Job description for refueling fire extinguishers. Typical instructions for the use and maintenance of fire extinguishers at energy enterprises. Charge weight, kg

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for a charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers, sample 2019/2020. A person with education and work experience can be appointed to this position. Do not forget, each instruction for the charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers is issued on hand against a receipt.

The typical information on the knowledge that a charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers should have is presented on. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The fire extinguisher loader of the 3rd category belongs to the category of workers.

2. A person with education ________, work experience ________ is accepted as a loader of 3rd grade fire extinguishers.

3. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is accepted for the position and dismissed from the position of the _________ organization (director, head) on the proposal of _________ (position)

4. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader should know:

a) special (professional) knowledge of the position:

- device of foam, powder, carbon dioxide and freon aircraft fire extinguishers of various types;

- the chemical composition and properties of the components included in the charges of fire extinguishers;

- rules for inspection and testing of cylinder bodies, valves and safety devices;

- conditions of transportation of fire extinguishers;

- types of charging stations;

- the principle of operation of devices and devices used when charging fire extinguishers;

- the procedure for registration of technical documentation for charged fire extinguishers.

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

- rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

- rules for using personal protective equipment;

- requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of work in the workplace;

- assortment and marking of materials used, consumption rates of fuels and lubricants;

- rules for movement and storage of goods;

- types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

- industrial signaling.

5. In its activity, the charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers is guided by:

- the legislation of the Russian Federation,

- Charter (statute) of the organization,

- orders and orders of the _______ organization, (general director, director, head)

- this job description,

- The rules of the internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is directly subordinate to: __________ (position)

7. For the period of absence of the 3rd category fire extinguisher charger (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the __________ (position) of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the execution of those assigned to him responsibilities.

2. Responsibilities of the charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers

The duties of the 3rd category fire extinguisher charger are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

1. Charging and recharging of foam, powder, carbon dioxide and freon aircraft fire extinguishers.

2. Checking the quality of the charge, serviceability of fittings and safety devices.

3. Hydraulic testing of housings, repair of cylinders, fittings and safety devices, rejection of faulty fire extinguishers.

4. Keeping records of charged fire extinguishers and registration of the established technical documentation.

5. Maintenance of charging station equipment, compressors, pumps and devices when charging fire extinguishers and testing cylinders.

6. Current repair of serviced equipment and participation in more complex types of repair.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

- Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

- Fulfillment of the orders of employees within the framework of the employment contract, by whom it was repaired in accordance with this instruction.

- Carrying out work on acceptance and delivery of a shift, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as keeping them in proper condition.

- Maintaining the established technical documentation.

3. Rights of the charger of fire extinguishers of the 3rd category

The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader has the right to:

1. Submit proposals to the management:

- to improve the work related to the obligations provided for by this instruction,

- on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. To request from the structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management concerning its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers

The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description of the 3rd category fire extinguisher charger is a sample of 2019/2020. Responsibilities of the charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers, the rights of the charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers, responsibility of the charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers.


application and maintenance
fire extinguishers at energy enterprises


Developed by: Department of Technical Audit and General Inspection of the Corporate Center of RAO UES of Russia.

Performers: Kamyshev V.N., Lvov M.Yu., Ababkov A.V., Medvedev Yu.I., Zamyslov D.A., Ivanov A.N., Nikonov D.S. ("Mosenergoproekt").

Approved by: Member of the Management Board, Technical Director of RAO UES of Russia B.F. Weinsicher 10/23/2007.


The Model Instruction provides a classification, selection, basic parameters, requirements for placement, restrictions on the operating temperature of portable and mobile fire extinguishers, the procedure for activating fire extinguishers, the main tactics for working with fire extinguishers when extinguishing a possible fire at a protected object, personnel actions after extinguishing a fire, volume and frequency of maintenance of fire extinguishers, safety measures for the use and maintenance of fire extinguishers.

The standard instruction is intended for use by energy companies.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. This instruction sets out the requirements for the selection, placement and maintenance of portable and mobile fire extinguishers at energy enterprises.

1.2. In addition to the requirements of this manual, it is necessary to be guided by the current NTD, technical conditions (passports) for this equipment.

1.3. Production, administrative, auxiliary and warehouse buildings, structures and premises, as well as open production sites or areas must be provided with portable and mobile fire extinguishers in accordance with the requirements of the current NTD.

1.4. Fire extinguishers located in buildings, rooms, laboratories, workshops, warehouses and other structures and installations are transferred for safekeeping to the heads of the relevant structural divisions.

1.5. The purchased fire extinguishers must comply with the requirements set out in GOST R 51057-2001 and GOST R 51017-97.

2. Accepted abbreviations.

OTV is a fire extinguishing agent.

ОВ - water fire extinguisher.

OV (K) - water-based fire extinguisher with a compact jet.

OV (M) - water fire extinguisher with a fine atomized spray.

ORP - air-foam fire extinguisher.

ОВП (Н) - air-foam fire extinguisher with low expansion foam.

ОВП (С) - air-foam fire extinguisher with medium expansion foam.

OP - powder fire extinguisher.

ОУ - carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.

ОХ - freon fire extinguisher.

3. Classification of fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing agent (OTV).

3.1. Fire extinguishers are divided in accordance with GOST R 51057-2001 into portable (weighing up to 20 kg.) And GOST R 51017-97 mobile (weighing at least 20, but not more than 400 kg). Mobile fire extinguishers can have one or more tanks for OTV charging, mounted on a trolley.

3.2. By the type of fire extinguishing agent used in accordance with NPB 166-97, fire extinguishers are divided into:

3.2.1. Water (OM).

3.2.2. Air-foam (ORP).

3.2.3. Powder (OP).

3.2.4. Gas, which are subdivided into:

Carbon dioxide (OC);

Freon (OH).

3.2.5. Combined.

3.3. Water fire extinguishers are divided into:

3.3.1. Compact jet fire extinguishers - OV (K).

3.3.2. Spray jet fire extinguishers (average droplet diameter over 100 microns) - ОВ (Р).

3.3.3. Fire extinguishers with a finely dispersed spray jet (average droplet diameter less than 100 microns) - ОВ (М).

3.4. Air-foam fire extinguishers according to the parameters of the foam flow formed by them are divided into:

3.4.1. Low expansion rate, foam rate from 5 to 20 inclusive - ORP (H).

3.4.2. Medium expansion, foam expansion from 20 to 200 inclusive - ORP (C).

3.5. According to the principle of displacement of the extinguishing agent, fire extinguishers are divided into:

3.5.1. Downloaded.

3.5.2. With a cylinder of compressed or liquefied gas.

3.5.3. With gas generating element.

3.5.4. With thermal element.

3.5.5. With an ejector.

3.6. According to the value of the working pressure, fire extinguishers are divided into low pressure fire extinguishers (working pressure below or equal to 2.5 MPa at ambient temperature (20 ± 2 ° C) and high pressure fire extinguishers (working pressure above 2.5 MPa at ambient temperature (20 ± 2) ° C).

3.7. If possible and the method of restoring the technical resource, fire extinguishers are divided into:

3.7.1. Rechargeable and repairable.

3.7.2. Non-rechargeable.

3.8. By purpose, depending on the type of charged OTV, fire extinguishers are subdivided in accordance with the requirements of GOST 27331-87 (Appendix):

3.8.1. For extinguishing the ignition of solid combustible substances (fire class A).

3.8.2. For extinguishing the ignition of liquid combustible substances (fire class B).

3.8.3. For extinguishing the ignition of gaseous combustible substances (fire class C).

3.8.4. For extinguishing the fire of metals and metal-containing substances (fire class D).

3.8.5. For extinguishing the ignition of energized electrical installations (fire class E).

Fire extinguishers can be designed to extinguish several classes of fire.

3.9. Fire extinguishers are ranked according to their ability to extinguish model fires of different power. The grade of the extinguisher is indicated on its label.

3.10. Fire extinguishing powders, depending on the classes of fire that can be extinguished, are divided into:

3.10.1. Powders of ABCE type - the main active ingredient is phosphorus-ammonium salts.

3.10.2. All powders - the main component of these powders can be sodium or potassium bicarbonate.

3.10.3. Powders of type D - the main component is potassium chloride; graphite, etc.

Depending on the purpose, powder compositions are divided into general-purpose powders (ABCE, VCE types) and special-purpose powders (which, as a rule, extinguish not only class D fires, but also fires of other classes).

3.11. As a surface-active basis for the charge of an air-foam fire extinguisher, foam concentrates of general or special purpose are used. Additionally, the fire extinguisher charge may contain stabilizing additives (to increase the fire extinguishing ability, increase the service life, reduce the corrosiveness of the charge).

3.12. By chemical composition, foaming agents are divided into synthetic (hydrocarbon and fluorine-containing) and protein (fluoroprotein).

4. Choice of fire extinguishers

4.1. The number, type and rank of fire extinguishers required to protect a specific facility are established based on the magnitude of the fire load, physicochemical and fire hazardous properties of circulating combustible materials (category of the protected premises, determined in accordance with the industry list and according to NPB 105-03), the nature of the possible their interaction with OTV and the size of the protected object.

4.2. Depending on the charge, dry powder fire extinguishers are used to extinguish fires of classes ABCE, BCE or class D.

4.3. To extinguish class D fires, fire extinguishers must be charged with a special powder, which is recommended for extinguishing this combustible substance, and equipped with a special damper to reduce the speed and kinetic energy of the powder jet. The parameters and the number of fire extinguishers are determined based on the specifics of the circulating fire hazardous materials, the dispersion of particles and the possible area of ​​the fire.

4.4. Dry powder extinguishers should not be used to protect equipment that could be damaged by powder ingress (computers, electronic equipment, collector-type electrical machines).

4.6. It is forbidden to use carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to extinguish fires of electrical equipment that is energized above 1 (10) kV, and powder extinguishers - energized above 1 kV.

4.7. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers with a diffuser, creating a stream of OTH in the form of snow flakes, are usually used to extinguish class A fires.

4.8. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers with a diffuser that creates an OTW flow in the form of a gas jet should be used to extinguish class E fires.

4.9. Freon fire extinguishers should be used in cases where fire extinguishing compounds are needed to effectively extinguish a fire that do not damage the protected equipment and objects (computer centers, electronic equipment, museum exhibits, archives, collector-type electric machines, etc.).

4.10. Air-foam fire extinguishers are used to extinguish class A fires (usually with a low expansion foam barrel) and class B fires.

4.11. Air-foam fire extinguishers should not be used to extinguish fires of equipment under electrical voltage, to extinguish highly heated or molten substances, as well as substances that enter into a chemical reaction with water, which is accompanied by intense heat generation and splashing.

4.12. Water extinguishers should be used to extinguish class A fires.

4.13. It is forbidden to use water fire extinguishers to extinguish fires of equipment under electrical voltage, to extinguish highly heated or molten substances, as well as substances that enter into a chemical reaction with water, which is accompanied by intense heat generation and splashing.

4.14. If there is a possibility of a significant fire source on the protected object (the expected spill of a flammable liquid may occur over an area of ​​more than 1 m 2), it is necessary to use mobile fire extinguishers.

4.15. Rooms equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations are allowed to be provided with fire extinguishers by 50% based on their estimated number.

4.16. When choosing a fire extinguisher, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of its temperature range of application to the possible climatic conditions of operation at the protected object.

4.17. When choosing and placing fire extinguishers on vehicles, one should be guided by Appendix 4 of NPB 166-97.

4.18. Fire extinguishers must be put into operation in a fully charged and operational condition, with a sealed control unit of the shut-off and starting device. They must be in the places assigned to them during the entire period of their operation.

4.19. The choice of the required number of fire extinguishers should be carried out for each room and facility separately.

4.20. A person responsible for the purchase, safety and control of the condition of fire extinguishers must be identified at the facility.

4.21. Each fire extinguisher installed at the facility is given a passport.

The fire extinguisher is assigned a serial number, which is applied to the fire extinguisher, recorded in the fire extinguisher's passport and in the fire extinguisher register at the facility in accordance with Appendix 5 and clause 12.4 of NPB 166-97.

It is forbidden to use paper labels without protection from possible exposure to OTV or environmental factors.

4.22. The placement of fire extinguishers, as well as their number, is determined by the design organization, is specified and approved by the management of the relevant unit of the facility, based on the standards of equipment and fire hazard of combustible substances and materials.

5. The main parameters of fire extinguishers and restrictions on the operating temperature of fire extinguishers.

5.1. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

Designed to extinguish the flames of various combustible substances, the combustion of which cannot occur without air access.

Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers with a capacity of 2, 3, 5, 8 and mobile ones with a capacity of 10, 20, 40, 80 liters can be used to extinguish electrical installations up to 10,000 V (the voltage is indicated in the fire extinguisher's passport).

Operated at a temperature of -40 - +50 ° C. The extinguishing agent is carbon dioxide.

Technical characteristics of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

Fire extinguisher brand

Capacity, l

Charge weight, kg

Charge exit time, s

Fire extinguishing ability

Dimensions, mm

Total weight, kg

440´ 220

500´ 220

570´ 270

1000´ 570

1200´ 370

1250´ 415´ 280

700´ 1650´ 400

800´ 1700´ 760

* Ranks of the model fire source:

10B - burning 10 liters of gasoline with a layer of 3 cm, located in a baking sheet having the shape of a circle (13B - respectively 13 liters, 34B - 34 liters, etc.).

5.2. Powder fire extinguishers.

5.2.1. Downloaded.

They are charged with fire extinguishing powder and pumped in with gas (air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide) at a pressure of up to 16 atm. Designed to extinguish fires of class A, B, C or BC, depending on the type of powder used, as well as electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V (E).

Equipped with locking devices that provide free opening and closing with a simple movement of the hand. A pressure gauge installed as an indicator on the head of a fire extinguisher shows the degree of operability of the fire extinguisher, which is a great advantage over fire extinguishers with a built-in pressure source.

Fire extinguisher brand

Charge weight, kg

Throw length, m

Charge exit time, s

Fire extinguishing ability

Dimensions, mm

Total weight, kg

285´ 110´ 110

350´ 170´ 130

435´ 170´ 130

530´ 420´ 440

590´ 225´ 400

1020´ 460´ 480

1090´ 640´ 630


The ranks of the model fire source:

* 10B - burning 10 liters of gasoline with a layer of 3 cm, located in a baking sheet, having the shape of a circle (13B - respectively 13 liters, 34B - 34 liters, etc.).

** 1A - combustion of a model hearth in the form of wooden blocks, laid in a cube of 1/8 m 3; 2A the volume of the cube is 2 times more (1/4 m 3), 4A - 4 times more (1/2 m 3), etc.

Fire extinguishers with a built-in pressure source (gas generator, gas cylinder) are in standby mode without pressure in the fire extinguisher body. To activate them, it is necessary to initiate a pressure source and start extinguishing only after 3 seconds.

Operated at a temperature of -40 - +50 ° C.

Technical characteristics of powder fire extinguishers

Fire extinguisher brand

Charge weight, kg

Charge exit time, s

Throw length, m

Dimensions, mm

Total weight, kg

OP-5 (G), (B)

550´ 300´ 320

OP-10 (G), (B)

650´ 350´ 355

6.3. In rooms saturated with production or other equipment that obscure fire extinguishers, indicators of their location should be installed. Pointers must be executed and located in visible places at a height of 2.0 - 2.5 m from the floor level, taking into account the conditions of their visibility and comply with the requirements of NTD.

6.4. The distance from a possible fire source to the nearest fire extinguisher is determined by the requirements of the rules, it should not exceed:

6.4.1. 20 m - for public buildings and structures.

6.4.2. 30 m - for rooms of categories A, B and C.

6.4.3. 40 m - for rooms of categories B and G.

6.4.4. 70 m - for rooms of category D.

6.5. It is recommended that portable fire extinguishers be installed on hanging brackets or in special cabinets. Fire extinguishers should be located so that the main inscriptions and pictograms showing the order of their activation are clearly visible and facing outward or in the direction of the most likely approach to them.

6.6. The locking and starting device of fire extinguishers and cabinet doors (if placed in the cabinet) must be sealed.

6.7. Fire extinguishers with a total mass of less than 15 kg must be installed in such a way that their top is located at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor; Portable fire extinguishers with a total mass of 15 kg or more must be installed so that the top of the fire extinguisher is located at a height of no more than 1.0 m. They can be installed on the floor, with mandatory fixation against a possible fall in case of accidental impact.

6.8. The distance from the door to the fire extinguisher should be such that it does not interfere with its full opening.

6.9. Fire extinguishers should not be installed in locations where temperatures are outside the temperature range indicated on the extinguishers.

6.10. Water and foam fire extinguishers installed outdoors or in unheated rooms and not intended for operation at subzero temperatures must be removed during the cold season (air temperature below +1 ° C). In this case, information about the location of the fire extinguishers during the specified period and the location of the nearest fire extinguisher should be placed in their place.

7. Procedure for activating fire extinguishers.

7.1. To activate portable carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU-2, OU-5 and OU-8, you must:

7.1.1. Using the transport handle, remove and bring the extinguisher to the burning area.

7.1.2. Direct the bell to the combustion seat and open the shut-off and starting device (valve or lever).

The locking and starting device allows you to interrupt the supply of carbon dioxide.

Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-2 consists of:
1 - handwheel; 2 - valve; 3 - balloon; 4 - trumpet; 5 - siphon a tube; 6 - bracket.

Portable carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-5 (OU-8) consists of:
1 - balloon; 2 - turning trumpet; 3 - shut-off head; 4 - siphon a tube; 5 - yoke; 6 - hook; 7 - emphasis; 8 - pen; 9 - check.

7.2. To activate mobile fire extinguishers OU-25 and OU-80, you must:

7.2.1. Roll up the fire extinguisher to the place of fire and set it to the working position (vertically for OU-25 and obliquely for OU-80).

7.2.2. Unwind the hose and open the shut-off device.

7.2.3. Holding the bell by the special insulated handle, direct the snow mass towards the fire.

OU-25 and OU-80 mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguishers consist of:
1 - balloon; 2 - shut-off valve; 3 - hose; 4 - trumpet; 5 - cart.

OU-80 mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

7.3. To operate portable powder fire extinguishers OP-2, OP-5 and OP-10, you must:

7.3.1. Bring the fire extinguisher to the fire.

7.3.2. Pull out the wedge or pin 9.

To stop the flow of powder, simply lower the lever.

Multiple use and intermittent action allowed. In the working position, the fire extinguisher should be held strictly vertically, without turning it over.

Portable powder fire extinguisher OP-5 consists of:
1 - gun; 2 - lever arm; 3 - sleeve; 4 - seal; 5 - siphon pipe; 6 - spray can; 7 - needle; 8 - frame; 9 - check.

7.4. Mobile fire extinguishers OP-50 and OP-100 have a transport trolley, working and starting cylinders, as well as a powder supply hose to the fire zone. To activate the fire extinguisher, do the following:

7.4.1. Roll up the fire extinguisher without sudden overturning at a distance of 5 - 10 m from the fire source and install it strictly in an upright position.

7.4.2. Remove and lay the powder hose without kinks or kinks.

7.4.3. Break the seal and turn the locking head lever until it stops.

7.4.4. Opening the outlet valve, direct the powder stream into the fire area in a zigzag pattern to achieve greater powder cloud coverage.

Multiple opening and closing of the exhaust valve is allowed when extinguishing a fire.

After the end of the extinguishing, the pressure in the fire extinguisher must be reduced by opening the exhaust valve.

Do not disassemble a pressurized fire extinguisher to relieve pressure.

The OP-100 mobile powder fire extinguisher consists of:
1 - frame for powder; 2 - balloon for worker gas; 3 - hose; 4 - high school graduation valve with nozzle; 5 - regulator pressure; 6 - 8 - pipelines; 9 - safety valve; 10 - pressure gauge; 11 - shut-off head.

7.5. To activate portable freon fire extinguishers or their varieties, you should:

7.5.1. Bring them by the handle to the fire.

7.5.2. Pressing the button or the lever of the locking and starting device, open the safety diaphragm.

The portable freon fire extinguisher OUB-ZA (OUB-7A) consists of:
1 - launcher lever arm; 2 - shut-off head; 3 - lever; 4 - fastening; 5 - balloon; 6 - bracket; 7 - spraying device; 8 - safety cap.

7.6. To activate the portable air-foam fire extinguisher OVP-10, you must:

7.6.1. Remove the fire extinguisher using the transport handle 6 and bring it to the place of combustion.

7.6.2. Break the seal and press the lever of the locking-trigger device 8, while the needle opens the can with the working gas, under the action of which the pressure in the body rises and the foam solution is fed through the siphon tube and the hose to the spray gun 5, where, mixing with the sucked air air-mechanical foam of medium expansion is formed.

Keep the fire extinguisher upright during operation.

Portable air-foam fire extinguisher OVP-10 consists of:
1 - sleeve; 2 - seal; 3 - siphon a tube; 4 - frame; 5 - trunk-spray; 6 - lever; 7 - bracket; 8 - lever arm; 9 - cap; 10 - safety valve; 11 - shut-launcher device.

7.7. To activate the OVP-100 mobile fire extinguisher, you must:

7.7.1. Install the fire extinguisher in a vertical position 5 - 6 m from the fire and unwind the hose, avoiding kinks and twists.

7.7.2. Break the seal and fully open the shut-off device (valve or lever) of the starting cylinder.

OVP-100 mobile air-foam fire extinguisher consists of:
1 - frame fire extinguisher; 2 - cart; 3 - lid; 4 - foam generator; 5 - safety valve; 6 - shut-off device; 7 - balloon high pressure; 8 - rubber hose.

7.8. To activate the stationary fire extinguisher OVPU-250 (UVP-250), you must:

7.8.2. Break the seal and fully open the shut-off device (valve or lever) of the starting cylinder 5.

Stationary air-foam fire extinguisher OVPU-250 (UVP-250) consists of:
1 - rubber hose with rotating coil; 2 - safety valve; 3 - foam generator; 4 - frame; 5 - launcher balloon.

8. Scope and frequency of maintenance of fire extinguishers.

8.1. Fire extinguishers put into operation must undergo maintenance, which ensures the maintenance of fire extinguishers in constant readiness for use and the reliable operation of all components of the fire extinguisher during the entire period of operation. Maintenance includes periodic checks, inspections, repairs, testing and recharging of fire extinguishers.

8.2. Periodic checks are necessary to monitor the state of the fire extinguisher, control the location of the fire extinguisher and the reliability of its fastening, the possibility of free access to it, the presence, location and readability of the instructions for working with the fire extinguisher.

8.3. Maintenance and repair of fire extinguishers should be carried out in accordance with the instructions for use and the use of the necessary tools and materials by a person appointed by order for the enterprise and who has passed in the prescribed manner the knowledge of regulatory and technical documents on the design and operation of fire extinguishers and the parameters of OTV, capable of independently carrying out the required volume works on maintenance of fire extinguishers (with a license for this type of activity).

8.4. Fire extinguishers taken out of service for the period of repair, testing or recharging must be replaced with backup fire extinguishers with similar parameters.

8.5.1. The presence of dents, chips, deep scratches on the body, control units, nuts and fire extinguisher head.

8.5.2. Condition of protective and paint coatings.

8.5.3. Clear and understandable instructions.

8.5.4. The presence of a sealed safety device.

8.5.5. Serviceability of the pressure gauge or pressure indicator (if it is provided for by the design of the fire extinguisher), the presence of the required brand and the value of pressure in the injection type fire extinguisher or in a gas cylinder.

8.5.6. The state of the flexible hose (if any) and the OTV sprayer (presence of mechanical damage, traces of corrosion, casting flash or other objects that prevent the free exit of OTV from the fire extinguisher).

8.5.7. The condition of the undercarriage and the reliability of the attachment of the fire extinguisher body to the trolley (for a mobile fire extinguisher), on the wall or in a fire cabinet (for a portable fire extinguisher).

Based on the results of the check, the necessary marks are made in the fire extinguisher's passport, a serial number is assigned to it, which is applied to the fire extinguisher and recorded in the fire extinguisher register.

8.6. The quarterly check includes an inspection of the place of installation of the fire extinguisher and approaches to it, as well as an external inspection of the fire extinguisher (clause 9.5).

8.7. The annual check of a fire extinguisher includes an external inspection of the fire extinguisher (p.), Inspection of its installation site and approaches to it. During the annual inspection, the amount of expelling gas leakage from a gas cylinder or OTV from a gas fire extinguisher is monitored. They perform selective opening of powder fire extinguishers, assess the condition of filters, check the parameters of the fire extinguishers and, if they do not meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, recharge the fire extinguishers.

8.8. If during the check it is found that any parameter of the fire extinguisher does not comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documents, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the identified deviations in the parameters and recharge the fire extinguishers.

8.9. In the event that the annual leakage rate of expelling gas or OTH from a gas fire extinguisher exceeds the limit values ​​determined by the current regulatory documents, such fire extinguishers must be taken out of service and sent for repair and recharging.

8.10. At least once every 5 (10) years (specified in the fire extinguisher's passport), each carbon dioxide or dry powder fire extinguisher and expelling gas cylinder must be recharged. Air foam and water extinguishers are recharged annually.

8.11. The checks and tests carried out are noted on the fire extinguisher and in the operational passport.

9. Documentation for fire extinguishers.

9.1. Each fire extinguisher installed at the facility is given a passport. The fire extinguisher is assigned a serial number, which is applied to the fire extinguisher, recorded in the fire extinguisher's passport and in the fire extinguishers log book at the facility.

9.2. The log book of fire extinguishers at the facility should contain the following information:

9.2.1. The brand of the fire extinguisher, the number assigned to it, the date it was put into operation, the place of its installation.

9.2.2. Fire extinguisher parameters during initial inspection (weight, pressure, brand of charged OTV, notes on the technical condition of the fire extinguisher).

9.2.3. Date of inspection, remarks on the state of the fire extinguisher.

9.2.4. Date of maintenance with opening of the fire extinguisher.

9.2.5. The date of the inspection or replacement of the OTV charge, the brand of the charged OTV (its concentration for water and foam fire extinguishers), the name of the organization that carried out the recharge.

9.2.6. Date of verification of the indicator and pressure safety device, who checked it.

9.2.7. The date of the strength test of the fire extinguisher and its components, the name of the organization that carried out the test; date of the next scheduled test.

9.2.8. The condition of the undercarriage of a mobile fire extinguisher, the date of its inspection, identified deficiencies, planned measures.

9.2.9. Position, surname, name, patronymic and signature of the person in charge.

9.3. The operational passport for a fire extinguisher must contain the following information:

9.3.1. The number assigned to the fire extinguisher.

9.3.2. Date of putting the fire extinguisher into operation.

9.3.3. Fire extinguisher installation location.

9.3.4. Type and brand of fire extinguisher.

9.3.5. Fire extinguisher manufacturer.

9.3.6. Factory number.

9.3.7. Date of manufacture of the extinguisher.

9.3.8. Brand (concentration) of charged OTV:

Date and type of maintenance performed

Fire extinguisher maintenance results

Position, surname, initials and signature of the person in charge

The appearance and condition of the units of the fire extinguisher

The total mass of the fire extinguisher

Pressure (with pressure indicator) * or gas cylinder weight **

The condition of the undercarriage of a mobile fire extinguisher

Measures taken to eliminate the noted deficiencies

Notes (edit):

* Pressure in the casing of the injection fire extinguisher or in the gas cylinder (if located outside and equipped with a pressure gauge or pressure indicator).

** Weight of the bottle with liquefied gas for displacing the OTH from the fire extinguisher. If the can is located inside the body of the fire extinguisher, then its mass is determined once a year (for dry powder fire extinguishers - selectively) and compared with the value indicated in the fire extinguisher's passport.

10. Safety measures during the use and maintenance of fire extinguishers.

10.1. When servicing fire extinguishers, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements set forth in the regulatory and technical documentation for this type of fire extinguisher.

10.2. OTV charged into a fire extinguisher and a gas generating device installed in it must have a hygienic certificate (conclusion) of the Russian Federation.

10.3.1. Operate fire extinguishers when dents, swelling or cracks appear on the body of the fire extinguisher, on the locking and starting head or on the union nut, as well as when the tightness of the connections of the fire extinguisher assemblies or when the pressure indicator is malfunctioning.

10.3.2. Carry out any work if the body of the fire extinguisher is under the pressure of the expelling gas or OTV vapors.

10.3.3. Fill the injection fire extinguisher body with expelling gas outside the protective enclosure and from a source that does not have a safety valve, pressure regulator and pressure gauge.

10.3.4. Strike a fire extinguisher or expellant gas source.

10.3.5. Carry out hydraulic (pneumatic) tests of the fire extinguisher and its assemblies outside the protective device, which prevents the scattering of fragments and injury to the service personnel in the event of a fire extinguisher destruction.

10.3.6. Use open fire or other ignition sources when handling concentrated solutions of individual foaming agents (PO-3AI, PO-3NP, SAMPO, GTO-6NP and "Marine"), since they can form explosive mixtures with air.

10.3.7. Work with OTV without appropriate protective equipment for the respiratory system, skin and eyes.

10.3.8. Discharge freons into the atmosphere or dispose of foaming agents without appropriate processing.

10.4. Persons working with fire extinguishers during their maintenance and charging must comply with the safety and personal hygiene requirements set out in the normative and technical documentation for the appropriate fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing agents and expelling gas sources.

10.5. When extinguishing a fire in a room using gas mobile fire extinguishers (carbon dioxide or freon), it is necessary to take into account the possibility of reducing the oxygen content in the indoor air below the limit value and use insulating respiratory protection.

10.6. When extinguishing a fire with powder fire extinguishers, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the formation of high dust content and a decrease in the visibility of the fire center (especially in a small room) as a result of the formation of a powder cloud.

10.7. When extinguishing electrical equipment with gas or powder fire extinguishers, a safe distance (at least 1 m) must be observed between the spray nozzle and the body of the fire extinguisher to live parts.

10.8. When extinguishing a fire with a foam or water extinguisher, de-energize the premises and equipment.

10.9. The mechanism for activating the fire extinguisher must be provided with a blocking device to prevent unauthorized activation of it. Removing the locking device must involve operations other than activating the fire extinguisher. The blocking device must be sealed, have a simple design, so that its deformation or breakage is excluded under arbitrary action.

10.10. The fire extinguisher and its individual units must not have sharp edges, corners and protruding elements that can cause injury to the operating personnel.

10.11. The mouth of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher with a flexible hose must have a handle to protect the operator's hand from hypothermia.

10.12. A mobile fire extinguisher must be equipped with a safety device against excess pressure above the permissible value (GOST 12.2.085).

10.13. In terms of the degree of impact on the human body, charges should not exceed the 3rd hazard class in accordance with GOST 12.1.007.

10.14. Charges for air-foam fire extinguishers must not have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects on the human body.

10.15. Formulations containing fluorinated surfactants may have mild cumulative and skin resorptive effects.

10.16. When working with air-foam fire extinguishers, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.011 in order to exclude the possibility of getting the composition on the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and into the gastrointestinal tract.

10.17. During operation and storage, it is necessary to take measures to exclude the spillage of liquid components of charges.

10.18. Only a fully charged and sealed mobile fire extinguisher, equipped with a tag indicating the date (month and year) of charging, the date of the next control of the parameters of the fire extinguisher and the technical examination of the fire extinguisher, is allowed for commissioning.

10.19. Fire extinguishing substances with an expired shelf life or their parameters that do not meet the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documents must be regenerated or disposed of. It is unacceptable to dump or drain the OTV without additional treatment and to pollute the environment.

10.20. Foaming agents that have lost their original properties and cannot be regenerated are recommended to be used in the form of wetting agents for extinguishing class A fires or as aqueous solutions for cleaning contaminated metal surfaces.

10.21. It is recommended to neutralize biologically "hard" foaming agents by burning the concentrate in special furnaces or by burying it at a special landfill.

10.22. Substandard fire-extinguishing powder compositions based on phosphorus-ammonium (Pirant-A, PF, P-2ASh, Vekson-AVS, etc.) or on a chloride basis (PKhK, Vekson-D) can be used as raw materials for fertilizers.

Bicarbonate-based powder (PSB-3M) can be used as a component in cleaning agents or to neutralize acidic wastewater. NPB 166-97 PPB 01-03 Fire class characteristics according to GOST 27331

Solid combustible substances

Combustion of solids

Flammable liquids

Combustion of liquid substances

Flammable gases

Combustion of gaseous substances

Metals and metal-containing substances

Combustion of metals and metal-containing substances

Electrical equipment under voltage no more ... V

The fire extinguishing object is energized

(the main picture of the pictogram is the sign "Caution! Electric voltage" in accordance with GOST 12.4.026)

An example of a conventional designation of an air-foam fire extinguisher with an OTV charge volume of 10 liters, an injection, designed to extinguish solid fires (class A fire) and liquid combustible substances (class B fire), model 01, with a hydrocarbon charge:

ORP- 10(3) - AB - 01 (UGSAV) in accordance with GOST R 51057-2001.

An example of the symbolic designation of a powder fire extinguisher charged with 5 kg of fire extinguisher, equipped with a high-pressure cylinder used to create excess pressure of the expelling gas in the body of a fire extinguisher designed to extinguish solid fires (class A fire), liquid (class B fire) and gaseous combustible substances (fire class C), as well as electrical equipment under voltage (fire class E), model 03, intended for use in mines:

OP- 5(6) - ABCE - 03 ( III ) according to GOST R 51057-2001.

An example of a conventional designation of a powder fire extinguisher charged with 2 kg of fire extinguisher, equipped with a gas generating device used to create an excess pressure of a fire extinguisher displacing in the body, designed to extinguish liquid fires (class B fire) and gaseous combustible substances (class C fire), as well as electrical equipment located energized (fire class E):

OP- 2 (d)- ALL according to GOST 51057-2001.

An example of the symbolic designation of an air-emulsion fire extinguisher with a fluorinated charge volume of 5 liters, with a high-pressure cylinder used to create an overpressure of the expelling gas in the body of a fire extinguisher designed to extinguish the ignition of solid (class A fire) and liquid combustible substances (class B fire) :

OVE- 5(6) - AB- 03 (Fluorosurfactant).

An example of a symbolic designation of a water fire extinguisher with a fine-dispersed stream, with a charge volume of OTV - 5 liters, with a high-pressure gas cylinder used to create an excess pressure of the expelling gas in the body of a fire extinguisher designed to extinguish fires of solid (class A fire) and liquid combustible substances (fire class B):

0V- 5(6) - AB "Borey" in accordance with GOST R 51057-2001.

An example of a conventional designation of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, with a mass of an OTV charge - 2 kg, intended for extinguishing fires of liquid combustible substances (class B fire), gaseous combustible substances (class C fire) and fires of electrical equipment under voltage (class E fire):

Instructions for the use of fire extinguishers

1. General information
2. Actions of an employee of the organization in case of fire or signs of burning (smoke, smell of burning, temperature rise, etc.)

6. Disadvantages of fire extinguishers.
7. General features of using a fire extinguisher

OTV - fire extinguishing agent
OP - powder fire extinguisher
ОУ - carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

1. General information.
1.1. Depending on the type of charged OTV, fire extinguishers are used to extinguish one or more fires of classes, the symbols of which are indicated on the labels of fire extinguishers:

1.2. Portable fire extinguishers used in the organization, depending on the used OTV, are subdivided into the following types:
- powder (OP):
- gas, including: carbon dioxide (OC).

2. Actions of an employee of the organization in case of fire or signs of combustion (smoke, burning smell, temperature rise, etc.):
2.1. Stop working;
2.2. Disconnect electrical equipment;
2.3. Report the incident by phone 01 or from a mobile phone 112 to the fire brigade, while you must give the address of the object, the place of the fire, your surname;
2.4. If possible, take measures to evacuate people, extinguish a fire with primary fire extinguishing means, and preserve inventory.

3. Comparative characteristics of OP and OS

4. Features of extinguishing fires and fires.
4.1. Powder fire extinguisher
4.1.1. The powder ejection time is 6 to 15 seconds.
4.1.2. When extinguishing fires with powder fire extinguishers, the fire is extinguished as soon as the combustion zone is surrounded by a cloud of powder of the required concentration, in addition, the cloud of powder has a shielding property, which makes it possible to approach a burning object at a close distance.
4.1.3. At the very beginning of extinguishing, one should not come too close to the hearth of the fire, since due to the high speed of the powder jet, a strong suction (ejection) of air occurs, which only blows the flame over the hearth. In addition, when extinguishing from a short distance, scattering or splashing of burning materials with a powerful jet of powder may occur, which will not lead to extinguishing, but will increase the area of ​​the fire.
4.1.4. Powder fire extinguishers are not allowed to extinguish electrical equipment that is energized above 1000 V.
4.1.5. Dry powder extinguishers should not be used to protect equipment that could be damaged by powder ingress (some electronic equipment, collector-type electrical machines, etc.).
4.1.6. Powder fire extinguishers are not recommended for use in small rooms (less than 40 cubic meters) due to the high dust content during their operation and, as a result, the sharply deteriorating visibility of the fire source and escape routes, as well as the irritating effect of the powder on the respiratory system.

4.2. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
4.2.1. It is prohibited to use carbon dioxide fire extinguishers to extinguish fires of electrical equipment that is energized above 10 kV.
4.2.2. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher equipped with a metal bell must not be used to extinguish fires on live electrical equipment.
4.2.3. When working with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers of all types, it is forbidden to hold the bell with an unprotected hand, since when carbon dioxide escapes, a snow-like mass with a temperature of minus 60-70 ° С is formed.
4.2.4. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be used in cases where, for effective fire extinguishing, the necessary fire-retardant substances that do not damage equipment and objects (computer centers, electronic equipment, etc.).
4.2.5. When using carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it must be borne in mind that carbon dioxide in high concentrations to the volume of the room can cause poisoning of personnel, therefore, after using carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, small rooms should be ventilated.
4.2.6. Before using mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, the number of serviced personnel who is in the room should be limited.

5. Actuation of the fire extinguisher.
5.1. Powder fire extinguisher.
5.1.1. To activate manual powder fire extinguishers, it is necessary to bring the fire extinguisher to the hearth of the fire, shake it, then pull out the wedge or pin, sharply press the punch (button with the needle) with your hand to the stop and release it. The holding time of the fire extinguisher from the moment the punch is pressed to the beginning of the supply of the fire extinguishing powder should be at least 3-5 seconds. Then press the starter lever and direct a stream of powder into the fire, taking into account the direction of the wind. To stop the flow of powder, just release the lever.
5.1.2. Multiple use and intermittent action allowed.
5.1.3. Direct the stream of extinguishing powder at an angle of 20-30 ° C to the burning surface.

5.2. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
5.2.1. To activate manual carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, you must bring the fire extinguisher to the fire, break the seal and pull out the pin, move the bell to a position convenient for the operator, approach the fire at a safe distance indicated on the fire extinguisher label and press the lever.
5.2.2. The lever allows you to interrupt the supply of carbon dioxide.

6. Disadvantages of fire extinguishers.
6.1. Powder fire extinguisher:
? no cooling effect during extinguishing, which can lead to repeated self-ignition of already extinguished fuel from heated surfaces;
? the complexity of extinguishing a fire due to a sharp deterioration in the visibility of the hearth and evacuation exits (especially in small rooms;
? danger to human health due to the formation of a powder cloud during extinguishing;
? damage to equipment and materials due to significant powder contamination of surfaces;
? the possibility of failures in operation due to the formation of plugs due to the ability to clump and caking of powders during storage;
? the possibility of the appearance of discharges of static electricity during the operation of powder fire extinguishers with a nozzle made of polymer materials, which narrows the scope of their application.

6.2. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
? in high concentrations, carbon dioxide is dangerous to human health;
? the possibility of the appearance of significant thermal stresses in structures when they are exposed to a fire extinguishing agent with a relatively low minus temperature and, as a result, they lose their bearing capacity;
? the possibility of the appearance of discharges of static electricity on the bell when the extinguishing composition leaves the fire extinguisher;
? danger of frostbite when in contact with metal parts of a fire extinguisher or a jet;
? strong dependence of the intensity of the extinguishing agent release on the ambient temperature.

7. General features of the use of fire extinguishers
7.1. Not allowed:
7.1.1. Operate the fire extinguisher when dents, swelling or cracks appear on the body of the fire extinguisher, on the locking and starting head or on the union nut, as well as when the tightness of the connections of the fire extinguisher units or when the pressure indicator is malfunctioning.
7.1.2. Locate fire extinguishers near heating devices, allow direct sunlight to hit the cylinders.
7.1.3. Strike a fire extinguisher or expellant gas source.
7.1.4. Direct the stream of OTV when working towards people standing nearby.

7.2. General rules for extinguishing fires:
7.2.1. Before extinguishing a fire, determine the class of fire and use the most suitable extinguisher for extinguishing it (in accordance with the extinguisher label).
7.2.2. Extinguish the fire center from the windward side, starting from its front edge, gradually moving inward
7.2.3. Start extinguishing spilled flammable and combustible liquids from the leading edge, directing a stream of powder to the burning surface, and not to the flame;
7.2.4. Extinguish the burning liquid pouring from a height from top to bottom.
7.2.5. Extinguish a burning vertical surface from top to bottom.
7.2.6. If there are several fire extinguishers, they must be used simultaneously.
7.2.7. Do not bring a class E fire extinguisher closer than the distance indicated on the extinguisher label to a burning electrical installation.
7.2.8. Make sure that the extinguished hearth does not flare up again (never turn your back on it).
7.2.9. The fire extinguisher must be recharged after use.

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of its approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been agreed upon: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. This document is checked periodically at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Charger of 3rd category fire extinguishers" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements - basic general secondary education and vocational training in production. Advanced training and work experience in the profession of a charger of fire extinguishers of the 2nd category - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in activities:
- the structure of foam, powder, carbon dioxide and freon aircraft fire extinguishers of various types;
- the chemical composition and properties of the components that are included in the charge of fire extinguishers;
- rules for inspection and testing of cylinder bodies, valves and safety devices;
- conditions of transportation of fire extinguishers;
- types of charging stations;
- the principle of operation of devices and devices used when charging fire extinguishers;
- order of registration of technical documentation for charged fire extinguishers.

1.4. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise / institution).

1.5. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is directly subordinate to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.6. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1.7. During the absence, the loader of the 3rd category fire extinguishers is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Description of work, tasks and duties

2.1. Charges and recharges foam, powder, carbon dioxide and freon aircraft fire extinguishers.

2.2. Checks the quality of the charge, the serviceability of the fittings and safety devices.

2.3. Conducts hydraulic testing of housings, repairs cylinders, fittings and safety devices, rejects faulty fire extinguishers.

2.4. Keeps records of charged fire extinguishers and prepares the established technical documentation.

2.5. Serves the equipment of the charging station, compressors, pumps and devices during the charging of fire extinguishers and testing of cylinders.

2.6. Performs routine repairs of serviced equipment and participates in more complex types of repairs.

2.7. Knows, understands and applies the current regulatory documents concerning his activities.

2.8. Knows and fulfills the requirements of regulatory enactments on labor protection and the environment, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The loader of the 3rd category fire extinguishers has the right to receive all social guarantees provided by the legislation.

3.3. The third-class fire extinguisher loader has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. The third-class fire extinguisher loader has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The third-class fire extinguisher loader has the right to get acquainted with the draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary for the performance of his duties and orders of the management.

3.7. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The loader of 3rd category fire extinguishers has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of their activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. The third-class fire extinguisher loader has the right to familiarize himself with the documents defining the rights and obligations of the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The third-class fire extinguisher loader is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is responsible for non-compliance with the internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The third-class fire extinguisher loader is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise / institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of the internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise / institution) and legal orders of the management.

4.5. The third-class fire extinguisher loader is responsible for offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The 3rd category fire extinguisher loader is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise / institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The third-class fire extinguisher loader is responsible for the misuse of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

11 12 15 ..


Safety requirements for the operation of fire extinguishers

4.1. When operating fire extinguishers, it is necessary to observe the safety measures set forth in:

DNAP 0.00-1.07-94 Rules for the structure and safe operation of pressure vessels;

DSTU 3675-98 Fire fighting equipment. Portable fire extinguishers. General technical requirements and test methods;

DSTU 3734-98 (GOST 30612-99) Fire fighting equipment. Mobile fire extinguishers. General technical requirements;

GOST 12.2.037-78 SSBT. Fire fighting equipment. Safety requirements;

operating instructions for fire extinguishers.

4.2. The use of fire extinguishers should be carried out in accordance with the passports of manufacturing enterprises and instructions on the procedure for using fire extinguishers printed on their labels.

operate fire extinguishers with dents, bulges or cracks on the body, on the locking and starting device, union nut, as well as in the event of a leakage of the connections of the fire extinguisher units and a malfunction of the pressure indicator (for injection fire extinguishers);

hitting a fire extinguisher;

disassemble and recharge fire extinguishers to persons who are not authorized to carry out such work;

throw a fire extinguisher into a flame when used as intended and hit it on the ground to activate it;

direct the nozzle of the fire extinguisher (flexible hose or bell) towards people during its operation;

use of fire extinguishers for purposes other than fire extinguishing.

4.4. Fire extinguishing outside the premises should be carried out from the leeward side.

4.5. When extinguishing a fire with several fire extinguishers at the same time, it is prohibited to extinguish with jets of extinguishing agent directed towards each other.

4.6. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be used in cases where fire extinguishing agents are needed to effectively extinguish a fire that do not damage equipment and objects (computer centers, electronic equipment, museums, archives, etc.).

4.7. When using a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire of electrical equipment that is energized up to 1000 V, it is necessary to maintain a safe distance (at least 1 m) from the spray nozzle of the fire extinguisher to live parts of the electrical equipment.

4.8. It is forbidden to use water and water-foam fire extinguishers to extinguish fires of equipment under electrical voltage, as well as to extinguish substances that enter into a chemical reaction with water, which is accompanied by intense heat release and fuel splashing.

4.9. The use of dry powder fire extinguishers to protect equipment that may fail if a fire extinguishing powder (electronic equipment, computers) gets into it is permitted only in the absence of gas extinguishers.

4.10. When extinguishing a fire with dry powder fire extinguishers, it is necessary to take into account the creation of high dust content and, as a result, a decrease in visibility in the protected area.

4.11. When extinguishing a fire with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of reducing the oxygen concentration in the air of the protected room, especially if it is small in volume.

4.11.1. In rooms where the use of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers can create a concentration of gases in the air that is dangerous to human life, as well as in the case of the use of mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it is necessary to use insulating personal respiratory protection.

4.11.2. Before using mobile carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, the number of maintenance personnel in the room should be limited.

V ... Operation of fire extinguishers by individuals

5.1. Operation of fire extinguishers by individuals (citizens of Lugan. Republic, foreign citizens and stateless persons in the territory of Lugan. Republic) is carried out in accordance with Chapter 4, paragraphs 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.5 - 3.12, 3.13.2 - 3.13. 5, 3.13.7, 3.14, 3.16 of these Requirements and operating instructions given in the passports for fire extinguishers and on their markings.