Acute pain in the lumbar spine or lumbago: symptoms and treatment at home, ways to relieve pain. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of lumbago Lumbago symptoms causes treatment

Lumbago is a symptomatic complaint that occurs in patients due to a defect in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. With this pathology, the patient complains of acute and intense pain in the lower back, the pain, according to the description, resembles a lumbago.


Causes of pain

Pain, defined in medical terminology as lumbago, always develops according to one mechanism, although the reasons that trigger this mechanism can vary significantly. An improper position or shape of the intervertebral disc leads to injury to the nerve endings, which are abundantly located in the ring of fibrous tissue and ligaments, which they provide.

When nerve endings become irritated, a portion of the muscles and ligaments reflexively tense in response to pain. A spasm occurs - the inability to relax tense muscles in order to relieve pain. As a result, it turns out vicious circle: Painful sensations provoke spasm, and spasm increases painful sensations.

Lumbago - Causes of Pain

There are three main reasons that can provoke the development of pain in the spine. In the first place in frequency are injuries of the intervertebral discs, such as:

  • complete or incomplete rupture of the ring of fibrous tissue;
  • displacement of the disc relative to its anatomically correct location;
  • pathology in which the nuclear disc is outside the ring of fibrous tissue;
  • trauma to the surrounding ligaments.

Intervertebral discs are damaged mainly as a result of overstrain of the back (for example, when carrying heavy loads), due to injury (in athletes).

In second place in terms of prevalence is the displacement of the vertebrae themselves. The vertebrae lose their normal position in the spinal column mainly due to osteochondrosis, which is observed in the patient for a long time and does not undergo any treatment. One of the vertebrae in this case is usually displaced slightly forward or backward relative to what is below. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, deformation occurs not only of their bodies, but also of their processes, during which the intervertebral discs can be injured. Ligaments are usually also forced to adapt to changed conditions, which leads to their tears.

A large group of congenital abnormalities is distinguished, which lead to the development of lumbago. These include:

  • an increase in the gap between the vertebral arches - spondylolysis (many are worried about whether in some cases it does not even manifest itself clinically: the danger, first of all, is an increase in the load on the spine and the likelihood of developing chronic pain);
  • lumbarization, in which a person has not 5, but 6 vertebrae in the lower back, and the size of the sacrum is significantly reduced;
  • sacralization, in which either the addition of another vertebra to the sacrum is noted, or a decrease in the number of vertebrae in the lumbar region, which leads to an increase in the load on the spine, it is ultimately distributed incorrectly;
  • the change anatomically shaped joints providing intervertebral connections;
  • excessive connection between the first and third vertebra of the lumbar, which also leads to an incorrect distribution of the load and limitation of mobility in the lumbar spine;
  • a change in the normal shape of the vertebrae, because of which they cannot normally be located in their places and are more often embarrassed;
  • pathological changes affecting the size or shape of the vertebral processes;
  • , in which there is a displacement of one of the lumbar vertebrae anteriorly or posteriorly relative to that of the vertebrae that is located below; displacement can be either acquired or congenital.

In addition to the common causes of the development of lumbago, there are also factors that lead to shooting pains in rare cases. These include:

  • destruction of the vertebral body by a benign or malignant tumor;
  • inflammation affecting the vertebral bodies or;
  • rheumatic process affecting the spine.

In the treatment of lumbago, an important role is played by the correct determination of the causes and their elimination.

Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms indicating the development of lumbago are characteristic of a number of other back diseases, and therefore require careful diagnosis from the doctor, and from the patient a thorough description of all symptoms. First of all, examining and palpating the back, the doctor may pay attention to the fact that the muscles in the lumbar region are in a state of strong tension.

Lumbago - Symptoms and Signs

The pain that patients usually complain about becomes much less intense if the patient lies down. In this case, even minor movements in the lumbar column can provoke a new attack of exacerbation.

One of characteristic features lumbago is a spontaneous and abrupt abatement of a painful attack. The patient simply at some point realizes that the lower back no longer hurts. At the same time, he did not take any special postures, and sometimes even neglected medications. Duration of an attack different people can vary, lasting from several days to several weeks.

Patients characterize the painful attack as pulsating, shooting, sharp, tearing. In some cases, irradiation to the thigh or buttocks is possible, which indicates the involvement of the sciatic nerve in the pathological process. This condition is called sciatica.

The greatest intensity of the pain attack is noted in the first half hour after its onset. Then the pain subsides, but may worsen at night.

In addition to muscle tension and pain, attention is drawn to the change in the volume of active and passive movements in the spine, that is, a violation of its mobility. Basically, patients freeze in a forced position, slightly tilting the body forward. This position slightly relieves the attack, rendering the patient helpless. Movements during an acute attack bring unnecessary pain, so a person prefers to freeze and reduce movements to a minimum.

Lying in bed, patients also take a forced posture to relieve pain. There are two options: in the first case, the patient lies on his back, pulling his knees to, and in the second case, the patient lies on his stomach, placing a pillow under it. Changing posture is difficult for the patient, he actively helps himself with his hands.

What is lumbago with sciatica

Often, pain affects not only the lumbar region, but also spreads to the buttock or thigh, involving large volumes of tissue in the pathological process. If a patient complains of a widespread pain syndrome, affecting, including the lower extremities, then the doctor may well suspect lumbago with sciatica.

There are many reasons for the development of mixed pathology. For example, it is often encountered by pregnant women or overweight people. The main factor contributing to the development of the disease is a sharp increase in the load in the lumbar region.

The involvement of the lower limb in the process occurs due to the active compression of the nerve roots, which provide communication with a nerve called the sciatic. The roots transmit part of the impulses to the nerve itself, to which it responds with the development of pain syndrome.

· Detectable abscesses - purulent cavities.

Treatment of pain caused by lumbago can only be started after consulting a specialist and only if the diagnosis is confirmed. Shooting pains can form not only due to lumbago, but also due to the effects of a number of other pathologies.

Also, before treatment, it is important to establish the cause of the lumbago. Determining the exact cause will influence therapy. Depending on the cause, the doctor will be able to adjust the therapy.

Initially, it is important to provide first aid to a patient experiencing a painful attack. To do this, it is best to lay the person on a hard surface, making sure that it is flat. Assistance can be provided in adopting an optimal posture in which the pain will be felt least intensely: the patient is advised to raise his legs, and he should lie on his back.

It is necessary to call a doctor or take the patient to the hospital. It is prohibited to provide assistance in the form of massage or warming up at home.

At the hospital, care will begin with kyphosis. Kifting means giving the patient a posture in which pain will be minimal. It is optimal if the patient will spend the whole day or most of it in this position.

The patient is placed on his back, and his legs are bent in the hip and. For convenience, your legs can be laid on a chair, box or any other elevation. In this case, it is important that the excess height does not cause inconvenience to the patient. A 90-degree bend angle is considered optimal for the legs.

An alternative to lying on your back is to assume a prone position, which is less commonly used. In this case, the patient is placed several rollers or thick pillows under the abdomen.

The second stage of treatment is drug therapy... The main task is to eliminate pain and relieve spasm, for which they can be used:

  • Spasmolitin, Tizanidine, Pentoxifylline, which provide relief of spasm, as well as vasodilation;
  • you can use novocaine blockade with the addition of glucocorticoids to eliminate inflammation, but the frequency of repetition of the blockade should not exceed three times, since there is a high risk of complications due to atrophy of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • local agents are used, such as ointments, creams, rubbing, you can use Diclofenac, Ortofen, Voltaren, etc .;
  • for compresses, you can use Demixid, while the compress is put several times a day for half an hour;
  • inside you can take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, etc.

It is possible to use aids in the treatment. In addition to the main course, chondroprotectors, tranquilizers and hypnotics with severe pain intensity, vitamins from group D can be prescribed.

When it is possible to cope with the acute phase of the disease, the doctor may recommend courses of physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture. If there are no significant injuries, it is also possible to do gymnastics under the guidance of a specialist. Moderate physical activity will help strengthen the muscle frame and improve the general condition of the patient.

The effectiveness of physiotherapy in the treatment of lumbago is not considered proven, however, many doctors recommend that patients undergo a course of such treatment. With lumbago, the following techniques can be used:

  • applications to the affected area with ozokerite or paraffin, which provide warming and reflex relaxation of muscle fibers, helping to get rid of spasm;
  • cold applications, which are less popular, since in some cases they provoke increased pain, and sometimes lead to the development of infection or inflammation in the kidney area.

Acupuncture, like physiotherapy, has no proven efficacy in the treatment of this pathology. However, this type of alternative medicine is also used, despite the fact that no studies have been conducted on its effectiveness.

Carrying out a massage requires good skills from the massage therapist. It is important not to aggravate the situation, and therefore the procedure is carried out for a short time. Its duration rarely exceeds 5-10 minutes. Movements should be soft and careful, without excessive compression, sharp tapping. The massage procedure is stopped if the patient complains of increased pain symptoms. With the correct massage, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the general condition and a decrease in the intensity of pain.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

V modern world physicians strongly advise against treating lumbago at home. This is due to the high probability of harming, not improving the situation. The risk of worsening is especially high if the patient cannot say exactly what caused the pain attack.

However, despite the warnings of doctors, there are still traditional medicine methods that are suitable for getting rid of an attack at home.

Most often, patients with a lumbago attack tend to take a bath. It is recommended to add hay or oats to the bath, as well as mustard seeds.

Lumbago - Treatment with folk remedies at home

Clay is an alternative. Both its red variety and the most common one are used. The clay is thoroughly washed, heated to a warm state (so that it can be held in hands without discomfort), and then applied to the affected area. You can add a little turpentine to the clay to make the effect more intense. The clay is kept until it cools completely.

You can apply a burdock leaf to the sore lower back, which also helps to fight pain. it is recommended to wash thoroughly and then tie to the back, leaving to dry completely. They change the sheet to a new one when the old one becomes as thick as paper for cigarettes. The procedure is repeated in the morning and in the evening.

Some patients supplement any procedure, as well as traditional treatment, with the use of cedar tincture, which is used internally.

At home, a special belt made of elastic material can also help relieve pain. The belt should provide fixation of the lower back, tightly fitting it. It is good if it contains wool, which provides a warming effect.

It is important to remember about the prohibitions for the acute period of the disease. The same prohibitions apply if the nature of the pain has not been established:

  • patients are forbidden to hang on the horizontal bar, since with a hernia, such an exercise will aggravate the situation;
  • it is strictly forbidden to do warming up by any means, since the warm effect will only increase the vasodilation, ensuring the flow of fluid to the affected area and aggravating the swelling of the tissues, flow, in turn, will only increase the pain syndrome;
  • massage is also prohibited due to increased blood flow in the affected area with the subsequent aggravation of tissue edema;
  • ointments that provide a warming effect are not used in the acute period of the disease for the same reason.

It is also important for patients to remember that home treatment does not affect the cause of the disease. It can only reduce the severity of symptoms, but does not prevent relapse in any way.


Before starting gymnastics, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The patient should do all the exercises without haste, with an average of 8 to 10 repetitions per exercise. If pain appears during the exercise, it is stopped so as not to provoke a relapse of the attack.

In the first days of illness, all exercises are performed lying on your back. In this case, the legs should be on an elevation. The following complex is used:

  • breathing with the help of the diaphragm, when on exhalation the stomach should be drawn in, and on inhalation it should swell;
  • flexion and extension movements in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
  • rotational movements of the feet;
  • leaning on the roller, you can straighten your legs in turn;
  • if the pain is not intense, then the feet are placed on the bed and the patient performs flexion and extension of the legs in the knee joint;
  • you can do raises of hands;
  • in the absence of pain, one of the legs is straightened and as much as possible taken to the side so that the heel does not come off the bed, then the legs are changed.

Lumbago - Exercise

When the intensity of pain decreases significantly, you can add the following set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and returning mobility to the spinal column:

  • raising the sacral region, in which the emphasis is on the legs bent at the knees and the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • combined lifting of the head with tension of the muscular system in the abdominal area, while the legs should be straight;
  • rounding of the lumbar spine with pressing it as tightly as possible to the bed, accompanied by alternate sliding of the legs along the bed (sliding should be done with pressure);
  • a similar exercise, but both legs are involved in sliding at the same time;
  • squeezing of the buttocks, accompanied by the tension of the large muscles of the buttocks, in a tense state it is recommended to hold on for 4 to 6 seconds;
  • to perform this exercise, a roller is placed in the calf area, after which the patient must raise the sacrum, focusing on the thoracic region and legs extended on the roller;
  • the legs are bent at the shins, after which the knees are abducted to the sides in turn;
  • for this exercise, the patient leans on the area of ​​the hands and knees, after which it is necessary to sit on his heels, keeping his hands on the bed;
  • in a similar position, it is proposed to round the back, like a stretching cat, and then take an even position (it is important not to bend!).

The subacute period of the disease can be accompanied by three more additional exercises. Their goal is to improve blood supply, as well as to partially eliminate muscle spasms:

  • the left leg must be pressed to the stomach, and then the right leg, straightened at the knee, must be lifted several times, then the legs change;
  • bending the legs at the knee joints, and folding the hands on the stomach in a "lock", the patient should lift the shoulder area together with the head;
  • resting on the bed with his hands and, the patient makes alternate lifting of one or the other leg.

It is important to remember that, first of all, lumbago therapy is aimed at relieving the patient of pain, which is the leading symptom. Pain relief is a priority task, and therefore most of the impacts are aimed precisely at achieving this goal. If during the exercise the pain only intensifies, it is worthwhile to abandon their performance for a while or exclude only those movements that make the patient feel pain more intensely.

Lumbago is a pathology that develops under the influence of many factors. It is important to establish the root cause of the disease and begin to act on it in order to effectively stop the patient's pain syndrome and save him from possible relapses. When pains resembling lumbago appear, it is recommended to consult a neurologist who will diagnose and establish the nature of the pathology. Home treatment is not recommended without prior consultation.

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Lumbago is a designation for pain in the lower back. In addition to the term "lumbago", the concept of "cervicago" is sometimes found, which means acute pain in the neck. It would seem, by analogy, if there is pain in the thoracic spine, then it can be called "thoracago". However, there is no such term, and pain in the thoracic spine is called thoracalgia.

But in the same way, there are the terms "cervicalgia" and "lumbodynia" to refer to pain in the neck and lower back in general. Why does the term "lumbago" exist if there is already "lumbodynia"?

Lumbago - what is it?

The point is, lumbago is not just any back pain. Here lumbodynia is any pain that can have the most different sources: from a vertebral tumor to kidney pathology and acute pyelonephritis.

But lumbago is a sudden sharp and shooting pain, popularly nicknamed "lumbago". Lumbago is a huge problem in therapy and neurology: the annual damage from this disease is tens of millions of rubles due to missed man-hours.

Is it legal to say "lumbago lumbago"? No, this is wrong - the point is that the entire anatomical nomenclature is of Latin origin. Translated into Russian, the word "lumbus" means the loin.

Therefore, an obvious tautology arises, and the concept of "lumbago of the lumbar spine" can be translated as "acute pain in the lower back of the lumbar spine", which is clearly redundant. Therefore, we can simply say "lumbago".

Lumbago causes

The most common cause of lumbago is osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. In short, osteochondrosis is a progressive atrophy of the intervertebral cartilaginous discs, and the convergence of the vertebrae caused by this process. Osteochondrosis and lumbago - "twins - brothers".

It is known that the lower back is the most massive part of the spine, with thick discs. In this case, the vertebrae and their supporting surfaces of the bodies are even. In the event that disc degeneration occurs - protrusion or hernia, then there is a risk of damage to the spinal roots at the appropriate levels.

Narrowing of the intervertebral space helps to reduce the lumen of the intervertebral foramen. This causes radicular or radicular pain. In other words, long-term osteochondrosis leads to lumbago.

Why does acute lumbago occur?

Lumbago - photo symptoms

Sometimes, against the background of low back pain, an especially acute pain syndrome may occur, which can "twist" a person. But, surprisingly, one movement of the chiropractor is enough, and the pain goes away. This made the most capricious and skeptical patients feel respect for the "manual operators". Why is this happening?

Here you need to remember that the intervertebral joint has a connective tissue capsule, and it can be impaired. In the event that the articular process of the vertebra is displaced upward into the opening of the overlying vertebra, then due to the weakness of the capsule, it "snaps" between the adjacent vertebrae - this causes very severe pain.

But, with the correct movement of the chiropractor - hanging and stretching - you can release the capsule, and instantly relieve the pain without any medications.

Symptoms of lumbago + lumbago with sciatica

Lumbago with sciatica - what is it?

Some equate lumbago with sciatica - this is possible if there is a compression of the corresponding roots.

In this case, there is pain and impaired sensitivity along the sciatic nerve - along the back of the thigh, from under the gluteal muscle, up to the popliteal fossa. In the same department, sensitivity disorders arise.

The classic signs of lumbago are:

  • acute back pain;
  • there is an increase in pain when moving and turning;
  • pain worsens with a deep breath, coughing and sneezing;
  • pain increases with straining, during an attempt to empty the intestines.

All these symptoms of lumbago characterize radicular pain, which is aggravated by the slightest concussion of the inflamed and swollen root, clamped by the intervertebral disc, which has undergone destruction.

Sometimes sensory and movement disorders occur in the areas of the corresponding roots. Most often, lumbago occurs when the roots are affected between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, as well as between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacrum.

As a result, in the corresponding segments and at a distance from the site of the lesion, pain and paresthesia appear, as well as formation (a feeling of "creeping").

What can occur when individual lumbar roots are affected?

  • With the defeat of 3 roots, a decrease or loss of the knee reflex occurs, the appearance of weakness of the quadriceps femoris muscle. Weakness occurs when the leg is extended at the knee (it is difficult to climb stairs);
  • With the defeat of 4 roots, additional paresis of the tibial muscle occurs. As a result, a violation of the extension of the foot is added to the weakness during extension of the hip, and it is also difficult to raise its inner edge. It becomes difficult to bend forward on straight legs, standing with the whole sole;
  • The defeat of the 5th root causes disturbances in the extensors of the toes, and the tendon Achilles reflex on the affected side also decreases.

What can happen with complications?

Sometimes lumbago caused by osteochondrosis is more dramatic than the symptoms described. So, there is a known clinical case when a man in the gym, after lifting weights, suddenly felt an acute pain in the lower back. Along the way, it turned out that the skin of his thigh was numb on the right, and progressive weakness appeared in his right leg.

However, he "did not heed", and continued to train, not attaching importance to these symptoms. As a result, events developed more dramatically: numbness and weakness appeared in the left leg. The man could not get home on his own, and could not urinate. He developed paradoxical ischuria, that is, the release of urine drop by drop, due to flaccid paralysis Bladder, developed complete impotence.

During the study, it turned out that he had a large disc herniation, between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, which formed a sequestration, that is, a free fragment. It penetrated into the spinal canal, and squeezed almost the entire cauda equina (nerves are an extension of the spinal cord). Therefore, on the same evening, he was urgently operated in the department of spinal neurosurgery, and after a full recovery he was discharged home.

Therefore, you need to be attentive to the signs of acute lower back pain, and in no case force physical activity.

Lumbago treatment + drugs and ointments

Treatment of acute low back pain suggests that the continuation of radicular disc compression must be eliminated or eliminated first. Otherwise, conservative therapy will be ineffective, and surgical treatment will be required. The basic principles of lumbago therapy are as follows:

  • In the acute stage, rest is needed, it is applied drug treatment lumbago: injectable forms of selective NSAIDs (Ksefokam, Movalis) for pain relief;
  • Muscle relaxants of central action ("Midocalm", "Sirdalud") are used, which relax the muscles;
  • Assigned vitamins of group "B" - "Milgamma compositum" intramuscularly;

Local treatment

  • For lumbago, warming and cooling ointments and creams, as well as gels containing NSAIDs, are used. They improve blood flow and relieve secondary muscle spasm in the skeletal muscles that increases pain. Such means include warming ointments - "Kapsikam", "Finalgon", containing snake venom "Viprosal", "Nayatoks", bee venom "Apizartron";
  • Acupuncture, the use of Lyapko and Kuznetsov's Ipplikators helps;
    at the stage of a dying exacerbation, massage, wearing a semi-rigid corset, and physiotherapy exercises are shown.
  • With the ineffectiveness of conservative measures, it is possible to prescribe a therapeutic blockade of the lumbar roots (novocaine, adrenaline, corticosteroid hormones).

At chronic course with frequent relapses, surgical treatment is indicated. In this case, lower back pain should progress, and not be stopped by conventional means within a month, while the zone of decreased sensitivity and numbness usually expands.

Another indication for surgical treatment is the progression of paralysis and paresis, increased weakness in the leg muscles.

Prevention of lumbago

Little is needed to prevent this chronic condition. In order to never be tormented by back pain, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • do not get fat, avoid excess body weight;
  • do gymnastics regularly, the muscles of the lower back should be in good shape and well supplied with blood;
  • hypothermia should be avoided, especially in spring and autumn;
  • it is advisable to avoid sharp turns, lifting weights, extreme sports loads, as well as slipping in winter.

In the event that episodes of lumbago still bother you, then it is necessary to check all the symptoms with a neurologist, perform an MRI scan at least once a year, and undergo treatment. Otherwise, you can suddenly get a serious complication similar to the clinical case described above.

The symptoms and treatment of lumbago require the knowledge and, of course, the qualifications of the treating specialist. Among those over 40, there are few people who would not have experienced the symptoms of this disease, the disease is very common. At the moment of the greatest manifestation of his symptoms, a person usually cares about only one thing - how to get rid of pain and return to normal life.

How does the disease manifest

Lumbago disease manifests itself unambiguously, it is difficult to confuse it with anything else. Pain in the lumbar spine appears suddenly and abruptly. This is the difference between lumbago-lumbago from radiculitis - a related disease that has its own differences in manifestation and genesis. The popular name is very figurative, and most importantly, lucidly describes the disease: as if someone shot the back below the waist, arousing in it a sharp, unbearable pain that intensifies with every movement of the body.

In this case, the pain can spread beyond its focus. It is felt in the muscles of the back, radiates to the buttocks and legs. Sometimes pain can be projected onto the front of the body, such as the lower abdomen.

Sharp, severe pain occurs from irritation of the sciatic nerve. This happens in people who already have a history of a disease called sciatica, which means chronic inflammation sciatic nerve.

Usually, strong tension in the muscles of the lumbar region occurs spontaneously, in response to a pain symptom. This creates tension in the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Sometimes a spasm of the lower extremities may appear.

The worst pain lasts for the first 30 minutes. Some are forced to endure acute pain for several hours. After some time, the person's pain syndrome releases, but does not leave, but insidiously returns at night, when a person loses vigilance, starting to toss and turn.

Lumbago symptoms usually go away after a week, but full recovery usually occurs in a month or two. This does not happen by itself, the disease must be treated. However, the person experiences such severe pains that the thought of treatment does not leave him for a minute.

Diagnosis of lumbago can be carried out not only by signs of manifestation and localization of pain, but also by how pain sensations change when the position of the body changes.

There is usually relief when a person:

  • lies on his back with legs pulled up to the stomach;
  • lies on the stomach, under which the pillow is located;
  • from a prone position to a sitting position, he moves, leaning on his hands.

Thus, the diagnosis of lumbago is based on a complex of symptoms, the manifestation of which is usually not in doubt.

Causes of the appearance of attacks of lumbago

This disease has a mechanism and causes. In fact, these are different phenomena. The mechanism of development of the lumbago is always the same: at the time of displacement or deformation of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, irritation of the nerve endings concentrated in the annulus fibrosus and tendons that have a connection with these vertebrae occurs. This is the mechanism behind the onset of pain and spasms in the muscles surrounding the spine.

However, this mechanism occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. Damage to the intervertebral discs. Each of them consists of central and peripheral structures. In the center is a soft gelatinous nucleus, which softens the pressure on the vertebrae during movement. The peripheral part of the discs is a dense annulus fibrosus. During too much physical impact, a rupture of the annulus fibrosus, displacement of the intervertebral discs, and rupture of ligaments can form. As a result of all these processes, the nucleus pulposus flows into the tissues located outside the annulus fibrosus and the vertebra.
  2. Displacement of the vertebrae. The reason for the displacement is usually osteochondrosis, which provokes intervertebral deformities. As a result, one of the vertebrae is displaced, deforming not only the vertebrae themselves, but also their processes. Bony outgrowths, the so-called osteophytes, are formed on them, which cause damage to the intervertebral discs. All these displacements affect the condition of the ligaments - they are deformed and torn. These tears are often microscopic in nature, which nevertheless have serious consequences.
  3. Congenital anomalies of the vertebrae. Congenital pathologies that arise in the lumbar vertebrae occur in about 25% of all people on the planet.

Anomalies can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways. For example, splitting of the vertebral arches can occur, which causes the onset of inflammatory processes and severe pain.

Anomalies include the so-called. It represents the appearance of an extra vertebra in the lumbar region. The nervous system of the spine, as well as the structure of tendons and muscles, are not designed for this excess. It is this discrepancy that causes pain attacks.

  1. Transformation of the intervertebral joints. This can happen for various reasons, but the leading among them are destructive processes arising from rheumatism, arthritis, injuries, etc.
  2. Fusion of the first and second lumbar vertebrae. This leads not only to pain, but also to loss of mobility in the lumbar spine. Most often, such processes are associated with age-related changes.
  3. Malignant and benign neoplasms in the lumbar region. Of benign neoplasms, an osteoma and, as well as hemangioma, a vascular tumor that forms inside the vertebra itself, lead to an attack of lumbago. Malignant neoplasms that can cause pain include myeloma and.
  4. Infections that give rise to the disease spondylitis, which is an inflammatory process in the spine.

Thus, an attack of lumbago may indicate relatively harmless and easily removable pathologies, but it may be an indicator of the onset of very serious diseases.

So, if lumbago appears often, is poorly eliminated and is very difficult to tolerate, contact your doctor and demand a mandatory examination.

Additional diagnostics

In addition to assessing symptoms and anamnesis, the following methods are used in the diagnosis:

  1. The doctor applies pressure with his fingers to 9 pain points of the Vale. They are located along the sciatic nerve, forming clusters around its roots. This is a painful procedure, since the task of a specialist is to deliberately provoke a pain reaction, according to which the preliminary cause of lower back pain is revealed.
  2. To clarify the localization of pain, the doctor usually suggests that the sick person perform a series of test exercises. They allow you to schedule actions for further examination of the patient.
  3. X-ray examination. It is necessary in order to exclude or confirm the occurrence of neoplasms, congenital or acquired pathologies, transformation of joints, fusion of vertebrae, etc.
  4. CT scan. With this procedure, you can get a more accurate picture of the disease. Tomography allows you to take pictures of sections of the spine in problem areas in a three-dimensional image.
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging. MRI allows examining soft tissues in the spinal cord, intervertebral discs, and nerve roots.
  6. ... It is carried out using isotopes that serve as an identification mark. The isotope in the form of a special drug is administered intravenously to the examined person. The movement of marker isotopes is monitored using a gamma camera. Isotopes usually accumulate in areas of inflammation. Places that are bypassed by isotopes are also risk areas, since it is here that neoplasms form.
  7. Electroneuromyography. This method is somewhat similar to the preliminary palpation procedure, only the instrument is electricity, which acts on the peripheral nerve in order to stimulate it. This is how the zones where the nerve roots are pinched are identified.
  8. Blood and urine tests are mandatory. They give general idea about the state of the body and the severity of inflammatory processes.

Methods and means of treatment

How to treat lumbago and can it be completely cured so that attacks do not recur? If it really is just a lumbago, then it can be cured. However, this requires prevention, as well as constant care for the condition of your spine.

When the first pains appear, a person should be laid on a flat and hard surface. Depending on the localization of pain, he is placed on his back, raising his legs to an elevation, on his side with legs tucked into his stomach, on his stomach, placing a pillow under it.

Before the doctor's examination and the appointment of a treatment course, it is prohibited: to do massage, try to relieve muscle spasm physical exercise, warm up the affected area. It is better for the patient to provide complete rest for 2-3 days, excluding any load.

If the diagnosis of lumbago is confirmed, treatment should begin with correct selection medicines.

Medication should relieve pain and muscle spasm. Tizanidine, Pentoxifilin, Spasmolitin, Tetrazepam are usually prescribed as antispasmodics.

With severe pain, novocaine blockade is performed with the introduction of corticosteroids. For this, Novocaine injections with hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are made around the lumbar spine.

Such a blockade is carried out in medical institutions. It acts quickly, especially if physical activity is the cause of lumbago.

However, it is often not recommended to resort to such a potent agent, since this can lead to the development of more powerful pathological processes.

Treatment of lumbago at home is often long-term. The sore spot is treated with compresses, rubbing, ointments, etc. All these external agents are designed to improve blood circulation, relieve swelling that always accompany inflammation, minimize or completely eliminate inflammation.

For these purposes, use any warming ointment like Capsicam. However, for lumbago, it is usually recommended to use Diclofenac. It comes in the form of ointments, injections, tablets.

To relieve inflammation, anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Piroxicam, Indomethacin are prescribed.

Lumbago treatment is a long-term process that includes several stages. For this reason, the prevention of such a disease is of paramount importance. The spine must be handled with care, as it constantly bears increased stress.

Lumbago is a sudden and sharp lumbago in the back (lower back), which grows rapidly and significantly limits any person's mobility. When you try to turn or take a step, sneezing, the discomfort only intensifies. More often, such a pathological condition is one-sided, and it is also not always associated with any movements or actions. The disease can occur at any age, even in children. Treatment of lumbago must be carried out without fail, since the pathology itself will not go away. However, this must be done carefully and correctly.

If what is lumbago is already clear, then not everyone knows why a lumbago appears in the lower back. Sometimes it is enough to overextend your back, lift a weight, or turn unsuccessfully for pain to appear. However, a disease can also provoke a lumbago. Unpleasant sensations appear due to squeezing or stretching of the nerve roots. So, a backache that has affected the back is provoked by the following reasons:

  • Osteochondrosis, spondylosis, sciatica or other diseases of the lumbar spine.
  • Pregnancy, which changes the center of gravity of the body. Also, the female organs, as well as the skeleton, are under increased stress.
  • Too low physical activity of a person.
  • Excessive body weight (there is a heavy load on the joints and spinal column).
  • High-heeled shoes.

From the video with the therapist Elena Vasilievna Malysheva and the chiropractor Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin, you will learn about the causes of the disease:

  • Constant rest and sleep on a hard surface.
  • General or local hypothermia.
  • Lumbar sprain (here the shooting pain quickly passes if adequate therapy is applied).
  • Congenital diseases of the spinal column.
  • Lower back injury.

  • Narrowing of the spinal canal.
  • Abrupt movement after a long period of rest (this is the most common cause of lumbago).
  • Rheumatism (systemic pathology, as a result of which lumbago develops).
  • Cancer in the lower back.
  • Infectious pathologies.

All the reasons must be established as accurately as possible, only then the treatment of lumbago will be effective and correct.

Symptoms of the disease

If there are lumbago in the lower back, they do not go unnoticed.

Table 1. Signs of lumbago

The main symptom of a lumbago in the lower back is a sharp, intense pain. It is accompanied by muscle spasm. The localization of unpleasant sensations is determined by the patient as accurately as possible. If the lower back is shot, then the symptoms may appear within a couple of seconds or even several days.
Additional symptoms of lumbago
  • Pain syndrome of a pulling nature, which is capable of spreading and giving into the hip or pelvis.
  • Loss of sensitivity of the skin of the lower limb, including the foot.
  • Numbness of the inner thigh and perineum.
  • Freezing of the patient in a certain position, after which he cannot move.
  • Asymmetrical torso position.
  • In men, a disease such as lumbago can provoke sexual dysfunction.
  • Feeling of weakness in the lower limbs.
  • Problems with urination.
  • Local thickening of muscle tissue, swelling of the affected lumbar region
Sciatica It poses the greatest health hazard. Symptoms are rare and short-lived, but the disease progresses. The signs of pathology are as follows:
  1. Feeling of "goose bumps", tingling on the skin.
  2. Strong tension, covering the lower back, appears.
  3. Mild pulling pain in the affected area (only at the initial stages of the development of the disease). During rest, its intensity decreases.
  4. Unpleasant sensations spread to the buttocks

If there is a backache, the first thing to do is to see a doctor. He will prescribe diagnostic measures, after which adequate treatment is prescribed.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbar spine

The attack itself immediately indicates the presence of such a pathology as lumbodynia. However, an X-ray of the lower back, MRI or CT of the affected area will help determine the exact cause of its appearance.

What not to do during treatment

With the wrong therapy, lumbago symptoms can worsen and the treatment must be changed. This happens because the patient does not always listen to the conditions of doctors and begins to use prohibited methods of dealing with lumbar lumbago. For example, there are things that are not recommended for this disease:

  1. Stretch the spine, especially the lower back. If this is done, then the intervertebral discs, already affected by osteochondrosis, another skeletal disease or injury, will be damaged even more. They are already deformed, inflammation occurs inside them. Additional reinforced exercise stress will only increase the intensity of pathological processes, the lumbago will become stronger. Such "treatment" will make the symptoms more pronounced, and the functionality of the lower back will be significantly limited.
  2. Warming up the affected area that patients can do at home. Such treatment of lumbago is also strictly prohibited. This is especially true of alcohol compresses and pharmaceutical irritating ointments. This method of therapy provokes a rush of additional blood to the affected area. So, the inflammatory process, and, therefore, the intensity of lumbago, increases. You should also not use cans and mustard plasters.

  1. Lumbar massage. With lumbago, this method treatment is not authorized by mainstream medicine. The pressure exerted on the vertebrae aggravates the symptoms. If the lumbago affected only the left or right side, then after the massage the adjacent vertebrae and the entire lumbar region may hurt.
  2. It is better not to visit baths or saunas for the first time after the appearance of lumbago.

These mistakes in the treatment of lumbago should not be allowed. This will only aggravate the pathological process and make it chronic. In addition, the appearance of edema of the nerve roots, so the pain spreads further. Also, the person develops compensatory scoliosis. It allows you to relieve pain syndrome due to the fact that the bulge is directed to the healthy side.

Conservative therapy of pathology

If the lower back is shot to the left or right, and the pain is very acute, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination and determine the cause of the appearance of lumbago. To eliminate manifestations immediately after their occurrence, you can take the following measures:

  1. Lie down or take another comfortable position in which the pain decreases or goes away completely. This will allow the muscles to relax. It is best to lie on a hard surface that does not flex.
  2. It is better to apply ice to the area of ​​the lower back, where it began to shoot and hurt.
  3. Naturally, the patient will have to take an anesthetic drug: "Solpadein", "Dolaren".

Solpadein should not be taken for more than 5 days when prescribed as an anesthetic and more than 3 days as an antipyretic without prescribing and supervising a doctor. The average price for 8 tablets is 140 rubles

All the time, such treatment of a lumbago in the lower back is not welcome. It is imperative to find out the cause and eliminate it. Otherwise, the lumbago will haunt the person.

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe medications and other procedures that contribute to the treatment of the underlying disease, as well as the elimination of symptoms. In the presence of lumbago, all treatment is folded into the following scheme:

  1. To reduce the intensity of symptoms, the patient needs several days to observe strict bed rest, try not to make sudden movements. Only complete rest will allow you to quickly cope with unpleasant sensations, eliminate excessive tension and muscle spasm.
  2. Massage and self-massage. Despite the fact that pressure on the lower back is prohibited, the patient can use a technique such as stroking. After the end of the acute period, rubbing can also be used to help relax the muscles.

Pharmacist Maria Luneva tells more about the drug No-shpa:

  1. Medical treatment. Sciatica or lumbar ischalgia is accompanied by a very acute pain syndrome, so you cannot do without medication. Mostly used are pain relievers: "Analgin", "Sedalgin". If they do not help, then stronger drugs are used - "Trigan". To eliminate muscle spasm, you will need No-shpa, Spazmalgon. If they are ineffective, muscle relaxants will be required: "Mydocalm". However, they are prescription drugs and are not recommended to be used without a doctor's prescription. It is also necessary to remove the inflammatory process, for which non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. The presented medicines are used both in the form of tablets and in the form of local ointments. These funds additionally contribute to the elimination of puffiness due to pinching of the nerve roots. It can be removed with the help of diuretics: "Furosemide", horsetail extract, bearberry infusion.
  2. Physiotherapy. Since it is necessary to treat lumbago in a complex manner, physiotherapy procedures in conjunction with drug treatment have a positive effect. For therapy, electrophoresis with caripazim, diathermic currents are used. Acupuncture is also useful, treating not only pain syndrome, but also muscle spasm with lumbago.

This treatment regimen will get rid of the cause of the pathology. But it is better not to engage in self-therapy. But lumbago will not go away by itself. In the acute period, it is better not to refuse hospitalization.

Home pathology therapy

Since you will have to treat a lumbago in the lower back at home, you need to know what to do. First of all, special exercises will be useful:

  1. You need to lie on your back and slowly raise your legs up. The movements should be very smooth so that the patient does not feel discomfort.
  2. This exercise is also performed while lying on your back, and allows you to strengthen the abdominal wall. You just need to smoothly do the "scissors" with your feet.
  3. Sitting on a stool, it is necessary to twist the body. First, the exercise is done in one direction, then in the other.

In the presence of a lumbago in the lower back, the reasons should already be clarified; in the acute period, exercises are done with the help of other people, since the patient cannot move independently. Even home treatment sometimes requires the support of loved ones, because you can shoot the lower back at any time.

In order to increase the effect of conservative therapy, you can use folk remedies... These homemade recipes will be helpful:

  1. It is necessary to mix in equal proportions the crushed dandelion root, hop cones, angelica root, mint herb, chamomile flowers. Next, 2 tbsp. collection is poured into 400 ml of boiling water in a thermos and left to infuse for 12 hours. You need to drink the product up to three times a day, 1/3 cup. The course lasts 10 days. It is better to use such a remedy in an acute period.
  2. To eliminate inflammation, you can use the following collection: coltsfoot leaves, marigold flowers, horsetail herbs. All these ingredients must be combined in equal amounts. A mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. 200 ml of cool water is poured. Further, it is put on low heat until the liquid boils. After that, the product languishes in a water bath until its amount is reduced by a third. Now the medicine can be cooled and taken 1/3 cup twice a day.

Chamomile is one of the most commonly used herbs in medicine.

Folk remedies should not be taken on their own. Before using them, a doctor's consultation is required.

Prevention of lumbago

How to treat lumbago is already clear. But it is better not to allow the appearance of a lumbago in the lower back at all. To do this, it is worth following the following recommendations of specialists:

  • Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  • Strengthen the muscle corset with exercise.
  • Protect yourself from injury.

  • Visit the pool.
  • It is required to monitor posture.
  • It is important to adequately assess the weight of objects before lifting them.

Lumbago is not a fatal pathology, however, it can significantly complicate a person's life. It is important not only to fight skeletal diseases in time, but also to prevent their occurrence.

What it is? Lumbago is a designation for pain in the lower back. In addition to the term "lumbago", the concept of "cervicago" is sometimes found, which means acute pain in the neck. It would seem, by analogy, if there is pain in the thoracic spine, then it can be called "thoracago". However, there is no such term, and pain in the thoracic spine is called thoracalgia.

But in the same way, there are the terms "cervicalgia" and "lumbodynia" to refer to pain in the neck and lower back in general. Why does the term "lumbago" exist if there is already "lumbodynia"? The fact is that lumbago is not any soreness in the lower back, but a sudden sharp and shooting pain - it is popularly called "lumbago".

Is it legal to say "lumbago lumbago"? No, this is wrong - the fact is that the entire anatomical nomenclature is of Latin origin. Translated into Russian, the word "lumbus" means the loin. Therefore, an obvious tautology arises, and the concept of "lumbago of the lumbar spine" can be translated as "acute pain in the lower back of the lumbar spine", which is clearly redundant.

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The causes of lumbago

The most common cause of lumbago is osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. In short, osteochondrosis is a progressive atrophy of the intervertebral cartilaginous discs, and the convergence of the vertebrae caused by this process. Osteochondrosis and lumbago - "twins - brothers".

It is known that the lower back is the most massive part of the spine, with thick discs. In this case, the vertebrae and their supporting surfaces of the bodies are even. In the event that disc degeneration occurs - protrusion or hernia, then there is a risk of damage to the spinal roots at the appropriate levels.

Narrowing of the intervertebral space helps to reduce the lumen of the intervertebral foramen. This causes radicular or radicular pain. In other words, long-term osteochondrosis leads to lumbago.

Why does an exacerbation occur?

Lumbago - photo symptoms

Sometimes, against the background of low back pain, an especially acute pain syndrome may occur, which can "twist" a person. But, surprisingly, one movement of the chiropractor is enough, and the pain goes away. This made the most capricious and skeptical patients feel respect for the "manual operators". Why is this happening?

Here you need to remember that the intervertebral joint has a connective tissue capsule, and it can be impaired. In the event that the articular process of the vertebra is displaced upward into the opening of the overlying vertebra, then due to the weakness of the capsule, it "snaps" between the adjacent vertebrae - this causes very severe pain.

But, with the correct movement of the chiropractor - hanging and stretching - you can release the capsule, and instantly relieve the pain without any medications.

Lumbago + sciatica symptoms

Some equate lumbago with sciatica - this is possible if there is a compression of the corresponding roots.

In this case, there is pain and impaired sensitivity along the sciatic nerve - along the back of the thigh, from under the gluteal muscle, up to the popliteal fossa. In the same department, sensitivity disorders arise.

The classic signs of lumbago are:

  • acute back pain;
  • there is an increase in pain when moving and turning;
  • pain worsens with a deep breath, coughing and sneezing;
  • pain increases with straining, during an attempt to empty the intestines.

All these symptoms of lumbago characterize radicular pain, which is aggravated by the slightest concussion of the inflamed and swollen root, clamped by the intervertebral disc, which has undergone destruction.

Sometimes sensory and movement disorders occur in the areas of the corresponding roots. Most often, lumbago occurs when the roots are affected between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, as well as between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacrum.

As a result, in the corresponding segments and at a distance from the site of the lesion, pain and paresthesia appear, as well as formation (a feeling of "creeping").

What can occur when individual lumbar roots are affected?

  • With the defeat of 3 roots, a decrease or loss of the knee reflex occurs, the appearance of weakness of the quadriceps femoris muscle. Weakness occurs when the leg is extended at the knee (it is difficult to climb stairs);
  • With the defeat of 4 roots, additional paresis of the tibial muscle occurs. As a result, a violation of the extension of the foot is added to the weakness during extension of the hip, and it is also difficult to raise its inner edge. It becomes difficult to bend forward on straight legs, standing with the whole sole;
  • The defeat of the 5th root causes disturbances in the extensors of the toes, and the tendon Achilles reflex on the affected side also decreases.

What can happen with complications?

Sometimes lumbago caused by osteochondrosis is more dramatic than the symptoms described. So, there is a known clinical case when a man in the gym, after lifting weights, suddenly felt an acute pain in the lower back. Along the way, it turned out that the skin of his thigh was numb on the right, and progressive weakness appeared in his right leg.

However, he "did not heed", and continued to train, not attaching importance to these symptoms. As a result, events developed more dramatically: numbness and weakness appeared in the left leg. The man could not get home on his own, and could not urinate. He developed paradoxical ischuria, that is, the flow of urine drop by drop, due to flaccid paralysis of the bladder, developed complete impotence.

During the study, it turned out that he had a large disc herniation, between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae, which formed a sequestration, that is, a free fragment. It penetrated into the spinal canal, and squeezed almost the entire cauda equina (nerves are an extension of the spinal cord). Therefore, on the same evening, he was urgently operated in the department of spinal neurosurgery, and after a full recovery he was discharged home.

Therefore, you need to be attentive to the signs of acute lower back pain, and in no case force physical activity.

Lumbago treatment - drugs and ointments

Treatment of acute low back pain suggests that the continuation of radicular disc compression must be eliminated or eliminated first. Otherwise, conservative therapy will be ineffective, and surgical treatment will be required. The basic principles of lumbago therapy are as follows:

  • In the acute stage, rest is needed, drug treatment of lumbago is used: injectable forms of selective NSAIDs ("", "Movalis") to relieve pain;
  • Muscle relaxants of central action ("Midocalm", "Sirdalud") are used, which relax the muscles;
  • Assigned vitamins of group "B" - "Milgamma compositum" intramuscularly;

Local treatment

  • For lumbago, warming and cooling ointments and creams, as well as gels containing NSAIDs, are used. They improve blood flow and relieve secondary muscle spasm in the skeletal muscles that increases pain. Such means include warming ointments - "Kapsikam", "Finalgon", containing snake venom "Viprosal", "Nayatoks", bee venom "Apizartron";
  • Acupuncture, the use of Lyapko and Kuznetsov's Ipplikators helps;
    at the stage of a dying exacerbation, massage, wearing a semi-rigid corset, and physiotherapy exercises are shown.
  • With the ineffectiveness of conservative measures, it is possible to prescribe a therapeutic blockade of the lumbar roots (novocaine, adrenaline, corticosteroid hormones).

In a chronic course with frequent relapses, surgical treatment is indicated. In this case, lower back pain should progress, and not be stopped by conventional means within a month, while the zone of decreased sensitivity and numbness usually expands.

Another indication for surgical treatment is the progression of paralysis and paresis, increased weakness in the leg muscles.

Preventive measures

Little is needed to prevent this chronic condition. In order to never be tormented by back pain, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • do not get fat, avoid excess body weight;
  • do gymnastics regularly, the muscles of the lower back should be in good shape and well supplied with blood;
  • hypothermia should be avoided, especially in spring and autumn;
  • it is advisable to avoid sharp turns, lifting weights, extreme sports loads, as well as slipping in winter.

In the event that episodes of lumbago still bother you, then it is necessary to check all the symptoms with a neurologist, perform an MRI scan at least once a year, and undergo treatment. Otherwise, you can suddenly get a serious complication similar to the clinical case described above.

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