Rospotrebnadzor explained to buyers what to do if the seller did not deliver the goods purchased and paid for on the Internet. I paid for the purchase on the Internet, but the store disappeared That I ordered the goods

A parcel with an order from China takes an average of 15-45 days. If you made an order for Aliexpress, and the parcel does not arrive, we recommend that you check the tracking status of the parcel, if it is tracked, then it is more likely that you will receive your parcel.
If the parcel is tracked and the order protection time is running out, then write to the seller with a request to extend the order protection time.
In any case, opening a dispute in the early stages is ineffective, since the seller is likely to reject it. further we will tell you in detail what to do if the goods from Aliexpress still did not arrive.

What to do if the goods did not arrive at Aliexpress, and the protection period for the order ends?

If you checked and the package is not tracked, write a message to the seller. If the seller does not respond for a long time or the order protection timer ends, then we immediately open a dispute.
To open a dispute, follow the instructions below:

1. We go to the "My Orders" section on the Aliexpress website.

2. We find the order that you did not receive. Click the "Open Dispute" button next to the product description.

The dispute can be opened no earlier than 10 days after the seller sent the package with the order during the order protection period and until you confirm receipt of the package. Plus, you have an additional 15 days to open a dispute after the end of the order protection.

3. After clicking the "Open Dispute" button, you will see a window where you will be offered "Return only" or "Return of goods and money". If you did not receive the product or received it, but it does not match the stated description, you are dissatisfied and do not want to return it to the seller, then click the "Return Only" button.
In other circumstances, for example, if you are returning the purchased goods under warranty or you have agreed with the seller, then click the "Return of goods and money" button.
But it is in our case, since we did not receive the goods, we click "Only return":

You should see such a window, you will be offered possible reasons for opening a dispute from which you need to choose the appropriate one:

Problems with the delivery of goods (Logistics tracking problem)
- Order protection is expiring, but the package is still on the way
- The transport company returned the order
- No tracking information (this item is often gray and unavailable due to the fact that the seller seems to have given a track, so if the package is not tracked, it is better to choose the first item, i.e. Order protection is expiring, but the package is still on the way)

Customs problems
- The customs duty is too high, I don't want to pay

- The seller sent the order to the wrong address.

5. We indicate the amount of the refund and indicate the details of why you want to return the money (the reason for the dispute must be described in English; if you do not speak English, use the online translator). Attach photos and videos if necessary.
After filling out this short questionnaire, click the "Submit" button.
All disputes are open.

6. The seller is usually given 5 days during which he can either accept your dispute or offer his own solution to the dispute and can attach his evidence, and if the seller does not respond in any way, the dispute will automatically close in your favor. If you come to an agreement, the dispute will be closed and you will need to wait for a refund for the purchase.

If negotiations do not lead to anything, then the dispute will escalate.
If the dispute escalates, it goes to the representatives of the administration of the Aliexpress website.
An aggravated dispute is usually considered within a week and its decision can be both in favor of the buyer and in favor of the seller, it all depends on the reasons and arguments.

What should I do if the goods have not arrived at Aliexpress, and the order protection period has expired?

In this case, if the ordered product from Aliexpress did not arrive, and the order protection period has expired, you have 15 days after the end of protection, during which you can still open a dispute, so keep an eye on the timer. If this period has also expired, then it will no longer be possible to open a dispute and, accordingly, it will not be possible to return the money. The order protection period can be viewed in the list of your orders.

Do you have any questions? ask your question at

The volume of purchases via the Internet shows stable growth. More than 30% of the working population of our country regularly makes orders in online stores. Over the past three years, the number of online shoppers has grown 2.5 times. Moreover, this growth occurs mainly due to residents of the regions and young people, who are among the most active users.
e-commerce. Among the most popular categories of goods purchased via the Internet are household appliances and electronics (over 40%), clothing and footwear (15%), auto parts and household goods (10% each).

How does the product reach the delivery service?

After the customer has made all the required clicks, information about the order is entered into the database of the online store. The account manager necessarily contacts the buyer, confirms the purchase and sends a request for order picking and delivery to the logistics company.

Large stores often outsource logistics functions - with a large flow of orders, this is much more profitable than keeping even small warehouses in the regions.

How not to bring a chair instead of shoes

After the application has been received by the logistics company, it is processed by managers and transferred to the warehouse. Its employees select packaging depending on the method of delivery and the nature of the attachment, complete the shipment, pack, draw up accompanying documents, stick labels and transfer the order for delivery. This is a very important stage, since it depends on it whether the buyer will receive what he ordered.

The girl refused to swim in a vest, called the store, which had to fix
mistake at your own expense

Once, for example, a girl ordered a sports swimsuit in a well-known and very expensive Moscow store. The manager called, checked the price, the customer confirmed everything. We agreed on the date of arrival of the courier. At the appointed time, the courier arrived and brought her a vest. The girl refused to swim in a vest, called the store, which had to correct the mistake at its own expense. In the end, the client was satisfied, but where the first copy of the swimsuit was “lost” remained a mystery.

The reason for such cases, as a rule, is a store manager's mistake in the nomenclature when transferring an order for picking. A stock error is also possible. Therefore, the control of the conformity of the articles on the goods and in the accompanying documents is a very important component when completing an order. If, due to an error, the buyer receives something completely different from what he ordered, the store has to incur significant expenses. In addition to the cost of shipping a confused product, you have to pay for re-packaging, packaging, processing and re-delivery of the order. And to maintain the loyalty of the buyer, it is worth putting an additional small gift in the package.

How the order is sent

The online store, in the case of independent picking of orders, transfers the packaged shipment to the transport company. The transport company, if necessary, repacks it and draws up accompanying documents. After that, the order finally goes on the road.

Many errors can occur at this stage - from a failure in the IT system of one of the parties, as a result of which there is a confusion in addresses, to errors in the data provided by the online store, which impede delivery.

It is very important for buyers to be careful when filling out address data when placing an order: an error in even one digit can lead to the fact that your order will be sent to a completely different location. For example, there are two cities of Blagoveshchensk - in the Amur region and in Bashkiria. And if the buyer did not indicate the index, and the online store did not check it, the parcel may end up in a completely different region of Russia.

What are the parcels

The choice of the type of transport that the order will use depends on the target cost and target delivery time (moreover, logistics is aimed at minimizing the cost, and the commercial service is aimed at reducing the time). Most often, a distance of up to 500 kilometers is carried by cars, over 500 kilometers it is more expedient to carry by rail or air.

By the way, land transport also has its own restrictions on the duration of movement, on average it is no more than 500 kilometers per day for each type of transport. Plus, two days at least should be laid down for additional processing of the shipment.

At the same time, the distance almost does not affect the condition of the goods at the end of the journey. It is important here how many overloads and intermediaries will be, as well as what their competence is. It is possible to deliver a damaged shipment in the Moscow region, or it is possible to bring the order to Vladivostok intact.

Who pays for shipping

As a rule, online stores are divided into two camps: those who take all the costs of order delivery on themselves and shift these functions to the recipient. In the first case, the store guarantees free delivery of the order (as a rule, if the order amount exceeds a certain minimum) and chooses the delivery channel itself. In the second case, the online store offers the recipient to choose a courier company from several options, depending on the expected delivery time and cost.

However, there are also companies that offer a single delivery rate, which is paid by the recipient, and the difference between this rate and the rate of the courier company, if any, is reimbursed at their own expense.

What happens in the mail

After passing the highway and sorting, the shipment arrives at the post office and waits for the recipient to redeem it. However, it happens that it can lie for a very long time, since, for example, the recipient did not receive a notification.

And it happens that the customer, while waiting for the parcel, changed his mind and simply did not go to the post office to redeem it. No one will judge him for this, and this happens often. Online shopping is often emotional and momentary. And after a few days there is already a risk that a person will “burn out”.

Online shopping is often emotional and momentary. After a few days, there is already a risk that the person "burns out"

When we deliver orders, we try to competently build a dialogue with the client of the online store, and the number of shipments that refused to be redeemed is reduced. In 2014, the percentage of returns for all shipments passing through us did not exceed 6.78%.

In the case when the goods are delivered by courier service, difficulties may also occur. Starting from the complex process of agreeing on the time and address of delivery and ending with privacy issues. For example, when making purchases in intimate goods stores, many buyers are not ready to accept a courier in their office and prefer to pick up goods “on the street”. With one of our clients, we have developed a whole order delivery system that guarantees the confidentiality of the purchase and minimizes possible embarrassing situations - from special packaging to instructions for call center operators and couriers.

How to return an order

If you refuse to purchase, the story for the online store and the transport company that carried out the delivery does not end. You need to take the goods back, return it to the online store. And the online store needs to dismantle it, place it in storage and pay double the shipping rate, without earning a penny on it.

Some online stores even use the possibility of returning unsuitable goods as one of the ways to attract a customer. But each return is an additional processing cost. Depending on the category of goods, both the buyer himself and the online store can pay for this.

In the case of unredeemed items, most often the costs are borne by the store. He will have to pay for delivery to the place of residence of the intended buyer (100% of the delivery rate), return delivery of goods - (from 50 to 100% of the rate, depending on the operator), disassembly of the shipment and placement of goods for storage (the cost depends on the fulfillment operator or on the cost of maintaining your own warehouse). In addition to delivery, the online store has already paid for the advertising that brought the buyer to it. It may pay fines to the supplier if the goods are returned to him. Sometimes, after long transportation, it is required to evaluate the goods for their suitability for further sale, and these are the costs of an expert, lawyer and other specialists who will deal with complaints with the transport company and the supplier.

Returning goods to an online store is one of the biggest problems of Russian e-commerce, since for most online stores these costs eat up up to 80% of profits. According to our data, reducing the number of return shipments by 3-5% increases revenue by 20-30%. If online retailers work effectively with buyers and logistics operators at the last stage of delivery, then many of those who are now on the verge of survival will be able to save their business.

To do this, you need to understand what protection of an order for aliexpress is.

What is the order protection period on Aliexpress?

I'll tell you everything with a specific example, since my order protection is already expiring, but the package is still on the way. In the beginning, it is important to understand a simple thing: for each of your orders, the seller determines the DEADLINE for which he undertakes to deliver the goods:

As you can see, the timer for my order is already ending, and about 3-4 days before the deadline, you should receive an email with the following content:

If you see that the order is closed for aliexpress, what does this mean? This is such a wake up call that you need to go to aliexpress and do something.

If you do nothing, then you will most likely lose money and will then blame the seller, since the transaction will AUTOMATICALLY CLOSE after the expiration of the protection period. It's not his fault, only you will be to blame.

What to do if the protection of the order for aliexpress ends?

What to do if the order processing time expires on aliexpress? There are several options for the development of events, and it is important to follow the advice of aliexpress. What does he advise?

1. If the confirmation time for aliexpress has expired, and the goods have not arrived, or you are unhappy with the goods received, You can click " ". Please note that after the expiration of the Buyer Protection period, the order will be closed automatically and the money will be transferred to the seller.

If you are sure that the seller did not send the goods to you, or you doubt it, since the track is not tracked, then it is better to open a dispute.

Be prepared for the seller to WHINE that the dispute is hurting him, asking you to close the dispute and BELIEVE IN A MIRACLE. There will be no miracle, most likely, only sometimes the package still arrives very late and then I'm honest.

You must understand that if you close the dispute and the package does not arrive, you WILL NOT RECEIVE ANYTHING. And the fact that the seller did not make a track number for the parcel is his own fault, the greed of the fraer ruined, as they say.

2. You can also extend Buyer Protection. To do this, contact the seller directly or click "Request Buyer Protection Extension" to request an extension.

If you see by the track number that the package is already on its way, then you can write to the seller and ask him to extend the order time. If there is no parcel later (they may lose or steal on the way), then open a dispute.

As you can see, my order arrived in Belarus and most likely the goods will arrive in the mail soon. I wrote to the seller and asked to extend the time of the order, if he does not answer me in a couple of days, then I will open a dispute.

Nothing complicated, the main thing is to indicate your work mail and periodically look there so as not to miss the treasured letter.

Buyer protection on aliexpress is very well set, and if you yourself don’t clap your ears, you will never lose your money. I have never lost...

I hope that this article was able to help you and now you know what aliexpress order protection is. Also, do not forget that when shopping online, you can.

Anna, according to the articles of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “ON APPROVAL OF THE RULES FOR THE SALES OF GOODS BY REMOTE METHOD”:

21. The buyer has the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within 7 days. V
if information on the procedure and terms for the return of goods is properly
quality was not provided in writing at the time of delivery
goods, the buyer has the right to refuse the goods within 3 months from
moment of delivery of the goods. Return
goods of good quality is possible if it is stored
presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming
fact and conditions of purchase of said goods. Buyer's absence
said document does not deprive it of the ability to refer to other
proof of purchase of goods from this seller. Customer
is not entitled to refuse goods of good quality, having
individually defined properties, if the specified product can be
used exclusively by the consumer purchasing it. At
refusal of the buyer from the goods, the seller must return to him the amount,
paid by the buyer in accordance with the contract, with the exception of
the costs of the seller for the delivery from the buyer of the returned goods, not
later than 10 days from the date of presentation by the buyer
the corresponding requirement.

The seller is obliged to transfer to the buyer the goods, the quality of which
corresponds to the contract and the information provided by the buyer when
conclusion of the contract, as well as information brought to his attention when
transfer of goods (in the technical documentation attached to the goods, on
labels, by marking or in other ways,
provided for certain types of goods).
the absence in the contract of conditions on the quality of the goods, the seller is obliged
transfer to the buyer goods suitable for the purposes for which the goods of such
kind is commonly used. If
the seller at the conclusion of the contract was put by the buyer in
knowledge of the specific purpose of purchasing the goods, the seller is obliged
hand over to the buyer the goods suitable for use in accordance with
these goals. If
otherwise not provided by the contract, the seller is obliged simultaneously with
by handing over the goods, to transfer the appropriate accessories to the buyer, and
also documents related to the goods (technical data sheet, certificate
quality, operating instructions, etc.) provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

34. In
if the return of the amount paid by the buyer in accordance with
contract, is carried out not simultaneously with the return of the goods by the buyer,
the return of the specified amount is carried out by the seller with the consent of the buyer
in one of the following ways: a) in cash at the location of the seller; b) by postal order; c) by transferring the appropriate amount to the buyer's bank or other account specified by the buyer. 35. The seller bears the cost of returning the amount paid by the buyer in accordance with the contract.

(What to do if you bought a low-quality product via the Internet, this product did not suit you or turned out to be inconsistent with the description provided on the seller's website)

What to do if you purchased a product via the Internet, but it did not suit you - for example, it turned out to be of poor quality, not your size, or even something else was sent to you by mistake instead of the ordered item? First of all, the buyer, who may have been looking forward to the purchase, probably intended to give this item to someone or wear it to an important event, will express his claims to the person who delivered this product. But what about the courier? Many recipients dissatisfied with the purchase will write a claim to the website of the online store. But what exactly can be demanded in accordance with the consumer protection law and does this law apply not only to domestic, but also to foreign sites? Let's try to figure it out in this article.

The laws of which country should be followed when buying things over the Internet

In international law, the buyer's rights are governed by the "Hague Convention on the Law Applicable to Manufacturer's Liability", which was signed by some participating countries at the Congress of Representatives in 1973. Russia has not yet joined this convention, so the Russians cannot be guided by it. At the same time, not all foreign manufacturers and sellers of goods involved in Internet trade with citizens of the Russian Federation are aware of this foreign policy nuance of our country and, as a rule, follow the requirements of international treaties in the event of disputes. But not all and not always - and this must be remembered!

In our country, there are such federal laws as the Civil Code and the Consumer Rights Protection Law. In addition, the features of practical legal proceedings are regulated by the Resolutions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the consideration by courts of civil cases in disputes on the protection of consumer rights. As for the application of international treaties or internal federal laws, in relations in which the buyer lives in Russia, and the seller lives and works in another country and sells goods, for example, through the ebay, taobao, etsy or similar sites, then in accordance with article 1221 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the claim for compensation for harm can be applied at the choice of the consumer. It is important to carefully read the contract of sale (offer). In any case, Russian legislation regarding international Internet commerce clearly defines the following options for legal regulation.

The purchase of goods via the Internet may be regulated by:

  • the law of the country where the seller lives and works;
  • the law of the country where the buyer lives and works (the legislation of Russia);
  • the law of the country where the work was performed or where the product was purchased.

The buyer (Russian) can independently choose any of these items. However, there is a caveat here. Paragraphs 2 and 3 cannot be applied if the seller proves that he did not expect and should not have expected that his goods would be sold in Russia. For example, in the event that the consumer decided to save money and simplify the purchase process, and ordered the goods with delivery not to Russia, but, for example, to Finland, from where he later took it himself, which, I must say, is a fairly common practice. At the same time, the buyer and seller have the right to resolve such issues through negotiations. At the same time, the parties to the dispute can choose for themselves what legislation will regulate their differences. If the consumer does not choose the law, then in the event of a conflict, the law of the country where the seller lives and works will apply.

Due to the fact that in one article it is impossible to consider the legislation of all countries of the world, we will further assume that the buyer and seller are located in Russia or have chosen the legislation of the Russian Federation to resolve the dispute. Let's consider how the consumer needs to protect himself in the event that he bought a low-quality or high-quality, but unsuitable product via the Internet.

How do I return an item purchased online?

The main thing to know when buying goods via the Internet is that this process is regulated by Article 26.1 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", which describes the legal features of the so-called remote method of selling goods. Remote methods include not only the Internet, but also the purchase of goods using catalogs, television, mail, radio and other communications. The common thing here is that the buyer, when making a purchase, does not have the opportunity to get acquainted directly with this product or sample, that is, roughly speaking, to feel it, smell it, try it on.

The first thing you should pay attention to when buying online is that even before you make such a deal, the seller must give you information about the product. However, if you have already paid for the product and "this" turned out to be something not "that", then it will not be superfluous to check again whether the seller has published information about the qualities and properties of the product you bought in his online store, in particular :

Product information must be provided:

  • about the properties of the product, its quality, the possibilities of its use and other nuances;
  • about the service life, shelf life and warranty period of the goods;
  • on the cost of the goods, the cost and procedure for the delivery of goods, the procedure for payment for the goods and their delivery;
  • about the place of manufacture of the goods.

Seller information must be provided:

  • exact address, full company name, details to which payment will be made;
  • about the procedure and terms for returning the goods in case it does not fit for some reason.

How and in what terms can I legally return a product purchased via the Internet? Depending on the condition, the return periods differ for goods of suitable quality or for low-quality goods. Let's explain right away. A quality product is a product that meets the declared consumer properties and does not have defects or damage.

How to return a quality item purchased online

The first thing to note is that the right of the buyer to return a quality product does not apply to goods produced under the order of this buyer. You cannot refuse a quality product if it has individual properties and can only be used by you. For example, it can be some specific clothing, tailored just for you, according to your dimensions and non-standard needs. It can be some detail, a yacht or a ship, shoes, jewelry, anything that is made according to your individual order and that it will be difficult for the seller, then sell it to another buyer.

In accordance with article 26.1 of the consumer protection law, you can return a quality product at any time before it is transferred to the buyer and within seven days after its transfer. That is, let's say you have already sent the goods, it is on the way to your city, or even the courier comes to your house and calls on the phone to warn you about his arrival. Despite this, as long as the product has not been handed over to you and you have not accepted it, you can refuse this product at any time, that is, change your mind about buying it. And no matter what the seller says, you have every right to it. If the seller claims that if you refuse, you lose some money, or that the right to the goods has passed from the moment you paid for it, or that you are obliged to accept the goods sent to you, do not believe it. They are trying to mislead you. Until you have accepted the product, that is, you have not received it in your hands and have not agreed to accept it, you can refuse it without giving reasons, regardless of whether it is of high quality or not.

If you have already accepted the goods, then you have seven days to refuse it. And for this you do not need to look for flaws in it. During this period, you have the right to refuse anything you have purchased online. However, there are nuances here:

1. You can return a product of suitable quality only if you have saved its appearance, properties and there is a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the product. Although, the absence of this document in itself does not prevent you from referring to other evidence of the purchase of goods from the seller, for example, to email correspondence. E-mails are also evidence, if necessary, they can be certified by a notary and then presented as evidence of a transaction, including in court.

2. It is impossible to return a high-quality product, classified in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 10, 2011 No. 924 as technically complex goods.

Information on the procedure for refusing the goods and returning the money paid for this product must be given to you by the seller in writing. He must do this at the time of delivery of the goods. But, if he doesn't, then you can refuse a quality product no longer within seven days, but within three months from the date of its transmission.

After you refuse the goods, the seller must return the money to you if you have already paid them. However, the seller may deduct the shipping cost of the returned item from this amount. The seller must return the money to you within ten days from the moment you tell him about the refusal of the purchase. Therefore, by the way, we recommend that you refuse the goods not by phone, but in writing, so that if something happens, for example, if you have to resolve the case in court, you have proof that you really refused the goods, and that this was done within the appropriate time frame. To prepare a written application, you can use our. By the way, please note that if the goods cannot be returned and the case goes to court, in any case, you will need to follow the claims procedure for settling disputes.

How to return a defective item purchased online

If the product has flaws, then there is no longer any dependence on how exactly it was purchased, via the Internet or in a regular store. In this case, you can use articles 18 - 24 of the Consumer Protection Act. In particular, in accordance with these standards, if defects are found in the goods, the buyer can:

  • Exchange the product for another one of the same brand.
  • Exchange the product for another, different brand. The price in this case is recalculated.
  • Reduce the cost of the goods, taking into account the identified shortcomings.
  • Eliminate deficiencies at the expense of the seller or manufacturer.
  • Return the item to the seller and get paid for it.

In addition, the buyer may demand compensation for losses incurred due to the fact that the goods are of poor quality. For example, due to the fact that due to a poor-quality item, a buyer’s holiday or vacation was disrupted. Or, harm was caused to the health of the buyer in connection with the use of low-quality or incorrect goods by him. Or due to the fact that due to the use of a faulty product, other property of the buyer was damaged.

Also, if the seller violates the ten-day deadline for a refund or price reduction and damages or other deadlines, the seller must pay a penalty for each day of delay in the amount of one percent of the price of the goods. Moreover, if the seller persists and you have to go to court, then a fine of fifty percent of the value of the goods may also be collected from him.

Important for the buyer in a situation with the return of low-quality goods is the following. The seller in a high degree of probability may begin to refuse to fulfill the requirements of the buyer for the reason that there are allegedly no shortcomings, or because they are allegedly caused by the buyer himself. And in this regard, it will declare that the buyer must himself make an examination and prove that there are no flaws in the product. You should not give in to pressure. The seller (manufacturer) must make an examination of the goods at his own expense. Moreover, he must make an examination and fulfill all the requirements of the buyer within the time limits specified by law - within those same ten days from the moment the demand was presented by the buyer. The buyer, if desired, may be present during the examination and control it. The test results can be challenged in court.