Girl fish guy cancer. Cancer and fish: compatibility in loving relationships and marriage. Fish and cancer: compatibility of signs. Characteristics of cancer relationship men and female women

Both of them, and female fish, and man-cancer belong to the elements of water, which determines their values \u200b\u200band views. They dream of gentle, deep, trusting relations in which they can reveal - on the one hand, and feel protected - on the other. Both of them can provide each other and trust, and love, but here it will be much worse with the practical side of relationships. Both of them are somewhat infantile, impractical, so when the first love period will fall, they can be disappointed that no one takes responsibility and does not behave as an adult. And both more like to be swept and protected, so in fact they need stronger partners than themselves. However, mutual understanding between them is really good, it is convenient and comfortable together, so that these relationships can be long and strong enough - if, of course, they both will ignore those problems that are still there.

Their sexual relationship will be deep, interesting and diverse. Fantasy female fish and men-cancer are always very unusual, their sexual desires are based on a solid foundation. From how well they understand each other, the quality of their intimate life depends. And with understanding, we usually do not have problems, as both are pretty good psychologists, but with energetic and initiative again, not enough. When they get tired of tenderness of each other, they will most likely be unable to behave assertively and even rudely. Of course, both of them will complement other partners, but together the female fish and man-cancer can indulge in tenderness and depth, until they are happy.

Family and marriage

And female fish, and especially man-cancer dream of a family. They generally love everything where they can draw peace and be protected, and the family is just that place. Perhaps they make marriage at a fairly early age, but soon realize that each of them needs a more serious partner, stronger morally, and not physically. If they come together in a mature age, there will be more chances of a harmonious marriage: both female fish, and a man-cancer acquire wisdom and the necessary experience, allowing them to compensate for the lack of initiative and energetic. However, for a female fish such a problem may not be, because it is not allowed to be ashamed of his true female nature.

They will be friends and comfortable to be friends: they will understand each other with a half-clow. They will definitely have common hobbies - a woman-woman and a man-cancer will be very interesting together. They will be able to tell everything that is happening in their soul, because they truly trust each other.

Work and business

Successfully work together, they will succeed, perhaps, only in the field of creativity. The fact is that both female fish, and a man-cancer possess an overtime imagination: they will be able to create something new, beautiful, deeply - it will be especially good if they combine efforts. But from the point of view of practicalism, their working tandem will not be highly evaluated, but it does not matter: they will ask for help from their more "earthly" comrades.

The guys have a lot in common, especially from the point of view of emotional compatibility. This pair can build a long relationship. This connection is not held on sex, it is based on deep feelings. A huge role also plays a comfortable communication, an exchange of ideas and so on. Since both heroes are water signs, a powerful mental connection is formed instantly.

Should I marry a man with a woman with a woman fish? Do these bright characters drive? Will the guys manage to organize a joint job? Learn details in our article.

Man Cancer Woman Fish Compatible in Love

Fish woman charismatic, affectionate, wise, graceful, bold. The lady inspires a man of cancer, believes in him, supports, pushes to the philosophical reasoning, thoughts about spiritual.

The guy, in turn, helps the chosen to focus on more specific things, such as the family.
Fish is the perfect companion for her cancer man. Lady soberly assesses its qualities, perfectly knows his own pros and cons, clearly understands the needs of the partner. She guarantees him devotion, loyalty, promises loyalty. Next to the woman fish cancer feels unique, interesting, special. Lady is painting a young man. He wants to make beautiful actions, give gifts, say compliments of the chosensee.

Compatibility of man cancer and female fish favorable. The lady tries to make a happy young man. It warms love, pamper chosen.

Cancer - a real gentleman, will experience clean bliss from the possibility of being with fish. The guy is proud of his lady, he sincerely admire.

Man Cancer Fish Fish: Character Features

In cancers a great sense of humor. In particular, thanks to him they like to call them. For the day, the mood guys may change several times. It scares a little, but the female of the fish will be able to accept a similar situation. Do not diverge because of such little things? Cancer good man. In the end, everyone has shortcomings. Some minuses can even turn into pluses.

So, the unpredictability of the man of cancer intrigues the girl of the fish. She solves the chosen one, as if interesting rebus.

The girl is also not a simple person. It is necessary to find an approach. What is actually a problem? Some fish live in their fantastic world, they are real dreamers and tend to accept impractical solutions. How to be in this case? There is a way out: you need to try carefully to return your chosen to reality. It is necessary to help the girl put legs back to the ground (you can not constantly fly in the clouds) and start conducting a productive and useful life.

Cancer Compatibility Men and Fish Fish in Sex

Sex lovers excellent. Powerful attraction, bright sensations, extraordinary sensitivity accompany the moment of proximity.
Each of the characters understand the sexual needs of another and trying to satisfy them as much as possible. Cancers, do not forget, fish emotional personalities and do not greet the proximity without love. Seductive girl remember: she is really looking for a husband, a faithful satellite, a reliable friend. The guy for one night she is definitely not needed.

Fish girls keep pile of thoughts in her head. So that the internal monologues subsided in the bedroom, a special atmosphere is needed. Organize a romantic setting, burn the aromatic candle, say compliments, do not skimp on the words of love.

Remember: Fish woman needs a prelude, caress to give her great pleasure. Lady is ready for experiments, but she has a favorite pose. Guess? That's right, rider. Lama likes to be on top, she loves having sex in bed, on a chair, on the floor.

Your chosen understands you, makes you laugh out loud, sincerely loves and respects? Run to buy a ring! Marriage man cancer Woman fish - will be excellent. You both are created for a cozy life, you like to create and take care.

How do the tandem experts on astrology characterize? Cancer is a typical family man, and fish is an ideal wife, a beautiful mistress.
He understands her well, she flourished in front of his care. With a reliable man, lady's cancer allows himself to relax. Before marriage, she solved a lot herself. Behind the spouse, a woman feels in full safety. Fish girl envelops his beloved caress, gives heat, inspires, supports. The young lady is always on the side of her husband. Cancer knows: He can count on the help of his wife at any moment. She is nearly constantly. If not physically, then morally. This is incredibly important.

Fabulously happy in marriage there will be people who come together after 30 years. They will become wise, experienced spouses with common goals and dreams. What problems will face partners?

Husband cancer will want to rule over his wife. It does not like the girl, she is both hands for equality. Lady will try to convey its position. But Cancer is not used to dividing love and property. It is fundamentally important for him to possess a loved one. The lack of personal freedom is a patient the topic that must be discussed.

In any tandem there are ups, falls and even deep crises. To overcome them helps real love, in this union it is a driving force. This powerful feeling is painted, give the strength to live. Is it necessary to marry the guys? Yes. Yes, and a thousand times yes.

Cancer Male Fish Woman: What problems can be faced with a couple?

And in harmonious unions there are difficulties. In this tandem, problems sometimes appear due to the characteristics of the characters of heroes. The crayfish and fish are not too much in common with stability. The guys can easily and simply change the course of thoughts and change the course in life. For the relationship to flourish and become stronger, both signs should strive to avoid excessive sentimentality and try to move in one direction.

You also need to be prepared for poor fish mood. Sometimes the girl regrets himself and suffers from depression. Misfortune, despair and uncertainty quickly pass. The young lady receives the desired portion of support from the chosen one and comes soon returns to normal rhythm. Even the greatest difficulties do not allow a woman to get out of themselves. She does not roll scandals, does not blame, not hysteriate.

Dream about a strong family? Create the correct foundation at the very beginning of the relationship, discuss the borders, arrange priorities, formulate common goals and work on their embodiment every day.

Cancers, you are incredibly sharp into the tongue, but try not to wander the word fragile female fish. She relatively quickly forgives and forgets light insults and misunderstandings. It is positive for a relationship, of course. But it is better not to experience fate. Take care of the dear heart of a person, do not hurt him.

Do not deny the availability of difficulties, discuss the problems with the parent, together look for possible solutions. Did you get a deadlock? Family psychologist will help to understand.

Try to diversify sex life. Surprise your favorite woman, consider using special toys. Bright impressions in beds magically strengthen a couple.

Control your mood. Your round-the-clock emotional swing sometimes seriously annoying a woman's female.
Watch out for the emotional state of the girl. The young lady is super-sensitive, often immersed in his inner world and sometimes it seems a little distant from reality. You need to learn to return the chosen to the ground. How to do it? Using the right, delicate phrases.

Do not place your parent frame. Lady agrees to sincere affection, the total control scares it.
First think, then act. Injustice and lack of respect can push the woman to rupture relations.

Carefully weigh in front of a certain act. Remember: the effects of emotional solutions are different, in particular sad.

Got acquainted with a woman's fish? Do not doubt, you make friends.
Rapprochement will contribute to similar hobbies and the desire of the girl to speak. The lady will tell a cancer that he worries her soul, share joy and pain. The lady and herself will love to hear, will support, will help the council.

For guys in priority sincerity and comfort in communication, they try to maintain consent. In this union, confidence reigns. No one hides the feeling here, does not pretend, does not wear masks.

Friendship is a special talent. Fish and crayfish them possess.

Will the woman work the fish male cancer?

Cancer, you are an unusually hardworking person, work a lot to achieve success, post up one hundred percent to accumulate big money. You definitely can not be called wasteful, you carefully retain and talentedly multiply the capital.

The girl of the fish has an infinite fantasy. The lady is able to come up with a cool idea and can develop a detailed plan of its implementation. Connect to the process, together there is a chance to make a successful and profitable project with meaning. Do not know what is better to focus? Try to focus on creativity. In this area there is a big luck. Collect a powerful command. Be sure to attract the Taurus, think about cooperation with the Virgin and Capricorn. The guys will help to cope with major tasks.

Compatibility Cancer Male Fish Woman: What do astrologists say?

Of course, you are interested, what compatibility is a man cancer woman fish! According to astrologers, the chances are not just good, but high. We are talking about 83 percent of 100. Agree, an excellent indicator. With a competent approach to building relationships, it will be possible to create an unbreakable union.

Please note: cancers are most compatible with fish women born in the period from March 1 to March 10. In this tandem, harmony is already felt at the very beginning. The fish are especially lucky with cancers that appeared on the world from July 4 to July 13.

See the video in which Renata Raevskaya astrologer answers the most intriguing readers:

Representatives of the aquatic signs of the zodiac have each other to communicate, but they can overestimate their degree of similarity, after which it is disappointed. At first glance, they perfectly understand and feel each other, but in fact it may turn out that they have not so much in common. Fish often give their fantasies for reality than misleading cancer, and the latter will upset fish with rigidity of its nature, while it looks soft and compliant.

The main originality of the relationship of this couple is that the Union, where the cancer is a man, is practically doomed to failure. In a pair of women, cancer and men fish compatibility are close to ideal.

Man cancer and female fish

A woman born under the sign of the fish, in society a man of cancer is unlikely to be comfortable. If this pair does not associate common affairs or love relationships, the pressure from cancer is not so significantly. Surface communication of fish and cancer can even be pleasant, especially at the initial stage of the relationship, but the feeling of the similarity of natur for both may be false.

♋ + ♓: in love

Unwanted Soyuz - Cancer guy attract sensitive and emotional girls who are able to love sincerely. If the girl's fish is in love, she can go into a love ohwow with head and endow the elect by the qualities that are inherent only in a fabulous prince. The guy cancer is an ordinary person, with his advantages and disadvantages, so a romantic and tender girl can be disappointed in it, but this will not happen immediately. At first, the bowl of her patience should be more than overflowing.

The guy cancer himself is not an ideal, but very picky on the characteristics of the nature of other people. It will be annoyed by excessive society, dreaminess, frivolity. Fish girl is pretty self-critical, so the guy's discontent will be taken closer than it deserves. A young man will easily convince her in the need for self-improvement, and she, moving guilt, will allow him to behave selfishly.

The result of the relationship is most often like this - the guy will pass and will be tyranny, and her eyes will open on his negative features. From the love connection, nothing good will remain, and two are to blame for this. The guy cancer did not appreciate sincere love, and the girl of the fish made a disrespectful attitude towards himself.

♋ + ♓: married

Unwanted Soyuz - Usually, the fish woman agrees earlier on the proposal of the hand and hearts, which has time to learn how to learn the groom. She believes in fabulous love, in the existence of the second half, and the thoughts of married infidelity and marriage do not attend it. The representative of this sign of the zodiac is clear to the soul, and from those surrounding waiting for the same. If she is young and previously not burned, marriage with a man cancer will quickly return her from heaven to sinful land.

The spouse is not satisfied with his wife as a hostess, but not because she is lazy, just their ideas about comfort and the procedure differ significantly. Fish woman does not like cluster in the house of dust, dirt, unnecessary items. She can throw out the husband's things that he is not wearing for several years, for which it will be accused of impracticality - after all, it could still come in handy! For cancer, it is more important that everything is in their places, and his wife does not oppress his wife.

In this family, the breadthrough is a husband. Most often, he lacks stars from the sky, but a worthy standard of living is capable of creating. Having trusting his salary once, he would be terrified at what speed she spent money. There will be a big quarrel, after which it will be disposed of money alone.

Household quarrels are not the most unpleasant. Men crayfish much more often than representatives of other signs of the zodiac change their wives. For his spouse, it will become a serious mental trauma, most likely she will give a divorce. Even if he is faithful to her, sooner or later, the wife gets tired to endure regular quirks, and the relationship will come to the relationship.

♋ + ♓: in friendship

Good compatibility - incompatibility in everyday life does not have a relationship, so the fish girl and the guy cancer can become friends. As representatives of one, water element, they will always find something to talk about. The girl will always encourage the buddy, inclined to exaggerate and fall into depression, and he is surrounding her concern. There are only one nuispens to friends - they can get carried away with each other, and become no friends, but lovers. Taking into account poor compatibility in personal relationship, it is better not to do that.

Man Fish and Woman Cancer

Unlike the previous couple, a man of fish and a woman of cancer are in many ways similar, and as it gets better, it is better to get better. These people will find a common language, even if they met at the most favorable circumstances. Of the former rivals, they can easily become friends and support for each other. Mutual sympathy is so great that even if they do not unite into a loving couple, their relationship will try to save. More than one who is located to himself, both of course meet will be difficult.

♓ + ♋: In love relationships

Perfect para - In this pair, there is no unrequency of feelings, there is no seducer and tricks of his tricks. Rabbar occurs in itself. Girl Cancer and Fish Guy very much to each other. Having become acquainted with random circumstances, they can forget that they hurried somewhere that someone is waiting for them ...

If one of this couple has a working life, his second half will have to be disadvantaged. The guy of the fish and the girl cancer spend together more and more time, first under the pretext of friendship or general affairs, and then they stop looking at the explanations for those who interfere with this relationship. In love with a pair will still be, they just want to be together.

Both cancer and fish tend to keep inner experiences, their secrets and weakness deep in the shower. Together they will be easily, mutual trust appears immediately, young people will become liberated and talkative, but only in each other's society. Most often, this love relationship leads to the creation of a family, which promises to be friendly and strong.

♓ + ♋: married

Perfect para - a man of fish and a woman of cancer after the wedding is awaiting a quiet life and trusting relationships. Quarrels with scandals are excluded, because both signs of the zodiac are not related to conflict, and there are no serious reasons for swearing spouses. Representatives of the water element are very layming up in choosing a satellite of life, so you will prefer to appreciate the good that they have. They actually have something to go.

For her husband, the household sides of life is not the main, but the owl of the spouse will appreciate. The decisive factor here is not order in the house and a delicious dinner, but the ability of a woman of cancer dispose of money. Such families rarely live richly. Successes in the career of men of fish, if they happen, thanks to the luck or coincidence. His spouse usually has a permanent job with a small, but stable income. Fish do not know how to save, and are able to spend all the money in a couple of days, for which there was a whole month. If someone is able to convince him (but not to force) soberly evaluate its financial capabilities, then it can only be a woman cancer. Over time, the material standard of life of the spouses will improve significantly.

Based on the theory of sexual compatibility, fish and cancer are in the first place from each other in compliance with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal partner. Their intimate life is interesting and diverse, and mutual sexual attraction does not risen with time to fade.

The marriage of a woman's cancer and men of fish will most likely become the only one in the life of both. Spouses are not inclined to treason, lingering and scandals, and since both will trust and relaxed atmosphere, will hold on to each other.

♓ + ♋: in friendship

Good compatibility - Friendship of the guy of fish and the girl of cancer is possible only in the presence of kinship. In all other cases, their communication is based on the emerging mutual sympathy, and friendship is nothing to do with it. If one of this couple is married, the second will be near him, perhaps even trying to arrange a personal life in parallel. As soon as both are gaining freedom, goes into love relationships.

Video: Cancer ♋ Zodiac Sign

Video: Fish ♓ Zodiac Sign

This man seems to her a mystery that so want to guess. His naive eyes for her also something unusual. Despite his shyness, she is ready to go first to meet the first time and usually they make the first step together, as there is a fairly close connection between them, which will definitely fall into the durable and long relationship. Their many qualities repeat each other, and this is also the opportunity for better mutual understanding.

Cancer and Fish Compatibility in Love

Love for both meaning of life, so they are looking for her and find in each other. Their compatibility in love is ideal, but everyone has their own ideals. She is looking for a real prince, and he is a feminine and gentle woman like her. Relations between them resemble a full-water river or the ocean in which they feel comfortable and convenient. Both romance, so their feelings will be sworn in tenderness and understanding.

However, they can wait for pitfalls when it outlines crisis moments in the mood. He may not understand her, and she will silently search for the reason for cooling. At such moments, it is worth just to move aside and wait until the black period goes. In turn, it is susceptible to melancholy, which, however, is not reflected in their relationship. She just becomes less talkative, but always open to him.

Compatibility of cancer and fish in marriage

Marriage between them is not a rare business. Their novel will unfold not too rapid because of his shyness and her desire to be slave. But still they can come to a serious ending of the novel. And here they begin their first difficulties. He is looking for comfort in the house, and she cannot break away from the romance of feelings. Some disharmony cools their feelings, but they will be able to overcome it by long and confidential conversations.

After the study of each other, they will be able to come to understand, and their marriage will become harmonious. But up to this point, they will need to go through a difficult path to understanding. The birth of children and their upbringing imposes on them new responsibilities that they perform with joy. He is an excellent father, and she is an exemplary mother. And both are proud of children and each other. Respect and deep friendship is replacing a fervor passion, making their marriage durable and for life.

Cancer and fish compatibility in bed

Intimate relations between them are full of harmony. He understands all her gestures and views, and she enjoys his tenderness and knightly behavior. It is this combination that captures it most. That is why their relations in this area can be the basis for more serious. It is important for him to lead, and it is with her that he can become a chapter, and she is quite pleased with the role of the slave. Balance and gives rise to harmony.

But again, his dark moods can spoil relationships a little if it won't understand it and demand a different relationship. And he should not be afraid of her removed species. You just need to give her time to dream, be in your personal space. She is also restored rather quickly, they just need to learn to recognize such moments and respect them. Then intimate relationships will be filled with understanding and tenderness.

It is important to know the girls!

To come to such a relationship, they need to go through a considerable way. It will play a special role in this. After all, he is so shy and not always ready to make serious solutions in the field of relationships. She, too, do not need to make decisive steps, is enough to push him to this and he will do everything himself. Such wise behavior will retain harmony, allowing him to remain the main thing in relations, and she be a real woman.

Rak and fish

A wonderful combination that allows signs to create a harmonious and calm alliance. Both signs are drawn to each other, perfectly understand the interlocutor, are always on the same wave. However, despite the harmony, there are significant pitfalls in their relationship that not everyone may overcome.

Between these partners, sympathy is born at first glance. Especially if they have common interests and values. Although in some cases both partners choose friendly relations, love comes unexpectedly and quite often they find each other. Dates will quickly grow into a joint accommodation and lead to marriage, but it happens that the couples look at each other for a long time.

Roman is developing rapidly and after a while they begin to live together. Cancer and fish - the combination is very frequent. Marriages between them are quite durable, but these signs are better married when both are independent of their parents. The fact is that it is difficult for these signs to overcome the parent influence, so in young age, their unions are rarely strong, and disagreements often arise only because relatives or parents interfere with the relationship.

But, despite such difficulties, they perfectly understand each other, they have similar characters, temperaments, vital values \u200b\u200band ways to achieve goals. They are good together and their union becomes successful if both can overcome pitfalls in the relationship. Otherwise, relationships can be collapsed during the first year of joint residence or within 5 years.

Pluts Road: Muzchina-Rak and Innigin-Fish

These partners have a lot in common. A woman born under the sign of the fish, dreamed, closed, artistic, often has a talent in art or likes to restore order in the house so that it is cozy and beautiful. She does not like crowded, noisy parties and companies, to society rarely comes out without a husband, it is distinguished by devotion and constancy, if he finally decided on his companion of life.

In turn, the cancer also does not seek to leave the house, takes care of the family, it extremely rarely shows leadership qualities, direct pressure, and, like fish, does not like noisy companies and many friends. In addition, these partners may have the same addiction, interests and needs, even domestic animals they love the same. It is for this reason that it is easy for them to find harmony and understand each other.

  • understanding;
  • common views, desire and values;
  • desire for tenderness, romanticism;
  • same views on leisure, holidays, raising children;
  • calm, harmony;
  • lack of pressure and dictate;
  • common life goals;
  • general desire for home, comfort, comfort;
  • love for nature, pets;
  • loyalty and devotion to each other.


The disadvantages of this union begin to manifest themselves especially strongly, if both partners are dependent on parents and cannot withstand their pressure. Usually, cancer is passive, often for advice runs to his mother and in many matters behaves like a child, which is hardly to like the fish.

It happens that a woman is waiting for him to support, love and attention, manifestation of the qualities of a strong man, but cancer does not hurry to protect the woman and retreats in difficult minutes or attracts third parties to family conflicts, more often parents, friends or relatives. This may eventually lead to significant quarrels, especially if both sign are materially dependent on parents.

Another problem may be addicted to harmful habits, lack of independence and inability to resist difficulties. Fishes need a strong and volitional, but not an aggressive man who will gently control the family situation, and a cancer is a strong woman who has maternal qualities. It is for this reason that partners can hardly resist difficulties and can lead to a rupture.

  • the suggestion of both partners;
  • manipulating each other;
  • gradual accumulation of offended and complaints;
  • shifting guilt on each other;
  • attracting third parties, more often than parents;
  • the disclosability of one or both partners;
  • inability to withstand difficulties from outside;
  • jealousy men;
  • the lack of a wide circle of communication.

How to find a common language in a pair: Muzchina-Rak and Innigin-Fish

In order for the relationship to be durable, they need to be worthy of testing the time. Even if at the beginning of the relationship were good, romantic, then over time, passion can fade due to household difficulties or features of both partners.

The harmony between partners is originally, since cancers and fish are common interests, aspirations and values. They have about the same temperament, character, much in common, but long-term relationships can be collapsed due to mutual claims, manipulations and offensive. In addition, these partners are more difficult than to overcome the pressure of parents or interference of unauthorized persons.

The desire of both partners to the comfort and comfort can be an obstacle in life, interfere with developing and adapting to change, therefore the main task of this union becomes not acquiring harmony, but the ability to resist obstacles and pressure from the outside.

They need to learn independence, responsibility, get rid of the habit of manipulating, sick and shift responsibility to the partner, causing him a sense of guilt. Then the relationship will withstand the check time, boredom and will be able to overcome all obstacles. Moreover, between these partners rarely arise serious conflicts and misunderstanding.

Intertime Paras in Peaks: Muzchina-Rak and Inniginal Fish

These partners often become lovers. Especially if both partners are not free, dissatisfied with their marriage and are looking for warmth and understanding on the side. Most often it happens if the cancer or fish are under pressure from the second half and want harmony, loving and understanding partner. It happens that free partners choose a frivolous relationship, but this happens less often.

Most often, fish and cancer are in love with each other, but parents or their own material calculations interfere with them to connect. In bed, these partners perfectly complement each other. The only thing that can spoil such relationships is boredom and alcohol abuse. It should not expect that relations with a non-free partner will become romantic and lead to marriage. Cancer may occur with fish, burning love, but it is not decided to break with a legitimate wife, whatever it is.

Fish can also lead a double game for quite a long time, but even with strong love they rarely cast a family. It is for this reason that intimate relationships may lead to great suffering and accusations of a partner in indecision. By the way, among cancer, the situation is often not found when they are in a state of love do not decide to make an offer and marry on the settlement, often dictated parents.

Cancer and fish subconsciously pulls each other, especially if relations with regular partners did not work out or turned out to be conflict.

Calculate Paras in Break: Muzchina-Rak and Inniginal Fish

A good combination, if both partners are independent and independent of their parents. Cancer and fish perfectly understand each other, they have a lot in common, they easily solve household problems inside the family. Even after the stamp in the passport, romance continues in their relationship, and they always find something new and interesting in each other. The surrounding it seems that between them ideal relations, mutual love and harmony, that some people often cause envy.

It happens that one of the partners becomes attractive for an extraneous person so that the unfriendly wants to destroy his family relationships. And to set up caustic people against fish and, on the contrary, it is very simple, since both partners are sensitive and may differ with a dimity and suspicion. Very often, this leads to insults, quarrels and permanent jealousy, which ruins the relationship.

It happens that cancer does not cope with external difficulties, so it is very difficult for him to adapt to family life. This also leads to a rupture, especially if cancer is waiting for support and attention from his wife. You can save marriage only if both partners learn to resist external difficulties and be responsible for their actions and words.

Intertime in Friendship: Muzchina-Rak and Innigin-Fish

A great combination that can give birth to friendship for many years, if not for life. Cancer and fish immediately find a common language, they have a similar worldview, desires and aspirations, and if friends also binds some general passion, for example, music, dancing, something else, for conversations, never exhaust. These partners are often becoming friends and it can continue for a long time.

However, cancer can find a faithful girlfriend in the fish, with which he would like to live to old age. Therefore, friendly relationships often go into romantic, even if both partners are not free. If the relationship in the family has exhausted yourself, these partners begin to live together. However, they are hard to experience scandals that inevitably arise between former husbands and wives. It is for this reason that friendly relations between these partners can grow into romantic, unless they associate the overall hobby, hobby.

Friendly relationships between fish and cancers will not go into romantic only if the legitimate relationship of at least one of the partners is harmonious and calm.

Intertime in your business: Men-Rac and Inniginal Fish

A complex combination that astrologists follow to avoid. This is because fish and cancer, despite mutual understanding, common values \u200b\u200band interests, are not accustomed to take the initiative and show leadership qualities.

Business often requires decisive actions, freedom and independence, and these partners are used to shifting responsibility on another person or rely on the leader. It is difficult for them to confront difficulties, to show decisiveness, so partners should not be engaged in a joint business.

This combination can be good only if both signs are on an equal post, without submitting to each other. If the woman is the boss, and the male subordinate relationship can lead to a serious impasse of affairs. In addition, cancer will avoid responsibility and decisiveness, so it shifts its duties on other people's shoulders.

If a man-boss, then fish can be a responsible employee. However, due to the absence of both partners of leadership qualities, their common cause can quickly ruin.

What you need to know women-fish about man-cancer

Male cancer charming, can conquer the female heart with its preventability, softness, tranquility and patience. However, large egoism and capriciousness can be hidden for deceptive softness and warmth.

This man is used to shifting responsibility on other people's shoulders, he needs a leader woman who will not require him the qualities of a "real man," can take part of the responsibility for family relationships. He often finds himself a companion, which in the Union fulfills the role of a psychological mother. It is for this reason that the fish are difficult to get along with such a person, because the woman of this sign and herself dreams of a strong man.

Cancer can be a pleasant and gentle spouse that will do everything for the well-being of families and children. The only thing that is not worth demanding from him is leadership qualities, aggressiveness and ability to resist external difficulties. Cancer got used to retreat before obstacles and make others solve his problems. Therefore, if you are ready to lead them, send it to the right direction, then this is your option.

Cancer can change his wife and hide it, but such an act is not connected with deception and betrayal, but weakness. Unfortunately, many representatives of this sign are weak on women and alcohol, but not all.

What you need to know a mack cancer about women-fish

A woman born under the sign of the fish may seem like a perfect spouse, a friend, which you have long dreamed of. Soft, smiling, timid and tender, she is able to conquer the heart of a man from the first time. Sometimes her charm does not disappear even after many years of marriage, that men feel. It is for this reason that they can write to her notes, appoint a date and not to hide interest, even if there is a legitimate spouse next to her. Therefore, the test of your union can be jealousy.

Remember that the fish need male attention, especially if the work of a woman is associated with creativity. By nature, the woman of this sign is true to his chosen one, although they can afford a flirt on the side, but not more. At the present treason, such a woman will decide only if you put it on it or she will meet more interesting, as it seems to her satellite.

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