Dad Roma Acorn. The missing Roma acorn changed appearance. Video with Roma Acorn

Most teenagers from 14 to 16 who hang out on social networks like Roma, especially the female half. He himself came up with a pseudonym for himself - Acorn, but he calls the girls Squirrels, who all the time want to kidnap him. Apparently he really liked the series of the cartoon "Ice Age" and he imagined himself to be that same acorn.

So who is Roma Acorn?

Roma is a 16-year-old popular Russian vlogger who calls himself a "contact star". His popularity is not entirely clear: he shot his first video and posted it on VKontakte, then organized broadcasts on youtube. The meaning of the videos that he shoots defies any logical explanation, but schoolgirls who are interested in everything strange and abnormal like it. He is registered in all social networks and uploads videos with the participation of both his mother and the girl Irene. By the way, the mother herself supports her son's hobby, and believes that the filmed stories have a sense of humor. After watching several of these videos, unfortunately, we did not find a sense of humor ...

Roman Kerimov(real name) is an example of how today's students want to be seen. This is a mixture of Russian Justin Bieber with Rublev major and youthful protest. An explosive mixture that has both fans and anti-fans. Roma has already managed to participate in the Let They Talk program and be a co-host at a concert near Poklonnaya Gora. The second event did not succeed at all ... It remains only to imagine what will happen to Acorn when his "Squirrels" grow up.

Popular today, Roma Acorn is a Russian video blogger, author of extraordinary music tracks, and also a singer. Success came to the young man only when he began to actively promote his videos on YouTube. From the very first works, the nickname “Russian Justin Bieber” stuck to the guy. Today, the talented artist has formed a whole army of fans.

short biography

Acorn Roma from an early age grew up sociable and inquisitive. Parents valued mobility and all-round development in their baby. He played tennis and judo, sculpted various figures and loved to draw. When the boy was in the second grade, he became interested in culinary skills, and a few years later he began to study music.

The boy paid increased attention to his appearance, which is why he always tried to dress in accordance with fashion trends. Parents were worried because their son often clashed with teachers, and classmates did not want to communicate with him at all, so he spent most of his free time alone. In one of his interviews, Roma recalls that he paid for the rides in the park for the guys in order to keep in touch with their peers.

All his free time, the guy sat at the computer and carefully looked through American video blogs. It was after this that he decided to become an Internet star.

The first steps were taken when the guy shot a short video. In it, he shared in detail his opinion about the applications in the social network VK. Of course, the teenager was afraid of what others would think of him. The next day, the published video was discussed by all the students. People unknown to him began to be added as friends to the guy, and the number of viewers continuously increased.

Seeing Roman's success, his classmates began to make fun of him. Once it even came to a fight where the young man was beaten until he lost consciousness. After this incident, he went to homeschooling and continued to actively work on the video. The mother of the future celebrity was initially skeptical about her son's hobby and even tried to forbid him to shoot videos. But the guy was persistent and was able to convince his relatives. As a result, the mother helped her offspring to convert the room into a studio for filming.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Roma Acorn is Ignat Rustamovich Kerimov. The boy was born in 1996 on February 1 and from the first day he lived in Moscow. His father Rustam worked as an architect-builder, and his mother Oksana perfectly combined business and raising her son. Rustam Kerimov is Russian by nationality, but his father has Azerbaijani roots.

The entire childhood of the future Internet star was spent in the Shabolovka area. It was there that the boy attended kindergarten, talked with his peers on the street and went to school. A talented child never gave parents trouble, because he was not capricious.

The boy's mother and father planned that their child would enter a good architectural institute in the future. But in practice, the son's biography developed according to an unplanned scenario. Passion for music did not prevent the guy from entering a university called "Synergy" and studying at the Faculty of Management.

The blogger could disappear from the field of view of the parents for a long time, and they were worried that nothing would happen to their son. In fact, the guy was just looking for new topics for his videos.

Career success

Roma Acorn notes that until his 14 years he practically did not live. It was influenced by generally accepted prohibitions and established moral norms. Because of all the prejudices, the guy describes his former life as a miserable existence. And only when the guy discovered creativity for himself, he first became happy. A year later, almost every student had a shocking video of a teenager on a page on the VK social network. The total number of views is always more than ten million. For such popularity, it was the paparazzi who called Acorn the Russian Justin Bieber.

When the guy realized that many users liked his views on some things and interests, he started a frank conversation with his mother. The purpose of this conversation was that he should not be interfered with in his favorite art. The woman did not argue with her son, especially since his monthly fee is a thousand dollars.

Each new Roma video is filmed in the format of a web show. The hottest topics can boast the presence of scandalous comments that grab the attention of viewers. Along with this, the final fee also increases.

In one of the videos, the guy calls himself a Contact Star. It will not be a secret for any of the users that the colossal success of an enterprising guy lies not only in his charisma and talent- a lot of fans appeared at the Acorn due to his unusual appearance.

Blogger achievements

Statistics showed that the number of video views on Roma's YouTube channel was 38 million. But the number of subscribers in social networks Twitter and Vkontakte exceeded 800 thousand. Numerous interviews with a talented guy have been repeatedly published in Bravo, OK, StarHit, Tatler, Hello magazines. In early 2012, fans were able to enjoy the first songs "I'm not a toy for you", "Like". A year later, the guy published three more interesting tracks:

  1. Louder.
  2. "In a dream".
  3. "By wire".

In 2012, Roman first tried himself as a TV presenter at the popular eleventh Muz-TV award ceremony. Specialists in the field of television projects invited the young artist to the role of host in Malakhov's project "Let them talk." In September of the same year, a sixteen-year-old guy became a member of the popular show "State Department 3" with the outrageous Ksenia Sobchak.

On the Internet, a talented video blogger is the face of Chupa Chups. Roma has additional income, as he is listed as the owner of the Acornshop store. ru. Everyone can buy high-quality T-shirts and many other items that are intended for teenagers.

The video blogger at a professional level leads the program on Muz-TV "Neformat Chart". Roman is inclined to say that he does not cooperate with sponsors and producers. The guy does everything on his own and enjoys it. The talents of a presenter, director, author of ideas and screenwriter are perfectly combined in one person.

Musical creativity

Many teenagers love Roma Acorn because he is characteristic, but at the same time cheerful. This style of behavior is especially relevant for children in adolescence. Roman himself claims that from early childhood he dreamed of becoming a famous singer. . The pop-rock singles released by him found their fans:

  • "I'm not your toy."
  • Louder.
  • "In a dream".
  • "By wire".
  • "Thank you".
  • "Relationship".

The creative artist shot an interesting video for the songs "Like" and "I'm not a toy" in 2012. In honor of March 8, he posted his third track “It was all in a dream” on the Internet.

Since the guy is also considered a sought-after model, he even released his own personal clothing brand. We can safely say about Roman that he is an artist of the modern generation, whose talent allows him to occupy a leading position in the ratings not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Relationships with girls

The personal life of a talented and versatile guy is shrouded in various rumors and speculation. In 2012, Roma began dating Lina Dobrorodnova. At the age of 14, the girl managed to appear in several videos and films, where eminent artists also participated. Many viewers saw the talented play of Lina in the series "Nannies".

In the first half of 2015, the young artist posted a message on his VK page that he had feelings for Katya Es. But the pace of development of relations and their duration remained hidden from journalists, since the guy decided to remain silent on this matter.

Already in October 2016, it became known that the famous American model and blogger Sonya Yesman abandoned the fan public in VK, to which more than 90 thousand people were subscribed. Some fans tend to think that the girl decided to take such a step for the sake of Roman.

Surprisingly, many opponents of the guy's creativity attributed to him an unconventional orientation. Roman himself does not react to such rumors. This assumption arose against the background of the fact that the young man was seen in a Moscow studio, where a gay party was held that evening. Now the guy has turned into a real handsome man, his height is 180 cm, and his weight is 70 kg.

The blogger loves tattoos that look very stylish. Images began to periodically appear on Roman's body after he turned 17 years old. Many girls leave positive feedback that the guy is very decorated with tattoos on his chest, neck and arms. The actions of the blogger attract the attention of many young beauties, which is why he is increasingly seen together with charming girlfriends Diana and Olga.

Reasons for popularity

The audience first spoke about the talented Roma Zholud in 2010. The guy did everything possible to gain momentum in popularity as quickly as possible. Experts note several main factors that influenced the blogger's success:

  • Extraordinary behaviour.
  • Bright appearance.
  • Huge hype around his actions on camera.

The first fans of the young guy were ordinary schoolgirls. But at the start of his career, Roma was in the 9th grade, so the reasons for his popularity among teenagers are very obvious. Due to his cute appearance and slight resemblance to Justin Bieber, many girls liked the blogger, who preferred to wear T-shirts with his image.

Acorn has indeed accomplished many things on his own that teenagers his age can only dream of. The guy moved to live in Los Angeles, although he often appears at home and meets with his fans. Roma is working on improving his musical skills. Fans can listen not only to individual tracks, but also whole albums.

Star income

Almost every fan of Roma thought about how much this artist earns. Skeptics note that the guy received the most at the peak of his popularity. But today there are only 800 thousand subscribers on the video blogger’s channel, and earnings on the YouTube portal are not as big as they might seem at first glance. Despite this, Roma regularly uploads new works, but most of all he works on the video. In his free time, a guy can often be seen in the circle of businessman Dmitry Kaprielov, who really is his close friend.

The young man receives the main income due to the fact that he moonlights as a model and receives pretty good money for it. More than 90% of all filming takes place outside Russia. All other activities can be classified as a hobby, but he does not give up his musical career.

Experts have calculated that the guy earns no more than 34 thousand rubles on YouTube. It all depends on likes, subscriptions and views. So this amount cannot be called fixed.

Boy life today

Roman Zhelud continues to shoot his creative videos, which gain a large number of views and positive reviews in a few days. Most recently, he starred in the video of a famous artist. And also the guy leads his own show on one of the popular music channels. The young man is regularly invited to shoot for glossy magazines and participate in fashion shows.

But the videos cause quite conflicting opinions among the audience, which is why the star has both admirers and opponents. Many people simply do not see the logic in his videos, although the guy himself stubbornly believes that there is humor in the video, which not every person can understand. Many people don't like profanity. The older generation is not at all interested in the work of Roma Acorn. Despite everything, the guy is one of the youngest millionaires who were able to make their own fortune on their own.

Childhood and family of Roma Acorn

Roman Kerimov, aka Roma Acorn, was born in February 1996 in Moscow. The boy was raised by his mother, Oksana Kerimova.

The only thing known about the boy's father is that he is a businessman and his name is Rustam Movludovich. True, there is another "fatherly" version that Roma's father's name is Oleg, and by the nature of his activity he is a designer. He currently lives in America, but maintains a relationship with his son.

Roma received the most ordinary education. Since childhood, he was fond of music, but he never studied it professionally.

Once, having fun, fourteen-year-old Roma made a video and posted it on YouTube. What was the surprise of a teenager when a huge number of people watched the video. The reaction of the audience was mixed: the video caused a storm of emotions. The most active Internet users left their comments. Someone liked his work, someone, on the contrary, irritated. But no one remained indifferent.

Roma Acorn's career, social networks

According to the young man himself, until the age of 14 he practically did not live at all. The generally accepted prohibitions and taboos, according to Kerimov, forced him to drag out a miserable existence. And only after becoming Roma Acorn, he began a normal life.

At the age of fifteen, almost every schoolchild had Roma Acorn on the VKontakte page. The number of views of these videos has exceeded 10 million. Journalists called him the Russian Justin Bieber.

Roma Zhelud - Internet Hero

Feeling that many people are interested in his opinion and views, Roman gains courage and starts a frank conversation with his mother, asking him to leave him alone and let him do what he wants. Mom did not find anything to object, and did not argue with her son. Yes, and how can you argue when the monthly fee of a young man is an average of $ 1,000.

All Acorn videos are filmed in web show format. And the sharper the topic, the more scandalous piquancy in it, the more viewers, and, consequently, the higher the fee. In one of the videos, Roman himself calls himself the Contact Star. It's no secret that Roman's success lies not only in his talent. Many fans appeared at the Acorn due to his appearance. However, among the "squirrels" (as Roman calls his fans), there are not only girls, but also boys.

Achievements of Roma Acorn: YouTube records

The number of views on the YouTube channel was over 37.000.000. The number of subscribers on Roman Zhelud's VKontakte and Twitter pages is about 700,000 people. His interviews were published in such popular magazines as OK, Hello, Bravo, Tatler, StarHit. In 2012, Roman released his first songs "Like" and "I'm not a toy for you." In 2013, three more new singles by Roman Zhelud were released: “In a Dream”, “By Wire” and “Louder”.

Roma Acorn - "Like"

In November 2012, Roman became a TV presenter at the eleventh Muz-TV award ceremony. Acorn was also invited to the role of the host of Andrey Malakhov's special project "Let them talk" on Channel One. In September 2012, 16-year-old Roman became a member of the State Department 3 show with Ksenia Sobchak.

On the Internet, the famous video blogger is the face of Chupa Chups.

Roman has his own store,, which offers a variety of T-shirts and other teenage cult items.

The video blogger runs the Neformat Chart program on Muz-TV. According to Roman himself, he has neither sponsors nor producers. Everything that the young man does, he does himself. Roman Zhelud is his own director, screenwriter, presenter and author of ideas.

Roma Acorn's personal life

Roman is often seen in the company of the same girl - Nastya Shmakova. Even if the guy has new hobbies, after a while he still returns to Nastya. Many fans of Roman consider Nastya not very attractive. However, this is a matter of taste.

Often, enemies write about the unconventional orientation of a young man, to which Roma always answers with humor. Recently, a video blogger was seen in the Moscow cinema "October" with a young pretty girl.

She turned out to be fourteen-year-old Lina Dobrorodnova, the rising star of the film "Nannies". Lina managed to star in a number of videos along with such masters as Philip Kirkorov, Igor Nikolaev, Nastya Zadorozhnaya. Young people met at the fashion show of the famous producer Yana Rudkovskaya. Both Lina and Roman took part in the ODRI show.

Who now owns the heart of the Acorn is unknown.

Roma Acorn today

Although today Roma Acorn has lost popularity to younger and more talented video bloggers, in the history of Runet he will remain one of the pioneers of the YouTube entertainment segment. He continues to run his channel, where he publishes lifestyle videos, travels a lot and pleases his subscribers with his photos on Instagram.

Member Name: Ignat Rustamovich Kerimov

Age (birthday): 01.02.1996

Moscow city

Height and weight: 1.8 m

Channel direction: lifestyle and many other videos

Channel created: 06/20/2010

Number of subscribers: more than 690 thousand subscribers

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Reading this article:

The future star of the YouTube video portal Roma Acorn was born in Moscow in early February 1996. True, his real name is Ignat, and his last name is Kerimov. The boy's parents are Oksana and Rustam, it is widely known on the net that the father of the future blogger is a successful businessman.

As a child, the boy was quite lively, active and sociable. The family lived then in Moscow. Here, Roma went first to the kindergarten, and then to one of the most ordinary schools in the capital. Even in the primary grades, the boy was distinguished by a huge outlook and a large number of interests. Modeling, drawing, tennis, judo, cooking and music can be distinguished among its circle.

Roma posted his first video online in 2010 and it instantly became very popular.
. What contributed to this - no one can say for sure.

That is why Acorn is often called a phenomenon, because the secret of his success is still not clear. Perhaps the format of Roma's videos played a role in this - these were and are the so-called web shows.

For each video, the boy chose a hot topic and covered it in a very lively and interesting way. During the first year of his new hobby, Acorn became incredibly popular.

At the same time, most of all he was known not even on YouTube, but on the social network Vkontakte. The blogger's photo has become one of the most used on all pages, the guy even got the nickname "Russian Justin Bieber". True, it is with this nickname that Roma desperately disagrees.

Very soon, the popularity of Acorn went beyond YouTube. He was actively invited to TV shows (such as "Let them talk") and interviewed for magazines ("StarHit", "Hello", "OK", "Bravo"). In 2012, the guy tried his hand at singing and did not fail either. The young man began to perform songs in the pop-rock genre, record videos and professional compositions.

Among the blogger's most popular songs are "In a Dream" and "By Wire". In the same year, Acorn was invited as the host of the next Muz-TV award.

Then he hosted one of the episodes of Andrei Malakhov's program called "Afftar burns." Also in the asset of Roma as a TV presenter there are projects "Neformat Chat" and "State Department 3". Recently, she often acts as a model for various magazines.

In addition to the profit received from the channel, the young man has his own online store that sells paraphernalia associated with the blogger himself.

Much and little is known about the personal life of the most popular blogger in Russia at the same time.

On the one hand, this part of his life is shrouded in a lot of rumors, but whether they have a real background can only be said by Acorn himself, and he does not like to talk about this.

In 2012, he was allegedly connected with the young actress Lina Dobrorodnova, and in 2015 with the host Katya Es. How true this was is hard to say. By the way, many ill-wishers regularly accuse him of being gay, but the blogger himself does not answer this.

Roma Photos

The guy often shoots for magazines as a model, leads Instagram, where he posts photos of their personal lives.

(Eng. Roma Acorn is a popular Russian video blogger, known for his videos on YouTube and VKontakte. He runs the RomaTweetcorn twitter. It has more than 500 thousand readers. There is a network legend that his real name is Ignat Rustamovich Kerimov.
In proof of this, some cite the following fact, allegedly taking place in this universe. Allegedly, a blogger named Ignat Kerimov was among the participants in the meeting of President Medvedev with young scientists, innovators and entrepreneurs, a list of which is posted on the website

Occupation: video blogger
Date of birth: February 1, 1996
Place of birth: Moscow
Country Russia
Website: YouTube: RomaAcorn, RomaAcornLive
Twitter: RomaTweetcorn
Formspring: RomaTragedy
Miscellaneous: vk-user AcornLand, Twitter AcornGeneration

Regarding his pseudonym "Acorn", which Ignat Kerimov signs almost everywhere on the network, Roma Acorn said: “There is nothing wrong with a pseudonym, because many celebrities had a pseudonym.” In an interview, Acorn admitted that he came up with it for contact when he was eating nuts.

Girls from among the fans consider Roman a handsome young man. But the guys think that Acorn is nothing more than a machine for collecting dislikes.

Rollers Roma Acorn, made in the format of a web show, have hundreds of thousands of views on the Internet (some - more than a million). They are mainly posted on VKontakte and YouTube.
Scandalous Roma Zhelud's video about the public MDK has gained more than 2 million views. Recently, Roma released a video from America, in which he talks about entertainment in the USA.
Being a handsome (for many girls and some men) young man of 16 years old (according to the information on his VKontakte page; 14 years old at the time he started working as a video blogger), Roma Zhelud very quickly began to like the girls hanging out on VKontakte and on YouTube. In addition to himself, his mother sometimes takes part in the commercials Roma Acorn and his girlfriends. Now Mr. Acorn makes videos, appears on television and leads several VKontakte groups.

In one of the videos, Roma Acorn, without undue modesty, calls himself a “contact star”.
In any case, the videos Roma Acorn very popular, they are watched by hundreds of thousands of people (which symbolizes; according to anti-fans, Roma himself watched his videos 100500 times for the number of views), and they have a lot of reciprocal videos, both fans (fans) of Roma, and his opponents and envious people.

The reason for the success of the commercials Roma Acorn, in general, is not entirely clear, but schoolgirls clearly like it. The meaning of the videos themselves also defies logical explanation. According to Roma Acorn and his mother, as well as other fans, these videos are shot pretty well, with a sense of humor.
In addition to commercials and a bunch of fans, Roman still has a lot of anti-fans. They compare Roma Acorn with a foreign singer with a difficult reputation Justin Bieber, they call him a shkolota and say that only schoolchildren watch Acorn's work. But, it's just gossip. In fact, the work of Roma Acorn is loved and revered by people of different ages.

In the second half of September 2012, a news story spread on VKontakte that Roma Zhelud was the chief administrator of the MDK public.
Calls fans squirrels. For narrow-minded fans - the ideal of a guy, husband, child and even dad, everyone loves and respects him, and "squirrels" will crush the haters with their teeth. Roma Zholud's official group VKontakte- vk-user romaacornofficial, there are also several unofficial ones.
In October 2012 my post Roma Acorn dedicated the famous blogger Lev Sharansky.

In December 2012, he left a tweet in which he promised to visit South Butovo if he gets 10,000 retweets (a traditional scam based on the Streisand effect; South Butovo is still stereotyped as a traditional meeting place for gopniks who are intolerant of the type of people whom belongs, in connection with which he could have been beaten there). He scored them, after which he laid out his photographs against the background of the South Butovo sign.
fans acorn considered such an "act" desperate courage. According to his opponents and most of those who are neutral towards him, he took a photo before tweeting.
Thanks to the success in Internet voting, he became the fourth host of the "Muz-TV Award" -2013, which will be held in early June 2013.
On October 23, information appeared on many media sites that.

Musical creativity of Roma Acorn

He also took up music. He recorded his debut music track, released a single. In 2012, video clips for the songs "LIKE" and "I'm not a toy for you" were released.

The number of views on YouTube of songs is approaching 5 million. The remix was released on February 1st Roma Acorn song "like". On March 8, the hero of our story, after an online broadcast, posted his third single “Everything was in a dream” on YouTube, as well as a video for it.

Participation of Roma Acorn in projects on television

On April 1, 2012, he became the co-host of the release of the TV program “Let them talk” on Channel One, which caused a new bout of indignation among the “anti-fans” of Roma. The same program was attended by Drug addict Pavlik and some other famous personalities.
On May 25, 2012, he became a co-host at a concert near Poklonnaya Gora, the broadcast took place on the channel
In September 2012, he was present live on the Dozhd TV channel (tvrain) in the State Department 3 show with Ksenia Sobchak.

Modeling career of Roma Acorn

In addition to video blogging and a musical career, Roma takes part in various fashion shows.

Roma Acorn and Russian Wikipedia

Article about Roma Acorn in the Russian Wikipedia, both in the main space and in the incubator, both fans of Roma and his opponents have repeatedly tried to create. But every time the articles were submitted either for quick deletion according to the criteria for quick deletion of articles, or were deleted after discussions at the KU. Subsequent discussions at the VUS usually ended in rejection. Due to constant reposts, instead of discussing on the VUS on August 20, 2011 at 14:27 (UTC), Obersachse set an indefinite protection against creation by all non-admins. However, after the second VUS discussion, the Ghuron administrator lowered the security level, allowing autoverified members to create the page.

"Smell from the mouth. Are you eating shit?" - one of the first videos. Got over 1 million views.

I think that "repeated coverage of the life and work of a person" is evident, but in the deleted versions there is not a single more or less sensible one, so there is nothing to restore. There is no desire to write a stub myself, I lower the protection to auto-confirmed and put it in my CH in order to endure the emerging blizzard

As a result, the article "Kerimov, Roman", deleted in October 2012, but which was the most sane and most consistent with the rules of the RWP, was restored 9 days after the second discussion on the VUS was closed and renamed with the addition of a patronymic without leaving redirection. After that, many edits were made to the article, and in the end it was renamed to the recognizable Roma Acorn.
Several participants are registered on Wikipedia, whose nicknames contain either the surname "Kerimov" (two even wrote articles about Acorn), or references to the nickname. The ownership of these accounts by Acorn has not yet been confirmed.