Rune of pure blood meaning. Runa odal: the meaning of the Slavs, an inverted runic symbol. Odal Rune Skins

The main meaning of this rune is inheritance, both spiritual and material. The rune symbolizes clan, family, homeland, home, property and traditions. Sometimes the rune Otal is defined as the rune of divergence of paths; this implies the separation necessary to preserve property in any sense of the word.

Name: OTHILA, also. ODAL, OTHEL or ETHEL others in it. “Estate”, “family estate” (cf. German Adel).

Runic formula — ᛟᚦᚨᛚᚨ

Action Odal: preservation.


Character: energy rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Odal Rune Skins:

  • a man keeps a great-grandmother's ring,
  • the historian keeps knowledge of history,
  • the followers of tradition keep the tradition,
  • the temple keeps sacred relics,
  • the house keeps its residents,
  • the burrow keeps the fox and the cubs,
  • pocket holds a pack of cigarettes,
  • the bank saves money,
  • the library stores books,
  • the hard drive stores information,
  • liquid nitrogen preserves genetic material,
  • the bottle contains beer,
  • the body contains organs,
  • the forest contains trees,
  • the mountain contains ore veins,

The meaning of the Odal rune

Preservation. All things have internal entropy, degrade over time, and only proper storage prevents this.

Things are destroyed from the inside if they are not specifically preserved. The need to keep something unchanged is the impetus for Otila's action.

The result of this action is the safety of something unchanged.

The use of the Odal rune in magic

Magic value: protection of the house, real estate. It can be used in the most extreme cases, when a person says that he is ready to give “half his kingdom for a horse,” that is, to get out of his situation at any cost. Then this rune will help, but then it will require payment: something will have to be lost. Protection of a property object, not a person, incl. mechanical and electrical devices, computers.

Runa Otal is used in all areas of human life and activities related to his property, inheritance, family or clan. Many authors describe this rune as protective - in the sense of protecting the family and its property, protecting the well-being of the clan, etc. Another aspect of her magical use- the formation of boundaries, which should be understood as the delimitation of one's own and another's, their separation and mutual isolation.

The interpretation of the Odal rune in divination

Mantic meaning: home. A safe place where you can always return in difficult times. Rear. Caring for the elderly, manual labor, construction, repairs, etc. Real estate. Inheritance, inheritance; will. Reversed: alienation (of property). Detachment from the material; homelessness, vagrancy. Domestic conflict. Unsettledness, problems with real estate.


IN upright position: cases related to the acquisition of often very important objects - a house, a company, a business. Help from influential people, financial assistance from the outside, bestowing privileges, very mutually beneficial cooperation. Often affairs related to relatives. In general, the process is always associated with divergent paths, renewal, abandonment of the old - a kind of "general cleaning" and "renovation" in your home.

In an inverted position: delay. Don't expect support through familiar channels and connections.

Opportunities provided

In an upright position: really move forward, gain real strength, position, strong position. Find a family bond in the form of love and trust.

In an inverted position: stop rolling into the swamp.

Rune's warning

In an upright position: sacrifices are in store for something very important, familiar and bringing joy and prosperity.

In an inverted position: stop! Spending, travel, new business will end in failure.

In an upright position: get rid of the old, obsolete, unused without regret. If investments are required - do them without hesitation.

In an inverted position: be flexible, careful, be attentive to every little detail. And do not follow the old patterns of behavior - they have outlived their usefulness.


  1. E. Kolesov, A. Torsten - "Runes. Futhark Classic and Armanic "
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course in runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of divination"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of the runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Utark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) - « Runic. Reference values ​​"

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14.10.2007 17:23

Two "Zig" runes formed the name of our SS. The head of death, the swastika and the Hagal rune demonstrate unshakable confidence in the ultimate victory of our philosophy.
G. Himmler

"... The great gods - Odin, Ve and Willie carved a man from an ash tree, and a woman from a willow. The eldest of Bor's children, Odin, breathed soul into people and gave life. To give them new knowledge, Odin went to Utgard, the Land of Evil To the World Tree. There he tore out his eye and sacrificed it, but this seemed not enough to the Guardians of the Tree. Then he gave his life - decided to die in order to rise again. For nine days he hung on a branch pierced by a spear. Each of the eight nights of Initiation revealed to him new secrets of being. On the ninth morning, Odin saw the runes-letters inscribed on the stone beneath him. His mother's father, the giant Belthorn, taught him to carve and dye runes, and the World Tree has since been called Yggdrasil ... "

So tells about the acquisition of runes by the ancient Germans "Snorrieva Edda" (1222-1225), perhaps the only complete review of the heroic epic of the ancient Germans, based on legends, divinations, spells, sayings, cult and religious rites of the Germanic tribes. In the Edda, Odin was revered as the god of war and patron of the deceased heroes of Valhalla. He was considered a magician and necromancer.

Runes and runic letters are signs of the ancient Germanic alphabet, carved on stone, metal and bone, and spread mainly in Northern Europe. Each rune had a name and magical meaning that went beyond a purely linguistic framework. The style and composition changed over time and acquired magical meaning in Teutonic astrology.

It is quite natural that Heinrich Himmler, who from a young age showed an increased interest in the spiritual world"Nordic ancestors" and sincerely considered himself the reincarnation of the founder of the First Reich, Heinrich the Bird-catcher, elected in 919 as the king of all Germans, could not pass by the "Aryan heritage", ideally fitting into his worldview. According to the plan of the Reichsfuehrer SS, the runes were to play a special role in the symbols of the SS: on his personal initiative within the framework of the program "Ahnenerbe" - "Society for the Study and Dissemination of the Cultural Heritage of Ancestors" - the Institute of Runic Writing was established.

Until 1939, all members of the SS Apparatus studied the meanings of the runes as part of a general training course. Until 1945, 14 runes were actively used in the SS, but already in 1940 the compulsory study of the runes was canceled, which made the runes even more mysterious.

The swastika is one of the oldest ideographic symbols. The name comes from a two-syllable Sanskrit word meaning "welfare". It is a regular equilateral cross with ends "broken" at right angles. It symbolizes the infinity of existence and the cyclical nature of rebirth. As an emblem of "the racial purity of the Aryan nation" was first used in Germany on the eve of the First World War. After 1918, she was depicted on the regimental and divisional standards of "freikorps", for example, Erhard's brigade. In August 1920, Hitler used a right-handed swastika to design his party banner and later compared his insight to the "effect of an exploding bomb." The swastika became the symbols of the NSDAP and the Third Reich. This symbol was often used by both the SS Troops and the SS Apparatus, including the German SS, for example, the SS formations in Flanders.

"Zonnerad", "sun wheel" or "solar swastika" is an Old Norse sign, a symbol of thunder, fire and fertility of the Aryan magicians and sorcerers. In the SS Forces "Sonnerad" was the emblem of the volunteer motorized division "Viking", a regiment and later the division of the SS Forces "Nordland", mostly staffed by immigrants from Scandinavia. The "solar swastika" was also used in the symbolism of the Schalburg corps, which was the Danish formation of the SS Apparatus.

Rune "Zig", attribute of the god of war Thor. A sign of power, energy, struggle and death. In 1933, SS Hauptsturmführer Walter Heck, a graphic artist in the studio of Ferdinand Hofstatter in Bonn, combined two Sieg runes while developing the layout of a new badge. The expressive lightning shape impressed Himmler, who chose the "double lightning" as the emblem of the SS. For the possibility of using the sign, the budgetary and financial department of the SS paid the copyright holder a fee of 2.5 (!) Reichsmarks. In addition, Heck also developed the CA emblem, combining the runic "S" and the Gothic "A".

The rune "Ger", a symbol of collectivism and comradely mutual assistance reigning in the ranks of the SS, was used in one of the variants of the divisional standard of the 11th Motorized Volunteer Division of the SS Troops "Nordland".

The rune "Wolfsangel", "wolf hook" is a pagan amulet that protected its owner from the intrigues of "dark forces" and gives power over a werewolf - a werewolf. In medieval heraldry it meant "wolf trap" - reliable protection. In the 15th century, it became the emblem of the townspeople who fought against the mercenaries of the German princes. This is the oldest symbol of freedom and independence, known since the times Thirty Years War and as a "Sign of Arbitrariness". It is now preserved on the coat of arms of the German city of Wolfstein. "Wolfsangel" was originally the emblem of the NSDAP, and in the SS forces it was used as divisional emblems of some tank units, for example, the SS Panzer Division "Reich".

Wolfsangel (2nd option)
The emblem of the VA (Weer Afdeelingen) - the Dutch equivalent of the NSDAP. Badge of members of the German SS in Holland. Later it was used in the design of the triumphal standard of the 34th Volunteer Infantry Division of the SS Forces Landstorm Nederland.

Rune "Opfer", a symbol of self-sacrifice. After 1918, this rune was used by war veterans as a sign of belonging to the "Steel Helmet". Later, a commemorative sign with the "Opfer" rune was issued in honor of the so-called "martyrs of November 9th" - 16 supporters of Hitler killed by the police during the "Beer Hall Putsch" in 1923. It was also used as an element of the graphic design of stripes for injuries ( CA) and disabled SS.

Rune "Aif", a symbol of determination and enthusiasm. The badge of the SS special forces, in particular, Hitler's personal adjutants and especially close persons. Jacket with ayfruna in 1929 was worn by Rudolf Hess.

Fleece "Life" - such signs were worn on uniforms by participants in the selection program developed by Himmler "Lebensborn SS" - "Source of Life". It was used in SS sphragistics and office work: the rune was affixed on personal documents and carved on the tombstones of SS members to indicate the date of birth.

The rune "Toten", the sign of death - to indicate in documents and tombstones "the date of departure to the" Hall of the Dead "- in German mythology, this was the name of Odin's palace, where the soldiers who fell in battle fall.

Rune "Tyr", a symbol of irreconcilability in battle, an indispensable attribute of the god of war, thunder and fertility of Tyr. A tombstone in the form of the "Tyr" rune was installed on the graves of the SS instead of the Christian cross. Sometimes it was tattooed under the left shoulder fold of the SS members along with the designation of the blood type. The patch on the left sleeve of the uniform indicated the end of the officer's "special school of the SA of the Reichsfuehrer SS" (until 1934) and was subsequently transformed into a badge for the staff of the SS department for the preparation of reserves. In the SS Troops, it was used in the symbols of the 32nd SS Volunteer Infantry Division "January 30", formed in February 1945 and staffed by the teaching staff and cadets of SS cadets schools.

The "Heilszeichen" rune, a symbol of success and luck - elements of runic ornamentalism, in particular, were engraved on the SS award ring "The Dead Head".

The rune "Hagall", symbolized the inflexibility of faith (in the Nazi sense of the word) required of each member of the SS. This rune was widely used during various SS ceremonies, in particular, at weddings.

Rune "Odal", a symbol of family and consanguinity. Badge of the staff of the Main Directorate of the SS for Race and Settlement, as well as the emblem of the 7th Mountain Division of the SS Forces "Prince Eugen", which became the first formation in the SS, staffed exclusively by "Volksdeutsche".

The meaning of the Odin rune (Wyrd) is a combination of higher powers that cannot be argued with. Hence the meaning that this is the rune of Odin. The supreme ruler, with whom she is associated, personifies infinity. For a person, this is unknown, which affects the quality of his existence.

The rune of Odin (Wyrd) is literally endless and pure. She is like a white sheet of paper with nothing on it. It is difficult to interpret it, because everything is subject to it. It captures completely and without a trace. She is also the rune of Destiny. Wyrd's emptiness can personify for a person a kind of entrance into the unknown. This is the beginning and end of the path.

Value in the upright position

The rune of Odin indicates to a person that the life situation is unclear. It is versatile, and there are many unfinished business behind it. The future and the present are worth depending on their resolution. The outcome is not clear. There is no exact answer to the question.

Getting it in alignment with other runes, there is a possibility that their meaning may vary in a different way. It may happen that the situation will change radically. The probability of an accurate prediction is reduced to zero. Everything is given into the hands of a person, so that he himself decides what will be right. Higher powers are only watching events.

Inverted value

This is an empty rune and has no inverted meaning. However, if it fell out in a negative scenario, then this changes. She talks about the fear of losing something. A person is afraid of the truth, which "hurts" the eyes. Unwillingness to realize the possibility of their fears and their impact on the quality of life. The past haunts, it can harm the future.

Meeting Destiny is not always pleasant. This cannot be avoided. All actions of a person will "come out" and will be evaluated. You need to be prepared and not hide your head in the sand. Otherwise, you can pay dearly. It remains only to trust your own instinct and lend a hand to Fate.

Odin's empty rune in magic

Odin is not used in magic. Because playing with higher powers can end in disaster. You can't play with Destiny. It has only one use in meditation. With its help, you can "hear" the answers. The questions concern only the spiritual sphere. The person may ask the following:

  • About karmic debts
  • Is he working off his karmic debts correctly?
  • Will he be able to obey the will of Destiny, and is he doing it right?
  • Does he know how to serve the higher powers?
  • How to head on the path of truth?
Odin's empty rune (Wyrd) in divination

In love

If the rune of Odin (Wird) fell out in divination for love, then you should think about the state of affairs in the relationship. Only your own instinct will tell you what is happening in them. A person can find the right path. This is not to say what awaits in relationships and love. But only one thing is clear that something unexpected will happen. If you want to be favorable, so that there is love and reciprocity in a relationship, you should work on this. A person will be able to enter the unknown with love and hope, this is his chance.

In health

Nothing is defined. Health depends on the fortuneteller. Everything is in his hands to begin to heal, or to lead healthy image life. The deterioration of the state, or an improvement awaits a person, is known only to the higher forces. The present is in the hands of man. He is able to influence the course of events.

The future cannot be predicted. Therefore, measures should be taken to improve it. Correct actions will be appreciated and bring longevity. By doing wrong, a person will receive what he deserves.

In work

When making decisions, it is worth looking back once more. The past has a lot of influence on the future. You need to look around carefully in the present. The meaning of the rune requires a person to weigh all the possibilities, obstacles, evil and good for the cause. Once you take a step, there will be no turning back. This is a step into the unknown, which will only bring what has been invested in it. It especially depends on what thoughts are present during this step.


Incomprehensible situation. The moment has come to trust the higher powers. After all, circumstances develop in such a way that a person cannot influence them. Fate throws a person into the "cauldron" of events. Whether they are auspicious or a nightmare will depend on the individual. He is given a chance to show his best side, sincerely and completely believing in karmic power.

Sometimes it’s impossible to get answers. The situation remains only in the present tense. The future stands depending on the step into the unknown. There, the person must make an effort to get a positive result.


There is a lot to tell about such a person. It is full of secrets, as at first glance. Whoever knows communication with him will feel the depth of thinking on himself. Behind the secrets, a very original personality is hidden. She has a lot of merit and talents. Of course, a lot is hidden or undeveloped. The person is very emotional, constantly thinking. The ability to create "beautiful" is in his blood. For secrecy, you can find a creative loner, or the soul of the company. This is a versatile personality.

The main meaning of this rune is inheritance, both spiritual and material. The rune symbolizes clan, family, homeland, home, property and traditions.

24 runes of the ancient Germanic alphabet Futhark. A symbol of heritage and pure blood, it was used in magic rituals and spells of the ancient Germans to protect the family and home. Graphically, it resembles the shape of the roof of a house, therefore in runic layouts during fortune-telling it is associated with the division of residential property, inheritance. The Odal symbol was depicted on amulets of gold and silver, which was a sign of a noble family and a noble person. It was believed that wearing such a talisman helps a person find a worthy place in life.

Divination value

Otal's meaning is twofold..

  • The first is a stop, an end to what has already become obsolete, the time of divergence of paths.
  • The second is the acquisition of something new as a result of the partition.

Property is associated with this rune, real estate that can be bought for money, usually a piece of land and a house for a family.

Magic action Odal

This is a strong protective rune, it surrounds and protects property and family like a fence, brings well-being to the house, promotes mutual understanding and spiritual unity.

They turn to the Otila rune for help:

  • increase welfare;
  • protect the house and property in it from ill-wishers and thieves;
  • maintain order and harmony in the house;
  • develop talents;
  • feel safe;
  • make the right decision in a difficult environment.

Runa Otal upright position

The symbol contains the concept of holiness - a sign of pure blood. It personifies the family, clan, village, homeland.

The appearance of a rune in the alignment indicates to a person his imminent enrichment in material and intellectual terms, which he will receive in the form of a gift or inheritance.

The symbol indicates the possibility of moving to a new place of residence, as well as receiving assistance from older people or relatives when buying a home.

In the layout for marriage, the straight rune Odal foreshadows harmonious family relations with the future spouse. Trust and love will rule in this union.

Rune Otal inverted

Otal, who fell out in such a position, is not as terrible as it seems. It does not need to be feared, it is a warning rune. The ancient Scandinavian peoples depicted birds with this symbol, in particular the eagle.

A man is now trying to fly up, forgetting that he is an earthly creature and should not lose support under his feet. Therefore, it is worth directing your gaze to the land where its roots are, support in the form of family and old trusted friends.

In the scenario, it portends a loss and speaks of the difficulties that a person has due to the usual haste and a desire to speed up the process, this will lead to the loss of what the person was able to achieve earlier. Odal warns of completely relying on strangers.

Runa speaks of disappointment and the inability to receive financial assistance from the outside. And attempts to apply legal methods will not be crowned with success, at this time, not rigidity will do, but fluidity. And to be prepared for the fact that hopes are not destined to be fulfilled, you will have to retreat and wait.

But in combination with positive runes, Odal indicates that success is still possible. At this time, you need to be more observant and prudent, paying attention to small details.

Runes tips

  • Not to obey old authorities and conventions, this is not the time to be bound by them.
  • It should be remembered: "We act without doing, but everything turns out to be done."


Inverted Odal, when dealing with personal relationships, predicts quarrels in the family, and even its disintegration.

And it signals to young people that they are not yet ready to create a family union, and joint living in the near future does not threaten this couple (at least during the period that is stipulated by the rune layout).

Odal layout

Consists of four runes symbolically denoting - "Small Celtic Cross". It will help to predict the fate of an event in a person's life or his further actions.

The first and second are the runes of influence on the situation.

The third is the rune of subsequent events.

The fourth is the rune of the total, the result.

Meaning among the Slavs

The Slavs, just like the Scandinavians, believed that runic symbols are sacred signs that you can turn to for support, protect your home from various misfortunes and any daring.

Slavic Otal had the name Berezha and was a symbol of the goddess Beregini - the defender of territories, sacred borders for man and his family.

Used as a talisman to protect the house. And this symbol was also considered to heal from alcoholism, it was embroidered on men's clothing to get rid of addiction.

Attention, only TODAY!

Direct position.

Runes name: Odal, Otala (Othila)
The main meaning of the rune Odal, Othila is rejection and acquisition.
The literal meaning of the rune Odal, Othila: property, inheritance

Ancient Germanic name, the meaning of the Odal rune, Otala: Utal (Othala)
Old Norse name, meaning of the Odal rune, Otala: oþila
Anglo-Saxon name, the meaning of the Odal rune, Otala: Otael (Ethel)
Ancient Celtic name, meaning of the Odal rune, Otala: Odal
Old Icelandic name, meaning of the Odal rune, Otala: Oðal

The rune speaks of the need to abandon everything old, obsolete. Shake the dust off your boots of all your wrong previous conclusions and come to accept the legacy that awaits you. It's time to learn about the hereditary legacy that genetics, spiritual kinship, and possibly the continuity of traditions, practices, business, etc. have prepared for you. etc. Runa Odal, Othila -The sign is very good. He points out to you that noble blood flows in your veins, that you are attached to a noble tree, and you just have to accept it with gratitude and study everything that this circumstance obliges. You may have to break old ties to maintain a new position. Do it sharply, but as nobly as possible, so as not to disrupt the flow of energies in a positive way.


Rune Odal, Othila (Othila) the meaning of the rune. IN DETAILS

rune Odal, Otala (Othila). Divination interpretation, the meaning of the rune Odal, Otala (Othila):

Odal rune council, Othila. Be prepared for unexpected material gains. This can impose a great deal of responsibility on you.
Runa Odal, Otala (Othila) - the rune of borders, territories. The rune of fate in the sense - "how much fate you measured out, so much you will receive." This is a fairly primitive, but very accurate interpretation of the meaning of the Odal, Othila rune when interpreted in the rune layout.

Runa Odal, Otala (Othila) - a symbol of property or hereditary land, and a practical attitude to life. Runa Odal can be defined as a symbol of separation, security and order.
The main theses when interpreting the meaning of the rune Odal, Otala (Othila). Delimitation; suspension and acquisition; devotion; will; winnings; heritage; will; making a profit from the inheritance received. Personal property, land, homeland.
There is a likelihood of a profitable acquisition, winning, for example, in the lottery or receiving an inheritance.
In other words, you are lucky when someone's grief, someone's death, brought you unexpected wealth. Be that as it may, you are on your territory, which means that the game will go according to your rules.

Interpretation of the runes. Rune Othala (Otala) interpretation, meaning of the rune. Internal content:

Tradition with its limitations and freedom in harmonious connection is what you need to connect for your integrity. Tradition at its best is always the foundation of life, it is the foundation on which you will always have roots to nourish yourself and your actions. They also give freedom, if they treat them correctly, and patronage and blessing.

Othala (Otala) rune is able to help you: develop your talents even more, comprehend the need for your limitations, acquire property, establish relationships with relatives near and far, understand your past life and the life of your ancestors, justifying and forgiving them their sins, thereby cleansing yourself from their consequences in your karma. Since your karma is the collective karma of many generations, the moment of forgiving your ancestors should be taken very seriously.

Having studied their lives, especially the cons. Since the plus itself generates a positive into your life, but the minus, having registered in your genes, also generates, but already a minus, that is, troubles and diseases into your life. In order to cancel such an impact of the negative program of the ancestors - they need to be understood, accepted, loved and forgiven for real, as God forgives generously, then the minus is erased from the human program. In Christian practice, it is very useful and effective, with your full understanding and forgiveness of your ancestors, prayer-giving all of them to Christ. This recoil burns even what the person did not know, those negatives that were not opened and voiced.

Interpretation of the runes. Rune Odal, Otala (Othila) interpretation, meaning of the rune. Magical application:

Support and protection; treatment; estate; helps in obtaining property and other material goods, promotes the development of practical ingenuity; helps to keep the house clean and tidy, and adhere to a daily routine; promotes mutual respect and harmony in relationships with people.

Application in rune records (runescripts), also in the manufacture of a runic amulet:

Runa Odal, Otala (Othila) meaning in runescripts - In combination with Fehu - to attract cash flow.
Runa Odal, Otala (Othila) value in runescripts - To improve the health of the elderly.
Runa Odal, Otala (Othila) meaning in runescripts - To protect property.
Runa Odal, Otala (Othila) meaning in runescripts - To defend their own interests.


This page provides information on the topic

Interpretation of the runes. Rune Odal, Othila (Othila) the meaning of the rune. Direct position

And a little more on the theme of Scandinavian runes