Anna Shulgina's secret to losing weight. Anna and Arseniy Shulgin - about romance, "their" path and serene childhood About creativity, rebellion and "their" path

Anna's story

Anya is the daughter of the famous singer Valeria. She dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. Having successfully graduated from the university, the girl began to conquer television. The only thing that upset - extra weight. Friends and acquaintances claimed that she looked good anyway, but Anna wanted to have a slender and toned figure.

The girl devoted a lot of time to sports. Since childhood, she was fond of yoga, swimming, acrobatics and fencing. There was a period when Shulgina had to take hormonal drugs, which aggravated the situation with being overweight. At one point, Anna decided to change her figure. She believed in success, stubbornly went to the goal and achieved what she wanted. The girl managed to lose about 25 kg.

What are Anna's parameters today

Anna's height is 169 cm. There is no exact information about the girl's weight as of 2018, but according to the latest data, the figure was 58 kg. After the appearance of photographs of the transformed girl, there were some accusations against her.

Anna was reproached for using special preparations for weight loss and using the services of plastic surgeons. The girl declares with confidence that she owes her harmony solely to her own efforts.

Myths, goals, motivation

It’s impossible to lose weight so drastically, netizens claimed, so Anna gave more than one interview in which she told the story of her success.

The desire to lose weight arose because of the desire to become an artist. Nature did not deprive Anna of talent, and an ideal figure for a future star, of course, would be an additional plus. Motivation also served as an example of my mother, who always looked great. Completeness gave a certain self-doubt and prevented starting relationships with the opposite sex, although there was never a lack of attention from fans.

Three weight loss whales from Shulgina

Sports, diet, sauna - three "pillars" of Anna's weight loss (photo:

Losing weight for Anna was not an easy task. But strength, perseverance and firm faith gave the result. The first thing the girl did was consulted with nutritionists, who developed a special nutrition system that excluded junk and fatty foods. The slimness program included three main methods.

How Anna Shulgina lost weight:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sports;
  • regular visits to the sauna and swimming pool.

Anna visited the sauna once a week. According to her, it brought her real pleasure. Thanks to the sauna, the metabolism was accelerated, the body was cleansed of toxins, and the body rested.

sample menu

Anna's diet may seem strict. It excludes all harmful, fatty and high-calorie foods. The girl ate vegetable soups, cereal cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, nuts, sour-milk drinks. I drank up to 2 liters of water per day. Ate often in small portions. Meat was allowed boiled or steamed (with the exception of pork). The diet from Anna Shulgina is detailed here.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast: fat-free cottage cheese with fresh berries, green tea;
  • second breakfast: low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, seafood salad;
  • afternoon snack: orange, rosehip broth;
  • dinner: a slice of bread with bran, vegetable salad.

Diet Recipes

One of the main dishes of Anna Shulgina's diet is vegetable soup. For its preparation, you will need fresh vegetables and herbs. The amount of ingredients is selected depending on the serving size, but it is better to cook the dish at once.

Vegetable soup is prepared as follows:

  • grate carrots, chop celery and onions;
  • shredded cabbage;
  • the ingredients are placed in a saucepan, poured with water, add a pinch of salt;
  • boil until cooked;
  • sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

To prepare their seafood salad, you need to boil and peel the shrimp. After chop the cucumber, carrot and sweet pepper. The ingredients are mixed and garnished with lettuce leaves. Can be seasoned with a little olive oil.

During the diet, it is useful to eat boiled chicken meat. It is very easy to prepare it. Boil onions and carrots in a pot of water. Put the chicken fillet there and add a pinch of salt. Boil the meat until done. After the vegetables are thrown away, the broth is drunk as desired, and the chicken is eaten separately.

Sports for weight loss

Sports have always been present in Anna's life. And when losing weight, physical activity is simply indispensable. They burn fat, give the figure the desired shape and rid the body of toxins.

Anna's sports loads:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • visiting the gym;
  • jogging on a treadmill;
  • autogenic training with a personal trainer;
  • exercises at home on the simulator;
  • access to the pool and sauna.

Interview with Anna Shulgina on weight loss

After losing weight, Anna shared the secret of success by dispelling rumors about the use of pills and drugs. So, in an interview with SUPER, Shulgina said that she tries to exercise regularly, adheres to a healthy diet, uses the Power Plate machine, runs on the track and visits the sauna.

"Gym, treadmills, swimming pool and sauna - when possible, but I have a Power Plate at home, I work out on it several times a week. It also functions as a massage machine." - says Anna.

In an interview with, the girl mentioned that she had never suffered from food restrictions. She just challenged herself and succeeded.

"For me it was a game: first I tried one way of eating, then another. Thus, I tested myself for strength. Will I be able to? Will there be enough willpower?"

Anna advises all those who are losing weight to definitely go in for sports, for example, take walks in the fresh air. You can turn on the player and wander around the outskirts of the city. So you will not only be physically active, but also get a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

The girl focuses on the fact that you should not force yourself too much. If there is no mood, strength or desire, Anna does not go in for sports. Training should be fun. It is better to resort to constant light loads than to bring yourself to exhaustion and end up hating the sport.

Anna also shared one personal secret of success. While losing weight, she became interested in Osho's book "The Balance of Body and Mind", which helped her listen to herself and her body. The girl believes that a lot depends on the right mood and a sense of harmony with her own body.

Proper nutrition, sports, sauna visits and self-confidence are the main methods that helped Anna Shulgina to overcome those extra pounds. Today, the girl looks amazing and delights fans with numerous photos of a slender and toned figure. In the video below you can see the artist before and after losing weight. The result is impressive!

Girls are very mysterious creatures. You shoot on the cover, for example, the girl-singer Valeria. And suddenly it turns out that she has grown up no less beautiful daughter Anya!

Igor Chersky

Yuri Koltsov

Since you are an actress by training, let's start with your films. Will you list?

Before that, there were mostly serials, but now a full meter is being launched. So far, the working title is The Book of Witches, shot by Alexei Golubev, and this is fantastic. I play a vampire.

What are you wearing besides fangs?

I think something dark. There were leather jackets on the samples, but there will be more options. But modern, because the action takes place in our days.

Do you even like blood? Do you carry it normally?

Great, I drink it with everyone. And I can safely have breakfast if there is a bucket of blood on the table.

Perhaps the third season of Karpov, where I play the girl of an evil policeman. My main goal is to turn him into a good-natured and positive person.

What is the difference between the girl of the evil policeman and the usual one?

The threshold of patience. She can take far more nagging at herself than anyone else.

Let's move on to the musical part. Which of your videos do you recommend?

Until this year, I starred in videos as an actress, but my first work as an independent soloist was the video "You are mine". We made it with . This is a very sweet, family and touching story. The public liked her very much. In addition, with the rapper SLeM, we recorded the duet “Give a Chance for a Dream” and shot a video for it. The video marked the beginning of a whole youth movement in which young ambitious guys share their dreams. By the way, we recently shot a video for my new solo song “Knife”, I recommend you watch it.

Why with a rapper? Did you want to show how cool you can sing against the background of a young man who can only rap?

No. But I won’t even argue about the video, because it is designed for a youth audience. And she liked it!

Clear. Do parents know that their daughter is filming with a rapper?

First, I'm already an adult. Secondly, yes, they do. He is well acquainted with his parents, as he cooperates with Joseph.

What's with your personal life?

How? Absolutely everything?!

No. I mean, it's all good. I'm in a romantic relationship, but I don't want to get married yet. It’s just that it’s comfortable with a person, it’s good, and I spend all my free time with him.

Comfortable is about a chair or pads. And love is when you can't live without someone.

That's why I said that I don't want to get married yet.

Tell us about the negative traits of your character that you still managed to cope with.

Well, the main one is the temper. Previously, she could attack a person with fists because of nonsense. But not now. Now I'm looking for what he's good at. Well, I count to ten, if I can’t find it.

As you know, three-quarters of a normal person's life is sex. You don't have enough time for it because of your work. What happens when you finally get to it?

In fact, in this matter I am no different from other normal people. But this is a very personal topic for everyone. The main thing is that everything is unpredictable. Moreover, even I cannot predict what I will be in the next moment.

Do your men like it or do they prefer to stay away from the unexpected?

According to my observations, I like it. With a spontaneous girl is always more interesting than with the one about which you already know everything by heart.

I agree. In addition, a man gets the feeling that he has several different girls. I hope you change your outfits and hairstyles too often?

Very! I love to experiment. For example, today I want to be sporty. And tomorrow, on the contrary, it will be drawn to gothic, black, arrows, spikes...

They communicate like two girlfriends: simply, easily, with a smile and a certain amount of irony towards each other. And on December 17, they will take the stage of the State Kremlin Palace together in a big family concert.

Photo: IVStudio

Valeria and Anna Shulgina are a happy example of harmony in the relationship between mother and daughter. What is right parenting? genes? I think it's both. Looking at them, you feel that all age limits are disappearing, and this is an important touch to the joint portrait of Valeria and Anya.

TO When Iosif Prigogine and I agreed on our meeting with you, dear girls, he said that Anya is now even more busy than her mother. This intrigued me a lot.

Valeria: Anya participates in the Just the Same project on Channel One and devotes all her time to it.

Anya: In fact, I am very glad that I have practically no free time. In two months, there was one day off, which I devoted to the general cleaning of the apartment.

It is commendable, Anya, that you clean your apartment yourself. By the way, a year ago you lived with your mother, and she showed me your girl's room, quite small, like a pencil case. When did you start living separately?

A .: I moved in the summer, on my birthday. The best gift for yourself is probably hard to come up with!

V .: Anya would have separated even at the age of ten, even then she was eager to be independent. And for the first time she tried to live separately when she was seventeen.

A .: Well, then I didn’t live alone, but shared a rented apartment with an adult girlfriend.

“In response, I began to behave very boldly. It was self-defense. But this audacity did not bypass the loved ones either.

And you, Lera, would not let go of Anya alone at that age?

V .: You know, I would let go. From the age of fifteen, my mother let me go anywhere. I was "trustworthy". Although, of course, Anya went through a difficult period, at the age of twelve or thirteen. She was... so all, at the protest.

What was the reason for this protest?

A .: Somehow everything accumulated. I moved from my favorite school to another one that is closer to home. There I was not perceived by either classmates or teachers. They pressed me for being the daughter of a famous artist. Teachers openly scoffed. A physics teacher, for example, called me to the blackboard and, without waiting for my answer to a question, said something like: “Of course, you have a famous mother, why do you need to study at all?”

Horrible! It's so unpedagogical.

And of course, in response, I began to behave very boldly. It was self-defense. But this audacity did not pass by and loved ones. I thought that my parents were to blame for the fact that I was not like everyone else: why do they always single me out, and only with a minus sign?

Did you, Valeria, try to help your daughter, somehow calm her down? Or did you not have time for it?

V .: At that time, I really had very little free time. And, to be honest, I didn’t understand what was happening to Anya. She chalked it up to puberty.

A .: In your childhood, mother, there was no such hellish thing as the Internet. It destroys a person, absolutely everything is allowed there, you can write whatever you want - anonymously, not anonymously. I was even threatened via the Internet!

Have you tried to run away from home? Like, there is no sympathy anywhere.

A .: Naturally, I was even put under house arrest. But I still found ways to escape. She said, for example, that she decided to take up drawing: I go to classes two or three times, and then I just go for a walk. They also assigned guards to me, but I ran away from her.

V .: Anya tested all the guards for strength.

A .: Now I understand that my parents wanted to protect me in this way. But in fact, this made me an even more odious figure, I stood out even more against the general background. I remember I went with a guy on a first date to the cinema, and next to me was a security guard. No privacy! Then the parents began to slowly give up their positions: “The guard takes you only to school. Okay, he'll just keep an eye on you."

V .: Well, Anya, will we tell Vadim how and why did we think of security?

A: Tell me.

V .: We sent Anya to study in Switzerland. After studying there for a year, she came home for the holidays. For her birthday, we gave her an expensive phone, very cool, so that she would be happy. She deserved it: she finished the school year well. And so, the day before the departure back to Switzerland, the following happens: ten o'clock in the evening - Ani is not present, eleven - too is not present. I call her - phone is locked. I, in tears, call her friends. They all appeared to be at home. What should I have thought in that situation?! Suddenly the doorbell rings, Anya flies in: the mascara is smeared all over her face, she smells of alcohol, cigarettes, she is crying. The first time this happened. I didn't hit her, of course, I just gave her a light slap in the face.

A: I was very upset then.

V .: Can you imagine, Vadim, what kind of trance I was in? I think: Lord, and this is my child ?! And I told her, "You know what, my dear, you're not going to Switzerland tomorrow." I was going on a tour then and took Anya with me, she wonderfully traveled all over Ukraine with me. Upon her return, Anya began to study with tutors already at home. And just from that moment, security appeared in our lives. It's her own stupidity that's to blame. Then for six months there was a certain sobering up. I remember that some kind of interview was taken from me, the journalist wanted to talk to the children, I was asked to leave the room, but I still heard Anya's words. She said: "I am very grateful to my mother for putting me on the right track."

Did you sincerely say that, Anya?

A .: Mom did everything right. In my situation, there was no other choice. I was tired of being different from everyone else, I felt lonely, drinking parties saved me from all this. So my mom saved me.

Tell me, girls, when did you have an internal rapprochement?

V .: Do you know when I looked at her with different eyes? Anya was in the eleventh grade, then she began to share her secrets with me on a personal topic. And once Anya said such a wise thing - I just opened my mouth in surprise. She talked about a boy with whom she had a difficult relationship. They seemed to be friends, but Anya had feelings for another guy, whom she broke up with.

Kind of like Santa Barbara.

And she spent a lot of time with this friend of hers. I say: “Anh, you know, it’s very strange: he has a girlfriend, and he is with you all the time. I do not believe in friendship between a boy and a girl without some personal background. Tell me, what are you talking about with him? She replies: “I tell him what he wants to hear. I talk to him about him."

A .: I really think that this is the secret of personal relationships.

V .: And then I was stunned! I think that such an adult girl has grown up with me, she understands something in relationships.

Now, Lera, do you control your daughter's personal life?

V .: I do not control it, I accept it.

Clear. And if, say, Anya brings a young man into the house that you don’t like?

V .: So, this is her choice.

A .: Yes, I probably won’t listen to my mother.

Q: No child will listen.

Anya, are you in love now?

V .: We get along very well with her young man. I want my girl to be happy. She is now experiencing some kind of creative upsurge.

A .: My young man inspires me. We do not have the relationship in which "musi-pusi." I like that he can say something very harshly to me, cut me off if I'm wrong. He is also a creative person, he helps me. Sometimes he even scolds me for the fact that I somehow speak incorrectly with my parents. I tell him: "Don't get involved in this business." And he told me: “I wish you well, call and apologize to your parents, you are wrong now.”

Anya, before your eyes, let’s say, is not a very good example of the relationship between your mom and dad. With your own father, Alexander Shulgin, you, as I understand it, do not communicate at all.

Did you have such a need? Or maybe it still exists?

A .: As a child, I was so scared by my father that then I had to move away from this for a very long time.

V .: Anya is the eldest of my children, she got the most from her dad. She saw all our conflicts, quarrels, and it was reflected in her.

A .: Thanks to that situation, I matured earlier. I can say that I have become wiser. When I was little, we fled with my brothers and mother to her homeland, to Atkarsk. And even there I felt fear in relation to this person, I had lost the habit of him. But I don't have hate.

V: Like me.

A .: Just imagine, Vadim, a stranger passes by, but you will not feel any feelings for him. Did your father ever "pass by"?

V .: Passed recently, and I was indifferent.

A .: And I was funny and unpleasant at the same time. We met at an event during one of the fashion weeks. We stood in a company, he passed and looked like that ... evaluating, as if he were evaluating some girl - from top to bottom ... Well, look at your daughter with surprise, with tenderness, with fear, but definitely not with that look. After that, I realized that, probably, there is a god and he specially took him away from us.

Didn't your father ever try to make things right with you?

A .: I was fifteen or sixteen years old when a letter came to my mail with the following content: "If you do not start communicating with me, then God will punish you and the church will refuse you." Do you remember, mom, I read this letter to you, we were on vacation then? Ten years not to communicate and start with threats! Very wise...

Can you, Anya, say that Joseph Prigozhin replaced your father?

A .: He became a full-fledged father for me. For me, there is no concept of "biological father". It is not a problem for a man to make a child, but to raise him ... Joseph took care of us, provided for our life, we received an education, he is always with his mother. He adopted a mother with three children. He became the head of the family.

Did you immediately find a common language with Joseph?

A .: At first I did not understand what kind of relationship they had with my mother. I thought he was just my mother's work partner. Joseph came to Atkarsk to get acquainted with us, but there was no such thing that they sat down and said: “Children, we are having an affair.” If Grandma knew something, we didn't understand what was going on. Moreover, even when we began to live together, I did not think of them as a couple. And at one fine moment, I remember, my mother tells me that the wedding is on such and such a date. Perhaps I myself did not want to accept this situation, to think about it, to allow such a development of events.

You didn't want to share your mother with anyone?

A .: You see, when a child from childhood is deprived of full-fledged communication with his mother, who is touring all the time, and then he has two years in Atkarsk, which he spends all the time with his mother, with his grandmother, with his grandfather. Mom did not perform at all then. She could do homework with me, talk slowly ... And then a man appears. I do not know him. What if everything happens again, like with my father? I then looked at all men with suspicion. I had terrible depression. I secretly drew something there, once I showed my mother one drawing. And what was shown there?

A .: My brothers Arseny and Tyoma, godmother, mother, Joseph are all so cheerful, and I stand alone and cry. And lightning separates us.

V: I don't remember it at all.

A: I showed you. And you reacted: "Oh, what nonsense."

V .: I once said: “An, a new person has appeared in our family. This does not mean that he will take me away from you. It doesn't mean that I will love you less, it only means that you will be loved one more person." After this conversation, the ice broke - something changed in Anya.

A .: No, mom, it didn’t change after this conversation. It just dawned on me over time that any normal mother - and I have an excellent mother - will choose children in any situation. In addition, I realized that my mother should be trite to be happy. I unraveled all the knots myself. And it's certainly not a two-day job. It took me about a year.

You see, Lera, in your female happiness, you perceived your daughter's experiences somewhat differently than it turned out in reality. Now about something else. At what point did Anya decide on her future profession?

A .: I am a restless person, very emotional. I live in my own world and cannot fully understand who I really am. I have always been drawn to the creative side, I liked being in public.

V .: Anya is a behind-the-scenes child. Grandmother, grandfather, mother are musicians. When she was ten years old, she staged amazing dances, studied vocals, and piano.

And how did the idea come up to enter the acting school at the Shchukin school?

A .: At first I wanted to enter Sliver on the course of Vasily Bochkarev. I came to him for an audition, he asks: “How old are you?” I say fifteen. "Listen, well, let's grow up," he says, "and come back in a year, we'll take you without exams." I was so upset, offended by him. Before leaving, she shouted in despair: “Bochkarev is the right beer!” (Just then they constantly played ads with these words) - and slammed the door.

B: What a nightmare! I did not know that.

A .: I myself am now ashamed that I said so. And in Pike I entered several masters at once. As a result, she studied with Pavel Evgenievich Lyubimtsev.

Did you also have a trail of a famous family behind you at the institute?

A: Unfortunately, yes. One woman teacher, because of her own lack of fulfillment, constantly lashed out at us students. For example, she could say the following to me: “Nobody needs you, they won’t take you to the theater, and even more so to the cinema.”

V .: Particularly “smart” teachers told her: “Look, what a thin mother you have, and who are you like?” Horror.

A .: When I was in my first year, my grandfather died. I was very worried about it, the sores climbed, I was broken. The day after the funeral, I went to college, literally forced myself to work. The teacher asked: “Why were you not there yesterday?” At the same time, he knew why, he simply provoked me to negative emotions. He then added that my personal problems were no reason to be absent from class. It seems to me, Anya, that such things can not only cause pain and resentment, but also temper character.

A: Of course. As you can see, the teachers failed to break me, even though at some point I was on the verge.

Now you have embarked on the path of the singer. Are you not afraid of comparisons with your mother, which, however, is quite natural?

V: Can I tell you? In fact, Anya herself is confused about who she is now: a singer, actress, TV presenter. After graduation, she began to go to endless auditions, she was approved for the main roles in two films. Last year, she had to leave to film for six months in Thailand, then to Kiev. The project was frozen. A void has formed. Anya is an active girl, she cannot sit in one place. I began to practice vocals a lot, caught, as they say, a wave, and began to post my musical experiments on Instagram.

A .: And my former classmate found me on Instagram, who was expelled in the first year, we had not seen each other for five or six years. He wrote to me: “Listen, we have a creative team. Let's write a song together?" What do I lose? And everything worked out! I continued to upload records, there were reposts, I understood that people were interested in it. Yes, I myself got a taste. Why should I, if I have the data, not develop this side? These are muscles, it's like physical education: if you want to sit on the twine - come on! I went to vocal classes with a teacher, howled and howled every day, worked out my own tricks, listened to American performers, how they switch to falsetto, and so on.

By the way, Anya, why didn't you take vocal lessons from your mother?

A .: I can’t work with my mother. It's hard for me to see her as a teacher. Yes, and I am ashamed to be mistaken with her.

V .: I perfectly understand Anna. My mother is an experienced teacher with a conservatory education. She did not take me to her music school, but gave me to her student.

I look at you and understand how similar you are both in character and temperament.

V: It's true. You see, Anya is such a Russian beauty. Sweetie, darling, sweetheart. Looking at her, many people think so. And inside this Alyonushka there are so many things: both Baba Yaga and a knight. ( smiling.)

A .: I am by no means a dandelion girl who hides behind her mother's skirt. Everyone thinks that if your mother is an angel, you should be the same. I was born not like that, sorry, and I don’t want to adapt to anyone.

What about mom, an angel? In my opinion, she has a pronounced fighting character.

A .: Mom is wise, calm, gentle. ( Smiling.)

V .: Of course, I'm not calm. But I got a strong nervous system. All my passions are seething inside, I do not throw out my problems on others.

A .: If mom can calmly react to injustice, then I can’t. If my family is touched, I will not respond politely. Mom is a diplomat, and I have a temper from Joseph.

V .: Yes, yes, she is in Joseph. And I have a different one: I endure, endure, and then if I explode, it is better for everyone to disperse at once.

In general, both of you are a hurricane! .. Lera, tell me, have you ever felt guilty in front of your children that at one time you paid too little attention to them?

You know, Vadim, we felt so good and comfortable when we all lived together in Atkarsk. My mother remembers that period with pleasure as the happiest years of her life. She says: “I then found not only a daughter, but also grandchildren.” We lived in love, in complete harmony, despite the fact that the conditions were far from ideal. And then I said to Anya: “My bunny, can you imagine how good it is that we are nearby. Would you like your mom to always be there? Anya, I remember, then answered me: “Yes. Of course, I would like you to be with us. But I would like you to sing too.” Children need to be proud of their parents. In general, I want to say, it's so great when there are many children in the family. They are all different, everyone has their own path. But this is already a different generation, they perceive this world in a different way, they perceive art in a different way. I learn a lot from them. I try to look at this life through their eyes too. Perhaps, thanks to them, I manage to maintain creative activity. Manages to be needed.

Style: Irina Mironova

Makeup: Yuri Stolyarov/Maybelline New York

Hairstyles: Evgeny Gribov

We thank the and flower studios for their help in organizing the shooting

During a conversation about her chosen one, Anna Shulgina tried to be honest, which her young man might not like very much.

Last fall, Valeria's daughter Anna Shulgina was noticed by the paparazzi in the company of 27-year-old pianist Maxim Tarasov. At the same time, an assumption was made that it was with this person that Anna had a romantic relationship.

According to some reports, the young people met in the summer of 2014 and have since started dating.

But the other day, Anna became a guest on the Male / Female program, where it turned out that everything in her life is not so simple. Shulgina said that her relationship can be described as "everything is complicated." Yes, she feels sympathy and a certain awe for this man, but she cannot say with certainty that this is love. Yes, and in general, she is not amorous.

In response to such a statement, the talk show host Yulia Baranovskaya asked if Anna was afraid to offend her man with such categorical conclusions. After a little thought, Anna replied that it was possible, but she was telling the truth.

But she herself would not want to hear such an answer from the lips of her man, and now Shulgina thought about whether she had said everything correctly, and whether such an answer would complicate their already difficult relationship. By the way, Anna did not specify whether we are talking about Maxim Tarasov or whether she is now in a relationship with another man.

It is possible that the reason for such a rash answer was the age of the girl. After all, Anna is only 21 years old. But, at the same time, she admitted that she wants an exceptionally serious relationship and dreams of becoming a mother.

And recently, with their mother, singer Valeria, they recorded a very touching video for the song "You are mine."

Singer and actress Anna Shulgina from an early age knows not only the taste of fame, but also all its disadvantages. Every step of Valeria's daughter is closely watched by the paparazzi. Personal life is of particular interest to journalists. If Anya appears at a social event arm in arm with a young man unfamiliar to the public, she is immediately credited with an affair with him. Shulgina treats such rumors with philosophical calm, and now she has also decided to play a trick on gossip: the other day, a new video for the song “Hang Out” by the singer appeared on the Web. In a frank interview with the site, Anna Shulgina spoke about the oppression of popularity, secular etiquette and hypocrisy, and also admitted with whom she actually had a relationship.

22-year-old Anna Shulgina amazes us with her achievements year after year. The beauty but, it seems, has discovered even more talents in herself. First, the daughter of the singer Valeria proved to everyone that she was capable of being a good TV presenter when she worked in the show "Our Exit" on the Russia-1 channel. Then the blonde released her first solo single “Give a Chance for a Dream” together with rapper Slem, after which she began to actively develop her career as a singer. Now Shulgina has five recorded compositions and clips shot on them. Also, do not forget that Anya is a graduate Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin and acting for her is not just a hobby.

The site has known Anya for a long time, and, frankly, we are surprised every time how easy it is to communicate with her. A sincere, cheerful, charming girl captivates with her spontaneity and lack of "stardom".

It seems that being the daughter of the singer Valeria, having producer Joseph Prigogine as stepfathers and communicating with recognized Russian pop artists, one could not work, but just hang out in clubs from dusk to dawn. However, Anna was not used to sitting still. The other day, she pleased her fans (and she has a lot of them) with a video for the song “Hang Out”. We started our interview with a talk about creativity.

website: Anya, according to the plot of the new video, paparazzi follow you relentlessly, their photos later become the reason for “yellow” publications. Why did you suddenly decide to focus on this topic?

As they say now on the Web - this is a true story, "zhiza" (laughs). I have long wanted to make a video like this and talk about the work of some tabloids, because I have always been amused by implausible articles about me. I turned to Arkady Alexandrov, with whom we had previously worked on the song "Knife", and together with him we created the composition "Hang Out".

The single turned out to be both humorous and about love, which I like. And in the clip, by the way, if you noticed, my boyfriends were played by exactly those guys with whom I was once credited with novels (TV presenter Ivan Chuikov also starred in the video, - approx. site). This also has its own point.

website: Are you saying that truthful material about you and your relationship has never appeared in the press?

A. Sh.: I can’t say that I am unfamiliar with the people who were written about by the media ... But at the same time, I didn’t see any correspondence with reality there. For example, about four years ago, the Internet spread the news that I was dating Nikolai Baskov! I adore Kolya with all my heart, but as soon as he somehow joked with journalists, called me “his daughter-in-law,” all the publications picked up and began to procrastinate this topic.

“fans and reporters, but within reason. There should be a personal space, and I want to keep some part of the information, the most intimate, with me.

I have a life and so since childhood for show. The first call, the first ball, the first quarrel at school - they found out about everything, the details were savored with fervor in the press. And now, when the Internet has become so open and public, when anyone can go to an artist’s Instagram and leave him a negative comment just because of their bad mood, naturally there is a desire to protect their privacy and not give unnecessary gossip.

website: Never regretted being born into a family of famous parents?

A. Sh.: Such thoughts, of course, arose. In adolescence, it was especially difficult, because during this period the child's psyche is just beginning to grow stronger. At the age of 14-15, you usually don’t understand who you are, why you came into this world and what you have to do. And then, if a massive attack from the press begins ...

“I remember how we rested with my brother Artemy at my grandmother’s in Atkarsk, and there correspondents of one well-known publication followed us for several days. We, then still children, were afraid to go out!”

If you search on the Internet, you can find a picture that captures Tema and me, when I nevertheless caught the paparazzi and pointed my finger at them to my brother, and he was standing next to him with a surprised expression on his face.

Of course, before I regretted that I was born in such a famous family, I cried, I was afraid that I would not have friends, that no one would ever understand me ... But now I have come to terms and learned to live with it. Everyone has their own job, and I chose the path of a singer and actress for myself. And what about journalists - why be enemies when you can be friends? (Smiling.)

website: There are no periods when you want to quit everything and go somewhere where no one knows you?

A. Sh.: No, I'm all right now. I like the way I live, with whom I communicate, what I do. I already know how to behave so that the fans perceive me correctly. And if I want to hide something from the public, then no one will know the whole truth. There are many examples when media personalities hid their other half, family, children from journalists for many years ... So in this world, if there is a desire, everything is possible.

website: I remember, how are things in the acting field now?

A. Sh.: The project in question is frozen, because one half of the filming was supposed to take place in Thailand, the other half in Kiev. In the meantime, I have castings ahead of me. Plus, I'm working on a new theatrical project co-produced by Russia and France, which will involve leading Russian actresses. Anfisa Chernykh, known for her role in the film The Geographer Drank His Globe Away, and I will take turns playing the younger heroine.

website: Does the attitude of producers and directors change towards you when they find out that Valeria's daughter came to them for testing?

A. Sh.:“Yes, people of the theater and cinema are prejudiced against show business figures.”

Even in the theatrical project that I mentioned above, I encountered the director's preconceived notions. He took back his words only when he saw me in action.

website: You sing, and act in films, and you will play in the theater. Are you primarily a singer or an actress?

A. Sh.: I can not answer this question. I just like the stage, I like working with the camera, being the leader. I try myself in those areas of art that interest me.

A. Sh.: No, being the center of attention is self-love, narcissism. It's important for me to do what I love. If I enjoy the process, then I am ready to work for days. And it doesn't matter what they call me - a singer or an actress. For example, in a performance I have a vocal part. How to determine: I am a singer who plays on the stage of the theater, or an actress who sings?

“I would rather classify myself as a singing actress, simply for the reason that I devoted more time to studying at a theater institute.”

website: How do you see yourself in twenty years?

A. Sh.: I don't know what will happen to me tomorrow, so I can hardly answer this question. (laughs). Life is so unpredictable! I have immediate plans to finish the album, complete the theatrical project, continue to go to auditions and auditions, and slowly get to know the directors. This also takes time - you can not do everything with one foot.

A. Sh.: I try to follow the comments of users, but it is not always possible. Naturally, I watch my main fan group, which is called "ASH-ki". We arrange meetings with them! Fans for me are authoritative people, I always listen to their opinion, I try to understand what they like and what not.

I don’t pay attention to stupid comments, negativity and obscenities. For some reason, in our country it is considered the norm - to insult a famous person, to write nasty things, but it seems to me that such subscribers only humiliate themselves.

site: Some netizens accuse you of the fact that you owe popularity not to your talent, but to your parents' connections.

A. Sh.: You know, there is no such person who could do everything on his own: record a song, and sing it, and come up with a script for a video, and shoot a video, and work as a director, and edit a video ... Creativity is always a team effort.

“I often say: “Daddy pushed!”. Okay, I'm not arguing. But why, when many stars become stars precisely because of the work of competent producers who were once hired, no one blames them for this?

I have a family friend, they are all lawyers. There are also dynasties of physicians. However, they are clearly less likely than me to hear the phrases “yes, she is on the hook” or “parents helped”.

website: You used to say that comparisons with your mother hurt you. Are you more comfortable with it now?

A. Sh.: It's not that they hurt ... It just infuriates me when people write all sorts of nonsense like: “Oh, you're not as blonde as your mother! Your eyes are green, not blue!" And thank God that I do not look like my mother in appearance! Because if I were the spitting image of Valeria, then it would not have been without comments in the spirit of: “A copy of mother!”. Society always dislikes something.

When I lost weight, they wrote to me that the full was better. When I recovered, they said - in vain. Therefore, regarding appearance, I will never be guided by the opinions of others. I sometimes do not understand the logic of commentators - after all, they expose themselves as strange people.