Sea bass in Dukanu. Fish in the oven in Dukanu. Duan: Fish - Life Energy Recipe

Is it possible to salt fish, what kinds of fat and low-fat fish are allowed on a diet, for what preferably our fish dish - our article will answer all these questions.

It is included in the list of permitted products, about which Pierre Dukan told in detail in his book "I do not know how to lose weight." A sufficient number of fish dishes is present in its work "350 diet diet recipes". Which fish can and even use it, and from what better to give up in favor of your figure?

Non-fat varieties are allowed absolutely everything. This is a heck, cod, crucian, skate, bream, halibut, trout, pike perch, kefal, flounder and others. Strict restrictions on the type of treatment are also not. You can buy both fresh and frozen, smoked, frozen fish. Without ban also canned food and low-headed dishes. Like other products, on dukana diet fish, of course, fry with the addition of oil or fat can not.

The permitted list includes crab sticks, which, judging by their composition, are made of fish. However, few people know that most of the manufacturers of this product will be allowed for the preparation of wands of labor and other fish residues. "Crab meat" is considered harmful because of the abundance of additives.

Many adherents of "Dukhanovka" complain that fish dishes are not saturated in the same way as meat. This is a fair remark, because the texture of fish meat is much less dense than meat. If you encounter such a problem, pay attention to the following dense and satisfying varieties.

  • Tuna is a universal fish for a variety of dishes. When there is no time to cook, you can pamper yourself with the finished conservation of the tuna in our own juice.
  • Marine bass is an excellent option that without oil will be even more fragrant and tasty.
  • Sea damn - an unusual grade with texture, on the density of resembling meat. Damage is not easy to cook. First, it requires a long wrinkle in the marinade, then at least 40 minutes of thermal processing.
  • Fish-sword is a relatively expensive option. But many losing weights give to her taste and amazing ability to quickly sink hunger.

Duucan baked fish

Ways to bake fish so that it is delicious and non-caloric, very much. We will offer a recipe for which it takes some time and effort, but such a fish in the oven in Duucan will be very gentle and appetizing.


  • fillet of any fish;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce;
  • greens, salt.

To baked, you need a foil that will not release the magnificent fragrance of the finished dish. Ship her baking sheet, wipe the surface with a napkin moistened in vegetable oil.

Place a grated carrot, a large onion and greens. Wash fish fillet, salt, big slices (and even better) lay out on the "pillow" from vegetables. Tomatoes do rather large. If the tomatoes are small, it will be enough to cut them into 4 parts. Put tomatoes next to the fish. Snaw all the dish with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped greens.

Wrap the foil fillet, press the corners well and send to the oven for 20 minutes.

Duucan stewed fish


  • any fish - 0.8 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • low-fat kefir - 1.5 glasses;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt, spices.

Divide and purified fish are divided into large parts. In a deep frying pan, place the crushed onions, carrots and from above on vegetables - fish. Sung down, add spices. Kefir Mix with 50 ml of water and fill with this dish sauce. Cover the frying pan with a lid, extinguish 30 minutes.

Duan Fish in Multicooker

Thanks to a set of modes, a multicark is able to create real wonders with fish. One steamer mode allows you to get dietary fish cutlets and a gentle fish under the most different sauces. How to make fish in Duucan on a couple in a slow cooker? Especially good in this role will be salmon, which will give you the real pleasure of fish taste even without additional ingredients.


  • salmon - 4 steaks;
  • water;
  • salt, spices.

Large salmon slices well spread out the seasonings and spare a little. In the bowl of the multicooker, pour water, install a special larch nozzle and lay out fish on it. Turn on the "Creamer to a pair" mode and take the prepaid dish by the finishing signal.

Simple sauces will make salmon even more refined. Try before cooking to lower the fish in a natural yogurt without sugar. The second option is to deceive the steaks with a whipped egg and cut into bran.

White Duucan Sauce for Fish

Fish is often served with sauces, among which is almost almost ideal for any variety. Dyucana diet allows you to enjoy this dish, making a white sauce absolutely harmless to the figure.


  • yolk chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • degreased natural yogurt - 100 g;
  • low-fat milk - 100 ml;
  • salt, black pepper.

Add salt and pepper into your milk, then pour it into a tank with yolks, constantly stirring it. Add yogurt, carefully slow down to obtain a homogeneous composition. To warm up the sauce, use the water bath. Serve sauce to any fish dishes. His taste is even more piquant, the taste will make the roots, which can be chopped very finely and add to the mixture before the feed itself on the table.

Fly Cake with Fish Duan

Such a pie is difficult to spoil, it can even be at the beginning of the hosts. At the exit you will get an unusually gentle and juicy dish.

Ingredients for dough:

  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • wheat bran - 2 tbsp.;
  • - 4 tbsp.;
  • degreased kefir - 150 ml;
  • yeast - 11 g (standard packaging);
  • bustyer - 0.5 ch. l.;
  • saharo substitute - 1 tablet;
  • salt, spices.

Ingredients for filling:

  • chicken egg - 5 pcs.;
  • canned fish in their own juice - 1 bank;
  • onions - 1 pc.

For the test, connect all the components, mix thoroughly, place it in a warm place and leave for 40 minutes. Eggs for filling need to cook. Finely barely barely, canned meal with a knife or fork. Onions Cut and fry on a non-stick surface. Mix with fish and eggs.

In the form, pour the test layer (approximately half of the total), distribute the stuffing on it and fill the remaining test. If you use small forms, you will get interesting "cupcakes with fish in Duucan." Bake the pie at 180 degrees for half an hour.

There are people who do not like meat, and their taste preferences are given to fish. True, it is a very tasty treat, which is rich in various useful substances that simply can not be neglected. Many diets advise to eat only boiled and only some varieties. On the diet Dukana, you can make a huge set of recipes that will delight you with your originality and simplicity. You can not only enjoy your favorite dish, but also cook it without spending a lot of effort.

Oven sea baked in the oven

  • Sea bass - 1 kg.;
  • Salt pepper.

Marine bass is very useful and refers to such fish that are not fat. They can be used in most diets and feed small children. This fish is preparing in the oven without any effort.

  1. You should clean it for hand, separate fins and tail. Then salt is on both sides and pepper.
  2. Put in the oven. It should be heatled up to 180 degrees and cook around the hour. If you want to appear a crispy crust, remove the foil and prepare about 10 minutes.
  3. Baked sea perch is obtained very tasty and easy to prepare. Perfect for both lunch and breakfast. You can feed it with any garnish.

Fried perch marine

  • Sea bass - 2 pcs.;
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs;
  • Rosemary: 1 ChL.;
  • Salt pepper.

Getting cooking:

If you prepare the right sea bass, then it will be very pleasant to smell and it will be gentle and very pleasant to taste. With frying, you will have a delicious crispy crust, and inside it will have very gentle meat.

  1. First you need to rinse it and clean it well. Cut into a few pieces as you want. And make marinade.
  2. Marinade is being done as follows: Put fish on a plate Salt, pepper, add rosemary, lemon juice and mix well. Leave marinated for half an hour.
  3. Then fry the perch from both sides, first without a lid, and then 4 minutes under the lid. Serve a ready-made dish with a vegetable side dish or with any other, at your discretion.

Fish in Duucan for the Attack Stage

What do you need:

  • fish (for your taste) - 1 kg.
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • dry garlic;
  • salt pepper;
  • milk 0% fat.
  1. First you need to fry onions to a golden crust, then clean the fish, cut into pieces and put in the pan, adding salt, pepper and garlic.
  2. Pour low-fat milk and continue to extinguish until readiness. The fish prepared on Duucan diet to the attack stage will be a wonderful dish, it can also be prepared in the subsequent.

Duucan baked fish

For cooking you need to take:

  • Fillet of any fish (you can trout or salmon, the sea bass is suitable);
  • Salt pepper;
  • Skim cheese;
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces;

Prepare is as follows:

  1. Heat the oven to 150 degrees, lay the fish, onion, sliced \u200b\u200bwith pieces, salt and pepper, if desired, you can sprinkle with lemon juice, put the cottage cheese.
  2. We put in the oven for weak fire. You can cook about 40 minutes until your dish is completely prepared.
  3. Suitable for both the attack stage and subsequent. Improve yourself and close to the original recipe.

For fish recipes, we can also try to experiment themselves, for example, bake fish with vegetables, fry, adding different stuffing.

Calorie: 471.85
Proteins / 100g: 13.37
Carbohydrates / 100g: 1.55

Wonderful recipes from Duucan protein diet will help combine the dish great taste, speed cooking and maximum benefit. Fish, fried in a bran from Bran, will suit those who are currently at the first stage of the Duucan diet "Attack". During this period, there is a sharp weight loss and you need to eat exclusively protein food.
You can learn more about what it consists.
Also, this recipe can be applied in the second stage of the diet - alternation. It is already allowed to combine protein food with fresh vegetables, so the fish prepared in this way with a light salad will pleasantly delight and will not add excess weight. Fried in a beater from Bran Fish will like not only to those who observe Duucan diet, but also to fans to eat. Well, will you prepare?

Fried fish in Dukanu - recipe with photos in steps.
- fish fillet (better perch) - 1 piece,
- salt and ground black pepper - to its taste,
- juice lemon - 1 teaspoon,
- chicken Egg - 1 piece,
- bran oatmeal - 3 tablespoons,
- olive oil (For lubricating the frying pan) - ½ teaspoon.

How to cook at home

Wash the fish fillet thoroughly, dry a little paper towel, cut into pieces.

Fold in a bowl, trigge the pepper and salt to your liking, sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Take two separate bowls. In one of them, with the help of a fork or kitchen bog, take the chicken egg to the foamy state. In the second pour oat bran (if you think they are too large, you can grind them with a blender).

Now take the usual plug, score a piece of fish fillet on it, see first into bran, then in the scrambled egg foam and immediately put on a hot pan. Quickly do with all the pieces.

On a strong fire, fry the fish on both sides, and after the weak to bring it to the finished state. So simple and tasty is preparing fried fish for Duucan diet.


It is important to remember that Duucan diet completely eliminates the use of all sorts of oils. Therefore, if the frying pan coating (non-stick), fry the fish completely without oil. Or use no more than half of the teaspoon only for light lubrication of the skillet surface.

It requires very strict adherence to all recommendations. This is especially important at its very beginning - at the stage of attack. This phase involves consuming exclusively dishes with a high protein content. The list of allowed products is sufficiently zuda - here is low-fat meat, bird, seafood, eggs, something from dairy and fish.

Whole 24 allowed fish varieties will help make menus a variety and every day try new recipes. Even the use of relatively oily salmon and sardines, crab sticks and caviar are allowed. It gives a huge scope for culinary art, and considering that the fish is the most valuable food product, the attack phase will become useful.

Canned soup

Diet in Dukanu is one of the few allowing canned food. There are recipes delicious dishes of them. We can prepare soup. To do this, you will need:

  • 300 g of any canned fish (necessarily in their own juice);
  • average bulbs;
  • bunch of dill, salt, pepper and a little laurel sheet to taste;
  • 1 liter of water.
  1. Water must boil and add a finely chopped onion, pepper and bay leaf. Five minutes later, add fish, pre-soften directly in the jar along with juice. We welcome five more minutes and add dill.

Red Fish for Stage Attack

Time for the preparation of low-headed salmon will require more - about two days. There are different recipes - we will choose the most delicious and simple. You will need:

  • 1 kilogram salmon fillet,
  • 5 tablespoons of sea salt, preferably large,
  • black pepper ground,
  • fresh dill,
  • 50 g vodka,
  • little juice raw beets.
  1. Fillet must be divided into two parts and moisten a little vodka and beet juice (can be without it).
  2. Then one half of the skin on the food film, we sprinkle half a portion of the salt and pepper, lay out dill, and it is necessary to put a second piece of skin fillet to it.
  3. Then add the rest of the salt, and wrap everything into the film. The next 48 hours our salmon will be in the refrigerator.

At the stage of attack it is served as an independent dish, and then you can add greens, pancakes or capers. There are also special bread recipes for a protein diet.

Fillet cod.

Fish in Dukanu Recipes Attack most often baked in the oven. For this purpose, the cod fillets is well suited. It is easily absorbed, possesses low calorie and it turns out very gentle and fragrant. With him the attack will be pleasant and useful.

For the preparation of the original dish for the attack stage, you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of cod fillet;
  • 0.25 kg of degreased cottage cheese;
  • 50 g mustard;
  • lemon juice;
  • two mid-bulbs;
  • salt pepper.
  1. One bulb is finely cut and mix with lemon juice. The second cut a little larger and pass on the water on medium heat.
  2. Cottage cheese mix with mustard, and then add onions with lemon juice. Solim and Pepper to taste.
  3. Now it's time to turn on the oven so that it warms up to 180 degrees. And during this time we take a baking sheet, cover it with foil and uniformly decay the cod fillets.
  4. Then poured the curd mixture and top with a passioned bow. We all down together with foil and bake for 25 minutes.

Some recipes provide for the addition of parsley. It will make the aroma and taste of dishes more sophisticated.

Pate from Mackerel

Fish pate - the perfect dish for the phase of the attack diet in Dukanu. You can cook it from the mackerel - goody Productallowing to reduce cholesterol in the blood, improve the heart of the heart and strengthen the bones. For our paste, you will need.

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Prepare the main fish dish in such a way completely simple and most importantly - quickly. We are talking About roasted fish in Dukanu. For those who follow their weight, this recipe is just a find, since, you see, fry fish in a small amount of oil, without panicing, and that at the same time it remains delicious, juicy and appetizing, quite difficult.

Nevertheless, in this recipe, a culinary reception is used, which just allows you to prepare such a gentle and at the same time good fish. Firstly, the fish must be well dropped (preferably without heat treatment) and before roasting for 10-15 minutes it must be salted and sprinkle with lemon juice - so it will become more gentle and faster. And secondly, the prepared pieces of fish need to be branched in a breaking egg, and this will allow the fish to remain juicy and gentle under a slightly ruddy crust of the egg. We remind you that in the past we prepared.

Such a fish can be drawn to rice or vegetable salad.

- Fish (heck, fresh-frozen),
- Egg chicken (table) - 1 pc. for every 700-800 r fish,
- Salt (marine, small), spices, lemon juice,
- oil (vegetable, for lubricating frying pan).

Recipe with photo step by step:

To begin with defrosting the fish necessarily in natural conditions, without the use of hot water, oven or microwave ovenOtherwise, she will lose most of their taste and organoleptic qualities.

Then we separate the fish (cut the fins, clean the belly from the black film) and cut into small pieces.

We sprinkle their salt, spices (you can use a set of spices for fish) and water the lemon juice, mix with spices and leave for 15 minutes to marinen.

Lubricate hot frying pan with a brush.

Then we break the egg to uniformity

And fool the fish from all sides in this weight.

Lay out the fish on a frying pan and fry on moderate heating from all sides, including ends (if a slice of fish has a greater thickness),

Moving it several times, until complete readiness.

Last time we prepared