First intercourse. The consequences of the first intercourse that occurs after the first sex with a girl. If another man becomes the father of a woman's children, then the imposition of images gives a negative result on the children, they will be weak not only physically, but also

The very concept of “ average duration sexual intercourse "- not quite clear. First, we need to agree on what exactly we count. The term "sexual intercourse" can be understood in a broad and narrow sense.

What is "intercourse"?

In sexual intimacy (sexual intercourse "in the broad sense"), certain stages are distinguished. Namely:

1) foreplay,

2) frictional stage;

3) orgasm;

4) the final stage (postludes).

Sexual arousal increases during foreplay. People of different temperaments, ages, etc. it can have completely different duration and energy (sometimes it can be practically absent). The same can be said for the final stage.

Everything is so individual that the only stage that, in principle, can be measured is the frictional stage, which begins with penetration, that is, the introduction of the male penis into the vagina, and ends with ejaculation - ejaculation.

It is this period that is often referred to as "sexual intercourse" (although this is not true). It is about how long this "sexual intercourse in the narrow sense" should last further and will be discussed.

What does the statistics say about the duration of intercourse?

It should be borne in mind that the duration of intercourse can be measured both in time units - minutes and seconds, and in the number of frictions - different men can perform frictions at different speeds.

So research shows that in the vast majority of cases, sexual intercourse lasts from 1 minute 45 seconds, or about 65 frictions, to 3 minutes 37 seconds, or about 270-275 frictions. The average is 2 minutes 24 seconds. The conventional norm is the range from 1.5 to 5 minutes.

Sexual intercourse ends with ejaculation, that is, ejaculation, accompanied by a male orgasm: the continuation of frictions after this becomes impossible due to the disappearance of the erection of the penis. Thus, just the mentioned time, that is, on average - 2 minutes 24 seconds, is enough for a man to "finish".

A woman, on the other hand, needs significantly longer stimulation to reach orgasm. Male and female body We differ significantly in this respect.

For most men, especially long foreplay and the final stage are not necessary. By itself, a normal male orgasm lasts 5-10 seconds. The vast majority of men are not able to experience more than 1 orgasm during intercourse.

Thus, by and large, apart from these 5-10 seconds, a man “doesn't need anything”. The rest of the frictional stage, and other stages, are "intended", rather, for women.

Even taking into account the need for some time for the increase in arousal, if the entire sexual intercourse lasts 20 seconds or half a minute, then this will be quite enough for a man to get an orgasm and sexual release. This means that it is for a man that any duration of intercourse will be biologically normal.

As for women, most of the surveyed women received an orgasm 3-4 minutes after the onset of frictions, on average - after 3.5 minutes. In doing so, however, there were significant variations associated with personal characteristics.

For different women, intercourse could last from 1 to 11 minutes - if you count from the moment of the first penetration to the onset of the first orgasm. It is clear that only very few men are able not to "discharge" within 5 minutes of the frictional stage (what can we say about 11!).

But at the same time, all surveyed women experienced orgasm, if not always, then quite often. This is because human sexuality, and indeed the human psyche in general, is a very flexible system. Insufficiently long intercourse is compensated by a longer foreplay. Practice shows that two adults are almost always able to adapt to each other.

It should be understood that nature had good reasons for arranging the female sexual sphere differently from the male one. If in men an orgasm occurs directly from the friction of the glans penis against the walls of the vagina during frictions, then in women the walls of the vagina are almost insensitive in this regard.

This is not surprising: if the walls of the vagina were as permeated with nerve endings as the head of the penis, then the woman would die from painful shock during childbirth, when the vagina was exposed to a very strong traumatic effect. For this reason, nature could not “make” female sexuality “mirror” in relation to male sexuality.

The center of female sexual sensitivity is the clitoris. It is located slightly above the entrance to the vagina and is not injured during childbirth. It is direct or indirect stimulation of the clitoris that leads to orgasm in a woman.

Since the increase in arousal in women with indirect stimulation of the clitoris requires more time than in men with direct stimulation of the glans penis, a woman's orgasm comes later than that of a man. True, for such difficulties, nature rewarded a woman with a longer orgasm, as well as the ability to experience an orgasm several times during one sexual intercourse.

But it is precisely for this reason that the abnormally short attainment of orgasm by a man creates problems for women: despite all the mentioned flexibility of human sexuality, a woman often cannot adapt to an excessively short sexual intercourse. This problem should be solved with the help of specialists.

What determines the duration of intercourse

The timing of ejaculation in men can depend on many factors. First of all - from the physiological and anatomical features. For different people different degrees of sensitivity of nerve endings are characteristic: accordingly, they need and different time to achieve orgasm. For some men, too long foreplay "warms up" so much that later sexual intercourse continues for a few seconds.

Also, the moral and psychological state of a man plays an important role: nervous exhaustion, lack of sleep, general irritation, increased emotionality (or, conversely, emotional decline) can lead both to a more rapid completion of sexual intercourse, and, conversely, to its unnecessarily long duration. In general, men with high sexual arousal are often prone to intercourse lasting less than 2 minutes.

The age of a man is also of great importance: very young people often do not yet have a special sexual experience, and therefore they are not used to controlling their body properly.

In men, the period of adolescent hypersexuality ends at about 22 years of age. After this, there is a compensatory decline in sexuality, which lasts until about 26 years of age.

Then sexuality again slightly increases and reaches a plateau: it remains more or less constant throughout the entire subsequent active sexual life of a man (in the absence of diseases of the genitourinary system). It begins to decline only during the period of male menopause, which in different men occurs approximately between 45 and 60 years.

At this time, sexual activity decreases, a variety of dysfunctions may occur, including premature ejaculation or, conversely, its delay. In the presence of serious diseases of the genitourinary system, complete impotence may occur. After the end of the climacteric transition, sexual life returns to normal, although usually at a much lower level. It is during the period of adolescent hypersexuality or menopause with the duration of sexual intercourse that there can be problems.

The regularity of sexual intercourse is also important: after a period of prolonged abstinence, the first intercourse may be too short. With active sexual activity, on the contrary, the average time of intercourse may increase.

It also matters whether sexual contact occurs in an established couple or in a newly created one. Practice shows that intercourse in an established couple is usually shorter, but at the same time, both partners quickly and effectively reach orgasm. Here it is a matter of "habit" - a conditioned reflex.

If the body “knows” that after certain actions an orgasm always comes (simply because it has already happened dozens and hundreds of times), then it quickly and effectively prepares for it.

On the contrary, after the separation of long-term spouses, it happens that for a long time they cannot then start a normal sex life with new partners: simply because they are no longer so young, and the habit-reflex no longer simplifies the achievement of orgasm, as it was with the former husband or wife.

Possible causes of too short intercourse

Possible reasons for having intercourse too quickly are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity of the glans penis - congenital or arising from previous diseases;
  • mental disorders associated with unsuccessful sexual intercourse before;
  • vesiculitis or prostatitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal imbalance - pathological or natural age-related;
  • diseases of the central nervous system, spinal cord or brain injury.

To provide effective assistance, you need to understand what cause or their combination caused the problem. Not always, but very often the problems are primarily psychological in nature. However, they can also lead to a similar effect. In such cases, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

Possible causes of excessively prolonged intercourse

Too long intercourse is by no means as good a sign as is sometimes thought. Pathological delay in ejaculation can eventually lead a man to be unable to experience orgasm at all. The main reasons for such a violation may be as follows:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • diseases or injuries of the central nervous system;
  • alcohol or other drug abuse;
  • pathology of the reproductive system.

In addition, certain medications may play a role. In particular, drugs that change blood pressure have side effects on the sexual sphere. It is known that even the famous "Viagra" was discovered during the search for a means to lower the pressure ...

How to normalize the duration of intercourse?

First of all, you should think carefully about whether this is necessary. Despite the fact that officially the norm is the length of intercourse between 1.5 and 5 minutes, it is considered inappropriate to intervene in the situation with its duration from 45 seconds to 12 minutes: deviations from the norm in these cases are not so significant, and to adapt to lead a normal sex life in such conditions are usually quite realistic.

But if treatment is still necessary, then only a specialist can help. Usually, the following methods are used to make intercourse last longer:

1. Treatment of existing diseases of the genitourinary system, if any (infections, inflammation, etc.).

2. Psychotherapy (possibly also chemotherapy) of existing nervous disorders affecting the sexual sphere.

3. Hormone therapy (in particular, for dysfunctions during menopause).

4. Operative, including surgical intervention in order to decrease or increase the sensitivity of the glans penis. There are different methods here: from circumcision of the foreskin to creating a layer of hyaluronic acid under the skin of the head (using injections).

5. The use of additional means during sexual intercourse: thick rubber condoms to reduce sensitivity or a variety of sexual "toys" to increase arousal.

Currently, methods of therapy for sexual dysfunctions associated with a violation of the normal duration of intercourse are well developed.

The first sexual intercourse is a real event for every person. In addition, from a psychological point of view, it is the first sex that often lays the attitude towards sex in general, and also forms some of the foundations of sexual behavior. Therefore, it is very important that the first sexual experience was not forced and did not cause moral suffering in both partners.

Often, young people have certain ideas about how the first sexual intercourse should go, and what sensations they will experience at the same time. However, in most cases these ideas do not coincide with reality, and some boys and girls are even disappointed.

When should the first intercourse take place?

There is no exact age best suited for first intercourse. Perhaps, for everyone, the willingness to have sex is determined by their own feelings. As a rule, women need more time to realize their readiness and desire to have sexual relations with a man. Moreover, for girls, the first sexual intercourse is more significant than for guys.

Men during their adolescence usually do not think about choosing a partner, for them the number of girls is much more important at this time. This is due to the rivalry between young people who like to brag about their achievements to friends. For girls, a partner is very important, therefore, they, as a rule, approach their choice very seriously, most often, stopping him at the object of strong sympathy or love.

The first sexual intercourse in girls

For any girl, the first sexual intercourse is a real test. Not only is the process itself, as a rule, associated with unpleasant sensations, but in addition, many girls complain that they have a stomach ache after the first intercourse. This situation is standard, and the pain in the lower abdomen disappears after two to three days.

Basically, pain appears due to rupture of the hymen, as well as due to irritation of the vaginal mucosa. The body simply reacts to what is unusual for it. However, soon the unpleasant symptoms disappear and stop bothering the girl.

In some cases, the painful sensations do not stop for a long time. This may be the reason for contacting a gynecologist. If the pain in the lower abdomen lasts more than five days, there is a chance of developing infectious diseases, especially if the partner did not use a condom during sex. Many men are carriers of viruses and bacteria, and therefore the option of infection is not excluded. In this situation, a quick visit to a doctor will help get rid of the disease for another early stage its development.

Blood after losing virginity is completely normal. The fact is that in the hymen, as in any other tissue, there are blood vessels, so when it ruptures, the blood comes out. The amount of blood depends on where exactly the rupture occurred, on the number of vessels that were in this place.

Possible causes of lower abdominal pain

The pain of losing virginity can be explained quite simply - during the first sexual intercourse, the girl's hymen is torn. That is why there is also a slight flow of blood from the vagina. As for the pain in the lower abdomen after the first sex, there may be several reasons:

  1. The size of the male genital organ is quite large, it does not correspond to the size of the girl's vagina. In this case, even injury to internal organs is possible.
  2. Aggression during first intercourse. This can happen if the girl is forcibly forced to have sex, or if the partner prefers rude behavior during sexual intercourse.
  3. During the first intercourse, foreign objects, toys from a sex shop, or something else were used.

Severe pain accompanied by other symptoms such as bleeding, abdominal hardness, high temperature, nausea, suggests that something went wrong during the first sex. An urgent need to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Top 10 mistakes on first sex


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A girl's period after the first intercourse

The female body is a very complex system, which is sometimes incomprehensible even to women themselves. Sometimes, after the first intercourse, significant changes occur in the functioning of many organs, especially the reproductive system. Often, women experience a cycle change after the first sex, as well as other significant changes.

Your period after losing your virginity may become more abundant than it used to be. The fact is that the hymen delays the flow of blood from the vagina, so heavy periods are quite rare for teenage girls. In addition, since the uterus, by contracting, pushes out parts of the tissues of the inner walls of the uterus, small clots can also be observed in the girl's blood.

The presence of the hymen in general has a pretty strong effect on the functioning of the uterus. During menstruation, the hymen prevents the uterus from contracting quickly, and therefore, a spasm occurs, accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. After losing virginity, the pain usually disappears, and the uterus begins to contract faster.

Such changes in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system can cause a cycle change. Do not be alarmed if your period comes. ahead of time, or, conversely, there will be a delay. Of course, if during the first sexual intercourse contraceptives were not used, and then menstruation did not come on time, it is better to consult a gynecologist, or use tests. If the process took place along with protective equipment, you should wait a while.

Sometimes disruptions in the menstrual cycle can be caused by the appearance of various diseases. Often, there are hidden infections or diseases in the girl's body that do not manifest themselves in any way for a long time. The first sexual intercourse becomes the cause of exacerbation for such diseases.

The doctor about the deprivation of virginity

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first intercourse?

The issue of pregnancy after the first intercourse worries a lot of girls. The answer to this question is pretty simple. You can get pregnant after the first sex in the same way as after the second, third or tenth. The point here is not at all about the number of sexual intercourse, it is completely different whether contraception was used during sex or not. If the means of protection have been used, then the risk of becoming pregnant is significantly reduced.

You need to understand that interrupted intercourse is not a reliable method of contraception, since a man, like a woman, releases a special lubricant during sex, which also contains sperm. Therefore, there is a possibility that these sperm will enter the woman's vagina, and then into the egg. The risk of getting pregnant in this way, of course, is somewhat less, but it still exists.

How long should the first intercourse last?

Just as with age, there is simply no clear figure for how long sexual intercourse should last for the first time. For everyone, this process occurs in completely different ways. However, in general, the duration of the first sex entirely depends on the man. If a man is experienced, and for a girl, sex is the first time, then most likely the process will be average in size.

Experienced men know how to avoid premature ejaculation, prolong intercourse and please their partner. True, in the case when a woman has sexual intercourse for the first time, a too long process is not recommended... A woman is unlikely to receive pleasure during the first sex, regardless of its duration. As a rule, a long first sex, on the contrary, becomes a real test for a girl, since she experiences pain from a ruptured hymen.

In addition, prolonged first sex can irritate the girl's vaginal mucosa. An experienced man should understand these circumstances and not torment the girl for the first time. You should also not try to surprise the girl and show her all your skills in bed. Emotions and impressions will be enough for her for a long time.

If a man himself is inexperienced in sex, and for him sexual intercourse is also the first in life, it is likely that it will not last long. The fact is that men also experience stress before the first sexual intercourse, sometimes even more than women. After all, it is extremely important for each representative of the strong half to demonstrate their skills in bed.

At the same time, men should not worry about the first time, since failure during the first sexual experience is absolutely normal. Most often, the first sex in men ends with premature ejaculation due to intense tension and stress, and sometimes due to strong arousal.

How can a guy take her virginity from a girl?

How to prepare for your first sex?

The first intercourse between men and women is perceived in completely different ways. For men, as a rule, the very fact of losing virginity is important. For women, the process is much more important, as well as the partner with whom she had the first sex. So that the first sexual intercourse does not bring moral pain and subsequent mental anguish, it is advisable for girls to prepare for this process.

One of the most suitable positions is when the girl is lying on her stomach with her legs wide apart. It is also advisable to place a pillow under the thighs. In this position, the muscles and internal organs of the woman are as relaxed as possible, which facilitates the process of guiding the man's penis into the vagina.

You can also use the side and back positions during the first sex. A man may ask a girl in what position it is more convenient for her to be, so that the position does not cause discomfort.

The first sexual intercourse is a stressful situation for both men and women, as no one knows what to do. It is important that this process is mutually agreed and at the request of both parties. You should not engage in sexual relations just because all peers have already had sex. You need to rely only on your own desires and feelings. This is especially true for women, since the first experience greatly influences the further attitude of a woman to sex.

How did I enlarge my penis by 3.5 cm in 14 days?

Hi friends! My name is Nikita Korablev, I am a popular blogger and until recently the owner of a 13cm penis! Yes, yes - exactly 13cm! But I decided to change my penis and I did it! This is what I wanted to tell ...

When you have little- your girlfriend, of course, is trying to calm down, to say that the main thing is not sex, but the soul and all that jazz. But I am a young and healthy man, I was 25 - and I believed in these nonsense ... Until the moment when they sent me a video, where two healthy men are her rod. So much for "sex is not important" ...

I decided it was time to end it and started researching tons of penis enlargement literature. I watched foreign videos, translated English literature in search of a set of measures that could help me. I started to try jelqing, various folk methods, creams and gels, pumps and all that jazz.

After 2 years I came across Titan cream, ordered it and ... it didn't help me! Although it helps every second person. I started to study the problem and this is what I discovered ...

For some, the structure of the penis is different - that is why it is so difficult for some to enlarge it with the help of Priap Gel. But there is a way out! The genetics and structure of the penis cannot be corrected, but you can apply different exercises and methods of massage of the penis (jelqing) and together with Titan gel this technique gives a REAL RESULT! After several years of searching and a huge number of methods that I tried, I finally found my own method that works: TITAN GEL + JELKING was able to enlarge my penis by 3.5 cm in 14 days, and after a few months of training by another 1.5.

Total 5 cm in total! 5CM FRIENDS! Now I am 18 cm and I can be proud of this size! Yes, not huge, but for women to moan from orgasm - more than enough.

Use this technique and please your women in bed! Order Titan gel and start using jelqing. Good luck to you!

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The first wedding night is an unforgettable event in the life of lovers. In girls, the attitude towards first sexual intercourse differs significantly from that of men. Most of them are afraid of the first intercourse. They like caresses, hugs, kisses, the tender words of a beloved man, but the upcoming sexual intercourse is often perceived fearfully and wary. Therefore, a young man must reckon with the feelings and experiences of the girl. He must be patient-persistent, gentle and necessarily confident in his abilities. Unwillingness to reckon with the state of her beloved, and sometimes gross violence can inflict on her mental, and if she resists, and physical trauma, often with serious consequences for further intimate life (for example, the development of vaginismus or the formation of aversion to sexual intercourse in a young woman) .. From time immemorial, millions of women lost their virginity in the bosom of nature, but today, in the era of civilization and antiseptics, more hygienic conditions are required. In short, the conclusion is simple: it is best to do “this” at home.

The first sexual intercourse is in some respects an unpleasant experience that allows you to learn more and more new secrets of sexual love in the future. When partners decide to start a joint sex life, they need, if possible, to limit foreplay, as they cause blood flow to the genitals, increasing the possibility of subsequent bleeding and, increasing nervous excitability, which can lead to unpleasant sensations during the first sexual intercourse ... It is difficult to expect that a woman, even if she is sexually developed, will be able to experience an orgasm during the first intercourse, because painful sensations, as a rule, block sexual arousal, although there are, of course, exceptions. Preliminary caresses before the first sexual intercourse should be gentle, imbued with warmth and love, and to a lesser extent aimed at arousing erotic sensuality.

Choosing the correct position during intercourse is important to reduce pain to a minimum during the first sexual intercourse. In the so-called normal position (lying on her back with straightened, slightly spread legs), the woman's buttocks bend the bed, opening, first of all, the upper part of the vaginal opening - next to the urethra, just below the pubis. Straightened legs do not sufficiently open the perineal area and make it difficult to insert the penis into the vagina. With relaxed muscles of the perineum, the hymen is not tense, sags freely, and it is necessary to press on it for a long time with the penis until it, as stretched as possible, breaks. The pressure on the hymen, as you know, causes pain, and in the so-called traditional or normal position, this process is delayed until the moment of tearing of this membrane. Heavily overgrown, or sieve, hymen can become an obstacle during the first sexual intercourse, especially if an inexperienced man (virgin) acts as a partner. In situations where, despite repeated attempts, which only intensifies pain in women, it is not possible to break the hymen, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the growth of unpleasant emotions and fear has a very negative effect on subsequent mutual relations between young spouses.

In this case, you should pay attention to two points. First, during coitus, a man must act confidently, demonstrating a certain onslaught and making decisions not only for himself, but also for his partner. At the same time, a woman should not lose her head from fear and not push her partner away too vigorously, because in her “heroic” defense, as a rule, lies the cause of painful sensations, since the man has to make certain efforts.

It is necessary to clearly understand for yourself that we are not talking about some unbearable pain and terrible bleeding, pictures of which arise in the enacted imagination, but about a light, maybe a little unpleasant, painful sensation that lasts a second, if we ourselves, our we will not complicate the situation with rash actions. Moreover, one should not forget that the choice of the correct posture during coitus and the tension of the hymen significantly reduce the painful moment, reducing the sensation of pain to a minimum.

Before entering into a joint sex life, it would also be nice to worry about getting rid of such ailments as inflammation of the vagina or intense mucus (leucorrhoea) from the genitals in a gynecological consultation. Often, virgins have inflammatory processes caused by the introduction of various infections (Trichomonas, fungus, etc.). Infection with Trichomonas and fungus usually occurs when using a bath or shower in general, when swimming in polluted swimming pools, etc. In these cases, redness, burning and unpleasant itching appear in the genital area. If a woman does not get rid of inflammatory diseases before the onset of sexual activity, then the first sexual intercourse can be very painful. Inflamed wounds easily form on the swollen and reddened perineum, which causes an unpleasant, painful reaction when trying to break the hymen. That is why, before getting married, a girl must definitely see a gynecologist.

Unpleasant sensations in the first period of sexual activity can also be delivered by small tears of the hymen, which require a certain time to heal. Therefore, if the husband does not curb his temperament and does not show some restraint, then there will be no time for the healing of such small wounds that can become inflamed, swollen and bleed with each attempt at sexual intercourse. Daily (sometimes repeated) intercourse can make a woman feel painful for several days or even weeks after the first intercourse, for a long time discouraging her from fulfilling marital duties.

The iron rule for a man should be the resumption of sexual activity no earlier than a few days after the first intercourse, that is, after the healing of the tears of the hymen. A woman during this period can be advised to lubricate the perineum with glycerin after washing the genitals in the morning and in the evening: this measure accelerates the healing process. When the wounds are completely healed, then when lubricated with glycerin, burning and tingling will no longer be felt.

In the future, after the healing of the ruptured hymen, during sexual intercourse, some painful sensations may occur, since it takes time for the skin tissue of the vestibule of the vagina and the vagina itself to get used to the pressure of the male penis and mechanical friction. Gradually, judiciously dosing sexual intercourse, young spouses will acquire experience and appropriate skills.

At the initial stage of sexual activity, it is also recommended to systematically lubricate the perineum with lubricant or just glycerin after washing, and immediately before intercourse, it is advisable to lightly lubricate the vaginal opening with a special vaginal lubricant.

To avoid painful coitus, a woman, before the first sexual intercourse, should place a pillow or sofa rolled up under her buttocks so that the pelvis is slightly raised. Legs spread apart and bent at the knees, the woman should press as close as possible to chest, since in such a position top part the entrance to the vagina,
located close to the pubis and clitoris. The male penis rises and rests against the hymen in the lower part of the vestibule and perineal area. When the knees are widely spaced against the ribcage, the hymen is maximally tense at the opening of the vagina, which facilitates its rapid rupture.

Complicates the first sexual intercourse and the defensive reaction of the partner's perineal muscles. In this case, two muscle groups are strained: the first is the thigh muscles, which tend to move the hips closer to each other, and the second is the muscles of the perineum, located between the sphincter anus and the lower border of the vaginal opening. The muscles of the perineum, powerful and elastic, form a kind of elastic roller, which, straining, narrows the entrance to the vagina. These muscles, which have the ability to contract strongly, press on the penis from below, pushing it up and bringing it closer to the pubis, which creates a situation typical for a prone position with straightened legs, that is, first of all, there is a danger of damaging the area of ​​the urethra and clitoris. Therefore, in the recommended position, the woman should deliberately relax the muscles of the perineum.

Acute pain during intercourse is caused, for example, by the unusual structure of the pubic bone.

The pubic bone in women with the correct physique has the shape of a roller approximately the size of the thumb of the hand, which is curved and forms the pubic eminence. This bone overhangs a kind of arch over the entrance to the vagina, merging with the edges of the pelvic bones, and does not represent an obstacle during coitus. In some women, the pubis has the shape of a flat saber-shaped bar 3-4 fingers wide, almost half covering the lumen of the vaginal vestibule. With this form pubic bone its lower edge becomes an obstacle causing sharp pain when trying to insert the male penis into the vagina. It is especially felt when the penis presses on the periosteum and presses the urethra against the sharp edge of the pubic bone. Painful sensations when pressing on the periosteum is very painful and is repeated, as a rule, with each attempt to resume intercourse. All this contributes to the consolidation of a protective conditioned reflex and a woman's negative attitude towards sexuality.

For painless coitus with a saber-like structure of the pubis, it is necessary to choose a position in which a wide plate of the pubic bone, partially covering the entrance to the vagina, could take a horizontal position, facilitating the introduction of the male penis on the eve of the vagina. The following position is most convenient: a woman puts a pillow or blanket rolled up under the buttocks so that the pelvis is raised entirely, and the legs are bent at the knees and pressed against the chest. The advantage of this position is that the pelvic bones change their position, and the pubic bone is horizontal; a woman can use her fingers to make sure that the sharp edge of the pubic bone has risen up, the obstacle at the entrance to the vagina has been removed and there is no painful reaction from pressing with the fingers. In short, by conducting this simple experiment, a woman will be able to determine for herself whether the unusual structure of the pubic bone is not the cause of her unhappiness in marriage.

Changing positions during intercourse allows a woman to choose the most comfortable and painless one. The powerful and tense muscles of the perineum play an important role here during coitus. When this muscle group contracts in women with an unusual structure of the pubic bone, the penis is pressed against the sharp edge of the pubic bone, giving the man unpleasant sensations. This protective reflex shows a tendency to consolidate, and often, even after a change in posture, a strong contraction of the muscles of the perineum complicates sexual intercourse.
Thus, along with changing postures, it is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the perineum. A woman should be able to relax them in order to facilitate the free entry of the penis into the vagina.

There are also women whose genitals develop later than usual and at a slower pace. Such a woman in most cases “matures” during the first years of marriage. Sexual life becomes a kind of catalyst for her, accelerating the full development of her reproductive apparatus. In women with an underdeveloped uterus and vagina, there is less activity of the mucous glands that moisturize the perineum, as well as insufficient blood supply to the pelvic organs, which is necessary to prepare the vulva and vagina for sexual intercourse (more on this in the chapter on blood circulation).

Such deficiencies in the development of the genitals will disappear as sexual activity continues, but only if the sexual relationship is truly full, that is, if the woman begins to experience an orgasm during intercourse. Women with delayed development of the reproductive apparatus can be advised to use lubricants (lubricants) at the initial stage of their sexual life - slightly lubricating the area of ​​the entrance to the vagina. Reducing the resistance and friction when the male penis is inserted into it facilitates sexual intercourse, allows you to get sensual pleasure during coitus, thereby contributing to blood filling and rapid "ripening" of the infantile genital organs.

In addition, another difficulty arises. The normal reaction of every person to pain is to move away from the source of pain. At the first coitus, the woman's instinctive desire to interrupt sexual contact at the moment when she feels pain, causes relaxation of the hymen, tightening the painful sensations. Despite this reflex reaction, when mild pain appears, a woman should consciously make a movement with her pelvis forward, thereby reducing the duration of pain when the hymen is torn to a fraction of a second. Following this advice, you can cross the threshold of your sex life almost painlessly.

The culprit of the difficulties arising during the first intercourse may also be a man. If a partner is timid, nervous, not sure of himself, afraid to seem “unmanly” in the eyes of his beloved, then this naturally affects his physical condition- he fails to achieve a full erection of the penis, maintain its sufficient rigidity and elasticity during the entire sexual intercourse, delay premature - before the introduction of the penis into the vagina - the release of sperm, etc. And if the partners have already learned the "taste" of sexual pleasure, caused by caresses, accustomed to their nakedness, gentle touches and kisses, they are usually better prepared for any possible "surprises" during the first intercourse and more confidently cope with them. A man who has managed to make sure that various caresses, kisses or superficial physical contact with a partner cause him to have a normal erection and ejaculation, does not see much difference in his feelings during the first intercourse. For him, this is, in essence, another step on the path of mutual knowledge of the secrets of the body. As for the posture for a man, he can be in the traditional lying position, in which, easily resting his knees on the bed, he holds the woman with his hands by the shoulders so as not to allow her to move away at the moment of pain. However, a more preferable position is in which the man kneels between the woman's spread legs, holding her hips with his hands. In this position, he can control the situation, and not act blindly.

Erection difficulties and premature ejaculation are gradually becoming a thing of the past,
just like the fear of losing virginity. These are signs of the times and modern conditions that facilitate the establishment of mutual contacts among young people, and we should not close our eyes to this. The nightmare of the first wedding night is already a history of morals. A situation when two people who practically do not know each other, whom parents and relatives diligently and reliably protected from any intimate contacts, are suddenly put in a position - accordingly not prepared for this - when she must silently endure pain, and not demonstrate her masculine strength hardly needs compliments.

It should be borne in mind that the reason for the rapid ejaculation and weakening of erection in a man is excessive sexual tension caused by prolonged sexual abstinence. Sexual caresses that precede the onset of sexual intercourse (petting) counteract the excessive accumulation of sexual tension, weakening of erection and premature ejaculation. Easily excitable men can, while caressing their partner before the first intercourse, experience an orgasm, accompanied by the release of semen, which leads to a significant decrease in sexual tension. However, one should not worry too much, because after a short period of time, the man, having resumed affection, will feel that the erection of the penis has become more stable and lasting. In this situation, it is very important that the young wife behaves correctly. It is well known that reproaches and irritations from a partner contribute to a young man's neurotic fixation on sexual problems, increase his fear of intimacy, and hence the likelihood of repeated breakdowns with each subsequent attempt to have sexual intercourse.

Conception on the wedding night can hardly be considered the best option, although such cases are by no means uncommon. When the first wedding night coincides with menstruation, you need to know that intercourse during this period is undesirable.

Many young wives in the first months after marriage complain of unpleasant dryness in the vagina, which significantly reduces sensitivity and causes discomfort during intercourse, especially in the initial phase. Dryness of the vestibule of the vagina and the vagina itself is explained by the effect, so to speak, of “sexual non-arousal” and the scarcity of foreplay. Physical contacts of the preliminary period, such as kissing, touching, fondling the breasts, various sexual games, as well as irritation of the clitoris, contribute to the rush of blood to the walls of the vagina, labia and clitoris. The flow of blood to the perineal and vaginal area leads to the secretion of mucus by the mucous glands, while the interstitial fluid begins to seep through the walls of the vagina into its cavity. As a result of these changes, the vestibule of the vagina is moistened, and the small lips open slightly, facilitating the introduction of the male penis. Thus, if a man manages to make his partner feel the fullness of sexual arousal, then this is quite enough to get rid of vaginal dryness.

In general, there is nothing complicated in the first wedding night, and at first it seems that there seems to be no need to dwell on this topic especially. But let's not forget that young people would like to study this problem more deeply, but do not know how and where to get the relevant information. A detailed analysis of the difficulties arising in connection with the decision of partners to start a joint sex life convinces that information in this area is really necessary.

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First sex for girls- this is not only the first sexual impression, but also the birth of female sensuality.

If a man did not show tenderness, tact and understanding, then a woman may have an aversion to sexual intercourse and sexual coldness for life. No matter how gentle and affectionate a man she meets in the future, there is little he can fix. Among frigid women, about half point to the rudeness of the sexual partner during the first sexual intercourse as the reason for their "coldness". A virgin perceives defloration psychologically sharply - from panic fear and horror of what is happening (for example, during a rape) to a joyfully grateful feeling of giving back to a loved one.

You do not need to listen to what others have to say about the first intimacy. It goes differently for everyone. The vast majority of women tolerate defloration almost painlessly. The severity of pain depends on your inner mood, with fear, surprise, mental discomfort, muscle spasm occurs, and pain occurs. If you are morally ready for this event, you want it and you want to experience it with this particular man, there should be no pain. Sometimes defloration is made difficult by fear girls before the expected pain, and accompanied by an involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles that obstruct the penis. If the girl relaxes, then everything will go easier. At the same time, a man should act softly, gently, but confidently. Try to focus not on fear and physiological sensations, but on feelings for your partner. A lot depends on the environment - it should be familiar and relaxing.

First sexual experience is the basis of female sexuality
The first sexual intercourse is sometimes unpleasant for a woman. When her hymen is torn, she experiences pain that overshadows all other sensations for her. During the second and third sexual intercourse, pleasant sensations may appear (provided that the woman's psyche was not traumatized by male tactlessness). At the first sexual intercourse, a girl can receive satisfaction mainly from the caresses of a man. Defloration does not have to be done at one time - in case of severe pain it can be "divided" into stages - with an easily stretched hymen, each attempt usually leads to an enlargement of the opening, and at the same time in girls the fear passes before the pain. The partner's rude persistence is unacceptable, because possible serious consequences for further intimate life, aversion to coitus, vaginismus.

Defloration should be done only while lying down. The pain can be reduced if coitus is carried out in certain positions: the girl lies across the bed on her back, lowering her legs to the floor, and the man stands between his legs, rests on his hands on either side of her body and slowly makes an introitus. The position is considered even more gentle when a girl, lying on her back, puts a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under her buttocks, bends her knees, raises and presses them to her chest, which ensures maximum tension of the hymen and facilitates its tearing. Remember to work your vaginal muscles.

Remember that each of the partners should take care of giving each other more pleasure - this is the postulate of good sex... This is centuries ago bourgeois society the Victorian era flatly denied the very possibility that a woman could enjoy sex. "Close your eyes and think of England!" - this was the classic advice of a mother to her daughter on the eve of the wedding. The attitude - well-bred ladies do not move - suggested that "women from society" give themselves up passively, without movement, without emotion (in bed, as at a high society party). In the 18th century, in an instruction for priests who accept confession, it was written: "If the husband has an outpouring of semen before the wife is satisfied, then she is allowed to receive it by self-irritating the genitals. It is not a sin if a woman touches her genitals before intercourse. will cause himself sexual arousal, which will help her get satisfaction during sexual intercourse. "
During the first coitus in women, as a rule, there is no lubrication and therefore it is recommended to lubricate the head of the penis with petroleum jelly, and if intercourse is carried out in a condom, then a water-based lubricant, for example Solcoseryl gel.

Defloration is usually accompanied by slight bleeding, although in about 10% of cases it is not observed. Flowing out
I am blood, by shir?
? to a widespread tradition, is proof of virginity. During this period, it is necessary to especially carefully observe the rules of intimate hygiene of the genitals. After the rupture of the hymen, it is recommended to interrupt coitus and not resume sexual intercourse until healing. Normally, 3-5 days after defloration, the edges of the hymen and the remaining hymenal papillae heal and repeated intercourse is painless.

American sexologists based on the set psychological tests and surveys have made a "portrait of the ideal deflorator." This is a man of about 30 years old, he is quite experienced and sophisticated in the field sex; he is independent in life; he belongs to the sex-psychological type "male-father"; he is well brought up, has high intellectual abilities, is modest and caring in his dealings with a woman; he is a sexual altruist: his primary task is to please a woman, and only then to experience sexual satisfaction himself; he's well built; he pays great attention to caresses in bed; he is calm, self-possessed and laconic; he knows how to settle conflicts; he is betrayed; he has a good sense of humor. Also, the "experienced defloration master" prefers to bring his inexperienced lover to orgasm manually, using a finger and tongue, so that she understands what heights will open to her in the future, and knows what to strive for in the future. And then, after some time, he sets in motion his strengthened "unit" and takes the "Bouquet of Innocence" from his partner, which she is ready to gladly give (forgetting about pain and blood) in order to visit this very peak of pleasure more than once.

At the beginning of sexual activity, it is better to protect yourself with a condom - from infections, even if you are confident in the man. A condom is a fairly reliable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. An important requirement is that the condom should be put on before the start and removed from the penis after the end of intercourse, avoiding direct contact with the vaginal mucosa.

For the first times, you can also use local chemical contraceptives - Pharmatex or Patenteks Oval. it vaginal remedies, which give an effect comparable to that of a condom - both in relation to pregnancy and in relation to infection. At the same time, they form a foam that replaces their own lubricant. To decrease possible pain you need to take your time, but also do not delay the introduction, use a good lubricant.

The likelihood of getting pregnant or contracting an infection on the first night is no less than with any intercourse. Your body first encounters foreign microbes and may develop vaginal inflammation or Bladder... Carelessness can lead to undesirable consequences: pregnancy or your partner can pass on genital infections. It's very unpleasant to pick up such a thing, especially the first time.
During unprotected sex, a woman becomes infected several times more easily than a man. So the female body is arranged that it is easier for microbes and viruses to penetrate into it than into the penis. In addition, a large number of sexually transmitted diseases in women are asymptomatic, which then increases the risk of all kinds of diseases and complications. Therefore, do not forget about intimate hygiene. After the onset of sexual activity, be sure to consult a gynecologist - check for infections, examine the cervix, and make sure that there is no damage.
Television, cinema, tabloid novels suggest that love lasts forever and if you find each other, you will spend the rest of your life together. Alas, this is not at all the case. Passion sooner or later passes, so sexual relations must be complemented by other feelings. This is respect, care, tenderness, understanding - all the feelings that make up love.

If the girl really thinks that she has matured and is ready to enter into an intimate relationship, then you need to think, first of all, about safety. First, no alcohol supposedly for relaxation; secondly, to prepare a convenient place so that no one interferes at a crucial moment; thirdly, to ensure the availability of contraceptives, that is, condoms. These issues need to be discussed frankly, without any reservations. About 70% of adolescents who have an active sex life do not use any form of protection. You can often hear the following excuse from them: "We don't do this very often." Some believe that the first sexually

Partners should be aware that the first sexual encounter cannot be considered real and complete. This is the time of intimate getting to know each other.

Therefore, one should not expect great sensual pleasure from him, especially if neither partner has sexual experience.

Many couples experience mixed feelings before the first intercourse: excitement, fear, anticipation, anxiety, defenselessness, confusion. Most often, it is very difficult for both partners to relax at such a moment. For example, a young man, due to excitement, may quickly reach orgasm, or, conversely, he may not have an erection.

Many girls, due to their upbringing, consider sex to be something dirty and indecent. The task of a loving man is to dispel this ridiculous prejudice and show by all means available to him that sex is beautiful, that it is higher form manifestations of love.

To do this, he needs to create an atmosphere of sensual bliss and adoration. The more romantic the partner is, the sooner he will achieve that the partner relaxes, stops being afraid and confides in him.

If you follow erotic etiquette, partners should before the first intercourse:

- decide for yourself whether the time has really come for this and whether the person chosen as a sexual partner is suitable for him;

- find a comfortable and quiet place where no one will disturb or disturb;

- take care of contraception and protection against sexually transmitted diseases;

- take care of a special lubricant in advance. This will facilitate easier penetration of the penis into the vagina and alleviate painful sensations;

- carefully try to learn about the basic tastes and preferences of each;

- in no case be in a hurry, paying more attention to kisses and caresses;

- be attentive to each other.

According to etiquette, the first sexual contact should occur through mutual love, sympathy for each other is also allowed. If the partners exchange tender glances and feel arousal from accidental touches, then the time has come for erotic pleasures, which can be fully experienced even during the first intercourse.

It is desirable that at the first sexual intercourse at least one of the lovers has a corresponding experience.

If the more experienced partner is a man, he should take the first step towards lovemaking and devote time to intimate caresses that have great importance in love prelude. An experienced partner should try to create an intimate environment that will help both lovers relax and relieve nervous tension. For lovemaking, he should choose a room with good soundproofing. Best of all, if it will be a room with carpets on the walls and curtains made of thick fabric. The walls of the bedroom can be draped with a thick fabric in advance - this will also help muffle the sound. Considering that the sound goes up, it is necessary, if possible, to drape the ceiling with a cloth. The fabric will also help create a romantic atmosphere, which is sure to make a good impression on your partner and help her to relax.

At the first sexual contact, not only the place itself, but also its lighting is of great importance. Even experienced lovers do not always enjoy sexual intercourse in bright artificial light, and for those who are going to do it for the first time, the light can interfere altogether or cause a completely unnecessary feeling of embarrassment. Therefore, it is best to dim the light.

A romantic effect will be created by sconces or floor lamps near the bed. You can install a rheostat to regulate the light intensity of the upper lamp, so that the bedroom plunges into soft semi-darkness.

To create an intimate twilight, you can turn on a red lamp or throw a colored transparent fabric over the floor lamp. Many lovers love the wavering candlelight to highlight the romantic setting. It is advisable to use scented or colored candles.

If the lovers meet during the day, the curtains should be drawn. The windows can also be covered with draperies.

Another important condition, which in no case should be forgotten, is the air temperature in the room. If the bedroom is cold, the partner or partner, in addition to fear, will also experience discomfort from the cold. In this case, to prevent this from happening, you need to purchase heating devices.

For the first intercourse, a sofa or bed is suitable from furniture. The latter should be large and, if possible, occupy almost the entire room. A double bed for the first sexual intercourse is most suitable. She will allow partners to fall asleep in each other's arms. The mattress on the bed should be firm. If it sags, the angle of penetration of the penis into the vagina will be very uncomfortable for intercourse.

Wine and a light dinner should be indispensable attributes of the first intimate meeting. At the same time, the food should be fresh, attractive in appearance, and not leave an unpleasant aftertaste or smell. During an intimate date, one should not adhere to the rules of table setting and strictly observe traditional etiquette. It is better to choose food that you can take with your hands. These can be berries (cherries, grapes), fruits (bananas, oranges), ice cream, or pieces of cake. You can also eat a slice of lemon to keep your partners' breath fresh. You can drink wine (dry or semi-sweet) or champagne from alcoholic beverages. You should not get too carried away with alcohol. Erotic etiquette allows you to drink two glasses of wine, as they will help partners to overcome inner stiffness and more acutely feel the erotic caresses of each other.

Drinks can also be used to create an extraordinary kiss. A man can put some wine in his mouth and then kiss his partner, sharing with her some of the heady moisture.

For the first intimate meeting, you should also take care of the music, which will help create the appropriate confidential atmosphere. Music can be relaxing, sexy, or romantic. At the same time, as mentioned above, fast dance rhythms should be avoided.

Instead of music, you can listen to recordings of the surf or the sound of rain drumming on the roof. These sounds will set up partners in a trusting way.

If your partner likes music that sounds constantly throughout the entire date, you should choose the appropriate recordings in advance so that during the love game you will not be distracted by changing the cassette or CD.

Some partners, on the contrary, prefer music that sounds only in the first minutes of communication. In this case, keep the remote control close at hand. remote control to quickly turn off the sound without being distracted.

It is best if the partners are sexually literate and knowledgeable about each other's anatomy. Therefore, before the first sexual intercourse, both partners should read special literature. A man should also be aware that a number of reasons affect the occurrence of sexual desire in women:

- relaxation and lack of fear;

- compliments and pleasant words that express the passion and love of a man;

- gentle touches and kisses, with the help of which sensuality awakens.

Even if the partners have agreed in advance that today they will start making love, the girl will still experience inner fear, so the man will have to constantly reassure her with caresses and assurances of his love. He should show his beloved that he is in no hurry to get what he wants from her, that his goal is to please her.

An empathetic and attentive partner will never rush, especially when the girl is inexperienced. For starters, he will admire her hands. Fingers, palm, interior forearm and elbow bend in women have a very high sensitivity and are almost always erogenous zones. Therefore, gentle stroking with your fingertips, as well as the sensual touches of the lips and tongue will have a very exciting effect on a girl, especially if you compliment and look into her eyes during caresses.

Women's feet are also very sensitive to petting. And if stroking the inner thighs for the first time can embarrass and even scare a girl a little, if she seems too frank to her, then kneading and kissing her feet and toes will be perceived as a pleasant relaxing massage. However, foot caresses are good not only for this. The fact is that in this zone there are many points, the effect on which has a beneficial effect on the entire human body, and the area in the center of the foot and toe pads are also powerful erogenous zones in women.

But a girl, even if she is inexperienced, should not remain motionless and relaxed. The partner will be very pleased with her caresses and kisses, since almost all men love and appreciate manifestations of such activity in women. In addition, men have many more erogenous zones than is commonly believed.

In an excited girl, the skin becomes warmer and slightly pink, breathing and heart rate increase, and the nipples harden. She moves towards the kisses of her partner. Without stopping, he needs to walk his lips and the tip of his tongue all over her body, giving his beloved hundreds of kisses, which will be just a gentle preparation for a sensual attack.

First-time partners should devote as much time as possible to mutual affection. First you need to strip to the waist, kissing and gently caressing each other.

Caress should be combined with gentle and passionate kisses. This will have an aphrodisiac effect on both partners. For example, a woman can snuggle up to a man, gently stroking his back, while he can caress her breasts at this time. Before the first intercourse, partners should stroke each other without stopping.

Particular attention should be paid to the hair. With a gentle touch, they can become an additional source of pleasure. Hair stroking is enjoyed by both women and men.

A woman can give sensual pleasure to her lover, using her natural beauty and several additional stimuli (beautiful underwear, gentle words, slow dance to calm music). At the same time, she may not even touch him with her hands.

Erotic etiquette prohibits a man from immediately undressing before intercourse if his partner is alone with him for the first time and has not had an intimate relationship before. This is not only indecent, but it can scare your partner and push her away.

A man should gradually take off his clothes, letting his beloved get used to the sight of his naked body, offering to explore him, showing how pleasant her touch is to him, how he desires her.

First of all, a man does not need to rush to take off all his clothes from his beloved. Let her stay in her underwear. For him, this last barrier cannot be something unpleasant: a half-dressed girl looks much more seductive than a completely naked one.

A man should not expect active action from a virgin.

A man should caress the whole body of his beloved, cover it with kisses, but at the same time do not rush to touch the genitals, as this can scare the girl. To help the girl relax and relieve tension, you can give her a light massage with elements of eroticism. At the same time, the man's movements should be gentle, teasing and sensual.

Let the girl be relaxed and passive for the first time, and let her partner show his care and love in the most exquisite caresses. A man should take off her underwear very slowly, literally by a millimeter, kissing every part of the exposed body.

To light music, a man should gradually undress his partner, gently touching her body with his fingers and stroking his chest and hips with his palms. It is necessary to bare your beloved woman gently and affectionately, but not abruptly, so as not to disturb the romantic atmosphere. In this case, partners can stand, sit or lie, the main thing is that they are facing each other. Partners should be aware that men enjoy stimulation of their genitals and women enjoy hugs. An experienced partner will first fondle a man's penis, and an experienced partner will stroke and hug a woman.

Hugs by themselves do not excite partners as much as kissing or caressing, but they help to increase sexual desire most often among the fair sex.

If a partner at the first sexual intercourse observes the rules of erotic etiquette, his partner in the future can become a sensual and desirable woman. Therefore, he must be attentive, caring and patient. Most likely, the first time a woman will not experience an orgasm, but will experience pain to one degree or another.

During the first sexual intercourse, a woman experiences defloration, that is, a rupture of the hymen (hymen) - a thin fold of mucous membrane that covers the entrance to the vagina. The hymen is a fringed fold of mucous membrane and is not continuous. Moreover, the hymen is elastic and stretches greatly when aroused.

In women, the hymen has individual sizes and thickness.

Before intercourse, each partner needs to empty the bladder and follow the rules of personal hygiene. During defloration, bladder pressure can increase the soreness in a woman. It is also permissible to take a joint bath or shower. However, if one of the partners is shy, it is best not to.

During the first intercourse, remember that the erect penis is always larger than the vagina, so when inserting it is necessary to use a lubricated condom or special moisturizers. For easier penetration of the penis into the vagina, you can apply a special gel or cream to the head, and also lubricate the entrance to the vagina. It is best to choose products that are easy to wash off with water.

For defloration, you need to choose a position in which the angle of the penis and vagina will coincide as much as possible. You can make love on the floor if it is covered with thick rugs or soft flooring.

When first intercourse, it is best to use the man-on-top or missionary position. In the Kamasutra, this position is called embracing. The missionary position does not require any effort from the woman on her part, encouraging a pleasant relaxation. It is common among young people who are just sexually active. The advantage of this pose is that the partners are facing each other. At the same time, a close psychological contact is established between them.

Making love in the position of a man on top is best on the bed. The woman lies on her back, slightly spreads her hips and relaxes. Naturally, before inserting the penis into the vagina, a man must prepare his partner, affectionately bringing her to a frantic desire.

First, the man runs his hand over the woman's genitals, inserts a finger into the vagina and, having made sure that he is sufficiently prepared for intercourse (by the amount of lubricant released), proceeds to insert the penis.

The man lifts her, clasping her hips with his hands, rubs the head of the penis against the entrance to the vagina and runs the penis along the partner's labia minora. If she begins to move her hips towards her partner, he slowly introduces the penis and with strong rhythmic jerks begins to push it inward.

In this position, defloration will be the least painful. Penetration into the vagina should be as careful as possible, but at the same time persistent. A man in no case should doubt the correctness of his actions, provided that the partner really wants it. At the same time, he must carefully observe the reaction of his beloved. Loving man, fearing to hurt the woman, will do everything carefully.

During the first intercourse, the man continues to caress his partner's breasts and buttocks. When the hymen breaks (in some women, due to increased elasticity, it breaks only during childbirth), blood is released from the woman's vagina. This discharge may be scanty, profuse, or absent altogether. In any case, you should not be afraid of this, but you should prepare paper napkins and towels in advance. For the first time, you should limit yourself to one sexual intercourse and refrain from making love on the following days.

If the young couple does not have a pillow or other bedding on hand, the man can wrap his hands around the woman's hips and place her buttocks on his closed knees.

In this position, the contact of the genitals will be minimal, but the man will be able to caress the woman's breasts and clitoris.

The partner's legs bent at the knees will not allow the partner to penetrate deeply into the vagina, which will reduce her pain during defloration. Having carefully introduced the penis, a man can stop for a second, and then begin careful movements, spreading his partner's hips even wider.

You can also use the position of the woman on top at the first sexual intercourse. But at the same time, a woman should also not be active, so as not to cause herself unnecessary pain. To do this, she carefully sits on the partner's penis (he helps her with his hands), having previously tucked her legs under her so that her knees are on the man's stomach. This type of intercourse is less common among young people.

You need to know about the love game that takes place after the first intercourse. For many people, one of the most pleasant memories of the first sexual encounter is the moments of peace when partners lie hugging each other and whisper gentle, affectionate words. At the same time, they should look each other in the eyes and mentally focus on the feeling of peace and serenity. This will give them the opportunity to feel how close they are to each other.

While the woman lies relaxed, the partner covers her entire body with light kisses. Caressing his partner with his lips, he slowly moves up her legs. After intercourse, you need to talk, hug each other. The gentle kisses with which a man covers the back of his mistress will give her sensual pleasure. At the same time, partners can listen to light music and chat. This will be a great end to the first sexual intercourse.

Partners need to remember that it is not the lack of intimate experience that leads to sexual disharmony, but the unwillingness of the partner and partner to learn about each other's addictions and secret fantasies. If a woman did not receive satisfaction from the first sexual intercourse and even experienced discomfort and severe pain at the same time, she must definitely tell her partner about this so that he could analyze his actions and try to give the partner more pleasure during subsequent intercourse.

The first sexual intercourse is important precisely because it is the first. Of course, it does little to gain experience in sexual relations. But partners need to remember that a harmonious sexual relationship requires patience, trust, time and practice.

The myth of the first pain and obligatory bleeding stemmed from the fact that most virgins were deprived of innocence in a rude manner.

A skillful and sensitive partner will definitely bring the beloved to such a degree of arousal when her vagina is moistened with lubricant, which will make the penetration of the penis into it painless.

This knowledge of female anatomy is essential for both girls and boys. They help reduce fear in virgins, and allow their partners to dispel another myth.

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