Are rubber loop exercises effective? TRX rubber loop exercises for men: program, video. Advantages of rubber hinges

25.09.2019 16:43:00

Rubber loops are special elastic bands made of plastic. They are commonly used for a variety of sports activities. They have several degrees of resistance, and they can be used to work on different zones and muscles of the body. Everyone can do exercises at home with rubber loops or in the gym. No special training is required to achieve the effect.

Hinges are used everywhere - in various conditions. They are both convenient and efficient. They are used in crossfit, martial arts, athletics, etc. In addition, doctors often recommend using them for people undergoing rehabilitation after various injuries and operations.

By themselves, these are rubber bands of different widths. The resistance of the tape directly depends on the width, and the level of load is determined by the tension force. Most often in sports and training, equipment is used with a tensile force of up to 100 kg.

Loops are chosen because they allow you to actively and effectively work out the muscles. They create minimal and non-hazardous stress on the body and joints in particular. Due to the stretching of the elastic material, the load on the muscles increases gradually. The maximum loads fall on the muscles at the peak of their contraction. It is more convenient and safe to work with ribbons than with iron equipment.

The projectile makes it possible to quickly get a visible result from training.

In addition to exercise loops, other attachments can be used. Other popular fitness equipment are:

  • elastic tapes;
  • fitness rubber bands;
  • tubular expander.

Each type of sports equipment is very useful and makes it possible to simplify your workouts. If an athlete is aiming for serious workouts, wants to quickly develop strength and speed, loops are the best choice.

The benefits and benefits of a set of exercises with rubber loops for men

Several important advantages of the inventory can be distinguished at once:

  1. Complete security. Due to the elasticity of the tapes, they make it possible to gradually increase the load and smoothly complete the started movement, which is impossible to achieve by working with other equipment. Such features to a minimum reduce the likelihood of injuring the joints and ligaments, as well as the spine due to too much stress.
  2. Compact size and light weight. When folded, they take up a minimum of free space, making them easy to carry with you at all times; there will definitely be a place for them even in a small bag. In this case, the weight of the loops can be from 100 to 800 g. You can always carry them with you.
  3. Big choice exercise. There are a huge number of rubber loop exercises for women designed to develop different muscles... Each athlete can easily choose the right equipment and training program for their individual needs.
  4. High efficiency. The effectiveness of training is often compared to the effectiveness of expensive exercise equipment. Some believe that such a device does not provide the necessary load. But with correct selection program and intensity of loads, you can achieve muscle growth even in the most limited time. You just need to choose the right shell.

The loops allow you to use the stabilizing muscles of the body and the muscle corset in the work. This increases the efficiency of the session and reduces the risk of injury when exercising without a coach.

With the use of loops, the muscles will work throughout the entire range of motion with increasing load. This activity has a positive effect on the growth of muscles and an increase in the strength of the athlete.

It is not necessary to use only one projectile during classes. They are suitable for complex training with a barbell and dumbbells. The athlete gets the opportunity to create an individual and maximally uniform training program.

Popular programs

Experienced trainers and sports enthusiasts work out in the gym and at home. They know many options for training, focused on the development of different areas of the body. Several of the most common programs can be distinguished.

Exercises with rubber leg loops

If you need to perform complex exercises, then it is best to start them with the development of the legs, since they require serious efforts from the athlete.

It is done as follows:

You need to put your feet on the loops, then sit down, and throw the other half of the tape over your shoulders. Next, you need to slowly straighten up. When you are fully upright, sit down again and rise again. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that all your movements are even and smooth, your back must be kept in a straight position, and your feet must be firmly and securely on the floor.

For this lesson, you need to put your right foot on the loop, and take your left back. Then you should lunge forward, touching the floor with your knee, and throwing the second part of the projectile around your neck. You need to rise as you exhale and perform about 13-14 lunges with different legs during the lesson.

This exercise requires you to pre-fix one part of the loop on some reliable support, and put the other on the ankle. This will keep the tape well taut. Next, you need to make several swings, with effort overcoming the resistance of the elastic projectile. Then you need to put it on the second ankle and repeat the work.

For the shoulder girdle

Training aimed at simultaneously developing the muscles of the biceps, triceps and back is very common. Moreover, such training itself does not require too much effort.

Stand next to a reliable support - a horizontal bar or a pillar, wrap the tape around the support, take its ends in your hands and slowly pull your hands to your face, bending your arms only at the elbows.

To perform another workout, it is necessary to step on one edge of the projectile with both feet, the other edge is clamped in the palms, and lifts of straight arms through the sides are performed.

Professionals also recommend that amateurs perform classic push-ups to develop the pectoral muscles. Place the ends of the tape in your palms so that it runs across your back. After that, push-ups are performed in several approaches in a comfortable amount for the athlete.


Many people describe the pull-up as the most effective chest exercise with rubber bands. Mastering this technique will allow you to achieve very good results... The shells make it possible to learn how to perform the lesson correctly. It can be used even by those people who do not have enough strength and endurance to simply pull up on the horizontal bar.

So, you need to place your hands on the crossbar, the tape should be fixed between the palms at one end, the legs are bent, and the legs should be placed at the other end. Next, we begin pull-ups in a comfortable rhythm. This technique is good because the resistance of the projectile simplifies the task for the athlete, but the effect of pull-ups is very, very positive.

This approach allows you to master the exercise, develop the muscles of the back, chest and arms, and subsequently - perform pull-ups on one horizontal bar without any shells and equipment.

Lumbar workouts

Such exercises can be attributed to the most straightforward, but at the same time they are extremely effective and beneficial for the human body.

You just need to stand with your feet on the projectile, take the ribbons with your palms. Bend in such a way that the pelvis tilts back and the back remains perfectly straight.

How to pump up the press?

Professionals identify several effective exercises that allow you to quickly develop your abdominal muscles. For example, you can fasten one end of the tape to any accessible object (on the post) at calf level, stand in relation to the object with your left side so that both of your hands are directed towards the tape (one on top of the other). You need to grab the free end and pull it to the right / up several times so that the loop obliquely crosses the body.

The arms should remain straight, and the loop itself should be constantly taut. After performing the exercise several times, it is necessary to change the side of the turn to the apparatus and repeat the same the same number of times.

You can connect another muscle group during training, for this you need to fix the tape in the same way, but already at chest level and repeat with the above algorithm.

It is best to perform these techniques three times a week, each time increasing the resistance of the tape, as well as the number of repetitions. You will be able to achieve the fastest training results without putting your health and body in unnecessary dangers.

Back exercises with rubber loops

It is necessary to position your legs so that one is in front and the other is behind. Under the feet, you need to fix the rubber band, then slightly bend your knees and support the body at an angle of 45 degrees. Next, you need to rest your hand on the knee of the front leg, and take the loop with the other.

Next, a pull to the pelvis is performed, while the elbow should move along the body. In the process of execution, you can not slouch. The loin should be slightly arched. In conclusion, the arm slowly unbends and returns to its original position.

What do you need to remember?

Exercises for the pectoral muscles with rubber loops are quite difficult. To achieve the most effective and rapid positive results, several essential sports principles must be observed.

First, you need to train continuously and consistently over time. You can achieve high-quality results with constant loads.

Secondly, it is necessary to systematically alternate loads with rest time. If you deny yourself a rest, the body will not have time to recover. This can lead to decreased performance and even loss of fitness.

Thirdly, the loads must be gradually increased. To achieve progress in sports activities, the load must be constantly increased. As soon as the exercise becomes too easy for you, you need to increase its duration or the number of approaches.

Slimming Rubber Loop Exercises

I have previously written about exercises with rubber loops. But today I would like to focus on exercises with rubber loops specifically for weight loss.

For those who have not read, I will repeat myself a little.

What are rubber loops

Rubber loops are a sports trainer (loop) made of latex. With the help of rubber loops, you can exert stress on all muscle groups. It is this feature that allows the use of rubber loops to speed up the process of losing weight.

Is it possible to train with rubber loops at home

With rubber loops, you can not only train at home, but you can say that they are made for home workouts. They take up very little space during storage, do not make noise during use, and are safe for both you and your loved ones.

How to Build a Workout with Rubber Loops for Active Fat Burn

STEP 1 - Warm up

Be sure to warm up. A good warm-up will save you a lot of injury. Now comes the fun part. If your weight is more than 90 kg, be sure to walk for 30 minutes before exercising. Walking will serve you as a warm-up and will additionally burn fat.

Step 2 - Circular Workout

As you already understood, we will use circuit training... That is, do the exercises one by one. At the same time, the total number of exercises we have is always the same, but we change the exercises themselves every week. As an example, I will give a basic version of training with rubber loops.

  1. Rubber Loop Squat
  2. Side lunges with rubber loops
  3. Flexion of the arms with rubber loops
  4. French press with rubber loops
  5. Push-ups from the bench with rubber loops
  6. Raising hands while standing
  7. Press the rubber loop with one hand
  8. Pull the rubber loop to the chest
  9. Row of rubber loop in a slope

This is an example, you can use it as a reference. But I strongly recommend that you change your program every week. At the end of the post, I will post two videos with a very long list of exercises.

How we train

We train three to four times a week. Depending on how you feel. If you feel strong, then train 4 times a week, if you do not feel, then take a walk and return home.

Number of repetitions and total number of laps

The number of repetitions of each exercise is 10-12 times. If you can't do 10 reps clearly, then use a rubber loop of less resistance. The total number of circles is from three to five. But if you did one circle and feel that this is the limit, feel free to end the workout. Make it a rule train strictly according to well-being

What loops to choose for a beginner

Where to buy rubber loops

Nowadays, rubber hinges in the Russian Federation can be bought in several stores at once. These are rubber4power, atletika24, etc. But I'll tell you a secret: all rubber loops are made in China. So you can take it right there. Just in case, here are a couple of trusted traders from the Middle Kingdom

I can highlight 4 main advantages of training with rubber straps, compared to training with iron or on machines: compactness, injury safety, efficiency and variety... Under the cut, I will tell you more about each of the points.

COMPACTNESS. The rubber workout straps are very convenient to take with you wherever you go, because they can be easily thrown into a backpack, suitcase or bag. Thanks to this, you still have the opportunity to study anywhere and at any time, on a business trip and on vacation. This is especially true if you go to a place where there are no horizontal bars or gyms because with loops you can do a full workout and work out the muscles of the whole body. Just a couple of loops with different loads can replace a full-fledged gym!

INJURY SAFETY... The peculiarity of training with rubber loops is that the load gradually increases as the loop is pulled, thereby reducing the likelihood of injury to joints or tendons. Unlike training with iron, you always have the opportunity to instantly stop doing the exercise if you feel that something has gone wrong. This is especially important when performing multi-joint exercises such as overweight squats or deadlifts.

EFFICIENCY... Some people think that rubber loops cannot pump up muscles. But this is nothing more than a common misconception, because your muscles do not care what exactly you load them with - your own weight, iron or loop resistance. An important parameter here is the intensity of the load and the time spent under the load. Large selection of hinges with at different levels resistance solves the first question, and a well-designed exercise program solves the second. Another advantage is the ability to arbitrarily change the angles of "attack" of a particular muscle. For example, just one loop can replace three (!!!) different chest trainers.

DIVERSITY... The number of exercises with rubber loops is enormous. There are a lot of complexes for working on the whole body or an individual muscle group on the Internet. With the help of sports loops, you can both complicate and facilitate exercises. For example, when training with a barbell, rubber can be used as an additional load. And for pull-ups or push-ups on the uneven bars, the loops can be used as an assistant if you are not yet able to perform these exercises on your own. By gradually changing the loops to weaker ones, you will quickly learn to pull up / do push-ups without them!

You may also be interested in the following articles:

  • How to choose a rubber loop for yourself?
  • How to learn to pull up with a rubber loop?

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What do the colors and numbers of the rubber loops mean?
Where to buy rubber bands for training in Perm?
Denis Cyplenkov shares his feedback on rubber loops for training
Online shopping rubber loops for sports

In this workout guide, we have only shown you the basic rubber loop exercises. However, it should be borne in mind that many of the above exercises can be performed at different angles and selectively load different muscle groups.

Hand exercises

Exercise number 1 Standing biceps curl

Muscles worked: biceps, forearms.

Stand on the rubber loop. Use a normal two-handed grip to grasp the other end. Keep your back straight, elbows pressed to the body. At the same time, the gaze is directed forward. Raise your arms to about shoulder level. When your hands are in line with your elbows, start turning them inward with your little fingers. At the maximum point, linger for a few seconds and slowly return your arms to their original position.

During the exercise, concentrate on the biceps, strain them as much as possible at the top point. Keep your elbows close to your torso.

Exercise number 2 Reverse grip biceps curl

Stand on the loop with your feet shoulder-width apart. With a reverse grip, grab the other end, the distance between the hands should be 30-40 cm. As you inhale, begin to smoothly pull the loop to your chest, hold it at the maximum point and slowly lower it to your hips.

During the exercise, watch your elbows, they should be tightly pressed to the body. Press your elbows to your torso, at the top point, do not press your arms to your chest. During the exercise, do not bend your back back, you can stand with your back against the wall.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 8-15 reps.

Exercise number 3 Bending of arms for biceps with the "Hammer" grip

Muscles worked: biceps of the shoulder, brachioradialis, brachialis muscles.

Slip your right foot into the loop and step with your left foot on top. Take the other end of the loop in your left hand, so that the palm is turned to the side. Straighten up, the spine should be in a natural S-shape. The gaze should be directed in front of you. Pull the loop slowly towards your shoulder, stop your hand just above the elbow and hold it for a few seconds. Then gently lower. Do a few reps, then switch hands.

Keep your back straight and look forward. Do not lift your elbows from your torso, do the exercise slowly.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 8-15 reps.

Exercise number 4 Horizontal bending of the arms for biceps while standing

Muscles worked: biceps peak, lower and top part biceps.

Snap the hinge into the door retainer or clip to any pipe so that it is at chest level. Grasp the other end of the rubber loop with both hands and step back. In the initial position, the arms should be parallel to the ground, the elbows should be pointing down, and the rubber should be taut. As you exhale, begin to pull the loop towards your chin. As you move, turn your hands with your little fingers towards your chest. In the final position, you can hold it for a few seconds, then slowly extend your arms to the starting position.

Do the exercise at full amplitude, with your arms fully extended and flexed. Strain your biceps as much as possible at the end point.

Exercise number 5 Extension of the arms on the upper block

Muscles worked: all triceps heads, ulnar muscle.

Fasten the rubber loop on the wall bars 20 cm above your head or on the door using the door hold-down. Take a step back and grasp the tape with both hands. Keep the body straight, you can lean forward a little. Elbows are pressed to the body. As you exhale, pull the loop down until the elbows are fully extended, pause and slowly return to the starting position.

The exercise can be performed with different grip: palms facing up, down and at each other.

Exercise number 6 Extension of the arms from behind the head while standing

Step on the rubber loop. With a narrow grip, grab the other end and raise your hands up behind your head so that the loop passes behind your back and your elbows are at head level. Without bending in the lower back, perform an upward pull until the elbows are fully extended.

During the exercise, try not to spread your elbows to the sides. The exercises can be performed while sitting on a chair.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Exercise number 7 Extension of the arms from behind the head in an incline

Muscles worked: triceps.

You will need 2 rubber loops for this exercise. So: fix the rigid hinge on the lower part of the wall bars or on the door using the door lock; push a weak loop into a rigid one and take it by the edges; stand with your back to the wall, keep your hands above your head with your elbows bent. Tilt the body forward slightly. For a stable position, you can put one leg forward; as you exhale, extend your arms forward and up.

Make sure that your elbows do not go to the sides. Unbend your elbows to the end.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Exercise number 8 Extension of one arm from behind the head

Muscles worked: upper and middle triceps.

Stand with your left foot on the loop. With your left hand, take the tape so that it passes behind your back, and your elbow is bent and looks to the side. Extend your arm vertically upward until the elbow is fully extended. Change your hand after the approach.

Number of repetitions: 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Back exercises

Exercise # 1 Deadlift

Muscles worked: trapezius, lats, rhomboid, lower back muscles.

Place the loop on the floor and stand on it with two feet, keeping your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly less, with your feet parallel. Bend your knees and grasp the edges of the loop with fully extended arms. Keep your torso at a 45 degree angle. Smoothly, without jerking as you exhale, straighten your knees and torso. Then, while inhaling, take the starting position.

Do the exercise correctly: keep your back straight; do not lift your heels off the floor; try to bring the shoulder blades together.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 5-10 reps. Recommended starting load: purple or green for men, yellow or red for women.

Exercise number 2 Bends forward on straight legs

Muscles worked: muscles - extensors of the spine, lower back, hamstrings and buttocks.

Stand on one end of the rubber loop and throw the other over your neck. Keep your legs shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly. Bend your torso at the lower back and keep it parallel to the floor. For convenience, you can grip the rubber loop with your hands. On exhalation, smoothly with a straight back, we unbend the torso to direct position... On inhalation, we lower ourselves to the starting position.

Try not to round your back, strain lumbar back. Look in front of you.

Number of repetitions: 3 - 5 sets of 8 - 15 reps.

Exercise # 3 One-arm bent over row

Muscles worked: latissimus dorsi, lower and middle of the traps.

Place your left foot forward and step on the edges of the rubber loop. Bend to an angle of 45 degrees and bend your knees, place your left hand on your left leg, and grab the center of the loop with your right hand. Bend your lower back a little and pull the loop to the buttocks, smoothly return your hand to its original position. After completing the set, change your hand.

Try to pull the loop with your back muscles, not your arms. Extend your arm fully (full length). Pull towards your buttocks, not your chest. Elbow movement should be along the body.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 8-15 reps.

Exercise number 4 Shrugs standing

Muscles worked: Trapezius back muscles

Step on the center of the training rubber loop with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the edges of the rubber with your hands, bring your shoulder blades together and straighten completely. Drop your shoulders as low as possible. As you inhale, raise your shoulders as high as possible, at the end point, hold for 1-2 seconds. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Do not bend your elbows, do not bend forward or backward. Try to keep your back straight.

Exercise # 5 Down-pull on straight arms

Muscles worked: Latissimus dorsi.

Fasten the rubber loop at a point about 30 cm above your head, with your straight arms grasp the edge of the rubber loop. Legs apart. While inhaling with straight arms, pull the loop down until it touches the front of the thigh. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position. This exercise can be performed with a slight forward bend of the body.

When doing the rubber loop exercise, keep your arms straight with your elbows pointing to the sides.

Exercise # 6 Seated Stomach Row

Muscles worked: rhomboid and latissimus dorsi.

Sit on the floor, straighten your legs (you can bend slightly at the knees). Take the loop by the edges and place the center over your feet. Pull the loop towards your stomach, keeping your elbows as close to your body as possible. At the end point, hold for 1-2 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.

Do not round or tilt your back during the exercise. Try to flatten your shoulder blades.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 12-15 reps.

Leg exercises

Our feet do a tremendous amount of work every day. To make it easier for them to cope with this task, we recommend that you periodically perform the following exercises with rubber loops on your legs.

Exercise # 1 Classic Squats

Muscles worked: adductors, quads, glutes.

Step on the rubber loop, then sit down and swing the other end of the loop over your neck. Keep your feet at shoulder level, with your toes slightly to the sides. Hold your breath and begin to straighten your knees and back. After passing through the hardest part, begin to exhale.

While doing squats, look in front of you, do not lift your heels off the floor or arch your back. This exercise can be useful in rehabilitation and does not require much physical strength.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 8-15 reps.

Exercise number 2 lunges

Muscles worked: quadriceps femoris, gluteus maximus.

Place your right foot forward about 1.5 steps and step on the loop. Slip the other end over your neck. Grasp the loop with your hands at about chest level. As you exhale, keeping your torso straight, lower your knee to almost touching your back leg with the floor.

The center of gravity should be located on the forward standing leg, the back one is needed only to maintain balance. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 12-20 reps.

Exercise # 3 Overhead Squats

Muscles worked: hip extensors, knee extensors, shoulder muscles.

Stand on the rubber loop with both feet, keeping your feet wider than your shoulders. Sit down, then take a wide grip on the other end of the loop and straighten your arms over your head. The shoulders should be laid back, the torso should be tilted forward, look in front of you. Straining your abdominal muscles, begin lifting.

During the exercise, watch your feet, they should not fit snugly to the floor.

Exercise # 4 Front squats

Muscles worked: Quadriceps (front of the thigh).

Stand on a rubber loop with your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower. Cross your arms so that the palm of your left hand is on your right shoulder and the palm of your right hand is on your left. Sit down and put the other end of the loop over your shoulders, try to keep your elbows as high as possible so that the loop does not come off. Begin to unbend your knees, while watching your back.

Try not to bend it. The gaze should be directed forward and slightly upward. At the top point, immediately begin a slow descent to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 8-15 reps.

Exercises for the chest

Exercise number 1 Push-ups from the floor

Muscles worked: pecs and triceps.

Take a lying position, throw the loop over your back and squeeze it with your hands, your gaze is directed forward. As you exhale, straighten your arms, elbows along the body.

When doing the exercise, try not to bend your lower back too much. Look ahead.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 12-20 reps.

Exercise number 2 Horizontal press standing

Muscles worked: pecs, triceps.

Standing, throw the rubber loop over your back so that it is pressed against the shoulder blades, and the ends are in the left and right hands. Straighten your arms at the same time, then slowly return back. This exercise can be done in two ways: the elbows go along the body and the elbows go through the sides. In the first case, the bulk of the load goes to the triceps, in the second - to the chest.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 12-20 reps.

Exercise # 3 One-arm reduction

Muscles worked: pecs, shoulders.

Secure the rubber hinges to the door catch or any pipe. The fixation point should be 20-30 cm higher than your head. For a stable position, put your feet wider than your shoulders. With your left hand, grasp the edge of the loop, put your right hand on the waist. With a straight hand (you can bend a little at the elbow), pull the rubber in a circle. At the end point, the hand should be directly in front of you. The exercise can be performed at different angles, with different areas of the chest working. If you bring your hand down, the upper chest will work, if you bring it up, the lower chest will work.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 12-20 reps.

Exercise number 4 Bench press at an angle while standing

Muscles worked: pectoralis, anterior delta of the shoulder.

You will need 2 rubber loops for this exercise. Fasten the first (hard) in the door lock or on any pipe at knee level, and push the second (weak) through the first. Take the ends of the weak loop in your hands. As you exhale, extend your arms up at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. Lock the position at the end point, then slowly return to the starting point.

Number of repetitions: 4 - 5 sets of 12 - 20 reps.

Exercise number 5 Reduction of hands while standing

Muscles worked: pectoralis, anterior delta of the shoulder.

You will need 2 rubber loops for this exercise. Fasten the first (hard) in the door lock or on any pipe at knee level, and push the second (weak) through the first. Take the ends of the weak loop in your hands. As you exhale, at the same time, use both hands to bring your hands together. The elbows should be slightly bent and fixed in this position. Hands should go in a circle. At the end point, pause briefly, then slowly return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 5-10 reps.

Shoulder exercises

Exercise number 1 Press up in front of you

Muscles worked: anterior bundle of deltoid muscle, triceps.

Step on the rubber loop with your feet shoulder-width apart. Wide grip grab the other end of the loop and pull it up to the top of your chest. Keep your shoulders and forearms in the same plane with the body. Without bending in your back, straighten your arms above your head, then slowly return to the starting position. Start the exercise with a thin rubber loop, warm up your shoulder muscles before training.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps.

Exercise number 2 Press up from behind the head

Muscles worked: middle bundle of the deltoid muscle, triceps.

Step on the rubber loop with your feet shoulder-width apart. With a wide grip, grab the other end of the loop. In the initial position, the loop should go behind the head and the forearms should be at a 90-degree angle to the shoulders. Without arching in your back, straighten your arms above your head, then slowly return to the starting position. Do not drop your elbows too low, this is traumatic. Be sure to warm up your shoulders with thin rubber.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps.

Exercise number 3 Raising arms in front of you

Muscles worked: anterior and middle bundles of the deltoid muscles of the shoulders.

Stand on the rubber loop with two feet, and grab the other end of the loop. The arms can be slightly bent at the elbows, but during the exercise they should be fixed in one position. Hold your breath and begin raising your arms in front of you. At the maximum point at shoulder level, hold for a couple of seconds and slowly return to the starting position.It is convenient to do this exercise at home, does not require a lot of space.

During the exercise, keep your back straight, do not throw your arms at the maximum point. The lift is carried out exclusively at the expense of the shoulder muscles.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 10-15 reps.

Exercise number 4 Raising arms to the side

Muscles worked: anterior, middle and posterior bundles of deltoid muscles, trapezium.

Step your left foot on the rubber loop, take the other end right hand. Left hand put on your belt. Tilt the body slightly forward, bend your right hand slightly at the elbow. Slowly, working only with deltas, start raising your hand to the side. Turn your wrists slightly towards the little finger, this will help to work out the back bundle of deltas. Change your hand at the end of the set.

Number of repetitions: 3-4 sets of 10-20 reps.

Exercise number 5 Press over the head with one hand

Muscles worked: anterior bundle of deltoid muscle, triceps. Step on the rubber loop with your right foot. Hold the other end with your right hand at or below eye level, palm facing forward. Without bending in your back, straighten your arm above your head, then slowly return to the starting position. After completing the set, change your hand.

Exercise # 6 Chin Row

Muscles worked: middle bundle of the deltoid muscle, trapezium. Stand on the rubber loop, grab the other end with your hands. The palms should look at themselves. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and begin to pull the loop towards your chin. The movement should be led not by the forearms or shoulders, but by the elbows. The trajectory of movement runs along the body. At the top, the elbows are above the shoulders. Having reached the top point, exhale, pause and smoothly return your arms to the starting position. During the exercise, watch your back, it should be flat, and the chest should be straightened forward.

Number of repetitions: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Exercises for the press

Exercise number 1 Twisting the body at an angle

Muscles worked: oblique abdominal muscles, rectus abdominis muscle.

Attach the rubber band to the door with a door retainer or to the wall bar at ankle level. Then: With two hands (one hand on the other), grab the end of the loop, while the arms should be absolutely straight; Move away from the wall and stand sideways to it. In the initial position, the loop should be taut; As you exhale, pull the tape up in the opposite direction in one movement, then slowly return to the starting position;

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercise number 2 Horizontal twisting of the body

Muscles worked: oblique abdominal muscles, intercostal muscles.

Attach the rubber band to the door with a door striker or to the wall bars at chest level. With two hands (one hand on the other), grasp the end of the loop, while keeping your arms completely straight. Move away from the wall and stand sideways to it. In the initial position, the loop should be taut. As you exhale, pull the tape in the opposite direction parallel to the floor in one motion, then slowly return to the starting position.

After completing the approach, turn around and do the exercise in the other direction.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercise number 3 Body tilts to the sides

Muscles worked: oblique abdominal muscles.

Stand with both feet on the rubber band with your right foot inside. Bend over to the side and grab the end of the tape with your left hand. It should be at the level of the knee joint. Begin to straighten the body. In the final position, fix it and slowly return to the starting position.

Change your hand after completing the set.

Number of repetitions: 4-5 sets of 15-20 reps.

Exercises with rubber loops will allow men and women to lose weight, keep fit and build training, warm-up sessions. You can create your own scheme or take one of those that are on this page. Exercises with rubber loops allow you to pump any part of the body: from the muscles of the back and arms, to the abs, shoulders, every muscle in the legs and buttocks.

Loop workouts are an opportunity to:

  • Build muscle mass. From a "regular elastic band" rubber loops instantly turn into a simulator, with which you can gain 10-15 kg of muscles, if you use them correctly;
  • Lose weight. Rubber loops are one of the best home weight loss simulators;
  • Maintain shape, tone the muscles. The simplest task that requires a minimum of time;
  • Develop any physical skill. Strength, efficiency, endurance;
  • Improve the quality of life. Regular loop training results in the release of happiness hormones into the bloodstream, which makes the athlete more energetic and cheerful.

The above effects are only achievable if you know how to train with rubber loops.

Otherwise, rubber bands, like any other simulator, turn sport into physical education.

The manufacturers describe the results that can be achieved with the use of the machine, but they do not explain why the workout programs with rubber straps are so important, or how to design them correctly.

We will tell you about the basic principles of training with loops, we will make practical programs. They will work many times better than the schemes that you have found up to this point.

Exercises to work out the legs and buttocks

Training the legs and buttocks with rubber loops will tone the target muscles, improve the proportions of the figure, get rid of problem areas and build muscle mass. Exercise can improve health and prevent the development of "diseases of civilization".


  1. Loop resistance is individual. Beginners can focus on these numbers, and also observe proportionality between exercises;
  2. We perform exercises for the legs and buttocks smoothly. In lunges and squats, do not pull the knee over the toe. Bend the leg in knee joint before the formation of a parallel between the thigh and the floor;
  3. This program is designed to gain muscle mass, tone the muscles. To increase strength, increase the resistance of the loop, decrease the number of reps to 4-6 and decrease the rest. Fat Burn - Less resistance with more sets and reps.

Exercises to work out the muscles of the back and chest

The chest and back are antagonistic muscles that must be pumped in a complex. The proportional development of the back and chest creates the correct posture, allows you to acquire the correct proportions. Training of the broadest muscles of the back will allow men to become the owner of the reference V-shaped figure, and for women - to improve posture, make muscles embossed, and emphasize femininity.

The program for working out the back and pectoral muscles will look like this:


  • At the end point of the back exercises, bring the shoulder blades together. The movement is performed by bringing the shoulder blades together, and not bending the arms at the elbow joints;
  • Back and pectoral training can be divided.

Exercises to work out the arms and deltas

The deltoid muscles require special attention. Most athletes are skewed towards overdevelopment of the front of the shoulder. The back of the delta is lagging behind. This leads to the development of scoliosis, turning the shoulders inward. Before training the shoulders, do not forget to stretch the joints: the deltoid muscles are the most traumatic.

The program will look like this:

A comment:

  • Because of the fragility of the shoulder joint, you can start with minimal resistance in all exercises. We will feel the muscles, and only then we will move on to more rigid loops.

Exercises for working out the press

Loop abs workout will help you build up cubes or a flat stomach. Strong core muscles also strengthen the position of the lower back, which reduces the likelihood of back injury. The absence of fatty deposits on the abdomen is a marker of health: the deposition of fat on the belly indicates that the body has “packed” fat deposits where it could, and now this “warehouse” is damaging your life.

The program for pumping the press will look like this:


  1. You can add jumping rope to your abs workout. Aerobic exercise will accelerate fat burning, help you see the abs faster;
  2. Loop turns target the obliques. Don't overuse them if you don't want to widen your waist.

Exercises to work out the hands

You will only be able to pump up your arms with loops if you do not "bomb" your biceps with unnecessary load. Triceps - 70% of the muscle mass of the arm. Without pumping triceps and forearms, there will be no cool biceps.

The program looks like this:

An exercise

Loop color (resistance)


Rest between sets (in minutes)

Rest between exercises (minutes)

Standing Loop Curl

Orange (2-15)

Extension of arms with loops from behind the head while standing

Orange (2-15)

Seated Concentrated Curls

Orange (2-15)

Extension of the arms in an incline

Orange (2-15)

Looped hammer

Orange (2-15)

Flexion of the arms at the wrists with loops

Red (5-22)


  • The scheme was created for a set of muscle mass. To work your arms "for relief" simply increase the number of repetitions in the set to 20-25. The rest is by analogy with training the legs and buttocks;
  • Even if you only want to pump up your arms, you can only achieve better pumping by combining arm training with exercises on all parts of the body.

Three Keys to Results

About 80% of progress in fitness and bodybuilding is due to the observance of 3 principles:

  • Principle of load progression;
  • Supercompensation principle;
  • The principle of periodization.

Let's talk about the basics of training in more detail.

Principle of load progression

This is the thing without which loop training can only keep fit. The principle says: the athlete must regularly increase training stress, adapt the body to new loads. Regularity depends on:

  1. Gender and age... Men are able to progress faster than women... Adolescents are faster than men aged 30-40. Adult men are faster than older people;
  2. Training experience... Beginners (up to six months of training) can increase the load in each session and train often. The more experience, the less often you train, and the less often you will be able to increase the load. Most will not need this: after a few years of training, we get the body of our dreams. After that, we work on the details, keep the shape;
  3. Stress level in everyday life... Workout programs should be tailored to your life outside the home gym. The more stress in life, the less of them in training;
  4. Compliance with the regime of the day, rules proper nutrition ... Correct daily routine, proper anabolic nutrition are the basis of progress.
  5. The work of the hormonal system, the health of the body... The worse your health, the less often you will progress.

The average indicator is compliance with the principle of the progression of loads every 1-4 similar workouts. The indicator can change depending on the change in the values ​​of the variables. Example: in the case of high physical or psychological stress, it is necessary to slow down the progress so that the body can digest the stress and not fall into overtraining.

We increase the load by increasing the resistance of the loops, the number of approaches and reps. We add new exercises with loops, shorten the rest between sets and exercises.

How not to train without results?

The training process is divided into phases. Understanding the reasons for "turning on" a particular phase allows you to determine the optimal time for training with loops.

When working with rubber loops, you will go through the following training phases:

  • Trauma... Training phase. The muscles are damaged, which is a stimulating factor for muscle growth, improvement of their tone, weight loss;
  • Recovery... Training programs with rubber loops should eliminate the possibility of training in this phase. Recovery begins immediately after completing the workout and ends with the transition to the next phase;
  • Supercompensation... The body creates a reserve of strength in this phase. Only in the supercompensation phase can muscles be built up, and only here the most comfortable training is possible. Muscle doesn't grow with training! They grow in the supercompensation phase;
  • Loss of supercompensation... Overtakes lazy athletes who train the target muscle group too rarely. The body stops supporting reserves, the training effect is lost.

Training with rubber loops takes place exclusively in the supercompensation phase!

The main signs are the absence of muscle pain and discomfort in the trained group, psychological readiness for work.


Cycling hard workouts with light ones. Periodization is needed for:

  • Recovery acceleration... Light workouts accelerate the recovery of injured muscles, prevent loss of physical and psychological tone;
  • Reducing the load on nervous system ... Heavy training depletes the central nervous system, leads to overtraining;
  • Improving the performance of experienced athletes... The rate of progress slows down over time, the body is not ready for linear progress, a training plateau sets in. For experienced athletes, periodization is a tool that can take a few more steps forward without the use of illegal drugs.

Periodization - a reception for athletes with experience of 6 months or more.

Standard cycling - alternating hard workouts with 50% load.

Decide on goals

Before deciding which rubber loop exercises to include in your program, think about your goals. Depending on your training goals, programs can vary greatly.:

  1. Training with rubber loops for gaining muscle mass - emphasis on basic exercises that include maximum muscle fibers in the work;
  2. Losing weight - work in a high repetition mode. Basic exercises with rubber loops are used, an aerobic component is added;
  3. Keeping Fit - Blend basic exercises with insulating. You can add running and jumping rope;
  4. Accelerating recovery, conducting light workouts. We repeat the exercises that were performed during the hard workout.

Training programs with rubber loops

Use dynamic programs - schemes that are sharpened to comply with the principles of load progression and supercompensation.

These programs are universal. With their help, you can build muscle mass, tone muscles and improve functionality. For weight loss and endurance training, increase the number of reps to 20-25.

Week # 1

An exercise

Color (resistance)


Bent over row

Red (5-25)

Orange (2-15)

Purple (12-36)

Press the loops forward

Red (5-25)

Twisting with loops

Orange (2-15)

Purple (12-36)

Day number 2. We pump legs, buttocks, deltas and arms. At the end of the workout, add traps

An exercise

Loop color (resistance)


Rest in minutes between approaches

Rest between exercises

Loop Squats

Purple (12-36)

Lunges with rubber loops

Purple (12-36)

Overhead press

Red (5-25)

Standing Loop Curl

Orange (2-15)

Orange (2-15)

Shrugs with loops standing

Purple (12-36)

We alternate these 2 days, we find ourselves in supercompensation. Roughly, this is 2-4 workouts per week.

Week number 2

Add one set to each rubber band exercise

Day # 1. Chest, back and abs workout

An exercise

Loop color (resistance)


Rest in minutes between approaches

Rest between exercises

Bent over row

Red (5-25)

Push-ups with rubber loops

Orange (2-15)

One-arm pull-ups with rubber loops

Purple (12-36)

Press the loops forward

Red (5-25)

Twisting with loops

Orange (2-15)

Deadlift with rubber loops

Purple (12-36)

Day number 2. Pumping up the buttocks, legs, arms and deltas. At the end of the day we add trapeze work

An exercise

Color (resistance)


Rest in minutes between approaches

Minutes Rest Between Exercises

Loop Squats

Purple (12-36)

Lunges with rubber loops

Purple (12-36)

Overhead press

Red (5-25)

Standing Loop Curl

Orange (2-15)

Extension of the arms from behind the head with loops while standing

Orange (2-15)

Shrugs with loops standing

Purple (12-36)

Week number 3

Plus one set for each exercise.

Week number 4

Subtract 2 sets and increase the resistance of the rubber loops.

Day # 1. Back, chest and abs workout

Day number 2. Working out the legs, buttocks, arms and shoulders. At the end of the workout, we develop traps.

We progress in this way until we are completely satisfied with the result. At the later stages of training, we introduce light training - periodization.