Damage to beauty: how to remove and what it is. How with the help of damage they take revenge on a woman A strong woman who can remove damage

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell today by whom and how can damage be done to a girl? Who is an interesting question. Our enemies are always with us. An envious girlfriend or rival can spoil beauty through inducing black damage. A rival fighting for her own - simple female happiness, can also take away her health, or even bring female damage to fornication, or black cemetery for a quick death.
  • take away luck
  • youth,
  • health,
  • make a money thief
  • close life paths

maybe a magician who conjures for his own good, whose actions are reduced to destruction as a way to get what he wants with minimal effort. And they also send damage to their ex-girlfriends. Motivations here can be different, and a negative impact can be found in any area. When a girl is spoiled, distorting and interrupting her fate, this must be diagnosed and removed as soon as possible. In such cases, it is not a sin to return it to the one who brought it.

And here is an example of how a person practicing magic can damage a girl. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will note in passing that real pros hide themselves, it is rather difficult to find and identify a real sorcerer, as well as send him a return line and punish him. Strong magicians know how to hide and protect themselves. Beginner adepts suffer from kickbacks and reverses, and those who conjure in their kitchen, without particularly delving into the system of magical rituals.

Spoil a girl for the loss of everything - how to take revenge on an ex-lover

Many people have a desire to punish their ex-lover or wife. How can punish a girl for betrayal? For example, take away beauty, spoil obesity, or make a woman bald. You can grow old or get a drunken demon hooked on. Yes, you never know what you can do, skillfully! And I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will offer a way of strong revenge on the ex-girlfriend - to independently damage the loss of everything that she had, so that she is left with nothing, and so that the sky looks like a sheepskin to her. To do during the period of the full moon, or on the waning moon.

To take revenge on your ex-girlfriend, you will need:

  1. black wax candle
  2. white chicken egg
  3. female hair
  4. ritual knife with a sharp end
  5. clay cup

Light a candle. Take an egg, make a hole in the blunt end with a knife and release all the contents through this hole into the bowl. Whisk the empty egg with hair. Take for the ritual putting a curse on a girl for treason, hair of a walking woman. And if it is not possible to get the hair of a prostitute, there is an alternative option - to buy hair from a degraded tramp (homeless woman), who lives one day and spends the night on the street.

“Roll, drift, under the stove, roll under the stove, lie down under the stove. As that hair rots, so the mistress, slave (name), be unhealthy. As an egg is empty, so is your house empty. As an egg rolls, so grief falls on the slave (name). I call out famously. A strong word has been spoken. Amen".

Leave the candle to burn out. And the egg spoken at the first opportunity should be thrown with a lining in the house of your former beloved, and thus get revenge on a girl for cheating. If there is no access to the house, you can throw it in the city trash. Redemptions are not needed in this case. The rite is done on the personal strength of the conjuring person. If you are not sure that there will be enough strength, and the result will be, then call the assistants. If you are working with the Dark Ones, call them according to all the rules, then according to the rules and pay off to the crossroads, thank the devils for their work.

You can conduct a magical rite of punishment for a girl for betrayal in a slightly different way, changing its last part. An egg wrapped in hair and spelled seven times strong conspiracy to take revenge on the ex-girlfriend, to bury the victim in the nominal grave. In this case, the work is carried out according to the rules of cemetery witchcraft with obligatory gifts to the deceased. Standard mention - honey in combs on a piece white bread, sweets and a glass of jelly, or a glass of vodka and a sandwich. Someone is used to leaving coins. This is also considered a ransom for the dead.

How to spoil a woman's fornication yourself

To do on a full moon, or on a growing moon. result magical rite becomes the unbridled lust of a woman who has undergone such a hard and nasty magical effect. The victim who made this damage to rabies of the uterus, becomes a walker, abandons his family, children, it happens that he completely becomes an inveterate drunkard. Sometimes, because of the way of life that she leads, she becomes seriously ill with sexual diseases. Yes, by the way, the feeling of guilt is not canceled, so, to severely punish a girl for betrayal in this way, it means not only to give her to the censure of others, but also to herself.

You can’t bring damage to a woman’s fornication yourself like this.

You need to take a strand of a harlot, and speak with the words of a conspiracy that makes powerfulspoiling a woman for sex and unrestrained lust and fornication:

“In the middle of the city of Babylon stands a stone tower, around that tower harlots walk, walk around, one more beautiful than the other. And in that chamber the queen of demons sleeps, the mother of all harlots, the wife of all devils. Bound in chains, drugged with dope, motionless, neither alive nor dead. I will go (name), through the free steppes, distant mountains, fast rivers; I will break seven locks, I will open seven doors. Behind the seventh door is not a dungeon, not a chamber, but lies, sleeps, drugged with dope, bound in chains, the Queen of Demons, the mother of all harlots, the wife of all devils. I will bow (name) before her and say a word. “Oh, you, Queen of demons, mother of all harlots, wife of all devils! You wake up from caustic dope, you break the iron chains, get out of the tower to your girlfriends, girlfriends. You tell them: This is not the time to walk around the great city of Babylon. And we go, free steppes, distant mountains, to the slave (name). May you enter into the slave (name), into her white body, into her sugary mouth, into her loins and fetus, into her heart and insides. Let the Babylonian lust burn inextinguishably in her for both the young man and the old man, and the brother and the matchmaker, the foreigner and the infidel, any male. Neither water, nor wine, nor vinegar, nor milk, nor holy water, nor spring water can extinguish that fire. Do not cover it with stones or earth. All burn blaze and kindle inside. I conjure Babylon, the king of demons. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

After the charmed hair is divided into 3 parts. The first part of the hair must be burned, and the ashes should be sprinkled on the former beloved woman, let her eat with food or drink with drink. Take the second part of the harlot's strand to the cemetery and bury it there, on the nominal grave of the victim. And the third part of the curl must be sewn into her pillow.

Then the black revenge of the former beloved girl will be able to do it herself.

Here's another strong way to take revenge on a girl for treason - to make female damage to frigidity. As you can see, this is the other extreme. Neither the state of unbridled lust, nor the icy trance, when a woman does not let a guy close to her even at a distance of a shot, neither one nor the other will make the lady full and happy. Here is the tested good way spoil a girl for frigidity and not wanting sex.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Self-damage to a woman for sex - make a cold woman

For self-damaging an ex-wife, you need a wax volt. According to all the rules, lay the bindings, call. The only difference from the usual volt is that it should be in the shape of a candle, respectively, along with the bindings, it is also necessary to lay a wick.

In addition to the volt, to induce sexual damage to a girl, you will need:

  1. deep tin container
  2. a cup of cold spring water, you can even with ice

Candle - put a volt in a deep container prepared for the ceremony, light it, wait a little, so that it blazes well. Read an independent conspiracy only 1 time.
And the words of the conspiracy to punish the girl for betrayal are as follows:

“As this candle burns, burns, so (name) burns with a lustful desire, with a hot flame, with an ardent desire. So (name) throws itself at the peasants, it flares up with a white body.

Having said this, pick up a cup of ice water, and in order to spoil the girl, indifferent, lethargic, like a herring, make it, pour water on the candle, and extinguish the flame.

Then read the text of the conspiracy on the woman's frigidity 3 times:

“As it burned and burned, so (the name) of the male’s elda wished, as I filled the candle with water, so the passion (name) extinguished forever. The key water fills the fire, the blood (name) freezes with cold. The uterus of the cold at (name) cuckoos, from the peasants (name) twists. There were (name) joys of love, and from now on, darkness, drowned your icy passion with water, cooled your desire with cold ashes, from now and forever deprived you. Just as the burnt one does not burn again, so you do not burn from the caresses of men. From now on, it’s not blood in your veins, but ice water, your woman’s nature in it will cool forever. The heat of your love water cooled, but buried it in the coldness of the grave. As your teeth ache from cold water, so your inside shrinks in front of a peasant, drenched in horror. Hugs are sad for you, man's dick is shameful. You drive the peasants away from you, you can’t stand touching, you lie in bed like a sleepy fish and sleep all the time. The lust in you has cooled down, frozen in the icy water, decayed, burned down forever. Amen".

After reading the plot three times, the resulting design must be removed in the freezer so that everything freezes properly. The magic ritual allows you to curse the girl for treason, and the continuation of the ceremony is done in the cemetery. There must be a good connection with the cemetery egregor so that everything works out as it should.

In compliance with all the rules of cemetery witchcraft, this design is buried in the grave of the same name of a woman who is spoiled for sex. Such damage will work for a long time.

Burying an ice volt, read a sexual plot for revenge on a woman

“You (name) are dead, lying in a grave, sleeping in a cold grave, I wake you up, I raise you, I entrust you with work. Just as you lie in your coffin, you don’t run anywhere, you don’t want men, you don’t have ardent blood, so cool the blood in the veins of the living (name), cool down the desire to lust. Cover her heart with darkness, cover her uterus with the coldness of the grave, so that (name) cools down to fornication, so that the peasants hate her. From now on, to be cold (name), not to know carnal pleasures with anyone. Amen".

How to remove damage to fornication - cleaning the Black Shroud

An independent ritual of cleaning a woman from spoilage is proven, it works perfectly. Removes strong curses:

  • large piece of black linen
  • funeral candle
  • basin with water

Fill the basin with water after midnight. Removal is done on the street, at sunset. The woman who was spoiled for fornication should be seated on a chair. Cover it with black cloth. Put a bowl of water in front of her. Stand behind, take a burning candle, read a plot to get rid of spoilage for sex, at this time, carry a candle around the woman's head counterclockwise.

Read an independent conspiracy from a woman's nymphomania as many times as your instinct tells you, but at least 3 times:

“The day is running out and the disease is coming to an end. The blackness sat in the slave (name), tormented and tormented her, and tormented her with painful thoughts. (name) did not get along with her in one day, and not in any. The slave (name) was defeated by her adversary, but she was strongly bewitched. I, (name), a healer, a prophetic husband, cleanse the slave (name) from all human filth, but demonic, from slander, exhaustion, creases, damage,. As I say my word, so I will drive out the demon, sitting inside, from the slave (name). Go, blackness, melancholy and all sorts of things away, to the ends of the world, sit there behind oak doors under iron bolts, forever and ever. To all my words, strength is strong, bound by my covenant. Amen".

Upon completion of reading the conspiracy to remove the spoilage for sex from the girl, pull off the shroud from her with the words:

"I put the amulet firmly, firmly."

After that, you need to drip wax from the candle. First on the back of the head, then on the right shoulder, on the left, between the shoulder blades, on the lower back, and finally on the right palm. Wax from the right palm of the woman must swallow. After that, she should wash herself with water from the basin, wash her hands up to her shoulders and her legs up to her knees.

The water through which the spoilage for fornication was removed from a woman must be taken and poured out at the crossroads. Pour out the ashes from the burnt shroud there. The girl can't eat anything meat for 7 days, and she can't drink alcohol for a month. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise that if the damage to female whoredom does not go away the first time, the witching rite can be repeated independently several more times.

What is outside interference in your privacy? In other words, the people call it the evil eye and damage that was induced by your enemies. Their main difference lies in the fact that the evil eye is induced unconsciously, and spoiling a woman- on purpose, with the aim of harming health, personal life, or simply bringing a person to the grave. You and I have to find out the evil eye, as well as find out what harm they can do to a person.

Evil eye

People who have negative energy can put the evil eye on a person without realizing it. It is enough that they think badly about a particular person or simply envy him in some way. Such actions are performed unconsciously, this happens with a splash of negative energy. If a person at this moment is weakened and has a weak protective barrier, then the energy blow immediately pierces the victim's biofield.

If at this moment a woman is filled with positive energy, has good mood- such an influence is not capable of causing damage. If at this time it is weakened by stress, diseases, the evil eye will immediately begin its action.

The evil eye is not capable of causing much harm to its victim, but it will attract a huge amount of minor troubles. As a result of the energy impact, you begin to break down inside yourself, do not find mutual understanding with loved ones, and just your life begins to gradually collapse. At a time when you are affected by the evil eye, you may become a victim of scammers or you may be robbed.

Despite the rather unpleasant consequences, the evil eye will not be able to cause a serious illness or something like that, and all its signs recede rather quickly. But if it was not just an evil look in your direction, then you need to find out, you can’t do without help.


Such an impact on the biofield of a woman - conscious action which can cause severe consequences. In this case, negative information is stored in the woman's body and can be transmitted to her children. Here you can not do without the help of a strong magician.

I propose to get acquainted in detail with what symptoms are characteristic of dark influence. If a girl has been exposed to such an effect, then the manifestations will be noticeable almost immediately. It is not difficult to determine this, and here are the main signs of evil eye in women:

  • Lethargy. woman under the influence negative impact can stand looking at one point until someone distracts her.
  • Loss of coordination of movements - the gait becomes shaky and uncertain. Sometimes a woman can fall off her feet.
  • The victim becomes indecisive and unsure of his actions. In some cases, excessive embarrassment appears.
  • A woman constantly argues and starts conflicts for no particular reason.
  • Constant weakness and lethargy, which does not recede even after a good rest.
  • Insomnia, causing the victim to become irritable.
  • There is no desire to carry out daily activities.
  • Unreasonable panic attacks and aggression.
  • Feeling of internal heat when body temperature remains normal.
  • Indigestion, unwillingness to leave your home for a long time. In addition, a person feels comfortable only in the dark.
  • Frequent dizziness and darkening of the eyes.
  • Failures in the work of the heart, as well as other organs.


Also, during the impact of the evil eye on a person, his chakra suffers. She is in charge of personality. Therefore, under black energy influence, a woman is able to reconsider her views on life, change her habits, and so on.

Now let's look at what symptoms the second ailment can show - induced damage to a woman. You should be prepared for this in advance, if you notice that someone has a negative attitude towards you, you need to know. So, the following signs will appear immediately after hovering:

  • Weakness, sleep disturbance, loss of strength.
  • Constant problems with finances, failures in personal life, as well as a creative crisis.
  • The victim becomes withdrawn, does not want to communicate with his close people and relatives.
  • In the look of the victim, you can see fear, panic and despair.
  • The girl becomes inadequate and cannot soberly react to what is happening around.
  • During the dialogue, there is no logic in the speech of the victim.
  • The girl's face becomes gray with dark circles under the eyes.

Types of damage

Signs of spoilage in a woman, given above, are one of the most dangerous destructive programs, or rather, the damage itself is such a program. Over time, it attaches to a specific energy center, which disrupts its work and creates an imbalance between the chakras. This leads to a complete breakdown of the girl's feelings and health.

Let's look at what types of damage exist and how they can affect certain areas of life or personality.


If the damage was induced so that the victim would lose luck and could not be further successful, then the chakra located under the solar plexus is affected. She is responsible for the position in society. The organs of the digestive tract take the main blow.


If the black energy effect affects the girl only for the purpose that she could not have children, then the work of the chakra, which is responsible for sex, is disrupted. In addition, the victim will constantly experience financial problems. And believe me, a simple one will not help restore your material balance to its normal position, you will need to make enough effort.

love failures

Damage to failures in personal life can be directed at a married couple or purposefully at one of the partners. Often this is the simultaneous action of various programs:

  • Conflicts and quarrels.
  • Sexual incompatibility.
  • Partner intolerance.

If damage was brought to the bed, then the man no longer wants a woman. In some cases, he has an aversion to intimacy.


Similar black influence does not allow the victim to experience positive emotions, makes her invisible to others. The victim is forced to be in constant loneliness, to suffer from unrequited love. She cannot build relationships with men, they just avoid her. In other words, it can bring you complete collapse.


Signs of damage to a woman's health appear almost instantly. Diseases pile up one after another, often in those people who previously had no health problems. Such influence can manifest itself as follows:

  • Deterioration of general well-being.
  • Depression.
  • Constant lethargy and fatigue.
  • A sharp increase or decrease in body weight.
  • Violation of the female organs.

bad life

Did your black streak start abruptly and your life changed dramatically? If there were no special reasons for this, it is highly likely that the effect of damage on the deterioration of life is involved here. Let's highlight the obvious signs of such interference:

  • Problems with financial position for a long time.
  • Addiction to alcoholic beverages.
  • Total bad luck.
  • Long loneliness.

It is worth noting that such damage is not always reflected in love relationships and personal life. Therefore, she is diagnosed late, and the victim has time to turn into an angry, aggressive person. If you notice such symptoms of the evil eye and damage in a woman close to you, buy and do not waste time - ask for help.

To death

This is the most powerful and terrible influence that can be exerted on the female representatives. Your ill-wisher, who decided to take such a step, in addition to magic, puts all his anger, a sense of envy and revenge into it, which enhances the action several times. There are some signs that should alert the girl, as these may be symptoms of damage to death:

  • Frequent thoughts of suicide;
  • Depression for a long time;
  • Serious addiction to alcohol or drugs;
  • Constant weakness that sometimes makes it impossible for you to get out of bed.

This type of damage is extremely dangerous and not everyone experienced magician will take it down. This happens due to the fact that during the performance of the ritual, which will bring the victim to the grave, the performer calls for help from otherworldly forces, which not every sorcerer can cope with.

If the energy strike was sent by a professional magician who is not the first to encounter such rituals, then death for the victim may occur in a few days. or to death the most terrible and dangerous.

Dear women! If you find symptoms of the evil eye and damage in a woman who is familiar to you or in yourself, immediately seek urgent magical help.

Naturally, you can try to resist the black magical effects on your own. Only you must remember all the difficulties and dangers that may await you. Due to inexperience, you can perform a ceremony that will lead to sad consequences.

A rite for the presence of negative magical influence in you

If you are not sure why such a terrible situation affected you, we recommend that you conduct a sacrament that will help you understand if it was used against you. To conduct a magical sacrament, you will need ordinary bee wax and any container of water.

Melt the wax and move it over the victim's head in a circular motion. Then slowly, in a thin stream, pour the wax into a container of ice water. Thus, the wax instantly hardens.

  • An even figure, having a solid color, without swirling silhouettes - be calm, no magic was used against you.
  • Spots on the figure, uneven edges that stand out strongly, mean signs of damage and evil eye on a woman.
  • If the figure has various bumps, growths, cracks - we can safely say that the damage has been done, and it continues its action.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of dark forces

There are a huge number of magical mysteries that allow not only to be cleansed of black energy effects, but also to establish a protective barrier around you. Real and experienced sorcerers use, as well as old methods that have been tested by time.

Especially popular for creating protection against damage and the evil eye are:

  • Talismans and amulets.
  • Prayers and conspiracies.
  • Red thread and pin - are very strong.

Today, using a pin to protect against the evil eye is the most common way. It doesn't matter what metal it is made of. She is able to protect a person from the evil eye and impure thoughts of envious people and ill-wishers. But before using it, you need to speak it with the following words:

« Hide from an unkind look. Close from the evil message. Whether!»

These words must be pronounced three times in a row. Then drip melted wax on the eye of the pin also three times. Attach the prepared amulet to your clothes so that it is not noticeable.

The red thread is excellent protection and is always on your wrist. No matter how it sounds, but an ordinary woolen thread is able to protect against the strongest energy impact.

The thread must be tied on the wrist of the left hand for seven or three knots. Remember, only a relative or a person very close to you should tie the thread. The talisman will be your protection at any time. After you have tied it, do not remove the thread for two weeks.

As you can see, you can protect yourself from damage and the evil eye with the help of amulets that you can make yourself at home. At the same time, without spending money on it, since such material can be found in every home.

And there are many different conspiracies to remove the dark impact. If you notice signs of damage and the evil eye on a woman, seek help, and a specialist with strong magical support will finally help get rid of them. He will not only remove the energy impact from you, but also establish protection that will not allow this to happen again in the future.

Signs of damage and the evil eye on a woman can manifest themselves in completely different ways. For example, if you notice a number of problems that came out of nowhere, your relationships began to deteriorate, your health deteriorated sharply - all this may be the efforts of an ill-wisher to bring damage and the evil eye on you.

Damage and evil eye

Written by: Mage Hades

Some people cannot calmly observe the victories of others, so they try to do everything to harm more successful person. If in Lately you have been overtaken by a streak of failures, perhaps you have become a victim of damage, which should be disposed of immediately.

Beauty, money, success at work and in personal life - all this can cause envy. As it turned out, women are much more likely than men to become victims of negative programs, the impact of which can affect their health and life in general. It is almost impossible to determine the presence of damage instantly, because it feels like a common illness or a mild illness. Subsequently, its influence can be so strong that it will lead to disastrous consequences. Dailyhoro.ru site experts will tell you how to identify damage and get rid of it as soon as possible.

How to determine damage

To remove damage, first you need to determine its presence, which is expressed in several signs at once. Deterioration of well-being, negative changes in life and failures are the main indicators that you are under the influence of a negative program.

If lately you have been very tired for no reason, this is the first sign that damage has been imposed on you. Moreover, such fatigue is different from the one you experience after a hard day's work. In most cases, it is accompanied by a severe migraine, pain in the bones and joints, and a bad mood.

The second sign of spoilage is sleep disturbance. Sometimes the causes of insomnia can be worries, problems or other physiological changes in the body, but it is possible that it may arise due to spoilage. In this case, her hallmark are nightmares, similar to reality. If lately you have been constantly dreaming of the same person, it means that it was he who brought damage to you.

Sometimes even a common cold can develop into a serious illness, and this can happen due to spoilage. If you do not remove the negative program in time, then your condition will begin to deteriorate every day.

A woman may feel discomfort in the eye area, which subsequently threatens to worsen vision.

If the damage begins to progress, a woman may become addicted to bad habits, even if they were absent before. The main signs include the abuse of alcohol and psychotropic substances, which, along with spoilage, begin to destroy the woman's body several times faster.

Negative energy can affect a woman's reproductive health, which can lead to problems conceiving or infertility.

There is an opinion that by visiting a church, you can determine the presence of a negative program. While in church, a woman will experience discomfort and a desire to leave the sacred place as soon as possible. If you suspect that one of your loved ones has become a victim of corruption, place a lit church candle near the head of the bed. If the flame is restless, then the person is under the influence of the evil eye or damage.

Sometimes even the closest friends can envy your attractiveness. In this case, damage will literally “eat up” the beauty of a woman. Most often, this manifests itself in a sharp increase in weight, as well as problems with the skin and hair. In addition, you will experience an insatiable feeling of hunger and dissatisfaction with your own appearance, which may cause psychological disorders.

Even if earlier you were popular among the opposite sex, then during the impact of damage, men will stop paying attention to you.

Under the influence of spoilage, a woman may begin to behave unnaturally. If earlier she was a faithful wife, after a negative impact, she can change her spouse, which leads to problems in her personal life.

If you began to hear extraneous sounds and voices of deceased relatives, they may be trying to warn you about the presence of a negative program.

How to remove damage with a ritual

If you want to get rid of a negative program, use an effective and proven ritual.

For the ritual you will need:

  • red church candle;
  • Your photo;
  • gold chain;
  • black fabric;
  • shallow bowl.

A few minutes before midnight, light a candle and place a photograph in front of you. It is desirable that other people besides you be depicted on it. After that, bring the photo to the flame and burn it. The ashes must be carefully placed in a bowl. Then wait for the candle to burn out, and then mix the remaining wax with the ashes. Form a doll with the resulting mixture and wrap it with a gold chain at the waist level. Squeeze it in your hands and say:

“I call, (name), all supernatural powers and ask you to save me from corruption. Let the golden belt absorb negativity and ease my torment sent to me by evil people. Hear my prayers."

Say the plot three times, and then kiss the doll. After that, wrap it in black cloth and bury it near the cemetery. If the ritual worked, then the next day you will feel better.

Sometimes each of us needs to reflect on our lives and be alone. Sometimes a person stays in this state for too long, and a negative program may be to blame.

There are a lot of methods on how to damage. In addition, damage can be induced both on various objects, things, and on the people themselves.

Including, damage can be brought on a girl who has crossed someone's path or simply caused envy, hatred and other destructive emotions in a person who is ready to resort to black magic in order to achieve his goals.

How do damage to a girl?

There are a lot of ways to cause damage, and in a particular case, the most effective method is with a photograph of a girl, with the help of which damage is caused. Most likely, because the appearance of a girl is one of her main advantages and methods of protection. Depriving her of beauty, you can deprive her of happiness. And the beauty is well reflected in the photo. the best way for inducing damage, probably does not exist.

Not so long ago, getting a photograph of a person was not easy. And now this pleasure is available to everyone. For example, you can take a photo from social network and print it. And if this girl often communicates with her enemy, her photo can even be taken on the phone, and the rival herself will not notice it.

There are several ways to damage a girl from a photograph.

First way.

To implement the plan, you need to wait for the evening time of the day and the waning moon. You need to take a pot of water and put on fire. Bringing to a boil, put a photo of a girl there and boil, saying the following words:

“Let the blood (name of the girl) boil as her photograph boils in this water. As this water boils away, so let its beauty fade. May what I wish come true."

This plot is read until the photo completely turns into gruel. After waiting for the night, you need to take the resulting composition to the cemetery, having previously found a grave with the same name as that of the opponent. Dig a small hole near the grave and pour water with a photograph into it. In the process of instillation, you need to read the following words:

“As I bury you in the ground, so you wither. And your beauty dissolves, (name)."

After the ceremony, you need to wash your hands and only then leave the cemetery and go home without turning around and not talking to anyone along the way.

Method two.

Here there is a calculation for a serious illness of a person or even death. Damage is carried out at the funeral, and also with the help of photography.

It is necessary during someone else's funeral, preferably an unfamiliar woman, to go to the cemetery and, saying goodbye to the deceased, put a pre-prepared photo of the rival in the coffin, mentally wishing the victim trouble.

Here, in principle, are the main ways of directing damage to a female person. They give a very effective result and have been used for centuries.

But, having decided on such a step, one must be fully aware that any actions can return to the conspirator himself and even more. It must be remembered that black magic is not the only solution to even the most complex problems. In general, the use of witchcraft is not worth the consequences that it can bring.

For men, potency means a lot. There is a problem when they lose it. It becomes especially strange if this happens in young age. When conventional medicine fails to help. Thoughts about spoiling sex come to a man’s head.

Help to restore male power

Often there are men who have good health. At the same time, they have a problem in intimate terms. They may date many girls, but there will be no sex drive.

Even if the man really wants it. In this case, it is not a disease, but black magic. It is directed from an abandoned girl or wife. With the goal that no one gets the man, as a punishment for neglecting her feelings.

Basic concepts of black magic on sex

Damage to impotence affects not only a man, but also offends a rival to the same extent. There is damage that is aimed at mistresses. A man will be able to feel intimacy only with the one who performed such a ritual.

After that, he gets:

  1. Interest in a wife or rival in an intimate way disappears;
  2. The genital organ will begin to hurt during intercourse or even its curvature will occur;
  3. The occurrence of complete impotence.

To induce damage, knots are usually created on the linen of the intended object. In other cases, sticks broken in half or knots from different trees are thrown to him. If this is found, then it is necessary to observe possible symptoms.

Varieties of damage to sexual impotence

Damage can be of different types:

  1. Disease of the genitals, leading to sexual impotence;
  2. Damage to loneliness does not allow a man to contact the opposite sex (depending on how strong magic was used);
  3. Impotence;
  4. Sexual impotence only with his wife and complete discord in the man's family.

If the damage is aimed at the illness of a man, then most likely it will arise suddenly. Doctors in this case will not be able to accurately determine the diagnosis. The name of the disease will be simple. During such a man feels a decline in vitality. This happens due to the fact that health passes to the person who caused damage.

The use of spoilage for impotence for a man is usually called a "string". A magical ritual is performed on underwear. Women make knots on it. During this action, they read the plot. This leads to male impotence. In some cases, the phallus is twisted.

Signs of inducing black magic on potency

In most cases, depression occurs in men with the onset of impotence. It becomes closed with the advent of this disease. If you do not solve the problem, then a complete breakdown in relations with your wife, lover or beloved woman is possible.

The man is most likely to be left alone. Therefore, actions should be taken to solve the problem. In case of helplessness of medical healing, prayers, protective conspiracies against damage will help.

There are some signs that male dysfunction could arise from the use of black magic, which include:

  • During intercourse, a man's erection is weak (even if he lusts for his chosen one);
  • There is complete indifference to women;
  • Unreasonable aggression, nervousness and irritability appear;
  • Disordered sleep due to nightmares, turning into insomnia. Thoughts arise about the same woman;
  • Women try to avoid such men. With the help of intuition, they feel negative energy next to a man;
  • Medical diagnosis does not identify the presence of diseases and pathologies.

Sometimes a man consciously begins to refuse intimate relationships with the opposite sex. This kind of situation occurs because of the numerous failures during the sexual act. Instead of pleasure, a man feels disappointment and inner pain. After sex, he comes to his senses for a long time, restoring his mental and emotional state.

Often with a man can happen different situations that appear quite suddenly. Especially when he goes to see a doctor. This gives reason to think about an unconventional cause of the disease.

Even in this case, you should not put an end to further relationships with women or your wife. A man is able to independently prevent the action of the evil intent of the ill-wisher.

Ways to relieve the "illness" with the help of conspiracies

Sometimes a man still begins to suspect that a black woman is to blame for his problem of impotence. magic. He begins to look for ways to remove damage to sex, impotence, or a disease of the genital organs. There are many conspiracies and other ways to get rid of a painful illness.

You can use a decoction of thistle. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Plant a thistle;
  2. Fertilize with your sperm;
  3. Wait for the plant to germinate;
  4. On Friday, during the new moon, dig up a sprout.

The plant is divided into 2 parts. In this case, the first is dried and put in a breast or secret pocket on clothes or in a wallet. The second part of the thistle serves to create a decoction. The plant is poured with boiling water and insisted for 2 hours. Take a tablespoon of the infusion until it runs out before going to bed. The remaining thistle root should be planted closer to the house.

In addition to a decoction of spoilage, they use a conspiracy on a wedding ring. It is removed from your finger. Urine is passed through the ring 3 times.

During this action, a conspiracy is spoken:

“Throw off all this illness, rise up and jump like a young one, don’t fall anymore, be full of strength. Amen to my word."

This ritual with a conspiracy of the ring is one of the most effective. In addition to it, you can do a rite on a belt to strengthen the result. The ritual is performed during the growing moon. Before this action, you should purchase a new belt.

Holding it in their hands, they read the words 3 times:

“I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the open field, where the cypress is green. The roots of that tree are strong, and the branches are strong. So let the strength of the servant of God (name) become unbending, not blown away by the wind. Amen"

After a conspiracy on the belt, he will give strength to his master. The effect will increase day by day. The most important thing is to wear it more often, then the condition will work.

To perform any of the rituals, you must first detect the presence of at least a few signs of damage. The main thing is not to be afraid to talk about it with your wife. She can provide support or find out that such a thing happened due to her selfishness.