Five of pentacles in a relationship. The Five of Pentacles is the general meaning of the Tarot card. Fortune telling in half a minute


Saturn in the 2nd house as an indicator of crisis, decline.

Direct position:

The Five of Pentacles usually means the loss of something material and, as a result, the acquisition of everyday experience. Often means erotic adventures, hobbies, flirting. In the alignment, it indicates DIFFICULTIES, leading either to success at a new level, or throwing back.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: a waste of energy, reserves, vulnerability, fear; disharmony in love relationships.

Five of Pentacles

Card Title: Master of Material Difficulty.

Compliance is the fire of the earth; the letter Yod; sephira - Severity.

Explanation ( total value): an unfavorable period, large spending, poverty (with the Tower - deprivation of shelter, housing). It takes money and opportunities.

Event: a path to nowhere, loss of purpose, loss of prospects, search for a way out.

1. Bankruptcy, dismissal (to nowhere, at the wrong time, unexpected). Bad investment of money. Do not borrow or lend in any way. There is a clue for the future, but now everything is bad.

2. The worst. Incurable disease(at best - very poor health; at worst - deprivation of any parts of the body, organs). Low energy potential.

3. Companions in misfortune, when misfortune is exhausted, such a couple breaks up. Loss of understanding. One pulls the other. Relationships like: I'm so unhappy - without you I will be lost, I will die, I will commit suicide.

4. Unhappy person. Doesn't know what he wants from life. Considers himself disadvantaged. Inclined to despondency.

5. Advice: take precautions. Be attentive to what you are doing, what you are doing.

Warning: material and moral losses are coming.

6. There is no need to wait for support. The answer is no


Explanation (general meaning): The worst of the meanings of a straight card. Despair.

Overall value:

The Five of Pentacles is a map of crisis, hardship and anxiety. This is a decline, a failure in business, when we feel miserable, unhappy, abandoned, and sometimes in fact we are in constrained circumstances. At the same time, the Five of Denarii rarely portends truly serious losses, sorrows or ruin, but only indicates the uncertainty of the situation and our subjective feeling of fear of losing the ground under our feet. Such periods of decline are characteristic of any growth crisis, when a person leaves a certain sphere that has become familiar, stable, and moves into a new, still unfamiliar, and possibly dangerous.


Problems and objective difficulties that can interfere with our affairs and plans, or even deprive us of our jobs. Thus, the card means the danger of losing something (property, money, position), failing the exam, generally failing in life. It also often falls out in connection with a change of job, when the usual business and guaranteed earnings are replaced by new tasks and increased risk, as, for example, when moving from service in a firm to private entrepreneurship. However, the card does not at all indicate the error of such a step. Rather, it is a completely normal feeling of uncertainty when moving from old to new in the process of professional growth. Thus, it characterizes only a subjective sensation, and only in rare cases does it mean real failure.


A subjective feeling of poverty, decline, although in reality nothing of the kind may exist. The map only shows that we are concerned about our future destiny, although our life in this case can be quite well-off and even rich. The lesson of such sensations is that the poverty of the spirit cannot be overcome by any external wealth - and, conversely, that external poverty is not an obstacle to the wealth of the soul. In addition, this map may indicate another growth crisis, which is quite natural for any development process, during which our (innate) fear of poverty and decline manifests itself, although the path to new, bright distances may lie precisely through them.

Personal relationships:

In personal relationships, this card means a feeling of abandonment, loss. A terrible feeling that we are not loved, that we are not needed by anyone. It can also express a sense of hopelessness, which must be perceived as the approaching phase of "turning point", when we can finally get rid of old patterns of behavior and build a qualitatively new relationship. If it serves as a harbinger of a crisis, then this crisis is an integral element of development, not a catastrophe. After such a crisis, relations between partners are only getting better.

Five of Pentacles in combination with other tarot cards

With the "Jester" card - financial problems leading to poverty.

With the "Mage" card - loss of initiative.

With the High Priestess card, you lose your scent.

With the Empress card, you will lose your profit.

With the "Emperor" card, you will lose your job and family.

With the Hierophant card - to lose faith; lose conscience.

With the card "Lovers" - to lose support in a relationship.

With the card "Chariot" - the fight for survival.

With the card "Strength" - powerlessness.

With the "Hermit" card - get lost; abandonment.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - to lose luck; the crisis.

With the "Justice" card - recognition of insolvency.

With the Hanged Man card - the grip of the crisis.

With the card "Death" - to lose health; negative irreversible process.

With the card "Moderation" - to come to terms with hardships.

With the Devil card - sink to the bottom.

With the "Tower" card - loss of home and health.

With the Zvezda card, there is hope that hardships and hardships will come to an end someday.

With the "Moon" card - a hopeless material future; lack of support.

With the "Sun" card - relief.

With the "Judgment" card - "see the light at the end of the tunnel."

With the card "Peace" - to find shelter.

The meaning of the five of pentacles in upright position

Deprivation, lack, poverty, loneliness, cooling of relationships. Circumstances are stronger than you, your plans are unrealizable. This is one of the worst cards, it has a negative impact on the entire alignment. The Five of Pentacles shows the gap between your desires and reality. You need to show maximum willpower to get through this segment with minimal losses.

  • emotional and financial problems, serious mistake
  • financial difficulties, ruin, health problems, loss of love

Tarot card five pentacles in the layout is undesirable, because indicates trouble. Their origins can be financial problems, probably related to unemployment; difficulties in relationships with others; difficulties with illegal actions; dissatisfaction with emotional connections and just a lack of love. This situation inevitably leads to uncertainty and anxiety, but by giving preference to action, the Client can take adequate measures to limit these adversities.

The five of pentacles of the tarot suggests that short-term success in business is possible, but losses are not excluded if you do not pay due attention to business. Financial difficulties, hardships. Poverty and misery, loneliness, sudden loss.

The meaning of the five of pentacles in an inverted position

In an inverted position, this card is even worse and more tragic. Problems will last longer, experiences will be sharper and harder. But after all this, a new life will come, now you need to overcome this black line.

  • material difficulties - collapse, financial crisis, ruin
  • serious difficulties, health problems, wastefulness
  • disorder, confusion, chaos, ruin, wastefulness, imprudence, dishonor

The problems associated with the inverted Five of Pentacles of the Tarot turn out to be more serious and prolonged. As a result, the health of the Client suffers. At the same time, you need to understand or recognize the difficulties in full, which will be the first important step in overcoming them.

Internal meaning. It is given to understand the direct position of the card.

The Five of Pentacles Tarot is a warning card. There is a very high probability of disaster. Even with a favorable scenario, the Five of Pentacles suggests material hardship, loss or poverty.

The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation when money is tight and (or) when the property or income, which he counted on, will pass by. In some cases, problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your control; in other cases, they are the result of your actions. One way or another, you need to watch your every step in order to avoid a crash.

Hard times. Damage. Flaw. Bad luck. Mistake. Problems. Missed opportunities. Financial losses. Unemployment. Poverty. Lack of shelter. Uncertainty. Disappointment. Depression. Reluctance to ask for help. Loss of faith in yourself. Leaving relationships. Loneliness. Abandonment. Health problems. Spiritual insight after hardship.

Get ready to cross the desert.

Trishkin Kaftan: do not try to strengthen one sphere by weakening another.

Card of the day
Are you running out of cash? Or are there some other circumstances forcing you to moderate your requests? One way or another, but today you will not be able to satisfy your needs, and, alas, things will go, alas, not at all as planned. Perhaps, until now, you yourself have been too inattentive about your own affairs and your own well-being. Here is the "chain mail" and turned out to be too small. I'm afraid you will have to tune in to the fact that in the near future you will face a test strip or "road through the desert." If you walk this path with patience and confidence, then completely new perspectives will open up in front of you.

Inverted card
Search for help. A turn for the better. Spiritual revival. New interests. An end to poverty and unemployment. Improving working conditions. Overcoming disagreements in marriage or love. Health recovery.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for beginners".

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Two beggars wander wearily through the snow and cold.
Physical hardship and suffering prevail in the image of the card.
However, shelter and help are within easy reach - after all, beggars are not far from the church.
They just need to find the entrance to it.

Questions to ask yourself while drawing out the Five of Pentacles
  • Are you feeling rejected?
  • What convenience or comfort have you lost?
  • Who could you ask for help?
  • What is hurting you?
  • Are you too proud to accept help?
Key ideas
There is a solution to the problem if you look around.

Don't get used to suffering or reject help.
Rise to Fight Difficulties I you are in a position to rise to the challenge and triumph.
Act, not react to the impact.
Try to guide the circumstances of life, not respond to them.

Be a proactive advocate!
This means making changes in life, not waiting for events to force you to react to them.
By taking control, you build confidence and overcome fear.

Direct Map: Greet new classmates with enthusiasm and confidence.
Reversed card: Perhaps you are indifferent to newbies or timidly stay away from them.

None of these approaches are good.

Direct Map: It's not easy for you to learn now.
Remember - help is just a stone's throw away, because there is a teacher, but help will not come by itself - you will have to ask for it.

Don't be afraid of what's difficult.
Consider difficulties as an opportunity to learn new and useful things.
Reversed card: Step back from the edge of the abyss before it's too late and start paying attention to your studies.

Direct Map: The boyfriend (or girlfriend) may be acting as a matchmaker, but you don't realize it.
Reversed card: Intimate relationships can be difficult now, but in the end everything will be fine.
Direct Map: At the moment, your family is cutting costs and saving on everything, but the end goal deserves it.
Reversed card: Constant arguments about money poison the atmosphere.
Direct Map: You have a positive, confident attitude towards everything new, so you quickly learn and master.
Reversed card: Now you tend to get stuck in a knurled rut.

Why not welcome change as a new adventure, a new opportunity to develop your potential?
Take on what needs to be done.
When an opportunity presents itself, don't run away from it.

Health / Appearance
Direct Map: You may feel insecure about yourself, but friends and family will provide emotional support.

Reversed card: Be realistic.
No one is capable of living in the past.
Those styles and sizes that you wore a few years ago, now do not suit you, and do not fit.

Direct Map: In the end, fate will turn its face to you - there will be money.

Reversed card: This is not the best card for money.
Keep track of your spending.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Ginny wondered if she should open an account at a store that sells her favorite clothes and shoes.

This card is a clear warning.
Ginny should wait until she gets a secure job, and only then take on financial obligations.

Annie Lionnet. "Tarot. A practical guide. "

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This concept means that the source of the problem can be located both in ourselves and in reality.
The strong structure of the pentacles reflects our resilience.
Spiritual, emotional, or financial loss.

A keen sense of loss accompanies this card.
She can portend financial difficulties or other adversities, for example, illness and the fear of losing the goal in life.
Different tarot decks offer different versions of figures standing in front of an illuminated church with five pentacles in stained glass.

It may snow, and the figures of people look pitiful, poor and crippled, although the church window is a symbol of hope and suggests that we can find a safe haven if we unite our spiritual and material worlds.

The sense of loss inherent in the Five of Pentacles can relate to our material or emotional sphere of life; something of great value to us is in danger of being lost to us.

We may have financial difficulties, relationship problems, or a crisis of faith.
We may question our abilities or feel a loss of spiritual support.
However, it may turn out that we will look for help in the wrong place or we will be forced to change our views.

This card indicates the need to be guided in their actions by their spirituality.
The stronger our inner world is, the more confident we will feel in the outer world.
The Five of Pentacles reminds us that we have inner resources, but we need to re-evaluate our true place in life.

The Five of Pentacles indicates that you are overstretched and do not know where to go next.
You feel that you are missing what you need most.
As a result, you may lose your job or lose income and feel acutely the uncertainty of your position; fear of poverty or illness can undermine your health.

You need to pay special attention to the material, emotional and spiritual areas of your life.
Moral support, love, and comfort may come to you, but not from where you expect them.
You may feel out of place or a stranger to all other people, but this card encourages you not to despair and take care of both your inner and outer world.

Stuart R. Kaplan. “Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune-telling ”.

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Divination value
Material problems.
Inverted value
A bad trend is reversed.

New interest in business.
Overcoming the collapse.
Disharmony in marriage or love interests.

P. Scott Holler. "Tarot for beginners."

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Five of Coins warns that business disasters, material hardships, losses and even poverty are possible.

Inner meaning
This is a warning card; there is a small chance of business success, but a much higher probability of disaster.

Even with a favorable scenario, the Five of Coins implies material hardship, loss or poverty.
The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation when money is tight and (or) when the property or income, which he counted on, will pass by.

In some cases, problems may be caused by circumstances beyond your control; in other cases, they are the result of your actions.
One way or another, you need to watch your every step in order to avoid a crash.

Value in the layout
Direct, or positive: short-term business success is possible, but losses are not excluded if you do not pay due attention to business.
Financial difficulties; Deprivation.
Poverty and misery, loneliness, sudden loss.

Inverted, or negative: disorder, confusion, chaos, collapse.
Extravagance, indiscretion, dishonor.

Mary Greer. The Complete Book of Inverted Tarot Cards.

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After the solidity and stability of the Four, the Five of Pentacles represents a financial crisis, material instability and "field disturbances" that require adjustments on the physical plane.
In the Waite-Smith deck, the map shows an illuminated stained-glass window of a church that looks like beggars wandering through a blizzard.

You may be stuck in obsessive thoughts of poverty and deprivation, afraid of losing everything and being a poor pariah.
Waite, in his writings, calls the figures depicted on this card "flawed," and you too may feel alienated or appear despicable and inferior to yourself.

At the same time, it can be "conscious simplicity" - a way of life alien to conventions, associated with the abandonment of everyday luxury for the sake of higher values.
The Five of Pentacles in Thoth's deck is called "worry": it shows wheels or circles that "disturb" each other.

Most likely, you are concerned about your physical well-being: you may face bankruptcy, find yourself homeless, or lose heart.
At the same time, help will be near - you just have to stretch your hand.

Temporary unavailability of information or resources is likely, as well as problems with transportation and communication.
The earliest interpretations of the card, however, present a striking contrast to the later ones, for they emphasize the aspect of conjugal love, passion and friendship.

Since marriage vows require fidelity "in wealth and in poverty, in illness and in health," this card is considered "good for love, but not for money" or predicts business losses due to personal relationships.

Also, this card is associated with caring for the sick.
The Spiral Tarot's Five of Pentacles shows a man looking out the window at a fun party, and one client revealed that she was literally standing at the window of a ballroom and watched her ex-boyfriend dance with her new passion.

Traditional meanings: lover, mistress, spouse, friend.
Passion, inclination.
Love, cherish, adore.
Decency, decency.
A pernicious passion.
Material problems, poverty.

Material obstacles to love relationships.

Inverted Five of Pentacles
The Inverted Five of Pentacles implies persistence despite obstacles, returning to work after a period of unemployment, or gradually recovering from bankruptcy.

This is a turning point in the struggle against material and spiritual difficulties.
On the Waite-Smith deck card, white snow is now at the top, darkness recedes, and the window turns into a door leading to a peaceful refuge.

In this position, the card, perhaps, recommends just finding refuge for yourself.
One querent saw in her a hidden opportunity, which has only now become available.
She can herald the end of the black streak in life and a renewed interest in material matters.

Poinsot claims that you are guaranteed a windfall profit, literally lying on the road where you will find it.
At the other end of the spectrum of manifestations of this map are losses as a result of disorder and abuse and waste of resources.

When projecting this card onto other people, they will seem licentious and intemperate to you; you will begin to attribute their failures to a lack of morality and moderation, and social evil - to human dissipation.

Or you will pity them as victims of a soulless society.
Unpleasant situations with friends and loved ones, which suddenly began to annoy you or just got sick, can be resolved in two ways - either by parting with them, or by increasing your devotion.

Many AIDS-related issues can be seen on this map (regardless of location).
At the same time, if you already feel alienated by your loved ones, she can talk about overcoming disharmony and reconciliation.

This is a kind of amnesty period, when perpetrators return to the bosom of society, and the outcasts receive recognition.
One querent saw organized religion in this chart as a source of difficulty, generating feelings of rejection and devotion.

From a shamanic point of view, this is a literal description of how illness or trouble can become the "call" that a would-be shaman hears.
In ceremonial magic, these are the dangers of working with lower entities.

In Jungian psychoanalysis, this can be in-depth work with the Shadow.
Traditional inverted meanings: misdemeanor.
Disorder, confusion, chaos, ruin, destruction.
Withering, decay.
A dissolute lifestyle, libertinism.

Shameful love.
Unreasonableness, liberties, debauchery.
Disharmony, trouble.
Problems in the love sphere.
The end of the black bar.
Thanks to Elizabeth Hazel for sharing this on TarotL. - Note.

Larissa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
"And someone was looking only for gold.
They never managed to reveal the secret.
They forgot that lead, copper, iron also have their own Path.
And the one who interferes in someone else's Path will never pass his own. "

(Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist")

Description of the card and its inner meaning
Five of Coins is a reflection of the two poles of our life: wealth and poverty.
Sometimes, at a whim of Fate, you can easily move from one extreme to another (it’s not for nothing that they say that you don’t need to renounce prison and money).

And sometimes the source of your plight can be your own mistakes and mistakes.
Five of Coins suggests that abundance does not last forever.
A period of depression and unhappiness is coming soon.
The questioner is or will soon find himself in a situation when money is tight, or when the income he was counting on will pass by.

In some cases, the Five of Pentacles indicates an internal crisis of the Questioner, an overestimation of what is available.
There is a feeling that the old values ​​are insignificant before the achievement of others.
The radiance of existing wealth pales before the glitter of new, yet unexplored golden peaks.

In this regard, oblivion, emptiness, rejection of ideals, loss of calmness and love arise.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - D, number - 5, Ruled by the planet - Mercury, zodiac sign - Taurus, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 12th hexagram ("Decline"), Weather conditions - thunderstorm, Corresponding color - orange, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the sephirah of Geburah.
The value of the card
Direct position
Even surrounded by favorable cards, this Arkan predicts monetary losses.
Loneliness, depression, deprivation, poverty await the questioner.
Inverted position
In this case, the predictions of this card are not so dramatic "but also unpleasant.

Five of Coins promises disorder in thoughts, chaos in life, extravagance, dishonor, imprudence.

Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

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Five of Pentacles is a poverty map.
Indicates loneliness and depression, spiritual emptiness.
Extremely unpleasant changes await you.
Loss of faith in the future and complete hopelessness.
You yourself begin to understand that you live half-heartedly: you are not at all attracted to those peaks that attracted before.

To change to better life, you need to learn to defend your views and beliefs without irritation and anger: this is the only way you can rise to the true heights!
Inverted - the card partially loses its negative meaning.

Faint glimpses of optimism and faith in life appear in the soul.
The way out of the financial crisis begins.

The original card meanings that come with the Ryder White Tarot deck.

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V. Five - two beggars in a snowstorm pass by a lighted window.

Direct position: the card predicts primarily material difficulties or what is contained in the composition of the image - poverty or something like that.

Some experts believe that this card is love and lovers: wives, husbands, friends, teachers; also connections and close ties.
These alternative values ​​are inconsistent with each other.

Reverse position: disorder, chaos, destruction, discord, waste (debauchery).

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction book on the Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Saturn in the 2nd house as an indicator of crisis, decline.
FIVE DENARIES Five Denarii is a card of crisis, hardship and anxiety.

This is a decline, a failure in business, when we feel miserable, unhappy, abandoned, and sometimes in fact we are in constrained circumstances.
At the same time, the Five of Denarii rarely portends truly serious losses, sorrows or ruin, but only indicates the uncertainty of the situation and our subjective feeling of fear of losing the ground under our feet.

Such periods of decline are characteristic of any growth crisis, when a person leaves a certain sphere that has become familiar, stable, and moves into a new, still unfamiliar, and possibly dangerous.

Tarot Ryder White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Anxiety The first decade of Taurus from April 21 to 30.
Astrological equivalents: Leo, Aquarius, Sun, Fifth and Eleventh Houses.
The Taurus sign symbolizes the ability to be creative.

But true creation is a harmonious combination of the material and the spiritual into a single whole.
If Capricorn's actions are based on his own inner core and his “I” is able to lead him to the goal because it turns out to be more significant for this sign than everything else, then for Taurus his “I” dissolves in feeling and desire.

If the "I" of a person is satisfied and nothing forces him to act anymore, then in order to get down to business, there should be a desire to do "something" for which you will be grateful the world.
Therefore, the main task of the first decade of Taurus is to realize your feelings, understand the desires that have crept into your soul and respond to them.

This decade is characterized by entrepreneurial spirit in everything that concerns the sensual sphere - and therefore it is distinguished by successful functioning and administrative activity in the field of art.
She is also characterized by the emotional susceptibility that is endowed with her inclined to seek Mercury - her ruler, although Taurus is characterized by a slow perception.

Feeling assimilates information not at the same speed as the mind, but firmly: comprehending, it lays the foundation for the building of the future.
Sensory experience becomes the foundation of life wisdom.
And wisdom traditionally speaks of the transience of all that is perishable.

The tarot card depicts beggars under the windows of the temple.
The pitiful figures of two cripples show how much man has no power over the earthly.
Free will often only cripples a person: he is often unable to follow his life path without mistakes.

But the windows of the temple are illuminated: spiritual strength helps to overcome life's miscalculations and becomes a natural inner support of a person in material activities.
True feeling has this power and gives a person the opportunity, rising above circumstances, to control the course of life's phenomena.

To ossify in habitual and eternal discontent (including oneself).
Crazy from the blissful state of the Four of Pentacles, a person breaks out to the level of the Five, which acts like a stone thrown into a swamp.

No other card so accurately reflects the state of Leo, yearning among the routine for something extraordinary, like the Five of Pentacles.
In the theme of this card, Uranus, exiled in Leo, sounds brightly.
Uranus, acting on the material level and sometimes taking materialized forms.

Where Aquarius is "swallowed up" by a new idea, Leo will get himself a mistress, so the Five of Pentacles often means erotic adventures, hobby, flirting, love games.
The situation of a rake, revelers often walk the Five of Pentacles.

The explosion of the calm atmosphere of the Four, of course, is not easy to do.
It is often accompanied by monetary losses, breakdowns, setbacks, disappointments, unhappy love, ambiguous situations.
Sometimes the disturbance of the Quartet's peace turns out to be erroneous, and the person only thinks about how to get back (the demon beguiled).

At the same time, it should be noted that the Five of Pentacles symbolizes karmic situations, that is, given initially, and therefore easily finding their support in the horoscope.
Direct position: In the upright position, the Five of Pentacles usually means the loss of something material and the acquisition of everyday experience in return, the extraction of a lesson.

As a symbol of the collapse of the balanced scheme of the Four, it can manifest itself in the form of anarchism, a clash of group interests.
In the scenario, as a rule, it means difficulties, difficulties that lead you to success and approval at a new level, or drive you back to the level of the Four.

One way or another, the memory of the past experience remains, regardless of whether it was positive or negative.
Inverted position: In an inverted position, the Five of Pentacles means an overuse of energy, a waste of reserves, vulnerability, fear; signals that you have taken a bad track; symbolizes disharmony in love relationships.

Here the affected sign of Leo, or the Fifth House, is played out.
The card can also indicate stagnation in business, worldly concerns, discontent.
It may so happen that you see great opportunities for yourself, but they are not yet fully attainable.

The higher goal is already visible, but in currently not yet achievable.

Evgeny Kolesov. "Alphabet of Tarot".

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Two beggars wander under the falling snow past a brightly lit window with five denarii inscribed in a stained glass window.
In the "Tarot of Aquarius" the card depicts a young man in pursuit of a ghost.
This card symbolizes people (or a person) who have become accustomed to their position and do not even think that it can be changed.

Their perception is so limited that they pass by a house, perhaps a temple, where they would find shelter, food, and a kind word.
“They keep their eyes on the ground in the hope of finding a pittance in the mud,” as one book says, or they follow an illusion once taken to their heads.

Forget at least for a moment about the familiar, this card says, raise your head, wake up - and you will surely discover something new and bright.
Do not pass by your happiness, do not miss the opportunity to solve your problems, albeit in an unusual, but effective way.

Inverted: Means that this opportunity has already been missed.

Knowledge of the cards in the Tarot deck allows you to correctly read the resulting layout in fortune-telling and combine various combinations of cards into one whole picture.

One of the important cards in the deck is the 5 Pentacles of the Tarot, the meaning of which is deciphered as material complexity. But depending on the nearby cards, fortune-telling can warn about other things.

Image Description

Before examining in detail the meaning of the tarot card five pentacles (5 coins), you need to carefully consider the image. The central place on the map is occupied by a large stained-glass window, under which a couple of beggars slowly wander.

The window is brightly lit, and 5 gold denarii are inscribed in the stained-glass window. And although the stained glass window on the map is invariably associated with a temple, no one denies that it could be the window of an ordinary house. Indeed, in England in the old days, such windows were not uncommon.

A significant detail on the map is the bell attached to the young man's crutches, which may indicate the presence of leprosy. The few bandages on the leg also speak of this.

The second beggar on the map is tightly wrapped in a cape, trying to protect himself from the falling snow. And it is not clear whether these tired people will find shelter behind a bright and beautiful window, or they will simply have to continue slowly wandering under the thick snow.

Usually, the five of pentacles on the card are a symbol of crisis, anxiety and life hardship. Coins on the map indicate failure and a certain decline in business, when a person constantly feels miserable, useless and abandoned.

And often finds himself in incredibly cramped circumstances. But quite rarely, the five of pentacles indicates insoluble problems and serious sorrows.

Usually, the symbol of the card is a feeling of uncertainty in the future, because the beggars depicted in the picture are not sure whether they will be allowed to warm up or they will have to drag on in such bad weather.

And therefore, five denarii on the card often symbolize uncertainty in the future and the inner suffering of a person who does not know how to go on in life.

But at the same time, they often advise not to get discouraged, but to learn from their own mistakes and look for a way out of a difficult situation.

Basic designation

In the traditional sense, the card of the five pentacles is called "Lord of material troubles" and denotes the need to reconsider your own life. And determine for yourself the main goals in life and ways to achieve them.

IN direct form the five pentacles on the map indicate anxiety and often refer to serious losses, fear and constraints of a forced nature.

And often this lasso tells about the severity of the obligations taken, even if there are no apparent reasons for concern. Interest in life simply disappears, and depression gradually rolls over.

Thanks to all of the above, you can think about the negative meaning that the five of pentacles carry. But in a true sense, this card has a deeper and more important meaning.

Problems await only those people who:

  • used to living momentary desires and emotions;
  • never try to plan out their own life;
  • prefer to make quick rash decisions rather than plan;
  • do not see a clear picture in front of them and do not know how to reason sensibly.

As a result, the end result of all of the above is often a constant feeling of disorientation, nighttime fears and anxiety. But over time, mental anguish brings a person the desired cleansing.

And therefore, the five coins on the card calls for patience, abandonment of excessive ambitions and material claims. When combined with a Strength card, the main value is reduced to a positive result.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit."

This card is considered good for love questions and bad for finance. The Younger Arkan Tarot card Five of Pentacles speaks of mutual feelings and actions dictated by the call of the heart, even to the detriment of the material side of the matter. In this article, we will consider the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

The Five of Pentacles reminds that the spiritual should be more important than the material.

Description of the card

On the map, we see snow as a symbol of the water element, meaning purification, in this case, spiritual. However, snow also means that we have no foundation and soil under our feet - only water. This lack of foundation is a symbol of a lack of faith and awareness of one's basic values. On this map, we lose faith and do not know our true values.

The map also depicts crippled beggars under the windows of the temple. They wander past, not looking back at the windows glowing with warmth, confident that they are strangers on this earth and no one cares about them. However, traditionally, the figure of a beggar symbolizes the connection between this and that light, which allows us to interpret this symbol as a reminder of the temporality of life. The reminder of death makes us remember our true values, in order to then determine the destination and have time to realize it.

The general meaning of the Five of Pentacles card

This is a map of those who, with an open heart, go through life, remaining true to their feelings. The Five of Pentacles of the Tarot puts the spiritual above material values ​​and often means a certain loss of something, but also the acquisition of invaluable experience in return for those who are ready to see and accept this gift. Five is a symbol of transformation, transformation, when we go through the "turbulence zone", which changes our life very much, but does not destroy, but simply cuts us.

The gift of the Five of Coins is the opportunity for every life situation or problem to see your inner temple and plan, which, undoubtedly, is there. It is the strength of the spirit that can help to overcome troubles and difficulties, it becomes invisible, but the most solid support in our earthly life, makes it possible to rise above the hustle and bustle and remember who we really are.

Five of Pentacles Tarot, the value of the card speaks of the onset of difficult times, crisis, emotional turmoil and losses in different areas... It symbolizes mainly uncertainty and fear of losing the ground underfoot.

The universal interpretation of the card is unprofitable enterprises, crumbling plans, failures and failures, ruin to the point of poverty. The querent is experiencing such a state, or will soon find himself in it, he will have to face difficulties and the planned income may pass by. This can happen due to waste and mismanagement of money, and due to the action of force majeure.

Five Coins talk about facing the realities of life, which are far from ideal. The card warns of possible losses and, as a result, depression and anxiety, and this can be a difficult period associated with finances. This is a time of lack of energy and strength, when they are not enough for anything and the quality of life, the joy of existence and the ability to desire are lost. Also, the lack of confidence and security can be when a person ceases to believe in himself, ceases to be responsible for his life, becomes "small".

The card advises to leave expectations and aspirations, be attentive to what is happening and be moderate in spending and needs. Also portends vanity and bustle, attempts to align financial situation and the difficulties associated with it. A feeling of instability can accompany a person throughout this entire state, which, of course, will not last forever.

In the old interpreters, we can find the interpretation "everything will be resolved after five weeks," and this is quite often the case. It is important to remember the need to maintain clarity of consciousness and save energy, which will be absolutely necessary for overcoming circumstances and problems.

This is a map of major changes in life, with which all this chaos comes. However, if we continue to act, everything will level out and the quality of life will improve. It can also be likened to a heavy workout load, after which lactic acid causes pain in the muscles, but athletes know that it is necessary to repeat the load and then the muscles will stop hurting faster and come to a more developed state. The Five of Pentacles often symbolizes this post-workout stage and says just keep moving.

Personality description

The state of the Five Denarii is devastation and suppression, anxiety and anxiety. A person seems to be immersed in a dream, when there is no desire to do anything, and there is an opportunity only to look at one point. The card symbolizes difficult times for a person, when he is in low-energy states and feels small and insignificant and therefore cannot start doing anything, since this will not change anything, as it seems to him.

Negative traits

All thoughts in this state revolve around negative moments, a person may feel fear for himself and his existence, this is accompanied by a lack of interest in life and the feeling that everything is crumbling and crumbling.

The Five of Pentacles describes a difficult state when a person walks in a circle in his head, sorting out heavy thoughts and there is no creative energy, just emptiness and lack of desires, in such a state it is even difficult for a person to move physically and all the time tends to sleep. This state usually lasts a long time and it is not so easy to overcome it, it is not a mood that can be controlled at the very least, it lies somewhat deeper.

The Five of Coins, like the Nine of Swords, describes anxiety, feelings of anxiety and all kinds of experiences. This card traditionally signifies fears associated with the loss of income or work, fears of failure and destruction of the stable structures of life. This card is accompanied by heavy thoughts about the meaninglessness of efforts, about their own insignificance and uselessness, as well as the thought "no one loves me."

If we talk about specific personalities, the Five of Pentacles personifies "little people", the unemployed, the poor, those who owe everyone, as well as people who are very insecure, self-conscious and try to interact as little as possible with the world and people so that they are not noticed or turned over. attention.

A person has a sense of his own inferiority. Such people lack something at the moment, and it can be both money and some kind of material wealth, as well as love, care, support and warmth. People on this card can experience a serious personal crisis when circumstances hamper them, and there is a feeling that the earth is slipping from under their feet and there is no strength to change anything.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

At a deeper level

The Five of Pentacles speaks of the advantage of the spiritual over the material, when the creative filling of the soul prevails over the difficulties human life... The map describes a creator-artist who, in the process of creating paintings, may not eat, sleep and not care about how he looks. She also corresponds to the image of a disabled person, without arms or legs, but holistic, full and cheerful so that he can inspire healthy people with his example.

The essence of the Five of Coins is about being true to yourself and your values, even under threat of life. The card speaks of the conflict of the two sides, manifested and not manifested, physical and mental, matter and spirit. By solving this conflict correctly, a person emerges victorious in this confrontation.

In addition, monks and those who lead the spiritual

The Five of Pentacles can indicate self-restraint in the name of a higher spiritual goal.

life giving up material goods... The thought “Not by bread alone” in this Arcana is often realized in the literal sense and a person is forced to feed on the “holy spirit” in exchange for acquiring spiritual riches.

The Five of Pentacles speaks of closeness to the ideals of the church. She points to an ascetic life, when by his actions a person heals the soul, resigning himself to hardships and difficulties. Stress and difficult life situations arise, being the personification of divine qualities - humility, patience, forgiveness and generosity, the ability to share the light of faith and bread with others.

The card may indicate the need to remember the light in the darkest times and maintain your values ​​under all circumstances. “This too will pass,” and there is no eternal suffering, sooner or later liberation comes.

Living in the material world, we do not know what will happen, we do not know when death will come or when a war will start. Life seems to be a fragile and ever-changing substance. However, the belief that everything happens as intended and has its own meaning gives strength to live, allows you to feel confident even on the edge of the abyss and, most importantly, conquers fear in order to remain calm and whole in life's vicissitudes.

But the moment the Five of Pentacles begin to rule life, everything changes. Faith in life disappears, we begin to feel uncontrollable fear, including the fear of death - the snow melts, revealing the abyss lying under our feet.

The card corresponds to the sign of Taurus, which symbolizes the ability to creative work. Creative work is constructive, since it unites the material and the spiritual, expressing them in an integral creative product. The ego of Taurus dissolves in feelings and desire, is the basis of creation, as in Capricorn, the basis is its own core and the Ego is more significant than everything else.

It is very important to express everything that dictates and asks for the ego or "I" of a person, since these impulses, as a rule, lead to the creation correct actions in relation to the world, for which he will be grateful and reward. Therefore, it is important to realize the main task of the first decade of Taurus - to understand your feelings and desires, surrender to spontaneity and trust your intuition in order to manifest these aspirations. This decade is adventurous in everything related to the sphere of emotions and sensory manifestation, so people of this decade do an excellent job with any activity in the field of art.

Also, in the first decade of Taurus, the emotional sphere is strongly manifested, this is the result of the influence of Mercury - the ruler of this decade, although Taurus may be characterized by slowness of perception. When the senses are involved in the assimilation of information, it goes much deeper than if it just passed through the mind. Therefore, it is so important to leave room for the expression of feelings. It is the sensory experience lived in practice that gives us the basis for the development of personality and comprehension of life wisdom.

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles in different layouts

For a career and work

Not a very good card for business or business. It often means serious losses and setbacks, including bankruptcy and the creation of huge debts. The Five of Pentacles speaks of a crisis, fruitless efforts, hopelessness, lack of plans or their ineffectiveness. If we are talking about some kind of business, then it clearly lacks financial investments, or a solid foundation. Also, a shortage can be expressed in a lack or absence of market demand.

A positive card environment can talk about a promising business, hinting at starting a business "on the knee" or in the garage. However, for the enterprise to take place, it is necessary to defend your idea, prove its right to exist and work very hard.

In a career matter, the Five of Pentacles can talk about a large amount of work that is low in value, and the pay does not correspond to the amount of work, and it can also be interpreted as dismissal or job change, unemployment and temporary employment.

Modern tarologists believe that this is a card of patrons and all those who donate to education, science and art, which also reflects the service of material spiritual goals. According to the Five of Denarii, there are professions related to work in a hospital, a nursing home, a social center, or in those companies that provide assistance to people in difficult life situations.

For finance and property

The Five of Pentacles traditionally means financial losses and difficulties from small to complete ruin and poverty, loss of a house. This is a map of poverty and need, the need to ask for help. Living in very cramped circumstances, in conditions of a lack of money and other material goods, for example, living on welfare or minimum pension... It is a map of economy and careful allocation of resources. In addition, the Five of Coins often means the need to ask for help and alms (one way or another) from others.

This financial condition can be the result of mishandling money in the past, or the result of a combination of circumstances. The card also speaks of the loss of any privileges and advantageous position. This can be a situation when a person does not commensurate income and expenses and lives beyond their means. Often the Five of Pentacles speaks of the presence of debts and obligations, it is associated with demands to immediately repay debts or pay a fine.

In the most positive sense, the card can speak of freedom from the responsibilities that invariably appear with the advent of money and property. However, a rare person can perceive this in the best sense... The Inverted Five of Pentacles often speaks of unexpected income or gain.

For love and relationships

Five of Pentacles Tarot, meaning in relationships can be contradictory, so it is important to pay attention to the environment. Often the card speaks of a painful attachment in a couple, but it can also speak of a pair of hermits who share their love in the same way as the hardships of life in exile.

This Arcanum personifies a person or two who have come to terms with the state of affairs and do not think of the possibility of living differently, and the existing reality can be truly terrible. However, such a relationship continues and is based on the fact that the couple unite against the cruel world, and this becomes driving force their relationship.

Some experts interpret the Five of Coins as a symbol of legitimizing relationships, commitment, decency and plausibility.

In the appropriate environment, the card means fatigue from the union and the lack of an exit, which manifests itself in the breakdown of relations, in loneliness. Also, the Five of Denarii can talk about the impossibility of showing love, when there is too much mutual pain and resentment and there is no strength left to express their feelings, detachment and insensitivity appear.

This card can symbolize a period of decline in a relationship, when at least one partner experiences deep self-doubt and is tormented by the fact that he feels unnecessary and unloved, as well as very vulnerable. This is a period of great vulnerability and defenselessness, when a person thinks in terms of the victim and does not know what can influence the situation.

The Five of Pentacles have another important meaning. Her gift is perceived as a gift from the beggar who persistently and patiently seeks the partner's hand and heart. If a person does this consciously, with an understanding of what is happening, and the partner at some point agrees to accept and give love, a miracle happens for both. Something is changing in their relationship, there is more understanding, love and patience, their hearts open.

For health status

The Five of Pentacles usually means serious health problems. On this map are states of depression, depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, insomnia and panic attacks. It can also mean a breakdown and inability to take care of yourself, unwillingness to live and alcohol dependence.

This card can talk about cancer, chronic fatigue and professional burnout, as well as anorexia and vitamin deficiency. The classical meaning of the Five of Coins speaks of congenital defects and pathologies, as well as acquired injuries and disabilities.

The card recommends not to take risks and be careful about finances. Now is not the time for strength tests. It is important to change your lifestyle to a simpler, no-nonsense lifestyle. Be generous and donate to the poor or feed the homeless, and if you need help and support, feel free to ask for it.

Five of Coins can be a warning, an indication that you need to be careful about business, with due seriousness and consistency, otherwise the financial situation may be hopeless and difficult.

If possible, try to avoid dissatisfaction with yourself and others, as well as not think about your own helplessness and inferiority. You need to invest funds and efforts in your own stability and security, as well as in development.

Reverse card meaning

Inverted Five of Pentacles may indicate excessive expenditure of energy, overwork. In a love relationship, it indicates a lack of harmony, in the traditional sense, shameful love or a relationship on the side.

At best, an inverted card may indicate that there is no need to fear large losses, everything can be fine. At the same time, it can mean getting a job, even if it is temporary, as well as improving health, financial condition, straightening out the emotional state and current affairs.

Five Denarii in an inverted position is often a sign of stagnation in affairs and processes, as well as everyday troubles. Sometimes an upside-down card can signal the beginning of better times when opportunities for earnings are presented to us to improve our quality of life and overall well-being.

Combined with other cards

How the Five of Pentacles is interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With Strength - strength, endurance, endurance in trials;
  • With the Tower - marriage breakdown, hard times;
  • With the Wheel of Fortune - a happy marriage;
  • With the Hanged Man - a danger to honor;
  • With Strength - to avoid dishonor;
  • With Moderation - health restoration;
  • With the Sun - vitality, strong constitution;
  • With the Six of Wands - recognition, fame;
  • Ten of Wands - hard work, trying to make ends meet;
  • With the Three of Swords - refusal, lack of support;
  • With the Five of Cups - loss of approval.