Runes for relationships and love on the body. The most powerful rune staves to attract unconditional love. For the perfect relationship

Unfortunately, in love affairs, many of us are faced with an obstacle in the form of a lack of mutual feelings on the part of our chosen one or other circumstances that make uniting hearts a difficult task.

In such cases, rune magic, which is based on ancient knowledge, can come to the rescue. And in this article we will tell you how the runes for love are used and which becoming will remove obstacles and reunite hearts.

Its use is not an appeal to the forces of evil, so everyone can try this method. But you need to follow the scheme for applying runes and some other rules.

One of the most powerful types of such magic is becoming, consisting of several runes connected in a special way. Each of them performs its own special role, making such a combination highly effective.

Becoming a love spell - removing barriers to reunion

In the presented diagram, you can see an example of a stave that has a love spell effect and removes obstacles for the reunification of hearts. The author is a connoisseur of runic magic, known on the Web under the name Sam.

The mechanism of its work is due to the action of three runes:

  • Tours (red line),
  • Kano (green),
  • Soulo (respectively, blue).

Tours is a kind of ram, with the help of which all obstacles in relations with a loved one will be eliminated.

Kano here it symbolizes love and other warm feelings.

A soulo- this is a sign in which the power is contained, which increases the effect of the previous two runes.

How to apply

Traditionally, runes are applied by carving on wood. But you can also use more affordable means. For example, the ideal option would be to apply a love stave to a photograph of an object of adoration, and at the same time there will even be no need to pronounce a slander.

If this is not possible, the drawing can be drawn on paper, on the back of which the name of the lover or beloved will be written, as well as important information about who needs to ignite the flame of love.

traditional color love magic- Red. It is these inks that will need to be chosen to achieve maximum effect.


In order to strengthen and approximate the result, you can pronounce. The following phrase is suitable for this stave:

Sweeping away all obstacles on the way and lighting the fire of passion in (Name), love for me is born!

You need to put all your feelings into these words, while visualizing the future ideal relationship.

If everything is done correctly, the result will not be long in coming!


You can learn runic magic yourself. To do this, you will need the appropriate literature and the runes themselves. All material is easy to pick up in our two favorite stores:

We wish you happiness and prosperity. Let the runes for love help make your wish come true.

Runic magic is a system of predictions and actions, which is based on the application of ancient knowledge of runes. In magic, both individual runes and their bundles - staves are used. With the help of such connections, you can easily arouse attraction in the opposite sex and create a strong family with the desired man or woman.

How to use runes correctly

Any rune is not just an ordinary symbol, it is a strong and powerful sign that can influence the fate and actions of a person. Runes to attract love and marriage have been used by many peoples since ancient times. After all, everyone wants to find personal happiness.

But in order for the symbols to begin to act, you need to choose the right runic becoming, apply it to a certain material and activate it correctly.

Today there are several ways to use runic tie:

Each rune has its own separate meaning, which you need to know before applying it to the body or amulets.

The rune is most often used for love and love affairs. There are several such runes, and each of them has its own purpose.

In most cases, the following runes are used:

It is recommended to put all these symbols on paper or a wooden plank and carry it with you all the time. But in order to connect or the rune began to act, you should constantly think about the object of your desire during the creation of the talisman.

Special rates and formulas

In magic, there are runes to attract the love of a particular person, which act in a directed and accurate manner. In order to achieve reciprocity, the following bundles should be used:

Such symbols perfectly help to restore relationships in the personal life of each couple. After all, the domestic sphere is often capable of destroying romance. And magical ligaments will help restore passion and attraction.

All actions with magic symbols should be carried out in several stages:

When resorting to rune magic, you need to be extremely careful and not use unfamiliar symbols. Check the correctness of the inscriptions should be before they are applied to the fabric or your own skin. Otherwise, instead of attracting love and marriage, you can reward the object of desire with heart disease.

The optimal formula for love

Runes are often used to attract women and men, because absolutely everyone needs love. To kindle feelings, you should use the runes of Soulu and Kano. The best option would be such a bunch of Kano-Laguz or Inguz-Soulo.

If a man wants to develop attraction in oneself and become desirable for a girl who does not feel anything for him, you should use the Ansuz rune. This symbol is responsible for wisdom and persuasion. If you combine it with Gebo, you will get into a long-term relationship. This connection will be based not only on love, but also on intellectual attachment. Ansuz - Gebo - Yera will allow you to present yourself in a more attractive way.

To return a man to the family Evaize rune should be used. She is responsible for the return of feelings and attraction. It should be combined with the Gebo symbol. And to speed up the process, you can add the sign of Turisaz and Vunyo to this tie.

Runic symbols are able to attract love to a person in almost any case. With a lot of practice, you can independently learn how to create staves that can bring passion and love charms into a person’s life. Symbols can act extremely directed. After all, ancient magic is strong, despite the past millennia.

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In this article you will learn:

Ancient Germanic runes have been serving knowledgeable people for magical purposes for more than one century. With the help of symbols inscribed on various natural materials, they defeated enemies, became rich and made the hearts of the chosen ones beat faster. The rune of love as a separate sign in the Celtic writings does not exist, it is replaced by resorting to different staves.

Scandinavian runes to attract unconditional love

In the heritage of the ancient Germans who practiced runes, there are several symbols that are used in love magic. For each life situation need a special badge.

The most common runes for attracting love are:

  • Otala;

In addition to the situation in which they resort to magical help ancient symbols, there are still differences by gender. Stavy or runic formulas for men and women to differ, and when working with symbols, it is recommended to know all the subtleties, from the outline of the German "ligature" to the methods of its activation and deactivation.

Before resorting to the help of a “secret whisper”, as the word “rune” is translated from one of the ancient languages, you need to learn the rules for using Scandinavian assistants. First, it is recommended to study the meaning of the symbols and feel them in meditation. Secondly, during the ritual you need to be alone and exclude all irritants.

Thirdly, the inscription of the staves does not tolerate fuss. For love magic, they use red ink, a ruler, a blank sheet, without stripes and cells or photos, incense and bowls. Fourthly, the runologist must be in a closed room, that is, windows and doors must be closed.

Fifthly, you need to know where to apply the selected symbol, formula or ligature. In love magic, this is paper with the name of a lover, a photo (of your own or a loved one) or your own left wrist.

Sixth, the condition for any witchcraft is mystery. No one should know what a person has resorted to to achieve the goal, otherwise the spell will be broken.

With the help of 24 German Futhark icons, as the runic alphabet is called, you can:

  • attract love;
  • kindle feelings;
  • attract attention;
  • increase attractiveness in the eyes of the object;
  • marry;
  • get pregnant.

Kano is the sixth rune of the first ettir, and its name literally translates as "torch". In love magic, a symbol resembling a boomerang in shape is intertwined if you want to take the relationship to a new level or get married. The icon, combined with several others, causes a slight love in the object of desire, helps to find friends and bring the right people into life.

The secret symbol helps to reveal the true purpose. There is also another name for Kano - "Kenaz". Considering the runes of attraction, the sixth character can be attributed to them. Kenaz will help a woman or a man to open up to a loved one, showing the best qualities. Knowledgeable women use the power of Kano to conceive a child and achieve their goals.

Gebo is the seventh symbol of the first ettir of the Elder Futhark. The shape of the icon resembles the letter "X", and its name is translated as "gift". Gebo is used to maintain existing relationships in which conflicts have developed over time and quarrels have become more frequent. The rune smooths out sharp corners and helps partners equally hear and understand each other.

Gebo is not used for relationships that should be born. In combination with other symbols, the rune causes affection and can attract a partner in personal life. If Eyvaz, Uruz, Turisaz and Kano are paired with Gebo, then this formula can kindle passion in the hearts of spouses who have been married for a long time.


Otal or Otala - the 23rd symbol of the third ettir is in the form of writing a tadpole. If you translate the value of the rune into modern language, then the word "day" will turn out. The icon is woven into the formulas of love runic magic to give stability, security and harmony to relationships. Otal helps to create and find a warm family hearth.

The 23rd sign, in combination with others, helps to keep the family together and get married. In marriage, Otala attracts cash flow to the family wallet. The rune heals and gives health to sick relatives.

To attract love and marriage in runic staves, the Ansuz rune is used. The fourth character of the first ettir of the elder futark denotes a god. In shape, it resembles a flying arrow with a cut off tip on the left side.

The fourth character has nothing to do with love in the literal sense, but in runic tie used. The presence of Ansuz brings new sensations into the connection and renews them.

In 23rd place in the third ettir is Inguz, a symbol that is included in runes to attract love. The icon represents the right direction and inner development. Inguz is classified as a male rune, because it means fertility, energy and access to the next level.

The symmetry of the sign indicates its positive value. Inguz and Gebo together promise ambulances love relationship, and if the 23rd rune is next to Berkano, then you need to expect the appearance of offspring. The rune treats infertility in men and women, and also restores the functions of the reproductive organs.

The 13th rune of Eyvaz is attributed to the senior futhark of the second ettir. In literal translation, the icon with points at the ends means "yew". Eyvaz is one of the symbols that runologists use for love magic.

The thirteenth sign in the compiled stave helps to give strength and harmony to relationships, based on mutual understanding. Weaving into becoming Eyvaz will provide partnership, mutual assistance and sincere feelings.

Laguz translated from ancient language means "lake". The rune in shape resembles a unit turned in the opposite direction, it is in the 20th place in the third ettir. Laguz is called a female symbol, personifying intuition.

Runic staves using the 20th rune will give love and attract a betrothed, destined for her by fate, to a lonely fair sex. Laguz relieves women and girls of doubts.

Runic stakes on a man's love

Personal life is one of the hot topics of humanity, no matter what century it lives in. Ancestors left to their descendants runic formulas for love, which help to bring to life right person. Girls suffering from loneliness are recommended the Kano-Gebo-Laguz formula. Becoming "call" to the lady of the partner she wants. To do this, before applying the formula, you need to clearly imagine the chosen one and what qualities he should have.

If there is an obstacle between partners, then it can be removed with the help of a combination of Turisaz - Kano - Soulu. The first symbol removes obstacles, the second will bestow warmth, love and stability, and the third improves the process, enhancing the influence of previous runes.

You can independently create an amulet to attract love and always carry it with you. To do this, you can draw on a stone, skin or your own left wrist in red ink a combination of Perth - Mannaz - Gebo or Inguz - Gebo - Otal.

For marriage

There are runes for love and marriage in the Scandinavian heritage. The formula from Gebo and Otal will help you meet your life partner. Perth - Algiz - Berkana - Mannaz - Otal - Mannaz - Gebo will speed up the process of creating a family. If the chosen one does not dare to propose a hand and heart, then Nautiz - Kano - Gebo - Otal - Vunyo - Yera is put on a joint photo.

Runic formulas to attract the love of a particular person

When a person is loved, but he does not react to the admirer in any way, then runic formulas are used to attract the love of the chosen object. The combination of Kano - Vunyo - Kano will give the chosen one love, and Gebo - Kenaz - Vunyo will set the "victim" to bright feelings and a love affair.

The bundle of two runes of Gebo described above - Otal will "call" a life partner and help to check whether this is the person to whom the heart lies.

Becoming to harmonize existing relations

If the relationship is "bursting at the seams", then they use a formula to harmonize relations and smooth out conflicts. Dagaz - Kennaz - Gebo - runic standing on the love of a man, which will provide a revival of feelings.

The combination of Gebo - Kano - Inguz will bring relations to a new level, and the imposition of Otal on Isa will save the family and strengthen mutual understanding. With a lack of harmony in a married couple, they use the ligature Gebo - Algiz - Otal - Vunyo - Gebo.

If a person cannot find a life partner, it is worth resorting to the method proven over the years, which is the rune of love. This ancient magical sign, when used correctly, can create a happy and harmonious relationship.


Rune signs are a universal way to get anything. Each of the symbols contains power and is intended for a specific direction. The main difficulty in using such magic is the creation of a ready-made formula that will perform a specific task.

Runes for love and love affairs are capable of producing such visual actions:

  1. Love spell. The use of runes for these purposes is not recommended. This kind of magic will create a strong Negative influence on the energy of the carrier of runes and the chosen one.
  2. Increase the chances of attracting a worthy applicant for marriage into your life. Suitable for those people who have been looking for a candidate suitable for the image for a long time ideal husband or wife.
  3. Raise the level of your own attractiveness. Due to the lack of female or male energy, even with good external data, the opposite sex may not pay attention. Formulas for attractiveness will strengthen it and correct the problem that has arisen.
  4. Return the former ardor and passion to the relationship. For those cases when the fire of love began to fade and you need to rekindle it with renewed vigor.

Anyone can use rune magic. It does not contradict any of the religions and their foundations. At the same time, you should not create love rune formulas to attract the love of a particular person. This is a deliberate interference with his will and desires, for which retribution will come over time.

Effective runes for love

To correctly compose runic becoming a person should know the meaning of the main signs that are able to bring love and harmony into life.

  1. Kenaz. The most used rune in formulating. It is a catalyst and a magnet for members of the opposite sex. It enhances the attractiveness and sexuality of the wearer, and also awakens the desire to love and be loved. Using only this sign will help you find your other half.
  1. Soul. The attractiveness of this symbol lies not only in external influence, but also in the betrayal of confidence. The sign acts on this character trait and is able to turn even the most modest person into a confident person. This is the perfect rune for love.
  1. Laguz and Inguz. The first character is responsible for the feminine, and the second for the masculine. They are suitable for singles who are looking for a couple. These signs are able to increase the energy of the wearer, as well as his sexuality. It is worth remembering that they are not suitable for those people who already have a long relationship with someone.
  1. Gebo. A symbol of strong relationships between partners. It will help to attract sincere love. And it doesn't always apply to the opposite sex. Sometimes the rune encourages you to love yourself first.
  1. Odal (Otala). This rune is able to correct problems in marriage, improve relationships, help with pregnancy, bring prosperity to the house.

Important! Odal will only work if the union is formal.

Runes to attract the love of a particular person

To attract a certain person into his personal life, the following formulas and staves are compiled:

  1. Otala + Evaz. This bundle should be used when there is already a relationship, but they are hanging by a thread. To do this, put the runes on a joint photo with the second half. Such a ritual will bring back the former passion and love. This formula will help return your lover, but it will only work if he has warm feelings.
  2. Triple Laguz. The combination is suitable exclusively for women who want to attract the interest of a particular person. The nuance is that in order to attract the attention of a certain man, a woman must already be of interest to him. This becoming does not act as a love spell, it only pushes a man or a guy to be active.

Interesting! Such an amulet is also good for young couples in which a woman wants her partner to start listening to her and pay more attention.

  1. Inguz. This rune is also responsible for the transition from desires to actions. An example would be when a girl can’t wait for specifics from her chosen one about a marriage proposal. Using the rune, she will push the man to show hidden desires. It is worth knowing that this will not necessarily be a donated ring, he can also make it clear that he is not going to do anything. It all depends on his desire.
  2. Ansuz + Gebo. Such a symbiosis is able to create equal and sincere relations between partners. Also, thanks to the presence of the Ansuz sign, they will move to a new level and open wider horizons.

Runic stakes and formulas for love

Each of the runes for love and marriage is already endowed with its own power. The use of two, three or more symbols at the same time will significantly strengthen it and direct it in a certain direction. In order to draw up the correct formula, you need to have specific knowledge and understand the situation. Also, do not forget that formulas that have been working and proven by many generations have long existed. Here are some of them:

  1. Kano + Gebo + Laguz. Perfect for single women. In such a bundle, runes are obtained to attract the love of a man. The girl who uses them will definitely meet the partner of her dreams.
  2. Kano + Gebo + Inguz. The principle of operation is identical to the previous version only for men. This is a working rune to attract girls.
  3. Kano + Laguz or Inguz + Soulo. According to the principle of action, identical formulas for love and relationships, or rather, to strengthen them in an already established couple.
  4. Turisaz + Gebo + Vunyo. One of the most powerful staves, which causes an incredible attracting effect. Thanks to him, you can quickly find a soul mate.

Important! The resulting relationship may soon fall apart.

  1. Uruz + Berkana + Inguz. Runic composition for the sexual fusion of two people. It will completely destroy any problems of a couple of an intimate nature and significantly increase the level of pleasure from the process.

  1. Turisaz + Kenaz + Soulu. Such a composition is perfect for humbling a couple after a quarrel. The first rune is able to remove obstacles that interfere with reconciliation, the second creates a more comfortable relationship, and the third is a fixer and amplifier for the first two.

The principle of using runes

Signs must be handled with care. Incorrect use of them will lead to sad results. Therefore, you should know the basic rules that will help you avoid unpleasant situations.

  1. To work effectively with runes, you need to have special knowledge. You should also have an idea about the principles of operation of each symbol that will be used in a particular formula.
  2. Do not forget that there are runes that can complement and enhance each other's properties. At the same time, some signs, on the contrary, may contradict others and interfere with proper work. If you use them in one formula, then instead of the expected result, only harm will be obtained.
  3. It is advisable to collect such stakes that are suitable for a specific situation. An individually selected formula that attracts happiness and love to the house will act more effectively.

Talisman making

To create a rune amulet, two principles are mainly used. First of all, these are runescripts. By this word, one must understand the application of symbols in a certain order to an object. The number of runes can vary from 1 to 10. The most widely used are scripts of 3-5 runes. Such a number provides a fine-tuning of their action to perform a specific task.

Others no less effective principle is the creation of runestav. These are several runes that are written combined. To form such an amulet, you should know all the decoding and principles of writing combinations. With this knowledge, you can get a very powerful and effective artifact that will be charged for a certain principle of action.

Single runes are best used as a temporary amulet. They are applied to any objects, including your own body. You can also use a ready-made amulet with a rune applied.

In general, there are no specific guidelines for creating such artifacts, while there are certain limits to their use. Each runic amulet must have a specific expiration date, after which it should be destroyed. But this rule does not apply to single signs that are applied to the plates, their validity periods have no limits.

Runes can affect absolutely any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Their use can change the fate of every person and even help to marry for mutual love.


There are a lot of opinions about charging such amulets. Some say that the rune is a powerful activator and does not need an additional charge of energy. Others offer multi-level slander, which are accompanied by various ritual actions.

At the same time, there are quite simple and effective ways to activate the rune and charge the carrier. One of them is offered by the famous magician and shaman Kenneth Meadows. You can activate any amulet, regardless of whether it was bought or made independently. To do this, you need to put it in left hand, with the fingers of the right to form a semblance of a tube and blow on the amulet with force. You need to repeat this action three times. Before exhaling, you need to hold your breath a little and focus on the names of the signs.

Inscriptions for happiness

In runic catalogs there are signs that can bring good luck. This will help in the search for love and happiness, because finding a real relationship is a kind of luck. The most popular formula for good luck in love is Ansuz + Laguz + Gebo. She is able to find a fan who will fully meet all the desires of the wearer.


The Scandinavian runes of love are a great way to find a life partner, bring harmony to the family, or strengthen just emerging relationships. In addition, they do not overwrite any of the religions, so anyone can use them.