". Lying on your back, put your feet on the floor and pull your legs up to the body so that your knees “look” at the ceiling. Raise the pelvis above the ground as high as possible, arching your back. 5. "Kolobok". Sitting on the floor, clasp your knees with your hands and swing, from a sitting position to a lying position, and so on.

Physiotherapy exercises for children at home, a set of exercises for the prevention of scoliosis 6. "Scissors". Lying on your back, arms parallel to the body. Raise straight legs from the floor at an angle of forty-five degrees, and do swings, in which the legs, crossing, go one after the other. 7. "Swimmer". Lying on your back, “swim” with straight legs without touching the floor. The height of the legs is forty-five degrees. 8. "Artist". Lying on your back, connect straight legs, lift them off the floor and imitate drawing different shapes, letters or any patterns with your feet. 9. "Diagonal". Lying on your stomach, simultaneously lift your right leg off the ground and left hand. And vice versa - the left leg, and the right hand. 10. "Spring". Lying on your stomach, tear off the floor at the same time, hands joined together and extended forward and straight legs.

Physiotherapy exercises for children at home, a set of exercises for the prevention of scoliosis 11. "Swallow". Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. Raise straight arms and legs off the floor and stay in this position for as long as possible. Every day a little increase the time of this very effective exercise. At the age of five, my daughter could hold such a “swallow” for five minutes. 12. "The fold is the opposite." Lying on your back, try to reach with straight legs behind your head. To these exercises, you can add a small stretch in a sitting position with inclinations to the legs apart or joined together.

References Private methods of adaptive physical culture: Tutorial/ Ed. L. V. Shapkova. - M .: Soviet sport, - 464 p., ill. PHYSICAL REHABILITATION: Ed. prof. S. N. Popova. Ed. 3rd. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, Year of publication: 2006 - 608 p. Epifanov V.A. Therapeutic physical culture and sports medicine: Textbook. - M .: Medicine, - 304 p: ill. Panaev M.S. Fundamentals of massage and rehabilitation in pediatric pediatrics / Series "Medicine for you". - Rostov n / a: "Phoenix", - 320 p. Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders. Volume. II / Ed. A.N. Belova, O.N. Shchepetova. – M.: Antidor, – 648 p. Krasikova I.S. Children's massage and gymnastics for the prevention and treatment of posture disorders, scoliosis and flat feet. - St. Petersburg: KORONA-Vek, - 320 p.: ill.

Methodological support of the educational program

The aim of the program is: health promotion, promotion of proper physical development, formation of correct posture and correction of posture defects, if they already exist. It contains not only a set of measures and exercises aimed at eliminating and preventing these violations in general development preschoolers, but also to strengthen the musculoskeletal system in general. In the learning process, it is recommended to use such teaching methods as: verbal, practical method and the method of visual perception. In the practical part of the classes, it is advisable to use various ways performing exercises (in-line, sequential and simultaneous).

The main forms of organizing classes in general are: group, individual and frontal. Exercises of therapeutic physical culture give results only when they are carried out systematically, for a long time and continuously. They must be carried out in accordance with guidelines. Incorrect body position or incorrect execution of movements often shifts the load from the muscles that need to be trained to other muscle groups. General developmental exercises and breathing exercises, exercises for coordination of movements, for developing the skill of correct posture are used regardless of individual characteristics child development. But when conducting classes, it is necessary to take into account the functional capabilities of the body of preschoolers, because in the group there may be preschoolers of different physical fitness and physical development. Therefore, in order to properly dose the load, individual and differentiated approach in learning. Before starting independent studies, children must be able to perform the exercises correctly. This is also one of the main tasks of therapeutic physical culture in kindergarten. For the best assimilation of the content of the program and to obtain a positive effect from exercise important elements training are: constant attendance, discipline, compliance with safety regulations and the requirement from preschoolers to perform high-quality exercises.

A set of exercises for the prevention and treatment of initial forms of flat feet

1. Starting position - standing, hands on the belt. 1-right on the toe, 2-on the heel, 3-on the toe, 4-ip. 5-6 the same from the other leg.

2. Starting position - standing, hands on the belt. 1-get up on your toes with a roll, 2-roll on your heels.

3. Starting position - standing hands on the belt. 1- right knee forward, circular movements of the foot to the right and left, the same from the other leg.

4. Starting position - standing on the edge of the rug. With your heels in place, use your toes to gather the mat simultaneously or alternately.

5. Walking with a roll from heel to toe.

6. Walking on toes, on heels.

7. Walking on the outer arches of the foot.

8. Push-up jumps with two without maximum effort.

9. Jumps alternately without maximum effort.

10. Jumping with side steps to the right and left side without maximum effort.

11. Walking on a gymnastic stick.

12. Starting position - sitting in an emphasis behind. 1-bend the foot, 2-unbend, at the same time.

13. Starting position - sitting in an emphasis behind. 1- bend the feet at the same time, 2- unbend at the same time.

14. Starting position - sitting in an emphasis behind. 1- simultaneously spread your toes in a “fan”, 2- squeeze into a “fist”.

15. Starting position - sitting in an emphasis behind. 1- right foot fingers "fan", 2- left in the "cam", 3-4- vice versa.

16. Starting position - sitting (standing). Turning the foot inward with pulling the toe, right and left alternately.

17. Starting position - standing on the outer arches of the feet. 1- rise on toes, 2- return to the starting position. 18. I.P. standing on the outer arches of the feet. 1- semi-squat, 2- return to the starting position.

19. Starting position - main stance, hands on the belt. 1- toes up, 2- return to the starting position.

20. Starting position - standing with toes inward, heels outward. 1- rise on toes, 2- return to the starting position.

21. Starting position - legs apart, arms to the sides. 1- sit down on the whole foot, 2- return to the starting position.

22. Starting position - right (left) in front of the toe of the other (trace to trace). 1- rise on toes, 2- return to the starting position.

A set of breathing exercises.

1. Starting position - main stance. 1-hands stretch up, rise on toes - inhale, 2- return to the starting position - exhale (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

2. Starting position - legs apart, arms to the sides as far back as possible, palms forward, fingers apart. 1- hands sharply cross on the chest, hands on the shoulder blades, exhale (sharp); 2- slowly return to the starting position, inhale.

3. Starting position - standing on toes, bending over, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, up. 1-get down on your feet, lean forward, round your back, cross your arms across the sides in front of your chest, slap your shoulder blades painfully with your hands (loud exhalation). 2-3- smoothly spread your arms to the side and cross again in front of your chest, lash your shoulder blades 2-3 times, continue exhaling. 4- return to the starting position, diaphragmatic exhalation sticking out a round belly.

4. Starting position - standing on toes, bending over, feet shoulder-width apart, arms up and back, fingers in the lock (holding an ax). 1- get down on your feet, quickly lean forward, rounding your back, whip your hands forward-down-back (exhale); 2- return smoothly, with a diaphragmatic breath, protruding the stomach.

5. Starting position - standing on toes, leaning forward, arms forward-up, hands in a fist. For each count, a butterfly stroke, dropping to the feet, hands down and back to the hips, increase the slope (exhale); arms forward through the sides up and forward to the starting position (diaphragmatic breath).

6. Starting position - emphasis lying. 1- emphasis crouching, exhalation; 2- return to the starting position, diaphragmatic breath (do everything in 1 second).

7. Walking on hands (in pairs) with diaphragmatic breathing.

A set of exercises in a sitting position.

1. sitting in an emphasis behind. 1-leg up, pull the toe, 2- return to the starting position, 3-4- the same from the other leg (do not bend your legs, you can adjust the height of the leg up).

2. sitting in an emphasis behind. 1- straight legs up, 2- return to the starting position.

3. sitting in an emphasis behind. 1- bend your legs, 2- straighten forward and up, 3- bend your legs, 4- return to the starting position.

4. sitting in an emphasis behind. 1-3- torso tilt as far forward as possible, 4- return to the starting position

5. sitting in an emphasis behind. 1- legs up, 2- legs to the sides, 3- legs to connect, 4- return to the starting position.

6. sit down with legs bent, resting on the feet, knees as far as possible to the sides. Hands on the belt. 1-2 - torso to the right, 3-4 - to the left.

7. sit down with legs bent, resting on the feet, knees as far as possible to the sides. Hands on the belt. 1-2- torso turns to the right, 3-4- to the left.

8. sit down with legs bent, resting on the feet, knees as far as possible to the sides. Hands on the belt. 1-3 - springy torso forward, arms forward, 4 - starting position.

9. sit down with legs bent, resting on the feet, knees as far as possible to the sides. Hands behind the head. 1- elbows forward, round the back, exhale; 2- return to the starting position (elbows as much as possible to the sides, bend over), inhale.

A set of exercises in a standing position.

1. stand with legs apart, arms up to the lock, palms out. Jerks with hands above the head.

2. stand legs apart, hands behind the head. 1-round the back, elbows as far forward as possible, 2- return to the starting position, elbows as far as possible to the sides, bend.

3. stand legs apart, hands to the shoulders. 1-4 - circular movements of the arms forward, 5-8 - back.

4. main rack. one- right hand up back, left down back, grab with the hands behind the back, bend over, fix the position, 2- starting position, 3-4- change the position of the hands.

5. stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1- elbows forward, round back, head forward and down, exhale; 2- elbows back, bend, head up, inhale.

6. stand legs apart, hands behind the head. Tilts and turns of the body to the right and left, while maintaining the correct posture.

7. stand legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilt your torso forward, arching your back - exhale, sp. - breath. When tilting, raise your head, pull your elbows back, legs straight, the pace is slow. 3-8 times.

8. stand legs apart, hands behind the head. Tilt the body to the left - exhale, sp. - breath. The same on the other side.

9. wide stance legs apart, feet parallel. Turn the torso to the left with an inclination to the left leg, moving the arms to the sides. The same on the other side. Legs are straight, the pace is slow, repeat 2-5 times.

10. wide stance legs apart, arms up “in the lock”. Circular movements of the body in one direction and the other, the pace is slow, repeat 2-3 times in each direction.

A set of exercises in the supine position.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back:

1..lying on the stomach, chin on the hands. Raise your head and shoulders, hands on your belt (do not tear your stomach off the floor, connect your shoulder blades), hold for 3-4 seconds.

2. The same, but hands to the shoulders, behind the head.

3. The same, but arms back, to the sides.

4. The same, but hands up.

5. Raise your head and shoulders. Movement of hands to the shoulders, to the sides, to the shoulders.

6. Raise your head and shoulders. Hands to the sides - squeezing and unclenching fingers.

7. Raise your shoulders and head. Hands up - two claps, i.p.

8. The same, but arms to the sides - small circular movements in the shoulder joints.

9. Hand movements as when swimming in breaststroke.

10. Movement of arms to the sides, to the shoulders, up. i.p.

11. Hand movements, imitation of "boxing".

12. I.P. - too. Movement of hands up, behind the head, up, sp. Keep 4 counts in each position.

13. I.P. - lying on your stomach, hands up. Passing a tennis ball, a baton from hand to hand to the end of the line. All students keep their hands up until the end of the transfer.

14. The same, but the transfer of the subject from left to right.

15. I.P. - lying on the stomach, hands under the chin. Alternately lifting the legs up.

16. The same, but the movements of the legs are like swimming crawl on the chest.

17. I.P. - too. Raising both legs up.

18. I.P. - too. Raise the right, attach the left, lower the right, then the left.

19. Raise your legs, spread apart, connect and lower.

20. On the gymnastic bench, lying lengthwise on the stomach, leg movements, as when swimming in the breaststroke method.

21. I.P. - the same, but the movements of the arms and legs.

22. I.p. - lying on the stomach, arms bent, hands under the chin. Raise the left hand forward, and the right hand back along the body, lower the head and stretch, do the same, changing the position of the hands. The pace is slow.

23. "The Frog". I.P. - too. Raise your head up, hands to your shoulders with palms forward, bringing your shoulder blades together, bend your back with a slight lifting of your chest from the floor. Bending your back, take your head back, avoid a strong deflection in the lower back, the pace is slow.

24. I.p. - lying on your stomach, palms resting at your shoulders, head down. Alternately lifting the legs back and up with a back arch and a tilt of the head back. Bending, do not take your chest off the floor, the pace is medium

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles:

1.I.P. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternate leg raises 45º.

2. Bend both legs at the knees, straighten at an angle of 90º and lower.

3. "Bicycle".

4. Movement of the legs, as when swimming crawl on the back.

5. Simultaneously raising and lowering straight legs

6. Bend both legs at the knees, straighten them at an angle of 45º, spread them apart and, lowering, connect.

7. Movement of the legs, as when swimming in the breaststroke way on the back.

8. Raising and lowering straight legs at different speeds.

9. Circular movements of the legs.

10. Raising and lowering the legs at the knees with a volleyball or stuffed ball sandwiched between the knees.

11. Hands forward, legs bent at the knees, head touching the knees.

12. I.P. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Alternate bending of the legs at the knee joints. The back is straight, pressed to the floor, the pace is slow.

13. I.P. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. Make alternating movements with straight legs up and down - “scissors”. The back of the head and shoulders are firmly pressed to the floor, the pace is medium, 4-10 times with each leg

14. I.P. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Raising straight legs up. Socks are extended, the pace is slow.

15,. I.P. - lying on your back, arms bent, palms above your head. Raising straight legs up, spreading them to the sides and lowering down in I.p. Elbows are firmly pressed to the floor, and legs are straight, the pace is slow, repeat

16. I.P. - lying on your back, arms along the body, palms turned to the floor.

17. Sit down, resting your hands on the floor, straighten your back, take your straight arms back and return to I.P. Legs at all times are straight, sitting, take your head back, the pace is average.

Exercises for the formation and consolidation of correct posture.

1. Standing, take the correct posture, touching the wall (without a plinth) or a gymnastic wall. In this case, the back of the head, shoulder blades, gluteal region, calves and heels should touch the wall.

2. Take the correct posture (1 exercise). Take one step away from the wall while maintaining good posture. 3. Take the correct posture against the wall. Take 2 steps forward, sit down, stand up, again take the correct posture.

4. Take the correct posture against the wall. Take one step forward, two steps forward, relax the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, arms and torso in sequence. Adopt correct posture. 5. Standing at the gymnastic wall, take the correct posture, rise on your toes, hold in this position for 3-4 seconds. Return to I.P.

6. The same exercise, but without the gymnastic wall.

7. Take the correct posture, sit down, spreading your knees to the sides and keeping straight position head and spine. Slowly stand up and take the I.P.

8. Sitting on a gymnastic bench against the wall, take the correct posture (press the back of the head, shoulder blades and buttocks against the wall)

9.I.P. - how to exercise 8. relax the neck muscles, tilt your head, relax your shoulders, back muscles, return to I.P.

10.I.P. - Lying on your back. Head, torso and legs should be in a straight line, hands pressed to the floor. Get up, take the correct posture, giving the lumbar region the same position that was taken in the prone position.

11.I.P. - lying on the floor. Press the lumbar region to the floor. Get up, take the correct posture. 12. Take the correct posture in a standing position. Walking around the gym with stops, while maintaining the correct posture.

13. Standing, correct posture, a bag of sand on your head. Sit down, trying not to drop the bag. Get up in I.P.

14. Walking with a bag on your head while maintaining the correct posture.

15. Walking with a bag on the head with stepping over an obstacle (gymnastic bench, skipping rope), keeping the i.p.

16. Walking with a bag on the head while performing various exercises (walking in a semi-sitting position, with high knees, etc.).

Exercises with a gymnastic stick.

1. I.P. - main stance, stick grip from top to bottom. 1-stick up, rise on toes, stretch,

2- I.P. 2. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick grip from top to bottom. 1- stick top, 2- on the shoulders back, 3- up, 4- I.P.

3. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick grip from above on the shoulders. 1-2- torso turns to the right, 3-4- the same to the left.

4. I.P. - the same. 1-2 - torso to the right, 3-4 - to the left.

5. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick grip from above on the shoulder blades. 1-3 - bending the torso forward, 4- I.P

6. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick grip from above forward. Turns the gymnastic stick to the right and left.

7. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick grip from top to bottom. 1- stick forward, 2- stick up, 3- stick forward, 4- I.P.

8. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick with a grip with hands behind (elbow bends). Torso turns to the right and left alternately.

9. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick from behind-bottom with a grip from below. Jerks with your hands up behind your back, maintaining the correct posture, without leaning forward.

10. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick grip from above. 1-3- springy forward bends, stick forward, 4- I.P.

11. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick up, grip from above. 1-2- torso to the right, 3-4- to the left. 12. I.P. - the same. Circular movements of the body to the right, to the left.

13. I.P. - sitting, stick grip on top of the legs. 1- swing arms with a stick up, 2- I.P.

14. I.P. - sitting with a stick in his hands. Springy torso forward, legs straight.

15. The same legs apart.

16. I.P. - sitting, stick on the shoulders. Turns of the body to the right and to the left.

17. The same, torso to the right and left, maintaining the correct posture.

18. I.P. - sitting with legs bent, focusing on the feet, a stick on the shoulders. Turning the body to the right and left, while maintaining the correct posture.

19. The same, torso to the right and left, maintaining the correct posture.

20. The same, springy torso forward.

22. I. P. - lying on his stomach, gymnastic stick in bent arms. Raise your head and torso, stick to your chest, up, I.P.

23. I.p. - too. Raise your head and torso, stick up, behind your head, up, I.P.

24. The same, stick up, on the shoulder blades, up, I.P.

25. I.P. - lying against each other stick on the chest. Throwing and catching a stick with a grip from above and below. 26. I.P. - lying on your back, stick grip from top to top. 1- legs forward, stick forward, 2- I.P.

27. I.P. - lying on your back, a stick with a grip from above on the hips. 1- legs and stick forward at the same time, 2- I.P.

28. I.P. - lying on your back, stick grip from top to top. 1- stick forward, right foot forward, 2- I.P., 3-4- from the other foot.

29. I.I. - the same. 1- stretch as much as possible, inhale, 2- relax, exhale.

30. I.P. - leg stand apart, stick on the shoulder blades, grip from above. Squats in place, without taking your heels off the floor and maintaining the correct posture.

Exercises standing on all fours and exercises in balance.

1. I.P. - support on the hands and knees. 1- lower your head, round your back, 2- raise your head, bend.

2. I.P. - the same. 1- right hand forward, left foot back, 2- I.P., 3-4- the same with the other hand and foot.

3. I.P. - sitting on the heels with support on the hands. 1- touching the floor with your chest, go to the position of "lying emphasis, bending over", 2- back.

4. Rolls in a grouping from an emphasis crouching.

5. Roll into a rack on the shoulder blades from the crouching stop.

6. Bridge from the supine position (or half-bridge with support on the shoulders).

7. Moving forward and backward while standing on all fours, relying on the feet and hands.

8.I.p. - o.s., arms to the sides - movement of the straight leg forward, to the side, back. The same, but hands behind the head, to the shoulders.

9. I.p. - o.s. Raise the knee up, hands to the sides. The same, but hands forward, up. 3.I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Raise on toes.

10. I.p. - o.s., hands to the sides. Rise on your toes, turn your head to the left, to the right,

11. Crouching from the stop to stand up (straighten up), bend the right leg, arms to the sides. The same left.

12.I. n. - crouching emphasis. Stand up, rise on your toes, arms to the sides.

13. The same, but rise on the toe of one leg, bend the other leg at the knee with different positions of the hands

14. Walking with stops on one leg (on a signal). The same, but with a bag on his head.

15. I.p. - right leg stance. Climb up on your toes with different hand movements.

16. Walking along the drawn line.

17. I.p. - o.s., hands to the sides. Standing on one leg, grab the foot with both hands.

18. Run, squat on a signal.

19. From o.s. jumps with a left (right) turn of 90º, 180º, 360º. Hold on after landing in the I.p.

20. I.p. - o.s., hands to the sides. Balance on the right (left) leg - (“swallow”).

21. Standing facing each other, holding hands - balance on the right (left) leg.

22.I.p. - too. Squats on one leg.

23. Balance on the right (left) leg and turns on the toe.

24. Balance on the left leg, jump balance on the right leg.

25. Standing on one leg, tilt to the side with raising the free leg in the opposite direction (“horizontal balance”).

Mobile games and games of low mobility.

"Funny boys". Preschoolers are located at one end of the hall, standing in a line (or 2, depending on the number of players). The driver is in the center of the hall. At the signal of the teacher, the preschoolers run across the line to the other half of the hall to the designated place (house). At this time, the driver is trying to lure the players, whom the driver has touched, he sits on the bench (leaves the game). The players do the same in the opposite direction. With one driver, the game continues up to 4 runs.

"Traps"(one of the options). No more than 15 people participate in the game. The leader is chosen by the counting table. All participants in the game are located around the hall spontaneously. At the signal of the teacher, he is caught, leaves the game and sits on the bench. The game ends when none of the players, except the driver, remains on the playing field.

"Streams and Lakes" A group of children is divided into teams (3-4), numbering from 5 people. Each team is built in a column one at a time and, at the signal of the teacher, begins to move around the hall, keeping the formation (“brooks”). At the next signal from the teacher, the teams should form a circle, holding hands (“lakes”). The first team to complete the task receives a bonus point. The game continues several times. The team with the most points wins.

"Two Frosts". No more than 20 people participate in the game. Two (or one) drivers are selected, one is Frost Red Nose, the second is Frost Blue Nose. Players spontaneously position themselves around the room. At the signal of the teacher, the drivers catch the players, the caught preschoolers freeze in place, showing an ice figure. The game ends when all players are caught

"Tails". No more than 15 people participate in the game. The leader is chosen. The teacher distributes “tails” to each participant (ribbons about 50 cm long). The players fasten the ribbons to the belt at the back so that there is an end of about 30 cm. At the signal of the teacher, the players move around the hall, and the driver tries to collect all the “tails”. The player from whom the driver took the ribbon leaves the game and sits on the bench. The game ends when there are no players left on the playground or at the command of the teacher (if the driver is tired).

"Find an item." The game is played at the end of the lesson. All participants stand with their backs to the teacher, eyes closed. At this time, the leader throws several paper clips (3-4 pieces) on the floor. At the signal of the teacher, preschoolers try to find objects on the floor and pass them to the leader. The game ends when all the items have been found.

"Owl". The leader is chosen. To a cheerful tune, preschoolers dance in place for 10-15 seconds. At the signal of the teacher, the participants in the game freeze in place, and the driver carefully watches them and removes those who have moved from the game. The game lasts 2-5 minutes in the final part of the lesson.

"Be attentive!". Preschoolers stand in a line and perform simple hand exercises at the teacher's command. Movements can only be performed if the leader pronounces the word “hands”. If the participant performed the movement without the word "hands", then he earns a penalty point and takes a step forward. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake and executed all the commands correctly. The game is played for 2-3 minutes in the final part of the lesson


1.L.D. Glazyrina Physical culture - younger age.

2. L.I. Penzulaeva Physical culture for children from 3-4 years old.

3. G.P. Leskova General developmental exercises in kindergarten.

4.V.G. Frolova. Physical education in the air with children of preschool age.

5.L.I. Penzulaev. Outdoor games and game exercises for children 3-5 years old.

6. T.F. Babynina Game fingers

Often, in addition to medications, children are prescribed therapeutic and preventive physical education to supplement the prescribed course of treatment and help the child improve their health and adapt to certain life circumstances.

What is LFC

Exercise therapy or therapeutic physical culture is a complex of physical activities aimed at eliminating the consequences after suffering physical and psychological injuries. This complex is based on the natural human need for movement. It should be noted that in recent decades, the physical activity of the population of the whole world has significantly decreased, which is why the inclusion of this area in general therapy is no less important than the selection of the right drugs.

In the case of children, exercise therapy plays a special role. For them, this is a gradual removal of emotional stress, learning self-control, feeling oneself, the ability to relax, the ability to develop at any physical opportunity.

Exercise therapy for children contains a lot game forms exercises, which makes classes easier and more fun, both for the child and for his parents.

Methods of exposure to physiotherapy exercises, and how they are selected

Exercise therapy has its effect on the child's body through several basic forms.

  1. Physiotherapy. This includes various physical exercises that can be focused on general development, or have an effect in a specific area - lumbar, ankle joint, shoulder girdle, etc. Gymnastics or exercises can be long or short, depending on the doctor's prescriptions, the capabilities of the parents and the patient directly. Exercises are adapted depending on the venue - a five-minute preparatory group, half an hour at home or an hour in a special room.
  2. Additional physical activity. Very often, in addition to the main set of exercises, doctors advise active walking, climbing (if possible), light running, hiking.
  3. Gym exercises. Special gyms for exercise therapy are equipped with simulators designed specifically to develop the musculoskeletal system, reduce muscle tone, treat and prevent many diseases associated with growth retardation of the child, as well as his ability to adapt in society and space.
  4. Swimming. Due to its high density, the water supports the child's body, reducing the load on his spine and allowing him to cope with more complex tasks than outside the pool. Swimming helps to develop muscles, is a prevention of mixing of internal organs, has a calming effect on nervous system helping to fight stress and fatigue.

The selection of one or another type of physical therapy occurs depending on the diagnosis made by the doctor, as well as on the characteristics of the child who is recorded in exercise therapy. Of course, attending training sessions is also useful for healthy children, but there are a number of deviations and diseases in which physiotherapy exercises are simply necessary:

  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • cardiovascular abnormalities;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rehabilitation after injuries;
  • posture disorders;
  • in some cases after surgery;
  • if necessary, teach the child to walk with special support;
  • psychoemotional disorders.

In some cases, there are contraindications for therapeutic and preventive physical education, for example, for children who have recently undergone surgery on the soles of the feet or have serious pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

The effectiveness of physical therapy for children, its positive aspects

The main task and final action of exercise therapy is to strengthen the child's ability to adapt in society. Whatever the initial state of the little patient, the task of specialists and parents is to facilitate his activities in accordance with his needs. At the same time, the child's body must be hardened and prepared for possible difficulties, for fighting infections during periods of exacerbation.

The effectiveness of physical therapy for children has been proven by many years of practice. Today, such therapy in almost all cases is prescribed as an additional means of curing and maintaining the body of children with established disabilities.

Such trust is caused by a lot of positive effects:

  • general strengthening of health and immunity;
  • improvement of the psycho-emotional state;
  • development of fine and gross motor skills of the child;
  • strengthening, development of the muscular frame;
  • decrease in muscle tone, prevention of convulsive manifestations and spasms;
  • formation of correct posture, prevention of scoliosis (if not set earlier);
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system, in general;
  • development of joints, improvement of motor functions;
  • prevention of osteoporosis and osteochondrosis;
  • acceleration of metabolism and regeneration;
  • improvement of metabolism in general;
  • development of strength and endurance;
  • reduction of negative consequences in the rehabilitation period after operations, both under local and general anesthesia;
  • restoration of adaptive abilities;
  • strengthening the connection of the child with the parent and the society surrounding him, improving communication skills.

Some useful exercises for each child

  1. Ask the child to lie on the floor and imagine that he is swimming in a lake or a wide river. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be tense, and the legs slightly off the floor. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the body and helps to develop the correct posture.
  2. Heel-toe change. The kid walks around the room, first on his heels, and then on his toes, trying to keep his balance as best as possible. As an addition, you can ask the child to stretch his arms to the sides or forward, thus changing the center of gravity and complicating the workout.
  3. To strengthen the abdomen, you can teach your child to perform the “bike” exercise, as well as lifting and circular rotation of straight legs. In this case, the baby should lie on his back, and it is better to place a small roller under the neck.
  4. Alternate leaning forward and sipping up. To perform the exercise, the child is asked to stand up straight, legs slightly apart. While inhaling, he should pull his hands up and stand on his toes, while exhaling, he should lower himself on his entire foot and lean forward, continuing to pull his arms above his head. Thus, we help the child develop the flexibility of the spine.

In addition to this, we note that, having the opportunity, it is definitely worth taking walks in the park with the child every day, giving him the opportunity to move independently. For the active development of muscles and skeleton, you should introduce your little athlete to skiing, running, swimming and other sports, depending on his personal capabilities.

V Lately due to the increase in the number of children with impaired posture, there is a need to create preschool institutions with an orthopedic focus.

Why do modern children often have a violation of posture? Obviously, among the most important reasons should be attributed the high percentage of births of weakened children, the reduction in physical activity due to the priority of "intellectual" activities and, as a result, a decrease in muscle tone, as well as general weakness muscles unable to maintain posture in the correct position. It is important to start preventing posture defects and correcting the existing type of posture disorder as early as possible so that the child does not experience increased fatigue, headaches and pain in the muscles of the body at school.

Games to strengthen posture, back muscles and abdominals

Objectives: to improve the skills of correct posture in various starting positions, with various hand movements; strengthen the muscles of the back and abdominals; improve coordination of movements.

"Fish and Sharks"

They choose the driver - "shark", the rest of the children - "fish". At the signal "One, two, three - catch!" they scatter around the hall, and the one who leads them "salits" - touches them with his hand. To escape from the chase of the "shark", the player stops anywhere in the hall and takes the position of the combatant.

  1. you can scatter only after the command "Catch!";
  2. if, having stopped, the player did not have time or failed to take the position of the correct posture, the driver “salts” him;
  3. caught "fish" go to the wall and take the position of correct posture, standing with their backs to the wall (heels, calf muscles, buttocks, shoulder blades, back of the head touch the wall, stomach is pulled up, hands below with palms forward).

"Sea Figure"

Children, holding hands, form a circle, facing the center. Waving their arms back and forth, they say the words: "Waves sway - one, waves sway - two, waves sway - three, in place, figure, freeze!" After the word "freeze" the children take the position of correct posture, standing, sitting, kneeling. The teacher chooses the best "figure" - a child who has managed to accept and maintain the position of correct posture.

  1. adopted after the word "freeze!" posture cannot be changed;
  2. when repeating the game, you need to find a new position;
  3. the child, unable to maintain the correct posture, steps aside and performs a corrective exercise as directed by the teacher.


Children lie on their stomachs in a circle, facing in the center of the circle, hands under the chin, legs together. The driver throws the ball to any player, he beats it off with both hands, while bending, raises his head and chest. Feet remain pressed to the floor.


Children lie on mats on their stomachs. Hands under the chin, legs together. In front of the face is a cup of water and a boat with a sail. You need to bend over, raising your head and chest, exhaling air calmly into the boat. It should be blown calmly so that the boat floats, but does not capsize.

Games and exercises for the prevention of flat feet

Purpose: to form the skills of correct posture, strengthen the muscular system; exercise in the correct setting of the feet when walking; strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the feet in order to prevent flat feet; educate a conscious attitude towards correct posture.

Relay "Load the car"

Equipment: cars, sticks, pencils, felt-tip pens.

Children stand barefoot, hands on their belts, backs straight, they take sticks in turn with their toes and pass them to each other in a chain, the latter puts them into the car.

Relay with a stick

Equipment: sticks 20 cm long.

Children stand in one line, shoulder to shoulder. The first child takes a stick with his toes and passes it to the next participant without lowering it to the floor.

Complicated option. Two teams compete.

Relay race "Let's build a ladder"

Equipment: the same.

Children stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. Near the first child lies 12-18 sticks. Children pass one stick to each other, and the latter builds a ladder.

Relay with a car

Equipment: rope machine.

Children stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder. Near the first child is a car with a rope. He takes the rope with his toes and pulls the car up to the second child, passes it to the next without lowering it to the floor.

Complicated option. Two teams compete.

Imitation game "Wade"

Equipment: a box filled with pebbles (pebbles, counting stones).

Children imitate the movement of mice. With an added step, they walk on the pebbles one after another.

"Paint a Picture"

Equipment: sticks (felt-tip pens, pencils of various lengths and colors).

Children, standing barefoot, make up a variety of plots with their toes, using sticks of various colors and lengths.

"Fold the Pattern"

Equipment: the same and a sample - a diagram-drawing.

Children, standing barefoot, use their toes to make a pattern according to a pattern and pattern.

"Painting with a brush"

Equipment: paper, gouache, brushes.

Children take a brush with their toes, pick up gouache and draw the sun (berry, tree, fence, house, car, etc.).

"Catch the Fish" ("Get the Pearl")

Equipment: a basin of water, floating objects (plugs), pebbles.

Methodology: pebbles and corks are lowered into a basin of water, children “catch fish” (corks) with their toes and take out “pearls” (pebbles) from the bottom.

"Find the treasure"

Equipment: a basin of water, small stones and any object that differs from stones in shape and size. The child stands in a basin of water and, sorting through the pebbles, looks for a hidden object.


Equipment: handkerchiefs (napkins).

There are handkerchiefs on the floor in front of the children. With their toes, children collect a handkerchief into an accordion and release it 2 times (wash it). Then they take the handkerchief by the edge, raise and lower it (rinse) and again collect it into an accordion (squeeze) and hang the handkerchief to dry.

As a result of orthopedic games and corrective work with children, on the basis of diagnostic cards of exercise therapy and an examination by an orthopedist, a positive trend in strengthening the muscular corset and the formation of correct posture was revealed. But we are convinced that the problem of improving the health of children is not a campaign, but a purposeful, systematically planned work of the entire staff of preschool educational institutions and parents for a long period. It is this form of joint activity that makes it possible to establish the unity of requirements for the physical education of children in the preschool educational institution and the family.

We are glad that, according to the results of the examination by the City Medical and Pedagogical Commission, it was noted that our children do not have any deterioration in their health, but on the contrary, there is an improvement and stabilization.

07.12.2009 13:13:44, ..Lukyana

Strange article.
Against the backdrop of a shortage of kindergartens, and an ugly and unprofessional attitude towards children in the remaining ones ... Talking about the prevention of the support-movement apparatus in kindergartens is at least strange, if not ridiculous.
Let's build a Potemkin kindergarten?

P.S. Recently, a dad took his son out of the garden. Comes, the child has shoes on different legs. He says to the teacher: "You see, tell the child to change his shoes. The son himself can change his shoes." The next day, the same picture... Scaliosis, they say it needs to be treated... And then what will we do with the legs? The teachers don't care about the kids. Mostly mothers of children who go to the same kindergarten work there.