Learn to live in peace with yourself. How to live in harmony with yourself if you are different?! How to restore peace of mind

Hello dear blog readers! We are all born to be happy. But for some reason, only a few are able to feel joy, love and satisfaction from the way their life has turned out.

And please note that these feelings are not always associated with material values. That is, a person can experience peace, balance within himself, regardless of what he managed to achieve financial position.

Therefore, today we will talk with you about how to learn to live in harmony with yourself.

Top methods


To know in which direction to move, for example, if you get lost in the forest, first of all, you need to determine exactly where you are at the moment. Then, starting from this point, it is possible to lay a route.

Accordingly, the very first thing you must do is to determine what is actually happiness for you. Real, without substitutions in the form of a dacha in the Maldives.

Because I'm sure you yourself know a lot of examples of people who seem to have everything you can dream of, in terms of luxury cars, luxury apartments and so on.

But they seem to be devastated, constantly tense and cannot sincerely rejoice at the reality that they have created. It is for this reason that alcohol and drugs are used to get richer emotions, to forget, and so on.

And a child who fell asleep in the arms of a loving mother experiences such peace and harmony that no Maldives can replace.

To make it easier for you to sketch out options, I suggest this exercise: write a list social roles that you have to carry out. For example, father, boss, son, colleague, friend…

And for each item, rate how, in your opinion, you are satisfied with the result and the role itself.

Suppose a man, confident that he is obliged to support his family on his own, constantly disappears at work. And it seems to be doing everything right, but there is no happiness.

But because the most important value is just a wife and a child. Providing for them, he is forced to live with sadness and anger that he has to move away and do something else, instead of being there. That is exactly how it occurs.


Learn to notice your slightest desires, then you will not accumulate irritation from dissatisfaction, which deprives you of a sense of happiness.

Even if you understand that some need is simply not able to be realized, the realization of this will cause a number of other emotions, for example, sadness, regret, disappointment, even anger. In this case, they will be conscious and noticed, respectively, you will experience them and let them go, and will not begin to carry around like a bag around you.

Learning this is not easy, but quite realistic, you just need to direct the vector of attention deep into yourself more often. Ask questions like: “What do I want now?”, “How do I feel now?”, “How do I feel about this situation?” etc.


To feel harmony with yourself and the world around you, you just need to stop and notice it, yourself in it.

It seems so simple, but in reality it is sometimes impossible. A large number of problems, worries and information in general that needs to be processed does not make it possible to simply be in the present moment. Think of nothing and do nothing, but only contemplate.

Therefore, go to nature, in the company of a loved one or in all alone. The main thing is that nothing and no one distract you. Give up the idea of ​​photographing the beauty around you, making videos and so on. Just you and nature. Throw away thoughts about pressing problems, just watch them “jump” in your head and disappear.

Even 10 minutes of complete relaxation and the so-called unity with the trees, the sky, the sea, or whatever surrounds you, can fill you with energy and happiness.

Learn to be not in fantasies about the distant future or memories of the past, but in the present moment. They are what our life is made of. Many suffer because they do not have something, instead of being happy with what they have. If you think only in this way, then happiness is indeed difficult to achieve.

If you don’t know how to live here and now, it’s okay, the recommendations from the article that is located will help you.

Forgive yourself for your shortcomings



Be happy and, of course, in harmony with yourself and the world around you!


Each person is a unique combination of many qualities, characteristics, features, real and potential opportunities. And in order to accept and realize your own uniqueness, you must first of all see yourself in three dimensions - with all the experiences, doubts, self-doubt and fear of life, with what is obvious to you, and with what is still hidden.

What is it for? Only by realizing yourself as a whole, you can truly take care of your body and health, realize many plans and solve tasks, feel like a more energetic person, start live in harmony with yourself and those around.

The whole is not just the sum of the parts. The whole is an independent organism functioning according to its own internal laws. And if you want become a whole person, which he controls his habits, reactions, actions and his own life - it makes sense to start with an understanding of his unity.

However, unity is made up of parts, and first we will talk about each of them. A person has 3 main areas:

  • sphere of consciousness;
  • sensual-emotional sphere;
  • body realm.

sphere of consciousness

The sphere of consciousness is the totality of all thoughts, ideas, rules, attitudes, beliefs learned during life, a picture of the world as a whole. Consciousness registers everything that a person has ever seen, perceived, understood. And even if the received and processed information is never needed, it is not forgotten, remaining in the far corners of human memory.

The resources of consciousness are truly limitless. Consciousness, of course, has filters for the input and processing of information, but they cannot cope with all the information that comes from outside. And no matter how a person protects himself from external stimuli, he still remembers much more information than he realizes.

Another question is that it is impossible to use all the information received with benefit - the boundaries in the mind interfere: the habitual mode of action, the rules learned in deep childhood, attitudes and beliefs about oneself and about the world, fears and doubts that are present in abundance in the life of every person.

The basis of these filters, which do not let new and useful information into your consciousness, literally "forcing" you to go around in circles in your own choices, decisions and actions and not allowing become whole and an open-minded person.

You, for sure, have repeatedly had a desire to change your life for the better - to switch to new job, lose weight, or try to build a close and trusting relationship. But for some reason it did not take root for a long time and did not bear any real fruit. Why?

For the "simple" reason that the filters created in the mind do not approve of this decision. After all, to implement it, you will have to change a lot of what makes up the fabric of your life today: reconsider your habits, overcome doubts, insecurities and fears, do something that you have never done before. And if you decide to suddenly embody all this bypassing your filters, they will sound the alarm of such force that it won’t even take a week for you to abandon your idea.

What to do to change the habitual train of thought and learn live in harmony with yourself?

First of all, set yourself up to study the content of your own consciousness. To understand what you have learned in the process of education. What you believe in and what you expect from the world. What are you afraid of, where your expectations are pessimistic.

As a practice, I suggest starting with attitudes related to one area of ​​​​your life, for example, personal relationships, health, profession, finances, etc. At the end of the article, you will be offered exercises aimed at realizing everything that prevents you from understanding yourself and becoming whole.

Why is the study of consciousness important? For the reason that all the metamorphoses that take place in it directly affect life in general. The speed and quality of change depends on how well you have learned the attitudes and beliefs that have become habitual.

Sensual-emotional sphere

To “make friends” with the body, it is important to understand and accept a few simple truths:

  • your body is one of a kind, you will not have another, the sooner you realize this, the more chances for positive changes in appearance and well-being;
  • the body is not a way to attract someone's attention, it is yours, not someone else's, and therefore all responsibility for how it will function and how long it will "last" is solely on you;
  • you need the body in order to live your single life as fully as possible, using all its resources and possibilities of consciousness, sensual potential;
  • a healthy body is a sign that a person has a reason to live: he is full of plans and hopes, even if he himself does not think so about himself.

The most important thing you need to take care of the body is determination, consistency and gradualness in mastering this art.

"Open system" means "imperfect from the start"

It is important first of all to learn to see and use everything that you have as a problem that needs to be solved. Then you can realize all parts of yourself the best way, even if you were previously accustomed to seeing only minuses in yourself.

That life experience that you have received, the experiences that you have accumulated, the picture of the world that you have perceived and the body given to you - all this, if desired and purposeful work can be turned into a colossal resource. But first of all, you need to see these parts in yourself and give each of them the opportunity to manifest.

2. All parts of the whole are equal in value

  • Reflect on how aware you are of each area, how much you care about yourself as a whole. For a better understanding, assign points - from 1 to 10, where one is “everything is bad, I don’t pay attention, I don’t care”, ten is nowhere better, I work on this area every day.
  • Next, think and sign - why do you devote / do not devote time and attention to this or that area; What is holding you back or, conversely, pushing you?
  • In each area, outline an improvement action plan for the next 3 weeks (21 days);
  • Write down the first step in each area that needs to be worked on;
  • Do the same with each next step (2nd, 3rd, 4th steps, etc.);

Over time, a strategy for holistic self-care will develop.


consciousness- learn new things, develop in an interesting direction for you; to study their attitudes and beliefs, to question the picture of the world formed over the years;

emotions- nourish the sensory-emotional sphere (art in various manifestations), pay attention to the reasons that cause you certain emotional experiences, learn to establish high-quality emotional connections, contacts with the outside world;

body- take care of health and appearance: to devote time to physical activity, adjust the diet schedule, visit a doctor, carry out body shaping procedures, etc.

Awareness of oneself as a whole and taking care of oneself as a whole is a sign of health and psychological maturity. As you begin to work on yourself to gain integrity, your whole life will gradually begin to change: your attitude towards yourself, to the space around you, to people and events.

You will learn to perceive your own life not as a set of dry facts, but as a story connected in a single line, by correcting the events of which you will be able to consciously change direction, which will help you live in harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

Every day they want to receive peace and confidence. This article will discuss how to live in harmony with yourself and the world around you. We will tell you a few different secrets and give you some tips.

Learn to connect with people around you

How to learn to live in harmony with yourself? To achieve harmony, you need to regularly work on yourself and try not to quarrel with people around you, to prevent the manifestation of complexes and internal clamps. It is also important to increase your self-esteem, while loving yourself. There is no need to look for faults in yourself and others. You need to be able to properly and calmly communicate with people. You also need to be able, even in critical situations, to think about how extra panic looks from the outside, even during quarrels. To get close and good contact with people, you just need pleasant communication.

Don't criticize or gossip. So the state of harmony is definitely not achieved. The main mistake of the majority is to expect too much from people. This is the main reason for many conflicts and quarrels. The first advice for those who strive for internal and external harmony is to love yourself and the people around you, be a positive and open person without suspiciousness and complexes.

The influence of feelings and emotions on the internal state of harmony

How to live in harmony with yourself? In order to achieve peace faster, it is necessary to understand that a person is an emotional being. Moreover, emotions can have both negative and positive effects. Therefore, you should learn to control them. This is another step towards harmony. No need to be ashamed of yourself, your thoughts and feelings. It is necessary to be able to accept yourself as you are, and this is already part of success.

Listen to your intuition and inner voice

How to live in harmony with yourself? This question is asked by people who have decided to engage in self-knowledge and want to improve their lives. First of all, you need to stop considering yourself worse than others or the most unfortunate person on earth. It is recommended to remember that there are people who are even worse than you. If a person can help others and take care of someone other than himself, then he will take another step towards harmony.

Do not forget about intuition and inner voice. If a person has developed intuition, it means that there is an ability to understand what conflict or dangerous situations are best avoided. And this means that you do not have to waste yourself and your strength on trifles, and also quickly understand the true motives of other people. For inner harmony great importance has the ability to do it right and After all, it is so important to do only what gives pleasure and happiness. Favorite business will bring a person more benefit and positive influence than an unloved job that brings a lot of negativity every day. Dissatisfied with life will never be in harmony with his inner world and other people.

High self-esteem and lack of self-criticism

How to live in harmony with human nature? Do not look for flaws in yourself and criticize your own decisions made. You should live by the principle "what's done is done". You should not think: "What if everything was different?" It will not lead to anything good.

Envying others is also bad. Each person will have something that the other will not have. This is the law of life, there are no identical people. Everyone is different and everyone has their own personality. You need to appreciate and respect yourself and your achievements, and not look back. This is what it means to be content with life, which means to be in harmony.

The harmful effects of guilt on the psyche and self-awareness

There is a way to live in harmony with yourself. Best to get rid of. Indeed, often a person only burdens himself for unfinished or incorrectly done things. The best way out of a situation when you feel guilty for something is not to punish yourself every second, but to try to find an opportunity to correct the situation or just accept everything as it is, come to terms and continue to live. Also, you should not feel guilty for the actions of others.

Also, empty experiences are not needed, you should not exhaust yourself like that. Try to surround yourself with only nice people. But do not hope that even nice people will bring only joy. It must be remembered that any emotions, whether joy or anger or grief, should not completely cover you!

Always be prepared for the unexpected

You should never despair if life or career does not go according to plan! After all, what stronger man tries to act according to plan, the greater the risk that nothing will work out. The world around us is constantly changing, and how to live in harmony with yourself? You should not build big plans, but clearly define goals and aspirations. You need to try not to clearly follow a plan, but to be able to adapt to the realities of life and be ready to always change your intentions. How to live in harmony with yourself? Human psychology is such that the more effort is invested in achieving the goal, the more he will be pleased with himself.

A person is able to achieve harmony only in the case of daily work on himself and the absence of laziness. It is also very important for inner harmony to learn to forgive others. It is necessary to be able to forget mistakes, otherwise it will be very difficult to achieve inner peace. The ability to enjoy even the smallest things is what is necessary in order to be a calm and confident person. But that's not all. It is important to be able to please not only yourself, but also others. After all, nothing brings joy and peace of mind like happiness and joy in the eyes of loved ones.

Life in harmony with nature

People increasingly began to understand that it is not enough to be in harmony with oneself, but it is very important to be in peace with nature. But how to do it? in harmony with nature? It means to love and respect her. You should always clean up after yourself in nature, after a picnic, collect any cigarette butts or coals. You should also be careful about animals, especially those that live in parks or reserves. Do not make wild animals domestic. After all, improper care and inept handling can destroy the animal. Bringing home baby wild animals is also a bad idea.

Most often, adult animals are simply busy looking for food, and when they discover the loss, they will begin to search for their offspring. Care should be taken with animal burrows, especially during the off-season. This is the only way to appreciate nature. You shouldn't make noise in the forest. If you walk there with a dog, it is better to keep it on a leash so as not to disturb the forest dwellers.

Do not pluck plants unless absolutely necessary. Indeed, in their natural habitat, flowers and herbs will look better and more beautiful. Fans of mushrooms and berries should remember to be careful. When harvesting, it is important not to harm nature, trying to get to the next fruit.

Also, do not pluck the entire crop at once, because animals and birds also need vitamins and food. It is necessary to collect birch sap carefully. After all, this process is detrimental to trees. After collecting the juice, the wounds on the birch should be healed.

A small conclusion

We hope the tips given in the article will help you in life. By following these simple rules, you can always stay in harmony with yourself and nature.

What kind of person does not strive to achieve that very inner harmony with himself, with the outside world and those around him, which everyone is so inspired by? Psychology defines harmony as peace of mind, when reality is fully consistent with yours. internal state. In modern realities, it is not so easy to meet one hundred percent harmonious personality, we all live in constant tension, one stressful situation replaces another and so on in a circle. And what about not the best ecology, serious workloads, unpleasant people nearby? This list is endless, and there is no way to put up with internal problems. Only being in harmony with yourself, you can safely say that you live a happy and fulfilling life. So where to start the path of becoming a harmonious person?

Let's start with the wish list

Any goal is achieved only if you clearly understand why and where you are striving. Psychologists recommend starting with a personal wish list. What is needed in order to find harmony with yourself? First, you need to start by improving relationships with your inner circle, with those people with whom you contact most often in everyday life. Secondly, you need to analyze your own mood and come to the conclusion that not a single person, not a single external situation is reflected in your state. Thirdly, we feel complete satisfaction when we achieve our goals. This also needs to be worked on. Fourthly, in order to feel that same peace of mind, you will have to start enjoying every day and from the very morning set yourself up only for the positive, even when it is gray outside, problems cover your head and it seems that there are no reasons to smile.

What does psychology say?

It is sad, but in fact every day every person willy-nilly faces the harmful effects of negative emotions, harmful substances and toxic people. All of this together has a serious impact on the quality of our lives. Harmony is a fragile state, which not everyone is able to achieve, especially this applies not only to their own inner world, but also environment. You will have to seriously work on changing your habits, set priorities correctly, get rid of things and people that negatively affect not only your emotional, but also the physical state. And how to achieve harmony with yourself?

We are what we eat

We have all heard this phrase since school days, but did you listen? Psychologists advise including more natural ingredients in your diet. First of all we are talking about products that are grown and prepared without the use of chemical and food additives. Your nutrition is your health. No other is given. It has long been proven that the more organic foods in your diet, the better not only the physical, but also the emotional state. Experiment, tonight give up delicious pizza or fragrant cola - and the next morning it will not only be easier for you to wake up, but you will also feel light and free. This is where the harmony of man with himself begins.

Big things start with small things

And we are talking about forgetting forever about the toxic products that almost everyone uses during the most ordinary cleaning of the house. The same goes for cosmetics. In these two areas, the situation is not the most favorable for the human body. Most cleaning products contain harmful substances that can seriously harm your health. In the matter of cosmetics, the situation is even more serious. The fact is that many cosmetic products contain elements that at first glance do not cause any concern, but have a cumulative effect. And their use for a long time can seriously affect the quality of health.

Fresh air is everything

Yes, motorists will have a hard time, but to enter into your life the habit of arranging hiking is strictly necessary if you are on the way to achieving the cherished harmony with yourself and the world around you. Psychologists have long proven that walking is not only good exercise stress but also one of the most effective methods combat laziness. Many rich and famous people it is often said that during walks there is time to think about everything that worries and even find the most best way to solve these problems. For good health and sound sleep, we simply need clean air. Therefore, do not even think about giving up trips to nature with family or friends.

Meditation is the key to success

Controlling your thoughts is often very difficult. They prevent us from sleeping, eating, communicating, and simply thinking rationally. To find inner harmony, you need to learn how to control yourself, and meditation will become a lifeline in this matter. Daily practices will help not only establish harmony within yourself, but also improve your interaction with the outside world.

The environment is us

All the rules described are very important for inner harmony, but you won’t be able to achieve this feeling if there are those around you who cause only negative. Such characters are usually called energy vampires, who feed on your emotions and vitality. Minimize communication with those who cause you increased irritability, introduces a state of stress, which entails headache, problems not only with mood, but also with health. Let those who evoke only joyful emotions, inspire, motivate to self-development and to do good deeds remain nearby. If there is no way to get rid of unpleasant people, you will have to learn to remain calm and not take negative attacks to heart. It is also recommended to compensate communication with energy vampires by communication with people who are pleasant for you.

Be happy!

What does harmony with oneself mean? In fact, everything is simple, learn one rule: happiness is not acquired, it is the eternal right of absolutely every person from the very first days of life. No environment can make a person happy just because the main source of real happiness is not in others, but in ourselves. The whole difficulty lies in the fact that a person is able to achieve absolutely any state, including harmony with himself, only if he understands that everything depends only on his own choice. No wonder they say, if you want to be happy - be it! Happiness is our choice, not the result of some action or process.

Adequate self-esteem is the basis of inner harmony

In order to overcome life's difficulties with minimal losses, you just need to adequately evaluate yourself. Only thanks to this, a person finds the strength in himself to fight the fear of emerging problems and find solutions. Yes, we are not a million dollars to please everyone. There will always be those who will condemn, not understand us. How to achieve harmony with yourself? Just accept the fact that it is simply impossible to be a highly qualified specialist in all spheres of life, but only by desiring something strongly are we able to achieve any goals, despite the obstacles that arise along the way. Yes, we are not perfect and mistakes in life cannot be avoided. Accept this and move along the intended path, not spraying on the empty.

It all starts with self love

The best assistant in achieving inner harmony with oneself is meditation. Repeat aloud at any free moment the following words: I love myself, I accept myself with all my emotions and feelings. Just try it and you will immediately notice how your own perception of yourself will change. And you will no longer have to think about how to achieve harmony with yourself, because you will be close to this state like never before.

Harmony is living in the present

The main rule of life is simple - do not forget that the most important moment in life is happening right here and now! It's only when you put away thoughts of what you don't have that you will feel that joy of the present moment. The burden of the past often causes only negative emotions, so learn to analyze your condition. Psychologists recommend at the end of each day to think about who and what causes you even a minimal change in mood for the worse. Do not forget about those thoughts in which you criticize, ridicule and do not accept yourself. Learn to take good care of yourself.

What is the bottom line?

So, how to achieve harmony with yourself? First of all, we must learn to get rid of stress. An excellent assistant in this difficult task is regular walks, favorite music in headphones, fresh air. Find time for yourself, even a couple of hours a week is enough. Only this time should be spent in absolute solitude, alone with yourself. Clean up regularly and get rid of everything unnecessary that clutters not only your life, but also your brain. And most importantly - put all your strength into learning to accept yourself, with all the shortcomings and cockroaches in your head. This step is the most important component of happiness. Try to start from the very beginning simple exercise: stand in front of the mirror and say out loud, clearly everything that has ever embarrassed you about yourself, do not forget to praise yourself. No matter what, figure or character. And then just agree with everything that's been said. Just make sure it's loud and clear. And never forget that happiness is in ourselves, and not in the world around us.

I like to write about what is important for me - it helps me to systematize some knowledge, sort out my own thoughts, and also always brings satisfaction - when I see how many likes and enthusiastic comments my advice collects, I want to fly from joy.

Today I want to tell you how to learn to live in harmony with yourself. I know that for many this problem is one of the most important, they devote time to it, they go to a psychologist with it. People learn to achieve inner harmony through meditation, yoga, prayers, psychological help, special literature and so on.

But sometimes it's better to turn to concise information presented point by point and start acting! Below are tips for those who want to achieve harmony.

What is harmony

I have always been interested in psychology, so when I needed to go to internal and external harmony, I turned to it. From the point of view of psychology, harmony is peace of mind, the correspondence of reality and the surrounding realities to our inner feelings.

It was not by chance that I chose such a topic - how to live in harmony with oneself. Modern man rarely harmonious - almost all of us live in terrible stress. Bad ecology, heavy workloads, a lot of people around, traffic jams... I think the list of causes of stress is endless.

Before I thought about how to find harmony, I was a rather nervous girl, and it seemed to me that this was my highlight. I started my path of a harmonious person with the following list of desires:

  • improve relationships with people;
  • change your mood;
  • achieve what you want;
  • enjoy every day;
  • feel peace of mind.
How to achieve harmony and find happiness and balance if you are too irritable? I will share my own developments on how to live more harmoniously:
  • learn how to get rid of stress (for example, regular walks in the fresh air and your favorite music in headphones);
  • once a week, devote a couple of hours to yourself - spend this time alone, without children, parents and spouse;
  • clean up (even if yours is very clean) and throw away unnecessary trash;
  • learn to accept yourself the way you are.
The last one is perhaps the most important. Self-acceptance is the most important ingredient to happiness. Stand in front of a mirror and say everything that once confused you about yourself, and then agree with it. Listen, loud. Praise your figure, your character, agree with your shortcomings and virtues.

Relations with the world around

Before thinking about how to find inner harmony, you must first come to outer harmony. People around you should be happy and calm - then you will get your happiness and peace of mind.

Make peace with those who are in a tense relationship with you, ask for forgiveness from those who have offended. End those relationships that annoy and destroy you.

I easily said goodbye to two friends - simply because I was tired of their eternal negativity, grumbling and reproaches. Just at the next moment, I refused the offer to meet, and calmly explained that I was tired of such friendship.

Express measures

Do you think how to find inner harmony? Start doing something for it now! What you can do today:
  • agree to any offer of peace - if you are invited to the cinema, then go (even if yesterday you would have refused);
  • throw out of the closet what has not been worn for more than a year;
  • arrange an evening of relaxation for yourself (for example, go to a massage therapist, sauna or spa);
  • allow yourself to be sincere.
It is worth thinking about how to be in harmony with yourself always. This requires what I call a long-term investment. Change your eating style, start doing what you always wanted to. Take care to look good - it always helps to find yourself and feel happiness.

How not to slip into procrastination

The psychology of personal growth recommends periodically checking how harmonious and effective you are. Personal effectiveness is actually very close to harmony - the point is for your life to be successful in every single area.

You must be happy in your soul and in relationships with people, you must have everything in order with work and personal life, you must realize yourself and develop. If any part of your life is idle, then harmony will not be achieved.

Try to write everything on a piece of paper, set personal goals in each area, and evaluate from time to time how effective you are in achieving these goals. Remember that you are doing this for yourself.

  1. Force yourself to make time for every aspect of life and fight your fears;
  2. Try to understand yourself and make yourself happier.
  3. Teach yourself to rest - there will never be time for rest if you do not organize it.
  4. Lead yourself to inner harmony - choose a path and follow it.
  5. Love yourself and learn to please yourself.
All this will help you find peace of mind. If the soul is restless, then there will be no harmony. In some cases, it makes sense to go to a psychologist and talk. Many believe that they themselves do not need help, but others certainly do! Unfortunately, such people themselves will not hurt to visit a psychologist - denying their own problems is sometimes very, very harmful.

How to restore peace of mind

Why, when we talk about happiness, do we think about peace of mind? The fact is that none of the riches of the world, none of the most wonderful opportunities can bring happiness if it is not accompanied by peace of mind.

It is not so difficult to achieve it - regularly pull out your grievances, sorrows and all sorts of small negative emotions. It doesn't matter how you do it - you can write in a diary, you can just say it out loud (even alone), you can say it while working with a psychologist. You will find peace of mind pretty soon!

And there is another important condition - remember that you have the right to be negative. In our world in Lately negative emotions are under some ban, it is stupid to be offended, and it has long been unfashionable to be upset.

Yes, I agree with these statements. But this is reasonable only if you can really refuse the negativity, and not drive it deeper. If you feel like resentment, bitterness or anger has flooded you, and circumstances do not allow you to express your emotions, then I advise you to retire and give vent to feelings.

Believe me, it's better to kick a trash can a couple of times a week and cry in a secluded ladies' room than to stifle anger and anger in yourself. Get rid of what lies on your soul like a heavy stone, help yourself to live in happiness and prosperity!