Russian-Italian companies. Russian-Italian trade and economic cooperation (reference information). Other companies in the region

14.03.0702: 19

Russian-Italian trade and economic cooperation ( reference Information)

Russian-Italian trade and economic cooperation

(reference Information)


Italy is one of Russia's leading trading partners among Western countries. V last years in Russian-Italian trade and economic relations, a steady growth trend continues.

In 2006 bilateral trade amounted to $30.8 billion, up 31.4% on the same period in 2005, with Russian exports reaching $25.1 billion, up 31.8%, and imports from Italy 5 .7 billion dollars - an increase of 29.5%.

The commodity structure of Russian-Italian trade has not changed significantly in recent years. In Russian exports to Italy, the main role traditionally belongs to energy carriers. The most important product in Russian exports to Italy continues to be natural gas.

In the commodity composition of Russian imports from Italy, the predominant place still belongs to consumer goods. Machinery goods remain the second most important group. The shares of all other commodity groups practically did not change.

Specific issues of promoting the main areas of economic cooperation (primarily investment and monetary and financial) are under the jurisdiction of the Russian-Italian Council for Economic, Industrial and Monetary and Financial Cooperation.

Monetary and financial cooperation is moving to a new qualitative level. His feature is the transition from the provision of loans under state guarantees to normal interbank interaction, which provides for the use of financial instruments that do not affect Russia's external debt.

Currently, specific instruments for financing large projects without state Russian guarantees have been launched and are working effectively. Results have also been achieved with regard to the creation of a mechanism for financing small and medium-sized businesses. From the Russian side, Vneshtorgbank, Sberbank and Alfa-Bank are involved in this work, from the Italian side - Intesa, IMI/San Paolo and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro.

An important positive signal for the Italian business was the opening in December 2003. in Moscow, the operational branch of the largest Italian bank "Intesa", which became the first operating Italian bank in Russia. April 2005 Intesa Bank bought about 75% of the shares of commercial Russian KMB Bank for $90 million. At the same time, within 5 years, it is planned to complete the merger of the branch of the Italian bank CJSC Bank Intesa with KMB-Bank.

Priority attention is paid to the development of investment cooperation.

According to available statistics, the accumulated Italian capital in the Russian economy is more than 1.1 billion US dollars. Italian companies have put into operation a number of industries in Russia, including those within the industrial districts that are being created, and have also begun to implement new projects in the field of industrial production.

A certain niche in Russian-Italian investment cooperation is occupied by relatively small joint ventures and companies with 100% Italian capital registered in Russian Federation. There are reportedly more than 700 Italian-Russian joint ventures and almost 200 companies with purely Italian capital operating in Russia. More than 200 representative offices of Italian firms are registered in Moscow alone.

Cooperation continues withItalian companies in the implementation of industrial cooperation projects in strategically important areas of the economy for Russia, such as the fuel and energy complex, the aerospace industry, the automotive industry, and the production of household electrical appliances, goods of the petrochemical industry.

Among the largest objects of investment cooperation, the following can be noted.

April 2004 the opening of the building built in Lipetsk by the company "Merloni elettrodomestichi" (since 2005 - "Indesit") plant for the production of washing machines (design capacity - 1 million machines per year). About 40 million euros were invested in the construction and equipment of the enterprise, in addition, the company's factory for the production of refrigerators operates in Lipetsk (1.5 million units per year).).

In January 2006 in the Stupino district of the Moscow region, a ceramic tile factory was opened by Marazzi Cheramike, in which about $40 million was invested. Marazzi included the Russian production and commercial group Kerama (with the Velor enterprise in the Oryol region, 16 sales offices and 100 company stores), which accounts for 20% of the domestic building ceramics market.

In 2006 AO Severstal-Avto signed an agreement with the FIAT concern, which provides for the assembly of small cars of the Italian concern at the plant in Naberezhnye Chelny. By 2008 it is planned to produce 30 thousand cars a year. Severstal-Avto plans to invest about $30 million in the organization of assembly production in Naberezhnye Chelny.

One of the priority areas for attracting Italian capital is the electric power industry. The ENEL company in consortium with the Russian ESN group in June 2004. signed a general agreement and an agreement with RAO UES on the transfer of the Severo-Zapadnaya CHPP to the management of the ENEL ESN consortium for a period of 3 years. During the management period, the Russian-Italian consortium undertakes to raise about $227 million for the construction of a second power unit with a capacity of 450 MW and a heating main to the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.

" ENEL shows an increased interest in the processes of restructuring, privatization, liberalization of the Russian energy industry, in particular, wholesale and territorial generating companies. In 2006, the Italian company agreed to purchase a 49.5% stake in Rusenergosbyt from the ESN group for $105 million. Agreement provides for not only the entry of Enel into the capital of Rusenergosbyt, but also the participation of the Italian side in the operational management of the company, which supplies electricity to such large consumers as Gazprom and Rossiyskiye railways".

One of the priority areas of economic cooperation is cooperation in the field of high technologies. This primarily concerns such sectors as the use and exploration of outer space for peaceful purposes, the production of means of communication, telecommunications, the creation of control and navigation systems, aircraft manufacturing, and military-technical cooperation.

In the field of aircraft construction, cooperation between the Russian aviation holding Sukhoi (JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft) and Alenia Aeronautics (Finmecanica group) seems promising. reached an agreement on the joint production of a medium-haul passenger aircraft RRJ (Russian Regional Jet), which meets the requirements of the world market, with a flight radius of up to 5000 km and a passenger capacity of up to 100 people. The engines for the new aircraft will be developed by the French company Snecma Motors. The needs of the Russian market for aircraft of this class are estimated at 200 aircraft, and the European market - another 500 units.

The project involves the formation of a joint Russian-Italian enterprise with a 25% + 1 share of the capital of the company "Alenia aeronautica".

The Selex company (Finmecanica concern) has been designated for practical participation in the Russian project of the federal network of trunked mobile communications of the TETRA (TETRARUS) standard. Selex has already received the first contract for the construction of an experimental network of the standardTETRA commissioned by RAO UES in the Middle Volga region (project cost - 40 billion US dollars). The network is implemented by the ARTETRA joint venture, in whose capital the Selex company (through its branch OTE) owns 51%, and 49% belongs to the Russian company Tetraprom with the participation of partners from the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia.

To date, all the participants of the TETRARUS project have built fragments of the TETRA network in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kazan, Kaliningrad, on the Middle Volga and Valaam. In 2005–2006 almost all significant events, incl. the G8 summit in St. Petersburg were held using the resources of the TETRA networks.

As part of the project to organize high-speed rail transport in Russia, negotiations were held between Russian Railways (RZD) and Ansaldobreda and Alstom Italia, leading manufacturers of equipment and rolling stock for high-speed rail transport. Based on the results of negotiations with the Italian side in 2005. The Ministry of Transport of Russia has received a proposal to supply 16 high-speed trains, 6 cars each. Moreover, the assembly of 8 trains from Italian components is provided for at Russian enterprises. The cost of the project is about 307 million euros. The possibility of cooperation in the production of interregional electric trains at Russian enterprises is also being explored.

Interregional cooperation is becoming a promising factor in trade and economic relations.

During 2003–2006. Italy was visited by representative delegations of Russian subjects of the federation (in particular, Moscow, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Sverdlovsk, Perm, Kaliningrad, Chuvash Republic, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Krasnodar Territory, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg), and Russia - the delegations of the Italian regions (in particular, Lombardy, Liguria, Lazio, Veneto).

Special place in the development of interregional cooperation, attention is paid to the creation of industrial districts in Russia using the Italian experience. Representatives of the subjects of the Federation accept Active participation in the activities of the working group of the Economic Council.

The work in this direction has advanced the most in the Lipetsk region on the basis of two plants for the production of refrigerators and washing machines owned by Indesit, where, according to Italian experts, a prototype industrial district has been practically created.

According to the Italian side, prototypes of industrial districts in the Sverdlovsk, Perm and Moscow regions that meet the necessary criteria have been practically created in Russia.

Hot line

+39 366 560-46-14

Dear professionals,

I am currently actively looking for a job in Italy. My question is: “How to find a job related to Italy on the Russian labor market. Where to start, who to contact, how to write a resume with an emphasis on the specifics of the search. Desired job export/import manager.

About me: 38 years of which 13 have been living in Italy. Double citizenship. Red Diploma in the specialty "Accounting and Audit". The last 10 years of work experience as an accountant in the field of civil and industrial construction in Italy. I have experience of working in Russia as an accountant in the City Administration.
I would be very grateful for an answer.

Marked as solution


Tatyana, good afternoon.
Usually, if the search is in a narrow enough area, then using direct contacts or recommendations can be a good solution. Perhaps in 13 years you have developed contacts that now it is time to use. Tell colleagues and partners in a businesslike manner that you are open to suggestions.
It is very likely that your business reputation will allow you to quickly find a job of interest.
Also, I would advise you to activate your LinkedIn page (if you don't already have one).
Because the network is international, there you can set up a search for vacancies in Italy in the field you need.

Good luck in your search!

Svetlana Olifer.

Italy is one of Russia's leading trading partners among Western countries. In recent years, a steady growth trend has continued in Russian-Italian trade and economic relations.

In 2006 bilateral trade amounted to $30.8 billion, up 31.4% over the same period in 2005, with Russian exports reaching $25.1 billion, up 31.8%, and imports from Italy 5 .7 billion dollars - an increase of 29.5%.

The commodity structure of Russian-Italian trade has not changed significantly in recent years. In Russian exports to Italy, the main role traditionally belongs to energy carriers. Natural gas continues to be the most important commodity in Russian exports to Italy.

In the commodity composition of Russian imports from Italy, the predominant place still belongs to consumer goods. Machinery goods remain the second most important group. The shares of all other commodity groups practically did not change.

Specific issues of promoting the main areas of economic cooperation (primarily investment and monetary and financial) are under the jurisdiction of the Russian-Italian Council for Economic, Industrial and Monetary and Financial Cooperation.

Monetary and financial cooperation is moving to a new qualitative level. Its characteristic feature is the transition from the provision of loans under state guarantees to normal interbank interaction, which provides for the use of financial instruments that do not affect Russia's external debt.

Currently, specific instruments for financing large projects without state Russian guarantees have been launched and are working effectively. Results have also been achieved with regard to the creation of a mechanism for financing small and medium-sized businesses. From the Russian side, Vneshtorgbank, Sberbank and Alfa-Bank are involved in this work, from the Italian side - Intesa, IMI/San Paolo and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro.

An important positive signal for the Italian business was the opening in December 2003. in Moscow, the operational branch of the largest Italian bank "Intesa", which became the first operating Italian bank in Russia. April 2005 Bank Intesa bought about 75% of the shares of commercial Russian KMB Bank for $90 million. At the same time, within 5 years, it is planned to complete the merger of the branch of the Italian bank CJSC Bank Intesa with KMB-Bank.

Priority attention is paid to the development of investment cooperation.

According to available statistics, the accumulated Italian capital in the Russian economy is more than 1.1 billion US dollars. Italian companies have put into operation a number of industries in Russia, including those within the industrial districts that are being created, and have also begun to implement new projects in the field of industrial production.

A certain niche in Russian-Italian investment cooperation is occupied by relatively small joint ventures and companies with 100% Italian capital registered in the Russian Federation. There are reportedly more than 700 Italian-Russian joint ventures and almost 200 companies with purely Italian capital operating in Russia. More than 200 representative offices of Italian firms are registered in Moscow alone.

Cooperation with Italian companies continues to develop in the implementation of industrial cooperation projects in strategically important areas of the economy for Russia, such as the fuel and energy complex, the aerospace industry, the automotive industry, the production of household electrical equipment, and petrochemical products.

Among the largest objects of investment cooperation, the following can be noted.

April 2004 the opening of a plant for the production of washing machines built in Lipetsk by the company "Merloni elettrodomestici" (since 2005 - "Indesit") (estimated capacity - 1 million machines per year) took place. About 40 million euros were invested in the construction and equipment of the enterprise, in addition, the company's factory for the production of refrigerators operates in Lipetsk (1.5 million units per year).

In January 2006 in the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region, a ceramic tile factory was opened by Marazzi Cheramike, in which about $40 million was invested. Marazzi included the Russian production and commercial group Kerama (with the Velor enterprise in the Oryol region, 16 sales offices and 100 company stores), which accounts for 20% of the domestic building ceramics market.

In 2006 AO Severstal-Avto has signed an agreement with the FIAT concern, which provides for the assembly of small cars of the Italian concern at the plant in Naberezhnye Chelny. By 2008 it is planned to produce 30 thousand cars a year. Severstal-Avto plans to invest about $30 million in the organization of assembly production in Naberezhnye Chelny.

One of the priority areas for attracting Italian capital is the electric power industry. ENEL in consortium with the Russian ESN group in June 2004. signed a general agreement and an agreement with RAO UES on the transfer of the Severo-Zapadnaya CHPP to the management of the ENEL ESN consortium for a period of 3 years. During the management period, the Russian-Italian consortium undertakes to raise about $227 million for the construction of a second power unit with a capacity of 450 MW and a heating main to the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg.

ENEL shows an increased interest in the processes of restructuring, privatization, liberalization of the Russian energy industry, in particular, wholesale and territorial generating companies. In 2006 the Italian company agreed to buy 49.5% stake in Rusenergosbyt from the ESN group for $105 million. The agreement provides for not only Enel's entry into the capital of Rusenergosbyt, but also the participation of the Italian side in the operational management of a company that supplies electricity to such large consumers as Gazprom and Russian Railways.

One of the priority areas of economic cooperation is cooperation in the field of high technologies. This primarily concerns such sectors as the use and exploration of outer space for peaceful purposes, the production of means of communication, telecommunications, the creation of control and navigation systems, aircraft manufacturing, and military-technical cooperation.

In the field of aircraft construction, cooperation between the Russian aviation holding Sukhoi (JSC Sukhoi Civil Aircraft) and Alenia Aeronautics (Finmecanica group) seems promising. reached an agreement on the joint production of a medium-haul passenger aircraft RRJ (Russian Regional Jet), which meets the requirements of the world market, with a flight radius of up to 5000 km and a passenger capacity of up to 100 people. The engines for the new aircraft will be developed by the French company Snecma Motors. The needs of the Russian market for aircraft of this class are estimated at 200 aircraft, and the European market - another 500 units.

The project involves the formation of a joint Russian-Italian enterprise with a 25% + 1 share of the capital of the company "Alenia aeronautica".

Selex Company (Finmecanica Concern) has been designated for practical participation in the Russian project of the federal network of trunked mobile communications of the TETRA standard (TETRARUS). Selex has already received the first contract for the construction of an experimental TETRA network commissioned by RAO UES in the Middle Volga region (the project cost is $40 billion). The network is implemented by the ARTETRA joint venture, in whose capital the Selex company (through its branch OTE) has 51%, and 49% belongs to the Russian company Tetraprom with the participation of partners from the Ministry of Information and Communications and the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia.

To date, all the participants of the TETRARUS project have built fragments of the TETRA network in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Kazan, Kaliningrad, on the Middle Volga and Valaam. In 2005–2006 almost all significant events, incl. the G8 summit in St. Petersburg were held using the resources of the TETRA networks.

As part of the project to organize high-speed rail transport in Russia, Russian Railways (RZD) held talks with Ansaldobreda and Alstom Italia, the leading manufacturers of equipment and rolling stock for high-speed rail transport. Based on the results of negotiations with the Italian side in 2005. The Ministry of Transport of Russia has received a proposal to supply 16 high-speed trains, 6 cars each. Moreover, the assembly of 8 trains from Italian components is provided for at Russian enterprises. The cost of the project is about 307 million euros. The possibility of cooperation in the production of interregional electric trains at Russian enterprises is also being explored.

Interregional cooperation is becoming a promising factor in trade and economic relations.

During 2003–2006 Representative delegations of Russian subjects of the federation (in particular, Moscow, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Sverdlovsk, Perm, Kaliningrad, Chuvash Republics, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Krasnodar Territory, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg) visited Italy to establish direct business ties with the Italian regions, and Russia - delegations of the Italian regions (in particular, Lombardy, Liguria, Lazio, Veneto).

A special place in the development of interregional cooperation is given to the creation of industrial districts in Russia using the Italian experience. Representatives of the subjects of the Federation take an active part in the activities of the working group of the Economic Council.

The work in this direction has advanced the most in the Lipetsk region on the basis of two plants for the production of refrigerators and washing machines owned by Indesit, where, according to Italian experts, a prototype industrial district has been practically created.

According to the Italian side, prototypes of industrial districts in the Sverdlovsk, Perm and Moscow regions that meet the necessary criteria have been practically created in Russia.


  • Architecture, engineering design in industry and construction / Architecture
  • Construction / Other
  • Construction / Construction of buildings and structures

Business certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

October 16, 2002
Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 39 for MOSCOW
Joint private and foreign ownership
Limited liability companies
RUB 63,250

Address and phones

Briefly about the company

JOINT RUSSIAN-ITALIAN VENTURE (LLC), date of registration - October 16, 2002, registrar - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 39 for MOSCOW. Full name - JOINT RUSSIAN-ITALIAN ENTERPRISE (LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY) FIRMA "ELEKTRO-KOLOR". Legal address: 125047, MOSCOW, st. BUTYRSKY VAL, 1, room. RIGHT. The main activity is: "Architectural activity". The legal entity is also registered in such OKVED categories as: "Construction", "Construction of buildings and structures". Branch according to OKONH: "Design, design and survey and survey organizations". Legal form (OPF) - limited liability companies. Type of ownership - joint private and foreign ownership. The position of the head of the company is the director.

Local firms and organizations

architectural activity
103051, Moscow, st. BOLSHAYA POSTOVAYA, 34, building 12

Activities related to the use of computers and information technologies
103104, Moscow, st. SMALL BRONNAYA, 15B

Education in educational institutions of additional vocational education(advanced training) for specialists with higher professional education
119019, MOSCOW, per. MALY Znamensky, 7/10, building 5

Scientific research and development
117942, Moscow, st. VAVILOVA, 38

Wholesale of other non-food consumer goods
115516, Moscow, st. VESELAYA, 11, building 3, of. 3

Activities of agents specialized in the wholesale trade of pharmaceutical and medical products, perfumes and cosmetics, including soap
111033, MOSCOW, pr. CUSTOM, d. 8, bldg. one


105215, Moscow, st. 13th PARKOVAYA, 27, bldg. 4, board room

Activities of other land transport
119331, MOSCOW, VERNADSKY Ave., 29, office 1, room 7

Wholesale trade, including trade through agents, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles
109072, Moscow, st. SERAFIMOVICHA, d. 2, room. No. 3

Wholesale through agents (on a fee or contract basis)
119331, Moscow, st. MARIA ULYANOVOY, 15, room. 13, room 5

Publication of books, pamphlets, booklets and similar publications, including for the blind
119313, MOSCOW, LENINSKY Ave., 87A

Activities of real estate agencies
125167, MOSCOW, LENINGRADSKY Ave., 39, building 14

Activities in the field of sports
119501, Moscow, st. VEERnaya, d. 3, bldg. 2

Non-specialized wholesale of non-frozen food, beverages and tobacco products
119121, MOSCOW, per. AGRICULTURAL, 9

Business with Italian companies – In our blog we have already described different models of doing business with Italian companies, but today we will give a specific example of a joint venture - a model that may be especially relevant in the context of the current economic situation.

Speaking about business, it should be noted that the key success factor is the use of unique opportunities that open up at any given moment in the market. Now the key trend in the development of industry is import substitution - the formation of a production base for the creation in Russia of products that replace imported analogues.

One interesting example is the deal concluded in 2016 to create a joint venture for the production of aluminum radiators between the Perm aluminum alloy manufacturer RTC-Prom and the Italian company Sira Industrie. An excellent feature of the business being created is the transfer of know-how from the Italian manufacturer, which was a key factor for RTC-Prom when looking for a partner.

Sira Industrie, at the same time, was interested in the possibility of recovering losses from the decline in exports to Russia due to the deteriorating economic situation. The company has been supplying its products with high added value to the Russian market for a long time, however, transportation, payment of duties and fees increased the prices of radiators by an average of 40%. Therefore, the creation of production in the country, on the basis of the RTC-Prom site and the production of products under the new Sira Rus brand, turned out to be the most attractive opportunity to continue business in Russia.

Sira Industrie's contribution to the joint business will amount to 51% of the authorized capital, but more important for the Russian economy is that the company is ready to export its know-how and technical expertise.

As a result of the transaction, import-substituting production will be launched in Russia according to Italian models, the turnover of which, according to forecasts, will reach 2.5 billion rubles. already in 2017. At the same time, the market potential is great - the annual volume of sales of heating batteries and radiators reaches 80 million units in physical terms.

Such a scale of business and the nature of relations, implying close technological cooperation, makes this business case one of the most striking examples of Russian-Italian cooperation. It demonstrates that it is possible to take advantage of any situation and create opportunities for the industrial development of the region and the country, and also that the internal orientation of the market does not negate the possibility of productive interaction with competent foreign partners.

On our blog you can find other examples of companies that are interested in doing business in Russia. What's more, the contact form below each article mentioning the company allows you to contact them directly.

We provide an opportunity to publish a page with a presentation of the company and its products on our resource for Italian companies As a bonus, each page includes a contact form for direct contact with the company in question.

Ask your questions and find out about the cost of services using the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Dr. Michele Marallo - Admin