"Survive after being shot": unique cases of the Great Patriotic War. People who survived the death penalty - TOP10 Survivors after hanging

Usually, the criminal who survived after the execution is not subjected to a second procedure. It is not for nothing that the key word in the verdict is “death”, which means the inevitability of the onset of retribution and the inevitability of the execution of the sentence.

In the past, the very fact that the criminal managed to stay alive after the execution of capital punishment was considered nothing more than God's providence, that is, it was considered a proof of innocence sent from above. Below are six real stories about people who were able to stay alive despite the law, even if only for a short time.

1. Man Franks

This is a photo of another execution, 1896. This guy is probably much less fortunate than Franks.

One of the Australian newspapers posted a note in 1872 about how the killer, nicknamed "Man Franks", survived his own execution due to the monstrous incompetence of the performers.

At first, the execution itself was delayed by several hours, as the sheriff found the scheduled time inconvenient. During the waiting time it rained and the wet rope prepared for the execution was taken to dry over the fire.

Because of this, the rope stopped slipping. Before throwing a noose around the neck of the convict, the executioner had to stick his leg into the noose and pull with all his might to move the tightly stuck knot. Then the would-be executioner tried to fix the noose around Franks' neck, but, despite all his efforts, he did not manage to do it as tightly as required by the rules.

In the end, a support was knocked out from under Frank, but after three minutes of unsuccessfully trying to suffocate, he began to twitch, asking to end his suffering and finish him off at last. And since his hands were as “tightly” tied as his neck, it was not difficult for him to pull himself up and, moving the rope from his throat, scold the organizers of the execution for their “hack-work”. Finally, one of the servants cut the rope, and the long-suffering victim of justice met the hard ground with a dull thud, since no one had thought to lay something soft on him.

Needless to say, after all that had been seen, no one wanted to finish the job, and Franks had his sentence commuted, replaced by imprisonment, and the executive power of the new monarchical elite of Fiji became the subject of ridicule all over the world.

2. Anna Green

In 1650, twenty-two-year-old Anna Green was a servant in the household of Sir Thomas Reid. She became pregnant from his grandson, but did not know that she was carrying a child in her womb. After 18 weeks, when Anna was grinding malt, she suddenly became ill. She had a miscarriage in the toilet. Terrified, the girl hid the corpse.

At that time, there was a law that any unmarried woman who concealed a pregnancy or a newborn was considered a child killer. Despite the fact that the midwives recognized the fetus as stillborn, Greene was sentenced to death by hanging in the courtyard of Oxford Castle.

During the last speech, she asked to condemn "the debauchery in the family in which she lived." She asked her friends to hang on her body to hasten her demise, and they did not refuse.

After the execution, the supposedly lifeless body was removed and taken to the anatomical theater for student training. But when the coffin was opened, the doctors discovered that the chest of the “corpse” made barely noticeable respiratory movements. They forgot their original purpose and began resuscitation through bloodletting, stimulating respiratory reflexes, and applying warm heating pads.

The public saw this as a sign from above and Green was pardoned. Taking the coffin with her as a souvenir, she settled in another town, got married and had a child.

3. Half-Hung Maggie

Cover of Alison Butler's The Hanging of Margaret Dixon

Maggie Dixon became pregnant while waiting for the return of her sailor husband, which was not at all a rosy situation for a woman in 1724. She, of course, tried to hide the pregnancy (concealment was punishable by law), but she failed and she was sentenced to death by hanging.

After the execution, her family managed to take the body away without giving it to the medicine butchers for dissection. While they were seeing Maggie off on their last journey to the cemetery, they heard a knock from inside the closed coffin. The resurrection of Maggie was perceived only as the will of God. So she became a celebrity and acquired the nickname "Half-Hanged Maggie." She lived another 40 years and to this day, not far from the place of her execution, there is a tavern named after her.

4. Inetta de Balsham

For harboring thieves, she was sentenced to death in August 1264. Sources say she was hanged at 9 am on Monday 16 August and left to hang out until the next morning. When the rope was cut, it turned out that she was still alive. Her windpipe was deformed in such a way that the knot could not completely restrict the access of air. Inetta's miraculous rescue brought her to the attention of King Henry III, who bestowed royal favor on her.

5. Romel Broom

The lethal injection was created as a humane, quick, painless and guaranteed means to take a person's life. However, Romel Broom proved that this is not entirely true.

In 2009, Romel was convicted of kidnapping, rape, murder and became the first criminal to survive a lethal injection.

The performers spent two hours trying to find a suitable vein for the IV. After cutting through Broom's entire body, they never found a vein, making the drug's effect unreliable. In the end, he was sent back to his cell with a week's reprieve from his death sentence.

During this time, Romel's lawyers began to prove that their ward experienced cruel and unusual treatment for prisoners during the unsuccessful execution. They managed to initiate a major movement aimed at changing the US law on the use of lethal injection, and Romel in this case is the main witness who cannot be executed. Broome is still alive and awaiting amnesty.

6. Evan McDonald

In 1752, Ewan Macdonald quarreled with Robert Parker and cut his throat, causing the latter to die. Macdonald was convicted of murder, sentenced to death by hanging on the city wall in the English city of Newcastle.

His "corpse" was sent to the same place as the bodies of the rest of the tortured criminals - to the anatomical theater of the local medical institution. In those days, doctors almost specifically hunted for such corpses, since they were the only practical “manuals” by which it was possible to legally study human anatomy.

This is probably why MacDonald was not destined to survive: when the surgeon who entered saw the dumbfounded convict sitting on the operating table, he, without thinking twice, grabbed a surgical hammer and completed the work of the executioner, breaking the criminal's skull. It is said that God's punishment overtook this doctor when his own horse mortally wounded him on the head with a hoof.

1. Elizabeth Proctor, who was not lucky enough to pass for a witch. In 1692, a woman was arrested on charges of witchcraft. The court sentenced Elizabeth to death despite all the evidence of friends and relatives in defense of the accused. By the time the sentence was executed, the woman managed to give birth to a child in prison, as she got there already pregnant. The execution was appointed by hanging. They threw a noose around Elizabeth's neck and opened the hatch, but thanks to some miracle, the woman remained alive.

2. John Henry George Lee went to jail on charges of complicity in the murder of a woman, Emma Casey. For such a crime, criminals are hanged. So they hanged John ... More precisely, they tried to do it three times, but the man survived after all three drops into the hatch with a noose around his neck.

3. William Duell and four of his accomplices were hanged for having raped and killed a child in London. According to the rules of that time, all the corpses of criminals were given for medical research. When the turn came to dissect the body of William Duell, the student who was supposed to do the operation noticed that the man was breathing!

4. Zoleihad Kadhoda- an oriental married woman who dared to have a lover. According to the harsh laws of the East, a woman convicted of adultery is sentenced to death - she must be stoned to death. This happens as follows: a woman is buried up to her waist in the ground and stones are thrown at her head. Zoleykhad did not escape her fate - she was stoned, but when the crippled body was brought to the morgue, it turned out that the woman was alive.

5. Vincelao Miguel, a prisoner during the Mexican Revolution. The prisoner was sentenced to death by firing squad. 9 shots were fired at Miguel, they all reached the target, but the man survived, managed to escape and lived for many more years.

6. John Smith- robber. He was captured by the police after he robbed several banks and private houses. The court sentence that he was given was hanging, by dropping him into a hatch with a noose around his neck. Smith turned out to be incredibly tenacious and survived this death penalty, he lived for more than one year the ordinary life of a full-fledged person.

7. Anna Green, conceived a child from her own employer. They say that it was she who seduced him. The child was born at the due date, but died shortly after birth. While trying to hide the little body, Anna was arrested and accused of killing a baby, and the court sentenced her to death by hanging. A woman with a noose around her neck was thrown down the stairs. At the funeral, when the coffin was opened, it turned out that the woman was still breathing, after which Anna was taken to the hospital.

8. Joseph Samuel, who committed a number of murders and robberies as part of a whole gang in 1801. All participants in the crimes were sentenced to death. On the day when the execution began, Samuel managed to avoid death on the gallows three times - once the rope burst, and on the other it simply jumped off. This turn of events did not go unnoticed by the judges and Joseph Samuel was replaced by the death penalty with life imprisonment.

9. Maggie Dixon- the companion of one innkeeper. From an illegal relationship a child was born, who died immediately after birth. Maggie Dixon couldn't think of anything better than dumping a baby's body into a river. But the body of the child was found and the woman was arrested on charges of murder. The verdict of the court was unequivocal - death. The woman was executed, they were going to bury, but on the way to the cemetery, there was a knock from the coffin - Maggie was alive! After the "resurrection" she lived for another forty years!

10. Willie Francis at the age of 16 he killed the owner of a pharmacy. The young man confessed to the crime, but nevertheless was sentenced to death in the electric chair. The execution took place traditionally, the criminal screamed and writhed, but after the voltage was turned off, it turned out that the young man survived. However, the incident did not bring Willy a long and happy life - he was executed again, exactly one year later.

A fragment of a Brazilian anti-suicide poster. The Brazilian organization Centro de Valorização da Vida works to help people resist suicidal tendencies on their own.

10 September - World Suicide Prevention Day. More than 25 million people try to commit suicide every year. One in six dies. Most survive. What can survivors say to those who have suicidal thoughts? How can you help those who have attempted suicide?

Those who survived answer from the anti-suicidal site pobedish.ru, and a psychologist, director of the Christian psychological service "Candle" Alexandra Imasheva.

Second attempt... live or die?

I know that for those who now want to commit suicide, it is foolish to say that his life is priceless. But I repeat - your life is priceless, it is God's gift, it is yours and only you need it. Save and take care of your life! If you are gone, those who once did evil to you will live on, they will have joy in their lives, but you will have nothing. You simply will not be, and the rest will not care deeply. Appreciate your personality, what you are in this world!!!
Julia, 21 years old.

A person who comes close to death experiences existential shock. This shock often clarifies new meanings of life for a person, and the failed suicide begins to understand that the difficulties due to which he made an attempt are actually solvable, and there are much more important things in life.

There is an opinion that all suicides, before their death, try to somehow escape - the gallows try to grope with their foot the thrown stool, rushing out of the window - to grab onto something. But this is not true for everyone. Many do not try and even resist attempts to save them. These are just those who are most likely to repeat a suicide attempt in the future. Even after they have looked into the face of death, they continue to experience hopelessness and heartache. Is it possible to help and support them, to try to avert a new suicide attempt? Can!

When a failed suicide comes to his senses in a hospital bed, the most important thing for him is that there is someone nearby who would understand him and sympathize with him. To have someone to listen to him. This is especially important for those who, after being saved, say “it would be better for me to die.” All suicides want to communicate their intention before committing suicide, and almost always either directly talk about what they are going to do, or indirectly try to bring it to the attention of loved ones (constantly talk about other people's suicides or about death, are fond of literature or films on this topic, perform symbolic actions - for example, say goodbye to friends, pay off debts handing out favorite things).

A failed suicide should not be alone. You have to talk to him. But there are approaches that are strictly taboo.

What not to do:

- To condemn and criticize for a suicide attempt. Remember: a person committed it from severe mental pain and a sense of hopelessness, he did not find another way out. Criticism will only increase these feelings.

Play on guilt. You can’t play on guilt: how could you, you didn’t think about your neighbors, you thought only about yourself, you are an egoist. In no way can you be blamed. The feeling of guilt has never inspired anyone to live, but it has driven them into a noose more than once.

Devalue the feelings and problems of the failed suicide. Parents of rescued teenagers often “sin” with this: they tell them that all your problems are not worth a damn. It seems to them that they are encouraging their child, but in fact, he only feels more acutely that no one understands him and no one is interested in his experiences. This will only reinforce the teenager in the idea that you need to try again.

intimidate. There is no need to threaten a failed suicide with hell for his attempt, to paint the coming endless torment. He is already feeling bad, he needs support and kindness, not prosecutorial speeches. A reminder that suicide is a mortal sin is suitable for suicide prevention if it is known that the person is a believer. It really does hold a lot of people back. But after a suicide attempt, this cannot be done, otherwise the person will feel completely doomed, and if so, what is the point of living?

Avoid talking about suicide. You can’t pretend that nothing happened, you can’t communicate with a failed suicide falsely cheerfully, as if you came to the hospital to a person who just had an operation to remove an appendicitis. The failed suicide again feels that they don’t want to talk about the most important thing with him. And he is forced to withdraw into himself and digest what happened inside himself, which can increase the feeling of hopelessness.

What do we have to do:

If a suicidal survivor wants to talk about what he did, you need to support him in this. We must express our understanding of what happened: I know you felt so bad, you saw no other way out. Often, suicides are drawn to talk about what happened to them, which is why they made their attempt. And this must be supported, asked why it was so bad, why it was so hard. Be sure to give the opportunity to pour out the soul and listen very carefully, in no case interrupting or distracting.

The main thing - express your warm feelings and love to him, to say that he is important and needed, that he is very dear to those who are next to him, to his family. Do not reproach, saying that he did not think about the feelings of his neighbors, but tell how much he is loved, how they are waiting for him at home, how bad it is for everyone without him.

Offer discuss possible assistance: they say, there must be something that can help - let's talk about it. You can offer the help of a psychotherapist, and not just talk about it abstractly, but indicate your active help: I ​​will find a good doctor for you, I will bring him to you, he will definitely help. A suicide must feel that there are people who really care.

If the suicidal survivor still stubbornly stands his ground and claims that as soon as he is discharged from the hospital, he will immediately try again (or alludes to this, saying that he has nothing to live for) , there are several ways to try to prevent this:

First. Everything must be done to reduce the social isolation of this person. Often a suicide is socially isolated, there are no people around him with whom he has a truly close relationship. While he is in the hospital, you can try to become for him such a person with whom you can discuss tormenting issues, to whom you can tell everything as it is - and receive acceptance in response, and not condemnation or devaluation of problems. It is necessary to try to raise all his friends, all his relatives and friends to their feet so that he feels that there are a lot of people around him who are not indifferent to him.

Second. Find a good psychotherapist and persuade him to undergo a course of treatment with psychotherapy and antidepressants. If a person is so stubborn in his intentions, then it is quite possible that he has a real depression that requires serious treatment.

Third. Find out thoroughly what pushes a person to a new attempt. And if there is some real problem at the basis of this, then do the maximum to solve it, or at least show all your good will towards this. To say directly: I, your wife, your friend do not care that you want to die, we will be very sad. Let's at least for our sake try to somehow solve your problem together, look for other ways out. He needs to feel that there is a “support group” next to him.

Failed suicide at home

The main thing is to want to work on yourself, and over time, thoughts poisoning life will disappear, and after a while, a desire to live will definitely appear. I always knew deep down that it was wonderful to want to live.
Christina, 20 years old

When an unsuccessful suicide is discharged from the hospital and returns home, then approximately the same rules should be followed in communicating with him.

There should be no "conspiracy of silence" around his suicide attempt. There is no need to specifically remind him of this, but if he talks about it himself, he will definitely listen to him and talk to him about it. And then in such cases they are very fond of diverting the conversation to the side, transferring it to something else or starting to gasp “oh, don’t talk about it, forget it as soon as possible, don’t remember it.” Necessary! A person has committed, perhaps, the most terrible act in his life, and it is very clear that he wants and needs to talk about it. Support him in this!

There is no need to arrange deliberate control: do not leave him alone, if he goes from one room to another, defiantly follow him. But you need to make sure that a person does not suffer from loneliness, and if he asks for your company, you need to drop everything and be with him.

It happens that a person specifically asks to be left alone. There is no need to resist this (“no, I will sit next to you!”), But there is no need to leave him alone for a long time. The best thing is to tell him something like “well, you sit alone in the room, and I’ll be nearby, in the kitchen, call me, if anything” or “I really want to be with you, if you don’t want, we won’t talk, Let's each do our own thing, just stay together.

He needs to feel that there is someone nearby and someone worries about him. No wonder suicides are most often committed late at night or early in the morning, when a person is most often alone and at the mercy of his thoughts. There should be a setting: I am there, I am always there when you need it, day and night, and I will always help you.

It is necessary to help a person find a reason for which and for which he could live. Not insisting, not imposing, but offering him different options. In my practice, there was a case when a failed young suicide, who was tormented by the desire to try again, decided ... to make a site for help just like her. Although she herself was not yet sure that she would not commit suicide, she still began to create this site, select materials, and persuade others to stay alive. And this work eventually gave her the incentive to live. By helping others, she helped herself.

Living is great! I just realized now. Feel how the air is drawn into the lungs, how the heart beats, the muscles tense up. I can walk, talk, but someone can't. Now the sun is shining into my room, and the birds are yelling. And yet it is happiness to breathe.
Anastasia, 18 years old

At-risk groups

Women attempt suicide four times more often than men. However, men's suicide attempts end in death four times more often than women's. This is due to the ways that men and women choose. Women are more likely to try to poison themselves and "miss" the dose, while men choose other, more deadly methods.

Teenagers from 12 to 20 years old. The main cause of teenage suicides is poor coping skills and lack of life experience to solve problems. Conflicts at this age often seem unresolvable, and a sense of hopelessness, characteristic of suicide, quickly sets in. In addition, teenagers do not understand well what death is. They do not fully realize that death is the end of life, and vengeful dreams of “kill myself and see how they will regret that I died” can lead to suicide.

Adolescents often commit suicide attempts defiantly, and this is often a cry for help, for attention to be paid to them. Some do not want to really kill themselves, they want to scare everyone more.

Elderly people after 60 years. If teenagers commit suicide from a lack of life experience, then older people feel longing and hopelessness due to the imminent end of life. Like, anyway, it's not far off, and you can speed it up. In addition, they often suffer from serious illnesses, which is also a risk factor. Many have spouses who die, leading to severe depression and suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Men 20-35 years old. This is a less common group, but nevertheless, it can be distinguished. The main reason for suicides here is the inability to cope with the tasks that life throws up, it seems to a person that by this age something is already supposed to be achieved, but this is not there - that's depression, that's a suicide attempt.

Lonely people. Lack of social support can drive a person to suicide. People who have no family, no friendly support, few social connections, cannot get support when they need it.

Seriously ill. Suicide leaders in this area are HIV patients, cancer patients, and those suffering from depression. It should be noted that 60% of all suicides are committed in a state of depression. Suicidal thoughts are one of the symptoms of depression.

Alcoholics and drug addicts. Alcoholics develop alcoholic depression, as a result of which they commit suicide. Drug addicts in the period between taking drugs feel the meaninglessness of life, this can also be superimposed by a “breakdown” due to the lack of a narcotic substance.

Elizabeth Proctor

Elizabeth Proctor was unlucky, she was considered a witch and arrested in 1692. Despite the testimony of her friends, she was sentenced to death. Elizabeth was pregnant at the time, and she gave birth to a child while in prison. When they put a rope around her neck and opened the hatch of the scaffold, she fell into the hatch, but did not die.

John Henry George Lee

John Henry George Lee was arrested as an accessory to the murder of a woman named Emma Casey. John was sentenced to hang, he was thrown into a hatch three times with a rope around his neck, but he survived all three times.

William Duell

William Duell, along with 4 other criminals, was hanged after being accused of raping and murdering a child in London. At that time, in the UK, the corpses of criminals were used for medical purposes. When William's body was on the surgical table, the student who was supposed to dissect the corpse noticed signs of breathing!

Zoleyhad Kadhoda

Zoleihad Kadhoda, a married woman, was arrested on charges of treason and an affair with a man. As is customary in the East, such a woman was sentenced to death by stoning. It looks like this, a man is buried up to his waist in the ground, and stones are thrown at his head. Zoleyhad was quickly stoned, but after she was taken to the morgue, she was found to be alive.

Vincelao Miguel

Vincelao Miguel was arrested during the Mexican Revolution. He was sentenced to death by firing squad. After 9 shots, Miguel managed to survive. He escaped and lived a long life.

John Smith

John Smith was arrested after robbing several houses and banks. He was hanged by dropping with a rope through a hatch, but survived and lived a full life for some time.

Anna Green

Anna Green got pregnant by her employer, whom she is believed to have seduced. After the due date, she had a child, but the baby died immediately after birth. Anna tried to hide the body, and was charged with murder, for which she was sentenced to death. Anna Green was hanged from a ladder with a rope around her neck, but during the funeral, her coffin was opened and signs of breathing were found, after which she was sent to the hospital

Joseph Samuel

Joseph Samuel in 1801 committed several robberies and murders. He was part of a gang, all members of which were sentenced to death. On the day of execution, Joseph was hanged three times, and three times he managed to survive, first his rope broke, then the rope jumped off. Joseph Samuel was pardoned and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Maggie Dixon

Maggie Dixon cohabited with the innkeeper after her husband's death and gave birth to a child by him, who died shortly after giving birth. She threw the child's body into the river, but it was discovered and she was sentenced to death. After the execution, the coffin with her body was transferred to the cemetery, but there was a knock on the way. Maggie survived and lived for another 40 years!

Willie Francis

Willie Francis killed a pharmacy owner when he was 16 years old. He confessed and was sentenced to death in the electric chair. When he was executed in the electric chair, Willy Francis screamed and shuddered, but after the power outage, he remained alive. He was executed again exactly one year later.

In the past, the very fact that the criminal managed to stay alive after the execution of capital punishment was considered nothing more than God's providence, that is, it was considered a proof of innocence sent from above. Below are six real stories about people who were able to stay alive despite the law, even if only for a short time.

Especially for – Dmitry Buinov

Usually, the criminal who survived after the execution is not subjected to a second procedure. It is not for nothing that the key word in the verdict is “death”, which means the inevitability of the onset of retribution and the inevitability of the execution of the sentence.

In the past, the very fact that the criminal managed to stay alive after the execution of capital punishment was considered nothing more than God's providence, that is, it was considered a proof of innocence sent from above. Below are six real stories about people who were able to stay alive despite the law, even if only for a short time.

1. Man Franks

This is a photo of another execution, 1896. This guy is probably much less fortunate than Franks.

One of the Australian newspapers posted a note in 1872 about how the killer, nicknamed "Man Franks", survived his own execution due to the monstrous incompetence of the performers.

At first, the execution itself was delayed by several hours, as the sheriff found the scheduled time inconvenient. During the waiting time it rained and the wet rope prepared for the execution was taken to dry over the fire.

Because of this, the rope stopped slipping. Before throwing a noose around the neck of the convict, the executioner had to stick his leg into the noose and pull with all his might to move the tightly stuck knot. Then the would-be executioner tried to fix the noose around Franks' neck, but, despite all his efforts, he did not manage to do it as tightly as required by the rules.

In the end, a support was knocked out from under Frank, but after three minutes of unsuccessfully trying to suffocate, he began to twitch, asking to end his suffering and finish him off at last. And since his hands were as “tightly” tied as his neck, it was not difficult for him to pull himself up and, moving the rope from his throat, scold the organizers of the execution for their “hack-work”. Finally, one of the servants cut the rope, and the long-suffering victim of justice met the hard ground with a dull thud, since no one had thought to lay something soft on him.

Needless to say, after all that had been seen, no one wanted to finish the job, and Franks had his sentence commuted, replaced by imprisonment, and the executive power of the new monarchical elite of Fiji became the subject of ridicule all over the world.

2. Anna Green

In 1650, twenty-two-year-old Anna Green was a servant in the household of Sir Thomas Reid. She became pregnant from his grandson, but did not know that she was carrying a child in her womb. After 18 weeks, when Anna was grinding malt, she suddenly became ill. She had a miscarriage in the toilet. Terrified, the girl hid the corpse.

At that time, there was a law that any unmarried woman who concealed a pregnancy or a newborn was considered a child killer. Despite the fact that the midwives recognized the fetus as stillborn, Greene was sentenced to death by hanging in the courtyard of Oxford Castle.

During the last speech, she asked to condemn "the debauchery in the family in which she lived." She asked her friends to hang on her body to hasten her demise, and they did not refuse.

After the execution, the supposedly lifeless body was removed and taken to the anatomical theater for student training. But when the coffin was opened, the doctors discovered that the chest of the “corpse” made barely noticeable respiratory movements. They forgot their original purpose and began resuscitation through bloodletting, stimulating respiratory reflexes, and applying warm heating pads.

The public saw this as a sign from above and Green was pardoned. Taking the coffin with her as a souvenir, she settled in another town, got married and had a child.

3. Half-Hung Maggie

Cover of Alison Butler's The Hanging of Margaret Dixon

Maggie Dixon became pregnant while waiting for the return of her sailor husband, which was not at all a rosy situation for a woman in 1724. She, of course, tried to hide the pregnancy (concealment was punishable by law), but she failed and she was sentenced to death by hanging.

After the execution, her family managed to take the body away without giving it to the medicine butchers for dissection. While they were seeing Maggie off on their last journey to the cemetery, they heard a knock from inside the closed coffin. The resurrection of Maggie was perceived only as the will of God. So she became a celebrity and acquired the nickname "Half-Hanged Maggie." She lived another 40 years and to this day, not far from the place of her execution, there is a tavern named after her.

4. Inetta de Balsham

For harboring thieves, she was sentenced to death in August 1264. Sources say she was hanged at 9 am on Monday 16 August and left to hang out until the next morning. When the rope was cut, it turned out that she was still alive. Her windpipe was deformed in such a way that the knot could not completely restrict the access of air. Inetta's miraculous rescue brought her to the attention of King Henry III, who bestowed royal favor on her.

5. Romel Broom

The lethal injection was created as a humane, quick, painless and guaranteed means to take a person's life. However, Romel Broom proved that this is not entirely true.

In 2009, Romel was convicted of kidnapping, rape, murder and became the first criminal to survive a lethal injection.

The performers spent two hours trying to find a suitable vein for the IV. After cutting through Broom's entire body, they never found a vein, making the drug's effect unreliable. In the end, he was sent back to his cell with a week's reprieve from his death sentence.

During this time, Romel's lawyers began to prove that their ward experienced cruel and unusual treatment for prisoners during the unsuccessful execution. They managed to initiate a major movement aimed at changing the US law on the use of lethal injection, and Romel in this case is the main witness who cannot be executed. Broome is still alive and awaiting amnesty.

6. Evan McDonald

In 1752, Ewan Macdonald quarreled with Robert Parker and cut his throat, causing the latter to die. Macdonald was convicted of murder, sentenced to death by hanging on the city wall in the English city of Newcastle.

His "corpse" was sent to the same place as the bodies of the rest of the tortured criminals - to the anatomical theater of the local medical institution. In those days, doctors almost specifically hunted for such corpses, since they were the only practical “manuals” by which it was possible to legally study human anatomy.

This is probably why MacDonald was not destined to survive: when the surgeon who entered saw the dumbfounded convict sitting on the operating table, he, without thinking twice, grabbed a surgical hammer and completed the work of the executioner, breaking the criminal's skull. It is said that God's punishment overtook this doctor when his own horse mortally wounded him on the head with a hoof.

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