How to treat inflammation of the prostate gland in men. Symptoms of prostatitis in its acute and chronic forms. Prostate inflammation: symptoms caused by prostatitis and other diseases

One of the most unpleasant and with the most common problems for men after 45 is inflammation of the prostate. Pathology is a benign growing of iron fabric in the zone of the bladder neck. In itself, the disease does not pose a threat to the patient's life under the condition of timely treatment. But if adenoma (inflammation of the prostate) will be launched, then the patient may face serious problems against the background of reducing the functionality of the kidneys. Therefore, pathology is formed and how competently struggling with it by drugs or people, we understand below.

Causes of inflammation of prostate

After the reader learned what inflamed prostate, it is important to understand the causes of the development of pathology. In general, doctors tend to believe that one of the possible causes of the formation of nodules in the prostate gland is the low sexual activity of a man. But at the same time, sexually active patients diagnose inflammation of the gland equally as well as in less active.

Basically, experts are inclined not to direct reasons for the formation of pathology, but rather to provoking its development to the factors. These include:

  • Change hormonal background with age;
  • Frequent stressful situations and psycho-emotional loads;
  • Venereal diseases carrying at young age;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Lifestyle (small mobility, a tendency to alcoholism and smoking, consuming fatty foods);
  • Ecology (as a possible risk factor).

IMPORTANT: blocked by the inflamed preservative iron blade interferes with a normal urine outflow in a patient. As a result, over time, the bladder inflammation is first formed. Later, the process is thrown on the kidneys. In the worst case, prostate adenoma can lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys, hyperhydrosis and deficiency of the kidneys.

Symptoms and signs of inflammation of prostate

The inflamed prostate in a man has a characteristic clinical picture. Moreover, it can be formed by increasing depending on the rate of growth of ferrous nodules and from the scale of the neoplasm in the prostate gland. In general, the symptoms in the patient looks like this (starting from minor symptoms to symptoms while aggravating pathology):

  • Some urine delay when hiking to the toilet and the need to strain the abdominal press muscles in order to empty the bladder;
  • Dumbness of urine pressure;
  • Rapid urination for urination (especially at night or in a horizontal position);
  • At the end of the act of emission of urine, intermittent allocations of its last servings are noted;
  • Urine leakage during the day involuntary;
  • Feeling not until the end of the empty bladder after a trip to the toilet;
  • The painful process of ejaculation.

If the pathology is not cured at this stage, then in the future the patient starts the kidney problems. In this case, the inflammation of the prostate in men symptoms will have such:

  • Weakness and lack of appetite;
  • Dryness of the mucousse (especially in the mouth);
  • The presence in the urine of mucus or blood;
  • Change of urine transparency (turbid);
  • Constipation;
  • Urine delay in acute manifestation;
  • An obvious smell of urine from the patient and first of all from the mouth.

If prostaticironá it was brought to such an inflammation stage, then the patient is on the verge of fatal outcome due to the total kidney failure. It is necessary to turn to the urologist as soon as possible to obtain high-quality treatment.

Diagnosis of pathology

After we considered signs of inflammation of prostate and symptoms, it's time to understand how to diagnose with such a disease. In general, such methods are used to form a diagnosis:

  • Patient blood test. Conducted to patients from 50 years. Such diagnostics makes it possible to detect prostate cancer by the level of a prostate-specific antigen in the blood of a man (PSA);
  • Ultrasound of the genitour and prostate gland. Makes it possible to assess the overall condition of the urinary channels, the bladder, the state of the kidneys, and also estimate the parameters of the prostate gland in the stage of inflammation;

Important: If necessary, a man can be appointed ultrasound diagnostics using a rectal sensor.

  • General urine analysis. Provides informativeness for the presence of inflammatory chronic urinary system processes in the patient's body;
  • Special questionnaire. In this case, the questionnaire developed in accordance with international standards has only 7 questions, responding to which, the patient outlines the overall picture of his condition and lifestyle. According to the answers, the attending physician can determine the stage of pathology.

The questionnaire has a special urination diary, which must be filled with the patient.

Treatment of inflamed prostate

In order to build tactics against the inflammation of prostate, the symptoms and the treatment of which should evaluate and develop a specialist, use such drugs:

  • Adenoblocators. These include Tamsulosin tablets, Terasosin, Doxazozin and Alfuzosin. This group of medicines actively removes the tone and spasm of smooth muscles, which greatly facilitates the patient's condition. It is important to note that the use of adenoblockers is relevant only at the initial stages of the disease and only as complex therapy.

Important: Preparations from the adenobral group do not reduce the growth of iron tissue in the prostate gland, but only a few shoot symptoms of difficult urine outflows. The patient should know that medicinal products from this group significantly reduce blood pressure. Such a consequence can lead to weakness and even losses of consciousness.

  • Preparations from the group inhibitors of 5α-reductase. These include finasteride and dutteride. Funds from this category partially reduce the inflamed prostate against the background of lowering the dihydrotestosterone hormone in the patient's body. It is important to note that an obvious therapeutic effect occurs with long-term treatment with drugs of this group (from six months or more). When taking these drugs, a man may decline the amount and quality of sperm, disappear of libido, a problem with an eRtemic function is observed.

It is worth understanding that the process of inflammation of prostate and the treatment of prostate is better to overcome the method of minimally invasive surgery. In particular, a new technique is applied called Transuretral Needle Ablation (Tuna). The principle of such an operation is that the inflamed prostate gland is affected by radio frequency waves. Manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia.

Also in relation to the patient use the method of surgical crying. That is, the impact on the glandular fabric of prostate low temperatures.

The full-fledged drive operation is shown to a man if such side pathologists are observed against the background of the prostate adenoma:

  • Stones B. bladder bubble;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Full absence of independent urination;
  • Lack of effectiveness from undertaken drug treatment.

Before surgery, the patient passes a full examination. And for the emptying of the bladder, the patient before the operation is given a catheter through a suplocked puncture.

Recipes of alternative medicine in the treatment of prostatitis

With inflammation of the prostate, the symptoms in men can be neutralized with the help of folk methods. Most often, such funds are used in the treatment of prostatitis.


Celandine. Of the plants prepare an effective decoction, pouring a tablespoon of dry grass with boiling water (1 cup). Such a drug insists a couple of hours and then tinted. Take a means before meals for 30 minutes across the tablespoon. Course - 1 month.

Lukova husk. Prepare from her therapeutic medicine-infusion. For cooking you need to dial a glass of dry husk and rinse it under running water. Then the onion "clothes" are poured with water (0.5 liters) and boil on slow heat for 7 minutes. Then the fire is turned off, and the infusion is withstanding under a closed lid for another 40 minutes. A ready-made means will be pronounced and take a course for 5 days at half a glass three times a day. For the course of the course you need to do wrapping salt. For this prepare saline (2 liters of water and 200 gr. Salts). It smears cotton fabric. It is pressed and turn around for a couple of hours. It is recommended to conduct 2-3 such courses for the treatment of onion husks and salt.

IMPORTANT: You can just eat onions every day on a small head at night a course of 1-2 months.


This is a kind of home antibiotic. It can be treated with this product with the help of fresh, only cooked juice. It is enough just to drink it in a glass a day, sweetening a teaspoon of honey. Course therapy - 2-3 weeks.

Also in the treatment of adenoma, prostates are used and slightly dried (but not fried) pumpkin seeds. And they must maintain their green shell. Seeds eaten in chanty per day at least a month.

Walnut walnut

To prepare a means on a blender quickly lubricate a tablespoon of nut nuclei and a dining room spoon of pumpkin seeds. The mixture is connected to a spoonful of honey and eat such a drug three times a day as dessert.

And can help in the treatment of prostate adenoma and partition from walnut. In the amount of 2 spoons of dining rooms, they are poured with water (1.5 glasses). Conduct to boil and tomatov on low heat for about 20 minutes. After that, the decoction is still kept under the lid a couple of hours. The fluid needed to drink three times during the day 100 ml per reception.

The use of any folk methods in the treatment of prostatitis should be carried out only after the formulation of an accurate diagnosis and with coordination with the attending physician.

Prevention of prostate diseases

In order to minimize the risk of prostate adenoma, it is necessary to adhere to certain prophylactic measures. Prevention is as follows:

  • Include more fruits and vegetables in the diet and remove oily food from it;
  • Refuse smoking and alcohol;
  • Try to avoid strong and frequent supercooling;
  • Eliminate stressful situations from life if possible;
  • Completely empty the bladder during urination act;
  • Periodically visit the urologist (at least once every two years) especially after 50 years;
  • Also shows the preventive massage of prostate at the urologist.

It is worth remembering that inflammation of the prostate gland is not a sentence. The disease can be successfully overcome with a timely handling of a specialist. Remember that your male health is only in your hands.

In modern medicine, prostatitis is considered the most common urological disease. There are different causes leading to the disease, they lift both in bacterial infections and in the lifestyle of a person.

To achieve the remission of chronic shape and get rid of sharp pain - the process of not easy, consisting of a whole complex of procedures and measures.

For this, it is important to take certain medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men, they are prescribed when the first signs of illness appear. Which of the modern drugs presented in the market are the most efficient and high-speed we consider in this article.

It is worth noting that this disease is sometimes mistakenly identified with another prostate pathology. And, although the causes and mechanism of the development of these diseases are different, their treatment in some cases has similar traits.

In men, the first signs of prostatitis begins with unpleasant and painful urination. There is a need to get 1-2 times per night in the toilet. After some time, shooting or drawing pain in the perineum will appear and above the pubic, there is a possibility of pain in the penis and the rear pass.

Urination will become rapid and painful, urine will like. Pain may manifest with defecation. It happens that the patient notes the allocation of droplets of the White Secret in the morning. The body temperature rises to 38 degrees.

Prostatitis is a cunning disease of modern urology. Men prefer to hide and hide the symptoms, turning to the doctor only in the case when the pain becomes simply unbearable. This is a frivolous approach to health. The consequences after such behavior can be very difficult, including infertility and inflammatory processes of organs.

It is also worth noting that the symptoms of prostatitis has signs of others dangerous diseasesAs cystitis, benign prostate tumors, bladder cancer.

Specialist, based on the state of the body of a man, can register one (or several) from below the formations described:

  1. Candles for rectal input. Such drugs improve the metabolism.
  2. Shots. Protect the rapid penetration of the drug inside the organism, stimulate immune and vascular system. The most popular injection facility is prostatyle.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds (NSAIDs) - prevent the development of inflammatory reactions.
  4. Instillations. With this type of treatment, the drug is introduced directly to the destination.
  5. Microclizms. Considered the folk method. As drugs use infusions and grave champs, it is based on the temperature and medicinal effects. It is carried out before bedtime, the prostate gland after the procedure should not overvolt and hypother.
  6. Pills. Most often, prostatitis treatment with pills involves using antibacterial drugs with a wide range of action. Especially in cases where specific causative agents of the disease are not established.
  7. Alpha-adrenoblocators - have a similar effect by blocking alpha-adrenoreceptors of the sympathetic nervous system.

Each drug has its own distinctive features And it can approach one patient, and there is no other. The most effective medicine from prostatitis is a means of a specially selected patient with a patient taking into account its individual characteristics and features of the course of the disease.

If it is established that prostatitis is caused by bacteria, it is necessary to assign antibiotics. First of all, preparations with a wide range of action are chosen, that is, those that can destroy several types of microbes.

In general, antibiotic means are represented by three groups of drugs:

  • Fluoroquinola - ciprofloxacin, norofoxicin, levofloxacin, etc.
  • Tetracycles - oxytetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline, etc.
  • Penicillins - oxacillin, carbenicillin, ampicillin, etc.

Often, candles are used in the treatment that are used rectally (they are inserted into anus). Such drugs effectively stop pain and have antibacterial effects. Injection solutions differ in the greatest penetration in body tissue. They have a systemic effect, providing stimulating impact on immunity and vascular system.

This group of drugs facilitates the lives of many patients. As a rule, the following medicines are used for treatment as an anesthetic: aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac. However, their dosage must be clarified from their attending physician.

A group of drugs that relaxes the smooth muscles of the urethra (urethra) and the neck of the bladder, thereby contributing to the best outflow of urine.

The most widely used drugs are:

  1. Tamsulosin (Omnox, Fomakhoma) 0.4 mg 1 time per day. The course of treatment is long.
  2. Sylidozin (uroryeks) of 4 mg 1 time per day. The course of treatment is long.

The action of alpha-blockers is noticeable for treatment of prostatitis, but to eliminate unpleasant symptoms caused by the disease. In this case, the symptom is the development of acute or chronic urine delay.

Action is provided similar to alpha-adrenoblockers, but are directed to the crotch area, which, with prostatitis, is constantly in an increased tone. Reduce the pressure on the field of small pelvis, reduce pain.

With any form of the disease, a circulatory disruption is always detected, which leads to the occurrence of stagnant phenomena and does not give the tissues of the organ to recover. Therefore, in comprehensive treatment it is necessary to use medications that improve blood circulation.

To normalize the filling of blood vessels, drugs such as an eskusan, pentoxyphyllenine are used.

Based on natural healing herbs. Reduce the edema of the prostate gland, its inflammation, interfere with stagnation, restore the outflow of physiological fluids. Popular drugs based on pumpkin seeds, creeping palm and Sabaly fruits.

Reception of vitamins is necessary to strengthen the body's immune system, which suffers greatly during the prostatitis. Chronic flow Diseases greatly affects human protective functions, so vitamins are accepted in a complex with basic drug therapy.

However, if we consider various drugs appointed in certain cases, the best drugs from prostatitis may be:

  1. Prostatylene - in essence, this medicine from the prostate gland adenoma is an extract from the prostate of bulls. It has an electoral action on the prostate and individual bodies. The effect of the drug is to eliminate and reduce tissue edema, bacteriostatic effect on the microflora of the secret, reducing the content of leukocytes in the election of the gland. Price 450 rubles.
  2. Vitaprost - is produced in the form of tablets and candles, which includes the Sumpros powder, which reduces the edema, Vulnul thrombosis, leukocyte infiltration and stagnation in the sinus of the prostate gland. Price 900 rubles.
  3. Prostamol UNO - a preparation of vegetable origin, the main active substance of which is an extract from the fruits of Palma Sabaly. Price 850 rub.
  4. Prostan - a synthetic preparation based on the finasteride, which, like prostatile, is extremely effective, but, unlike the latter, the prostan affects the total number of PSA. It was this feature that led to long-term studies aimed at determining whether the drug increases the risk of cancer in the patient. Price 300 rubles.
  5. Peponen is a vegetable preparation created on the basis of pumpkin seeds. Produced in the form of capsules. The drug well showed itself as a medicine for the treatment of prostate adenoma at the initial stages of the disease, since natural substances that are part of its composition, eliminate urination disorder arising from adenoma will stop pain and increase potency. Price 950 rubles.

There are many effective means for inflammation therapy in the prostate gland, but it is impossible to assign them on their own after reading feedback, even if any contraindications are not available at all.

The drug contributes to an increase in the activity of the muscles of the bladder and the prostate gland, improves blood microcirculation in the prostate organs, has a positive effect on the entire body's immune system.

Indications for receiving:

  • Chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, delay and impairment of urination.
  • Contraindications: Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Side effects: Not identified.
  • Instructions for use: intramuscularly, 5-10 mg per day, treatment course - from 50 to 10 days. Before use, powder needs to be dissolved in 2 ml of saline or in 2 ml of novocaine.

Vitaprost Suppositories belong to rapid effects and are prescribed in chronic form or after surgery on the prostate gland.

This is a drug in the form of rectal candles that causes antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. The use of suppositories normalizes the urethra and reduces the risk of thrombosis in the prostate vessels, restores the muscle functions of the bladder and improves the quality of the seed fluid.

The medicine regulates the function of the urogenital system organs, has anti-inflammatory properties and has an anti-acudative and antidrogenic effect.

It is shown in a benign prostatic hyperplasia on 1 and 2 stages, as a complex therapy with prostatitis. The capsule is taken inside after meals, entirely, drinking with plenty of water, 320 mg / day at the same time. A detailed course appoints a doctor. Cost - from 600 to 1100 rubles.

The medicine is made on the basis of pumpkin seed oil, in capsules of 0.3 No. 90. Removes dysuric symptoms in men, stops pain syndrome and contributes to the increase in potency.

With long-term use, reduces the content of lipids in the blood. With the prostate adenoma, 1- 2 capsules are prescribed 3 times a day. Like any vegetation preparation requires only long-term use to achieve the desired effect.

The inflammation of the prostate gland brings a lot of unpleasant feelings to men suffering from this disease. Even more dangerous consequences of prostatitis - impotence, loss of ability to conceive a child, oncological pathologies, the spread of the inflammatory process to the entire urinary system. Depending on the etiology of the disease in each specific case, the most effective drugs are prescribed.

The acute form of prostatitis occurs due to the effects of bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms.

It meets, according to medical statistics, in 15% of cases of all inflammations of the prostate, is characterized by such symptoms:

    Pain in groin who give to the lower back;

    Rapid painful urination with purulent branch of urethra;


  • Symptoms of intoxication of the body.

This condition requires immediate appeal to the doctor and holding therapy with antibiotics capable of penetrating the gland tissue as soon as possible, effective in relation to specific pathogens.

Chronic prostatitis can be complicated by an acute form of the disease, not sufficiently treated or transferred without treatment.

Symptoms of prostate inflammation of prostate:

    Drawing pain in the crotch, bringing into the rectum and the organs of the small pelvis;

    Difficult urination accompanied by burning;

    Sleep disorders;


The treatment of this form of the disease occupies much longer than at acute stage, and the choice of drugs depends on the previous treatment, the availability of complications, individual characteristics of the body. The range of medicines in addition to antibiotics is replenished with immunomodulators, analgesics, physiotics, sessions of therapeutic massage, using suppositories.

  • Sulfa P - Dear Israeli Preparation from Prostatitis
  • Popular Medicines for Prostatitis
  • Vegetable drugs from prostatitis

This medicine from prostatitis from the sulfonamide group acts on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, as well as on some types of simplest. Sulfa-n is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear after 10-12 days after the start of treatment. Nevertheless, the use of this drug in a complex with other drugs should be used until complete recovery.

Approximate Sulfa-P Schemes:

    Poltales overnight once;

    1 tablet overnight once;

    2 tablets are divided into 2 reception: in the morning and evening.

The course of treatment takes at least 3 weeks, the most effective scheme of receiving the drug is selected. To stimulate the metabolism in the tissues of the prostate gland, it is recommended to conduct regular sex life during this course.

Side phenomena:

  • Nausea and vomiting,

  • Headache and dizziness,


    Rarely - violations of the cardiovascular system, hepatitis.

Contraindications to the reception of the preparation of Sulfa-P serves renal and liver failure, diseases of the blood formation system, pathology thyroid gland, individual intolerance.

The price of this medicine begins from $ 180

In the group of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the prostate gland there are a lot of effective means that improves the condition of the prostate tissues and the overall condition of the patient's body.

The homeopathic preparation is produced in the form of pills for resorption, is used as analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Removes swelling and returns to normal the functioning of the prostate, is positive effect on urodynamics, reduces disurium.

The tool has contraindications:

    Individual intolerance

    Necrosis of tissue gland,

    Oncological diseases of the prostate.

The course of treatment takes about 4 months. It is recommended to take 2 tablets at the same time, separating the reception of medication from meals. They are dissolved in the mouth, take 2 times a day, before and after sleep. With pronounced symptoms, it is possible to receive tablets up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment, if necessary, repeat after 1-4 months of the break.

The drug from a group of penicillin antibiotics is produced in the form of tablets and powder for the preparation of the solution for injections. It is used to treat infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. Daily dose in the treatment of tablets - 2-4 g or 4-8 pieces per day, every 4-6 hours 1-2 tablets. The course of treatment cannot exceed 7-10 days. Dosing mode is prescribed by an exclusively attending physician.

In the treatment of oxacillin, the following contraindications are taken into account:

    Renal failure

    Allergic reactions and their complications in the form of bronchial asthma,

    Enterocolitis against the background of antibiotics.

While the use of this drug may occur by side effects in the form of dyspepsia, allergic reactions, the pathologies of the urogenital system.

This phytopreparation is used to relieve dysuric phenomena during chronic prostatitis. Its main active substance is an alcohol extract of the fruit of palm of Sabaly. Prostamol UNO is available in the form of capsules containing fluid with a characteristic odor. Corrects urination disorders and dysuric phenomena caused by prostatitis.

This drug takes 1 capsule per day after meals. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Contraindications for the use of prostamola UNO - individual intolerance, side effects in the form of allergies, pain in the stomach can be very rare.

The drug, which is based on a substance of animal origin (prostate extract), produced in the form of tablets and rectal candles. Vitaprost is used to relieve painful symptom With chronic prostatitis and its exacerbations. The drug reduces swelling, improves microcirculation in prostate tissues, reduces dysuric manifestations, increases the ability to conceive.

The effectiveness of this drug for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease, according to research, is more than 97%. Tablets apply 1 pcs. 2 times a day, at least 10 days. Prevention of exacerbations are carried out by courses in the same dose of 1-2 times a year.

Prostatylene - a prostatitis medicine that is produced in the form of suppositories and lyophilisate for the preparation of injections. This preparation of animal origin is used as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce the edema of the prostate and its infiltration by leukocytes. In addition, the exchange processes in the tissues of the gland are improved, local immunity is strengthened. At the same time, the potency increases, the prevention of the appearance of neoplasms is carried out, spermatogenesis is improved.


    injection - 5 ml is once unemmed, with water dilution, novocaine solution or isotonic solution;

    suppositories - 1 candle once and for treatment, and for the prevention of exacerbations.

The course of treatment with prostatile is 10 days, if necessary, it is repeated a month after a month. Contraindications for use - cardiovascular diseases, risk of thromboembolism. Such side effects may appear as light headache, weakness, allergic reactions in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectum in the form of itching and irritation.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, its main active substance (finasteride) contributes to the transformation of testosterone hormone into dihydrotestosterone. As a result, the prostate gland ceases to increase, the intensity of dysuric phenomena is reduced.

Prostan takes one tablet sufficiently long time (for 6 months or more). It is easily transferred to patients with renal failure, elderly people. Contraindications - prostate cancer, uropathy.

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In the complex treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, phytopreparations are often used with a soft effect with a resistant and long effect.

The drug produced by the Indian company Himalaya Drug is used to treat acute and chronic prostatitis. The spemant has an anti-inflammatory and prostatotropic effect, improves microcirculation in its tissues, stimulates spermatogenesis. In its regular use in the prostate gland, congestion decreases, manifestations of dizuriya.

The composition of the drug, spaman includes extracts of the following plants:

    Arginia is beautiful;

    Anchors are sharpening;

    Male Yatryshchnik;

    Mesh lushing;

    Compass Latuke;

    Aarmelia Pearl;

    Astercant long-oil;


    Velvet beans.

Produced in the form of tablets, packed by 100 pcs. In the plastic bottle. It is recommended to take 2 tablets 2-3 times a day at the beginning of the disease, then a transition to a supportive dose. Contraindications are minimal - individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Ayurvedic medicine Fortification is made by the Indian company Alarsin. In the treatment of prostatitis, it is used as a tousing preparation that improves the metabolism of the genitourinary system. Produced in the form of tablets that take 2 pieces twice a day before meals. The manufacturer recommends during the treatment course to adjust the patient's power mode by reducing the share of sugar, animal fats and alcohol.

The drug includes such components: mesh lushing, ginseng indian, car, black, long, cube, white sandalwood, fragrant muscle, sage, carnation, Roman chamomile, break, ginger. Fortification is combined with all drugs.

This Ayurvedic drug was produced by Alarsin from India refers to the category of biological active additives. It contains more than 40 components, most of which have vegetable origin. Bangshel is used to increase the protective forces of the body and restore the function of the urogenital system in the treatment of prostatitis.

The average duration of the course of treatment is 30 days. During this time, it is recommended to adhere to limit alcohol in the diet, animal fats, sugar. Tablets take 2 times a day for 2 pieces before meals. Contraindications are minimal - the individual intolerance to the components.

This means for the treatment and prevention of prostatitis is made by the Canadian company Flora M & D, refers to the category of Badov. Pro-Essen is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic agent, is an analgesic and immunomodulator.

The composition of this drug consists only vegetable components:

    Burdock root;

    Tolokanya leaf;

    Juniper berries;

    Bark ash;

    Bark elm.

Pro-Essen is produced in the form of capsules that are taken in the morning and in the evening of 1-2 pieces on an empty stomach. The attending physician can adjust this dose, if desired, having reduced or increasing it.

Contraindications for use:


    Renal failure;

    Allergies to the vegetable components of the drug.

This drug of Russian production (Ecomir) is positioned by the manufacturer as a biological active additive for men.

Licorphite contains in its composition a complex of vitamins, minerals and extracts of plant origin:

    Nettle root;

    Bark of african plum;

    Ginseng root;

    The leaves of the ginko double-bladed;

    Fruits of dwarf palm trees.

This balanced composition improves the overall condition of the body as a whole and the genitourinary system in particular, prevents an excessive increase in prostate tissues, reduces the swelling, reduces the phenomenon of dizuriya. Licorphite is produced in the form of capsules that take a monthly course 1 piece per day during food. If necessary, the course is repeated after 3 months. The drug is well tolerated, it is not recommended to use it with hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, high blood pressure, insomnia.

Neuter-free medicine from prostatitis, produced by the TEVA Pharmaceutical Company from Israel, refers to the category of Badov. Most of its composition occupies a pumpkin seed oil. Peponen is used as an analgesic, corrected dysuric phenomena, activates immunity. Available in the form of capsules that take three times a day of 1-2 pieces.

The tool does not have pronounced side effects, the diarrhea is extremely rare with long-term use.

Immunomodulators with prostatitis

To increase the protective forces of the body, drugs from the clinical and pharmacological group of immunomodulating drugs are used to regulate the immune system. In the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, Galavit is applied - rectal candles of a wide range of action.

This drug is used as an immunomodulator with anti-inflammatory effect. Galavit increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, stimulates the activities of macrophages, neutrophilic granulocytes, which leads to the normalization of the state of tissues and organs. The drug can be combined with the course of antibiotics therapy.

Suppositories in the treatment of prostatitis are used 2 times a day each unit during the first day of treatment, and then 1 pieces every other day. The duration of the course depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process, the average is 10-15 suppositories. Galavit is compatible with other drugs, the cases of overdose of this drug are not fixed. Contraindications for use are individual intolerance, such a side effect of a drug is very rarely manifested as an allergic reaction.

For the successful treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis, the pharmacy network offers a wide range of drugs for comprehensive treatment. Their selection, dosage and correction course of treatment are carried out by a doctor taking into account the duration and intensity of the inflammatory process.

Prostatitis refers to purely male urogenital pathologies. It has an acute and chronic form. Despite different forms Prostatitis in men, signs and how to treat, what drugs are needed, often the same.

Prostatitis is considered the most common urological disease. Previously, it hit men after 45 years. But every day there is a tendency to rejuvenate the disease, the patients of middle-aged are increasingly treated with complaints with a doctor.

Important! Prostatitis can be bacterial and not bacterial.

Pathogenic microorganisms, falling into the prostate gland, cause inflammatory processes. So the bacterial prostatitis occurs.

Non-infectious types of prostatitis:

  • congue (stagnant) - appears due to blood stagnation. It occurs with frequent incomplete ejaculation, interrupted sexual acts, sexual promiscuity, long-term abstinence;
  • sclerotic - the prostate gland decreases, the fabrics become more dense. The causes of such a phenomenon are irregular intestinal emptying, frequent infections;
  • calculse - this disease provoke phosphate and oxalate stones in the prostate;
  • prostateotic - for the illness, a strong pain syndrome is characterized. This variety of prostatitis is least studied. It is often believed to psychosomatic diseases;
  • atypical - manifests itself uncharacteristic localization of painful sensations (in the lower limbs, lower back).

Bad potency, infertility, protracted depression, exhausting pain - all of these consequences of the launched inflammatory process of prostate.

Important! Sclerotic prostatitis is an incurable disease.

With prostate, not only disorders in the sexual sphere are possible, but also a violation of a neuro-psychological nature. For a long time, the disease can leak without pronounced symptoms, gradually flowing into a chronic stage.

What should alert:

  • portions of urine significantly decrease, urination becomes difficult, painful;
  • erection is weakening, sexual attraction decreases;
  • the brightness of sensations during orgasme is reduced;
  • crotch pain;
  • frequent urge to urination, especially at night;
  • inability to conceive.

Under the acute form of prostatitis, signs of intoxication can be added to the main symptoms - the temperature rises, shiny or throws in the heat. The pain syndrome becomes more pronounced. It may affect not only the crotch, but also the tops of the hips, the crushes, pubis, the bottom of the abdomen. We have already written about the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies At home, therefore, we consider in detail the drugs.

The time required for the complete cure of the prostatitis depends on how the pathology is launched, what causes the occurrence of ailment.

Important! Prostatitis is considered a difficult disease. The recovery process most often slows down the inattentive attitude of men to their own health, non-compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Timely treatment allows not only to cure prostatitis, but also to preserve all male strength.

Certain groups of drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • alfa-adrenoblocators (tamsulosin), muscle relaxants - leads to the tone of the muscles of the prostate and bladder;
  • antibiotics - are designed to eliminate the pathological microflora;
  • hormonal preparations - with their help eliminate the imbalance of a hormonal background;
  • phytopreparations.

A separate place among the effective drugs for the treatment of illness occupies the cream-wax "healthy" from prostatitis.

This remedy is completely natural, natural. The cream has many beekeeping products - propolis, wax, submor, poison and extract from the insect larvae. Notable improvements in the work of the prostate gland are achieved at the expense of horse chestnut. And Zhivitsa cedar restores the affected fabrics of the prostate.

After using the cream, the following improvements are noted:

  • inflammation, itching and edema passes;
  • disappearing unpleasant and painful sensations during urination;
  • the tone of the vessels, walls and capillaries are becoming more elastic;
  • normalizes the number of secretions to the secret.

With properly selected antibacterial therapy, it is possible to avoid any negative effects of the disease. But antibiotics are prescribed only after clinical analyzeswhich prove the bacterial origin of the disease.

But if the patient fell to the reception to an urologist with inflammation in the acute stage - to the results of the tests are prescribed with widespread antibiotics:

  • macrolids (erythromycin, azithromycin, spiriractions - have low toxicity, penetrate deeply in tissue, do not violate the intestinal microflora;
  • antibiotics of the penicillin row (amoxicill, amoxiclav) are simple and easy to use, effective, have a low cost;
  • cephalosporins (zetriaxon) are used parenterally (externally);
  • tetracyclined group (doxycycline) - not such a wide range of action;
  • fluorochinols (oxoline acid, offloxacin) - drugs have proven efficacy and a wide range of action.

Important! Prostatitis is not sexually transmitted, regular sex life is recommended as one of therapeutic agents.

Candles for rectal use are a very effective way to cure prostatitis. With this treatment method, the active therapeutic substances are rapidly transferred to the prostate.

Important! Candles are not prescribed with hemorrhoids.

The most popular drug is diclofenac - a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. These candles from prostatitis inexpensive and efficient.

Candles bring rapid relief - painful sensations, swelling, passes in muscles, are reduced. A noticeable decrease in the inflammatory process is observed, the process of cell regeneration is launched, the temperature is reduced.

Propolis in pain relief qualities is 2 times higher than many popular drugs. Candles with propolis stand significantly less than modern antibiotics.

The most popular candles from prostatitis - gemo-pro, simple.

To effectively get rid of prostatitis, treatment is needed from the inside.

Doctors prescribe pills from prostatitis:

  • preparations for pain relief and inflammation - Novocaine, ibuprofen, nimide, voltar;
  • means to eliminate spasm - but-shpa, barallgyne, papaverine;
  • medicines that improve blood circulation - pentoxifilla;
  • antibiotics.

Therapeutic gymnastics should be used to treat and prevent the prostatitis. The purpose of the exercise is to improve blood flow in the prostate and strengthen the muscles of the crotch.

The most common gymnastics are the exercises of Arnold Kegel. Already almost 100 years, this complex helps men fight prostatitis.

Important! Some kego exercises can be performed anywhere, sitting or while walking.

The exercise complex must be done several times a day, every time changing the pose. You can do gymnastics lying, sitting, standing, squatting, on all fours.

  1. Move, strain buttocks, pull the anus muscular ring. Alternate muscle contractions and relaxation. You can start with 10 approaches, gradually increasing their number up to 50.
  2. Do previous exercise. But at the time of abbreviation to make a delay of 6 seconds. The time of each reduction should be increased.
  3. During urination, it is necessary to interrupt several times and renewing a jet. At first, discomfort and pain in the lower body of the abdomen may appear, carved in the ureter. After a few days, the unpleasant sensations pass.

Prostatitis often spends impotence, which develops in a man a sense of inferiority. To this not happen, it is worth attaching only a little effort, to abandon bad habits, unhealthy food and random sex ties.

For several recent decades, the increase in incidence of prostatitis is noted. Communication is traced with the increased stability of microbial pathogens to antibacterial agents, as well as with increased freedom of sexual relations.

Caused by inflammation of the tissues of the prostate gland, purely male pathology. Prostate is located below the bladder as the coupling covers the urethra.

Inflammation may have infectious and noncommunicable nature. In the first case, pathogens are:

  1. Sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Nonspecific pathogens from chronic foci.
  3. Intra-community infection obtained during surgery.

The noncommunicable form of the disease occurs when the blood is stuck in a small pelvis, long-term abstinence, excessive sexual activity, reducing immunity, supercooling, alcohol abuse. With the development of prostatitis in men, his treatment with medicines is carried out primarily

Main types:

  1. Acute.
  2. Chronic bacterial.
  3. Chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
  4. Asymptomatic chronic.

Bacteria fall into the tissue of the prostate gland.
Most often, these are representatives of the conditionally pathogenic flora - intestinal wand, staphylococci, Klebsiella, and protein.

When the immune defense is reduced, good conditions are created for their breeding: prostatic juice is a concentrate of nutrients, glucose, vitamins that dilute cum and maintain the viability of spermatozoa.

Microbial life products and they themselves cause an inflammatory response - leukocytes migrate out of blood flow, liquid part of blood is healing through the wall of the vessels, edema develops, iron is increased in size, it squeezes the urethrum stronger.
Microbial toxins increase body temperature, inxication symptoms develop.

Signs of prostatitis in men and his symptoms appear gradually.
It begins to disturb the chills, the body temperature rises, it is fevering. Inxication increases, muscles and joints hurt, weakness appears, efficiency decreases.

Temperature in some cases can remain normal, its increase will be noticeable when measured in the rectum. The reason is the immediate proximity of the inflammatory hearth.
The pain in the perineum, the scrotum, irradiating in the crushes, lower back, rear passage.

The pain can be spilled in the pelvis, without a clear localization. When urinating, characteristic pain occurs - burning sensation and thread in the urethra.
The nature of urination is changing. It becomes a rapid, portion of urine decreases. Characterized frequent night urges. Sometimes acute urine delay is developing.

An enlarged prostate may squeeze the rectum, constipation or soreness during defecation will appear.
Stagnation of urine and the proximity of the infectious focus leads to the development of cystitis, the pyelonephritis occurs as a rising pathogens into the kidneys.
Additional symptoms can be colorless, white or yellow-green discharge from the urethra, blood in sperm.

The diagnosis rarely causes difficulties clinical picture typical. To confirm the finger study of the prostate through the rectum.
It is palpable as an enlarged, painful education. Also take her secret for analysis.

Changes in general blood and urine tests will be inflammatory. In the blood increases the number of leukocytes, SE, in the formula, an increase in neutrophils.
Watering may contain leukocytes, bacteria.
Be sure to examine on sexually transmitted infections. The urine and secret of prostate fall on the nutrient media for the diagnosis of the flora and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

For diagnostics use ultrasound of prostate and transrectal ultrasound. Sometimes it is carried out urethrocystoscopy, urodynamic research, x-ray.

Diagnosed symptoms of prostatitis in men and its treatment with what drugs is solved by a doctor on the basis of surveys conducted.

Basic principles of treatment:

  1. Bed regime.
  2. Prohibition of prostate massage.
  3. Antibiotics of a wide range of action.
  4. Package and anti-inflammatory funds.
  5. Correction of urination disorders.
  6. Detoxification.
  7. Improving blood flow.

Antibacterial drugs
Medications from prostatitis in men (list, price will be lower) must have good permeability in the gland tissue, have a bactericidal, and not a bacteriostatic action.
This will contribute to the destruction of the pathogen and will prevent the transition to a chronic form.

The most good effect is the following drugs:

  • Levofloxacin refers to the group of fluoroquinolones, well penetrates in the tissue of the prostate gland. Used to treat complicated and uncomplicated urinary tract infections. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, epilepsy, renal failure. The side effect is the defeat of tendons, allergies, nausea. Price from 77 rubles.
  • Sparfloxacin Low-toxic drug of fluoroquinolone group. Active in relation to most nonspecific microorganisms is ineffective against treponama. Contraindicated in arrhythmias, intolerance, renal failure. Course treatment prostatitis up to 14 days. Cost 314 p.
  • Ciprofloxacin - fluoroquinolone is used in the treatment of urogenital infections. Contraindicated in violation of the kidney function. If a stubborn diarrhea is developing, the medicine should be canceled. Price from 19 r.
  • Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin, hesitantly penetrates the unrevented fabric, but is very effective when inflammation. Has a wide range of action. Costs from 100 rubles.

In order to anesthetize and remove inflammation, drugs from prostatitis, inexpensive and effective of them are as follows:

  • Ibuprofen, nooofen analogues, MiG. Affects anti-inflammatory, reduces moderate pain. Contraindicated in the ulcers of the stomach and the 12-rig, bleeding, diseases of the kidneys. Costs from 17 r.
  • Analgin (sodium metamizole) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, an anesthetic effect prevails, very weak anti-inflammatory. Contraindicated in blood diseases, kidneys and liver. Cost from 12 p. For 10 tablets.
  • Nimesulide is an effective anesthetic. Naz, Nimelide analogues. Capachable blood. Price from 70 p.
  • Ketorolak is the strongest analgesic effect among non-nucleic analgesics. It is impossible to take a long time, more than 3 days, because it is able to cause a stomach ulcer. Cost 39 p.
  • Diclofenac, analogues of voltaren, orthophen, flap. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory, painkillers and antipyretic effects. Price from 16 rubles.

Correction of urinary disorders

  • For this purpose, drugs of several groups are used. Diuretics increase urine outflows, mechanically deteriorate infection and metabolic products. Furosemide is shown in kidney disease, jade syndrome. It is impossible to prescribe with anourcing, impaired water and electrolyte balance. Price - 24 p.
  • Antispasmodics (drootaverin, or but-shpa) remove the spasm of smooth muscles, contribute to the relaxation of the bladder and urethra, warn urine delay. It has a small painkillery effect. The cost of 20 tablets from 12 rubles.
  • Alpha-adrenoblockers facilitate the act of urination. The drug Tsamulosin is used. It is also recommended for a benign prostatic hyperplasia. Analogs - Omnik, focusing, professional, Osulosin. Packaging cost from 390 rubles.

Improving blood flow
Medicines of this group improve microcirculation, dilute blood and make it more fluid:

  • Pentoxifillain is shown in microcirculation disorders, peripheral blood circulation as a result of inflammation. Contraindicated with massive bleeding, heart rate disorders. With caution apply after operations due to the risk of bleeding. Packing cost 100 p. Analogue is a trental, the price is significantly higher, from 450 p.
  • Cavinton is used to improve cerebral circulation, but it is possible to use to reduce blood viscosity by reducing platelet gluing. Also increases the return of oxygen by erythrocytes in tissue. Price Tablets 227 rub.

When developing severe inxication symptoms, drip administration of ringer solutions, hemodesa, lactosoli or 0.9% sodium chloride is recommended.
Complication in the form of constipation is eliminated by the reception of laxatives (Dufolak, castor oil).

The diagnosis of prostatitis in men and its treatment by folk remedies should be auxiliary. The disease in most cases is caused by the infectious agent, and without high-quality antibiotics, it cannot be cope with it.

Recipe with verified efficiency.

In folk medicine, they know that there are prostatitis in men, signs than to treat, medicine, at home. Below are the methods:
Pumpkin seeds recommend to eat 30 pieces per day. They contain a lot of zinc, which is useful for male health. You can clean the seeds to clean, grind in the meat grinder and mix with 200 g of honey. Take a teaspoon three times a day.
The bark of the fruit of horse chestnut is assembled in autumn. It is brewed as tea, to drink which is recommended 2 times a day. A decoction of the bark or chestnuts themselves make microclides of 250 ml twice a week.
Three times a day to take on a tablespoon of parsley juice.
Several branches of the leaf with leaves boiled boiling water, boil. Pour in the pelvis and soar the crotch over it. The course of treatment is a week.

Most men are in a timely manner for help from the urologist when the first symptoms of acute prostatitis appear. Poor treated acute prostatitis in men (symptoms) Treat the treatment for a long time. At the place of inflammation, the sclerotic process is developing, which will lead to urination disorders.

An purulent focus may form, then the prostate abscess is formed. In this case, the symptoms of intoxication increase, an acute urine delay occurs.

If the disease goes into chronic, then the signs of prostatitis in men and its treatment is started on samonek. Rarely who appeals for help in periods of exacerbation, preferring to take an anesthetic and drink an antibiotic independently.

But such treatment further contributes to the chronicness of the disease, the development of the stability of microorganisms. After each exacerbation, the infection penetrates higher in the urinary paths, cystitis develops, pyelonephritis, may arise in infertility. Unpleasant sensations in exacerbation lead to a decrease in libido and potency.

Inadequate treatment, an incomplete course of antibiotic therapy, the decrease in immunity lead to the formation of a focus of chronic infection.
When exposed to provoking factors, it can exacerbate.

Sometimes the symptoms are expressed in Neurko. The pain, muffled, to the violation of urination, a man gets used and perceives frequent urges as proper.
In exacerbation there will be changes in urine tests - bacteria and leukocytes appear.

The chronic process is dangerous in that it creates an infectious hearth, which can spread through the body under favorable conditions. This affects the erection, potency and the ability to have children.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, any infections should be treated in a timely manner - from colds to caries and purulent foci. They can become a source of infection of any other organs.

For this disease, sex life is important.
The long-lasting abstinence is bad - the secret is stagnant, the bloodstream is broken.
Frequent change of sexual partner, random relations increase the risk of infection transmitted by sexually. Harmful affects the crossing of ejaculation, prolonged, repeated, incomplete sexual act.
It has important general level Health, rejection of smoking, alcohol use, physical activity.

Prostatitis occupies a leading position among urological diseases. Many representatives of the strong half have experienced his symptoms at least once. But, despite the well-studied symptoms and treatment of the disease, the inflammation of the prostate gland in men is not always diagnosed true.

Prostate inflammation: Characteristics of the disease

Prostate is the most important organ for men. First, it will develop a prostatic juice that is part of sperm. Secondly, it contributes to the production of important hormones. And, thirdly, she is responsible for the emergence of the erection.

In the occurrence of prostatitis, which is characterized by inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, these processes slow down and cease to leak normally. The man feels discomfort and severe pain in the groin area.

Based on the causes and severity of the flow, distinguish with acute and chronic prostatitis. The latter, in turn, is divided into bacterial and abacterial.

In most cases, a chronic inflammatory process is not a bacterial nature. To stagnation in a small pelvis, which are the causes of inflammation of the prostate, leads a number of factors:

  • Supercooling with long stay in the cold, as a result of which the prostate may be inflamed.
  • Disturbance of the blood circulation of the organs of a small pelvis, which is often a consequence of sedentary work.
  • Rare and irregular sexual acts, since during seeds there is a prostate massage.
  • Injuries of the groin area.
  • Hobbating harmful habits - alcohol and smoking.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Frequent stress and hormonal background failures.
  • Congenital predisposition.

The bacterial shape of chronic prostatitis appears as a result of secondary infection with bacteria of diseases such as caries, angina, tonsillitis, bronchitis.

The medical term "acute prostatitis" implies acute inflammation of the prostate due to infectious infection by the bacteria-causative agents of cystitis, pyelonifritis, chlamydia, gorgers, trichomoniasis and other diseases. Often infection occurs on the background of a decrease in the immunity of the body and chronic fatigue.


Different types of prostatitis are characterized by symptoms. The symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland in acute form are as follows:

  • Strong or moderate pain in the groin area, crotch, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrum and anal hole.
  • Selection when urination.
  • Painful defecation.
  • Total weakness and temperature rise.
  • Increased sweating.

In addition to direct signs of inflammation of the prostate, the manifestation of the disease can be found in indirect symptoms - problems with potency. These include not only the impossibility of reaching erection, but also premature ejaculation or loss of sexual interest. If you start the disease and not start the treatment in a timely manner, it can lead to full or partial infertility.

Chronic inflammation of prostate in men is characterized by the same signs, but in a softer form. The disease makes itself felt by periodic exacerbations, while the severity of symptoms will increase each time. During chronic inflammation Prostate A man feels a constant fullness of the bladder, a decrease in the amount and quality of orgasms, unfortunate irritability.

The clinical course of the disease depends on several reasons:

  • The rate of development of inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • The duration of the process of inflammation.
  • Involvement of other internal organs into the inflammatory process.


At the first appearances of symptoms of inflammation of the prostate should be immediately referred to as an urologist-andrologist. Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the disease and its clinical shape. And on the basis of this, appoint adequate treatment.

Under the first visit, a specialist will talk for the subject of the patient's patient symptoms. Asked how long they appeared, with what frequency and intensity are manifested. Based on the data obtained, it will send a patient to laboratory tests and instrumental research.

Depending on the type and severity of inflammation, such procedures are assigned:

  • Rectal examination of the prostate fingers.
  • General and bacteriological tests of urine, prostate juice.
  • Taking a smear of urethra to identify possible genital infections.
  • Laboratory studies of ejaculate.
  • Computed tomography of small pelvis organs.
  • Sometimes prostate biopsy to eliminate prostate cancer.

Treatment of prostate inflammation

Fully cured inflammation of the prostate can be fully compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician. If we treat the medical process of negligent, the prostate can again become inflamed, but in more severe form.

Prostatitis treatment includes a set of activities:

Antibiotics treatment. At first, the doctor prescribes tests to identify the pathogen (general blood and urine test, urine sowing, scraping with the epithelium of urethra), after which it tells how to treat inflammation with antibacterial drugs. Typically, the means of such groups are issued: fluoroquinolones, tetracycles, penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides.

Direct prostate massage. It is carried out to improve blood circulation in the patient and elimination that has accumulated as a result of inflammation of the pathological secret. It is performed as follows:

  1. The patient takes the knee - elbow pose to relax muscles pelvis.
  2. Masseur, standing behind the patient's back, gently introduces the finger into his anal hole. We need to do a procedure slowly and gently, allowing the patient to gradually relax.
  3. After complete input, the finger should be addressed to the prostate, the lower edge of which is 4-5 cm from the anal opening. According to tactile feelings of iron, it looks like a small tight nut.
  4. To the touch, its dimensions, degree of seal and painful sensations in the patient at different points are determined.
  5. Massage is carried out from the edges of the prostate to the center by light strokes by vertical.

Physiotherapeutic procedures. Their conduct is necessary with inflammation of the prostate to improve the blood circulation of the gland, strengthening the outflow of lymphs together with the toxins and decay products, as well as an increase in metabolism in patients with tissues.

When prostatitis, procedures are assigned:

Galvanization and electrophoresis. Measure the use of DC to transfer inside the damaged tissue of drugs. Provides an anesthetic and overall stimulating effect.

The use of impulse low-frequency currents of small voltage. Remote an anesthetic, toning, anti-inflammatory properties, as well as helping the restoration of sexual function.

The use of high-frequency high voltage currents. With their help, they relieve inflammation and increase local immunity.

Ultrasound. With regular conduct, it removes painful sensations, dissolves and softens the scars, contributes to the acceleration of regeneration in damaged tissues.

Light therapy with infrared, ultraviolet and thermal rays. It has an anesthetic effect, and also activates metabolic processes and blood circulation.

Immunomodulatory therapy. Against the background of weakened immunity, the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland in men will delay for a long time. Therefore, the reception of the unplugrating vitamin complexes is mandatory. Therapy is selected individually for each case based on immunogram. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the correct routine of the day, diet and drink mode, to abandon bad habits.

Hormone-plating therapy for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. With prolonged course of the disease, there is a violation in the exchange of substances of androgens and signs of the stage appear. To correct the situation, therapy is carried out for the replacement of hormones with special preparations.

Ethnoscience. To treat inflammation of prostate by folk remedies, but as a supplement to the main process. In many recipes, honey is mentioned as the main ingredient.

A glass of purified pumpkin seeds is crushed by any way, liquid honey (two tablespoons) is added. The balls are rolled out of the mixture to be stored in the refrigerator. Use one thing from morning to eat for 10 days.

The green parsley is finely crushed, juice is pressed through the gauze. Then juice and liquid honey are mixed in equal proportions. Accepted twice a day for two tablespoons before meals.

Toloknyanka leaves, Hypericum, smokes and the root of AIRA in equal proportions are crushed to a homogeneous state. They poured boiling water and insist two to three hours. Honey is added to the decoction. It is necessary to drink it twice a day at half a cup.

Flowers calendula, grass of the field, horsetail, nettle and fennel fruits in equal parts are crushed in any way. For the decoction, a dining room is mixed with a dry mix with half-liters of boiling water. It insists for about two hours, and honey is added to the decoction. Drink medicine you need half a glass twice a day.

Operational intervention. It is appointed in extreme cases if conservative therapy did not give results, and the disease developed into such complications:

  1. Inflammation of organs and tissues of a small pelvis.
  2. Paraproktitis.
  3. Do you have prostatitis? Already a lot of funds tried and did not help anything? These symptoms are familiar with you not when:

  • constant pain at the bottom of the abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficult urination;
  • sexy dysfunction.

Single operation operation? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. Prostatitis cured possible! Follow the link and find out how a specialist recommends treating prostatitis ...

Prostate in men is most often susceptible to every disease and inflammation. If you ignore the symptoms and not treat the diseases of the prostate gland, the consequences for strong floor representatives can be quite sad.

Prostate and its functions in the body

The prostate gland is the organ in men, which is located in the field of a small pelvis. The main task of prostate is the development of ejaculate (the secret that feeds the spermatozoa). She also keeps the urine and regulates the process of normal urination. Summing up the body resembles a trapezium, and in size - walnut.

The prostate gland performs three main functions:

  1. Secretoric - stimulation of secrets participating in fertilization. This function depends on the testosterone hormone, which is produced by an endocrine system.
  2. Motor - retention of urine due to muscle tissues that form a sphincter.
  3. Barrier. The prostate gland produces a secret that does not allow infections from the urethra to penetrate other organs.

The inflammation of the prostate in men can cause severe, irreversible diseases and sexual disorders (impotence, lack of erection). Therefore, with any symptoms, pain and discharge, you should immediately seek help for your doctor.

Diseases of prostate gland

Many young people believe that prostatitis and other diseases of male bodies are the lot of old. Most young men do not even suspect where the prostate in men is located! The lack of knowledge in this area is the main cause of all chronic diseases.

In our time, the men of childbearing age are most and subject to all sorts of inflammation and diseases of the genital organs. There may be several grounds for this:

  • Meanous sexual intercoms without protection.
  • Infections of genital organs (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, fungi).
  • Hormonal failures, disease of the endocrine system.
  • Heredity.

Among the diseases of the prostate gland are allocated as follows.

  1. Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate.
  2. Vesiculitis is a complication of prostatitis, which is characterized by inflammation of seminal bubbles.
  3. Prostate adenoma is a benign education on the prostate gland.
  4. Cancer is a malignant education.
  5. Prostate sarcoma is a type of tumor that occurs more often in young men (50% is children under 10 years old! 25% - people from 10 to 30 years old).
  6. Stones of prostate. They are formed as a result of the impaired kidney work.
  7. Fibrosis is a violation of urination.
  8. Abscess of the prostate gland - purulent processes, complication of non-infected infections.
  9. Prostate tuberculosis. Caused by the Koch bacterium, which, as you know, strikes not only lungs.

One names of these ailments are able to bring horror! Prostate diseases in men, unfortunately, are not uncommon today. Perhaps this is due to the environment, as well as the lifestyle of modern youth. Anyway, any diseases, in order to avoid complications, should be treated. Prostatitis is no exception!

Inflammation of prostate in men: symptoms

Prostatitis is one of the most famous urological diseases among representatives of the strong half of the population. It is characterized by the following symptoms.

  1. Cutting pain at the bottom of the abdomen during urination.
  2. Pain in the crotch area, in the scrotum.
  3. Detected erection.
  4. Little sexual intercourse.
  5. Lack of spontaneous erection in the morning.

The "set" of symptoms depends on the form of the disease of the prostate gland.


Adenoma is a disease of the prostate gland, which is characterized by benign formations and the growth of nodules, squeezing the bladder. As a result, the process of removal of urine from the body is disturbed. This is not a cancer, but the launched stages of adenoma can be prerequisites for the formation of tumors.

The main signs of the prostate adenoma are men accompany difficulties and pain when visiting the toilet. The bladder is full, and urination does not manage to produce.

Difficult urination should be the first reason to appeal to the doctor. Prostate adenoma develops in three stages.

  1. Compensated - urination rapid and difficult, urine stream is weak and sluggish.
  2. Subcompensated - a constant sensation of gravity in the bladder is added to the previous symptoms, incomplete its emptying. Breaks the work of the kidneys.
  3. Decompensated - complete absence of muscle tone in the blade. As a result, a paradoxical phenomenon appears - a complete bladder that is impossible to empty.

Adenoma, or as it is also called - a benign hyperplasia of prostate, refers to those diseases that progress slowly. Often, the first symptoms of men do not pay attention and turn to the hospital only when it becomes very difficult to urinate.

Causes and symptoms of adenoma

Prostate adenoma is an increase in the prostate gland as a result of the pathological growth of the parapereral glands. This disease is more often developing in men who are in fifty (60% of cases). The main reason is a decrease in the level of sex hormones over the years.

It also happens that the ailment attacks representatives of strengths in the very precious forces (30-40 years). This may be due to improper lifestyle, heavy working conditions, alcohol and nicotine abuse. Accurate communication scientists can not be installed.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland give all chances of a man to a healthy and full life.

So, when prostate increases, men's symptoms may be the following:

  • Weak jet due to impaired urine outflows.
  • Frequent urge to the toilet, especially at night.
  • Muscle bubble muscle tone disorder.
  • Urination requires some effort from a man.
  • The jet is sluggish, sometimes interrupted during the process.
  • Feeling gravity and incomplete emptying.
  • Urinary incontinence with sharp movements (laugh, cough).
  • In the urinary bubble due to violations of the kidney, stones are formed.

Inflammation of prostate in men symptoms can not always have pronounced. As a result, the disease exacerbates and goes into the started stage. Psyche disorders, apathy, irritation may appear. A man suffers from a complete reduction in bladder functions. Emptying does not occur, and if it happens, it is rarely in the form of droplets. The last stage of renal failure is developing. If at this time you do not help the patient, he may die.

Better, of course, do not bring your body to such a state. The disease of the prostate in men should be treated with the advent of the very first symptoms and signs.

Diagnosis and treatment of "male" diseases

As mentioned above, there are several types of prostate diseases. Each of them is their features of development and symptoms. The reason for circulation and detailed diagnostics should be:

  • Pains at the bottom of the abdomen, back.
  • Hard urination accompanied by blood discharge and pain.
  • Sexual disorders - painful sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation, no erection.

Of course, this is not all inflammatory signs of prostate in men. However, the appearance of even one symptom is already bad.

The following diagnostic methods will help to diagnose and determine the method of treatment.

  1. Laboratory study of the state of the prostate gland.
  2. Bacteriological sowing - to determine the genital infections that are often the main cause of inflammation.
  3. PCR analysis to detect venereal diseases.
  4. PSA analysis (prostatospecific antigen, which is produced by prostate gland). With the help of this research method, you can find inflammatory processes in the prostate, as well as cancer.
  5. Wrophlumometry - Characteristics of urine jet.
  6. Ultrasound examination of small pelvis organs.
  7. Magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to get a three-dimensional image of the prostate gland.
  8. Computed tomography - the method of radiation diagnostics, which according to the principle resembles an x-ray.
  9. Biopsy - Taking prostate tissues for further research. An analysis is performed using a thin needle thin intestine, urethra or crotch. Eliminate pain during the procedure help local anesthetics or anesthesia. The biopsy is prescribed only after the PSA.
  10. Common blood test, urine.
  11. Palpation - Protecting the organ.

After such a large-scale delivery of all analyzes, the diagnosis can be delivered most accurately. How to treat a prostate in men (more precisely - its inflammation) depends on the stage and form of the disease.

Most often, with inflammation of the prostate gland and the prostate components of the stage I, antibiotic therapy in the complex with anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Absent in the treatment of probiotics, which are needed to restore a healthy intestinal flora, as well as alpha blockers - medicines for muscle relaxation. A favorable effect on the body has physiotherapy, which consists in heating the prostate gland with electrical oscillations or with the help of special devices entered through the rectum.

Adenoma Prostate II, III degrees is mainly surgically. Medicines in this case are simply powerless.

The operation is translateral. Through the urethra canal, the device (remedies) is introduced, which removes the scratched tissues of the prostate gland. Such a method of treatment is less traumatic for the patient and is characterized by a small amount of possible complications.

The operation is also performed by the method of prostatectomy. After it often arises complications, so it is used less often.

Anyway, any disease of the prostate gland should not be made to a critical state. Much easier and less painful to treat inflammation with the course of antibiotics than surgery. After all, no one knows what rehabilitation can be.

Complications of prostatitis

Prostate in men is an important body that provides normal and full-fledged life to representatives. Inflammation of the prostate gland is a rather common phenomenon. If you do not produce timely diagnosis and treatment of this body, the consequences will be very sad.

Depending on which form of prostatitis developed in a man, complications are different.

  1. The consequences of acute prostatitis (bacterial) - abscess (purulent damage). Symptoms - elevated temperature and fever. Overall of the gland leads to a complete cessation of urination. In the future, abscess can lead to blood infection.
  2. The consequences of chronic prostatitis (bacterial) is a decrease in sexual entry, painful ejaculation, difficult erection. The disease is the cause of vesiculite, orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), epididiment.
  3. The consequences of non-bacterial prostatitis lead to impotence. You can put a cross on a full sex life.
  4. The consequences of asymptomatic prostatitis - cancer. Asymptomatic inflammation of the prostate gland, which sometimes lasts for years, can turn into a tumor. Diagnose cancer at the first stages is difficult. Therefore, for the prevention of "male" diseases, it is advisable to pass annually blood on the PSA.

Each of the forms of prostatitis in the absence of timely intervention can lead to:

  • sclerosis of the prostate gland;
  • the formation of stones in the bladder;
  • infertility;
  • the formation of a cyst, aden.

That is why it is so important to follow your health and with the slightest ailment to contact the doctor.

Complications of prostate adenoma

The prostate adenoma is one of the most common diseases in men of old age (90% of patients are people who are over eighty). All the danger of illness consists of complications.

  1. Urinary tract infections - cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis. Inflammation is associated with urine stagnation, which is a favorable background for breeding bacteria.
  2. Acute and painful urine delay. It may occur with alcohol abuse or as a reaction to drugs (also after surgery).
  3. The formation of stones in the bladder. All wine - stagnation of urine.
  4. Renal failure. Appears at the stages of adenoma running, it may cause the death of the patient.
  5. Hematuria - blood in the urine.

To avoid complications of the disease, it is necessary to access specialists in time and produce alend therapy.

At the first stages of the disease, antibiotics courses are applied. On the second and third - the treatment is carried out surgically. It should be noted that the operation has its own consequences:

  • bleeding;
  • infectious inflammatory processes;
  • detection of the quality of sexual life.

Side events are temporary and after complete recovery disappear.

Prostate cancer

Prostate in men is inflamed as often as ovaries in women. Of all the types of cancer, the most common in representatives of the strong sex is the prostate cancer. The tumor is observed in 10% of patients, besides, the trends of its growth are noted.

To accurately name the causes of the tumor formation. Men most often suffer, who have a predisposition to cancer (there were cases of the disease). Provide the appearance of a tumor can also long inflammatory processes left without attention.

The risk group makes up people who smoke, abuse alcohol; Men older than fifty years; As well as those who do not understand or work with harmful toxins.

The whole danger of prostate cancer is that the disease does not exhibit in any way. Patients are treated with complaints already at the stage of metastasis, when treatment becomes intact. The only thing remains is supportive therapy.

Therefore, doctors advise periodically to test the blood test. This can only be possible to diagnose precancerous changes in the tissues of the prostate gland.

Cancer treatment methods

  1. Prostatectomy - operational intervention. Perhaps in the absence of metastases to other organs, as well as if there are no lesions of lymphatic nodes.
  2. Radiation therapy - treatment of tumor with radiation irradiation. Radiation damages cancer cells, as a result of which they die. One of the types of irradiation is Brachytherapy - the introduction of a radiation source directly to the tumor. Side effects with such treatment are less noticeable.
  3. Cryotherapy is the fight against the tumor by means of low temperatures. Apply the method with minor sizes of neoplasms.
  4. Hormonotherapy. It is often used in the complex with chemotherapy when the prostate in men does not give in to other types of treatment. That is, as an extreme measure.
  5. Chemotherapy. Impact on a tumor with chemotherapy products. The method is used both independently and in the complex with others. He has a bunch of side effects. Since drugs affect not only tumor cells, but also on healthy cells of all organs.

Prevention of prostate diseases

The best prevention is not only prostate diseases, but also any other diseases is healthy image Life.

A favorable action is provided:

  • Proper and balanced nutrition.
  • Exercise, sports exercises - running, swimming, walking.
  • Preparations and procedures that strengthen immunity.
  • Regular sex life.
  • Rejection of bad habits.
  • It is impossible to percade the body.

"Prostate in men, symptoms, treatment" is the topic, relevant for most representatives of the strong sex. It is possible to comply with preventive measures against this disease, the number of patients will significantly decrease.

Each disease is better cured at the initial stage, so it is important to determine the symptoms of the occurrence of the disease. is discomfort and pain in the crotch, difficulty when urination, problems with potency. With symptoms may not manifest or not particularly disturb.

How to treat the inflammation of the prostate gland in men? effective method Treatment of prostatitis, tested by time. With its help, one of the most important medical problems is achieved - the discharge of the stagnant secret of the prostate gland. Prostate stimulation also improves blood circulation in the tissues of the prostate gland.

Such a method for treating prostatitis is performed through an anal hole. The prostate gland is massaged through the wall of the rectum. It is necessary to monitor whether the secret is allocated. The lack of a liquid released can talk about serious complications. The massage course consists, as a rule, out of 10 sessions.

REFERENCE: Prostate massage can be performed independently, but it is necessary to abide care and have an idea of \u200b\u200bphysiology. Incorrect actions can lead to a direct intestine.

Do not forget about physical activity. There are specially designed complexes that allow improved blood circulation in the affected organ and normalize metabolic processes.


Folk Methods

How to deal with prostatitis? Can be applied. Treatment of prostatitis in this way can show quite good results. There are many recipes that make it possible to achieve the remission of the ailment or even. Very effective is considered rich zinc, useful to every man.

The main condition for such treatment is self-discipline, you need to take infusions and decoctions regularly. But it must be remembered that for each drug there is a certain course of treatment of prostatitis, exceeding which is also undesirable.

Bath and sauna

How to treat inflammation of the prostate gland? Warming. It has a positive effect on the prostate gland, both in treating and in preventive purposes.

Such procedures normalize blood circulation and tone vessels.

Aspen contains trace elements to help relieve prostate inflammation.

But, to visit the baths and take hot baths can not with a pronounced exacerbation of the disease. Otherwise, you can provoke a strong edema of prostate.


Compliance with the diet allows the body to more successfully cope with the disease. It is necessary to eat only products that are easily digested by the body. These are a variety of vegetables and fruits, low-fat fish and meat.

Refuse will have to:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • acute products and spices;
  • bold and fried dishes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • mushrooms.

REFERENCE: It is especially important to adhere to a diet when aggravating the disease and after treatment of prostatitis.

First aid

The first assistance with the prostatitis is as follows: if there are signs of exacerbation, it is unacceptable to adapt alcohol and sex sessions. It is dangerous to engage and self-medication, you can lose precious time. Home therapy brings fruits only after performing an accurate diagnosis, as an addition to the main treatment.

For easy form Prostatitis is usually prescribed outpatient treatment. The reception of drugs, procedures and bedding are appointed. Hospitalization is necessary with purulent and parenchymal complication. In the hospital conditions applied proper treatment Prostatitis under constant supervision of medical staff.

Other methods

Among unconventional methods of treating prostatitis can be noted.

Its essence in cleansing the body and the awakening of its hidden potential. Healing starvation is not suitable for everyone because it has many contraindications.

Such a new method of treating prostatitis is most justified in cases where the patient is overweight.


Now you know how to recover from prostatitis. This disease is although it is very unpleasant, but rarely represents a threat to life. It is important to remember that prostatitis is curable. And the main thing is not to despair and stick to the positive attitude. It has been proven that emotional lifting is able to work wonders.