Patella tendinitis. Tendinitis of the knee joint or inflammation of the tendons: treatment, causes, symptoms. Medical treatment of the disease

Tendinitis of the patellar ligamentis caused by a knee injury that affects the tendon of the patella and occurs mainly in athletes.

Photo: Wikipedia

What is patellar ligament tendonitis?

Patellar tendonitis occurs when the patellar tendon is overstretched, which can happen when jumping. This condition is often referred to as jumper's knee. The kneecap is connected to the tibia by a tendon. Overexertion can lead to small tears in the tendon and cause inflammation. Repetitive stress can cause breaks.

Patellar ligament tendonitis has several other names:

  • tendinosis of the own ligament of the patella;
  • jumper's knee.

Tendinosisis a term used for the gradual damage to a tendon that occurs with repeated movement or aging. The condition can occur in the knee, elbow, and wrist joints.Tendinitisoften used for inflammation of the tendon. An inflamed tendon is very rarely the cause of knee pain. While patellar ligament tendinosis is a more accurate term, tendonitis is still the most commonly used.

Patellar ligament tendinitis - causes

Strenuous activities that include jumping can increase your risk of tendonitis in your own patellar ligament. Other activities that may increase the risk of tendonitis include intense exercise or activities on hard surfaces such as concrete. The condition is most common in people in their teens, 20s, and 30s. Tall and large people may be at greater risk, as more weight increases pressure on the knee joints.

Patellar ligament tendinitis - symptoms

The main symptom of patellar tendinitis is tenderness just below the kneecap. Pain usually begins after exercise and prolonged exercise, jumping and running aggravate the pain. The person begins to notice weakness in the knee joint, especially during exercise. The area around the knee joint may be stiff, especially in the morning.

A patellar tendon tear is a serious injury, with a complete tear, the tendon is separated from the patella. The person may hear a tearing or popping sound and feel intense pain. As a rule, the knee joint is very swollen. It is difficult for a person to walk, and he is not able to straighten his leg.

Patellar ligament tendinitis symptoms - diagnosis

Continued pain or discomfort in the knee joint should not be ignored and a doctor should be consulted. The doctor will ask about symptoms, medical history, and performance exercise. He will conduct an examination, during which he will ask you to move or straighten your leg. The doctor may order magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or x-rays to examine the severity of the tear and determine if the kneecap is in the correct position.

In addition, an ultrasound of the knee joint is prescribed. Early detection of tendon changes has great importance in clinical practice, as it helps to carry out conservative methods treatment before rupture occurs.

Ultrasound picture of patellar ligament tendonitis

Patellar ligament tendinitis - treatment

Treatment for patellar ligament tendonitis is usually aimed at reducing pain. The leg will need to be given rest, apply ice and take anti-inflammatory drugs. Further treatment will depend on the injury, the age of the person, and how active they are.

Your doctor may suggest wearing a knee brace to keep your knee straight, and you may need to use crutches to reduce the axial load on the injured joint.

Therapeutic exercise will help restore movement as the tendon recovers.

A complete tear will require surgery to repair the tendon to the patella. Full recovery will take 6 months.

Photo: Wikipedia

Patellar ligament tendonitis - prevention

Ways to prevent patellar ligament tendonitis include:

  • warm-up and stretching before training;
  • cooling and stretching after training;
  • wearing a knee brace when playing sports;
  • performing exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs;
  • refusal to jump on hard surfaces;

Tendinitis of the patellar ligament develops gradually, so it is not always easy to recognize. A person with persistent discomfort or pain in the knee joint should see a doctor for a diagnosis. Early treatment of patellar ligament tendinitis can provide a quick and complete recovery.


Reinking M.F. Current concepts in the treatment of patellar tendinopathy //International journal of sports physical therapy. - 2016. - T. 11. - No. 6. - S. 854.

The ligament of the patella is a continuation of the tendon part of the quadriceps femoris, is attached to the tuberosity tibia. It is responsible for the stability of the bones of the knee, for its rotation, flexion, extension and raising of the leg. When the patella moves, the efficiency of the quadriceps femoral muscle increases. During flexion of the limb, the patella moves up the femur.

At the points where the ligaments are attached, the greatest load falls, so this part of the patella is most susceptible to torn ligaments. All kinds of injuries of the patellar ligament can occur in any person. At risk are people who lead active image life, athletes who run, jump, dance sports, teenagers, women wearing heels.

The patellar ligament is also called the intrinsic ligament. But despite the fact that this term has become widespread among us, according to official medical documents it is absent.

The knee joint consists of the femur, tibia and patella. Inside it are medial and lateral cartilaginous layers that perform motor and stabilizing functions. Since the knee always bears a large load, it is reinforced on all sides by a large number of ligaments. The ligaments of the patella are very strong and able to withstand any load. They are divided into two types:

  1. Tendons located outside the knee joint (peroneal and tibial collateral ligaments, oblique ligament, arcuate and patellar ligaments);
  2. Tendons located inside the joint (posterior cruciate ligament, anterior cruciate ligament).

The external and internal tendons form the supporting ligaments of the patella. In addition to connecting the bones, the ligamentous apparatus, together with the tendons, perform the functions of stabilizing the joint.

The fibular collateral ligament is attached to the head of the fibula and runs from the lateral epicondyle of the femur. The tibial collateral ligament runs from the inside of the epicondyle to the inside of the tibia and helps keep the lower leg from external deviation. The patellar tendons insert on the tuberous side of the tibial quadriceps femoris. Their the main role- keeping the kneecap in the usual position.

The cruciate tendons keep the joint from moving forward and backward.

When the quadriceps femoris muscle is tensed, the patella is displaced, as a result of which the knee joint performs extension, and the limb can rise. Weakness of the ligamentous apparatus or injury leads to the fact that the tendons are unable to withstand the load exceeding the allowable load, which leads to damage or inflammation in the knee joint. Interesting to read -.


A patellar ligament tear is a displacement of the calyx. In most cases, with this unpleasant phenomenon, a sound similar to a click is heard, and then a strong pain syndrome is felt, swelling may appear both immediately after the injury, and after a certain period of time. In addition, other symptoms appear, depending on the degree of damage and the type of tendon rupture (partial and complete).

Partial rupture is characterized by incomplete disruption of the ligamentous apparatus of the patella. A sudden pain syndrome is formed in the upper part of the patella, which quickly passes within a few days. A small swelling forms in the area of ​​injury.

A complete tear is characterized by the separation of the ligamentous part into two components, in which the tendon completely departs from the bone. In this case, there is difficulty in flexion and extension due to severe pain, and there is also a restriction of movement in the knee joint. With a complete rupture of the ligament, the patella moves upward. The injured area becomes very sensitive, convulsions can be felt, an inflammatory process is observed with an increase in temperature and a deterioration in the general condition of the body.

The appearance of symptoms largely depends on the extent of the injury. There are three degrees of severity of tendon rupture:

  • 1st degree is accompanied by a small tissue rupture. The pain is not very pronounced.
  • The 2nd degree is characterized by severe pain, swelling, the appearance of a hematoma and impaired motor activity.
  • The 3rd degree is a severe injury in which a very pronounced pain syndrome is felt. In most cases, a strong hematoma appears, the damaged part swells, and the ability to work is impaired. It is possible to carry out surgical intervention.


With the help of diagnostic research methods, it is possible to objectively examine ligament damage and exclude other injuries, including a fracture, as well as establish the final diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Radiation diagnostics includes an x-ray examination in several projections - in the upper, side and back. If necessary, additional methods of radiation diagnostics are used - ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. They allow you to more accurately trace the integrity of the tendon. If damage to the ligamentous structure has been detected, this diagnostic study determines the location and extent of the rupture, as well as its size.


With a partial rupture of the tendons of the patella, the injured knee joint is immobilized with a cast, anesthetized with painkillers, and physiotherapy is also performed. After the plaster is removed, the load is gradually increased, physical activity is developed and special exercises are performed. At the initial stage, it will be good to increase the load by walking, swimming, slow running, squatting. With chronic damage, conventional treatment does not always give the desired result, so sometimes it is necessary to surgical intervention.

A complete rupture of the patellar ligament generally requires surgical intervention, since medical treatment does not give positive results. The operation is performed with the aim of suturing the damaged ligament, contributing to the restoration of its integrity. The sooner you seek help from a specialist and carry out surgical treatment, the faster recovery will come. If the separation was localized in the middle of the tendon of the patella, then both the patellar and supporting ligaments are sutured. On the tenth day, the sutures are removed, and movement begins with a gradual increase in load.

Surgical recovery

After the surgical intervention, if there was a rupture of the patellar ligament, the injured limb is immobilized with the application of a circular plaster bandage. After three weeks, it should be changed. After six weeks, stitches are allowed to be removed, and treatment begins, aimed at increasing motor activity and strengthening muscles. Movement after surgery has a positive effect on the healing of the ligament and on the entire human body, and also contributes to its rapid recovery.

Postoperative period

After the operation, the patient, making a support, can gradually step on the fingers of the injured limb, and after the restoration of its functions (after 5-6 weeks), small movements of the entire foot can be made without crutches. Without fail, it is necessary to perform flexion-extension movements in the knee joint. The postoperative period provides for the active implementation of physical therapy aimed at restoring motor activity and strength.

With inflammation of the tendon connecting the tibia and the patella, tendinitis of the patellar tendon is diagnosed. With the development of the disease, the patient feels stiffness when bending and unbending the leg: it becomes painful to play football, ride a bike and just walk. It is possible to cure the disease with the timely detection and adoption of a set of urgent measures.

Causes of the disease

Physicians call injuries and age the dominant factors in the occurrence of the disease. Inflammation of the ligaments due to regular microtraumas is typical for athletes and people whose activities are associated with hard physical labor, which puts hyperload on the knees. Sprains, bruises, dislocations lead to the development of inflammatory processes in the leg, creating the basis for the appearance.

Also, the patellar ligament is deformed and destroyed over time, so tendoperiostopathies and tendinopathy often occur in older people. With age, the body weakens and is unable to effectively fight inflammation on its own. The onset of tendon disease against the background of weakened immunity is observed in pregnant women, especially when, before conception, the expectant mother led an active lifestyle and had a number of knee sports injuries.

Symptoms and manifestations

Like other diseases of the joints, patellar ligament tendonitis has symptoms common to a group of diseases caused by inflammation of tissues, cartilage and tendons. First of all, a person begins to experience pain in the knee area, which increases with an increase in the load on the legs. In order not to confuse the symptoms with the manifestation of other ailments, you need to know how the leg hurts when the anterior or posterior collateral ligament is damaged.

Discomfort a person begins to feel when you need to bend and unbend the leg at the knee.

Discomfort is associated with flexion and extension of the leg. Movements to straighten the lower leg become painful in the late afternoon and in the first stage of the disease disappear after resting for several hours. With the development of degeneration of the ligaments, the pain intensifies and is permanent. At the chronic stage, it is difficult to bend and straighten the knee, it is impossible to tighten the leg and touch the buttocks with the heel. The temperature does not rise. Redness and slight swelling may appear at the site of inflammation of the tendons.

If left untreated, the disease can lead to rupture of the patellar ligament.

How is the diagnosis carried out?

The doctor determines the presence of an ailment by examining the knee and probing the medial and lateral ligaments. In cases where the diagnosis is in doubt, hardware diagnostic methods are prescribed, such as MRI and radiography. It is recommended to take a general blood test to detect inflammatory processes. Self-diagnosis is often erroneous and leads to aggravation of the disease, therefore, at the first suspicion of tendonitis, it is better to go to the hospital without delay.

How to treat tendonitis of the patellar ligament

At the beginning of the development of pathology, the patient can do without taking drugs.

Depending on the stage of the disease, a set of measures is selected to neutralize it. The operation is considered an extreme measure and is done only when the disease becomes chronic, threatening the patient with disability. Treatment of tendinitis of the cruciate ligaments by conservative methods is indicated in the initial stages and involves a combination of drug therapy with physiotherapy and gymnastics.

Conservative treatment

A complex of traditional methods will help treat the disease without the use of heavy medications and is effective at the initial stage of tendinitis, when degenerative processes in the knee are reversible. Microtraumas of the cruciate ligament are removed by rest and wearing special supports - teip tapes and elastic bandages. Deep heating and tissue repair is provided by ointments with comfrey and larkspur, mineral mud. At an advanced stage, the doctor attributes UHF and knee electrophoresis, magnetotherapy. If an ailment is detected and at any stage other than chronic, it is advised to carry out such methods of dealing with tendinitis:

  • reducing the load on the knee joint, reducing the intensity of training;
  • using dry ice compresses to relieve pain and swelling;
  • the use of anti-inflammatory ointments and tablets that help raise immunity;
  • performing physical therapy exercises, yoga and Pilates;
  • wearing supporting knee pads, bandages, as well as taping ligaments.


Surgical intervention can be performed by arthroscopy.

Surgery for the treatment of tendinitis is carried out both in the traditional open way and with the help of an arthroscope. Therapy consists in the removal of damaged tissues, mainly in the region of the head of the patella. The doctor makes the choice of the method of surgical intervention depending on the area and nature of the degenerative processes in the ligaments. Osteophytes are removed arthroscopically, but if there is a cyst in the kneecap, only the traditional open surgical method is indicated.

After the operation, the patient must remain calm and undergo a rehabilitation course, including therapeutic gymnastics for the development of the knee, physiotherapy and drug rehabilitation of the tendons. Regeneration takes from 1 to 3 months. At this time, it is necessary to provide the leg with additional support in the form of a knee brace, taping. You need to walk with a cane.

other methods

Popular methods of treating tendinitis include sanatorium treatment - mud therapy and balneological treatment. Assign Azov and Black Sea firth mud, radon and hydrogen sulfide baths. At home, the use of laser-ion devices, such as the Vitafon, is also common. Ointments and gels for athletes help heal microtraumas, the purpose of which is to relieve muscle spasm and nourish the tissues of the articular bag and tendons.

The movement of the knee and its stability are possible thanks to the coordinated work of its five ligaments:

  • two crosses,
  • two lateral,
  • own patellar ligament.

In addition to unpleasant situations associated with direct injury to the knee (ligament rupture, dislocation or fracture), there is another danger - tendinitis of the knee joint (inflammation of the tendons and ligaments). Most often, tendinitis of the patellar ligament is diagnosed.

Anatomy of the patellar ligament

The proper ligament continues the tendon of the quadriceps femoris and attaches it in front to the tubercle of the tibia, located below the patella.

This original structure makes the knee joint unique: it provides not only motor functions, but also works on the principle of a lever-and-block mechanism, multiplying the effectiveness of the quadriceps muscle:

Causes of knee tendonitis

Tendinitis of the knee joint is caused by either mechanical or degenerative causes.

mechanical tendonitis

The first type (mechanical) is associated with sports or professional activities:

  • Constant training or stress leads to microtrauma of the ligament and the occurrence of an inflammatory process in it.
  • Tendinitis of the patellar ligament is most often diagnosed in athletes involved in jumping sports, which is why this pathology has received a very accurate name - jumper's knee.

The greatest tension always appears at the place of attachment of the ligament, and, consequently, tendinitis develops mainly at the place of its fixation to the patella or tubercle of the tibial muscle (the former is more common). Thus, it is more expedient to consider it not as tendonitis, but as enthesitis.

The provoking factors of tendinitis are:

  • flat feet with its falling inwards (pronation);
  • the anatomical position of the patella, in which the ligament is pinched by it when the knee is bent above 60 °;
  • impaired stability of the knee with rotation of the femur and tibia;
  • hamstring syndrome - injuries due to constant loads of the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Tendonitis of a degenerative nature

The second type of tendinitis is related to age and is associated with aging of the ligaments and degenerative changes in them:

  • the mucoid process or fibrosis predominates;
  • pseudocysts appear.

To contribute to the degeneration of ligaments can:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • infectious arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • long-term use of glucocorticosteroids and other reasons.

In a weakened ligament, the regeneration process is also going on at the same time - the restoration of degeneratively altered areas:

  • restored areas are denser and larger;
  • angiofibroblastosis is possible in them;
  • ossification (ossification) and calcification of the ligaments may be observed - this property is observed in both types of tendinitis.

Stages of tendonitis of the knee ligaments

Tendinitis of the knee ligaments goes through four stages:

  • The first is that discomfort symptoms of pain occur only after training or exertion.
  • The second - the above symptoms are possible already before the load, and after it.
  • The third is pain symptoms during the load itself and after it.
  • The fourth is a rupture of the ligament.

The gap comes naturally: chronic inflammation in a bundle lead to its structural changes, reducing mechanical strength. If the rupture was not due to an ordinary injury, but due to tendinitis, then it is considered a complication of tendinitis.

Symptoms of knee tendonitis

  • Tendinitis of the patellar ligament itself begins at first with mild dull pain in the lower part of the patella or in the region of the tibial tubercle.
  • On the early stage the pain happens mostly after exercise.
  • There is also a feeling of tension or stiffness, and extension of the knee may be difficult.
  • As the pain progresses, it becomes more intense until it begins to accompany all flexion and extension movements.
  • If the tendinitis affects the deep layers, then with strong and deep pressure on the area between the patella and the tibial tuber, pain occurs.
  • A symptom of partial or complete rupture of the ligament is pain during extension with resistance.


To clarify the diagnosis, an x-ray of the knee is taken: direct and lateral projection.

X-ray allows you to identify fatigue microtrauma, areas of ossification and calcification.

It should be noted that knee pain can be due to many reasons:

  • damage and rupture of the meniscus;
  • osteochondropathy of the patella;
  • enlarged tibial tuberosity.

Closer examination of local areas of ligaments or menisci may require precise examination using computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Tendinitis of the knee joint: methods of treatment

In the first two stages, conservative treatment is used:

  1. Facilitate training and load modes, reducing the intensity of training or work.
  2. Apply ice compresses.
  3. Oral or intramuscular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen) are used to reduce pain.

It is better not to use intra-articular local injections of NSAIDs or glucocorticosteroids for tendinitis of the knee, as they contribute to the development of ligament atrophy.

All of these drugs are temporary and have a lot of side effects especially for the gastrointestinal tract.

The main treatment for knee tendonitis is exercise therapy with hyperextension exercises and strengthening of the quadriceps femoris and posterior muscle groups.

They need to be performed for a long time (sometimes several months), but the effect of the exercises is very good - they allow you to cure tendinitis and resume training or work in full mode.

Another kind of conservative non-drug treatment- it's taping.

Taping for knee tendinitis

The meaning of taping is the use of special tapes that unload the bundle.

There is different kinds taping:

  • the tape is glued across the bundle;
  • cross-shaped with fastening at the top or bottom;
  • along the ligament with fixation below the tibial tubercle, to which the own patellar ligament is attached;
  • combined taping (for example, cruciform and longitudinal, cruciform and transverse).

Just like taping, wearing orthoses helps to unload your own knee ligament, only it is not put on directly on the patella, but a little lower.


Grade 3 or 4 knee tendinitis is difficult to treat conservatively and may require surgical treatment.

Often resort to arthroscopy - a method in which an instrument is inserted through small punctures under the supervision of a microscopic video camera and the damaged areas are removed. This way it is possible to delete:

  • minor damage to the ligaments;
  • growths on the patella, if they infringe on the ligaments.

Cysts and other formations require open surgery.

Types of open operations:

  • ligament excision;
  • scraping the lower part of the kneecap;
  • multiple tenotomies on the ligaments (notches).

But these methods can lead to weakening and rupture of the ligament in the future. In the fourth stage, plastic reconstruction is the preferred operation.

Sometimes surgeons resort to a different kind of operations:

  • resection of the lower pole of the patella, if it is considered the culprit of chronic tendonitis of the knee;
  • removal of the fat body (Goff), located under the patella.

Exercise therapy: examples of exercises for knee tendinitis

These exercises are very effective for knee tendonitis:

Stretching exercises for the quadriceps muscle:

  • Turning your back to the table or cabinet and holding on to the back of the chair, put your right foot on the table. We maintain balance for 45 - 60 seconds, feeling tension on the front of the thigh. We repeat the exercise with the left leg.
  • You can slightly modify the exercise without putting it on the table, but holding the back of your foot with your hand.
  • Sitting on the floor, lean back, leaning back on your elbows. We bend one leg at the knee, and raise the other straightened and hold for a while. Then change the position of the legs and repeat the rise.
  • Isometric exercise (for severe pain):
    • Sit on the floor with your legs straight, hands resting behind on the floor.
    • Tighten the leg muscle by pulling the kneecap towards you (the leg remains motionless).
    • Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax and repeat with the other leg.
    • Perform 20 times in several approaches.
  • Resistance exercises (performed with a rubber cord or elastic band):
    • The leg bent at the knee is fixed with a tape. We unbend the knee, overcoming resistance.
    • Other options: abducting the leg with resistance back, to the side, swinging the leg.

Exercises for the posterior thigh muscles:

  • In a standing position in front of the table (gymnastic ladder), put your foot on the surface or crossbar and stretch your hands to the foot without bending the second leg.
  • In a sitting position on the floor, bend alternately to the feet of the divorced legs.

Video: Self-treatment of knee tendinitis.

Jumper's knee is a common disease that affects the ligaments and tendons of the knee joint. Pathology is predominantly found among lovers of active movement and professional athletes. It is characterized by various symptoms, and in the absence of therapy can lead to calcification of the ligamentous apparatus. Therefore, it is desirable to treat the disease on time, for this they use drugs, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, surgery and traditional medicine recipes.

Medical therapy

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug

As a rule, the knee joint of the patellar ligament at stages 1 and 2 of development is treated using medicines. Thanks to them, it is possible to prevent the serious consequences of the disease and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The main groups of drugs prescribed for inflammation of the cruciate, medial and other ligaments, tendons of the knee are:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - used for various diseases ligamentous apparatus (arthritis, arthrosis, tendinosis, tendovaginitis) as prescribed by a medical specialist. Released in the form of ointments, gel, balm for external, tablets for internal and ampoules for injection. The main goal of these drugs is to reduce the inflammatory process, soreness, swelling and exclude further progression of the pathology. The most effective and popular means are Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen.
  2. Glucocorticosteroids are less often prescribed for jumper's knee, since their long-term use can lead to the progression of the pathology. Hormonal drugs are used in the treatment of thickening and inflammation of the patella apex only when non-steroidal drugs do not have the desired result of therapy. Glucocorticosteroids are often used for intra-articular injections.

In addition to drugs, with such a disease, cold compresses are used, which effectively reduce pain. They are applied to the area of ​​the patella for a certain period of time, especially with severe pain.

Therapeutic exercises for tendonitis

Treatment of inflammation of the tendons of the knee is necessarily carried out with the help of gymnastics. It is the main method of therapy and contributes to the resumption of motor activity of the affected limb.

Physical education with tendinitis is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting. They are divided into courses that include several sessions of 20-30 minutes a day. duration of gymnastics exercise stress is determined by a specialist, based on the degree of the disease, the severity of the symptoms and the physical fitness of the patient.

For better development of the ligaments and tendons of the patella when they are stretched, exercises with resistance are used to stretch the ligamentous apparatus, strengthen it and work out individual muscles of the limb and the whole body.

When performing physiotherapy exercises, it is imperative to adhere to the following rules:

  1. A set of exercises should be done only after a thorough warm-up of the muscles.
  2. The first workout should be educational and short.
  3. Time and load must be increased gradually.
  4. When performing physical therapy exercises, you can not rush and make sudden movements.
  5. If pain occurs during the session, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Physiotherapy for sprained knee tendons

Physiotherapy of the knee for tendonitis

Tenosynovitis of the knee also involves the use of physiotherapy as a treatment. As a rule, massage is in great demand for such a disease. It helps relieve pain, inflammation, accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes. It is carried out in the clinic by a certain specialist.

No less effective procedures are iontophoresis, UHF, magnetotherapy and some others. They are also aimed at suppressing pronounced signs of pathology, reducing inflammation and stress on the ligaments and tendons of the patella.

Manipulations associated with warming up the limb are not always used for tendinitis and require the mandatory permission of the doctor.

Taping of the knee joint

Knee taping

Tendinitis of the knee joint is characterized by the fact that as a result of the disease, inflammatory processes develop and the load on the patella and nearby ligaments and tendons increases.

Therefore, the task of any medical specialist in this pathology is to reduce the load on the knee and ligamentous apparatus, thereby helping to reduce pain and further progression of the disease.

For such purposes, the taping method is widely used, which is determined by the use of special adhesive tapes that relieve ligaments and tendons.

With the development of tendonitis, the following types of taping are used (see photo):

  1. Applying tape across the affected ligament.
  2. Cross-shaped gluing of the tape with fixation at the bottom or at the top.
  3. Applying tape along the ligament below the tibial tuberosity.
  4. Mixed taping.

Surgical treatment of the disease

Patellar tendinitis at stages 3-4 is difficult to drug therapy, so the only way out in this case is an operation that is performed under general anesthesia after a thorough preliminary diagnosis.

More often, with inflammatory processes of tendons and ligaments, arthroscopy is prescribed. This is an operative intervention, as a result of which small punctures are made in the affected area, and a certain instrument is introduced, the actions of which are controlled on the computer screen. Using this procedure, it is possible to remove minor injuries of the ligamentous apparatus and growths localized at the site of the patella.

With the development of cysts and other formations, it is necessary to carry out a full-fledged open operation. The following surgeries are more common:

  1. Excision of the damaged ligament.
  2. Scraping of contents in the lower region of the knee.
  3. Carrying out group notches along the affected ligament.

The listed types of surgery are most preferable at stage 3 of the disease, since they can contribute to the weakening of the tendons and ligaments and their rupture. At the last stage of tendonitis, plastic surgery is more often performed, with the help of which the affected patella and ligaments are reconstructed. For this, a resection or removal of a fatty formation in the knee area is carried out.

Folk methods of treatment

Cold compress to relieve inflammation

Alternative therapy is also widely used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the ligamentous apparatus in the patella. With its help, it is possible to stop pain, relieve inflammation and other symptoms. ethnoscience acts as an additional method of treatment and requires a mandatory medical consultation before using it.

At home, thanks to unconventional recipes, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Cold and warm compresses help relieve severe symptoms and quickly suppress pain. For them, you can use ordinary water at high and low temperatures.
  2. Applications - with tendinitis, effective recipes are the use of infusion of ginger, chamomile, calendula and other medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. It is useful to drink decoctions and teas from fruits, berries and dried herbs. They help to fill the deficiency of vitamins in the body and increase the immune status.
  4. You can do a contrast shower for the legs and body, or just use pieces of ice to wipe the knee area.
  5. It is recommended to eat gelatin dishes, which increases the elasticity and strength of the ligaments.

When using heat to treat tendinitis, be sure to pay attention to appearance knee joint. It should not be hot to the touch and hyperemic in order to eliminate undesirable consequences.