The button to open a dispute aliexpress does not work. I can’t open a dispute on Aliexpress: reasons, what to do? How to open a dispute on Aliexpress

After another innovation on Aliexpress, many buyers have encountered a problem due to which they cannot open a dispute on the order even if the buyer protection period has almost expired.

When opening a dispute, the buyer sees a notification with the text: “According to our information, the seller sent your package, and it left the sender's country. Parcel tracking information will be provided by the shipping company in your area. Most parcels are delivered within the time specified by the seller. If you do not receive your parcel by [date], open a dispute and we will help you find a solution.”

The message contains the deadline date for delivery of the order. If the parcel with the goods does not arrive before this date, the buyer can open a dispute according to the standard procedure.

I can not open a dispute on AliExpress, the button is not pressed

It is likely that the Chinese online retailer Aliexpress introduced restrictions for buyers in order to reduce the huge percentage of open disputes due to the reason "Protection period is already running out, but the package is still on the way." Delayed delivery after customs clearance scares buyers and encourages them to open disputes.

A significant drawback of the innovation is that many sellers arbitrarily extend the buyer's protection period without the consent of the second party. Previously, such actions could be protested by opening a dispute, but now buyers are forced to wait for the expiration of the protection period, and only then open a dispute.

Way to bypass restrictions

Fortunately, buyers were still able to find a way to open a dispute despite the restrictions.

  1. Open the order dispute creation page.
  2. Terminate the internet connection so that the device cannot connect to the network.
  3. Fill in all available fields.
  4. Turn on the Internet and click on the "Submit" button

The problem of not being able to open a dispute should be completely resolved.


Many Internet users are familiar with this foreign Internet platform with inexpensive goods. A lower cost encourages a purchase, but sometimes sellers send the wrong product or it simply does not reach. Opening a dispute on Aliexpress will help you return all or part of the purchase amount.

When to open a dispute on Aliexpress

On Aliexpress, a dispute with the seller is a generally recognized format for sorting out relations if the supplier does not fulfill its obligations. This is direct communication, where there is an opportunity to express your dissatisfaction, provide evidence through a special form. Only you will participate in it, without third parties in the form of site administration. You should open a dispute on Aliexpress if:

  • the goods did not come to you, and less than 2-3 days until the end of the transaction;
  • The package arrived, but the content does not match the description on the site (wrong size, color).

If the item is not received

On the trading platform, when buying, as a rule, the delivery time of the goods to the buyer is indicated (often the movement is tracked by a tracker), it often takes about 40 days. This is due to the fact that the warehouses are located in China, and the order has to go a long way. It should be understood that parcels can be on the road almost until the very end of protection. It is not recommended to open a dispute ahead of time, this should be done if there is a day left.

The order for residents of Russia indicates delivery within 2 months, but due to the peculiarities of the Russian Post, you can request a full refund after 90 days. Sellers are familiar with the peculiarities of logistics and will not refund anything before this period. You can safely request an extension of time up to 3 months, only after 90 days have passed you can start a dispute.

After receiving the goods

Sometimes a situation happens when a purchase reaches you, but does not live up to your expectations. The Aliexpress administration ensures that all sellers fulfill their obligations in good faith, do not deceive buyers, so the description of the goods on the site must be true. You have a reasonable right to dispute a refund with the seller for the following reasons:

  • marriage, defect;
  • inconsistency with the description;
  • fake;
  • discrepancy between the size of the thing (shoes, clothes);
  • damage;
  • low quality;
  • quantity discrepancy (paid 5, but received 2).

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress

According to the rules of the service, you can open a dispute (dispute) after 6 days after sending. In fact, the parcel does not go so much to the CIS countries. The deadlines for filing were described above: if the time is running out, you need to start a dispute. Instructions on how to open a dispute on Aliexpress:

  1. log into your account;
  2. click on the “My Aliexpress” tab;
  3. open the “My Orders” page with orders.

Here are all the purchases you made on Aliexpress. The easiest way to open a dispute is from this window. There are several options for each item:

  • View Details - view order details, full information;
  • Confirm Order - confirm receipt;
  • Open Dispute - open a dispute.

Before you open a dispute on Aliexpress, make sure that there are enough grounds for this. Click the appropriate button next to the product. A standard form will open, in it you need to send:

  • the reason for the return;
  • type of reimbursement;
  • order details;
  • attach evidence.

It is not always clear to new users in which language to open a dispute on Aliexpress. The generally accepted version on the trading floor is English, and the dispute should be conducted in it. To make a claim, a basic knowledge of the language is enough, you can use an online translator. Some people do not open a dispute on Aliexpress for the reason that a couple of Russian characters slipped through the text (often the letter “s” or “o”) or the message exceeds the allowed number of characters.

What to write when opening a dispute on Aliexpress

The dialogue during the dispute is usually conducted in English, but sometimes the seller tries to write in Russian with the help of a translator. As a result, the sentences turn out to be awkward, sometimes they lose their meaning, so it’s better to use the generally accepted one. The form for filling out a dispute is simple - here are the main points that should be indicated:

  1. Opposite the line "Did you receive your goods?" (whether the goods were received) you need to set "Yes" (Yes) or "No" (No).
  2. In the line “Please tell us your solution”, you must evaluate the damage received. If the defect is minor or the discrepancy is only in color, then you can request a few dollars in compensation. When it is not possible to use the goods, the full amount should be demanded.
  3. The “Do you want to ship the goods back” option involves sending the goods back for replacement. Do not settle for it, because you will lose a lot of time. It's much easier to win a dispute and get your money back. In addition, you will pay for the return shipping.
  4. The “Please write your request detail” section provides an opportunity to write in more detail about the problem with the product, contact the seller (write everything in English).
  5. To attach evidence (photo, video) you need to use the “Please Upload Attachments” item.

What evidence do you need to provide

Each buyer who is looking for how to open a dispute on Aliexpress should understand that no one will believe you, you need to add evidence to the application. In this role, photos or video materials can act. Always during the opening of an order with Aliexpress:

  • turn on the video camera on your phone (if you don’t have a regular one);
  • remove the box, the goods from all sides;
  • inspect for defects, poor quality materials, damage.

If you open a dispute and do not support it with evidence, in 99% of cases you will be denied payment. It is allowed to open the parcel at the post office to check its condition. In case of damage, employees must draw up an act that would describe the state of the order at the time of receipt, but no one uses this method. Do not forget to show the delivery address and other data from the box on the video.

Terms of consideration of consumer claims

After a dispute was opened on Aliexpress, the seller was given 15 days to negotiate with you. A consensus must be reached that would suit both, otherwise the application will turn into a claim and go to the site for consideration. The administration will study it from 7 days to 2 months. The process turns out to be lengthy, so it is better to negotiate with the seller and not waste time.

Sometimes they are in no hurry to respond to the dispute, you can wait 5 days, and in the absence of messages from the supplier, you can aggravate the application and change it to a claim. If your dispute is open, and the product has arrived, you are completely satisfied with its quality, it is better to close the return request and confirm receipt. Otherwise, you will receive a penalty to your reputation as a buyer on the site.

How many times can I open a dispute on Aliexpress

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to know how to re-open a dispute on Aliexpress. Such an opportunity exists, you have the right to do this as many times as necessary, as long as the transaction is protected from the site. You can open a dispute even within 2 weeks after confirming receipt of the order. If you have accepted the terms of the seller on your claim, then there is no more opportunity to file a complaint again. You will receive what was specified in your agreement.

Please note that if you frequently open disputes with different sellers and win them, your account may be blocked, especially if you were the only one who filed such claims. Each profile has a "buyer rating" parameter. You may be subject to "bad karma" for frequent claims, and other sellers will avoid doing business with you. This is a kind of protection against "problematic" or dishonest customers.

Video: what does it mean to open a dispute on Aliexpress

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When a product ordered on Aliexpress arrives with a defect or does not arrive at all, the buyer can open a dispute with the seller. But if the seller does not want to satisfy the interests of the customer and admit that he is wrong, then the dispute can be aggravated - then the Aliexpress administration will join the solution to the problem. And here it is important to know when and where the button Exacerbate the dispute on Aliexpress appears and is located.

Each transaction on the Chinese Internet site is protected, the validity of which is from 60 to 90 days. A transaction dispute can be opened no earlier than 10 days after the merchant sends the order and no later than 15 days after the defense period has expired.

The protection on Aliexpress is built in such a way that the merchant does not receive money for the goods until the customer confirms receipt of it, or until the protection period expires. It is better to open a dispute on the Chinese platform when there are 3-5 days left before the end of the transaction. Although in this case the seller may insistently ask you to wait more and even increase the protection period by several days.

If there is no Open Dispute button on Aliexpress, this means that:

  1. the required amount of time has not yet passed from sending the parcel by the supplier;
  2. the buyer pressed the button to receive the goods;
  3. the specified time has passed, which is given to open a dispute after the expiration of the protection period for the transaction.

When the customer is not satisfied with the goods sent, then it's time to proceed to the procedure for opening a dispute using the button.

After the customer indicates the reasons for the dispute and attaches certain screenshots, it is possible that the Send dispute to Aliexpress button does not work. In this case, it is important to check whether everything is filled out correctly - perhaps the amount for the goods is indicated in rubles, not dollars, any Russian characters are entered, and you need to open a dispute using only English letters. After rechecking everything, you can find an error and follow the procedure for opening a dispute to the end.

After that, it remains to be hoped that the seller will meet halfway and make a decision on how to solve the problem faster. But it is often necessary to turn an open dispute into a claim, exacerbating the dispute. And here a snag may arise - there is no button to escalate the dispute on Aliexpress.

Steps to take before the Escalate Dispute button appears

After opening a dispute, you need to wait for the supplier's response. This takes 5 days. Aliexpress gives such a period to both parties of the transaction so that they can solve the problem on their own without involving the site's mediators. Therefore, during this period, the buyer does not have the opportunity to aggravate the dispute (there simply will not be such a button).

If the merchant does not respond to the customer's message and does nothing in case of an open dispute, then the paid funds will be returned to the customer automatically. If the supplier gives an answer (rejects the dispute or puts forward his own solution to the problem), then the customer has the opportunity to aggravate the dispute.

Before pressing the appropriate button, it is important to make sure that you have solid evidence to resolve the conflict in your favor. And it’s better to add important information to the dispute before aggravating the dispute, because it will no longer be possible to edit the aggravated dispute.

So, if you were wondering why there is no button to Escalate the dispute on Aliexpress, then you need to know that:

  1. it does not appear immediately, but after receiving a response from the merchant to your complaint;
  2. after pressing this button, it is no longer possible to make adjustments to the dispute.

Actions after the escalation of the dispute

When the dispute is aggravated, in your personal account you can see that the case is under consideration by the Aliexpress administration. The process may take a long time. By going to the Dispute Details tab, you can find out about all the actions that take place at the time of the dispute.

After turning the dispute into a claim, you should carefully monitor the events, and, if necessary, promptly provide evidence of your innocence to the Aliexpress administration.

Even with an aggravated dispute, the merchant can offer the buyer a solution to the problem. Therefore, the Accept or Reject buttons will be active. If the buyer accepts the conditions of the merchant, then the aggravated dispute will be closed. If the said decision is rejected, the buyer further awaits a decision from the Aliexpress mediators.

There is no button to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress - what to do

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Do you love conflict? Do you like to yell, shout, maybe beat your opponent? If yes, then on the one hand it is good, but on the other hand it is not very good. Why is it good? This means that you are an actively aggressive person and do not keep all the bad emotions inside you. That is, it is good for you. And why is it bad? Because it means that you are an affective person and do not know how to manage your emotions. You are a little dangerous to society, but he has always needed such people. In such sciences as: sociology, social psychology and conflictology, the concept of conflict is divided into two categories. There are zero-sum and non-zero-sum conflicts. Zero sum is when there is one loser and one winner. That is, the winner is equal to plus, and the loser is equal to minus. And minus times plus equals zero. A non-zero-sum conflict implies that it is a little more complicated than desired and that there are either two losers or two winners. Essentially, a trade-off is a non-zero-sum conflict. This is theoretical, but rather necessary knowledge that can help you in a dispute. And, in fact, knowing these simple things, you can immediately realize your point of reference in the dispute. You can figure out what to do so that the amount goes to zero. Why am I even telling you all this? No, not to be smart, but to prepare you so that you know how to argue with sellers on Aliexpress. You may ask “what does Aliexpress have to do with it?”. But moreover, all your skills can be useful to you on Aliexpress. And you will have to apply them there sooner or later. So, in order to correctly drive an opponent into a stupor and take a negative position, you will need perseverance, wit and craving for various conflicts. If you have all this, then go ahead in writing to yell at the sellers. It is desirable to know English, but Google translator may be suitable.

So you should remember that if you think that the seller looked at your order incorrectly or he does not respect you, then this is not a reason to open a dispute. This may show you in a bad light. The dispute should be opened when you feel cheated. And yes, not every seller tries to deceive you, ordinary people work there, who are often decent. So be careful and do not spoil the mood for yourself and the seller. The only reason that can be considered at all is inconsistency.

And the discrepancy must be clear, easily provable. That is, if you ordered a fifty-fifth shirt size for yourself, the fifty-fifth size came to you, but it turned out that it was small for you, then this is not a discrepancy. Only you are to blame, because you made the wrong measurements. With clothes and toys it's easy, but with technology it's harder. There are many benchmarks that check phones for stuffing, but the problem is that the Chinese have somehow learned how to hack them, for example, Antutu, and change their readings. That is, you may have a phone with stuffing from the last century, but Antutu will show you that the phone overtakes even the most powerful computer. It is difficult to do something here, since you can only use some online benchmarks, they sometimes show the correct readings.

The main reasons for opening a dispute on Aliexpress?

And now let's look in more depth so that you understand exactly what is the reason for the dispute. Let's say you got headphones. You ordered them on Aliexpress and waited a long time. They are from some company, for example, Razor, and should be just great, they cost accordingly. But it comes to you, seemingly identical, but the code does not pass on the official website. Many major brands are fighting counterfeits in such a way that you can register a barcode on the site and check for compliance. But this is not a task, the code does not pass, which means that we have a fake in our hands. Okay, then we can already turn to Aliexpress with this. There may also be a discrepancy on the box itself. Other inscriptions, the wrong size of the logo and so on. Or here's another - one earpiece does not work. It's also pretty annoying. Then you can apply too. By the way, here some sellers have one interesting approach. They may try to negotiate a refund of half the amount, because one earpiece works. I don’t know what such sellers are counting on, but such practices are used, so be careful - the seller is cunning!

Also, the reason for opening a dispute may be that the goods arrived broken, broken or did not arrive at all. As for not coming, there are also problems of their own. It's not always the seller's fault. You know where you live. The goods could simply be stolen at the post office, or he had not yet managed to reach. There are a lot of cases when people sued money, but the goods came some time later. It's better to wait a little longer. You are honest people and do not deceive the seller for anything! Did I understand correctly?

Some things are quite difficult to check. For example, how do you determine the power of a screwdriver? Maybe it's a hundred watts less than what was claimed. Technically, this can be a reason to sue money, but how to prove this is not clear. Only if he works less than he should. But then you will need to record a three-hour video as proof.

Where can I find information about an open dispute?

An argument is always accompanied by a certain amount of adrenaline. The feeling of rivalry and showdown can simply overwhelm. And imagine how the seller feels at this moment. I am not telling you to feel sorry for the seller who is trying to deceive you. What I am saying is that at this moment he also feels an adrenaline rush. Personally, I constantly update the page with correspondence, if I argue with someone. Well, that's my character. And you probably also want to see how things are progressing with your bad seller. So, you need to go to the " my Aliexpress" tab.

Further in the list of disputes and all. All information is in front of you. There you can see and information about previous disputes, though. If you are reading this article, then you probably have not argued on Aliexpress yet. Do you know why we are constantly looking to our opponent to respond? Why can't we just forget that we have a conflict with someone there? Even if it is a seller from another country and he does not understand a word of your language. Because we like to dominate and compare ourselves to others. That is, you are not driven by the desire to take your money, especially if there is something worth a little more than a dollar. You just want to belittle the other person a little. This is normal, the seller will try to do the same.

How and why to escalate the dispute? (escalate dispute)

And now the seller does not want to give us money for his defective spinner for three dollars. And you are no longer yourself from this impudence, you cannot eat, sleep, work normally, and he is simply silent. Well, then it's time to show him that the king of the hill is here. First, we need to understand if the seller rejected our presentation. If so, change the amount requested. It, after the deviation, immediately changes to zero. Changed the amount and now we sharpen it. To do this, go to "returns and disputes", and therefore click "show details". That's it, you will see the active button "aggravate the dispute". Sellers may ignore a dispute for several reasons. But most of the time, he just doesn't notice it. It is unlikely that he simply ignores you, for him this will not end in anything good. The aggravation of the dispute is a claim that, like a white glove before a duel, is thrown in the face of an impudent seller. He can't just pick it up and ignore it. If you remember how, as a child, they planned fights outside the school, it was also called “hammering an arrow” and so, this is the same thing. You shoot the salesman with an arrow and wait for him to come for the school. By the way, he may simply not come, but this rarely happens. And yes, take care of good evidence. No one will believe your words, because it would be very reckless. You need to take a video, photo, sound or something else that can prove you right. Most importantly, do not think that since you are a buyer, then everything is possible for you. Aliexpress is well aware of our domestic cunning buyers who love freebies and are looking for it in everything.

How long is an aggravated dispute on Aliexpress considered?

Here everything is very strange. From the moment you aggravated the dispute, the countdown begins. During this time, both you and the seller must provide strong evidence that they will be considered by Aliexpress. And don't try to fabricate evidence. First, of course, they will not be taken into account. I think you understand that if the arbitrators see an overlaid broken glass texture on a phone screen, they obviously won't say "oh, broken glass texture, way to get your money back".

They must see everything clearly and understandably. It is best that the evidence be as clear, detailed and understandable as possible. It is clear that if the seller provides more weighty evidence, which I do not know, to be honest, then the money will not be credited to you. The most offensive thing will be if he really finds evidence or fabricates it in such a way that it will simply be impossible to find fault. If you don't know what evidence you will provide or don't know how to do it, then just don't start escalating the argument. You won't win in it.

How to edit an aggravated dispute on Aliexpress?

Here is a rather difficult question. In fact, the aggravation of the dispute is the extreme point. That is, you enter certain data that you want to receive. For example, you bought a phone for two hundred dollars. You bought it, received it and it didn't turn on. It is clear that you need all two hundred dollars. Not a hundred or a hundred and fifty. Here, the seller edited the terms of the dispute, but you did not notice this and aggravated it. And now what? This is the extreme point and there is nothing more to change here. It is possible in not aggravated, but in this case, nothing can be done.

It's really hard to say here. In the photo you see a story that the girl is unhappy with the purchase, and the seller set a low price. This means that such a price will be until Aliexpress intervenes. There are two exits. First, go to China, find a seller and talk to him a little. And the second is that you patiently wait for Aliexpress to intervene and try the whole situation for him. Most likely, arbitration will take your side and try to resolve everything. Perhaps you will be given less than you wanted, but try to get to the maximum. Remember, the seller must remain at zero and zero sum. In general, do not be afraid to contact Aliexpress once again, this is how quite loyal people work who try to understand the problem, and not just sit out their work schedule.

What to do if the seller did not accept the dispute request, but offered a solution?

It means that you have such a situation that the seller turned out to be cunningly made and is trying to push you his own idea of ​​resolving the dispute.

It can be anything. For example, to say that it makes no sense to refund the entire cost, since your phone has a working power button, which means it partially works. Everything is quite complicated here, because on the one hand, the seller's offer can be quite reasonable, and on the other hand, you can return the entire amount. But this does not always work out, because the seller's decision can be quite sound.

If you do not agree with the decision of the seller, for example, he offers you to return not the entire amount, not half, but five or ten percent. Then it's time to escalate the argument. If you do not come to a common denominator in ten days, then the dispute will automatically escalate. This will already be inevitable and you will have to prepare evidence anyway. So it’s better to immediately escalate when you see that the seller does not want to make contact with you. There is no corruption on Aliexpress, so everything is decided honestly. But, by the way, there are rumors that sometimes sellers send for free so that the buyer does not write a review or does not put a bad rating.

What can be gained from the dispute?

Arguing can achieve almost anything, but not in this case. Here you can achieve only two things. The first is product replacement. As a rule, there is not much point in this, because they will send you the same thing, if not worse. The second is money. You can get your money back in full or in part. It is clear that the priority is the return of funds for which it will be possible to buy a normal product. Replacing goods from the same seller who sent the marriage is nonsense.

The main thing is not to be too pushy, but stick to your position. The main thing is not to offend the seller, behave with dignity and measured, so that negativity does not pour on you and Aliexpress sees you as a respectable buyer who was deceived by an impudent liar - the seller. And if you still decide to deceive the seller a little, which I categorically do not advise you, you will run out of karma and Santa Claus will not give a gift, then come up with the whole story and details and remember it well. I don't mean ordering a batch of a thousand pieces and then proving that they are all defective. I'm talking about the fact that you received a dress with a small hole in a millimeter, and you say that it is two millimeters.

How to win a dispute on Aliexpress?

And so, we will now show the seller how to properly swear at Aliexpress. This little deceiver must understand that we are the last people to be deceived. You can do it not rudely and friendly, but you can do it with obscenities and shouts, thus arranging a boxing by correspondence.

But we will go the passive-aggressive way. We must endure a certain negative tone that the seller must feel, but not directly say anything to him. Try to resolve the conflict as quickly as possible so as not to delay. Convince the seller that he is wrong and let him pay the penalty. Nothing will happen to him, except for the loss of money, and you will not write a bad review.

Now the evidence. The most important thing. Imagine that your mother saw you smoking. So select the evidence so that the opponent could not even utter a word. There must be firmness, strength and truth in your evidence. So try to select them so that you yourself do not have questions.

Why does it take so long to return money from Aliexpress and where do they return?

And so, you were able to get the seller to return the money to you, but that's where they return. There are also subtleties here. It is clear that if there is no money for a month, then some kind of failure has occurred. But if you just withdraw - how much and where to wait.

Well, there is no exact time, how long to wait. Basically, everyone says that the money should come within ten days. But that doesn't always happen. Even though Aliexpress is involved in the process, sometimes there are failures. And the money should come to the card with which you paid for the purchase.

If you are waiting for your money for a very long time, then be sure to write to technical support to help you.

Technical support should help you if they can.

How many times can I open a dispute on Aliexpress?

It means that you did not agree on something with the seller, and decided to argue with him several times. You decide to make a progressive attack so that he does not understand what is happening and pays more on top. Well, then the good news for you is that you can open as much as you like. But while buyer protection is in effect, after that you will not succeed. But, this very protection can be extended for fifteen days. The main thing is not to miss this moment. So, in fact, you can open a dispute three times, but is it necessary? Especially if there is something not essential, five dollars.

How to open a dispute if the order protection time is over

No way. This is something that cannot be done. Only extend protection. Therefore, look at the timer so that it does not expire. What is an order protection extension? This is when you ask the seller for additional time, so that, in which case, you could appeal and start arguing furiously with the seller. As you can see, at Aliexpress, a lot of it lies in a relationship of trust, where one party must trust the other.


Don't forget to extend the protection time, because you won't be able to do anything if it has expired. And do it in advance, and not when there are a couple of minutes left on the timer. At least two days, because the sellers also have enough things to do, they may not notice right away.

Is it possible to return the money after the expiration of the opening time of the dispute?

Here, by the way, there are several options. If you offered some solution, but the seller does not respond. He is silent for a day, two, three, and on the fourth day your money will come to you. Yes, it's very convenient. But if you forgot about the dispute and the seller offered the solution, then the dispute will be closed in his favor, which, as you understand, you don’t really need. Therefore, be sure to follow the course of the dispute, because it is unlikely that you really want to waste even three dollars.

Video opening a dispute on Aliexpress

Arguing on Aliexpress is different from arguing at a clinic. Your task is not to defend your place, but to restore justice. You can be the most unfair person in the world, but not when it comes to you. When the wing of injustice touches you a little, you will immediately understand that it is time to fight it. Just kidding, most likely you are good and honest people who would never deceive another person. But if this hurts you, then never back down and push with all your might. The seller must return everything to the penny, without any concessions. If the seller repents and asks just to change the product, then you can agree, but only at your discretion. If you didn’t have enough written presentation, then I advise you to watch a video on the topic.

A dispute does not open if the goods are not received and what to do about it.

Recently, more and more buyers Aliexpress complain that they are unable to open a dispute when the goods have not arrived. Let's see what the problem is here.

Aliexpress does not allow to open a dispute if the goods are not received - what should I do?

Dispute on Aliexpress

As a rule, when people act like this:

  • First, they are waiting for the parcel throughout the entire period of protection.
  • If it is not there, then the timer is extended by a couple of weeks.
  • A couple of days before the end of the delivery deadline

But only now, when the buyer, when choosing the reason that the goods were not received, can see a message stating that he was sent and left the sender's country. It also says that tracking information should be provided by the logistics company in your area and if you do not receive the goods by a certain date, you can try to solve the problem.

The message usually contains a delivery deadline. So, if the goods do not arrive to you, then the dispute cannot be opened until it expires. After it ends, the dispute can be opened as usual.

Therefore, if the deadline is almost over, but the goods are still not there, then wait until the time expires.

Among the shortcomings of this situation, one can single out the fact that the sellers began to cheat and extend the timer. Some give a modest 10-15 days, but there are those who give 30-40 days at once. In this case, you will be forced to wait for the deadline to open a dispute.

However, this restriction only applies to