Runic becoming a break in relations. Runic lapel - cool with the help of staves. Lapel runes

A runic lapel or cold rune is used to cool relationships. Performing this ritual, a person directs the energy, which is the basis of our world. Using it correctly, you can achieve any goal. Runic sorcery uses the principle of energy movement. In love magic, runes, as well as stavas, are often used in love spells and cooling rituals. A strong runic lapel will solve the problem forever.

By applying the runes, you will achieve miraculous results that will change your life. Also with these symbols you can remove the lapel made by another person.

Lapel runes

Hagallaz, Algiz and Isa are very important for such rituals.


The sign of the Isa rune is the symbol that causes the most powerful runic lapel.

This sign is a symbol of cooling, fettering. For a lapel, it is allowed to use it only once.

Proceed very carefully! Otherwise, this runic will harm the person who loves you.
Multiple or incorrect use can lead to sad consequences.

  • For example, a person you do not like may have problems with brain activity, he may lose energy.
  • Repeated use of this symbol can lead to incurable impotence in men, and completely deprive women of the ability to love.

Lapel rune Algiz

Algiz is used for protection. This symbol corresponds to the roots of Yggdrasil, which are underground, in the world of the dead. Algiz in upright position symbolizes life, and inverted means death. This sign is used to appeal to other runes.

Rune Hagall

Hagall (Hagallaz) is also actively used to destroy feelings. The sign symbolizes absolute destruction, change, rupture of unpleasant relationships and the elimination of love, which is not predetermined by fate. Used to remove witchcraft love spell. Together, these two runes are used in the cold formula.

Lapel rune groups

A strong runic lapel can be crafted using chains of symbols.
  • Algiz-Gebo-Isa

It is allowed to apply only if you really love the person you are going to point the lapel at. Using this runic stave (lapel), you must be ready to perform absolutely any act and sacrifice everything so that this person is with you.
  • Isa-Turisaz-Isa

It is the formula that will contribute to a slow but inevitable break. It rarely has the desired effect on legal spouses. If they married for love, then the runic lapel will not be able to quarrel them.
  • Ansuz-Perth-Ansuz-Laguz

This magic chain helps cool the connection. She erases her memories. Using the rune, you will ensure that a person forgets about all the good things done for him, and will not remember the reasons that made him feel love.
  • Gebo-Isa-Turisaz

Causes a sudden quarrel, which will cause the complete destruction of relations. Former lovers become each other's worst enemies.
  • Laguz-Sovulo-Hagalaz-Eyvaz-Algiz

Will destroy the strongest feelings. This is a very powerful way to end a relationship. When using it, be careful and careful! This is a very strong runic lapel. It is capable of causing long-term and complex illness in humans.

Simple runic lapel

To run this lapel with runes, study the groups described above and select a set of runes that suits your case.
  1. Take a blank sheet of paper, fold it in half.
  2. Write the names of the people you want to turn away. On the left side, write the name of the woman, on the right side, the name of the man.
  3. Unfold the sheet and on the fold draw on the fold the rune or group of runes you have chosen for the runic lapel.
  4. You don’t need to pronounce conspiracies, but during the rituals, keep the most important thought in your head - you are making a lapel and really want these people to never be together as a result.
  5. Bend the paper again along the fold line and hide it so that no one will ever find, see, or touch it.
The validity period of the lapel with runes can vary from 3 days to 3 months.

There are two behaviors. Some people just endure and do nothing. Other people try to somehow influence the events that occur in their lives. For example, with the help of various cold runes. You can make a lapel on yourself as follows.

  1. The ritual of cooling yourself is best done at midnight.
  2. You need a photo of the person with whom you want to end the relationship.
  3. The rite is based on the runes of Hagalaz and Isa. Hagalaz will help destroy emotional attachment. Isa will help to lose interest in a person.
  4. A photograph of the adored person must be placed in the middle of the table.
  5. At the top of the table on the right, you need to install aromatic substances. Suitable incense sticks with the smell of pine needles, ambergris or sandalwood.
  6. Be sure to put up a candle on the left side.
  7. Do not forget to place a vessel with water at the bottom of the table on the left. The water must be spring water. If you can't get spring water, use unboiled tap water after standing.
  8. A small container of salt must be placed on the right side.
  9. Next, you should light candles and aromatic substances, stand facing the table, raise your hands up and ask for help from the gods. You can call on Thor. Sophisticated and understanding in the magic of runes use their own texts. People who have little understanding in this section of magic can use this text: “ Oh, Thor the great and mighty, I appeal to you. I invoke your strength and power. I need your powerful hammer to fight and protect you, I ask in this battle».
  10. After the words are spoken, you should freeze for a while with your hands up.
Nothing at this moment should distract the person who performs the ceremony. If the ceremony is successful, then at this moment there will be some sensations. For example, some people feel light tingling in the body or a strong influx of internal energy. After that, you should lower your hands and bow, in your thoughts express gratitude to the higher powers for help and return to the ritual.

Lapel on yourself

Perform actions in a cruel order:
  1. The picture is taken over the flame of a candle, in such a way that it is not set on fire and the magic words are proclaimed: “ I light you with the power of the flame».
  2. The picture is taken over aromatic substances, and the words are pronounced: “ I light you with the power of air».
  3. The picture is sprinkled with water, and the words are pronounced: “ I light you with the power of water».
  4. The picture is sprinkled with salt, and the words are pronounced: “ I light you with the power of the earth».
  5. After performing these manipulations, the picture is again placed in the center of the table, and the following magic words are sentenced: “ I appeal to you, great, all-powerful and mighty gods, give the runes Hagalaz and Isa, inscribed by me, directed power. I want a connection between me ( given name) and (name of a loved one) broke forever».
After that, it is supposed to sit and wait until the incense and the candle burn out. The ashes should be scattered in the wind, and the photo should always be carried with you until you feel that the feelings have cooled down. After that, you just need to burn the picture, and also scatter the ashes in the wind.

How to “win back” the feelings of a loved one from a rival?

A quarrel with an opponent with the help of runes can also help in achieving the goal if someone else has appeared in the relationship. A strong runic lapel will embroil a man and a woman. There are several rituals for this purpose. The actions of the ritual are similar. For cooling you need:
  • joint photographs of people who need to quarrel;
  • sheets of white and black paper;
  • pen with black ink.
Anyone can perform the ritual. The main thing is to make the lapel with runes correctly, without making mistakes.
  1. At midnight, you need to sit down at the table, take a sheet of white paper and draw rune symbols on both sides: “Soulu” + “Teyvaz” + “Raido” + “Isa” + “Dagaz” + “Isa”. Thanks to these symbols, the runic lapel will be completed instantly, over the course of several days.
  2. Place a sheet of paper between the two saved pictures of people and say the activation words of the formula (in free form). They must contain the intent of the lapel.
  3. After the words of the conspiracy are spoken, it is necessary to hide magical attributes from prying eyes.
  4. The photo and the sheet with runes are wrapped in black paper and placed in a pre-designated place.
A person should be aware that the runes will only function until the moment the photographs are next to it.

The basis of our universe is energy. Properly managing it and directing it in the right direction, you can achieve almost any goal. It works on the principle of energy movement. IN love magic and staves are often used to perform love and lapel rituals.

The main tool of runic magic are sacred symbols - runes. Magicians make up by placing these sacred signs in a certain sequence. Passing through a given formula, the energy of any ritual takes on exactly the form that the magician needs to achieve the desired result.

Most often, the runes of the elder futhark are used in magic. This is a special runic alphabet, consisting of 24 characters.

Runes and lapels

To carry out the most powerful and effective lapel, a sign in the form of a vertical line is used. She acts as a symbol of cooling and freezing. You can use it for the purpose of lapel only once and very carefully. Otherwise, you risk harming your loved one: the abuse of this rune can affect the brain activity of the person being turned away and deprive him of his strength. Repeated use of this sign can also lead to incurable impotence in men, and completely deprive women of the ability to love.

Important nuances

Rune Lapel requires slander- a special spell designed to program the runic formula in the right direction.

I want to warn you that the words for the slander must be chosen very carefully and carefully, to voice in them everything that you want to achieve as a result of the ritual.

This is because runes take the intention of the magician in the most literal sense and looking for the easiest way to solve a given problem. For example, if in a clause you indicate that you do not want to see a person, then it is very likely that you will simply begin to lose your eyesight.

An appeal to the ancient Scandinavian gods will help speed up the action of the runic chain. This issue is decided by the performer of the rite on an individual basis. Remember only one thing: if you made a lapel, asking for help from a certain god, you must definitely leave him gifts.

The phase of the moon for the runes does not matter. But if you wish, you can use the classic condition of love magic: love spells are carried out on the growing moon, lapels - on the waning one.

How to make a runic lapel yourself

When starting the ritual, be sure to familiarize yourself with all the runes and study the principle of work and the meaning of each of them.

Cool yourself off man

If you want to get rid of unnecessary feelings for a certain person and end relationships that do not bring happiness and cause only negativity, you can cool your feelings with the help of runes.

For the ceremony you will need your own photo on which to apply runic becoming(can be a marker): — — . Draw the same formula on your body. At the same time, pronounce a reservation - it must be formulated in your own words, but in such a way that your intention is clearly formulated in the spell. The clause might sound something like this:

“Let this cool cool my heart to (name of the chosen one). Let indifference to him settle in my soul. Let the runes (names of the runes) help me feel free from his love.

strong way with photo

The rite is used if you need to turn two people away from each other, to separate them. runic formula is applied to a joint photograph of the victims of the lapel ritual and looks like this:

Runic squabble

The purpose of the lapel is to quarrel two people connected by love feelings. To carry it out, prepare separate photos of those who need to be quarreled, 2 sheets of paper - white and black, pen or marker with black ink. Perform the ritual at midnight.

  1. Take White list and write on both sides of it a rune becoming: — — — Isa — —.
  2. Insert a sheet with runograms between two photographs. It is important that the photographs lie “back to back” to each other.
  3. Say a slander or visa (a spell in verse). The spell might sound something like this: “Between you (names of lovers) enmity begins! There will be no end to fights and quarrels. May your love disappear forever. May all my words come true!”
  4. Wrap the composition of photographs and a leaflet with runes in black paper and hide it in a secret place. The splitting will be effective throughout the entire period, as long as the paper with the formula lies between the photographs of lovers.

"Divorce" to break relationships and all kinds of interpersonal relationships.

consists of , as one of the triggers for the logical start of event mechanisms. Rune amplifiers of the stav, the pruner itself - consisting of a set of separating runes and runes of the final result.

Rassorka - Gebo from the crossed Teivaz.
Amplifiers: Tyvaz (2pcs), Dagaz, (Dagaz will give the stave shock sharpness overall impact rune)
"þ" is an elf rune of dark spirits to enhance the stave and confusion. All becoming essentially this rune (F)

"stunginn iss" - The rune of trouble will perform several functions at once: it will make the impact itself hidden. As a rune of obstacles and closure, it can erect barriers to resolving any issues (attempts to reconcile or repair a gap) can interfere in business with such an effect that a person, by his actions, will block his way or attract trouble, which will help a lot in combination with scatter.

If it is simpler, then when used with a black row, the rune will knock a person out of the way, confuse and create a situation in which the person himself will destroy his relationship.

Secateurs: mirror Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hagalaz.

Mirror Eyvaz is the division of a single whole into its constituent parts and cutting off the relationships between processes and phenomena in a single system. For example, if Eyvaz is applied to the eyes with the appropriate stipulation, then blindness or events contributing to this may occur, since Eyvaz will simply disconnect the optic nerve canal.

Mirror Eyvaz is a serious tool, therefore, when making a reservation, the phrase “without harm to physical health” is OBLIGATORY.

Final result: inverted Laguz, Isa and Hagalaz correspond to the goal of the formula: Destruction of specific interpersonal channels, threads and connections with a regular stop in them of all processes and flows.

Runes are placed or applied to the photo of both or to the space between them if the photo is joint. If it is a lover, then most likely only sex binding works, and therefore you need to apply it from where the thread supposedly goes - to the inguinal region. If passion, then on the head. If true love is with sex, passion and heart, then ... it’s better not to even touch such Love, even if your partner (partner) got into it, because this is such a rare occurrence that I advise you not to interfere, and the partner is already lost. Love is a one way ticket. It won't get any better, but it will get worse.

A caveat depending on the situation, they are so diverse that I can’t think of all of them.
Offerings, too, depending on whose help from the gods will be more relevant. Goddess Hel, Freya or Odin.

Yes, by the way, I read it at my leisure - “skilnaður” with this stave, you can break the connection between the father and the child;) and in general, completely demolish all family ties, without any regret and return.

Modern magical science in all its diversity is an almost perfect sphere, offering a person a way out of any life situation(naturally, with the ability to perform certain rituals and actions, use specific practices, tune in to magic sessions, etc.). One of its specific and completely unknown areas today is runic (or runic magic), and the most common runic practice is a lapel from a rival and a runic coolness for love, which has a number of special restrictions and rules.

Runes or, as they are also called, " Elder Futhark alphabet”, is, without a doubt, a very strong and effective symbolic system, including 21 signs.

It dates back to the very beginning of our era and personifies not just the phenomena of the surrounding world, but quite specific actions.

More precisely, all of the actions that are only possible in our reality. Therefore, by choosing the right sign or combination of signs, you can always form the desired action, while controlling the strength of its manifestation and the specifics of the action.

Work with the runic symbols is divided into three types:

  • Runalor- awareness and study of symbols,
  • Runagald- magical use of runes,
  • Runamal- divination with the help of runes.

Specialists who perform the action with runes are called erils. The advantage of working with this system of interpretation of reality is its maximum focus on results, even with minimal experience of the main character.

Rules for working with runes

All of the above is the minimum knowledge that should be learned before starting to learn cold rituals. If you are interested in the practice of cold love by runes, you want to know what it is and how to apply it, then you will have to learn a few key points:

Runic symbols must be applied to amulets or other artifacts (in some cases, even to the human body), without writing they do not work.
It is desirable to write signs with blood-based paint, so the resulting effect will be stronger. This rule is especially true for making amulets for yourself.

After performing the desired action, the amulet must be destroyed or, if this is not possible, at least remove the rune that is inscribed from it.
It is also obligatory to thank those gods who were asked for help in the process of creating spells, and not just to speak words, but also to bring gifts in the form of coins and food.
It’s not bad, but it’s not at all necessary to consolidate the result obtained by applying additional runes, but not of a similar effect, but enhancing the effect obtained or at least stabilizing it. For example, after the restoration of relations between a couple, a protective formula is suitable for them

"Isa + Sowulo + Algiz + Gebo + Hagalaz + Jera".

It is not difficult to understand how to make a runic cold for love. It is much more difficult to learn to recognize situations when it is really needed so as not to destroy a union that has prospects and is specially blessed from above.

Runic cold for love - ritual

A real runic cooldown for love, made in accordance with all the rules of runagald, gives the most accurate and quick result.

Usually it is done on a joint photo of those people whom they want to separate. In the absence of such a photo, a drawing, even a schematic one, will do. It is important to indicate on it the names and any information (from the known) about those people that are shown in the picture.

After that, runic signs are immediately written on the photo and the corresponding visa is read on top (their poems dedicated to this event). After that, they ask the gods for help and stipulate a period after which the picture is destroyed, and gratitude is expressed to the gods.

The hardest part is choosing correct formula runes. There may be several options:

The classic cold formula looks like this: Gebo + Algiz + Isa;

For global cooling of all potential partners of the object, except for the specified one, the following formula will be required: Isa + Thurisaz + Isa;

To permanently erase all memories of yourself from the memory of a loved one, the following formula will do: Ansuz + Ansuz + Perth + Laguz;

Total freezing of relations is possible after the following combination: Gebo + Thurisaz + Isa;

Complete destruction of human relationships

The complete destruction of relations will come with the use of all the elements: Sowulo + Ehwaz + Laguz + Isa + Hagalaz + Algiz.

The main signs that the procedure is performed correctly and the effect will be positive:

  • Throughout the ritual, everything went smoothly, there were no hitches and obstacles;
  • An amulet or photo destroyed after the implementation of the plan is quickly absorbed by water or fire;
  • People over whose relationship a runic act was performed feel rejection from each other, cool;
  • Love (if it was) leaves, tension builds up, which pours out after a while or immediately into a complete break.

In the practice of a beginner or even an experienced eril, situations often arise when you need to cool yourself off. There are a lot of examples of such situations: relationships can be burdensome, take strength and energy, exhaust a person psychologically and physically.

You can, of course, endure all this and hope for the favor of the Higher powers, or you can act quickly and surely. Moreover, in runagalda there is always an effective combination that can be imposed on yourself in order to avoid the continuation of an unnecessary love affair.

There are known cases when properly configured practices runic magic intuitively feel the time, place and type of formulas used for this kind of rituals.

In such situations, one image of the ice sign “Isa” and a cordially composed visa, a Scandinavian quatrain, acting as a conspiracy-fixing the runes used, are enough. But for those who have little practice in versification, the formula of the “cross of relations” remains a classic of the genre:

  • Isa + Gebo + Hagalaz + Isa, where the two central characters are written in script.
  • Or he is in another modification: Isa + Hagalaz + Gebo + Isa (also knit in the center).

Such a runic coolness for self-love helps very quickly. She blocks relationships by freezing them severely (this is what the two Isa rune signs on the sides are for).

There are situations when runic practices for some reason do not suit a person or do not help. In this case, you can resort to such a powerful technique as cooling in the name of Adonai. This ostuda is not runic, but it helps out in almost one hundred percent of cases. After all, its formula directly refers to the Supreme Being or God with the help of one of his most ancient and powerful names.

It is recommended to use this ritual action exclusively during the waning moon, on the second day of the week. Neglecting this rule can be costly, up to the opposite effect, therefore it is better to do everything strictly according to the instructions.

You should purchase some new metal object that has never been used for its intended purpose. For this, needles, scissors, tweezers and other metal products are suitable.

Then, on the night of the agreed Tuesday, fill a glass of cold fresh water and put it on the table in front of you. Ideally, spring water should be used, but in the absence of it, tap water is also suitable.

A metal object (for example, a sewing needle) should be heated over a fire to red, and then cooled sharply with water from a glass.
After the cooling procedure, without a second's delay, it is worth saying a conspiracy to cool:

“In the name of Adonai, the passion for (indicate the name of the person) will go out in me, just as this iron has now cooled down in this water.”

The procedure for heating the needle, cooling it and reading the magic formula must be repeated five times in total. After completing the procedure, you need to drain the glass in one gulp.

The words of the conspiracy must be spoken to the water in the glass, practically touching the water with your lips, so that she will surely hear the spell cast.

Often, experts advise to play it safe and after the cooling of relations is done according to the runes, they carry out a similar practice in another system.

Such an event often acts, for example, as an ice cold.

In order to make an ice cold for love, you need to buy one white egg from a real domestic chicken at the collective farm market.

Exactly at midnight, you need to say the following spell on him:

“I take the heart (indicate the name of the object of love), I will take it to the cold and to the most icy kingdom, to a distant cold state, so that later (indicate the name of the object of love) (indicate the name of the lovebird) I no longer love to cool my heart at once, more never carried it in my heart. From now on, forever and ever!”.

After this conspiracy, you must put the egg in the freezer exactly for a day.
Exactly one day later, you need to take out the frozen egg, take it as far as possible from your house and bury it in a place where no one can see it.
After performing these actions, after another day, the cold on the rival and the object of love should have a strong effect and separate them.

Meaning, description and interpretation of runes


The love triangle problem is as old as time. Not all of us manage to meet the person of our dreams and stay with him for life. Some have to deal with the situation when the man they love is already married or the girl of their dreams is married. But, as you know, you can’t command the heart. And how sometimes you want your loved one to finally make the final choice - to leave or stay with the family. If you no longer have the strength to endure uncertainty, you can try to make a runic becoming a divorce of spouses. Another question - is it right from a moral point of view? Let's figure it out.

Is it ethical to use marital divorce rates?

Of course, if we are in the position of a third party, it seems to us that quarreling a married couple so that a loved one stays with us is right. But on the other hand, you need to think about how this divorce will affect the abandoned spouse. Very often, such magical interventions destroy people's lives and, naturally, sooner or later the one who made such a quarrel receives punishment. Agree that it would be unpleasant for you if some stranger took your husband or wife away from the family?

An exception can only be situations when people are really destined for each other by fate. For example, a guy got married ahead of time, and true love met a few years after the wedding. Or the girl married the wrong person, and then met a man who really won her heart completely and irrevocably. And in many such cases, it is very difficult for those who are going to leave: they can be stopped by children, human attachment to a spouse they no longer love, housing and financial issues, and other circumstances. In this case, you can use the runic to divorce the couple, but you need to be completely sure that your meeting with your loved one is karmic. Therefore, before activating the formula, it is better to make a detailed complex alignment on the Tarot, which will reveal all the hidden nuances of the relationship. And only if the alignment confirms your connection by fate, you can use the stave.

General rules

All splitting formulas are used in a similar way. Runes need to be drawn on a joint photo of the couple you want to breed. We negotiate in full or in full, taking into account all the desired nuances. Activation is carried out in any way that you like. We deactivate becoming after it has successfully worked.

Runic becoming "Divorce" from kas-sandra

This formula allows you to separate people in different ways. It provokes quarrels, misunderstandings between spouses, makes them feel that it is no longer possible to live together.

Runes that work

The list of runes is indicated for information only, we stipulate becoming necessarily the whole

  • Elm, including mirror Turisaz, Evaz and direct Turisaz - symbolizes quarrels, scandals, conflicts, showdown
  • makes the action of the formula permanent, i.e. there will be no end to quarrels
  • Two mirror Eyvaz destroy the family
  • Mirror deprives people of willpower for any changes, does not allow them to yield to each other
  • Two mirror images make each spouse perceive the other as an inadequate person
  • Mirror sows apathy, a feeling of fatigue, unwillingness to live together and save a family
  • Elforuna, part of the Kongorunir series - provokes separation, creates damage to relationships

Runic becoming "Divorce" from Skilnadur (Dante laboratory)

This strong runic stance on the divorce of spouses includes a quarrel that provokes further events, amplifier runes and a “pruner” - a tie that separates the former lovers forever. The whole tie is the Icelandic rune Stungin-Iss, into which other symbols are inscribed.

Important information: in no case should the formula be used to destroy couples that are destined for each other by fate - not only will you fail, you will also suffer yourself.

Working symbols

  • Gebo, consisting of crossed Teivaz, is the quarrel itself
  • Two Teyvaz, Dagaz, Elforuna P - amplifiers, formula catalysts
  • Mirror, Hagalaz - "pruners" that cut relationships

Formula "The collapse of relations" from forest Fairy

A simple runescript that allows you to cool the feelings of the spouses for each other. Of course, in the complete absence of feelings, the union is unlikely to last long.

Runes working in tie

  • Gebo - a symbol of relationships
  • Two - provoke quarrels, scandals, lead a couple to parting
  • Two - freeze, cool people's feelings for each other
  • Two make problems permanent
  • The reverse rune makes the cooling of the senses permanent.

Vitoria's Strong Snake Arrangement

This is a very strong runic stance on the divorce of a couple, which can destroy even relationships that have been sealed for many years. family life. The consequences for the abandoned spouse can be very serious, up to nervous breakdowns and getting to the hospital. It should only be used when absolutely necessary. In addition to photography, the runes need to be activated with the saliva or blood of the spouses, who need to be divorced, as well as bring gifts to the god Loki.

Runes that work

The composition of the tie contains runes of the Anglo-Saxon (Northumbrian) and Icelandic series.

  • (Northumbrian), enclosed in Hagal - destroys the connection between people at the subconscious level
  • Two Anglo-Saxon Nud runes reinforce awareness of the need for divorce
  • Straight and mirror Thorn destroy everything that holds people together
  • Is freezing possible paths to reconciliation
  • Os wraps spouses in a ball of gossip, scandals, conflicts
  • Ear symbolizes the end of family life, partners no longer see each other as a couple
  • Gar provokes mutual accusations
  • , which appears when two Thorn and Gebo join - makes change inevitable
  • Icelandic runes: Esinger is responsible for swearing, scandals and other dirt; Stungin Kaun causes suffering from life together; Stungin-Iss block all possible attempts to avoid parting; four Yr runes send an endless stream of strife and conflicts to the couple. Those. until people get divorced, they will not be able to regain their peace of mind

Fracture of human destiny under the influence of runes

We can say that all the formulas given above are, in fact, rune staves at the breaking point of fate. They artificially change a person's life, break it in those places where this should not have happened. If you used rune magic when it was impossible to do this, for example, by provoking a divorce of people destined for each other by fate, these people will definitely suffer. For such an action, the punishment will surely come to you. And this should always be remembered.

What could this punishment be? Illnesses, problems, troubles in personal life, work, and sometimes - and magical influences directed at you. All this may well await a person who has decided to take on the role of ruler of other people's destinies. Never use rune magic to cause evil - then your life will be harmonious and happy.