Where to go to study? Questionnaire map of interests of A. E. Golomshtok, modification of Filimonova O. G. Map of interests of Golomshtok online. Modified methodology Golomshtok map of interests 50 questions

Scales: interests - physics and mathematics, chemistry and biology, radio engineering and electronics, mechanics and design, geography and geology, literature and art, history and politics, pedagogy and medicine, entrepreneurship and home economics, sports and military affairs

Purpose of the test

Survey of professional interests of respondents.

Instructions for the test

These questions relate to your attitude to various areas of activity. Do you enjoy doing what the questionnaire says? If so, on the answer sheet, next to the question number, put a plus if you don't like it - minus.


Processing and interpretation of test results

Sphere of Interests No. of Questions
Physics and mathematics 1 11 21 31 41
Chemistry and biology 2 12 22 32 42
Radio engineering and electronics 3 13 23 33 43
Mechanics and engineering 4 14 24 34 44
Geography and geology 5 15 25 35 45
Literature and art 6 16 26 36 46
History and politics 7 17 27 37 47
Pedagogy and medicine 8 18 28 38 48
Entrepreneurship and home economics 9 19 29 39 49
Sports and military affairs 10 20 30 40 50

Count the number of pluses in each line. The more of them, the higher the interest in these activities.

Five points indicate a pronounced interest in the subject or activity. This is necessary but not sufficient condition the right choice of profession. Another important condition is abilities, or professionally important qualities.

If the sum of points in any column does not exceed three points, then professional interests are poorly expressed.


Method "Profile" / Rezapkina G.V. Selection in specialized classes. M.: Genesis, 2005

Nowadays, there are a huge number of methods for testing students. Career guidance tests are popular, which is caused by the interest of the children themselves: someone wants to know what profession is worth looking at, and someone wants to make sure that the area already defined for themselves is correct. The test of A. E. Golomshtok "Map of Interests" will help students, teachers and parents in a difficult choice.

Characteristics of the modified technique of A.E. Golomshtok

The author of the methodology, A. E. Golomshtok, was a Soviet teacher, one of the leaders of a group that studied the attitude of schoolchildren to the choice of a specialty, as well as the problems of forming interests. He published several works on this topic (for example, "The choice of a profession and the education of a student's personality"), which became the basis in this area.

"Map of Interests" is a questionnaire consisting of 174 items, which reflect 29 areas: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, astronomy, law, social activities, journalism, transport, and so on.

It is supposed to conduct a study twice during the education of schoolchildren: in the 7th and 10th grades. The author of the test believes that it is at the age of 12–13 that the main preferences of children are formed, related to what they would like to do after graduating from school, and at 16–17 they already have more or less established views on their future profession.

Based on the results of the test, the teacher or psychologist will receive information about which areas of activity the student has more inclinations for. This will help to understand in which direction it is worth acting in the upbringing, education and communication with the child.

The results of the diagnostics will help students and parents find out which field of activity is closer to the student

Testing "Map of Interests" among schoolchildren

To conduct the test, you will need to print matrices and lists of areas of activity in an equal number of the group in which the study is organized. You can read the questionnaire yourself, in this case it is easier to keep feedback with kids. Dictate should be measured and give time for students to think and give the right answer.

Before starting testing, it is necessary to explain to students the conditions:

  1. Questions cannot be ignored; an answer must be given to every statement.
  2. It is worth being extremely careful not to confuse the numbers of statements.
  3. If something is missed or not understood, it is supposed to immediately ask about it - in the future it will be very difficult to figure out exactly where the difficulties arose.

Then it is supposed to explain how to mark a particular answer. It is best to do this in a visual way by writing on the board or also printing and distributing to the children along with the matrices.

  1. If what is proposed in the statement is very close to the student, “++” is placed in the box opposite the number.
  2. When you just like it, then "+".
  3. If there are doubts about the choice of one or another answer, the student should write down "0", but such cases should be as small as possible. It is better to encourage the student to think longer.
  4. If you don’t like the name, then “-” is put under the question number.
  5. When the subject does not categorically like what was voiced, then the “- -” sign should serve as the answer.

When reading statements, do not forget to add “Do you like…”, “Do you like…”, “Would you like…”. For example: "Do you like to get acquainted with the life of plants or animals?" or “Do you like home economics or home economics?”

It is better to sort out all questions regarding the conditions of the test immediately, so that later there are no inconsistencies

Summing up and interpreting results

A response matrix of 6 rows and 29 columns is used to process responses. Each of the columns denotes a specific area of ​​activity. Ask students to count the pros and cons in each column, noting that in cases where there is “++” and “- -”, it is necessary to add not one point to the sum, but two, and sign the results under the columns.

Then, by the numbers of the columns in the list of areas of interest, the students should find those in which they had more pluses and minuses - these will be directions with the highest degree dislikes and sympathies, respectively. But advise the subjects to display the results with regards to other activities that received fewer “votes”. This will help them get to know themselves better, understand what to focus on. And you just have to read out what this or that number of “+” and “-” means:

  • the greatest negation is from -12 to -6;
  • uninteresting, not suitable - from -5 to -1;
  • weak interest - from 1 to 4;
  • expressed interest - from 5 to 7;
  • the highest degree of interest is from 8 to 12.

It is not necessary to instruct subjects to calculate the results. You can do it yourself by collecting the completed matrices, and then only inform the students about the results.

The organizer is able to sum up the results on his own, without involving the subjects

At the end of the study, ask the children if they liked the test to get feedback for themselves.

What should the organizer do with the information received? If you are the class teacher of the group of schoolchildren in which the diagnostics were carried out, it will be very useful to use the results of the test to increase the student's interest in knowledge, based on information about what is close to him. You can always talk with the child about what he likes, increasing the level of trust and understanding, because children very subtly feel when we show genuine interest in them. The same benefits appear if you are a parent or psychologist.

File: Material for the test

There is nothing difficult in conducting a test according to the “Map of Interests” method by A.E. There is no golomstok. And the benefits of such a diagnosis are many. If you are a teacher and instead of a regular lesson, decide to conduct such a study, the children will only be grateful to you.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of methods for testing students. Career guidance tests are popular, which is caused by the interest of the children themselves: someone wants to know what profession is worth looking at, and someone wants to make sure that the area already defined for themselves is correct. The test of A. E. Golomshtok "Map of Interests" will help students, teachers and parents in a difficult choice.

Characteristics of the modified technique of A.E. Golomshtok

The author of the methodology, A. E. Golomshtok, was a Soviet teacher, one of the leaders of a group that studied the attitude of schoolchildren to the choice of a specialty, as well as the problems of forming interests. He published several works on this topic (for example, "The choice of a profession and the education of a student's personality"), which became the basis in this area.

"Map of Interests" is a questionnaire consisting of 174 items, which reflect 29 areas: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, astronomy, law, social activities, journalism, transport, and so on.

It is supposed to conduct a study twice during the education of schoolchildren: in the 7th and 10th grades. The author of the test believes that it is at the age of 12–13 that the main preferences of children are formed, related to what they would like to do after graduating from school, and at 16–17 they already have more or less established views on their future profession.

Based on the results of the test, the teacher or psychologist will receive information about which areas of activity the student has more inclinations for. This will help to understand in which direction it is worth acting in the upbringing, education and communication with the child.

The results of the diagnostics will help students and parents find out which field of activity is closer to the student

Testing "Map of Interests" among schoolchildren

To conduct the test, you will need to print matrices and lists of areas of activity in an equal number of the group in which the study is organized. You can read the questionnaire yourself, in this case it is easier to keep feedback with the children. Dictate should be measured and give time for students to think and give the right answer.

Before starting testing, it is necessary to explain to students the conditions:

  1. Questions cannot be ignored; an answer must be given to every statement.
  2. It is worth being extremely careful not to confuse the numbers of statements.
  3. If something is missed or not understood, it is supposed to immediately ask about it - in the future it will be very difficult to figure out exactly where the difficulties arose.

Then it is supposed to explain how to mark a particular answer. It is best to do this in a visual way by writing on the board or also printing and distributing to the children along with the matrices.

  1. If what is proposed in the statement is very close to the student, “++” is placed in the box opposite the number.
  2. When you just like it, then "+".
  3. If there are doubts about the choice of one or another answer, the student should write down "0", but such cases should be as small as possible. It is better to encourage the student to think longer.
  4. If you don’t like the name, then “-” is put under the question number.
  5. When the subject does not categorically like what was voiced, then the “- -” sign should serve as the answer.

When reading statements, do not forget to add “Do you like…”, “Do you like…”, “Would you like…”. For example: "Do you like to get acquainted with the life of plants or animals?" or “Do you like home economics or home economics?”

It is better to sort out all questions regarding the conditions of the test immediately, so that later there are no inconsistencies

Summing up and interpreting results

A response matrix of 6 rows and 29 columns is used to process responses. Each of the columns denotes a specific area of ​​activity. Ask students to count the pros and cons in each column, noting that in cases where there is “++” and “- -”, it is necessary to add not one point to the sum, but two, and sign the results under the columns.

Then, by the numbers of the columns in the list of areas of interest, students should find those in which they had more pluses and minuses - these will be directions with the highest degree of antipathy and sympathy, respectively. But advise the subjects to display the results with regards to other activities that received fewer “votes”. This will help them get to know themselves better, understand what to focus on. And you just have to read out what this or that number of “+” and “-” means:

  • the greatest negation is from -12 to -6;
  • uninteresting, not suitable - from -5 to -1;
  • weak interest - from 1 to 4;
  • expressed interest - from 5 to 7;
  • the highest degree of interest is from 8 to 12.

It is not necessary to instruct subjects to calculate the results. You can do it yourself by collecting the completed matrices, and then only inform the students about the results.

The organizer is able to sum up the results on his own, without involving the subjects

At the end of the study, ask the children if they liked the test to get feedback for themselves.

What should the organizer do with the information received? If you are the class teacher of the group of schoolchildren in which the diagnostics were carried out, it will be very useful to use the results of the test to increase the student's interest in knowledge, based on information about what is close to him. You can always talk with the child about what he likes, increasing the level of trust and understanding, because children very subtly feel when we show genuine interest in them. The same benefits appear if you are a parent or psychologist.

File: Material for the test

There is nothing difficult in conducting a test according to the “Map of Interests” method by A.E. There is no golomstok. And the benefits of such a diagnosis are many. If you are a teacher and instead of a regular lesson, decide to conduct such a study, the children will only be grateful to you.

Methodology "map of interests".

The technique is used for career guidance and when applying for a job. It can be used to examine both teenagers and adults. Nice results are obtained by using this technique for the purpose of vocational guidance for persons changing their profession. The time of examination of the subject is not limited, but it should be warned about the need to work for 40-50 minutes.

Instruction: “You have the opportunity to continue your studies or enter an interesting job.

In order to help you choose a profession, we offer a list of questions.

Think before you answer each question. Try to give as precise an answer as possible.

If you have been convinced more than once that you really love or really like what we are asking about, then in the answer sheet in the column under the same number as the question number, put two pluses; if you just like (love) - one plus; if you do not know, doubt - zero; if you don’t like (don’t like) - minus; if you really don't like it, we pass two. Answer each item without missing a single one. If you have any questions, ask right away. There is no time limit for filling out the answer sheet.


1. Physics lessons.

2. Lessons in mathematics.

3. Chemistry lessons.

11. History lessons.

12. Visit theaters, museums, art exhibitions.

15. Organize comrades to perform social work and guide them.

19. Get acquainted with the device and the operation of machines.

20. Cook dinners.

22. Take care of the beauty of the room where you study, live, work.

24. Get acquainted with the device of household electrical and radio appliances.

27. Learn about new achievements in the field of chemistry (from magazines, radio and television programs, etc.).

28. Watch TV shows about astronauts.

29. Study biology.

30. Be interested in the causes and cures for diseases.

31. Study botany.

32. Spending time in the forest.

34. Actively participate in public life.

36. Listen to symphonic music.

37. Learn about discoveries of new mineral deposits.

38. Learn about geographical discoveries.

39. Discuss current affairs and events.

40. Establish discipline among peers or juniors.

41. Travel around the country.

42. Give explanations to comrades how to solve a difficult problem, write a sentence correctly, etc.

43. Get familiar with various tools.

44. Housekeeping lessons.

45. Learn about new developments in the field of construction.

46. ​​Visit factories.

47. Get acquainted with the arrangement of mechanisms, machines.

49. Understand the theory of physical phenomena.

50. Solve complex mathematical problems.

51. Set up experiments in chemistry, monitor the progress of chemical reactions.

52. Watch the heavenly bodies.

53. Keep observations of plants.

54. Make dressings, provide first aid for bruises, etc.

55. Raise and care for animals.

56. Collect herbarium.

57. Write stories and poems.

58. Observe the behavior and life of people.

59. Take part in the work of the historical circle, look for materials that testify to the events of the past.

61. Collect minerals, be interested in their origin.

62. Study the nature of the native land.

63. Organize social events at the school.

64. Pay special attention to people's behavior.

65. Attend a circle of car enthusiasts, service a car.

66. Spending time with young children (reading books to them, telling them something, helping with something).

67. Make various parts and items.

68. Organize meals during hikes.

69. Be at construction sites.

70. Sewing clothes.

71. Assemble and repair the mechanisms of bicycles, sewing machines, watches, etc.

72. Repair household electrical and radio appliances.

73. Engage in a physical circle.

74. Engage in a mathematical circle.

75. Prepare solutions, weigh reagents.

76. Visit a planetarium.

77. Attend a biology class.

78. Watch over the sick, help them.

79. Observe nature and keep records of observations.

80. Plant trees and take care of them.

81. Work with a dictionary and literary sources, bibliographic reference books.

82. Quickly switch from one job to another.

83. Make presentations on historical topics.

84. Play musical instruments, draw or carve wood.

85. Compose descriptions of minerals.

86. Participate in geographical expeditions.

87. Make presentations on the international situation.

88. Help police officers.

89. Attend a circle of young sailors.

90. Do the work of an educator.

91. Lessons of labor.

92. Give advice to acquaintances when buying clothes.

93. Supervise the work of the builder.

94. Get acquainted with the sewing industry.

95. Make models of airplanes, gliders, ships.

96. Collect radios and electrical appliances.

97. Participate in physics olympiads.

98. Participate in mathematical Olympiads.

99. Solve problems in chemistry.

100. Participate in the work of the astronomical circle.

101. Conduct experiments on animals.

102. To study the functions of the human body and the causes of diseases.

103. Carry out experimental work in order to grow new agricultural crops.

104. Be a member of the nature conservation society.

105. Participate in debates, reader's conferences.

106. Analyze the phenomena and events of life.

107. Be interested in the past of our country.

108. Show interest in the theory and history of the development of art.

109. Make long and difficult hikes, during which you have to work hard according to a given program.

110. Compose geographic Maps and collect other geographical materials.

111. To publish the political system of various countries.

112. The work of a lawyer.

113. Attend a circle of young astronauts.

114. The work of a teacher.

115. Visit factories.

116. Provide various services to people.

117. Take part in construction work.

118. Get acquainted with the manufacture of industrial goods.

119. Understand technical drawings and diagrams.

120. Use accurate measuring instruments and make calculations based on the data received.

121. Conduct experiments in physics.

122. Perform work that requires knowledge of mathematical rules and formulas.

123. Assist the teacher in conducting experiments in chemistry.

124. Collect information about other planets.

126. Be an active member of the sanitary teams.

127. Perform maintenance work on agricultural machinery and tools.

128. Get acquainted with forest management.

129. Study the origin of words and individual phrases.

130. Keep a diary, write notes in the school and city newspapers.

131. Study the historical past of other countries.

132. Repeatedly watch the same play in the theater.

134. Study the geography of our planet.

135. Study biographies of prominent political figures.

136. Correctly evaluate the act of a friend, acquaintance, literary hero, etc.

138. Teach and educate children.

139. Observe the actions of a skilled worker.

140. Constantly communicate with many people.

141. Design construction projects.

142. Attend light industry exhibitions.

143. Make blueprints, design machines.

144. Understand radio circuits.

Note: If you like something else that is not covered by the questionnaire, then write about it in the margins of the answer sheets.

The processing of the results is reduced to counting in each column of the answer sheet the number of signs “+” and “-”, and then the second is subtracted from the first sum. Thus, it turns out 24 numbers with signs "+" or "-", which correspond to 24 types of activities. 2-3 types of activities are selected that have scored more signs "+"

A simplified version of the methodology is possible, where the subjects put only the “+” sign, and skip activities that they do not like, leaving an empty cell in the answer sheet. In this case, only the number of "+" signs in the columns is counted.


It is recommended to apply the technique for subjects under the age of 35 years. It is possible to use the questionnaire both individually and in a group. Reliable results are also obtained when the experimenter reads out questions to a group of subjects, although in this case the response time is artificially limited.

A well-known and popular technique for identifying the inclinations and interests of high school students in 29 different areas professional activity. Due to its simplicity, speed of passage and credible results, the “Map of Interests” questionnaire from A.E. Golomshtok is in high demand among high school students, students who want to make sure that they have chosen the right profession, adults who want to change their field of activity or just accomplished specialists.

First appeared in 1968 in the book Career Guidance at School, the questionnaire was repeatedly modified and kept up with the times. We offer you one of latest versions adapted to the modern realities of life.

Questionnaire A.E. Golomshtok explores the following types of professional activities:

  • Jurisprudence
  • Biology
  • Foreign languages
  • Geology
  • The medicine
  • Light and food industry
  • Music
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Story
  • Journalism
  • metalworking
  • Building
  • Transport
  • Military specialties
  • Technics
  • Electrical and radio engineering
  • Literature
  • Social activity
  • Pedagogy
  • Service sector
  • Mathematics
  • Economy
  • woodworking
  • art
  • performing arts
  • Aviation and maritime
  • Geography
  • Physical education, sport

The data obtained using this technique is notable for the fact that in addition to determining the range of interests of the test person, the degree of their severity is also indicated.

Instructions for the Questionnaire "Map of Interests"

You will be asked 174 questions with the general theme “Do you like it? Do you like? Would you like to?" with the same answer options: "I like it very much", "I like it", "I don't know", "I don't like it" and "I don't like it very much". Choose the option that best reflects your attitude to the question. Remember that the validity of any test depends on the honesty of the answers.

Test time: About 10 - 15 minutes.

Test cost: is free.

Test result: will be available immediately after answering all questions in the form of all areas of activity arranged in descending order of relevance. Each direction will include a description and examples of possible professions. You can always find out more about them in our Catalog of professions. Number mobile phone or registration on the site to receive the test result is not required.