Competent cleaning. Runic cleansing - how to remove negativity and damage. What is the difference between runes protection from cleaning negative

Runic cleansing help get rid of negative emotions. For the ritual, it is important to know what combinations of runes need to be used and in what sequence to act. Let's consider the features of runic cleansing in more detail.

Clearing out poverty and attracting relationships

Very often, the reason for failures in personal life and a lack of finance are associated with a lack of vital energy person. There is too much negative energy in it, which creates stagnation in energy centers.

Take a close look at the image of each symbol. Choose those runes that will resonate in your soul. with selected signs, it is necessary to draw on a blank sheet of paper for nine days, and then burn.

Runic cleansing with return

If with the help of runes you want to not only remove damage, but also return it to the one who brought it, the following combination will help you:

  • straight - inverted - straight - inverted - - - straight - inverted.
  • This combination must be carefully applied to the wax candle.
  • After the runes are applied to the candle, it must be set on fire and wait until it completely burns out.
  • At this, runic cleaning is considered complete, and the cleansing process will immediately start.

Important: you can select suitable combinations of runes yourself. But only on condition that you are well versed in the properties and meaning of each symbol. If you are not sure of your knowledge, use ready-made and proven formulas.

If you are just getting started, follow some guidelines:

  • Study the name, style and meaning of each rune. Pay special attention to studying the properties of magic symbols.
  • Try to apply each rune separately and watch how it affects your life. You must understand what energy message is embedded in each symbol.
  • Always visualize the finished result you are striving for. Imagine in your mind what you would like to achieve with the help of the runes.

And only when you feel completely dedicated to all the subtleties and nuances of runic science, try to make your own combinations and staves for runic cleansing.

Watch a video about runic cleansing and how to fix an unsuccessful ritual:

Ways to draw and use runes

Every person who tries to practice rune magic is called an operator. He can choose the appropriate ways of drawing the runes, which are:

  • Runescript - writing several characters in one line.
  • Runostav - the runes are folded into a picture in the form of a cross, circle or other geometric figure.

There is one important rule for placing runes: they must be placed in a certain sequence:

  • In the first place, put the symbol that corresponds to your desire. This is what you want to achieve.
  • We put the rune in second place, reflecting the way to achieve the desired result.
  • In third place is the result.

If you are just starting to practice runic cleansing, do not try to compose cumbersome formulas from a large number of symbols. Limit yourself to three.

Runes are also applied to various sources. You can use paper, photographs, talismans, wooden blanks. You can also take a chance and get a tattoo with matching runes. But this should be approached with all responsibility - the magic of the rune will seriously affect the rest of your life.

The ways to activate the runes are also different:

  • With a caveat. This means that you need to pronounce a certain magic spell... There are no ready-made recipes - you list in free form what you want to get.
  • Without reservation. In this case, only the name of each rune is spoken out loud in the process of drawing a picture on a suitable surface. And you only visualize the desired result in your own imagination.

Choose the method without reservation if you are not sure that you can correctly formulate your desire.

And remember that runes are very powerful magic tool that shouldn't be used for curiosity or entertainment. You must consciously do runic cleansing, clearly understanding what result you want to come to. Act as carefully and carefully as possible.


Are you tired of constant failure? Looking for a promotion or finding the perfect partner for living together? Then cleaning with runes from negativity is what you need. In this article, the reader will learn useful information about the basic rules, ways of carrying out these rituals.

What is the difference between runes protection from cleaning negative

With the help of runes cleaning from negativity with a stipulation, you can remove from life the residual manifestations of negativity in any area of ​​life. You can find out more information by taking free courses at the Russian Tarot School - see the website for details.

Note! The fundamental difference runic protection from cleansing is as follows: it allows you to preserve the existing benefits from outside encroachment, and cleansing eliminates negative manifestations that prevent pleasant (positive) moments from coming into your life

General rules for cleaning runes from negativity for beginners

The power of protective runes is very difficult to overestimate. Their main feature is the ability to select several runes that allow you to make positive changes in one of the spheres of life. Such protection will be multifunctional, the most appropriate for your situation. A correctly made ligature from a certain set of runes allows the operator to relieve the operator of possible negativity and other negative influences in the shortest possible period of time.

Attention! Cleaning with runes from negativity eliminates all the negative consequences that occur in your life. You can choose the right formula by making the necessary runescript in the form of a talisman or amulet - this will protect you from outside encroachments, changing your life for the better

Cleaning runes from negativity for beginners should be carried out in the following cases:

  • Feeling of third-party negativity from envious people, enemies
  • Availability chronic diseases that do not leave you even with active treatment
  • Ringing events - wherever you go, knock on closed doors everywhere
  • Clearing the subconscious of third-party garbage, resentment, negative thoughts that interfere with the achievement of the goal

To determine the presence of negative / damage / curse, you should thoroughly mix the runes, taking out one of them. Eyvaz, Hagalaz, Laguz speak about their presence (straight, inverted positions)

Important! When formulating a question, clarity and clarity are important. Write down the required phrase on a piece of paper - the answer to it should suggest an unambiguous statement from the "yes / no" series. Otherwise, the runes will give blurry information.

Interpretation of the dropped runes

  • Eyvaz: The corruption was caused by a person who understands magic. Another interpretation is that the object is interested in causing you irreparable harm in a certain area of ​​life
  • Hagalaz: It is likely that you were cursed verbally, which is the main type of induced negativity
  • Turisaz: Negative impact is a consequence of revenge
  • Laguz (upright position): It is highly likely that you crossed the road to someone in "matters of the heart"
  • Laguz (inverted position): The rune indicates an object through which damage or other negative impact was induced. Alternatively - cemetery land

Before organizing runes cleaning from negativity with return, you should remember about the basic rules for drawing up protective formulas - it all depends on the area of ​​influence (you can read more in similar articles on the topic).

  • To protect people, use a photograph that should be placed at home. If personal cleaning is intended, you can use oil, a marker - this will help draw the corresponding rune sign on yourself.
  • For animal protection, apply the selected standing to the collar or bowl
  • Housing security - door, door frame
  • Protection of property - direct application of protective symbols on what needs to be kept intact and safe. Option - write a runic formula on a piece of paper, placing it inside the property (car, etc.)

When drawing formulas, be extremely careful, since the main task of the runes is to perform a given setting. Remember - incorrect formulation of the formula can lead to the fact that the condition from cleaning with runes from the negative can worsen several times. Work on the desired end result by making up an unequivocal intention that you will visualize and pronounce when working with the runic formula.

What runes are used for cleaning

Cleaning the runes from the negative on the candle - becoming "Lily of the Valley". Allows you to quickly burn out all the available negative without negative consequences for the operator.

Consists of three Hagalaz, located in the Kveorts cross, Teyvaz + Turisaz. At the corners of the stave there is a ligature consisting of Nautiz + Laguz. Recommended to use within two hours. A detailed diagram, description is given below.

This runic formula includes the following runes - Eyvaz, Hagalaz, Turisaz, Nautiz, Teivaz, Laguz.

Start drawing symbols from the central part of the stave - three Hagalaz, then apply the following counterclockwise runic symbols... The formula should be worn throughout three days... The reservation is made near a burning wax candle. The main intention is to clear out all the negativity (it is better to write the list on a piece of paper, separated by commas). Do not forget to write the expiration date of "Lily of the Valley".

Removing the runes of negativity from yourself

Activation by fire of runes cleansing from the negative with the clause "Rosenroth + Trap" occurs according to the scheme below. Allows you to clear the entire negative from the object, including bindings, damage, addiction. In the presence of weak entities, runic becoming He kills them, and simply drives out the strong, crippling them. You should keep it with you for about three days - it all depends on the health of the object.

In the central part of the stave are the runes Dagaz, Laguz, Soulu, and in the background - Uruz and Mannaz. On the left and right sides of Mannaz there are Turisaz + Kveort + Nautiz + Raido (Eyvaz in the background). The far left is the combination of Nautiz + Hyera + Laguz.

Note. In order to slow down the effect of the formula a little, without allowing the moment of cleaning, targeting runic symbols should be placed on top of Mannaz and under it

The formula Hyera - Eyvaz - Soulu - Hagalaz - Soulu - Eyvaz - Hyera will help to clear the operator of all sorts of negative manifestations. In the process of drawing the formula, be sure to pronounce the meaning of each rune. Let's start in order.

  • Hagalaz: Displays the entire complex of negative superimposed on a specific object (pronounce the name). When making a reservation, indicate the existing psycho-emotional blocks, resentments, complexes, memories that in one way or another can affect the existing spheres of life
  • Soulu (left and right): The force of negative impact is destroyed and burned completely, irrevocably
  • Eyvaz: Final elimination of negative impacts
  • Hyera: Strengthening the effect for nine days

Removal of negative by runes from loved ones

To activate runic formulas for removing negativity from loved ones, follow these tips:

  • Write the runes in the specified sequence on a piece of paper. Another variant - interior wrists. Say the name of each rune, then clearly state the intention (essence of cleansing). This option is most often used by beginners - it helps to draw up a clear formulation for the correct removal of negativity.
  • The application of the runes is done on a special candle (not necessarily a church one). Burn it completely and start the cleaning process.
  • Runic formulas for protection can also be applied to the mirror. Thus, the negative will be sent to the person who inflicted it.
  • Using photography, you can also remove the negative from loved ones. Apply the selected runic becoming on the photo and leave it in a place inaccessible to strangers

Cleaning property with runes (remote cleaning of property according to the photo)

For those who want to remove the negativity from their own home, you should take advantage of the action of the protective runes that beat off attacks. I advise you to use the Queort (Northumbrian rune), but without fanaticism and not for everyday protection.

The rune cleansing ritual can be carried out directly in the house or at a short distance from it. Runic magic is most often used in conjunction with other rites / attributes, regardless of the operator's creed. The main task of the runic formula is to attract natural elements that allow them to fight negative manifestations.

Apartment cleaning by photo

  • Returnable rituals. They give the customer the opportunity to experience the negative power " kickback"From the negative sent to him
  • Easy cleaning. The task of this rite is to get rid of negative energy, to establish a strong defense against the subsequent wave of negative manifestations.
  • Candle cleaning is the most versatile method of cleaning with runes. Draw the Quaort sign four times on a white wax candle according to the picture below and walk with it throughout the room. Repeat the procedure for three days - depending on the degree of contamination of the room

Note! This ritual should be performed in the complete absence of people or pets.

The clause should contain the following: the goal (cleansing the room of negativity), a listing of possible negative programs (it all depends on the manifestations - speak as much as possible full list), the end result (what should happen after cleaning).

Runic becoming "Cheyenne Mountain"

It can be used as personal protection and to remove negativity from real estate. It will help put your thoughts in order, sit quietly, thinking about the upcoming events.

  • Stan: Stone, the main rune of protection
  • : protection is your everything. It will help predict the possibility of an attack, warning the operator about the likelihood of an attack. Allows you to establish a channel of protection, gives protection. In the presence of certain negative attacks, it reduces their concentration, turning the action vector back on the enemy

Note. If she cannot deploy the attack of the attacker, she will be able to dissipate the concentration of directed negative potential

Runes purge aftermath

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The consequences of cleaning with runes after a negative depend on the correctness of the ritual performed. Most often, enlightenment occurs in all spheres of human life - health improves, there is an advancement in the career ladder, relations with loved ones are normalized.

When it comes to karmic problems, minor troubles may appear, which will not take very long to resolve. Be carefull!

To find out even more interesting information, do not forget to follow the updates on our website. I wish you all the best! Good luck!

Cleaning kind

Cleaning kind

The formula was born in the light of the fact that I had to cleanse one family from generic problems. I must say right away - the Formula has shown itself very well….

What is cleaning kind. Each person experiences a generic burden up to the seventh generation and is responsible for their ancestors. In turn, ancestors can and should help a person energetically and informationally solve important life problems. If the clan is sufficiently pure, then its interference in the fate of the individual will be of a powerful positive nature. If the clan is defiled, then in addition to working off the clan karmic debts, the person will not be able to receive the effective help due to him from the “other” side and vice versa will face the problems of the ancestors.

Desecration of the clan occurs every time a person commits a grave sin that is incompatible with the integrity of the energy structures of the soul. In other words, the soul of the personality receives a deep breakdown in energy structures. This happens during curses, love spells, violent deaths, suicides, betrayal and other powerful negative events. In such cases, our family tree begins to "rot", passing this negative from generation to generation.

So the runes that are in this formula.
Kveort - well, here we understand that with fire we burn out all the negativity that is.

Berkana - For all types of protection. To solve family issues. Promotes rebirth, gives the strength needed to start something again. Gives cleansing and renewal
Manaz - we are in this family tree) and all our relatives)))
Dagaz - By itself, Runa Dagaz will act as a powerful explosive mechanism aimed at changing the situation, by destroying the prevailing circumstances, and creating the prerequisites for a new one. Dagaz activates vitality, seeks and shows people new opportunities, new ways, helps to move to a new cycle of life, sets the world in motion. Dagaz activates vitality, seeks and shows people new opportunities, new ways, helps to move to a new cycle of life, sets the world in motion. Gives vitality, the rune of life. Has a beneficial effect on the opinions and attitudes of people around you
Helps to change your own attitudes and behavior patterns. Transformation of a dark, bad period in life into a good one, resolving crises and dark streaks of life.

Gebo is a force that simultaneously binds and directs towards harmonious balance, setting the limits of this process. Helps you make the most of your time and get back what was spent for your benefit. It will help to enter into active interaction with your higher self. To unite us with our kind .. harmonization of relations. Establishing a balanced partnership; Promotes the establishment of communication with higher powers, receiving advice and help from them

Kano - symbolizes kinship, the search for knowledge and the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation. The rune of disclosure of the state of the world-world and the rune of renewed clarity. Rune of Incarnation. A very powerful rune; is able not only to direct human activity (at any level) in the right direction, but also to give it the necessary strength. gain clarity of thought; Highlights all the negativity that was in the family, and in the very genus to neutralize it, it also helps to see what changes need to be made in your life;

Odal - Runa has a pronounced character of the clan, family, a pronounced social character. On the one hand, it makes it possible to help from there .. The strength of the family, the strength of the roots, genetic inheritance. Communication with ancestors. Protects the family heritage .. And as we can see, they also personify our family.

Ansuz - Will provide protection and bring high inspiration to magical practices. For the emergence of effective magical energy that we need to cleanse our kind.

Log is a balance, like a hagal, but this rune will destroy all the negative that will be in the race and on us, and at the same time, it will keep balance in us and our race.

Nautiz - So, our individual past is not something that is gone and irretrievably lost, as we were taught. Time itself is energy. It is active in the present, for it served to form it, and is also involved in determining the future. In other words, our "here and now" is the sum of our past experience, and our future position is determined in the present. Our past lives have not gone forever either. Each of them is a facet of our integral being and lives in another "segment" of Time. But their essence is still in us, albeit in a different dimension, influencing our thoughts and actions. To free yourself from problems and needs. To help you achieve your goals. For protection. Helps to recognize betrayal, deception. Gives strength to survive the hard life span, get out of the crisis safely ...

The camp is the protection of our entire kind during the cleansing. We are placed there, so that nothing could harm us from outside, He will simply spit out what could not burn the fiery runes and prevent the negative that was from returning.
Eyvaz - For communication between us and our kind. For protection. Helps to overcome obstacles
Will protect you from unnecessary fears. Will release your inner strength. The rune of transformation changes the situation, advances towards the goal, blocking opposition. Acts as a rune of protection, or rather as a rune of active defense. We are fundamentally changing the threat to something for something useful for something (the enemy fights with his own weapon). The minus sign is converted to a plus sign.

Hyera - The beginning of the cleansing and contributes to the successful completion of this cleansing.
Inguz - Runa Inguz - the rune of the transition to a new level, the rune of a new qualitative leap. This is a moment of transformation, enlightenment, awakening. Now the energies, experience, accumulated for a long time, are released, acquiring a new quality, and transforming both the person himself and his understanding of the life situation. Inguz symbolizes a qualitative change in the level that occurs against the will of a person. Quantity turns into quality. The accumulated experience, meanings and energies acquire a new form, give rise to a new quality.

Teyvaz - Restore justice, Give protection and healing. Will save you from an unjustly imposed curse, "damage", "evil eye". Achievement of the goal only by legal, fair and correct methods. Action within the framework of the Law, but within the framework of the System. Works as a guide to the goal. Dragging in tow, the speed of movement is enormous, like water skiing behind a boat.

Turisaz - Clearing chaos. To protect their interests. To weaken ill-wishers or take measures to counter them. Provides protection from hostile magic and curses or in situations where circumstances get out of your control
Promotes clarification in an unfavorable situation for you and directs the course of its development in your favor. Helps neutralize psychological pressure or the actions of your enemies

Laguz - Laguz is the rune of the water element, a flowing force that rises from the well of the Subconscious. It cleans and refreshes all levels of being, for it is the bearer of vital energy. Stabilizes an emotionally or mentally unfavorable situation. Increases psychic abilities, sharpens and strengthens the intuitive perception of the world. Promotes contact with the subconscious. Relieves complexes and fears. Returns what is lost peace of mind... Acts as a merger with the element of water, enhances the programming effect. In our case, it washes out all the negativity that is.

Algiz - This rune is a powerful conductor, a channel through which the energy of the gods goes to man, and the energy of man to the gods. powerful protection, protection of the gods. To enhance luck and vitality. It will create barriers to the possible invasion of your life by harmful forces.
Wunye - Helps to determine the best time for the required action and thus achieve the best results.
Induce joy, energy, a feeling of elation and good mood... The state of joy accompanies new energy- energy that was previously blocked.
It evokes a feeling of self-confidence - not vain pride and arrogant complacency, but a humble awareness of one's own importance among other creatures.
Able to cause the cleansing of the astral body, the removal of energy blocks.
Able to cause an improvement in well-being. Removes energy blocks

P.S. For convenience, becoming has already been applied to the tree of the genus and you can simply print it out and simply write your relatives in each cell ...