Animals as symbols. The destructive power of tattoos Tattoos that represent power

A fairly large number of tattoos for today that, the day even cannot be listed by type. meanings and their tattoos- a topic that will interest those who want to get a tattoo.

To begin with, everyone wants to understand what each of the signs and symbols mean.

The most popular of them are as follows:

- sign infinity has a deep symbolic, even magical, meaning. This symbol is known as being pierced by self-confident people. goals Have and are always ready for development and self-realization, moving forward and only forward. The sign of infinity is a symbol of the eternity of being and the impossibility of knowing what is happening, everything that is happening in this world.

Angela sign, angel wings considered a symbol of Christian culture and religion. This symbol carries the positive, goodness, light, youthfulness, happiness and perfection, of course.

Tattoo eye will immediately draw attention to itself, especially if this symbol is in a prominent place. This image is a symbol of the third eye, which will protect its moral from the owner of stabs in the back and will even be able to look through human souls. It all depends on the composition itself. If a eye with a tear , - sadness and clear, regret look means joy and hope, frowning eyebrows - anger and doubt, and frightened horror - eye and fear.

- sign stars or says stars about the mysteriousness of the owner. This symbol itself bears the beauty of everything that exists, and also speaks of creative success of a person.

Here cross - to find the desire for freedom in life and to find an inner sign.

Rest crowns says that among the crowd owner wants to stand out and emphasize his dignity. Also, - wisdom, individuality, strength, over the greatness of all.

Tattoo the sun - eternity and earth, union and heaven, character, symbol of life and its aspiration, heart.

Sign treble clef means - the world to the attitude of music or creativity and Data. The interests of a tattoo can most often be seen by celebrities in the music world.

- skull deadly about symbolism, but positive also makes sense. With such a tattoo owner, everything is fine with the feeling of Tattoo. humor skull - a symbol of the immortality of the soul.

Clock tattoo means the variability of the world, a symbol of constant, time of movement and the measure of eternity, as well as the perishability and transience of life.

Tattoo anchor signifies affection, depth, endurance and the water element, as well as love speaks for adventure.

Tattoo birds it is a symbol of the sky, speed, flight, passion and freedom. Consider several species of birds, their meanings:

- dove - that, the talisman perfectly protects the owner from various evil and deeds of forces. The dove is a symbol of fidelity and a tattoo.

Devotion crow means some supernatural mystery, ability and mystery.

- hummingbird it always means positive, optimism, emphasizes the sincerity of a person, love and brightness for exotericism.

Tattoo swallow - a symbol of good luck, hope and happiness.

Tattoo peacock and peacock feather - beauty, romance and royalty, greatness.

- symbolizes eagle divine principle, foresight and spirituality, immortality, victory, pride and power.

Tattoo heat symbol - a bird of wealth, good luck, great wisdom and tattoo.

Kindness phoenix - strength, patience, struggle with life obstacles and difficulties.

Tattoo owl - a sign of the dominant class and, of course, the mind. Therefore, a symbol of quality in the wisdom of a tattoo on the body will be an excellent option for both a girl and a guy.

- various insects and beetles mean a talisman-amulet, as it is a symbol of cunning and speed. They also carry convenience and grace, as well as a symbol of money and wealth.

- butterfly means health, Christian, and in the longevity of religion, the butterfly is a symbol of baptism and the soul of rebirth. But more often it happens that frivolity also means carelessness.

- ladybug with four-leaf clover or horseshoe attracts the owner's luck to life.

- Scarab beetle - talisman-amulet, symbolizes that the achievement of their goals and dedication, the resurrection and immortality of the spiritual principle, the sun and rebirth.

- ease - dragonfly, flight of thoughts, courage, grace, beauty and elegance. It also means victory over the complexities of life's destiny.

Tattoo shark carries in the meaning of intelligence and cunning, although the image is perceived by others as cruelty and anger.

Tattoo symbol - a fish of health, sexual power, wisdom, as well, but fertility and scarcity, indifference and stupidity.

- Scorpio betrayal symbolizes death, revenge, but in the east this means a symbol of wisdom and justice. Together with a rose, it means scorpio - married life and eternal love.

animal marine like dolphin
carries a positive impression. After all, a dolphin is kindness, friendliness, light, safety and nobility.

- the Dragon possesses magical abilities. A snake tattoo is a symbol of wisdom, mystery and cunning.

Tattoo carp - a symbol of good luck and the spirit of strength. This is a symbol of the harmony of relations between a woman and a man.

Tattoo frog - a symbol of sex and fertility, eroticism, love, peace and passion.

- symbol - a lizard of sexuality, grace, agility and speed. This tattoo is the embodiment of eroticism, relaxedness and sex.

value Consider some colors:
- violet flower tenderness means softness.

- chamomile - a symbol of coquetry and forget-me-not.

- innocence - modesty.

- gladiolus- grace.

- clover with three leaves - a symbol of the soul and body, and four-leaf symbol- a clover of good luck and a talisman against evil and misfortune.

- means lily is good, tenderness, hope, and sometimes White. sexy lily symbolizes the coquetry of the owner, but also Dark. innocence lily- sexuality, beauty and passion. lily orange reads from creative knowledge and independence Pink. human lily- naivety and youth.

Tattoo symbol - the lotus of life, purity, perfection and this very good and positive.

- dandelion- playfulness and coquetry. lightness about Glasit and spring freshness of the soul.

- rose flower - symbol of love and beauty. Rosebud means childhood, naivety. If a the rose is depicted with thorns pain means love as well as cunning. Red symbolizes rose sex and passion as well black Rose- White. sadness rose- innocence and naivety, blue infinity- the rose of the universe.

- orchid- a symbol of luxury, feminine and beauty, charm, carelessness. In addition, love means harmony and benevolence.

Tattoo sakura- youth, youth, innocence and naivety.

If we speak for we consider, then the animals are of the following types:

- wolf symbolizes endurance, valor and bravery. Wolves personify evil and evil forces, but still, wolves are pretty animals. Wolf. cute on the body as a tattoo - a symbol of willingness and dedication to self-sacrifice, the depth of feelings and loyalty to the tattoo.

Love a lion - a symbol of strength and power, care, courage, intelligence and loyalty.

Tattoo cat- strength, love, independence and luck. In the criminal world, the form of a cat or cat tattoo means that the owner is an excellent robber and a successful thief.

- volatile tattoo mouse has duality, both dark forces and good luck, and power, good nature, fortune and flight.

Tattoo a fox - a symbol of wisdom, sexuality, deceit, capriciousness, as well as healthy selfishness.

Dog tattoo symbolizes devotion, loyalty, friendship, care and happiness.

Tattoo tiger means speed, authority, strength and toughness. In the East, the tiger is success and style, wealth and grace.

- bear- dexterity and rigidity (if the tattoo is on the body of girls), and if in men, then strength - means domination.

Among tattoos in latin there are winged expressions or thoughts of the great Oni. people mean feelings and emotions of a person, the depth of thoughts is reflected even in one simple Tattoos.

lettering with the phrase in latin will look on parts of any guy or girl's body. Most often, girls get a tattoo on their back, neck, ankle or wrist. Guys are placed on their back, chest or arms. Everyone chooses a place for themselves, which is at will. Can drawings perform names, faces of loved ones, as well as images of beautiful patterns.

Tattoo inscriptions can be done both in Russian and in another language you like. Prison inscriptions and their significance depends on where the prisoner is located.

Each tattoo carries a certain message, encrypted and meaning that vows: anything, life principles, vows, confessions of hatred, love of justice or disregard for the law.

A tattoo symbolizing strength depicts a crocodile, dragon, lion, shield, armor.

The meaning of tattoo power

There are well-known tattoo signs that, when displayed, are able to tell about the fortitude, endurance and strength of their owner. Of course, a tattoo alone cannot make a person immediately stronger. But, in order to show a similar trait of your character, such drawings will vividly complement the view.

Among other things, a tattoo can make its owner more decisive and give firmness in his own strength. Many people think that this is closer to self-belief than the impact of sacred talismans and signs. Perhaps this is actually the case. However, in some situations, such tattoos, however, can affect a person and his thoughts.

The first tattoo that personifies strength is a crocodile. Such a cruel and terrible creature that feels great in two environments: water and earth. In Western civilizations, it denotes greed and destroyed strength. The Africans symbolized the animal with reincarnation. They labeled the boys' scars after cutting with crocodile marks. It was believed that the crocodile swallows the boys, who are then reborn as men.

The Indians depicted a reptile with an open mouth, where the heavenly body enters in the evenings. Thus, he was equated with the companions of the gods. In Europe, a two-faced person was compared to a reptile. The Hindus, on the other hand, associated the crocodile with a guide to the diverse worlds: the other world and the world of being.

Despite certain differences in the interpretation of the meaning of a tattoo, a predator in various civilizations, this reptile has always instilled fear and horror in people. At the same time, he was respected, in particular in countries of direct residence. Among other things, it is represented on the coats of arms of individual states and personifies power and strength.

The Dragon. Its meaning is different and full of ancient legends and legends, so it is better to learn more about them in more detail. Drawing and samples will help you understand on which part of the body the divine monster looks most aesthetically pleasing and what details are best used with it.

Most likely, the dragon originated in the era of agriculture. Cultivating plots for sowing, our ancestors were looking for large bones and skeletons of unfamiliar creatures. Knowing nothing about dinosaurs, they assumed that these were the bones of the defenders of the earth and the seas - the so-called dragons. Over time, he was rewarded with sacred powers and vigilance, but every people had an individual variation of the lizard.

Beliefs of the Celts. The dragon was ruthless, but had an excellent mind. He was painted with the head of a ram, he worshiped the god of agriculture and rotated the wheel of the sun. A Celtic-style dragon tattoo represents domination, strength and religiosity.

A rose tattooed in a prominent place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally, this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs precisely with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and the changes that will lead him to a dream.


3. Sakura

A sakura flower tattoo in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

All over the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and ... want to get rich: in terms of symbolism, the ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel wings

This amulet tattoo: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

The sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare variant of a tattoo, symbolizing perseverance, incredible vital energy and the ability to withstand any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart-shaped tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Sprockets

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements, in particular, many connoisseurs of symbolism make a tattoo of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, complement, harmony, to which its owner aspires.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying umbrellas is a symbol of the transience of life, such a tattoo suggests that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and arrows

Only forward! An arrow or arrow tattoo speaks of dedication and ambition.

13. Anchor

Consistency, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic version that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all conceivable heights.

15. Snowflake

As there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity - that's secret meaning key tattoo. All doors will open for such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: a dragonfly will give out a subtle nature in you.

18. Diamond

Durability, versatility and high self-esteem: for these girls, a diamond is the perfect choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular importance for sailors: you see a swallow - it is already close to the ground. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original one: a swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a kind soul.

20. Crown

Born Leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high degree of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in Eastern symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, and a steam room is considered a symbol of strong affection for a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​life currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, passion for adventure and self-confidence - that's what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

The almost uncommon four-leaf clover is a symbol of belief in miracles, the supernatural and magic.

The symbol of the constant transformation of the human spirit, was used to strengthen and concentrate all the spiritual inner forces of a person, necessary for creative work for the benefit of the descendants of his ancient family or his great people.

The basis of the symbol is the salting Kolovrat, whose purpose is to create a new one. Such an arrangement symbolizes the intensified embodiment of the spirit in a person, and his desire from the material to the spiritual. Having embarked on the path of spiritual development, he gradually removes all obstacles that prevent him from getting help in penetrating to supreme essence the existence of worlds and their inhabiting creatures.

The symbol of Spiritual power will help those who wish to understand the laws of the Universe and the World of the Spirit, distract from a complete fall into the world of material pleasures, help awaken the memory of the clan, contribute to the realization of their destiny in the Explicit world and in the world of Rule. Guardian Spiritual strength is recommended for those who want to maintain self-control and clarity of thought under any life circumstances.

For a person who respects his culture and his Gods, the Spiritual Power symbol will provide a connection with the world of ancestors, thanks to which it will be possible to use their strength and abilities in our Explicit World. This will help remove obstacles and reach your goal faster. Maybe, like the ancient Magi, a mystical ability to control not only the course of one's life, but also natural phenomena will manifest itself. All this is possible through the disclosure of internal spiritual reserves, when a person begins to live not at the expense of muscular strength, but at the expense of internal spiritual fire.

Spiritual strength is a narrowly focused sign that acts on the disclosure of internal reserves. This power helps to overcome any hardships in life, to find strength in oneself with the inevitable departure from our lives of loved ones and loved ones, to survive parting and maintain clarity of thought and composure in any trials.

It helps restore harmony between mind and body. Thanks to this, the one who wears this symbol in the form of a talisman is not afraid of any accident. Spiritual power will connect a person with his guardians and with benevolent essences of other worlds.

Spiritual strength is useful for people with shattered nervous system, to those who often break into shouting, accusations, lose their composure, and, as a rule, lose to a calmer opponent. Public people, who often give interviews and speak in public, note the amazing calmness that comes from this symbol.

When wearing this symbol, the analytical abilities of our brain are powerfully manifested, it becomes easier to concentrate on the task at hand. The best solution to a problem often comes from outside and turns out to be optimal.

The symbol manifests its qualities very interestingly among military people and people of dangerous professions. A warrior significantly increases mental clarity, composure and ability to control his body.

For people living together, the help of the symbol will also be considerable. After all, he, balancing reason and emotions, makes the union lasting. Accidental betrayal, as a destroyer of holy feelings, will no longer come to this couple.

Like any swastika, this symbol minimizes the effects of negative energy and stabilizes the subtle body of a person and his internal state literally patching up the holes formed from black thoughts and deeds. This symbol will also reliably protect against psycho-emotional attacks from ill-wishers.

The Slavic symbol Spiritual strength is a reliable remedy for fears and depression, since the help and protection of the Higher Powers bestows positive thoughts and confidence in the future.

But it is worth remembering and not forgetting that there are universal amulets and those that are intended for people who have chosen the spiritual path. Spiritual strength is one of these symbols, which is mainly intended for people who have chosen a thorny spiritual path of development.

And it is better to apply it to those who know their goal, recognize the existence of a spiritual path, but are entangled in the world of desires. The guardian Spiritual power will gradually dispel illusions, having established a connection with the ancestral memory, the world of Rule and will lead a person to the correct spiritual path, breaking the shackles of the material world.

Guardian Spiritual strength is a powerful moral weapon!

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Other symbols

The spiritual swastika (Uzhich-Borich) enjoyed the greatest attention among magicians, magi, and witches. She symbolized harmony and unity of bodies, souls, spirit and conscience. The Magi used the symbol to control the elements of nature.

The GERMAN Punitive Battalion "Black Death" by SS Oberführer Dirlewanger and the police battalion drove all the residents of Khatyn out of their homes and locked them in a shed, then covered it with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. The wooden building burst into flames quickly. Horrified people in burning clothes, panting with smoke, broke down the doors and ran away. But those who escaped from the flames were shot by the Germans and policemen in cold blood from machine guns. On that tragic day in Khatyn, 149 people were killed and burned alive, including 75 children under the age of 16. The smallest was only 7 weeks old. Only five children and 56-year-old blacksmith Joseph Kaminsky survived from all of Khatyn.

After the end of the war, an obelisk was erected at the site of the tragedy, over the mass grave of the burnt residents of Khatyn, and later - the monument "Grieving Mother". And on July 5, 1969, the ceremonial opening of the Khatyn memorial complex, which has forever become a symbol of the national tragedy of Belarus, took place.

Today the complex covers about 50 hectares. In the center of the composition is a six-meter bronze sculpture "The Unconquered Man" with a dead child in his arms, the prototype of which was the only adult resident of Khatyn, Joseph Kaminsky, who survived that fateful day. Nearby are closed granite slabs symbolizing the roof of the barn in which the villagers were burned. On the mass grave made of white marble there is a crown of memory with the order of the dead alive to establish peace and tranquility on earth forever.

The former street of the village is lined with gray reinforced concrete slabs, the color of ash. On the site of the houses that once stood, there are 26 symbolic concrete lower rims of log cabins and the same number of obelisks in the form of chimneys scorched by fire. Each of them has bronze plaques with the names of those who lived there. And every thirty seconds the bells are sadly ringing.

In 2004, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, on the instructions of the President, the memorial complex was reconstructed with elements of restoration. After its completion, a photographic documentary exposition "Khatyn" was opened for visitors, telling about the atrocities and atrocities of the fascist invaders on the territory of Belarus. And since March of this year, visitors to the complex have the opportunity to get acquainted with the exposition of photographs and documents that tell about the tragedy of the inhabitants of the Czech village of Lidice, which shared the fate of Khatyn.

The memorial complex, according to its employees, has stood the test of time, and interest in it still does not disappear. For four decades it has been visited by over 36 million people. Last year, it was visited by over 180 thousand people as part of excursion groups or official delegations. This does not include those who visited the memorial complex individually.

Both ordinary citizens of Belarus and various foreign countries, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, heads of states come to Khatyn to pay tribute to the memory of the innocent victims of fascism.

Here is the entry of the President of Belarus Alexander LUKASHENKO, made by him ten years ago, on March 22, 2003.

“On the day of the 60th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy, we bow our heads low before the memory of the perished residents of this peaceful Belarusian village and all the innocent victims of fascism.

Khatyn is our eternal pain and sorrow. But not only. She is an example of courage and resilience of the Belarusian people, who did not bow before any atrocities of the invaders. We are indebted to our compatriots who gave their lives in the struggle for the freedom of Belarus.

Our sacred duty to the fallen and alive is to prevent the emergence of new "fiery" villages and cities, suffering and death in the crucible of military conflicts and terrorist acts, to forever preserve a peaceful sky over Belarus and over the entire planet Earth. "

On July 1, 2004, the head of state, having visited the already restored memorial complex, left another entry in the book of honored guests.

“Without the past, there is no present and future. Entering the sixtieth year of peaceful life, Belarus does not forget at the cost of what struggle, suffering and sacrifice happiness was won. The flame of Khatyn burns our hearts, reminding us of our sacred duty - to preserve peace and quiet in our native land, to prevent a repetition of the horrors of war.

Here, in Khatyn, the courage and heroism of the Belarusian people are embodied in granite and bronze. The memorial restored to the great date is a visible confirmation of the eternal memory of descendants of the tragedy of burned villages.

Our gratitude and gratitude to those who at the cost of their lives defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland will never run out. A symbol of the firmness and inflexibility of the human spirit, Khatyn will always serve the cause of peace and mutual understanding between peoples. "

But what feelings the visit to the memorial complex caused for the former President of Ukraine Leonid KUCHMA:

“The bell ringing of Khatyn echoes with pain and deep sorrow in the hearts of each of us.

Khatyn is an eternal reminder of the millions who gave their lives for freedom and independence.

I bow my head low before the memory of the victims. Let their great sacrifice be a call to preserve and strengthen peace on the planet. "

The current President of Ukraine Viktor YANUKOVYCH, who visited Khatyn as prime minister, wrote:

“With an undisguised feeling of excitement, I visited Khatyn - one of hundreds of Belarusian villages that tragically disappeared in a brutal and bloody war. The memorial complex "Khatyn" is a burning pain about millions of fellow citizens - Belarusians, Ukrainians, representatives of other nations, who gave Patriotic War their lives for the independence of their land. This is an eternal reminder of the inadmissibility of such disasters. "

I can’t resist citing the words of the first President of the USSR, Mikhail GORBACHEV:

"The memorial complex" Khatyn "is a monument to all Soviet people, who died in a brutal battle with the worst enemy - German fascism. Khatyn is, at the same time, a reminder to all living people of the need to do everything possible so that such a tragedy will never repeat itself anywhere, so that peace on earth is preserved.

Here, on this piece of Belarusian land, you feel especially keenly and deeply understand at what price the victory in the Great Patriotic War was won by the Soviet people.

But the great sacrifices were not in vain, an example of which is the revived Soviet Belarus. Today's Belarusian land, the achievements of the Belarusian people in the family of brother nations are our common pride, the best tribute to the memory of all who gave the most precious thing to the struggle for freedom and independence of the socialist Motherland - their lives. "

Former Secretary-General of the United Nations Pérez de Cuelliard echoes this:

"Never again! I hope that the suffering of the inhabitants of Khatyn will serve as a lesson in mercy for all the people of the world. We must all think about how inhuman war is and how beneficial peace is. Admiration and respect for the heroic people of Khatyn! "

Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv GANDI called the memorial a reminder of the disasters war brings to the people:

“Let none of us forget how people used their energy to destroy each other. Let this be a reminder to all those who obstruct disarmament that the consequences could be even worse. The memorial evokes extremely strong feelings in everyone who visits it. Minsk and Belarus suffered so that the ideals of humanism could live. Let the world remember and fight for a better future for humanity. "

The former presidents of Finland and the Republic of Moldova Mauno Koivisto and Mircea Snegur, the former general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia Gustav Husak, the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba Raul Castro and other high-ranking guests who visited the Khatyn memorial complex. As the chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Department, Sheikh-ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazadeh assured, "the Khatyn alarm will always sound in our hearts, calling for the unification of efforts of religious leaders of different confessions in the fight against the forces of evil and violence, in the name of saving the sacred gift of life." ...

But what records are left after visiting the memorial complex by ordinary citizens. Russian Natalia NEOFITOVA from Kaluga region writes:

“It is impossible to separate the pain and grief of the Belarusian people from ours, from mine. Having visited Khatyn, it seems that you are a little involved in history. Here every stone, every tree is evidence of that old scary story that will never be erased from memory. Be sure to support and keep in the memory of the younger generation the events of those years. As long as we remember, war should not be allowed. May our children and grandchildren live under a peaceful sky. "

A serviceman of military unit 44540, Private A. NOVIKOV, urges to prevent the repetition of such tragedies.

“This place is full of mourning for the dead civilians. But along with sorrow, hope and belief in life are instilled that even in such monstrous conditions it is preserved. Let us not admit a repetition of this.

“We are very grateful for the opportunity to get closer to those distant, terrible times, about which we only read in books. The tragedy of Khatyn made me think about the value of life, about my family and friends, - written by cadets of the investigative and expert faculty of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus... - The memorial greeted us with a sculpture of an unsubdued man, which symbolizes the invincibility and resilience of the Belarusian people. Feelings of sorrow, sorrow and compassion filled our souls at the very beginning of the path, the path that became tragic for the inhabitants of this village. How many atrocities the invaders committed on our land, how much pain and fear they brought ... And the village of Khatyn is a vivid example of this.

We honor the memory of those who passed away in such a terrible, merciless, cruel way. And we must not allow a repetition of such terrible events. "

And schoolgirl M. Goncharova promises“Always remember about all the victims, and tell your friends and classmates. So that they also remember. "

Nikolay CHALEY, "BN"