Minister of the Interior Kolokoltsev. "Zakharchenko was an inviolable figure." Awards and achievements

At present, the Ministry of the Interior is headed, as you know, by Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev. He was appointed to this position at the end of May 2011. Prior to that, Kolokoltsev headed the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Moscow. We will not dwell on the details of the biography of the current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Here it is only worth noting that looking at the track record, we can conclude that this is an experienced person who has worked for a long time in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Most likely, it was this factor that played an important role in the decision to appoint him to the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev: what is the title of the Minister of Internal Affairs now

As you know, there is subordination in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as in the Armed Forces. Accordingly, all employees are assigned certain titles. Vladimir Kolokoltsev is no exception here. Without going into the details of his biography, it should be noted that he went through all the steps of the highest commanding staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In particular, the current minister at one time held the following positions:

  • major general;
  • lieutenant general;
  • colonel general.

But there is one important point to note here. V Russian Federation in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there is a system of special titles. In other words, to the rank, for example, captain, one should certainly add "police". After the reform, it, of course, was replaced by the "police". To receive the title, all employees of the department had to undergo recertification. Kolokoltsov, like many other employees, was introduced to both old and new special titles. Let's take a quick look at them.

If we talk about the ranks of the highest commanding staff, then Vladimir Kolokoltsev managed to be a major general and a lieutenant general of the police.

Then he successfully passed re-certification and remained in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, at the end of March 2011, the head of state awarded him the special rank of police lieutenant general by decree. After Kolokoltsev took the post of Minister of the Interior, he continued the reform of the department begun by his predecessor. Successes in this field did not go unnoticed, and in early June 2013, the head of state, by his decree, promoted Vladimir Aleksandrovich to the colonel-general of police.

Kolokoltsev remained in this rank until November 10, 2015. It was then that, again, on the basis of a presidential decree, he was awarded a new rank for Russia - Police General of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that according to Russian law, it is assigned to only one person - the Minister of Internal Affairs. In the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as in the army, the title is assigned to a retired or retired person for life.

Let's explain this point a little more. For example, Kolokoltsev, after he finishes his service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will have the right to represent a retired police general of the Russian Federation. This, by the way, applies to all other employees of the department. At the same time, Vladimir Alexandrovich's successor in the position of minister will be awarded the rank of police general of the Russian Federation. However, while Kolokoltsev is not going to resign. Accordingly, he is currently the only police general in the Russian Federation.

This rank is currently the highest in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can recognize its owner, of course, by shoulder straps. It should be noted that their appearance changed a bit in 2014. Before that, there was a slightly different version, approved in 2011. However, since the rank of police general was first awarded in November 2015, almost no one saw this option live. In 2014, the modern appearance of the shoulder strap was approved. In particular, on its longitudinal line there is a star with a diameter of 40 millimeters embroidered with golden threads. Next are the emblem of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. Everywhere, except for the outer edge, there is a border in the form of a red line.

Some interesting facts about the Minister of the Interior

In 1994, Vladimir Kolokoltsev acted in films, agreeing to an episodic role in the series about the police "On the corner at the Patriarchs." The current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs played the role of an operative. It is curious that, according to the script, Vladimir Alexandrovich congratulates the investigator of the 108th police department, the head of which he was, on the disclosure of the case. Knowledgeable people caught the intention of the authors, and gave a positive assessment of this approach.

During Kolokoltsev's tenure as head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Oryol region, law enforcement officers filed charges against the two first vice-governors - Igor Soshnikov and Vitaly Kochuev - as well as several heads of regional administration departments. In addition, some members of the "Vorobyevskaya" organized criminal group were arrested.

In 2013, already holding the post of Minister of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev was noted for a rather ambiguous act - he wanted to look into the eyes of the “Biryulyovo killer”. Many perceived this as a not entirely successful PR campaign of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, although there were quite a lot of favorable reviews. Let's briefly recall the essence of the matter.

In mid-October 2013, a local resident Yegor Shcherbakov was murdered in Biryulyovo near Moscow. Because of this, mass unrest began in the city. The thing is that the murder was committed by a native of Azerbaijan, and the locals threatened to kill all visitors. As a result, law enforcement officers detained Orkhan Zeynalov. The Azerbaijani, fearing popular anger, was taken by helicopter to the capital of the Russian Federation, where he was first shown to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Earlier, Kolokoltsev said that he wanted to look the "Biryulev killer" in the eye. The subordinates complied with the minister's request by delivering the suspect to him. However, this did not last long. The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs looked into Zeynalov's eyes for 5 seconds, after which he gave the order to take him to the pre-trial detention center. At the same time, the minister thanked all the law enforcement officers who took part in the search and capture of the criminal, emphasizing their professionalism and well-coordinated actions.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev is the current Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, the first of the chiefs of the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate to rise to such a high rung on the career ladder. In addition, the police general once acted in films.

Childhood and youth

The glory of the birthplace of the Minister of the Interior, judging by sources on the Web, is shared by the village of Malye Serdoby and the town of Nizhny Lomov, in the Penza region. The official website of the department mentions the second.

Vladimir, the second child in a simple working-class family, was born in May 1961. According to the minister's memoirs, in a provincial town, one had to defend one's status from a young age. The release of energy gave not only in fights, but also in sports - sambo, volleyball, hockey.

In addition, Kolokoltsev painted landscapes well, played the guitar and sang, and sometimes composed poetry. Like most boys, he dreamed of a heroic profession - an investigator or a fighter pilot. The father, who served in the border troops, wanted to realize his own ambitions in his son in the form of an officer's career.

After school, Volodya worked a little as a driver and went to serve in the Central Asian border district. At the end of military service, he filed a report with a request to send him to a military school, but flunked the military medical commission for a ridiculous reason, in general: they overate ice cream with friends at the station, earned a sore throat and ended up in the hospital.

In 1981, the future general joined the Communist Party of the USSR, at the border he rose to the rank of foreman of the outpost and, as one of the best fighters, received an offer to serve in the ranks of the metropolitan police.

Military service and politics

Kolokoltsev began his service in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the department for the protection of diplomatic missions, and very soon he headed a separate battalion of patrol service. From 1985 to 1989 he studied in Leningrad, at the Higher Political School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from which he graduated with honors, and in 4 years he went from a detective to the head of a police department.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev (right) in the TV series "On the corner, near the Patriarchs"

By the way, on the basis of this police department, the detective series “On the corner, at the Patriarchs” was filmed with the participation of and. Kolokoltsev acted as a consultant for the film crew and appeared there in the episode.

In the 90s, Vladimir headed the criminal investigation departments of various Moscow police departments, then worked for 10 years in organized crime units, first in district departments, then at the federal district level.

However, not everything is so perfect in Kolokoltsev's biography. On the pages of electronic media, you can find a message about an emergency that occurred in August 1999. Then two employees of the RUBOP were accused of robbing and beating Vietnamese citizens.

According to rumors, the influence of senior management in the person of Boris Rushailo, who was famous for not giving up his own. Vladimir Alexandrovich escaped with incomplete service compliance.

Later, another explanation surfaced on the Web as to why Kolokoltsev almost lost his seat: the allegedly honest and zealous colonel did not work well with his immediate supervisor, the head of the UVD of the SEAD, Vladimir Pronin. The latter, by the way, a few years later headed the Moscow department.

In 2007, after long negotiations, the candidacy of Vladimir Kolokoltsev was approved for the position of head of the Department of Internal Affairs in the Oryol region. There are many stories in the press about how new leader Oryol militia fought against bribery in the highest echelons of the regional leadership. Two deputy governors, the chairman of the registration chamber ended up in prison, the chairman of the Property Fund and the head of the Administration Department were arrested.

In the end, Yegor Stroev left the post of governor, an authoritative person, he worked in the Central Committee of the CPSU. Among the merits of Kolokoltsev is the 100% resolution of murders in the Oryol region, the defeat of the Stasov organized criminal group.

In 2009, Kolokoltsev went on promotion - deputy head of the Threat Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In the autumn of the same year, he headed the largest police headquarters - the Moscow Central Internal Affairs Directorate. Vladimir replaced the former leader at this post, the same Vladimir Pronin, who was removed from his post after the high-profile crime of Denis Evsyukov.

The Web mentions high-profile events that occurred during the period of Kolokoltsev's command in the metropolitan police, and then the police. This includes the disappearance of video camera recordings from the scene of the accident of the Lukoil vice-president, in which two women died, a “human” shield of drivers put up by the traffic police in an attempt to stop the car of criminals. As a result of the investigation of the actions of the traffic cops, the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate apologized and promised to pay for repairs to car owners.

In less than a year of service in a new place, Vladimir Aleksandrovich received the rank of lieutenant general, two more years later he headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and in 2015 he put on the shoulder straps of a police general.

According to rumors, the president of Rosneft, who spoke highly of Kolokoltsev's professional qualities, lobbied for the appointment. The first high-profile case of the new minister followed very soon: searches in the administration of Arsen Kanokov, the leader of Kabardino-Balkaria, arrests of his relatives and the Minister of Property and Land Resources.

Personal life

Although Kolokoltsev says that journalists are not his enemies, this statement does not fully apply to the minister’s personal life - little is known about the family of Vladimir Alexandrovich. Photos of the wife and children in the public domain rarely appear, much more information about the financial well-being of family members is exaggerated on the Internet.

Wife Vera Ivanovna is from Rostov. The couple met on the subway. According to Kolokoltsev, the woman received the news of her husband's appointment to a high post without enthusiasm, saying that the family had never had a private life before, and now it certainly won't.

In 1983, the son Alexander was born. The young man initially followed in the footsteps of his father, but then plunged into the business of restaurant, design and construction. According to rumors, some projects of Kolokoltsev Jr. are connected with the business of Samvel Karapetyan and Artem Chaika, the son of the Russian Prosecutor General.

Daughter Ekaterina was born in 1988. The girl graduated from MGIMO and the Russian State Social University. Katya is a journalist by profession, but her place of work is unknown.

Kolokoltsev devotes his free time to his favorite hunting and fishing. While still holding a post in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District, he did not deny himself the pleasure of driving a motorcycle in biker outfit, which shocked his subordinates who got in the way.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev now

The domestic press and Runet do not leave the minister alone. Periodically appearing rumors about the resignation of General Kolokoltsev are not surprising, the latter appeared in the fall of 2017. It is not surprising, since at least two high-profile revealing cases are connected with the department of Vladimir Alexandrovich - General Denis Sugrobov and Colonel. On suspicion of abuse of office, Deputy Minister Alexander Makhonov was dismissed.

However, Kolokoltsev is still on duty. The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was even forced to make an official release, in which it stated that Vladimir Alexandrovich had not filed a letter of resignation. Moreover, after the abolition of the Federal Drug Control Service, the issues of combating drugs returned to Kolokoltsev's department.

Major General Nikolai Skokov served as deputy head of the Main Directorate for Drug Control of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the beginning of 2018, the minister introduced him to the personnel of the Department of Internal Affairs in the Tambov region already as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

On March 18, 2018, Vladimir Putin won again. Immediately after taking office, Vladimir Putin again offered the post of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. May 18 was announced to reporters. Vladimir Kolokoltsev retained his position.

Awards and achievements

  • Medal "For Distinction in the Protection of Public Order"
  • Medal "For Combat Commonwealth"
  • Medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"
  • Medal "For Merit in management activities» 2 and degrees
  • Medal "For Valor in Service"
  • Doctor of Law
  • Honored Officer of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
  • Permanent member of the Anti-Corruption Council under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation

Not every employee of the internal affairs manages to rapidly move up the career ladder, and take the highest position in the most important Ministry. And even more so, not every police officer, along with his work, can engage in cinematography.

But this man managed to become the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, and even once starred in a popular television series.

His name is Vladimir Kolokoltsev, and today we will learn in detail his biography.

early years

Vladimir Kolokoltsev was born in the village of Nizhny Lomov. This happened in 1961 in the month of May. The village is located in the Penza province. There were two children in the Kolokoltsev family. Volodya's parents were ordinary people, and raised Vova in the most correct traditions of the Soviet family.

Vladimir could always stand up for oneself was decisive and fair. Sometimes it was necessary to uphold justice in an unequal fistfight, and Vladimir almost always emerged victorious. This was facilitated by regular exercise. Vladimir was enthusiastically engaged in wrestling, he especially loved sambo, but team sports also fascinated him very much.

In addition to sports, Vladimir was also engaged in painting. He was best at working with landscapes. Volodya also liked to sing and play the guitar. Kolokoltsev wrote poetry well, then he recited them with pleasure to friends and parents.

Since childhood, Volodya dreamed of becoming a pilot, and this is largely parents helped, because they wanted to see their son in the uniform of an officer. Vladimir liked it too. military career, but he often caught himself thinking that he was becoming more and more interested in the profession of an investigator.


After graduating from school, Vladimir Kolokoltsev received rights. He even managed to work as a driver for some time. But this did not last long, since Vladimir was called up for urgent military service. He ended up serving in the border troops, in Central Asia.

When his term of service came to an end, Vladimir decided to stay in the army and applied for admission to a military school. He did not manage to enter the school, because at the time of passing the medical commission, he fell ill with a severe sore throat and ended up in the hospital.

Still at the frontier post, in 1981, Vladimir Kolokoltsev became a member of the Communist Party. Membership in the party and a high military rank, which at that time a conscript soldier could earn, opened up great prospects for Vladimir.

Not many servicemen received serious offers, but foreman Kolokoltsev was offered, at the end of his service, to go to work in the Moscow police.

Police service

Once in the ranks of the Metropolitan Police, Vladimir Kolokoltsev initially held small positions, but soon more and more significant posts began to be entrusted to him. Along the way with the police service, Vladimir entered the school under the auspices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The school was the highest, political, and was located in the city on the Neva. The training took 4 years - 1985-89. Vladimir Kolokoltsev graduated from the Higher Political School with the highest mark, and over the years of study he has significantly climbed the career ladder.

Once he was invited to shoot a popular television series "On the corner, near the Patriarchs". Vladimir Kolokoltsev willingly agreed and starred in several episodes. But shooting was a secondary task, and the main goal was to act as a consultant.

At that time, Vladimir Kolokoltsev worked as the head of the district metropolitan police department but then moved to the UBOP. In this unit, he worked for 10 years, and then went to the federal level.

His first appointment was a managerial position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Orel. Having become the head of the department, Vladimir Kolokoltsev passionately set to work. He launched a broad anti-corruption campaign, the purpose of which was to stop the bribery of regional officials.

Fight against corruption gave some result. High-ranking officials were convicted and sent to jail. The indicators of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Oryol region went up noticeably, and Kolokoltsev's activities were a merit for this. Soon he was offered a high position in the Capital.

Having moved to Moscow in 2009, Vladimir took a responsible post in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Already after 12 months of work in a new capacity, Kolokoltsov receives shoulder straps lieutenant general. It will take another couple of years, and Kolokoltsev will take the highest post in the ministry.


Vladimir does not like to talk openly about your personal life, and tries in every possible way to avoid journalists. It is only known that the wife of Vladimir Kolokoltsev's name is Vera. Vera Ivanovna was born in the city of Rostov.

She is a powerful rear of Vladimir Kolokoltsev, always helps him in difficult situations and fully shares with him all the hardships and hardships.

In the marriage of Vladimir and Vera Kolokoltsev two children. The son was born in 1983. The boy was named Alexander. Little Sasha always imitated his father and also wanted to become a policeman, but when he grew up, Alexander decided to devote himself to business.

In 1988, a daughter appeared in the Kolokoltsev family. They decided to name the girl Catherine. As a child, Ekaterina dreamed of becoming an artist, but having matured, she realized herself in the journalistic field. She entered MGIMO with brilliance graduated from it. Ekaterina Kolokoltseva also has a second higher education.


Vladimir Kolokoltsev is an avid fisherman. He is also not averse to hunting. Another passion of Vladimir is the love of motorcycles. He happily rides through the streets of the capital in a biker outfit, where he catches numerous enthusiastic glances of his wards, who sometimes come across him on the way.

Our days

Very often rumors began to circulate today that Vladimir Kolokoltsev had resigned. These rumors are spread most likely by those persons whom a decent and fair Minister of the Interior, so to speak, crossed the road. But all this, as it is now fashionable to say, is a fake.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev, as before, work hard at your job stands guard over law and order. He has not submitted any resignation, and is not going to resign.


The beginning of 2018 was very rich in significant events. In the spring, presidential elections were held. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin retained this post. Dmitry Medvedev also remained as prime minister. When forming a new government, Vladimir Kolokoltsev also retained his position as minister of the interior.

We wish Vladimir Kolokoltsev success in his difficult and responsible work, good health and family well-being.

Police General of the Russian Federation Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kolokoltsev was born on May 11, 1961 in the city of Nizhny Lomov, Penza Region. In 1982, he entered the service in the internal affairs bodies in the police department for the protection of diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in Moscow.

In 1984, he was appointed to the post of platoon commander of a separate battalion of the PPSM of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gagarinsky District Executive Committee of Moscow.

In 1985, he entered the full-time department of the Higher Political School named after the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR at the faculty with a degree in Law, from which he graduated in 1989. After completing his studies, he returned to service in the Department of Internal Affairs as an operative of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Kuntsevsky District Executive Committee Moscow.

After that, he was appointed deputy head of the 20th police department in Moscow, then head 8 police departments in Moscow.

In 1992, Vladimir Alexandrovich was sent to the Criminal Investigation Department to the position of senior detective of the 2nd department of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow. At the beginning of 1993, he was appointed head of the 108th police department in Moscow. After 2 years, he was approved as the head of the criminal investigation department.
2 District Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

In 1997, he transferred to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as head of the 4th regional department of the RUOP for the city of Moscow under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Two years later, he was appointed head of the regional operational-investigative bureau for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow of the Central Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime under the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In 2001, he became the head of the 3rd department of the operational-search bureau of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District. Subsequently, he was appointed deputy head of the operational-search bureau of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District.

In 2007, he was appointed head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Oryol region. In April 2009, he became First Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

On September 7, 2009, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major General of Militia Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev was appointed head of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for Moscow.

On June 10, 2010, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the special rank of "police lieutenant general".

On March 24, 2011, after passing the re-certification by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow with the special rank of police lieutenant general.

On May 21, 2012, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Police Lieutenant General Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

On June 12, 2013, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 556, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Kolokoltsev was awarded the special rank of "Police Colonel General".

On November 10, 2015, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 554, Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev was awarded the special rank of "Police General of the Russian Federation"

May 18, 2018 by Decree of the President Russian Federation No. 230 Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Kolokoltsev Vladimir Alexandrovich is married, has a son and a daughter. Doctor of Law. Honored Officer of the Department of Internal Affairs. Has state and departmental awards.

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, general police. Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev was born on May 11, 1961 in the city of Nizhny Lomov, Penza Region. He entered the service in the internal affairs bodies in 1982 in the police department for the protection of diplomatic missions of foreign states accredited in Moscow. . entered the full-time department of the Higher Political School named after the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR at the faculty with a degree in Law, which he graduated in 1989. After completing his studies, he returned to service in the Internal Affairs Directorate as an operative of the criminal investigation department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kuntsevo District Executive Committee of Moscow. After that, he was appointed deputy head of the 20th police department in Moscow, then head of the 8th police department in Moscow. In 1992, Vladimir Alexandrovich was sent to the Criminal Investigation Department to the position of senior detective of the 2nd department of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow. At the beginning of 1993, he was appointed head of the 108th police department in Moscow. After 2 years, he was approved as the head of the criminal investigation department of the 2nd District Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. In 1997, he transferred to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as head of the 4th regional department of the RUOP for the city of Moscow under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Two years later, he was appointed head of the regional operational-investigative bureau for the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow of the Central Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime under the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2001, he became the head of the 3rd department of the operational-search bureau of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District. Subsequently, he was appointed deputy head of the operational-search bureau of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Central Federal District. In 2007, he was appointed head of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Oryol region. In April 2009, he became First Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. On September 7, 2009, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major General of Militia Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev was appointed head of the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs for Moscow. On June 10, 2010, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the special rank of "police lieutenant general". On March 24, 2011, after passing the re-certification by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed to the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow with the special rank of police lieutenant general. On May 21, 2012, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Police Lieutenant General Vladimir Alexandrovich Kolokoltsev was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Kolokoltsev Vladimir Alexandrovich is married, has a son and a daughter. Doctor of Law. Honored Officer of the Department of Internal Affairs. Has state and departmental awards.Awarded the title ofPolice Colonel General. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 554 of November 10, 2015, he was awarded the rank of Police General.

Based on materials from the media and other open sources of information.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev: On the fight against corruption, underground casinos and the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow turns 50 years old. Therefore, we decided to ask him not only to answer the most pressing questions, but also to tell about himself. About where he grew up, about his family and the army, about how 30 years ago he came to serve in the police.


- Vladimir Alexandrovich, although you have been living in Moscow for quite a long time, you grew up in the provinces ...

The city of Nizhny Lomov, where I was born and raised, is a real Russian outback. One hundred and ten kilometers to the regional center, Penza, on a not very good road. Several factories, one of which my parents worked. And the population there is just a little more than 20 thousand inhabitants ...

- "Parental home" for you is a house or apartment?

The main thing is the place where you were brought up. And speaking specifically, at first we lived in our own house, not very large, but quite sufficient for four people (I also have an older sister). Over time, the parents changed it to a city apartment.

- There were some special family traditions?

- Most likely, they were the same as in other Russian families: respect for the elders, for their experience and opinion, help for the young, the desire to resolve all issues together.

- As they used to write in autobiographies, you are "from the workers." And who did your parents see you as - a worker or, maybe, a party leader?

- Dad and mom wanted me to become a military man. Perhaps because my father served in his time in the Border Troops and saw in me a possible continuation of an unfulfilled career as an officer. It also matched my desire. It seems to me that then in small towns, most of the boys dreamed of wearing shoulder straps.

- When did you first encounter crime, with offenses?

- Each provincial town had its own customs, its own rules. Of course, from a young age, as they say now, you had to defend your status. And I had to fight. As for crime, I don't remember when I first encountered it. At that time, we did not particularly check our actions with the criminal law. Rather, with the norms of morality and morality. V school years about drug addiction, for example, and have not heard.

- What were your hobbies?

I practiced sambo, played volleyball in the summer, and hockey in the winter. Music was another passion. He learned to play the guitar and with pleasure performed the songs popular at that time by Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Antonov, "Time Machine". True, he did not write poetry or music.

- Now in our country, hundreds of thousands of young people are "running" from conscription for military service...

I went to the army consciously, and with the desire to serve in the Border Troops, like a father. Then for young people, army service was really considered an honorable duty. In our town, girls were wary of guys who, for some reason, did not serve in the army. Maybe this was the result of propaganda, and, perhaps, worldly wisdom also worked: if a guy served, then he was considered physically strong and healthy. So, it was more promising to create a family with him ...

- Where did your military service begin?

Like my father, I served in the Red Banner Central Asian border district, on the Soviet-Afghan border, at that time - not the most peaceful place.

- Did you have hazing at the outpost?

In the negative understanding that is now being put into this word, no.

- And what did military service give you?

A lot of things. First of all, self-discipline, the ability to know and respect the weapons you use, knowledge of many male professions and specialties, which was useful for life. Much can be listed. I am convinced that service in the army is only beneficial for any normal peasant. It has always been so. Today, in the same UK, even members of the royal family do not consider it shameful to serve for the benefit of the Fatherland, including in hot spots. Yes, everyone is equal in the army. Any rot is immediately visible. The strength of character is manifested not in feigned coolness, but in the ability to effectively perform male work.

- Didn't you want to go to a military university?

Maybe my career would have turned out differently if not for the love of ice cream. While still at the sergeant's school, I wrote a report with a request to send me to study at the Alma-Ata border school. A group of candidates was sent to Ashgabat to pass the district military medical commission. The first thing we did when we arrived there was literally overeat ice cream at the station. As a result, with a severe sore throat, I ended up in the district hospital. He returned to his native part rested, but did not pass the medical examination for admission to the school.

But back to school...

- Much later. Higher education received after graduating from the Higher Political School named after the 60th anniversary of the Komsomol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. They even made me an offer to stay there to teach. I defended both my Ph.D. and my doctoral dissertation... And I finished my military service as a foreman of the frontier post, joining the CPSU along the way, in the spring of 1981, that is, exactly 30 years ago.

- And you decided to go to the police after the service?

I began to draw up documents already six months before the order to transfer to the reserve. Well, he began to serve in the police, as they say, "from the ground", from the position of an inspector. He lived, like many of my colleagues, in a hostel. And for 30 years he went through all the steps of the service up to the head of the head office and the lieutenant general of the police.


- Then we will ask you as a general. How did it happen that in a number of regions, in Kushchevskaya, Engels, Gus-Khrustalny, organized crime not only existed, but also “held power”?

- Where the real state power gives slack, bandits take its place. In my opinion, in order to prevent them from controlling entire settlements, the will and desire of local leaders is quite enough. We have an abundance of skills and knowledge on how to deal with this phenomenon.

What, for example, did Kushchevskaya reveal? The problem is systemic. It is necessary to restore order in the internal affairs bodies and keep their activities on the ground under strict control. This is now being done by the leadership of the country and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the entire reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is aimed at this. You also need to control all law enforcement agencies - and the prosecutor's office, and the courts, and the investigation. Yes, and executive authorities. Everyone bears an equal responsibility. This is a very serious lesson for our entire law enforcement system, and the conclusions have been drawn.

- What about the ability to fight corruption?

If we cope with bandits in open battle, then it is very difficult to fight corruption and bribes. Especially if they are beneficial to both parties - the bribe giver and the bribe taker. Recently, in some media, they attributed to me that I allegedly shifted the blame for corruption from officials to businessmen. I might as well be credited with saying that the Arctic Ocean is in the south. I have argued and still continue to assert that there are representatives of business who, even without extortion from officials, give bribes where it is beneficial to them. For example, to get some kind of contract. Therefore, the blame for corruption cannot be placed solely on officials. It is too early to refute Marx's assertion that there is no such crime that capital would not commit for the sake of three hundred percent profit. And we have these "profits" and more ...

- But the police are now accused of bribery ...

I do not want to justify anyone, but let's be honest at least in relation to ourselves. That each of us does not know a single case when, having committed a violation of the rules traffic, your friend did not try to offer a bribe to the traffic police officer? How many of us sincerely resented such a fact from our friend, neighbor, acquaintance? But with what indignation the one who literally yesterday provoked the traffic police inspector to receive a bribe, today speaks loudest of all about bribery in the traffic police!

- Should we have our own way of fighting corruption in our country?

Corruption has always existed in one form or another: both under the tsar, and under Soviet rule, and in the nineties, it also exists in the new century, unfortunately. Combating it is a common task for many states. And you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Anti-corruption measures have long been invented and tested in practice. We just need to actively implement them. Much, by the way, is already being done in our country. And in order to eradicate bribes, two conditions are needed: to make them economically unprofitable and to form an atmosphere of condemnation of both those who take bribes and those who give them. Work is underway. The President signed the Law on multiple fines for bribes. This is the first step. Let us now create conditions under which both criminal penalties and financial sanctions for corruption crimes will also be inevitable.

- Online now offer new service for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are undergoing recertification: "We will teach you how to cheat a polygraph." They say it's in demand...

I'll tell you this: Africans were recently detained in Novosibirsk, who offered to make three out of one banknote. The service, they say, was also in demand. It's the same with the lie detector.

- And such a method as a provocation of a bribe, which is being talked about a lot now, should be introduced into the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

If a method is introduced, it must be extended to more than just one agency. So that the rest, so to speak, would not be offended.

- Nearly a rhetorical question. Will re-certification eventually help to keep traffic police officers from taking bribes?

Recertification itself is only part of a larger program. At the same time, new technologies are being introduced, including those aimed at reducing the corrupt behavior of both inspectors and drivers. This is audio and video recording on patrol cars, video recording of offenses on the road. Such measures will allow to control employees and reduce the number of contacts between them and car owners.


- The topic of underground casinos is still well known. But they didn't appear out of nowhere. Someone covered them...

- We actively search, find and close these establishments. They were covered and provided administrative and security cover for them. All this was, but now it has practically disappeared. I sincerely hope that the organizers of casinos and gaming clubs can not only count money, but also read newspapers. Therefore, taking this opportunity, I would like to address them with a proposal to abandon fruitless attempts to revive the gambling business in the capital. To stop with maniacal persistence to look for ways out to power structures in order to change the situation. I am aware of at least a few cases of “divorce as suckers”, using the terminology of criminals, owners of illegal gambling establishments by so-called intermediaries. They promise to "resolve issues" with our commander-in-chief for very rather big sums. Officially I say: it will not work!

- It is believed that surveillance systems should help the police ...

Surveillance cameras are a special topic. In a city like Moscow, their role in the fight against crime is very large. Therefore, we pay the most serious attention to this. Remember how it suddenly turned out that a significant part of the installed cameras simply did not work? One organizer of this "show" among businessmen has already been convicted. Another, from among the militia officials, who turned a blind eye to such outrages, is awaiting conviction as part of a criminal investigation. I will not hide, the initiative to bring both of them to clean water was ours.

- And when will a high-quality video surveillance system be created? I remember six months ago you told me that some cameras give such a “picture” that it is difficult to distinguish a Zhiguli from a KamAZ ...

The city has allocated budgetary resources for the modernization and expansion of the existing outdoor surveillance system. The work is in full swing.

- But after all now many information bases there and then appear on sale. Could criminal groups just as freely use video surveillance data for their own purposes?

Every effort has been made to prevent this from happening.

- And who actually owns the cameras, who owns the information?

Our employees in most cases are only consumers of information recorded by cameras, and only in statutory cases. And the owners of video surveillance systems are city services and some other organizations.


How do you feel about increasing fines for illegal parking of cars? Will this measure help solve Moscow's transport problems?

One such measure in itself is unlikely. What's the point of issuing fines if they aren't paid? I do not want to name the amount of uncollected fines as of today. Trust me, she's big. Therefore, a mechanical increase in penalties will not completely solve the problem. In a number of cases of malicious, I emphasize - malicious, evasion of paying a fine, it is probably necessary to think about withdrawing the driver's license from the violator and returning it only in case of paying a multiple of unpaid receipts in a timely manner. This measure, as they like to say now, is unpopular, but if we are talking about compliance with the law and the inevitability of punishment, then it may have to be introduced ...

- Muscovites, including our readers, often complain that the traffic police crews have to wait a long time in case of traffic accidents. What are the reasons for this?

For many, the following information will be news. According to experts, in the capital, the number of traffic police officers corresponds to the estimated number (number of vehicles, length of roads, etc.) by only one quarter. For example, recently, due to the increase in queues at the points of re-registration of vehicles, I signed an order to increase the number of employees directly involved in this work. But in the context of a general reduction in personnel, we cannot constantly, for example, from the criminal investigation service or district commissioners, by reducing them, transfer people to the traffic police service. This will also have a negative impact on other areas of our operational and service activities. However, in any case, we will try to take measures to improve the quality of our work.

The Moscow police do not have enough PDN officers, district commissioners. And these positions cannot be filled by citizens from neighboring countries. Muscovites do not go to such work.

It is no secret that today we are, on the one hand, carrying out reductions, and on the other hand, some of our services are understaffed. For example, in the management of the Moscow Metro. Are you asking if Muscovites go to such positions? So far, unfortunately, almost none.

We very much look forward to the measures taken today by the leadership of the state to increase the prestige of the police service. Their implementation will certainly lead to the positive effect that our entire society expects.

At the end of the conversation, congratulating Vladimir Alexandrovich on his anniversary on behalf of the journalists and readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, I asked him the last question: did he have such cases in his 30 years of service in the internal affairs bodies when he wanted to quit everything, change his profession? He answered in a military way clearly and quickly: “I would have grimaced if I answered in the negative. There were times when I wanted to leave. But not today. Now is the time to work!”

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" Alexei Bogomolov (May 11, 2011)

Vouch for the precinct
Vladimir Kolokoltsev: We were finally able to start selection, not recruitment to the police

Now you can't get into the police service without a personal guarantor. All managers are responsible for the actions of their subordinates. The number of people wishing to serve in the police for the first time twice exceeded the number of vacancies. He spoke about these and other important changes to the law enforcement service in an interview " Rossiyskaya Gazeta Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev.

Vladimir Alexandrovich, tell us how the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which began 2 years ago with the adoption of the Law "On Police", is proceeding?

Kolokoltsev: Any reform takes time. It is impossible overnight to change the mentality of people, to determine the exact ratio of the necessary forces and means in each sector in modern conditions. Of course, the adoption of a new legislative framework became a great support for us. We were able to increase the financial content, strengthen the material and technical basis. At the same time, we analyze the course of the reform, identify emerging problems and make adjustments. So we have identified complications in the activities of the territorial bodies of the district level, which have arisen due to a significant reduction in personnel, the uneven load on the heads of internal affairs bodies, especially in the field. In addition, in some regions one of the fundamental principles was violated - the availability of the police to the population. Especially in a number of urban-type settlements and rural settlements. Distortions arose because of the hasty, sometimes not entirely thought out actions of the heads of regional ministries, central departments and departments. But I do not remove responsibility from the federal ministry, which did not ensure proper control over the progress of the reform and the validity of the decisions made at the local level. Now one of the priority tasks for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is to strengthen the territorial bodies of the lower level. In rural areas, we will develop a network of precinct police stations, mainly through the redistribution of the staffing of services and divisions of territorial bodies within the approved limits. Within the framework of the program being developed by the ministry, office premises will be equipped, employees will be equipped with special automobile and other equipment, as well as the construction of office housing or its acquisition. By the way, here is important nuance. Since, under the current legislation, the purchase of residential premises is possible only from organizations, we will apply for amendments to the legal framework, allowing the purchase of premises from individuals. This is especially necessary for rural areas, where there is often simply no other way to buy housing.

It's nice to hear that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is taking care of the "grassroots level" serving in the outback. But are the employees themselves changing, is the quality of people serving in the bodies improving?

Kolokoltsev: We assign a paramount role to the qualitative renewal of the personnel. Unfortunately, the results of the extraordinary certification conducted in 2011 did not live up to expectations and were subjected to quite fair criticism from the society. Not all employees who continued their service met high professional and moral criteria. But it is impossible to solve the problem of high-quality personnel renewal in a short time, no matter how much we would like it. We need a set of long-term measures, consistent, systematic and purposeful actions in this direction. We have begun a radical restructuring of the entire system staffing ministries. In 2012, a new procedure for professional psychological selection, contract service and certification was established. New qualification requirements have been introduced for the positions of rank and file and management staff. The Disciplinary Charter of the internal affairs bodies was adopted. The practice of personal guarantee, which has become a mandatory requirement for employment, is actively operating. I would especially like to note the increased role of departmental educational institutions. For the first time in many years, the share of their graduates exceeded half of the total number of recruits.

And how did you manage to ensure that the police began to hold on to the service? What today helps to raise the prestige of the profession?

Kolokoltsev: You are right, the prestige of our work began to rise little by little. Last year, for the first time in many years, the number of citizens wishing to serve in the police exceeded the number of available vacancies by more than 2 times, and the number of people hired was 1.5 times higher than the number of dismissed ones. We were finally able to start the selection, not the recruitment to the police. I think this, first of all, was facilitated by the increase in the social status of the police profession. The salary of a police officer today is quite competitive in the labor market, especially in comparison with the recent past. Significantly increased the size of the pension for years of service. Compared to 2011, the cost of housing has increased by more than 6 times. But here, too, problems remain. If in many regions a line of candidates forms for one vacant vacancy, then in Moscow, the Moscow Region and St. Petersburg, due to the abolition of regional supplements and the high average subsistence level of the population, the salaries of employees increased not so significantly. And taking into account the much greater workload, chronic shortages continue to persist in these main departments. Having headed the department, you began to use the tactics of "scorched earth" against violators of the law in uniform. This has obviously paid off.

Are there any specific indicators that testify to the strengthening of discipline in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Kolokoltsev: The question of discipline still remains one of the most acute. Despite the fact that the number of employees who committed crimes in the past year decreased by 7 percent throughout the country, and, for example, in Moscow by almost 1/3, the level of disciplinary offenses and offenses remains significant. But I would like to note that the increase in the number of people prosecuted for committing unlawful acts is largely due to the intensification of the work of the internal affairs bodies themselves, in particular, their own security units. We intend to continue to wage a consistent and uncompromising struggle in this direction, to create an atmosphere of intolerance towards violations of the law in the service collectives. At the same time, all managers bear personal responsibility for the illegal actions of their subordinates. I am absolutely sure that only such measures will achieve a positive result. This is my principle position. V Lately we conducted reviews in a number of regions, with a particular focus on the performance of managers. Based on the results of these inspections, we made our proposals to the country's leadership on personnel decisions. And we will continue this work. Not a single head of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, no matter what post he holds, will evade personal responsibility for the state of affairs in the area of ​​work entrusted to him.

Compared to your predecessor, you began to pay much more attention to the openness of the department, to involve the public in the process of monitoring the activities of the police, and public councils began to enjoy greater confidence. For what?

Kolokoltsev: I am convinced that public control over the activities of the police on the part of civil society institutions and especially public councils created under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its territorial bodies, is the most important principle and a necessary condition for the effective implementation of our tasks. It is very important for us to evaluate the work of the police at social and political events, which they give by attending them as observers. Often, it significantly influences the formation of public opinion about the actions of the police, their legality and validity. Not a single head of the MIA system will evade personal responsibility for the area of ​​work entrusted to him.

On November 6, 2012, you signed an order requiring all police leaders to start the day by monitoring the media. And how do you yourself assess the activities of the media in covering the work of the police?

Kolokoltsev: The role of the media in general cannot be overestimated. It is they who form public opinion, including on the effectiveness of our work, and help to identify and eliminate shortcomings. Therefore, we strive for maximum openness in our work and are committed to a constructive dialogue and cooperation with the media. I am pleased that last year, according to an independent expert rating of media activity, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was recognized as the most open law enforcement structure.

One of your revolutionary innovations was the rejection of the "stick" system. For which special thanks from the former lawyer. But crimes still need to be taken into account somehow?

Kolokoltsev: First, the necessary statistics are still kept. Thus, last year 1,253,000 crimes were uncovered, a quarter of which were grave and especially grave. Almost 90,000 suspects and accused of crimes were tracked down during the year. However, we cannot yet categorically recognize this work as completely satisfactory. Behind every crime is someone's life, health, property interests. And it is our direct duty to ensure that all victims receive law enforcement assistance. Each person judges the operation of the system as a whole by personal experience or the experience of his relatives and friends. Therefore, no crime should go unpunished. Secondly, together with other law enforcement agencies, the Ministry is actively involved in the ongoing Prosecutor General's Office work on the creation of a state automated system legal statistics. In the near future, it is planned to conduct its trial operation in a number of regions. We expect that the system being created will help solve a number of problematic issues of interagency cooperation, and we will get a real objective picture of all criminal statistics.

I know that a crime prevention law is brewing in your department. What stage is he in?

Kolokoltsev: The development of the draft federal law "On the Fundamentals of the Crime Prevention System in the Russian Federation" has entered the final stage. It will soon be sent to the State Duma. The coordination of activities in this area is entrusted to the Government Commission for the Prevention of Offenses. Last year, at its meetings, issues were considered, including the prevention of delinquency among labor migrants, the prevention of non-medical use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances among adolescents and youth, and more active involvement of private security companies in ensuring public order. Preventive work is constantly bearing fruit. To a certain extent, this can be confirmed by the steady trend of reducing crime, noted in last years. Statistics show that last year both the total number of crimes and the majority of serious and especially serious crimes decreased. The number of murders, cases of intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, rape, robbery, skilled robbery and theft has decreased.

Speaking of prevention, one cannot help but recall the role of district police officers and, at the same time, their chronic shortage. Do you plan to do something about this?

Kolokoltsev: Today every fourth crime is solved by district police officers. In 2012, they worked with more than 3 million citizens who are on preventive records in the internal affairs bodies. In total, they considered over 10 million appeals and applications. The primary task for us now is to optimize the functionality of district police officers, to clarify their powers in some areas of activity. Today they are overwhelmed with a huge amount of paper work, which, of course, hinders the effective performance of official tasks and, most importantly, reduces the time of communication with the population. High hopes for change this provision we assign to the development and adoption of decisions to change the criminal procedural and criminal legislation. We are already preparing our proposals.

What did the Law N 64-FZ “On administrative supervision of persons released from places of deprivation of liberty”, adopted in the spring of 2011, give you, on which the Ministry of Internal Affairs insisted?

Kolokoltsev: As you know, the institution of administrative oversight has not actually worked in Russia for many years. The adopted law eliminated all legal gaps. Now the ability of the police to control the behavior of previously convicted has expanded significantly. Last year, 42,000 such persons were taken under administrative supervision. In relation to more than 220 thousand, administrative supervision can be established if they commit administrative offenses. The active use of this institution brings positive results. Only 6 per cent of those under supervision have committed crimes again. Of course, the problem of recidivism cannot be solved by law enforcement methods alone. Our efforts often turn out to be ineffective due to the numerous social and everyday problems that these individuals face after their release from places of deprivation of liberty. The inability to get a decent job, the lack of a profession, housing and livelihood today are the main reasons for their re-offending. This requires a comprehensive approach and the assistance of local authorities.

In recent years, many laws have been adopted to protect entrepreneurs from unjustified criminal prosecution. Did such innovations interfere with the investigation of economic crimes?

Kolokoltsev: Judge for yourself: as a result of operational-search activities, police officers revealed 163,000 crimes of an economic nature. Almost two thirds of them are heavy and especially heavy trains. The amount of indemnified damage amounted to more than 65 billion rubles. About 36,000 persons who have committed crimes of this category have been brought to criminal responsibility. In total, the internal affairs bodies currently account for up to 95% of economic crimes detected by all law enforcement agencies. Today we have everything the necessary conditions for active work in this area: the legal framework, public assistance, political will and support from the country's leadership.

There is an opinion among the people that the communal sphere is a real "black hole", where even the police are powerless. Do you really wash your hands when it comes to the sins of building managers?

Kolokoltsev: Of course not. Decriminalization of the sphere of housing and communal services has been and is being given increased attention. In cooperation with other law enforcement and regulatory authorities in 2012, more than 3.2 thousand economic crimes were detected in this area. The amount of indemnified damage amounted to about 1.4 billion rubles. 376 persons who committed crimes in the sphere of housing and communal services were brought to criminal responsibility. A number of these cases were widely covered in the media and thundered throughout the country. Suffice it to recall the recent arrests in St. Petersburg. Work to clean up the housing and communal services sector from abuse and corruption will definitely continue.

A real war of corruption has been declared at the state level. Does the Ministry of Internal Affairs participate in it?

Kolokoltsev: The answer is obvious: we are actively fighting this evil. In the field of combating corruption, the main efforts are aimed at identifying and suppressing the most significant, systemic corruption crimes, including those committed by high-ranking officials. In total, last year the internal affairs bodies revealed 45 thousand crimes of this kind, of which about 7.5 thousand were bribes in large or special large size. More than 10,000 persons have been brought to criminal responsibility.

Recently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent a draft resolution to the government, which introduces into the SDA new sign, warning about the presence of cameras for photo and video recording of violations and the corresponding road markings informing the driver that he is in focus. Admit it, such an initiative appeared in connection with some international obligations or was caused by other circumstances?

Kolokoltsev: The situation with accidents on the roads remains extremely difficult. Last year alone, the death toll was 28,000, and more than 258,000 were injured. At the same time, every fourteenth accident is committed by drivers with signs of intoxication. Means of automatic recording of violations of the Rules of the Road today operate in almost all subjects of the Russian Federation and have already proven their effectiveness. With their help, about 60% of all traffic violations were recorded last year. Twice as many as the year before. Another plus of automatic fixation is the inevitability of punishment and the absence of personal contact with the inspector. You can't agree with the camera. Therefore, the anti-corruption effect is also important for us here. The introduction of the sign is necessary primarily for the prevention of traffic violations. Seeing it, drivers will automatically slow down, and the risk of an accident will decrease significantly.

"Rossiyskaya Gazeta" - Federal issue No. 6004 (February 11, 2013)