Magical effects on humans. Vivid signs of witchcraft on a person. Tarot layout for magical effects

Sometimes a person's life begins to collapse at such a tremendous speed that it is simply unrealistic to quickly find the true cause of such negative events. The weakest problems are noted only in a state of general malaise or the occurrence chronic diseases... Here are just the most powerful problems begin to be reflected in personal life, in the career sphere or on the financial side. If a black streak appeared suddenly, then most likely, a negative impact was sent on you. It is done with the help of black magic. In principle, you can always notice certain signs of witchcraft on a person. They are fully capable of revealing the true causes of the black stripe.

The main signs of damage and evil eye on a person

Signs of spoilage can be very diverse. They are marked differently on each person. It is important to know the main signs of the evil eye or damage on a person. In some cases, corruption can have such a strong effect that it leads a person to death. Therefore, it is very important to determine its presence in time and get rid of it faster.

Signs of damage or evil eye on a person are very easy to find. You just need to analyze his behavior and the state of his life in general. Witchcraft is induced so that certain difficulties can be brought into the life of the victim dramatically and effectively. They are aimed at making a person feel oppressed and their state only enhances the effect of magic.

All symptoms depend only on who performed the negative ritual. Most often, the following signs of the evil eye or damage to a person are found. First of all, the victim's health suffers. Moreover, diseases manifest themselves so sharply that it is very difficult to determine their source. It is problematic for doctors to voice the diagnosis, since the patient is healthy according to all analyzes. Women cannot get pregnant, although they have no predisposition to such a disease. The victim begins to constantly suffer from weight changes. Moreover, she begins to be afraid of the dark. Claustrophobia often develops.

Some individuals suffer from the fact that there is no loved one in their life. Any attempts to establish new love relationship end in failure. Pets stop spending time with their owner. They cannot be in the same room with him.

The husband's mistress can do damage so that the husband of the rank leaves his wife. Moreover, she is not stopped by the fact that they may have a common child. The wife, after losing her husband, begins to revive bad habits in herself and simply loses the meaning of life.

Who and how can bring negative witchcraft to the victim

You can always normalize your life the way it was before. But for this you need to find a way not only to diagnose the source of the problems. Immediately you need to look for a way to get rid of the negative magical effects. Fortunately, in magic, you can find suitable rituals for every person.

Only that person who is constantly connected with magic can induce damage or evil eye. It is quite difficult for an ordinary person to carry out such rituals, because this requires not only special knowledge in the field of magic, but also strong energy. In some cases, ill-wishers turn to specialists for help so that a negative impact is quickly reflected on a person.

If you want to know who exactly did such an unpleasant act with you, then it will be very difficult. Some sorcerers are so powerful that it is almost impossible to determine their participation in such a ritual. You should remember only that only those close to you can bring negativity to you. It is very difficult for an outsider to do this, because they need access to your home. In some cases, you need to use your personal belongings.

You can damage the following things:

  • Food;
  • personal items;
  • an item that the performer presents to the victim as a gift;
  • lining: such objects must be presented to the victim in such a way that she does not see, that is, they must be thrown into the house or pinned to clothes - most often, ordinary sharp objects act as a lining;
  • cemetery or corpse attributes;
  • photographs or voodoo dolls;
  • blood, hair, or semen.

How can a curse be defined

Very often a curse is sent to the victim. The symptoms of such an effect are somewhat similar to damage or the evil eye, only they have a much stronger effect. After a curse is sent to the victim, a black streak begins in her life. A huge number of tragedies begin. This can be expressed both in the death of close relatives and in unsuccessful family relationships. Very often divorces occur or health conditions deteriorate.

Specialists in the field of magic have managed to deduce several important signs of a terrible and powerful curse. The victim may feel some fear of the next day. A panic attack begins due to the fact that the person is simply not sure of the future. In a family, not only adult family members die, but also children. Men or women in the family begin to abuse bad habits. Some individuals note the fact that they stopped taking the opposite sex seriously. There is a constant fear of new relationships.

Each person is an integral system that needs constant nourishment and strengthening. The energy background is so sensitive to different kinds of influences that sometimes familiar things, like illness or feeling unwell, are nothing more than a consequence of damage or the evil eye. Then how to define magic on a person? Any intervention manifests itself in certain symptoms, adding together which you will unmistakably find the causes of negative changes.

Feeling unwell is a direct sign of magic on a person

There are many supporters of magic, that is, those who resort to its use, and not all of them conduct open activities, and therefore each person from your environment, even the closest one, can present an unpleasant surprise. But there is no need to despair ahead of time.

Magic on a person can be identified by external signs.

Magic has created problems for you, with its help you will solve them. After the complete cleansing of all energy channels, you will return to your former calmness, harmony and peace of mind... In order to strengthen a certain effect, a strong defense is put in place. Only after the hard work done, all the rituals and rituals have been completed, you can not look back at the envy and intrigues of enemies. Take the plunge towards your well-being by using every means available to you.

Signs of magical effects

Determining the influence on the energy channel of your loved ones without resorting to the help of magicians is a difficult, but doable task. Explore the latest negative trends in work, everyday life, and social relationships. Damage, love spell and evil eye are not induced by strangers, a negative program is launched only with close contact between you and your foe.

How to recognize alarms? Magical manipulations, which are carried out without your knowledge, appear gradually, gradually weakening the protective functions of your body. Even the simplest ailment can indicate a recent binding rite. Relationship envy is the most common occurrence leading to the use of love magic... Prolonged loneliness, anger and a sense of their own inferiority push a person to unthinkable acts.

Pay attention to the nuances of behavior

Women - by nature susceptible and vulnerable, perform difficult rituals to attract a man who is not always free. So they interfere with someone else's family and affect the destiny of several people at once. Is it dangerous?

A change in fate, its main turns, is fraught with serious consequences. Applying considerable ingenuity and paying attention to small nuances, you can easily recognize the magic block acting on you or your loved ones. Emphasize the following signs:

  • change of behavior model;
  • drastic changes in tastes and preferences;
  • rejection of sexual intercourse with a spouse or husband;
  • uncontrolled mood swings;
  • lack of craving for their own business;
  • increased nervousness and prolonged depression.

Nervousness is a sign of magical effects

Individually, these symptoms are indicative of seasonal blues or business turmoil. No one is immune from this. But in general, several signs at once should alert you. If your child or spouse has changed dramatically or become aggressive, passive to favorite activities, weak and lethargic - do not waste time, seek help from experienced magicians or traditional healers. As a last resort, perform one of the purification rituals or put protection on the energy channels of the household. Do not be indifferent, the future depends only on you, in which there is no place for other people's evil eyes and damage.

Rite of passage to determine the strong evil eye

For home rituals, simplicity is critical. You don't have to run around the city looking for special magic shops or wizard shops. Attributes for a powerful ritual (long known for its effectiveness) to determine the evil eye can be found in any kitchen. Such a ceremony is within the power of novice magicians and amateurs.

If you notice negative changes, and quarrels with your spouse or children have completely unsettled you, be patient and perform a quick ritual to identify spoilage.

The main condition for performing such magical manipulations is complete secrecy. None of your relatives or friends should know about the upcoming ritual. Remember, working with magic is not difficult if you approach it wisely.

Primarily, experienced magicians recommend pre-cleaning the energy sector. To do this, you should visit any temple, light candles for the health of your family, let go of past grievances and ask for help in future endeavors. People often underestimate the power of positive thinking and the support of higher powers. For the ritual of defining magic, you will need:

  • a candle from a church;
  • Holy water;
  • any silver item or decoration.

For the ceremony, you need to take any silver thing (for example, a ring)

After confession and prayer, buy some simple candles and holy water. They will not only come in handy in the ritual of revealing magical influence, but also serve as an auxiliary material for protective conspiracies.

How to perform the ritual

Most of the love spells are performed exclusively at night, with the onset of the favorable phase of the moon. For some rituals, a new moon will be needed, for others a growing young month. The ceremony for detecting damage or evil eye is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Stay alone with your own thoughts. Close the doors and windows, stand in the center of the room.
  2. IN left hand place a church candle (light it first), and a silver object in the right one.
  3. Raise both hands at heart level and think of something nice.
  4. Fifteen minutes later, when the mind is cleared of small thoughts, consider the state of the candle.
  5. Thank the universe for its help and put out the candle.

Smoking wax indicates active black magic (love spell or evil eye), black stains near the wick are also an alarming sign. But a light candle will immediately soothe all your worries. There is no reason to worry.

Rite of passage for detecting spoilage with an egg

Church candle rituals do not always give an accurate, unmistakable result. Sometimes, to clarify the questions that have arisen, you will need a repeated rite or conspiracy on the egg. A hundred years ago, in the folk healing business, they resorted to such magical manipulations whenever any of the household members began to get very sick or became overly aggressive. A simple, quick method will allow you to find out about damage once and for all, or get rid of unnecessary thoughts. You don't need helpers or companions for the egg ritual. An independent ritual performed in a secluded room from outsiders.

What is needed for the ritual

Identifying a negative program, from which not only the subject of a strong evil eye suffers, but also his entire family is a top priority. A person suffering from a conspiracy is simply unable to cope with the impending problem. For a ceremony with an egg, you will need:

  • running water;
  • glass or transparent container;
  • egg;
  • not sharp kitchen knife.

Chicken egg - the main attribute of the ritual

Choose all the "ingredients" for the rite with extreme discretion. For the ritual, only fresh eggs are preferred, and best of all - from domestic chickens.

How to perform the ritual

After collecting all the necessary items and products, without which the ritual will not work, provide yourself with privacy. Lock all windows and doors. Follow a simple sequence of actions:

  1. Fill a clean glass with tap water. For this ceremony, there is no need for holy water or melt liquid.
  2. Carefully, as slowly as possible, using a knife, break the egg so that the whole yolk is submerged in the water.
  3. Sit on a comfortable table or floor. Place the glass on your head.
  4. After five, ten minutes, lower the container to the floor.
  5. Examine the contents of the glass.

A fairly well-known method of detecting magical influence is used by magicians who practice to this day. A universal rite lends itself to both beginners and professionals. Cloudy Yolk is a bad sign, indicating magic that changes your fate. Dark stains, cloudy clots are nothing more than a manifestation of serious blocks on the energy channel. If the result of the ritual is very disappointing, do not give up - you can change the state of affairs.

White rite indicating someone else's influence

Rituals to identify enemies or their influence on your energy are absolutely harmless, so they can be carried out in any weather and at any time of the year. If your loved one is bad, unbearable and painful, help him. The magical effect on the object of desire is not always the root cause of poor health, and, throwing away the evil eye or damage, it will be much easier to get to the bottom of the truth. The rite of passage with a white candle or as it is popularly called the "white ritual of identification" has gained considerable popularity among lovers of quick decisions.

What is needed for the ritual

The main enemy of any business is doubt. You have no right to leave your loved one in difficult times. For a white rite to identify extraneous magic, you will need:

  • a small plate or saucer;
  • a snapshot of a loved one or family member;
  • cooking salt;
  • Holy water.

It is important to take a small saucer for the ceremony.

The ritual is suitable at night or in the evening. The results of the ceremony will be visible only in the morning.

How to perform the ritual

It is advisable to carry out such a ritual if there is a suspicion that your man has been bewitched. Love witchcraft is a separate branch of energy manipulations that include many effective conspiracies... In order to perform the white rite, you should:

  1. Retire to the room when the household leaves the house. Calmness and silence are critical to the white ritual.
  2. Place a saucer on the table, place a photo of your spouse or partner on top of it, and then sprinkle the photo with a thick layer of salt.
  3. Read the prayer "Our Father" over the photo.
  4. Wash yourself with holy water and go to bed.
  5. In the morning, examine the snapshot and the salt.
  6. Thank the universe for its assistance.

Untouched image - best result of all possible, but the modification of the photo speaks of an existing love spell. Your actions after the ceremony will decide the outcome of the whole case. You will either fight for a spouse or partner to the bitter end, or let everything go to chance. Strong love spells act immediately, so do not waste precious time, seek help from magicians or sorcerers, perform cleansing rituals at home without outside help.

There are many things in the world that cannot be explained in words, cannot be touched or seen with one's own eyes. The first sign is a sudden change in mood. Magic is no longer called fiction for gullible people or nonsense of atheists. Today, with the help of magical rituals, a person subjugates luck, success and even the will of others. You do not have to resort to using magic, because enemies or enemies can use it against you at any time convenient for them.

Are you ready to defend your own interests and family? Work? Harmony? If your answer is yes, then be bold and uncompromising. Protect yourself and your loved ones.

The magical effect on a person is carried out with the aim of suppressing his will and interfering with the energy of a person. How to independently determine the magical effect on a person? There are certain signs and special rituals that help to recognize the effects of magic. We disclose the methods and methods of some of the rituals in this article.

Mutual love is one of the most important components of our happiness. Probably, there is nothing better than living and knowing that there is a person who will always be there and will always support and understand, regardless of the situation.

Finding such a person is quite difficult. And when he meets, it seems that no forces can separate you. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Couples sometimes break up, marriages break up. And it's one thing when everything happens by mutual desire, and quite another when one of the lovers still has feelings. But the worst thing is when a couple breaks up due to the use of magic. It is quite difficult to determine the magical effect on your own due to the interference in the energy of a person.

If you have suspicions of using magic on yourself or people close to you, then you should know one thing. It is impossible to determine the effect of magic on a person on any one specific basis.

It requires constant observation and analysis of the behavior of a person who is bewitched. Sensitivity and attention to the mental and physical state of a person, coupled with some rituals, will help to finally make sure of the presence or absence of the influence of magical forces. Only a combination of signs and factors will be evidence of a magical rite.

If there is a possibility that your significant other or you yourself have been magically affected, then you need to carefully observe her or your behavior.

Increased aggressiveness, manic cravings for the object of love, pessimistic moods, deteriorating health and constant troubles in all areas are just some of the signs of magical effects. The only way to be sure is by performing special ceremonies and rituals.

To perform this ceremony, you will need a photograph and white coarse salt. Magical properties salts are distinguished by special power, which allows it to be used for rituals for removing magical influences and determining them.

Late in the evening, you need to sit down at the table and put a picture on a saucer. Sprinkle salt on top of the image: a small amount is enough. It is important that the entire image is covered.

Concentrate the light energy in yourself for fifteen minutes. Think of blue skies and wonders to help you tune in correctly. After ten minutes, go to bed. Talking to anyone is prohibited, watching TV or listening to music is also not recommended.

The next morning, take a close look at the snapshot:

  • If he remained as he was, then magic was not used in relation to the person in the picture.
  • If there are any traces of a dark color in the photo, then this indicates the presence of an impact.

After the ceremony, the salt must be thrown away, and the photo must be wrapped in a white sheet of paper and removed to an inaccessible dark place and not shown to anyone. Even if it turns out that you or your close person have been exposed to magic, do not panic - special rituals will help you cope with everything.

The ritual will help to determine the effect of magic on a person, the main components of which are the following components:

  • a raw egg;
  • a photograph of a person who may have undergone a love spell;
  • a glass of spring or holy water.

Choose a photo responsibly. The person in the photo must be alone and the quality of the photo must be good.

You need to use a photo that was taken a maximum of a year before the event.

In order to find out the presence or absence of exposure, you need to move the egg over the picture for ten minutes. This is done so that the egg absorbs all the information from the photo.

If you are wondering how to determine the magical effect on yourself, then a ritual with candles will suit you.

This ritual helps to reveal magic with the utmost precision. The performance of the rite involves the use of one church candle and silverware.

If there is a piece of jewelry, great. In the left hand we take the decoration, and in the right hand, at the level of the heart, we need to hold a candle.

The next stage is to close our eyes and, without thinking about anything, we sit like this for fifteen minutes. If during this time the candle sparks, smokes, fires or black influxes appear, then there is an effect of magic. If the candle behaves normally, then there is no magical effect.

The following method will also help to find out the presence or absence of magical or witchcraft effects. To complete this ritual, you will need the following components:

  • church candle;
  • spring, river or well water;
  • a photograph of a person who is possibly bewitched.

Use a knife to cut the candle into small pieces and place them in a ladle. A photograph of a person must be placed in front of a vessel with water.

Hold the candle wax over the person's photo for three minutes. Instead of a photograph, the person himself can sit.

On contact with water, the wax hardens very quickly, taking on various intricate shapes. When the wax hardens, it must be removed from the water and examined.

If there are muddy branches, a gnarled structure, or the water has darkened, then a magical effect is present. If the piece is relatively solid, without many branches, then there was no use of magic spells.

If you feel that you have become the object of magical influence, you need to first pay attention to your home. Try to remember if you have found any strange objects at home or in front of your doorstep.

These can be broken matches, pins, buttons, needles, bits of wool, hair, earth, or sand. Any of the items found may indicate that there was magic rite about you or one of your family members.

If you find something suspicious, then do not try to throw such traces of magic in your trash can. Never burn anything or leave anything in the house. Sometimes the smoke from burnt objects that participated in a magical ritual can harm no less than the things themselves.

Any objects found on the doorstep or at home on the floor should be swept away with a broom or scoop without touching them. It is best to remove such finds as far away from your home as possible.

Tarot layout for magical effects

There are quite a few ways to determine magical effects and we have considered only a few of them. In addition, there are many changes in human behavior that signal magical intervention.

However, before proceeding with the removal of negative magical effects, you need to finally make sure that there is magic. If you are not completely sure, then it is better not to rush, but to observe the person a little more. After all, the removal of the non-existent influence of magic can be fraught with consequences for everyone.

If suddenly “something went wrong”, for some reason a “streak of failures” began, suddenly a disease appeared, and doctors shrug their shoulders and cannot understand the reason - there is a high probability that they have “done the job” for you. In this case, it is better to consult a specialist, and you can determine the likelihood of such an impact by the signs.
NS psychics do not divide magic into black or white. "Black magic" is a concept an ordinary person... For a psychic, magic is a tool like a knife. You can cut bread with a knife, and with the same knife, you can kill a person, and this makes the knife neither white nor black.

With magic, everything happens in much the same way. It all depends on the internal limitations and ethics of the magician himself, who uses force for the good or harm of other people. Magic that causes harm is popularly called black.
And the people also have a concept: evil eye, damage, love spell, curse. Let's see what it is.

Types of external influences.

Evil eye - unintentional damage to the aura of another person. In transport or at work, they yelled at you, talked too emotionally with someone, etc. If at the same time you have a headache, stomach, throat, that is, damage to the aura, by the way, there are very severe forms of such unintentional injuries.
Spoilage - deliberate harm to another person, with the performance of various magical conspiracies and rituals.
Love spell - although this action is attributed to love magic, but for me, this is a special kind of damage that changes the consciousness and karmic paths of another person. There are many varieties and side effects from such an impact. Diseases, insomnia, apathy, depression, aggression towards loved ones appear.
Curse - strong damage, radically changing and destroying the structure vital energy person. The ancestral curse is the same thing, only the magical inclusion occurs along the line of the clan and affects relatives along a certain blood line. Often stretches from past incarnations.
NS horch, evil eye, curse, love spell, and much more psychics call magical work or magical influence.
The word "magic" means that a person has done a "dirty trick" to another not with his own hands. He summoned certain spirits or powers thin world, and agreed with them about the performance of this or that work. The laws are the same everywhere. The magician simply found specialists (spirits) who, for a certain fee, undertook to do what he wanted.
If the negative impact was produced by the person himself, then such an impact is called extrasensory. Usually extrasensory (destructive) impact is reduced to astral impacts of varying severity.

Howto determine whether there is an outside influence on you or not?

Here are some accompanying signs:
If you often wake up for no reason in the interval from 3 to 5 in the morning and cannot fall asleep, this is a practically 100% sign that magical work is being done on you.
IN a friend has a feeling of stiffness and pressure in the chest area - usually speaks of the penetration of an energy alien to you into your aura; an attempt at magical or psychic influence.
The events of your life become sharply destructive. You don't get enough sleep. You are having nightmares, or you suddenly stopped remembering your dreams altogether. Perhaps all this is caused precisely by magical effects.
Your habits have changed dramatically. The body responds inadequately to alcohol. You started drinking a lot of water (tea, coffee ...). A persistent feeling of inner anxiety arises. You do not find a place for yourself. They began to dramatically lose weight or, on the contrary, gain weight.
Unreasonable deterioration in health. Malaise, weakness, feeling of heaviness throughout the body. Deterioration of the quality of the skin. Apathy, depression, severe headaches. No identified medical cause

Children and animals feel negative energy very well. Therefore, if neither one nor the other "do not like" you or have dramatically changed their attitude towards you (and there are other signs listed above), then perhaps you should make an appointment with a healer or psychic.
Signs of negative impact are numerous and often very difficult to diagnose. A person always subconsciously feels that something is wrong with his life and makes a choice to contact or not to contact specialists in the field of esotericism.

Many people think about the reasons - why do such works? As a rule, this is aimed at the outflow of your energy, your potential for abundance, material wealth, luck, health, abilities, youth, years of life and much more, useful and necessary. It is easier to "squeeze out" than to work out ...
For your information:
Many "black magicians" use photographs posted by you to target damage and astral blows. in social networks"In contact", "classmates", etc., there they also find a lot of additional information they need, for example, a birthday ...

Why in recent times has magic in all its forms become popular? On television programs, they only talk about people with supernatural abilities, the Internet is constantly full of headlines testifying to magic and the power of its effect on a person.

Each magic has a specific character

Today it is easy to divide people into three categories.

  • With a special faith in the power of black and white magic. Either they try to use it in everyday life with or without reason, or they are afraid of it and avoid everything that concerns it. If necessary, both of them run at a run to the grandmothers or to the church.
  • They do not believe in magic rituals at all. What happens to them or other people is considered a coincidence, lies and invented stories.
  • For the most part, this category includes children and young people. We are sure that every magic ritual, a kind of game and fun. Beginning to use for the holidays (Christmas, old New Year, Baptism). Sometimes, just to have fun and try in practice, they resort to magic spells and rituals.

It should be noted that it is the third group that is especially dangerous. Often there are cases that children, for the sake of a joke, read conspiracies to die, to quarrel and just guess. But they don't think about the consequences. And they happen sometimes immediately, and sometimes after a while. Only now they either do not remember that someone performed a special ritual for the sake of interest, or they consider it a simple coincidence. The only thing that can be said in this case is that the third category will take the side of the first or second group.

What is magic, and what is it like

Before talking about the effects or consequences of magical rituals, you must first know its types and capabilities. In most cases, it is believed that there are only two magic. Completely wrong opinion. Magic is of three kinds.

  1. White. The kindest clean energy on the ground. With the help of white energy, it is possible to remove negativity from a person's life, prevent death (here the degree of the magician's gift should be taken into account), heal from diseases and fears.
  2. Gray magic. This category of magicians who use it have a number of limitations. They use both elements of white and black magic. They have their own rituals, conspiracies and needs. So everyone knows that if a magician is a carrier of white energy, then he will not take payment for his labors. As for blacks or charlatans, they will certainly provide an account for their labors. And it should be noted that the amount in it will be indicated rather big.
  3. Black magic, or else you can say evil power, given to man evil spirits... When referring to such a magical system, be sure that your payback will not be specifically in monetary terms. No! You will pay for the work of the sorcerer with money, and for the conversion and the very use of such magic - with your soul. Love spells, conspiracies for revenge, illness, death, even a love spell for money is already black magic.

What each magical energy can do

It is clear that each magic has a specific character. White - protection, treatment, amulet, removal of damage and other things that are good. When reading white conspiracies, goodness and light, purification are already carried. Black magic is the ability to influence a person's life from the outside. When using the rituals of such energy, the impact on a person is large, strong. Such that is capable of making a freak out of a handsome man, or vice versa. Take everything from the rich, ruin it completely. We can say that such magic is resorted to for humiliation, destruction and simply revenge on another person. Not necessarily this someone annoyed you, just his beauty annoys you, and envy eats up. Maybe you just don't like your daughter-in-law, or your husband is going to go to his mistress. There are many options. And they are all commonplace and solvable without a magical ritual.

Black magic - the ability to influence a person's life from the outside

To use gray magic, you need to be extremely careful, since it is not always clear what will happen after reading the spell. Which power (black or white) hears you and decides to help. The situation is as follows: after reading, sort of like words about help in love or financial well-being (and a spell like using church words), everything starts to happen the other way around. You don't get what you want, only more problems. Or you get it, but not the way you wanted.

How to recognize the effects of magic

Having learned about the possibilities of the forces of magic, its types, you can go to the specifics. If you belong to the second group of people, then it will seem to you a simple coincidence or inability to live. For everyone else, this is a hint. Let's get started.

Signs or manifestation magic rites aimed at a specific person.

The first, and most important, is a complete change or gradation of human consciousness. A true teetotaler or fighter against drug addiction, very abruptly turns into those drug addicts or drunkards. It is more realistic to learn by one attribute than by many others. True, such an example is more suitable for people with strong character traits. He begins to resist and fight the disease, only he begins to suck in even more. This sign also indicates a very severe spoilage for the family. The fact is that the main family member will take care of everything. If both spouses are weak in spirit, then together they will slide to a minimum.

A magical ritual performed incorrectly (especially with regard to witchcraft for love or beauty) can lead to a backlash. If this is not your destiny, then the desired person will be there, but there will be no love. Constant quarrels, inexplicable hatred, but will not be able to quit. The same reaction may be with those who are trying to recapture or take away from the family. This usually applies to the male sex. He will not be able to live normally, not here or there. Even the option of suicide is possible.

Witchcraft directed at you will give some reaction to the church, prayers and incense. If something has been done on you (no difference, spoilage, gum, drying, etc.), you will not be very comfortable where the smell of incense is. Even a gag reflex or loss of consciousness is possible.

  • A huge number of cockroaches, mice and other things appeared in your house, which did not exist before and only brings dirt and not good sensations? Then envy worked and brought elements of evil spirits into your life.
  • Inexplicable feeling of suffocation from a pectoral cross. There is a desire to remove it. There are also moments when the cross simply disappears from the neck (a thread or chain is torn, the cross just washes off when bathing, etc.) - all these are signs of damage to death.
  • Lack of clean air. You are constantly drawn to the street, where friends are already waiting for you, who only brought trouble into your life. There is no desire to be at home, just your legs by themselves lead you in an incomprehensible direction.
  • The appearance of fear. And not necessarily for your life or your loved ones. You start to be afraid of everything and everyone. Every rustle in the apartment seems like a danger.
  • Unreasonable mood swings, apathy. There is no energy for household chores. The state of health worsens, but there is no illness. Strong weight loss is possible (or vice versa, you are gaining weight by leaps and bounds).
  • A state of tearfulness or, on the contrary, aggression. Dreams have become more frequent, where reality is mixed with dreams, you experience horror from the actions taking place in a dream.
  • Frequent miscarriages and diseases of the female organs. It is necessary to take into account the fact that a woman looks after herself, for the preservation of the fetus, for the insulation of her body during the periods of winter and autumn.

The last symptoms should be taken into account only after examinations by doctors and respect for oneself.

How to identify magic on a person? It is enough to go to church and observe his behavior. But in principle, guardian angels will tell you that you are being influenced by magic. We also call them intuition. They tell you or your family members that you are in trouble. But in all problems a person is guilty himself: bragging, communication with people who have lost their human appearance, hypocrisy, the desire to stand out more than anyone else at work, on the street, in society. As for men, their innocent flirting or casual sex can lead to disastrous results, which will affect not only himself, but also the family.

Some girls, resorting to black magic, simply harass their rival, hoping for constant love from their chosen one. Mother-in-law also does not understand that conducting rituals in order to break up the family of their son, lead to the fact that everyone is tormented: the son, daughter-in-law, children, and the mother-in-law herself. They live together, because those destined by fate cannot be divorced.