Runes in a dream on the left hand. “Why do runes dream in a dream? If you see Runes in a dream, what does it mean? Runes in a dream - what does it mean

Our experts will help you find out what the Runes dream about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Good day, Tatiana. Today's dream I hardly remember, only one thing stands before my eyes. In front of me, like a whirlpool of stones and from this whirlpool, stones begin to rise one by one. Different runes are inscribed on them. The stones rise and disappear again in the whirlpool, and one freezes over it and hangs. There is a rune "X" on the stone and I woke up.
    What does that mean? Thanks for the answer.
    Sincerely, Natalia.

    I dreamed of a martyr, in whom I am in love, we met for a while, now friends, our relationship is not clear. So, in a dream I meet this martyr, run up to him, take his hand, he looks at me with a loving look and we go with him down the street. And then he tells me Berkano, whether to write, or what ... .. What can this mean?
    After 2 days, I had a dream, as if the same young man texted me Ansuz and Dagaz

    I saw an inverted RAIDO rune (the Raido rune looks like the letter R), I saw this rune on the flag of our KVN team, there were many more different runes around it, which I don't remember. The flag was diamond-shaped.

    Tatyana, I already wrote. My name is Pavel. I will describe it again: a white room, wide and spacious, a girl, my new acquaintance (I met the day before yesterday in Yekaterinburg) happily gives me white rattles (stone white slabs, the size ... maybe 40 * 60 cm. On them, some kind of gray-blue letters When I take such a stone in my hands - it is not heavy, I can easily hold it without straining. Some previously unsolved problem pops up in my head, I see it in front of me as if in 3D, and the solutions to the problem seem simple to me The second tablet is a different problem, the third is similar. And there are a lot of such rattles. I am amazed at this and try to remember at least something from the picture on the third tablet. I do not know if this is a drawing or part of a drawing or a symbol, but it looks like on a branch with leaves.

    I had a very strange dream, I allegedly went to the store to buy runes ... and the seller gives me a beautiful fan and says to open it. Well, I opened it and this fan is all in hieroglyphs ... help decipher the dream! I had a dream from Sunday to Monday ... thanks in advance.

    Hello! I recently had a strange dream. I'm running away from someone or chasing someone, I don't remember exactly (which I often dream about). And on all my way I come across runes, and not only German-Scandinavian, but also Slavic. Runes and runograms, runic ligature were everywhere, on every tree, post, house, in public, on the road. But they all somehow escaped me, without being imprinted in my memory. I remember that I ran into some undergrowth, and there the severed leg (the cut fell approximately in the middle of the lower leg) lies on the ground, and three runes are carved on it. I remembered Fekha and Isa very well, but the third is slipping from my memory, and I just can't remember her. I looked through the runes in the hope of remembering the third, but nothing.
    Thank you in advance!

    I dreamed that I was sleeping, the hand of my man was under my pillow and runes descended from his hand under my pillow: turizaz, eyvaz, two of them are one, teivaz, evaz, manaz. He's pushing them under my pillow, why?

    Hello, today I dreamed of runes, I remember that there were a lot of them, but they were blurry, and I clearly remember one, it is called Inguz and it shone with a golden light. Lately I often have dreams, but I very rarely remember them, but when something happens, I understand that I have already seen it in a dream ...

    I dreamed about how I was walking through a very narrow cave, in which there was an incomprehensible warm red lighting. I walked through the cave for a short time and found an amulet, the facets on it were in the form of a star, and in the center of the amulet was the head of an animal, either a wolf, or a lion. After that, with the amulet in my hands, I walked on and came across a strange wall, on which there were fiery and pleasant to the eye runes, but they howled terribly and, one might say, groaned. When I got closer to the wall, they began to howl louder and I, frightened, began to run away from them back.

    They brought me a parcel, and in it a set of runes of different sizes in beige tones, I chose small runes and held them in my hands and it was so warm from them, I wanted to make a layout on them, but something prevented

    at night I go to look there are ancient ruins and I was offered to carry out a ceremony at work. I was interested in how it is, I asked. what they answered me, you will see. lit a fire and I saw a large stone in front of me, and on it some kind of large rune some elements glow and the more they uttered the words the brighter it glowed and some kind of liquid was present that also filled and glowed, there was a radiance pleasant

    The rune was distinct in the form of two Vs crossed on one side on a dark red plaque fixed to the red brick wall of an old building. I was brought to her by a middle-aged man, whom I followed at his request. I obeyed him immediately, feeling his inner strength.

    Hello! I don’t remember a dream in the context, but two runes, or rather symbols in space, moved to meet each other. This is the Kano rune straight and the Kano rune inverted. then they crossed, forming the Inguz rune, and the rune lit up for a moment. In general, I understand what this is for, since I often see prophetic dreams, but the opinion of a specialist is interesting to me

    Hello. Last night I made a runic one for the first time, wrote a formula for my ex to get in touch.
    All night I dreamed that I had to get rid of my runes. Gotta burn the formula sheet. The fire burned my hair a little. In the dream, people around me were both familiar and not. They all seemed to be afraid of runes and rituals. And in my dream I was not scared.
    Why would this dream be ?!

    Hello, I had a dream in which I saw the runes. First, as if on the TV screen, the Odal rune, and then on the child in the form of a golden earring. At first it was not clear, but then I looked closely and the Odal rune in upright position, and on top of it is Soulu. This was the shape of the earring, but one, the second daughter lost in a dream. And I dreamed with one of my usual gold earrings, as it turned out in a dream, my daughter lost mine too. And so I wanted to change the whole dream or buy one pair of earrings. Here's a dream. What does he mean? thanks in advance

    I flew in a dream, as if I were swimming. Runes began to appear in the air. They appeared from a point, growing into symbols. There were many of them. Feu, Uruz, sky and Ride remained in my memory. These symbols hung in the air next to me and were great. I want to note the names of the runes, I learned later when analyzing the dream. Thank you.

    There was a man who wanted to be in my arms something like a heromancer. But it was pretty calm. And when he turned my palms first right and then left, then they were depicted various kinds of runes. And then I noticed that the arms above were also in runes and signs. Moreover, the impression was that I was born with them, they were not drawn, but as if wrought out on my hands. They looked very believable. Thanks for the interpretation.

The word runa means "secret" and goes back to the ancient root meaning "to hide, to hide". His traces have survived in modern languages, German raunen - "to whisper", Latvian runat - "to speak" or Finnish runo - "poem, incantation". By the way, the Russian "store" is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetical signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood, they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, various objects, and they wrote spells over the entrance to the house and on the prows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to the magical symbols of the Celtic priests-Druids, from whom they later passed on to the Germanic, and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although in one way or another all the representatives of the tribe owned the rune, the real experts in the runes were magicians and healers. They differed from everyone else in a special dress, were surrounded by special reverence, taught the youth.

Each rune had its own name and was associated with a particular deity, object or phenomenon. Laying out a rune from wooden sticks or putting its image on a birch bark or stone, on a spear shaft or on the surface of an earthen vessel, the healer, warrior or hunter turned directly to the essence that the rune designated in order to influence it in a certain way. The physician expelled the disease, the warrior asked for victory in battle, the hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the runes was pronounced or chanted in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, to send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. "evil song" or performed zaid - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.

Magic was owned not only by men, but also by women. So, in general, zaid was supposed to be performed only by women; The ancient Normans were engaged in the prediction of the future by special soothsayers - the volury. With the help of songs and runes, they also conjured spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls.

Runic magic is extremely versatile. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain amount of magical power and the ability to connect us with a higher power. The set of runes, together with their powers and connections, already forms a real magic system. This system can also be used for fortune-telling purposes: combinations of signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to unfold the runes. You can use one of our proposed online fortune telling on the runes. We hope that these rune divinations will provide you with invaluable help in everyday life.

Many are worried about what the runes dream about, since an atmosphere of magic has been hovering around these unusual and very mysterious symbols for many centuries. And if you see a dream associated with runic images, you immediately want to understand the symbols that the Universe is trying to tell us.

For a long time, sorcerers have noticed an interesting trend. When you begin to work with runic images, to carry out ritual ceremonies and actions with them, images of such signs often begin to appear in dreams.

These can be single runes, or certain combinations or formulas are dreamed of. And, regardless of the degree of professionalism of the magician, such dreams are of particular importance.

It is not for nothing that esotericists recommend careful use of magical symbols - their energetic power is incredibly great. Night visions should not be ignored, as they can guide and help in solving life's difficulties. And they can warn about the incorrectness of possible plans.

Interpretation of dreams with runes

To understand what the runes dream about, it is necessary to most accurately recall the vision that came at night, since the details usually play an irreplaceable role:

  • You watched yourself draw runic symbols and used them in rituals?

This personifies your resilience against life's troubles. Problematic situations will not harm you, and most likely the next period will be very lucky. Your task is not to miss the opportunity and make the right use of the favorable time.

  • Have you seen runes without other paraphernalia?

Be sure that the Universal forces are with you - they will provide the necessary support and help. You are under spiritual protection, that is, you do not have to worry about the impact of stress and unpleasant conversations on your nervous health.

In addition, magic protects your physical health. You are protected by the magic of ancient signs from misfortunes and troubles.

  • The dream in which you wondered suggests that the planned events will come true.

But do not think that everything will go easy - you will have to make an effort. And this must be done without expecting a miracle.

  • Another interpretation of a dream with runes says that a loved one will soon appear in your life.

And it won't be just a fleeting relationship, unmemorable and unimportant. These will be real feelings that will stir your heart and help you feel an unforgettable impression of happiness, awe and tenderness.

A new acquaintance will literally turn your life upside down. And the change will be to your liking, because there will be a soul mate next to you that you really need. The future connection will bring moments of joy to your daily routine.

  • When, in addition to the runes, there is a crowd of people in the vision, this is a hint that you will soon have to participate in a public event.

It can be a collective meeting at work, a wedding celebration or a holiday of any other nature. But your place in such an action will be special. Perhaps you will be offered the role of a wedding witness.

Dreams of a woman and a man

The psychology of the sexes is distinguishable among themselves, therefore there are differences in the interpretation of dreams.

If a runic image appeared in a woman's dream, she should think about it. In the near future, a fateful acquaintance is possible, but a man's intentions may not always be decent.

You should not trust him at the first meetings - first, sort out the inner personal content. And only after a certain period, try to build a romantic relationship with this person.

A man's dream about ancient traces is good sign... It means that the future wife will be an irreplaceable mistress, a wonderful mistress and an excellent mother. She will be ready to support her beloved at any moment and will never harm her family.

Alena Golovina- white sorceress, psychic,site author

Interesting on the topic:


Push up and try to imagine the details of the dream, perhaps you still saw some other things in your dream, as well as the actions that you saw in your dream, as they can also mean something.

According to the Russian folk dream book

The meaning of sleep Runes in a dream- deep down, you just do not simply strive for the forbidden fruit, and in the main, which seems so sweet and tempting.

According to Vanga's dream book

- We'll have to learn a tactful approach to communicating with people, even when it comes to your subordinates.

According to the gypsy dream book

Why do Runes dream in a dream?- Ahead is a new acquaintance.

According to the lunar dream book

Runes in a dream why dream?, which means that in reality you tend to devote time to completely unnecessary things.

Predictions for the modern dream book

Runes in a dream - what does this mean?- There are always a lot of people nearby, but enemies among them appear quite rarely.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus

What does Runes mean in a dream according to a dream book?- says that you will neglect the opportunity to promote your business and then just simply enjoy the fun in a pleasant company.

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

Why do Runes dream in a dream? The dreamer is strongly bogged down in his destructive attitudes, too actively trying to isolate himself from people and the world around him with negativism, a deliberate demonstration of his strength.

According to Schiller's dream book

The meaning of sleep Runes in a dream is a certain symbol of a love adventure in real life.

Interpretation according to Longo's dream book

What does Runes mean in a dream- creation.

At night you had a dream "Runes in a dream" and you do not know what it is for ?! The interpretation of this dream will be given by this online service with a full interpretation of this word according to the dream books of Jung, Nostradamus, Gypsy, Pythagoras, Schiller, Tsvetkov, Aesop, Maya, etc.

Runes in a dream - what does this mean?

Interpretation by the signs of the zodiac

What is your zodiac sign?

  • Aries - speaks of the inability to think over their words and actions in society, inadequacy in behavior, sexual dissatisfaction.
  • Taurus - unfortunately, a dream says that in real life you have to fail because of your attitude towards others.
  • Gemini - such a dream for love or big profit.
  • Cancer - Possible trouble from creditors.
  • Leo - Contact, mobility increases.
  • Virgo - Get rid of selfishness, which can play a very cruel joke.
  • Libra - in reality you will find yourself in an awkward position.
  • Scorpio - in real life you will have a very bad opinion about someone from your rather close acquaintances, then you will begin to behave accordingly and of course after all you will regret it.
  • Sagittarius - Relations with foreign countries or solving issues related to foreigners.
  • Capricorn - You may be talking too much. And moreover, superfluous.
  • Aquarius - The degree of happiness depends only on the amount of effort you are willing to put in to achieve your goals.
  • Pisces - There is some trouble ahead.

Interpretation by day

The day when this dream was dreamed is very important.

Interpretation of men and women

For woman- A period of doubts and worries caused by the gossip of outsiders.

For a man- in reality, you can get an unexpected blow from a person you trusted - often this is a relative.


Fifty meters from the landing craft, the operator stopped the platform and removed the force field. She shouted a command, and the peasant army began to descend from the plateau.

In case you did not find the interpretation of the desired dream, send us a message (below) and We will definitely give a complete transcript of the dream.

He raised his head and immediately hid it, raised it again and disappeared again. But there was no longer a single witness of what had happened here the day before. Mikhalych loves to show off there in front of young heifers.

Now it was necessary to decide where to place the student, whom his parents would bring in the evening. The kangaroo shouted that it was shameful and ignoble to pursue a defenseless human cub. Tuan watched thoughtfully as the noisy passers-by hurried past. Aesthetically, artistically gifted people often realize their inclinations and abilities, because they give them the opportunity for self-expression in the field of aesthetic and artistic phenomena, the opportunity to experience the pleasure of the beauty of art.

Good night, Tatiana! I will give you an unconventional interpretation, which I will use for myself personally. There are many experts here who, in different traditions, will interpret this to you, and on the Internet you will find a large number of materials, if you are not too lazy. Perth - judgment Iera - loneliness (turned - a breakthrough from loneliness) For me, this combination carries a positive spiritual meaning: solitude, repentance and transition to a new spiritual phase. If, however, to judge from the everyday point of view, then, on the contrary, it may not carry a very pleasant meaning: they condemn, maybe even betray, people dear to you, which leads to loneliness. There can be psychological interpretations, and from the standpoint of relationships, etc. The main thing is how you perceive it yourself. Runes carry immediate meaning straight into the subconscious, as this is an expression, in signs, clean energy, without positive or negative color, just the way it is ... The original, common for all people, runic writing. The runes were given to the forefather Enoch even before the flood, moreover, at the moment when he was raised alive to Heaven, where he received from God knowledge for people in all areas of science. And they are found from Spain to China (inclusive), and from Norway to Egypt. Of course, over time, the runic signs changed a little, and in different nations have variations in spelling. Save Khristos!

Dream interpretation - Runes

Also think about why you dreamed about runes, and not something else. Perhaps they are giving you a sign that you need to study them. It may even be that you are in past life(or one of your ancestors) did it. By the way, such energy symbols are embedded in the subconscious of every person. TE We all have knowledge about these symbols at the level of "ancestral memory". Rather, it refers not to the subconscious, but to the overconscious - the memory of not just past lives, but of all being. Therefore, these symbols are found in every culture. You just need to open up to this knowledge, then we will remember them. We know everything - but we just forgot about it. Each of us knows the entire history of mankind before Adam and Eve, but we just cannot remember this without a certain mood. Such memories can have a very strong effect on the psyche, so they are hidden from us. Not everyone can withstand such information - the details of how people got to Earth, what happened to them. This can greatly change a person's consciousness, and he will never be the same again. It will change, and life around will be the same - but how will it be combined with this knowledge about the structure of everything? About the laws of the universe? About the principle of similarity (one in the other and the first in the third)? All these symbols carry exactly this information: they all tell us how everything was created. Therefore, communication with them causes a slight discomfort for consciousness: it is afraid of the strong influence of these energies. The presence of such signs is a direct indication of the connection between people through the Highest channel of information. TE Everyone has access to it and can get knowledge about the structure of the world if he wants. If we open up to him, like Enoch, we can get all the information about the nature of things, about our history, about the origin of life on Earth. This is called Enlightenment. It is available to everyone, for this you just need to realize that we are not just people. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream interpretation - Runes

Hyera, as a rule, she shows some kind of karmic problem, the result of previous actions. Perkhta is translated as “hide, hide”. Most often, the Perto rune is interpreted as a "secret" or "lot", since in shape it resembles an inverted bag of runes. Freya Aswynn associates this rune in a direct position with childbirth. And one more of its meanings is the womb.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream interpretation - Runes

The dreamer saw various human "shades" (not bright sides, purely earthly qualities) that belong to him as a person. Bright yellow light - the Dreamer's striving to cognize and understand the Light. Runes are a powerful magical aid in the hands of a pure and bright person with magical abilities... The runes pass through the loose and spherical body of the Dreamer, and the Shadows disappear - speaks for itself, it is necessary to realize and work out your earthly-human qualities in order to ease and "enlighten" (this is due to the subtle bodies that a person has) - inside the Dreamer in a dream it becomes Easy as never before, which suggests that the Dreamer is somewhat burdened with earthly karma (thoughts, delusions, actions, deeds and their consequences). In general, this dream is good and favorable for the Dreamer. Good luck to the Dreamer!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun