The meaning of the younger Arcanes Tarot Manara. Element of fire (straight position in kotelnikova). The values \u200b\u200bof the "Eight of the Element of Fire" cards "Tarot Manara" on the book "Erotic Tarot. Study of secrets of love »Anna Kotelnikova and Elena Gerasimova

The next map of the Tarot Manara deck is the eight of the fire. "This is again, it is so unusual, incomparably nothing, and you can not describe, and it doesn't matter that it all is unusual for you that you can not take, hear, feel, caress ...".

Plot Maps Eight Fire Tarot Tarot Manara

The first impression that the map produces is a feeling of some unreality. It is not entirely clear that this is: sleep, illusion, dream? But this is clear something unreal, it is impossible to take and swell, it is possible to imagine the details. The girl with closed eyes is definitely, these are thoughts, images and desires. Since red and orange colors prevail on the map, and the girl is sealless, then it is clearly not about work or a slotted project. Passionate, emotional desires are dominated here.

Value of the Eight of the Fire Fire Tarot Maenar

Direct position

Some authors of books and tarologists for some reason treat this card as an informational and as the one that gives rise to some kind of process, speaking that the more we fantasize, the faster it comes true. For my considerable practice, this card has never shown this way, so in my interpretation I am pushing out only from own experience, not from someone's theory. I treat this card as fantasies, illusions, dreams and all sorts of Internet connections. On this map we can talk about correspondence, phone calls, about sex by phone and everything else, which is not related to the true touch of a person here and now.

Inverted position

But just in the turned position we can well say that a person has already started to do something to realize his desires, we no longer just dream, fantasize and build sandy locks. We have already taken a shovel and begin to actually apply some physical efforts so that this very castle does not collapse, and that it is not taken into the sea. Card value for relationships - If we are talking about the relationship of existing and real (those in fact, it can be quite possible that people are now far from each other, and they have to communicate online, moreover, they actively think about each other, They dream to be together. If we are just talking about the boy and the girl, it is a virtual connection, a virtual novel. On this map, we can only state the fact of unrealistic relationships, but nothing is possible about their future. In an overwhelmed version, values \u200b\u200bwill be appropriate.

Eight fire

Picture.Something bright, multi-time, enjoyable attractive surrounds singing - or causing spirits? - Girl. EU eyes are closed. Downstairs burns the burning fire of desires. What is it? Sleep? MEK? Attempt to revive imaginary pictures? Fantastic images of non-existent people, fabulous animals and birds (whether the bird is happiness?) Are becoming more and more real ... illusions, dreams, desires are already almost material. From the alternating enchanting paintings there is an image unreal real man. He teaches a girl in a new way to show sexuality. Imaginary lessons are simple, understandable and deliver the true pleasure of the heroine card.

Value.The eight of the fire shows: something is worn in the air and will come rather than we expect. The process has already begun, even if this is not yet noticeable. It indicates a spontaneous nature of the changes that takes place and suggests that the frozen performances come into motion. Incubus card. In many ways, its essence is creative visualization. The more simpler we imagine the events that should happen, the sooner they occur, and exactly in this form, in which we want to see them.
Sometimes the card can simply talk about the phone call. Also as its meaning, consider any virtual contacts - via the Internet, the phone or by means of a subloaded episristolar genre.
On the same map, there may be rumors, gossip, collecting information, and, as a rule, the information received has little to do with reality - rather a set of empty conversations, fruits of someone's fantasies.

Condition. The search for exotic sensations, what no one has tried - from meditation to sexual tourism. But the search is only in the head.

Characteristic of relationships. Relationships in fantasies, in dreams, in imagination. There are practically no direct contact on this map.

The physical state.
Sex by phone. Sex over the Internet. Astral sex, without bodily contact. Orgasm in meditation.

Feelings. Sweistance. But be careful - this feeling spoils the soul and makes it susceptible to other vices. A softer option is a person with interesting fantasies and life in them.

A warning.Caution with rumors. Someone is unscrewing something - you are spreading (read, seen in the movies). Care in fantasy, loss of communication with reality.

Council. Free flight of fantasy, the implementation of sexual fantasies.

Astrological compliance.Mercury in Sagittarius. First Dean Sagittarius. Speed, information.

Kotelnikova A., Gerasimova E. - Erotic tarot. Studying secrets of love

8. Neck Fire (Fire)

It's again, it is so unusual
Incomparable with nothing and can not be described
And it does not matter that you are all unusual for you,
What you can not take, hear, feel, caress.
I do not strive for the reality of faded,
There, in a dream, in Gresses, more beautiful, mile,
And the dew enjoyment through I promo
After receiving that I want, everything is faster and faster.
Losing contact with this world - not scary,
More he, what is the heart to accommodate,
But I live and dream I am diverse,
So that after nothing to be sad.

Plot maps

The map combines reality and fiction, flesh and illusion. We have a woman who is gradually exposed, giving out some kind of inner aspirations and senders, as indicated by her closed eyes And the pleasure that froze on her face. All her thoughts and desires are captured behind her back: and men's hands, which stretch to her, and the face of an elderly person who is trying to draw her attention, and a fabulous bird that flies in heaven. From reality, only a block, which can be seen in the corner of the card, remained from reality, so simple and black and white.

Illusions, dreams, dreams - all this manages man. He is not able to see the reality of such as it really is. And often the reality itself does not cause any interest. The person is interested only exotic species Relations that begin with sex on the phone or correspondence on the Internet and end with a blind date. But at the same time, a person is not ready to move to the active phase of communication, putting barriers and restrictions to a partner or partners.

Map value in an inverted position
A person in his aspirations to the implementation of unusual fantasies goes from a dream to active actions. He is not enough to just dream or imagine. The first who will learn about it will be his partner to whom the word and how to help divide into consciousness close man Dreams and reality, achievable and illusory.

Positive manifestations in the situation (strong features)
The ability of a person to fantasize and make a variety of the worldCertainly is his bright and positive feature. If it were not for "but" about which you will learn below.

Negative manifestations in a situation (weakness)
A person gradually begins to lose touch with reality and ceases to critically assess his thoughts and actions that have become a continuation of his fantasies. He is gradually absorbed by the world of dreams, where it is not easy to get out.

Trends in the development of the situation with a positive meaning (which can be expected further)
Sooner or later, reality takes the top. And fantasies remain where it is supposed to be, being just a reason for reflection and support for possible plans.

Trends in the development of the situation with a negative meaning (which can be expected further)
Pragmatism and realism, which are welcomed by a person, do not allow to see the whole depth of the feelings that are present in this world. His desires become simple and understandable, which makes the taste of life too fresh.

D. Nevsky. Tarot Manara. Magic love

Keywords, values: Illusions, dreams, fantasies, detachment, immersion in the artificially created world.
Cause Event. There are two of them, but each of them has intersection points with each other. The first dissatisfaction with reality. The second inability to get from reality what I want. And the one, and the other reason to escape from reality into that world, where there is everything you want.
The consequences of the event man farther and further dives into the artificially created world, losing control or destroying what surrounds it.

The value of the map in the literal position
Illusions, dreams, dreams all this manages a person. He is not able to see the reality of such as it really is. And often the reality itself does not cause any interest. The person is interested only for exotic types of ties that begin with sex on telephone or internet intervention and end with a blind way. But at the same time, a person is not ready to move to the active phase of communication, putting barriers and restrictions to a partner or partners.

Real-time event
About such people they say they wear "pink glasses." That is how they perceive the world and people in it. Illusory, unreal, giving them the quality and characteristics that they are not inherent.

Situation, plot, settings
There are two age periodWhen you can see the most active manifestations of this quality. Youth of the girl (some) is waiting for a "prince on a white horse" and believe that he will come and will do everything for them or for them. And in the absence of a real prince, this qualities most often endowed with the last scum. The second age is lonely maturity in those whose life "failed" and then you need to "change the appearance of life," because you can change yourself late.

Act of a person in work, affairs
In the work and affairs of a person, to put it mildly, not adequate. He does not see reality, but acts on his own, distorted feeling. He can buy a product that is not needed to anyone, believing that this is exactly what people waited so long ago. They just did not understand yet, but about their eyes will open

Act in monetary and financial matters of relationships
In the money, a person does not know the measures. Moreover, his spending is due only to his ideas about life. He can buy the "necessary" thing at a time when there is nothing. Moreover, there is nothing not only to him, but also those who are with him next.

Cause of the psychological condition and behavioral aspect
Unwillingness to recognize their mistakes and change themselves, trying to become better. A person is convenient to live "Somehow." But reality every time pays attention to it. And then, to minimize the conflict, you need to create a virtual world in which to live something right.

Fears and fears

Fears do not leave a person. He guesses that his life becomes very mediocre that sooner or later the illusion will not stand before the pressure of reality. And he is still stronger and stronger in illusions in the hope that the world does not get to him.

Reactions Reaction People
The surrounding belongs to such people "with oddities" with some sympathy. They understand what these people run and allow them to be given this weakness.

Love Fashion Expression Form
The love of such people is very peculiar, since no one will tell you if they love you, or in you they see someone who love. And you just look like a convenient image. Rarely love of such people sincere and realistic.

Family deed

In the family, each of the spouses lives in his own world. This is a family of two adherents of illusions. In other cases, the marriage is impossible. In the fantasy really everything.

Magic signs of influence

As a magical tip, the card can appear only when normal person Overnight turns into a ghost living beyond reality. But if this behavior is present "from birth", then no magic is not here.

D. Nevsky. Tarot Manara. All paints of love

The dynamics inherent in this map is interesting in the erotic tarot manara. The images of a man, flowers, an exotic bird are bizarked around the heroine of the card. She sliding past them, she closed his eyes and plunged into their feelings. And her hand, pressed against the pubic, emphasizes that sensations can be sexy. Thus, increased excitability, human impatience symbolizes the card. Sometime it gives favorable results, and sometimes - and no. The poet is such a subject sometimes to "slow down". As unfavorable sensations, the card can symbolize mailing climacteric disorders. Imagination, visualization, fantasy.

Relationships are virtual, dreams, ideas, dreams. In the overwhelming majority of cases, there are no physical contact in such respects, but it is actively submitted in the imagination. It may be intimate relationships in meditation, or on the Internet. The card often shows the contact on the correspondence, by phone, SMS, or altogether only in the head, is telepathic contact. Or some phone call, or news, information, rumors, gossip, which, however, are far from reality. Also, this card may be an indication that events in the relationship come even faster than expected. Moreover, the greater the desired event will be visualized, the sooner it will be fulfilled in a fullest form.

Feelings: A lot of fantasies about love with a partner, search for unusual feelings and sexual relations. However, feelings can be contrived, far from reality, and the partner itself in imagination may not answer a real person. Sweistance, the desire to survive what has not yet experienced. Life and feelings - in imagination.

Alexey Klyuev

General map description:

Refusal from a male society, there is also a working out of some negative experience. She shows herself as a woman who meets the men to satisfy is not able to. The map expresses some beautiful erotic pathogue, perversion, or illness. She needs sexual fantasies for the completeness of sensations. An attempt to find the inner ballace, get a discharge, denying the male presence and the impossibility of contacting the physical with a man. What she does will help her only at the stage, if it does not apply to this kind of sexual expression, it will help her to survive some stage. You pay attention to you, but you can't pay any attention, because among them there is no one worthy of your sexual appetite. You can be passionate about something yours, you are not up to a man. Personal time.
This indicates that a woman does not know the other way to satisfy her desires (eyes closed). This may indicate the distant past, for childhood, when older men influenced her, the pathologies acquired in childhood, it indicates some kind of early youth when she was innocent (white flowers on a black background), a man insulted, or humiliated She, she buried these feelings in himself (a man on the map of the Holy Stameth). It was some kind of hypocrite who seduced her, the victim of the pervert. He introduced such a soul in it, he was so smaller, and she now nods for the past experience and compares all men with him. The perversion of the path, it is not already in her life, but he brought it up and leads her on this path and now. It can not be taken away from his disastrous influence. She buried himself in the past, as a couple for another man. She fell into bad hands (lilac colors of men and birds), all her problems from the deep past. She is afraid of men, they are all for her one face, she thinks they are all like him. She was used, she came across some kind of deal, perhaps was married to the old man and came on the network of his own inexperience. She was inherited a bad experience that affected her sexuality.
A deal with himself, shot and forgotten. If the emperor map is near, then this is the bad legacy of her father, or stepfather. The map warns that you can not return from this path. There is no refund. Burns all the ways.
Next to the inheritance maps is a hereditary sexual disease.
If a woman is in a relationship, then it is necessary to hold back his passion, interrupt this relationship, because it is the wrong way. For a man, a map says that the woman he chose - they are not interested.

Rejection of a man, sexual relationships in a pair and self-satisfaction. The impossibility of marriage. If you are married and drops out this card, then you do not enter into it, the impossibility of contact with the man.
Pathological desire of self-satisfaction. Total attack by an event that occurred the past and this changed all your life. Disruption in genetics.
Fighting path, active action of something.

There is none of them. Rejection of all kinds of relationships. Attitude towards the standards of life. Man outside the human norm. You may be interested, but you are incredulous and do not pay attention.

Shock, which was obtained in the past, who did your way. Some genetic genicological disease. Conclusion of the situation, stroke, forced refusal of relations for reasons.

Dose your lesson, put on control. In such respects there may be only negative long-term development.

You looked around for yourself and your problems, in your illness, if you do not try to get out of this state, and no one will help you, then you can stay there.

Natalia Malinka, Elena Boyko (Suria)

Element of fire

Tuz fire
PICTURE. The map shows a vamp woman, a predator, a hearty. She is completely in power of his passion. Her inner fire is constantly needing food, which are men's hearts. Going, she makes them part of himself.
This map presents a love passion as a desire to possess, absorb. Probably, it's not by chance with affectionate appeals, we often use such epithet as "sweet". Here you can see Rudimentary Cannibalism as a desire to take a loved one.
VALUE. The ace of fire is a clutch of sexual energy. The personification of the all-consuming passion without halftone, the feelings of an inaccier and impatient. Passion is manifested in its pure form, and everything is subordinated only to her: I am (a woman), there are my desires, and what the partner thinks about this - does not take into account. An example of fire ace - Lolita from the novel Nabokova; Solid lust, but the complete absence of feelings. There is no place and pragmatism, whose share is also necessary for mature life, and dreaminess.
It happens that women enjoy the behavior model "Vamp" all life, since this style is in most cases leading to success in men. Who will refuse a loose proposal, especially if you do not need to take any obligations? "Vampires" frankly to the place, then the nefple - exploits its sexuality until someone is able to explain and show such a person that there are other values \u200b\u200bin addition to the conquest of male hearts.
In general, the value of the map is sexual energy that requires satisfaction, beating through the edge and trying to find a way out.
Ace of fire may indicate and a specific character. This is a rocky woman. She has a bright appearance, attracts the attention of men and skillfully uses it. Takes the initiative without unnecessary reflection in his hands and energetically achieves the result. It will never be a sample of loyalty. Let there be many partners, let them change like gloves - a Vamp woman is not tied to anyone. For her, it does not matter whether to someone belongs to the subject of desire - she has no ethical norms and concepts about decency. Very often, it is such a woman who breaks the marriage unions, without hesitating to crash other fate, passing on the feelings of many other people. However, here it is impossible to talk about her fault or innocence - what can you do, such a character. And in order to keep yourself in communicating with a similar "vampire", it would be nice to have your head on my shoulders ...
STATE. Lust. Excitation, passionate desire. Passion as such, prediction. Egoism, insecurity. Fire ace character does not tolerate loneliness and, if "at hand" does not have a suitable man, will "vamply" anyone.
Characteristic of relationships. Head on one side. Communication intense, passionate, remembered all life. But a man with such a woman is hard to get along: the fire destroys. Therefore, the relationship cannot be called simple, there is always something from the fight for survival.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Youth hypersexuality. Satiriasis.
FEELINGS. Passionate desire to have a partner. In the scenario, a man may indicate the presence of a mistress with which there are very intense sexual relations, but without mutual feelings and affection.
Also, in some cases, this card may indicate the importance of taste sensations. (As advice - reduce your partner to a restaurant with some exotic cuisine.)
A WARNING. Do you lose your heart, we are alien? Do not deprive the spiritual beginning, submitting passion?
Council. Realize your passion. Show the initiative. Talk less, work more. Energetically wander the result.
Astrological compliance. Element of fire. Spring. Rust of growth and the beginning of flowering, active flow of vital energies.

Two fire
PICTURE. Two girls-models are smiling lenses. They sit as the director planted them. Everything is thought out: and poses, and a playful turn of the head, and the folds of clothing, carefully opening their bodies. Girls, demonstrating accessibility, looking carefree and cheerful, but no one knows what they really think about. Their inner world remains a mystery, and whether he is interested in someone?
VALUE. The theme of the deuction of fire is an external, showing side of things. Bright wrapper, which is unknown what is.
You can draw a parallel image on this map with Arcan "Priest". In V Arkan, the girl also demonstrated herself, but it was completely natural - there was no choice in her behavior and could not be. It simply did not fit the situation and the expectations of society and because of this it seemed ridiculous and ridiculous. Here is the reverse case: girls demonstrate their body, getting encouraging. They fulfill a social order. With the ethical side of work, everything is in order - they are well aware that there is a lot of demand for erotica, and considerable. And this allows them to easily put ourselves to the universal review.
General value. Attracting attention. Woman demonstrates its availability, but only. This is only a provocation or a game with the opposite sex by type "Yes ... But not here, not with you, not now." It matters only the outer side of things.
STATE. Awareness of its sexual energy and open use of it. The desire to demonstrate ourselves. Body postponement and receipt from this pleasure. Demonstration to appreciate itself through the reaction of others, self-task. Appeal to lower energies. EXTERIORIZATION OF LIBIDO. Dirty linen. Together with this inner closeness. Calm and business approach (in the "stage" of the situation concluded difference from V Arkana "Priest", where the behavior of the girl is very natural). Cynicism.
Characteristic of relationships. Pressure good - atpon. Emphasized in the public. What is behind this - hidden. Openness is only declared, depicted. May be false in relationships. So you can "go out into people" a couple, gently smiling a smile of support to your husband, who hate yourself and despise.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Free, somewhat unulcable behavior. Exhibitionism. Showful sexuality.
FEELINGS. Awareness of its value. Statement about yourself. Demonstration of accessibility. But under an attractive wrapper of the displacement naturalness and openness may be indifference. The card indicates some vulgarity, primitiveness, boulevardness.
A WARNING. Do you not overestimate your capabilities? There are players and more careful. Too much frank showers from your side.
Council. If you have sexual desires, show them. Dress Erotic, behave bolder. A bit of cynicism also does not hurt.
Astrological compliance. Mars in Aries. First Dean Aries. Use of sexuality for their own purposes.
Troika fire
PICTURE. A little old-fashioned and slightly concerned man rested on a bench in the park. There is nothing about that (well, say, nothing about what is not accepted about the bench in the park ...) He did not think, although he looked at the beautiful satellite. The beauty was unsuccessfully tried to attract his attention and, perhaps, to retire evening. However, the man did not show any initiative, and our heroine decided to act for sure. She threw off all clothes and, dusting passion, rushed to his knees. She is all around, besides her desire, indifferent. A man does not know how to react, - he is puzzled and surprised. It seems he is not against, but for him it is so unexpected ... Events are not developing as he assumed. (Films "Beauty", "Taming of the Shrew".)
VALUE. Female activity. Perhaps she is pro! Showing a few not to the place or not on time. Lolita, without thinking about the consequences and showing a partner that the consequences do not have any meaning at all, trying to cause a desire. Let her do it too aggressive, but she knew perfectly well that there were few men able to resist such openness. There will be no durable relationship for this, although it's known ...
The card is very active, but, in fact, what will happen after? Following the fiery beginning, after satisfaction of their passionate desires, our lolita is inclined to retire. (Re-read the novel Nabokova, it will very help you in understanding the doasta of fire.) Such behavior, as a rule, leads to a perplexity of the partner: why was it all? And what was it at all? So begins a man to feel in something deceived. He persistently tries to lead the situation, "getting" a random partner with his overseas and desire to put all the points over "I", without suspecting that the points over "I" were set at the moment when he went on his passion.
Hence the general value of the map is an inadequate manifestation of its desire. Sports Azart seduction. Conquest.
STATE. Azart and the desire to achieve their own by anything. Our young lady, which is called, suffered ...
Characteristic of relationships. Imbalance. One of the partners is glowing passion, and the other is not ready for relations and puzzled by the tactless pressure. Someone is open, and someone will be clamped, compacted, a low self-esteem is possible. Inconsistency. The woman is inadequate in the manifestation of feelings, the man is "not in his plate."
THE PHYSICAL STATE. People have different ideas about relationships and sex. Different temperament and potential. There may be complexes. The use of energy is not for the purpose - not in the place, not at that time, etc.
FEELINGS. The more partner resists, the more interesting it is interesting. From the side of the man - "... and talk? ..".
WARNING. Did you choose the direction of the application strength, time and place? You spend the energy in vain - not on purpose or not on time.
Council. Find the attraction in what is already there and boldly act.
Astrological compliance. Sun in Aries. Second Dean Aries.

Four fire
PICTURE. Evening, the working day is completed, the employees went home. Only two detained after work in a secluded corner of the office. What binds them? What goals they pursue? It seems that everyone has their own motives and their interests. The main thing, everyone gets what was counting on. Images of people on the map are similar to the characters of the XII Arkana "Punishment". Our heroine has achieved his own, but now does not see the opportunity to stop this connection. And she is clearly not on equal. The future of this pair is in darkness. It is unlikely that the outlet is simple and obvious to both.
VALUE. The darkest card of the entire row of fire. Its action takes place in the dusk cabinet. Dark tones hint: Relationships should remain secret. Sex furtively. Service Roman, where everyone gets its. Relationships are multi-level. Random connection, which has a continuation, connection, for which then you will execute yourself.
STATE. Binding a partner and manipulate them through sex. One realizes its secret desires, and the other allows you to do it. The desire to maintain a secret actual situation and the real state of affairs. Your client on this map may be evident with enviable persistence.
Characteristic of relationships. Mystery novel. Random unequal and unnecessary connection. People of Svikhar satisfy a momentary whim, without thinking about the consequences.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Sometimes there can be about hidden perversions or violations in the sexual sphere.
FEELINGS. Interdependence. Hidden motifs. The excitement from the mystery of relations is like the accomplices involved in something that is not given to others. An element of inferiority (impotence) may be present. There is no actual enjoyment or true intimacy. Desires, most likely perverted. Performing a partner and concealing your own. Thoughtlessness.
WARNING. "There is nothing secret that would not be explicit." How long will these relationships persist in the secret? How long can you use each other?
Council. Do not advertise relationships, keep your feelings secret. What happens behind closed doors concerns only two.
Astrological compliance. Venus in Aries. Third Dean Aries. Love head, not heart, impulsiveness.

Five fire
PICTURE. Two women, like two hungry lioness, in the rustling of passions attacked a man. He was too lackless and reckless in his desires and himself provoked the situation when he was beginning to tear into parts, the situation from which it is impossible to get out without the victims. Please note that these women are not rivals, their sexual aggressive energy will never closes each other, they both focused on a man. Such furies are able to destroy it.
VALUE. A person is torn apart from two opposite desires, two attractions. These contradictions do not quietly live, their internal conflict can make life unbearable (film "Autumn Marathon"). Attempting to everyone to please lead to the fact that the former rivals turn into an allied and with an amazing unanimity begin to tear a person to pieces.
The card may indicate the "triple" relationships when identifying yourself with a friend (friend) enhances the attraction.
STATE. This is the scene of the inner world: a person is torn off contradictions and expose his essence. It should be noted that on the top five fire is not always between partners there is a third party - a lover or a mistress. It often happens interior A man or situation in which he drove himself.
Characteristic of relationships. Triangle. Destroying relationships. Complex, intense situation. There are no mutual understanding and feelings, as actions and attention are directed not to a partner, but on disassembly with the inner "I".
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Burst into pieces. Possible breakdowns. Many aggressive energy in the destructive stage. Remember the five water? There, this energy wore a sensual shade and was aimed at a partner (partner). Here, aggression is directed not so much on how much across.
FEELINGS. Passion is only on the surface, and inside the emptiness and bewilderment - for what I mean? How to choose to survive in this situation? Internal weakness and inaction. Contliminate feelings, tensions in relations.
WARNING. These forces have destructive potential and tear away the person. The integrity of the person is lost. It is in this state that "nervous and illegal relationships" appear, from which you do not know how to get out. All your energy goes to permission internal conflicts.
Council. Use this energy contradictions. Try to send it to one bed.
Astrological compliance. Saturn in Lev. First Dean Lion. Fear to stay without attention and love of others, fear somewhere to be unworthy.

Six fire
PICTURE. Little street cafe. Behind the windows stream of people, and everyone hurries on their business. The waiter habitually swears between the tables, fulfilling orders of visitors. But suddenly one bored in the loneliness of the lady showed interest to him. She wants to receive services emerging far beyond his official duties. Something of this Mrs. is clearly not enough. Living senses? Scrolling sensations? Or is it just nostalgia for the past times, when in a similar way she could easily "take" any man? Anyway, for him it is an abnormal situation with the threat of loss of work, for the ladies - another Blazen, the possibility of fun adventure.
VALUE. Flaying with a person from another social layer (owner and bodyguard, driver, maid). Unequal connection. Creating an acute or scandalous situation for entertainment.
STATE. Relationships from boredom, praise. Nothing serious. Surface feelings. There is a light sadism taste. Awkwardness. Permissiveness. Ambiguous position.
Characteristic of relationships. Relationship is very different people, and someone because of these relationships suffers. Communication from boredom for entertainment. Nothing serious. One partner uses the other.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. One gate play. One wants everything, another because of this it turns out in an ambiguous position.
FEELINGS. Surface feelings. The feeling of permissiveness. Flirting without serious intentions.
A WARNING. In whatever situation, you will have - do not drop your status, position.
Council. Have fun without serious intentions. Create outrageous situations to verify a partner. Just do not overdo it.
Astrological compliance. Jupiter in Lev. Second Dean Lion. Supplinkable noble, loving luxury and pleasure. Especially inferior to another part of his happiness.

Seven fire
PICTURE. In the hospital ward, everything sparkles cleanliness. Thoughtful medical staff makes a lot of effort to reanimate the patient and put it on his feet. Pretty nurses are ready to do everything and even something going beyond their official duties. Only their usefulness seemed to turn the sore sideways. They did not take into account that you can and strangle care and care. Everything is good in moderation.
VALUE. Excessiveness. Pullibility, underlined. Proposals a lot, but no opportunity. The man "gets" at the attention. Someone's attempt to "reanimate" relationships or force a partner to feel something. Also competition. When a lot of people are too zealous for one thing, they begin to interfere with each other.
STATE. Imbalance of attention, sexual needs. One partner becomes too much. "Delivered."
Characteristic of relationships. Excessive activity and obsessive attention of one of the partners. Strangle love.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. When studying relationships, it can talk about the difference of temperaments from partners.
FEELINGS. The offer exceeds demand. Or the desire of the asking exceeds the capabilities of the partner. Fatigue from relationships, satiety to disgust. From the society of the partner is already beginning to nauseate. The difference in temperaments.
A WARNING. Excessive actions do not lead to success. You can rewind the last remnants of the senses of the partner.
Council. More attention to the needs and desires of the partner. It will not be worse.
Astrological compliance. Mars in Lev. Last Dean Lion. Demonstrative activity.

Eight fire
PICTURE. Something bright, multi-time, enjoyable attractive surrounds singing - or causing spirits? - Girl. Her eyes closed. Downstairs burns the burning fire of desires. What is it? Sleep? Meditation? Attempt to revive imaginary pictures? Fantastic images of non-existent people, fabulous animals and birds (whether the bird is happiness?) Are becoming more and more real ... illusions, dreams, desires are already almost material. The image of an unrealistic real person arises from the aligning enchanting paintings. He teaches a girl in a new way to show sexuality. Imaginary lessons are simple, understandable and deliver the true pleasure of the heroine card.
VALUE. The eight of the fire shows: something is worn in the air and will come rather than we expect. The process has already begun, even if this is not yet noticeable. It indicates a spontaneous nature of the changes that takes place and suggests that the frozen performances come into motion. Incubus card. In many ways, its essence is creative visualization. The more simpler we imagine the events that should happen, the sooner they occur, and exactly in this form, in which we want to see them.
Sometimes the card can simply talk about the phone call. Also as its meaning, consider any virtual contacts - via the Internet, the phone or by means of a subloaded episristolar genre.
On the same map, there may be rumors, gossip, collecting information, and, as a rule, the information received has little to do with reality - rather a set of empty conversations, fruits of someone's fantasies.
STATE. The search for exotic sensations, what no one has tried - from meditation to sexual tourism. But the search is only in the head.
Characteristic of relationships. Relationships in fantasies, in dreams, in imagination. There are practically no direct contact on this map.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Sex by phone. Sex over the Internet. Astral sex, without bodily contact. Orgasm in meditation.
FEELINGS. Sweistance. But be careful - this feeling spoils the soul and makes it susceptible to other vices. A softer option is a person with interesting fantasies and life in them.
A WARNING. Caution with rumors. Someone is shattering something - you are spreading (read, seen in the movies). Care in fantasy, loss of communication with reality.
Council. Free flight of fantasy, the implementation of sexual fantasies.
Astrological compliance. Mercury in Sagittarius. First Dean Sagittarius. Speed, information.

Nine fire
PICTURE. Two young people on a noisy street. Two representatives of different races, peoples, worlds. They are associated with common interests and sexual desires. Differences they do not see or do not want to notice - the eyes, the mirror of the souls, hidden behind the dark glasses. And why do they look closely to each other? Common interests outweigh all.
VALUE. As you probably managed to notice, an air element - changeable and moving elements appears in the image, which speaks about flexibility in relations. Add here an idea element - and get the value of this card: it will sound the topic of joint interests, because of which people are found without regard to conventions. Often, sexual interest arises in such a connection - why not? - But he is not prevalent. At the same time, eyes are closed on very many things and inconsistencies. Such relationships often do not have a long-term perspective, but our heroes most likely do not care - they live today and now, not looking into the remote future. Perhaps someday they will remove dark glasses - and the differences will become so obvious, which will make it impossible to continue relations. After all, it is not for nothing that the most global influence on marriages have religious and cultural differences in partners.
STATE. Free relationships, interest without regard to conventions. Life "Today and now."
Characteristic of relationships. Roman with a person from another social layer, a man of another culture (for example, with a foreigner; at the institute). Roman with a fellow students or with a colleague is possible on the basis of the same interests or hobby.

THE PHYSICAL STATE. Calm, confidence, intellectual conversations and common interest. Sexual relations will not be the main component in this regard, but not denied.
FEELINGS. Curiosity, intellectual interest. Common problems associated with intellectual activity.
A WARNING. Can you continue the relationship if you take glasses? Do you understand the difference between you and what barriers can stand on your relationship?
Council. If you like a person, do not see anything - be with him.
Astrological compliance. Moon in Sagittarius. Second Dean Sagittarius. Freedom from all and from everything, a lovers of traveling.

Ten fire
PICTURE. The transparent elevator cabin rises up past the staircases, past windows, through which light flows. In the cockpit two. Their relationship came to a critical feature, to a decisive moment, in which the accumulating negative energy should be discharged for a long time. Male I. female images This map is equally aggressive, they are mirror mappings of each other. The elevator is a closed space, from which there is no exit.
VALUE. This card is associated with the uncontrolled output of aggressive energies. The karmic problem is tightened so tight that it is about to burst. Forcing, cruelty, painful collision, desperate uncompromising. Passion is mounted to the limit, any resistance only enhances the onslaught. In such a situation, all the rules of the game dictate passion or rude instincts, when there is no possibility to prove anything or convince a person - he will most likely simply hear neither arguments or wishes to high feelings.
STATE. Man on the verge of a breakdown. He (or she) can no longer control his behavior. Despair of the trapped beast. The tendency to provoke conflicts. Anger. Act in a state of affect.
Characteristic of relationships. Claim on the partner as its thing - it is important to show its strength, power. Mutual rape.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Inability to control yourself, a tendency to rudeness and coercion.
FEELINGS. Rage, dissatisfaction. Remove anger on a partner.
WARNING. Carefully, you risk provoked violence.
Council. Get your own ways. You are in a situation where the goal justifies the funds.
Astrological compliance. Saturn in Sagittarius. Third Dean Sagittarius. Fear show slack.

Servant fire
PICTURE. For a long hospital corridor, a business gait is marching a tired doctor in a fluttering white coat. He had a tense working day he spent saving patients and unfortunate people. He acted with complete dedication, forgetting about himself. The whole map, as applied to the masting of fire, is made in red tones. Yes, just is not too much red here? In the image it is also felt - too much work in humans, too much worries ... This color becomes very tense and oppressive when it is a lot.
Remember: The servant of the water was a lifeguard who left the feelings unfortunate from Omut. The servant of fire is also a rescuer. But he saves in the operating room in which people come from because of their passion, due to the vague of the relationship. This person helps the case, and not sympathy. And it is not surprising that he does not have time nor the forces for himself.
VALUE. Workload work, fatigue. It can talk about the troubles, bustle, about excessive, very tedious participation in someone's problems. In the defolds often indicates a person with whom someone is associated with only business relationships.
STATE. A companion or colleague, a good specialist who loves his business more. These are called workaholics. His favorite woman is a job.
Characteristic of relationships. Relationships are rather friendly or pure business. But through this relationship can help.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Depletion, extreme degree of fatigue.
FEELINGS. Concern, fatigue. I don't want anything and nothing. If we see this card in the position of the senses, it can be assumed that a person has too many problems at work, and it is simply not enough for his personal life.
WARNING. Are you too busy with your work? It is impossible to forget about yourself.
Council. Help people do business, play your daily duties. Try to find pleasure in this. Sometimes in the position of the "Council", the card can make a recommendation to distract from personal life and pay more attention to his work.
Astrological compliance. The beginning of spring.

Horseman fire
View. The girl leaves the forest (subconscious) to an open place (wants to open himself). Lyhai Horseman is fearlessly leading a horse, and in the dynamics of movement there is an extraordinary activity and a desire for movement forward. But what's there ahead? The girl may not know this, it is filled with energy and rushing, without disassembled roads. Perhaps the goal is supplied earlier, and maybe this activity is an end in itself, as an end to the end of life in motion and travel.
VALUE. Striving, flight, speed. Movement, dynamism, adventurism, fearlessness, dedication, independence. Eustion by movement. Travel and all kinds of movement, departure. Possible closer trips.
STATE. The heroine card is not sitting in place, she is all the time in motion. And it does not matter what it does - whether it leads to the enterprise whether the machine is worth or growing flowers, she will do it with sports amarts, with enthusiasm grabbing new directions and opportunities. By nature, it is a maximalist who is not able to do anything in prison. Girl hussar with an independent character. Risk desire, speed. Travism. Dedication.
Characteristic of relationships. Relationships develop very rapidly. Freedom and independence is extremely important for partners. If the connection is described by this card, it is possible to preserve the senses to preserve the time or marriage with separate accommodation (at least in different rooms, at least in different beds).
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Fatality, temperament. Sometimes it may indicate the absence of a person, short-term departure.
FEELINGS. Optimism. Thirst for change and risk.
WARNING. Are you too rapid you rush? There is a danger of "races by top", when nothing deeply hurts.
Council. Rushing forward, do not sit in one place. Maybe you go on a journey?
Astrological compliance. Sagittarius.

Queen of Fire
PICTURE. Awakening energy that is not adequate exit ... Hands of another woman, possibly lesbian (experienced man; just older in age) help the lady of fire to feel their fiery start ... one partner in relation to another is a teacher who helps becoming sexuality contributes to growing up Other. ("Emmanuel" - the need to initiate.)
VALUE. Young inexperienced woman awaits activity from a partner. Only after receiving some lessons, she will be able to become a lady of fire. Initiation. A man with a waking sexuality.
STATE. Sleeping sexuality needs support or initiation. She looks like a non-painful flower bud, promising so much ...
Characteristic of relationships. Someone contributes to the awakening of the sexuality of the partner. Sometimes the relationship between women. Self-satisfaction, but waiting for this action. First sexual experience.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Waiting for activity from a partner.
FEELINGS. Awakening of sexuality.
WARNING. Be careful with drop-down sexual energy.
Council. It's time to wake up. Look for your way. Use sexuality.
Astrological compliance. Aries.

King of fire
PICTURE. In the smoke clubs of the ritual fire appears the figure of Shaman. On his body only magic amulets yes cape with a sunny sign. In hand - ritual dagger. Shaman is filled with self-importance. He believes due to his art and in its own exception.
Description of a person. This man is a strong man, a real person. He knows how to exist with his beautiful courtship to turn her head. The king of the fire is confident in himself and his male strength, temperamental, loves life in all its manifestations. It is easily becoming a "soul of the company", can always cheer and tell a bunch of jokes (though, sometimes not very relevant and not quite decent). The fire of fire is important to be the center of attention, feel the admiring glances of women. Drama and game, love stakes and courtship, risk and entertainment - that's what attracts it. It is very important for him to be the first in everything. He will be an excellent lover, but too turbid husband who does not make any restrictions; He despises Routine, loves freedom and will not miss a single pretty girl.
With all the merits, he has another drawback - the intellect of the king of fire is seriously inferior to his charm and attractiveness. However, many women calmly close their eyes. After all, they love him not for the mind, but for the fact that next to him you can feel like a woman.
VALUE. Fullness and joy of being. Holiday. Moment male initiation. Unity with the world, nature.
Characteristic of relationships. Bright and beautiful relationships. They are paid much attention to all sorts of love rituals, signs of attention, courtship. On this map, a man with exceptional respect and extraordinary understanding refers to his partner, and she perceives this as proper. It should be noted that for our sister, this attitude is very unusual, and the connection with the king of fire remains the most wonderful memory ...
STATE. A wish beautiful love. Readiness to show the best male qualities. Dream to see yourself with a hero. The desire to be the owner of life. Putting out the authority. Determination. Self confidence.
THE PHYSICAL STATE. Fullness, physical beauty and the abyss of charm.
FEELINGS. Rituals and external effects are important in relations. They can very much to tie people to each other.
WARNING. The card can warn against some cruelty in the relationship: you are passionate about it so much that you can hurt and not to notice this. For a woman, you will have to close your eyes with this man on a lot, including its momentary hobbies and weakness to the female floor.
Council. Do everything beautiful: Meet beautiful and break beautifully.
Astrological compliance. A lion.

Tarot Manara. All Paints of Love Nevsky Dmitry

8. Fire (Fire)

8. Fire (Fire)

Keywords, values: Illusions, dreams, fantasies, detachment, immersion in the artificially created world.

Cause Event. There are two of them, but each of them has intersection points with each other. The first dissatisfaction with reality. The second inability to get from reality what I want. And the one, and the other reason to escape from reality into that world, where there is everything you want.

The value of the map in the literal position

Illusions, dreams, dreams all this manages a person. He is not able to see the reality of such as it really is. And often the reality itself does not cause any interest. The person is interested only for exotic types of ties that begin with sex on telephone or internet intervention and end with a blind way. But at the same time, a person is not ready to move to the active phase of communication, putting barriers and restrictions to a partner or partners.

Real-time event

About such people they say they wear "pink glasses." That is how they perceive the world and people in it. Illusory, unreal, giving them the quality and characteristics that they are not inherent.

Situation, plot, settings

There are two age-related periods when you can see the most active manifestations of this quality. Youth of the girl (some) is waiting for a "prince on a white horse" and believe that he will come and will do everything for them or for them. And in the absence of a real prince, this qualities most often endowed with the last scum. The second age is lonely maturity in those whose life "failed" and then you need to "change the appearance of life," because you can change yourself late.

Act of a person in work, affairs

In the work and affairs of a person, to put it mildly, not adequate. He does not see reality, but acts on his own, distorted feeling. He can buy a product that is not needed to anyone, believing that this is exactly what people waited so long ago. They just did not understand yet, but about their eyes will open

Act in monetary and financial matters of relationships

In the money, a person does not know the measures. Moreover, his spending is due only to his ideas about life. He can buy the "necessary" thing at a time when there is nothing. Moreover, there is nothing not only to him, but also those who are with him next.

Cause of the psychological condition and behavioral aspect

Unwillingness to recognize their mistakes and change themselves, trying to become better. A person is convenient to live "Somehow." But reality every time pays attention to it. And then, to minimize the conflict, you need to create a virtual world in which to live something right.

Fears and fears

Fears do not leave a person. He guesses that his life becomes very mediocre that sooner or later the illusion will not stand before the pressure of reality. And he is still stronger and stronger in illusions in the hope that the world does not get to him.

Reactions Reaction People

The surrounding belongs to such people "with oddities" with some sympathy. They understand what these people run and allow them to be given this weakness.

Love Fashion Expression Form

The love of such people is very peculiar, since no one will tell you if they love you, or in you they see someone who love. And you just look like a convenient image. Rarely love of such people sincere and realistic.

Family deed

In the family, each of the spouses lives in his own world. This is a family of two adherents of illusions. In other cases, the marriage is impossible. In the fantasy really everything.

Magic signs of influence

As a magical tip, the card can appear only when a normal person overnight turns into a ghost living beyond reality. But if this behavior is present "from birth", then no magic is not here.

"To get" a person from the virtual world is extremely not easy.

Moreover, if it continues for a long time, it is simply impossible. But trying to ...

This text is a familiarization fragment. From book Full system Feng Shui Author

Strengthening fire here is better to use an ancient Chinese recipe: bad fire - support it with a red phoenix. As a phoenix in the animal world, various birds protrude. These are mainly either chicken or parrots. No wonder in the southern provisions of our country, it is customary to keep

From the book full system of Feng Shui Author Semenova Anastasia Nikolaevna

Weakening of fire All fish belong to the symbol of water, and water weakens the power of the fire. For people of fire are more suitable for slow fish, which will reduce the expressness of the owners and redirect energy "which is thoughtlessly spends on anger or aggression. Calm Fish S.

From the book a book about the author Crowley Alişe

Fire Pentagrams Name: Alhim (Elohim). Snake 4 ° \u003d 7?. Raise your hands above your head and connect the palms so that the tips of the index and thumbs met, forming a triangle (see illustration). (Degree 4 ° \u003d 7?, In particular, corresponds to the fire element; refers to the planet

Author Nevsky Dmitry.

1. Fire (Fire) keywords, meanings: passion, desire for sexual pleasure, lust, feelings prevail over the mind. The event of the event itself, the nature of a person, sexuality of both one and another event participant. But it is important to understand that while (or at all) it

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

3. Fire (Fire) Keywords, meanings: emotional or moral pressure, soft blackmail, unrestrained expression of feelings, strong attraction. When the event is the desire of a person and the availability of the object of this desire. All coincided and nothing prevents to do something so long ago

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

4. Fire (Fire) Keywords, meanings: secret relationships, hidden feelings, what is hidden from prying eyes, use or manipulation. The event is enclosed in the life of one or both partners. They do not want or can not advertise what is happening between

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

5. Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: passion, uncontrollability, vanity, loving. The event takes its origins in 1 fire. But in this case, a person has everything and even more to realize their aspirations. Frames, restrictions, moral valves All this is not about

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

6. Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: idleness, boredom, easy hobby, entertainment, superficial relationship. The event is as follows: on the one hand, it is not necessary for a person, but I want something from another. Have fun, spend time, it is possible to sleep. Just so without

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

7. Fire (Fire) Keywords, meanings: victim of own behavior (weakness, defects, errors), overwork, disease, lack of forces, the inability to cope with reality. The event is concluded in the person itself, in his inability and unwillingness to measure their

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

8. Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: illusions, dreams, fantasies, detachment, immersion in an artificially created world. When an event. There are two of them, but each of them has intersection points with each other. The first dissatisfaction with reality. The second inability to get

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

9. Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: curiosity, interest, flirting, experiment, search for new, frivolousness act, incommodity. When events, the opportunity to learn something new, try what at the moment you can try. No need to find

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

10. Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: physical or moral violence, internal protest, physical or moral pressure, mockery. The event does not have an accurate explanation, since to explain the reason why one person mocks the other

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

Page Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: fatigue, overwork, irritation, discontent through the prism of fatigue. The event of the event overwork or lack of rest. Both of these reasons underlie the state of the person. In no case should not seriously assess how

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

Knight Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: active development of events, movement, need to show activity, trip, targeted action. The event of events is not so important in this particular case. This situation is determined not the reason.

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

Queen of Fire (Fire) Keywords, values: Map is a personal and describes a concrete person a strong, active, purposeful, ready to take everything into your hands, independent. The event itself is a person. He is from nature so strong, independent and ready

From the book Tarot Manara. All paints of love Author Nevsky Dmitry.

King of Fire (Fire) Keywords, meanings: Map is a personal and describes a particular person strong, active, purposeful, ready to take everything in his hands, independent. In fact, the roof king is a male image of the queen of fire. The event itself is a man. He is

Something bright, multi-time, enjoyable attractive surrounds singing - or causing spirits? - Girl. Her eyes closed. Downstairs burns the burning fire of desires. What is it? Sleep? Meditation? Attempt to revive imaginary pictures? Fantastic images of non-existent people, fabulous animals and birds (whether the bird is happiness?) Are becoming more and more real ... illusions, dreams, desires are already almost material. The image of an unrealistic real person arises from the aligning enchanting paintings. He teaches a girl in a new way to show sexuality. Imaginary lessons are simple, understandable and deliver the true pleasure of the heroine card.


The eight of the fire shows: something is worn in the air and will come rather than we expect. The process has already begun, even if this is not yet noticeable. It indicates a spontaneous nature of the changes that takes place and suggests that the frozen performances come into motion. Incubus card. In many ways, its essence is creative visualization. The more simpler we imagine the events that should happen, the sooner they occur, and exactly in this form, in which we want to see them.

Sometimes the card can simply talk about the phone call. Also as its meaning, consider any virtual contacts - via the Internet, the phone or by means of a subloaded episristolar genre.

On the same map, there may be rumors, gossip, collecting information, and, as a rule, the information received has little to do with reality - rather a set of empty conversations, fruits of someone's fantasies.


The search for exotic sensations, what no one has tried - from meditation to sexual tourism. But the search is only in the head.

Characteristic of relationships

Relationships in fantasies, in dreams, in imagination. There are practically no direct contact on this map.

The physical state

Sex by phone. Sex over the Internet. Astral sex, without bodily contact. Orgasm in meditation.


Sweistance. But be careful - this feeling spoils the soul and makes it susceptible to other vices. A softer option is a person with interesting fantasies and life in them.

A warning

Caution with rumors. Someone is shattering something - you are spreading (read, seen in the movies). Care in fantasy, loss of communication with reality.

Free flight of fantasy, the implementation of sexual fantasies.

Astrological compliance

Mercury in Sagittarius. First Dean Sagittarius. Speed, information.