How to remove damage to a relationship in a simple way. Strong damage to the threshold and lock How to make damage with a lock

The motif of locking, and hence the lock and key, was first of all used in the ancient rites of protective magic. It is based on the natural perception of the lock and key as items that provide protection.

Ambush sorcery
Keys and locks used to be widely used in various pagan rituals and divination. And even today, everywhere there are a large number of different girlish fortune-telling with their use. The simplest of them is to "lock the water". The girl closes the lock with a key under water, saying: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink,” and goes to bed, hoping after that to see her chosen one in a dream.

Similarly, in the past, braids or belts were “locked”. For example, a girl who wanted to get married “locked” her belt and said: “Come, betrothed, open your belt,” after which she put the key under the pillow and went to bed. It was also possible to make a well out of chips, close it with a lock, and put the key under the pillow. Going to bed, you need to say: "Your well, my castle, come to my doorstep, take the key, open the lock."

Keys and locks were also used in wedding ceremonies. At the wedding conspiracy, they put a lock under the threshold and locked it immediately after the groom arrived at the house, and then threw it into the river so that the marriage was strong. In other places, this ceremony was performed at the first arrival of the groom to the bride's house.

Wedding ceremonies also include the custom of handing over a bunch of keys to the young wife at the entrance to the groom's house, as a symbol of household management. During the divorce, the keys were taken away. V ancient rome for a formal divorce, it was enough for the husband to say to his wife the traditional phrase: “Take your things and go away” and take away the key.

To make the newlyweds childless, the sorcerers got the bride's nightgown and cut out a rag stained with blood from it. When a young couple was married in a church, the evil magician stuck a cloth in a padlock and locked it with a key at the time when the priest pronounced the word "amen".

Then the sorcerer threw the lock into the well, where no one could find it, with the words: “When this lock floats to the surface and is unlocked by someone, only then will the groom be able to deprive his bride of her virginity!”

At the same time, if the bride herself does not want to have children in her future married life, she can even create barrenness for herself without the help of a sorcerer. To do this, on the wedding day, while bathing, it is enough to take a padlock, a key to it and one silver coin with you into the bath. After bathing, the bride hides magical objects in her bosom and goes to the wedding.

According to experts, after performing such a ceremony, a woman will remain childless until she buys something edible for herself with the money that she once took with her to the bath and eats it herself. But if she loses the coin, then she will never have children.

Another method of magical contraception is as follows. In order not to become pregnant, the woman fills a padlock with poppies, locks it up and throws it into a nearby well. It is believed that this ritual deprives the spouse of sexual desire.

An abandoned man, burning with revenge for the girl who gave preference to another person, in the past took the lock, opened it and lay in wait for the wedding procession. Then he threw this castle from his ambush to the married couple. He left the key with him, and sometimes threw it along with the lock. This type of sorcery, still practiced today, results in the bride becoming incapable of receiving the seed or the groom becoming impotent.

Their full healing can only occur when the sorcerer, having found this lock, opens it.

By the way, abandoned girls do the same.

To not get robbed
When leaving on vacation, it is advisable to take care of your home so that it is not robbed. With the help of an old conspiracy-amulet, you will destroy the thieves' plans.

When pronouncing a conspiracy for the safety of property, the owner must read it while facing the lock, holding the key to it in his hand: “I lock the lock, I take away the minds of thieves. The key is with me, and my house is with good. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, close the lock with a key, take the key with you on the road, and put the lock in the corner opposite the icons in your house. Returning home from vacation, open the lock. The key must lie next to the lock until the next time.

In order not to rob the cottage, they read another conspiracy-amulet. Do this in the fall, before leaving, twelve times. If you need to leave for a short time, say, for a week, before the weekend, they read it three times. At this moment, they don’t speak to anyone so as not to throw off the amulet from the locks: “Go, thief-enemy, not into the house, but into the ravine. Go past the house, not my way, not my step, not my way, not to my doorstep, not to my castle. Your hand, thief, will let you down, your guardian angel, thief, will depart. If you enter my house, you will find your death. Amen".

It was widely believed and is believed that a person cannot die as long as some lock or bolt is locked in the house. According to this superstition, there was a custom to open all the locks and latches in the room.

In Ukraine, at the funeral of a dead child, a locked padlock was placed on his chest so that other children would not die. In other regions, so that death could not return to the house, a castle was thrown into the grave during burial. Occasionally, for greater strength of various slander on the "key", it is placed in the coffin to the deceased only for a while.

In Russia, people still resort to unlocking locks in cases of protracted, difficult childbirth.

"In the old days, in the villages, padlocks were often used in shepherd's rites. They believed that the castle had the ability to bind the jaws of a gluttonous wolf, and therefore it was used when going around the herd. In the spring, before driving out a herd of horses for grazing, a padlock was surrounded around it three times. saying on the go: By this steel lock I lock the mouths of the gray wolves so that they do not attack my herd."

When livestock died, in order to stop the disease, a lock was locked over the lips of the fallen cattle, and then they buried it in a hole along with the animal.

Dreams according to Freud
"The damage done on the castle has always been considered especially dangerous (strong). But with the help of the same or another castle, it can be destroyed. For example, there is such damage -" saddling. This is when a certain person and all his relatives - men and women are spoiled in such a way that they end up in prison and spend the rest of their lives there!

You can remove such damage as follows. They take a bridle, thread the end into the eye of a closed lock, then, after reading the slander, open the lock. The key is buried under a male tree, and the open lock under another, after which the bridle is burned, again reading the slander: “I open the lock with God’s word, I remove the bridle with God’s deed - from the whole family and tribe of slaves (names of all blooded). Amen. Amen. Amen".

To find out who threw a bunch of hair, nail clippings or other witchcraft items to the threshold of your house or apartment, you should do the following: take seven keys from different padlocks, throw them into boiling water and say: “Who harms the slave (name), let the devil bring tomorrow. May it be so". The next day, a person will come to you, who does harm.

The key to the lock, according to Freud, is a symbol of the penis, and therefore the interpretation of this symbol, which you dreamed about in a dream, is traditional for all long objects.

So, if a man in a dream opens the lock with a key, then he seeks sexual contact with a certain partner. If a woman opens the lock with a key, then she prefers to engage in self-satisfaction.

If a woman closes the lock with a key in a dream, then she is afraid of an unwanted pregnancy and often practices interruption of sexual intercourse. If a man closes the lock with a key, then he is disappointed in his partner and seeks to break off relations.

If the key does not fit the lock or cannot open it, then this symbolizes hostile relations between sexual partners, up to mutual hatred.

If a man puts the key in his pocket, then he wants to have group sex. If a woman puts the key in her pocket, then she is looking forward to meeting her sexual partner soon.

If in a dream you dropped the key, then you have lost attraction to your partner and do not want to have sexual relations with him. If a man dropped (threw) his key into the water, then he seeks new sexual contacts. If a woman dropped (threw) her key into the water, then she was disappointed in men and seeks to find satisfaction in lesbian relationships.

Freud says so!

From a letter:

“When I got married, my mother-in-law and my husband persuaded me to sell my house and unite. I loved my husband very much and trusted him. We sold my four-room apartment and their two-room apartment and bought a nice house. Six months after the housewarming party, my husband began to make love with our new neighbor. We had a good house, and she had a real palace. It can be seen that my mother-in-law and husband coveted this wealth. When it came to divorce, everything went against me. Perhaps because my rival had a lot of money for the judge, perhaps because of my stupidity, because we registered the house for her husband, but I had nothing to do with it.

I tried to prove that I sold the apartment and the money from the sale was invested in the purchase of the house. But it wasn’t there, witnesses from my mother-in-law appeared at the court, who confirmed that I gave my money to people, since I had huge debts, and my mother-in-law worked honestly all her life and saved money for this housing, plus money was invested from their sold apartment. I really had a debt of fifty thousand, and I paid it off. But most of the money from the sold apartment I invested in buying a house. The judge asked me: “Doesn’t it seem strange to you that you are not registered as the owner of the house, if you gave all your money for the house?” I filed for litigation, but all to no avail. my ex-mother-in-law came (I rented a room) and said: “If you don’t want it in a good way, it will be in a bad way!” With that, she pulled a padlock out of her bag and tossed it at my feet. When she left, I raised the lock, it was closed, and there was no key in it. I threw the lock into the garbage chute, but from that moment something began to happen to me. I became afraid of everything: ride in the elevator, go down the stairs (for fear of falling). I began to be afraid to eat food (suddenly I will choke). I sleep without turning off the light. I have no strength and I don't want to do anything. I was fired from my job and I have nothing to pay for the room. Doctors prescribe expensive medicine for me, I buy it, but it does not help. I went to a sorceress, but she refused to treat me. The most interesting thing is that I didn’t tell her about the castle that my mother-in-law brought me, but the healer still said: “You have been damaged on the castle. I can't take it off because I don't know what kind of report to make. But even if I knew, I didn’t take it, I heard that whoever removes the lock, he will close on that! ”I began to persuade her to do at least something, and she:“ I risk a lot, but you won’t be able to pay for such a risk! " And she’s right, because all my money went to pay for lawyers, you can’t even imagine what money they took from me - and all to no avail!”

Damage made to the lock can be removed by the Dream of the Virgin. This dream is the biggest, and you need to read it very carefully so as not to be mistaken. Read the Dream for forty days in a row. Be sure to calculate these forty days so that they do not coincide with major holy holidays and fasts.

Dream of the Virgin

In the holy city of Bethlehem of Judea,
In the month of March on the thirtieth day,
In the holy shrine, the holy mountain Nativity scene,
Over the Holy River Jordan,
I went to bed, rest
The Lady of the Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary.
The Lady Mother of God Mary slept little,
I saw a lot in my dream.
She saw a dream terrible, terrible and wonderful
About her beloved Son, Jesus Christ,
King of Heaven, Savior, Son of God.
She saw, he was caught,
Brought to the Jews
Bound and betrayed to the Jews for desecration,
Betrayed by the disciple Judas Iscariot
For thirty pieces of silver.
And brought to be from the Jews
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
Into the hands of the Pontian Pilate
And condemned to be crucified.
On the third day they crucified Him on the Cross,
On three trees, cedar, cypress and pevga,
Between two robbers on Mount Golgotha.
Nailed in hand and nose
And with a spear pierce His rib,
Shed his holy blood
Vinegar was drunk from a spear.
The moon was filled with blood
Heaven and earth shook.
The church curtain was torn in two,
From top to bottom.
The stones at the high mountains disintegrated
And the coffins opened
The dead rose from the coffins.
I saw our Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of God
The bile of a bitter drinker,
With a cane on the beaten head,
A crown of thorns placed on the head.
I saw the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
How they dragged by the legs
They spat on His holy forehead,
The body was desecrated, beaten on the forehead,
Holy blood is shed on the ground.
He endured and suffered and took all the torment
From insensitive Jews.
And packs on the third day according to Scripture,
Christ rose from the tomb
And His glory shone from earth to heaven.
I saw our Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
With angels, cherubim and seraphim.
Christ is Risen!
I saw the Lord God
And our Savior Jesus Christ
On the High Throne.
Christ is Risen, and that dream was like a reality.
And our Lord come to her,
Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Savior of this world:
"Oh, Mother, my beloved,
Our Lady of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Do you sleep?
Man from this temporary light
Will go to another world
Let this dream be read over him,
And my angels will come for him,
Cherubim and seraphim will meet him.
They will take him on wings
And to me, to Jesus Christ,
They will bring it to the Right Throne."

As I said, there are seventy-seven Dreams Holy Mother of God, and all of them are preserved from time immemorial. Since the alphabet, and hence the colloquial speech, has changed more than once over all these centuries, the spelling of Dreams itself has also changed, but, fortunately, not to the detriment of the meaning of the text. If you notice, all Dreams have a common core and the main thing that should have reached each of the people has been preserved. People who have a skeptical mindset may consider that the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos itself is like an identification mark confirming the very fact of faith in Jesus Christ and in His feat of self-sacrifice before us people. That is, if the hour comes when the Lord appears to us, as promised, and if there is a Dream of the Virgin in your house, then this will be the first proof of devotion and faith in Christ.

In fact, this may be so, but the main thing is not even that! After all, the icon in the house can testify before God that you are a believer, but at the same time your faith may be weak. The main and main advantage of the Dreams of the Virgin is their amazing and miraculous power. This has been verified by many generations of people, and I have seen it myself. I saw the results of reading the holy Dreams of the Virgin. People, reading them, recover, get rid of troubles, protect themselves from the attacks of enemies, and the actions of enemies become useless, for whoever has the Dream of the Virgin is invulnerable.

I also saw something else when people ridiculed the Dreams, saying that it was nonsense and grandmother's tales, burned them to show in practice that this is ordinary paper with stupid text, moreover, not always clear and incoherent. Those who committed blasphemy over this shrine subsequently lost absolutely everything, and then perished. I heard, and more than once, amazing, enthusiastic words and stories about how the Dreams of the Virgin saved and protected. Here are just three of the stories I heard.

The first story: “When the Nazis entered our city, they staged a raid. Robbed, killed and taken prisoner to steal to work in Germany. Seeing the Fritz in the courtyard, my grandmother began to read the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos aloud, and the Germans did not come to us, did not even knock, although they drove all the neighbors into the courtyard. Many were then shot, raped, taken prisoner and taken away, and our family seemed to be covered with a cap through which they did not notice us, as if our house did not exist! I am a witness of this miracle, and this alone will not allow me to doubt the power of God and the Holy Trinity. Our family never lacked food or anything else. Everything always appeared from somewhere, and we always lived comfortably. None of us got sick, not even with the usual mild cold. We are all long-livers, and we all live well. There is no doubt that this is the merit of the Dream of the Virgin, which has been kept in our family for more than one century.

The second story: “When I was sixteen years old, for the first time in my life, I gathered with friends for an overnight camping trip. For a long time I persuaded my mother to let me go, and when my mother relented and almost gave in to me, my grandmother came to us, that is, my mother's mother. From the threshold, she began to say that she had come because she had a very terrible dream, as if I had drowned. Hearing this, my mother immediately changed her mind and said that I would not go anywhere with my friends. I began to cry, swore that I would not even come close to the water, I was very offended that everyone would go, and because of my grandmother I would stay at home. Seeing my tears, my grandmother said: “You will go on one condition, you will take with you a prayer that I will give you!”

I was ready for any condition, as long as they let me go on a hike. When the backpack was packed and I was dressed, my grandmother took out a piece of paper and handed it to me. “Read!” she ordered, and I began to read, it was the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos. I remember that until I read it seven times, they didn’t let me go. Naturally, my grandmother put this Dream in my breast pocket and ordered: think of losing it, your great-grandmother read this prayer, it is not only a memory, but also a miraculous joy for all living! In general, I went camping with this prayer. No matter what anyone tells me, I know that it was this prayer that kept me alive. That evening we all went to swim in the river. Then they got into the boat and sailed away. The boat capsized and all my friends were swept away by the current. I was the only one saved. I still have the hair on my head wiggling when I remember what it was like. Grandma's dream could come true if not for the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos!

Another story: “Dear Natalya Ivanov on Stepanova, I am a very old man, I am almost ninety years old. Despite my age, I can see and hear well and have a strong memory. I buy all your books, postcards and subscribe to the newspaper. For all this, I bow to you. In your books I found many Dreams of the Mother of God, and it is on this occasion that my letter is written. I personally experienced the power of the miraculous Dream of the Virgin on myself, on my own destiny. When in 1941 I was called to the front, my mother gave me the prayer “The Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos” with her and took my word that I would not part with her for a minute. I loved my mother very much and promised her what she asked "I carefully wrapped the prayer in a clean handkerchief and sheathed it so as not to lose it, and wherever I was, it was always in my pocket, on my chest. In the war I was a sapper, and you probably imagine what a risk it is. All war I cleared mines and mined objects, worked in the fields. We, sappers, actually went ahead to clear the road for our troops. All my comrades died. Everyone except me, and the Dream of the Virgin saved me, the power of this prayer saved me. "I am still alive only because I have the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos. The words of the prayer are already hard to see on the sheet, it is in my soul, I know it by heart. In one of your books, I read among the rest of the Dreams of the Virgin that Dream, which when my mother told me, and when I saw it in your book, I cried. part that you teach the Russian people such a power, such a miracle. The current generation certainly does not understand the meaning of this saint to bear from the Lord God, and I, who survived the war and did not receive a single scratch, am immensely grateful to God for his gift. I bow my gray head low before you and before your family. God bless you. Thank you for everything!"

With pleasure I give you, my dear ones, another Dream of the Virgin:

The cross is the baptist
The cross is the savior
The cross is the guardian
Save my soul
The cross is my shield
Save my heart
And you, the enemy-Satan, get away from me
Behind three doors, behind four walls,
There is a holy shield from heaven to earth.
Behind that holy shield is the holy church.
In that church there is a table - Throne,
Behind that Throne the Mother of God sat,
She didn’t sleep, as she matured her dream.
The Mother of God saw a dream terrible and formidable,
How the Jews crucified Jesus Christ,
His holy hot blood was shed.
Mother of God cried out
She asked her son:
“Who are you leaving me to?
To whom are you leaving me?"
And the Lord answers,
Seeing how his Mother Mary suffers:
"I'm leaving you, Mother,
I leave you, Mother.
I leave it to John the Evangelist,
And my word will be from me to him.
May he distribute your dream to all people,
And let people distribute it.
And who is your dream, my mother, will know
Who will keep and read your dream,
He will be saved by me
Saved from every misfortune.
He does not get lost in the forest,
He will not meet evil people and the beast,
The water will not take that person,
The arrow will not hit and the fire will not burn,
Any weapon will bypass it,
And the Guardian Angel will come to the rescue!
The Virgin Mary walked from the city of Jerusalem,
Walked, got tired
On the sad mountain Vertepe fell asleep.
I saw a wonderful and terrible dream:
Hands, feet of Christ were nailed to the Cross,
A crown of thorns was worn on the head.
They beat him, beat him,
His skin and blood flew away,
They flew like bark from an oak tree.
It was not blood, not water, but God's gift,
A sacrifice has been given to the whole world,
Launched around the world.
She said, crying
Lord sleep His Mother of God,
And he began to wipe her tears.
The Son of God said
Savior of this world
Mother to His Virgin Mary:
- From now on, Your dream is laid On a holy prayer.
For safekeeping in the holy shrine,
In the holy catholic apostolic church,
Under the Throne of God.
Your holy prayer to the Jerusalem patriarchs has been read.
And Peter and Paul read it
And heavenly helpers Kozma and Demyan.
And wrote off Your holy dream
And carried all over the world.
And who will read that dream, reread it,
Hand over to people
That my angels will not forget,
Save in all ways
All troubles and misfortunes will be taken away.
Water in drought and bread will give,
Drink and feed.
That house will always be full of goodness and health,
All days and all times.
Lightning will never kill him
Fire will not burn and water will not take.
Who keeps and reads the dream of My Mother,
That from now on My angels protect.

It happens that after performing a ritual, nothing happens. It seems that all the conditions are met, and the conspiracies are read correctly, and in response ... silence.

It is clear that a beginner could have confused something, and the conspiracy simply did not work, but if this happens to a person who already has some practice, then it makes you think. Maybe someone just does not want you to succeed and put a magic lock on your witchcraft work.

After all, magic, especially ritual magic, is work, by doing which you hope to get a result. Moreover, you are sure that the result will definitely be. And here is such a curiosity. They did it once, second, third ... and nothing.
Your witchcraft work is locked. What to do?

The lock must be removed. This is not so difficult to do.

For this you need

In the phase of the waning moon, buy a new closed padlock. It should be noted that the attributes for all magical rituals are bought first, which they liked, and without bargaining. The castle must be closed.

The lock must be placed on a clean sheet of paper. Naturally, you first need to prepare the room by cleaning it. Wash floors, light candles.

Standing in front of the castle, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“As I open this castle, so I remove the castle from the work of the witch, the cursed one!


After that, the lock opens. He and the keys are thrown into different places.

It may also happen that you cannot open the lock. He will be wedged. This means that you are affected by a person stronger than you. In this case, it remains only to look for a strong magician and ask him to perform the opening ritual.

If a person comes to you and asks to open the road for him, then the lock is placed not on a sheet of paper, but on a photograph of this person. You can spend it with a living person, seating him on a chair and opening the lock over his head.

For the opening of the road

There is another effective ritual for opening the castle. It can also be carried out if some new business is starting, and you want the road to be open, without obstacles. It can be done on yourself, or on the person who turned to you for help. It is best to perform the ritual on a full moon.

Buy a closed lock. Prepare the room. Open the lock over your head or over a photo of a person who needs help.

The spell is read:

King Solomon has the key.

The Apostle Peter has the key.

The Lord Jesus Christ has the key.

With the third key, I (my name) open the locks.

(If the ritual is performed for someone, then it is said: “I open the locks for the Servant of God (name)”).

I destroy all barriers.

Truly so!

After that, the keys and the lock must be thrown into the river in different places. You have to make sure it doesn't snap. It is very important!

Water must be thanked by throwing a coin or a loaf of bread into the river.

With the lock, you can perform a ritual even when you want to block someone's way. For example, if you feel that a magical effect is being made on you.
Ritual to close the road

It is best to read this conspiracy on a full moon, then it increases its strength. You need to buy an open padlock without haggling. Prepare the room, and over the photo of the person you want to block the road, close the lock with the following words:


I close the case of the Servant of God (name)!

The castle should be buried in a damp place, saying:

“As you, the castle, lie closed in the ground, as you rust, so the work of the Servant of God (name) rusts, does not advance.

Do not promote, do not open!

“Until the key is found and the lock is opened, until then the case of the Servant of God (name) will be closed!

And this is the truth.

Perform the rituals with strong faith in the success of your magical work, and you will definitely succeed.

This type of damage is very common. It is not difficult to do it, but the power of harm from such damage is very large. What happens to a person if he has damage done to a padlock? If there is such damage on a person, then the first thing that it destroys is his personal life.

No matter how a person “scrambles” and tries to find a way out of the situation when all the doors are “closed” in front of him, he himself will not be able to do anything, except for problems with education, work, family life he will have nothing, he will not get out of this vicious circle alone without God's help. Such damage is not reflected in health. A person is physically healthy, and bad luck is all around, from all sides.

Whoever sees that you may have a situation similar to the one when there is damage to the castle, try to apply this option and your life will begin to improve. What is needed for this? First of all, you must have faith, faith in the success of treatment with God help, patience and a little time to heal from this damage. Before starting, you need to go to the church for the service to confess and take communion.

This is for those who have never done it. Start treatment only after confession and communion. And who periodically or constantly confesses and takes communion, you can start treatment at any time convenient for you. It is not necessary to start treatment only on the full moon in its first 3 days. Refrain. Buy a new padlock with keys. Maybe not very big and not expensive. Place the icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the icon of John the Warrior on the table.

You should have all these icons and prayers to them. Light 3 candles, put 1 liter of water, put the lock open next to it, the keys are separate from the lock and read the prayers:

  1. Our Father" - 3 p.
  2. Virgin Mary, rejoice - 3 p.
  3. Prayer to John the Warrior - 3 rubles:

Holy saint of God, John the Warrior, you were the ruler of those who fought against theft, who fought against those who opened locks in houses and robbed people. You have always helped your people with kindness, advice, kind words, good deeds.

“Now you are helping those who endure fear, who are afraid for their lives and the lives of their families. But there are people who do not have a family for the reason that they have strong damage, the damage that closes the doors to them everywhere, they do not see a way out of the impasse.

There are problems everywhere, no family, no permanent job and, of course, there is no money for life if there is no work. I ask you, I pray to you our heavenly warrior and our warrior intercessor of all people from the power of darkness and their black deeds. Open my lock, open it for me new way for life on earth, where the road to life will be for me, where I will work, the desire to have, in order to create a family for life on earth.

Open to me a new path where I burn there is no place, where there are no problems from the damage of those who do evil to people like me. I pray to you, holy saint John the Warrior, do not turn away from me, help me, open the lock for a new life, and the old one will remain in the past. I will not remember, remember what happened, but I will pray to the Lord God Jesus Christ, Mother of God, the holy forces from heaven and thank all of them and you for helping us sinners, for helping me personally rb (name).

Help, remove the damage, return the fate given to me by God from birth, the day my rb (name) appeared in our earthly world. Holy saint of God John the Warrior, thank you for your help and care. Amen."

EXPLANATION: without closing the lock, take and dip it three times in a jar of water; dip-take out, dip-take out, dip-take out. Do the same with keys. Then put out the candles, put the icons in their place. Pour water into the ground under a tree or bush.

But without closing the lock, the keys are separate, it is not necessary that they stick out in the lock, and thus bury the lock and keys in a deeper place so that no one can see and could not dig it out. When you bury the castle, try so that it cannot close from the layer of earth. Everyone, go home.

Never tell anyone about what you have done in order to avoid further trouble for you.

Today I'm the magician Sergey Artgrom will tell you what witchcraft ways to remove damage can be applied on your own. These rituals should be simple enough so that the novice sorcerer copes well with the task and gets the result, and not the negative consequences of the rollback. The question of whether it is necessary to remove the damage on your own is not relevant in this context, since the people who read my articles are no longer ordinary people, they are adherents of the use of real magic.

Therefore, my audience, the magician Sergei Artgrom, should accustom themselves to the fact that magic theory and practice should be received at the same time. So, I offer you my advice in order to remove severe damage as successfully as possible, and put reliable protection against magic and witchcraft, and not be cleaned for months from magical influence enemies and repetitions of their rituals.

Divination systems allow you to find out if damage has been removed from a person

After magical cleansing, you need to make sure that there is no negativity. How find out if damage has been removed from a person? This is done through diagnostics. The rune system has strong staves that reveal the presence of energy negativity. Also, this question is easily clarified on Tarot cards, with the help of diagnostic or with the help of raw chicken egg. Any system for detecting the evil eye and damage, used in practice by modern magicians, gives detailed and clear answers about the state of the object, about its strength, protection, existing negative, etc. There shouldn't be any problems here.

If you yourself can not carry out the diagnosis correctly, contact the specialists for magical help. You can remove the negative yourself from yourself, as well as remove the damage to another person. And here I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, can note two key points:

  • the power of the induced energy negative (it is clear that removing the evil eye or household damage and removing the damage done by a professional magician with powerful locks, protections, impenetrability and taps is not the same thing)
  • the power of the magician-performer (each conjurer has a certain magical potential, another in black magic, like a fish in water, and everything else is given at the cost of labor, mistakes and punishments; in other words, if it is not given to be a sorcerer, then it is not given)

Emergency help when you need to quickly remove damage - get rid of mortal fate

This effective rite can be used by magicians working with a cemetery. As well as, a way to remove damage from another person can be used in the process of magical assistance for ordinary people, i.e. non-magicians who, due to their wrong actions in the cemetery, who in any way defiled the graves, are punished with necro-binding. It is known that as a result of mistakes made during the performance of a cemetery rite, a dead person can cling. Necro-attachment may appear not as a result, but for completely different reasons that were once in the past, which a person no longer remembers and is not aware of.

An ordinary person, like me, the magician Sergey Artgrom has already said, can carry a necro-binding that appeared as a result of improper behavior in the cemetery (which happens all the time), and formed over time into a pump that pumps out vital energy at the living. Simply put, the witchcraft rite saves a person from the harmful necrotic energies of the cemetery. It has been tested and successfully used to remove the dead, to prevent the consequences of serious mistakes made during cemetery work.

And here is how you can properly remove the damage associated with necrobinding.

The ritual is done at sunset. In nature, away from human eyes. Suitable for removing or preventing the consequences of significant mistakes made by the sorcerer during the cemetery work, and expelling the clinging dead spirit. In order to save yourself from fate, or in a magical way to remove damage from another person who suffers through his stupidity, you need to prepare for work:

  1. witch's cauldron with water
  2. spruce needles
  3. ball of woolen thread

Pour spruce needles into water and boil in a cauldron on a fire. Dip a skein of woolen threads into the water, and roll the body of the person from whom you need to remove the damage on your own with a skein. Run in and read the text of the spell.

As you read a strong conspiracy to remove damage three times, then the situation will improve.

“The sun is the sky, and the ball of the body, rolls, rolls. The sun is moving, but the body is in a word, the sun is rolling, and the body is tacking. Yes, this thread to, and the other end to the sun will be attached. Yes, if I don’t strive to pull, then the honorable old man will snuggle up. Then he pulls the thread, but unwinds the ball, and the sun itself rolls up for the world, and (name) renounces death. Even on each skein from (name) the dead man is finished, but the shadow of the cross is removed, but the dust of the grave is blown away, and the cry of the raven speaks. Then everything speaks in a thread, but after the sun it unwinds, but it reels into the sunset. And if the sun rises a new day, then (name) will be born anew, get rid of grave rock. Amen".

Then throw the skein into the boiler and put it back on the fire. As soon as the water boils, leave. Redemption is not needed here. In this ritual, the magician removes the strongest damage on his own, without calling the Dark Ones, without turning to any egregore. Yes, both the Forces of Nature and the element of Fire are involved here, and in this case, the magician gives the fire a gift of fuel - firewood. This is a neutral rite magical cleansing. It can be practiced by both warlocks and white mages. But, if you want to remove damage with white magic, your will, choose white rites.

A strong conspiracy in the cemetery to remove damage

An effective ritual is performed on a waning moon or on a new moon. If the situation is serious and urgent, you can do it on the growing moon. The practice of magic does not prohibit this. But, you must be sure that you can handle the growing phase. A witchcraft rite is done when a strong, cemetery damage is determined, when the deceased has already grabbed the victim tightly, and when it is very, very difficult to remove the negative on your own, if you are a novice magician.

The grip of a dead man is strong, a dead man can easily confuse a novice magician. To drive out the spirit of the cemetery, considerable strength is needed. So, decide for yourself, turn to a real magician to quickly remove the strongest damage or work on your own. Diagnostics to help you. But still, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, strongly recommend not to do stupid things. There is such a moment in the cemetery rituals when the Forces of the cemetery will cure one thing, and fasten something else, maybe even harder.

So, in order to remove damage from another person or remove a strong energy negative from yourself, you need the strength and experience of cemetery work. Both, with practice. And the rituals at the cemetery should be gradually begun, with something simple, not immediately taken on heavy rites.

If the sorcerer can bring death, and he has the strength to do so, then he must overcome it. But here's what you need to understand: not everyone can overcome the grip of a dead man and remove graveyard damage. But if there is power, and want to remove the damage yourself, then here, in fact, the rite itself. We need a body shirt of a cursed person, worn and not washed for the sake of the rite. In addition to the shirt, you need to have:

  • work knife
  • commemoration of grave spirits
  • gifts to the cemetery Masters

Go to the cemetery on Wednesday evening, before sunset. Take a shirt and cut it into 7 pieces with a sharp knife.

“I cut the okid into seven parts, but I remove the damage to the grave from (name). That patchwork will grab, but damage will roll into the grave. Amen".

After reading the plot, you need to go, and on 7 nameless graves with crosses that did not fall and did not squint, but stand firmly, on each such grave, dig 1 piece. But, before you dig in, you need to tighten the knot on the flap, and read the text on the knot magic spell:

“The grave is nameless, the power is black, then you are badly patched up on (name), but now trimmed on a rag. What is said with a dead word on (name), is now tied in a knot. What is ready for death on (name), then it is cut for seven expenses, it is buried under the cross. It was done in one hour, but finished in an instant. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Having said the words of a conspiracy to remove old damage from a person, or from yourself, if there is grave damage on you, induced by a practicing sorcerer, bury the flap. Having buried a flap of a shirt on the seventh grave, immediately leave the cemetery, and do not go to the cemetery grounds for 9 days. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, know that some are confused by the peculiarity of this rite, associated with the need to bury a worn thing in the graves. But, please note that a knot is tied on each flap, which prevents the dead from pulling energy from a living person.

This is a good ritual for cleansing a person. So if you got it right recognize damage and remove it, this is a sign that you really know something. Be sure to determine by diagnostics whether the black negative has been removed and whether it needs to be cleaned. If you can save a person from curses, then, probably, he will be able to remove the damage from the house himself, if the negative was induced in the apartment. Here the meaning of the ritual is the same, the methods are only different.

How to remove strong damage with black magic - So that the Bes releases a person

In the rituals of magic, there are strong methods aimed at expelling harmful entities. There are many ways to cleanse. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will give an example of a reprimand from a Bes if they hooked him up, or the person himself somehow got him. So, in order for the harming demon, and not the helper, to let go of the possessed, it is necessary during the period full moon go to the cemetery, and there you yourself do the rite of removing the old damage from the person, get rid of the Bes. You need to find a rickety cross, go up and pull it out of the ground. And then stick an aspen stake in place and read the words of the conspiracy from corruption:

“I release the dead from Christ’s covenant, but with a stake, as if I prop it up with a key, but I conjure a demon through the grave, I promise to create such a leave for me. Either the dead man is not exalted with a cross, so I am not served by a demon. Amen".

To say this conspiracy in order to remove the damage on your own, and expel the harmful Dark One, you need only 1 time. And leave immediately. Leave the cross on the ground, but let the stake stick out. As you leave the cemetery fence, say:

“I worked on the churchyard, so the demon let me go. Amen".

After an effective rite, do not set foot in the cemetery for a whole lunar cycle.

If you do not reprimand yourself, but on another person, then in a conspiracy, say his name. Never go to the cemetery for witchcraft without gifts, but for such an act as taking the cross out of the grave, there should be gifts. If there is any doubt Do I need to remove the damage myself?, or expel cemetery settlers, check with diagnostics what the result will be, consult a specialist. If there are insurmountable doubts, do not do such rituals yourself, seek real, magical help from a practicing black sorcerer.

If you need to quickly remove damage and get rid of witchcraft

And here is another way to expel populated entities. A strong rebuke from a demon possessed. It is necessary to read in the early morning, 7 days in a row, after which 3 days to keep a strict fast. So get rid of the demon, make your soul pure. You can clean yourself like that, if you wish, or another person. Advice on how to remove severe damage, how to reprimand a demon: if you do this reprimand not to yourself, then you need to pronounce the name of the possessed.

And here's how to remove the damage correctly, here's the demon's seven-day reprimand:

“Aki I pray to the firmament of heaven, like I pray to the firmament of the earth, as if I ask for a formidable force, but I ask for a formidable force, who created the creature, who turned the dust into the spirit, still the evil spirits have wounded all, but now let me hear my word, but let me intercede for me, Yes, let him pray for me, let him go with a mountain for me, let him stand up for me, let him do it with the wind, let him go at me, let him take the spirit, soul and body. Then the black stigma will be removed from me, and the cursed trait will be driven away. Now the devil will cease to torment me, now the devil will recoil from me, as if the dust is driven by the wind, then let the black force be driven away. Now at the same time the river, then last year I renounce the demon from myself, then the payment is paid to him, then the whole creation, then it is spoken. Amen".

How to recognize damage in yourself and remove it - drive away the dead spirit

If black damage was done by a white magician, then the damage should be removed with white magic. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to tell you about a good rite of getting rid of a settled entity - a dead person. With the help of a witchcraft rite, which I am going to offer you now, they remove the locks from damage, where the deceased is put on defense. Experienced, practicing magicians often put the dead on guard at their cemetery work. You can remove it when you decide to curse your enemy. The dead people placed from the protection are well removed, it has been checked. And as for the generic, it will depend on how strong the protection is.

A dead spirit, attached to a living one, strives to pull it along with it. How to deal with the dead and make him his own servant, real magicians know that they have the power to do so. As for ordinary people, the settler is always to their detriment, and therefore it is necessary to remove it.

List of what you need to remove the damage yourself:

  1. rope
  2. mirror
  3. patch of natural black fabric

If a dead person is attached, then it is possible to drive away the settler. Put a mirror in front of you, look into it, knit 3 knots on a rope, and read a plot for each knot to remove the damage on your own:

“The dead man will come, but he will leave in the mirror, he will start looking for me, but he will be searched. If he thinks to go back, the mirror will become a coffin, the dead man will be buried again, strength will be taken away from the churchyard, everything is read out with a prayer, and knitted with three knots. The dead aisle is broken, but only then will it converge when the knots themselves are untied. Amen".

Then go to the cemetery crossroads, and there, at the crossroads, burn the rope with knots. Then the dead will unhook. Wrap the mirror in black cloth and store. It is impossible to beat such a mirror. The energy will be released, the door will open, through which the dead rush back and forth to you.

How to remove if I was spoiled - the grave transfer of serious illnesses

Cleansing in magic is done by different rituals -

  • on wax,
  • lead,
  • for salt,
  • annealing,
  • egg cleansing,
  • cemetery,
  • demonic,
  • mirror.

Lot good ways ransoms and transfers. And here is one of them - the grave transfer of diseases. The essence of this rite is that serious illnesses are transferred from one person to another.

An effective rite, rather difficult to perform, but worth the effort. A very powerful ritual, with its help you can get rid of old diseases.

List of what to take for the rite of getting rid of damage to illness:

  • shavings or chips from a church door
  • shavings or chips from the coffin lid
  • shavings or chips from the cross from the nominal grave of the victim
  • 3 wax candles (candles for this ritual must be made by yourself)
  • holy water
  • photo of the patient
  • piece of thin rope (candle wick)
  • dry grass Chernobyl (wormwood)
  • saucer
  • patch of black natural matter

In the manufacture of candles, dried Chernobyl (wormwood) is added to the wax. Cover the table with an even cloth. Put the chips in a saucer, put the saucer itself in a triangle of candles. Light the candles. At midnight, make a fire from the chips, take in left hand photo of the patient and put into the fire.

Read the plot 1 time to remove the damage by black magic yourself:

"Nima. Nima. Nima. Come out Satan. I call with a coffin board, grave chips, church gates, dog candles. Go from a slave (the name of the patient) to a slave (the name of the victim), sit down, as if you live in a house, do not let me breathe. Key. Lock. Language. Alatyr".

After that, you need to blow out the candles (namely, blow out, despite the fact that usually candles are not blown out, but extinguished with fingers or ritual knife). Wait until the chips and photos are completely burned. Then the ashes are taken and poured into holy water.

Complete strong conspiracy removal of damage is necessary with the following words:

“Holy water is dead water. Adonai. Asmodeus. Abara.

Let the water stand for the night. And in the morning it must be poured on the threshold of the one to whom the disease is intended, to whom the transfer has been made. You can’t sleep tonight, so there’s no return. At the end of the ceremony, keep a seven-day fast.