Osteosclerosis of the tibial condyle. Manifestations and treatment of osteosclerosis of the hip joint. Causes of osteosclerosis of joints and bones

Osteosclerosis is a pathological process in bone tissue, accompanied by its compaction. According to ICD-10, the disease has the M85.8 code. This is a fairly common problem, ranking second after osteoporosis. The peculiarity of the pathology lies in a long asymptomatic period, which can complicate diagnosis and treatment. Traumatologists and orthopedists deal with this disease.

The essence of pathology

Osteosclerosis - what is it? With a disease, the bone tissue becomes pathologically compacted. The result may be complete closure of the medullary canal and the transformation of the bone into a single structure. This causes circulatory disorders, impairment of motor function, changes in the blood. The size of the bone itself does not change.


The disease affects the entire body, since the bone marrow performs important functions of hematopoiesis and maintaining immunity.

Reasons for development

Causes of Bone Sclerosis:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Chronic infections in the body;
  • Overweight;
  • Concomitant diseases of the bone tissue;
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Frequent injury.

Osteosclerosis foci can arise around malignant tumors and their metastases.


Based on the causative factor, a classification of bone sclerosis is built:

  • Idiopathic - for an unspecified cause;
  • Inflammatory - due to an infectious bone lesion;
  • Post-traumatic - due to increased bone growth after injury;
  • Toxic - as a result of exposure to various toxins;
  • Genetic.

There is such a form as physiological osteosclerosis - it occurs in children during the period of intensive formation of bone tissue.

The pathological process can be localized directly in the bone tissue or in the joints, where the bone is connected to the cartilage tissue. In this case, they talk about the development of subchondral osteosclerosis. This form is characterized by a more rapid impairment of the motor function of the limb.

Depending on the localization of the pathological process, they are distinguished:

  • Lesion of the hip joint;
  • Osteosclerosis of the ilium;
  • Osteosclerosis of the femur;
  • The defeat of the knee joint;
  • Ankle injury;
  • Lesion of the legs.

If the pathological process captures one bone, they speak of local osteosclerosis. If there are many foci in different areas, this is a diffuse lesion.


Symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the pathological focus and the severity of changes in the bone. A characteristic feature is the absence of any external signs of pathology.

With the defeat of the hip joint, a person complains of pain during prolonged sitting or walking. The gait becomes limp. Signs of osteosclerosis of the ilium may indicate the onset of ankylosing spondylitis.

Osteosclerosis of the knee joint is manifested by pain when standing, walking, running. The outcome of the disease is complete immobility of the knee.

The defeat of the bones of the foot is accompanied by the development of flat feet, pain when walking. The range of motion is significantly reduced.

Osteosclerosis of the articular surfaces is manifested by painful sensations when making any movements. The pathological process quickly leads to joint immobility.

Congenital forms of pathology

Genetically determined osteosclerosis manifests itself almost immediately after the birth of a child. There are several types of pathology:

  • Osteopetrosis - the size of the head is significantly increased in comparison with the size of the body. On ultrasound, hydrocephalus is determined. On the x-ray, compacted bones of the skull are noted. Internal organs are also affected - changes in the liver and spleen are observed. Compression of nerve fibers by the bones of the skull leads to impairment of hearing and vision;
  • Dysosteosclerosis manifests itself in early childhood. Since foci are found in all bones, the child is stunted, hearing, vision and speech impairments are observed. Due to the defeat of the tooth enamel, multiple caries develops;
  • Pycnodystosis - accompanied by damage to the bones of the facial skull. Therefore, the child's face has a specific appearance - large frontal tubercles, a massive lower jaw, wide-set eyes. Sometimes there is a shortening of the upper limbs;
  • Sclerosteosis. Almost all bones are affected. There are craniofacial deformities, underdevelopment of the limbs;
  • Melorheostosis, or Leri's disease. Osteosclerosis affects one bone or several bones of one limb. Pain and muscle weakness are characteristic symptoms. The disease leads to calcification and fibrosis of soft tissues, which causes immobility of the limbs.

Children with congenital forms of the disease quickly become disabled.

Acquired forms

Some types of osteosclerosis develop in people already in adulthood:

  • Paget's disease. Typical for men over 40. It can be asymptomatic for a long time. Stiffness of the joints gradually develops up to their complete fusion;
  • ... Also, men are mostly sick. Long tubular bones are affected. First, a focus of inflammation appears in the bone, then the tissue around it becomes denser. The person is worried about intense pain that worsens at night;
  • Brody's abscess. The femur or tibia is most commonly affected. An abscess is formed in the bone tissue, caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The disease is manifested by unexpressed pain.

Osteosclerosis contributes to the frequent occurrence of fractures, as the bone loses its firmness and elasticity. In the presence of such a symptom, an appropriate examination should be carried out.


Osteosclerosis is accompanied by increased bone fragility. Therefore, the most common complication is fractures, which occur with a slight load.

A complication characteristic of osteosclerosis of the hip joint is aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.

The outcome of all forms of the disease is a violation of motor function, the formation of articular and muscle contractures.

Diagnostic methods

The main diagnostic method is X-ray examination. On an X-ray image, the foci of osteosclerosis look like this:

  • Decrease in bone tissue cellularity;
  • Thickening of the cortical layer of the bone;
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the medullary canal.

The foci of osteosclerosis in the bone can be evenly or chaotically located. Therefore, uniform and variegated forms of the disease are distinguished.

The lesions in some congenital and acquired forms have specific signs:

  • With melorheostosis, the focus resembles drops of flowing wax;
  • Osteomyelitis Garre is accompanied by a fusiform thickening of the bone;
  • Brody's abscess looks like a round lump with clear boundaries.
  • Laboratory diagnostic methods are not indicative.

Treatment activities

Osteosclerosis is treated in a comprehensive manner. Conservative and surgical methods are used. Timely initiation of treatment is of great importance in order to prevent the development of complications.


  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Cheese, cottage cheese;
  • Eggs.

It is useful to consume large quantities of greens, fruits and vegetables. The diet should include a sufficient amount of protein - eat meat and fish daily.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy for osteosclerosis is aimed at eliminating symptoms. It is impossible to influence the cause of the disease with the help of drugs, but its progression can be slowed down. Drugs from different groups are used:

  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Prescribe drugs such as Nimica, Ibuprofen, Movalis. Used for oral administration, externally and in the form of intramuscular injections;
  • Glucocorticoids. Shown with an intense inflammatory process, rapid progression of the disease. Prescribe the drug Prednisolone according to a special increasing-decreasing scheme;
  • When the focus is localized in the joint area, drugs with a chondroprotective effect are prescribed - Artra, Teraflex. They are taken for a long time, since the effect does not develop immediately. These medicines help to restore cartilage tissue and protect it from further damage;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. Essential for improving blood circulation in tissues.

With the development of anemia due to damage to the bone marrow, iron preparations, folic acid are prescribed.

Surgical intervention

The operation is indicated if the bone marrow canals completely disappear, a significant area of ​​the bone is affected. Most often, this is the treatment of osteosclerosis of the hip joint, since in this case a motor disorder develops more often.

If the body of the bone is damaged, the lesions are excised, and if necessary, bone grafting is done. The destruction of joints requires replacing them with artificial ones. The operation does not guarantee a complete cure, since foci of osteosclerosis can form again in other bones.

Massage and exercise therapy

These are two mandatory stages in the treatment of osteosclerosis. Massage and therapeutic exercises are necessary to prevent movement disorders, improve tissue microcirculation, and strengthen the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.


Physiotherapy is actively used in the treatment of osteosclerosis:

  • Electrophoresis;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Mud baths;
  • Paraffin and ozokerite applications.

Physiotherapy is carried out in courses of 10-15 procedures.

Osteosclerosis is a chronic and incurable disease. The prognosis is relatively favorable, provided that treatment is ongoing. Without treatment, various complications can develop, some of them are very severe. There is no specific prophylaxis for this disease.

In the diagnosis of many people of age, former and current professional athletes, people with excess weight or suffering from alcohol and nicotine addiction, as well as among citizens who do not fit into any of these groups, but have a certain disposition, there is the word "Osteosclerosis".

Osteosclerosis - what is it?

Osteosclerosis - abnormal growth of bone tissue density without obvious symptomatic signs. It occurs only slightly less frequently than osteoporosis (a disease associated with the pathology of the bone structure).

The affected areas with this violation are easily identified by an x-ray. The volume and shape of the bone in the case of osteosclerotic processes do not undergo changes. The cure of the disease occurs under the guidance traumatologist and orthopedist.

The main problem is the lack of symptoms at the onset of the disease- there is practically no opportunity to start treatment in a timely manner. In its neglected form, osteochondral changes can lead to paralysis of the limbs and the formation of malignant tumors.

Symptoms: aching pain in standing and lying positions. In addition, the spinal column and its structures are deformed.

These signs are not unique and can be associated with other diseases, therefore, a very accurate diagnosis will be required before a definitive diagnosis is made.

Consequences of osteosclerosis of the spine:

  • Kyphosis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Intervertebral hernia.

In the absence of proper medical care and treatment, an imbalance in the bone structure is manifested. This leads to malignant neoplasms and indurations.

Diagnosis of the disease

In view of the unexpressed symptoms, it is possible to correctly diagnose this disease only with the help of radiography.


In most cases, osteosclerosis is treatable with a therapeutic approach. The participation of a surgeon (for a bone marrow transplant operation) may be required only if the disease is severely advanced.

The main points of therapeutic intervention in the treatment of subchondral osteosclerosis include:

  • Medication treatment. Prescribed to take medications containing glucosamine and chondroitin. Duration: from three months to six months, but the result is very clear.
  • Gymnastic treatments and massages. More than other activities, the use of an exercise bike is prescribed. But if the development of inflammation begins, then training is limited or completely eliminated until the onset of improvements.
  • Compliance with a diet. To reduce the stress on the bones and joints affected by the disease, it will be necessary to normalize body weight. Therefore, fried and fatty foods are excluded from the diet. Sugar, baked goods, and other high-carb foods will need to be limited.

In the case of articular or vertebral osteosclerosis it is impossible to completely eliminate the consequences of the disease. But all of the above directions of treatment must be observed, since then the disease will not progress, and the general condition will improve, and the pain syndrome will recede.

Forecasts and prevention

The favorable prognosis for osteosclerosis depends on the timeliness of the treatment of this disease.

If the condition is running, the possibility of a variety of complications is great:

  • Deformation of the skeleton;
  • Facial nerve paresis;
  • Anemia (cured by splenectomy or red blood cell transfusion).

It is impossible to completely cure osteosclerosis without bone marrow transplantation. Therefore, if there is even the slightest predisposition to the occurrence of pathologies of bone and cartilaginous tissues, it is necessary to observe all possible preventive measures.

This will require:

  • Control your posture;
  • Equip the bed with a mattress of moderate firmness;
  • Leading an active lifestyle;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Daily exercise (the most effective preventive measure, helps to restore blood circulation and prevent bone and joint diseases).

Compliance with these requirements will minimize the risks of osteosclerosis.

Osteosclerosis is a pathological disease in which bone tissue becomes denser, losing its flexibility and elasticity, causing difficulties in the normal movement of body parts.

Losing their elasticity, the bones often have pathological fractures, in which the tissues heal for a long time, sometimes forming a pseudarthrosis and bone fractures.

Osteosclerosis causes are in the imbalance of osteoclasts and osteoblasts - the main derivatives of bone tissue. This imbalance is most pronounced during the period of active bone growth in adolescents. Osteosclerosis can have an acquired form when, against the background of trauma, exchanges at the cellular level are disturbed, as a result of which a qualitative change in the composition of bone tissue is observed.

Congenital osteosclerosis is formed at the stage of development of the embryo, when the first cells of the nervous and bone tissue are laid. Osteosclerosis may occur with injuries, when the same section is subjected to constant loads.

Spinal osteosclerosis most often manifests itself against the background of the development of viral diseases that can affect bone tissue and cartilage.

Subchondral osteosclerosis of the endplates - what is it?

Subchondral osteosclerosis of the endplates is not a full-fledged disease, it can rather be called a pathological process that develops against the background of other diseases. This process is localized in the articular bones, namely in the plates that close the body of the joint.

Such an ailment can be acquired both against the background of long-term viral diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system, and as a result of constant injury to the same place, in which bone tissue is not capable of regeneration.

Symptoms of osteosclerosis depending on the location

Osteosclerosis symptoms
can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on which part of the body is damaged. Even the most experienced traumatologist will not be able to diagnose osteosclerosis, relying on only one symptomatology, therefore, the diagnosis depends entirely on X-ray images or MRI.

Osteosclerosis symptoms, without taking into account the area of ​​localization, they do not externally manifest in any way, but there is an internal pain that increases with exertion.

Osteosclerosis of the hip joint

Osteosclerosis of the hip joint manifests itself in constant pain, especially in the region of the sacrum with prolonged sitting or walking. Affecting the hip joint, the disease makes the bone so dense that any load, even the smallest one, can provoke a serious fracture.

Shoulder osteosclerosis

The upper limbs, as the most active part of the musculoskeletal system, quite often give in to the development of osteosclerosis. The main symptom by which an ailment can be assumed is pain when the limb rotates in the shoulder joint, as well as when the arms are pulled back. At the same time, the joint does not visually change in any way, it does not have a tumor or swelling.

Osteosclerosis of the ilium

Osteosclerosis of the ilium is not has a rather pronounced symptomatology, which greatly complicates the diagnosis. Most often, patients with this ailment do not even suspect about its presence for a long time, turning to a doctor for help when an injury directly occurred that completely constrains movement.

Osteosclerosis in this area causes minor pain when sitting, as well as fatigue when walking, but an accurate diagnosis can only be established as a result of additional research.

Spinal osteosclerosis

It will not be possible to identify such a diagnosis without MRI, since the symptoms manifested in the disease are similar to the symptoms of many other diseases of the spine. Aching pain, in which it is difficult to stand and lie down, does not always indicate osteosclerosis, so mild symptoms are a false diagnostic option.

What is the danger of osteosclerosis of the spine?

The vertebral skeleton that protects the bone marrow from negative effects, affected by osteosclerosis, loses its natural flexibility and elasticity, in which the intervertebral discs are pinched by the vertebrae.

This side effect can provoke most diseases of the spine, such as intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, kyphosis.

Since mild symptoms do not allow identifying the disease in the early stages, most often its manifestation coincides with an already acquired injury. Osteosclerosis of the spine can lead to cancer, which occurs against the background of an imbalance in the cells of the bone tissue, as a result of which neoplasms and thickening of the malignant type are possible.

Principles of nutrition for osteosclerosis

About, how to treat subchondral osteosclerosis and its other types, the doctor will consult, based on X-ray images, as a result of which it is possible to identify the cause of the development of pathology. But one of the important factors contributing to the treatment of the disease is nutrition for osteosclerosis.

It is important for patients to know that along with taking medications, it is also necessary to receive a daily dose of proteins and amino acids entering the body from the outside, with food. A balanced diet should fully comply with the rules of proper nutrition, not forgetting about proteins as the main building material.

It is important to eat dairy and meat products every day, give up fried and fatty foods, love vegetable salads and fruits.

Consequences of the disease

It is difficult to imagine what the result will be if the ailment is not recognized in time, because even knee osteosclerosis treatment can have serious consequences, leaving a person without a limb.

Subchondral osteosclerosis treatment quite long and costly, often having side effects, which will also have to be eliminated. For instance, side effects of bone scintigraphy so serious that they can provoke tumors, as well as deprive a person of physical activity.

In order not to be taken to such extremes, at the first pains and aches in the bones, it is necessary to contact the clinic for help. A doctor's consultation will never be superfluous!

Conclusion, conclusion

Weak symptoms of osteosclerosis endanger the health of the musculoskeletal system, so early diagnosis of the disease will help to avoid serious consequences.

- a pathological condition, accompanied by bone compaction, an increase and thickening of the compact substance and bone trabeculae. It develops in inflammatory diseases of the bones, some tumors, intoxications, arthrosis, a number of genetically determined diseases and during the recovery period after skeletal injury. Physiological osteosclerosis is also distinguished, which occurs in the area of ​​growth zones in the process of bone growth in children and adolescents. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical signs and radiographic findings. Treatment of osteosclerosis can be both conservative and operative.


M85.8 Other specified disorders of bone density and structure

General information

Osteosclerosis (from the Latin osteon bone + sclerosis hardening) is an increase in bone density, accompanied by a decrease in the interbeam medullary space, thickening and an increase in bone beams. In this case, the size of the bone does not increase. The reason for the development of osteosclerosis is an imbalance between the activity of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Osteosclerosis leads to a decrease in bone elasticity and can cause pathological fractures. It is the second most common pathological process, accompanied by a violation of bone structure, after osteoporosis.

Most often, this pathology is detected in chronic inflammatory diseases and intoxications. In addition, osteosclerosis occurs in some genetically determined diseases, lead and strontium poisoning, chronic inflammatory processes in the bones (bone tuberculosis, tertiary syphilis, Brodie's abscess, Garre's osteomyelitis), metastasis of bronchial cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. Osteosclerosis of the subchondral zones is one of the radiological signs of arthrosis. Orthopedists and traumatologists are involved in the treatment of osteosclerosis.


On radiographs, osteosclerosis and hyperostosis are determined. Compaction of bone tissue has the form of longitudinal intermittent or continuous stripes, which creates a characteristic picture of "wax beads on the candle". In the adjacent parts of the limb, mild osteoporosis is sometimes revealed. Treatment is symptomatic. Prevention of contractures is carried out, with significant deformities, surgical correction is performed. The prognosis is favorable.

Osteosclerosis in Paget's disease

Paget's disease or deforming osteodystrophy is a disease accompanied by a violation of the structure and pathological growth of individual bones of the skeleton. It develops more often in men over 40 years of age. It is often asymptomatic. Perhaps a slow, gradual formation of joint stiffness, pain and deformation of the bones are observed in some patients. Other symptoms depend on the location of the pathological changes. With the defeat of the skull, the forehead and brow ridges increase, headaches occur, and sometimes damage to the inner ear is observed. When the vertebrae are damaged, their height decreases, which leads to a decrease in growth. Compression of the nerve roots is possible, manifested by weakness, tingling and numbness of the limbs. Paralysis occasionally develops. With the defeat of the bones of the lower extremities, there is an unstable gait, deformation of the affected segment and pathological fractures.

When studying radiographs, a certain staging of the process is revealed. In the osteolytic phase, processes of bone resorption prevail, in the mixed phase, resorption is combined with osteoblastic bone formation. Osteosclerosis develops in the osteoblastic phase. Deformities, incomplete and complete pathological fractures can be detected. On radiographs of the skull, thickening of the vault and heterogeneous foci of osteosclerosis are determined. To clarify the diagnosis and assess the degree of dystrophic processes, the level of alkaline phosphatase, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium in the blood is determined. Scintigraphy is also prescribed. Treatment is usually conservative - taking bisphosphates and NSAIDs. If necessary, joint replacement is performed. With hearing loss, hearing aids are used.

Osteosclerosis with osteomyelitis Garre

Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis Garre is caused by staphylococcus and is more often detected in men 20-30 years old. The hip, shoulder, or radius is usually affected. The pathological focus occurs in the middle third of the diaphysis or in the diaphyseal zone closer to the metaphysis. Possibly acute, subacute and primary chronic onset. In the surrounding tissues, a pronounced dense edema occurs, and the expansion of the subcutaneous venous network is often noted. Hyperemia and other signs of inflammation may be absent. Subsequently, unlike other forms of osteomyelitis, softening does not occur, a fistula does not form. On the contrary, the infiltrate becomes even more dense and palpable in the form of a dense tumor-like formation associated with the bone. The pains become more and more sharp, intensify at night, often radiate, simulating sciatica, neuritis and sciatica.

The clinical picture in chronic osteomyelitis Garre often resembles sarcoma. However, an x-ray of the thigh, lower leg, or x-ray of the forearm reveals that the "bone tumor" is actually soft tissue. At the same time, characteristic pathological changes are revealed on the roentgenogram: a regular spindle-shaped thickening of the diaphysis, less often a thickening in the form of a half-spindle, narrowing or overgrowth of the medullary canal, pronounced osteosclerosis, increased bone shadow to the degree of eburnation. Cavities, sequesters and foci of destruction are usually absent. The final confirmation of the diagnosis is often allowed by culture in which a culture of staphylococcus is found. Treatment includes antibiotic therapy in combination with X-ray therapy. If necessary, surgical interventions are performed. The prognosis is favorable for life, however, in the outcome of patients, disabilities are often observed.

Osteosclerosis in other bone diseases

Brody's abscess is an inflammatory disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus. More common in young men. It is localized in the periarticular region of the long tubular bone (more often the tibia). It proceeds chronically, with rare exacerbations. Possibly almost asymptomatic. Brody's abscess is a bone cavity filled with granulations and filled with serous or purulent fluid. Around the cavity is the focus of osteosclerosis.

It is manifested by vague pains, sometimes by slight edema and hyperemia. Due to the proximity to the joint, synovitis may develop. There are no fistulas. When performing an X-ray of the lower leg, a rounded focus of rarefaction with smooth contours, surrounded by a zone of moderate osteosclerosis, is revealed. Brodie's abscess is differentiated from primary chronic osteomyelitis, extra-articular tuberculous focus and isolated syphilitic gum. With osteomyelitis, the contours of the focus are uneven and indistinct, more pronounced periosteal overlays are revealed. With syphilis, a more extensive focus of osteosclerosis is found in the gum area. Conservative treatment - antibiotic therapy in combination with X-ray therapy.

Limited osteosclerosis can also occur with early congenital syphilis, late congenital and tertiary syphilis. With ossifying osteitis and periostitis, the focus of osteosclerosis occurs at the end of the inflammatory infiltration. Subsequently, hyperostosis develops, the bone thickens, the bone marrow canal closes. The phenomena of osteosclerosis are especially pronounced in syphilitic gummas. Gummas are localized intracortically, subperiosteally or in the bone marrow and represent a focus of inflammation with decay in the center. A wide zone of reactive osteosclerosis appears around the gummy node, which is clearly visible on X-ray images. In some cases, gums suppurate with the formation of sequesters, also surrounded by foci of osteosclerosis.

Spinal osteosclerosis is a condition characterized by significant compaction of bone tissue.

Among all metabolic diseases of the skeleton, accompanied by disorders of the development of bone structures, it ranks second in prevalence, second only to osteoporosis.

In the early stages of development, the disease does not pose a strong threat to human health and life. But it must be treated in a timely manner, because as a result of the progression of osteosclerosis, the bone tissue completely loses its elasticity, and spinal cord diseases (for example, heart attack or myelopathy) may occur.

What is osteosclerosis of the spine and the principle of its defeat

Subchondral osteosclerosis is a pathology characterized by compaction of bone tissue. Most often, it affects the elderly, but it can also occur among young people.

What is the danger of osteosclerosis of the spine?

In the initial stages of development, it may not cause health problems, but if timely treatment is not started, it will progress. As a result, a person will have an increased risk of fractures and ailments such as osteochondrosis and anemia.

Osteosclerosis foci are changes in bone and cartilage tissues, they are characterized by different shapes and sizes. They can be found on an X-ray image, they appear in different ways:

Types of osteosclerosis of the spine

Several types of classification of osteosclerosis of the spine have been created. Depending on the localization of the disease, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Local. The resulting tissue compaction divides the bone into 2 areas: one is affected by pathology, and the other remains intact.
  2. Local. This type of osteosclerosis is characterized by the progression of the disease in a small area of ​​bone tissue. For example, it is localized in the area where the fracture occurred.
  3. Common. It is formed if the pathological process has touched not only the spine, but also the rest of the skeleton.

According to the duration of the formation of the seal, doctors classify the ailment into acquired and congenital types. In addition to these classifications, osteosclerosis is distinguished for the reasons that led to its formation:

  • idiopathic. The appearance of tissue compaction is associated with a number of diseases, such as rhizomonomelo rheostosis and marble disease;
  • inflammatory. This type develops if there are inflammatory processes in the body that change the structure of the spongy substance;
  • physiological. Spinal osteosclerosis occurs during the formation of the skeleton;
  • post-traumatic. Pathological processes of bone tissue can occur at the time of healing of various fractures and other injuries;
  • toxic. Such osteosclerosis develops as a result of serious poisoning with harmful chemicals.


Marble disease

The causes of the disease

As a rule, people aged 60 and older are susceptible to the disease, this is due to a weakened immune system and age-related changes in the body. In this case, the occurrence of osteosclerosis of the spine is due to acquired and external causes. Let's take a look at the most common causes and risk factors:

Symptoms and signs of osteosclerosis of the spine

At the beginning of formation, the disease rarely manifests itself; some symptoms can be confused with other diseases that are not related to the compaction of cartilage and bone tissue. Symptoms of osteosclerosis of the spine depend on which joint was damaged (for example, hip, knee or shoulder). Let us consider in more detail the main signs of the disease:

  • the appearance of discomfort (in the area of ​​localization of the disease);
  • increased body temperature (indicates the presence of inflammatory bone diseases);
  • increased fatigue, decreased performance;
  • pathological changes in the spine;
  • disorders of motor function;
  • various deviations from the nervous system;
  • the occurrence of pain while walking or sitting for a long time in the same position.

People who have problems with the spine or are at risk, often wonder: "can you recognize the disease yourself?" Unfortunately, at the initial stages, it is almost impossible to do this due to the meager symptoms. External signs may be completely absent. Only a comprehensive diagnostic study will help to identify osteosclerosis of the spine with reliable accuracy.


If you suspect an ailment, you need to seek help from a specialist - an orthopedist or surgeon. For an accurate diagnosis, the patient undergoes a thorough examination. For this, instrumental methods for examining the spine are prescribed. Let's consider in more detail the most effective methods for diagnosing spinal osteosclerosis:

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will be able to identify the localization of the disease and the stage that is necessary to prescribe the most appropriate treatment. In addition to detecting the disease, it is important to identify the underlying causes of its development. For this, they resort to laboratory diagnostic methods - prescribe a biochemical and general blood test. If, during the diagnosis, the doctor suspects the presence of malignant neoplasms, it may be necessary. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.


If osteosclerosis of the spine is at an early stage, the doctor resorts to conservative treatment. In this case, combination therapy is necessary for the treatment of osteosclerosis of the spine, it means taking medications, performing exercise therapy, physiotherapy and adhering to a proper diet. Let us consider in more detail what such therapy of osteosclerosis and its specifics includes:

Additionally, you can resort to traditional medicine (with the permission of a doctor). Many recipes based on natural ingredients are aimed at relieving pain. As the only therapy, they are not suitable, but as an adjunct to the main treatment, they are quite effective.

Unfortunately, these methods of therapy are not able to completely eliminate pathological changes in the spinal column. At the same time, they must be observed in order to cope with the symptoms that have appeared and not to provoke the progression of the disease. Surgical intervention for this ailment is usually not carried out. But in severe cases, the doctor may recommend endoprosthetics. This is a major surgery to replace the joint with implants.

Forecasts and prevention

To prevent relapses and prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to prevent osteosclerosis of the spine. Prevention measures include:

With this disease, the prognosis for life is favorable if it is recognized in time and effective therapy is started. Otherwise, as a result of the progression of osteosclerosis of the spine, a person may develop intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and kyphosis. There is a high risk of anemia, it is treated with red blood cell transfusion, which significantly increases the level of hemoglobin.