Gift for the first wedding anniversary. Wedding year: what kind of wedding it is and how to celebrate the first year of marriage. DIY souvenirs for a gingham wedding

A print wedding for every family has great importance, since this is the first joint holiday as a husband and wife. The events from the day of the celebration are still well preserved in my memory, and I want to recall that fun time in a romantic atmosphere. The first year of marriage is often celebrated by young people in a large family circle. Relatives begin to think about what to give young spouses for a chintz wedding in order to evoke pleasant emotions and memories in them. Lovers are also looking for creative gifts and surprises to once again show their warm relationship to each other ..

What to give a wife for a wedding anniversary 1 year

The first anniversary of your marriage is a special day, and the congratulations from your beloved man should be just as special. It is worth carefully preparing for the holiday in order to make your beloved incredibly happy on this day. What to give your wife for a chintz wedding to show your strong feelings?

What to give my husband for a cotton wedding

It is not at all difficult to find an unusual gift for your husband for 1 year of the wedding, because you have lived together for 365 days and have learned well each other's tastes. What does your spouse like? What are your hobbies? Ask yourself these questions before heading to the store. Portal for young people offers you three universal ideas:

A gift to children for a chintz wedding from parents

A gift for a chintz wedding from dear parents is always special and important. For their beloved children, they are ready to choose the best surprises in order to please and see them happy once again. Often moms and dads try to give something useful for home and everyday life for the holiday, knowing that a young family will not allow themselves this financially. What to give parents for a chintz wedding for children?

DIY gift for a gingham wedding from friends

A gift for a chintz wedding to friends should be funny, original and creative. It is best to prepare a surprise with your own efforts in order to evoke as many emotions as possible in the spouses:

  • Slideshow or video greeting... A great gift for friends will be the creation of slides from their joint photos. It is best to choose very old photographs to remember the old days and smile at funny pictures. You can also capture your own video greeting. In it you can sing a song, read funny poems or just say warm, sincere words to a young couple.
  • Sweet treat... What can you give your friends for a chintz wedding so that it is original and budgetary at the same time? Certainly handmade cake, cookies or cupcakes. If you are not good at cooking, you can bake simple sponge cakes, sandwich them with whipped cream or condensed milk, and decorate with a 1 year berry lettering.

The wedding march has died down. Passed whole year family life full of worries, worries and joys. It's time to celebrate the first wedding anniversary, invite guests and receive congratulations.

Choosing a gift for a young family, most of all are concerned and worried by those closest to them, dreaming of seeing the young people contented and happy. What to give for a chintz wedding to children from parents, you will learn from this article.

Why chintz?

In the first year of marriage, the family celebrates a print wedding. In Russia, it was believed that the decoration of the bed of the young during this time comes into complete disrepair. It was customary to expect the appearance of grandchildren, so the young were presented with cuts and scarves made of bright chintz. Bed linen, diapers, clothes for future children were sewn from the fabric. The newlyweds gratefully accepted the gifts, and knots were tied at the ends of the scarves so that the family was strong and lived in harmony.

We follow traditions

Now such gifts are regarded as symbolic. It is not customary to sew or buy clothes and diapers in advance among expectant mothers. But if you want to follow the tradition, pick up things that emphasize the meaning of the first family holiday:

  • bedding set;
  • blankets and pillows;
  • decorative pillowcases, blankets;
  • covers and bedspreads for furniture;
  • curtains;
  • tablecloths, potholders, aprons;
  • a set of napkins for table setting;
  • terry towels;
  • bathrobes.

Chintz speaks of modesty and unpretentiousness, so gifts for a chintz wedding do not have to be expensive. When making a choice, consider the tastes and desires of the young:

  • when visiting the newlyweds, think in advance how your gift will fit into the atmosphere of the house, if you want to give any of the interior items;
  • When choosing bathrobes or T-shirts, find out if the clothes that you have looked after will suit the size, style, color.

Practical gifts

A young family is improving their life. To buy everything into the house at once, in order to create complete comfort and coziness, is possible only with the help of a magic wand. If you become such a lifesaver for children, your newlyweds will be very grateful. Explore what is missing in the home. A simple little thing in everyday life for your children may be the most necessary at the moment:

  • a set of pots;
  • cutlery;
  • lockers, storage boxes;
  • tables, chairs, stools;
  • ironing board;
  • shelves and stands;
  • electric dryer, electric heater;
  • a chandelier or a pair of night lights.

Household appliances are the most best gift for newlyweds. You will not only save the budget of young owners, but also save them from the problems of finding and choosing the right thing.

Ideal options:

  • refrigerator;
  • television;
  • plate;
  • Washer;
  • Dishwasher;
  • a computer;
  • a vacuum cleaner.

If global purchases for the home have already been made, donate appliances that are not essential. She will give comfort and free time that spouses can devote to each other:

  • microwave;
  • multicooker;
  • bread maker;
  • food processor;
  • multifunctional blender;
  • stationary steamer for things.

It is not necessary to give one gift for the whole family. If you know what your daughter or daughter-in-law needs, what your son or son-in-law dreams of, make a gift for everyone. Call your matchmakers for help. Make a joint gift that will be doubly pleasant for the newly-made spouses:

  • for a husband, a jack of all trades, you can give a set of tools and keys, an electric drill, a jigsaw, a puncher, a screwdriver;
  • wife, needlewoman and craftswoman, present a sewing machine or overlock;
  • for those who love to bake, confectionery tools, molds, professional mixers, a turntable for decorating cakes are useful.

For the soul

If the home of the young spouses is a full bowl, you can make original memorable gifts. Handicrafts are especially good for this occasion:

  • photo frames and photo albums;
  • original candlesticks;
  • paintings;
  • portraits of the newlyweds;
  • embroidered wall panels;
  • souvenir toys made of calico: decorative pillows, hearts, lovebird dolls in the form of a cat and a kitty, birds, a pair of horses;
  • boxes for storing valuables;
  • towels and T-shirts with names and photos of the couple in love.

Present modern gadgets to children. Anyone will be glad to have a new phone e-book, tablet. The camera deserves special attention. The first pictures he took at a calico wedding will be included in the collection of family heirlooms.

Indoor flowers are a great gift. They will not only decorate the interior, creating an atmosphere of home warmth, but will also be useful.

Violet, geranium, myrtle tree, ficus, sansevieria are symbols of family happiness. These plants actively absorb harmful substances and saturate the room with oxygen.

When purchasing a plant, find out if the spouses are allergic to such flowers.

We give a holiday

It is not customary to celebrate a chintz wedding splendidly. Only relatives and close friends of the young are invited to the celebration. But this will not prevent you from preparing a pleasant surprise for your spouses.

  • Book a table at the restaurant where the newlyweds dreamed of visiting. Order your favorite dishes, live music, let the spouses enjoy a romantic dinner together.
  • If your kids want to celebrate their first anniversary brightly, invite actors from the original genre. An explosion of impressions and emotions will present the heroes of the occasion and guests of the bartender show. The sand show will give a romantic mood, recreating the touching love story of a young couple. Very young newlyweds and their guests will love a bubble show or a dance extravaganza.

  • Make a spouse's wildest dream come true. Present them with a balloon flight, paragliding, parachute or wind tunnel. This cannot be forgotten. Two loving hearts dying with delight will preserve the impressions of such a gift for many years, and their feelings will become stronger.
  • Traveling for two is a great gift. Take the kids on a fun trip or cruise. Every day spent together will be a holiday for them.

Coveted envelope

It is difficult to choose among the many options. In such a situation, the best way out is to give young people money. It doesn't matter where the young family spends the amount you donated. You can give your children your fatherly advice, but the freedom of choice should remain with the spouses.

Do not beat down the newlyweds if they did not manage the money the way you wanted. The main thing is that your generous gift will be highly appreciated and will help the spouses become even happier.

When buying a gift for the first anniversary, remember that the relationship between the young is still very delicate and delicate, like a chintz handkerchief. Try to understand what your newlyweds want, what they think, dream about. So you will never be mistaken in your choice, and you will happily meet with your children not only a chintz, but also a golden wedding.

You will learn about what to give for your first wedding anniversary in the following video.

Previously, marriages entered into in the fall were considered the most durable. Now folk beliefs are a thing of the past, but autumn is still a traditional wedding time. Weddings are different, but they are all united by the indispensable presence of newlyweds - and the need to give them something. How to choose the best wedding gift?

To the question "What to get you for a wedding?" many couples, without hesitation, answer: "Money!". Often the guests are satisfied with this - and there is no need to go shopping, think, invent. Of course, money is a universal gift that will help newlyweds and their parents to offset the costs of the wedding, which is always useful. However, there is a catch in the universality of monetary gifts - money is impersonal, and one can hardly hope that after a few years young spouses will remember your gift as something special. But there are also cases when money is the only right decision:

If you breathed a sigh of relief and decided to give just cash, think again - often young people who have just got married do not yet know how to manage the family budget. The money donated for the wedding evaporates in the first weeks after the wedding, and life remains unsettled. The couple you are going to the wedding, not young and inexperienced?

Beautiful and useful wedding gifts

Commemorative coins made of precious metals issued by the Bank of Russia can become not only an interesting gift for a wedding, but also a kind of investment tool. For example, gold and silver coins from the series "Signs of the Zodiac" - having known in advance the dates of birth of the bride and groom, you can give them the appropriate coins, with parting words to buy a coin for each of the future children. If you want to stand out - order a coin with an original design, for example, inserts from precious stones or crystals, hologram or colored coating.

A measured ingot made of precious metal may not look so impressive, but its whole appearance embodies stability and reliability. Sberbank of Russia sells and buys gold bars weighing from 1 to 1000 grams and silver bars weighing from 50 to 1000 grams.

Another "near-monetary" variant of a wedding offering is a gift bank card. It is not difficult to acquire it, it is even easier to use it (newlyweds will be able to pay with it for purchases or everyday expenses), and various denominations make such cards available to almost any wallet. In addition, some banks offer special "gift" designs.

An interesting site "15 gifts" (on English language) offers to indicate the age, gender, habits of the one (or those) to whom you are looking for a gift - and gives a list of 15 things. It is not at all necessary to buy these things, but interesting idea you can peep.

Gifts for home, for everyday life

In Russia wedding gifts symbolized wealth (furs, brocade, silk, featherbeds and pillows, large bowls and goblets of silver), as well as fertility and healthy offspring - for this purpose, they gave domestic animals (chickens, ducks, piglets), the number of which had to be a multiple of 10. Each guest presented a small wicker basket with hard-boiled chicken eggs, in many cultures symbolizing fertility.

Of course, now they don't go to a wedding with boiled eggs and piglets, but giving young people kitchen utensils, textiles, and interior items is still relevant today. After consulting with the parents of the future spouses, you can always find out what exactly the young people need. If this is not possible, a gift certificate from a good store can become a "lifesaver" household appliances or interior salon.

Paired sets are of particular importance - glasses, plates, figurines, ornaments - they personify the unity between spouses.

When purchasing a wedding gift, remember that giving some things is considered a bad omen. So before you go shopping, make sure the bride and groom are not superstitious - or refrain from buying a gift that could be misinterpreted.

What household items should not be presented for a wedding

  • Knives, forks and spoons (bring quarrels and resentment into the house)
  • Wrist and wall clocks (to the imminent separation of lovers)
  • Mirrors (to early old age and illness)
  • Handkerchiefs of all kinds (to frequent tears, betrayal and treason)

Memorable signs, interesting gifts

There are gifts, giving which, you can be sure that they will be remembered by the newlyweds and will never be donated, like the fifth vase:

  • Thematic photo session - the newlyweds will be able to appear in professional photographs in new, unexpected images that they will choose themselves, and the makeup artist and hairdresser you invite will provide the newlyweds with an impeccable look.
  • Designer dolls - miniature copies of the bride and groom will surely delight the guests of the holiday. The only thing that is required of you is to give the master photographs of the couple, in which their faces and figures are clearly visible. By the way, dolls do not have to be in wedding dresses at all - although this option is chosen by most customers.
  • Bed linen with photos of the bride and groom. It works on the same principle as dolls - any person loves to look at himself, his beloved, but not everyone will dare to order such a set on their own. But this is, of course, a gift that is only possible between very close friends.
  • Family coat of arms. Usually it contains the monogram (initial letters of the names) of the bride and groom, traditional heraldic elements. So, for example, in the coat of arms of the Sokolovs, it is logical to represent a falcon, which symbolizes inspiration and victory. The creation of a family coat of arms and a family tree (another interesting variant of a memento) is carried out by special firms employing heraldry specialists, so you do not have to study this difficult science.

Remember: creating a memento can take a lot of time - take care of it in advance!

Adventure as a gift

You can give not only things, but also impressions. Moreover, it is they, unexpected and original, that are remembered for a lifetime:

  • Intimate - erotic board or card games, perfumery, funny underwear.
  • Romantic - you can arrange a surprise for the newlyweds and give a walk for two on a yacht, in a carriage, on horseback or in a limousine. The most fabulous gifts will also be a hot air balloon flight (just ask if any of the newlyweds are afraid of heights), wine tasting or a romantic night in a luxury hotel.
  • Informative - a joint visit to a training, master class or excursion. When choosing such a gift, you need to have a very good idea of ​​what exactly might interest the newlyweds - a culinary course, a ballroom dancing master class or training to improve sales efficiency.
  • Toning - a spa session for two, steamy yoga, massage - any option is suitable that will allow the newlyweds to have a good time and relax after the wedding turmoil.
  • Extreme - joint diving or parachute jumping, paragliding, hang-gliding or helicopter flight, water skiing, zorb riding, paintball.

Wedding anniversaries - how many years, how many winters

Each from the first to the fifteenth has its own name. An anniversary gift is no less responsible than a wedding itself.

On the gingham(1 year), linseed(4 years) and lace(13 years) it is customary to give weddings textiles - curtains, towels, tablecloths, napkins, bed linen from appropriate fabrics. Lace the wedding is also called lily of the valley, so if it falls in the spring, be sure to take this circumstance into account.

Second wedding anniversary - paper... If guests gather on this day, then you can make a decorative tree on which leaflets with wishes, origami, postcards, silhouette portraits will be attached.

Third anniversary - leather- we give bags, wallets, gloves, etc.

After five years of marriage, the spouses celebrate a wooden wedding, and relatives and friends donate pieces of furniture and interiors, vases, floor lamps, dishes - the list goes on and on.

Cast iron, copper, tin, steel, nickel weddings are 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 12th anniversaries. You can give candlesticks, figurines, jewelry, cutlery, dishes - from the appropriate metals. The most emblematic gift for copper the wedding is a copper horseshoe, but products made of natural wool are also quite acceptable, since according to another version this wedding is called woolen... For those celebrating a tin wedding, it will be appropriate to present any sweets in tin cans - tea, coffee, cookies, sweets.

Ninth wedding anniversary - faience... An old custom tells the spouses to break old earthenware dishes that day - the more broken, the better. And instead of broken dishes, guests give a new one. This anniversary is also called chamomile, so a bouquet of daisies will not hurt. On the crystal (glass) and porcelain weddings (15 and 20 years old) also give tableware or souvenirs made of crystal, glass and porcelain.

The tenth anniversary is called pewter or pink wedding. Any tin products and all kinds of items are suitable as a gift. Pink colour- textiles, jewelry with red and pink stones, alcohol. And, of course, the roses themselves. Giving traditions are similar to coral(35 years old) wedding.

On the agate, pearl, ruby, sapphire, emerald, diamond weddings - 14, 30, 40, 45, 55, 60 years old - are presented, of course, with jewelry and souvenirs with these stones. And on silver(25 years old) and gold(50 years) weddings - items made of silver and gold.

Well, anniversaries after 50 years of marriage require a maximum of imagination from loving descendants - after all, so many anniversaries are already behind, you will have to try for such an occasion!

A year has passed since the happy moment when you became one, you became a family. The first wedding anniversary is called a gingham wedding. This name is very symbolic, since after the relationship in the family between the spouses they are still very delicate and fragile, and with a careless action or word they can break.

Close friends and parents begin to think in advance what to give young spouses for 1 year.

By tradition, it is customary to bring any linen or chintz things to this important date. It can be bed linen, paired chintz handkerchiefs, napkins, window curtains, pillows. If you want to stand out, but do not know specifically what to give for a 1 year anniversary, then turn on your imagination and approach such seemingly simple gifts creatively. Look for pillows in unusual shapes, for example, two hearts, two hugging teddy bears, or tenderly labeled “Husband and Wife,” “Advice and Love,” etc. A good idea for those who like to embroider: you can embroider on simple calico products beautiful lettering or drawings by yourself. A gift made in an original way with your own hands will be much more expensive for young people and will exist in a single copy only with them.

The mother-in-law also often wonders what to give her beloved son and daughter-in-law for a wedding anniversary 1 year. There has long been a tradition that a mother-in-law should present her daughter-in-law with a beautiful chintz dress. If you are a needlewoman, it will be very unusual if you sew this dress yourself. Just look in the magazine and choose a dress model that is more modern so that the daughter-in-law can wear it outside the house. As a last resort, the dress can be purchased at the store. And what to give for a wedding anniversary 1 year from the bride's parents? Remember that your children are a family, and they are obliged to help each other with housework, including in the kitchen. Present them two identical kitchen aprons with interesting inscriptions: "Prince - Princess", "Beloved - Beloved", "Husband - Wife". You can also sew them yourself or buy them at a fancy gift store.

1 year can be not only from chintz. An original gift will be a picture of a young couple. Pick a beautiful photo of the newlyweds - it can be any photo together - and bring it to a professional artist. Just take care of finding an artist and choosing a photo in advance, because the artist's work will take some time (from several days to a month).

Of course, as the very first cherished date approaches, the spouses themselves have an acute question: "What to give each other on their 1 year wedding anniversary?" A young wife can give a shirt, a handkerchief with a love lettering or choose bed linen of her husband's favorite color with a beautiful paired pattern: two angels in love, a lion and a lioness, or maybe two tigers with cubs as a small hint of procreation. A man can give his beloved one or a towel with a romantic inscription. Those with a sweet tooth will love the box of their favorite sweets, wrapped in a chintz thing, such as a handkerchief. covered on a new tablecloth will be a worthy end to this wonderful joint holiday.

Thus, the question of whether the wedding is 1 year will not bother you anymore.

It should be celebrated exactly in a year of family life. Usually, as such, the scale of the holiday on this day does not take. And besides relatives and best friends, they try not to invite anyone. But the question of what to give a husband or wife for a chintz wedding is quite relevant. Before answering it, you need to figure out what this anniversary actually means.

Where did this name come from?

The fact that with each new year the family is getting stronger is understandable. However, the first anniversary is quite an important date. Many young couples over the past time gain the understanding that they have found their halves. But there are also families that break up at a certain stage. Accordingly, the question of what to give a husband or wife for a chintz wedding is no longer of much interest to them. But if the couple was able to live all this time in love and fidelity, then it is imperative to mark such a date. And this day is a wonderful occasion to gather really close people.

So, what to give a husband and wife for a chintz wedding? The very name of the anniversary suggests a possible surprise. Naturally, chintz. Why was this name given to the holiday? There are several options. They are as follows:

  1. At first, the relationship in a young family is not entirely strong and strong. And for this reason, they can be compared to chintz.
  2. During the first period of family life, a young couple worn out a fairly large amount of cotton bed linen. Therefore, the first anniversary provides an opportunity for guests to gift them a new set.

So what to give your husband and wife for a chintz wedding? As mentioned above, you can hand in a chintz thing as a surprise.

Standard Anniversary surprises

It should be noted that a gift from a mother-in-law has always been considered special. Usually she gave her daughter-in-law a chintz dress. On the the present stage this tradition is gradually forgotten, and chintz has lost its relevance. However, regardless of this, young people are still trying to give something made of this material. Some options should be given as an example.

  1. Linens. Due to the fact that the young couple's joint experience is not great and they could not accumulate any wealth during this time, any utensils will become useful for them. Especially bed linen, which is often worn out and damaged. Therefore, it may be accompanied by this kind of surprise.
  2. Towels and tablecloths. Pretty useful anniversary gifts. They will not be superfluous in any house. Therefore, they can be presented in any quantity. You should also pay attention to such a creative variety of this gift as a tablecloth, which depicts a photo of young people. Such a congratulation on a chintz wedding will not leave anyone indifferent.
  3. Pillows and blanket. This present is also included in the category of household and useful things. When buying it, you should pay attention to quality. The most convenient option is holofiber accessories. Light weight, good hygroscopicity, hypoallergenicity are only a small part of the main advantages of this material.

You should choose a gift responsibly.

However, any holiday requires originality from the donor. A chintz wedding anniversary is no exception. Many guests are more likely to purchase the gifts described above. Why not stand out by impressing the young? Choosing a gift, you need to show all your imagination. At the present stage, you can find just a huge amount of a wide variety of original souvenirs. And among them you can also try to find a product made of chintz.

Nice gifts for a young couple

You should pay attention to the following options:

  1. Terry dressing gowns with the names of the young couple embroidered. Warmth and comfort will come from this gift. One has only to imagine how pleasant it will be for them to put on light, warm enough and beautiful things. They certainly will not remain dissatisfied with such a gift.
  2. Plaid. It is necessary to select it in such a way that it is not too short or narrow. It should be enough for two. And the design should be original enough to make the plaid pleasing to the eye. This kind of wonderful thing will become one of the most beloved.
  3. How to celebrate a chintz wedding, highlight it with a gift? Naturally, it must be original. For example, you can give paired T-shirts with an inscription that will remind the young couple of their anniversary. This surprise is great for people who cannot imagine their lives without each other. It is necessary to select T-shirts and inscriptions in such a way that they create some kind of a single composition.
  4. Do not forget about aprons, on which you must first apply either the original inscription or a photograph. Such a gift can become useful, witty and functional. Therefore, it will be appreciated. Today the choice of aprons is quite rich.

Original gifts are not made of chintz

Since a chintz wedding must be celebrated with dignity, it is also necessary to choose a gift in such a way that it surprises and delights. And it is not at all necessary to buy things from chintz. You can also please with other products. The main thing is that they are useful and beautiful. For example:

  1. The painting is either a tapestry. The theme of this kind of works can be selected very different. And first of all, the tastes and preferences of the young couple should be taken into account. A joint family portrait can be a great option. He will be able to take an honorable place in the house of a young couple.
  2. An equally useful gift will be a teapot, which also plays the role of a thermos. Regardless of the fact that such a present is unlikely to be called romantic and sensual, it is able to render a good service to a novice housewife. Especially if you already have a child. In such a situation, everything needs to be done with more high speed, and a kettle that is able to heat up in a few minutes and keep warm for a long time will be of invaluable help.
  3. A toy warmer that will serve as a stand for the kettle. This original and pretty thing will be able to find a worthy place in the kitchen. Moreover, it is quite easy to make it yourself, showing your imagination.
  4. Photo frames, photo albums or postcards, congratulations on a chintz wedding. Such simple, at first glance, things can not only preserve memories of the event, but also become an excellent interior decoration.

You can always do something with your own hands

You don't have to buy a gift from a store. It is quite easy to do everything yourself. This will take some time, a little imagination, creativity and skillful hands. And then the gift will become doubly pleasant, since a piece of warmth and love will be invested in it.

What gift can make your husband happy?

What can a wife give her husband for an anniversary like a chintz wedding? It is not interesting to give handkerchiefs, as it is too commonplace. It is necessary to make such a surprise that will leave a lot of impressions. And some options should be listed. They are as follows:

  1. Flying under the clouds in a hot air balloon.
  2. Dinner for two in one of the fabulous restaurants.
  3. Master class, during which the husband will be able to ride a large technique (harvester or crane).
  4. Karting.
  5. The ability to sit at the helm of the aircraft.
  6. Skydiving.

In order for the gift to be truly desired, it is required to know absolutely all the dreams and desires of the spouse. Suddenly he wants something, but hesitates to talk about it, postponing the conversation until later. And the wife will take and make a gift. This will be highly appreciated, and the chintz wedding will be remembered for a long time.

What to give your wife?

And what can a husband give his wife for an anniversary like a chintz wedding? Prose or poetry - all these are just words, though spoken from the heart. We need to come up with something more worthwhile, large-scale. The options can be as follows:

  1. Subscription to the spa or beauty salon.
  2. A certificate that allows you to buy something in a fashion store for a fairly high price.
  3. Subscription to the pool or gym.
  4. Massage course.

In this situation, just as in the case described above, you need to know well the character and desires of your wife. She may not like some gifts, and a surprise should be made that will definitely not leave her indifferent and will give her a lot of positive mood.

Surprise from romantics

What makes a romantic gift different from a simple one? The way it was presented. It is necessary to do it in a special way. At first glance, all this may have a crazy, thoughtless character. However, how often do you make such surprises? The following options are suitable for romantic spouses.

  1. The room can be decorated with flowers.
  2. The gift should be presented through the window with the help of balloons.
  3. In the snow, you can write a declaration of love.
  4. It is always possible to order a city billboard on which a congratulation will be posted.
  5. You can buy tickets to another country and go traveling.
  6. Well, the easiest option. Why not present a large bouquet of flowers that will be delivered by courier?

All of these options will be able to deliver a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions. You just need to carefully prepare so that the other half does not suspect anything until the very last moment.


It should be understood that gifts for a chintz wedding can be very different: original and funny, useful and multifunctional, serious, etc. When making a choice in favor of some kind of presentation, one should take into account the character of the young. This is what will serve as the basis. Having picked up a good gift, do not forget about the correct packaging. It should be bright and original. And then you will fully manage to allocate for the young people such an anniversary as a chintz wedding - 1 year of their wonderful life together.