How to learn to understand the runes. Runes training: from beginner to pro, useful properties. Why acquaintance with runic magic must begin with fortune-telling

Quite often, letters come to my personal messages with a request to tell me where and from whom I can learn rune magic. The question arises so often that it is easier to describe the entire education and training system right in the blog.

So. I'll start by repeating the hackneyed truth for the hundredth time:. This is a rather serious technique that requires preliminary preparation, development of perception, strengthening and transformation of the student's energy. It's like a huge barbell weighing a hundred pounds. What will happen to a green rookie who has just come to the gym if he tries to lift a similar weight on the very first workout? - The answer is obvious: in the best case, the person simply will not succeed, in the worst case, he will be crippled or he will overstrain. You have to go through a lot of hard training with lighter shells before talking about the coveted one hundred kilo barbell at all makes sense. It's the same with the runes. Before embarking on runic attunements, you should gain experience in mastering simpler and softer energies, strengthen your energy with their help and develop your energy "muscles". Then the subsequent training will take place easy and smooth, there will be no difficulties or unpleasant sensations, and the practical results will surpass the most daring expectations. What happens if you try to teach a person without preparation? - There are two options: either he will not succeed in absolutely ANYTHING (there is simply not enough energy "muscles" to conduct and direct the energies of the runic circle somewhere), or the energy of an unprepared person may not stand it and fail during the attunement process or after. This is fraught with a host of various health problems and in other areas of life.

What is a good preparation before mastering rune magic, and what is not? Schools I know recommend starting with a technique called cosmoenergy (CEN). By its origin, it is quite far from the northern magical tradition and this causes bewilderment among many who want to touch the runes: why, they say, the teacher imposes on me some kind of healing channels and encourages me to practice with them when I want to magic, in the tradition of the North. Although the reason "why" here is clear and obvious to everyone, except for a beginner, striving for his cherished barbell weighing one hundred kilos. Initiation into cosmoenergetics and intensive practice with channels is a simple and quick way development and strengthening of energy, accessible to any person. Successful experience of practice with the KEN channels is almost a guarantee that there will be no problems with mastering the runes in the future, or, at least, a person will be able to normally perceive initiations and start working. We can say that the KEN channels are those very small weights, lifting and working with which prepare a person's energy for working with more heavy shells (rune magic).

But the various experiences of attending runic webinars, meditation on rune icons, attempts to independently prepare, alas, are not. Also, your experience in bioenergetics, various manipulations with your own energy and stories about how cool you feel all the energies of the runic circle (which you simply do not have before initiation) cannot be considered sufficient preparation. For, again, I repeat, the purpose of the preparation is to develop and strengthen the energy body, build up "muscles", and not at all clog the head and develop the imagination of the future practitioner.

Yes, it may seem unfair, hurtful and wrong, but this is life. Teaching runes does not begin at all with hammering the brain into studying information, not with independent experiments, but with mastering a completely different technique. And this technique, like the runes, is not mastered in two days. Usually, in order to receive initiations into the first, "Buddhist" block of KEN, it takes a couple of weeks, and this requires going to the master and meeting with him personally. And then still work out, practice for a while with the received energies ... And this is actually the simplest, fastest and safest way to master the magic of the runes in some future.

Are there any exceptions to the general rule? There are, of course, where without them. Sometimes preparation begins not with cosmoenergy, but with some other external energy, technology, for example, and the CEN channels follow. Sometimes mentors decide that a person should wait with runic attunements, and instead master something else. But not a single serious teacher will admit to the runes an unprepared person who has not had experience of working with other energies and has not put his energy in order. Unless, of course, he has REAL energy of the runes, and not some kind of filkin letter.

And - no, you can't online. This is impossible in principle, no matter how you are assured of this by those who make money online manipulations. They will confidently promise it, but we are not children, are we? Not from the book either. Why-why ... Because why the water is wet. The authors and publishers of such books also often promise almost self-initiation into the runes as they read. Or, at worst, gaining strength through meditation / exercises, described in the book. You can understand them - otherwise no one will read it, the circulation will not be cranked. But understanding this and believing in this are completely different things.

Dear power seekers of the Northern Tradition. Throw away illusions, advertising promises, and fairy tales. Real runes are serious. It won't be fast. It won't be free. It won't be without physical contact with the Rune Master. If you are not ready to make efforts, endure inconvenience, go somewhere, complete tasks and incur significant expenses - leave the idea with runes. Master Reiki - in your city they probably teach this, and it is quite possible to get it online. And leave the runes stubborn and selfless. Only such people have a chance to learn this someday.

Yes, I can tell you. But only to those for whom it is really important, who wants, can and will act, and not just share their dreams of runes and faint at the first obstacle on the way. Decide for yourself whether to ask.

Runes are a serious tool that requires understanding, respect and reverence. Runes are history and tradition. In this section, we will analyze what is how and where, so that everything works out and we get nothing for it.

You can apply runes:

a) On yourself
b) To another person
c) In the photo
d) For water, food, soap, cream, etc.
e) On a blank sheet of paper or other material.

Condition: The material must be such, from where you can wipe or destroy the runes.
It is not recommended to apply runes in the form of a tattoo or hollow out on a multi-ton stone slab.

There are several rules for applying to yourself:

1) If we influence ourselves(looking for money, work, losing weight, getting treatment, etc.) - then the runes are applied
to the left side of the body or in your photo.

2) If we influence others from ourselves(we direct a haze, a love spell, an addiction, etc.) -
to the right side of the body. Or you can see his photo. No photo - draw schematically (stick-stick cucumber, that's it - a man), write his name, visualize as much as possible the one for whom you are working and apply runes.

The exact location does not matter. Where can you reach (no fanaticism)

3) Medicinal formulas can be applied to food or water.
They are cut out on food. And on the water they are drawn with something - a toothpick, a knife, etc.

4) It is possible to apply runes to the foam in the bath, soap, cream, comb, etc.

It is important to remember!


Remember: The main thing is that the runes are on the carrier.
You can write with a pen, pencil, pastels, paints, scratch with a carnation, cross-stitch, etc.
IN extreme situations you can draw with your finger on the misted glass, or draw on the water with a stick ...
If we are treated with runes, then on a sore spot or it can be applied to the wrist with saliva.
The main thing is that the runes are in the right place, you knew about them and specified them correctly.

Regarding the color - I do not make divisions by color and I write all the runes in one color - black, but I can also blue - it depends on which pen is closer (just kidding).
Runes - powerful magic tool... They themselves contain strength, tremendous strength. And this power does not have any color, it is not black or white, it is not gray or crimson. Strength is strength. Strength is the current in the socket, the current is completely indifferent to where it flows and what to set in motion - an electric chair or a kettle.

Therefore, the runes themselves do not belong to either white or black magic. Runes are runes, but the operator (a person weaving a formula or ligature) can give them the color he wants.

Runes can attract wealth, or you can take away luck, you can heal, or you can send death.

Runes are also letters of the alphabet, there are not many of them, only 24 in Futhark. And from the letters you can add the most different words: love and hate, life and death, dawn and midnight, laughter and blood, joy and sacrifice.

There is nothing bad in the runes, everything bad, like the good, is concentrated in us, in the people who were given the tool - the Runes.

The question is whether or not to burn the written runes.

If you applied the runes on yourself, and not only on yourself, the intention needs to stipulate the duration of the runes, i.e. to say "the runes begin to work from the moment of application / tomorrow morning / when Petya appears within sight / something of his own" - this is called to activate.

And designate the condition under which the runes finish their work "the runes stop working when ... they are washed off the body / the intention is fulfilled in full / in 3 days at such and such a time / its own ..."

Runes can act in different ways, we are all different and the runes fall on us in different ways. Therefore, I always emphasize once again - you should always have the opportunity to "turn off" the formula!

Upon reaching the result indicated in the intention - the formula must be washed off, if it was applied to a photo / paper / wood - burn, on metal / leather / non-combustible substance - break / cut and throw into running water or bury. All this is done with words of gratitude and respect for the runes, we thank them for their work, for the result obtained and let them go.
Polite, correct, respectful and most importantly - sincere. Then they will be happy to help.

Runes purge

When applying any global formulas, for example, on "meeting your destiny", "finding new job", etc. and when you feel that you have a lot of negativity, that there is someone who actively wishes you badly, that health problems do not go away, no matter how much they are treated, that you seem to be walking in circles or knocking only on closed doors - it is necessary to throw off the accumulated negative from yourself and your life. And this is done by cleaning. Cleaning can be runic, and can be in other ways.
If after cleaning your feelings have not improved, you have not felt better, you have not seen new opportunities, or just everything remains as it was before cleaning - here you need not just cleaning, but diagnostics.

How to measure formulas? (clauses)

The clause is 80% of the successful work of the runes. The clause is drawn up according to the standard scheme and pronounced in an undertone.

Intend very carefully! Runes - they are straight, they do not understand or do not want to understand our sentiments and delicacies, here read, here not read, but here they wrap the fish. The runes are given what they do.

Every time you work with runes, this is a comprehensive assessment of the situation and its study to the details! Then the runes will respect you and willingly help you.

The elm / formula is the energy matrix, and the intention is the matrix's program of action. Therefore, when cleaning, you should not use general or generalizing words and expressions, such as "clean out all the bad", "rid me of all the negativity", etc.

With such an intention, you can easily get, for example, to a hospital, or be fired from work and there is nothing to take offense at the runes, they just fulfilled the ordered! They said to remove all the bad things - and at this time you had a slight inflammation of appendicitis, which, perhaps, would have passed by itself, but the runes fulfill the order: an inflamed appendicitis is bad, so you need to remove it - you are in the hospital on the operating table. We wanted it well, but it turned out - as always.

Or another intention - "to remove everything that prevents me from finding my purpose / path in life" - and that's it ... Go to Africa to save the world from AIDS ... or maybe you have just such a mission ??? Therefore, be careful with cleansing and especially with runes.

How to correctly measure the runes?

“With this runic formula, I cleanse and remove from myself all the negative received both from one person and from a group of people, both familiar and unfamiliar, both from entities, beings and programs of an energy-informational structure known to me and unknown. Everything that has a negative connotation or carries a negative program leaves me without harming my health, my destiny, my loved ones and my family, everything that brings positive changes in my life. Let it be so!"

Scheme of work:

1. have decided on the desired result and the specific object of influence of the runes.
2. picked up a runic formula or wrote it yourself.
3. wrote an intention to the formula or found the right intention.
4. put the runes on themselves / a piece of paper / photo / ...
5. after application, they spoke the intention and named the formula according to the runes (the runes love and value respect).
6. activated the formula, specifying when and how the formula will end. Clarifications - you can add that the runes work without harm to mental and physical health, or lifestyle, or specify the exact terms of work, in a word, any wishes.
7. If the formula is applied for a long time, then do not forget to remember the formula about once every 2 weeks, tracing it with your finger and repeating your intentions.
8. after receiving what you want - destroy the runes (burn a photo / piece of paper) or wash it off the body, with gratitude and respect.


1. Is it necessary to carry out a ritual for applying runic formula?

No, not required. Any ritual actions are intended primarily for the concentration of consciousness and the formation of the vector of application of the practitioner's will.

2. Is it obligatory to turn to the Gods to apply the runic formula?

No, not required. The gods should not be bothered over trifles, and the Runes themselves are a powerful enough egregor, capable of ensuring the effectiveness of work.

3. Is there a concept of ransom in runic magic and how is it done?

No, in runic magic there is no concept of ransom. However, when seeking help from the Gods of the Northern Tradition, it is customary for them to bring gifts or offerings (the qualitative composition of the offerings may vary depending on the chosen Deity and the conditions of the operator's action). In other cases, there can be no "fees", "repayments" and "salaries".

4. Where should the runic formula be applied - on oneself, on a photo or to make an amulet?

It all depends on the subject, object and mechanism of action of the formula:
- on the human body it makes sense to apply those formulas that will act only on himself - formulas for health, attractiveness, etc., where he is both a subject and an object of influence.

- on the photo of another person, it makes sense to apply formulas that will, accordingly, act only on him, and where the mechanism of action is closed on the “object”.

- “broad plan” formulas, in which the work of the formula is closed to the operator (subject of influence), but addressed to an unlimited range of potential subjects, or if these subjects can change, it is better to use it with the creation of “objects of power” (for example, amulets).
Some formulas can be used in several ways, but with a corresponding adjustment of intent.

5. How to apply formulas to household items, jewelry, etc.? How to apply formulas to yourself?

The formula is applied in the same way as on any other medium - just like a regular text is written. If the wearer has an outer and an inner side, and there is a need to apply a formula on the inner side, you should do the same - considering the inner side of the object as a "working plane". They will not act like inverted runes. by design are applied straight.

When applying the formula "on yourself" write the runes as if they were written on your body by another person.

6. Is it possible to use a sheet of paper with a surname or initials instead of a photo?

Can. Any symbolic attachment to a person is suitable - provided that the operator is sufficiently concentrated.

7. Is it possible to use visu to the runic formula instead of describing the action of each rune included in the formula?

It is possible - the working vis should reflect the mechanism of action of the formula, incl. and the runes included in it. Visa can also be dispensed with - a simple statement of intention (a stipulation). However, this formulation must be clear and potentially realizable with the help of the runes involved.

8. What visas can be used for runic formulas?

Any hang is good (from the point of view of runic magic, not versification) if it correctly formulates the operator's intention and clearly sets the task for the working runes. In other words, the wording could be something like this:

- an appeal to the Runes, i.e. vis of an invocatory character ("Runes, serve me and do this and that with the enemy");

- appeal to the object of influence, i.e. a hang of an enchanting nature ("From now on you will be so and so and this and that will happen to you, you will do this and that");

- substitution of the object of influence, i.e. visa of a hypnotic nature (visa reflects, and you sound the state of the object, which will be achieved as a result of the action of the formula.

These options are alternative, it is not logical to combine all three types in one hang.
The same applies to the usual formulation of intention, which should be carried out taking into account the chosen mechanism of action of the formula and its carrier.

9. When applying the formula to oneself or to the subject of power, if the formula will be on the hand - which hand is better to choose?

Left hand is responsible for the past and turns the impact on itself, is the "receiving".
Right hand is responsible for the future and directs the impact to the outside world, is "broadcasting".

10. What photographs are suitable for drawing formulas - where the subject of influence is depicted itself or joint photographs?

It depends on the chosen formula and the task at hand. If the impact is "point" - it is better to take an individual photo.

11. What color to apply the runic formula?

The color of the formula, like the actual coloring element, is not fundamental for the work of Runes. If for you personally the intended action (for example, getting money using the runic formula) is associated with some color (for example, green - the color of the dollar), you can apply it.

To apply runes horizontally or vertically is also not essential.


Runes work in a cycle, that is, they reach a maximum in positive impact and how the pendulum flies back. Your task is to destroy the formula immediately after the result.

P.S. Next time I'll give some examples of rune clauses. Good luck to all in your work!

Hello my dear! More and more often I hear from you questions about how to properly learn work with runes…..

Therefore, I will try to explain to you here: on this blog, so as not to write practically the same thing to each separately…. I will not paint what are runes where they came from and what they look like. A fairly large amount of information has been written about this: you can search in the printed version, or you can take a walk on the Internet.

I wrote about this here more than once, flip through the pages, read the comments…. I am sure that you will find a lot of useful and interesting information for yourself….

But it's best to start learning with Scandinavian folklore, Elder and Younger Edda, and then start looking for the most authoritative materials for you.

Here I will write about my practical experience and the experience I gained in the process of working with runes.

I want to warn you right away that Runic magic difficult task. You will understand this as soon as you dive into this topic.

It will become clear to you that it is best to devote your whole life to her, and only then you, perhaps, will become a good magician.

Runes today are still a secret, despite the fact that you can read about them and their meaning in different sources in sufficient detail, and in different versions for every taste.

The web is full of materials.

No secret methods are hidden from you.

Everything is openly available - take it and use it. If one said nothing, then the other certainly told about it. You can check….

There is everything: translations of Icelandic texts, and detailed rituals, and ready-made runescripts, which have been repeatedly tested in practice and have already given good results.

Only for some reason even good and proven recipes do not work for everyone.

I have heard stories like this many times “I used the rune to remove a certain obstacle at work, but it turned out that I myself was left without work and the gap was not visible. I tried formulas for finding a job, but there is no result. That is, everything turned out exactly the opposite. " This case is from real practice.

Why is this happening?

Because it is impossible, after reading something about runes, to make a good working amulet. You can not recklessly use ready-made runic formulas.

Runes need to be dealt with. For a long time. Carefully. Sincerely.

With curiosity and inspiration. Do not expect instant feedback from the Runes. Everything is like in life, right?

Runes demand from you unconditional knowledge and feeling. As well as Practical experience and Long Work.

These seemingly simple things have to be repeated over and over again.

What do you need in order to start using runes for magical purposes?

We will not be studying Runes here. Study of runes, runology this is a big separate topic.

Often, the study of runes and the practical application of runic magic means doing completely different things.

However, this is not always the case.

To become a practitioner you need to know the material well, and in order to know the material you need practice, but this is not the same thing ...

So, to summarize all of the above:

  1. First, you need to learn the runes. Find out what they look like and their main meanings. You can find this information here: on this blog, under the heading Magic Runes /.
  2. Decide on the rune system. There are several of them, here we will talk about Elder Futhark more details here:
  3. The next step will require Meditation on the runes. In this case, you need not just meditate on the runes, but you need to write down your feelings in detail. And do it more than once.

You will find meditations on this blog “ Runes of Magic"In the section" Meditations on Runes "

  1. Try to take the first practical steps.

First you need to understand how the runes "activate", "revive". There are many ways, but you have to choose the one to which the soul lies the most. This can only be understood in practice. Someone will write on paper, others will find it easier to apply a rune to the body, and someone will need a complex ritual….

  1. And the most important thing, without which you will not have a practical result, is to keep a diary - TO RECORD ALL YOUR OBSERVATIONS !!!

Make reports. Observe what works and what doesn't.

  1. You need to start simple. Do not grab onto difficult tasks at once. And gradually, each time, complicate tasks for yourself.
  2. Learn practical experience from other practicing magicians, watch how they work. Try to figure out why this is the case, and not otherwise. It is common for any person to make mistakes, therefore, before using someone's experience, you should check in practice how it works.

It is always worth trying to come up with your own ways to solve the problem.

I want to warn you right away that the runes will not work for everyone, but only for those who seriously studied the runes, and gave the Runes a sufficient amount of their time and effort.

That is, I did not just read the available materials, but I meditated on the runes, tuned in to them, passed their energy through myself, felt them at a deep level, learned to understand them and cooperate with them ...

For those who are ready to learn new things, who are ready to work hard, give their energy and time, take responsibility for their actions, the runes will reciprocate and will work with them.

You will find the addresses of all materials on this Blog on the Sitemap page

Nowadays, most people know what runes are, but ten to fifteen years ago there was very little knowledge about them in the public domain. Now there is a lot of information, but how many useful information there is - not all beginners can appreciate it. Runes are an Old Norse alphabet that has been used for magical purposes since ancient times. Runes are widely used by esotericists, someone adheres to the tradition, and someone else creates new bizarre forms of runic practices, so it is difficult for a beginner to understand this.

Practitioners who first encounter runes and the Northern Tradition are concerned with the same question: how and where to start? From the acquisition or manufacture of a set of runes for fortune-telling, mastering this very fortune-telling, acquaintance with ancient texts and Scandinavian mythology? It would be correct to do it at the same time. If the practitioner has no experience in fortune-telling, then you will have to learn this as well. Of course, you need to remember the names of the Elder Futhark runes and their meanings. Then you can get acquainted with the Scandinavian mythology, in the retelling of modern authors, and only then study the key texts of the Northern Tradition: first of all, these are the Elder and Younger Edda, runic poems.

It is advisable to remember all the Scandinavian gods: the legends about them, mentions in ancient texts, which of them is friends or enmity with whom, what signs each deity has or what may indirectly indicate him. The study of the runes must certainly include immersion in the mythology of the northern peoples. It will be great to make your first do-it-yourself rune set with some effort and creativity.

Ethics in working with runes

The society of ancient Scandinavia adhered to a radically different morality than the Christian one inherent in our society. Let us recall at least the Vikings and human sacrifices to the gods. Therefore, the ethics of a particular magical work is determined by its author. If he is able to do something with the help of magic (even a love spell or damage) and knows how to use the runes correctly, then he has every right to do so.

How rune amulets and runes work

Symbols or formulas depicted on the media are powerful in themselves. It is enough to activate them for them to work. Activation is done by four elements, breath and blood. Traditionally, runes were carved on wood or stone, sometimes dyed (with human or animal blood, as well as ocher, the composition of which is closest to blood). Many practitioners draw runes simply on paper, explaining that it is made of wood, which means that it is a quite suitable medium. Indeed, this is so, but it is worth remembering that the runes were "cut", a knife was traditionally used in the process.

How rune bundles are built

The clear rules by which galdrastavs or formulas are drawn up are not reliably known, although they most likely existed. If you look at how authentic old galdrastavas look like, you can see that the runes are connected through common parts, one may be the main one and larger than the others in size, and the rest, as it were, are secondary, are of equal size. There are formulas simply written in a row - runetains.

There are many works of authorship on the network with runes repeating many times and a complex pattern that resembles patterns for crocheting napkins. This is superfluous: you do not need to repeat the rune many times to put enough of its power into the work. If the operator does not know how to empower one symbol, several will not help him. The exception is the well-known formulas, for example, three fehu, four turisaz. In them, each sign has a different property and purpose. For example: "I cut the runes, tours and three more: lust, madness and anxiety."

Should I trust the runes

Not knowing how the runes work, how to use them in their magical work, of course, breeds distrust. However, without this, nothing will come of it. To understand how to work with runes, a beginner does not need detailed instructions, but immersion in Scandinavian mythology and tradition, reading the Elder and Younger Edda, runic poems. You need to feel the runes with your heart. They are often harsh in their responses, like a close and devoted, but a little harsh friend. It must be remembered that the runes came from time immemorial, proving their magical power and unconditional benefit for humans. So, rather, you need to put the question like this: can you trust yourself, as a practice, your knowledge and experience.

How to master the rune technique

In order to start using the runes for your own purposes, you need to immerse yourself in the Northern Tradition, establish contact with the gods, in order to become "yours" for the Scandinavian egregor. The better you do it, the stronger any magical work will be. The very technology of fortune telling and carving runes is simple, even a beginner can master it. It is important to establish a deep connection with the Nordic gods on a spiritual level, to understand how people lived in ancient Scandinavia, and to adhere to the same life principles. For example, be brave and resilient. It is also important not to be afraid of life's difficulties, but to be sincere in relations with people, to say directly what you think, to value friendship, and to be hospitable. To better understand how to achieve this, you can read, for example, "Speeches of the High."

Then you can develop the skills of fortune telling and carving runic staves... They are made for a variety of purposes. Ancient northern magicians used magic to heal and attract wealth, win love, protect against enemies, heal animals, and get a good harvest. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to spiritual goals, such as gaining wisdom and developing vision. The wise and discerning magician will take care of the earthly first.

How to use runes without harming yourself

There are several rules, observing which you can be sure that the study of northern magic will not end badly for a beginner practitioner. Many novice magicians think that runes are dangerous, they are not. Yes, their effect is really very strong. There is a high threshold for entering a tradition, a set of rules and a vector for working on oneself. In order not to harm yourself, you need to follow safety precautions. Then everything will be fine and the results will be achieved, but no one will suffer, including the practitioner.

  • "Runes should not be cut by someone who does not understand them", this is the most ancient and main rule. It is necessary to study in detail the runes themselves and the Northern Tradition before starting practical work.
  • Working with runes is always an appeal to the gods. For work you need to be grateful - to leave gifts. If this is not done, God or ace can choose his own payment for help, and one that the practitioner will not like.
  • Some practitioners believe that it is necessary to paint the carved runes and staves with their own blood, but this can only be done for “their own”, family members, loved ones and loved ones. But not for casual acquaintances, and not for clients.
  • You cannot work without preliminary diagnostics and alignment with the result of the work.
  • It is forbidden to "do good" to people with magic without asking.
  • You need to really track your capabilities and not take on everything.

Runes diagnostics for beginners

Fortune-telling on the runes was first mentioned by Tacitus. According to his testimony, the ancient magicians of the north threw wooden sticks with symbols carved on them (presumably runes) on the canvas, taking them out of the bag, and from the location of these sticks they made predictions about the future. Modern runologists do the same. You can get a special canvas for throwing runes on which to embroider, for example, Scandinavian motifs, as well as a beautiful bag for storing a rune set. You need to throw while standing, away from you, spreading the canvas in front of you on the floor. For one question, they take several runes, ideally 3 - 5. First, those that are closer are interpreted, and then those that are distant. You can't guess more than once for the same question if you don't like the answer. It is advisable not to ask many questions at once, 2 - 3 is enough.

If you do not have the necessary skills, knowledge and the ability to make a rune set yourself, you can buy runes for beginners, preferably from a master, and not in an esoteric store. In an extreme case, such are also suitable, but then you need to accustom them to their own energy for some time, and then dedicate them with the help of the four elements. Such a tool will be "live" and working.

A spearhead found in the vicinity of Brest, which scientists attributed to the 3rd century AD, is inlaid with solar signs and the inscription "Tilariths" - which means "Attacker". The inscription clearly denotes the name of this weapon.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Runes for beginners

Fortune telling methods on the runes

Each rune is assigned a specific meaning, which makes it possible to ask them questions and get answers to them. The runic alphabet consists of 24 characters, respectively, as many runes are used for fortune telling. A rune without a symbol is added to them, that is, an empty pebble or tablet. It also has its own meaning.

The simplest version of fortune telling is that a person takes a handful of runes from a bag and throws them onto the canvas. According to the runes that fell out with the front side, it is determined what awaits the fortuneteller in the future.

Another way is to utter a question and get one rune out of the bag, which will be the answer to it. At the same time, you need to close your eyes, and put the rune itself on your palm or on a cloth in front of you. The question must have an unambiguous answer. Therefore, form it as clearly as possible.

There are also more complex versions of fortune telling, in which a certain number of runes are used. At the same time, not only the meaning of each individual rune is interpreted, but also their totality, as well as the location that they occupied on the canvas relative to the fortuneteller.

How else can runes be used

Who said that runes for beginners are only suitable for fortune telling? With their help you can