Fly in the ointment what does this proverb mean. A fly in the ointment. Task for the summer holidays "A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey"

What did he say German Oskarovich? And he said this: “We lost the competition and ended up in the camp of countries that are losing” (details about the Gaidar Forum). V State Duma this statement was considered scandalous and demanded that the head of Sberbank be dismissed. Meanwhile, besides the sharpness of the wording, there is nothing new in the words of G. Gref. Judgments that the country is losing the pace of development, losing in competition and sinking to the level of a regional power, were heard earlier from the lips of respected economists and politicians. Why were the words of G. Gref perceived so painfully? There are several reasons.

First, they were spoken at a forum whose opinions are taken very seriously not only here, but also in the West. Secondly, the words of G. Gref sounded like a serious contrast (almost a challenge) to the judgments that he expressed at the same forum head of government D. Medvedev. And this is already a "scandal in a noble family." And finally, thirdly, G. Gref sharpened the diagnosis of the disease at the very moment when, according to all the canons of politics, it should have been softened. Russia is entering the electoral period. Parliamentary elections are coming in 2016, and in 2018 presidential elections. It would seem that it's time to "paint oil paintings", and not chop granite with a chisel.

So who is German Oskarovich? Russian patriot? Or five minutes to the "fifth column"?

Photo: AiF / Andrey Dorofeev

Russian Cossack

I think that without understanding the concept of "Russian patriotism" it is difficult to answer this question. Especially today, when the demonstration of ostentatious patriotism has become almost a national game and sometimes takes on very dubious forms. In some places (so far, fortunately, in the dark corners of Russia, namely in Komi), officials, in an effort to please the authorities, have already tried to burn books that, in their opinion, “form a distorted perception of history among the youth and popularize alien Russian installation ideology. In Omsk, local Cossack women, who declared themselves patriots, staged an attraction with archery at stands with images Obama and Poroshenko. And what type of patriotism can be attributed to the already familiar advertising inscriptions on our taxis and private cars “Forward, to Berlin!”, “The armor is strong and our tanks are fast”? V Lately such posters began to appear on government buses and trolleybuses. I wonder how such patriotic impulses are assessed by German tourists coming to Moscow?

There are no words: Russians for the most part are committed to a sense of patriotism, and they do not need intrusive prompts. But the problem is that people do not always understand what it is - real, civilized patriotism. Patriotic feelings are sometimes manifested in a very extravagant form. Especially in the outback, where the level of political culture (and just culture) is not too high. Indeed, for many, to be a patriot means to exalt everything that is yours and spit on everything that is not yours. Especially American. The regional press is full of descriptions of the most ridiculous situations. In the village of Brekhovskaya, Yaroslavl Region, one of the residents (drinking, of course) beat his neighbor to death, suspecting him of working for American intelligence.

Edges of patriotism

Many Russians do not realize that patriotism is real only when it manifests itself not in the form of blasphemy against "enemies of the people", but in a creative, labor form. Patriotism is strengthened not when poems are written about it or lectures are given “on the national pride of the Great Russians”, but when people from their windows see how their life improves, the life of their streets, how the country grows stronger, how new factories open, good roads and houses are built. When the population grows, and new places appear in kindergartens and schools.

Today, arguing about patriotism in the USSR and the Russian Federation, they often say that Soviet patriotism was artificially planted by Stalin's propaganda. Yes, the propaganda pressure was really serious. The country woke up with the anthem, went to bed with “Wide is my native country”, and in between there were reports of success. But Stalin, being a pragmatist, he understood that one cannot raise people's enthusiasm with parades and reports on the successes of the people. After all, the victorious soldiers who returned from Europe to Russia heard not only songs. They saw devastated cities and villages, deserted fields, destroyed factories, thousands of orphans, beggars and inconsolable widow soldiers. And, probably, it is no coincidence that after holding a grandiose Victory Parade on Red Square in 1945, Stalin canceled all the parades the very next year. They were renewed only 20 years later. It was a strict message to the bureaucracy, the military, and the people: stop marching, it's time to build, it's time to plow. Indeed, the post-war stage of the accelerated restoration of the national economy has become a real driver of the country's development and popular enthusiasm.

Unfortunately, pathetic interpretations of patriotism are, in essence, historical in nature. The practice of glossing over problems and sticking out “unprecedented successes” has reached a special flourishing in Russia under Nicholas I. Textbook is the statement of the main Nikolaev "silovik" Count Benckendorff: “Russia's past is amazing, its present is more than magnificent; as for the future, it is higher than anything that the wildest imagination can draw. Alas, the unrestrained protective interpretation of the state of the country led to disaster. The development of Russia was so slowed down that the army was unsuitable for modern warfare. Russia was waiting for defeat in the Crimean campaign. The tsar, who considered himself a patriot and, in fact, was such, could not bear the defeat. His death (from a cold) was sudden. According to some testimonies, Nicholas I committed suicide.

Unfortunately, the traditions of pathos patriotism do not die. Substituting business with bragging remains the bureaucracy's favorite game and career driver. Whoever shouts “Hurrah!” louder is already a patriot even in a new position. Meanwhile, a spoonful of bitter tar in a barrel of sweet oil would be very useful. I would erect a monument to German Gref ...

1. Razg. Jottle-iron. About a small, insignificant addition that spoils the big and good. BTS, 93, 245, 503. 2. Jarg. school Jottle-iron. Assignment for the lagging student for the summer. Bytic, 1999–2000. 3. Jarg. they say Shuttle. About parents staying at home for the weekend. Maksimov, 225. /i> From a proverb

  • - Composition: 0.5 l of water 100-150 g of honey 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch 0.5-1 glass of cranberry or lingonberry juice 2-3 pieces of sugar or 2-3 teaspoons of granulated sugar Preparation: Honey ...

    Big Encyclopedia culinary art Pokhlebkin

  • - "...: enzymatic breakdown of organic substances, mainly honey carbohydrates, by the yeast contained in it ..." Source: "BEEKEEPING. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ...

    Official terminology

  • - a way to protect against a hostile takeover attempt by taking over or merging with another company. See also: Hostile takeover protection  ...

    Financial vocabulary

  • - "...: removal of excess water from honey under conditions that ensure the preservation of its properties ..." Source: "BEEKEEPING. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ...

    Official terminology

  • - "...: extracting honey from combs using a honey extractor ..." Source: "BEEKEEPING. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ...

    Official terminology

  • - it is produced from the hive partly gradually, during the bribe, partly at the end of it, when the combs are cut out, or "honey breaks" ...
  • - see Resin and Tar ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - see Tree...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - You can't wash the tar without lard See Craft -...
  • - See WEALTH -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The son of his father's tar will not wax ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Vulg.-simple. Unapproved About smth. unpleasant, although small, but spoiling the whole. /i> Vulgar-punning alteration of the well-known proverb fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 189...
  • - Kar. About unbridled fun. SRGK 2, 268...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. school Shuttle. Turn. VMN 2003, 77...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 4

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 flaw flaw ...

    Synonym dictionary

"A fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey" in books

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A spoon of tar

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A spoon of tar

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A spoon of tar

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A spoon of tar

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A fly in the ointment A gullible reader is probably rubbing his hands: “These are some cunning swindlers, these Lats!” I'm afraid, however, that not everything in the history of Defeo and their home is so unequivocal. Rather, even the opposite. If George and Cathy Lutz all figured out why none of the neighbors heard the gunshots

measure of tar in a barrel of honey

Alternative descriptions


dining accessories

Russian percussion musical instrument

. "Dry ... mouth tearing" (last)

. "Bread" cutlery

. "Chopper" Antoshka

The main "working" tool of the eater

Road to dinner

Antoshka cooked her for dinner in a song

G. tool for slurping, for eating liquids; loafer, shevyrka, eater. Draft spoon, ladle. A kind of iron ladle with which copper is poured, with a small casting; the same, flatter ladle, with which they take out the incandescent cores, or bayonets, ingots from the molds; wide blade drill; wide nozzle of an earthen drill; lower end of the sternum, spoon, dimple under the sternum. A wooden spoon (the main craft of the Lower Guberniya of the Sem. Uyezd) is chopped off from a baklush with an axe, embossed with an adze, sharpened with a knife and cut with a curved cutter, and the stalk and forging on it are sharpened with a saw, by hand. Spoon happens: mezheumok, simple Russian, wide; butyrka, burlatskaya, the same, but thicker and rougher; barefoot, longish, blunt-nosed; semi-flat, rounder than that; nosy, sharp-nosed; fine, generally fine, clean finish. White, i.e. unpainted, comes first hand

Measure of tar

musical instrument for dinner

Tool of one when seven with a bipod

An item of household utensils, in rituals - a symbol of a family member, living or dead

An item that rises in price for lunch

Appliance - cabbage soup slurp

Glutton's working tool

Russian folk musical instrument

Russian percussion musical instrument

Canteen "colleague" knife and fork


Soup scoop

What Antoshka cooked for dinner

Percussion instrument of folk orchestra

The closer to dinner, the more expensive it is.

Scoop for Antoshka


I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless (mystery)

Detail of a drilling device designed to extract liquid, semi-liquid and loose rock from a well

By lunchtime it rises in price

One of the oldest cutlery

She's on her way to dinner

An object for scooping up liquid crumbly food

Household item, one of the handicraft products

Appliance for food


V Ancient Greece even in rich houses, dried crusts of bread were served for dinner, and what do we use instead of them

Barge haulers called her "butyzka" and wore their hats on their foreheads behind a ribbon, like a cockade

eater tool

. “I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

The most important cutlery

Without her, eating soup would be very difficult.

A musical instrument that can be used to sip cabbage soup

Intermediary between soup and eater

Minimum required amount honey to spoil one barrel of honey

One with a bipod, and seven with it

Cutlery at the soldier's top

Cutlery for seven

A dose of tar, lethal for a barrel

Bouillon scoop

Soup drinker

. "scoop", dear to dinner

. scoop for shoes


The main "working" tool of the eater

In ancient Greece, even in rich houses, dried crusts of bread were served for dinner, but what do we use instead of them?

Barge haulers called her "butyzka" and wore hats on their foreheads behind a ribbon, like a cockade

. “I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

. "dry ... mouth tearing" (last)

Bread Cutlery

. "scoop", dear to dinner

. Antoshka's "scoop"

Canteen "colleague" knife and fork

Appliance - cabbage soup slurp

. scoop for shoes

On the first of September, information about the opening caught my eye new school built with the personal money of German Gref, the first thought ... we have patrons of the level of Gavrila Gavrilovich Solodovnikov who donated to charity more than 20 million rubles (in today's money ... about 10 billion dollars) out of 22 earned.

With his own money, Gavrila Gavrilovich built a concert hall with a theater stage on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, where ballets and extravaganzas could be staged (today the Operetta Theater is located in this room). Thanks to the philanthropist, the Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases appeared in the city, equipped with all the most interesting. Today, the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov is located in its premises. A third of the capital, out of 20 million, went to equip zemstvo women's schools in a number of provinces, another third - to create vocational schools and a shelter for homeless children in the Serpukhov district, and the rest - to build houses with cheap apartments for poor and lonely people. There were hundreds of patrons like Solodovnikov in pre-revolutionary Russia;

With their donations, a lot was created and built for the common people, including schools ...

Built his own school and German Gref.

The school is unique... its project won a prize international competition Re-thinking the future, you can see it in the video and at the first moment I wanted to rejoice ... rich people appeared in the country ready to donate millions of dollars to charity ...

The error came...
found a fly in the ointment.
The school turned out to be not for ordinary children living in the neighborhood, but for very wealthy parents who can afford to pay 80 thousand rubles a month for a child's education and
66 thousand for the child's stay in kindergarten. It turns out that this is ... not an ordinary charity, but a business project of a private school headed by the wife of German Oskarovich.
According to the Hamburg account ... it's okay, another private school has appeared, there are already hundreds of such schools across the country and you could put up a video with the heading "Gref opened a private school" and forget about this business project of his ... if not for one but !

Found a second ... fly in the ointment
PEI "Khoroshevskaya School" is provided with a subsidy from the budget of the city of Moscow in order to reimburse the costs in connection with the provision of preschool education to citizens of Moscow and the Moscow region.
Rich kids "cry too", 66 thousand a month is not enough... without a government subsidy, their childhood would not be as fun and carefree... as it is today... with budget funding.

Our new patrons have not grown up to Solodovnikov and Morozov ... all of them are drawn into business and into the state pocket (budget), but I really want to see the headline - "German Gref built a unique school for his own money and handed it over to the city" ...
Dreams Dreams...

) - about a small, insignificant addition that spoils the big and the good (Big Dictionary of Russian Sayings, V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina, 2007)

Spoon of tar in a barrel of honey- a saying about something small that can poison, spoil a big, good thing. ( Dictionary Russian language (1992), N. Yu. Shvedova, "Tar")

Tar- a resinous and burnt liquid, expelled from birch bark by fire ( (1863-1866), to the word "tar").

If you add just a spoonful of tar to a barrel of honey, you can spoil the taste of the entire barrel of honey. Hence the proverb.

This Russian proverb is indicated in the book "" (1853):

A barrel of honey, a fly in the ointment - will ruin everything (section - "")

A spoonful of honey, a barrel of tar (i.e. interleaved)(chapter - " ")

It should be noted that in Russia tar was a symbol of dirt, impurity. For example, in Russia, right up to the revolution of 1917, neighbors smeared with tar the gates (door, porch) of the house where the girl who had sexual intercourse before marriage lived (see)


(1948 - 2017)

"Vodka is a non-Russian product!" (2016):

"But suddenly at the end, unexpectedly, first of all, for me, it turned out that the authors and editors of the program prepared a barrel of tar on a spoonful of honey. They tried to prove very convincingly that the Slavs, despite their much deeper past than is commonly believed, still have nothing of their own: the Kremlin was built by the Italians, vodka was brought in, nesting dolls - from the Japanese, dumplings - from the Chinese ... and so on and so forth. …"

(1925 - 1991), (1933 - 2012)

"Beetle in the anthill" (1979):

"Everything seems to be going the way it should go, and at the same time, some little thing, some real trifle spoils the whole picture. Some fly in the ointment…"

(1860 - 1904)

"The review is excellent, but Mr. Burenin should not pour a barrel of tar into a spoon of honey, i.e., while praising me, laugh at the dead Nadson."

Karatygin P.P.

"Temporary Workers and Favorites of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries", Book One, 1870:

"The truths are undoubted; but does not the scent of a rose reward the scratches caused by its thorns, and does not a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey destroy all its sweetness?"

(1801 - 1872)

"Petersburg janitor" - about the janitor Grigory:

"... put barrel of tar, another honey- according to the proverb, they live together, a dozen belt whips, hewn arcs, shafts, bast shoes, gingerbread, ribbons and several bundles of lamb. That's all supplies and all trade; "