Isa hagalaz. To break the connection based on material interest and financial dependence Isa-Hagalaz-Otala-Fehu-Hagalaz-Isa. Use of the rune Hagalaz in rituals

The rune Nautiz is located. It refers to the older futarkh and has an ambiguous interpretation.

Literally translated, it means need, while at the same time indicating the favor of change. In combination with other signs, the symbol changes its meaning - for example, Nautiz-Gebo is interpreted as aggressive possessiveness.

This rune belongs to the element of fire, because it resembles the device with which it was mined. It looks like two crossed sticks that gave fire when rubbed. Nautiz is depicted as a straight line with one inclined line that crosses it slightly above the middle.

Such a symbol portends changes that can change life for the better. Do not resist them, they will help to open the hidden abilities of a person.

Normal position

In this form, this rune speaks of human instincts that are inherent in nature. These include the ability to find a way out of difficult situations and a sense of self-preservation.

This rune says that a person will have to go through a streak of failure in order to achieve his goal and gain important experience. The future will require willpower and patience.

The main task of Nautiz is to protect a person from trouble. It sets certain conditions under which he must act. Over time, difficulties will help the fortuneteller improve his life, but you should learn to learn from the lessons.

Reversed position

The reverse location portends a difficult period in life. You should turn to your intuition to get answers to your questions. It will be difficult, but the lesson learned will help to reach a new level.

Do not resist the situation, because. unintended consequences may occur. You need to sort out your thoughts and bring more clarity to them.

The inverted position of the Nautiz rune speaks of such things:

  • a person cannot cope with his ambitions and experiences;
  • a period of despondency will lead to a difficult emotional state;
  • the inner peace and harmony of a person are violated, it is worth dealing with internal conflicts.

It is important to remember that a series of difficulties will help strengthen character and develop willpower. If a person can overcome these obstacles, he will be rewarded.

The combination of the Nautiz rune with other runes

Sometimes this rune symbolizes an emotional and quick-tempered person. First he speaks, and then he thinks, because of which conflicts often arise.

But it is necessary to take into account the combination with other runes in order to get a more accurate answer. The combination of the Nautiz and Ansuz runes may indicate an ill-mannered and tactless person who will bring trouble.

Nautiz and Gebo

Due to the fact that Isa does not have an inverted position, it cannot be interpreted only positively or negatively. Next to Nautiz, the rune speaks of a long series of failures, so you should be patient.

Nautiz and Turisaz

The combination of the runes Nautiz and Turisaz (Fire and Air) has only a negative interpretation. The signs symbolize the fortuneteller's mistakes made in the past. Misdemeanors will have tragic consequences.

It is necessary to analyze the committed actions and try to learn from them a lesson and draw conclusions. This will help open up new possibilities. It is also important to get rid of the burden of the past.

Nautiz and Fehu

Runes Nautiz and Fehu (Fire and Fire) together symbolize a person that has psychic abilities. Perhaps the fortuneteller will be able to communicate with the souls of the dead. This combination is very successful for a fortuneteller.

She says that his deceased ancestors help him achieve his goal. If he makes an effort, he will soon have great success in his work. The combination promises successful deals, meeting new partners and customers.

Nautiz and Fehu also talk about changes in their personal lives. An interesting meeting is coming soon, which in the future will develop into a romantic relationship. The combination also speaks of an imminent marriage and an improvement in current relationships.

Nautiz and Teyvaz

The combination of these runes (Fire and Water) has a negative interpretation. In some cases, it speaks of violence and possible death. To avoid this, it is important to remain extremely careful. In the near future, it is better to refuse to make serious decisions.

If the rune Teyvaz fell upside down, then you should stop participating in competitions, especially if they are associated with danger. Of particular importance is the alignment of Nautiz-Teivaz-Hagalaz. The interpretation of the symbols depends on the position:

Nautiz and Raido

The combination of runes Nautiz and Raido (Fire and Fire) portends problems in personal life. Perhaps the fortuneteller has a crown of celibacy. Also symbols indicate unstable emotional condition person. The fortuneteller is dissatisfied with what is happening in his life, but these events are necessary and you should not resist fate.

If Raido is in upright position, the fortuneteller should be more thoughtful in making important decisions. Sometimes this alignment portends a sudden trip. But if the rune is upside down, then there is no need to rush things.

The combination of Nautiz with Inguz and Berkana

The combination of the binding rune with Inguz and Berkano (Fire + Earth + Earth) carries a negative interpretation. It often relates to working relationships. There may be problems with partners, they can deceive, which will entail material losses.

There is also a risk of stopping important negotiations. This combination indicates problems with attracting investments. The fortuneteller must learn to negotiate and convince partners that he is right.

Powerful runescripts with Nautiz

Among the many ties, several powerful combinations of effects on humans are distinguished. There are such popular runescripts with Nautiz:

  1. Nautiz-Hagalaz-Uruz-Isa is a simple but effective damage that destroys all areas of the victim's activity. At the event level, it predicts a break in ties, a violation of the usual circle of things as a result of a catastrophe.
  2. Nautiz-Kenaz-Mannaz-Uruz- is a powerful love spell that loops the victim on the caster. In fortune-telling, such a combination indicates a high probability of resolving a long-standing conflict in a tough and aggressive way.

When using powerful amulets, it is important to remember that the power of the rune is drawn from the energy of the carrier. A large number of energy-consuming symbols will lead to spiritual exhaustion.


Runa Nautiz portends a difficult situation, subject only to the Higher Forces. The fortuneteller is surrounded by certain frames. It will be especially difficult for those who are used to planning their lives and keeping them under control.

It is important to take into account the accompanying runes of the layout, additional symbols soften the negative interpretation. In some cases, the prediction portends difficulties that bring valuable experience to the fortuneteller.

The effects of the Nautiz rune: patience, willpower, strengthening the will, getting out of the crisis, coercion and fetters, kindling a forced fire.

Rune of patience, coercion, necessity, self-regenerating fire, grief. Rune of beer. This is the rune of the crisis and it reveals the meaning of the crisis to us. The rune conveys the state of Eternity. This is the original state of God. Try to imagine right now in your Consciousness that you are GOD…. And you are ONE… You are ETERNITY ONE… There is nothing but You. There is no Time and Space… ONE… ETERNITY… And the only eternal state that you can experience at the very initial manifestation is PATIENCE. As they say in Christianity, God endured and commanded You. Our reality itself is already an Illusion, created in the Consciousness of the One, in order to simply forget about this initial state and how to get out of it. Everything is based on Suffering. Suffering and Patience is the basis of everything, it is on this state that everything else is built. Christianity is generally a symbol of pure Nautiz. The Cross of God is Nautiz. In Christianity, all martyrs, starting from the incarnation of God on Earth - Jesus Christ. Torment, Suffering, Patience - this is all Nautiz is. Immeasurable Patience. Nautiz is difficult and hopeless, this is a state when you can’t change anything. Nautiz is Fate. Nautiz is the very rune with which you do not want to meet and she is always there. Nautiz is a disease. But also nautiz is the Will and the ability to raise oneself to one's feet, this is the FORCE OF THE SPIRIT. Nautiz is the true power of your Spirit. There is no other true power except the Power of the Spirit. We ourselves can strengthen the Power of the Spirit - by fasting, abstinence, forcing ourselves to do something - this strengthens and tempers us. All these are the categories of Nautiz, which are obligatory as qualities, and if you disagree with this, then Nautiz will come to you and make your life such that you forcibly pump these qualities. It is better to learn how to create Nautiz for yourself than to suffer and pray to the Void. Nautiz is tough and it strengthens and endows a person with these qualities. Do not create Nautiz around you without their permission and you will not have Nautiz. A common rake of novice runologist practitioners is the impact on other people without their Will always leads to Nautiz's backlash on practice. The more you influence others without their demand, the more you create Nautiz for yourself and you will have to work it out. Living the Nautiz rune itself is a painful approach. But in the hands of an experienced practitioner, it is a wonderful tool for discipline and self-control. Control and limitation are all categories of Nautiz. From the point of view of Astrology, this is pure Saturn. This is the sign of Capricorn, which patiently and persistently achieves its goals through self-discipline and self-control. Although there are Capricorns who simply lose this energy, suffering and suffering immensely. This Saturn and this subpersonality is in each of Us. In each of us there is the Spirit of God and this Spirit is Nautiz.

Nautiz is a kindling Fire. How our ancestors kindled the Fire - due to strong friction, a spark was generated and a full-fledged fire was already kindled from it. The fire was constantly maintained. The ability to maintain your inner fire will deprive you of Nautiz situations. If you have allowed your inner Fire to go out, then the Nautiz stage awaits you to re-ignite this spark of life. Nautiz is symbolically connected with the Kano rune. Your desires fuel your fire. Problems arise when there are no desires, and then Nautiz comes and kindles desires, only they start from a crisis. For example, the desire not to suffer and not to get sick - if your desires are such, then you once did not follow your inner Kano, your inner fire of desires, and now Nautiz is rekindling you. Understanding Nautiz is essential for a practitioner to remove Nautiz situations in his life.

When used, the energy of the Nautiz rune gives the power to overcome needs, adversity and problems through patience. Encourages perseverance in achieving necessary purpose. It can also be used when influencing others - as a way to force something to do or think. True, in case of impact on others, remember that what you send will definitely come back to you. V love magic creates a desire and need to find a partner. Also, the very concept of "love spell" is Nautiz. At the end, we will always get Nautiz as a result - therefore, using runes to force someone to love in the long run is always inefficient and unwise. With the help of the energy of this rune, you can get rid of bad habits, it promotes patience and abstinence from bad habits according to your intention and desire, this applies to alcoholism, drug addiction, food addiction and other bad habits. Allows and enhances willpower in any business, from decision-making to the implementation of any business with perseverance. Working with Nautiz in magical practice requires caution. It feels like the energy of the rune is a feeling of painful heat, feverish heat.

The meaning of the rune Hagalaz (also common are the names Bagaladz and Hagal) in the traditional divination practice of the Elder Futhark can be reduced to several, sometimes directly opposite semantic aspects. In a trivial sense, the Hagalaz rune is destruction, perhaps a divine punishment, or perhaps just a coincidence. The meaning of Hagalaz is often reduced to the elements, and in its destructive, destabilizing aspect. This is a primordial, unbridled energy that can neither be stopped nor subdued.

The meaning of Hagalaz (photo of the charter mark - above) in the context can be close to the meaning of Isa, this is inhibition, but not instinctive and necessary, but forced, due to external circumstances (spontaneous, that is, not controlled by anyone). However, it is unfair to see in the Hagalaz rune only negative image. This rune can also indicate beneficial changes.

  • Rune semantics: element, destruction, hail
  • Rune transliteration: Х (in English language-H)
  • Old Norse name: Hagalar
  • Norwegian name: Hagall or Hagl
  • Icelandic rune name: Hagall
  • Anglo-Saxon and Gothic name: Haegl
  • German name for the rune: Hall or Hagalaz

Like any other rune, Hagalaz (photo of inscription options - below) is pointless to interpret out of context. An exception may be meditative practice, specific one-rune divination, or figurative symbolism. In any of these cases, the meaning of Hagalaz is traditionally reduced to the elements, destruction, changes, circumstances.

The meaning of the rune Hagalaz in the upright position

In the upright position, the Halagaz rune indicates a sudden event for which you were not prepared. But not because they were inattentive, but because it is simply impossible to prepare for such moments. Depending on the context, Hagalaz can indicate a number of situations - from shocking changes up to death (physical or metaphorical, for example, the collapse of hopes).

The meaning of Hagalaz in most cases comes down to a description of a situation in which there are no guilty ones, so it is useless to look for them. What happened happened. This is not blind fate, the event had prerequisites, but we are talking about destructive force, which is at the core of the universe. Entropy. Losses - either for you or for your enemy. Probably, in a certain sense, the meaning of Hagalaz can be defined as "an ominous gift of fate."

The rune of Hagalaz is rather controversial, it is a rune of losses, behind which, however, lies purification. But this purification can hardly be understood and accepted right now, perhaps later. Understanding must come, it must be realized over time, in a natural way. The rune embodies the nihilistic principle - in order for the new to appear, a place must be cleared for it by destroying the old. Perhaps, what was lost (albeit with monstrous pain and suffering), in reality, was long overdue to be abandoned? ..

There are no uniquely negative events, any action has a series of consequences. There is no death that does not lead to birth. There is no birth that does not lead to death. These philosophical syllogisms are quite easy to perceive at the level of abstract thoughts, but at the everyday, practical level, this can hardly be perceived by a person momentarily.

Therefore, the advice of the rune Hagalaz in a straight position - do not rush, you have time to assess the situation from all angles. And at the same time - do not waste a moment that will not be repeated later. Perhaps it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret. In most cases, action is preferable to rest. Especially in a situation where in front of you is the rune of the elements.

The meaning of the rune Hagalaz in an inverted position

The inverted Hagalaz, unlike the direct position, does not have a positive interpretation even in aspects. This does not negate the above statement that there are no uniquely "bad" situations. But the inverted Hagalaz clearly speaks of total destruction, an uncontrollable situation, a "strike of fate." Probably, we are talking about some troubles or even troubles that prevent you from getting what you want or fulfilling your destiny.

The value of Hagalaz in an inverted position fully reveals the destructive potential of the rune - this is an indication of a wave of energy that will instantly turn to dust everything that you have created over the years. This is the instantaneous destruction of the most important and most valuable, really significant. This is a blow, after which not everyone rises. And most importantly, nothing can be done here. Beliefs, careers, relationships - everything can collapse (or has already collapsed), why, and most importantly - for what, the context will tell.

If Fehu or Yera is nearby in a straight position, then know that the situation can be corrected, despite the fact that everyone around (and yourself) can be sure of the opposite. However, this will require superhuman effort.

In all other cases, the meaning of Hagalaz in an inverted position, although negative, leaves hope behind it. In the sense that even if you cannot resist circumstances, you are still stronger than them - because you know how to adapt, and because circumstances are changeable and you will still have a chance to return yours. It's about about two powers. The first is the strength of the spirit, it makes you remain yourself and not forget about your goals. The second is willpower, it does not allow doubts to break your beliefs. Give in - and you can die as a person.

The advice of the Hagalaz rune is simple - stay yourself and don't give up no matter what. It's trite, but it works. The harder the hit, the greater your need for growth. Perhaps this is the most dramatic change in your entire life. Yes, you might not be ready for it, but this does not negate your plans. On the contrary - having lost something valuable, you clearly realize how valuable it was, and learn to appreciate what you still have (or will have).

Use of the rune Hagalaz in rituals

Outside of divinatory practice, the Hagalaz rune can be used to protect, first of all, from those very “force majeure circumstances”. And this is reasonable, because, as you know, they knock out a wedge with a wedge! At the same time, the significance of Hagalaz in meditative and ritualistic practices can be reduced to getting good luck. Which, again, is quite natural, based on the core semantics of the rune. The elements cannot be subdued, but if fate is on your side, then it is quite possible to avoid the risk of being "in the wrong place at the wrong time."

The use of the Hagalaz rune in runescripts

Hagalaz is rarely used in runescripts, at least because it is quite problematic to correctly “lasso” the energy of this rune. Indeed, by placing it next to Jera, you can get an absolutely unpredictable turn of events, and a combination with Fehu can play into your hands, but not at all for you.

And if, nevertheless, the Hagalaz rune finds its place in the runescript, then the power of such a runic record should definitely not be underestimated. The following are some basic examples of the use of the Hagalaz rune:

Thus, the Hagalaz rune in runescripts performs a number of quite obvious functions - it helps to protect yourself from circumstances and accentuated negativity, allows you to break out of the "vicious circle", turning any shackles into dust. But you need to use this rune very carefully, because this is a “game on the verge of a foul”, here a mistake will be very expensive. But the effectiveness of the result, with a successful combination of circumstances, will exceed any expectations.

The philosophy of the rune Hagal: traditions and interpretation of the image

In the shamanic tradition of the European north, the Hagal rune (here we will use the traditional this region Icelandic name) personifies the "act of creation" that took place at the junction Space Ice(Niflheim) and Cosmic Fire (Muspelheim). This is the embodiment of the primordial element, the rigid basic structure that underlies all things. In a certain sense, the Hagal rune is an evolutionary paradigm.

An alternative variant of the statutory inscription of the rune Hagal (the same "hailstone"), being enclosed in a hexagram, forms a figure that hides all 24 runes of the All-German Futhark. That is why Hagal is sometimes called the "mother rune", this image of dough is associated with the crystalline structure of quartz or rock crystal, which shamans used in magical rituals.

K. Meadows calls the Hagal rune "an incarnation in being" and correlates it with the DNA code, which determines the very essence of a person. This is still the same basis, the same “spontaneity”, but not in a destructive context (at least not only in it). As for the statutory inscription of the rune, the well-known Scandinavian scholar describes it as follows: a diagonal line connects two differently directed energy flows (an analogy with Muspelheim Fire and Niflheim Ice). Together, the three elements of the rune form the basis for the development of ... anything, including the Universe itself! And if the runic atts are combined in accordance with the theory of K. Meadows (that is, the first will not be Fehu, but Uruz), then Hagal just completes the first att - Freya's att, the embodiment of the subconscious, which serves as the basis for consciousness.

However, in her aspects, Hagal can indeed embody destructive principles, for she proclaims change, in every sense and in every direction. And change is a transition from one to another, it is always the loss (destruction) of something. Taking the repeatedly mentioned analogy with hail as an example, it is worth noting that this natural phenomenon is also dualistic. On the one hand, hail can be incredibly destructive, and at the same time, most often hail occurs after especially protracted and oppressive lulls, when the sky literally presses down on the earth. Accordingly, after the hail that accompanies a thunderstorm and, possibly, a storm, liberation comes - the air filled with ozone is crystal clear, and literally - it is easier to breathe.

  • The potential of the Hagal rune: focusing, concentration, the transformation of "raw" energy into an ordered structure.
  • Basic esoteric qualities: change, liberation (or release), union of opposites, destruction (in context).
  • Practical aspect in esotericism: bestows good luck and protection, helping to transform negative circumstances into favorable ones.
  • Summon rune Hagal: change is natural, it is foolish to be afraid of them or resist them, but sometimes their acceptance requires courage.

The meaning of the Hagal rune reminds us that any transformation is painful. But change is necessary, it is an integral part of our journey. Perhaps often we do not see the truth of the background of events. And sometimes everything happens by itself, in a natural spontaneous rhythm, and it is useless to look for patterns at such a moment. But this does not mean at all that humility is the way out.

Many do not believe in magical rituals, including damage. Others tend to think differently, fearing enemies who will be happy with other people's problems and grief. A strong weapon in the hands of such people can be Scandinavian runes- Hagalaz, Uruz and Eyvaz. The last one is the rune of death.

Beginners can use the simplest formulas on their own. Before choosing runes for damage and writing a working formula, they think about the problem that becoming must solve. Then select a few runes. One, which carries the main function, is located in the center of the composition. The rest of the signs complement and strengthen it.
In order to expose a person as stupid and short-sighted in a team, Hagalaz is depicted on a sheet or photo surrounded by 4 Isa, which instantly leads the victim to a state of complete misunderstanding of the issue under discussion. Even the image of one inverted Hagalaz in the head area can cause a sharp stupefaction of the personality.
Runic damage to the complete destruction of the family egregor and cash flow is done with the help of a group of runes Mannaz - Fehu - Otal. They are depicted in a family photo in the form of a ligature. The runic formulas of corruption are surrounded by Hagals arranged in a cross, and Nautiz are placed in the corners of the photo.

To cause a fit of rage, turning into a fight, they use corruption formulas, which include Nautiz - Turisaz - Isa - Hagalaz. These runes can be interchanged by placing the Nautiz rune in the center instead of Thurisaz.
The Hagalaz-Laguz formula is often used when it is necessary to make a person lose his temper and cause him to have a sudden fit of hysteria and aggression. When drawing up a slander, they emphasize that, becoming allowed to remove protection and make a person open to any influences. Thus, based on the values ​​​​of 15 runes, you can create a large number of stakes for damage.
Mages who have been working with runes for a long time differ from beginners in that they have a set of associations that they associate with a particular rune, which determines their choice and makes their work several times more efficient.

The power of the runes is not known to many. This is a secret knowledge that is revealed to those who are ready for anything. They can heal, cause love and attraction. The same symbols in the right combination can create very strong damage and curses. If you decide to use runic corruption, then be very careful. It is necessary to accurately perform the entire ritual from beginning to end. If you do not treat the runes with sufficient respect, the Scandinavian gods will play a cruel joke with a person. There is a whole family of runes that carry a powerful destructive meaning. Their energy works at a distance. You will need a photo of the person or their personal item. Anyone can perform the ritual - follow the instructions clearly, get ready. You need to be sure that this method suits you, because the effect comes quickly, and it is difficult to reverse it.


It is also likely that Scandinavian velva witches could perform the so-called defensive and attacking spells through the seidr, in other words, they could cause damage. Seid (or seidr) is a ritual esoteric practice that originated in the territory of early medieval Scandinavia and, apparently, was widely used by the witches of the Normans. Sometimes the word "seid" in Russian transcription is pronounced as "zeid", both options are acceptable. In terms of etymology, "seidr" comes from the Old Norse "seiðr". The translation of this word is unknown, but its cognates (single-root words of the same origin) from Old High German and Old English are quite translatable, they mean “stretched rope” or “snare”, sometimes - “trap”. All of these options seem logical in view of the fact that a spinning wheel (“seiðstafr” in Old Norse) is often used in seidr rituals.

Runic damage "Trolling" - directing the negative of the corresponding plan.

Trolling is a malicious interference in people's communication, expressed in the injecting of anger, conflict by a participant in communication ("troll") by means of covert or obvious bullying, belittling, insulting another participant or participants, often in violation of moral norms and rules of communication and, sometimes unconsciously for himself " troll." By analogy from ordinary life, this is a conscious deceit, slander, inciting quarrels and strife, a call for unseemly actions. It is expressed in the form of aggressive, mocking and offensive behavior. Trolling can be carried out by both specific participants and anonymous people without the possibility of their identification.
I transferred the network chip to life and tested it on friendly budget vipers. As you already understood, you can identify the instigator (troll), or you can remain unknown yourself and without consequences for yourself that someday the truth will come out. You can thus punish and frame a certain person, or you can scold the whole team.

Runic corruption "Futility", a variant of the "Loop of failures"

Nautiz is the force of action under pressure and coercion. A person understands the need for his actions, this is a motivator for work and energy for its implementation. Persistence on the way to the implementation of any work or action.

Raido is a directed and repetitive movement. Raido creates not only movement, but also a correctly calculated action, this is the rune of the correct result. Under its influence, a person trusts the course of events and, most importantly, himself. As soon as it begins to seem to a person that he is doing everything right, and is about to get the result, Iera comes to the fore and activates Raido.

Raido - falsehood, delusions, injustice. A person goes the wrong way, does not correct, not logical actions. He is at the mercy of circumstances that he cannot control. As soon as a person understands that something is going wrong, he takes action

The power of Scandinavian runes

The meaning of some Scandinavian runes is very negative. They can only be used for destructive actions:

Damage to death;
Information crazy.

The most famous of them are Hagalaz and Uruz. They carry a force that is difficult for a person to withstand. The object of influence becomes weak, nervous, depressive and angry. His anger is tearing him apart, destroying him. Very often the consequences are irreversible - a person goes crazy. Strong damage to death is not advisable for those who have just begun to get acquainted with the runes.

How to damage with runes

Runes must be drawn with a pen, marker or razor on a photograph of a person. If not, a personal item is used. It can be a pen, a handkerchief, a piece of clothing. The damage is strong and unfolds very quickly. Fast action can come in 2-5 days. All effects are designed not for a single impact, but for a long one.

Damage Nautiz-Hagalaz-Uruz-Isa

This is one of the easiest but strong damage. It destroys a person from the inside, does not even give him the opportunity to recover. Runa Isa means ice, fading. It conserves the situation, does not allow the object to get out of the icy shackles of this damage. You can stipulate as a constant destruction of the personality, the suppression of all possibilities, the closing of paths. A person loses all his strength, loses the ability to stand up for himself. You can cross out his successful once and for all, happy life. You will need to activate this becoming with your blood. It takes a little blood, literally to cover the written runes. Runa Uruz bears the burden of suppressing personal will. Be specific about its impact.

Corruption of Isa-Uruz-Uruz-Isa

It is applied as follows:

On the face of the object in the photo, two Uruz runes are applied one above the other in an inverted position.
Large Ises are drawn on the right and left.

If you look closely at the shape of the resulting tie, you will see Hagalaz. This effect enhances the effect of the entire bond. The two runes of ice show a cyclical repetition that will not stop. Troubles begin that infuriate, call for aggression, anger. Sometimes, prolonged exposure to this tie leads to the fact that the object does not control itself, it can start a fight. The inverted position of the runes leads to a complete collapse in all areas of life. A person can be fired from his job at the same time, he will lose money, his family is falling apart, important property is being lost. This is a cruel curse. Activated by saliva.

Corruption of ignorance of nightmares

A person cannot sleep peacefully, he is tormented by very real visions. Every night becomes a terrible test for the object of corruption. Many begin to drink, use drugs, but this only enhances the effect of spoilage. Constant lack of sleep makes a person very weak, tearful. He makes mistakes at every turn. After sleep, bruises, scratches, bruises may remain. Damage is applied to any personal item in the following order:

Top - Isa.
The second level is an inverted Perth.
The third level - per. Soulo, Pertro lane, Manaz, Perth lane, Evaz.
The fourth level is per.Perth.
Last level - Fehu pass

In the center of the tie is the rune Manaz, which personifies a person. It is affected by the negative positions of the Pertro runes - fears, nightmares in a dream. Soulu - lack of help from higher powers. Fehu personifies constant fears, mistrust. Evaz destroys a person's ties with his family and friends. blood activation.

Corruption of failures

The combination of runes Hagalaz - Yera - Hagalaz attracts bad luck to a person. All his undertakings will be destroyed. He loses money, business, position in society. Applied to the photo, activated by saliva. Jera - inspiration, clarity of mind. All this is covered by a powerful negative influence two runes Hagalaz.
Destruction of relationships
The formula Nautiz - Hagalaz - Gebo - Hagalaz - Nautiz will help to separate two people and forever block their way to each other. This damage can be used to separate a husband from a rival. In the center of Gebo is the relationship between a man and a woman. If there is a joint photo - draw between them. If not, print a photo of your husband and rival on one sheet of paper, write a formula between them. From above, you can add the Uruz rune to speed up the effect. Activate with blood on the day of Loki.
Scandinavian ritual of the elements
Choose damage and proceed to the ritual. Runes must be learned by heart. During the ritual, you must act confidently and clearly. You can’t look at a piece of paper or at the phone screen.
Protecting Yourself Against Rollback
You can protect yourself with runic tie- Helm of Dread. It must be drawn on the forehead with charcoal. If you look closely, you will see the runes of Hagalaz and Isa in it. They will protect you. It must be on you before the start of the ritual. It is forbidden to wash it off after. Rituals are performed in the evening or at night, so with a protective symbol on the forehead, you will need to go to bed. He must be wiped out of his face. Most often, this happens in the morning.

A helmet will help protect you from side effects damage - rollback. Rollback - the return to you of a part of the negative energy from the ritual. This is a kind of price that must be paid for the successful induction of damage. You will pay your price, but not with a kickback, but with a sacrifice to the gods. If they like it, then there will be no negative consequences for you. The only thing that cannot be done is to direct runic damage to a pregnant woman. Even the powerful sign of the Helm of Terror will not help us against such a rollback.

Choosing a day to work

Each day of the week is dedicated to a specific Norse God. Any rites with runes are prohibited on Sundays. You have 6 days left in which you can perform rituals. For revenge, damage and deceit, the Supreme God Odin and the god Loki are responsible. Both of them can help you punish your enemies, inflict powerful damage on them. Before starting the ritual, be sure to contact the chosen god:

Monday is the day of Odin;
Thursday is Loki's day.

The appeal usually takes place in poetic form. Visas are ritual appeals to the gods. You can create your own, or use pre-made ones.

Appeal to Odin

"The name in Odin's braga
I rarely hide
because people
can guess.
Who is skilled in songs
he can feel
in the hang that I folded,
discover the secret."

Appeal to Loki

"Loki the great, mocking-clown,
You are the equalizer of the sinless with the sinner,
Became the twin of the Supreme Ace,
Messenger of the gods and last hour. By changing yourself, you change the worlds,
You intoxicate people with the poison of madness.
Wise joker, you come to my aid -
Turn your cunning on your enemies. Entangle their souls with a cunning net -
My sentence humbly compel to listen.
We will play a vicious joke with them -
It will seem like hell that was their paradise. Turn your burning eyes on them -
May my judgment be fulfilled!"

Texts must be learned by heart. The address should be polite, but confident. You must invite to your ritual, and then make a sacrifice. This is a prerequisite for any runic ritual.

Preparing the altar

The Scandinavians believed in the power of the elements. You will need:

Water in a bowl (take not boiled);
Salt (Earth element);
Fire (natural wax candle);
Air (incense stick with a forest or sea scent).

These elements must be arranged clockwise. In the center of the altar is placed a photo or personal item of the person who is being damaged. Put a pen or marker there with which you will apply the runes. If the rite requires blood, place the blade or knife in the center of the altar. This is to ensure that all items receive energy charge elements. On the candle, you can draw the Uruz symbol in order for the effect to come faster.

Lesser Runic Ritual

The ritual is carried out in the following stages:
You stand in front of the built altar and address with words to the supreme Scandinavian gods.
Next raise your right hand up and with it point to all the elements of the altar, calling for help with the words - Water, Earth, Air, Fire, I ask you to take part in the ritual.
When each element is called upon, kneel down and write the runic combination of symbols you have chosen on the photo of the object of influence and always in the head area.
The main thing, drawing each rune - specify its role and action in the ritual, activating it in one way or another, with blood or saliva, breathing. During the activation process, say - from now on, with my will, I will activate the runes, and when I want to finish their influence, I will burn this picture.
All you have completed runic ritual, then thank all the elements of the elements and bring gifts to the gods.

Sacrifices to the gods

For Odin - light beer, honey. For Loki - dark beer, fire. You must take the gifts outside, the beer is poured under the tree. The ritual fire is a small candle that you will also place under the tree. You can put it in a glass. Before pouring the beer, take one long sip. One must go to the sacrifice in silence and return silently. Do not talk to any person, do not answer questions. On the ground in front of the tree, draw the Hagalaz rune as a symbol of destructive corruption.

If you are sure and have protected yourself, start working with runes. The more often you use them, the stronger you see the effect. Practitioners recommend making or buying a set of runes for divination and diagnostics. This will help you track the effect of any of your exposures. Working with runes is not for everyone, but do simple damage won't be difficult. All runic damage carries a huge power of destruction of the personality, drives you crazy.

Runes affect all spheres human life- runologists tirelessly come up with new ways to use ancient signs. A separate article should be devoted to the topic of love - it excites the minds of the female half of humanity.

Structure runic magic is based on the use of the movement of energies. Mage-practitioner, uses knowledge about the work of runes, creates new or destroys the old. This also applies to love. An experienced runologist makes love spells, he operates with energy and does not attract frightening paraphernalia like volts, tufts of hair and cemetery land.

Runic formulas for breaking relationships and runic formulas love is applied to a photo where both people are depicted. Slanders for runestavs are made per rune or for a whole spell. Practices depict powerful runic staves blood, drawing over a drawing made with a pen or ink. Activation is carried out in the way that the magician considers appropriate for a particular case.

Strong Rune Lapel

The principle of operation of the formulas of runic lapels is the same. Runes gradually change the characters of people or the circumstances in which the couple is located, confuse thoughts, send obsessions. The couple begins to quarrel from scratch, the lovers no longer understand what they are doing together, and break the connection. A wall suddenly grows between partners, which no one wants to break.

Cool down on yourself: Gebo - Turisaz - Isa.

To "cool" yourself and stop loving a person, take your photo and put on it a chain of Gebo - Turisaz - Isa. Then draw this formula on the skin, specify the effect of the runes.

To separate two lovers, put a chain of Isa - Algiz - reverse Raido - Turisaz - Hagalaz on a joint photo of the victims.

  • Reverse Raido will block the path to building relationships.
  • Algiz and Turisaz fix the rite and saturate it with energy.
  • Hagalaz and Isa break the bond between lovers.

After applying, specify the work of the stav.

It's powerful runic lapel by Vitoria. The spell acts carefully and gently, the symbols of the cooling of the relationship appear gradually, so the lovers will not notice the magical intervention. The author recommends that you stipulate becoming a slave and focus on the separation of the couple, and not just on quarrels.

  • Hagalaz will destroy the connection.
  • Nautiz lead to breakup.
  • Reverse Vunyo will destroy the joy of communicating with each other.
  • Mirror Kano will reduce sexual attractiveness in the eyes of each other.
  • Uruz eliminates libido.
  • Reverse Ansuz provoke quarrels and destroy mutual understanding.
  • Isa will not allow the couple to figure out the reasons for the quarrel without parting.

This is a protective runescript that will protect the wearer from medium strength. magical influences, including light love spells, troubles and droughts. The spell creates a cocoon around the object and redirects the negative to the agreed place, and also hides the wearer from viewing the aura, evil eye and other rituals. Protection lasts 2-3 months without renewal, but still requires reapplication. Runestav nourishes people with a weakened biofield with energy and maintains tone.

The operator applies the runescript on a sheet of paper, a photo of an object, a part of a fern or a cucumber, is also applied to paper and placed in a bag with dried fern. The magician draws the spell clockwise from the outside.

Becoming consists of Orkhon runes and is negotiated in its entirety. A place is entered into the reservation where the negative energy directed at the object is transferred.

To attract love, formulas are used, which include the following love runes:

  1. Hagalaz reinforces the need for communication.
  2. Isa fixes the result.
  3. Hyères leads to a happy ending.
  4. Eyvaz reinforces the action of Uruz.
  5. Inguz symbolizes the masculine principle and provokes the birth of love.
  6. Gebo- the rune of love, is responsible for partnership.
  7. Soulou energizes.
  8. Dagaz transforms the union, translates it into a serious plane.
  9. feminine energy Berkany focuses attention on children and family.
  10. Odal encourages partners to find common interests, jointly acquire objects and housing, creates common values. Odal is the rune of love, a happy family life.
  11. Uruz stimulates activity and progress.
  12. Vunyo brings harmony to the union.
  13. Algiz protects partners
  14. Perth creates opportunities for finding a couple.
  15. Laguz- the rune of love and love affairs, personifies feminine power, seduction and the ability to find a common language.

How do bets on a man's love work

Runes for love are intertwined into a line and directed at a person, they work on the principle of a classic love spell. The object attracts to the operator, he shows signs of attention to her. Runic formulas for a man's love are not eternal, after a specified period of time their energy fades away and the spell needs to be updated. The runes give an impulse for the emergence of love, the operator only has to fix the result.

Slander and activation of love rates

To attract the love of a particular person, runes are drawn on his photo or in a picture where there are both future partners. The operator activates the runestav in the usual way - with breath, elemental energy, blood.

It is important to correctly draw up a clause to attract love. To do this, the operator must clearly know how each rune in the spell or a separate formula works.

The operator, stipulating the runestav, pronounces changes in the lives of both partners.

When compiling a runic formula-spell, runes of the second plan appear at the intersections of the runes. The meaning of such runes is also taken into account, so consider the outline of the runescript so that the runes of the second plan strengthen becoming.

Proven runic stakes on a man's love

The runescripts described below have been verified by many masters. With the help of staves, you can get married, return an unfaithful lover, attract love into life, increase passion and desire.

Simple Formulas

Simple runic formulas are suitable for beginners who have difficulty with complex staves. Despite the outward simplicity, even in this form, the runes will help relationships grow, bring marriage closer, and bring love closer.

  • Nautiz - Kano - Gebo - Odal - Vunyo - Yera will direct the object to marriage.
  • Evaz - Gebo - Odal - a chain for the return of a loved one.
  • Eyvaz - Uruz - Turisaz - Kano - Gebo - a formula that favorably affects sex, causes mutual desire.

The creator of the runescript Djess compiled this formula after she fell in love with married man. The spell purposefully acts on attracting relationships for lovers and creating a sexual attachment.

  • Stungin Iss does not allow the object to notice the love spell.
  • Gebo - Vunyo - Kano together they create relationships that bring both partners joy and fresh impressions.
  • Nautiz causes the object to act according to the stipulation.
  • Uruz enhances sexual desire.
  • Ansuz in the background, it adds a desire for mutual understanding to partners and dilutes lust with common interests.

The spell to attract a man works delicately, does not cause painful binding and awakens the desire to tighten contact, to get closer.

  • Teyvaz personifies the object of influence
  • Berkana symbolizes a female operator.
  • Mirror Ansuz means verbal confusion.
  • Nautiz the second plan is forced into a relationship.
  • Ansuz — Nautiz in conjunction give rise to thoughts about the operator.
  • Hyères fixes the effect of the spell.
  • Kenaz and Laguz intensify passions.
  • Vunyo harmonizes relationships.

The runescript works on the principle of confusion, does not break the will of the bewitched and does not carry side effects, the enforcement is soft and discreet.

  • Nautiz make a man think about the operator.
  • Mirror Nautiz necessitates communication.
  • Eyvaz elevates the operator to the rank of the meaning of life for a man.
  • Ansuz reinforces thoughts about a woman in my head.
  • Vunyo encourages a relationship.
  • Laguz mask the magical effect.
  • Bundle Raido - Hyera creates a path to the relationship and pushes the object forward.
  • Dagaz changes the way of thinking.
  • Gebo connects partners.
  • Kano intensifies lust.
  • Soulou exacerbates the feeling of love.
  • Turisaz cause passion, awaken lust.
  • Elven runes: n neutralizes the negative effects of the trouble, t increases the effectiveness of the spell, g brings harmony to the couple, f enhances passion and love, p enchants.

The operator casts a spell on the photo. Due to the presence of elven runes, the duration of the spell is stipulated, the standard wording of neutralization after burning will not work.

  • Dagaz changes the mind of the object.
  • Bundle Kano to Soulou evokes intense passion.
  • Laguz symbolizes feminine energy and love.
  • Vunyo causes joy and euphoria.
  • Gebo represents relationships.
  • Ansuz directs the train of thought in the agreed direction.
  • Hyères fixes the action of the stav, closing it in a cycle.
  • Elven runes: e arouses passion and forces the man into submission, k makes the operator attractive to the object, l sends longing, s causes sexual desire, u encourages the man to express feelings.

The most powerful rune love spell "Slave Cross"

Runic Egillet creates a strong sexual and emotional attachment, turning the subject into a slave. The work of the runes leads to the fact that a man is no longer able to have sexual intercourse with other women, except for the operator, his feelings are like an obsession - thoughts overcome him around the clock.

Runes are applied with blood in the photo, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head, heart or groin is chosen.

  • Nautiz hard coerces an object into a relationship.
  • Gebo symbolizes partnership.
  • Kenaz mean mutual attraction and the flow of sexual energy.
  • Teyvaz cause lust and guarantee sexual compatibility.
  • Vunyo give slavery a sense of joy.
  • Nautiz closes becoming, formulating the compulsion to carry the cross while he stands on the object.

This formula answers the request “becoming runic so that everyone loves you”, enhances female attractiveness and magnetism, attracts men in the field of view of the operator.

  • Gebo symbolizes ability, a gift in the layouts for relationships and in staves.
  • Kano enhance sexual attraction.

The stipulation includes voiced intentions about what kind of operator wants to look in the eyes of the surrounding men. A woman pronounces definitions like “beautiful”, “sexy”, “interesting”, etc. The duration of the stave is also negotiated, then the formula is activated in the usual way.

Becoming the authorship of a master runologist, Angel aims to make a man fall in love with the operator. With the help of this formula, Angel was able to take a man out of a relationship with another woman, move in with him and take the relationship to a new level.

  • Nautiz creates a sex bond.
  • Vunyo fills communication with joy.
  • Mirror Vunyo makes the object feel bad when away from the operator.
  • Soulou guarantees tenderness and love for a woman.
  • Uruz encourages a man to take active steps to conquer a woman.
  • Reverse Uruz removes the resistance to the action of the formula.
  • Teyvaz brings the action of the stav to its logical end.
  • Eyvaz pushes to legitimize the union.

Runes of the second plan:

  • Kano represents feelings and sex.
  • Gebo harmonize the couple.
  • Inguz evokes love and passion.
  • Algiz protect the union.
  • Mirror and Straight Turisaz break down the barriers to love.

This runescript will help an unmarried woman find a partner.

  • Bundle Raido - Soulu Illuminates the path along which the future lover will come.
  • Odal will force all relatives and friends to accept a man.
  • Gebo harmonize relations and make them equal.
  • Eyvaz in conjunction with Laguz connect partners emotionally.
  • Teyvaz and Berkana make a man the head of the family, and life together- long and pleasant.

The operator stipulates becoming within 81 days: nine times in nine days, activates with fire - a candle will do.

Proven runic staves for restoring relationships

Rituals using these stavas are used when communication with a loved one has been interrupted, and a person needs reconciliation.

The chain for building relationships looks like a bunch of two runes.

  • Gebo symbolizes partnership and reconciliation.
  • Vunyo makes you remember the joy that brings communication with a partner.

The operator puts a chain on a photo of lovers and activates it in the usual way. After the ritual, the quarrel will come to an end, the couple will reconcile. The slander includes positive wording without the “not” particle.

It is best to use this runescript immediately after the conflict.

  • Gebo symbolizes union.
  • inverted Ansuz help to forget about grievances.
  • Vunyo make partners happy and give joy from reconciliation.
  • Soulou rekindles an extinguished passion.

The operator activates the formula in any way, and applies the runescript with blood to a joint photo.

The runescript includes three runes.

  • Ansuz helps to return to the beginning, resurrects the candy-bouquet period.
  • Gebo equalizes partners.
  • Vunyo brings joy, understanding and love.

The runic becoming "Flower of Love" harmonizes, allows you to maintain warmth, passion and fidelity, returns partners to the brightest time in their love.

  • Gebo make the feeling mutual.
  • Teyvaz strengthens the union.
  • Soulou symbolizes mutual love.
  • Kenaz evoke passion.
  • Dagaz embody positive change.
  • Eyvaz help to reach compromises.
  • Turisaz eliminate differences and problems.
  • Algiz protect the couple from external influences and symbolize the patronage of higher powers.

moral issues

Is it ethical to cast a love spell on someone else's husband? There is no single opinion on this matter. Some practitioners believe that the runes for love will not have the desired effect if the couple is intended for each other, while others try to break up the family. Novice magicians who have not yet decided on the degree of ethics of their actions should understand that a love spell, like any other interference in a person’s personal choice, has consequences. Only the operator is responsible for the operation of the runes.