58 years old what age. Age periods of a person's life. Confident overcoming of "critical points"

On June 16, 2018, a draft law on raising the retirement age was submitted to the State Duma. On August 29, the president made his proposals. How has the retirement table changed depending on the year of birth? Let's compare the options and show the tables published by the Pension Fund.

How it all started

On June 14, 2018, Prime Minister Medvedev at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers formulated the following conditions for the pension reform:

  • retirement age for women - 63 years (plus 8 years);
  • the retirement age for men is increased by 5 years (up to 65 years).

According to the prime minister, this will benefit all Russian pensioners, as it will improve their financial situation: it will be possible to index pensions annually by an average of 1,000 rubles, which more than doubles the current indexation size. But this can happen only if the country's economy grows, which must be ensured by able-bodied citizens (according to statistics, now only a quarter of pensioners go on a well-deserved rest after reaching retirement age). Aleksey Kudrin also said that this is beneficial to citizens.

The prime minister also announced that the changes will not be instantaneous:

It is proposed to introduce a rather long transition period: it is proposed to start it from 2019 in order to gradually reach retirement age 65 for men in 2028 and 63 for women in 2034.

As planned at the beginning

The pension reform will affect men born in 1959 and women born in 1964: these are the oldest future pensioners, whose retirement age will be postponed - by 1 year. That is, if, according to the previous rules, they would have retired in 2019, at the age of 60 (men) and 55 (women), now they will receive this right only in 2020, when they will turn 61 and 56 years old.

For women born later, it is necessary to add a year for the calculation. Arithmetic will not be needed for those who were born in 1971 and later: for them, the age of 63 will become a reality.

Men born from 1960 to 1962 also need to add one year sequentially to get their retirement age, and for those born in 1963 and later, the age is already set at 65.

Teachers, doctors and creative workers who had the right to retire early will retain this right, but they will be able to exercise it 8 years later than now.

For "northerners" (working in the Far North) and those equated to them, the retirement age is also postponed: 60 years for men and 58 for women.

For convenience, the editors of PPT have prepared a table of retirement by year of birth, in which the changes become obvious without additional calculations.

Retirement age table (first, hard scenario)


Year of birth Retirement year Retirement age How old is the retirement age increased?
1964 2020 56 +1
1965 2022 57 +2
1966 2024 58 +3
1967 2026 59 +4
1968 2028 60 +5
1969 2030 61 +6
1970 2032 62 +7
1971 2034 63 +8


Retirement Schedule (Scenario Softened by Putin)

Let us recall the President's proposal:

Establishment of a special benefit for citizens who were to retire under the old legislation in the next 2 years. They will be eligible to apply for a pension 6 months earlier than the new retirement age. For example, a person who, according to the new retirement age, will have to retire in January 2020, will be able to do this as early as July 2019.


And for people who have already retired and are waiting for the promised increase in their size in 2019, we have prepared a simple calculator that will help determine the size of their pension next year.

By age

By age adv. qualities - are.

In accordance with someone else's or with any particular age.


Used as an inconsistent definition.

Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary... T.F. Efremova. 2000.

See what is "by age" in other dictionaries:

    Part of a series on discrimination Basic forms of Racism · Sexism ... Wikipedia

    I adverb qualities. are. Not corresponding to someone's or any particular age; not by years I, not by years I. II predicate. About the discrepancy of something or actions, deeds, etc. anyone or any particular age. ... ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    State monthly cash payments to citizens who have reached the legal age and have a length of service required by law. The retirement age differs depending on gender, working conditions and some others ... ... Business glossary

    Maiden beauty to age, youth to age. See LOVE LOVE ... IN AND. Dahl. Russian proverbs

    Age restriction legislative policy of a number of modern states in relation to works of mass culture, mainly to films, television programs and computer games and the rating system, directly with it ... ... Wikipedia

    App., Number of synonyms: 2 minors (24) small (57) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    App., Number of synonyms: 2 not typical for children (2) not for children (9) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Not for age ... Spelling dictionary-reference

    - (age relief) An additional personal allowance in the UK for singles and couples over the age of 65. Upon reaching the age of 75, both personal discounts and discounts for spouses ... ... Business glossary

    - (age relief) An additional personal allowance in the UK for singles and couples over 65 years of age. Upon reaching the specified persons 75 years old and personal discounts, ... ... Financial vocabulary

    DISTRIBUTION OF THE DEAD BY AGE- DISTRIBUTION OF THE DEAD BY AGE, the proportion of deaths in each age interval in the total number of deaths. In demographic. statistics distinguish R. at. by V. in mortality tables (tabular) and in real us. (actual). Tablichnoe R. at. by V. asked ... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • , V. V. Gorinevsky. Biological bases. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1916 edition (publishing house `Petrograd. Partnership of R. Golike and A. Vilborg`). ...
  • Physical exercise appropriate for a given age, V.V. Gorinevsky. Biological bases. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1916 edition (publishing house "Petrograd. Partnership of R. Golike and A. Vilborg" ...

1. Are there any age restrictions in the resettlement program?

1.1. Good day, Natalia!
Yes, there are such restrictions - at least 18 years.

An application for resettlement can be submitted by a citizen who has turned 18 years old. Together with the applicant, his family members have the right to move. These include:

Spouse or spouse.
Children of a wife or husband.
Grandmothers and grandfathers.
Sisters / brothers and sisters / brothers of the second spouse.
Parents and parent of the husband / wife.
Nephews and nieces.
Also, the following requirements are imposed on a compatriot candidate:

He must have full legal capacity.
To speak Russian at a high level.
Be able to work.
Have a TRP or be registered as a refugee.
He did not take part in extremist activities and was involved in criminal offenses.
We are not judged.
Was not deported from the Russian Federation.

Finding a lawyer or attorney for your issue

2. Is there an age limit for guardianship for an elderly person of 83 years old.

2.1. Hello. There are no age restrictions. But, each case is considered separately and the commission decides whether a person can act as a guardian or not.
Only adults with legal capacity may be appointed guardians (curators) of children. Cannot be appointed as guardians (trustees):
persons deprived of parental rights;
persons who have or have had a criminal record, are subject to or have been subjected to criminal prosecution (except for persons whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on exonerating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person (except for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, libel and insults), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, as well as against public safety, peace and security of mankind;
persons with an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for grave or especially grave crimes;
persons who have not undergone training in the manner prescribed by paragraph 6 of Article 127 of this Code (except for close relatives of children, as well as persons who are or were adoptive parents and in respect of whom the adoption has not been canceled, and persons who are or were guardians (trustees) children and who have not been removed from the performance of the duties assigned to them);
(the paragraph was introduced by the Federal Law of 30.11.2011 N 351-FZ, as amended by the Federal Laws of 02.07.2013 N 167-FZ, of 20.04.2015 N 101-FZ)
persons who are in an alliance concluded between persons of the same sex, recognized as a marriage and registered in accordance with the legislation of the state in which such marriage is permitted, as well as persons who are citizens of that state and who are not married.

3. Good afternoon.
Are there any age restrictions for climbing work?

4. Are there any age restrictions for obtaining a patent in the Russian Federation?

4.1. Good day. No age limit is established by Russian law. It all depends on whether this profession is in demand on the territory of the Russian Federation or not.

5. Are there any age restrictions for children when receiving housing upon dismissal.

5.1. Good evening! Questions must be asked correctly. We are not psychics .. where from? Getting housing on what kind of housing? We don't know how to read your thoughts ..

6. When recruiting civilians in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are there any age restrictions?

6.1. Hello. No, there are no restrictions. But the salaries are small, and the responsibility is the same as with police officers. Good luck to you.

7. Are there any age restrictions on playgrounds? If so, how long?

7.1. Hello, at the legislative level, there are no restrictions on visiting playgrounds.
Good luck and all the best.

7.2. --- Hello, there are no restrictions, everyone under 18 can even play football.
Good luck and all the best, best regards, lawyer A.V. Ligostaeva

7.3. Good day! Each playground corresponds to the age and needs of children, if there is a restriction on age or weight for use, then a mark is usually made!

7.4. Hello. Each playground has a sign where the age and weight category of children who can play on the playground are set.

8. I wanted to know if my mother and her brother, who have lived all their lives in the same apartment, which had been privatized to me long ago, could join the queue for the apartment.
5 people are registered at 39 meters.
Are there any age restrictions? They were born in 1947 and 1949.

8.1. They can stand up to improve their living conditions.

9. Are there any age restrictions for men working on the roofs of houses in the housing office, knocking down icicles, clearing snow from roofs?

9.1. There is no age limit for knocking down icicles and climbing roofs for other purposes.

10. A question for you.
Can there be restrictions on flights within the country and abroad to the countries of the customs union on an internal passport, if the person is a person liable for military service by age, but did not receive a summons and did not sign anything.

10.1. Hello.

Inside the country, no. But beyond, it is quite real.

11. A daughter died in Ukraine. There are three minor children left (10 years old, 5 years old and 4 years old). They have no father (died earlier). Their grandfather lives in Russia. He has no right to enter the territory of Ukraine, since there is a restriction on entry by age (grandfather is 57 years old). There is no one to bring up children. Question: What should be done to take children to Russia? And is it possible to transfer children from an orphanage in Ukraine to an orphanage in Russia?

11.1. It is necessary to arrange custody of the children in order to have the opportunity to pick them up Let the grandfather apply to the guardianship authorities in the Russian Federation at his place of residence.

12. Are there any age restrictions when applying for a job as a conductor of a passenger carriage?

12.1. Dear Elena, age restrictions when applying for a job as a conductor of a passenger carriage are indicated in professional standard the conductor of the passenger car.

13. Are there age limits for chief accountants? Our chief accountant is already 90 years old and he himself is not going to leave. He of course good man, but it works in the old fashioned way, it is difficult for him to understand something from our age of computerization. And all reporting is done in a completely new way.

13.1. No, there are no age restrictions for holding the position of chief accountant. No one can be limited in labor rights depending on age (part 2 of article 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The establishment of such a restriction will be regarded as discrimination and restriction of the employee in his rights. In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the possibility of terminating an employment contract on this basis.
But your organization has the right to conduct certification of an employee according to the correspondence of his qualifications to the work performed.

14. Are there any age restrictions when working on electrical installations? An 80-year-old employee can hardly walk, but a medical examination takes place annually.

14.1. Good day! Restrictions can be imposed only in the case of not undergoing a professional examination or the absence of an appropriate regular educational preparation for working on an electrical installation.
Good luck to you!

15. Are there any age restrictions when receiving maternity capital in a situation where a man and a woman, who are not yet married, are planning to have a child, while having an adult child (30 years old) on both sides, and a second child of ten years from the side men.

15.1. the federal law 256-ФЗ dated December 29, 2006 does not link a woman's right to receive maternity capital with the upbringing of previous children to a certain age or being dependent on them, but only with the fact of the birth of a previous child.
There are no restrictions on the age of the first or other children born before 2007 in the Law. So you will not have any problems with the right to maternity capital at the birth of your second child.

16. A 73-year-old grandmother committed a robbery on a postalion with a stun gun and took 4,000,000 rubles .. she was caught .. she spent all the money. What threatens her. Are there any age restrictions?

16.1. Good day! There is no upper age limit for criminal prosecution. The grandmother is threatened with criminal prosecution under paragraph B of Part 4 of Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, punishment: imprisonment for a term of eight to fifteen years with a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to five years, or without such and with restriction of liberty for a term of up to two years, or without one.
What specific punishment will be applied to the grandmother will be determined by the court, taking into account all the circumstances. committed crime, including characterizing data, as well as the circumstances under the pressure of which she committed this crime. The property that the grandmother acquired with this money will be seized.

17. I have an apartment in a mortgage at Sberbank (10.9). I am a working pensioner (58 years old), salary at VTB, representatives of the mortgage department refused to refinance (9.0) citing the age limit. Is it legal?

17.1. Banks independently establish the terms of lending and refinancing. Therefore, everything is legal. Contact other banks, perhaps somewhere you will be approved for refinancing a loan.

18. Is there an age limit for a grandmother, for registration of guardianship over grandchildren 10 and 15 years old? The children's father has died, the mother will be restricted in parental rights.

18.1. Hello,
There are a lot of restrictions, both in terms of age and health, and much more ... Each candidacy of a guardian for children is considered by the guardianship and guardianship authorities individually.

Detailed and detailed legal consultations with the discussion of all the nuances and details of your situation are paid. Contact any lawyer on the site for a face-to-face consultation in private messages.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

19. Lease agreement concluded land plot agricultural purposes for a period of 10 years. At the time of the conclusion of the contract, the owner was 82 years old. Are there any age restrictions? And is it possible to terminate it now. The tenant offers to buy it out, but for a price much lower than the market price.

19.1. There are no age restrictions. The tenant will not be able to buy it out without the consent of the owner. The contract can be terminated by agreement of the parties or by court. If he does not pay you, you can go to the district court with a claim for debt collection and termination of the lease agreement.

20. Are there any restrictions on the age from which the retirement experience is calculated. Namely: a person has been working since the age of 12, during summer holidays on the farm, there are documents confirming this. And in the pension fund they say that only 16 years of service will be considered ... How legitimate is this? On the basis of which document can we defend our question and our case?

20.1. In fact, yes. There could be no official work.

Article 173. Age from which admission to work is allowed

Employment of persons under 15 years of age is not permitted. To prepare young people for industrial work, it is allowed to hire students in educational institutions, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education to perform light work that does not harm health and does not interfere with the learning process, in their free time, after they reach the age of 14, with the consent of their parents, adoptive parents or guardian.

21. When trying to find a job on a rotational basis, several companies turned me down because of my age over 50 years. Are there really legal age restrictions for working on a rotational basis in the Far North. Thank you.

21.1. There is no age limit, this is discrimination. Ask the organizations that refused you for a written refusal to hire you with an indication of the reason and appeal to the court. Article 3.64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

22. The father, the guardian of the disabled child, aged 52, has died. The mother of a child of 75 years old can she become a guardian, what are the restrictions on age and health.

22.1. In accordance with article 35 of the Civil Code Russian Federation only adult citizens, that is, those who have reached the age of 18, can be appointed guardians and trustees. Persons who: have been deprived of parental rights cannot be guardians; have a conviction for crimes against life and health, committed intentionally; suffer from drug addiction, alcoholism or a disease that interferes with the performance of the duties of a guardian; do not own or use living space that meets sanitary standards; do not have a permanent income.
The decision to appoint a guardian or curator is made by the guardianship and trusteeship officer at the place of residence of the person in need of guardianship or trusteeship. In the presence of noteworthy circumstances, a guardian or trustee may be appointed by the guardianship and trusteeship body at the place of residence of the guardian (curator).

23. There is a place of work, I go through a medical commission, they do not take work because of their age. What is the legal age limit?

23.1. According to the law, there are no restrictions for employees of retirement or pre-retirement age. It is the employer's personal reluctance not to take on this criterion.

23.2. No, age restrictions are still established by law. For the most part, they relate to positions in the municipal and public service... Vladimir, if you can indicate the position for which you are applying, as well as your age, this will help give you a more detailed consultation.

24. Have a court. bailiffs three office work on me. I cannot get a job, before that I worked under a contract, the contract was not renewed. Everywhere the age limit is up to 40, I'm 48. I don't know how to get out of this hole. Soon there will be even more debts for housing and communal services. Soon they will come and arrest the latter. There is no work in the city. What to do? The child is 8 years old, I receive alimony, the eldest daughter helps to survive.

24.1. Hello, Natalia. In your case, you can go to court with an application for granting you an installment plan or deferral of debt repayment due to a difficult financial situation... All the best.

25. In terms of the cumulative experience in the penal system and at sea on fishing vessels, what is the total experience required for early retirement? And are there any age restrictions?

25.1. If you mean retirement retirement according to the so-called. "mixed experience", then the total length of service must be at least 25 years, of which at least 12.5 years, you must serve in the UIS, then you can be dismissed from the UIS, subject to reaching the age limit for service, or upon reaching 45 years of age on an organizational basis or for health reasons.


What is a person's age? What age crises do specialists identify? How the biological age is determined, why is the legal age needed and, finally, what is the name of the age that we mean when we say: “I’m so many years old,” says MedAboutMe.

Usually, the term “age” means the period of existence of a living organism from the moment of birth (for plants - from the emergence of a seedling from a seed or a spore) to a countable period.

Such a period is called calendar, chronological or passport, if we are talking about a person, age. Features of body development, compliance with biological, physiological indicators are not taken into account in this indicator.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of living organisms, development factors, specialists introduced the concept of "biological age" (synonym - "developmental age"), which describes the correspondence of the state and functions of a subject to the average statistical norm among a particular type of living creature.

Legal age is another concept related to the legal sphere of a person's life. The periods of legal capacity, legal capacity, age requirements for the purchase and use of alcohol, tobacco, the onset of criminal liability for offenses, etc. are divided by age. The age of marriage in family law, the age of sexual consent are also included in this category.

The concept of age in various aspects

Calendar or passport age is an indicator of the length of time from the birth of a person to the countable moment. It is reflected in the documents, serves as a basis for comparison with age norms.

However, the physical development of a person and his psycho-emotional aspects, stages of formation do not always coincide with the indicators of calendar age. This phenomenon makes it possible to single out the biological age of a person, assessing his physiological maturity, as well as the stages of development and compliance with the norms of mental and mental development.

The most striking example of the discrepancy between the calendar and biological ages is presented by children born before the end of the middle gestational period. The standards for full-term babies are based not only on the gestation period (more than 38 weeks of pregnancy), but also on the physical indicators of height and body weight: from 45 cm and from 2.5 kg. Babies born before 38 weeks of weight and length that do not meet the above data are considered premature. Their biological age does not coincide with the calendar age, which begins at the moment of birth, and the age norms for such children, both in physiological and other indicators, differ from the average statistical ones on average by the number of weeks that the fetus had to spend in utero, reaching full-term. the maturity of the body necessary for extrauterine life.

In addition to dividing the concept of "age of a person" by the type of calculation and the influence of factors on it, there are differences in the calculation age indicators in different cultures of the world.

So, for East Asian traditions until the last century, officially, and with the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, unofficially, but still quite widespread is the calculation of age in accordance with established cultural rules. So, many countries East Asia adhere to the custom when at birth the baby is 1 year old.

On their second birthday, when European babies are one year old, Asian babies are thus two.

An alternative tradition is to consider the point of increase in age and the date of reference not to the birthday, but New Year... Moreover, the New Year is not according to the Gregorian calendar, but according to the lunar calendar. On this day, a baby who has not reached one year according to the traditional for European countries, in accordance with East Asian traditions, may be two years old.

In some countries and communities, such as in the eastern regions of Mongolia, age is considered in accordance with the phases of the moon that have passed since the moment of conception. At the same time, for girls, the number of full moons matters, and for boys, the appearance of a new moon, a new moon, is considered the reporting moment.

There are separate terms for birthdays in different calendars in East Asian countries. At this time, the traditional chronology is mainly used by the older generation of the population of countries, and is also important for ceremonies, rituals, fortune-telling and astrological predictions. In everyday life, people most often use age indicators in accordance with the Gregorian calendar, corresponding to the passport or calendar age of the subject.

Individual characteristics of growth, physical and mental development vary within a fairly wide framework. The norms for ages are established on the basis of general indicators for the calendar age of a person, however, these data may differ from the biological age.

To determine the biological age or developmental age of a child, the following criteria for physiological maturity are based:

  • ossification nuclei or maturity of the bones of the skeleton, their order of change and timing;
  • characteristics of teeth: data on the eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth, the so-called dental maturity;
  • development of secondary sexual characteristics of a person: timing, order, degree of formation for a specific period.

Biological maturity, the age period estimated in childhood as the onset of puberty, is based on the date of menarche (first menstruation) in girls and wet dreams in boys.

Scales for assessing and normative maturity tables for each criterion help to determine the coincidence or discrepancies in the calendar and biological age of a person.

About mental development children of different ages judged on the basis of compliance with the indicators of skills and abilities achieved by the child by a certain period. With deviations in development, the data "psychoemotional development by age at the level of 2-3 years old child", "deviations in mental development", "inconsistency of speech development with age norms", etc. can be recorded.

Scientifically substantiated data on the age periodization of a person make it possible to study the development of an individual, his individual and age features, compliance or discrepancy in biological and passport age. The development of an individual occurs throughout life, from the stage of conception to death.

The division into age periods is based on anatomical, physiological and social factors that affect the body and psyche. IN different time many scientists: sociologists, physiologists, anatomists, teachers, psychologists, etc. have worked to identify different periods in human development, based on physiological, psychological indicators of maturity, involvement in the educational and educational process (L. S. Vygotsky), the order of eruption and the change of teeth (P. P. Blonsky), the development of sexuality (Z. Freud) and so on.

Since 1965, after the decision at the symposium of the Academy pedagogical sciences, there are 12 main age periods. In general, this system covers the main age stages of human development and combines biological, physiological indicators of stages and mental development subject throughout life.

Despite the prescription of age periodization, it is still basic for Russia and countries. the former USSR... These periods and their boundaries change slightly under the influence of climatic, socio-cultural, legal factors, but the basic values ​​are generally unchanged.

In human life, the following age periods are determined:

  • the period of intrauterine development, in which embryonic development (0-8 weeks) and the age of the fetus (9 weeks - 9 months) are distinguished, followed by the postnatal period corresponding to the extrauterine development of a person;
  • newborn: 0-10 days after birth;
  • infancy of children: 10 days - 1 year;
  • early childhood period: 1-3 years;
  • age of first childhood or preschool: 4-7 years;
  • second childhood or primary school age of a child: 8-11 years old for girls, 8-12 years old for boys;
  • adolescence or puberty: 12-15 years old (girls), 13-16 years old (boys);
  • youth age: 16-20 years (girls), 17-21 years (boys);
  • mature age of a person, divided into two sub-periods: the first mature age: 21-35 years (women), 22-35 years (men), in some systems of stratification this period is called "youth"; the second period of adulthood: 36-55 years (women), 36-60 years (men);
  • elderly age: 56-74 years (women), 61-74 years (men);
  • senile age: 75-90 years old for both sexes;
  • centenarians age: from 91 years.

The age periods in different systems may not be the same. So, in medicine, the age of the newborn is distinguished not by the stage of maturity breast milk, and according to the degree of adaptability of the child's body to the conditions environment... Thus, the neonatal period, according to medical experts, lasts from birth to 1 month. Adolescence, by medical factors assessment ends at 17-18 years old, while for girls at 10 years old, for boys - at 12. This is based on an assessment of internal changes in the body, which are a preparatory stage for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and affecting the physiology of the child's body.

Regardless of the selected criteria and systems of periodization, the indicators of a particular subject may not coincide with the average statistical standards at one or several stages of development. The development of an individual depends on the influence on him of inherited factors, a person's genotype, and the influence of the external environment, including society (phenotype). During life, growth and development, the influence of the genotype decreases, and the acquired characteristics of the subject begin to prevail.

Childhood is the calendar duration of the period from birth to 12 years, the beginning of the adolescent stage. The age of children is divided into several sub-periods; scientific and journalistic sources may indicate different time gradations. Depending on the norms of the age of puberty, changing with living in different types climatic conditions, as well as based on the genetic characteristics of populations, puberty, adolescence of children can begin both earlier than 12 years old and later.

For Russia, the average indicators of the onset of puberty, indicating the completion of childhood and the beginning of adolescence, are in the interval from 12 to 13 years, although in recent decades the trend towards acceleration, early physiological development, suggests a decrease in the general age boundaries of the period in the near future.

In childhood, during the period of postnatal ontogenesis, the following stages are distinguished, focusing on the physiological and mental indicators of the formation of the body and higher functions of activity:

  • Newborn, the time of adaptation of the body to living conditions outside the mother's body.

The basis for separating this stage from the rest is feeding with colostrum, the fluid produced by the mammary glands before the start of breast milk production;

  • Breast, infant age of children, period of infancy, infants.

It begins with the transition of the mother's body to the production of mature breast milk when lactation is established (on average at the age of 10 days) and lasts up to one year. This is the time of the most intensive development, physical growth, accompanied by unevenness and discontinuity. The most intensive growth of the organism in comparison with the entire life of the subject is noted in the first half of the year. Each month is accompanied by new acquisitions in psychomotor development;

  • Early childhood - from 1 to 3-4 years old;
  • Preschool age or first childhood - from 4 to 6-7 years.

As a rule, the end of the preschool period coincides with admission to a secondary general education institution or similar organizations. In this period, psychologists and teachers also distinguish three additional age stages: junior, middle and senior preschool age with boundaries of 1 year, respectively 3-4, 4-5, 5-7 years;

  • School age

During the school period of development, children go through the stages of junior schoolchildren and adolescents. This is the so-called age of second childhood, and its periodization may depend on gender: for girls this period occurs at the age of 8 to 11 years, for boys - from 8 to 12. This is due to the different speed of the processes of the onset of puberty.

Childhood ends in puberty, followed by puberty, adolescence, and adolescence.

The early age, from 1 to 7 years, is also called the period of neutral childhood, when gender differences do not affect the size and shape of the body: the bodies of girls and boys differ in size and weight very slightly, the growth rates are the same.

Early age is subdivided into the stages of early childhood (1-3 years) and preschool age. Young children, in accordance with various concepts of development, are characterized by active physiological growth, including an increase in the length of the limbs, a deepening of the relief of facial features, the completion of the formation of milk teeth, the beginning of their change to permanent ones. Mental neoplasms of young children include the change of the sensorimotor type of intelligence to the visual intuitive, characterized by the preoperative stage (J. Piaget).

Young children go through the stage of such leading activity as role-playing game. At this stage, the games in representatives of various specialties, the introduction of the roles of parents, fairy-tale or fictional characters into the game schemes are focused on the formation of a model of social relations in the child, awareness of the system of meanings and motives of different people through the acceptance of the role.

Young children go through the main crisis of this period of 3 years, which is a consequence of increased independence, separation from parents, the formation of the self-concept and a new system of social ties and relationships with others.

The end of the period of early childhood in social terms is considered the beginning of educational activity. From the point of view of psychologists, young children move to the next stage of growing up through a crisis of seven years, manifested in the desire for a socially significant position for the child ("I am a student"), for a greater degree of independence. The nature of the relationship with the people around the child largely determines his attitude to the world, this is also one of the innovations of the crisis of seven years.

School age is the length of a period in the life of a child and adolescent, which is determined by means of a legislatively defined minimum amount of education guaranteed to every citizen by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The concept of school age in Russia appeared in the middle of the 19th century, when the need arose to introduce education for all children. Based on the experience of European countries at that time, school-age children constituted a population group from 7 to 14 years old. The very framework of the age of education is necessary for statistical control of the number of children requiring educational needs.

Subsequently, the teacher V.P. Vakhterov insisted on changing the age range. Due to the length of the educational process, at that time lasting 3 years in parish schools, children had to be in school and not leave their place of residence during this period of time. The optimal period of school age, depending on the province, was set between 8 and 11 years (for the Moscow province - from 9 to 12 years).

At the moment, school-age children are a population group from 6-7 to 17-18 years old. Thus, the term "school-age children" is based on age periodization, focusing on the child's social activity, obtaining a minimum education defined at the state level in accordance with the laws of the country.

School age is subdivided into junior and senior, according to primary and secondary schooling. This division is due to the maturation of mental processes, the child's ability to self-regulation, and the development of the level of thinking.

The leading activity of schoolchildren at the initial stage of education is educational with a part of play, then play activity is replaced by a more pronounced social function: communication with peers, awareness of their place in the hierarchy of students, friends, educational institution.

For the senior classes, leading activities are complemented by the need for self-determination, professional, social, finding a place in life, guidelines for the future, life guidelines and moral values.

From a physiological point of view, school-age children experience major changes in the body during puberty, which, depending on the type of age periodization, begins for girls at 10 (11) years, for boys at 12.

Changes in the functions of the endocrine glands provoke the onset of puberty. These changes can lead to diseases and ailments characteristic of puberty: a violation of the tone of the cerebral vessels (vegetative-vascular dystonia), manifested in general malaise, dizziness, headaches, cardioneuroses and fatigue. Frequent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with a violation of the diet and: gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer. The specifics of the mental development of children during this period can also affect the occurrence of neurotic conditions, eating disorders that cause obesity or lead to exhaustion.

By the end of this stage, the skeletal system of schoolchildren is approaching in size and ossification characteristics to adult parameters. This means that bones that were incorrectly fused in previous periods, scoliotic changes in the spinal column, and deformities associated with early rickets are much more difficult to correct. At the same time, the age of cessation of skeletal growth for girls is on average 16-18 years, for boys 17-21 years.

In boys, not only the process of skeletal bone growth lasts longer, but the endocrine system restructuring is completed on average by the age of 20. The duration of this process, the final stage of which falls on the age of 18-20, led to the formation of the opinion that serving in the Armed Forces promotes growing up (“The army made a man out of him”). The phenomenon of external changes: an increase in the width of the shoulders, chest, a change in the relief of the face, pronounced hairiness of the face of the head, chest, limbs, falling on the period of 18-20 years, occurs regardless of service in the army, however, the contrast between a boy and a man is more pronounced when the young man returns home.

During schooling, the heart rate decreases from 85-90 beats per minute for younger students and 80 beats / min. for twelve-year-olds up to 60-70 for high school graduates.

Blood pressure in adolescents 15-16 years old should correspond to the adult norm: 110 to 70 millimeters of mercury.

During school activities, the intellect is improved, the transition from the visual-figurative intuitive thinking of the preschooler to the abstract and logical thinking of the adult.

Depending on the length of study, school-age children complete secondary education in adolescence or adolescence.

Middle age is a rather arbitrary concept. In accordance with the classification of age periods, its onset falls on the second stage of adulthood, 35 years. However, “middle age” average age subjectively, people perceive it as the middle of life, accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, health problems typical for older people, a decrease in activity and corresponding changes in appearance.

In different groups and cultures, the average age is determined in different time frames, and the gradations within this period differ. So, in the writings of Pythagoras, mature or middle age accounted for “seasons human life»Spring and summer, respectively, from 20 to 40 and from 40 to 60 years. In ancient Chinese studies, mature age spanned the period from 20 to 60 years, including decades of time for marriage and starting a family (20-30), serving society (30-40), comprehending one's mistakes and delusions (40-50) and completing creative activities. (50-60 years old).

Depending on the national identity, the level of medicine in different countries, the opinion of the population about the period of the onset of middle age can vary significantly. Thus, research conducted by specialists in the UK showed that almost half of the respondents who have reached 50 years old do not consider themselves to be part of the group of “middle-aged citizens”. Moreover, 80% of respondents found it difficult to determine the age range of middle age, and 75% noted the vagueness of their own subjective boundaries of age groups.

For the UK, these studies served as a reason to start work on changing the boundaries of the average age to 53 years (from the previously established 42).

This phenomenon is a consequence of the phenomenon noted by the ethnographer and sociologist Margaret Mead: with the transition of society to a more developed level, the boundaries of childhood expand, the child has a longer period for playing. In the same way, the age limits of adolescence and youth are shifting. Prolongation of the terms of active longevity, shift and distribution of age habits and characteristics caused by scientific and technological progress, improved nutrition of the population, can affect the increase in the age of active activity.

According to the definitions of the World Health Organization, the age of maturity begins at 45 years and lasts up to 60.

At the physiological level, the average age is manifested by changes in the elasticity of the skin, the appearance of depigmented (gray) hair, an increase in the amount of adipose tissue and a decrease in muscle volume, and changes in fertility. The intellectual level is stable, slightly decreasing during the midlife crisis and reaching the second optimum throughout a human life at the end of the crisis period. Obviously, these indicators largely depend on the phenotype and active physical and intellectual lifestyle of a person.

Thus, speaking about the average age in the general sense, it is necessary to take into account the average statistical opinion of the population and the state of health of citizens. For foreign countries, the period of middle age begins at the end of the third decade - the beginning of the fourth and ends at the beginning of the sixth decade.

From the point of view of the age periodization established in Russia, the first period of adulthood, or middle age, youth, begins at 21-22 years old and ends at 35 years old. For Russia, taking into account the beginning of the legally defined terms of retirement, based on the physiological characteristics of the male and female body, the average age of the second stage, starting at 35, ends at 55 for women and at 60 for men.

The total duration of middle age, in accordance with the framework established by the Academy of Sciences in our country, is from 21 to 55 years for women and from 22 to 60 years for men.

An elderly (from Russian "lived", "life") person - who has lived most of his life, has accumulated some experience. Subjectively, the elderly are most often considered a person with certain changes in appearance, accompanied by a characteristic decrease in activity, behavioral features.

However, there are certain age boundaries marking the onset of old age: on average, it is 60 years (WHO recommendations and grades of the USSR Academy of Sciences). In Russia, the onset of old age for women is correlated with the average retirement age and is defined as the threshold of 55 years.

At the same time, all-Russian polls note both the discrepancy between public opinion and what age can be defined as an elderly person, and significant differences at the beginning of the old age period for women and men.

37% of Russians are ready to call an elderly person who has reached the age of 60, 40% of respondents are ready to mark the beginning of this period only from 70 years old. 11% of respondents believe that old man- one who has not "lived" at least 80 years. At the same time, 12% of Russians under the age of 24 are ready to name elderly woman, celebrating its fiftieth anniversary.

The criteria for the onset of old age in women are often also include the appearance of grandchildren and the inability to bear children.

Older age

IN general concept"Senior age" includes the elderly, senile periods and the age of centenarians. Starting from 55-60 years old, the older age is limited only by human capabilities.

The concept of "long-liver" begins at the age of 90 years. There is a list of fully verified centenarians, both already extinct and living. Verification, confirmation of status is necessary due to the peculiarities of document flow in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. It was then that the living centenarians received their first documents and birth certificates.

If there is no complete confirmation of the documents, centenarians are considered people with a questionable age, such as Mbah Goto, a resident of Indonesia, who, according to his data, turned 146 on December 31, 2016.

At the moment, it is confirmed that the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who lived 122 and a half years from 1875 to 1997, is officially considered the longest-lived person on Earth.

Of the currently existing verified centenarians, the leader is the Italian Emma Morano, born in 1899.

The concept of the responsibility of the state to elderly disabled people originated at the very beginning of the 17th century in England. However, the first legislative pension payments were introduced almost three centuries later, in 1880 in Germany by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.

From that moment on, in the states of Europe, and later in almost all countries of the world, pension programs for the elderly began to be created.

Initially, pension payments were guaranteed only to disabled citizens, later the pension became a guaranteed subsidy from the state for citizens who reached a certain age limit, which differs depending on the type of professional activity and merit.

For Russia, the average retirement age depends on gender: for women, this age threshold is set at 55 years, for men, the retirement age is 60 years.

The socio-psychological aspects of retirement are part of the state's concern. Due to the improvement of living conditions and medical care, a part of the population who wants to continue to work actively after reaching retirement age does not always have this opportunity. Such a phenomenon, as part of ageism (English age - age), negative attitude towards the elderly in the social or professional sphere, hinders the effective use of the population's resources and is the cause of the deterioration of the mental and physical health of the part of forced pensioners who lose the opportunity to work.

So, in some states, an age qualification is legally determined, in connection with which people who have reached a certain retirement age cannot occupy some (mainly leadership) positions.

The demographic policy of developed countries is aimed at the possibility of adaptation of society and control over the aging of the population. Various programs of state, municipal institutions and private initiatives help to change the attitude of society, and are also designed to help older people learn new skills, find alternative options for activities and involve forced retirees in new professional fields. The medical aspects of state policy are focused on stimulating middle-aged people to the duration of an active period of life.

Personal crises are a consequence of changes in the subject's attitude to reality. Age periodization allows us to talk about several personality crises of age, characteristic of almost people of all nationalities and populations.

The age crisis, as a rule, is expressed in the format of negative manifestations, the object of negativization depends on the person's age period. Thanks to the research of L. S. Vygotsky, age crises of both children and adults are not considered pathologies and manifestations of morbid states of the psyche, although in certain situations and individual characteristics may require medical attention.

Age crises in children correspond to the periods of the formation of such mental neoplasms that require a reassessment of their social role... A normally proceeding crisis of childhood, with an adequate attitude of others, contributes to the formation of character, the formation of personal qualities, helps the child learn to resist the negative influences of others.

There are several critical periods in the development of children and adults, which are accompanied by manifestations of age crises:

  • newborn: an age crisis provoked by a sharp change in the environment and the need to adapt to new living conditions. This crisis period is still controversial: despite the obvious manifestations of negativism on the part of infants, it is rather difficult to assess the mental component of the crisis. Nevertheless, some scientists consider the successful overcoming of this period as basic for the formation of a person's personality, assessing the crisis of the newborn as the most severe;
  • the beginning of the second year of life is characterized by the formation of the verbal and sign system and is accompanied by a crisis of mismatch of affective signs and behavioral signals and the verbal component of communication;
  • the crisis of three years is based on the separation of one's “I” from parents and / or significant adults, manifesting itself in the desire for independence, negativism and the growth of the child's horizontal social ties with peers;
  • the crisis of 7 years arises against the background of the need to form one's own self-esteem, which depends on the opinions of peers and adults (most often, teachers);
  • adolescent puberty crisis can occur between 11 and 15 years of age. The transitional age contributes to the emergence of new opportunities and new psychological addictions prevailing over the already formed opinion and behavior stereotypes. Awareness of oneself, one's personality, striving for an adult lifestyle and the attitude of elders cause contradiction and provoke violent internal and external conflicts;
  • the crisis of the beginning of "adulthood", the average age is 17 years, can manifest itself from 15 to 18 years. This stage is associated with the need for professional determination, the expectation of possible marriage, family ties among girls, and conscription among young men. Continuing education in higher or secondary vocational educational institutions the crisis period may shift towards graduation;
  • midlife crisis, 33-38 years old. During this period, there is an assessment of the achievements of the previous part of life, a search for meaning, a reassessment of values;
  • the crisis of pre-retirement and retirement age, as a rule, coincides with retirement. At this time, the feeling of one's own professional lack of demand against the background of accumulated experience and possible activity causes significant discomfort. According to experts, the crisis of the retirement age is accompanied by the same stresses as the neonatal period, however, it is aggravated by the ability to be aware of and meaningfully experience what is happening. This crisis period is often aggravated by manifestations of biological aging, the presence chronic diseases, early death or serious illness of the spouses, loss of parents, awareness of the conditionally imminent end of life.

Male crises generally coincide with midlife crises at various stages of life. Their manifestations in adulthood are often brighter than in women, which is associated with the greater value of professional importance for men. So, a midlife crisis can lead to a break in family relationships, a change in career. Awareness of past years, passing youth often contributes to the emergence of attempts to catch up. This reaction is especially characteristic of men who did not realize themselves during the adolescent crisis; negativism and attempts to reject others are manifested much more actively.

In a retirement age crisis, men tend to experience depressive states more often as a result of the end of their careers. Women's ability to express themselves in the family, in children and grandchildren in men is less pronounced and takes time to appear or adapt to the situation.

For this age, there are frequent attempts to start a new family, to form a new scale of values ​​for the light of building a different type of relationship.

Crises of women before adolescence coincide in terms and manifestations with men. The adolescent crisis in girls often occurs earlier, which is associated with an earlier onset of changes in the functioning of the endocrine system.

The crisis of half of a woman's life at the age of 35-38 is accompanied not only by an assessment of professional activity, but also by a rethinking of family relations, success in raising children, and is also largely associated with the fear of losing external attractiveness.

Women over the age of 30, thanks to the formed public opinion and the influence of the mass media, evaluate their age and achievements in terms of maintaining a slim figure and attractive appearance... The desire to prolong youth, expressed in men most often in the need to lead a lifestyle appropriate for young people and / or to monitor health, in women of age is often distorted towards the preservation of exclusively external signs of a young age.

Age of children: active development

Childhood is a period of active growth and development, during the first few years of life, a child reaches the size and formation of an organism that almost coincides in functionality with an adult. Rapid mental development at this time becomes the basis of personal characterological traits, basic features thinking, focus of intelligence.

While the child is still small, parents are often interested only in the physical or physiological indicators of the age norm, however, children develop best when they are provided with tasks, activities and games corresponding to the zone of proximal development (L. S. Vygotsky), stimulating those processes, abilities and skills, which the child is ready to master.

There are three directions for the development of young children:

  • physical, gross and fine motor skills;
  • cognitive or sensory;
  • speech.

Physical development by age is not only and not so much the correspondence of the parameters of weight, height, age norms, but the ability of the baby to control his body: crawl, walk, jump, step over the steps and put on beads on a string. All these skills are important not only for spatial movement and the ability to independently bring a spoon to the mouth or change clothes, motor skills are directly related to the development of speech and thinking.

So, experts recommend starting the process of teaching reading only when the child is confidently oriented in the concepts of right-left, top-bottom and is able to beat the rhythm of a melody or verse. And without mastering motor skills, neither one nor the other is practically impossible for a person.

Sensory development contributes to the formation of mental activity, provokes the transition from intuitive visual-figurative thinking to verbal-logical thinking. The ability to pick up, feel by touch the size and properties of the surface of an object, see the color, shape and compare with another object develops the ability to logical operations and prepare the child for new achievements.

Speech development often, according to parents, begins from the moment when the child utters the first words and phrases. However, if the norms for age are observed, it is necessary to note such moments of the formation of speech as humming, vocalizations, repetition of open syllables, intonation of infant "speech".

These stages are the precursors of the formation of the child's active speech. In addition to active speech, it is necessary to pay attention to its passive side: children need to hear conversations, and it is desirable that the speech addressed to the child has the features that young mothers follow on an intuitive level. When verbal communication with children, the tone of voice rises, the vowels in words are stretched, which contributes to the assimilation of children in infants and early age features of pronunciation and the accumulation of passive vocabulary.

Children's age tables

When using tables of the age of children, indicating the standards for height and weight, you need to pay attention to the date of collection of data for the table. Thus, the previous indicators, still used in some sources, were based on measurements of children who were fed artificial breast milk substitutes. At the same time, weight and height gains of children by breastfeeding were different and different.

In this regard, WHO for 6 years conducted a multicenter study, which made it possible to form optimal standards and create tables of age and correspondence of height and weight for healthy children with new indicators focused on changes in nutrition, environmental conditions, and pace of life. The age, height and weight charts, which preceded the new data from the World Health Organization, were created on the basis of anthropometric studies of the 70s of the last century.

The physiological characteristics of preschool children, the so-called period of "neutral childhood", include active growth, deepening of the facial relief, adaptation and normalization of the basic functions of the body, the transition to an "adult" table, an adapted diet, accompanying the improvement of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and internal organs, the formation of sleep and wakefulness (from 19-21 hours during the neonatal period to 11-12 hours of sleep for preschool children and younger schoolchildren per day).

Younger age: nursery period

The so-called early nursery stage of 1-2 years, accompanied by a visit to the youngest groups of kindergarten, is referred to the younger age or the younger preschool period.

Younger age is characterized by the first attempts to separate from parents, a crisis of one year and the onset of active speech in children. Visual-effective thinking develops, the conventionality of the game is formed, memory by the end of the period is able to hold 3-4 words and 5-6 names of objects for 30 seconds.

Mental development of preschool children

The mental development of preschool children goes through several stages. The type of thinking passes from the visual-effective to the visual-figurative, in the older preschool age the figurative type is formed, with the correct development of preschool children, the child is able to operate with concepts of objects and compare them according to one or two signs, form groups and classes of objects, objects and phenomena , which is the beginning of logical operations.

Attention how mental process goes through the stage of transition from involuntary to voluntary. Its parameters such as stability, switchability, and distribution are being improved.

Play as the main activity of preschool children passes from the stage of manipulating objects through the conditional assignment of objects to role-playing games in older preschoolers. Social interaction with peers as a factor influencing the change in play activity begins to manifest itself in the middle preschool age, when preschool children, after playing next to their peers, switch to joint activities.

Role-playing games of older preschool children reflect complex life situations: marriage, childbirth and raising a child, professional difficulties, thereby influencing the creation of self-esteem in children.

Preschool age is also characterized by the formation and development of speech function in preschool children - from the initial words and simple sentences in toddlers to figurative speech in older preschoolers.

Older children studying at school, during the transition to systemic education, become dependent on society, which contributes to the formation of self-esteem, determination of their place and the type of relationship with others.

Neoplasms of older children include such as:

  • voluntary regulation of attention, behavior, active activity;
  • ability for reflection, introspection, creation of an internal plan of activity;
  • cognitive interest to the surrounding reality;
  • orientation in behavior and formation of opinions on peers.

The retirement age in Russia is proposed to be raised by five years for men and by eight years for women. This means that men will retire at 65 and women at 63.

The retirement age will not be raised all at once, a so-called transition period is expected. As part of this transitional period, the retirement age will be raised smoothly - on average, it will increase by six months every year.

This is exactly the average. The fact is that if men now retire at 60 years old, this does not mean that in 2019 they will retire at 60 years and 6 months. No, in 2019 there will be almost no new old-age pensioners at all, and in 2020 61-year-old men and, accordingly, 56-year-old women will retire.

Retirement schedule by year of birth starting in 2019

The retirement schedule by years as part of raising the retirement age from 2019 is as follows:

The transition period for men
Year of birth Retirement age Retirement year
1959 61 years 2020
1960 62 years 2022
1961 63 years 2024
1962 64 years old 2026
1963 65 years 2028
Transition period for women
Year of birth Retirement age Retirement year
1964 56 years 2020
1965 57 years old 2022
1966 58 years old 2024
1967 59 years old 2026
1968 60 years 2028
1969 61 years 2030
1970 62 years 2032
1971 63 years 2034

Retirement Schedule for Social Pension Recipients

A social old-age pension is received by those Russians who have not earned sufficient work experience to retire an old-age insurance pension.

The schedule of the transition period for recipients of the social old-age pension is as follows:

Transitional Period for Men Receiving an Old Age Social Pension
Year of birth Retirement age Retirement year
1954 66 years 2020
1955 67 years old 2022
1956 68 years 2024
1957 69 years old 2026
1958 70 years 2028
Transitional Period for Women Receiving an Old Age Social Pension
Year of birth Retirement age Retirement year
1959 61 years 2020
1960 62 years 2022
1961 63 years 2024
1962 64 years old 2026
1963 65 years 2028
1964 66 years 2030
1965 67 years old 2032
1966 68 years 2034

Changes in 2018 in the pension legislation

In 2018, men and women last time will retire at 60 and 55, respectively. The government promises that the increase will be gradual and intermittent. As a result of the pension reform in the future, the retirement age for men will be 65 years, and for women - 63 years.

Starting from 2019, the retirement age will be raised by one year every two years, and this transition period for the male half of the population will end in 2028 and for the female half in 2034.

Due to the innovations in 2019, there will be no citizens applying for an old-age pension, since in accordance with the changes in the pension legislation, they will retire after one year, that is, in 2020. men born in 1959, who will turn 60 in 2019, and women born in 1964, who will be 55 years old, face a similar phenomenon.