The era of the development of human civilization. Stages of human life development. Epoch of human development: general structure

The reference table contains the main stages of the development of mankind from primitive society to the latest history, indicating the chronological framework, the duration of each of the steps and brief characteristic. This material will be useful to schoolchildren, students, when performing homework, exams and the exam.

Stages (period) of history

Chronological framework

Duration of period

a brief description of

about 2 million years ago - 4th thousand years BC

about 2 million years (20000 centuries)

Formation of man, improvement of workers, transition to farming and cattle breeding from hunting and gathering.

4th millennium BC. -Serdinine of the 1st millennium N.E.

about 4 thousand years old (40 centuries)

Slap of society on managers and managed, spreading slavery, cultural ascent, falling of the Roman Empire

476 - Mid 17B.

about 1200 years old (12th centuries)

The beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries. Assertion of the classroom building in Europe great importance Acquires religion, urbanization, the formation of large feudal states.

mid 17B. - Start 20B.

about 300 years old (3 centres)

The formation of industrial capitalist civilization, the emergence of colonial empires, bourgeois revolution, industrial coup, the development of the world market and its fall, production crises, social. Contradictions, redistribution of the world, the end of the First World War.

1918 - Start 21B.

about 100 years (less than a century)

Holding rivalry, Second World War, invention of nuclear weapons, distribution of computers, a change in the nature of work activity, restoration of the integrity of the world market, the formation of a global infocommunication system

This article will talk about the main stages of the World History: from ancient times to our time. We will briefly consider the main features of each stage and denote the events \\ reasons marked the transition to the next stage of development.

Epoch of human development: general structure

Scientists adopted to allocate five main stages in the development of humanity, and the transition from one to another was marked by fundamental changes in the structure of human society.

  1. Primitive Society (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic)
  2. Ancient world
  3. Middle Ages
  4. New time
  5. The newest time

Primitive Society: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic

Paleolith - Wooden age, the longest stage. The boundaries of the stage are the use of primitive stone tools (about 2.5 million years ago) and before the start of agriculture (approximately 10 thousand years BC). People lived mainly collecting and hunting.

Mesolithic - Middle Stone Age, from 10 thousand years BC to 6 thousand years BC It covers the period from the last ice age until the increase in the level of the world's ocean. At this time, stone instruments become smaller, which makes the area of \u200b\u200btheir use wider. Fishing is more active, presumably at this time there was a domestication of a dog as an assistant on the hunt

Neolithic - The new Stone Age has no clear time limits, since different cultures passed this stage in different time. Characterized by the transition from collecting to production, i.e. Agriculture and hunting, ends at the beginning of the processing of metal, i.e. The beginning of the Iron Age.

Ancient world

This period between primitive society and average centuries in Europe. Although the period of ancient world can be attributed to civilization in which writing originated, for example, Sumerian, and this is about 5.5 thousand years BC, usually under the term "ancient world" or "classical antiquity", understand the ancient Greek and Roman The story that approximately from the 770s to AD to about 476 of our era (the year of the fall of the Roman Empire).

The ancient world of Slanged his civilizations is Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Persian Empire, Arab Caliphate, Chinese Empire, Mongol Empire.

The main features of the ancient world is a sharp leap of culture associated primarily with the development of agriculture, the formation of cities, army, trade. If cults and deities existed in primitive society, and religion develops during the ancient world and philosophical flows are emerging.

Middle Ages or Middle Ages

Regarding the time frame, scientists disagree in opinion, since the end of this period in Europe did not mean its ending worldwide. Therefore, it is believed that the Middle Ages lasted about the 5th century (the decay of the Roman Empire) is N.E. to 15-16 or even up to the 18th century (technological breakthrough)

Distinctive features of the period are the development of trade, lawmaking, stable development of technologies, strengthening the influence of cities. At the same time, there is a transition from slavement to feudalism. Science are developing, the power of religion increases, which leads to cross hike And other wars based on religion.

New time

The transition to a new time is characterized by a high-quality jump, which performed humanity in the field of technology. Thanks to this, the jerk agrarian civilizations, the well-being of which was built on the presence of a large area, allowed to stock up provisions, switch to industry, to fundamentally new living conditions and consumption. At this time, Europe rises, which has become a source of this technological breakthrough, a humanistic attitude towards the world develops, an active ascent of science and art takes place.

The newest time

To the modern period of the period from 1918, i.e. from the First World War. The period is characterized by an increasing pace of globalization, an increase in the role of information in society, two world wars and many revolutions. Generally the newest time It is characterized as a stage in which individual states are aware of their global influence and the general congestion scale of existence. Not only the interests of individual countries and rulers come to the fore, but also global existence.

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Social studies lesson 10 "b" class.

"The historical development of mankind: the search for social macrosetory.

Theory of local civilizations "

The purpose of the lesson - familiarize students with approaches to the study of history, discuss the meaning and focus of public development, to investigate the typology of civilizations and suggest the forecast for the future;

Students of the ability to carry out a comprehensive search in students to systematize social information on the topic, compare, analyze, draw conclusions, rationally solve cognitive and problematic tasks, promote workout civilian position students;

Explain the concepts and terms "Civilization", local civilization, a locally-civilizational approach to history, cultural and historical type.

Form lesson - study new topic, lesson analysis

Studying a new topic:

  1. The concept of "civilization";
  2. Theory of local civilizations:
  1. Typology of civilizations by N.Ya. Danilevsky - cultural and historical types;
  2. Typology for O. Spengler - Culture and Civilization
  3. Typology of civilizations by A. Toynby;
  4. General features of the theory of local civilizations
  1. The advantages and disadvantages of the locally civilization approach

Introductory interview:

At the last lesson, you learned about the types of societies.

Question - What types of societies did you find out?

Traditional, industrial and information (post-industrial) society;

Eastern and Western society;

Question - What criteria are used in determining the types of societies?

Certain and peculiar qualitative characteristics inherent in different societies;

Comparing traditional, industrial and post-industrial cultures, we considered"Vertical slice" world history.

Question - and in horizontal dimensionWhat typology is scientists?

Modern scientists share human society - on the world of the West and the world of the East.

Teacher - Often, scientists are determined by such a concept as the civilization of the East and the West Civilization.

Teacher questions for class:

And what is the point of investing in the concept of "civilization"?

How do you see modern civilization?

What are the framework and prospects of modern civilization?

Teacher - Guys, to give an accurate definition of the concept of civilization, see the prospects for the development of modern civilization and determine the macro-territory (general theory) of the development of humanity, we turn to the history of the issue.

  1. Studying a new material

"Face to face person not see, very seemingly in a distance"

(S. Yesenin)

Often this statement is used when they talk about history. Indeed, we are immersed in the problems of today, it is difficult to understand your world. Sometimes we are much better imagine remote times. But, if we talk about ancient civilizations, then they are on such a "distance" from us that we already differ them and often approach to them is inaccurate and subjective.

To characterize the history of society, today two main approaches are used: locally-civilizational and linear-stadial (formational). Today I will get acquainted S.locally-civilizational approach In the study of history(Slide 1).

Teacher reports - The concept of "civilization" The scientific turnover entered in the XVIII century. Thanks to French enlighteners (Voltaire, D. Didro, Shl.Montackie). After 100-150 years, the civilizational approach was developed in the works of Alfred Weber (1868-1958), Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), Karl Jaspers (1883-1969, Arnold Toynby (1889-1975)slide 2.

Card number 1. Choose most, you think, suitable proper definition The concept of "civilization"

Student responses:

A combination of unique manifestations of public orders inherent in a separate historical community (peculiarity of the material, spiritual, social life of a group of countries, peoples at a certain stage of development) -slide 3.

Question of the teacher - what is the relationship between the concepts of culture and civilization?

Responses of students - Culture - a set of material and spiritual achievements of humanity in all spheres of public life.

Civilization - part of the world culture that existed on a certain historical stage and specific territory.

Teacher's story - In the opinion of the founders of the civilization approach, in human society from ancient times to today's days, replacing each other, existed and exist"Local civilizations" - independent, independent and isolated closed communities. They have their own characteristics in socio-economic and cultural development -slide 4.

2. at 19 V. In the works of Nikolai Danilevsky, Oswald Spengler and Arnold Toynby originated and received widespread the "theory of local civilizations" -showing photos on the board

Appeal to students - Carefully read the excerpt from N.Danilevsky "Russia and Europe" and answer questions.

1 row - Typology of civilizations by N.Ya. Danilevsky - Cultural and historical types in labor "Russia and Europe"

Questions to group 1:

Student responses:

  1. A) whale - a set of independent and specific civilizations;

B. ) Every tribe or family of peoples, characterized by a separate language or group of languages, rather close among themselves in order for the affinity of them to be felt directly, without deep philological research, is a distinctive cultural and historical type;

  1. Types of civilizations:
  1. Primary
  2. Monasular
  3. Dubious
  4. Disorders
  1. The leading start, the basis of this whale -religion, culture, politics - (Slide No. 5-6)

2 row - Typology of cultures and civilization according to O. Spengler

Questions to group 2

Group 2 answers:

  1. culture living, like living organisms of the periods of origin, formation and dying(or childhood, youth, maturity, old age). In it, he clearly delimited the concepts of civilization and culture.

The dying of any culture is characterized by the transition from culture to civilization. Hence, key in his concept -"Becoming" - Culture and "Started" - civilization.

Civilization was understood as a stage of decline, dying culture, her loss perk creative forces .

Civilization is a loss of individuality, as societies acquire similar features, begins to die the soul of culture, expressing, above all, in religion. Instead of religion, atheism receives widespread.

  1. Speaking about cultures, O. Spengler emphasized their isolation and independence, highlighting only eight:
  1. Egyptian;
  2. Babylonian;
  3. Indian;
  4. Chinese;
  5. Arab-Byzantine;
  6. Greco Roman;
  7. Western;
  8. Culture Incov
  1. Slides 7-9

3 Row - Typology of civilization by A. Toynby in labor "History Comprehension"

Questions to group 3

Group responses:

  1. Toynbi considered world history as a system of conditionally allocated civilizations, passing the same phases from birth to the death and components of the "Unified History Tree" branches
  2. In his opinion,
  1. Territorial sign
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary

What is the fate of civilizations in the opinion of Arnold Toynby?

  1. Civilizations are developing independently of each other.
  2. Possible death
  3. Salvation of civilization by creating a single higher religion, "Universal Church" and "Universal State"

Thus, the main "unit" of the socio-historical process in their opinion are local civilizations

Teacher's question - What are the general features of the theory of local civilizations you can highlight?:

  1. Deeply examines the history of specific societies, peoples in all their diversity;
  2. Learn national features spiritual, social, political, economic life, psychological characteristics;
  3. The research center is a person as the Creator of History;
  4. Each civilization is unique, carries individual characteristics Development
  1. The question of the topic - the advantages and disadvantages of the locally-civilization approach

Students based on the studied and paragraph point make up the answer to the question "What are the advantages and disadvantages of a locally-civilizational approach? "


  1. Allows deeply studying the history of specific societies and peoples in all their diversity and specifics;
  2. Puts to the Center for Research Human Activity and Man


  1. With a locally civilization approach, it becomes impossible to look at the world history as a single process of historical development of humanity in general;
  2. Creates the possibility of a complete denial of the unity of human history, isolation of whole nations and societies;
  3. Minimizing the ability to study the patterns of the historical development of humanity in general


How do you feel about the theory of local civilizations? Do you take their point of view that in the world from ancient times there were only local from each other isolated, independent civilizations and that every civilization in the future is waiting for death?

What is the fate of modern civilization?

Possible answers:

Even in the ancient world of civilization did not wear closed, local character.

They mutually influence each other (Egyptian influenced the formation of civilization of ancient interfluve, the ancient Greek influenced the ancient Roman civilization)

Civilization continued and continue to exist (for example, Chinese civilization, Western European civilization);

Modern civilization under the influence of social processes will be modified and will give rise to a qualitatively new continuation of civilization (Western European civilization, Russian civilization)


Reply to document questions on page 135-136 PRG. 13

Prepare a message with a presentation about K. Marx and O. Toffler


Card number 1.

Working with the material presented, respond to questions.

"Civilization, civilizational approach"

The concept of "civilization" The scientific turnover entered in the XVIII century. Thanks to French enlighteners (Voltaire, D. Didro, sh-l. Montesquieu). After 100-150 years, the civilizational approach began to quickly acquire popularity thanks to the works of Alfred Weber (1868-1958), Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), Arnold Toynby (1889-1975), Karl Jaspers (1883-1969).

The main concept iscivilization. Determining civilizations about 200, and their number is growing. The concept of lat occurs. Civilis - civilian.

Under civilization understand:

  1. The reflection of civil society, in which freedom, justice and the right (Voltaire, W. Montesquieu, D. Didro) reign;
  2. The stage of the historical development of mankind, the next for wildness and barbarism (L. Morgan, K. Marx, F. Engels);
  3. Society at a certain stage of development (O. Tofler, U. Rosto);
  4. A combination of unique economic, social, political, spiritual value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others (A. Toynby);
  5. A combination of manifestations of culture (S. Huntington, K. Yaspers);
  6. The final stage of the evolution of any culture, which is characterized by the development of industry and technology, degradation of literature and art, the concentration of people in large cities, the transformation of peoples into faceless masses (O. Spengler)
  7. "Civilization" is a qualitative originality of the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the Company at a certain stage of their development.

- Culture - historically certain level The development of society, the creative forces, the abilities of people and humans, expressed in the types of organization and activity of people in the material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated by them.

Culture is a set of material and spiritual achievements of humanity in all spheres of public life. An important component Culture is a value-normative system.

Task for card №1:

  1. Choose most, in your opinion, the appropriate proper definition of the concept of "civilization";
  2. What is the ratio between the concepts of culture and civilization?

Surface of the lesson:

  1. Civilization - Qualitative peculiarities taken in the unity of socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the Company at a certain stage of their development.
  2. A combination of unique manifestations of public orders inherent in a separate historical community (peculiarity of the material, spiritual, social life of a group of countries, peoples at a certain stage of development, for example, ancient civilization and modern civilization)
  3. Local civilizations - Closed civilizations
  4. Local civilizations- A large, historically established community, which occupies a certain territory, has its own characteristics of socio-economic and cultural development (for example, Chinese civilization, Western European civilization).
  5. Local civilization- A complex system that expresses cultural and historical, religious, economic and geographical features of individual countries, groups of countries, ethnic groups
  6. Local-civilizational approach - approach to the historical process, in which the main "unit" of the public historical process is independent, rather closed (local) community - civilization


Card number 2.

1.Tipology of civilizations by N.Ya. Danilevsky from the book "Russia and Europe"

Russian thinker of the second half of the nineteenth century. Nikolai Yakovlevich Danilevsky in the book "Russia and Europe" considered world history as a totality of independent and specific civilizations orcultural and historical types (whale)mankind.

He also allocatedperiods of development of whales:

  1. Ethnographic (ancient) - begins with the branch of the tribe from the tribal related tribes, gaining their ability to independently;
  2. Political (state) - the people come out of the ethnographic form of being, is building their state and ensures its political independence;
  3. Civilization - Provides peoples to implement their spiritual ideals in science, art, having implemented Developed His creative mission, civilization exhausts its strength and dies.

According to N.Ya. Danilevsky, no civilization showed its comprehensiveness. Civilization is creativity only in one or more areas:

Jewish - only in religion;

Greek civilization - in the aesthetic region and philosophy;

Roman - in the field of law and political organization;

Indian - in religion, mystics and in the field of imagination, fantasy

In the end, N.Ya. Danilevsky highlights 4 types of civilizations:

  1. Primary (they have no leading principle that determines their meaning) - Egyptian, Chinese, Iranian, some others;
  2. Monasular (having one pronounced principle, from which all their features occur) - Jewish (religion), ancient Greek (culture), ancient Roman (politics);
  3. Dubious (resting on the prevailing development of two began) - European (politics and culture);
  4. Disorders (In harmony, the developing began political, cultural, religious and moral and economic) - Slavic (so far not as a reality, but as an opportunity)

Any tribe or family of peoples, characterized by a separate language or group of languages, rather close to themselves in order for the affinity to be felt directly, without deep philological surveys, is distinctivecultural and historical type, If it is in general in its spiritual deposit, it is capable of historical development and has come out of infancy.

In civilization, he saw the most creative period of the development of China.

Civilizations have their own destiny, their purpose, their history. They are born, flourish and dying.

All nations N.Ya. Danilevsky divided into the following types:

  1. Positive Creators of History, creating great whales;
  2. Negative Creators of History - Gunns, Mongols, Turks who did not create whales, but contributed to the destruction of the decrepit civilizations (Rome fell under the blows of barbarians, etc.);
  3. Peoples and tribes remaining ethnographic material used by creative peoples to enrich their civilizations (former colonies)

Questions to group 1

  1. What I understood under the cultural and historical type of N.Ya. Danilevsky?
  2. What types of civilizations highlights N.Ya. Danilevsky?
  3. What principle is used to define civilization?

Card number 3.

2 Dtipology of cultures and civilization according to O. Spengler on the book "Sunset of Europe"

German Philosopher Osvald Spengler published in 1918 the first part of the book "Sunset of Europe". Spengler strongly denied the generally accepted conditional periodization of history on the ancient world - the Middle Ages - a new time (since they do not matter for non-European communities).

Spengler offers another look at world history - as a number of independent of each otherculture living, like living organisms periodsnucleation, formation and dying (or childhood, youth, maturity, old age). In his theory, he clearly delimited the concepts of civilization and culture.

Each culture has his soul - It was originally from which all the wealth of culture is deployed, a peculiar program for the development of a social organism. The birth of culture is the awakening of the Great Soul.

The interaction between cultures is absent, culture is impenetrable. After reaching the goals of the culture, it goes into civilization.

Civilization - loss of individuality, as societies acquire similar features, begins to die the soul of culture, expressing, above all, in religion. Instead of religion, atheism receives widespread.

Civilization - The last phase of the existence of a culture is her sunset.

The dying of any culture is characterized by the transition from culture to civilization. Hence, the key in his concept is opposed to "becoming" (cultures) and "found" (civilization).

Thus, civilizations were understood as a stage of decline, the dying of the culture, its ossification of the loss of creative forces.

By - Mind of O. Spengler at this stage was the Western World.

Speaking of cultures, O. Spengler emphasized themisolation and independenceHighlighting eight:

  1. Egyptian;
  2. Babylonian;
  3. Indian;
  4. Chinese;
  5. Arab-Byzantine;
  6. Greco Roman;
  7. Western;
  8. Culture Incov

According to Spengler, civilization is accompanied by the processes of "moance" penetrating all spheres of human life, globalization of forms and methods of human existence - households, policies, technology, science, etc. The inevitable satellites of "civilization" are world wars, the purpose of which is the global domination over the world of the winning state.

Questions to group 2

  1. Describe the understanding of civilization in Spengler
  2. What types of civilizations does it highlight?
  3. What processes in society accompanied civilization?

Card number 4.

3. Typology of civilization by A. Toynby on the book "History Comprehension"

English historian and philosopher Arnold Toynby in the 30-60s. Xx in. Posted by many different labor "comprehension of history". Toynbi considered world history as a system of conditionally allocated civilizations, passing the same phases from birth to the death and components of the "Unified History Tree" branches

Stages of the existence of civilization:

  1. Nargin
  2. Growth;
  3. Umdona;
  4. Decomposition;
  5. Death
  1. Narget of civilization:

As conditions for the emergence of Civilizations Toynby allocated:

Presence in the society of a creative minority;

Favorable environment

Explore driving forces Development of civilization, Toynbi formulatedthe Law "Challenge - Answer".

The story (environment) constantly throws the "Challenge" society, obstacles that society to survive must overcome, find the right "answer" to this "challenge" that has arisen. The search for the desired solution carries out the creative elite, thereby ensuring the constant movement of society to civilization. "Call" is the power that causes civilization to change, progress or regress.


In Africa, a strong drought occurred in ancient times. Who did not answer the challenge of nature, those died in the Sahara desert, and who answered, moved to the valley of the Nile, they survived and created the Egyptian civilization.

2) Growth of civilization - The process of internal self-determination, self-expression. In antiquity - aesthetics, Western European civilization - in scientific and technological progress (NTP).

3) Doma - The situation when society is not able to cope with the "call". The death of civilization is not coming from the external enemy, but as a result of its own development. The elite loses the ability to effectively solve problems, it loses credibility and tries to maintain its position by force. In such a period, society does not cope with the challenge, which leads to the suggestion of society.


After World War II, the West made the USSR technical "call." The USSR ignored this "challenge," did not "replied", did not solve the problems of the lag, which led to the collapse of the USSR.

4) decomposition - Such a period when society loses unity, which contributes to the death of civilization


Greece did not help the peoples who fought with the Romans, and as a result, herself died from the hands of Romans. The absence of unity led to the death of ancient ancient Greek civilization

In his opinion, civilization is a closed society, characterized by two main criteria:

  1. Religion and form of its organization
  2. Territorial sign

Toynbi allocated the following civilizations:

  1. Primary (undeveloped adapted to life in certain geographical conditions, poor, easily arising and easily dying);
  2. Secondary (arising in response to the "Challenge", changing the conditions for their initial existence);
  3. Tertiary (arising from the formation of uniform religions and churches from "secondary" civilizations).

To the middle of the twentieth century, according to A. Toynby, there were no more than 7-8 of the almost 30 existing in the history of civilizations (Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu et al.)

Civilizations are developing independently of each other. Their death is inevitableif in the future it will not be able to form a single higher religion, create a "universal church" and "Universal state" (i.e., go to "tertiary civilization")

Questions to group 3

  1. How does the world history of A. Toynby consider?
  2. How does it define the concept of civilization? What criteria allocate to identify civilization?
  3. What types of civilizations does it highlight? What is their possible fate?

The World History is a single process that comes in objective laws, that is, existing idealessly from the consciousness and will of people. In this sense, it has a process objective and predetermined. But this is such an objective predetermination, which not only does not exclude, but on the contrary, implies an accident. The historical process is predetermined only in the main and main, but not in detail. What can not not be, is manifested in what may be, and maybe not be. The need is always manifested and exists only in chance. Therefore, there were always different opportunities for future development in history. But if the future in history is always alternatively, polyfurcative (in certain objective boundaries, of course), then the past is non-alternative and irreversible. To understand the story, you need to distract from particularities, open the way that disrupts itself through all the chance the way objective necessity, predestination.

World History is a single process that represents climbing from the lowest to the highest. Therefore, there are the stages of the progressive development of humanity, and therefore, both world-historical epochs. Such an understanding of the story is called the name of the unitary-static. Of all the existing and existing such concepts of history, I consider the Marxist theory of socio-economic formations. The formation of the essence of the stadial types of society, allocated on the basis of the socio-economic structure.

Marxism, as is well known, believes that the development of the Company is based on the development of production. The productive forces of society are growing, which leads to the change of systems of socio-economic relations, the types of social production are changed - the methods of production, which entails the change of the types of society: one socio-economic formation is replaced by another, more progressive. But the countdown of the formations is not from the very beginning of the history of mankind.

The whole story is quite clearly divided into two qualitatively excellent periods, to the first of which the concept of socio-economic formation is not applicable. It represents a period of transformation of animal human ancestors in people and zoological association into human society, anthroposociogenesis period. The basis of this process was the formation of social production. The emergence of a completely new social quality with necessity assumed and made it necessary to curb the animal of individualism, suppressing and introducing zoological instincts into the social framework. The most important means of curling animal egoism were the first norms of human behavior - taboo. On the basis of the Tabuitut in the subsequent, Moral originated. Unlike the animal whose actions are determined by biological instincts, a person is guided by the feelings of debt, honor and conscience.

The first was curled food instinct. As a social framework for him, distribution relations arose - the initial and most important form of socio-economic relations. The first socio-economic relations were communist. Animal egoism could be curly only human collectivism. With the advent of the first form of marriage - the dial-generic, group marriage - was curbed in sexual instinct. With the introduction into the social framework at the beginning of the food, and then sexual instincts, the process of becoming a person and society ended. Forming people turned into people already formed, ready. The period of the formation of society has ended, and the history of the finished, truly human society began. It happened quite recently, literally "the other day." The anthroposocigenesis period that began 1.9-1.8 million years ago approximately about 40 thousand years ago. And socio-economic formations are the stages of development of the ready-made society.

The first form of being of the ready-made society is customary to call with primeval society, in Western literature - primitive, or egalitarian, society. It was the only existing one in the era of 40 thousand to 5 thousand years ago. This time is the era of primitive society. On the earliest stage of its development, it was a communist (primitive communist). On the step, when the entire social product was a life-supporting, no other form of distribution, except for the distribution of needs, could not exist.

With the development of the productive forces and the advent of a regular excess product, the communist relations have become an obstacle to the development of society. As a result, the distribution of labor began to occur, and together with him the property of individuals, exchange and property inequality. All this has prepared and made the emergence of private property, human exploitation by a person, thereby split society to social classes and the emergence of the state.

The first class, or, as they are usually called, civilized societies emerged in the XXXI century. BC er, that is, about 5 thousand years ago. At this time, one of the features of the world-historical process, the uneven development of the human society manifested itself, manifested itself. Some concrete individual societies are sociocystoric organisms (abbreviated sociors) - went ahead, others lagged them in their development. With the advent of such unevenness, the human society as a whole began to consist of several historical worlds. One such historical world was the most advanced socioistoric organisms for this epoch, which can be called superior (from Lat. super - Over, above), other or other worlds - defects in development - infeorine (from Lat. infra - Under).

The first class societies arose as a single islands in the sea of \u200b\u200bprimitive society. One such class historical nest appeared in the tiger interference and Euphrates, the other is in the Nile Valley. Egyptian civilization, with its appearance, was a single sociocystic organism, Sumerian civilization is a system of small socioistoric organisms, state cities.

Further development went on two ways. The first is the emergence of new historical nests that existed as the islands in the sea of \u200b\u200bprimitive society. One of them appeared in the Indus Valley - Civilization of Harappa, Other - In the Valley of Juanhe - Yin Civilization, or Shan. The second way is the occurrence of a set of class socioistoric organisms in the space between Egypt and two-way and adjacent to them. All of them, together with Egypt and Mesopotamia, formed a huge system of class socio-historical organisms that covered the entire Middle East. This Middle Eastern historical Arena, arising, has become the center of world-historical development and in this sense by the global system.

All sociocystoric organisms, which were outside the historic center, were the world periphery. Some of these sociors were class, others - primitive. With the advent of the first class sociors and especially with the emergence of the Middle East world of their system, the second era of the development of the finished human and the first era of the history of a civilized society - the era of the Ancient East began.

The basis of the initial class societies was the antagonistic method of production, which most often following K. Marx, refer to Asian. Its peculiarity is that it was based on generally science private property and to the means of production, and the personality of manufacturers of material benefits. The private owner was only the exploitative class as a whole, and not one of his members taken separately. Generally, Private property performed in the form of state, which determined the coincidence of the dominant class with the composition of the state apparatus. Therefore, this method of production is best called politarian (from Greek. politia - State). All political instructions accounted for a corporation - a politicalosystem headed by a political officer, which was simultaneously a supreme manager of the surplus product and the ruler of the state. Politicians had the right to life and the death of all his subjects, including political instructions.

An indicator of the level of development of productive forces is the volume of the product created in society, per capita of its population. This indicator is the productivity of social production - can be elevated in different ways.

In the Politar society, the growth of social production and thereby productive forces was mainly achieved by increasing working time - the number of working days in the year and working hours per day. This temporal (from lat. tempus. - Time) The method of increasing the productivity of social production was limited. Sooner or later the limit behind which the increase in working time led to the physical degradation of the main productive force is an employee. Fuck rollback. All this was repeated many times in the history of political socioistoric organisms.

This is primarily associated with the cyclic nature of the development of the societies of the Ancient East: they arose, bloomed, and then joined the era of decline and even death. Politarian, socio-economic formation was a dead end. It was not able to turn into another, more progressive.

The exit from the impasse was possible because in addition to the political societies, it was continued to exist primitive, including the latest of them - predictors, and various socio-economic types. Precise societies, which were adjacent to the Middle East World System, were subjected to a powerful cultural, political and economic impact on its part. As a result, they learned all the main achievements of politarian societies, which significantly affected all their development.

It became different than the evolution of the protopulate (emerging polytarian) pre-grate societies, of which the first politarian societies arose. Precise societies subjected to the global political system in the end, also turned into class societies, but only a completely different type than ancient one. Ultimately, they were not confirmed by a political, but a qualitatively different way of production, exactly the one that is commonly called slave-owned, or antique.

In the VIII century BC e. A Greek historical nest arose, then Etruscan, Latin, Carthaginian nests joined him. All of them, combined, formed a new historical arena - the Mediterranean, which has become the center of world-historical development since then. So, on the scale of humanity in the form of a change in global systems of societies of two different socio-economic types, there was a change in the political formation of ancient formation. The transfer of the historical relay from the Politarian Middle East to the ancient Mediterranean has accomplished. With the movement of the historic center to the emerged new antique arena, the Middle Eastern Politarian Historical Arena ceased to be a global system. It entered the world periphery. With the transformation of the Mediterranean historical Arena to the world system, the second era of world history was over - the era of the Ancient East and the third - the era of antiquity began.

If in the era of the Ancient East outside the world system, there were only many primitive socialistory organisms and several isolated polytarist historical nests, then in the ancient time, class historical peripherals began to consist of a variety of political historical arenters. They were filled with most of the old world, and by the i millennium BC. e. Two Political Historical Arena - Meso-American and Anda - originated in a new light.

It is believed that the ancient world was based on slavery. But slavery slavery. Slavery itself is not yet a way of production. It is an economic and legal status, in which one person is the full property of another. But the slave must necessarily be used in the manufacture of material goods. It can be a valet, nanny, teacher, official, etc. Even when slave is used in production, his work can play a purely auxiliary role. In this case, they talk about home, or patriarchal, slavery.

The work of slaves becomes the basis of society only when there are special economic cell production, the main force in which slaves are. And this with necessity suggests the systematic importation of slaves from the outside of the Company. This was the antique slavery. Slavery existed in an ancient prison society. But only in the ancient world there was a special way of producing, based on the work of slaves, - servar (from Lat. servus. - slave) Method of production.

The increase in the productivity of social production was founded in the ancient world at an increase in the share of workers in the population of the Company due to the importation of the additional workforce from the outside of the sociocystic organism. And this meant breaking this workforce from surrounding sociors. The main source of slaves was historical periphery, primarily late primitive - pre-class, or barbaric, periphery.

Thus, the antique world lived largely at the expense of the barbaric periphery. A characteristic of ancient society, a method for improving the productivity of social production can be called demographic. His features, as well as the possibility of a temporal method, were limited.

The normal functioning of an ancient society assumed a continuous external expansion. But this offensive on the historical periphery sooner or later was to choke. When it happened, the universal decline came, the degradation of the ancient world. Antique (servar) social and economic formation, as well as politar, was a dead end. She, like the Politarian, could not turn into a more progressive formation.

With the decline of the ancient world, the barbaric periphery moved into a counteroffensive. At the end of V c. already n. e. Ancient world system has come to an end. The antique world collapsed under the strikes of the barbarians. The whole territory of the last Great Antique Power - Western Roman Empire was conquered by Germanic tribes. And it opened the possibility of exiting a historic deadlock, in which mankind turned out again.

In the territory of Western Europe (the former Western Roman Empire), an organic merger occurred, the compound of Roman (class) and German (pre-class) socio-economic structures (Romano-Germanic synthesis), a result of which the socio-economic relations of a qualitatively new type were arising - feudal.

Feudal socioistoric organisms, combined, formed a new historic arena, which became the center of world-historical development and the world system. A feudal has come to the change of ancient socio-economic formation. The changes of the ancient formation of feudal occurred, as before the change of the polytarian formation of ancient, in the framework of non-separate sociocystic organisms, and human society as a whole, and wore the nature of the historical relay. It, as well as the change in the political formation of ancient, occurred in the form of a change in global systems of socioistoric organisms of different types and was accompanied by the territorial movement of the center of world-historical development. With the beginning of the formation of the feudal Western European global system, the antique epoch was replaced by the fourth era of the World History - the era of the Middle Ages.

Outside the world system, many primitive sociocystic organisms continued to exist and a large number of political historical arena. In North, Central and Eastern Europe, there was a process of transformation of pre-grate societies in class societies. But neither ancient socio-economic structures, no fragments there were there. Therefore, the romano-barbaric synthesis to have places there could not, and, accordingly, feudalism could not arise there.

But these societies were in the zone of the powerful impact of the existing class societies - Western European, on the one hand, Byzantine - on the other. As a result, they took a step forward and at the same time aside, Block. There were class societies of several special socio-economic types, excellent and from the politarian, and from the ancient, and from feudal. These non-core socio-economic types can be called social and economic paraformats.

So, along with the main line of human history, several lateral historical pathways arose. One historic world was formed in Northern Europe, the other in Central and Eastern Europe. From the latter, another new historical world was separated from the latter - Russian.

Characteristic feature The late Middle Ages was the closest symbiosis of feudal and trade and burgher production methods. It was the development of cities with their trade and burry system that prepared and made it possible, and then the necessary appearance in the XVI century. New production method - capitalist. Capitalism independently, spontaneously arose only in one place of the globe - in Western Europe. With the transformation of feudal-burgher sociocystoric organisms into capitalist societies, the Western European, but already capitalist system came to the celestial Western European feudal system. She immediately became the center of world-historical development and thereby the global system. With the change of world systems, there was a transition from the era of the Middle Ages to the fifth era of the World History - the era of the New Time.

The development of capitalism took place in two directions: deep into and styling. Development depart - this is the formation and maturation of capitalism in Western European countries. The bourgeois revolutions thundered there, as a result of which the power passed into the hands of the class of capitalists, the industrial revolution unfolded - the change of manual production of machinery. With the appearance of cars for capitalism, an adequate technical base was summed up, and as a result, the steady progress of the Company's productive forces began. The technical way to improve the productivity of social production, published under capitalism, as opposed to the temporal and demographic methods, did not seem to have any limits.

Along with the development of capitalism, its development and luggage went deep into. In the process of the evolution of class society, world systems that existed in certain epochs have always had a great impact on historical periphery. But this influence in the previous epochs affected only a greater or smaller part of the peripheral sociors, which formed the nearest, or internal, periphery. These sociocystic organisms fell dependent on the center, in particular, exposed to operating on its part. The external peripherals continued to conduct a very independent existence.

With the advent of the global Western European capitalist system, the situation has changed. For several centuries, the world capitalist system has drawn almost all the periphery into its sphere. For the first time, all sociocystic organisms existing on the globe formed one system. The worldwide historical space arising from the unfolded internationalization is clearly divided into two main parts.

The first part is the world capitalist system, which was the center of historical development. She did not remain unchanged. If it was originally included only the states of Western Europe, then subsequently in it included countries of Northern Europe and sociocystic organisms arising in other parts of the world by reciprocating from Western European Societies (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand). The Western European world system has turned after that just in Western.

The second part is all other sociocystoric organisms that continued to make a historical periphery, which in the end, all over the rarest exception has become, first, internal, secondly, dependent on the historic center. The periphery dependence on the center meant the domination of the center over the periphery. This dependence of the peripheral societies from the countries of the center (and, accordingly, the dominance of the latter above the first) was expressed that the center in various forms operated the periphery, presidentially assigned a part of the product created in the periphery societies. This exploitation is not intrasorrheal (endosocyoic), but out-of-oscillating (eczosocyoral), intersective (inter-channel). For this type of operation there is no term. I will call it an international slave dependence, international slavery.

There are two main forms of this operation. One implies the transformation of the country into the attachment colony. This is colonial exploitation, colonial slavery. Another form - the country is subject to a formally remaining sovereign and in this sense a politically independent state. This kind of socioistoric organisms can be called deppendethions (from Lat. dependetio. - Dependence), and the form of their operation - by departing slavery.

Involvement of peripheral countries in the sphere of dependence on the center entailed the penetration and development of capitalist relations in them. Country of periphery, in which previously dominated the various kinds of testing social and economic relations, including the ancient polyaritic, began to turn into and the end turned into capitalist socio-historical organisms.

Here, more than clearly manifested by one of the important features of world-historical development. As can be seen from all the above, the World History There is no process of simultaneous lifting of all socioistoric organisms from one stage to another, higher. There has never been and could not be socio-historical organisms that would have passed the stage of historical development. One of the reasons - has never been socialist organisms that would exist through the entire history of mankind. In history, not only stages were replaced, but also sociocystic organisms. They arose and then disappeared. On the replacement they came others.

Therefore, socio-economic formations have always been primarily the stages of the development of human society as a whole. To go through everything without exception could only human society as a whole, but in no case one socioystoric organism, taken separately. The formations could be stages of development of individual societies, but it was completely optional. Some social and economic formations could be embodied in some socioistoric organisms, others in completely different. Only such an interpretation of the theory of socio-economic formations, which was named globally-stadium, global formational, corresponds to historical reality.

As we have already seen, starting with the emergence of the first class societies, the change of socio-economic formations was in the form of a change in global systems of superioric sociocystic organisms, entailing a shift of world-historical eras. Each such world system of superioric socioistoric organisms has prepared and made it possible to appear another, more advanced. Changing the Middle Eastern Politan World System of the Mediterranean Antique World System, an antique - Western European feudal system, and the last - Western capitalist world system is a highways highway.

With the advent of each new global system, the nature of the historical development of infeoroic socioistoric organisms, which were in the zone of its influence changed. They could no longer develop in the way the organisms have developed, which have become superior, pass those steps that passed the latter. The steps passed by superioric socioistoric organisms often became traveled for infeororal sociors that have never achieved them.

This pattern with particularly evidence was discovered with the advent of the global capitalist system, in the sphere of the influence of which all historical peripherals were drawn. Since then, for all societies, for whatever stages of historical development, they are inevitable, the transition to capitalism and only capitalism became. Historians sometimes say that certain societies can be passed and passed, miss these or other stages of historical development. In fact, in the created conditions, they could not be avoided. When the advanced part of mankind reached the stage of capitalism, for all of the infheral societies, all the stages of development, which they themselves did not pass, were for them already covered.

Hence, it would seem that it would be concluded that as soon as all infeoroic socioistoric organisms were capitalist, the division of the Society as a whole would disappear on historical worlds and thereby - to the historic center and historical periphery. But real historical development turned out to be more difficult.

The capitalism emerged in the peripheral countries due to their dependence on the world center turned out to be qualitatively different from what existed in the states of the latter. In science, he received the name of the dependent, or peripheral, capitalism. For brevity, I will call it paragitalism (from Greek. r.r.but - near, around), and the capitalism of the center - orthocaplication (from Greek. orthos. - Direct, correct).

If the countries of the Center treated the capitalist socio-economic formation and thus to one historical world, then society of peripherals - to the para-capitalistic socio-economic paraformation and thereby - to another historical world. IN late XIX. in. The tsarist Russia was among the dependent paragitalistic countries.

The capitalist global system has not been politically unified for a long time. There was a rivalry between the states due to its colonies, due to the sphere of influence. The split of the center for the groupings, which were struggled for the section and redistribute the peripheral world, led to two world wars (1914-1915 and 1939-1945).

Peripheral capitalism generated by the dependence on the West ordered these countries to backwardness, and their population - for hopeless poverty. Therefore, they began to ripen revolutions, who intend to eliminate paragitalism and the liberation of the country from exploitation from the West - sociore-liberal (national liberation) revolution.

The first wave of these revolutions unfolded in the first two decades of the XX century: Russia, Persia, Turkey, China, Mexico and again Russia. One of these revolutions is the Great October Workers' and Peasant Revolution of 1917 in Russia - ended with the victory. She walked under the banner of socialism, but did not lead to a classless society and could not bring. The productive forces of Russia are not ripe for this.

Therefore, the revival of private property and class society was inevitably. And it was revived, but in a new form. In Russia, the newest type of political training appeared - neopolitarism. But the liberation of the country from semi-colonial dependence on the West made it possible its powerful jerk forward. From the backward, mostly agricultural country Russia, becoming Soviet UnionIn a matter of years, it turned into a second industrial power of the world, and then became one of two superpowers.

October RevolutionBy pulling around Russia from the peripheral world, laid the basis of the new world system - the in -uretitarian, which finally took shape after the second wave of sociorem and liberation revolutions, rushing in the 40-50s. XX century By country of Central Europe and Eastern and Southeast Asia. As a result, the territory of paracapalistic periphery was sharply reduced and two world systems arose on the globe, two world centers. This configuration of the World Historic Space was expressed in the public consciousness in the thesis on the existence of the three worlds: the first one, under which the orthocaplicistic center was understood, the second is the global in -uretitarian system, which was customary to refer to the socialist, and the third - continued to depend on the orthocaplicistical center of the paracapalistic periphery.

But by the end of the XX century. Non-pilotarism in the USSR and the countries of Central Europe exhausted their progressive opportunities. We needed a new one, this time really socialist, revolution, but in reality a counter-revolution occurred. In arising after the collapse of the USSR, new states, including its largest "hard", the Russian Federation, but excluding Belarus, and in most of the in -uretar countries of Europe, there was a restoration of peripheral capitalism. They again became departyons of the West.

As a result, a change in the configuration of the World Historic Space occurred. All countries of the world are divided into four groups: (1) Ortocaitalistic global center; (2) Old dependent periphery; (3) New dependent periphery and (4) independent peripherals ( North Korea, China, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Iran, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Belarus, Cuba).

This configuration was prevented new process, which began in the last quarter of the XX century, is globalization. If the XV-XVI centuries started at the turn. The internationalization was to combine all sociors into a single worldwide system, then globalization - in the unification of all sociors into one World (Global) sociocystic organism.

The global system by this time included two large groups of sociors, of which one exploited the other. As a result, the global socior began to form as a class as a split into two global classes. The world orthocaplicistic system began to turn into a global exploitative class, the country of dependent paracaptist periphery - to the global operated class. And where are the classes, the class struggle is inevitable there. Humanity has entered the Epoch of the Global Class Fight.

The orthocaplicistic center spoke as an attacker. For him, the most favorable conditions were created. If in the last time he was split into warrant groups, then after the end of World War II, he became mainly united. He had one leader - the United States. He rods organizationally: a significant part of his sociov entered the General Military Union - NATO and the General Economic Union - the EU. Imperialism overgrown in ultraimerialism.

However, in the period before the beginning of the 90s. The possibilities of the action of the orthocaplicistic center were very limited. At the ultra-imperialist beast, a muzzle will be put in the face of a powerful native world system. The orthocaplicistic center was forced to accept and falling out big number Countries from paracapalistic peripherals, and with the disappearance of the colonial system, after which all preserved parajectant societies became departytions.

With the collapse of the USSR and the disappearance of the global nastaritarian system, it seemed that time was revenge.

Even earlier, the countries of the Center became clear that the departytions are harder to exploit than the colonies. Therefore, in front of the Western Center, the task got up - to establish its full and undivided domination over the peripheral world, re-colonize it.

But the return to the colonies of the former type in the new conditions was impossible. The output was found in the peripheral countries of such modes, in which their governments would forever become in the western puppets, primarily the United States. In order for the leaders of these countries to be easy to keep in obedience and without excess work, these regimes were to be externally democratic. This kind of country A. A. Zinoviev offered to refer to "democratic colonies." I will call them satellites. The struggle for the world's world domination and their allies began to be conducted under the slogan democratization of all countries of the world.

Of course, the countries of independent periphery were presented the greatest danger. He began with them. But China was obviously not on his teeth. The first victim was Yugoslavia. "Especially" from it, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina - immediately turned into satellites. For the remaining as part of Serbia and Montenegro, Yugoslavia West was committed by a gangster attack. From Serbia was alleged Kosovo. She herself as a result of the United States organized primarily by the United States with the Satellite of the West. Final Chord-Publication of Montenegro, even earlier than the satellite.

Under the flag of the fight against international terrorism, NATO troops entered Afghanistan. The US attack occurred and the UK to Iraq. The country was occupied by foreign troops. The "color" revolution in Ukraine was committed, an attempt was made of this kind of state coup in Belarus, which ended with a complete failure. The fact and the matter is the leak of information about the preparing rocket and bomb strike on Iran.

Along with the military and political offensive, the ideological and cultural expansion of the center is underway. But now its great culture is not at all covered by the West, which was created in the Renaissance and New Time Epoch, but the current commercial culture that has nothing to do with genuine art. From the west, a muddy slicken stream is poured the wave of propaganda of violence, cruelty, amoralism, depravity, homosexuality, etc.

This Western pseudoculture, of course, is immeasurable lower than the local aboriginal culture of the peoples of the periphery. Most of the population of peripheral countries meets it in the bayonets. As a result, in their eyes, the resistance of the West appears primarily as the struggle for the preservation of its traditional cultural values. As a result, a significant number of Western and not only Western political scientists, the global class struggle was aware of the collision of civilizations: Western, on the one hand, non-western on the other.

the pressure of the West meets not only the ideological protest, but also other forms of resistance. The manifestation of the global class struggle is a powerful anti-globalist movement in recent decades, as well as international terrorism under the banner of radical Islamism.

But the main characters In the global class struggle, not separate people and not even large groups, but socio-historical organisms. The world arising after the disappearance of the global neopolitarian system is usually characterized as unipolar. This is true, and incorrect. Incorrectly, for the world of split into two groups of countries with opposite interests. It is true that because of these two groups of socioistoric organisms is not just even a system, but also a powerful organized economic, political and military power It is only a center that allows him to dominate and pour all the principles international law, act on the principle of landowner from the famous Nekrasovskaya poem:

Neither in com contradictions

Who wantsnice

Who wantsexecution.

Lawmy desire!

Fistmy police!

Blow up



As for the countries of the periphery, they never formed a single system. They were united only dependence on the total owners. These countries were separated, there were many contradictions between them. Therefore, they did not constitute strength. The center was used by this disconnectness. He was always guided by the famous rule - "divide and conquer." To do this, he put in turn and whip, and gingerbread. Part of the peripheral countries, on the one hand, because of the fear, on the other hand, from the desire to receive the hand with the Satellites of the center from the Lord. So the Kholaopskaya, Kholuskaya, Lac of Peripherals, which, in its attitude to other peripheral countries, surpassed even the owners in its respective peripheral countries.

Almost all countries of Central and Southern Europe (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, etc.) became such voluntary satellites of the West (Poland, Lithuania), as well as Georgia. For the most part, they were included in the organization, which united initially only the country of the Center, NATO and the EU. It is usually the countries of the center and the country of Lac of Periphery that they usually have in mind when they talk about the international, or world community, referred to his opinions, its assessment of the events occurring.

The countries of the rest of the periphery are not taken into account: they seem to exist. And it is clear why: in any class society, not excluding the global, dominant ideology is always the ideology of the dominant class.

The creation of a holway periphery was largely initiated by the United States. The countries of the center make up one gangster suicide. But this does not mean that there is complete unity between them. There are contradictions both between the individual ordinary members and between the latter and "Ataman". The leader often presses on ordinary, trying to turn them out of the younger, but still partners, in servants. Those have saturated resistance.

Sometimes ordinary are trying to curb the leader when it is overcome. So, for example, France and Germany opposed the US plan of an attack on Iraq. Both the USA, having achieved the reception of the countries of the Lac of Periphery in NATO and the European Union, use them for pressure on their not always enough submissive orthocaplicistic partners.

If the Balcon Peripherals generally agrees to support the existing position of things, the rest of the periphery in general is dissatisfied. But many of these disgruntled are forced to put up with the existing order. And even those that are his opponents are not solved to enter into an open conflict with the countries of the Center.

But now, in addition to the hidden opponents of "new order", more and more and direct, open begins to appear. This is primarily an independent periphery country, in particular Iran and Belarus. Now in our eyes there is a third wave of sociorem and liberation revolutions. They occur in Latin America. Countries in which these revolutions are unfolded, get out of their knees and challenge primarily the leader of the US Center. This is Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua.

The struggle against the West requires the success of the periphery countries for its success. And this objective necessity increasingly begins to pierce his way, often independently of the subjective intentions of the ruling top of the peripheral countries. The Shanghai Organization of Cooperation (SCO) has emerged in Eurasia, which includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. Mongolia, Iran, India, Pakistan participate as observers in its work. All of them wish to enter her composition, Iran even filed an official application.

Although the leaders of the SCO countries strongly emphasize that this organization is not at all for the purpose of confronting any other countries, its anti-American and - wider - anti-comma orientation is obvious. No wonder the United States was denied the right to participate in its activities as even an observer. Many political scientists see a kind of anti-NATO in the SCO. As part of the SCO, joint Russian-Chinese military exercises were held. Within the framework of the CIS, the organization of the Collective Security Treaty (CSTO) was established.

In Latin America, an organization was created under the name of the Bolivarian alternative for Latin American countries in the composition of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia, distinguished by a sharp anti-American orientation. Honduras recently joined her. With the desire to withstand the United States, the creation of the South American Union of Nations (UNASUR) as part of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Gayana, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. In Ecuador and Paraguay, the US military bases are eliminated. The triangle of Caracas - Minsk - Tehran. BRIC abbreviation (Brazil, Russia, India, China) emerged to designate gradually acquiring increasingly distinct outlines of a peculiar informal union of the four largest countries of the peripheral world. Thus, the first steps to unite the peripheral world are made.

The position of Russia is of great importance to the fate of the peripheral world, which is the largest in the territory of the Power of Peace, which occupies more than half of Europe and a significant part of Asia. The ruling elite aroused after the collapse of the USSR as an independent state Russian Federation Immediately embarked on the path of all the US West and especially the United States. The leadership of Russia, neglected by the interests of his own country, diligently performed all the instructions of the "Washington Regional Committee".

This continued after B. N. Yeltsin was replaced as President V. V. Putin. The Americans ordered the "World" - drowned, commanded to close the tracking station in Cuba - closed, demanded to leave the base in Camano (Vietnam) - left, etc. The number of concessions was infinite. But in response to them, Russia received demands of all new and new concessions and spitches in the face.

Russia was drawn to the Lac of Peripherals, but at the same time refused the handouts that other voluntary Western Hollys received. In response to the desire russian leadership To please the United States and the West, they diligently engaged in an attachment on her neck loop. The goal is to threaten the suffocation to host Russia as a slave. It was also expressed in the constant approach of NATO to the borders of Russia, and in the creation of military bases, radars and missile systems in the territory of this Union.

Sooner or later, the complete neglect of the Russian leadership of national interests began to threaten the very existence of the country. The change of politics has become more and more urgent. And the changes began. But they walked with a permanent loaf to the West, with constant retreats, endless rutting and oscillations. Russia performed, for example, against harsh sanctions against Iran, but, however, not against the sanctions in general. On this occasion, the well-known Russian survival is remembered about something chatting in the hole.

But here is the President of Georgia M. Saakashvili, he threw his teeth to the Armed US and a number of other states and the army trained by American instructors against the tiny South Ossetia with the goal of a magnitude extermination or expulsion of the Ossetian population. In case of success, he was going to do the same with Abkhazia.

M. Saakashvili hoped that Russia, despite all the anti-warnings, would not dare to enhance the Ossetians, afraid of the inevitable sharp condemnation of these actions by the United States and in general of the whole West as a whole. But the Russian hand-appliance, good knowing what follows, decided to conflict with the West. Rubicon was transferred.

Parts of the Russian army, literally in five days, the Georgian troops defeated Georgian troops, destroyed the military air and naval forces of Georgia and eliminated almost all its military infrastructure (bases, radar stations, etc.). Georgian soldiers in a panic fled that gave observers to hardly notice that the Georgian army apparently coached the American instructor on the run. The road to Tbilisi was opened, but Russian troops, forced Georgia to the world, stopped.

The world community mentioned above broke out a rejunction storm. People who gave themselves to the irreconcilable advocates of human rights together to defend Saakashvili and its accomplices, in fact, thus fully approved by the genocide taken by them. But Russia, despite all these hysterical screams, continued the work began: recognized and reliably guaranteed independence and South Ossetia, and Abkhazia.

From all countries of the West, the United States is especially hot. From the lips of their leaders after the end of hostilities, the threats and the urgent requirements of the most severe punishment of Russia were sprinkled. The cooler Satellites of the West (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) made suggestions on the introduction of severe sanctions against Russia. They were talking about sanctions and some countries of Western Europe. But, calculating them possible consequences, silenced. It became clear that they will turn against them with a boomerang.

The United States and NATO were sent to the shores of Georgia their warships, completely forgetting that the time of "Country diplomacy" ended, and it was never applied against such countries as Russia. Staying this fleet in the Black Sea turned out to be a completely meaningless thing. Even the leaders of the European Union, who expressed the concern that would only lead to the exacerbation of tensions, while it was necessary to shoot it. After making sure that there is no sense of military courts in the Black Sea and there will be no, the US was forced to withdraw them. Everything was brought only to spending so expensive now fuel. Neither the benefit of this USA did not bring, nor the glory added. As a result, the United States and the West were generally unable to accept any real measures against Russia. Thus, they clearly demonstrated their powerlessness.

As a result of these events, a serious blow was made on the prestige, primarily the United States, who were unable to protect their faithful Holling, which was a harsh lesson and for all other American Laces.

Russia won a huge and military, and political victory. The main thing was her victory over himself. Russia was convinced that she could, not afraid of the West and not believing with him, defend his interests. It was a lesson for the whole world: for the center, and for the periphery. It turned out that even one country, however, such as Russia can successfully confront the West. It became clear that in the case of his union, the periphery could well completely end up with his domination over the world.

The threats of the United States and the West were ridiculous to deliver Russia to the position of isolation from the whole world. As Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, NATO and the EU - not the whole world noted about this. In the peripheral world, excluding the Lacéi Periphery, Russia's actions everywhere caused understanding and approval. The President of Iran immediately said this. The very same told the President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez. The recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as sovereign states declared Nicaragua. SCO, which, together with the observers, half of the population of our planet, expressed approval by the active actions of Russia in the Caucasus. Unanimously condemned the aggression of Georgia and agreed with the shares of Russia and the CSTO countries. But there was no insulation of Russia not only from the whole world, but even from Western Europe. The European Union, condemning Russia, at the same time several times emphasized the need for further cooperation with it.

In general, the events of August 2008 were a turning point in history modern Mira. According to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, from this moment on, the unipolar world came to the end. Quite clearly revealed that in addition to which the Western politicians and publicists and publicists, as well as their minions, they are generally said, and their minions, there are partly the second community, which has more partly. more reason To call yourself the world, for it is 5/6 of the population of the Earth.

The struggle of the center and the periphery will be long. But its outcome in general is already predetermined: the Western defeat is inevitably. And he will not help his economic power. Mighty economic strength becomes the largest country of independent periphery - China. In 2007, he already controlled 13.2% of the global industrial production, catching the leader of the center - the United States, whose share was approximately 20%. According to the forecast of the Global Insight research center, already in 2009 these countries will be changed in places: China's share will be 17%, the United States is 16%.

But the main thing, of course, is the cohesion of the countries of the periphery. Combining, the periphery will end with the domination of the West, with dependence on it. Destruction of the exploitation of countries in the periphery states of the West will mean the elimination of paragitalism and thus capitalism in these countries in general. Having ended with exploitation from the West, the periphery thereby ceases to be periphery. It will become the center.

As for the orthocaplicistical center, then, having lost the inflow of the surveillance product from the outside, it will be doomed to the fundamental change of its social system. Now in the West there was a lot of literature, in which the scenarios of the future of humanity are discussed. And most of these works are invariably there is a statement of the long-beginning and steadily continuing decline of the West. Almost all of these works are carried out an analogy of the modern situation in the West with the latest centuries of the existence of the Roman Empire, when she went to its inevitable death as a result of complete internal decomposition and pressure of external enemies - barbarians.

The authors who hold the most different beliefs are written about this: from extreme left radicals to liberals and even extreme right. In this respect, the name of the American Archored Book of the American Arch Republic of P. J. Buchanan "West Death" (2002) sounds more than eloquently.

The essence of the case is that capitalism has so far exhausted all its former progressive capabilities. He became a brake on the way of the development of mankind. It turned out that the use of the technical method of developing productive forces is so characteristic of the capitalism in the conditions of this society approaching the limit. In pursuit of profit capitalism so developed equipment that it now poses the nature of the planet and thereby the existence of humanity.

Capitalism at the new level and in a new form revives the dominant in the animal world individualism, disperses zoological instincts, destroys morality, deprives people of the senses of debt, honor and conscience and thereby turns them into a special kind of animals - animals with thinking and technique. His preservation is concerned with humanity to degradation, spooling and ultimately on death. To survive, humanity should end with capitalism.

When Western countries lose opportunities to exploit the rest of the world, the only way to eliminate capitalism will be the elimination. When it is destroyed throughout the world in both of its forms (both paracapalistic and orthocaplicistic), the era of the transition to the society of fundamentally different type - society without private ownership and exploitation of a person man will begin. The division of human society as a whole will disappear on the historic center and historical periphery. Humanity alters in a single society.

But, unfortunately, another development option is not fully excluded. The rulers of the orthocaplicistic West, feeling the approximation of an imminent lesion, can decide to apply nuclear weapons. Then humanity, and his history will come an end. On the third orbit from the Sun will be a dead, desert planet.

The richness of capitalism and the danger that the continued existence of this economic system represents for humanity, more than clearly demonstrates the grand intention broken in 2008, and then a comprehensive economic crisis. He forced to think about the future of capitalism of many of his intense defenders, and the governments of capitalist countries - to take measures that are contrary to the basic principles of the functioning of the capitalist economy. The head of the American Chamber of Commerce E. Somers said that the epoch of the free market was over and the era of state regulation of the economy, not excluding the nationalization of banks and enterprises. The former head of the US Federal Reserve System A. Greenspan directly spoke about the utility of nationalization of banks in the crucial crisis. In the US, this process has already begun, which prompted one of our publicists to publish a condemning article called "Socialist states". The German government also plans to nationalize distressed banks. The representative of the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Sea Maria de Belem Roseira described as a deep mistake, the prevailing belief that market mechanisms can ensure the solution of social problems. In fact, it is impossible to solve without infringement of the "free" economy. French President Nicolas Sarkozy stated that the current economic crisis is generated by the "bad" capitalism, which still existed, it needs to be abolished and replaced with other capitalism, this time - "good". Existing capitalism really must be destroyed. But he can not be replaced by anything else - the best capitalism, because there is no one and can not be, but only a society based on the means of production - communist.