The rune of the day Laguz is inverted. Rune interpretation. Rune Lagus, Laguz (Laguz) rune meaning. Inverted (reverse) position. Rune Lagus can help you

Laguz meaning in love and relationships

Laguz is very helpful for couples who are going through difficult times. Even if everything went to parting - the symbol will help you reunite - it is not for nothing that the sign is included in the runic stakes on sex and sexuality.

If the rune fell out in a relationship scenario, this indicates the sincerity of both partners. And the cause of all clashes is ordinary human pride. Because of the inability to give in, even the most ideal couples sometimes diverge.

The Scandinavian rune Laguz advises not to succumb to violent emotions. Listen to your intuition - your heart will not deceive you.

Even if you don't like your partner's behavior, don't jump to conclusions. Try to calmly discuss this issue with him.

Neighboring Gebo predicts a fateful meeting - you will plunge into the love element with your head. Happiness will overwhelm both of you.

If it is nearby, get ready for a joint move. Your new house will be much better than the old one.

It was about the direct position of the symbol, its reverse meaning brings completely different news. In the near future, an unpleasant meeting awaits you, the consequences of which will remind you of yourself for a long time.

In such pairs, the woman always leads the man - he follows her as if on a leash. Such subordination affects the overall picture of relations extremely negatively.

Such an alignment can speak of the difficult nature of both partners - and none of them wants to change, for the sake of a loved one.

One interpretation claims that you are suffering from non-reciprocal love. All your attempts to converge end in failure.

The combination of runes and their meaning triple and more complex signs

In combinations of two symbols, only different signs can be effectively used in magic. And combinations of three Scandinavian sacred images may include repetitions of the same sign. Most often this is used in bundles, where the same rune should symbolize the beginning and end of the matter. Or - if it acts as a restraining symbol for the main, central sign. Given the huge number of possible combinations, the best approach would be to use each sign in accordance with its interpretation in a separate position in the amulets and scripts of the three runes.

In divination, in the same way, you can determine the general interpretation of the three runes. It depends on their position - direct and inverted and position. The number of possible interpretations may seem very large. However, this is the knowledge of the runes. Not a single interpreter knows all the possible meanings of the combinations by heart - he interprets them each time independently, based on the position of the rune, the question asked and other circumstances. At the same time, the use of three dies at once makes it easy to get an accurate, comprehensive answer to any question that does not have to be deciphered extra time. And this answer will be clearly unambiguous, and not lengthy and able to adapt to any event.

We have also compiled detailed table, which will help you easily interpret most divination with three runes. And even select the optimal formulas for creating your own runic scripts. This way you can create unique and targeted talismans.

In general, knowledge of rune combinations will help you easily find answers to questions that seemed unsolvable. Scandinavian sacred symbols can always give useful advice and truthfully communicate what will await any person. After all, these are signs that are directly connected with the universe itself and the Universe.

Rune Laguz - Rune of Intuition

The traditional meaning of the Laguz rune

  • Lake

The predictive value of the Laguz rune in the upright position

  • intuitive knowledge
  • harbinger of important events
  • having a good memory
  • creative abilities to achieve excellent results at all stages of learning
  • a warning that a reassessment of your own personality is coming for you
  • sympathy and active support from people who sympathize with you

Symbolism of Laguz

The symbolic meaning of the Laguz rune is, of course, not associated with a lake, that is, not with a reservoir as such, but with water - more precisely, with a small fragment of water enclosed in it.

We already talked about the symbolism of water when we opened it.

However, it seems necessary for us to mention one more property of water - to flow around obstacles and unite again, gradually destroying the hardest obstacles, which allows us to consider water as a symbol of softness and suppleness, in which hardness and true strength are hidden.

Water is one of the four (Fire, Water, Air and Earth) elements, or elements of nature. The water element is characterized by states from stormy to serenely contemplative, that is, water can personify both creative creative principles and negative characteristics.

Here it is appropriate to recall that the graphic symbol of the Aquarius zodiac sign is a water carrier, and the water that he generously shares is the water of knowledge and intuition.

The Laguz rune enhances the degree of intuitive comprehension of the world many times over.

And although, according to the oracle, you prefer to build a life strategy based on practical, proven ideas, and are not inclined to abstract thinking, the rune still advises you to listen to your inner voice, that is, trust your intuition when making this or that decision.

Keep in mind that what you are planning now will only manifest in the distant future. Only then will it become clear to you what significant decisions you made.

Just as a seed needs time to germinate and become a plant, so the Laguz rune does not immediately show its effect.

Professional area

Rune Laguz means high tide creative forces, inspiration, insight, new ideas. You are going through an upswing that gives you confidence like you've never experienced before.

The Oracle says that you are on the threshold of a new career. This may be a natural continuation of the previous work, and possibly a completely new case. In any case, a broad perspective opens up for the distant future, which goes beyond the scope of specific plans.

emotional sphere

The oracle promises some kind of meeting, seemingly random, but extremely important. Contacts are being made that will matter for years to come.

Rune Laguz is considered mainly a female rune. A woman is inherent in lightness and looseness both in romantic relationships and in relationships. family life. For a man, the rune marks the presence in his life of a strong woman, very significant to him.

The meaning of the rune Inguz

Photo runes Inguz

In order to understand the meaning of the Inguz rune and believe in its effect on fate, we will try to understand the meaning of this magical sign.

Healers endow the Inguz rune primarily with a reproductive function, designed to fill a person with energy for procreation. Inguz is a symbol of fertility. In its mirror reflection, they find similarities with the image of a DNA chain. For many centuries, the rune predicts the conception and birth of children, the strengthening of the family and family ties, the improvement of relations with relatives and friends. Another reproductive function of the Inguz is an incentive to creative creative activity and endowment with the ability to provide a link between times.

Meaning and interpretation

Laguz, Laguz, Laukaz


Laguz - rune of water, but its name will also denote liquids. Her name can be seen in many words: English "lake", "lagoon", Swedish "lagun", etc. "Lagu" is the basic law (Swedish "lag") of life. It comes from the Indo-Germanic root "leg" - "to drain, drip."

Dwarf Alvis answers the question of Thor, who calls the sea:

“People call the Sea, the gods call the Mirror,
Vans call him Waves,
Giants are the home of the Eel, Lagastav is the elves,
The dwarfs call the High Sea.

Those. elves call the sea by the name of the rune - "Laga-staf".

The Norwegian Runesong speaks of "gold"; in the ABC book, Laguz is called "light". All this refers to ancient myth, according to which water was considered birthplace of gold. In myths The sun is also born from the sea. In the Edda, the god Freyr, one of the aspects of the sun, is the son of the sea god Njord. Therefore, Laguz is also rune of the god Freyr.

Speaking of Laguz, Wotan describes the dawn and water as a cloud or mythical drink of the gods("strength of the Aesir"), like rain and dew - "the good of the elves", the spirits of growth, and even as the source of Mimir or Odrorir, from which Wotan draws his wisdom. According to myth, Wotan gave his right eye to Mimir to let him drink from his fountain; whereby Wotan acquired the knowledge of the runes.

In the rune row, Laguz follows the rune Mannaz, which corresponds to the god Heimdall; No wonder Loki's Quarrel says about him:

You, Heimdall, be quiet! From the beginning of time
Your destiny is not easy.
Wet back you catch the dew
And you grow higher and higher, guardian of the gods.

The prototype of the Laguz rune is a source spouting from the ground. It's powerful energy flow, it gives energy for movement from the bottom up, raises from the depths of knowledge and makes them available in consciousness. Analog in cards tarot- 2 Major Arcana Priestess and 18 Major Arcana moon. Lgaguz is directly connected with the Sejm, female witchcraft, with the ability to give oneself to a certain force, becomes receiving vessel. You should not strive for something specific, you must surrender to that Higher power that will transform and change you. But you have to give consent for Her to change you.

The name of the rune is a symbol primal waters of Niflheim which are the basis of all life. Laguz, like water, is crowded associated with the moon. Water moves with ebbs and flows under the influence of the phases of the moon. The human body is 80% water. The lunar cycle is also associated with menstrual cycle, with blood and other fluids in the body, including hormones. Through the moon there is also a connection with dreams, because they also depend on the phases of the moon, on its aspects to personal planets in natal, as well as on the balance of fluids in the body. Through the symbolism of water, Laguz is associated with cleansing, in the Nordic tradition there is also a ceremonial sprinkling with water- “vatni ausa”, as at baptism.

In the words "logr" and "laukar" she means " witchcraft».

First of all, water is perceived as Source of Life, but don't forget about dark side of the water, which can be dangerous to humans: swamps, well depth, hidden undercurrents, whirlpools. But thanks to Laguz, a person can start to peer into the dark depths of the well of your Subconscious, which feeds his personality, which stores the true origins of his behavior, and this allows change those aspects of yourself that retard spiritual development and growth.

Alternative name for the rune Lukaz - "leek"- indicates growth upwards.


  • Female
  • Intuition
  • sorcery
  • Energy
  • Intuition
  • Flair
  • Emotions
  • The senses
  • Premonitions
  • Blood
  • Hormonal system
  • Flow
  • Waters of life
  • surge of strength
  • Clairvoyance
  • Love
  • Vital energy
  • cleansing
  • Update
  • Healing
  • Conception
  • Mobility
  • dreams
  • creative inspiration
  • fantasies
  • Good memory
  • Spiritual abilities
  • Revealing secrets
  • Fruitful contacts
  • Art
  • Yield force
  • Energy flows
  • cyclicality
  • Ebb and flow
  • Undercurrents
  • Ups and downs
  • Water travel
  • Feeding
  • Adaptation to environmental conditions
  • astral plane
  • The undercurrent of energy

Negative values:

  • Inaction
  • Passivity
  • Flood
  • The flood
  • Hysteria
  • Excess emotions
  • fallacy of intuition
  • Rationalization
  • wrap around
  • slippery place
  • Trouble with a woman



1 Name:

  • Legr, Lagy, Lagus- "water", but not any, but flowing, which moves and forms a stream, dragging along.
  • logr- waterfall.
  • Sometimes the L-rune is called Laukaz- wild onion

2 World tree:

Operates the crossing between Hel and Muspelheim

3 Deity:

The goddess most closely associated with Laguz Nertus. Her sanctuary was on a lake island. It was believed that Nerthus would grant a blessing to anyone who visited her sacred island. She corresponds to the Scandinavian god Njerdu- patron of the seas and harbors. Most likely this is a divine married couple or 2 hypostases of one deity.

Once a year in honor Nertus performed a solemn ceremony: a cart with a magnificently decorated boat, dedicated to this goddess, passed through the whole country, remnants of such a rite persisted until the Middle Ages, until the church banned these festivities, which, among other things, could be associated with the ancient northern custom of burial in the boat.

Njord, god of the ocean, corresponds to underground depths, as the god of the Heavenly Ocean, he gives birth to the Over-conscious part Unconscious and is Father of the Vans in the same plane in which Wotan is the Father of Ases (Consciousness). And the fact that Njord lives both in Noatun and in Asgard indicates his close relationship with Asami, who forms the beginning of the Universe. And the uncontrollable aspect of the Over-consciousness - Aegir, rules the depths of the sea, he establishes a connection between the principles of the Laguz rune and the primordial element of the unconscious. Thus, we see that Laguz is treated as individual, and the collective unconscious, silent, pre-human, deep sense of the flow of life.

Njord and Nerthus– parents Freyra and freya. The rune Laguz dedicated to them precedes the rune Inguz, which is patronized by Freyr and Freya. And this is another evidence that the sequence of runes in the futhark is not arbitrary. If we return to the previous runes of the third atta, then we can identify Nertus with the nameless mother goddess Tuisco, as well as with Berchtoy- the patroness of the rune Berkan. Mannaz is also their son, and ingvio- one of the sons Mannaza.

Yngwie- one of the names Freyra, twin brother freya. In a previous article, we wrote that Mannaz is identical Heimdall, this also clarifies the nature of the relationship between Freya and Heimdall. From Scandinavian sources we learn that Heimdall defender freya, and this role in Scandinavian communities was often assigned to either a brother or a maternal uncle. The roots of this tradition go back to prehistoric times, when the role of men in procreation was still not entirely clear and the responsibility for the child was placed on the one whose blood relationship with him was not in doubt - on the maternal uncle or older brother. The Slavs lived in the same tribal communities.

Old Norse name Laguz - logr- means sate or sorcery, and this is also 1 of the functions of this rune. Especially important role Seit played in the cult of the Vanir, and all the gods and goddesses listed in connection with this rune (except Tuisco) belonged to the Vanir family. Freya introduced aces to sorcery, teaching this art Wotan. L-rune - the force of fluidity, driving lunar tides and energy flows.

Nanna- the goddess of the moon among the Scandinavians, among the Slavs is associated with the moon and water Mara, Scandinavians hel. It becomes obvious that Nanna- hypostasis hel. hel similar Hekate, old moon, black mother.

4 Main qualities:

  • liquid power
  • Tuning
  • Flexibility
  • rhythmic flow
  • Lunar qualities
  • Adaptability
  • Sensitivity

5 Required qualities:

  • openness
  • Susceptibility
  • Mediumship
  • Flexibility
  • Fluidity

6 Character:

Magnetic Reversible Rune

7 Element:

8 Color:

  • Blue
  • Green

9 Rune Stone:

  • Aquamarine
  • Pearl

10 Astrology:

  • Venus in exaltation

Rune of the day

The day will go smoothly like clockwork, the events will smoothly flow into one another, stringing and unfolding in front of you like a pattern in a kaleidoscope. All you have to do is relax and go with the flow, it will take you where you need to go. Aggravation of sensitivity and susceptibility to the point that you can feel smells and sounds much more acutely.

Inverted Laguz as a rune of the day:
It can say that something secret will become clear. Intuition is clearly not worth trusting today, therefore try to evaluate everything critically, but it is better to postpone decision making until the next time.

Rune Warning

Give up any rational evaluation and attempts to understand and logically comprehend.

Do not let everything take its course, you should try to clarify the situation as much as possible.

Follow your intuition. You are in the flow now, trust "what leads", that part of your being that cannot be realized by the mind and manifests itself in intuition and extrasensory phenomena. Go with the flow without sudden movements. In some cases, it may advise you to turn to magic. Household advice, because Laguz rune of water and cleaning - clean up. Throw out everything superfluous, sort out and wash things, clean the room. It is worth asking a woman for advice. Swim with the flow of events and don't resist.

Laguz can also advise you to adapt to the situation, because. there is always a certain external order, which cannot be changed for oneself. And in this case, it remains only to comply with it. Those who could not or did not want to adjust themselves will be pushed out or broken by the system itself. But those who were able to rebuild are very effective. And the external situation is rarely stable. Everything flows - everything changes, as they say, and the old ossified "form" turns out to be no longer suitable and even interfering. Rigidity speaks of a lack of Laguz quality, as does low empathy. And it has long been known that the success of a person in society is determined not by IQ, but by EQ - emotional intelligence. Feeling all the undercurrents, changing course is very important for success in any field.

Rune Meaning:

Water is inseparable from the concept of life and accompanies a person at all stages of his existence. The child in the mother's womb is in the amniotic fluid, at baptism a person is immersed in water (a similar rite existed long before the advent of Christianity in various pagan cults), after death we will meet with a large river, which symbolizes the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead.

Main value Laguz - water, lake, sea, in the modern occult sense, can be interpreted as a kind of astral or ethereal substance, a nutrient solution for life. And just as water takes the form of a vessel, so does the astral substance, at the will of the magician, in the process of visualization can take any form. concentrated mental image becomes a container for this energy. Because - this is one of the most popular runes for witchcraft and sorcery. And just as water is associated with emotions, dreams and the flow of thoughts, so this rune helps change the direction of flow in the right direction. And emotions change, thoughts change, actions and motivation change. The Yin essence of water immediately refers us to a woman. Laguz - one of the female runes, but if Berkana is the rune of the mother, then Laguz is woman in general, women's fate in the world and women's magic, in particular.

From this follows two main directions of its activity. Firstly, it's all about feelings and the development of sensory perception of reality: psychology, intuition, imagination, occult sciences. Unlike Kano, which represents strong-willed active feelings, according to Laguz, feelings are “sleepy”, but, like water, they can quietly flow or spill and flood everything around, they can boil and seethe, or they can freeze or stagnate. Laguz advises to release the creative imagination, explore dreams, but there is danger of drowning in visions that never reach the shore.

The meaning of the second direction closely interacts with the water element Laguz, and represents thread that generates events. You are guided and protected by high currents of Force, they gently force you to the desired action, this is beyond your consciousness and understanding.
similar and at the same time opposite to Isa how can be similar and at the same time opposite the current water and ice. Like the rune Isa, Laguz suggests lack of external activity, because goes inner work. But if the rune Isa is the ultimate concentration, composure, clarity of thought, rational assessment, then Laguz operates with such concepts as feelings, intuition, doubts. By Lagus it is necessary plunge into the experience of the very state of existence, without evaluation and understanding, like a Hedgehog in the fog, fallen into the river. Mystery, depth, variability- that's what's relevant now. In a person at such moments, his lunar, shadow side. Long atrophied ancient instincts awaken and come to the rescue. Dreams become much more alive and brighter, a person understands others better and deeper. And not their words, but the state and motives. Intuition aggravated, dreams become brighter. But this flow has a very dangerous side - a loss peace of mind , from the depths he will raise both phobias and fears, extrasensory abilities allow you to see not only the higher subtle plans, but also the lower ones. And temptations in the form of an aggravated erotic feeling can drag you away like a whirlpool. Working with the rune Laguz requires flexibility, courage and honesty. Also, don't forget that the direction of your destiny may be different than you imagined, and further adherence to it can lead to a break in relations with loved ones. Therefore, as they say, do not forget to take your loved ones with you on your "sailing".

dream world, which is located almost completely under the rule of Laguz, well obeys the laws of this rune. So, a dream can give experience only if you have control over it, otherwise, its element plays with the consciousness, like a raging sea with a ship. A poorly managed ship is doomed either to be stranded or to sink under the onslaught of the elements, while a well managed ship is capable of delivering unseen treasures and wonders from beyond the seas.

So, summing up, we can say that the Laguz rune corresponds to 3 aspects:

  1. First of all, this the power of moving water and energy flow.
  2. The power of the rune is trigger for the rise of knowledge going from bottom to top, the transition from the world of Navi to the world of Reveal. The purpose of this is energy exchange, information exchange, updating and expansion. This correlates well with the astrological symbolism of the mutable sign of Pisces, boundless waters, an ocean similar to Solaris.
  3. AND personality development. According to this rune we have a powerful an element that rushes without stopping. This is no less powerful information flow that comes out of the subconscious. And it has everything: instincts, and fears, and phobias, and important information, and the habits of a person who took shape in a persistent need. And from such a pressure, either a person will simply be washed away by a wave, or he will be able to ride the wave and rush on it to his goal, overcoming obstacles and distances. Either instincts and habits will twist ropes out of him, or he will be able to overcome and use them to move forward, by releasing and redistributing energy. The principle is similar to arcana in Tarot Strength and Chariot(in Tabula Mundi, a surfer is even depicted on the 7th Major Arcana). The released energy can be used for your goals and desires. But if a person does not succeed in this last aspect, then the first and second aspects may be unattainable, or even dangerous.

Meaning in personal relationships:

Laguz means " love" or " a life”, because She represents, among other things, water of life, and force of mutual attraction which we call "love". And even in form Laguz is half of the rune Evaz, and Evaz is a symbol of partnership and marriage.

In the scenario for personal relationships, Laguz is a symbol of high sensuality and sexuality, deep emotions and attachments. Harmonious Relations, because Laguz gives the ability to find the right approach, the right words for a person.

Inverted Rune:
If Laguz is upside down, she warns that now relationships with others are based on false judgments, impregnated insensitivity and sometimes outright lies.

Inverted Laguz in relationship layouts very unfavorable. It means that love is no more, perhaps a person is afraid of you or even hates you, he closes and tries to block any energy exchange with you. Very often indicates rival. Either way, something's coming bring pain and disappointment.

Personal Description:

Pointing to a person, Lacuze says that we have a very flexible, intuitive and diplomatic person, who easily captures the mood and state of another, quickly adjusts, he is like a river, gently flows into you, your affairs and carries away with him.

Inverted Rune:
Funnel man, sucks everything into himself, is inactive. You shouldn't count on him. He will bind you with his expectant position.

Work and finances:

Thanks to intuition, a person sees hidden meanings, recognizes dangerous or profitable options.

Lagus advises hiring women in your staff, as well as thinking about areas of business related to water. Starting from points of sale drinking water to shipping, fishing, repair of plumbing equipment is also suitable, as well as psychology and psychotherapy.

Inverted Laguz:
Fish in troubled waters.

In medical matters:

  • Hormonal diseases. Gynecology.
  • Laguz advises using folk or alternative medicine, a hydropathic or sanatorium in Kislovodsk is a good option for recovery.

Negative value:

upside down the power of Laguz is fading away. It can be said that a person was thrown ashore, he no longer in the flow.

This rune can be rotated parallel to the horizontal axis, in this form, as well as in a straight line, it is associated with the tide. The active form of the Laguz rune symbolizes the tide, and passive - ebb. In divination, this rune allows you to answer the question, whether the time is right for this or that action.

Laguz rolls over when walking too much off the head, people don't trust themselves, his desires, emotions and intuition, considers this an annoying hindrance, he has too a lot of action on the outside and too little attention inward. Laguz, like any phenomenon associated with water, speaks of depth, of silence on the surface, but rich life inside. To flip a rune, you must first of all stop and listen to yourself. Follow what leads you. Immerse yourself in your inner world, where emotions, feelings, doubts reign. Trust the water current that carries you, stop the running of thoughts, do not try to delve into the essence of what is happening and give it a rational assessment. Attempts to logically comprehend everything that is happening or act according to a pre-planned plan, forcibly change the course of events, all this will lead to a series of irreparable mistakes.

Great danger to start walking in circles, avoiding the right path and life itself. The stagnation of the energy of the Laguz rune creates a barrier to all vital juices, leads to decay. Access to your soul is closed. There is a chance to live biorobot.

Predictive interpretation for layouts

Mantic meaning:


Like water, Laguz contains secrets of life and death. The direct position of Laguz suggests that water is now a source of strength. It purifies and refreshes all levels of being. is a carrier vital energy.

There are more processes at depth than at the surface rich emotional life. Now you are characterized by the susceptibility of water, so do not miss the opportunity to learn and expand your ideas about the world, a good period for self-development, You can conquer peaks that you were even afraid to think about before.. A favorable period for learning, memory absorbs everything like a sponge, success thanks to a good imagination.

Laguz also means cleansing, good period to give up everything that was unpleasant for you and clouded your life. A trip to the sea will help in this.

In the layout, it can indicate woman, but if Berkana is an adult woman, then Laguz will denote young unmarried girl. On the negative side may indicate mistress. But mostly in upright position Laguz stands for pleasant emotions and relaxation things that are pleasant for you, things that you love. It is especially favorable when it falls on love relationship- this is a sign that the object feels for you tender feelings, affection and love.

Direct Laguz indicates that you are literally in the flow of auspicious events, life situations flow in the direction you need and you have a green light everywhere.

Surrounded by negative Runes:

Intuition leads you astray, in the end you take on something that you have no inclination to. Your intuition is too distorted, it was influenced by the desire to achieve the result you need. Now you definitely shouldn't rely on it! You need to get out of this situation, try to evaluate the latest events and your actions from the side without prejudice.

From the abundant flow, the desire to fold the paws and go with the flow, passivity, the tendency to let everything take its course. The effect is like grand trine in astrology, especially water, when the external situation for a person is extremely favorable, that he only needs to open his beak and receive gifts from life, and he begins to drink too much and rolls down to an indecent look.

An inverted Lagus can indicate a woman who will disturb your peace and harm. Perhaps a friend will stab in the back, betray. For a man, it can indicate the infidelity of a partner., or to a new a love affair that will bring problems.


Upside down, Laguz can talk about ups and downs and instability, apathy, Your behavior is changeable, you can make mistakes due to lack of self-control. Now you are in precarious position, because your understanding of what is happening is too superficial, not knowing the ford climb into the water. Inability to call upon the wisdom of your inner voice. The very susceptibility becomes excessive, as in synesthesia, a person turns into a capricious toy of his own unconscious impulses. In this aspect, the rune Laguz corresponds to the ship Naglfar, which carries the dead to fight the gods, speaking of the victory of the unconscious over consciousness.

Also, an inverted Laguz can say that in this situation there are secrets and secrets, which will soon be revealed, the consequences of this are unpredictable. Not understanding the essence of all the undercurrents, you jump to conclusions, actions and decisions, make a series of reckless steps. The situation is very slippery right now..

Forward movement can be hindered and blocked flow of creativity. You listen too much to the voice of reason, ignore your intuition, thereby cutting off many paths for itself. Fears and excessive rationalism have blocked this flow for you. Spontaneity and creativity fades.

The water element is dangerous in all manifestations, even fishermen and sailors should stay away, because. you can become a victim of fraud. Dangers lie in wait for those planning a trip especially on water.

In layouts for other life situations, an inverted Laguz may portend that the situation will bring disappointment, a lot of negative emotions and pain. Or that a person rowing against the current, went the wrong way, everything he does is unnatural, not in the stream. Like a scattered person from Basseinaya Street.

Inverted Rune Lagus, and even with destructive or inhibitory runes indicates a magical effect, suggestion, lure or lapel- you need to look at the runes and the request.

In everyday terms, an inverted Laguz - this is the ebb of strength, the threshold on the river, stagnation, difficult period, uncontrollable events, erroneous foreboding, depression, creative crisis, fear, nightmares, illness, emotional or psychological obstacles, betrayal of a partner, divorce, family breakdown. Water is the main function of purification. Dirt is much easier and safer, and even more pleasant, to wash off than to burn out with fire. or destroy with napalm, destroy with the Hagalaz rune, after such cleanings and washings, you can get rid of not only the stains, but also the objects on which these stains were.

With the help of the Laguz rune can make it rain, and with the help of an inverted rune, stop him. In everyday life, this can be used when tap water is required, for example, warm water is turned off and you can try combinations of Laguz, Soulu, Kano. In case of leaks, try applying the inverted Laguz to the pipe.

Rune Laguz - a powerful tool in beneficial magic. Laguz is often used in love formulas. Love rune for women, favors the conclusion of marriage, and in general helps to establish partnerships, successfully negotiate, eliminates quarrels and misunderstandings, because helps to find the key to any person.

Water, like the ethereal "substance" - good conductor, transmitter of energy and with the help of the Laguz rune you can influence other people, penetrate into their world of emotions and dreams. By mentally drawing Laguz in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe opponent’s third eye, you are likely to get his consent to your (reasonable) proposal from him. Laguz - path from the subconscious to the conscious, it is good to use for enhancing intuitive abilities, forebodings, helps to manage dreams, accidents, catch luck by the tail. Also for shaping and managing the flow of events. She provides secret control of the situation, masks magical effects.

The nutritional properties of water help the magician accumulate energy within yourself and use as you wish. Laguz gives flexibility and adaptability, You will be able to seep through any cracks like water, adapt to the circumstances. It is enough to tune in to the cyclic ebb and flow of energy currents. And sail along with the streams of events without resistance, but on the crest of its wave. You will grow in well-being due to flexibility, lability, ingenuity, thanks to the ability to follow the flow of life in contact with the life force. Thanks to flexibility and the ability to be "fluid" in interactions with others, a person gets the desired result in an imperceptible way, gentle manipulation.

Laguz is often used for treatment of women's diseases, as well as emotional and mental sphere, Laguz is considered rune of psychologists. With the help of Laguz, you can to inspire a person of interest to you with bright and warm feelings for you, especially strong love spell Laguz for women. The same rune can also protect against magical influence, it is worth remembering the old belief that flowing water can stop a witch, she helps the victim cover their tracks and hide.

Laguz is included in many magic words, so Laukaz- protection from danger, both magical and physical, sometimes Laguz is even called Laukaz; Latu (Lathu)- a word for invoking higher powers; Alu (Alu)- magical power, this word strengthens runic formulas and runescripts.
helps in overcoming obstacles, because likens a person to water, which can seep into any crack. And just as water wears away a stone, so Laguz makes it possible persistently and for a long time looking for a way out and deal with circumstances. Because this rune is yin, then it looking for workarounds, and does not hit directly on the forehead, such as Teyvaz. Laguz operates through adjustment. And of course, speaking of obstacles, it is worth remembering that the most the main obstacle for a person is himself. Laguz allows you to find strength overcome your fears to get rid of them.

Laguz - the main rune for working with sleep, improving the emotional background, it helps to cope with insomnia, relieves nightmares, and by strengthening intuition, get clues in a dream.

Runic shamans appreciated the transitional qualities of Laguz, because water was a symbol transition from life to death and from death to rebirth. The same meaning is in the Christian tradition about Jesus walking on the waters.

A private aspect of the Laguz rune - it is very effective for searching or revealing what was hidden, and this applies to both sacred knowledge and things or treasures that were hidden, but their location is forgotten.

And of course, all magical operations, connected or based on water: slander, cleaning, etc.

The location of the Runes in staves, scripts, ties:

Laguz is often put at the end of the formula, denoting the flow of the desired direction, in this regard, it is like the seventh major lasso in the Tarot - chariot when a person rushes on the way to victory. In the middle of the formula Laguz is set if a connecting element is required or in formulas for healing, reconciliation; if for the purpose of treatment such as kidney or Bladder, then Laguz is placed and at the beginning and end of the formula.

Laguz with Raido and Eyvaz related to runes surf, this group serves the material world, providing successful promotion, good luck on the way, removing obstacles; on another plane, this group of runes helps in the journey of the spirit, being a link between the conscious and the subconscious.

Working with Rune:

This rune what leads", and its use in magic is connected with this. The Laguz rune is used to sharpening of intuition and perception to get into flow, adjust to ebbs and flows energy currents of life, it helps in the study of the occult sciences, in penetrating into mysterious knowledge.

Laguz is used when you need to understand feelings, to determine which true. Laguz is often used in love and sex magic and also to develop healing abilities, clairvoyance, accumulate energy.

Laguz protects against danger on the water, helps you stay afloat both literally and figuratively, it helps to adapt to circumstances, gently bypass obstacles.

Rune in layouts:

next to the rune perto Laguz can indicate parapsychological abilities, and that a person is being led and protect the powers that be. Often he himself is not aware of this guidance.

Additional options for working applications:

  • For development and better contact with intuitive abilities
  • To increase and save life force(especially in women).
  • For energy storage and use it at your discretion
  • To properly use your powers
  • To enhance the special attractiveness
  • To make the right decision
  • To penetrate into secret
  • Helps in the study of the occult sciences
  • Promotes conclusion marriage
  • For the formation of a new friendship or restoration of the old
  • For termination quarreling or quarrels
  • To protect against dangers at sea
  • To enhance contact with subconscious
  • For amplification healing capabilities
  • To stay afloat in a figurative sense, in difficult moments, to be able to maneuver. Avoid sharp corners
  • For good luck on your travels
  • To sharpen perception
  • To tune in to the ebb and flow of energy currents
  • In order to get into the flow of events and swim on it
  • In order to define your true feelings
  • For formulas in sexual magic, for family life is better suited Berkana


Laguz- the rune of fluid power rising from the well of the Subconscious. It purifies and refreshes all levels of being, as it is the carrier of vital energy and life force.

Laguz is the rune of penetration, associated with water flows, the rune of intuition, flexibility and smoothness, the qualities that every woman should possess. Therefore, it is sometimes also called the female rune, the rune of emotions. It helps to understand their feelings and emotions, and learn from the messages received. This is the rune of rich imagination, the rune of the patronage of the Gods, and the rune of growth.

The motto of this rune is: LEARN FIRST and only then act. In the darkness of trials, I see the light of true life.

Laguz is a rune unconditional love, love in every sense of the word, as a mother loves her child, accepts him as he is. So Laguz teaches us to accept our kind and our karma, the ability to correct our generic and karmic information.

Only with the help of love, only with the help of a sharpened intuition and only through trust in one's emotions, one's experiences can a person avoid temptations and change his destiny.

Laguz sharpens intuition, helps the development and manifestation of occult abilities. Facilitates the process of cognition and penetration into the mystery, understanding the laws of the Cosmos.

An experienced person does not trust words. He trusts his feelings, that inner sense of truth, which is never final, which always carries a drop of doubt. But besides him, a person has no criteria at all. And the more mature and weighty he becomes, the less he trusts words, phrases, statements, arguments. Human maturity is associated with disbelief in words and trust in the vibration of emotions and intonation.

Laguz will help to accumulate energy for use as you wish.

It is better to adapt to the circumstances. Tune in to the ebb and flow of energy currents. And swim along with the streams of events. Do not resist, but integrate into the flow of life, and on the crest of its wave, fly to your happiness.

Well-being is the result of contact with the life force. The growth of wealth through ingenuity, i.e. through the ability to follow the flow of life.

The deity of the Laguz rune is Nerthus.

Nertus- Germanic goddess, "Mother Earth", tribal deity. Revered by many North German peoples, had a sacred grove on the island. On a sacred chariot drawn by two cows, her image was taken from tribe to tribe; her arrival was considered bringing peace and fertility and was accompanied by fun and festivities. Then the chariot and clothes were washed in a secret lake, and the slaves who performed this work were immediately absorbed in water, that is, they were sacrificed.

Rune Laguz is a very positive rune, symbolizing a flexible consciousness and intuition, flowing around difficulties and understanding the world. An amulet with the image of Laguz is considered feminine, as it greatly contributes to the intuitive search for your soul mate and finding family harmony. Romanticism and bottomless depth of female nature are perfectly combined with activity. Laguz awakens the inner essence of the owner, reveals the creative potential and bestows excellent results on the one that follows the path of enlightenment. If there is stagnation in your life, if you don’t know which way to go, entrust your fate to this rune and expect grandiose changes. Runa Laguz symbolizes one of the four elements of the universe - water. And here it would be appropriate to listen to folk wisdom: "Water wears away stone." This means that the soft and pliable structure of water is actually harder than granite, which can crack from a powerful blow. It is useless to hit the water - it will part, flash with iridescent drops, and then the spray will still merge into a stormy river or a bottomless lake. Laguz is a powerful compass in a stormy ocean. The ship of your destiny, no matter how it is based on pragmatism and calculation, will still not reach fertile shores if you do not trust the unmistakable intuition of this rune, which will lead it between reefs and underwater rocks. As long as Laguz is with you, you are protected from the wrong choice, since only your inner instinct is able to choose the best among the possible. People often ask - is it possible for a man to wear the Laguz symbol? Yes, definitely. And, most likely, such a symbol on his chest will make him reconsider his preferences, refuse to communicate with stupid and mercenary "blondes" - intriguers, and find his own. WOMAN - strong, decent, proud, intelligent nature, for which you want to accomplish a feat and reach heights in a career, service, military affairs. The “female” rune Laguz, like a real woman, is able to awaken true masculine qualities in a man. Mothers can give an amulet with the image of Laguz to their sons in order to protect them from frivolous and empty relationships that disfigure the soul. The strengthening of natural intuition is guaranteed to come to anyone who allows the Laguz rune to enter his life. The Rune Laguz amulet not only tells its owner “Turn on your heart and you will understand life”, but also grants active support from high-ranking people who sympathize with you. Together with the Laguz rune, you change your value system. Any rubbish and minor smoothly, as in a cleansing stream of water, the past is carried away, and the future hastens to you with a clean sea wave. A light breeze inflates the sails of fate and brings insights and the most positive changes. You no longer wander in the darkness and chaos of events, but go towards a goal that is becoming more and more beautiful. Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said: "There are too many people in the world who have not been helped to wake up." Runa Laguz wakes up such people and leads them to seek their oasis. With it, these awakened people come with an upsurge of inner strength and confidence in their choice. This leads to the fact that a person often and very successfully changes his profession, becoming himself and discovering the joy of creative work. The steps of a new career are overcome easily and freely.

Runa Laguz - your easy way to yourself!

Orsana and Wulf have been busy all day. They even minutki could not distinguish for each other. They, like all the villagers, worked with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

The priestess was not surprised. She knew her people and was sure that they were ready for great things, but what she saw was beyond her wildest expectations. The optimism of the villagers gave amazing results. Things showed that it was possible to set off on the road soon.

The priestess, wanting to know what fate is preparing for them on a long journey, turned to the runes. The pouch of runes was always with her, tied to her belt. The priestess locked herself in her deserted house, sat on the floor, shook the pouch, and took out one rune from it. She looked at her and whispered:

“Thank you, oh great Odin, and you, Frigga!”

In her palm lay the rune Lagus. At that moment there was a knock at the door.

- Who's there?

It's me, Orsana.

- Come in, baby.

Orsana entered the house and immediately saw a bag of runes.

“I see I disturbed you, mistress. Sorry, I'll come later.

"Stay," Priestess said with a smile. “Wulf told me you were interested in runes all the way. Do you want to know what prediction fell out today?

“I really want to, but I know that I don’t dare to interfere with you.”

“You don’t bother me, and if you are so interested in runes, then someday you will take my place and become a Priestess yourself.”

“Oh, mistress, I wish I could, but I can’t!”

- Why?

“Because I love Wulf and I want to be his wife.

- So what?

“I couldn't have made up my mind to be alone like you, mistress.

“Who told you that the Priestess has to be alone?” I also had a husband, and I loved him very much. twelve years agohe went to sea and didn't come back, and I just didn't want to marry anyone else.

My predecessor lived all her life with her husband and gave birth todead sons. According to our customs, only a woman can be a Priestess. And she didn't have a daughter. So all your knowledge she passed it on to me.

You know I don't have a daughter either and I have to choosewhile there is time, his successor. I think you are suitable forthis, but it's up to you. Think. Give me an answer whenlet's get to our valley. Talk to Wulf, because he will be your husband, so his consent is also very important.

- Can I ask you something?

- Ask.

What rune did the Lady get?

The priestess smiled.

- Rune Lagus. It belongs to the element of Water and is dedicated to the goddess Frigga, wife of the great Odin and mother of Thor, Tyr, Balder, Ted, Braga and Hermod. She patronizes marriages, marriage, the birth of children, as well as everything connected with the earth. This goddess is dedicated to one of the days of the week - Monday, and Monday will be the day after tomorrow.

It is on this day that we will set off on our journey.

— Oh, Mistress! I felt it, I even dreamed that thisday we must go.

“That doesn't surprise me, Orsana. At you have a very strong inner voice that will always tell you what to do. I am sure that you will become a good Priestess in the future. And I also know that you will give birth to a daughter to whom you can pass on what I will teach you.

And now I have a request for you:

Tell everyone that tomorrow, at sunset, they gather on the coast. Before we set off, we must thank the gods for their mercy and ask for their protection.

Now leave me alone. Go and think about what I have suggested to you.


lagus, laguz, laukaz, laukas, lagu


lake, ocean, any running water or garlic.


light green or any shade of water color


Improves and strengthens vision, accelerates the treatment of various eye diseases.

Rune potential:

Basic properties:

The power of calmness, smooth flow, direct experience, amplification of paranormal abilities.

Rune Message:

Listen to your feelings and sensations and draw conclusions from the information received.

Predictive value:

Strong inner voice good advice fruitful contacts with people. Purification, healing, dedication. Long successful journey, friendly female assistant. Prosperous childbirth, a successful partnership. Good contact with feelings, persistent progress in the chosen path, successful achievement of the intended goal.

Magic use:

Helps to understand own feelings and emotions. Facilitates the development and manifestation of paranormal abilities. Supports love relationships, promotes reconciliation of quarreling partners or lovers. Protects against accidents, strengthens the feminine, makes ladies sexually attractive. Promotes the processes of cognition, favors the conduct of scientific research.

Runa Lagus can help you:

- better adapt to circumstances;

- increase sensitivity and intuition;

- manage the "ebb and flow" of energy;

- trust the natural course of events;

- identify your true feelings.

rune Lagus should meditate when it is desirable to get answers to the following questions:

What do I really feel?

Do I understand my emotions?

What does my inner voice want to tell me?

What or who is supporting me?

What does loneliness mean to me?

Am I interested in myself?

Runes are an ancient tool that was used for various magical actions, among which were predictions of fate, answers to the questions that most concern a person and, of course, disclosure of the situation in love relationships. Runa Laguz can tell a lot about what is happening in a person's personal life.

The runic sign "Laguz" will tell you about what is happening in the personal life of the asker

This rune is considered quite positive. However, in the case of layouts for love, the opinions of practitioners using runes as their tool were somewhat divided.

The total semantic load of the rune

Before considering specific situational interpretations of runic signs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their general meaning and the main semantic load. This can be a pretty good help for more specific explanations.

The main meaning of the Laguz rune is a premonition, following intuition. The energy of Mercury that fills this ancient symbol also makes it a sign of the feminine.

The rune Laguz is known as the water rune. The word "water" refers to the flow of liquid, which is able to carry everything after it. A person should follow the flow, which is in constant motion. Due to the connection with the element of connection, the rune is endowed with a light green or turquoise color.

There is also a third common branch of the meaning of this runic symbol, namely:

  • protection of higher powers;
  • the opportunity to reveal the creative potential of people involved in music or other creative craft;
  • speedy recovery and getting rid of problems with the organs of vision.

The rune Laguz, which fell out in the layout, can also mean an early reunion after separation, fading and resolving conflict situations.

Summing up, the main conclusion will be the fact that the general meaning of the runic sign known as Laguz is quite positive. So his appearance in the layout is usually a good sign.

What does the rune mean in its direct position for relationships

The meaning of the Laguz rune in love is quite positive. Her appearance in the alignment indicates the reciprocity of feelings, the cessation of all kinds of conflicts and separations. People in love can be sure that the near future will be filled with happiness and joy of family life, and the air will be filled with the sounds of wedding music.

Rune Laguz gives confidence that the relationship is developing in the right direction, and the union can last the rest of your life. In relationships, reciprocity reigns, the intensity of emotions and the strengthening of the connection between two people connected by threads of sincere feeling.

According to other sources, the meaning of the Laguz rune in love is a warning that magical intervention has taken place. Theoretically, the chosen one could resort to the means of dark magic and make the person for whom the runes were laid out a victim of love spell magic.

However, this could be done by relatives or close friends of a person. It is rather difficult to prove the fact of the intervention of higher powers. But it is still worthwhile to subject the existing relationship to a thorough analysis and carefully monitor whether there have been sharp changes in priorities in them.

What is the meaning of the inverted position of the rune

Quite often, inverted runic signs do not carry a lot of positive information in their interpretation. This is especially true in cases where the conversation turns to love and relationships between a couple or spouses. The runic symbol Laguz is no exception to this rule.

In a relationship, the appearance of an inverted symbol does not promise a positive development of events. An inverted rune indicates to the querent that feelings have faded in his relationship, or they were not there at all. The emotions experienced by a partner cannot be called love, it is rather a feeling of fear or even hatred. Such a person is the punishment of the person who fell this rune. And also the fall of an inverted rune can be a sign that there is deceit or treason in the relationship. Women can interpret such a symbol as the presence of a rival.

The inverted runic sign "Laguz" can warn a woman that she has a rival in a relationship.

For men, the main meaning of the inverted rune Laguz is a quick parting with his chosen one. The reason for this will be the interest in her of a person with greater influence. A variant is possible in which the opponent used the services of strong black magicians and decided to damage both the querent and his relationship. It is worth showing care and caution in order to protect yourself from the consequences of the interference of magical flows.


The appearance of any rune sign in the layouts can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on what kind of alignment was made, and in what position this or that symbol fell out.

The rune, called Laguz, in most cases carries a positive meaning and good news.

Relationships are filled with harmony, feelings are mutual, and higher powers provide patronage and protection. A person's intuition is able to lead him to achieve his goal and carry his life along the right track.

Flipped over runic symbol says that the protective cover over the person does not work, and the relationship is close to its collapse. The reasons for this may be extinct feelings or extraneous intervention of the person who is interested in one of the partners or simply does not wish the person good and happiness. It is better to be careful and take measures to prevent personal disaster.

Rune Laguz(Laguz, Lagu, Lagur) - rune of water, or flow. Runa Laguz, if you look closely, resembles in shape a sea wave or a liquid pouring from a vessel, or maybe from a mountain - like the famous waterfalls of Norway. It means any water, not only flowing, but also sea. The sea has always had a special meaning for the inhabitants of the northern countries. The Scandinavian peninsula is surrounded by the sea and deeply cut by fjords, part of the territory is on large or small islands - skerries. Each city has its own marina, many of them, for example, Stockholm, are divided into parts by canals.

Rune Laguz (Laguz, Lagu, Lagur) - the rune of water, or flow.

The sea for the peoples of the north is associated with the god Njord - this is a good god, one of whose heiti (names) is “generous”. This radically distinguishes the Scandinavian culture from the Slavic, where this function is performed by Dazhdbog - the solar deity. The inhabitants of the north are accustomed to receiving gifts mainly from the sea. This includes fish, dishes from which make up a large part of the local cuisine. And the Viking campaigns in ancient times on boats-drakkars to other countries, to search for new lands and conquests, from where they brought slaves and treasures. And offshore oil, the production of which has made Norway one of the richest countries in the world.

However, the sea is not only kind. He also has a stern deity - the giant Aegir, sinking ships and sending a storm to destroy the sailors. According to Scandinavian mythology, all drowned sailors entered his service. Aegir's attribute was a boiling and seething cauldron - a funnel into which ships were sucked. The female deity of water is the goddess Ran, the patroness of the waves, whose hair is like sea foam.

The meaning of the straight rune

If the rune Laguz falls out to a fortuneteller, its meaning is intuition and knowledge, any flows, energy and information. This concept is well known to magicians, especially bioenergetics - those who work with flows and channels. This stream can both carry something and take it away. Also straight position Laguz can also symbolize simply water, in its usual meaning.

The meaning of the direct Laguz is the hidden forces of the subconscious and feelings, life processes and gradual growth. If this rune fell out, then you should trust the flow and relax, wait where it will take you. It is also the rune of creative people: water is a substance, but it does not have its own form. The Creator can put it in any vessel, receiving inspiration from above.

This rune of the feminine, its action is soft, smooth, almost imperceptible. She has a direction and a vector, just like the Teivaz rune. But unlike Teyvaz, this is not a desperate jerk in the right direction, but a slow and gradual movement. Laguz is also connected with all the waters of the world and with the oceans, where life originated, as well as with water in the human body, which makes up most of it.

The meaning of the inverted rune

Inverted Laguz means resistance, which takes a lot of strength, but brings little benefit. It is difficult to swim against the current, as well as to turn the river back. It also means that a person acts unreasonably, uses the power available to him in a wrong way. Perhaps he contradicts his inner essence, goes against himself and does not trust his own intuition. Also, an inverted Laguz indicates that danger or trouble comes from a woman. Another meaning of the inverted rune Laguz is obstacles on the way, and the nature of the difficulties is shown by the nearest runes.

An analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

In the Slavic system, Laguz is Lelya, the daughter of Lada, the goddess of love and eternal youth. Lelya was portrayed as a river maiden, similar to a mermaid, the summer holiday of Kupala is associated with her. Being associated with the element of water, Lelya saves a person from all evil, washes away his sorrows and sorrows, and in return gives beauty and love. There are many water-related holidays in Russian culture and traditions, but Kupala is perhaps the most famous of them. During the Mermaid Week, girls and boys dance, sing songs in honor of Lelya and Lada, swim in the river and jump over a fire built in honor of Lelya's brother, the god Yarovit. Fire and water are eternal opposites, symbols of male and female, connecting with each other, help fertility. Couples were created on Kupala, young people gave each other love without any condemnation or doubt. Everything that Lelya blesses was considered pure and good.

The use of the Laguz rune in magic

Laguz is a rune of premonition, intuition, it helps to develop these qualities, which is very important for a magician. It has a cleansing effect and is used in cleansing from negativity, as well as for healing from physical illnesses. Laguz harmonizes the flows of the energy body and opens the paths, removing obstacles from them. With it, you can open, for example, a cash flow, get out of a streak of bad luck, attract new love.

The god Njord, with whom this rune is associated, is the father of the twins Freya and Freyr, the goddess of love and the god of fertility. He himself is from the family of the Vanir, from the country of abundance - Vanaheim. The waters subject to him store innumerable riches, and he generously gives to those who ask. He can also endow those who turn to him with love, if he asks. The Laguz rune will help women become more attractive and feminine, make peace if they are in a quarrel, and strengthen relationships with their loved ones. It will cleanse from the evil eye and other people's envy, give strength and vitality, help overcome fears and doubts, learn to feel people better.

Laguz is one of the so-called "surf runes" used to receive protection and help at sea: during navigation, fishing and a military campaign. They were used "to save the ships that sail," says the "Speech of Sigrdriva," a well-known traditional text. There is also an “instruction for the use” of these special signs: “... draw on the bow, on the steering wheel and burn it on the oars ... you will land unharmed.”

In divination, Laguz is definitely a good sign, it means movement, slow but sure, feelings, purification. Inverted indicates obstacles in any business.

For love and relationships

If a relationship is dealt with, the Laguz rune is one of the most favorable in love: it means strong feelings, tenderness, reconciliation, attraction and the path to each other. The appearance of reverse Laguz portends problems and obstacles in a relationship. In fortune-telling for a relationship for a man, she can mean his beloved, since this is a female rune. Her environment will tell about the nature of feelings.


  1. Gebo- mutual strong feelings;
  2. Hyères- love will not be interrupted, feelings will not run out, they are strong and stable;
  3. Nautiz- sincere love will help overcome any obstacles;
  4. Eyvaz- a person is ready for anything for the object of his love, made him the center of his world;
  5. TurisazEverything looks good, but there are pitfalls in the relationship.

For business and work

For business people, this rune is also a good sign: work and career will go uphill, new useful connections and projects are possible that will bring money in the future. This is a sign of the imminent appearance of money from a variety of sources.


  1. Soulou, Fehu- soon it is worth waiting for a big profit;
  2. Evaz- things will go better, all processes will accelerate;
  3. Raido- profit will be brought by business alliances with partners from other cities or countries;
  4. Isa- temporary difficulties may arise, it is worth waiting out this period (the problems will go away on their own, as the ice melts in the spring).

To health

Laguz is associated with all body fluids: blood, lymph and others. As a cause of illness, it can mean infections that are transmitted through the blood and circulate in the body, excess water - edema, or dehydration - upside down.


  1. Kennaz, Turisaz- swelling due to injury, fracture;
  2. Berkana- the origin of life, pregnancy;
  3. Hyères- problems with digestion;
  4. Inguz- male genitourinary system, kidneys;
  5. Uruz- vascular problems, high or low blood pressure.

Why do you need an amulet with the rune Laguz

Talismans and amulets with the Laguz rune, alone or in combination with other runes of the Elder Futhark, are suitable for those who practice magic: they help develop intuition, neutralize light negativity, and energize. For an ordinary, non-practicing person, a pendant with Laguz will help to become more harmonious, tune in to the forces of nature and the Universe, attract life's blessings and open paths.

Should I get a tattoo with the rune Laguz

Since the effect of this rune is very soft, a tattoo with it will not hurt, especially it will be useful to those who constantly deal with the sea and water, which means they are under the auspices of Njord. This rune helps to strengthen the connection with the god of the sea, brings good luck and keeps on the way, helps develop intuition and makes a person more sensitive to impending danger.

Laguz advises to trust your premonitions and not to miss what comes into your own hands. As the Indian proverb says:

“If you look at the river for a long time, sooner or later the corpse of your enemy will float along it”

Also, Laguz gives advice to go with the flow or follow the flow, not to make active efforts, but simply not to interfere with what happens by itself.

The warning of this rune - do not underestimate the power of water, because it sharpens even a stone. What seems soft and weak can suddenly become all-encompassing and inevitable. Also, do not joke with the sea - you need to treat it with respect and reverence.