Interview with Sokolovsky. Alexander Sokolovsky: You just need to really, really want, and the wish will come true. The concept of "team" means a lot in your life

On Sasha: shirt, Tommy Hilfiger Denim, 9990 rubles; T-shirt, sneakers, everything - Puma, 1990 rubles. and 6490 rubles; jeans, Topshop, 4999 rubles; watch, SUNLIGHT, 6990 rub. On Masha: sweatshirt, Puma, 3990 rubles; skirt, Topshop, 4499 rubles; slip-ons, Zara, 3599 rubles; ring, SUNLIGHT, 1710 rubles. On Petya: sweatshirt, sneakers, everything - Puma, 3190 rubles. and 6490 rubles; jeans, Versus Versace, 18,000 rubles. On Katya: jacket, Topshop, 6599 rubles; dress, Tommy Hilfiger Denim, 14,490 rubles; sneakers, Puma, 6490 rubles; watch, SUNLIGHT, 1990 rub. Bicycle, Electra

Photo by Pavel Kryukov

Sasha is one of the most sought-after and beloved by the audience actors of Molodezhka. In the series, Sasha plays the role of Yegor Schukin, the captain of the Bears Hockey Club.

EG: Probably, you can already be called a veteran of Molodezhka…

Alexander: Yes, I'm 76, I'm a veteran, you can say (laughs). I even remember how the "pilot" was filmed, when there was no talk of "Molodezhka" yet. We just tried. I remember very well when we filmed the pilot in 2012. Everything was different: there were other teams and a different cast.

EG: Is there anything that hasn't changed in these few years?

Alexander: In general, a lot has changed. The main thing remains - probably some kind of spirit of a series about sports, about love, about love for sports. Everything else has changed, of course.

EG: How has your character changed?

Alexander: Has changed a lot. After the third season, he stopped being a hockey player. This is probably the main change in my character, who has been a hockey player all his life. All in all, it was hard. Playing a man who has had his dream stolen is also, in general, not easy. Therefore, my hero has probably remained a little the same, but this is a completely different person.

“It could have been a series about chess, about curling, about football, but there would not have been such a response ...”

EG: What do you think, if it was a series not about hockey, but about football or rhythmic gymnastics, would it be popular?

Alexander: It could have been a series about chess or about curling, about football, about volleyball, but there would not have been such a response. Being a Nordic country where hockey has been the #1 sport all its life, it is only natural that a hockey series has become very popular. Maybe people lacked something patriotic, real. The series "Molodezhka" is not just about one hero, it is the story of a whole team. Why do films about sports teams always resonate so much? Because people feel they are part of something important. If we make sport a national idea and take it as a basis, this is the most correct thing for our country. So I think that's what happened.

On Sasha: T-shirt, Puma, 1990 rubles; trousers, Dockers, 7900 rubles; watch, SUNLIGHT, 6990 rub.

Photo by Pavel Kryukov

EG: Do you think vloggers can compete with TV series?

Alexander: Well, they are very different markets. Still, the content that is distributed on the Internet, and the content that goes to television and cinema, are still slightly different stories. We may be dealing with similar stories, we have points of intersection. But in fact we are not competitors to each other.

EG: Doesn't it bother you that you had to study acting for many years, and bloggers just film themselves on the phone and become popular overnight?

Alexander: Well, first of all, there are a lot of those who take pictures of themselves on the phone and upload videos. Those who have millions of views are their few. Becoming a famous blogger is, in general, not so easy. I believe the market is extremely competitive. That is, everyone became a blogger. And popular bloggers, maybe 10-15 people. Some bloggers are more popular than many actors. They have their own niche, their own history. In general, if people do this and subscribe to them, then it is necessary, interesting and very popular.

Today, social networks are an important and still effective tool for communicating with customers. But they are changing at a rapid pace. How to catch a wave of hype in social networks, we will be told by an expert in SMM technologies, the founder of Tooligram, Alexander Sokolovsky.

Tipler: Is it important for any company to be present on social media today? And is it necessary for any company?

Alexander Sokolovsky: It would be unfair of me to say that any company needs this. I think that the concrete plant is unlikely to gain a large number of subscribers and be able to publish interesting content. But for manufacturers and sellers of consumer goods, the presence of accounts in the social. networks are vital. This also applies to the service sector.

Firstly, it is a great tool for increasing sales and audience coverage. And secondly, the company will be able to be closer to its customers.

Alexander Sokolovsky: Now Instagram is gaining momentum, but Vkontakte is not far behind. Although in the first case, users of the photo network do not often search here for the goods they need. Rather, sellers themselves make offers to them through Direct messages, likes, subscriptions, comments.

Regarding the loss of relevance, I can say that Odnoklassniki is becoming less attractive to advertisers.

Tipler: Are the promotion methods different on VK, Facebook and Instagram?

Alexander Sokolovsky: One thing unites them - this is content that needs to immediately “hook” the feed reader. This is usually done in a split second. Another thing is the submission format. For example, a good Instagram photo can replace 1,000 words of text. There are also some aspects that make them really different. If hashtags are the basis on Instagram, then on Vkontakte they practically do not work.

Tipler: What average monthly budget does a company need to allocate for effective social media promotion? Does it depend on the niche?

Alexander Sokolovsky: Since they really depend on the niche, it's hard for me to give some kind of average figure. It all depends on the size of the company, its location, competition and other important factors.

Tipler: What's the best way to do this? On your own or contact a qualified agency, for example, GreenPR SMM agency?

Alexander Sokolovsky: If the company has a marketing department or at least a few specialists, then you can try to do it on your own. Especially if the budget is limited. Of course, it is easier to outsource this, but in this case, you need to carefully monitor the distribution of the budget and the fulfillment of obligations.

Tipler: If you do it yourself, please tell us what promotion tools are the most effective?

AAlexander Sokolovsky: If we talk about Instagram, then these are targeting, mass following, mass liking, promotions, contests, sweepstakes, etc. Today, there are a lot of ways to promote, the effectiveness of which can be measured in numbers.

Tipler: Does targeted social media advertising work today? How to set up high-quality advertising without wasting money?

Alexander Sokolovsky A: Yes, it still works. To correctly set up targeting, you need to clearly know your target audience, find it and filter it. Then you need to create a killer offer in the ad that will either hit the pain of the target audience or communicate the solution to their problems.

Tipler: Many companies register pages on social networks, publish posts, but there is no live activity? Why?

Alexander Sokolovsky: In such cases, I like to quote the words of Stuart Henderson: "Doing business without advertising is like winking at girls in total darkness." So it is with social networks. You can have really cool content, but it's useless if you don't drive traffic to it.

Tipler: Content marketing is trending these days. What role do social networks play in it? How to make friends content marketing and social networks?

Alexander Sokolovsky: Many companies make a serious mistake when they publish exclusively promotional content. This quickly bothers subscribers and they simply leave. Today it is very important to give value to readers for free. To do this, there is informational and educational content. So, you will show your expertise, become an opinion leader, you will share valuable knowledge that your competitors do not have. And your followers will love you for it.

Tipler: Is video content on the rise lately? Why? Your forecasts regarding the development of the video content market in marketing for the next 5 years.

Alexander Sokolovsky: Yes, indeed, today video content is a very effective tool in social media. networks. Probably because it is easier for a person to perceive information, especially if the video is fascinating and grabs attention from the first seconds.

I think that in the next 5 years this trend will develop and cover more and more sites.

Tipler: Do you run tutorials?

Alexander Sokolovsky: Yes, I systematically hold Instagram webinars to promote business accounts for girls who want to become famous on Instagram. I am also invited to speak at Business Youth trainings and other well-known projects.

To date, more than 2,000 people have taken my training courses, who successfully sell their services through Instagram, as well as wholesale and retail products.

Alexander Sokolovsky: We run the Tooligram blog, where our employees, as well as SMM expert friends, talk about social media promotion trends. networks, chips, life hacks and other useful things that help people become experts in this field. I also recommend visiting our YouTube channel, where we post how-to videos on Instagram promotion. And of course, I invite you all to my Instawebinar.

Tipler: What to do when your social media reach drops?

Alexander Sokolovsky: First of all, you need to think about the content that you publish. It may not be of interest to your audience. Conduct testing, see which publications are more interesting to subscribers. Even in this case, repost contests with valuable gifts work well.

Alexander Sokolovsky: I agree that instant messengers are gaining popularity. However, social networks are still an effective marketing tool. And I want to tell you that this will continue for many years to come.

As always, a portion of usefulness:

- What kinds of sports do you like?
- Hockey, football, running, swimming since childhood, this is my sport. Reached the youth category and graduated. Snowboarding in winter, wakeboarding in summer. I try to find time, but usually there is none. Well, the gym, of course. Depending on the role, you have to either gain muscle mass or lose it, we constantly walk along such a parabola.

- Did you start playing hockey after your role in the series "Youth" or before?
- I played yard hockey before Molodezhka. Then I started playing in the Night Hockey League - there are many divisions, teams by levels. Last year, for example, we flew to Sochi with a team and won our division. Everyone was surprised, since we did not have a single professional hockey player in the lineup.

- What is the team?
- The team with which I flew to Sochi is called KomAr - a team of artists. It was organized by producer Alexander Morozov, and it has a huge number of stars.

- What is the peculiarity of hockey training?
Hockey is a great sport, it really changes you a little. This is a sport for absolutely fearless people. So many injuries, as in hockey, there is no other sport. In Sochi, for example, in the semifinals, I went under the puck. We won this match at the cost of some of my damage. They knocked out my hip and limped for four days. In hockey, you don’t think with your head, there are instincts - as soon as you immerse yourself in this game, you start reflex thinking and fear goes away.

- Did you specialize in hockey for filming in the series?
- We were prepared very seriously, almost like an adult team is prepared before the season, the so-called hockey training camp. Three times a week we had ice, three times a week we had land. The task was to put us on skates at least in a few months, so that we would understand in the frame what a puck is, how to throw it with a stick, how to give a pass, see a partner, raise our head so that there would be no misunderstanding during the filming.

- And what about your passion for snowboarding? How long did you choose between a board and skis?
- At the age of 11 I had an attempt to go skiing and then until the age of 25 I completely forgot and did not even remember about this matter. I bought my first snowboard at the age of 25. I decided a long time ago that I would not get on the board until I bought a car. I couldn’t imagine a situation when I, after riding, all tired and wet, shaking in the train ( laughs).

- What does skating mean to you?
- Snowboarding is part of my culture, which appeared around the age of 14. At that time, I began to devote a lot of time to hip-hop - not only music and dance, but also philosophy. He wore wide trousers, caps, bandanas, hoodies, durags. Now I'm 28 and I've grown out of the hip-hop culture a bit, but I can still afford to dress like that sometimes.

"Snowboarding is a dream"

- How do you see yourself when you are on the board?
- There are different types of snowboarding: simple skiing, freestyle (ski jumping), jibbing (sliding on railings, walls, etc.), freeride and off-piste skiing. And each direction has its own difficulties. I like stunt, I like to jump, for me this is a buzz - in ramps, in pyramids. The most difficult thing is to catch the coordination. In snowboarding, the position of the body is completely unusual, because in any winter sport you have a natural body position: you ride facing forward, and then you just need to catch the balance. In snowboarding, you stand uncomfortable, it’s unusual for the body, so it’s difficult. The most difficult thing is to overpower yourself and move out once from start to finish, never falling.

- How long have you been riding?
- I'm skating for the third season, but I'm cunning. With my signature schedule called “months without days off”, sometimes it just happens that there is no opportunity to ride. If during the winter in the Moscow region I manage to get out at least ten times, I think that this is a good season. Last year, for the first time in my life, I learned what mountains are. I flew with friends to Sheregesh. This year, for the first time in my life, I learned what Krasnaya Polyana is. This is my first serious experience in the mountains, and, of course, after a tiny track in the suburbs, the mountains are just space.

- Are there any idols among pro-riders?
- I think Travis Rice is the coolest snowboarder. A person perceives an extreme sport as a philosophy, as the meaning of life. For me, any business that you do, to which you give yourself completely, should fill you so much that you will not perceive it as a fan, it is much more. People who do snowboarding because they see it as the meaning of life is very cool. I watched the movie Phase Four with Travis and a whole new world opened up for me. Before that, I was snowboarding just because I liked it, and after this film I left the hall as a different person and realized that snowboarding for me is something else.

"The snowboarder's way is a bit special"

- What are your impressions of Quiksilver New Star Camp?
- Very cool organization. A huge plus of this festival is that here you are completely disconnected from the outside world, from Moscow, to which you will have to return and worries and affairs will flood over you there. Everything here is beautifully done, as if you find yourself in a special world where skiers and snowboarders come, hang out, ride and have fun.

- Where have you been?
- I traveled almost all the tracks, watched in the park how the pro riders perform all their tricks on the big air. Every time I look at a person who does 6, 8 or even 3 rotations, and I think: he may not land now. It's so tough, it's space for me, crazy guys

- What about your plans for the future? What role would you like to play in a movie?
- Since I would not need an understudy for swimming, I would love to play one of the famous Soviet or Russian swimmers.

As for the snowboarder, I don’t know how relevant this is for us, maybe something about Vic Wild. I would really love to play a figure skater, especially after the Ice Age, in which I participated in the fall. Alexei Yagudin would play one of the Soviet greenhouses. Figure skating is absolutely our sport.

STS viewers will meet New Year's Eve in the company of popular artists. According to the plot of the colorful show "New Year, children and everything!", the famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev undertakes to organize the holiday in a new way. In the ski resort "Igora", which will be aired on STS on December 31 at 20:00. It was attended by: the actors of the series "Youth" (Nikiforov, Sokolovsky, Kanopka), as well as Zara, Estraradada, Victoria Daineko. Correspondents of Piterzavtra visited the shooting of the New Year's holiday and talked with Yulianna Karaulova.

Piterzavtra: Tell us about your creative plans for 2018.

The plans are grandiose. Until I talk about the main ones, which really, really excite me, so as not to frighten me away. And so, there are many interesting projects ahead and, in general, there is a desire to change your whole life upside down.

Piterzavtra: Maybe you can hint: cinema, theater?

No, no, no, you can’t talk about such things until they are fulfilled.

Piterzavtra: In general, if you sum up, what are your impressions of 2017?

The most beautiful. It was an amazing, bright, pleasant year. I experienced a huge amount of positive emotions, met amazing people, and I flew a lot like never before. It seems to me that at the end of December I will be able to map my flight routes for 2017, because I have crossed almost the entire globe.

Piterzavtra: Where did you like the most?

Probably... Vienna. Given that all my travels ended in Vienna in December. I just flew in from there. This is the most Christmas city of all that is on the planet! Everything there is imbued with a holiday: every street, every person, every corner. That is why the most powerful impressions I have from Vienna. Although in Sochi at the Rosa Khutor ski resort in April at the Quiksilver New Star Camp it was incredibly cool. Probably, these are the two most powerful trips in terms of emotions.

Piterzavtra: That is, Russia is not inferior?

Russia will always be ahead!

Piterzavtra: Do you make wishes for the New Year? Come true?

Yes, I'm guessing. Yes, they come true. Not always, but they do.

Piterzavtra: In what ways? Is there a special ritual?

No, there is no ritual. You just need to really, really want it, and the wish will come true. That is, if it should happen in your life, then it will definitely happen.

Piterzavtra: How do you generally feel about the New Year? Do you love this holiday?

My favorite holiday! New Year and Christmas is the best time for me: by the atmosphere, by the warmth, by the joy, by the positive that comes from people. It is always a pity in January when it ends, because February is difficult. But my birthday is in February, so this month is also very positive for me.

Piterzavtra: How do you usually manage?

Always different. This very much depends on the circumstances. I celebrated my last New Year with my family in 2011, and this year I will be here in St. Petersburg. Prior to this, 6 years did not work.

Piterzavtra: What are your plans for the upcoming winter holidays?

I will come to St. Petersburg for a week, probably, and then shoot in Istanbul.

Piterzavtra: Many people make a promise to themselves on the eve of the New Year. For example, in 2018 I promise myself that I will learn English. What promise do you want to make to yourself?

A promise to change my life.

Interviewers: Elizaveta Shiryaeva, Ekaterina Tregub

In March, the continuation of the Molodezhka series will start on STS, in which the actor plays the main role. But few people know that after his film debut, Alexander had to become a waiter and learn to live within his means.

- For the fourth year you appear on the screen as Yegor Schukin, forward of the Bears hockey team. How did you get into the series?

Photo by the press service of the TNT channel

- After the start of the series, life changed for the better, did you get money, connections, attention?

It is in the American TV series that the actors who starred in the first season of Game of Thrones are already multimillionaires in the second, in Russia everything is much more modest. I think that pampering young actors is not entirely correct. Everything is developing slowly for me, the cap does not blow - and thank God. On the one hand, nothing has changed, I remained the same person and I remember how I lived on the same pasta. On the other hand, I doubt that before this series I would have sat next to the governors and they would have invited me to visit again.

What's the story about pasta? Lucky in the profession is not always?

I started acting in episodes from the first year of GITIS, then I got into the film “Everyone will die, but I will stay” by Valeria Gai Germanika. I came to the site and was discouraged by what was happening, because I imagined the cinema a little differently, while Germanicus had it as a creative chaos. It all depends on her mood. Let's say if she needs it to rain in this scene, everyone will sit and wait for the rain, or she wants the actor to play this way and not otherwise, and there will be 450 takes until it gets right. I played a friend of the main character in the film, there are three medium shots and even one line. At the cinema, it was something like this: “Mom, mom, there I am!” What real cinema is, I understood in 2009, when, having received a diploma, I was approved for the role of Savva, one of the main ones, in Nikolai Dostal's film "Split". It was like a sign of fate that I was on the right path. But the shooting of “The Split” is coming to an end, in August 2010, for a whole year I worked in the coolest project that was then made for television, I come home and understand that there were no castings and samples, I was not approved anywhere. What's next? A month has passed, I do nothing, the money has run out. And I am proud, independent, at the age of 19 I told my parents that now I will live alone, provide for myself. And now I’m 20 years old, they don’t invite me anywhere, I understand that I need to work, but my ego doesn’t allow it! Two months later, I realized that soon I would really have nothing to eat, and got a job as a waiter at Pulkovo Airport in my native St. Petersburg.

- This turn of events is a serious blow to pride. How was it experienced?

For the first month and a half, the ego simply choked. But here you need to be able to treat everything correctly and even look for pluses in such things. Which? I always liked to communicate with people, four languages ​​were taught in my lyceum, I am fluent in English, and if I practice, I remember Spanish, French and German. Working at the airport, I spoke with each client in his language. At some point, I began to learn phrases in Greek, Japanese. I liked to switch like that, it was kind of my mini-performance. Plus, I've become stress resistant. When you have 40 tables occupied at the same time, which you need to immediately serve and calculate, because people have flights, everyone is in a hurry, shouting, you gradually simply stop delving into problems.

Photo: Instagram by Alexander Sokolovsky

- But you, despite the failure, did not lose faith in your chosen profession and again decided to storm the cinema?

I always knew it was temporary. My second visit to the capital happened after four months of work at the airport, in February 2011. I packed two suitcases, got on the train, and now I get off at the Leningradsky railway station and think: “Well, why are you stuck here?” Thank you very much to my friends who sheltered me for the first month. Then I rented a dead room, one producer took me on several projects, where I worked as an administrator, second director, location manager and even a line producer. And so it went from February to August. These were those six months when I tried to live in Moscow on 30 thousand rubles a month. All the things that I didn’t know in my student days, for example, these instant pasta in boxes, appeared after my role in Split. Values ​​have been corrected in the right direction, for which I thank you this year, I realized that you can live in any circumstances. Well, then in August 2011 I was approved for the role of Petka in the project “Passion for Chapay”, invited to the series “Lavrova Method”, then there was “Unreal Story”, and only after that “Molodezhka” was formed.

- And how did you get to Moscow in general? St. Petersburg also has theater institutes, and films are made there. Why didn't they start building a career in their city?

Everyone said that I would definitely do in St. Petersburg, while Moscow was some kind of enemy field, where it was scary to meddle, but I was always attracted to danger. And then my parents were offered a job in the capital. So everything worked out and we moved in together. I entered five theater institutes at once, went through all the tours in three and flew to the competition, I was enrolled in GITIS. The only university that did not accept me and did not even let me get close was the Shchepkinsky Theater School. There they were demolished at the audition up to the point that with the words: “You, dude, are unsuitable, get out of here.” Then for two more years I tried to transfer there for the sake of some of my ambitions, but it didn’t work out.

– Almost all students aspire to the stage after graduation. In your life, the Moscow Provincial Theater appeared later than cinema.

I ran from the stage from the graduation from GITIS, I think that I just felt that my theater would find me. And it happened. The first season of "Molodezhka" was released, and in the middle of filming the second season, a sudden call from Gubernsky was invited to a meeting with Bezrukov. Sergei Vitalyevich and I talked, he said that he was going to stage the play "Mowgli", a young plastic actor was needed. And I agreed, especially since I always had three dream roles - Mowgli, Peter Pan and Jim from Treasure Island.

- It is clear that hardly anyone will refuse such an invitation. But when you don't live in theater... Do you have any doubts that it won't work out?

I'm at home in the cinema, but I'm still afraid of the stage. Before we started staging Mowgli, Sergei Vitalievich said: “Listen, we are now releasing an experimental production of Spring based on the stories of Mikhail Zadornov on the Small Stage, do you want to try it?” I say: “Well, I don’t know ...” He replies: “Come on, come on, everything will work out for you.” And I came to rehearsals. There was a month left before the release of the play. Director Yevgeny Gomonoy gives me a play. I read it and asked: “Zhen, I don’t understand, here are 90 percent of the author’s text and only 10 percent are dialogues. How to play it? And he answered: “So you are the author! This is actually a one-man show, you are telling the story on behalf of the narrator.” And then, looking at all these pages, and there were a lot of them, my knees began to shake. Considering that we were filming Molodezhka in parallel, there was no time at all. Before the premiere, I slept on stage for four days, we finished the rehearsal at two in the morning, the next one started at 9 in the morning, there was no point in going home. The performance was released, everyone liked it, Zadornov was delighted. And Mowgli went much easier for me.

- Last year you won the Ice Age, most likely, there were even more fans. Now, being a recognizable person, is it easier or more difficult for you to meet girls?

I realized that it is not necessary to announce personal life on social networks, because the attention from strangers is increasing. Almost all breakups with girls happened because of my profession. Not everyone can cope with such pressure, jealousy. Probably, in my case, a creative union would be a better solution than a relationship with a person who is not from show business.

- Once you said that actors make bad fathers. Why did you suddenly have such an opinion?

Parents are those people in the life of a child who should devote as much time as possible to his upbringing. I came to my mom and dad early, they were both 19 years old. Soon dad was taken into the army; when he returned, I was already two years old. They should erect a monument for the fact that they survived the terrible 90s, unemployment and managed to raise a child. My parents worked hard, but they always came home. Now let's look at my chart. With the exception of rare visits, I was not in Moscow between last September and February, because one project was filmed in another country plus tours. An actor is like a sailor who returns home for two days, and then goes on a voyage for several months.

- You have a living example before your eyes - artistic director Bezrukov. Last year, his daughter was born, he acts in films, directs the theater, and plays himself. So, you can be both a sailor and a father.

Until the moment when I met Sergey Vitalievich, it seemed to me that I work a lot, and now I sometimes get the impression that there are two Sergey Vitalievich, because he has time everywhere. In Harry Potter, Hermione had a time-turner (a magical item that allows you to return to the past. - Approx. "Antennas"), it seems to me that people like Bezrukov own it.

- To listen to you, it turns out that there are no options but to abandon the family.

In no case! Family and art are the main things in our life, everything else is secondary. I was ready for a family seven years ago, I think. But I am extremely careful, I don’t want to make a mistake and stumble, therefore, as soon as I understand that the very woman with whom I want to live my whole life is next to me, I will immediately propose to her. Be guided by primary feelings, and then, after a few years, understand that this is not your person ... I would not want such a situation. That's why I'm not married yet.

– The older we get, the higher we raise the bar for ourselves in everything. Some seek to buy a cooler car, others - an apartment, a summer house. Are your needs growing in this regard?

I bought my first car, a Toyota Corolla, in 2012, it was a super event, I considered myself a cool dude. Now I drive my fourth car in a row, and this is already part of life, like a mobile phone, not wow. Although my dream came true, I always wanted a BMW X5 and made myself such a birthday present. I am not a supporter of spending my entire salary on expensive brands or cars, and then eating buckwheat all year round. I think you should buy within your means. The apartment for me is still a more difficult issue. I have been renting for many years, and the one in which I would like to live costs space money, they are very far from me, and I am not ready for a mortgage yet.

- Recently you were on vacation in Thailand, sharing photos on social networks surrounded by a large company. Before a secluded vacation on the islands, away from everyone, until they are ripe?

Calmness, silence and loneliness are not mine. Such a holiday is depressing, I love it when it is noisy, loud, fun and a lot. Plus, I love extreme sports.

- For instance?

I like speed, auto racing, skydiving, I like kayaking, rowing, wakeboarding and, of course, winter snowboarding. I have been doing acrobatics since childhood and I can’t live without dancing. I run, go to the gym, swim, sometimes I play basketball, football, and hockey.

“Half of these activities are quite dangerous. Why such a desire for risk?

All the time I think, why do all normal people just walk along the cliff of a waterfall, but I want to jump into it? Here in Thailand we saw a beautiful waterfall in the distance. There was a difficult road to it through stones, a mountain river, but I really wanted to go up there just to stand under it. And I got up. Friends looked at me like I was an idiot. I think that this is some kind of desire to constantly prove to yourself that you can, it keeps you in good shape, allows you to feel that you are living. The instinct of self-preservation has not yet awakened in me, probably it will work when the child appears.