Daria aslamova latest articles. Daria aslamova - the most interesting in blogs. About family life

Daria Aslamova, a biography whose personal life aroused genuine interest in many in the nineties, earned attention to her person with frank and extravagant publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda, as well as books, where the main attention was paid to the sexual adventures of the main character.

Biographical information

The place and date of birth of the future journalist is different in different sources. In some, the city of Khabarovsk is indicated, the date is 09/08/1969, which corresponds to reality. In other sources, you can find data that Daria Aslamova was born in Yerevan, the date of birth may be 09/09/1969.

After graduation, she became a student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

Having received the specialty of a journalist, she mastered the profession of a war correspondent. There was a lot of hype around her very first army reportage. It was during the fall of the Iron Curtain, and sexual issues were not yet widely publicized.

Daria herself talked about her first trips to the areas of hostilities even before the Karabakh events, as "fun", some kind of game of a brave journalist. To herself, she seemed to be an artist from a film in which the ending must necessarily be good.

Correspondent "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

From " Komsomolskaya Pravda“Daria visited hot spots, where she was even captured. She wrote a series of reports about this. Colleagues note that her favorite topic is war.

During 2011, she was arrested four times in Egypt, where she was on an editorial assignment.

In mid-2012, Aslamova visited an area in Turkey bordering Syria. She managed to secretly sneak into a Syrian camp where there were refugees. Among them were representatives of the rebel forces who fought the troops of Syrian President Assad. The desperate reporter managed to speak with some of the rebel leaders.

Daria managed to successfully use various female tricks in the war. She could burst into tears in any situation. She could easily pretend to be a silly fool and get out of a situation from which a man could hardly get out alive.

Daria Aslamova, "Mean Girl"

In the manner of Aslanova's writing, the presence of a cheerful disposition and a light feather is noted, which is considered her main weapon. It was these factors that allowed her creation - "The Notes of a Mean Girl", to open an updated page in the practical Russian press.

In these "Notes" there is a parody interweaving of the genre of adventure novels with the genre of political (and not necessarily political) portraits, in which fairly well-known persons are easily guessed. The heroes of the journalist can be recognized as R. Khasbulatov, N. Travkin, A. Abdulov and some others.

From the side of the reading public, accusations of the journalist of promiscuity were often heard, although her works have always been extremely popular. Many people enjoyed savoring the details of the open and fun storytelling that described the masculine temperament and dignity of many famous personalities.

Participation in elections

Daria Aslamova, whose biography also has some political overtones, took part in the election campaign in 1999.

During that period, a rather popular writer Dmitry Bykov expressed the following opinion about this non-standard journalist.

Daria Aslamova was compared by Bykov with Ivan Okhlobystin in a skirt, and "often without her."

Bykov sees the difference in the fact that Aslanova's pen is more exciting than Okhlobystin's, and he considers her vulgarity to be consistent and style-forming.

By the style of Bulls, he understands consistency. He calls Okhlobystin eclectic, in Aslanova he notes stubbornness and purposefulness in achieving "a high level of tastelessness, which makes reading it fun and enjoyable."

In "Moskovskaya Komsomolskaya Pravda" Bykov noted a good start Daria as a military journalist, her books were very funny.

The stormy start of her career was replaced by the marriage of a journalist and the birth of a child, and the need for solidity arose.

In search of a new identity, Daria Aslamova, whose photo could be found in many periodicals of various kinds, ended up in the Unity block. However, Shoigu realized that Aslanova's reputation could bring negative dividends for the political bloc, as a result she had to be nominated in a single-mandate constituency.

Daria Aslamova could not get into the elected bodies, and no longer was involved in her nomination in the political arena.

Creative milestones

In 1999, the journalist worked as a special correspondent for AIDS Info.
In the summer of 2003, Daria Aslamova was the only journalist who managed to interview such an odious leader as Saddam Hussein.

In 2011, she had an interesting conversation with Meyssan Thierry, who expressed the idea of ​​the American State Department's intention to use the Georgian and Ukrainian scenario for a coup in Egypt.

Not without curious awards, after participating in the 1999 election campaign, she was awarded the Silver Galosh prize (nomination Star without a Mandate).

After her literary opus "Notes of a Mean Girl", published in 1994, the second part of the book came out a year later.

The new book was titled "The Adventures of the Mean Girl," and a sequel was released in 2001.

The year 2002 was marked by the release of two books: "Sweet Life" and "Notes of a Mad Journalist".

In 2005, the book "In love, as in war" appeared.

On the profession and attitude to war

Aslanova speaks of herself as a terrible coward. She considers the battle to be a drug. Everything that happens on the battlefield, the confrontation between life and death, reminds her of sexual feelings.

When she was in hot spots, she was annoyed only by the presence of everyday difficulties and inconveniences. According to her, in captivity she was bothered by the escort of persons of the opposite sex, the presence of ropes, robes. She had the feeling of a real lady in front-line conditions, because everyone around her perceived her as something exotic.

From colleagues, reviews come in about her as very funny and easy man who does not lose his composure in difficult situations. In her actions, calculation and reason always prevail. As a result of all this, the work of the journalist is always successful.

About family life

Daria Aslamova, whose personal life is inextricably intertwined with creativity, got married twice.

At first she was married to businessman Andrei Sovetov. Their common daughter Sonia is over twenty years old. The popular TV presenter Zhanna Agalakova became her godmother.

For the second time, Aslanova, in 2005, was married to the famous Croatian journalist Robert Valdec, who had two children from a previous marriage. The journalist met with him in Pakistan, where they both, as part of a group of journalists from different countries, were preparing to cover the American invasion of Afghanistan.

Later they went to many wars together.

New creative landmarks

After the second marriage, a decisive change took place in Aslamova's work. Robert Valdets categorically forbade her to write about sex.

He demanded that she write only about geopolitics. To Daria's protests that she is poorly guided in this area, Robert replied that with her talent she can easily learn.

As Aslanova said, when her husband raised the question of choosing a creative direction between politics and sex, she settled on politics. “You should have sex, not write about it,” Daria joked.

Special correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Daria ASLAMOVA visited the country engulfed in fire and made sure that the front line there runs almost everywhere

Turn around! This is the road to Daesh (ISIS) * ”A Syrian soldier is running towards us, waving his arms. Around the pillar stands red dust, through which the sun appears to be a burning ball of blood. The sand clogs my lungs, and if I open my mouth, I'll start croaking like a crow. Out of horror, I swallow whiskey straight from the bottle and in a trembling voice ask my translator and new friend Nazir: "We almost left straight for Daesh ?!" “Well, we didn't leave,” he replies calmly. - There is just a fork: to the right - DAISH, straight ahead - Jabhat An-Nusra *, to the left - Aleppo.

The soldiers ask us for a bottle of water. But as soon as we stop in an open place, the sharp clicks of bullets drive us back into the car.

* organizations are banned in Russia.


Two hours ago, we drove up to Aleppo, from which black smoke rose and the roar of explosions was heard. The presentiment of danger made me polish my armor. I powdered my face and painted my lips, which is completely pointless in a fifty-degree heat. The powder baked into lumps, the lipstick blurred, and after five minutes I look like a clown. My light dress stuck to my body. But Nazir promised me the best kebab in the world, arak (local vodka and an excellent remedy for dysentery - if not diluted with water, it completely burns out the insides) and even a hairdresser, if there is electricity in the city. The main thing is to break through to Aleppo.

But the beautiful new road has been cut by the militants, desperate battles are going on right on it, and the soldiers refuse to let us in. “But Aleppo is only ten kilometers away! I implore. - Maybe we will break through? Two mines that exploded near us cool my ardor at once. The situation is hopeless! Gasoline is running out and you can get it only in the city (in Syria, people stand in line for gasoline for days). The nearest safe city of Homs is three hundred kilometers away. Even if we miraculously get gasoline, it will get dark in a couple of hours and the road will become deadly. On the one hand, there are terrorists from Al-Nusra, on the other, ISIS. Every night they try to cut the only road in Aleppo. This is the very 150-kilometer section of the road where drivers squeeze everything out of the car. “Yalla! Yalla! " ("Faster, faster!"). If only not to fall into the clutches of the shaitans.

The residents of the Aleppo suburbs do not seem welcoming to me. Gone are the Syrian flags and the ubiquitous portraits of President Assad. The insides of rams are lying everywhere, decomposing in the sun.

Maybe someone will shelter us? - I ask Nazir timidly. - Moscow reports that the road to Aleppo has already been recaptured by the Syrian army. And we'll slip through tomorrow, huh?

Do not even think! They will give you shelter with pleasure, and at night they will sell you to ISIS. And who do you believe? Moscow, that the road has been cleared, or to your eyes?

Moscow, - I say, almost crying. - But there is a bypass road around the city.

It's two hours. Sand and stones. There only jeeps will pass. And we have a low car. If we get stuck, the snipers will make a cutlet out of us.

But you can try? I ask.

You can, - says Nazir melancholy. I love this "can." In the most difficult situation, when everything goes to hell, Nazir always says the invariable "you can".


Almost three hours later we enter Aleppo, but the feeling of triumph is swept away by the horror of despair. "Oh my God! Oh my God! I whisper pointlessly. - Pearl of the Middle East! Mirage in the desert! A city that is eight thousand years old! Do not die! I saw in a dream all your bazaars and mosques, I mentally walked through your streets and back streets! You are the rest of the weary traveler and the dream of an enterprising merchant. Oh, what happened to you ?! " All the scenery for a horror movie pales before reality. A real Apocalypse! Skeletons of high-rise buildings, their dead eye sockets, walls that cry: "We've all seen!"

But suddenly the broken glass stops creaking under the wheels. Solid asphalt, clean streets and thrashing life at the end of a dead tunnel. Some volunteer douches our dusty car with water from a hose. And I see an oasis: houses of noble oriental architecture made of amazing yellow stone, cafes selling ice cream, children diving into the river from a bridge. Women in robes of thick synthetic fabrics, black woolen pants, gloves, socks and sunglasses (real Martians!) Scrutinize my careless dress. No one pays attention to the sounds of nearby explosions. Death is an all too common part of local life.

I see shop windows with jewelry with cheeky Tiffany lettering. Hotels that still retain the gloss of the former luxury, where electricity is provided from 6 pm to 1 am (only thanks to generators dim lamps shine in the lobby, and the fans blow fat hot air). There is no ice, refrigerators do not work, even the sheets seem to be ten pounds. At night, from the heat, blood coagulates in the veins.

I rush naked on the bed and hear Russian aircraft bombing the suburbs and the eastern part of the city, where the terrorists have settled. For locals living in the western part, controlled by the Syrian army, this is the most soothing sound. "Ours have arrived," they say with pride, "the Russians."

In the morning I wake up from fierce machine gun fire under the windows of the hotel. Looking out the window, I see that passers-by do not react in any way. Even women with children. “This is how we see off dead heroes,” explains the porter. "The body of a dead soldier has just been taken from the hospital morgue."


I walk along with the soldiers of the Syrian army through the deserted narrow streets of the old city of Aleppo, as if specially created for ambushes and attacks from around the corner. The ancient city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the main arena of the battle between the Syrian army and terrorists.

After three years of fighting, only the walls remained of the city. I stumble over a sign that says Belgian Consulate. From the names of broken hotels and shops, one can imagine the luxury in which Aleppo bathed before the war, the richest commercial and industrial center in Syria.

We dive into the thirteen kilometers long covered market, the longest in the world. I go up and down countless ladders, follow long walks and walk through basements where rags, buttons, shoes for sale are scattered about. My velvet shoes are stepping on broken glass, they are covered with the dust of war and devastation.

And then suddenly I find myself at the main headquarters, where they stole solid furniture from the surrounding abandoned houses. Maps, armchairs, real cardamom coffee, icy water from a tiny fridge, and even a fan! A special forces officer named Nadir, a handsome, tired, calm man, has been fighting in Aleppo for three years. It was he who led the operation to capture the ancient Citadel, towering 50 meters above the city.

Understand, take and hold the Citadel - this means more than just control of the main strategic height of the city, explains Nadir. - The fortress is more than three thousand years old. This is the main pride of the inhabitants of Aleppo, its moral symbol. Who owns the Citadel owns the city. We lean over the map of the fortress:

Our soldiers are kept inside, - says my interlocutor. - Outside - all these bands singing among themselves: "Jabhat An-Nusra", "Ahrar Ash-Sham", "Nur ad-Din al-Zinki" (groups banned in Russia).

I shudder: - Is Az-Zinki the group that recently executed a ten-year-old Palestinian boy and posted a video of his execution on the Internet?

Yes. They are now, forgetting about feuds, are fighting all together. ("Az-Zinki" is a "moderate" Islamist group that receives financial and military assistance from the United States and Saudi Arabia... In connection with the murder of the child, US officials announced "the possibility of renegotiating their relationship" with the gang, whose members, at the insistence of the Americans, represent the official opposition at the Geneva talks. - YES.)

The ancient city is empty, there are no civilians. You control a third of the old city and the main fortress. Why can't these rats be smoked out of here?

Tunnels, - officer Nadir gloomily. “Everything under our feet is permeated with a network of ancient tunnels. Terrorists control them, cleanse them, expand and build new ones. We constantly listen to the ground where they dig.

Just look - Nadyr is showing a video on his phone: a hole in the ground and the bodies of killed terrorists. - Two weeks ago we listened to them and waited. When they came to the surface, they were immediately killed. This is luck. But we are not always lucky.

I want to see the fortress! I say pleadingly. - They say she's gorgeous! What if I never get to Aleppo again? Or will the fortress be gone?

You will see her, - the officer says smiling. - Although we have not allowed journalists for three months already. But no amateur performances. Move right after me.

We wander in dead silence, interrupted by sudden explosions of mines. Suddenly officer Nadyr stops in front of a pile of stones. - Press against the wall! Snipers work here. Look at these three destroyed buildings. Our detachment was stationed here. Two years ago, terrorists dug a tunnel and blew up all three buildings from below. 67 of my comrades were killed. We were never able to get the bodies. The place is constantly under fire. Someday ... ”His voice breaks. - When everything is over, there will be a mass grave and a monument. Must be!

And then I see the fortress! A tragic masterpiece, abundantly filled with human blood for three thousand years! Who has not fought for this Citadel and for this ancient city, which stood on the Great Silk Road. The shed blood fertilized the Syrian desert, where olive and pistachio trees miraculously grow. Suddenly we hear the frantic prayer chant of the Mujahideen and freeze. Friday! - How far are they from us? I ask in a whisper.

No more than 80 meters. Despite the scorching heat, I get goosebumps and cold sweats. And I remember the words of a Syrian friend of mine: “These people are zombies. Imagine a person who had one brain computer program completely erased and another introduced. They explained to him: life on earth is emptiness and a trap for sinners, heaven is there, above. The sooner you get there, the better. Death in war is a pass to paradise. Now imagine: how difficult is it for people who love and value life to fight those who are indifferent to it? "


There are only four of them. Three for civilians, one for militants. Only a few families managed to infiltrate at the very beginning, and that's all. I stand, somewhat discouraged, in front of a huge garbage dump blocking a narrow passage in the old city.

Is this a humanitarian corridor? I ask doubtfully.

Yes, - the Syrian officers answer me. - Inside there is a hole through which you can go.

I try to photograph the hole, but I am immediately pushed against the wall.

Be careful. The corridor is constantly fired upon by snipers.

But what about the civilians? I ask doubtfully.

While you climb through the trash heap, you will be killed ten times. Suddenly we see a man with a boy about four years old. He walks calmly through the open space. It turned out to be a local resident named Sultan who lives right above the garbage dump. Every day he comes to the soldiers for bread.

The Sultan looks calm.

And here everyone got used to me: both from that and from this side. Nobody touches me. They know that I need to feed my son, - he explains.

Are there many people on the other side to go through the corridor?

I haven't seen one in recent days. But as many snipers as you want.

I think everyone who wanted to escape ran away long ago. For several weeks Western newspapers have been crying over the "tragedy of the inhabitants of Aleppo, two million," who are being bombed by "evil Russian planes." But let's put everything in its place. Even the cautious Wikipedia reports that there are fewer than a million inhabitants left in the city. (And, by the way, most of them live in the western, relatively prosperous part of the city, controlled by the Syrian army, and suffer there not from bombing, but from rocket attacks by terrorists.)

What civilians in the east of the city are we talking about? - Doctor Abdul Nached, a native of Aleppo, is surprised. - When three years ago all these gangs like "Al-Nusra" captured the eastern part, all my acquaintances, friends of friends and in general all decent people from that side left long ago. Aleppo was the richest city in Syria! Everyone had savings for a rainy day. Those who are poorer left for Damascus, the rest for Turkey and Europe. Only the terrorists and their accomplices remained. No one else! And now everyone is running around with them and shouting that it is full of civilians. Where from? Of course, it cannot be ruled out that someone has remained, although I find it hard to believe.

Dr. Abdul Nached, one of the few doctors left in Aleppo, belongs to a wealthy, respected family. A couple of weeks ago, the Syrian army liberated another part of the city, where the famous candy factory owned by his father was located. He bitterly shows me a video on his phone: destroyed premises, looted warehouses. Expensive equipment stolen. Everything must be started from scratch. - If not for my doctor's salary, I just don't know what our whole family would have lived on. I stayed here because my country needs me. Half of the doctors left Aleppo. Every day I think about whether my son will return from school. And will I survive on my way home.

Dr. Nached is a very devout person who observes all the commandments of Islam. “The West and America have funded ISIS, who cover up murder and lawlessness in the name of Islam,” he says. “And then the West is surprised when terror comes to their homes. I'm not gloating. I wish no harm to anyone, but only peace. I am a believer. But for me Islam, which calls for murder, is not Islam. This is what the West has done by sponsoring terrorists.


Before the so-called Arab Spring, Syria was one of the most prosperous, secular, secure and civilized countries in the Arab world. In 2010, the pre-war year, the economy grew by 4.5%, the state budget was deficit-free. (And this despite the fact that Syria had to feed 1.2 million Iraqi refugees and 400,000 Palestinians.) Tourism flourished. Agriculture has been one of the most successful in the world. Even the notorious drought that allegedly provoked a "revolution" is an unpleasant but common occurrence for Syria. It is thanks to the arid climate that Syria produces durum wheat, which, for example, was purchased by Italians for the production of pasta.

Here, everywhere, is a fat, red land, which can only give birth and give birth. Wheat, olives, pistachios, grapes, figs. Everything ripens and is filled with juice under the roasting sun. It is home to an enterprising and sly oriental people who have mastered the art of business for thousands of years. Before the war, excellent roads were built in the country, bringing trade and business revival to Syria. It was these roads that saved the state when terrorists took over the main highways. But there are many local asphalt roads left. Even in the most difficult 2014, when almost all of Syria was at war, industrial growth was 1% (I am not talking about "gray" business, which, of course, did not make it into the official reports).

When I was leaving Aleppo, I was amazed by the huge number of trucks that were carrying the famous Aleppo textiles under threat of shelling. Bulldozers immediately worked, preparing a new road to replace the one captured by the militants. The fields are cultivated even where ISIS members can attack at any moment. Syrians are tireless builders and terrific lovers of life. Damascus, a city that is at least ten thousand years old by the most conservative estimates, is extraordinarily modern and full of life. They are already accustomed to shelling. A mine hit a trendy restaurant in the old town a couple of weeks ago, killing several people, however, people still sit in the cafe, smoke hookah and enjoy life. By the way, Syria has the most delicious food in the world. (Trust an experienced person. Even in warring Aleppo, there is one place that a Michelin guide would give all three stars.)

People here are kind and helpful by nature. The local bureaucracy is, of course, intolerable, but even with it you can get along. Theft is not developed, and this despite the fact that in Damascus, at the expense of refugees, the population has tripled. People often leave their cars uncovered. The first impression of Damascus is a great civilization (unlike, for example, Cairo, where absolutely wild people roam). A beautiful city in love with life, tolerant, indulgent, cultured. Before the war, hijabs were scarcely worn here. But the villagers and refugees pouring into the city changed the picture. However, the indigenous townspeople, in contrast to the "come in large numbers", flaunt in tight "ripped" jeans, open blouses with a deep neckline and dye their hair in the most incredible colors. And no one whistles after them, as is customary in the east.

Who was hindered by the rich, strong secular Syria, where Christians and Muslims coexisted peacefully side by side, and whose economy was growing by leaps and bounds? Almost everyone. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who dreamed not only to lay oil and gas pipelines through it to Europe, but also to completely convert the Sunni population of the country, which is 78 percent, to Wahhabism (a radical doctrine that spun off from Islam). Turkey, which, due to historical tradition (Syria was part of the Ottoman Empire), used to consider the neighboring country as something of its own fiefdom.

Israel, which at one time took the Golan Heights from Syria (not only strategically important, but extremely fertile lands in terms of climate, Agriculture, tourism and religious pilgrimage). Lebanese Hezbollah (one of Israel's enemies) fighting in Syria on the side of Assad has suffered serious losses (according to rumors, up to two thousand people), which again plays into the hands of hostile neighbors. Therefore, Israel willingly provides medical assistance to the al-Nusra and ISIS militants, ostensibly guided by mercy. (Can you imagine an Israeli who, out of love for his neighbor, heals an ISIS fighter ?! I personally cannot.)

Prayer at the head of John the Baptist at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus

In addition, many experts drew attention to the fact that ISIS never threatens Israel, and in turn Israel keeps its mouth shut about ISIS. Apparently, they have developed a normal business relationship. Moreover, Israel has repeatedly bombed Hezbollah columns in Syria, which went to the aid of the dying Syrian troops.

But Syria's main enemy is America. You don't have to be seven inches in the forehead to notice the main strategy of the United States: they destroy only relatively secular, prosperous Muslim countries, where there is no smell of Islamic extremism.

Their goal is chaos, destroying peaceful Islam. Thus, secular Iraq under the rule of Saddam Hussein, moderate Libya, moderate Egypt controlled by Mubarak were destroyed, and now Syria is the target. Americans do not care at all about human rights in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which are obsessed with the misanthropic teachings of Wahhabism. They are not worried about the Shiite Bahrain (where the American base is located), over which a handful of Sunni self-appointed "monarchs" have seized power. Why?

Everything is very simple. Wahhabism was invented and paid for in the 19th century by the British, and in Saudi Arabia it was the Anglo-Saxons who elevated the usurpers of the Saudis to the throne, in whose veins there is not a drop of the noble blood of the descendants of the Prophet Muhamedd. They are fake damn kings. It was these pitiful invaders who were given the keys to the greatest shrines of Mecca and Medina. And the whole Arab world knows about it.


It's hard. Difficult. No water, no electricity. Although 150 families have already returned. The Syrian officers invited me to the first "cafe" that opened. Right on the bombed-out street, where all the houses say “Min no” in Russian, the enterprising owner of the shop put up sofas on which you can sit with a cup of tea and smoke a hookah.

Suddenly we see a three-year-old girl, and everyone freezes, as if they saw a miracle. And this is indeed a miracle! If children have appeared in Palmyra, it means that life comes back! Feeling like the center of everyone's attention, the little coquette willingly poses for shooting and takes poses worthy of a photo model.

Palmyra's treasures are still magnificent. And, thank God, the beautiful Roman colonnades and the amphitheater survived. But the world community, lamenting about the sorrows of Palmyra, is in no hurry to rebuild the destroyed city. However, they can be understood. The front is only 20 kilometers away, and the ISIS people just dream of returning to Palmyra to arrange their own "bloody concert" there. There is nothing to plunder there, but to take revenge on the Russians and raise their prestige is for them a question of their barbaric "honor."

Two days before your arrival, a new attack on Palmyra began, says General Malik. - Our scouts and Russian intelligence have determined that at a distance of 25 kilometers from the city there is a large center of militants - warehouses with weapons, training centers and a command post. All these data were transferred to the Russian aviation center. 6 bombers flew out, and the attack on Palmyra was cut off. The danger has only been pushed aside, but it has not gone anywhere. (Later, local officers showed me terrifying photos: burnt corpses of Syrian soldiers with gouged out eyes, taken by surprise at the checkpoint by the ISIS attack.)

You let into the country not only Russians, who are vitally interested in destroying the main hotbed of world terrorism, which is too close to our borders, ”I say. “But Hezbollah and Iran are also fighting here. Are you not afraid that sooner or later you will be presented with an invoice?

Not at all. Let's be honest. Syria created and supported the Lebanese Hezbollah. Morally, financially and with weapons, especially during the war between Lebanon and Israel. They owe it to us, not we to them. As for Iran, we have always been a friend of this country. Even when Saddam Hussein, at the instigation of the Americans, began a war against Iran, which was too weak after the revolution, subjected to the most severe sanctions, Syria was the only Arab country that stood up to defend Iran. And do not forget: Iran strongly supports the Shiites in Lebanon, but due to geography, it can only do this through us, the Syrians. So we have no unpaid bills either to Iran or to Hezbollah. There is mutual assistance.

Putin and Erdogan held talks on the Syrian issue. Have the terrorist supply caravans crossing the Turkish border been reduced?

Hardly ever. The supply goes through Idlib. And not because Erdogan wants it. He no longer controls Daesh (ISIS), which he himself created. All settlements on the Turkish-Syrian border (where there are no Kurds) are under the control of ISIS. On the day of the coup, the lights on the border were turned off to enable ISIS troops to cross the border without hindrance. They were going to go to Istanbul to save Erdogan.

There is still a rope on the column of the ancient amphitheater, on which the militants hung the head of the archaeologist, wearing glasses for mockery.

Photo of the beheaded ISIS 82-year-old archaeologist, guardian of Palmyra Khaled Asaad

What will happen when ISIS realizes that Erdogan is playing a game against them?

I argue. If he survived one coup, it does not mean that he will survive the second. Experts in the Middle East believe that the Americans are going to remove Erdogan at any cost. Count his enemies: the Kurds, against whom he is waging a war, most of the army arrested and subjected to repression (they still have friends, relatives, associates), the opposition (more than a hundred thousand people have lost their jobs), ISIS, which senses treason and will take full revenge on Turkey if she turns her back on him, and the preacher Gulen, sitting in the United States, organized a coup with the help of the Americans.

You are reasoning correctly, - says General Malik. - If the Russians had not warned Erdogan about the coup, it is not known how the matter would have ended.

Are we, Russia and Syria, in a strange situation? The main enemy of Syria, the sponsor of ISIS, the person who gave the order to shoot down the Russian plane, is an absolutely unreliable partner - and now we are forced to help him stay in power.

Exactly. We HAVE to endure it. Of all the evils at the moment, this is the least. Because if a civil war breaks out in Turkey, it will destroy the entire region.


The Syrian army is drained of blood. Tired of the war. The best cadres have been killed, new ones have not been prepared. Of course, I saw excellent special forces in Aleppo and excellent fighters in the suburbs of Damascus, where there are serious battles. But this is NOT the ENTIRE army. And its shortcomings are obvious even not to a military man. Poor communication between parts. Weak motivation. Remnants of tribal consciousness ("my hut is on the edge"). Lack of proper patriotic education.

I remember how I argued with the Syrian refugees in Iraq: “Aren't you ashamed ?! You are young healthy guys, but you left the country at a difficult moment and ran away. " "Why should we fight for Assad?" "Yes, not Assad, but for the Motherland!" "And we were not taught to love the Motherland." And this is a huge blunder of local propaganda. Nobody told the children at school that they were citizens of ONE great and beautiful country called Syria. And it is this country that they need to defend even at the cost of their lives. This is what is called patriotism.

The level of discipline in the army is simply deplorable. I personally saw how at checkpoints soldiers sit in a circle at night, drink tea, smoke a hookah and gossip. For example, a general is coming. Someone alone rises lazily, waves his hand in greeting (the soldiers don't even know to salute!) And raises the barrier.

Here is what Russian officers told me on condition of anonymity: “Morale is extremely low. Many cases of desertion. We say to the Syrians: in a war, they shoot for desertion. And we answered: but how to shoot! This is how the whole army will scatter! And so they catch a deserter and put him in prison for three months. He rests there, eats three times a day, then he is again sent to the front. The Ishilovites are scared to death. There are many former peasants who are sent to the front poorly trained. One shout "Allahu Akbar!" able to put them to flight. There were shameful incidents: twelve Islamists defeated a hundred armed soldiers, who also threw down their weapons while fleeing. They are calm only when they know that there are Russians nearby. Nobody taught them how to defend themselves. The entire army must be retrained and re-educated. Even the girls who go to the army are much more disciplined and responsible than the boys. They can make good soldiers. "

The matter is complicated by the fact that local authorities refuse to carry out a general mobilization. Many strong, well-fed young people walk the streets of Damascus, who train in prestigious fitness centers or drink tea in the old city in the morning. What are they doing? Unclear. Why not in the army? All of them must be driven to the front with a stick. Their homeland is in danger!

But the authorities have their own reasons, which were voiced to me by political scientist Ali al-Ahmad: “This is a long and difficult war. There were days when up to 200 military operations were going on at the same time! The front line is very stretched. But the country wants life to go on. Civil institutions have to work. Universities, schools, hospitals are a sign that the state exists in spite of everything. "


Indeed, the front line runs almost everywhere. There are no safe places! Even Damascus is constantly under fire from three different points. For the first time, I regretted not wearing a bulletproof vest in the town of Daraya, a stone's throw from Damascus. The town is completely destroyed. The Syrian army liberated most of the territory and surrounded the militants on all sides, who settled in high-rise concrete buildings with solid basements. Terrorists are trying to starve out.

Understand that taking this territory by storm means it is pointless to kill a huge number of soldiers, explains the commander of the 4th division, General Hasan. - There are up to two thousand suicide bombers with supplies of weapons and food in the basements. We are very grateful to Russia for its help, but we want to ask through you: we need aerial bombs capable of piercing concrete. Otherwise, these reptiles will not be available.

Do you think there is a civil war in Syria? I ask.

What kind of civil war are we talking about if recently British newspapers published the official number of mercenaries who have infiltrated Syria over the past 5 years: almost four hundred thousand people with a budget of $ 45 billion spent on their transfer and supply! Where did the British get such numbers? By the way, I'm sure understated.

This is a war imposed on us from the outside, ”the political scientist Ali al-Ahmad echoes to the general. - This war can in no way be called a civil war! At first, the Western media tried to present it as a revolution against the regime, then as a clash between Sunnis and Alawites, and later as a struggle between Sunnis and Shiites. But this is nonsense! The majority of the local population are Sunnis. If the Sunnis had rebelled against the state, it would have fallen within a few months! And the country has been living this way for more than five years. And it is the Sunnis who protect the country from foreign invaders, and Alawites, Christians, Kurds, Shiites are fighting next to them. The social soil here has always been moderate and tolerant. We are at war with foreigners: with immigrants from Chechnya, Dagestan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey. There are even Chinese Uighurs! I do not deny that there are also deceived Syrians among the militants, but they are not commanders, not leaders.

In fact, in Syria there is World War against terrorism. It is necessary that none of these terrorists return home. They should be buried here.

The first rule that I was taught in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, where I came to work at the age of 20, was: go and see. You must see everything with your own eyes. A journalist is a witness. People who say “I don’t believe” or “scare us” are not interesting to me. You are a blogger. You pretend to be objective.

Try yourself to come to Stockholm's Rinkibu district in the afternoon (and if you are a very brave person, then in the evening) and get a camera in the main square. Or go on Friday night for a walk with a camera in the center of Gothenburg, to take pictures of local Wahhabis who feel like masters of the city. I was very lucky that, thanks to my audacity, I escaped from Rinkibu alive and even with a whole camera (I advise you to watch the video of what happened to local journalists who came there with a police escort).

In Sweden, migrants beat a film crew.

I am an experienced person and have been working in hot spots for 28 years. And there is no such dangerous place wherever I have been. Last time I experienced a similar horror as in Rinkibu during the Egyptian revolution, when four kidnappers tried to put me in a taxi in the middle of the day. I scratched, squealed, twisted around, kicked the car and bit the kidnappers' hairy hands until I tasted their blood in my mouth. The taxi driver left, a crowd gathered at my screams, and I was saved. Believe me, this is one of the usual episodes of the work of a military journalist.

But even after Cairo, Damascus, Kabul, Aleppo, Baghdad - Stockholm shocked me. As, indeed, the whole of Sweden. I never quote fictional characters. All people mentioned in the article have a first name, last name and a Facebook page. It is hard not to believe, for example, the famous Somali woman Mona Walter, who was sentenced to death by Swedish imami for converting to Christianity. She constantly changes her place of residence, and at the same time she has three children. Her life turned into a nightmare.

You may not believe me, but there are statistics. Sweden ranks first in Europe and second in the world for rape. (I am only talking about the official statements of the victims. And, as a woman, they can assure you: most of them, due to their shyness or their young age, do not go to the police. They are afraid not only of publicity, but also of the persecution of feminists. That's it.) Your beautiful " democratic ”Sweden hides all crimes of migrants under a secret code, although the people have a right to know. Only high-profile murders come out, such as the murder of 22-year-old Alexandra Mezher, who worked in a refugee center. An alleged 15-year-old migrant stabbed her with ten stabs. (In Sweden, they take their word for it. Only refugees, of course. And that's why thirty-year-old men call themselves "teenagers", since the state takes them for full support and invites their relatives to the country.)

But what are my words to you? So I asked my friend Hans Erling Jensen, director of the Hatun Dogan Foundation (a foundation that helps persecuted Christians in the Middle East), to write a letter (attached in English). Hans is in big trouble right now. He lives in the south of Sweden in the village of Lovstad near Malmo. In a hundred meters from his house, the Wahhabis opened a "center for the re-education of difficult Muslim teenagers." You do not need to be seven spans in the forehead to figure out why such recruitment centers are opened. Aggressive teenagers will be "re-educated" into the right Wahhabis-terrorists.

And here is Hans' letter:

“Many people think Sweden is still best country in the world. Unfortunately, they are wrong. Sweden today has severe problems with anti-social immigrants who belong to cultures that cannot be integrated into society. More than half a million people have come to Sweden in the last 6-7 years. They have no jobs, they live mainly in ghettos, and they undermine the social security system, taking from it the same amount of funds that are necessary for the elderly and sick people, and the police are forced to devote all resources to solving serious crimes committed by migrants. Large cities in Sweden live in a state of chaos, like somewhere in Africa or South America.

But this is not only happening in big cities. Now people from all Muslim regions of the world are moving to the countryside, to small villages. Here they can go about their "business" without hindrance. I live in a village and have new neighbors. Muslim "school" for young gangsters. Rape has grown to appalling proportions. The term gang rape was previously unknown in Sweden, but now it is a daily occurrence. As well as murders. Per last years in Sweden 300 murders not solved !!!

I live in the heart of the action. I know what's going on. We are so close to civil war that you cannot even dream of it. Cars are set on fire, elderly people are attacked and robbed, our daughters are raped - and this happens every day. And worst of all, the government is paralyzed and insists that those who are protesting are Nazis and racists.

If you don't believe me, come to Sweden and see everything with your own eyes.


Hans Erling Jensen.

And Daria Aslamova.

KP journalist Daria Aslamova answered me here today:

"Dear Mr. Varlamov! You spoke ironically about the facts stated in my article" Rape Sweden is sick with Stockholm syndrome ".

The first rule that I was taught in the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", where I came to work at the age of 20, was: go and see. You must see everything with your own eyes. A journalist is a witness. People who say "I don't believe" or "scare us" are not interesting to me. You are a blogger. You pretend to be objective.

Try yourself to come to Stockholm's Rinkibu district in the afternoon (and if you are a very brave person, then in the evening) and get a camera in the main square. Or go on Friday night for a walk with a camera in the center of Gothenburg, to take pictures of local Wahhabis who feel like masters of the city. I was very lucky that, thanks to my audacity, I escaped from Rinkibu alive and even with a whole camera (I advise you to watch the video of what happened to local journalists who came there with a police escort). "

We must answer!

Firstly, I have been to Sweden, Norway, and other countries with migrant regions. Moreover, I regularly write about them, regular readers in the course. If Daria had carefully watched my post, she would have noticed that my article was illustrated with my own photographs of Somali refugees from Sweden. Nobody took the camera away from me, there were no problems, I walked without the police.

But I do not rule out that certain journalists are faced with problems when filming such areas. Many migrants behave very aggressively; in Paris, too, you can't really raise your camera in such areas. The reasons for this behavior are different: someone is in the country illegally, someone is engaged in illegal activities and does not want to once again shine. Someone just understands why he is being filmed, and does not want to become the hero of the reportage "Rape Sweden".

I do not question the facts described, but based on my experience, it seems to me that Daria has thickened the colors.

Secondly, it seems to me that the tone of the article that Daria chose is unacceptable. All these:

"... in a Turkish coffee house, an apple has nowhere to fall and is black and black from the Somalis. I take out a video camera ... At that very second thirty black men jump up at once and surround me with a solid wall. I smell black sweaty skin.

Don't run. Do not look back. Smile. Never show wild animals that you are afraid of them. "

It seems to me that such a level of expression does not paint a smart person and greatly devalues ​​the author's opinion regarding events. The article is full of racism and hatred, because of this, the real problems that exist and that Daria touches on are blurred.

Thirdly, the question is more to Komsomolskaya Pravda than to Daria. Articles about the horrors of Western civilization regularly appear on the pages of the publication. About migrants in Germany, about the American unemployed, about the poor Greeks. This is all, of course, very important. But there are residential buildings in or. And people there live like hell. I am sure that most ordinary Russians who live on beggarly salaries are very interested in reading about how in Sweden, a country with incredible high level life, migrants do not let the police into their area.

But back to our country, which we want to do better. We are patriots, after all, we want what was good with us? So that other countries can learn from our positive experience in solving various problems?

Daria writes:

"The police don't come here. They (the locals) want to expel all representatives of the state from here. And then let them in on their own terms through negotiations with local imams ...".

But in our beautiful country there are not just regions - whole regions where the police do not bother. I'm sure everyone now understands what region we are talking about. And yet, Russian legislation is still not in effect everywhere. Well, it so happened that, on the one hand, we live in a free country, and on the other, if something goes wrong, your house will be officially burned down and your family will be evicted from the region. I think everyone again understands what this is about. Daria is horrified that the camera was smashed for the journalists who wanted to report on the migrants. But I would like to remind journalists and human rights defenders who were traveling from Ingushetia to Chechnya to report, unknown people burned a bus, and they themselves were severely beaten. The victims believe that the Chechen authorities are behind the attack. The Chechen authorities deny this. However, the attackers have not been found for more than a year.

Photo: Egor Skovoroda / Mediazona

You write in your article that in Sweden people are afraid to discuss the problem because they will be accused of intolerance. In our country, if you start discussing this problem, you will first be forced to apologize (there is such a custom), and then, perhaps, you will be convicted under Article 282.

There are also migrants in our country. Yes, it's hard to believe, but they exist, and this problem is no less acute than in Sweden.

And in light of all of the above, regular articles in the press and stories on federal channels about the decaying West look very cynical to me in relation to ordinary Russian people. People, about whose problems - about real problems that concern everyone - no one speaks. Because everyone pisses to write about corruption, about the lawlessness of the judicial system, about lawlessness common man and even more so about our national problems.

While you are worried about the raped Sweden, Russia is being raped under your nose.

Europe is overwhelmed by hordes of greedy migrants Special correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Daria ASLAMOVA has visited several European countries, where tens of thousands of people from Africa and the Middle East arrive every day. But these are not classic refugees at all. They feel like masters in a new place, despise the local residents who help them and demand more and more benefits for themselves. The small town of Kaniza on the Serbian-Hungarian border. Every morning at six in the morning, the bells of the Church of Peter and Paul begin their sad song. They cry so piercingly and desperately until seven in the morning that it is no longer possible to sleep. I go to the window and pull back the curtain. The area in front of the hotel was empty. They leave. There were only the "beholders" - a few dark-skinned young men sleeping on the grass under the trees. But here the first intercity bus slows down at the central stop, releasing a fresh batch of refugees. Basically, these are men under 30 in jeans and T-shirts. But there are also women in hijabs with small children in their arms. Despite the sweltering heat, the women are wrapped in dark woolen clothes. Some even wear black gloves. All these people are very self-confident and completely indifferent to the charm of the old Christian town. At nine o'clock on the corner opens the cafe "Venice", where refugees go to charge their brand new iPhones and laptops, go to the toilet or even wash their hair in the sink. By the evening in the center of Kanizhi there is nowhere for an apple to fall. Hundreds of people camped in the two central squares. According to the most conservative estimates, there are about two thousand of them. They sit on the grass, eat, drink and look with contempt at the city cleaners, who are forced to pick up plastic bags, bottles, cigarette butts, and leftover food after them. Night falls. Darkness is a signal. People are divided into groups of 30-50 people. Each of them has its own leader. By eleven in the evening, the groups are moving on foot to the Serbian-Hungarian border. Residents silently watch through the windows as immigrants move in black shadows across the quiet, as if dead town. “They walk out of the city, and then they are picked up by gypsy mafiosi on buses,” says taxi driver Viktor. “We are not allowed to bring illegal immigrants. The police have already arrested five cars from our taxi fleet. But the gypsies do whatever they want. They are the main guides for refugees in everything. The Gypsies take refugees almost to the very border, and then lead them through the forest to Hungary only by paths they know only. It all started in January. People began to arrive in an organized manner, every day. And the flow is growing. To be honest, we are scared. will it be with us? " Great migration of peoples In 2015, Europe exploded. What began as a thin trickle of immigration has suddenly turned into a powerful human wave, ready to sweep away cozy, clean Europe. To the two previous routes: via Gibraltar to Spain and Mediterranean Sea to the Italian Lampedusa - a new, convenient and safe, Balkan route has been added. First, from Turkish Izmir to the Greek islands (the famous island of Lesbos fell the first victim. The Greeks told me that the Turks help immigrants in every possible way. There are rumors that Turkey deliberately sponsors refugees and literally pushes them into international waters.) Then Athens, Macedonia, Serbia, Hungary , and then the stream is divided into two parts - Austria and Germany or Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Even England, having bombed unfortunate Libya with such a sense of superiority, suddenly discovered that the island situation did not save her from invasion. The Channel Tunnel is stormed every day by angry refugees. And in Germany, the authorities had to resort to the help of the army, which provided tents for immigrants and protection from angry local residents. From January to July, one hundred thousand people walked along the Balkan route alone. Sociologists predict that there will be 250,000 by the end of the year. And next year promises to be a disaster. I have worked in "hot spots" many times and in my lifetime have seen a huge number of refugees. Crying women in home clothes and slippers on their bare feet, dirty children in rags, men with stone faces, angry from their own helplessness. They were happy with a bottle of water, a piece of bread, a little financial help. THESE refugees amazed me with their external well-being and their ability to quickly establish their own order. Park in Belgrade next to the bus station. It looks like what parks in many European cities look like now. Men washing in fountains, whole families sleeping on the grass. As soon as I enter the park, a group of guys rush to intercept me. “You can't shoot here,” one of them says in decent English, pointing to my camera. "Is that so ?! - I exclaim and put my hands on my hips. - The park is a public place, and I am a journalist and do my job." "Our women are here!" "So what? Your women are all in hijabs and are covered from head to toe. If they don't like the local order, they can come back. Do you know that Belgrade is the capital of an Orthodox Christian state? And women walk here with open faces? How many hours? are you in Belgrade? " “Three days,” my confused opponent replies. "Are you already making your own rules? This is not your land." Here we both lower our tone and conclude a truce. My new friend's name is Khalid, he is from Damascus, he is 21 years old. “I'm a real Syrian,” he says proudly. “Not like all these. .. "He points with a contemptuous gesture to the people occupying the square." Why is this important? "- I am surprised." And everyone here lies that they are from Syria. Simply, Syria is fashionable now. All newspapers write. Nobody is interested in refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Tunisia. Even the Afghans began to call themselves Syrians. "Khalid and his comrades fled from Syria so that they would not be drafted into the army." Why should I fight for Assad? I'd rather go to Germany. ”“ Why didn't you ask for asylum in Greece, Macedonia, or at least here in Serbia? ”“ These are all poor countries, ”Khalid wrinkles contemptuously. - I didn't even know that Europe is so poor. Before the war, we lived much richer in Syria. For the journey to Belgrade alone, I paid the carriers and guides $ 3,000. And before Germany - you still have to pay one and a half thousand. I have money. I can pay for a five-star hotel in Belgrade, but I am not allowed there because the local authorities only give us 72 hours to stay in the country. And my registration ended today. Even here in the park, I pay for the shower and toilet. But then in Germany everything will be free: education, benefits, housing for immigrants. It's good there! I want to enter the Faculty of Economics. As soon as I get settled, I will move my whole family there: two brothers, a father, a mother, a grandmother and three sisters. " I. "Halloween", - they amicably. One of them, named Aisha, takes on the role of translator. With difficulty choosing English words, she explains that they are Syrians from Aleppo and the whole family is going to Germany. They have been traveling for ten days. They have no one in Germany, but they heard that all refugees are accepted there. They have money. The trip for the whole family will cost a tidy sum: over 20 thousand dollars. Their mother has diabetes, but they are sure that the Germans are obliged to treat her. free. Married Betul shows me her wounded legs. “It was we who crossed the Macedonian border through the forest the night before yesterday,” she explains. - You are beautiful because you have white skin. But I was beautiful too, until I was sunburned. Here, look. "Betul rolls up the sleeve of his jacket and shows the border between tanned and white skin." I will live in Europe and become white again. There is less sun in the north. ”Refugees in Belgrade are not at all like the Syrian refugees I have seen in Lebanon. There are tragic individuals, people who have lost everything and are slowly dying under the cruel sun in crowded camps that no one cares about. Those who have made it to Europe are the elite. With money and with their own super tasks. How to become a refugee Early in the morning, from the Hungarian forest near the town of Ashothalom, groups of dark-skinned people with backpacks on their shoulders go straight onto the road. They all crossed the border illegally last night, and now they have nothing to fear. They are very good at navigating the GPS in their phones. Their main task is to meet the first police officer and show him a sign in English "asylum" (asylum), if there is no one in the group who speaks English at the very least. In the official language, this is called “expressing the intention to seek asylum”. From that moment on, they are entitled to a 72-hour stay in the country. And not only. A bed in a refugee center, free three meals a day, second-hand clothes and shoes and free train tickets across the country. Zoltan, a pumped-up tall guy in camouflage uniforms, brings me to one of the refugee camps. Zoltan belongs to a group of Hungarian volunteers, nationalist (or patriotic), guarding the border, and trying to forcefully prevent the entry of refugees. But he is not a policeman and in fact he has no powers. But it will be bad for those refugees who fall into the hands of his organization. At best, they'll be kicked back across the border. Hungarian forest near the border. Refugees under police surveillance. In a clearing in the forest, under the protection of police officers, refugees from different countries have settled comfortably. One of them, a young Afghan, Ammanula, tells me that for two and a half months he traveled on foot from Kunduz via Iran and Turkey, together with his comrades, in the hope of settling in Germany. He shows me convincing calluses on my feet. Nearby is a group of young Syrians who look like perfect Europeans. Blondes with light eyes, fluent English. Along with them is a defiantly red-haired, impudent young woman, smoking one cigarette after another. She, like her comrades, is a Sunni Syrian, but bravely clings among women in hijabs. They all intend to get to Sweden. The redhead is worried about the fact that all of them have already had their fingerprints taken. "I heard that we can be returned back to Hungary, even if we get to Sweden. This is a new agreement between the Schengen countries. Where your fingerprints were taken when you entered, you should stay there." (She is absolutely right, but I reassure her that this agreement exists so far only on paper). Hungarian forest near the border. Immigrants who crossed the border illegally at night are waiting for help A swarthy Sunni from Idlib named Jamil with two children asks me when the bus will pick them up and take them to their resting place. He is extremely indignant at this "disorganization". It's hard to believe that this person illegally crossed the border last night. He acts like a passenger at a bus stop, annoyed that the buses somehow do not run on schedule. He demands that I speak to the police. And they were terribly tired of the flow of refugees: "We no longer have enough transport to transport them all to Szeged, to the railway station. Six full buses left in the morning. We are waiting for them to return to pick up the rest." Welcome Hungarian city of Szeged. Train Station. A wooden house, where everything is already ready for the reception of refugees by volunteers from a charitable organization. Water, fruit, sandwiches and halal chorba (meat soup). "Why halal? - I ask a fat, ugly, but good-natured woman who washes the sidewalk in front of the house. - Shouldn't refugees get used to living conditions in Europe?" “Of course not!” She says indignantly. “It might offend their religious feelings. They are very vulnerable.” I carefully discover that my interviewee is single, like most "volunteers," but she takes joy and inspiration from "serving unhappy people." For refugees, dry closets, showers, water fans for refreshment, free internet and detailed instructions on how to deal with the authorities are prepared. Everything is polished to a shine, apples are laid out on a tray, the faces of the volunteers shine with the upcoming joy of meeting the "victims." What happens next insults me to the core. Several buses stop at the station, packed to overflowing with young men. Going out into the street, they immediately start talking on the phone and connecting fashionable gadgets to the Internet. Casually, not paying any attention to the agitated, flushed "volunteers", they take bottles of water, sandwiches, bowls of soup. They don't even say thank you! "Crazy old women," Junet from Pakistan shares his impressions. "Why aren't their children or grandchildren watching them? Why are they letting them out freely? Everywhere we go, we are met by these madmen." I gasp with anger and exclaim: "They do it out of nobility! To help you!" Junet is somewhat confused. "Yes, I do not argue that they are kind. But where are their husbands? And is it decent for older women to wander the streets in the evening and communicate with young men? We have passed through all of Europe, and the people here are strange. We even saw young women who handed out we have sandwiches. They are almost naked and all of them are no less than twenty. Such old people in Pakistan are no longer married. But why are you alone? Where is your husband? " "Two steps away from you," I say vengefully. "He's taking pictures." The puny Junet glances over the imposing figure of my husband, a Croatian journalist, and immediately changes his tone. "That's right," he approves. "Women shouldn't be left alone." But then she gets scared: “Let him not take pictures of me. I forbid. I still have so many borders to cross. I want to go to London, because there are many Pakistanis there. When I get to England and call my two sisters to my place, I will not allow them to go out unaccompanied. They found a decent groom in England for the youngest (she is already fourteen years old). Let her marry her, but for a respectable person. "" But no one in England will register this marriage! "- I am indignant." And it is not necessary. The main thing for us is the blessing of Allah in the mosque. And then it is beneficial. As soon as the children go, for the British she will be considered a minor single mother. You have no idea how much money she will be paid! And medicine, transportation, food, education - everything is free. The British are our former colonialists. They will pay for everything. Inshallah! " "Great" Hungarian wall Serbian-Hungarian border. I am standing in front of an imposing four-meter-high fence that should stretch for 175 kilometers. This is the already famous Hungarian wall, designed to protect Hungary from the invasion of immigrants. It is not yet completed, and refugees cross the border every night. “It’s a strange feeling,” says Veronika, an employee of the mayor’s office from the small town of Ashothalom. “I never thought that my country would live behind barbed wire. But you don’t know which side of the prison is.” The wall is entangled with NATO "razor" wire, which can easily cut the skin. "All major non-governmental organizations protested," Veronica says. “Yes, there may be victims,” I agree, imagining how refugees, cut in a steel grip, fight and bleed in the night. "You see, poor wild animals can get hurt," explains Veronica, and I am surprised to look into her calm face, suspecting irony. But no, no irony. "Local boars and deer have already run up against the wall," she says with concern. "They might cut themselves." "Yes, they can. Well, people will still find some way out," I note. "They'll dig holes or cut holes." “It’s enough to buy a good Swiss knife in a shop,” says Marton Gyendyoshi, a member of the Hungarian parliament from the Jobbik party. “A wall is not an obstacle. If an immigrant has traveled thousands of kilometers to get to Europe, it will not be a problem for him to bypass this wall or buy knife. Maybe not right away, but immigrants will find a solution. They are everywhere in Budapest. In public parks they sleep right on the grass. We do not know what they are sick with, what viruses they bring with them. This is a real disaster! Two years ago the number asylum applications did not exceed two thousand. And this year, at the end of July, we received a hundred thousand applications! We have no infrastructure to cope with such an influx of people! The European Union does not want to talk about real problems. Bureaucrats from Brussels only talk about economic and the social reasons for the new migration of peoples.But if we want to see the root of the problem, we must understand that the main reason is foreign policy West. Intervention in North Africa and the Middle East, destabilization of countries such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya. And this is just the beginning. We still do not know how many migrants will come to us from Ukraine if its collapse and economic catastrophe occurs (and this is only a matter of time). Europe is still chatting about multicultural politics, about tolerance, about the rights of refugees. But the European Union is like a patient who does not know that he is sick. For Hungary, all this is insulting. Hungarians never had a colonial past. Here France and England are paying for their crimes. They colonized the Eastern peoples, and now their former slaves are returning and demanding compensation. But we have nothing to be ashamed of. "" Are you sure you have nothing to be ashamed of? Listen to the story of Dr. Ahmad from Libya. " "There are no innocent people!" I met Dr. Ahmad (as he called himself) in the Serbian border town of Kanizha, in the Venice cafe. I immediately noticed this son of Africa with a dark, shiny face and thick, protruding lips. Mask of the African god. He slowly drank coffee and smoked a cigarette, and I looked at his hands, large, beautiful, with such precise, mean movements. Surgeon's hands. And I guessed it. I introduced myself, and we struck up a conversation. We talked about "fashionable" and "unfashionable" wars, about the fact that all refugees assure the local authorities that they are from Syria. "Fashionable" wars! Dr. Ahmad laughed sarcastically. “Well, you're right. Europe does not want to hear about refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan. They are ready to plug their ears with cotton wool! But they react even more offensively to refugees from Libya. After all, it was France and Great Britain that bombed my country. Now they turn away from us! Like, we brought you democracy, but you could not take advantage of the fruits of freedom! It is for you Libyans that you should be ashamed that you deceived our expectations. I confess I was a fool too. There was euphoria when Gaddafi was overthrown. My son was an enthusiastic boy and admired the revolution, but he died. "Dr. Ahmad's face remains calm when he talks about his son. The fatalism of a Muslim and the restraint of an Oriental." I have two daughters. We fled to Egypt almost as soon as the chaos began, leaving the grave of our son. I am a doctor, but have not found myself a job of my level in Egypt. There is competition everywhere. They don't like strangers. I don’t want to tell you the boring story of my wanderings. In Europe, I hope to have my diploma confirmed. I have good English. Maybe I'll be lucky. "" But the locals are in a panic from the invasion! I say. - Greeks, Serbs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Czechs insist that they did not deserve it! It is not their fault that the entire Middle East and North Africa is drowning in blood. " Exclaims Dr. Ahmad, and the yellowish whites of his huge African eyes are bloodshot. - I have no complaints about the Serbs. UNTIL. But Greece, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia are NATO members. Yes, they didn’t bomb my country, but don’t they pay money to the NATO military budget? Aren't they sending their soldiers to Afghanistan and Iraq? They will not be able to escape punishment. NATO covered the entire Middle East with blood, and now a weak Europe, which has given power over itself to American Satan, will be destroyed. Our women give birth to children. In five years, the face of Europe will change completely. I'm not happy about this. I respect the great European culture and do not want minarets to be built here instead of churches. But it will be so. This is retribution. Inshallah! " "The blame will have to be shared among all" “But he’s right, your doctor!” Suddenly exclaimed Marton Gyendyoshi, a member of the Hungarian parliament from the Jobbik party, when I told him the story of Dr. Ahmad. “Hungary is a member of the EU and NATO. And when this organization is aggressive to destroy Syria, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, we must not remain silent. We must directly tell our allies: "Listen! This is against the interests of Europe and against the interests of our country! "Yes, we did not take part in the bombing of Iraq and Syria, but our silence is our fault. I still believe that we made a huge mistake by joining NATO. On paper, we In practice, Hungary is a member of an aggressive offensive organization that destroys the Middle East and provokes Russia in the situation in Ukraine. The leaders of Europe are either fools or traitors. Although, when you learn from WikiLeaks that even Merkel is under constant observation of the American special services, you understand: the majority of the leaders of the European Union can be objects of blackmail. " Zhivadin Jovanovic, Serbia's former foreign minister, is one of those people who clearly see the connection between the past and the present. “The new destructive wave of migration is a consequence of the imperialist policy of the West,” he claims. “It all started in Serbia, after the destruction of Yugoslavia and NATO bombing of Serbia. It was here that the first step was taken to attack Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq under the pretext of fighting terrorism or the protection of human rights. America is always pursuing a policy of chaos, which gives it control over natural resources, strategic lines of communication and the traffic of people, drugs, weapons. The consequences are falling on Europe, but the European Union is not so much an ally of the United States as a rival. why America forced the EU to participate in all US-sponsored military operations, since the war against Yugoslavia. In reality, Europeans are fighting against themselves. The attack on Libya was a barbarism, symbolized by the monstrously brutal assassination of Gaddafi. Now we have a huge uncontrolled territory with riot banditry. The war in Libya has exposed the face of the West - the selfish and neo-colonial. We saw France, suffering from an inferiority complex, long lost its prestige, and Sarkozy playing Napoleon's play. We saw Britain, which has a huge colonial history, but lacks military power. It is the British who often act as instigators of conflict, trying to combine their ambitions of the former empire with American power and power. And now both the British and the French shouted in unison that something must be done with the immigrants. But we are dealing with a classic boomerang effect. Yes, an immigration bomb exploded, but the reasons for the explosion are more complicated than it seems at first glance. Young, educated men with money are coming to us. All the trendy barbershops in Belgrade are packed with people from the Middle East. In expensive dry cleaners, they hand over things in whole bags. It is absolutely clear that someone is helping them financially. The police have already admitted that there are extremists among the immigrants. All the police can do is take their fingerprints. Before us are the so-called "sleeping terrorists". When necessary, they will be "awakened" and a wave of terror will sweep over Europe. Panic in the Balkans! Macedonia. The country has announced emergency ... Complete chaos on the Greco-Macedonian border. The police have blocked all crossings and are installing barbed wire. The refugees went by storm. The police had to use tear gas and call in the army for help. Refugees lie on the rails, which interrupted the rail link between Greece and Macedonia. Thousands of people have gathered in the neutral zone. The Macedonians accuse the Greek police of being inactive and trying to push outsiders out of Greece. Serbia. The government talks about a humanitarian crisis. There are already about 80 thousand refugees, and there will only be enough places in immigration centers for a couple of thousand. Although the refugees themselves do not want to stay in Serbia at all (this is a well-known trick - to declare their intention to apply for asylum, but not to write an official statement), the tightening of control on the Hungarian border puts them in a desperate situation. The first Serb to contract West Nile fever died. Croatia. Immersed in summer tourist chores, Croatia suddenly woke up and panicked to find refugees trying to cross the Serbo-Croatian border. Which is logical: on the border of Croatia and Slovenia (Schengen zone) there are dense forests through which the Roma used to drive the Chinese. And beyond Slovenia begins rich Austria, and there is no border between them. In Croatia itself, there are many "useful idiots" from among the neoliberals who urge fellow citizens to open their hearts and doors to Middle Eastern immigrants. The neoliberal newspaper Jutarnji list has already suggested places where refugees can be accommodated in beautiful Croatia - in empty military barracks in Pula, Varazdin, Karlovac, Dalmatia. And even in the abandoned Estergazi palace not far from the charming Ilok. But a small, self-contained Croatia recently experienced a shock - in Cairo a month ago, terrorists from IS (Islamic State) kidnapped a Croatian citizen and cut off his head. The photo was posted online showing a 30-year-old father of two holding his own head in his hands. It can be understood that the alleged invasion of aliens drove the local population to hysteria. Recently a poster appeared on the Internet: "Dear immigrants! Welcome to Croatia! No job, no money, no future. Please go to Slovenia. Thank you." “Forget the Europe you once knew,” says the director of the Serbian Institute for International Politics and Economics, Professor Branislav Djordjevic, bitterly. “Europe is being squeezed by Muslim geopolitical pincers: from Spain, Italy and the Balkans. Even in Bucharest, where there are practically no Muslims, the largest mosque in Europe has been built at the expense of Turkey. Victoria Nuland recently visited the Balkans and said in an interview that it will take the United States 5 to 10 years to defeat the Islamic State. I am a former military man. It takes determination, not time, to destroy IS. Who benefits from the chaos in the Middle East, you ask? Just count how many people in the United States work in the military-industrial complex. Directly or indirectly. Count their family members. And how many voters support them? For the military industry to develop, you need to spend ready-made weapons. And you need to try something new. You cannot only produce. This is the largest industry in the world. More than gas and oil. And another question: does America need a strong Europe? ”“ Of course not, ”I say. - So still: who is the main culprit? "The saddest thing in the profession of a journalist is when, when you ask a question, you already know the answer to it, and you know why the interlocutor cannot answer directly. Dr. Branislav Djordjevic, Director of the Institute, where EU ambassadors regularly come , careful in comments. "Big Brother is watching us all. You know his name. Why do you ask? " Daria ASLAMOVA Original publication